An error propagation in the numerical literature

1998, BIT Numerical Mathematics

An important historical paper on the numerical solution of pde's has regularly, but incorrectly, been assigned to the year 1951. The origin of this error of reference is discussed.

BIT 38:1 (1998), 217-218 SCIENTIFIC NOTES AN ERROR PROPAGATION IN THE NUMERICAL LITERATURE* DIETER BRITZ Kemisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, DK-8000 J[rhus C, Denmark emaih Abstract. An important historical paper on the numerical solution of pde's has regularly, but incorrectly, been assigned to the year 1951. The origin of this error of reference is discussed. AMS subject classification: 35-00. Key words: Numerical solution of pde's. 1 A n error o f reference. In 1950, there appeared a paper by O'Brien et al [1]. In it, the authors show among several other things, for the first time, how to use the yon Neumann (Fourier) stability analysis of schemes for the numerical solution of pde's, they prove that the Richardson scheme [6] is unconditionally unstable and they suggest the fully implicit stable backward difference scheme. The paper has been regularly cited, mainly for these three themes. In 1951, Leutert [3] cited this paper in the same journal but incorrectly assigned the year 1951 to it. This appears to be the origin of the error most citations have made since then, probably helped by the fact that the journal does not print any information on its pages, that is, journal name, volume or year; so that if one obtains a copy of such a paper, one does not get this information. It appears that most authors have simply followed Leutert. Interestingly, this includes two of the original three authors themselves: O'Brien [4] and Hyman [2]. Patter [5], referring inaccurately to ref. [1], explicitly writes "in 1951 M.A. Hyman, S. Kaplan and G.G. O'Brien discussed [... ]. In the same year, W. Leutert ... ". A sampling of some textbooks on the numerical solution of (partial) differential equations shows that most of them repeat the error. Space does not permit citing them fully, but they are familiar: Collatz, Jain, Forsythe & Wasow, Richtmyer & Morton, Smith (all 3 editions). A search through the Science Citation Index from 1961 to the present produced 99 references and a further 8 papers from 1951-1962 were found elsewhere. Out of *Received June 1997. Communicated by Ake BjSrck 218 DIETER BRITZ the total of 107 papers, 82 had the incorrect year 1951; as well, three additional papers cited Leutert [3] instead, but assigned his paper to 1952. This secondary error is also to be seen in the texts of Lapidus & Pinder and Collatz. It seems worth pointing out the error, as it causes problems when ordering a copy of the paper [1]. A full list of the exact references can be obtained from the author. REFERENCES 1. G. G. O'Brien, M. A. Hyman and S. Kaplan, A study of the numerical solution of partial differential equations, J. Math. and Phys., 29 (1950), pp. 223-251. 2. M. A. Hyman, Remarks on ",4 study of the numerical solution of partial differential equations" J. Math. and Phys., 30 (1951), pp. 256. 3. W. Leutert, On the convergence of unstable approximate solutions of the heat equation to the exact solution, J. Math. and Phys., 30 (1951), pp. 245-251. 4. W. Leutert and G. G. O'Brien On the convergence of approximate solutions of the wave equation to the exact solution J. Math. and Phys., 30 (1951), pp. 252-256. 5. S. V. Parter, On the roles of "stability" and "convergence" in semidiscrete projection methods for initial-value problems, Math. Comp. 34, (1980), pp. 127-154. 6. L. F. Richardson, The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A, 210 (1911), pp. 307-357.