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The research explores the themes of self-reflection and personal responsibility in the context of social change, particularly through the lens of the famous song "Man in the Mirror." It emphasizes the idea that individual actions can contribute to a better world, advocating for introspection and proactive change as essential elements for societal improvement.
The Journal of American Culture, 2004
Weaving original research with secondary literature, All Shook Up is a fascinating study of the emergence of rock 'n' roll in the 1950s and early 1960s told not from the perspective of individual artists but in a topical approach, looking at issues of race, sexuality, generational conflict, and cultural issues. This is also a tale of conflict: black versus white, old versus young, ASCAP versus BMI, and good versus bad rockers. Many adults rejected rock 'n' roll because of its implied or explicit sexual lyrics and the wild and lewd gyrations on stage of such performers as Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Little Richard. However, this music became acceptable to others because of three individuals. Pat Boone embraced middle-class values, encouraged youth to obey their parents, and presented rock 'n' roll as ''wholesome entertainment.'' Dick Clark of American Bandstand, who initially did not care for this musical style, also presented a wholesome image of rock 'n' roll with a strict dress code and promised parents, many of whom became fans of the show, to teach kids ''emotional maturity and sexual responsibility.'' Finally, Ozzie Nelson made rock music safe for both teenagers and parents by having his son Ricky sing standing still on the Ozzie and Harriet show. Although many whites rejected rock 'n' roll because of its relationship to black rhythm and blues and feared that the music would encourage cross-racial sex, some prominent blacks also had qualms about rock. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. found rock 'n' roll and gospel music ''totally incompatible,'' asserting that rock music ''often plunges men's minds into degrading and immoral depths.'' Although many know that Pat Boone covered several black songs, such as Fat Domino's ''Ain't That a Shame'' (which Pat
ATOL: Art Therapy Online, 2014
Who am I? Reflections in a Broken Mirror video, was a creative exploration into identity using the mirror as a tool for self-reflection. Through the creative process of deconstructing (breaking the mirror and removing the shards), and reconstructing (putting the shards back together again), the mirror became a tangible reflection of an existential crisis. Through this creative exploration I realized that the badge of honor 'survivor' was not enough, a conclusion consistent with other research into childhood abuse. This terminology does not recognize or incorporate other aspects of one's life and sense of self. While survivor identity has a place in the process of healing by celebrating personal strengths and community with others who have had similar traumatic experiences, it is a stigmatized identity that is constricting and closely associated with abuse. It is important to acknowledge the multiple roles we play and the rich diversity of life experiences, and to use traumatic life experiences as a potential catalyst for new insights and transformation.
" Donkey, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack, is the capacity. " (Shrek 2) This paper is a reflection of the urban Indian mindset today. It is a debate to understand whether we Indians are losing our identity, by neglecting of our own culture and adapting to the west, with the excuse of finding a better solution to our lifestyle. I want the readers to reflect on their own lifestyle and question it with the same argument I am presenting.
At some point, every woman gets to hear strange remarks pertaining to their physical attributes alongside unsolicited advice on how to live their lives in accordance with society's unrealistic expectations and standards. Growing up, my conversations consisted of long sessions with lists of everything my friends and I hoped we could change about ourselves. This project aims to analyze and critique the 'desi' (Pakistani) societal problems such as microaggressions, unreasonable standards and expectations experienced by women. The goal is to hold up a mirror to our society and encourage self-reflection. I plan to do this by creating an experiential space that depicts the room of a young Pakistani woman. The space will feature a variety of products and items that use humor and sarcasm to convey the message above. Ideally, I would want the viewers to be able to relate to the content and learn to be more empathetic in the process.
Indoor air pollution is the world largest environmental problem in the poor and developing countries like India because India having large number of village and urban areas within state areas. Most of village peoples are not using proper clean fuel for their cooking. The Indoor air pollution in urban areas is continuously increased by pollution in the environment which is a health related problem. It affects the health in terms of eye irritation, nose, headache, breathing problems and heart problems. The amount of air pollution in outside the building environment is lower than inside the office buildings in Madurai kamaraj university campus. The amount of air pollution in indoor is approximately 3 times higher than outside building air. This study is deal with analysis the indoor air pollution in various places in Madurai Kamaraj University campus, Madurai and find out whether the air pollution is high or low as compared with Indian standard and WHO data reference. This will help to improve the in comfort working zone in this office, because the most of the time the students and staffs are in the lab and office. The parameter taking into consideration are HCHO, CO, PM2.5, PM10, CO, Temperature and Humidity. With help of above parameter monitoring and controlling of parameter would lead to creation of smart class room inside the campus. The elder staffs are more affected due to indoor air pollution with the age of 50 and above. This present study also gives a solution to the indoor air pollution in USIC class room-MKU and various places inside this campus. The IOT based indoor air pollution and reporting system project used to give a real report and know the indoor air pollution condition at particular place /class room.
De Gruyter eBooks, 2007
Religionskrieg, Heiliger Krieg-am Anfang möchte ich zwischen diesen beiden sich überlappenden Begriffen unterscheiden, und zwar nach der Definition von Heiligem Krieg, die in dem Buch "The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions" von James Turner Johnson steht 1. Im Religionskrieg wird gekämpft, um die Interessen einer Religion zu verteidigen oder zu fördern. Er ist immer ein gerechter Krieg. Darüber hinaus hat ein Heiliger Krieg drei Merkmale, die vor allem in den biblischen Kriegen der Hebräer gefunden worden sind. Erstens ist der Krieg in irgendeinem Sinn auf Befehl Gottes unternommen; dies setzt eine göttliche Offenbarung voraus, durch die Gott seinen Willen kundmacht. Wie wir sehen werden, hat man diesen Punkt explizit während der Verhandlungen vor dem Prager Frieden diskutiert. Zweitens verspricht Gott den auf seinen Befehl Kämpfenden seine Hilfe. Manchmal wird in dieser Hinsicht ein Phänomen im nachhinein als "Wunder" erkannt, wie nach der Schlacht am Weißen Berg 2. Drittens müssen die Krieger rituell heilig und/oder moralisch rein sein. Dies sieht man oft in der Erklärung einer Niederlage: Die Sünden jener, die für die Sache Gottes kämpften, haben seinen Zorn provoziert und so den Sieg verhindert. So wurde etwa auf die Niederlage der spanischen Armada im Ärmelkanal 1588 und auf die der katholischen Streitkräfte zu Breitenfeld 1632 reagiert. Ein weiterer Begriff, den es zu klären gilt, ist Fundamentalismus. Hier setze ich Fundamentalismus mit Heiligem Krieg, nicht aber mit Religionskrieg gleich. Soweit ich sehe, haben Jesuiten während der Jahre zwischen 1615 und 1635 nur in zwei Fällen zum Heiligen Krieg ermuntert, für kurze Zeit in Frankreich und viel länger in Deutschland. Einen reinen Religionskrieg haben sie nicht unterstützt. Den Begriff "Jesuit" müssen wir auch qualifizieren. Wir sprechen hier zwar von einzelnen einflußreichen Jesuiten, aber nicht von "den Jesuiten". Jesuitische Befürworter des Heiligen Krieges haben immer Widerstand in den eigenen Reihen hervorgerufen. Zunächst werfen wir einen Blick zurück auf Spanien, dann wenden wir uns dem Fall Frankreich zu, und zuletzt gehen wir im Detail auf die Situation im Reich ein.
Actas del VIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, Ministerio de Cultura, Lima, 2022
Human Development, 2014
Quality of Life Review , 2012
Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica/Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica, 2024
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2018
Artseduca, 2017
American journal of men's health, 2018
Acta Agronómica, 2018
مجله علوم و تکنولوژی پلیمر, 2013
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2002
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2020