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Didactic presentation.
Radio Student FM 89.3, 2021
Review of Slovenian translation of The Terraforming. "While reading the book, which we will focus on in today's Humanities, the author of this article has fallen into doubt in some places; the first problem that arose was that the author of the article was a member of the Editorial Board for Culture and the Humanities, and the second was that its editor tactfully included the article in the Humanities section . Why there is embarrassment in this will be clear from the following quotes from the book Terraforming Sociologist and Theorist Benjamin Bratton . Already in the preface, Bratton writes: " Culture is ecologically more wasteful than science ." And a little further on: " The Terraforming Projectit involves a distrust of the belief that what we call ‘culture’ means a unique good in itself, that culture is an area that is qualitatively different and elevated above general biosemiotics. "
Tistega lepega dne je zgodba o burkaških prebivalcih primorske vasi sredi italijanske okupacije. Kosmačeva novela in Štigličeva filmska adaptacija odpirata vprašanja o prenosu iste zgodbe v drug medij. A primerjave med literarno in filmsko zgodbo ne delamo zaradi enostavnosti, marveč iščemo razlike med obema medijema ter ju skušamo razumeti v kontekstu časa nastanka.The film \u27Tistega lepega dne\u27 is a story about buffoonish inhabitants of a village in Primorska region set in the time of Italian occupation. Novella written by Kosmač and film adaptation made by Štiglič raise questions on the transfer of the same story through a different type of medium. We are not making the comparison between literary and film story because of its simplicity, however we are looking for the differences between both mediums and at the same time we are trying to understand them in the context of the time of the origin
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