
[Abstract] <1>centiSperm <2>Adam Zaretsky <3>Goals: To electroporate whole genomic DNA from a centipede into the center of human sperm.

Adam Zaretsky CentiSperm Methods of Transgenesis: Shoot, Shock, Inject Experiments in Biolistics, Electroporation and Microinjection [Abstract] <1>centiSperm <2>Adam Zaretsky <3>Goals: To electroporate whole genomic DNA from a centipede into the center of human sperm. Materials and Methods: A – Mix sperm and DNA in the electroporation vial (cuvette), 10 microliters of centipede DNA to 50 microliters of desalinated sperm B – Put cuvette inside of the Eppendorf Electroporator 2510 C – Set voltage D – Press button twice to fire machine. Wait for beep E – Apply refresh media % açai-blueberry-pomegranate flavored (Glaceau) XXX vitaminwater® filtered with a 3 micron Gelman Filter <4>Discussion: The centiSperm is a new media for the production of New Media Art. centiSperm is posthuman artificial insemination product. Sans local volunteers to carry a non-conceptual, time-based, new media sculpture to term, the centiSperm was applied as a glaze. I glazed one of Celia Olsen s famous homemade donuts with centiSperm twice daily for five days. I also used centiSperm glaze a ceramic sculpture of Uranus Castrated Penis. Queer transgenic human rights are presaged by the story of Ἑ ατόγχε ρες, Hekatonkheires also called the Centimanes or the Hundred-handers. I dub Centimanes the patron titan of aberrant 71 transgenic humans. Thank you Kronos son of Gaia for castrating your father Uranus. Uranus was not able to love his differently embodied body-art-babykins. <5>The Djerassi residency had a nice collaborative arc. Matteo Farinella made some fabulous underground comic inspired illustrations of the process. David Bowen, with Asa Calow Relative Capacitance Advisor, developed the Jizalizer 3010. The centiSperm electrophysiology signal was translated into an XYZ/time data plot and the data set coordinates were uploaded to a drone which flew autonomously based on the DNA instructions leaving an LED trail of four-dimensional semidata in the sky (below, left). Maya Spasova observed the centiSperm project and then took to drawing or channeling the lives of the centiSperm. Some are intertwined with each other. Some have wings. Some are forming into embryos. Some are flying in the sky. <6>Thanks for support from Bulldog Bio s Bridge Electroporation Cuvettes, Marist College Summer Research Grant, and The John P. and Susan D. Diekman Fellowship. 1. CENTIPEDE: I WENT DOWN TO THE HARRINGTON CREEK. I brought a Straus Family Creamery recycled organic yogurt container as I was looking for centipedes. The idea was to isolate the DNA from a wild local centipede and introduce it into my sperm in an electroporator (an electroporator is a image [left]: Keith the Centipede R.I.P., Live Scan, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, tipede-went-harrington-creek/, tisperm-diy-protocol-dna-centipededna-isolation/2016. 72 machine with a high voltage pulse that opens membranes so foreign DNA can get into the genomes of living cells). I turned over a rock in the steam, and there was a centipede on the run. Yes, the first rock I turned over. Wow! I caught the centipede and then continued looking for more, to no avail. The first rock, one centipede, like Las Vegas synchronicity, luck would have it. So, glad I was prepared! Tags: centipede, DNA, Doctor Adam Z, genomes, Human Gene Editing, IGM, Las Vegas, living, luck, of, sperm, Straus Family Creamery Posted on July 12, 2016 2. CENTISPERM GLAZE FOR CERAMIC SCULPTURE FOR URANUS’ CASTRATED PENIS. I am considering the option of using the centiSperm as a glaze. Not for cupcakes although that came to mind. After electroporating raw centipede DNA into the germ cells, they could be used as a glaze for a fired ceramic sculpture. What came to mind was a sculpture commemorating Uranus castrated penis. This is due to the fact that there is no commemoration on Corfu in Greece where Kronos (Titan of Time) cut the penis of his father off. I thought I would make a ceramic sculpture of the flaccid and amputated organ on a column/pedestal of ceramic (not marble). This could honor Robert Arneson, who I studied with at UCD. I suppose it is a form of hysterical male self portrait! After glazing with centiSperm, the sculpture/pedestal dedicated to Uranus Penis could be installed on the island of Corfu through the newly formed Corfu Contemporary Museum of Ephemeral Arts. Tags: Castration, Corfu Contemporary Museum of Ephemeral Arts, hysterical male, Robert Arneson, sperm, Uranus Posted on July 14, 2016 73 3. A WORKING PROTOCOL S Got the electroporator to Djerassi Scientific Delirium residency… Considering using my sperm… And some centipedes DNA… Wondering if you have any sense as to a D)Y sperm salt rinse media/protocol and refresh media… ) mean like Gatorade grade materials… ) m way out in the mountains. A Sent from my iPadilla To: Adam Zaretsky Not sure how resilient semen is to washes with water but all you would need is a centrifuge, some distilled water, and glycerin. The glycerin can we purchased from a drug store like Duane Reade. Glycerin and glycerol are equivalent. The idea is to NOT make the fluid conductive so you would need to rid yourself of all the salts in the solution. Spindown, discard the liquid and resuspend the pellet with water until its fully dissolved in solution again then spin down again and discard the pellet and resuspend in cold distilled water. Spin down once more and this time resuspend the pellete in 10% glycerol (9 parts water to one part glycerin) also ice cold. Then take 50uL per reaction. The centipede DNA can be isolated potentially by grinding and boiling the centipede mash in a water salt and tiny drop of dish soap (like tiniest drop) for about 5-10 minutes. Just nuke a mug of water until rolling boil and then let the sample sit in the mug for 10mims. Then spin down the tube and KEEP the liquid phase while discarding the solid pellet. Move this liquid to a new tube. Add equal volume everclear vodka as there is sample, mix, and spin down for 10mins at max speed. That should give you a crude DNA isolate. Remove vodka. Let air dry. Resuspend 100 microlites DH2O (distilled water) (pellet may be invisible, pipette up and down). Add 10uL of the centipede DNA to the sperm sample in the cuvette like we did before and zap the bastards at around 1800v. 74 Good luck and godspeed! Sebastian S. Cocioba CEO & Founder New York Botanics, LLC Blog: Posted on July 16, 2016 4. CENTISPERM. I was looking at the protocol and considering a DIY refresh media for after the shocking of the sperm. After electroporation cells need to be given a rich media within five seconds so they don t all die of the electroconvulsive pulsing. I thought perhaps high voltage shocked sperm likes Gatorade afterward? Am I nearly ready to go? During the day, I was editing some footage I shot years ago. The interview was with Georgia Woods, UCD Neurology. She was giving a demo about how to use a BioRad helios Gene Gun (a gene gun is a biolistic device which uses high velocity gold nanoparticles to penetrate cells so foreign DNA can get into the genomes of living cells). Well, second synchronicity of the week, Georgia and I were chatting off the cuff on the long sitting video and I mentioned electroporation. This was years ago. She said that she had an aversion to electroporators due to the fact that they will fry your cells if you don t remove the salt properly. Georgia didn t like the jack-in-the-box feeling that your might be just killing your experiment with the device. I had forgotten about the rinsing process to remove salt and make the cells electrocompetent. Now I am researching how to make a DIY human sperm desalination rinse. Tags: Adam Zaretsky, Bioart, centipede, crumpet, desalination, DIYbio, ECT, electroporation, High Voltage, human, rinse, Shock, sperm, sundee Posted on July 16, 2016 75 5. Ε Α ΟΓΧΕ ΡΕ , THE HUNDRED-HANDERS. Ἑ ατόγχε ρες, (ekatonkheires also called the Centimanes or the Hundred-handers )s Tartarus a castle analogy for Gaia s womb?) So this is strange happenstance, one hundred handed the centiHuman aesthetic has an old media contingent to go along with The Human Centipede torture porn movie aesthetic. It has to do with rejection of teratological children, repulsion and even gynophobia, in terms of mutation and xenophobia. Hesiod wrote about Kronos being angry, and teaming up with Gaia his mother to release some of his more mutated brothers from their imprisonment. Apparently the mother son team wanted to free a cylopic brother and the boychild titan of a hundred hands. The titanic kids were being kept under house-arrest by their father, Uranus. My theory is that Kronos little brothers were forced to stay inside due to their wild amorphous anatomy and the shame brought to father of monsterosity. )ndeed, [s]oon after they were born, their father Uranus threw them into the depths of Tartarus because he saw them as hideous monsters. In some versions, Uranus saw how ugly the Hekatonkheires were at their birth and pushed them back into Gaia s womb, upsetting Gaia greatly, causing her great pain and setting in motion the overthrow of Uranus by Cronus – Is it possible that the amorphous and socially stigmatizing children were pushed into Gaia s womb and plugged or somehow imprisoned there only to be freed by the actuated sympathetic magic of a father s castration? This makes centiSperm a differently abled studies issue. Centipedes are Ἑ ατόγχε ρες, the patron titans of transgenic humans. )t makes a new reading for feminist psychoanalytical studies due to the fact that castration anxiety can be seen as a subset of an accurate and deserving scything in direct response to womb blocking, child quashing, father denial of paternity, hysterical masculinity. Contacting Corfu. 76 Tags: 3B2, 877, ACC, Active X, Adam Zaretsky, AFSPC, AIMSX, Angela, anxiety, AOL, AOL TOS, Aphrodite, art/science, art/science residencies, artsci, ASWS, bet, Bioart, BIOL, BITNET, BMDOSASSTIXS, BOP, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, Castration, CBNRC, CBOT, Centimanes, centipede, centiSperm, Charles Lindsay, charles lindsay seti, child quashing, CIA, CID, CIDA, CIS, CISU, Compsec, Compsec 97, Computer Terrorism, COSMOS, Cronus, CUN, CUSI, Daffy Duck, Dalila Honorato, DATTA, Defcon, DefCon V, DERA, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, E911, editorial, Encryption, environment, Ermes, Espionage, ethnography, FALN, father denial of paternity, FBI, FCIC, FINCEN, Firewalls, FLETC, foam, Furbys, Gaia, game studies, genitals, Hackers, Hesiod, HTCIA, hysterical masculinity, IACIS, IFO, InfoSec, interdisciplinary, ISS, JANET, JAVA, JDF, JIC, JICC, JICS, LEETAC, Leonardo, LLC, M.A.R.E., MARE, Mavricks, Mayfly, Meta-hackers, Military, monsters, MSNBC, NAAP, National Information Infrastructure, NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN,NAVWAN, NCCS, NIJ, NRL, NSA, NSLEP, Pacini, Passwords, PEM, Perl-RSA, PGP, plastic, ram, rb, RDI, ReMOB, Reno, RENS, resta, rip, RL, RSA, RSO, RSP, rsta, S/Key, SACLANTCEN, SADCC, SALDV, SAMU, SAO, Scientific Delirium Madness, Secert Service, Secure Internet Connections, sickle, spy kids, SSL, STARLAN, sympathetic magic, the Hundredhanders, Theogony, UFO, Undercover, USCOI, USDOJ, USSS, UT/RUS, UTU, VNET, White House, womb blocking, Wu, Ἑ ατόγχε ρες Posted on July 21, 2016 6. THE GENITALS FELL INTO THE MUCH-SURGING SEA. [y]ou can check lines 188- 9 of (esiod s Theogyny they fell from the mainland into the much-surging sea, so that the sea carried them for a long time. Therefore, no reference to the place where the genitals fell, but if you keep reading lines 190-200 from the foam around them in the sea Aphrodite was created near the island of Kythira (south of the Pelloponese) and from there she follows to Cyprus (next to Turkey). No reference to the island of Kerkyra or Corfu is made by Hesiod (according to local folklore, based on its shape, the island is supposed to have been created in the place where Cronus flung the sickle) . In conclusion, my advice is to install the sculpture wherever worship is necessary, maybe, in some of the states where chemical castration is legally used as a punishment for child molestation, for example California where you are right now. Seems like a very interesting project and the fact 77 that it is inspired in Ancient Greek mythology should not limit its placement. – Prof. Dalila Honorato, Media Aesthetics and Semiotics at the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University in Corfu, Greece Tags: anthropocene, Aphrodite, art/science residencies, bioengineering, brexit, Carl Djerassi, Castration, centipede, computer-aided teaching, cross-disciplinary, de-extinction, desalination, despair, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, educational games, EU, foam, garbage, genitals, genomes, gitmo, greece, High Voltage, Human Gene Editing, kronos,Leonardo/ISAST, nanotechnology, ocean, PDR, poetry, social capital, sundee Posted on July 21, 2016 7. CrispR 'r' Us. Worked on a few DIY centrifuges. Some more fanciful or dangerous than others. Finally settled in to attaching hypodermic needles (as eppendorf tubes) to the propellers of a box fan. The grinder was just too fast, it tried to take flight and shot medical waste in every direction. I am applying a hand held power sander as a vortex. For the warm bath I am attaching needles to corks to float them – steep them in a mug of boiling water. Just gotta make sure there is ice and sperm and figure out how to catch and grind the centipede without over guilting out myself. We scanned him and he got named Keith and there was a bonding. For a venomous creature, centipedes are rather cute and intriguingly image [above]: D)Y Lab Bench , Photo Credit: Adam Zaretsky, centiSperm, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, 2016. 78 personable. Perhaps the keeping alive of the genetic heritage and introducing the centipede genome proximity with the interior of human germ cells is a sort of continuance after death? Short lived as I plan to use the sperm as a glaze. I mean a ceramic glaze and perhaps a frosting. I was thinking of painting it onto a glazed doughnut or mixing it with frosting for a cupcake. I can stomach eating centisperm from my own body (mixed with Keith byproducts). I would of course prefer to mix the sperm in some vat of human ovum… and screen the blastocysts. The odds are poor but the number of sperm effected are ~3 million. That changes the statistical assessment. ) just don t think ) can afford 3 million eggs and there is the time deterrent. It might take years of screening human embroid bodies to find the centiSperm needle in a haystack. I should like to take the time to go CrispR r Us on the whole scene and target or walMart the alterations. I would have to bang a load of hox and pax constructs into eggs and sperm and zygotes to get the oneshotz I am looking to raise. For now I am focusing on finishing Methods of Transgenesis: Shoot, Shock and Inject. This month is shock month and completes the triptych of techno egregiousness. The next year should include designing a library of possible human transfector plasmids based on as wide a range of aesthetic transgenic humans as can be cobbled together. How plastic are we? Tags: centiSperm, creation, crispr, DIY centrifuge, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, donna haraway, electroporation, glaze, glazed donut, Hox, Inject, invention, lifelike, Methods, Pax, plasticity, Shock, Shoot, Transgenesis, vortex, waste Posted on July 25, 2016 8. Leonardo community: HELP DEFINING ReQUEST _ SHLAVACADOO. Shevakadoo: body remainders, any part of a human separated from the main body, esp. referring to the taboo surrounding leftover flesh parts. I am looking for the correct spelling and a more eloquent or thorough definition of this neologism emanating from the ten year old nuanced gossip 79 channels into the greater world economy of werds. Please help make this a Wikipedia worthy post or a suave viral novelty word. I do find that saying Shavacadu three times when confronted by an amputated limb or chunk of otherwise missing human does help diffuse the situation. centiSperm donut is glazed/anointed daily. I looked for the pronunciation guide and all I could find was: Tags: Adam Zaretsky, amputee, Bioart, Carl Djerassi, centiSperm, delirium, electroporation, flesh, FR E SH A VOCA DO, glazed donut, GMO, How to pronounce, leftover, Madness, neologism, Scientific, Scientific Delirium Madness, Shavacadu, SHLAVACADOO, sperm, taboo, transgenic Posted on July 26, 2016 9. A few notes on foam. Pertaining to the castration of Uranus Penis by his son, there is the question of the meaning of the word foam. According to the mythos, Uranus penis was dropped in the ocean and the bubbles or the foam from the dismembered shevacadoo mixing in the ocean went on to form Aphrodite. Upon reading about the foam of the castration, I immediately thought it was sperm leaking out from the severed testicles of Uranus. I asked around the residency and Maja Spasova, artist and resident at Leonardo Delirium Madness said, the foam is obviously the sperm mixing with the ocean, making a baby with the ocean. )t is always nice to hear your kook based thought process echoed in someone else s reading of the same symbolic story. Tags: and the, Aphrodite, artist, baby, bubbles, Castration, dismembered, dropped, echo, foam, form, in the, kook, leaking, Leonardo Delirium Madness, Maja Spasova, meaning, mixing, mythos, ocean, of the, Pertaining, process, question, severed, shavacado, son, sperm, testicles, to the, Uranus, Uranus Penis, word Posted on July 26, 2016 80 10. Testimony. I remember that the word testament and testicles have etymological origins in common. Early swearing on the Torah was not always possible before the printing press. Often it was told that men would take an oath on each other s thighs or even under each other s thighs. Due to the fact that the oath was a testimony, shy scholars had substituted balls or testicles with the words: thigh , stones or underthighs. The image is of men holding each other s cojones cupped in each other s hands during an oath, this is testimony. Giving each other testimony on the bollocks makes much more sense than a thigh in terms of relations between honesty and fear of pain. It also shows that the word is made of flesh as the germline genetic material (sperm and spermatagonia, ovum and oogonia) doubles as a holy book as well as a total trust fall for sure. It is certainly time to update the translation, re-enter these traditions into the halls of justice to include bodies of difference to lay oath hands on. Considering Ruth and other female judges in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Trinity of monotheistic cult(ures), we must ask how contestable (con-testicular) oaths are conducted in lieu of a book between: women and women, women and men as well as the detailed gender, identity, sex and sexualtity gradations and off the locus points of the day. The pen and the penis (and the pasta penne) need a gendered reinscribing, as well as protest (pro-testicular) neologisms beyond detestible (de-testicularity) testes, can be converted to gender neutral (neutered) or pluralized hybrid language of identity biodiversity. The tablets are not stones these days. Penises are not the only thighs in the thicket. WE need a new embodiment of trust, lineage, language and law crossover that includes more than thinly veiled phallic worship. Lets get some yoni in that lingam langue, what Maya Spasova calls, The Venus in every penis. A good measure would be starting from the sum total of a dynamic equilibrium orificial economy and reverse engineering to a menu of options in the anatomy of testimonials. All that being said, ) killed Keith the centipede. ) swear an oath on Gaia s ovum… it was no fun. Keith was lit. May heesh live on in the brains and sinews of those heesh has touched. 81 Tags: Adam Zaretsky, art/science, cross-disciplinary, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Dream Vortex, dynamic, economy, Gaia, genetics, germline, interdisciplinary, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Trinity, language, law, lineage, oath, oogonia, orificial, ovum, pen, penis, penne, plastic, protest, stones, testes, testicle, testimony, trust, Venus Posted on July 27, 2016 11. centiSperm DIY Protocol: Sperm Desalination. GOALS: To electroporate whole genomic DNA from a centipede into the center of human sperm. SPERM DESALINATION Rinsing the sperm is meant to remove the salt from the sample. This is to reduce the electrocution risk to the sperm during electroporation. The electroporator gives high voltage millisecond pulses and if the sperm is in a salty seminal fluid medium, the electroporator will just zap the sperm to death. The process is much like being a human washing machine. The actual process is slow, boring and repetitive: spin, drain liquids, agitation rinse, spin, drain liquids, agitation rinse, spin, drain liquids, agitate into a sort of gel. Matteo was heard to say, This is why ) stopped being a scientist. A – Obtain Sample B – Put sperm in tubes I had very few tubes with me. I thought to use disposable pipettes but I got worried about sperm spray because the tubes would have no tops. I bought hypodermic needles at the Wallgreens to use as sterile tubes. I figured that the syringes could be spun and the heavier sperm would deposit the pellet onto the black rubber plunger and then I could push out the liquid (supernatant) and suck in new liquid to resuspend into (vibrating agitation rinse). I used electrical tape to secure the needle closed. I used the screw-on.twistoff luer lock for as the cap for the syringe tube. This made accidental sharps sperm injection much less likely! I also taped the plunger closed so it wouldn t fly off the fan releasing sperm in a circular spew pattern. ) left tape 82 image [above]: Soap, Salt, Sperm , Photo Credit: Adam Zaretsky, centiSperm, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, 2016. slack so I could still plunge without having to worry about coating the place with a thin film of half rinsed ejaculate. C – Spin to make pellet (natant) I was going to buy a hand-powered centrifuge but I thought better of it. I tried to make due with what I had brought and immediate materials. Although a DIY handheld grinder centrifuge was beta tested. The results were dangerous. David Bowen and I put the grinder in a vice and stepped out of the shop to plug it in. The attachment took air, collided with the vice and self destructed sending shrapnel in every direction. We were nearly maimed in the face by a projectile syringe. The DIY box fan centrifuge was the answer. I drilled holes in the plastic fan blades and zip tied the syringes to the blades of the fan. It took a little time to cut them off between each cycle but we did see a thin white line of sperm solids around the plunger after each spin. Spin for about 3 minutes 83 D – Throw away supernatant (liquid) Plunge the seminal fluid supernatant into the bleach bath. A word on DIY Biosafety: When working with human fluids, it is good to have art as a shield from the health department. Art is not usually considered to be stringently regulated, as are federally funded laboratories and biobased economy manufacturing processing plants. Using somewhat dangerous materials in performance art or DIY labs is generally ignored. Not that the health department doesn t have jurisdiction. There are just some funny ideas about art. It is generally considered to be sort of like a party in the ambi-bathroom of a good afterhours club. Art is a sleazy urinal cake. So, the mythos of general consensus art freedom from oversight is sort of a mix between fourth amendment freedom of expression issues and that soldier of fortune motto kill em all, let god sort em out . This is the attitude towards the arts and artist s in general society. This is to say that the impact of art is zero to nil in the public eye and the desperate narcissism of most artists doesn t hinder this vision. Proclaiming yourself an artist is like wearing a classless green translucent plastic masochist visor on your head. Artists signify as frivolous, expendable and hence deregulated. It is sort of an unsaid authoritative death wish hex that translates to freedom from funding and freedom to self regulate. Nonetheless, I used a water purification pill good for 25 liters in a bin as a bleach bath for both used fluids and plastic disposable trash. No harm in sterilizing the shit out of stuff, neh? Just suck distilled water into the syringe. Use the syringe plunger to fill the syringe with distilled water. Don t forget to leur lock the sealed needle back on the syringe so there is minimal leakage. F – Vortex A vortex is a great home toy to invest in. It is an industrial strength vibrating twiwrler. Its major use in a lab is for resuspending tacky solids stuck to the bottom of tubes after centrifugation. It can also be used a fun drink mixer. It 84 does make that tell tale tornado in fluids pressed onto the nob of the vortex. The strength and RPM is well beyond the standard vibrator so there are other more potent uses for a home vortex related to: massage, deep tissues, and earthshaking stimulation possibilities. Well I left my home vortex at home. The DIY vortex for resuspension was simply to attach two syringe wrappers to a handheld sander and let the sander shake and vibrate the sperm solids back into solution with the saltless distilled water rinse. Sometimes I would press the hypodermics onto the sander surface to see the liquids really shaking and splashing and spinning and waving about. It worked! It was a little foamy, frothy for professional use, but the saucy was scenic. G – Spin to make pellet (natant) Spin for about 5 minutes H – Throw away supernatant (liquid) Plunge the distilled water seminal rinse supernatant into the bleach bath I – Replace distilled water with ice cold distilled water J - Vortex There was some leakage of sperm from inside the hypodermics to outside on the surface. Good thing this lab was mostly stag. Gloves were offered and the dangers explained. But, during vortexing, the shaking and vibrating of the lost droplets of sperm appeared as foam. This again confirms that sperm, left out and agitated by waves, does make a foam! This foam is thick, meringue-like, white, bubbly, a shave cream consistency, a lather of leaky fluffed goo spread. Its an epic yuck factor emollient. )t s also proof of concept in the foam as castrato sperm meets ocean vortex theory of Aphrodite s origin. K – Spin to make pellet L – Throw away supernatant 85 M – Replace ice cold distilled water with ice cold Glycerol I bought glycerine at an uptown health and beauty herb pharmacopeia called Pharmaca in PaloAlto. It was the cheapest item in the storehouse of flower dew remedies and herbal tinctures. Glycerol is 10% glycerine. That is 9 parts distilled water and one part glycerine. A solution of glycerol is often used to keep just to keep mixtures suspended in a smooth, moisturizing solution. It is also a sort of preservative. For vegetarians, there is plant-based glycerol. Glycerol is used in lots of stuff we use every day. You can find it in shampoo, water based sex lubricants and in this case, a suspension of sperm. If well screened, young sperm suspension with a little fragrance, perhaps lavender, might make a very good face and cuticle cream for the boutique beauty product market. Tags: 2.7 oz., Adam Zaretsky, art/science, Bioart, biosafety, bleach, California, castrato, centiSperm, centrifuge, Cream, delirium, desalination, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, ejaculate, Funkart, Glycerol, hypodermic, Leonardo Delirium Madness, leur, Masturbation, New Age, Palo Alto, pharmaca, POWER, R.N.A., Radical, Saks Fifth Avenue, Scientific Delirium Madness, SK-II. Women's, Skyline, sperm, supernatant, syringe, voltage, vortex, walgreens, Woodside Posted on July 27, 2016 12. centiSperm DIY Protocol: Centipede DNA Isolation CENTIPEDE DNA ISOLATION A – Kill Centipede B – Mash with mortar and pestle This was no easy feat. The night I scanned the centipede the other residents named him Keith! And Keith nearly escaped. I fed and housed him, changed her stream water and caught it bugs. I even found that he preferred raw meat but not fat. With a name and care, Keith felt more like a pet. Also, the skittering, curious and loungy attitude of Keith suggested a fine sentient personality. The antennas poking and wriggling in unison and independently 86 spoke tomes. Even the fear of a venomous organism showing signs of extremely honed escape tactics gave me vast respect to the centipedes of this world. There is no respectful death possible for an organism to be used for bioart. Still, a good death was considered. There is little written about insect euthanasia. We considered drug overdose but it was unknown if insects responded to diazepam derivatives. I was of the notion that fast, near instantaneous destruction was the best method. Its just a bit of that ultraviolence, smash and grind will do the trick. But, we did try out cryanesthesia (freezing) in the hopes that Keith would be numb. As usual with these death rituals, it is not easy. Ooops, lame research revealed belatedly: The British and )rish Association of Zoos and Aquariums B)AZA Terrestrial Invertebrate Working Group (TIWG) reports on a survey conducted by Mark Bushell of BIAZA institutions. He found that refrigeration and freezing were the most common methods of euthanasia of invertebrates although research has suggested that this is probably one of the least ethical options. That said, freezing is a worst-case method if chemical or instantaneous physical destruction is not possible. - Sarah Pellett; Romain Pizzi; Steven Trim; Mark Bushell; Dave Clarke; Jamie Wood (Jun 2015). BIAZA Recommendations for Ethical Euthanasia of Invertebrates (2.6 ed.). British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Keith began to wake from his semi-frozen slumber as the brass mortar came down on her in the porcelain pestle. Keith was mashed in seconds and the interior looked a lot like blended shrimp meat and the only recognizable remnants were some legs that stuck to the side of the pestle and a long sheath of segmented centipedal chiton all covered in goo. C – Mix mashed centipede with distilled water, salt and a tiny drop of soap D – Let centipede mash sit in hot water bath for 5-10 minutes 87 I had earlier determined that hypodermic syringes do melt in boiling water. So, I mixed the centipede mash in a tube that had contained a really nice SF styled joint with some remnant cannabis in the bottom. Actually, the Cannabis Indica genome was isolated with the centipede genome and they both live on in the centiSperm to some extent. I will resist calling this project centi-midnightToker-Sperm for lack of text space on the interwebs. I did make a tube floatation device for the hot water bath. I used plastic netting and corks. There are many corks at the Djerassi Residency, many! E – Spin to make pellet F – This time keep the supernatant and throw away the pellet G – Move liquid to new tube H – Mix 50/50 with high proof vodka or Everclear I – Spin at high speed for 10+ minutes J – Pour off the vodka super natant K – Let the pellet dry aerating until there is no alcohol left L – Resuspend in 100 microliters of distilled water by pipetting up and down over and over until the DNA pellet is mixed in with the water. For this step I used my hand held 20-200 microliter pipette but I had not remembered to bring sterile pipette tips. Well I cut some myself from disposable pipettes. I know they are not calibrated but they sure work well and the proportions were right! Tags: (), .45, .ch, .li, .tc, .tm, 007, 1*, 1071, 1080H, 11Emc Choe, 127, 15kg,, 1ee, 20, 2010, 20755-6000, 226, 22nd SAS, 2600 Magazine, 2E781, 2EME REP, 355 ML, 36, 3B2, 3P-HV, 50BMG, 50MZ, 5926, 5ESS, 64 Vauxhall Cross, 69, 707, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, 7NL SBS, 800, 868, 877, 9705 Samford Road, a, ACC, Active X, Adriatic, afsatcom, AFSPC, AGT. AMME, AHPCRC, AIMSX, Aldergrove, Alouette, AMEMB, Amherst, ANC, ANDVT, Angela, Anonymous, AOL, AOL TOS, ARC, Archives, argus, Arnett, ARPA, Artichoke, ASDIC, ASIC, ASIO, ASIS, ASLET, ASO, Asset, AST, ASTS, ASU, ASVC, ASWS, AT, Audiotel, Austin, AUTODIN, AVN, b, 88 image [left]: centiSperm, isolated (new media art) , Photo Credit: Adam Zaretsky, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, 2016. B.D.M., B61-11, Badger, Baldwin, BBE, BCCI, bce, BECCA, Becker, Belknap, bemd, benelux, bet, Beyond Hope, BIOL, bird dog, BITNET, BLACKER, Bletchley Park, Blowpipe, BLU, BLU114/B, BLU-97 A/B, Bluebird, BMDO, BNC, bootleg, BOP, botux, BRGE, BRLO, Broadside, BROMURE, bronze, BSS, BTM, Bubba, Bugs Bunny, burhop, Burns, buzzer, BZ, c, C2W, C3I, C4I, Cable & Wireless, CALCM, CANSLO, Cap-Stun, Capricorn, captain, CBNRC, CBOT, CCC, CCS, CCSC, CCSS, CDA, CDC, Centro, CFC, CFD, chaining, Chan, Chatter, CIA, CIA-DST, CICAP, CID, CIDA, CIM, CIO, CIS, CISE, CISSP, CISU, Clandestine, CMS, CMW, CNCIS, cocaine, COCOT, Coderpunks, codes, Colonel, Comirex, Competitor, Compsec, Compsec 97, Computer Terrorism, contacts, CONUS, Cornflower, Corporate Security, COSMOS, COSMOS-2224,, COSTIND, Counter Terrorism Security, counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Covert Video, CP, CQB, CRA, CSE, csystems, CTU, CUN, CUSI, Cypherpunks, d, D-11, Daffy Duck, Daisy, Dake, data havens, Dateline, DATTA, DCJFTF, DDIS, DDN, DDP, DDPS, debugging, Defcon, DefCon V, DERA, DES, DEVGRP, DF, DIA, Dictionary, DITSA, diwn, DJC, DNR, DOE, domestic disruption, DONCAF, dort, DRA, DREC, DREO, DSCS, DSD, DSNET1, DSNET2, DSNET3, DSS, DT, Duress, DUVDEVAN, E.O.D., E911, EADA, EAM, eavesdropping, ECCM, Echelon, EDI, Egret, EIP, EKMC, EKMS, Electronic Surveillance, Elvis, Embassy, emc, Emerson, Encryption, Enemy of the State, enigma, 89 EO, EOD, EODC, EODG, EODN, Ermes, ERV, Espionage, ETA, Europol, Event Security, evil, executive, Exon Shell, explicit, F-22, fake, FALN, fangs, Fax, Fax encryption, FBI, FCIC, FDM, Fernspah, FID, FINCEN, finks, Finksburg MD, Firewalls, fish, FKS, Flame, Flashbangs, FLETC, FLiR, floss, FMS, forcast, force, Forte, freedom, Freeh, FRU, FSK, FTS2000, Furbys, FX, FXR, GAFE, Gamma, GBC, GCHQ, GEO, GEODSS, GEOS, GGL, GIGN, GII, GOE, Goldman, Gorizont, GOSIP, GOTS, GPMG, grom, GRS, GRU, GSA, GSG-9, GSM, gtegsc, Guppy, H.N.P., Hackers, HAHO, Halcon, HALO, Harvard, HIC, High Security, Hillal, Hindawi, hit word, hitword, Hitwords, Hmong, Hollyhock, hope, HPCC, HRT, HTCIA, humint, I&A, IACIS, ICE, IDB,, IFO, IG, IMF, import, industrial espionage, industrial intelligence, InfoSec, Infowar, Ingram Mac-10, INI, interception, Intiso, Investigation, Ionosphere, IRA, Iris, ISA, ISACA, ISADC, ISN, ISPE, ISR, ISS, ISSAA, ISSO, ISSSP, ITSDN, IWO, J-6, J2, jack, JANET, Jasmine, JASON, JASSM, JAVA, JCET, JDF, JIC, JICA, JICC, JICS, JOTS, JRB, JRSC, JSOFC3IP, JSOTF, JTF, Juile, Juiliett Class Submarine, JUWTF, keebler, Keyer, Keyhole, KG-84C, Kh-11, Kilderkin, Kilo Class, KMI, Kosiura, Kosovo, KWR-46, KWT-46, KY-75, KYV-5, LABLINK, Lacrosse, Lander, LASINT, LATA, LDMX, LEASAT, Lebed, LEETAC, Leuken-Baden, Lexis-Nexis, LF, LHR, Link 16, LLC, LLNL, loch, lock picking, Locks, LRTS, M-14, M-x spook, M.A.R.E., M.P.R.I., M5, Mace, Macintosh Firewalls, Macintosh Internet Security, Macintosh Security, Mafia, Magdeyev, Majic, MARE, Masuda, Mavricks, Mayfly, MB, MD2, MD4, MDA, Medco, MEII, Merlin, Met, Meta-hackers, MEU/SOC, MF, MI-17, MI5, MI6, MID/KL, Military, Military Intelligence, MILSATCOM, mindwar, Minox, MIR, MISSI, MIT, mixmaster, MJ-12, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH, MKULTRA, mol, Mole, monarchist, MOSAIC, Mossberg, MP5k, MSCJ, MSEE, MSNBC, MYK, N-ISDN, N9, NAAP, NABS, NACSI, NADDIS, NADIS, NAIA, NAIAG, NAICC, nailbomb, NARF, NASA, Nash, NATIA, National Information Infrastructure, NATOA, NAVCM, NAVCOMPARS, NAVELEXSYSSECENGCEN, NAVWAN, NAVWCWPNS, NCCS, NCSA, NCTS, Nerd, NESP, NFLIS, NIJ, ninja, NIOG, nitrate, nkvd, NLSP, NMI, NMIC, NOCS, nonac, nowhere,, no|d, NRC, NRL, NRO, NSA, NSA/CSS, NSAS, NSCT, NSG, NSIRL, NSLEP, NSO, NSS, NSWC, NSWG, NTIS, NTT, Nuclear, number key, NVD, O, OC-12, OC3, Offensive Information Warfare, OIR, OSAll, Oscor, OSS, OTAN, OTAR, OTAT, OTCIXS, OTP, PA598D28, Pacini, Paperclip, PARKHILL, passwd, Passwords, Pathfinders, PBX, PCMT, peapod, PEM, penrep, Perl-RSA, Pesec, PGP, PI, pink noise, Playboy, PMSP, POCSAG, Pod, Police, Porno, Pornstars, PPS, Pretoria, PRF, primacord, PSAC, Psyops, PTT, qrss, quarter, quiche, r00t, racal, radint, RAID, rain, ram, Rand Corporation, Rapid Reaction, rb, RCMP, RDI, real, rebels, Recce, RECCEX, Recon, recondo, redheads, rednoise, Reflection, Regli, remailers, ReMOB, Reno, RENS, replay, resta, RFI, RFX, RG, rhost, rhosts, rip, RIT, rita, RL, Rolm, RPC, RRF, RSA, RSO, RSP, rsta, Rubin, rusers, RX-7, S.A.I.C., S.E.T. Team, S/Key, SAAM, SABENA, SACLANT, SACLANTCEN, SACS STU-III, SADCC, SADMS, SADRS, SADT, SALDV, SAMCOMM, SAMF, SAMU, SAO, SAPM, SAPT, SAR, SARA, SARD, SARL, SART, SAS, SASCOM, SASP, SASR, SASSTIXS, SATCOMA, Satellite imagery, SATKA, SAW, SBI, SBS, SBU, SC, SCCN, Schengen, SCIF, Scud, Scully, SDIS, SEAL Team 3, SecDef, Secert Service, Secure, Secure Internet Connections, Security Consulting, Security Evaluation, SEIDM, SEL, SEMTEX, SERT, SETA, Sex, SGC, Shaldag, SHAPE, Shayet-13, Shelton, SHF, SHF/DOD, SHS, Siemens, SIG, SIGDASYS, SIGDEV, SIGS, sigvoice, SIRC, site, SITOR, SIW, SL-1, SLI, SLIP, Small Pox, smuggle, sneakers, sniper, SNS, So- 90 ciety, SORO, SORT, Spall, Speakeasy, Spetznaz, Sphinx, spies, Spoke, spook words, spookwords, sport, squib, ssa, SSL, stakeout, STARLAN, Starr, Steak Knife, STEEPLEBUSH, STEP, Stephanie, Steve Case, STTC, SUAEWICS, SUBACS, submiss, subversives, Sundevil, SUPIR, SURSAT, SUSLO, SUW, SVN, sweep, sweeping, SWS, T Branch, T2S2, TA SAS, Tac, TACSAT, Tajik, Talent, Tarawa, tax, TDM. SUKLO, TDR, TECS, tekka, Telex, TELINT, TEXTA. ELF, the, The Artful Dodger, The Hague, TIE, Tie-fighter, tiger, Time, TLAM, toad, Tomlinson, Tony Poe, Tools, top secret, TRANSEC, TRD, Trump, TRV, TRW, TSCI, TSCM, TWA, Type I, Type II, Tyrell, Tzvrif, UDT, UFO, Ufologico Nazionale, UHF, ULF, UNCPCJ, Undercover, unix, Unix Security, USACIL, USAFA, USCG, USCODE, USCOI, USDOJ, USSS, UT/RUS, UTU, UXO, Uziel, Vale, VBS, Verisign, VFCT, VGPL, VHF, Vinnell, VIP, VIP Protection, Virii, VLF, VNET, VOA, Vx, W, Wackendude, Wackenhutt, WANK, warez, watchers, WHCA, White House, white noise, White Yankee, Wilma, Wipeout, wojo, WSA, WSP, WTO, Wu, WWABNCP, wwics, Z, Z-150T, Z-200, Z7, ZARK, Zimmerwald, zipgun, ZL31, ZNI1, zone, ^?, ^X, ~ Posted on July 27, 2016 13. Electroporation Protocol, the making of centiSperm ELECTROPORATION, THE MAKING OF CENTISPERM A – Mix sperm and DNA in the electroporation vial (cuvette) For each reaction mix 10 microliters of centipede DNA and 50 microliters of desalinated sperm directly inside the electroporation cuvette B – Put cuvette inside of the electroporator C – Set voltage I did one reaction at 200 volts which seemed standard in the sperm electroporation. I also ran a second reaction at 1800 volts just to make it rough. Sometimes when you are running a rough DIY lab its better to go for overkill than treading to closely to the protocol. More is sometimes a matter of affect. But more actually often does the trick! D – Press button twice to fire machine. Wait for beep (about 2 seconds) E – Apply refresh media 91 For this lab I used 10% vitaminwater® XXX açai-blueberry-pomegranate flavored (Glaceau) put through a 3 micron Gelman Filter. The refresh media was prepared before the electroporation reaction. centiSperm as a new media is now available for experimentation. Tags: 3 micron, açai-blueberry. pomegranate, Adam Zaretsky, art/science, centiSperm, crossdisciplinary, cuvette, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, editorial, ejaculate, electroporation, environment, erotic, Filter., flavored, game studies, Gelman, Glaceau, interdisciplinary, kanye, Leonardo, Leonardo/ISAST, lost, misha, neologism, orlando, refresh, Scientific Delirium Madness, tony, viral, vitaminwater, XXX, youtube Posted on July 27, 2016 image [left]: Comix of centiSperm Lab. Matteo Farinella, neuroscientist, cartoonist and illustrator Pen and Ink, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, erm-diy-protocol-spermdesalination/ poration-protocol-makingcentisperm/, 2016. 92 14. centiSperm Product Orientation Seminar Now that the centiSperm exists, we begin concern ourselves with artSci research and development. What can be done with this novel new media biotechnological product? Are there scientific theories, artistic practice, bioethical debates and profitable applications to stem from this? Products: Artificial Human Gene Screwed centiSperm For Sale My initial plan was to offer the centiSperm online as a posthuman artificial insemination product. I am sure there are people out there on the world wide media net web who would like a centiBaby. ) haven t had my sperm screened for safe resale and no one locally wanted to commit to a long-shot mutant interspecies jazz insect child. centiSperm Glazed Donut Product Line ) began to anoint one of Celia Olsen s homemade donuts with centiSperm. Actually I have glazed that donut once or twice a day for the past five days. This a perhaps a boutique edible for a dedicated foodie. Perhaps Tim Hortons might be interested in licensing centiSperm glazed donuts? centiSperm Glazed Ceramic Sculpture image [above]: DIY Lab Bench 2 , Photo Credit: Adam Zaretsky, centiSperm, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, 2016. 93 I did build a ceramic sculpture to honor Uranus castrated penis. ) will fire it tonight and glaze the penis with centiSperm as a physical ceramic glaze. This should adorn the sculpture with a burnt offering and test the applicability of centiSperm as a second level of anointed glaze. Novel Birth Control: centiSpermicide I am a bit worried that I am incubating more than insect-human hybrid germ cells. The centiSperm glazed donut could be a petri dish for naturally found airborne pathogens that feed on sperm. Although the statistical risk factor is low, anytime you feed human cells you should be aware of what or who might grow on the rich lawn of easy to scavenge tissue. On the other hand, we may be hunting for a volunteer novel spermicidal agent that could be use as an additional spermicide in our arsenal against unwanted pregnancy. centiSperm as a medium can be used to bait and check novel organisms. Any microbial or fungal life that can grow on a centiSperm Glazed Donut incubator will be potentially resistant to centipede venom. This means that we may be able to derive a new spermicidal secondary metabolite from the microorganisms that can be used in conjunction with various forms of centipede venom therapies without deleterious drug interactions. Tags: Adam Zaretsky, anointed, art/science, Artificial, Bioart, Birth, castrated penis, centipede, centiSperm, centiSpermicide, Ceramic, ceramic Glaze, child, Control, Cronos, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, environment, factor, For Sale, glazed donut, Human Gene, insect, interspecies, jazz, Leonardo, Leonardo/ISAST, Line, mutant, Novel, Product, risk, Scientific Delirium Madness, Screwed, sculpture, statistical, Tim Hortons, Uranus, venom therapy Posted on July 29, 2016 15. Flight of the centiSperm. Flight of the centiSperm David Bowen a collaboration with Adam Zaretsky 94 image [left]: Flight of the centiSperm, centiSperm Conductivity Data Acquisition along with an autonomous drone path based on centisperm data instructions – David Bowen: Duluth, MN. Media Artist with Relative Capacitance Advisor: Asa Calow: Cheshire, UK, Biotechnologist, Timelaspe Photo Credit: Weidong Yang, San Francisco, CA. Physicist So David Bowen came up with this idea of using the centiSperm as a data set for flying his drone. He and Asa Calow shit talked some tech and David built a rotating four well conductivity meter dubbed the Jizalizer 3030. centiSPerm (Human sperm combined with DNA from a centipede) was used as a data set. Relative electrical flow was measured over time from the centiSperm producing data as the cells containing it decayed. This data was scaled and correlated to Latitude, Longitude and Altitude respectively. The XYZ/time data plot is neither devoid of the potentially legible nor is it easy to find meaning in. However, a fabulous graphic plotting of the loci was produced and it a find piece of the Jizalizer 3010 centiSperm continuum. 95 image [left]: Drawing, pen and ink, from Series of drawings is titled Spirits Of Djerassi, Maja Spasova, London, UK and Berlin, DE, visual artist., Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California, 2016. The coordinates were uploaded to the drone and it flew autonomously based on the DNA instructions. Weidong Yang took a fabulous time-lapse photograph of the flight at night. The LEDs left a trail of four-dimensional semidata in the sky. The use of a drone for data point plotting made for some complex readings. As you can see there are distinct coordinates of chaos on the stability locus of the flight path. The pauses and directional flavor of the Flight of the centiSperm led to group quizzical guesses as to what the 4D trail might imply. Tags: Adam Zaretsky, Asa Calow, Bioart, centiSperm, data, David Bowen, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, drone, drone art, Jizalizer 3010, Leonardo/ISAST, loci, plotting, point, Scientific Delirium Madness, sperm, Weidong Yang Posted on August 02, 2016 96 16. Maya Spasova, centiSperm Drawings. Maya Spasova, London, UK. Visual Artist observed the centiSperm project and then took to drawing or channeling the lives of the centiSperm. Some are intertwined with each other. Some have wings. Some are forming into embryos. Some are flying in the sky. Derived from direct experience and delving into the unconscious connections to such a symbolic hybridity, Maya mixed snakes and angels, embryos and insects, clouds and DNA. Along with all the other prolific artistry Maya unleashed at Djerassi, she made 100+ centiSperm symbolically influenced drawings and embryonic sculptures. Tags: centiSperm, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Scientific Delirium Madness Posted on August 02, 2016 17. Uranus’ Castrated Penis: centiSperm Glazed Ceramic Sculpture. The centiSperm was applied to Uranus Castrated Penis as a glaze. The sculpture fired well. The centisperm effect is basically un-perceptible. Yet, there is a pearly sheen to the penis of Uranus. Certainly, the ritual process of anointing the lingam, even the lingam forcibly removed, is of discerning taste. Here are some pictures of Uranus Castrated Penis. This sculpture is a tribute to Robert Arneson (a former teacher) and the NorCal Funk Artists. Tags: Adam Zaretsky, art/science residencies, Arti, behavioral studies, Bioart, Castrated, centipede, centiSperm, Ceramic, cross-disciplinary, DIYbio, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Funk, Funk Art, Glazed, glazed donut, Leonardo/ISAST, NorCal, penis, plastic, Robert Arneson, sculpture, Uranus Posted on August 06, 2016 97 image [left]: Castrated Penis of Uranus, centiSPerm Glazed Ceramic RetroFunkart Sculpture, Scientific Delirium Madness, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Woodside, California,, 2016 Photo Credit: Adam Zaretsky. Credits: centiSperm was made during research as a Sponsored Resident, The 2016 Scientific Delirium Madness Residency, a collaborative initiative of Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) and Djerassi Resident Artists Program (DRAP) with support from Bulldog Bio s Bridge Electroporation Cuvettes, Marist College Summer Research Grant, and The John P. and Susan D. Diekman Fellowship. 98