
The primary function of human resource department is Performance Appraisal and the prior information received by the human resource department from the managers or team leaders about employee's performance. In the process of recruitment, placement, training, promotion and performance appraisal, Performance appraisal is one of the important key factor ia a banking sector or in an organization. Performance Appraisal also used to analyze employee's strengths, weaknesses, success and failures for further promotions. The aim of present study to know about the private banking sectors employee's opinion on the Performance Appraisal systems.

Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.05 Issue-05, (December 2017), Impact Factor: 4.598 Performance Appraisal Practices in Private Banking Sector in India Ms. Ritambhra Goswami, Research Scholar, Amity University, Gwalior Abstract: The primary function of human resource department is Performance Appraisal and the prior information received by the human resource department from the managers or team leaders about e ployee’s perfor a e. I the pro ess of re ruit e t, pla e e t, trai i g, promotion and performance appraisal, Performance appraisal is one of the important key factor ia a banking sector or i a orga izatio . Perfor a e Appraisal also used to a alyze e ployee’s stre gths, weak esses, success and failures for further promotions. The aim of present study to know about the private a ki g se tors e ployee’s opi io o the Perfor a e Appraisal syste s. Keywords: Importance of an effective performance, Practices & Methodologies in private sectors, Importance of performance appraisal, Process of performance appraisal, Appraisal system in Indian banking system. Introduction: In relation to certain objectives of organization and pre-established criteria, the periodic and systematic process that determine the job performance and productivity of an individual employee called performance appraisal (P.A) (Muchinsky,2012) Strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments and organizational citizenship behavior are also considered as other aspects of an employee in an organization. (Broady-Preston & Steel, 2002). Generally, the performance appraisal data are collected by the three main methods are: 1. Objective production 2. Personnel 3. Judgmental evaluation With a large variety of method of evaluation, judgmental evaluation are used. As p o idi g feed a k to e ployees , jo status, dis ipli a y de isio s, de elopi g e ployees a d counselling could function as interview. (Cederblom, 1982) Promotions, termination, test validation and performance improvement are few application of performance appraisal. (De Misi & Pritchard, 2006) Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 (JAMR) email id- [email protected] Page 527 Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.05 Issue-05, (December 2017), Impact Factor: 4.598 In the process of appraisal, the final step is performance appraisal interview. Which is held between the subordinate and supervisor in an organization. Reactions of an employee to performance appraisal Most of the researchers stated that all the employees are not satisfied with the system of Pe fo a e App aisal i a o ga izatio . A o di g to so e esea he s, I the syste of pe fo a e app aisal, y aki g the objective system, improving the process of feedback employees wanted to see changes. oe The importance of an effective performance 1. 2. 3.    Standards Simple format and practical Documentation Standards: The set of standards should be understandable, achievable, measurable and motivating. Simple format and practical: The format of appraisal should be simple, clear, objective and fair. Because the long formats are difficult to understand and time consuming. Documentation: To documenting the performance of an individual employee and a continuous noting called documentation. Practices and methodologies in private sectors 1. T o ay o u i atio s 2. Feed a k “yste s 3. I t odu tio to Te h ologies 4. Re uit e t a d “ele tio s 5. Pe ks a d Pa kages 6. O ga izatio al Eti uettes 7. Lea e Ma age e t syste 8. E ployee Be efits 9. Jo “e u ity 10. Re uit e t Pla s 11. pe sio Pla s 1. Two way communications: It is a form of transmission in which the communication is held between the senior subordinate and the junior subordinate. In private organizations, all the issues whether it is formal or informal are being immediately solved or receipt of the messages, complaints and issues which is received from employees. Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 (JAMR) email id- [email protected] Page 528 Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.05 Issue-05, (December 2017), Impact Factor: 4.598 2. Feedback System: In this system, the performance of an employee is evaluated by their performance and also by their behavior and discipline. A private sector uses the 360 degree appraisal feedback system. In which the feedback is given to top from senior management, employees as well as customers. 3. Introduction to Technologies: In order to achieve maximum production to follow the methods and practices of technologies. For every employee, technology is changing day to day in a private sector. 4. Recruitment and Selection: On the basis of merit candidates, recruitment and selection is carried out. And for the suitable designation an eligible candidates get selected. Four to five rounds are carried out in the process of recruitment and selection. 5. Perks and Packages: Depending on the responsibilities and designations, perks and packages are the compensation or an amount which is given to an individual employees of an organizations for their performance. 6. Employee Benefits: To motivate employees as well as to develop Human Resource like medical insurance, education and travel allowance etc. employee benefits are followed. Importance of Performance Appraisal In an organization, the most important element for information and control system is performance appraisal. The applications of the performance appraisal are given below;      Fo pe so el de isio s valuable information provides by performance appraisal like p o otio s, de otio s, pay i eases, te i atio s a d t a sfe s . I a o ga izatio , it helps to judge the effe ti e ess of e uit e t, sele tio , pla e e t a d o ie tatio syste . It also helps to a alyze de elop e t eeds a d t ai i g of a i di idual e ployee . To i p o e pe fo a e th ough app op iate feed a k to e ployees, a pe fo a e app aisal a e used . A i di idual e ployees pe fo a e o jo ; su essio pla i g, hu a resource pla i g a d a ee pla i g fa ilitates y pe fo a e app aisal . Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 (JAMR) email id- [email protected] Page 529 Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.05 Issue-05, (December 2017), Impact Factor: 4.598 The process of performance appraisal:  “etti g Pe fo  Co  Measu i g Pe fo  Co pa i g ith “ta da ds  Dis ussi g Results  Taki g Co e ti e A tio s a e “ta da ds u i ati g “ta da ds a e Source: Performance Appraisal Process by C.B. Gupta, 2006 Performance Appraisal systems in Indian banking sector Recently, a system has introduced by the Allahabad bank which aims to help employees to identify their strengths, weaknesses. And also to improve performance by the encouragement on the job. In great detail on customer services; internal administration, business growth and training requirement in a system of Indian overseas bank, where a branch manager gives a self-appraisal. In an appraisal system of union bank of India, the reporting officer is necessary to determine his officer on conceptual, human and technical skills. The similar self-appraisal formers has also been introduced by the Dena bank and the Bank of Baroda. “ou e: D . “ha hu Nath Cho dhu y, De elopi g Pe fo a e App aisal “yste Pe fo a e Leade ship i Ba ks , CAB CALLING, July “epte e , 2008 fo For effective Performance Appraisal in Indian Banks, the following points should keep in mind are as given under below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. “ele t hat pe fo a e data to olle t Dete i e ho o du ts the app aisal De ide o a ati g philosophy O e o e ati g defi ie ies C eate a ati g i st u e t Deli e useful i fo atio to e ployees Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 (JAMR) email id- [email protected] Page 530 Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 Vol.05 Issue-05, (December 2017), Impact Factor: 4.598 In the a k, fo the i di idual the Pe fo performance. a e App aisal is esse tially a oppo tu ity ith thei Conclusion: To Refle ts the past pe fo a e, Pe fo a e App aisal usually p o ides a oppo tu ity a d past behavior review. 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