Cover article
HENZ, GP; PORPINO, G. 2017. Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge? Horticultura Brasileira 35: 472-482. DOI - http://dx.doi.
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
Gilmar Paulo Henz1; Gustavo Porpino2
Embrapa Sede, Secretaria de Inteligência e Macroestratégia, Brasília-DF, Brasil;
[email protected]; 2Embrapa, Secretaria de
Comunicação, Brasília-DF, Brasil;
[email protected]
By 2017, Brazil seems to have inally awakened to the problem
of food loss and waste. In this article, we resume the topic started in
the article “Postharvest losses of perishables in Brazil: what do we
know so far?” published earlier this year, but now with an emphasis
on food losses and waste (FLW). We divided this article into four
sections: (a) search for scientiic publications on postharvest losses
(PHL) and food waste (FW) in Portuguese; (b) social classes and
food consumption in Brazil and household food waste; (c) the
national legal framework on FLW; and (d) current food security
policies and civil society actions on FLW. Google Scholar searches
yielded 46,100 records for FW and 16,100 for PHL, but only 37 and
19 records, respectively, when the searches were restricted to the
title of the papers. There is a clear division of subjects: PHL is more
related to Agriculture and Economy and FW to Health, Nutrition and
the Environment, and reasons and consequences are discussed. Food
consumption and waste in Brazil must take into account the great
social heterogeneity and high income inequality, as well as some
unexpected driving cultural reasons. About 30 bills related to food
waste have been discussed in the Brazilian Congress since 1997, with
a low expectation of approval in the short term. In the absence of a
regulatory framework to reduce losses and facilitate the donation of
food, society has found its own way of dealing with the problem.
Some initiatives are presented here, along with some governmental
food security policies which had positive impacts in reducing FLW,
such as National School Feeding Program (PNAE), food banks
and popular restaurants. Some international movements are also
beginning to gain strength in Brazil, e.g., the purchase of fruits and
vegetables outside of aesthetic standards, “SaveFood Brasil”, “Slow
Food”, among others. These are all put in perspective.
Perdas e desperdício de alimentos: como o Brasil tem
enfrentado este desaio global?
Keywords: food security, national policies, legal framework,
wastage, food waste.
Palavras-chave: segurança alimentar, políticas nacionais, marco
regulatório, descarte, desperdício de alimentos.
Em 2017, o Brasil parece ter despertado para o problema de
perdas e desperdício de alimentos (PDA). Neste artigo, retomamos
o tema iniciado no artigo “Postharvest losses of perishables in Brazil: what do we know so far?”, publicado no início deste ano, agora
com ênfase em desperdício de alimentos. Dividimos este artigo em
quatro partes: (a) buscas pelos termos em Português “desperdício de
alimentos” e “perdas pós-colheita” no Google Acadêmico, SciELO
e Portal de Periódicos da CAPES; (b) classes sociais e consumo
de alimentos no Brasil e desperdício de alimentos domiciliar; (c)
situação do marco regulatório nacional sobre PDA; e (d) políticas de
segurança alimentar e ações da sociedade civil em PDA. No Google
Acadêmico, foram encontrados 34.800 registros para “desperdício
de alimentos” e 14.100 para “perdas pós-colheita”; mas apenas 37
e 19 registros, respectivamente, quando a busca foi restrita ao título
dos documentos. Existe uma clara divisão das áreas, sendo perdas
pós-colheita mais relacionada a agricultura e economia e desperdício
de alimentos à saúde, nutrição e meio ambiente. As consequências
desse fato são discutidas. No Brasil, o consumo e o desperdício de
alimentos devem levar em conta a grande heterogeneidade social e
a alta desigualdade de renda, além de razões culturais inesperadas e
relevantes. Cerca de 30 projetos de lei relacionados ao desperdício
de alimentos foram discutidos no Congresso brasileiro desde 1997,
com baixa expectativa de aprovação no curto prazo. Na ausência de
um quadro regulatório para reduzir perdas e facilitar a doação de alimentos, a sociedade brasileira encontrou sua própria maneira de lidar
com o problema. Algumas iniciativas são apresentadas aqui, assim
como políticas governamentais de segurança alimentar que tiveram
impacto positivo na redução de perdas, como Programa Nacional de
Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), bancos de alimentos e restaurantes
populares. Atualmente, alguns movimentos internacionais também
começam a ganhar força no Brasil, como a aquisição de produtos
hortícolas fora de padrões estéticos, “SaveFood Brasil”, “Slow Food”,
entre outras. Todos eles são colocados em perspectiva.
Received on November 23, 2017; accepted on December, 1, 2017
n this paper, we resume the topic
Food Losses initiated in the article
“Postharvest losses of perishables
in Brazil: what do we know so
far?” published earlier this year in
Horticultura Brasileira (Henz, 2017).
This time, we shed some light on the
relevant second half of the plot: food
losses and waste (FLW). In the irst
article, we were surprised by the number
of publications about postharvest losses
of perishables in Brazil - more than 100!
At the same time, we realized that most
of them were practically unavailable for
the international scientiic community
because of the idiom barrier, since
almost all of them were written in
Portuguese. Would it be also the case for
the Brazilian literature in food waste?
In 2014, the FAO published the
document “Deinitional Framework of
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
Food Loss”, broadening the FLW concept
and drawing attention to the second part
of the postharvest chain: food wastage
in households. Traditionally, there was
a clear division in Brazil regarding
postharvest losses and food waste.
Since the 1970s, postharvest losses are
studied primarily by agronomists and
economists, focusing on the problems
and additional costs occurring from
harvest to the retail market (Péra et
al., 2015; Henz, 2015, 2017). On
contrary, FLW seemed to be more
related to Health Sciences and Nutrition,
and more recently to Environmental
Sciences, because of organic residues.
Since the seminal study from FAO was
published, food waste has become also
a relevant research theme in the area of
transformative consumer research.
However, more in-depth discussions
about food waste are relatively new in
Brazil. Only recently the subject started
drawing the national media attention,
with several television programs being
broadcasted and articles and editorials
being published in newspapers and
magazines. Apparently, food waste
did not arouse the same interest in
the research field as compared to
postharvest losses, since there is not
much scientiic bibliography available
on the subject in Brazil.
Brazil has also committed
to the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goal Target 12.3 to halve
per capita global food waste at the retail
and consumer levels and reduce food
losses along production and supply
chains by 2030. Hence, reduction of
FLW has emerged also as a priority at
the national political agenda.
Agriculture and Food Security
in Brazil
From 1960 to 1990, Brazilian
agriculture experienced a rapid
development. There were many key
factors for the success of agriculture,
such as farmers’ entrepreneurial
spirit, expansion of the agricultural
frontier, adoption of modern production
techniques and investment in research,
development, and innovation. Presently,
Brazil is an agricultural powerhouse,
ranked among the top ive producers and
exporters of agricultural products in the
world. Exports of commodities and food
products closed 2016 at US$ 84.9 billion
and, from January to October 2017,
reached US$ 82 billion (Agrostat, 2017).
Despite such abundance in food
production, food insecurity is still
present in the country and FLW
restrains the capacity of increasing
food availability for the internal market.
Although severe food insecurity among
the Brazilian population has decreased
from 7% in 2004 to residual 3% in 2013,
there are still 52 million Brazilians,
about ¼ of the population, threatened
by food insecurity if one considers its
three levels (low, moderate and severe)
(IBGE, 2014). At the same time, tons of
still consumable food is discarded daily
at the end of the food chain. In addition,
at the global level, recent data on food
security point out to a possible reversal
of trends worldwide. After more than
10 years declining, famine igures in the
world are estimated to have increased
to 815 million people in 2016, up from
777 million in 2015, although still below
from about 900 million in 2000 (FAO,
Food Policies
The food waste issue started being
studied in Brazil with more emphasis
in the late 1990s when food security
became more frequently debated in the
Brazilian society. A landmark was the
Zero Hunger program launched in 2003,
which aimed, along with other social
programs, at the implementation of
food security policies (Belik, 2012a,b).
Public policies and programs, such as
strengthening local economies, raises
in the minimum wage, direct income
transfers and the inclusion of people
in Social Security, helped to improve
the national status regarding food
security. Other novel programs were
the Food Procurement Program (“PAA
- Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos”)
and the National School Meals Program
(“PNAE - Programa Nacional de
Alimentação Escolar”).
In 2014, Brazil was for the first
time removed from the World Hunger
Map (The State of Food Insecurity in
the World). According to the report, the
number of undernourished people had
fallen by more than 80% in ten years.
The new status was achieved through
a mix of public policies and increased
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
food supply in the internal market,
due to the outstanding performance in
agricultural production.
Present Time
Sustainable food production and
consumption in Brazil face constant
challenges, with strong tendency to
become serious problems in the future
due to postharvest losses and food
waste. Traditional farming systems will
face increasing challenges to maintain
and expand their current levels of food
production due to climate change,
intensive use of inputs and natural
resources and, above all, changes in the
eating habits of the Brazilian population.
Moreover, the scenario increasingly
deteriorates as the low economic growth
Since 2015, issues related to
postharvest losses and food waste
are constantly present in the national
media in the wake of the huge political
and economic crisis Brazil currently
faces. The country struggles with high
unemployment (estimated at 14 million
people in 2017), with great impacts on
the standard of living of a substantial
part of Brazilian society. Social
inequality is increasing again, after a
couple of years of discreet improvement.
Some successful governmental food
security programs are sufering budget
constraints. All combined, these factors
place strong pressure on the recent
social progress Brazil achieved in
food security. The current situation has
afected food consumption to the point
of increasing the number of people at
risk of food security, which makes the
discussion about postharvest losses
and food waste absolutely relevant and
Therefore, the main objective of
this article is to portray the situation
of food losses and waste in Brazil in a
comprehensive approach. For that, we
divided this article into four sections:
(a) A search for scientiic publications
using the terms “postharvest losses” and
“food waste” in Portuguese, resulting in
an inventory of what has been published
so far;
(b) A discussion on social classes,
food consumption and household food
waste in Brazil;
GP Henz & G Porpino
(c) The national legal framework
on FLW, still pending in the Congress;
(d) The identification and brief
description of initiatives that address
FLW in the country, such as food
security policies and civil society
F O O D WA S T E ( F W ) O R
The irst section of this paper deals
with bibliographic searches performed
in databases available in Brazil to know
what has been published so far in FW
and PHL. Our main goal was to trace the
evolution of the interest of the scientiic
community on each subject since it has
been diicult to ind scientiic papers
on food waste in Brazil. Bibliographic
searches were carried out using Google
Scholar (in Brazil known as Google
br), the SciELO (Scientiic Electronic
Library Online) database (www.scielo.
org) and the portal of journals of CAPES
[Coordination for the Improvement
of Higher Education Personnel (www.], using the
terms postharvest losses (“perdas póscolheita”) and food waste (“desperdício
de alimentos”) in Portuguese. At Google
Scholar, idiom was set to Portuguese
(Brazil) and searches were performed
by decade and, later on, with the two
terms in the title, excluding patents and
citations. At SciELO, searches were
made in the Brazilian journals using the
terms “food waste” and “postharvest
losses” in all indexes (author, year,
periodical, abstract, title, funding
agency) in the “integrated mode”. At
CAPES, searches were performed with
the two terms in the title and on the
subject (“and”).
In Google Scholar, 46,100 records
were obtained for “food waste” and
16,100 for “postharvest losses” when
searching for the two terms anywhere on
the text. The number of hits was reduced
to only 48 and 24 records when the
search for both terms was restricted to
the title. In SciELO, the search resulted
in 22 references for PHL and 14 for FW,
for the two terms in all indexes using
the integrated search mode. Only seven
references for PHL and ive for FW were
retrieved in CAPES for searches with
at least one term in the title (Table 1).
In Google Scholar, classiication by
relevance resulted in 1,950 records for
food waste, covering diferent topics,
such as waste management, centesimal
composition and alternative food use. At
the bottom of the results page of Google
Scholar, the “related searches” terms
for FW were “Brazil”, “restaurants”,
“hospital facilities”, “data”, “schools”,
“hunger”, “Food and Nutrition”,
“reduction”, and “evaluation”. For
PHL, classification by relevance
yielded 2,060 records, and the “related
research” terms were “Brazil”, “fruits”,
“vegetables”, “evaluation”, “reduction”,
“data”, “transportation”, “cereals” and
“alternative technologies”.
Searches in SciELO and CAPES
produced similar results, with more
references on PHL as compared to
FW. Most of the papers published
on PHL were about specific topics,
such as handling systems, postharvest
diseases and mechanical injury, or
about the application of postharvest
technologies in fruits and vegetables,
such as refrigeration and packaging,
controlled/modified atmosphere,
minimally processed products, use of
edible coatings and waxes, physical
and chemical treatments. Articles
were published in eleven Brazilian
journals of Agricultural Sciences,
Horticulture, Rural Economics and
Sociology between 1981 and 2016. For
FW, 14 scientiic papers were found
in eight different Brazilian journals
listed in SciELO, covering Health,
Nutrition, Environment and Agriculture.
Most articles were about centesimal
composition, physical and chemical
characterization, evaluation of food
waste in institutional restaurants and
waste management.
There was a signiicant growth of
records for both PHL and FW over
decades at Google Scholar, particularly
after the 2000s (Figure 1). For FW,
records ranged from 635 (1970s) to
14,600 (2010s) and, for PHL, from 11
(1970s) to 9,430 (2010s). Some possible
explanations are: (a) popularization of
internet and increased availability of
electronic documents as opposed to
hard copies in libraries as before; (b)
“food” alone is a more powerful term
in broad searches than “postharvest”
or “losses”; (c) most of the records are
generic publications, often related to
only one of the search terms.
Most of the records retrieved in
broad searches using Google Scholar
are grey literature, such as newspapers
articles, editorials, academic papers
(theses, dissertations), abstracts, reports
and technical documents published
only in Portuguese. The largest number
of records in Google Scholar for FW
compared to PHL can be related to the
impact and comprehensiveness of the
term in searches across all knowledge
areas. PHL is more closely related
to Agricultural Sciences, Economics
and Management, and usually
limited to agricultural products. Food
(“alimentos”, in Portuguese) includes
not only the same agricultural products
but also meat, dairy products and all sort
of processed food. Furthermore, FW is
linked to Health, Nutrition and Food
Sciences, areas with a larger number
of scientiic journals and postgraduate
courses in Brazil. Since the 2000s, there
Table 1. Number of records in search engines for postharvest losses (PHL) and food waste
(FW), respectively “desperdício de alimentos” and “perdas pós-colheita” in Portuguese, as
in December 2016. Brasília, Embrapa, 2017.
Search engine
Google Scholar
CAPES Portal
Postharvest Losses (PHL)
Food Waste (FW)
24 (16,100)
48 (46,100)
7 (16)
5 (8)
Records retrieved using the two terms in the title. In brackets, records retrieved using the two
terms anywhere in the text; **Records retrieved using the two terms in the title. In brackets,
records retrieved using the two terms in the subject ield; 1Database of the Scientiic Electronic
Library Online (; 2Database of the Journal Platform of Capes (Coordination
for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) (
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
Figure 1. Number of records1 by decades in Google Scholar for postharvest losses (PHL)
and food waste (FW), respectively “desperdício de alimentos” and “perdas pós-colheita”
in Portuguese, performed in December 2016. 1Records retrieved by searching for the two
terms anywhere in the text Brasília, Embrapa, 2017.
is growing interest and awareness on
food waste because of governmental
programs on food security and also
waste management and apparently
less interest on PHL, not relected in
scientiic papers yet.
Silverio & Oltrami (2014) published
a review on food waste in Brazil based
on bibliographic searches carried out
with Google Scholar, LILACS and
SciELO, from 1998 to 2008. Descriptors
were Portuguese terms “Unidades de
Alimentação e Nutrição” (Units of Food
and Nutrition), “sobras” (leftovers),
“desperdício” (waste) and “restos”
(scraps). They list 19 papers, abstracts
and theses, and used as references 9
books and technical publications, all
of them in Portuguese. In a critical
review of global food losses and food
waste, Xue et al. (2017) pointed out
that most existing publications on FLW
were conducted in a few industrialized
countries. In this study, only one out
of 202 papers cited in the references
was carried out in Brazil, published in
English in an international journal by
Fehr & Romão (2001).
In conclusion, there are relatively
few scientiic papers published in Brazil
about FW and PHL retrievable by search
engines. Moreover, fast and friendly-use
Google Scholar broad searches retrieve
all sort of grey literature. One must
consider also, as shown by our results,
that research on FW in Brazil is dispersed
in subareas, such as Health, Nutrition,
Consumer Behavior and Organic
Residues Management. Because of
this, it is important to manually analyze
all publications to mine reliable data. So
far, FW and PHL tend to be considered
as distinct subjects in Brazil, lacking
more comprehensive publications that
consider simultaneously both areas and
their complementarities, as currently
regarded by the international scientiic
community (HLPE, 2014).
A search for research teams at the
Brazilian National Council for Scientiic
and Technological Development (CNPq)
yielded 31 groups in Postharvest,
studying 264 research lines; 50 groups
on Solid Residues, with 280 research
lines; and 59 groups on Food Security,
with 225 research lines (Machado,
Some Publications and Research
Topics on FLW
In terms of academic work,
FLW has been studied with diferent
theoretical approaches, according
to researchers’ topics of interest and
academic background. Our searches in
Google Scholar, SciELO and CAPES
were useful to identify main groups
of interest of researchers working
with food waste in Brazil in recent
years. The main groups that came out
from our analysis were: evaluation of
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
wasted parts and correction factor in
perishables, centesimal composition,
food alternative use, food waste
assessment in institutional restaurants,
organic waste and household food
Goulart (2008) published a fourpage article describing the situation
of food waste at that time. Brazil was
regarded as one of the top ten countries
in food waste in the world, despite
the 54 million people living under
the poverty line. Several publication
were quoted describing some general
estimates, such as 15% of food waste
in restaurants and 20% in households;
39 tons of food waste daily; 60% of the
household garbage were food leftovers
and scraps; 15% to 50% of food waste
in restaurants, bars and fast food outlets;
and discharge of 20% to 30% of edible
parts of vegetable crops.
Discarded Parts and Product
Correction Factor
Marchetto et al. (2008) evaluated
the reuse of discarded parts of fruits
and vegetables, considered as losses.
Five fruits and five vegetables were
purchased and the edible portion of
their weight (mass) was calculated after
removing the inedible parts, such as
peels, seeds, peduncles. For fruits, the
discarded portion was 21.3% for papaya,
42.1% for watermelon, 45.3% for
pineapple, 45.7% for guava and 55.3%
for melon; while for vegetables, it was
15.2% for pumpkin, 18.2% for cassava
(Manihot esculenta), 19.3% for beet,
29% for chayote and 41.6% for zucchini.
Another concept to be considered
when studying FLW is the correction
factor (CF), used by nutritionists and
other professionals to determine the
ideal quantity and nutritional value of a
given food in the quantitative planning
of meals. The CF is an indicator of
waste, deined as the ratio between the
mass of the raw food, that is, how it
was purchased, and its net mass after
cleaning and preparing. Therefore, it
can be considered as an index of loss or
waste. Lemos et al. (2011) determined
the CF for leafy vegetables (lettuce,
escarole, endive, chicory, rocket,
water crest, mustard, cabbage, kale)
commercialized at the wholesale market
in Brasilia, Brazil, in four periods
GP Henz & G Porpino
(April, May, June, October). Correction
factors ranged from 1.75 to 2.75 for
watercress and from 1.11 to 1.15 for
cabbage. During postharvest handling
and marketing of leafy vegetables in
Brazil, trimming the damaged, crushed,
cut or diseased leaves is a very common
practice, and therefore, a source of loss.
Food Waste in Restaurants
There are several articles on food
waste in popular and institutional
restaurants in Brazil. In this segment,
waste involves several aspects, such as
parts of foods that are not actually used,
food prepared that are not consumed,
and leftovers in consumer’s dishes. Two
concepts widely used in these studies
are leftovers and remains. Leftovers
are food which was prepared, but not
served, being subdivided into usable
(clean) and non-usable (dirty). Remains
are all foods that were distributed but
not consumed, which should always
be discarded. Ingestion remains is the
ratio between the remains returned in
the dish and the amount of food served.
Generally, 3% of leftovers and up to
10% of ingestion remains are considered
acceptable loss levels.
Varela et al. (2015) evaluated the
cost of food waste in the restaurant of
the Federal University of Rio Grande do
Norte, in Natal, Northeast Brazil, one of
the 47 Brazilian university restaurants
subsidized by federal public funds.
The evaluation was performed for 61
days. The average amount of wasted
meals was 11% of the total. The mean
ingestion remains was 11.15%, ranging
from 5.58% to 20.71%. Food waste in
popular and institutional restaurants
results from inadequate meal planning,
daily user frequency, food preferences,
and employee training in preparing and
portioning foods. In a study carried out
at a popular restaurant in Santa Catarina
State, Parisoto et al. (2013) evaluated
the remains/indigestible index before
and after an intervention in the form
of food preparation sheets, nutritional
education of diners and training of
employees. As result, they obtained a
reduction in the remains/indigestible
index from 4.77% (before) to 3.39%
Organic Residues
In the period of August 1998 and
March 1999, a study was carried out
to understand the dynamics of food
losses and waste in Uberlândia, state of
Minas Gerais, then a medium-sized city
in Central Brazil, with about 400,000
inhabitants (Fehr & Romão, 2001).
Losses for fruits and vegetables were
estimated at 6.28% in the wholesale
market; 11% in retail, 11.67% in
street markets, 12.56% in grocery
stores and 8.76% in supermarkets.
Household waste was evaluated in two
residential buildings. Biodegradable
waste corresponded to 66.6% of the total
collected, 13.2% were characterized as
food waste and 86.6% as disposable
waste (Fehr & Romão, 2001). This is
one of the few Brazilian papers on FLW
cited abroad, having been published in
English in an international journal.
Another major source of organic
residues and food waste as well are
the open air food markets present all
over Brazil. In São Paulo capital, for
instance, the city council has estimated
that 160 tons of foods, mainly fruits and
vegetables, are wasted per day (Secom
SP, 2017) in street markets. São Paulo
metropolitan area has 871 open-air
markets and there is a clear opportunity
to assign the food surplus from these
venues for NGOs and other institutions
committed to assisting those in food
insecurity condition.
Residues generated at CEAGESP,
in São Paulo, the biggest and most
important wholesale market in Brazil,
were evaluated in 2012 and 2013
(Câmara et al., 2014). Waste was
classiied according to its destination in
four categories: garbage, composting,
recycling, and donation to food banks.
In 2013, 3.4 million tons were traded, of
which 96.8% were fruits and vegetables;
the rest were flowers and fish. The
total waste generated was 1.7%, most
of which was considered as garbage
(78.8%), and the other 21.2% could
be used for consumption, recycling or
composting. The products donated to the
food bank corresponded to 0.04% (2,072
t) and 0.06% (1,522 t) in 2012 and 2013,
respectively. The main products donated
were tomato, melon, onion and papaya.
The scientiic papers listed above are
just a few examples of some research
lines found in our search. Certainly, there
are much more publications on FLW
not retrievable with the speciic search
terms we used. Nevertheless, there are
relatively few scientiic papers. Most of
the information on the subject is press
editorials and news, followed by reports,
abstracts, theses and dissertations.
In Brazil, there are five social
classes, referred to by letters (A, B,
C, D, E), with diferent incomes and
characteristics. What is known as
“middle class” in Brazil is diferent in
several ways when compared to the US
or Europe. Much has been commented
on the rising of 40 million Brazilians
to a new low middle class, with a huge
impact on domestic consumption. In an
economy with rapid and unpredictable
changes, the impacts on inlation and
food prices pose an additional challenge
to understand consumer behaviors and
their efects on food production and
According to Maluf (1999), food
consumption in Brazil must take into
account the great social heterogeneity
that characterizes the country, due to
the high inequality of income, with a
diferent weight to food expenses in the
composition of household expenditures
in diferent strata of income. According
to IBGE, there was a decrease of
24.4% in annual household per capita
consumption of vegetables between
1987 and 1996 and of 23.29% for
tropical fruits, as opposed to an increase
in the consumption of biscuits (24.47%),
and beef (9.96%).
Although appreciation of food
perceived as sustainable is a consolidated
trend, there is also a large segment of
the population, notably in countries
such as Brazil, which is beginning to
enter the market and tends to consume
more processed food products. If
on the one hand there is the search
for green consumption, on the other,
the largest portion of the consumer
market of class C is abandoning diets
considered healthy, based on fresh
food. The inverse relationship between
income and consumption of processed
foods contributes to the growth of food
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
industries in Brazil, but, at the same
time, obesity levels have increased in
the low-income population. The trend
of fruit and vegetable consumption, for
example, is higher among the highest
income segment, which requires Brazil
to establish distribution strategies and
nutritional education to serve the lower
middle class.
Household Food Waste in Brazil
In Latin American countries,
household food waste is a growing
threat. Recently, FAO (2014) estimated
that 28% of the food reaching the end
of the chain is wasted by consumers,
a percentage equal to losses at the
production stage. It is likely that
individual analysis in each of the
countries in the region would give a
clearer picture of food waste, given the
socioeconomic and cultural diferences
among countries. These FAO data and
empirical evidence from recent studies
change the idea that consumer food
waste is a threat only to developed
nations (Porpino et al., 2015, 2016).
The Brazilian case seems to have
peculiarities when compared to other
emerging countries, although the
estimates of losses and food wastage
are very scarce in Brazil to provide
precise explanations. In addition to
substantial postharvest losses, a feature
similar to that of developing countries,
Brazilian households also discard
considerable amounts of food due to
cultural factors. Cooking more than
necessary and serving large portions
of foods is a common cultural trait
in some Latin countries. In Brazilian
households, in particular, abundant food
stocks are highly valued, and for lowincome families, it is a signal of wealth
(Porpino et al., 2015). Stockpiling food
products in abundance goes back to the
hyperinlation period of the 1980s and
early 1990s, but, in the low-income
context, it is also driven by the necessity
to assure that the most consumed foods,
such as rice, will last the entire month.
In an ethnographic study carried out
among 30 middle-low income families
in São Paulo and Brasília, Porpino et al.
(2015) identiied ive major categories
of food waste: (1) excessive purchasing,
(2) abundant preparation, (3) caring
for a pet, (4) leftovers avoidance and
(5) inadequate food preservation.
Empirical evidence also shows that
people responsible for food preparation
who have experienced scarcity in
the past tend to keep stocks high as a
precaution, and as a consequence tend
to prepare plentiful portions. Lowincome consumers tend also to be highly
socially connected in their communities,
and having too much food serves as a
guarantee that they can ofer food to
a neighbor or unexpected visitor, for
example. Having surplus foods is a
way of distancing oneself from the state
of poverty, and is also related to the
hospitality and afection by the family
(Porpino et al., 2015).
Up to this date (December 2017),
there is no approved regulatory
framework on food losses and waste
in Brazil. The National Congress is
bicameral, composed by the Federal
Senate (the Upper House) and the
Chamber of Deputies (the Lower
House). All proposed bills shall be
approved by the two Houses, after being
reviewed by thematic Commissions
involved on the subject. According
to the Brazilian 1998 Constitution,
parliamentary initiatives cannot increase
public spending (Fiscal Responsibility
Law). In addition, from a legislative
point of view, food waste is related to
environmental and food safety issues
and must consider the legal provisions
of other approved National Policies
and Regulatory Frameworks, such
as the Environmental Policy (1981),
Environmental Education (1999),
Climate Change (2009) and Solid Waste
(2010), as well as the National System
of Food and Nutrition Security (2006).
Federal Senate’s Legislative
Consultants Peixoto & Pinto (2016)
published a comprehensive report on
the socio-environmental, economic
and regulatory issues of food waste in
Brazil. In this document, they list all
the bills (around 29!) under discussion
in the Congress up to 2016, most
of them appended to more recent
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
and comprehensive bills. In 1997, a
“Brazilian Good Samaritan” law –
clearly inspired by the US Bill Emerson
Good Samaritan Food Donation Act of
1996 – was proposed to the National
Congress. The bill intended to exempt
from civil and criminal liability the
donation of food without the subsequent
characterization of intent or negligence.
Twenty years later, its approval is still
pending in the Congress.
Most of these bills on FLW are
basically related to food distribution
and consumption. These bills authorize
or, in general, require establishments
that trade food to donate to charitable
or philanthropic entities, food banks, or
directly to food insecure people. Donors
or receiving entities are responsible
for assessing food safety according
to Brazilian Public Health and Food
Quality standards. Donors are exempt
from possible harm to the health of
consumers in the absence of malice
or negligence. However, bills do not
eliminate the legal risks that donors are
submitted by the Civil and Consumer
Defense Codes, in case of health
problems of the donation recipients,
even if made in good faith (Peixoto &
Pinto, 2016).
More recently, the food processing
industry and retailers like supermarket
chains are complaining about the high
costs of donating food due to several
taxes and levies, since tax exemption
is limited to a percentage of the net
income. Governmental agencies are
against tax exemption for donation of
processed foods.
Another problem with the current
bills pending in the Congress is about
donation to food banks, which includes
only those that have speciically a social
purpose in their bylaws. If approved,
this bill would prevent all government
food banks and also “Mesa Brasil
SESC”, one of the largest and most
traditional parastatal network of food
banks in the country, from receiving
donations from supermarkets chains and
food industries.
In the absence of a regulatory
framework to fully support food
donation and reduce losses, Brazilian
GP Henz & G Porpino
society has found its own way of
dealing with the problem, as we try to
demonstrate next.
Public Policies to Tackle FLW
In Brazil, Food Security
and Nutrition public policies are
coordinated by the Ministry of Social
Development (“MDS - Ministério do
Desenvolvimento Social”). The irst
discussions on hunger and food security
date back to the 1940s. However,
only after the formal establishment
of the National Council for Food
Security (CONSEA) in 1993, several
governmental initiatives were adopted
to reduce food insecurity and improve
access to food. Since the 2000’s,
CONSEA created the National System
of Food Security and Nutrition (SISAN)
and launched the National Policy of
Food Security and Nutrition (PNSAN),
two National Plans and held five
National Conferences (MDS, 2017;
Machado, 2017a).
One of the most important policies
was the Zero Hunger Project (“Fome
Zero”, in Portuguese), a program
for the eradication of hunger and
misery launched in 2003 by the Federal
Government, which replaced the
Community Solidarity Program (Decree
Nr. 1.366 dated of 12 January 1995). The
actions of the program were classiied
into three types: (a) structural actions:
directed to reduce the deeper causes
of hunger and misery, by fostering
smallholders agriculture, intensiication
of agrarian reform, conceding school
grants and minimum income; (b)
speciic actions: taking care of families
in food insecurity situation; (c) local
actions: implemented by municipal
governments and civil society, such
as popular restaurants, food banks
and partnerships with retailers (Belik,
In 2015, a workshop entitled
“Formation of a network to reduce
food losses in Brazil” during the 5th
National Conference of Food Security
and Nutrition held in Campinas, state of
São Paulo, organized by the University
of Campinas (Unicamp) and Embrapa.
The workshop objectives included the
discussion of data and information
available on FLW; FLW causes and
impacts; public programs and successful
experiences and; the proposal of an
implementing agenda (Machado,
Below, we briefly describe some
of these initiatives as examples of
public policies with positive impacts in
reducing FLW:
National School Feeding Program
The Program was established by
Law Nr. 11.947/2009 and earmarks at
least 30% of the financial resources
transferred from the National Education
Development Fund (FNDE) for school
meals to purchase food from smallholder
farmers through the Food Procurement
Program (PAA). The purchase of food
will preferably be carried out in the same
municipality of schools, with priority for
agrarian reform settlements, traditional
indigenous communities and African
descent communities (“quilombolas”,
in Portuguese). In 2012, the government
spent R$ 839 million (around US$
256 million) on the program. Due to
political changes and economic crises,
PAA budget sufered a 66% cut in only
one year, from R$ 439 million (US$ 134
million) in 2016 to R$ 150 million (US$
45 million) in 2017.
Brazilian Network of Food Banks
The Brazilian Network of Food
Banks was created to strengthen and
integrate the performance of food
banks and help to the reduction and
prevention of food waste. The Network
was oicially established on April 15th,
2016 and is coordinated by the Brazilian
Ministry of Social Development
(MDS). Food banks under federal,
state or municipal governments can
join the Network, as well as stateowned wholesale markets and civil
society organizations. Federal public
education and research institutions that
develop studies and technologies for
food banks and other entities of the
National System of Food and Nutrition
Security (SISAN) can also integrate
it. Currently, there are 249 food banks
identiied by the network. Of these, 83
were funded by MDS. Banks receive
donations of food considered to be nonstandard for marketing, but adequate
for consumption. Food is passed on to
non-proit civil society institutions that
produce and distribute free meals to
people in situation of food vulnerability.
Popular restaurants
There is a federal government policy
that stimulates municipal and state
governments to implement popular
public restaurants. The target audience is
families and people at risk of nutritional
insecurity. Local public government
is responsible for the management,
and goals were set to a minimum
production of 1,000 meals a day at
lunchtime, for at least ive days a week.
There is no standard for the amount
charged for meals since the operation
is under the responsibility of the local
public authority. The Ministry of
Social Development only recommends
charging afordable prices to the lowincome population of the region, and
meals should be good, proper and
healthy. The price of meals has been
varying between R$ 1.00 and R$ 2.00
(approximately US$ 0.30 to US$ 0.60).
Non-Governmental Initiatives
Brazilian civil society is learning how
to get involved in important social issues
and also take action. It is impressive the
number of non-governmental initiatives
to reduce food loss and improve food
security in Brazil, with companies, class
associations, NGOs and other entities
leading diferent projects.
Food Banks
The irst food banks in Brazil were
NGO “Banco de Alimentos”, in São
Paulo, “Mesa Brasil SESC”, in Rio de
Janeiro, and “Banco de Alimentos do
Rio Grande do Sul”, in Porto Alegre.
The irst governmental food bank was
established in 2000 by the municipality
of Santo André, in the state of São Paulo.
Since the launch of the Zero Hunger
Program, funds have been made available
for the implementation of several food
banks now operating in many Brazilian
cities. Food banks in Brazil operate in
distinct ways, depending on their legal
igure (governmental, private, NGO,
parastatal, class association) and have
diferent sizes and goals. Some work
as national networks (Mesa Brasil
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
Sesc) or regional networks (Banco de
Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul), others
operate from wholesale markets (Banco
CEAGESP de Alimentos) or by NGOs
(Banco de Alimentos), but most of them
belong to municipalities. Below we will
briely describe just a few of them as
examples of the diversity of initiatives.
a) Banco de Alimentos (www. Banco
de Alimentos is an NGO created to
eliminate food waste and reduce
hunger. To do this, they carry out the
so-called urban harvest, collecting
food in perfect condition that would
be discarded as surplus in several
commercial establishments (restaurants,
bakeries, grocery stores, etc.) that are
collected and redistributed to charities.
They also ofer lectures and workshops
to raise awareness among citizens
and companies about sustainable
consumption. Banco de Alimentos
has 50 registered donors, serves 42
institutions and distributes 30 tons of
food per month to 22,000 beneiciaries.
b) Mesa Brasil SESC (www. food and
nutritional security program of the
Social Service of Commerce (SESC), a
Brazilian non-proit private institution.
Mesa Brasil was created in 2003
based on educational actions and
food distribution surplus or out of
commercial standards. It is a national
network of food banks that aims to
reduce hunger and food waste. The
program helps about 1.6 million people
in 523 Brazilian cities and serves 6,000
entities with the participation of 3,000
companies and individuals (SESC,
c) Rede de Bancos de Alimentos
d o R i o G r a n d e d o S u l ( w w w. The
Network of Food Banks of the state of
Rio Grande do Sul was created in 2007
with the objective of supporting and
stimulating the creation of new Food
Banks in Brazil, as well as strengthening
the existing ones. The Network is
supported by many private companies,
such as banks, supermarket chains,
food industries, class associations,
TV networks, real state companies,
universities, among others. Currently,
the Network has 22 Associated Food
Banks in the state of Rio Grande
do Sul and one in Rio de Janeiro,
which together beneit 900 institutions,
donating approximately 500 tons of food
per month.
d) Banco CEAGESP de Alimentos
São Paulo city, is the main wholesale
market in Brazil, with eleven units
all over the state of São Paulo.
Banco CEAGESP de Alimentos was
created in 2003 to collect, select and
distribute foods ofered by producers
and wholesale merchants (CEAGESP
permission holders) to social entities
in the state of São Paulo. In recent
years, 166 tons of food per month
has been distributed to more than 160
institutions, in addition to banks located
in other municipalities. The discards
unit for consumption are transformed
into organic fertilizer by composting.
CEAGESP also promotes the recycling
of straw, wood, iron and carton boxes.
In 2012, the food bank collected 2,000
tons and served approximately 370,000
beneiciaries per month (Fagundes et
al., 2012).
Business citizenship
In 2005, the “Instituto Ethos de
Empresas e Responsabilidade Social”
published a document entitled “O
Compromisso das Empresas com o
Combate ao Desperdício de Alimentos
- Banco de Alimentos, Colheita Urbana
e Outras Ações” (The Commitment
of Companies to Tackle Food Waste Food Banks, Urban Harvest and Other
Actions). The document is the outcome
of a partnership and collaborative work
between Embrapa, the Gerdau Group,
Nestlé Brazil, “Associação de Apoio
a Políticas de Segurança Alimentar”,
“Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo
Consciente” and SESC (Gonçalves,
2005). The publication covers several
relevant issues related to FLW, such
as food security policies, social costs
of waste, causes and consequences
of losses, food surplus utilization
programs, business solidarity, food
banks and urban harvest, partnerships
and corporate citizenship, legislation,
and initiatives of Brazilian companies
against food waste (Gonçalves, 2005).
The publication definitively marks
the interest and support of private
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
companies in public food security
policies and the development of new
horizons of their performance in terms
of social responsibility.
ABRAS (Brazilian Association of
Since 2009, ABRAS has been
publishing an annual report on losses in
the retail sector, including food. In 2016,
399 enterprises with 4,242 stores and
27,158 checkouts joined the loss survey
(ABRAS, 2017). Of these, 39% were
small supermarkets (stores less than 500
m2). The enterprises had a gross income
of R$ 58 billion (around US$ 18 billion)
in 2016. Perishables ranked irst in losses
(6.09% of gross income), followed by
bakery (4.7%), ready-cooked meals
(3.99%), ish (3.26%) and meat (3.07%).
The Association also has a Committee
on Loss Prevention, which ofers regular
training to retail employees. ABRAS
actively participates in discussions
about the legal framework for food
Civil Society Initiatives
In the last couple of years, there
is an increasing awareness on FLW
in Brazilian society, particularly in
metropolitan areas. Individuals and
NGOs are engaged in inding creative
solutions towards a more sustainable
way of life and at same time tackle
hunger and food waste. We list just some
we ind on the web as examples:
“Comida Invisível” (Invisible
Food, https//
br): NGO engaged in education
campaigns against food waste through
workshops, courses, lectures and digital
channels. They recently developed
an app that facilitates food donation,
connecting donors to recipients in a
map. Restaurants, bars, supermarkets,
hotels and other donors can register for
food donation, with validity, date and
form of delivery. After being registered
in the system, food becomes available
to institutions that prepare or distribute
it in the vicinity. When a donation is
accepted, the donor conirms whether
the food will be delivered or should be
“Fruta Imperfeita” (Imperfect
Fruit, https//
internet business that tackles food waste
GP Henz & G Porpino
through the dissemination of conscious
consumption acting as a connecting
agent between smallholder growers
and consumers. They have 850 clients
that can choose from 14 non-standard
perishable products to be delivered on a
weekly basis in recyclable carton boxes.
In a two-year period, they saved more
than 300 tons of fruits and vegetables
and reused 25,000 units of carton boxes.
International Initiatives in Brazil
“SaveFood Brasil”
SaveFood is a joint initiative of
FAO, UNEP, Messe Düsseldorf Group
and Interpack that periodically brings
together businessmen, politicians and
researchers to stimulate dialogue and
ind solutions to reduce losses in food
value chains. In Brazil, the initiative is
coordinated by the FAO Oice in Brazil,
WRI Brasil and Embrapa. Its objectives
are: (1) to form a national network of
specialists, active and interested in the
theme of “reducing food losses and
waste”; (2) to stimulate and facilitate
inter-sectoral dialogue, disseminating
best practices and innovation processes
in the area; (3) to inform the network
about contents, news and relevant
events; and (4) to raise awareness about
the subject. SaveFood Brasil website
displays news, infographics, reports,
bulletins, events, videos and quizzes on
FLW (SaveFood Brasil, 2017).
“Slow Food Brasil”
The Slow Food movement is a
proposal of a new gastronomy, in clear
opposition to the ubiquitous global
system of fast food. Carlo Petrini,
the movement founder, delegates to
the gastronomer a new role, that of
“co-producer”, that is, someone who
knows in depth the agriculture and
livestock, the conditions of ield workers
and the origin of the food, instead of
being the usual final element of the
food production chain (Petrini, 2009).
In Brazil, the organization maintains
a website with news, campaigns,
publications, recipes and other useful
information (Slow Food Brasil, 2017).
Slow Food Brasil organizes events such
as “Terra Madre Brasil”, with debates
and workshops and conferences on
family and organic agriculture, as well
as fair and exhibition of products, keeps
records of Brazilian communities by
region and carries out education and
awareness campaigns, serving in festive
events food prepared from discarded
vegetables (“Disco Xepa”).
The “Ugly Fruit” campaign
This movement demystifies the
issue of the impeccable appearance
of vegetables adopted in marketing,
such as uniform size, shape and color,
shifting the focus to nutritional quality
and mode of production. Fruits and
vegetables are usually commercialized
through strict classiication systems,
which determine their market value.
Non-standard products, which are
irregularly shaped, have diferent sizes
and maturity, are usually discarded,
directed for processing or marketed at
a lower price. If all types of products
are ofered on the market, regardless of
their appearance, the trend is to increase
supply, balance prices and reduce
postharvest losses throughout the chain.
Farmers can improve their incomes and
make their production more sustainable.
In the ‘ugly fruit’ campaign, nonstandard products are sold cheaper. In
Rio de Janeiro, supermarkets “Zona Sul”
and SuperPrix” have already engaged
in similar programs. In November
2017, Carrefour announced launching
this campaign in Brazil, whose name is
“Único” (meaning unique or distinct in
Penalty for food waste in
France recently adopted fines
for supermarkets with stores with
an area of over 400 m2 that discard
food. Establishments are obliged to
donate non-commercialized but still
consumable food to charities, for
use as animal feed or agricultural
composting in order not to suffer
penalties. Inspired by recent French
legislation, the governor of the Federal
District in Brazil approved on August 8,
2016, Law Nr. 5694 aimed at preventing
food wastage in local supermarkets and
hypermarkets. The bill was proposed
in October 2015 and determines that
supermarkets and hypermarkets with
an area greater than 400 m 2 in the
Federal District should prevent and
avoid wasting food whose expiration
date is close to expiration. Food stocks
that are not sold should go to charities
or to social welfare. Leftovers can also
be used for animal feed and composts.
Fines of up to R$ 10.000,00 (around
US$ 3,000) are foreseen in case of
breach of the law. Apparently, the new
law is not been enforced till this date.
2017: A M E M O R A B L E Y E A R
We regard 2017 as a remarkable year
because FLW was inally established in
the government’s agenda, with many
positive outcomes. Furthermore, the
subject was also discussed in meetings
and seminars with relevant stakeholders
and the civil society, generating greater
awareness and attracting media interest,
amid the current political and economic
crises. Our opinion is based on the
following events:
CAISAN’s Technical Committee
on FLW
Since 1993, the Brazilian
government has been issuing several
positive policies to foster food and
nutritional security in the country. The
Interministerial Committee for Food
Security and Nutrition (CAISAN)
is composed of 20 Ministries and
Secretariats and other stakeholders.
CAISAN launched two National Plans
and held five National Conferences
on Food Security and Nutrition. In
March 2017, the government oicially
established the Technical Committee
on FLW by a CAISAN’s resolution
published on the Government Gazette.
The Technical Committee was composed
of relevant stakeholders representing
both government and private sectors and
had held several meetings throughout
this year. In August 2017, the Technical
Committee proposed a draft of a national
plan with four pillars: (a) Research
and Technological Innovation; (b)
Education and Communication; (c)
Promoting Public Policies; and (d)
Legal Framework. This draft proposal
was approved during the last CAISAN’s
meeting on November 27th, 2017. By
the end of December 2017, CAISAN
is expected to officially launch the
National Strategy to Reduce FLW
by publicizing it on the Government
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
Food losses and waste: how Brazil is facing this global challenge?
FAO Brasil
In 2017, FAO’s Brazilian office,
in Brasília, contracted an external
consultant (Project TCP/IRLA/3610/
C2) to make an inventory on the situation
of FLW in Brazil, in order to support the
FLW Technical Committee activities.
Consultancy goals were (a) to attend and
participate in the meetings of Technical
Committee on FLW; (b) to prepare a
comprehensive report on food losses and
waste situation in Brazil, with a survey
of loss measurement methodologies; (c)
to identify stakeholders involved with
the theme in Brazil (public, private,
NGOs); (d) to map existing guidelines
and strategies in food security and FLW;
(e) to propose a strategic alignment
of governmental actions to reduce
FLW; (f) to draw up a proposal and
validate an action plan to curb FLW
(Machado, 2017a). Two outcomes of
the consultancy were a comprehensive
review on FLW in Brazil published
as a report (Machado, 2017a) and a
proposal of a strategy of action of the
government and civil society to tackle
FLW (Machado, 2017b). Both reports
were presented and discussed with
stakeholders during meetings of the
FLW Technical Committee.
SaveFood Brasil Meeting
In September 2017, SaveFood
Brasil organized a meeting in São
Paulo to discuss challenges to reduce
FLW in Brazil, in a partnership with
Embrapa and the World Resources
Institute (WRI). Forty stakeholders
from government, public and private
enterprises, NGOs, universities, FAO,
class and trade associations were
present at the meeting. Strategies to
curb FLW in Brazil were divided into
three panels: (a) measurement; (b)
legislation, food donation, and food
banks; (c) technology and innovation
(SaveFood Brasil, 2017). A Portuguese
version of WRI’s executive summary of
the “Food Loss and Waste Accounting
and Reporting Standard” report was
oicially launched by Dr. Kai Robertson
during the meeting.
European Union – Brazil Sector
Dialogues on Food Waste Reduction
Project “Sem Desperdício” (No
Waste, in Portuguese) is part of
Sector Dialogues platform, a strategic
partnership between the European
Union and Brazil to promote the
exchange of knowledge, experiences
and best practices on topics of mutual
interest. Food losses and waste were
selected as an important subject for
further discussion and exchange of
experiences. The European Union
delegation invited member countries
Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, France,
Belgium, Spain and Germany to engage
with the project. The irst activity was
a Seminar held in Rio de Janeiro on
October 31st 2017, and its main goal
was to broaden the discussion and
sharing of experiences to reduce losses
and waste of food. The event discussed
national strategies and other instruments
aimed at the food industry, retail and
consumer, that is, for the inal stages
of the food chain. To address speciic
practices or broader strategies already
in place, success stories from European
countries were presented that can be
implemented elsewhere and serve as a
basis for structuring actions (Embrapa,
2017). As part of the same project, a
mission to Europe was organized and
new opportunities to take action are
being delineated between Brazil and EU
member states.
- Presently, food waste has been
arousing more attention than postharvest
losses in the media (press, broadcasting).
Nevertheless, there are few data, igures
and relevant information available
on FLW, as well as few scientific
- There has been progress
in public policies to reduce losses
and food waste in the last decade,
such as the implementation of food
security policies, social grants, popular
restaurants and food banks. Some of
the successful food security programs
are in jeopardy because of political
changes in government and economic
and social crises;
- A constant challenge in Brazil is
how to reduce food waste in the face of
cyclical economic and social crises in a
society with great social heterogeneity
Hortic. bras., Brasília, v.35, n.4, October-December 2017
and high income inequality, while at the
same time promoting the sustainability
of supply chains and ensuring food
- Household food waste is a social
phenomenon that is only now beginning
to be studied and better understood.
Brazilian low-income consumers
paradoxically waste food because
of ive major antecedents: excessive
purchasing, over-preparation, caring
for a pet, avoidance in consuming
clean leftovers from previous meals and
inappropriate food conservation;
- Non-governmental entities are
fully engaged in FLW reduction, as
the impressive number of food banks
operating in the country and other
relevant initiatives point out;
- Educational campaigns to reduce
FLW may have an important role and
positive effects on the near future,
particularly strategies and nutritional
education to serve the lower middle
- The role of the government in
reducing FLW must involve removing
the “red tape” necessary for increasing
food donations, establishing publicprivate partnerships to increase the food
banks network and implementing social
marketing and nutritional educational
campaigns aimed at changing consumer
- While signiicantly reducing food
losses demand investments in agrologistics, a decrease in food waste
might be reached with public and
private sector actors working together
in awareness-raising campaigns and
the implementation of new business
- One of the main risks of the
to-be-approved national regulatory
framework on food losses and waste is
to be ignored or not complied with. As
seen in previous cases involving legal
frameworks issued by the Congress,
in those cases where laws are too
restrictive or punitive, Brazilian civil
society or stakeholders simply do not
ABRAS. 2017. Associação Brasileira de
GP Henz & G Porpino
Supermercados. 17a Avaliação de Perdas no
Varejo Brasileiro de Supermercados. Available
in Accessed in November
12, 2017.
AGROSTAT. Estatísticas do comércio exterior
do agronegócio brasileiro. Available at
AGROSTAT.html. Accessed in November
17, 2017.
BELIK, W. 2012a. A política brasileira de
segurança alimentar e nutricional: concepção e
resultados. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional
19: 94-110.
BELIK, W. 2012b. Perspectivas para segurança
alimentar e nutricional no Brasil. Saúde e
Sociedade 12: 12-20.
SZARFARC, SC. 2014. Caracterização
dos resíduos gerados na CEASA paulistana
sob a ótica da saúde ambiental e segurança
alimentar. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional
EMBRAPA. 2017. União Européia e Brasil
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