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No entendemos qué es canibalismo, 2024
En esta introducción, hago un breve repaso de cómo el mundo académico mesoamericano y más allá ha tratado el canibalismo prehispánico. In this introduction, I give a short overview of how the mesoamerican academic world and beyond has treated prehispanic cannibalism
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 2024
Latin America has seen both recurrent crises and a surprising resilience of its regional organizations. This article explores how different approaches have attempted to explain this seemingly paradoxical record. Combining insights from European Union (EU) studies and comparative regionalism, we ask whether neofunctionalism as a theoretical approach developed for the study of the EU can travel across the Atlantic and enrich the analysis of Latin American regionalism. Neofunctionalist theorists posited that functional spillover could lead to politicization and subsequent deepening of regional integration. But while spillover has been the engine of European integration, it has never been a real option in Latin America. Past applications of neofunctionalist approaches to Latin American regionalism have therefore above all revealed its limitations. Comparative regionalism approaches fared better in that they identified characteristics that account for the repeated crises of Latin American regional organizations. However, this article suggests that the "secondbest" strategies mentioned in neofunctionalist analyses, such as encapsulation, spillaround, or even spillback, can help explain the resilience of regionalism in Latin America. While those strategies posed an obstacle to deeper integration, as shown by classical neofunctionalist studies, we draw on a set of case studies to illustrate that Latin American regionalism survived through expansion (spill-around) rather than deepening (spillover), as well as through encapsulation and, in some cases, even spillback. A new reading of neofunctionalism therefore helps to explain the resilience of Latin American regionalism under adverse conditions.
L'Afrique du Nord est un socle de données partagées, aussi bien naturelles qu'humaines. Les géographes ne me démentiront pas qui décrivent le double plissement atlasique comme la charpente qui porte cette sorte de sous-continent (de péninsule ?) vers le nord, l'extrayant du puissant contexte saharien pour l'accrocher au domaine méditerranéen. Cela concerne les pays de la façade méditerranéenne et inclut donc, à l'est, la Libye, où vient mourir l'Atlas méridional avec les modestes reliefs du Jabal Nafûsa et du Jabal Al-Akhdar, entre mer et désert. Non plus que les historiens. Un même fond de populations, Imazighen ou Arabes, dont les mêmes branches se retrouvent partout, d'est en ouest. Il n'est pas jusqu'à un commandement unique qui ne les aient jadis réunis. Une société marquée par quatre milieux, à la fois naturels et humains, qui la fondent : la ville, la montagne, la steppe-et-le-désert, l'oasis. Milieux qui ont modelé quatre types d'hommes-bâtisseurs, à des degrés et selon des équilibres variés, du Maghreb. Mohamed Naciri, géographe, ne manque pas d'intégrer la longue durée dans ses analyses : « (…) Mais c'est tout récemment qu'on a pris conscience, d'une manière aiguë, de l'importance de la dimension montagnarde du Maroc, au même titre que ses trois autres dimensions : méditerranéenne, saharienne et atlantique (…) qui caractérisent la structure de l'espace marocain » 1. Un ensemble où la diversité n'est pas absente, avec des particularités régionales nombreuses à l'intérieur des frontières mais qui ont souvent aussi leurs homologues de part et d'autre de ces frontières. Ce sont ces homologies que j'ai été amené à reconnaître dans trois des pays du Maghreb.
Biosemiotics, 2012
In C. S. Peirce, as well as in the work of many biosemioticians, the semiotic object is sometimes described as a physical “object ” with material properties and sometimes described as an “ideal object” or mental representation. I argue that to the extent that we can avoid these types of characterizations we will have a more scientific definition of sign use and will be able to better integrate the various fields that interact with biosemiotics. In an effort to end Cartesian dualism in semiotics,which has been the main obstacle to a scientific biosemiotics, I present an argument that the “semiotic object” is always ultimately the objective of self-affirmation (of habits, physical or mental) and/or self-preservation. Therefore, I propose a new model for the sign triad: response-sign-objective. With this new model it is clear, as I will show, that self-mistaking (not self-negation as others have proposed) makes learning,creativity and purposeful action possible via signs. I define an “interpretation” as a response to something as if it were a sign, but whose semiotic objective does not, in fact, exist. If the response-as-interpretation turns out to be beneficial for the system after all, there is biopoiesis. When the response is not “interpretive,” but self-confirming in the usual way, there is bio semiosis. While the conditions conducive to fruitful misinterpretation (e.g. ,accidental similarity of non-signs to signs and/or contiguity of non-signs to self-sustaining processes) might be artificially enhanced,according to this theory, the outcomes would be, by nature, more or less uncontrollable and unpredictable. Nevertheless, biosemiotics could be instrumental in the manipulation and/or artificial creation of purposeful systems insofar as it can describe a formula for the conditions under which new objectives and novel purposeful behavior may emerge, however unpredictably.
Diabetologia Hungarica
Land, 2018
Statutory recognition of rural communities as collective owners of their lands is substantial, expanding, and an increasingly accepted element of property relations. The conventional meaning of property in land itself is changing, allowing for a greater diversity of attributes without impairing legal protection. General identified trends include: (1) declining attempts to deny that community lands are property on the grounds that they may not be sold or are owned collectively; (2) increased provision for communities to be registered owners to the same degree as individual and corporate persons; (3) a rise in number of laws catering specifically to the identification, registration and governance of community property; and (4) in laws that acknowledge that community property may exist whether or not it has been registered, and that registration formalizes rather than creates property in these cases. The research examined the laws of 100 countries to ascertain the status of lands which social communities, either traditionally or in more contemporary arrangements, deem to be their own. Sampling is broadly consistent with numbers of countries per region. The constitutions of all 100 countries were examined. The land laws of 61 countries were scrutinized. Secondary sources were used for 39 countries, mainly due to laws not being available in English. The main secondary source used was LandMark, whose data is publicly available at
4 h a r va r d deusto business r e v i e w f e b r e r o 2010 5
Bruylant, 2024
La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne exploite sa qualité d’interprète du droit de l’Union pour promouvoir les effets des différentes sources du droit international dans l’ordre juridique dont elle est la juridiction suprême. La technique de l’interprétation conforme, qui permet de prendre en considération le droit international pour déterminer le sens des règles de droit de l’Union, est exploitée à cette fin. L’usage de cette technique interprétative est une obligation dont les fondements sont diversifiés et s’adaptent à la nature de la norme internationale employée comme référentiel d’interprétation. Sa pratique contribue l’homogénéisation des règles véhiculées par le droit international général, les accords internationaux, le droit de l’Union et le droit des États membres. Cet ordonnancement par l’interprétation du pluralisme juridique est permis par l’influence que la Cour de justice reconnaît au droit international sur la détermination du champ d’application et du niveau de protection des règles de droit de l’Union. Cette influence du droit international sur le droit de l’Union donne tendanciellement lieu à une promotion de la protection juridictionnelle des droits issus de ce dernier. La doctrine de l’interprétation conforme dynamise dans le même mouvement l’effectivité des règles de droit international qui bénéficient indirectement de la primauté et de l’effet direct des normes de droit de l’Union européenne interprétées à leur lumière. En définitive, le présent ouvrage démontre que la Cour de justice fait un usage de son monopole d’interprétation authentique du droit de l’Union propice au respect du droit international par les institutions de l’Union européenne et les États membres.
Development of a Fitness for Purpose Assessment-the creation of a tool to assist service managers in determining if buildings that support their services are appropriate Collection of Building Utilisation Data-investigate systems and processes to collect utilisation data for Council's building network to assist in identifying rationalisation opportunities Development of Building Service Levels-joint review of the draft service levels (refer Attachment 13.10) by the responsible officers so that agreement on the standard can be reached, defined and delivered Provision of Demand and Trend Analysis Training-that each Service Manager be trained in analysing and assessing the drivers and demand for their services which will inform their Service Plans and asset needs Investigation of Building Demand Management Strategies-responsible officers consider and develop demand management strategies to relieve pressure on existing buildings and improve utilisation for others without needing to increase building numbers Define Property Management Roles and Responsibilities-stakeholder discussions need to be held so that agreement can be reached regarding the roles and responsibilities of each department with respect to property management for all properties within Council's asset portfolio. The property management approach must be aligned with the objectives of Council's adopted Asset Management Policy and Strategy and aligned with desired service outcomes and community needs Address Building Issues as Listed in Council's Risk Register-the responsible officers consider the building risk register in section 8.3 and implements mitigating measures to reduce and eliminate the risk where Renewal and New/Upgrade Ranking Criteria & Review of Current Programs-Develop transparent renewal ranking criteria for use in the development of the building renewal programs. Use the building hierarchy scores (which reflect the building criticality. Review the current capital renewal programs and align with proposed funding requirements. Undertake 4 year cycle of Fitness For Purpose Audits-When Fitness for Purpose Criteria have been set in Service Plans, undertake these audits to identify gaps and inform upgrade, expansion, disposal and collocation decisions. Project Management Framework Implementation-Develop and implement policies, processes, procedures and systems to fully support the implementation of the Project Management Framework a. Formalising the approach to ensuring that input from Facilities team is part of the design process by ensuring that they are invited to design team meetings. b. Standardised protocols regarding, commissioning, testing, and the format and completeness of O&M manuals. c. Building asset handover process. d. Establish a stronger, more transparent link between service planning and the feasibility of: i. building disposals, and ii. building creation, upgrade and expansion projects ID ACTION Provision of Facilities Management Training-educate and skill responsible officer in best practice facilities management Establish Schedule of Rates SubContractor Panels-for single trades like painting and carpet replacement. Implementation of a Asset Option Analysis Philosophy-when considering the creation or acquisition of an asset that the service and asset managers undertake an Asset Options Analysis to determine the best asset provision option Endorse the Option Four Service Delivery Model for Maintenance-that Council endorses Option Four of the Facilities Management Contract Review and recommendation as provided in section 9.3.4 and implements with the forthcoming tendering of the new maintenance contract and addresses issues as identified in Chapter 5. Application of Funding Within the Correct Capital Works Budget Stream-resist utilising renewal funding to address fitness for purpose issues (new, upgrade and expansion works) Improve Capital Works Project Planning-so that there is more integration of the timing and scope of the 20 year building renewal programs with new, upgrade and building expansion projects. This will enable better use of non-discretionary renewal funds whilst simultaneously improving building condition and functionality. Define the Roles and Responsibilities of all Integrating (enablers) Departments-to ensure there is consistency and alignment with common objectives that support service and asset managers Review Council's existing Carbon Neutral Action Plan (mitigation)-and develop a new prioritised investment plan for energy and water conservation measures in Council buildings Review Council's Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan (adaptation)-investigate new and emerging risks and keep abreast of research to inform changes to the design or management of Council buildings to prepare for a changing climate Implement and Monitor Council's ESD Standards for Council Buildings-continue to ensure that all new buildings, major upgrade and expansion works incorporate and adhere to the Environmental Sustainable Design standards Undertake Energy and Water Conservation Audits-to develop a new prioritised investment plan for Council buildings Continue to Undertake Monitoring and Reporting on Energy, Water Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions-from Council operated facilities Continue to Invest in Alternative Energy-for Council buildings to progress towards carbon neutrality and mitigate the cost of utilities Adopt the Optimum Lifecycle Funding Scenario-as the tactic for future funding of the building portfolio Continuously Review the Building Renewal Modelling-in depth prior to the completion of the next condition audit and subsequent development of the next version of the asset management plan ID ACTION Continue to Work Towards Reducing the Reactive Maintenance Cost-by actively monitoring the next maintenance contract and reducing requests by Council personnel for the Contractor to complete 'out of scope' services 44 Prioritise Compliance and Renewal Works-Council to focus its attention on BCA and DDA compliance work and renewal of the building stock 2.7.1
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Journal of Economics and Social Studies
Lurralde. Investigación y Espacio, 2023
Educar em Revista, 2017
Applied Network Science, 2020
Mathematica Slovaca, 2009
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020
Nature, 1994
European Heart Journal Supplements
Journal of Chemistry, 2021
Psychiatry Investigation
International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2000