Structural Integrity 2018, September 6-7, 2018, Aberdeen, UK

Structural Integrity 2018 1st International Conference on Structural Integrity of Offshore Energy Industry, Aberdeen, September 6-7, 2018, Structural Integrity 2018 will be a 'boutique' conferences with some 50 papers and 100 participants, and strongly cantered around its topic. It will bring together a 50/50 mix of international academics and industry, facilitating interactions between the two sectors. The marine, offshore and subsea energy industry continues to evolve creating new challenges and risks for the safety, integrity and reliability of its structures and systems. For example, wells are being drilled at greater depths, pressures and temperatures, requiring enhanced assessment of the integrity of structures and systems in such extreme conditions. There is a push to expand operations into new locations such as the Arctic, where environmental and operational conditions are considerably harsher. Many assets in the North Sea are rapidly reaching or have already exceeded their original design life and safe but affordable life extension and decommissioning are becoming major objectives. The recent rapid developments in renewable energy technologies have introduced new challenges of maintaining at minimum cost the reliability and integrity of structures and equipment in remote locations and subjected to extreme loads and environmental conditions. There are also exciting new opportunities, but also significant challenges and uncertainties, in applying structural health and condition monitoring and the novel concepts of additive manufacturing and big data to safety and structural integrity. These and many additional themes will be covered during the conference through survey, focused and/or case studies presentations from the practitioners and researchers in the art and science of structural integrity. Keynote and invited lectures from eminent members of the structural integrity community will also be part of the program. The list of confirmed keynote and invited speakers includes: - Prof. John Sorensen (Aalborg University, Denmark), - Prof. Isabel Hadley (TWI, UK), - Ulf Tyge Tygesen (Ramboll, Denmark), - Dr Ramsay Fraser (BP, UK), - Dr Yuri Tkach (Wood, UK), - Einar Landet, DNVGL, and Special issues of two major-publisher, per-reviewed, international journals will be prepared comprising extended versions of selected papers presented at the conference, as follows: - Elsevier’s International Journal of Fatigue for papers focusing on fatigue. See call for papers at - Taylor & Francis’ Journal of Structural Integrity and Management for all other conference themes Conference Themes: · Fatigue, fracture and corrosion · Deterministic deterioration models and analysis · Probabilistic deterioration models and analysis · Dealing with uncertainty in structural integrity assessment · Structural integrity under extreme loads and in extreme environments · Structural integrity of fixed, floating and submerged structures · Structural integrity of pipes and risers · Structural integrity of wind and tidal turbines and wave energy extractors · Life-cycle assessment, asset integrity management decisions and optimization · Safe and efficient asset life extension · Structural integrity in decommissioning · Reusable structures and repowering · Design for extended safe lifespan · Component and system reliability · Probabilistic computational mechanics · Multi-scale material, defect and damage modelling · Structural health and condition monitoring · Intelligent use of monitored data · ‘Digital twins’ for structural integrity · Structural integrity of additively manufactured materials · Case studies in structural integrity, safety and reliability We would also like to encourage you and your collaborators and students to submit abstracts, and later papers, and attend the conference. Group discounts may be discussed for larger groups of attendees with shared affiliation. We hope to welcome you to Aberdeen in September. Kind regards, Organizers: Prof. Purnendu Das (ASRANET Dr Piotr Omenzetter (University of Aberdeen, UK, [email protected],

STRUCURAL INTEGRITY SI 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FOR OFFSHORE ENERGY INDUSTRY - SEPTEMBER DOUBLETREE BY HILTON 161 SPRINGFIELD ROAD ABERDEEN, UK PROGRAMME ABOUT SI 8 The a i e, ofsho e a d su sea e e g i dust o i ues to e ol e eai g e halle ges a d isks fo the safet , i teg it a d elia ilit of its st u tu es a d s ste s. Fo e a ple, ells a e ei g d illed at g eate depths, p essu es a d te pe atu es, e ui i g e ha ed assess e t of the i teg it of st u tu es a d s ste s i su h e t e e o diio s. The e is a push to e pa d ope aio s i to e lo aio s su h as the A i , he e e i o e tal a d ope aio al o diio s a e o side a l ha she . Ma assets i the No th Sea a e apidl ea hi g o ha e al ead e eeded thei o igi al desig life a d safe ut afo da le life e te sio a d de o issio i g a e e o i g ajo o je i es. The e e t apid de elop e ts i e e a le e e g te h ologies ha e i t odu ed e halle ges of ai tai i g at i i u ost the elia ilit a d i teg it of st u tu es a d e uipe t i e ote lo aio s a d su je ted to e t e e loads a d e i o e tal o diio s. The e a e also e ii g e oppo tu iies, ut also sig iia t halle ges a d u e tai ies, i appl i g st u tu al health a d o diio o ito i g, o oi s a d the o el o epts of addii e a ufa tu i g a d ig data to safet a d st u tu al i teg it . These a d a addiio al t adiio al a d e e gi g the es ill e o e ed du i g the o fe e e th ough su e , fo used a d/o ase stud p ese taio s f o the p a iio e s a d esea he s i the a t a d s ie e of st u tu al i teg it . The o fe e e ill i g togethe esea he s a d p a iio e s to dis uss a d add ess the u e t a d e e gi g issues a d halle ges, as ell as sha e su esses a d state-of-the-a t a d p a i e, i st u tu al i teg it , safet a d elia ilit of e e g i dust ’s a i e, ofsho e a d su sea st u tu es a d s ste s. It ill featu e ke ote a d i ited pape s p o idi g oade o e ie s of the ai o te po a the es as ell as o e fo used p ese taio s add essi g spe ii issues of p a i al ele a e. A ple oppo tu iies fo i fo al dis ussio s, sha i g of i sights a d et o ki g ill e a aila le. Spe ial Issues of I te aio al Jou al of Faigue, Else ie & Jou al of St u tu al I teg it a d Mai te a e, Ta lo & F a is A spe ial issue of Else ie ’s I te aio al Jou al of Faigue ill e pu lished o p isi g e te ded e sio s of sele ted pape s fo usi g o faigue a d p ese ted at the Co fe e e. Cli k HERE to a ess the all fo pape s. Conference Themes and submerged structures Fatigue, fracture, corrosion, erosion and abrasion Structural integrity of wells, pipes and Component and system reliability risers Deterministic deterioration models and analysis Structural integrity of wind and tidal turbines and wave energy extractors Multi-scale material, defect and damage modelling Probabilistic deterioration models and Life-cycle assessment, asset integrity management decisions and optimizaanalysis tion Dealing with uncertainty in structural Safe and efficient asset life extension integrity assessment Structural health and condition monitoring Structural integrity under extreme loads and in extreme environments Intelligent use of monitored data Probabilistic computational mechanics and numerical methods Structural integrity of fixed, floating and extended safe lifespan Non-destructive testing and evaluation Reusable structures and repowering Structural integrity in decommissioning ‘Digital twins’ for structural integrity Design for integrity, inspectability Structural integrity of additively man- Regist aio Fees Full Regist aio : Stude t Regist aio : O ga isi g Co £4 £ itee P of Pu e du Das ASRANet Ltd, UK D Piot O e zete The University of Aberdeen, UK 1 ufactured materials Integrity protection technologies Industry codes and guidelines Case studies in structural integrity, safety and reliability CONFERENCE PROGRAMME - SEPTEMBER 08:00-08:55 DELEGATE REGISTRATION 08:55-09:00 WELCOME ADDRESS: Piotr Omenzetter UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, UK 09:00-09:40 Probalistic Design and Risk-Based Inspections of Offshore Wind Turbines and Subsea Wells KEYNOTE: Aalborg University, Denmark BEECHWOOD SUITE SESSION : 09:40-10:20 Developments in BS 7910 (Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures) for the offshore industry KEYNOTE: TWI, UK 10:20-10:50 BREAK 10:50-11:10 Application of novel technologies for structural integrity assessment involving structural health monitoring, machine learning and the concept of a true digital twin INVITED: Ramboll, Denmark 11:10-11:30 Clearer communication of Structural Integrity using Performance-Based methodology and terminology INVITED: BP, UK 11:30-11:50 Fracture integrity assessment of offshore pipelines subject to complex in-service loading conditions INVITED: Wood, UK 11:50-12:10 Risk Based Optimization of In-Service Inspection of Fatigue Cracks and Maintenance for Coating and Corrosion In Tanks INVITED: DNVGL, Norway 12:10-12:30 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benefit Assessment for the Structural Integrity Management of Wind Turbines Technical University of Denmark, Denmark LUNCH 12:30-13:30 SESSION 13:30-13:50 Calibration of Safety Factors for Fatigue Limit State of Free-spanning Deep-water Pipelines UNIVERSITY OF Aalborg, Denmark 13:50-14:10 Comparing Small-Scale Testing Approaches to Determine Crack Arrest in High Strength Steel TWI, UK McDermott Middle East Inc, UAE 14:10-14:30 Mechanical Properties of High Yield-to-Tensile Ratio High Strength Steels Under Service Loading and the Structural Implication Brunel University & NSIRC, UK The Welding Institute (TWI) Cambridge, UK Brunel University London, UK Lloyds Register Global Technology Centre, Southampton, UK 14:30-15:00 BREAK 15:00-15:20 Residual Compressive Stress as a crack repair in maritime structures Fatigue Technology USA 15:20-15:40 Structural Reliability Assessments of fixed offshore structures: some considerations for enhancing system strength and quantifying its uncertainty GS Offshore Engineering, UK Atkins, UK 15:40-16:00 Probabilistic Modelling of Scaling for Sub-Surface Well: Case Study on Danish North Sea Wells Aalborg University, Denmark 16:00-16:20 FATIGUE LIFE ESTIMATION UNDER MUTIAXIAL LOADING USING A NEW CRITICAL PLANE ORIENTATION University of Stavanger, Norway 16:20-16:40 Condition Indicators for Head Wells Subject to Deterioration Aalborg University, Denmark 16:40-17:00 Strengthening mitigations for offshore jacket structures: A conceptual framework and its application University of Stavanger, Norway 17:00-17:20 Hybrid Approach to Structural Reliability Assessment, National University of Singapore, Singapore Southeast University, China 2 Nanjing Forestry University, China 19:00 CONFERENCE DINNER—Doubletree by Hilton CONFERENCE PROGRAMME - SEPTEMBER BEECHWOOD SUITE SESSION 08:50-09:10 A Blueprint for Digital Twins in Structural Integrity Management, Team Lead, Fixed and Floating Structures, DNV GL 09:10-09:30 A new conservative method for estimation of the fatigue lifetime in offshore tubular T joints University of Aberdeen, UK 09:30-10:00 BREAK 10:00-10:20 Development of a multi-scale surrogate-based tool for composite property estimation University of Aberdeen, UK Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF), UK 10:20-10:40 Wireless Sensor Monitoring of Cathodic Protection Solutions Proserv, UK 10:40-11:00 Strain Estimation Using a Modal Expansion Approach Via Virtual Sensing for Structural Asset Management University of Strathclyde, UK 11:00-11:20 Dynamic Analysis of North Sea Jacket Foundations Under Severe Wave-in-Deck Loading Atkins, UK 11:20-11:40 Development of Non-Linear Stochastic Fatigue Crack Growth Models for Structural Grade Steel Shell, UK 11:40-12:00 Inspection and Life Extension of Ageing Pipe-in-Pipe Systems using Discovery™, the World’s Only Subsea CT Scanner Tracero, UK 12:-00-12:20 Online Damage Detection Using Recursive Principal Component Analysis And Time Varying Auto Regressive Modeling Indian Institute of Technology, India , University College Dublin, Ireland LUNCH 12:30-13:30 SESSION 13:30-13:50 Effect of debris impact on post-blast response of steel columns Dundee University, UK Atkins, UK Modelling permanently installed health monitoring system for High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) subsea pipelines. 13:50-14:10 University of Aberdeen, UK 14:10-14:30 On the Development of Tools for Value of Information Analyses DTU, Denmark 14:30-14:50 A grey-box model for wave force prediction Ramboll, Denmark University of Sheffield, UK 14:50-15:10 Data Driven model for Well Integrity management: case study for the Danish sector of North sea University & Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre, Denmark 15:10-15:30 Non-Uniform Corrosion Prediction Of Stiffened Plates Due To Interactions With Mechanical Stress University of Southampton, UK 15:30-16:00 BREAK 16:00-16:20 Vector-Phase Analysis of Bearing Defect on the Base of Wave Health Monitoring (WHM) Advanced Vector Analytics, Latvia 16:20-16:40 Considerations For Monitoring of TLP and Tendon Parameters During Repair and Replacement of Key Components Ashtead Technology, UK 16:40-17:00 Application Of Machine Learning To Structural Integrity Monitoring Of Offshore Oil And Gas Platforms Fugro GB Marine Ltd, UK 17:00-17:20 Transience statistics for fatigue load assessment Wood, UK 3 SI VENUE AND TRAVELLING THERE Co fe e e Ve ue & Co fe e e Di e Ve ue The conference & the conference dinner will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Aberdeen Treetops, a quiet venue in the West End of the city, with close links to Aberdeen Airport, the Exhibition/Conference Centre (AECC) and the City Centre. The full address and website are: 161 Springfield Rd, Aberdeen , AB15 7AQ, Ph: 01224 313377, Click here for website. A out A e dee Aberdeen is a thriving city – with people working and studying here from across the world, attracted as to Europe's capital of energy (both O&G and renewables) and offshore and subsea industries with many of the main players and supply chain/services providers having a strong presence. The city itself is home to several museums including the Tolbooth Museum, Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Gordon Highlanders Museum and the Zoology Museum. Scotland’s first centre of science and discovery can also be found near Aberdeen Beach and there are a great selection of cultural attractions, with several theatres and art galleries across the city. Equally well-known for its shopping, the city’s Union Square (adjacent to Aberdeen Railway Station) has over 50 top shopping brand stores (including MAC, BOSS, Apple and ZARA), and 30 restaurants, as well as a 10-screen cinema. Nearby, the connecting Trinity Shopping Centre is home to a large Primark and Debenhams, and many other shops. Aberdeen's rivers and the North Sea are also home to a host of wildlife, and even dolphins have found a home here. These fascinating mammals are regularly seen playing at the mouth of Aberdeen’s working harbour; Dolphin Watch, located at the vantage point of Torry Battery, is open seasonally to help visitors spot these urban dolphins. If you like you can also take on of Aberdeen Harbour Cruises, providing a great opportunity to experience a different viewpoint of the city as well as get up close to wildlife. Aberdeenshire is also home to a large number of traditional castles and outdoor activities. For those attendees that enjoy hiking and hillwalking, Aberdeen acts a great starting point for exploring the Cairngorms National Park. Gei g He e Getting to Aberdeen is simple, with a whole variety of transport options available to those travelling, and the city can be reached by road, rail, or sky. Once in the city there are excellent transport links throughout the area meaning most destinations are easily accessible by public transport, taxi or car. For those driving, Aberdeen is approximately 2.5 hours’ drive from Edinburgh or Glasgow. Well sign-posted, the surrounding area of Aberdeenshire is within close proximity of Aberdeen with the towns and villages easy to get to by major country and main roads. For those flying, Aberdeen International Airport is located just six miles from Aberdeen city centre and is within easy reach of Aberdeenshire by bus or taxi. The region is well connected globally with daily flights to all major airports including all three London airports, Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam. The international airport also has many direct routes to most UK cities as well as many key European destinations. For more information you can visit Aberdeen Airports website HERE. Aberdeen’s railway station right in the heart of the city (next to the main shopping centre, Union Square), has frequent, fast and reliable services to and from all Scotland's major cities. Travel on one of the hourly trains from Glasgow and Edinburgh or use the east coast line to travel from cities such as York or Newcastle. For timetables and to book your train tickets to Aberdeen visit the Scotrail website HERE. For those preferring to travel overnight, Aberdeen can also be reached from London on the Caledonian Sleeper. Visit the Caledonian Sleeper website HERE for more information about this service. Jurys Inn Aberdeen A o odaio Hotel ibis Aberdeen Centre Aberdeen Douglas Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Aberdeen City Centre Travelodge Aberdeen Central DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Aberdeen Treetops Mercure Aberdeen Caledonian Hotel Premier Inn Aberdeen City Centre Special Delegate Rate - Doubletree by Hilton £70 per night: Single with Breakfast £80 per night: Double with Breakfast QUOTE ‘STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 2018 CONFERENCE BY ASRANET’ 4 5
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY : th- th Septe e , A e dee , UK st I te aio al Co fe e e o St u tu al I teg it fo Ofsho e E e g I dust STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY A e dee , UK th- th Septe e O ga ised Call fo Pape s A stra ts should e se t to i tegrit @asra et. the deadli e of th Ma A stra t for at is a aila le HERE Spe ial issues of Else ier s I ter aio al Jour al of Faigue a d Ta lor & Fra is Jour al of Stru tural I tegrit a d Mai te a e ill e pu lished o prisi g e te ded ersio s of sele ted papers prese ted at the o fere e. STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY : th- th Septe e , A e dee , UK A out the Co fe e e The a i e, ofsho e a d su sea e e g i dust o i ues to e ol e eai g e halle ges a d isks fo the safet , i teg it a d elia ilit of its st u tu es a d s ste s. Fo e a ple, ells a e ei g d illed at g eate depths, p essu es a d te pe atu es, e ui i g e ha ed assess e t of the i teg it of st u tu es a d s ste s i su h e t e e o diio s. The e is a push to e pa d ope aio s i to e lo aio s su h as the A i , he e e i o e tal a d ope aio al o diio s a e o side a l ha she . Ma assets i the No th Sea a e apidl ea hi g o ha e al ead e eeded thei o igi al desig life a d safe ut afo da le life e te sio a d de o issio i g a e e o i g ajo o je i es. The e e t apid de elop e ts i e e a le e e g te h ologies ha e i t odu ed e halle ges of ai tai i g at i i u ost the elia ilit a d i teg it of st u tu es a d e uipe t i e ote lo aio s a d su je ted to e t e e loads a d e i o e tal o diio s. The e a e also e ii g e oppo tu iies, ut also sig iia t halle ges a d u e tai ies, i appl i g st u tu al health a d o diio o ito i g, o oi s a d the o el o epts of addii e a ufa tu i g a d ig data to safet a d st u tu al i teg it . These a d a addiio al t adiio al a d e e gi g the es ill e o e ed du i g the o fe e e th ough su e , fo used a d/o ase stud p ese taio s f o the p a iio e s a d esea he s i the a t a d s ie e of st u tu al i teg it . The o fe e e ill i g togethe esea he s a d p a iio e s to dis uss a d add ess the u e t a d e e gi g issues a d halle ges, as ell as sha e su esses a d state-of-the-a t a d p a i e, i st u tu al i teg it , safet a d elia ilit of e e g i dust ’s a i e, ofsho e a d su sea st u tu es a d s ste s. It ill featu e ke ote a d i ited pape s p o idi g oade o e ie s of the ai o te po a the es as ell as o e fo used p ese taio s add essi g spe ii issues of p a i al ele a e. A ple oppo tu iies fo i fo al dis ussio s, sha i g of i sights a d et o ki g ill e a aila le. Spe ial Issues of I te aio al Jou al of Faigue, Else ie & Jou al of St u tu al I teg it a d Mai te a e, Ta lo & F a is A spe ial issue of Else ie ’s I te aio al Jou al of Faigue ill e pu lished o p isi g e te ded e sio s of sele ted pape s fo usi g o faigue a d p ese ted at the Co fe e e. Cli k HERE to a ess the all fo pape s. A spe ial issue of Ta lo & F a is’ Jou al of St u tu al I teg it a d Mai te a e ill also e pu lished o p isi g e te ded e sio of sele ted pape s o othe Co fe e e the es. Cli k HERE to a ess the all fo pape s. Co fere e The es o ito ed data St u tu al i teg it of i ed, loai g a d su e ged st u tu es St u tu al i teg it i de o i g Dete i isi dete io aio a d a al sis St u tu al i teg it of ells, pipes a d ise s Desig fo i teg it , i spe ta ilit a d e te ded safe lifespa Digital t i s fo st u tu al i teg it St u tu al i teg it of i d a d idal tu i es a d a e e e g e t a to s Co po e t a d s ste St u tu al i teg it of addii el ufa tu ed ate ials odels P o a ilisi dete io aio a d a al sis odels issio - I tellige t use of Faigue, f a tu e, o osio , e osio a d a asio elia ilit a - Muli-s ale ate ial, defe t a d da - I teg it p ote io te h ologies Deali g ith u e tai t i st u tu al Life- le assess e t, asset i teg it a age e t de isio s a d opi iza- age odelli g i teg it assess e t io o i- I dust St u tu al i teg it u de e t e e loads a d i e t e e e i o e ts Safe a d ei ie t asset life e te sio St u tu al health a d o diio to i g P o a ilisi o putaio al i s a d u e i al ethods Reusa le st u tu es a d epo e i g No -dest u i e tesi g a d e aluaio e ha - I ter aio al Ad isory Co Regist aio Fees £ £ Full Regist aio : Stude t Regist aio : O ga isi g Co itee P of Pu e du Das ASRANet Ltd, UK D Piot O e zete A st a t Deadli e: Ma A st a t A epta e: Ma Full Pa Jul e t: Full Pape Su issio : Aug Case studies i st u tu al i teg it , safet a d elia ilit itee Dr RV Ahila Dr Bostja Beze sek Lo do Ofshore Co sulta ts, Shell, UK UK Prof Sa g-Rai Cho U i ersit of Ulsa , Korea Prof Sore Ehlers NTNU, Nor a Prof Tat-Hea Ga Prof AM Korsu sky TWI, NSIRC & Bru el U i ersi- U i ersit of O ford, UK t , UK Prof Ber t Leira NTNU, Nor a Satheesh Ma aya kath Health a d Safet E e ui e, UK, E erg Di isio — Ofshore, Stru tural I tegrit Prof Li iu Marsa i a U i ersit of Ti isoara, Roa ia Dr Mike Mulhero U i ersit of Surre , UK Dr Moha Wood, UK Dr Hele a Polezhae a I depe de t, Fra e The U i ersit of A erdee , UK I po ta t Dates odes a d guideli es ad Na a ia Prof Jeo Paik Dr Cesare Marie Rizzo U i ersit of Pusa , Korea & U i ersit of Ge oa, Ital U i ersit College Lo do , UK Dr Suhas Vha a e I dia Register of Shippi g, I dia Dr Lu e Sus el U i ersit of Sheield, UK Mr Fra is o Viejo de Fra is o Na a ia, Spai A st a ts of up to o ds ith p ese taio /pape itle a d a es a d ailiaio s of all autho s a d a e- ail add ess of the o espo di g autho should e se t to i teg it @as a et. th Ma . A st a t fo at is a aila le HERE KEYNOTE AND INVITED SPEAKERS P of. Joh Dalsgaa d So e se , Aal o g U i e sit , De ak Pro a ilisi desig a d risk- ased i spe io s of ofshore i d tur i es a d su sea ells Joh So e se is P ofesso of St u tu al Relia ilit at the Depa t e t of Ci il E gi ee i g, Aal o g U i e sit . His ai esea h i te ests i lude sto hasi odelli g, elia ilit assess e t, isk- ased de isio aki g fo pla i g of i spe io s, ope aio a d ai te a e ith appli aio s to ofsho e st u tu es a d i d tu i es, uildi gs a d idges. He has pu lished o e tha te h i al pape s a d o-autho ed se e al ooks a d epo ts. He is u e tl i ol ed i se e al aio al a d i te aio al esea h p oje ts elated to isk a d elia ilit of i d tu i es a d ofsho e st u tu es. He is also a i e i a u e of sta da dizaio o itees. He is past-p eside t of Joi t Co itee o St u tu al safet JCSS . P of. Isa el Hadle , TWI De elop e ts i BS Guide to ethods for assessi g the a epta ilit of la s i etalli stru tures for the ofshore i dustr Isa el’s highe edu aio as at Ca idge a d Sheield u i e siies. She joi ed TWI i , ate o ki g i se e al ields i ludi g ofsho e te h olog a d u lea e gi ee i g, a d as p o oted to Te h olog Fello i . Isa el’s te h i al o k fo uses o the de elop e t of a al i al la assess e t te h i ues, a d thei appli aio to safet - ii al st u tu es a d p essu e e uip e t. Chai i g the o itee that de elops a d ai tai s BS UK la assess e t p o edu e , Isa el is a e e of the R UK u lea assess e t p o edu e pa el. She is also o-autho of the Eu opea FITNET it ess-fo -se i e p o edu e. I , Isa el took up the addiio al ole of Ro al A ade of E gi ee i g Visii g P ofesso i I teg it Ma age e t at the U i e sit of B istol. Ulf T. T gese , MS , Ci E g, Ra oll Appli aio of o el te h ologies for stru tural i tegrit assess e t i ol i g stru tural health o itori g, a hi e lear i g a d the o ept of a true digital t i Ulf T. T gese is Te h i al De elop e t Ma age at Ra oll E e g , Glo al Di isio , Ja kets, Es je g, De a k. He has ea s of e pe ie e ithi oil a d gas ofsho e st u tu es o ld ide. Fo the last ea s, he has ee espo si le fo Ra oll R&D p oje ts i ol i g pa i ipaio i ajo oil a d gas esea h p og a s ith oth the i dust a d Da ish a d UK u i e siies. The o el te h ologies efe i el o i e the latest de elop e ts i st u tu al health o ito i g s ste s, a hi e lea i g g e o , high pe fo a e o pui g, st u tu al e-assess e t, ua ii aio of u e tai ies a d isk- a d elia ilit - ased i spe io pla i g fo st u tu al I teg it a agee t. The ad a ed te h ologies i t odu e the o ept of a t ue digital t i ge e ated f o easu ed data a d loud o pui g soluio s ig data , all ithi a full p o a ilisi /Ba esia f a e o k fo ealisi assess e t of st u tu al safet . Th ough the de elop e t a d appli aio of the o el te h ologies, Ra oll is a o gst the leadi g e pe ts i o diio - ased st u tu al i teg it assess e t. Thei te h ologies ha e ee applied all ofsho e oil a d gas ope ato s i the Da ish No th Sea. D Ra sa F ase , BP Appli aio of stru tural i tegrit a age e t Ra sa F ase is the E gi ee i g Te h i al Autho it fo ofsho e st u tu es i the glo al upst ea seg e t of BP. He has ea s of e pe ie e ithi oil a d gas ofsho e st u tu es o ld ide. His ai a i iies i lude assesse t of e isi g st u tu es o -li ea a al sis a d elia ilit a al sis togethe ith dete i i g elia ilit - ased i spe io pe iods. He has o t i uted to the de elop e t of ISO - St u tu al I teg it Ma age e t a d is i ol ed ith esea h a d de elop e t p og a es o a e-i -de k loadi g a d o -li e o ito i g. D Yu i Tka h, Wood Fra ture i tegrit assess e t of ofshore pipeli es su je t to o ple i -ser i e loadi g o diio s D Yu i Tka h is a Te h i al Autho it at Wood espo si le fo p o isio of se i es a d e pe ise i the a eas of f a tu e i teg it a d it ess-fo -se i e assess e t of st u tu al o po e ts o tai i g defe ts. Yu i s o k also fo uses o de elop e t a d p oje t i ple e taio of the ad a ed o putaio al ethods fo assesse t of la s i etalli o po e ts. He is a e e of the BSI Co itee espo si le fo the de elop e t a d ai te a e of the UK la assess e t p o edu e BS hai i g a e l esta lished Te h i al Pa el o St ai -Based Assess e t. He as also i ol ed i the de elop e t of the Eu opea FITNET it ess-fo -se i e p o edu e. He has ee i ol ed i a u e of la ge p oje ts i the No th Sea a d Asia-Pa ii he e p i iples of st ai ased desig a d assess e t he e applied to ofsho e pipeli es su je t to o ple i -se i e loadi g o diio s. Ei a La det, DNVGL Risk- ased opi izaio of i -ser i e i spe io of faigue ra ks a d ai te a e for oai g a d orrosio i ta ks Ei a La det has o ked as a se io p i ipal e gi ee ith DNVGL si e a d has a MS f o the No egia Te h i al U i e sit NTH o tai ed i . He has desig ed FPSOs, i dust ial uildi gs, p o ess pla ts, loai g idges fo the No egia Pu li Road Ad i ist aio a d ail a idges. He o ks p i a il toda ith a al ses a d desig e ie of i ed a d loai g ofsho e st u tu es, i ludi g faigue, uli ate a d a ide tal load a al ses fo TLPs, se i-su e si les, FPSOs, ja k-up s a d i ed ofsho e plafo s. Ei a has ea e pe ie e ith RBI a al sis of st u tu es i ludi g i spe io pla i g ith the follo i g p oje ts: Jotu A FPSO , , , No e FPSO , Bela ak , G eate Pluto io FPSO , se e al ja kets o the Ekoisk ield , Alhei , Pet oja l , , , K isi Se i-su e si le , Pet oja l Va g , Njo d A Se i-su e si le , Pet oja l Foi a e I hth s Se i-su e si le . Fu the , he has de eloped RBI t ai i g ou se fo the i dust , pa i ipate i de elopi g of DNVGL-RP-C P o a ilisi ethods fo pla i g of i spe io fo faigue a ks i ofsho e st u tu es a d i a de elope t p oje t Risk ased i spe io a d ai te a e app oa h fo o osio deg aded u its . STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY : th- th Septe e Spo so ship & E hi iio Spa e Spo so ship Cost £ + VAT Pa kage I ludes: • • • • • F ee Delegate Regist aio Co pa Logo i the Co fe e e P og a e Co pa Logo i the Book of A st a ts Co pa Ad e t i the Book of A st a t A Size Ad e t i the Co fe e e P o eedi gs USB E hi iio Cost £ + VAT Pa kage I ludes: • • • • F ee Delegate Regist aio Displa ta le Displa i B eakout A ea ate ial: Pu lished Displa Ba ate ial, St u tu al o po e t es Spo so ship Pa kage + E hi iio Pa kage Cost • • • • • • • £ + VAT F ee Delegate Regist aio s Displa Ta le i B eakout A ea Displa Mate ial: Pu lished Mate ial, St u tu al Co po e t Displa Ba es Co pa Logo i the Co fe e e P og a e Co pa Logo & Ad e t i the Book of A st a ts A Size Ad e t i the Co fe e e P o eedi gs USB Co ta t E: i tegrity@asra et. T: + , A e dee , UK STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY : th- th Septe e , A e dee , UK Co fe e e Ve ue The o fe e e ill take pla e at the Dou leT ee Hilto A e dee T eetops, a uiet e ue i the West E d of the it , ith lose li ks to A e dee Ai po t, the E hi iio /Co fe e e Ce t e AECC a d the Cit Ce t e. The full add ess a d e site a e: Sp i gield Rd, A e dee , AB AQ, Ph: , Cli k here for e site. A out A e dee A e dee is a th i i g it – ith people o ki g a d stud i g he e f o a oss the o ld, at a ted as to Eu ope's apital of e eg oth O&G a d e e a les a d ofsho e a d su sea i dust ies ith a of the ai pla e s a d suppl hai / se i es p o ide s ha i g a st o g p ese e. The it itself is ho e to se e al useu s i ludi g the Tol ooth Museu , A e dee Ma ii e Museu , Go do Highla de s Museu a d the )oolog Museu . S otla d s i st e t e of s ie e a d dis o e a also e fou d ea A e dee Bea h a d the e a e a g eat sele io of ultu al at a io s, ith se e al theat es a d a t galle ies a oss the it . E uall ell-k o fo its shoppi g, the it s U io S ua e adja e t to A e dee Rail a Staio has o e top shoppi g a d sto es i ludi g MAC, BOSS, Apple a d )ARA , a d estau a ts, as ell as a -s ee i e a. Nea , the o e i g T i it Shoppi g Ce t e is ho e to a la ge P i a k a d De e ha s, a d a othe shops. A e dee 's i e s a d the No th Sea a e also ho e to a host of ildlife, a d e e dolphi s ha e fou d a ho e he e. These fas i ai g a als a e egula l see pla i g at the outh of A e dee s o ki g ha ou ; Dolphi Wat h, lo ated at the a tage poi t of To Bate , is ope seaso all to help isito s spot these u a dolphi s. If ou like ou a also take o of A e dee Ha ou C uises, p o idi g a g eat oppo tu it to e pe ie e a dife e t ie poi t of the it as ell as get up lose to ildlife. A e dee shi e is also ho e to a la ge u e of t adiio al astles a d outdoo a i iies. Fo those ate dees that e jo hiki g a d hill alki g, A e dee a ts a g eat sta i g poi t fo e plo i g the Cai go s Naio al Pa k. Gei g He e Gei g to A e dee is si ple, ith a hole a iet of t a spo t opio s a aila le to those t a elli g, a d the it a e ea hed oad, ail, o sk . O e i the it the e a e e elle t t a spo t li ks th oughout the a ea ea i g ost desi aio s a e easil a essi le pu li t a spo t, ta i o a . Fo those d i i g, A e dee is app o i atel . hou s d i e f o Edi u gh o Glasgo . Well sig -posted, the su ou di g a ea of A e dee shi e is ithi lose p o i it of A e dee ith the to s a d illages eas to get to ajo ou t a d ai oads. Fo those l i g, A e dee I te aio al Ai po t is lo ated just si iles f o A e dee it e t e a d is ithi eas ea h of A e dee shi e us o ta i. The egio is ell o e ted glo all ith dail lights to all ajo ai po ts i ludi g all th ee Lo do ai po ts, F a kfu t, Pa is a d A ste da . The i te aio al ai po t also has a di e t outes to ost UK iies as ell as a ke Eu opea desi aio s. Fo o e i fo aio ou a isit A e dee Ai po ts e site HERE. A e dee s ail a staio ight i the hea t of the it e t to the ai shoppi g e t e, U io S ua e , has f e ue t, fast a d elia le se i es to a d f o all S otla d's ajo iies. T a el o o e of the hou l t ai s f o Glasgo a d Edi u gh o use the east oast li e to t a el f o iies su h as Yo k o Ne astle. Fo i etales a d to ook ou t ai i kets to A e dee isit the S ot ail e site HERE. Fo those p efe i g to t a el o e ight, A e dee a also e ea hed f o Lo do o the Caledo ia Sleepe . Visit the Caledo ia Sleepe e site HERE fo o e i fo aio a out this se i e. A o Jurys Inn Aberdeen Hotel ibis Aberdeen Centre Travelodge Aberdeen Central Mercure Aberdeen Caledonian Hotel odaio Aberdeen Douglas Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Aberdeen City Centre DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Aberdeen Treetops Premier Inn Aberdeen City Centre Spe ial Delegate Rate - Dou letree y Hilto £ per ight: Si gle ith Breakfast £ per ight: Dou le ith Breakfast QUOTE ͚STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY CONFERENCE BY ASRANET͛