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Published in the December 19/22 2017 Holiday Double Issue
Bosniaca, 2018
The role and tasks of the library as an institution have considerably changed. Libraries are more and more regarded as powers that create and connect communities. The National Library of Estonia keeps that in mind when maintaining and establishing networks both as a humanities library as well as a social sciences and parliamentary library. Partnerships with libraries and memory institutions are especially important, as we are becoming a central service development institution for Estonian libraries. A great change has taken place in our way of thinking. The National Library of Estonia is no longer collection-centred, not only carrying out the mission to preserve cultural heritage, but is also human-centred, customer-centred. Our goals are to make collections available as much as possible, to address our users, and to provide an inspiring environment via the library space. The modern national library should indeed remind of a modern public library – the library of the whole nation. I...
The Georgia Library Quarterly, 2016
More than a House for Books, curated by David Rundle and Cristina Neagu, considered the place of the Western manuscripts within the wider context of the Library’s eclectic riches. It delineated how what we now know as its ‘Special Collections’ came to be owned by Christ Church and considered what that tells us about the purpose and scope of a library. Unexpected items in the collections include: scientific and musical instruments, coins, drawings, a tapestry, a "porridge bowl", mandrakes and, allegedly, "Cardinal Wolsey's hat". There are also a number of unusual manuscripts and books. To read more about this, please see Mandrakes in the Library, by David Rundle ( The exhibition coincided with the publication of R. Hanna and D. Rundle, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts, to c. 1600, in Christ Church, Oxford, the first in a planned series of manuscript catalogues offering detailed codicological, textual and historical descriptions. For details, see The lavishly illustrated volume is published by the Oxford Bibliographical Society in its Special Series of Manuscript Catalogues.
Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries, 2002
Virtual Visits to Lost Libraries ISBN 978-0-9569996-0-3, 2011
The eleven papers published here were given on 5 November 2010, at the annual international seminar of CERL, before more than one hundred participants from Denmark and abroad. The seminar was arranged by the Danish Royal Library (National Library of Denmark and University Library of Copenhagen) and took place in the historic Harsdorff Hall, built in the second half of the seventeenth century to serve as the ‘small library room’ of the Royal library. It has been left unaltered, with its wooden gallery and Corinthian-style colonnades, since 1906 when the Royal Library moved to a new building nearby, while the old one was taken over by the National Archives. Over a number of years, CERL has campaigned for an increased focus and collaboration in European research libraries and among scholars in general in the domain of ‘provenance research’. The seminar covered a wide area of the history and ‘archaeology’ of collections and libraries, and displayed the variety of sophisticated methods applied in this area of historical research with the aim of reconstructing and making available to scholarship the fragmented and dispersed evidence of book collections as key elements in European cultural and intellectual history: the countries hosting the main institutions investigated during the seminar included Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Iceland. The seminar also underscored the ecessity of international cooperation and standardisation at both scholarly and institutional levels, and the striking opportunities for such cooperation offered by the new technologies. - Ivan Boserup, Royal Library of Denmark
Library History Today Blog 2, 2024
Library History Today Blog 2 in PDF is a collection of blog posts I published on the internet from 2017 to 2022. It contains posts on book reviews and comments about Canadian library history. I try to show that there is a dual function that critical history performs: it helps us understand how past thoughts and actions were shaped and that it provides us with a deeper awareness of present changes.
annals of …, 2002
Бидер И.Г. Формальная модель русской морфологии I / И.Г. Бидер, И.А. Большаков, Н.А. Еськова ; Отв. ред. В.Ю. Розенцвейг. – М., 1978. – 48 с. – (Предварительные публикации / Институт русского языка АН СССР ; Проблемная группа по экспериментальной и прикладной лингвистике. Выпуск 111).
2024 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT), 2024
Globaler lokaler Islam, 2007
Bologna in Chiaroscuro: Between Photography and Iconography, 2024
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2017
«Melior auro». Actas del IX Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2019), 2020
Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, 2013
ADYUTAYAM Dergisi, 2019
Annals of Diagnostic Pathology, 2012
Félix Hernández Giménez (1889 - 1975). De su tiempo y su legado. A. León - J.A. Garriguet - C. González (Eds.), 2024
Открытый доступ: альманах 2022/2, 2022