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Pada masa Rasulullah SAW. masih hidup, istilah Aswaja sudah pernah ada tetapi tidak menunjuk pada kelompok tertentu atau aliran tertentu. Yang dimaksud dengan Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah adalah orang-orang Islam secara keseluruhan. Ada sebuah hadits yang mungkin perlu dikutipkan telebih dahulu: Rasulullah SAW bersabda: " Sesungguhnya bani Israil akan terpecah menjadi 70 golongan dan ummatku terpecah menjadi 73 golongan dan semuanya masuk neraka kecuali satu golongan. Para Shohabat bertanya : Siapa yang satu golongan itu? Rasulullah SAW. menjawab : yaitu golongan dimana Aku dan Shahabatku berada. Hadits inilah yang sering digunakan oleh orang-orang NU sebagai salah satu dalil atau dasar tentang Ahlussunah wal Jamaah. Ahli sunnah wal jamaah adalah suatu golongan yang menganut syariat islam yang berdasarkan padaalquràn dan al hadis danberìtikad apabila tidak ada dasar hukum pada alquràn dan hadis Inilah kemudian kita sampai pada pengertian Aswaja. Pertama kalau kita melihat ijtihadnya para ulama-ulama merasionalkan dan memecahkan masalah jika didalamalquràn dan hadis tidak menerangkanya. Definisi kedua adalah (melihat cara berpikir dari berbagai kelompok aliran yang bertentangan); orang-orang yang memiliki metode berpikir keagamaan yang mencakup aspek kehidupan yang berlandaskan atas dasar moderasi menjaga keseimbangan dan toleransi. Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah ini tidak mengecam Jabariyah, Qodariyah maupun Mu'tazilah akan tetapi berada di tengah-tengah dengan mengembalikan pada ma anna alaihi wa ashabihi.Nah itulah latar belakang sosial dan latar belakang politik munculnya paham Aswaja. Jadi tidak muncul tiba-tiba tetapi karena ada sebab, ada ekstrim mutazilah yang serba akal, ada ekstrim jabariyah yang serba taqdir, aswaja ini di tengah-tengah. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Aswaja sebagai sebuah paham keagamaan (ajaran) maupun sebagai aliran pemikiran (manhajul fiqr) kemunculannya tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pengaruh dinamika sosial politik pada waktu itu, lebih khusus sejak peristiwa Tahqim yang melibatkan Sahabat Ali dan sahabat Muawiyyah sekitar akhir tahun 40 H. Ahli sunnah wal jamaah pemikiranya menggunakan pemikiran al asyari dan hukum fiqihnyanya menggunakan imam madzhab sehingga golongan aswaja inilah golongan yang sifatnya luas.
JAKARTA 2015 M/1436 H KATA PENGANTAR Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan semesta alam yang menciptakan manusia beserta makhluk-makhluk lainnya. Tuhan yang mengatur alam semesta beserta planet-planet yang berputar pada porosnya. Shalawat serta salam semoga tercurah kepada baginda Muhammad SAW, nabi terakhir yang membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan menuju zaman terang benderang. Semoga kita selalu bisa mengingat Allah dan bershalawat kepada nabinya agar kelak mendapat syafaatnya di yaumil qiyamah. Aamiin Terima kasih pemakalah sampaikan kepada pihak-pihak yang mendukung rampungnya makalah ini. Kami menyadari banyaknya kekurangan dalam makalah antropologi agama ini. Kritik juga saran kami harapkan agar makalah ini bisa lebih baik lagi dan lebih membuka pengetahuan pembaca sekalian tentang mata kuliah antropologi agama. Semoga makalah ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan kurang lebihnya kami mohon maaf.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah yang Maha Esa karena dengan rahmat, karunia, serta taufiq dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah dengan judul "Murji'ah" ini dan juga kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen pembimbing Abdurrouf, MA selaku dosen mata kuliah Akidah dan Ilmu Kalam yang telah membimbing kami terkait makalah ini. Penyusunan makalah Murji'ah, dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi tugas pada mata kuliah Akidah dan Ilmu Kalam maka dari itu penulis akan menjabarkan tentang "Murji'ah" Penulis menyadari bahwa Makalah ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan karena keterbatasan yang ada pada penulis. Untuk itu, saran dan kritik yang sifatnya membangun akan senantiasa penulis terima demi kesempurnaan dan kebaikan ini.
As semantic graph database technology grows to address components ranging from extant large triple stores to SPARQL endpoints over SQL-structured relational databases, it will become increasingly important to be able to bring high performance computational resources to bear on their analysis, interpretation, and visualization, especially with respect to their innate semantic structure. Our research group built a novel high performance hybrid system comprising computational capability for semantic graph database processing utilizing the large multithreaded architecture of the Cray XMT platform, conventional clusters, and large data stores. In this paper we describe that architecture, and present the results of our deploying that for the analysis of the Billion Triple dataset with respect to its semantic factors, including basic properties, connected components, namespace interaction, and typed paths.
Filomat, 2018
In this paper, we continue investigation of the problem considered in our earlier works. The paper deals with an optimal control problem for an ordinary differential equation with integral boundary conditions that generalizes the Cauchy problem. The problem is investigated the case when Pontryagin?s maximum principle is degenerate. Moreover, the second order optimality conditions are derived for the considered problem.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tokyo, 2011
In order to measure the surface profile using white light interference at high speed, we devised a new algorithm to find the peak position from the interference waveform. Applying the bandpass sampling theorem, the envelope function of the interference waveform is directly reconstructed from the sub-Nyquist sampling data. As a result, the sampling interval can be increased to about 10 times that of the conventional method, achieving the world's fastest scanning speed of 60 um/s. We have developed and commercialized a profiler incorporating this algorithm and confirmed its practicality.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
A community-academic partnership program between USM academician, State Education and USM medical student was designed to improve communication skills among secondary school children. Evaluation was done on the impacts of the program on communication skills based on MySTAR inventory. A pre-post quasi-experimental study design was done. The MySTAR was administered to participants before and after the program. The highest improvement was seen in communicating English and the least in communicating Malay. The program is a smart-partnership approach that involves group and peer support with role model by the medical students to improve communication skill in the school children.
Hemoglobin, 2012
A critical stance toward one's own views as well as th e ability to take on th e perspective of others is required for intercultural and interpersonal understanding. This chapter presents a study [rom an undergrad uate cours e used to fulfi ll a requirement in the category of gender. race, class. ethnicity, or non -western area stud ies. A critical soc ial-constructivist approach to pedagogy shaped this course. entitled Dialogue of the Sexes: Wometl and Afen in Germ an-speaking Societies. This study focused on the ways that meaning is made in computermed iated and face-to-face (FTF) discu ssions. Through th e analysis of qualitative and qua ntitative data from the course, it demonstrates that a blended class form at involving both FTF discu ssion and th readed, asynchronous computermediated comm unication (C!vIC) can promote the kind of sociality, critica lity, and co -construc tion that lead to important shifts of perspective.
… Center, University of …, 2010
This article develops and tests a new micro-level approach to the study of armed conflict and responsive behaviors in the general population. This approach includes decomposing a conflict into a series of discrete political and violent events, examination of the different dimensions of these events and how they can create different mechanisms that link to behavioral outcomes, examination of differential risks to each type of event within the population, and careful consideration of the specific context within which the conflict occurs. In this article, we focus on the two mechanisms of instability and threat of harm and how they separately affect marriage, contraception, and migration. We empirically test this approach in the context of the recent decade long conflict in Nepal using a unique combination of records of conflict events and a longitudinal study of individual data and the communities. Results show that discrete conflict events affected marriage, contraception, and migration behaviors. Furthermore, we show that the same conflict events had opposing consequences across these different demographic processes and that different conflict events had opposing consequences on the same demographic process. This demonstrates that the decomposition of armed conflict into specific events, examination of the exact mechanisms through which they affect behavior, and consideration of differential risk to each type of event yields a significant advance in the scientific understanding of armed conflict. In conclusion we suggest further avenues for future research to use and improve this micro-level approach to conflict studies.
PDF FULL Renovating Old Houses: Bringing New Life to Vintage Homes (For Pros By Pros) by George Nash
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2000
British Medical Bulletin
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1988
Science Translational Medicine, 2011
Australian Economic Review, 2008
Paleontological Journal
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2000
The Management Reader, 2021
Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2021
Proceedings of SPIE, 2001
Anuario de Investigación de la Comunicación CONEICC, 2008
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 2015
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences