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A Large Signal Graphene FET Model
Omid Habibpour, Student Member, IEEE, Josip Vukusic, Jan Stake, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—We propose a semiempirical graphene field effect
transistor (G-FET) model for analysis and design of G-FET based
circuits. The model describes the current-voltage characteristic
for a G-FET over a wide range of operating conditions. The gate
bias dependence of the output power spectrum is studied and
compared with simulated values. A good agreement between the
simulated and the experimental power spectrum up to the 3rd
harmonic is demonstrated which confirms the model validity.
Moreover, S-parameter measurements essentially coincide with
the results obtained from the simulation. The model contains
a small set of fitting parameters which can straightforwardly
be extracted from S-parameters and DC measurements. The
developed extraction method gives a more accurate estimation
of the drain and source contact resistances compared to other
approaches. As a design example, we use a harmonic-balance
load-pull approach to extract optimum embedding impedances
for a subharmonic G-FET mixer.
Index Terms—Graphene, Microwave FETs, semiconductor device modeling, subharmonic mixer, harmonic balance analysis.
RAPHENE field effect transistors (G-FETs) are now
approaching millimeter wave operation. G-FETs with intrinsic cutoff frequency (fT ) of more than 100 GHz have been
demonstrated [1], [2]. Several circuits including frequency
doublers [3], [4], fundamental frequency mixers [5], [6] and a
subharmonic frequency mixer [7] based on G-FETs have been
presented at microwaves frequencies. Moreover, a wafer-scale
graphene MMIC mixer has been demonstrated [8]. Hence,
in the near future, system-level graphene integrated circuits
are a possible reality. Consequently, there is a demand for a
device model that can predict a G-FET’s behavior based on its
basic transport parameters and can be implemented in standard
circuit simulator programs.
Device models can be divided into two major groups:
physical models and empirical models. Physical models are
important in the early stages of device development and they
provide better understanding of the device behavior based on
its carrier transport parameters. Several physical models for GFETs have been demonstrated [9], [10], [11], [12]. However,
since the physical models are based on device physics, they
are usually too intricate for circuit level modeling. They
are neither fast nor easily implemented for use in circuit
design tools. Empirical (semiempirical) models can provide
acceptable accuracy with less calculation time and they can
be implemented in standard Electronic Design Automation
(EDA) tools. Recently several models for G-FETs have been
Manuscript received October 25 and revised December 28, 2011. This
research was supported in part by Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research
(SSF) and in part by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation.
The authors are with the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden (e-mail:
[email protected]).
proposed [13], [14], [15]. These models can describe the
current-voltage characteristics. However, they utilize the same
carrier mobility for electrons and holes, and the same contact
resistance independent of the carrier type in the channel. Due
to the substrate effect, the carrier mobility differs for electrons
and holes [7], [16]. Moreover, because of the charge transfer
between graphene and metal contacts, G-FETs generally experience different contact resistances depending on the carrier
type in the channel [18]. Consequently, there is an asymmetry
in the transfer characteristic of G-FETs, especially for short
gate-length devices. The above models cannot predict this
phenomenon. Lately, an empirical model for a short-channel
Si MOSFET has been used to model G-FETs [17]. It allows
the calculations of I-V characteristics. Nevertheless, the model
uses the same carrier mobility for both electrons and holes.
Up to now, all the proposed models are only validated by
DC measurements. RF characterization methods, especially
power spectrum analysis, reveals more details about the model
accuracy and this validation method is missing in the all
previous proposed models.
In this paper we utilize the semiempirical square-root
charge-voltage relation and present an analytical model for
G-FETs [19]. This model is derived for a single layer zerobandgap graphene and it can accept different electron and
hole mobilities. The model reflects the inherent symmetry of
the intrinsic G-FETs and, is similar to the model developed
for HEMTs and MOSFETs [20]. Moreover, it can take into
account the asymmetric contact resistance for the n-type and
p-type channel. The model has only a few fitting parameters
and the parameter extraction is performed by means of both
S-parameters and DC data. It is experimentally verified for a
G-FET under both DC and RF operation. The RF verification
includes S-parameters and power spectrum measurements. The
results agree well with the model. Furthermore, as a design
example, load-pull harmonic balance simulation is performed
to extract optimum embedding impedances for a subharmonic
G-FET mixer [7].
A. Intrinsic Device
The object of this work is to develop a closed-form large
signal analytical model for the G-FET, which can be utilized
in EDA tools for designing and analyzing G-FET circuits.
Since the intrinsic device of the equivalent circuit (Fig. 1)
has three terminals, gate, drain, and source, it is possible to
express the drain current, Ids as a function of any two voltages
between these terminals. We select Vgs and Vgd as independent
variables because of the symmetric structure of the G-FETs
and since the drain and source are interchangeable. In order
to distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic voltages, capital
letters are used for the latter case, i.e VGS .
Fig. 1. Large signal model of a G-FET. Cpg , Cpd , Lg , Ld and Ls are
pad parasitic capacitances and inductances. Rg is the gate resistances and,
Rs and Rd are the source and drain resistances including contact and access
Fig. 2. Majority carrier type in a G-FET channel at 4 different Vgs - Vgd
plane quadrants.
The type of majority carriers in the G-FET channel can
be determined depending on which quadrant of the Vgs − Vgd
plane the device bias is : the carriers are electrons for (Vgs > 0,
Vgd > 0), both electrons (near the source) and holes (near the
drain) for (Vgs > 0, Vgd < 0), both electrons (near the drain)
and holes for (near the source) (Vgs < 0, Vgd > 0), and holes
for (Vgs < 0, Vgd < 0) (see Fig.2 for illustration). The current
in the channel can be expressed as
∫ n(x)vdrif t (x) dx
L 0
where n(x), vdrif t (x), L and W are the carrier density, the
carrier velocity, the channel length and the channel width
respectively. The carrier density n(x), should be equal to the
thermally generated carriers, nth (8 × 1010 cm−2 at T = 300 K)
for disorder-free graphene layer at zero gate voltage. However,
the measured data shows that the carrier concentration at zero
gate voltage is higher than nth [19]. This is due to the charge
impurities located at the graphene/dielectric interface or inside
the dielectric, generating extra carriers (electrons or holes) in
graphene layer [21]. This effect is modeled in [19] by the
following semi-empirical charge-voltage relation,
n(x) = n20 + (C × V (x)/q)2
Ids = q
where n0 is the residual carrier density due to disorder and
thermal excitation. This is the minimum charge concentration
of the graphene layer and C = (Cgs + Cgd )/(LW ) is the gate
capacitance per area. The total gate capacitance consists of
the gate oxide capacitance, Cox in series with the graphene
quantum capacitance, Cq . In this model, since Cq ≫ Cox , the
effect of Cq is ignored. This is valid except for ultra thin gate
dielectrics [24]. We note that above equation reduces to the
familiar n(x) = C ×V (x)/q at high gate voltage, and to n = n0
at zero gate voltage.
Moreover, the carrier drift velocity is approximated by the
following velocity saturation model [22], [23].
vdrif t (x) = √
1 + ( µ∣E(x)∣
where vsat is the saturation velocity of the carrier, µ is
the carrier mobility and m is a fitting parameter. The vsat
√ on carrier concentration in this model with vsat (n) =
vF β/ n where vF = 108 cm/s and β relates to the optical
phonon wavelength of the dominant scattering phonon and for
graphene on SiO2 β = 4×105 cm−1 [13]. The above expression
is valid for n > 1.1×1011 cm−2 [23] where the minimum value
of n is n0 . To the best of the authors knowledge the minimum
reported value of n0 is 2.2 × 1011 cm−2 [19] in supported and
top gated graphene. With this range of n0 , vsat < vF , although
generally the quoted values of n0 are significantly higher. We
also assume a constant carrier mobility for electrons and holes
(µe and µh ).
In the first quadrant( Vgs > 0, Vgd > 0)
Ids = q
∫ n(x) √
L 0
1 + ( vsat
knowing that dV = E(x)dx
Ids = q
µn(V )
L Vgd m
)∣ m
1 + ( µ∣E(V
vsat (V )
For simplicity, the velocity saturation value at the average gate
√ voltage is used in the above expression v sat =
vF β/ 4 n20 + (C(Vgs + Vgd )/2q)2 and also ∣E(V )∣ is approximated by ∣Vgs − Vgd ∣/L and
Ids1 = √
(Vgs Q20 + (CVgs )2 −
µ ∣V −V ∣
1 + ( e Lvgssat gd )m L
Vgd Q20 + (CVgd )2 +
Q2 + (CVgs )2 + CVgs
+q /C ln √ 0
Q20 + (CVgd )2 + CVgd
where Q0 (q × n0 ) is the residual charge density. In order to
simplify the equation notation, the following unitless function
is defined:
f (x, y) = x 1 + x2 − y 1 + y 2
1 + x2 + x
+ ln √
1 + y2 + y
and defining V̄gs = Vgs /V0 and V̄gd = Vgd /V0 where V0 =
Q0 /C and therefore,
µ e V0 Q 0
f (V̄gs , V̄gd )
Ids1 = √
µe ∣Vgs −Vgd ∣ m L
1 + ( Lvsat )
In the second quadrant ( Vgs > 0, Vgd < 0) there is a point
in the channel ( x = L1 ) where the voltage is the same as
the gate voltage. At this point, the type of majority carriers
changes from electrons to holes.
Ids =
L 0
e × n(x)vdrif t,e dx + ∫
e × n(x)vdrif t,h dx)
after integration we have
µ e V0 Q 0
Ids2 = √
µ ∣V −V ∣
1 + ( e Lvgssat gd )m
µ h V0 Q 0
+ √
µ ∣V −V ∣
1 + ( h Lvgssat gd )m
f (V̄gs , 0)
f (0, V̄gd )
In the third quadrant ( Vgs < 0, Vgd > 0) using the same
procedure as before
µ h V0 Q 0
Ids3 = √
µ ∣V −V ∣
1 + ( h Lvgssat gd )m
µ e V0 Q 0
+ √
µ ∣V −V ∣
1 + ( e Lvgssat gd )m
f (V̄gs , 0)
f (0, V̄gd )
and finally for the forth quadrant ( Vgs < 0, Vgd < 0) we have
µ h V0 Q 0
Ids4 = √
f (V̄gs , V̄gd )
µh ∣Vgs −Vgd ∣ m L
1 + ( Lvsat )
The above equations describe Ids based on the Vgd and Vgs
in different quadrants. We combine the above equations and
write the Ids for all bias conditions as
Ids = Ids1 Θ(Vgs )Θ(Vgd ) + Ids2 Θ(Vgs )Θ(−Vgd )
Ids3 Θ(−Vgs )Θ(Vgd ) + Ids4 Θ(−Vgs )Θ(−Vgd )
Fig. 3. Contour plot of drain current (Ids (mA/µm)) of a G-FET versus
the intrinsic Vgs and Vgd . µe = 2000 cm2 /Vs, µh = 2400 cm2 /Vs, n0 =
6 × 1011 cm−2 , L = 1µm
In the above expressions we assume that there is no unintentional charging (doping) in the channel, i.e. VDirac = 0 at low
drain voltages (Vds ≪ 1). Hence, in order to include this effect
above equation should be modified by putting Vgs −VDirac and
Vgd − VDirac instead of Vgs and Vgd respectively.
The convergence of some simulation techniques such as
harmonic-balance and transient analysis, requires continuous
first- and second-order derivatives [25]. Consequently, the
model should have continuous high-order derivatives.
f (x,y) ∂ n f (x,y)
, ∂yn ),
f (x, y) has high-order partial derivatives ( ∂ ∂x
by replacing Θ(x) with a smooth analytic function in equation
13, Ids will have high order continuous derivatives. For that
reason, Θ(x) ≃ U (x) = (1 + tanh(x/V1 ))/2 where V1 is a
fitting parameter.
Finally, from above equations the transconductance gm =
dId /dVgs ∣Vds =const of the intrinsic device can be approximated
in the different quadrants as,
W √ 2
2 −
gm1,4 = √
C( V0 + Vgs
µe,h ∣Vds ∣ m L
1 + ( Lvsat )
V02 + (Vgs − Vds )2 )
W √ 2
2 −
gm2,3 = √
C V0 + Vgs
µe,h ∣Vds ∣ m L
1 + ( Lvsat )
W √ 2
C V0 + (Vgs − Vds )2
µh,e ∣Vds ∣ m L
Lv sat
where Θ(x) is the step function. Fig. 3 shows a contour plot
of the drain current of a G-FET based on intrinsic Vgs and
Vgd with µe = 2000 cm2 /Vs, µh = 2400 cm2 /Vs, n0 = 6 ×
1011 cm−2 , L = 1µm and m = 1.
From above equations, gm,M ax =
∣Vds ∣ m L
1+( e,h
C∣Vds ∣
and for high carrier mobility, gm,M ax ≃ 2v sat W C. It should
be noted that this value is obtained from the intrinsic part
(without including parasitic drain and source resistances) and
therefore it is an upper limit of the G-FET transconductance.
B. Drain and Source Resistance Model
Measurement data [18], [26] shows that there is a difference
in the conductivity of G-FETs depending on whether the
majority carriers in the G-FET channel are electrons ( Vgs > 0,
Vgd > 0) or holes ( Vgs < 0, Vgd < 0). This effect mainly
comes from the charge transfer between the graphene and
the metal contact. The charge type can be electrons or holes
depending on the work function of the deposited metal [27].
When the carrier type of the G-FET channel is the opposite
of the charge in the metal-graphene contact, a p-n barrier is
formed and adds an extra resistance [28]. For submicron gatelength G-FETs, this phenomenon dominates the whole channel
resistance [2], [26]. Therefore including this term is necessary
for G-FET modeling. In order to model this effect we add a
carrier dependent term to the drain and source resistors,
Rs = Rs0 + Rext (Vgs , Vgd )
Rd = Rd0 + Rext (Vgs , Vgd )
1 + tanh(Vgs /V2 ) 1 + tanh(Vgd /V2 )
In the above expression when the majority carriers in the GFET channel are electrons, an extra resistance, Rexto appears
in the drain and source resistances and V2 is a fitting parameter.
Since the metal-graphene contact scales with the contact width
rather than the contact area [28] and the drain and source have
the same contact width, we can assume Rs0 =Rd0 =R0 .
Since in the large area graphene there is no bandgap, the
contact resistance becomes more critical as the gate length
decreases. The main effect than can be seen in very short gatelength (Lg < 100-150 nm) G-FETs, is that by changing the
gate voltage, the current variation for n- (p-) channel becomes
much smaller than the current variation for p- (n-) channel
[29], [2]. In other words G-FET behaves like a unipolar FET.
A high value of Rexto can be used for modelling the above
effect. Also in [30] it has been shown that the saturation
velocity is almost independent of the gate-length while the
carrier mobility generally decreases when reducing the gatelength.
Rext (Vgs , Vgd ) =
achieved by this method do not include the contact and access
resistances. These resistances are the main contributions to the
parasitic resistances and as a result, this method underestimates
the contact resistances. For example in [2] the extracted drain
and source resistances for graphene of about 3 µm width
are 13.9 Ω (42 Ω.µm) and 2.4 Ω (7 Ω.µm) respectively.
These values are more than an order of magnitude lower
than the lowest reported contact resistance for a single layer
graphene at room temperature (500 Ω.µm) [28]. Consequently
we modify the the method as follows:
1. Open and short structures with identical layouts, excluding
the graphene are used to extract Ls , Lg , Ld , Cpg , Cpd and Rg .
2. For extraction of Rd and Rs (R0 and Rext ), the
drain is biased at a low voltage. At low drain voltage
(∣Vds /Vgd ∣,∣Vds /Vgs ∣ ≪ 1) equation
8 and 12 can be writ√
/V0 )2 Vds and IDS =
ten as IDS =
µh (W /L)Q0 1 + (Vgs /V0 ) Vds respectively and as a result,
the drain to source resistance becomes
α µe
RDS = 2R0 + 2Rexto + √
1 + (Vgs /V0 )2
for Vgs ≫ VDirac and
RDS = 2R0 + √
1 + (Vgs /V0 )2
for Vgs ≪ VDirac where αµe,h = L/(W µe,h Q0 ). By fitting the
Rds profile with above equations Rd and Rs (R0 and Rexto )
as well as αµe,h and V0 can be extracted.
3. The capacitors of the intrinsic device can be obtained
by biasing the gate voltage of the G-FET at the minimum
conductivity (VGS = VDirac ) and measuring the S-parameters.
Since the device is biased at VDirac , the transconductance,
gm becomes zero. The parasitic elements obtained from the
previous sections can be deembedded [33] and the remaining
small signal model is depicted in Fig. 4. It can be shown that
Device parameters are extracted from both DC and Sparameters measurements. The measured S-parameters are
used in order to extract the extrinsic parasitic elements as
well as intrinsic capacitors (Fig. 1). For parasitic elements,
S-parameters of the open and short structures are needed.
In conventional FETs, the open and short structures are
obtained by biasing the device under the forward-biased gate
and pinched off respectively (VDS = 0, cold-FET technique)
[31], [32]. However, the G-FET channel can not be pinched
off. Consequently, the method must be modified for the GFET. As described in [2], ’open’ and ’short’ structures with
identical layouts, excluding graphene are used to deembed
the parasitic elements and calculate the intrinsic elements
by Yintrinsic = ((YDU T − Yopen )−1 − (Yshort − Yopen )−1 )−1 .
However, since the ’open’ and ’short’ structures do not include
graphene in channel, the parasitic drain and source resistances
Fig. 4. Small signal model after deembedding the parasitic elements at
VGS = VDirac .
Cgd = −Y12 /jω, Cgs = (Y11 + Y12 )/jω,
Cds = Im(Y22 + Y12 )/ω
C = (Cgs + Cgd )/(LW )
where Y is the admittance matrix of the structure in Fig. 4.
4. The rest of the parameters are calculated as follow:
Q0 = CV0
µe,h = L/(W αµe,h Q0 )
25 fF
22 fF
48 fF
18 fF
20 fF
31 pH
43 pH
75 pH
12 Ω
28 Ω
2000 cm2 /V s
2400 cm2 /V s
0.41 V
The model has been implemented in a circuit simulation
software (ADS) and verified by the experimental DC and RF
characterization of a G-FET. The G-FET fabrication process
is the same as the method described in [7]. By the method
described in the previous section, the model’s parameters have
been extracted and presented in table I (Wch = 20µm and
Lch = 1µm) with fitting parameters of m = 1, V1 = 1/3 V and
V2 = 1/4 V.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 6. Fitted data (solid line) versus measured data (⧫) for the drain-source
resistance (VDirac = 1 V, VDS = 0.1 V ).
SEM image of the G-FET, Lg = 1µm , Wg = 20µm.
The measured G-FET drain-source resistance versus the
fitted model is shown in Fig. 6. The transconductance and
IDS − VDS characteristic curves at different VGS are depicted
in figures 7 and 8 respectively. As can be seen the model is
in good agreement with the measurement. For the IDS − VDS
characterization, a pulsed I-V measurement was used to avoid
the self heating effect at high drain voltages [34]. The simulated voltage range has been extended beyond the experiment
range in order to show the formation of p-n junction along
the channel. For example at VGS − VDirac = 2 V, when VDS
reaches 2 V a p-n junction starts to form.
Moreover, measured and modeled S-parameters are shown
in Fig. 9. The measurement is performed from 1 GHz to
30 GHz with an Agilent PNA with on-wafer probing. As
described in the previous section, for extracting the capacitors
of the intrinsic device, S-parameters of the G-FET biased at
VGS = VDirac are needed. At this bias point, gm = 0, and
consequently S12 = S21 . Therefore, VDirac can be found by
tuning the gate voltage until S12 and S21 completely coincide.
For example for VDS = 0.1 and 0.5 V in this device, we have
VDirac = 1 and 1.22 V respectively (Fig. 9 a,b). Fig. 9 c,d show
the measured and modeled S-parameters for the maximum gm
with VDS = 0.1 and 0.5 V.
In order to investigate the model accuracy more in detail,
a power spectrum analysis is performed. This is done by
Fig. 7. Model (solid line) versus measured data (⧫) for the transconductance
(VDirac = 1 V, VDS = 0.1 V ).
sweeping the gate bias voltage and superimposing a low
frequency (10 MHz) signal to the gate, and measuring the
power spectrum at the drain. Harmonic balance analysis is
used to simulate the power spectrum using the model. Fig.
10 demonstrates a good agreement between the simulated and
measured power spectrum up to the third harmonic. Also, as
can be seen from the first harmonic, there is no power gain in
this G-FET.
Here, we show how the model can be used for designing
and analyzing a G-FET based circuit. Fig. 11 shows the circuit
schematic of a subharmonic resistive G-FET mixer [7]. The
input-signal frequencies are 2 GHz (fRF ) and 1.01 GHz (fLO )
and the desired output-signal frequency (fIF = ∣fRF −2×fLO ∣)
is 20 MHz. By running a harmonic balance load-pull simulation, the optimum RF and IF embedding impedances for a
given LO power, PLO can be found. Fig. 12 depicts contour
plots showing simulated conversion loss (CL) for RF and IF
Fig. 10. Model (solid line) and measured power spectrum. fin = 10 MHz,
Pin = 0 dBm, VDS = 0.5 V.
Fig. 8.
Model (solid line) versus measured data (⧫) for IDS − VDS
characteristic curves at VGS − VDirac =-3 to 3 volts. The measurement is
based on the pulsed-IV method.
Fig. 11.
A subharmonic G-FET mixer circuit [7].
Fig. 9. S-parameters Model (●) versus measurement (○), a) VGS = 1 V
, VDS = 0.1 V, gm = 0, b) VGS = 1.22 V , VDS = 0.5 V, gm = 0 c)
VGS = 1.5 V , VDS = 0.1 V, gm = 27 µS/µm , d) VGS = 1.75 V ,
VDS = 0.5 V, gm = 137 µS/µm
impedance levels at PLO = 15 dBm. The plot is achieved
by the following steps. First, the global optimum embedding
impedances are estimated by sweeping one impedance (e.g.
ZRF ) in the Γ-plane while keeping the other impedance (e.g.
ZIF ) at Z0 = 50 Ω. Then, ZRF,opt (ZIF,opt ) is obtained
by sweeping ZRF (ZIF ) in the Γ-plane with ZIF (ZRF )
kept at the estimated global optimum value. Fig. 13 shows
ZRF,opt , ZIF,opt , the simulated and measured mixer CL versus
PLO . There is a good agreement between the measured and
simulated CL. The optimum impedances are located near the
Fig. 12. Simulated CL contour plots for RF and IF embedding impedances.
The inner contour is for 22.8 dB CL and the outer contour is for 30 dB CL
(0.5-dB step), PLO = 15 dBm and, ZLO and all other mixing terms are
terminated with Z0 (VGS = VDirac = 1 V).
real axis of the Γ-plane, therefore the real values are plotted.
The optimum RF and IF embedding impedances essentially
coincide and it is due to the low RF frequency. It can be seen
that by using the optimum embedding impedances at low PLO
levels, a lower CL can be reached. Also, it is seen that at high
PLO , the CL starts to increase. This is because at high PLO ,
the time duration of ’off state’ becomes much shorter than
that of ’on state’. In conventional subharmonic FET mixers,
the device can be biased such that the time duration of the ’on
state’ and ’off state’ becomes close together, and consequently
the mixer CL monotonically decreases by increasing PLO and
saturates [35], [36]. The demonstrated mixer exhibits a high
CL which is attributed to the low on-off current ratio (≃ 3)
of the G-FET. Further simulation shows that by utilizing a GFET with a on-off ratio of 10-20 in the mixer, a CL of 15-17
dB is achievable [37]. A higher on-off ratio can be obtained
by reducing the contact resistance levels as well as creating a
bandgap in the G-FET channel [38].
Fig. 13. Simulated and measured CL, as well as the optimum embedding
impedances versus PLO (ZLO = Z0 ). The measured data is compensated
for filter losses and the device parameters are the same as those in table I
(VGS = VDirac = 1 V).
We have proposed and evaluated a closed form large signal
model for the G-FETs. The model is semiempirical and is
derived for a single layer zero-bandgap graphene. The model
accepts different carrier mobilities for electrons and holes and
it can predict the asymmetric transfer characteristic of a GFET. Using a semiempirical approach reduces the complexity
of the calculations and enables us to have an analytical model
suitable for circuit-level simulations. The model has few fitting
parameters which can straightforwardly be extracted using a
novel method. This new extraction method gives a more accurate estimation of the drain and source contact resistances than
previously reported methods. The model is experimentally
verified at DC and RF. The DC measurements agree well with
the model and also the power spectrum analysis shows good
agreement up to the 3rd order. As a practical example for the
model, a harmonic-balance load pull analysis is performed
to extract the optimum embedding impedances of a G-FET
subharmonic mixer. In this case the measured and simulated
mixer CL are compared, and the simulated result follows the
measured data. This example shows how the model can be
used to analyse and design G-FET circuits. For future model
development, the effect of self-heating should be considered.
Moreover, for ultra-thin gate dielectrics, where the effect of
the graphene quantum capacitance is no longer negligible, the
model should be modified.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Erik Kollberg, Prof.
Olof Engström and Micheal Andersson (Chalmers University
of Technology) for fruitful discussions.
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Omid Habibpour (S’08) received the B.S degree in electrical engineering
from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2002 and the M.S.
degree in electrical engineering from Amirkabir University of technology,
Tehran, Iran, in 2004.
He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in graphene electronics
with the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory, Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
Josip Vukusic received the diploma and Ph.D. degree in photonics from
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, in 1997 and 2003,
Since 2004, he has been with the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory working on terahertz (THz) technology. His is currently involved
in modeling, fabrication, and characterization of frequency multipliers and
photomixers for THz generation.
Jan Stake (S’95- M’00 - SM’06) was born in Uddevalla, Sweden, in 1971.
He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree
in microwave electronics from Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
Sweden, in 1994 and 1999, respectively.
In 1997 he was a Research Assistant at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. From 1999 to 2001, he was a Research Fellow in the millimetre wave group at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. He then joined
Saab Combitech Systems AB as a Senior RF/microwave Engineer until 2003.
From 2000 to 2006, he held different academic positions at Chalmers and was
also Head of the Nanofabrication Laboratory at MC2 between 2003 and 2006.
During the summer 2007, he was a Visiting Professor in the Submillimeter
Wave Advanced Technology (SWAT) group at Caltech/JPL, Pasadena, USA.
He is currently Professor and Head of the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave
Laboratory at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2),
Chalmers, Gteborg, Sweden. His research involves sources and detectors
for terahertz frequencies, high frequency semiconductor devices, graphene
electronics, terahertz measurement techniques and applications. He is also
co-founder of Wasa Millimeter Wave AB.
Prof. Stake serves as Topical Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz
Science ad Technology.