The following is a pre-print version of a paper that has been published as:
Górska, Elżbieta. 2014. "The UP/DOWN orientation in language and music". In
Brenzinger Matthias and Iwona Kraska-Szlenk (eds.). The Body in Language.
Comparative Studies of Linguistic Embodiment. Leiden: Brill (Brill's Studies in
Language, Cognition and Culture, 8), 177-195.
If you want to quote from it verbatim, please check the published version.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------THE UP/DOWN ORIENTATION IN LANGUAGE AND MUSIC
Elż ietaàGórska
The paper discusses the UP/DOWN orientation from two perspectives. From the
perspective of linguistic coding of UP and DOWN as target concepts, body part
terms that serve as their most common structural templates are briefly
considered. The other perspective takes the concepts of UP and DOWN as the
source domains for conceiving various target notions which can be expressed
not only via language, but also by means of other modalities such as gesture or
music. It is argued that the experientially derived UP/DOWN image schema
(Johnson 1987) plays a crucial role in structuring not only verbal metaphors,
but also metaphors which are manifested via the musical mode. Providing
insights into cross-modal levels of activation of metaphor, this study sheds a
e àlightào àtheàpre iseàofà e odi e t àofà ea i g.àWhe à ie edàfro the
multimodal perspective, the centrality of the body-based conceptual templates
in semantic change, which is commonly recognized in cross-cultural studies of
grammaticalization and lexicalization appears even more natural.
1. Introduction
This paper considers the UP/DOWN orientation from two different
perspectives. One is that of the linguistic coding of UP and DOWN as
target concepts while the other is that of metaphorical mappings from
the source domain of UP/DOWN to a variety of target conceptions, be
they well-established or novel. The former perspective is commonly
adopted in studies of grammaticalization, when they seek to establish
conceptual templates for coding the two deictic notions of UP/DOWN
(see, in particular, Heine 1997 and Heine & Kuteva 2002). Since this
perspective will be of marginal interest here, only the most common
body-part-based templates for coding these two concepts will be briefly
presented (section 2). We will then move to one example of a
grammaticalization chain in which the concept of UP itself functions as a
template, i.e. a metaphorical source domain, for coding a grammatical
marker of comparative. This shift in perspective will provide a frame for
section 3, which will consider the concepts of UP and DOWN as the source
domain for conceiving diverse target notions that can be expressed not
only via language, but also by means of other modalities.1 The latter
perspective is characteristic of a new trend in metaphor research in
cognitive linguistics. Until very recently, the numerous proponents of
the Lakovian-Johnsonian Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) (Lakoff
and Johnson 1980, 1999)2 have almost exclusively focused on purely
verbal manifestations of conceptual metaphor, which can be classified
as instances of a prototypical 'monomodal metaphor', whose target and
source domains are exclusively rendered in one mode (see Forceville
2006: 383). In the last decade, however, interest in multimodal
metaphors, wherein "target and source are each represented
exclusively or predominantly in different modes" (Forceville 2006: 383),
has already gained ground (see, in particular, Forceville 2006, Forceville
and Urios-Aparisi 2009,àMüllerà
,àCie kiàa dàMüllerà
,à) iko skià
,àa dàalsoàGórskaà
Given the fact that communication in contemporary society
commonly draws on modalities other than language alone, the
appearance of this new 'multimodal' trend is by no means surprising.
Neither is it surprising in the light of the ongoing debate about the
nature of metaphor, and its conceptual status in particular. Providing
insights into cross-modal levels of metaphor activation, this new trend
directly addresses the issue of non-verbal evidence for the conceptual
nature of metaphor, and thereby overcomes the circularity of the
'language – to – thought – to – language' argumentation of which the
proponents of Conceptual Metaphor Theory have often been accused
seeà e.g.à Gi sà a dàPerl a à
,à For e illeà
,à Cie kià
a dàMüllerà
.àTheà riti is à asàdire tedàatàtheàsta dardàpra ti eài à
CMT of hypothesizing about the conceptual nature of a particular
metaphor (e.g. HAPPY IS UP) on the basis of metaphorical linguistic
expressions (or 'verbal metaphors' as they are also called) and then
confirming the very same hypothesis on the basis of a larger sample of
linguistic data.
It is crucial to also observe that multimodal studies of metaphor
which focus on image schematic concepts, such as UP/DOWN, shed a new
light on the premise of 'embodiment', which lies at the very core of
cognitive linguistics (see e.g. Johnson 1987, Gibbs 2006, Maalej and Yu
2011a and the literature cited therein). This premise directly refers to
the 'embodied cognition' thesis, which states that the kinds of concepts
we are capable of forming is (to a large extent)3 determined by the
nature of our bodies and our bodily functioning in the world. And, it is
'Modality' or 'mode' will be understood here in Forceville's terms as "a sign system
interpretable because of a specific perception process" (2006: 382).
As for the proponents of CMT, there have been too many who should be mentioned here,
so let me only refer the reader to the literature quoted in Gibbs (2008).
Note that communicative and cultural factors may also be involved in structuring our
conceptual system (see e.g. Heine 1997, Maalej and Yu 2011b).
implicit in the cognitive view on the conceptual nature of semantics,
which maintains that linguistic meaning reflects conceptual structure,
and, by the same token, is (to a large extent) motivated by our
embodied experience.
Last but not least, when placed in the multimodal perspective, the
centrality of the body-based conceptual templates in semantic change,
which is commonly recognized in cross-cultural studies of
grammaticalization (see e.g. Heine 1987, Heine et al. 1991, Heine and
Kuteva 2002) and lexicalization (see e.g. Maalej and Yu 2011b), appears
even more natural.
2. The concepts of UP and DOWN in grammaticalization
Cross-linguistic studies of deictic orientation (see e.g. Heine 1997, Heine
and Kuteva 2002) leave no doubt that the spatial concept of UP has the
human body as its primary conceptual source. Since this deictic model
relies on the human body in its upright position (Heine 1997: 38), it is
not surprising that the source concept of HEAD is most common in this
grammaticalization process. As Heine observes, "87% of all African and
61% of all Oceanic languages that were found to use body-part terms for
'up'-ter sàsu hàasà'a o e',à'up',à'o ',à … àha eàgra
ati alizedà'head'àforà
this purpose" (1997: 41). Far less common than this anthropomorphic
model is the so-called zoomorphic model which, relying on the body of
animal as a structural template, takes the concept ANIMAL BACK as the
source of the spatial concept UP (ibid.).
The concept DOWN, on the other hand, has the body-part model as its
secondary source domain, with environmental landmarks (e.g. 'earth' or
'ground') functioning as the primary conceptual template. In this case,
the most commonly grammaticalized body parts are the concepts of
BOTTOM (see Heine and Kuteva 2002:330), BUTTOCKS (especially in African
languages) and FOOT/LEG (in Oceanic languages, it is the only relevant
body-part template) (see Heine 1997:41-42).
For Heine (1997: 139ff), unidirectionality of such conceptual transfer
patterns can be accounted for via the mechanism of metaphor, since
the source and target concepts have different referents and the shift
from the domain of experience of the source concept (e.g. HEAD or
BOTTOM) to the domain of the target concept (cf., respectively, UP and
DOWN) almost without exception goes in one direction (see also Heine et
al. 1991: 226).4
It needs to be emphasized that the unidirectionality claim is not
questioned by the semantic evolution from, e.g., the spatial concept UP
expressed by locative adpositions or suffixes to, e.g., a grammatical
marker introducing the standard of comparison (see Heine and Kuteva
In grammaticalization literature, the role of conceptual metaphor in the development of
grammatical meanings has been a matter of much debate. Other mechanisms which are often
mentioned in this context include metonymy, inference and implicature, subjectification; for an
overview see, in particular, Brinton and Traugott 2005, and also Langacker 1999.
2002: 305-306; 326), since in such cases further grammaticalization is
involved (and it is not a body part that functions as the target).
To summarize, cross-linguistic conceptual templates give grounds for
postulating the grammaticalization chain as in (1):
(1) body-part term > spatial relation
> grammatical marker of
The question of whether this chain can be established within a
particular language will not be taken up here as it is not pertinent to our
main topic. Note, however, that with the issue of comparatives which
evolved from the locational UP, we have shifted the perspective and
looked at the spatial UP not as a target concept, but as the conceptual
source of other more abstract conceptions. This perspective will frame
the discussion in the following section.
3. The VERTICALITY schema in cognitive studies of verbal and multimodal
Since Johnson (1987) and Lakoff (1987), it is generally acknowledged in
cognitive linguistics that our schematic knowledge about the UP/DOWN
orientation – called the UP/DOWN or, the VERTICALITY image schema – is
first and foremost derived from our preconceptual bodily experience of
gravity (cf. Lakoff 1987: 276).5 "Because we exist within a gravitational
field at the earth's surface, and due to our ability to stand erect, we give
great significance to standing up, rising, and falling down" (Johnson
2005: 20). The UP/DOWN schema is a recurring pattern of such
sensorimotor experiences, which helps us organize their diverse
instances and reason about them. Like other orientational schemas
(e.g. FRONT/BACK), it is said to be "directly related to the structure and
functioning of the human body in its canonical shape, i.e. in the shape in
which it presents itself at its best and can function most effectively"
(Krzeszowski 1997: 112).6 Crucially, the view that image schemas can be
recruited to structure abstract concepts and to reason about abstract
domains of thought is among the foundational claims of cognitive
One of the most evident ways in which image schemas are
See, however, Mandler (2010), who argues that the concepts of UP and DOWN are acquired in
the first year of life from the observation of motion of other objects, and are only later enriched
by bodily information. Note also that, at the neural level, we have built-in detectors of up and
down which are sensitive to the force of gravity (see Grady 2005: 45).
Typically, the UP orientation is associated with positive experiences, while the DOWN
orientation – with negative. On these grounds Krzeszowski (1997:113) assumes that the UP/DOWN
schema is axiologically charged with PLUS-MINUS poles. However, Hampe (2005a) argues against
this view claiming, on the one hand, that "axiological dimensions have to remain default values
because evaluation is never absolute" (p. 107), and on the other hand, that such default values
are determined with respect to much broader and richer, contextualized cognitive models, of
which image schema groupings form a part.
manifested in language is in structuring conceptual metaphor.
Specifically, when put in terms of CMT, the UP/DOWN schema provides
the source domain for a whole range of conventional conceptual
metaphors, such as:
which are assumed to be universal (cf. Lakoff and Johnson 1999: 56-57).
Their linguistic manifestations abound. Consider a sample of common
everyday English expressions in (3a-c), which are motivated by the HAPPY
IS UP metaphor, and those in (3d-f) - by the metaphor CONTROL IS UP:
(3) a. That was an uplifting experience.
b. upper (N) 'a drug, usually in the form of a pill, that people take to
make them feel happy, excited, and lively' (MED).
c. My spirits rose when I got the news.
d. He's got an upper hand in the situation.
e. She holds the highest position in the company.
f. How many people are there above you?
For our discussion of the embodiment of meaning, the fact that the
metaphors under consideration here are included by Grady (1997) in his
list of the so-called primary metaphors is of special interest (see also
Lakoff and Johnson 1999).7 The term 'primary metaphor' refers to a
conceptual mapping between the most fundamental components of
basic experiences that recur regularly in what Grady (1997) calls
'primary scenes' (see also Grady and Johnson 2002). For example, the
is based on the correlation between the sensation of hunger and the
desire to find and eat food (cf. Grady 1997, Appendix). Since this
primary scene recurs on a constant basis, a very strong binding between
the associated components of experience is formed in our mind. In the
course of conceptual development (after the phase called
'deconflation'), such bindings between (formerly) 'conflated'
components of experience (see Christopher Johnson 1999) give rise to
mappings between a primary source concept, which derives from a very
basic bodily experience, such as the sensation of hunger, and a primary
target concept – a subjective affective response to it - in this case a
concept of desire or need. On this account, then, linguistic realizations
of the metaphor DESIRE/NEED IS HUNGER (cf. e.g. (5)) are direct reflections
of this very basic association in experience, and their meaning is thus
In the Appendix, Grady (1997) lists about 100 metaphors which have properties of primary
metaphors. For Lakoff and Johnson (1999:57), on the other hand, it is highly likely that there are
at least several hundred widespread primary metaphors.
'embodied' and motivated.
(5) a. People are hungry for news. (MED)
b. The public's appetite for celebrity gossips seems insatiable. (MED)
Given our biological make-up we arrive at this primary metaphor
automatically and unconsciously by merely functioning in the world we
live in.
The same argument would apply to the data given in (3). The
meaning of these conventional expressions is likewise embodied – the
primary metaphor HAPPY IS UP reflects a strong experiential correlation
between the erect body posture or, of being 'up and doing' and, the
feeling of happiness; on the other hand, the primary metaphor CONTROL
IS UP – is based on our finding that when we are in vertical orientation "it
is easier to control another person or exert force on an object from
above", since we have gravity working with us (Lakoff and Johnson
1999: 53).
Let us now observe that the embodied experience captured by the
UP/DOWN schema accounts also for the coherence of the concepts
encoded by the verbal metaphors in (6): the 'opposites' of the examples
in (3a-c) and (3d-f) all receive a 'downward' orientation, as is illustrated
in (6a-c) and (6d-f):
(6) a. All these problems are getting her down. (MED)
b. downer (N) 'something that makes you feel sad or disappointed'
c. He is in very low spirits. (MED)
d. She's completely under his thumb.
e. She holds the lowest position in the company.
f. He started his career as a lowly office worker.
In this case, then, the embodied patterns of metaphorical thought can
be stated as in (7):
To sum up thus far, the metaphorical mapping from the image
schematic domain of UP/DOWN orientation provides coherence to pairs of
opposite target concepts HAPPY – SAD and HAVING CONTROL/FORCE – BEING
SUBJECT TO CONTROL OR FORCE. Moreover, given the experiential grounding
of the underlying primary metaphors, an alternative 'scenario', wherein
the relevant concepts would receive the 'opposite' orientation, appears
Note that in the derivation of upper and downer, aside the metaphors HAPPY IS UP and SAD IS
DOWN, also the EFFECT FOR CAUSE metonymy is involved.
This formulation of the CONRTOL metaphor is after Lakoff and Johnson (1980:15); see also
Lakoff and Johnson 1999.
Metaphors of this kind are called "orientational", since they are motivated by image
schematic experience of our bodily orientation in space (see Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 14-21).
highly unlikely, if possible at all.11
Seen in this light, the meaning of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph in
Fig. 1 is by no means surprising.
Figure 1 Hieroglyph A-28, The Temple of Edfu, Egypt
As argued by Ahmed (2010: 65), the hieroglyph functions as a classifier
which co-occurs with linguistic expressions that symbolize notions from
the domain of JOY, such as: 'become excited'/'be happy' or 'happiness,
joy'. The image of a man with both arms raised above his head that is
depicted in the hieroglyph is quite obviously reminiscent of gestures
which are commonly used by our champions of sports competition or by
ordinary people to express extreme joy and happiness. Such gestures
are clearly metaphorical – motivated by the very same metaphor HAPPY IS
The Ancient Egyptian example has led us to yet another general
observation: given the embodiment of the HAPPY IS UP metaphor, the fact
that its verbal manifestations recur in several unrelated languages is by
no means surprising. Suffice it to mention at this point two examples:
one from Hungarian, a Finno-Ugric language (8) and another one from
Chinese, (9):13
Recently, the fundamental claim of CMT on the crucial role of image schemas in mental
representation of abstract concepts has received empirical support in various cognitive
experiments (for an overview see, e.g., Zanolie et al. 2012:57). For our purpose suffice to note
that there is ample empirical evidence showing that the VERTICALITY image schema is
automatically activated in processing the concept of POWER; see, in particular, Zanolie et al.'s
(2012) study which demonstrates that the activation of the target domain of POWER (induced by
POWER-related words, such as: attacker, leader, captain vs. victim, slave, looser) shifts visual
attention in an image schema congruent way (i.e. in the case of 'powerful' words like attacker to
the top of the screen and in the case of 'powerless' words like victim to the bottom).
A very interesting visual manifestation of the SAD IS DOWN metaphor can be found in
:à -88) study of a spontaneous speech-gesture combination via which a German
speaker described a depressive state of her friend. A striking aspect of the case studied by
Müllerà asà thatà theà ideaà ofà o eptualizi gà depressi e essà i à ter sà ofà ei gà do à asà
manifested in the gestural mode only: the activation of SAD IS DOWN was evident from a series of
gestures with a significant downward motion pattern and, at the same time, there was no hint
of the activation of this metaphor on the verbal level. This purely gestural (hence monomodal)
manifestation of SAD IS DOWN shows that conceptual metaphors are not restricted to triggering
verbal metaphors, but may also induce manifestations in other modalities.
Both examples are quoted in Kövecses (2005: 36-37), the example in (9) is from Yu (1995).
(8) Ez a film feldobott
this the film up-threw-me
This film gave me a high/This film made me happy.
(9) Ta hen gao-xing
he very high-spirit
He is very high-spirited/happy.
Note further that, in Chinese, the concept of SUCCESS – a notion
strongly correlated with HAPPINESS – is also understood in terms of the
VERTICALITY schema: verbal manifestations of the metaphor SUCCESSFUL IS
140, note 4), very common; e.g.: the compound word gao-di (literally:
high and low) means 'relative superiority or inferiority (e.g. in a contest
or competition)', and the expression nan fen gao-di (lit.: hard to
distinguish between the high and the low) means 'hard to tell which is
Let us now shift from the linguistic mode to metaphorical
realizations of the UP/DOWN image schema in music. The first two
examples are drawn from Zbikowski's (2009) study; they illustrate what
musicians call 'text painting', in which music accompanying a particular
text of a vocal work is meant to suggest or 'paint' an image that is
referred to in the text itself.
The first example comes from the Credo of Giovanni Pierluigi da
Palestri a sà Pope Marcellus Mass,à hereà theà te tà is:à à Quià propterà osà
homines et propter nostram salutem descendit deà ælis à 'Whoà forà usà
men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven'). Importantly,
with the first occurrence of the word descendit, each of the six voices
egi sà aà s alarà des e t.à I à effe t,à "Christ sà des e tà fro à hea e à isà … à
represented with a cascading fall through musical space, a series of
overlapping movements 'down' the musical scale" (Zbikowski 2009:
360). For our purpose, it is crucial to note that "[t]his representation
exploits the common construal of musical pitches as situated in vertical
space, a construal that follows from the characterization of pitches as
'high' or 'low' with respect to one another" (ibid.). In cognitive terms,
this amounts to saying that the UP/DOWN schema functions as the source
domain for the mapping onto the domain of music. The use of this
schema in the characterization of musical pitch is, on Zbikowski's
account, quite straightforward:
A very common non-verbal manifestation of this metaphor has been noted by Yu (2009),
who draws our attention to the generally recognized practice in sports competition of
distinguishing the first, second, and third place winners of an event by the height of the platform
on which they receive their medals or trophies, with the champion's platform being the highest
(see 2009: 140, note 4). Such embodied visual manifestations of the SUCCESSFUL IS UP metaphor
are in all likelihood universally comprehensible. The same would also apply to a purely pictorial
realization of the metaphor SUCCESSFUL CAREER IN LIFE IS UPWARD MOVEMENT ON JOURNEY, which was
discussed by Yu (2009: 129-130) in his study of a Chinese educational commercial.
when we make low sounds, our chest resonates; when we make
high sounds, our chest no longer resonates in the same way, and
the source of sound seems located nearer our head. The 'up' and
'down' of musical pitch thus correlate with the spatial 'up' and
'down' – the vertical orientation – of our bodies (Zbikowski 2000:
Moreover, the bodily sensations associated with the production of 'high'
and 'low' pitches are, as Zbikowski claims, just one aspect of our
embodied experience of musical pitch. Crucially, embodied imageschematic structure of spatial concepts can be metaphorically projected
onto the acoustic domain. Specifically,
[b]oth space and the frequency spectrum are continua that can be
divided into discontinuous elements. In the spatial domain,
division of the continuum results in points; in the acoustic domain
it results in pitches, [and mapping of the spatial UP/DOWN onto
pitch] allows us to import the concrete relationships through
which we understand physical space into domain of music, and
thereby provide a coherent account of relationships between
musical pitches (Zbikowski 2000: 7).15
In brief, for Zbikowski, there is a direct bodily motivation for the
conceptual metaphor given in (10):
It needs to be emphasized that, even though the conventional way of
describing pitch as 'high' and 'low' might be said to prompt the mapping
in Palestrina's musical passage, there is, according to Zbikowski (2009),
far more to this multimodal metaphor. Specifically, Palestrina was not
merely interested in portraying a move from 'high' to 'low' – he could
have achieved this with a single falling interval. Instead, with the help of
six voices moving stepwise along a descending scale, he has created a
'sonic analog' of "the sound of descent, realized as an orderly, stately
process" (p. 361).
To corroborate this analysis, Zbikowski considers another example of
text painting prompted by the same word descendit 'come down' in the
Credoà ofà Hei ri hà Bi er sà Missa Christi resurgentis, written about one
hu dredà earsàafteràPalestri a sàMass. The difference between the two
musical fragments becomes apparent when we consider Figure 2
(adapted from Zbikowski 2009: 361): the downward path created by
Biber consists of fifteen notes and proceeds
through a series of twisting turns before reaching its goal.
Palestrina, for his part, takes only eight notes, and never changes
direction. The sonic image of descent offered by Biber is
For more on cross-domain mapping of auditory pitch see also Casasanto et al. (2003), Eitan
and Timmers (2009).
consequently quite different than that offered by Palestrina.
Bi er sàdes e tàisàaàleisurel ,àal ostà aressi g,àaffairài à hi hàtheà
journey is at least as important as the goal (ibid. 361-362).
Figure 2. Comparison of melodic passages from Heinrich Biber, Credo of the Missa
Christi resurgentis, mm. 51-57 and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Credo of the Pope
Marcellus Mass, mm. 53-55.
To recapitulate, the two examples of text painting make it evident
that the noun descendit 'come down' directs attention to a downward
motion through space, yet it does not, as Zbikowski notes, "embody
such a process" (2009: 364). At the same time, there is nothing in the
two musical passages that imitates the sound of actual descent – a
descending scale has little in common with such sound (see 2009: 365).
Instead, what the music does contribute are two distinct sonic analogs
for the dynamic process of descent, which exploit patterns of pitch
going 'down' the musical scale, and our understanding of these analogs
"is structured by the accompanying text" (ibid.). Or, putting it
differently, in these text paintings the mapping from the source domain
of text (cf. descendit) onto the target domain of music (employing
patterns of descending pitch) makes us "understand" music in a
particular way: "we hear the sounds as descending" (p. 366). An
interesting aspect of these verbo-musical metaphors is that there is also
a mapping which goes in the opposite direction: "the music gives the
delivery of the words specific contour and duration", and thereby
"shapes our understanding of the text" (ibid.). To substantiate this
claim, Zbikowski invites us to consider three situations – descendit
spoken; descendit sung by Palestrina's singers; descendit sung by Biber's
singers, and concludes: "If there are any differences between these
three utterances, they come from the structure music can impose on
language" (p. 366).16
The final example which I would like to consider is not an
As argued by Zbikowski (2009), the notion of the 'blended mental space' postulated by the
Blending Theory (see e.g. Fauconnier 1997, Fauconnier and Turner 1998) may serve to grasp the
contribution of the verbal and the musical domain to the process of meaning construction which
is characteristic of such verbo-musical metaphors. For application of the Blending Theory to
ulti odalà etaphors,àseeàe.g.à) iko skià
,àa dàGórskaà
established verbo-musical metaphor of the kind illustrated by
Zbikowski's instances of text painting, but a novel metaphor that was
openly discussed by its creator. It comes from a lecture delivered by
conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim as part of his BBC Reith
Lectures of 2006.17 One of the recurring motifs in his lectures is the
claim that attentive listening to music may provide an understanding of
diverse aspects of life which are otherwise very difficult to grasp. In
cognitive terms, then, Barenboim seems to be saying that metaphorical
mappings from the domain of MUSIC onto the domain of LIFE can serve to
provide insights into our life experiences which are not only difficult to
comprehend, but also talk about in terms of everyday conventional
IS A BURDEN, LIFE IS A FLAME or LIFE IS A FLUID (see Lakoff and Turner 1989).
When elaborating his LIFE IS MUSIC metaphor, at one point Barenboim
recalls a question that he was confronted with as a small boy living in
the Middle East – of why a single event in life may change our
perception of whatever preceded it and whatever will follow. He then
goes on to explain that he got a clear understanding of this kind of
relationship between events from music. Referring to a musical example
he later intends to play, he first notes:
(11) [T]he moment where there comes a fantastic vertical pressure on
the horizontal floor of the music, and that moment you know that
the music cannot continue any more the way it was before, such as
the world was not the same after the 9th November of 1938, or the
9th November of 1989, or the 11th September of 2001 - events that
have changed everything both towards the future and towards the
past (L3).
The musical example he played to support the verbal argument
consisted of a few bars from the last movement of the Ninth Symphony
by Beethoven, where the text of the Ode to Joy is: "und der Cherub
steht vor Gott, vor Gott" ('and the cherub stands before God'). Observe
that the UP/DOWN image schema, and also the FORCE schema (Johnson
1987), are evoked first through language (cf. vertical pressure, horizontal
floor in (11)), and then by means of pitch and volume of the music
played. This amounts to saying that the UP/DOWN image schema
currently under consideration has been activated as a source domain
that was distributed across both the verbal and the musical mode
o joi tl à i à o eà etaphor.à Dra i gà upo à Müller'sà
:à -111)
approach to verbo-pictorial and verbo-gestural metaphors, I would
regard the relevant correspondence as a verbo-musical metaphor,
which can be phrased as in (12):
Forà oreà o à thisà topi ,à seeà Górskaà
.à Forà theà Reith Lectures archives (which contain
both the audio and transcript versions of the lectures and discussions which followed each
lecture), see
This correspondence qualifies as a verbo-musical metaphor because of
both the distribution of elements of the metaphorical source across two
modalities and the crucial role of the verbal context in interpreting the
musical example played by Barenboim in terms of the target domain of
this metaphor – the conception of critical events in the course of life.
In the light of our earlier discussion of the verbo-musical
metaphors, the usage of the VERTICALITY image schema in example (11)
and in the fragment from the Ninth Symphony is motivated by the
(cf. (10) above). Importantly, the musical passage involves a very abrupt
fall down the musical scale, and thereby it functions as – to use
Zbikowski's (2009) term – a sonic analog of Barenboim's verbal
characterization of critical events in life in terms of vertical (pressure).
The use of the expression pressure itself indicates that the FORCE schema
has also been activated. Since this schema is not directly relevant to our
topic we will not go into it in detail. It is interesting to note, however,
that the notion of FORCE may be metaphorically understood in terms of
the VERTICALITY schema (see also (2) and (7) above); this understanding
was reflected in Lakoff's and Johnson's earlier formulation of the
SUBJECT TO CONTROL OR FORCE IS DOWN (see Lakoff and Johnson 1980: 15).
Observe, further, that the application of the FORCE schema to the music
domain might be said to reflect our embodied experience of a higher
volume sound whose production requires more force as compared to a
sound having a lower volume; in the case in point, the FORCE schema is
also motivated by our understanding of the sudden change in pitch and
volume in terms of (caused) motion (cf. the metaphors CHANGES ARE
And why is (the floor of) music horizontal? This might be motivated
by the idea of pitch and volume as having one particular level during the
relevant musical 'chunk' (and with respect to our common experience of
force, we could say that here a particular force vector follows a single
path of motion); 18 when affected by abrupt pressure, such a musical
'chunk' can no longer continue in the same way (since the original forcevector has been diverted to a different path of motion).
The fact that two modalities are involved in activating the notions of
VERTICALITY and FORCE increases the degree of contextual activation of the
motivating image schemas and of the metaphorical correspondence
itself,19 and in effect renders Barenboim's insight into critical events in
On Johnson's account of the experiential level, forces are always experienced through
interaction, usually they have a vector quality and directionality which are typically bound to a
single path of motion; they are characterized by degrees of power and intensity; since they are
interactional, they always involve a causal sequence (see 1987: 43ff.).
I àMüller'sà
àter s,àtheàle elàofàa ti atio àisà orrelatedà ithàtheà u eràofàa ti atio à
indicators (such as repetition or elaboration on the verbal level or coexpression of metaphor in
life more memorable. Undoubtedly, depending on their musical
knowledge and experience, the members of the audience are bound to
differ in their understanding of this metaphor. And in particular, for
those of the members who are used to attentive listening, the musical
mode would provide a far more specific and rich understanding of the
metaphorical source than for those members who take music as a mere
pastime or background noise. Note, finally, that Barenboim presents this
metaphor as his well-established pattern of thought. Undoubtedly, for
members of the audience, the understanding of 'events in life' in terms
of 'events in music' is completely novel, and they have to follow his
guidance to establish the relevant correspondence on-line. And so, this
might be a clear case of two alternative ways of activating the same
metaphor – as a kind of 'cognitive routine' and as a structure created
And to conclude this section, let us take a cross-cultural perspective
and add that the conceptual metaphor PITCH RELATIONSHIPS ARE
RELATIONSHIPS IN VERTICAL SPACE (cf. (10)), which is so common among
Western musicians, is by no means universal – cultures do differ here.
As Zbikowski notes, the Balinese and Javanese conceptual model of
pitches is "focused on the norms of acoustic production: small things
typically vibrate more rapidly than large things" and consequently for
Balinese and Javanese musicians pitches are 'small' and 'large', rather
than 'high' and 'low' (Zbikowski 2006: 128).
4. Conclusion
To sum up, a few general comments are in order. The centrality of the
canonical up-down orientation of our bodies is revealed in many ways.
On the one hand, the notions of UP and DOWN are among the most
commonly coded deictic concepts across languages and cultures. As
might be expected, the body-part-based conceptual templates (and, in
the case of UP the expressions for 'head' in particular) are the chief
driving force in this grammaticalization process. And, as it was argued
throughout this paper, the experientially derived UP/DOWN (or
VERTICALITY) image schema plays a crucial role in structuring not only
verbal metaphors, but also metaphors which are manifested in other
modalities, such as music. Moreover, the cross-modal analyses
presented in this study show that the image schematic knowledge about
the UP/DOWN orientation motivates well-established verbo-musical
metaphors which function as 'text paintings' as well as a completely
novel metaphor whose source and target domains are distributed across
the verbal and the musical mode. It should also be observed that the
co-occurring modality): the more metaphoricity indicators surround a given metaphor as it is
used online during discourse, the higher its level of activation. Both entrenched and novel
metaphors may be activated to different degrees – "depending on the context and on individual
speaker/liste er'sàfo usàofài terestàorà a kgrou dàk o ledge"à Müllerà
For a study of metaphor where alternative accounts for the writers and readers are
discussed, see Semino (2010).
evidence from metaphors which crosscut different modalities breaks up
the 'language – to – thought – to – language' circle of CMT, and thereby
strengthens the view that metaphor is conceptual in its nature.
And finally, cross-cultural differences in understanding musical
pitch make it evident that in research on metaphor which characterizes
non-verbal modalities, just as in cross-cultural studies of language, in
addition to universally common conceptual patterns cultural variants
are also to be expected.
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