Archaeologia Polona 48: 2010 (2015)


Archaeologia Polona vol. 48:2010 (2015) Archaeology of the Slavs. Marek Dulinicz in Memoriam Pages: 297 PL ISSN 0066-5924 Publisher: The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences Editors of the volume: Mateusz Bogucki and Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz

CONTENTS Editorial Mateusz Bogucki .......................................................................................................................... 1 SPECIAL THEME: ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE SLAVS. MAREK DULINICZ IN MEMORIAM Marek Dulinicz as a researcher of Early Medieval Masovia Andrzej Buko ............................................................................................................................... Remarks on Slavic population igures in the times of their settlement in Europe Henryk Samsonowicz ................................................................................................................... he roots of the Yotvingians – archaeological traces of a Baltic tribe in the north-eastern Poland Wojciech Nowakowski .................................................................................................................. Medieval historical studies and medieval archaeology about the origin of the Piast State. An overview Michał Kara ................................................................................................................................ Touchstones from Ostrów Tumski in Wrocław Martin Ježek, Aleksandra Pankiewicz, Jan Zavřel .......................................................................... Strongholds of the northern Masovia and their geographical location Jarosław Ościłowski ...................................................................................................................... he non-ferrous metal inds from the early medieval stronghold and settlement complex of Sypniewo in northern Masovia Felix Biermann, Mariusz Błoński .................................................................................................. Early medieval stone barrows in the area between the Bug and the Upper Narew Rivers Michał Dzik ................................................................................................................................ Reuse of Prehistoric items in the Early Middle Ages. he example of the cemetery in Lubień, voivodeship Łódź Tomasz Purowski, Tomasz Kurasiński, Kalina Skóra ....................................................................... APPENDIX. Chemical composition analysis of the glass of a horned eye-bead from Lubień Tomasz Purowski, Anna Nowak..................................................................................................... New research on the early history of the Slavs in the Lower Middle Elbe Region Karl-Heinz Willroth ..................................................................................................................... he early phase of Slavic settlement on the south-western Baltic coastal area – current research in the area between the Bay of Kiel and the Oder River Hauke Jöns, Michael Müller-Wille ................................................................................................ he early medieval emporium Janów Pomorski (Truso). Characteristics and comparison based on excavations 2004–2008 Sebastian Brather ......................................................................................................................... Polabian Slavs and processes of political consolidation Przemysław Urbańczyk ................................................................................................................ Christian mission, state formation and changes in burial customs. he case of Pomerania Marian Rębkowski ....................................................................................................................... 5 17 21 37 59 79 107 121 139 167 175 197 229 245 257 he glass from Cösitz (Zörbig), Sachsen-Anhalt, and the origins of non-alkaline lead-silica glass from European inds. he state of research in outline Maria Dekówna .......................................................................................................................... 269 POLEMIC ARTICLES & REVIEWS he stronghold in Sypniewo from the 10th–11th century. Comments of a historian Jan Tyszkiewicz ............................................................................................................................ 289 Online access to previous volumes of Archaeologia Polona is available at the address: Archaeologia Polona is regularly indexed in the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; in IBZ – International Bibliography of Periodical Literature; IBZ – CD-ROM; IBR – International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature; IBR – CD-ROM. Archaeologia Polona is included within the database of the Anthropological Index Online of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (
PL ISSN 0066–5924 INDEX 32597x (VAT 5%) Editorial Mateusz Bogucki .......................................................................................................................... 1 SPECIAL THEME: ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE SLAVS. MAREK DULINICZ IN MEMORIAM 5 17 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences 21 37 59 79 107 121 139 167 Archaeologia Polona 175 197 vol. 48: 2010 (2015) 229 245 257 269 POLEMIC ARTICLES & REVIEWS he stronghold in Sypniewo from the 10th–11th century. Comments of a historian Jan Tyszkiewicz ............................................................................................................................ 289 vol. 48: 2010 (2015) Marek Dulinicz as a researcher of Early Medieval Masovia Andrzej Buko ............................................................................................................................... Remarks on Slavic population igures in the times of their settlement in Europe Henryk Samsonowicz .................................................................................................................. he roots of the Yotvingians – archaeological traces of a Baltic tribe in the north-eastern Poland Wojciech Nowakowski .................................................................................................................. Medieval historical studies and medieval archaeology about the origin of the Piast State. An overview Michał Kara ................................................................................................................................ Touchstones from Ostrów Tumski in Wrocław Martin Ježek, Aleksandra Pankiewicz, Jan Zavřel ......................................................................... Strongholds of the northern Masovia and their geographical location Jarosław Ościłowski ...................................................................................................................... he non-ferrous metal inds from the early medieval stronghold and settlement complex of Sypniewo in northern Masovia Felix Biermann, Mariusz Błoński ................................................................................................. Early medieval stone barrows in the area between the Bug and the Upper Narew Rivers Michał Dzik ................................................................................................................................ Reuse of Prehistoric items in the Early Middle Ages. he example of the cemetery in Lubień, voivodeship Łódź Tomasz Purowski, Tomasz Kurasiński, Kalina Skóra ....................................................................... APPENDIX. Chemical composition analysis of the glass of a horned eye-bead from Lubień Tomasz Purowski, Anna Nowak .................................................................................................... New research on the early history of the Slavs in the Lower Middle Elbe Region Karl-Heinz Willroth ..................................................................................................................... he early phase of Slavic settlement on the south-western Baltic coastal area – current research in the area between the Bay of Kiel and the Oder River Hauke Jöns, Michael Müller-Wille ................................................................................................ he early medieval emporium Janów Pomorski (Truso). Characteristics and comparison based on excavations 2004–2008 Sebastian Brather ......................................................................................................................... Polabian Slavs and processes of political consolidation Przemysław Urbańczyk ................................................................................................................ Christian mission, state formation and changes in burial customs. he case of Pomerania Marian Rębkowski ....................................................................................................................... he glass from Cösitz (Zörbig), Sachsen-Anhalt, and the origins of non-alkaline lead-silica glass from European inds. he state of research in outline Maria Dekówna .......................................................................................................................... Archaeologia Polona CONTENTS Special theme: Archaeology of the Slavs. Marek Dulinicz in Memoriam A r c h a e o l o g i a Po l o n a Volume 48 : 2010 (2015) MATEUSZ BOGUCKI, ALEKSANDRA RZESZOTARSKA-NOWAKIEWICZ Editors: International Advisory Board: Prof. PETER BOGUCKI – Princeton University, USA Prof. MARTIN GOJDA – University of Western Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic Prof. ANTHONY HARDING – University of Exeter, Great Britain Prof. MARIA IACOVOU – University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Prof. CAROLA METZNER-NEBELSICK – University of Munich, Germany Prof. BJØRNAR OLSEN – University of Tromsø, Norway Prof. GUIDO VANNINI – University of Florence, Italy Editors of the volume: MATEUSZ BOGUCKI, BARTŁOMIEJ LIS Linguistic consultation: LESZEK GARDEŁA Reviewers: Mateusz Bogucki (Warszawa), Johan Callmer (Lund), Władysław Duczko (Warszawa-Pułtusk), Volker Hilberg (Schleswig), Joanna Kalaga (Warszawa), Stanisław Rosik (Wrocław), Guido Vannini (Florence), Wojciech Wróblewski (Warszawa), Paweł Żmudzki (Warszawa) Editorial oice: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences 00-140 Warszawa Al. Solidarności 105 Tel. (4822) 6202881 ext. 184 Fax (4822) 6240100 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Archaeologia Polona © Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved. All papers are copyright to their authors, translators and to Archaeologia Polona. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the copyright owner. PUBLISHED BY THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WARSAW, POLAND Typeset, printed and bound by …, Poland Printed in 380+20 copies in 2015 Cover illustration: Sypniewo, reconstruction of the stronghold-settlement complex in the 10th century. Drawing by B. Fischer, from the paper by Biermann and Błoński in this volume Recent and forthcoming archaeological publications of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Rzeczy i ludzie. 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Bis, Późnośredniowieczne i wczesnonowożytne naczynia białe z Solca nad Wisłą. Warszawa 2014. Vol. 2. R. Schild, Całowanie. A Final Paleolithic and Early Mesolithic Site on an Island in the Ancient Vistula Channel. Warszawa 2014. Vol. 3. T. Boroń, Mikroregion Nieborowej na Polesiu Lubelskim: Od Epoki Kamienia po Wczesną Epokę Żelaza. Warszawa 2014. VIA ARCHAEOLOGICA A. Czekaj-Zastawny, Brzezie 17. Kraków 2014. PERIODICALS Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej Archaeologia Polona Przegląd Archeologiczny Archeologia Sprawozdania Archeologiczne Archeologia Polski Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae Orders regarding all publications should be addressed directly to the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Solidarności 105, 00-140 Warsaw, Poland,; [email protected]; tel: +4822 620 2882 ext. 114.

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