THE EFFECT OF USING MOVIE DIRECTOR STRATEGY IN READING COMPREHENSION AT THE EIGHTH GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 1 GIDO IN 2015/2016 THESIS By SAMSELINAR LASE Reg. Number 112108081 INSTITUTE OF TEACHING TRAINING AND EDUCATION OF GUNUNGSITOLI FACULTY OF EDUCATION OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DECEMBER 2016 THE EFFECT OF USING MOVIE DIRECTOR STRATEGY IN READING COMPREHENSION AT THE EIGHTH GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 1 GIDO IN 2015/2016 THESIS Submitted to Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan By SAMSELINAR LASE Reg. Number 112108081 INSTITUTE OF TEACHING TRAINING AND EDUCATION OF GUNUNGSITOLI FACULTY OF EDUCATION OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DECEMBER 2016    , Samselinar, 2016,The Effect of Movie Director Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido. Thesis advisors (1) AdieliLaoli, S.Pd.,M.Pd, (2) YasminarAmaeritaTelaumbanua, M.Pd. Keywords: Movie Director Strategy, Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension. The researcher’s purpose is to investigate whether there is a significant effect of Movie Director Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016. The population of the research is the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1 Gido that consists of 314 students. The researcher takes samples which consist of 62 students at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri1 Gidoin 2015/2016 randomly. Before doing the treatment, the researcher did the pretest for both of groups to find the normality and homogeneity of the data. The students’ mean score computations of experiment’s pretest was 57.90 with Lcount= 0.1021 and the control’s pretest was 47.26 with Lcount= 0.0776, and Ltable= 0.159. So, the pre test for both of the groups was stated Normal Distribution. Then, the researcher examined homogeneity. Pre test computation indicates that Fcount= 1.04 and Ftable= 1.87. The pre test was stated Homogenous. After doing a treatment to the experimental group, the researcher takes the data of the students’ ability by using posttest. The posttest given to the students is the students’ answers the questions. Based on the result of the data indicates that (1) the average of the students’ writing ability in reading comprehension by using Movie Director Strategy is 73.71which is stated good. (2) The average of the students’ ability in reading comprehension by using Conventional Strategy namely 67.26 which is stated adequate. Based on the result of the examining hypothesis, It gets tcount= 2.673 and ttable =2.000. Because tcount>ttable(2.673>2.000), it means Ha is acceptable and H0 is unacceptable. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Movie Director Strategy on the students’ ability in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1 Gido in 2015/2016. Based on the analysis, the researcher gives suggestions, namely (a) The students should learn English well and have to be brave to pose and respond teacher’s or friends’ questions. (b) The English teachers are able to apply the procedures of Movie Director Strategy in teaching reading to the students well in order that the goal to make the students are able to comprehend the text can be achieved. (c) The English teacher in SMP Negeri 1 Gido is suggested to use Movie Director Strategy in teaching reading to the students. (d) The teacher should select the appropriate material related to Movie Director. (e) The researcher expectsthe English teacher to use Movie DirectorStrategy to achieve the high result of the students’ ability in reading comprehension. (f) Finally, the researcher suggests all readers especially to the next researchers to explore about about reading comprehension especially that had not explored by the reseacher in this research. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, the researcher thanks to Jesus Christ who blesses her, guides her, strengthens her, and loves her during compiling this thesis. Because of her limited knowledge, experiences, and opinions, she was supported by many persons to finish her thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like to say her sincerely thanks to: 1. Mr. Drs. Bezisokhi Laoli, M.M., as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli for his best service for the students of IKIP Gunungsitoli. 2. Mr. Adieli Laoli S.Pd., M.Pd as the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts Education, and as the first advisor, who always guides and gives her motivation and ideas in arranging the thesis. 3. Miss Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, M.Pd as the Chair of English Education Study Program, and as the second advisor, who also supports, guides, gives motivation, correction and ideas as input in finishing the thesis. 4. Mr. Afore Tahir, S.Pd., M.Hum as the Secretary of English Education Study Program and as the examiner who guides her by giving ideas and suggestions to complete the thesis correctly. 5. All of her Thesis Examiners who have guided her in giving the final touch for the research. The researcher does not know how to manage her errors in writing this thesis without their help. ii 6. Mr. Yaredi Waruwu S.S.,M.S as the validator, who gives correction and ideas as input in finishing the thesis. 7. Mr. Editianus Waruwu, S.Th as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Gido, and the students of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido who help her in getting the data during carrying out her research. 8. Miss. Meityn F. Harefa, S.Pd as the teacher-collaborator and her validator, who also helps her to succed the research and gives her motivation in finishing the thesis. 9. Her beloved parents (A/I Selin Lase) and also her brothers and sisters Lilis Lase, Parlin lase, Sinta Lase, Eben Lase who always sacrificed for funding mission and pray, all of her family’s, Dennys Cady families, Ofreli Gulo families, who gave her love, advice, prayer, motivations, and supports during her study at the English department of IKIP Gunungsitoli. 10. Her close friends Sefri Rosniat Lase, Yalinar Hondro, Dewiman J. Mendrofa, Yuniati Zebua, Sokhiziduhu Zebua, Juris Rahyu P. Zendrato, Defianus Gulo, and Omeldarisman Zai who always support, give motivation and help her. 11. Her friends Ofreli Gulo, Sarifudin Halawa, Sumangeli Gulo, Sokhi Wanaha Bu’ulolo, Atosokhi Gulo, who always motivate her. iii Finally, the researcher expects the suggestion and criticism for improving the research that it could be better and useful for everybody. Gunungsitoli, December 2015 The Researcher Samselinar Lase Reg. Number 112108081 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………….. i Pa ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ ii ges TABLE OF CONTENTS ………….…………………………………..…….. v LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………….............. ix LIST OF FRAMEWORK……………………………………………………. xi LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………………. xii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1 A. The Background of the Problem ........................................ 1 B. The Identification of the Problems..................................... 4 C. The Limitation of the Problems ........................................ 4 D. The Formulation of the Problem ....................................... 4 E. The Purposes of the Research ............................................ 5 F. The Significances of the Research ..................................... 5 G. The Research Hypotheses ................................................ 5 H. The Assumptions of the Research ..................................... 6 I. The Limitation of the Research.......................................... 6 J. The Key Terms Definition of the Research ...................... 7 CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ....................... 8 A. Theoretical Framework ...................................................... 8 1. Movie Director Strategy .............................................. 8 a. The Definition of Movie Director Strategy............ 8 v b. The Procedure of Implementing Movie Director Strategy ................................................... 9 c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Movie Director Strategy ........................................ 12 2. Reading ........................................................................ 13 a. Definition of Reading…….................................... 13 b. The Purposes of Reading ...................................... 14 c. The Process of Teaching Reading......................... 15 3. Reading Comprehension .............................................. 16 a. Definition of Reading Comprehension .................. 16 b. The Levels of Reading Comprehension ................. 17 c. Types of Reading Text based on the Syllabus ....... 19 d. The Assessment of Reading Comprehension......... 21 B. The Latest Related Research ............................................. 24 C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................... 26 RESEARCH METHOD .................................................. 28 A. Design of the Research....................................................... 28 B. Variables of the Research................................................... 30 C. The Population and Sample .............................................. 31 1. Population .................................................................... 31 2. Sample.......................................................................... 32 D. Kind of Data and Research Instrument .............................. 35 E. The Procedures of Collecting Data .................................... 36 CHAPTER III : vi F. The Techniques of Analyzing Data.................................... 37 1. Instrument of Examining............................................. 37 a. Validity................................................................... 37 b. Reliability .............................................................. 37 2. Data Analysis ……………………………………. 38 a. The Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension....................................................... 38 b. Mean Score............................................................. 38 c. Standard Deviation ................................................ 39 d. Normality of Data ................................................. 40 e. Homogeneity of Sample ........................................ 41 f. Examining the Hypothesis .................................... 43 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ........... 45 A. Research Findings .............................................................. 45 1. Analyzing of the Instruments Tests.............................. 45 a. Validity................................................................... 45 b. Reliability............................................................... 45 2. Data Analysis ............................................................... 46 a. The Pre-Test and Post-Test Analysis ..................... 46 1) The Mean, Standard Deviation and Variants .......................................................... 46 2) The Normality of Data ................................... 48 3) The Homogeneity Test ................................... 49 4) Examining the Hypothesis ............................. 49 CHAPTER IV : vii B. Research Findings Discussions......................................... 50 1. The Common Response of the Research Problem...... 50 2. The Analysis and Interpretation of Research Findings 50 3. The Research Findings versus the Latest Related Research ...................................................................... 52 4. The Research Findings Implications ........................... 53 5. The Research Findings versus Theories.................... 54 6. The Analysis of the Research Findings Limitation..... 54 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ........................ 55 A. Conclusions ......................................................................... 55 B. Suggestions.......................................................................... 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 57 APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 59 CHAPTER V: BIOGRAPHY viii LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. The Criteria in Scoring the Students’ Answers by using WH-Question........ 23 2. Research Design............................................................................................. 29 3. Population Condition of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Gido................................................................................................................ 31 4. The Total Sample of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/016............................................................................................ 35 5. The Work Table for Lliefors Formula ........................................................... 41 6. The Mean Score, Standard Deviation and Variants of the Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental.............................................................................. 47 7. The Normality of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental and Control Group.............................................................................................................. 48 8. The Result of Homogeneity of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Group and Control Group .............................................................................. 49 9. Examining Hypothesis ................................................................................... 50 10. The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Experimental Group (Pre-Test)....... 89 11. The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Experimental Group (Post-Test) ..... 91 12. The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Control Group (Pre-Test) ................ 93 13. The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Control Group (Post-Test) .............. 95 14. The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Experimental Class (Pre-Test) ............................................................. 97 15. The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Experimental Class (Post-Test)............................................................ 98 16. The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Control Class (Pre-Test)....................................................................... 99 ix 17. The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Control Class (Post-Test) ..................................................................... 100 18. The Normality of the Data in the Experimental Class (Pre-Test).................. 101 19. The Normality of the Data in the Experimental Class (Post-Test) ................ 102 20. The Normality of the Data in the Control Class (Pre-Test) ........................... 103 21. The Normality of the Data in the Control Class (Post-Test).......................... 104 22. Critical Values for Liliefors Test ................................................................... 109 23. The Width Under the Normal Standard from 0 to Z...................................... 110 24. Critical Values for F Distribution (Significant Degree 5%) .......................... 111 25. Critical Value for t-students Distribution...................................................... 112 x LIST OF FRAMEWORK Framework Page 1. The Conceptual Framework......................................................................... Pa27 ges xi LIST OF APPENDICES Appendices Page Appendix 1 Syllabus ...................................................................................... Pa58 Appendix 2 Lesson Plan................................................................................. 62 ges Appendix 3 Table of Specification................................................................. 69 Appendix 4 Material....................................................................................... 75 Appendix 5a Students’ Evaluation Sheet for Pre-Test..................................... 77 Appendix 5b Students’ Evaluation Sheet for Post-Test ................................... 78 Appendix 6a The Key of Answers for Pre-Test............................................... 79 Appendix 6b The Key of Answers for Post-test .............................................. 80 Appendix 7a The Test Instrument Validity for Pre Test.................................. 81 Appendix 7b The Test Instrument Validity for Post-Test................................ 83 Appendix 7c The Test Instrument Validity for Pre Test.................................. 85 Appendix 7d The Test Instrument Validity for Post-Test................................ 87 Appendix 8a The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Experimental Group (Pre-Test)......................................................................... 89 Appendix 8b The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Experimental Group (Post-Test) ....................................................................... 91 Appendix 8c The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Control Group (Pre-Test)......................................................................... 93 Appendix 8d The Students’ Scores and Marks in the Control Group (Post-Test) ....................................................................... xii 95 Appendix 9a The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Experimental Class (Pre-Test)............................. 97 Appendix 9b The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Experimental Class (Post-Test) ........................... 98 Appendix 9c The List of The Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Control Class (Pre-Test) ...................................... 99 Appendix 9d The List of the Students’ Marks, Standard Deviation, and Variant in the Control Class (Post-Test) .................................... 100 Appendix 10a The Normality of the Data in the Experimental Class (Pre-Test) .................................................................................... 101 Appendix 10b The Normality of the Data in the Experimental Class (Post-Test) .................................................................................. 102 Appendix 10c The Normality of the Data in the Control Class (Pre-Test)........ 103 Appendix 10d The Normality of the Data in the Control Class (Post-Test) ...... 104 Appendix 11a The Homogeneity of the Samples in the Pre-Test...................... 105 Appendix 11b The Homogeneity of the Samples in the Post-Test .................... 106 Appendix 12 Testing Hypotheses .................................................................... 107 Appendix 13a Critical Values for Liliefors Test................................................ 109 Appendix 13b The Width under the Normal Standard from 0 to Z ................... 110 Appendix 13c Critical Value for F Distribution (Significant Degree 5%) ........ 111 Appendix 13d Critical Value for t-students Distribution .................................. 112 xiii Appendix 14a The Experimental Class Documentation at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016.......................................... 113 Appendix 14b The Control Class Documentation at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016.......................................... xiv 115        !"# $ %  &'() *+,-./0 .1 2/+ 23 45+ 6,1.7 18.991 45,4 45+ 14:-+/41 152:9- 6+ 2;/ ./ 9+,</./0 =/09.15 ,/- 7,/ /24 6+ 1+>,<,4+- ./ 4+,75./0?9+,</./0 ><27+11@ AB <+,-./0C 45+ <+,-+< ;.99 0+4 ./32<D,4.2/C .-+,1 ,/- .D><2E+ 45+.< 8/2;9+-0+C +/<.75 45+.< E27,6:9,<B ,/45+B ;.99 6+ D2<+ ,74.E+ ,/- 7<+,4.E+ ./ :1./0 45+ 9,/0:,0+@ F772<-./0 42 G<,6+ ,/H4299+< IJKKJLMNC “Reading is the ability to draw the meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately”. Thestatetement above means that, the students should be able to build the meaning from the text and also find the information inside the text material correctly, in which interpret it based on the need of the students. Nunan (2003:68) says, “The goal of reading is comprehension.” Furthermore, Manser (1995:81) adds that comprehension is the power to understand something, or exercise to improve one’s understands. In other words, the readers do not only read a text but should understand what has been written. Based on the experts’ opinion, the researcher concludes that reading comprehension is a process of understanding the meaning of text because by comprehending the text, the readers can construct a meaning from written form, based on a number of information gotten from the text. 1 2 In the syllabus of KTSP-2006 at the eighth grade of SMPNegeri 1 Gido especially in reading comprehension, it hopes the students to respond the meaning of simple short functional written text accurately, fluently, and acceptable related to the environs. In other words, the students should master reading to comprehend the text. The Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) in that school is 60. When the students are not able to reach it, so the students are reputed fail. Based on the interviewed of the researcher to the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Gido at the eighth grade, the English teacher said that the students cannot achieve the MMC that has been decided. The average of the students’ score when he conducted a test to the students is under 60. The main problem is the students are not able to respond the meaning of the text especially recount text. The researcher interviewed the English teacher to identify the specific information about the students’ problem in learning reading. Basically it comes from the students and also from the teacher. The problem is influenced by some factors, such as: The students cannot identify the generic structure of the text, the students cannot determine the most important idea from the text in Movie, the students cannot tell what they have watch in Movie, the students cannot identify the story that they have watch, the students cannot practice the Movie character. To overcome the problems, the role of teacher is really important to make a teaching will be successful in school. Therefore the researcher wants to look for a 3 way out to solve the problems by using Movie Director Strategy for the students at the eighth grade especially in learning recount text. According to Appleman and F. Grave (2012:40), Movie Director is to bring together what the readers know helping kids read text in movies. As they assert introduction, they believe that classroom teachers should be merge these two ways of thinking about approaching literary texts with secondary students. The following strategy, suggesting literary lenses, is one of the clearest examples of this kind of merging. In this case, Movie Director Strategy refers to comprehend the components of a text correctly. This strategy aims to help the students to influence their knowledge how they comprehend the text by ordering the segments of the text into coherent piece of the text. So, by applying Movie Director Strategy the students will be more interested and motivated in learning English, especially in reading comprehension to express their ideas to comprehend the text that they have read. Based on the explanation above, the researcher does a research, entitled “The Effect of Movie Director Strategy in Reading Comprehension on the Students Ability at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016”. 4 OP QRSTUVfications of the Problem Based on the problem stated in the background above, the problems can be identified as follows: 1. The students cannot identify the generic structure of the text on the movie. 2. The students are unable to think and describe something might happen on the movie. 3. The students are unable to retell the text after watching the movie. 4. The students are unable to imagine and retell the text in front of the class as watching a film. C. The Limitation of the Problem Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher searches the effect of Movie Director Strategy on the student’s ability in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016. D. The Formulation of the Problems Based on the limitation of the problems in the research, the researcher states the formulation of the problem as follows: “Is there a significant effect of Movie Director Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri1 Gido in 2015/2016?” 5 WX YZ[ \]^_`a[ `b cZ[ d[a[e^fZ The purpose of the research is to investigate whether there is a significant effect of Movie Director Strategy on the Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016 or no. gX YZ[ hi_`cZ[aja `b cZ[ d[a[e^fZ The hypotheses of the research are formulated as follows: Ha =There is a significant effect of Movie Director Strategy on the students’ ability in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1 Gido in 2015/2016. Ho =There is no any significant effect ofMovie DirectorStrategy on the students’ ability in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1 Gido in 2015/2016. kX YZ[ ljmnjficances of the Research The significance of the research as follows: 1. The researcher, as an experience in teaching reading comprehension in recount text through Movie Director Strategy. 2. The students, as a motivation to get more information when they read the reading text in order that the students can comprehend the content especially in narative texts. The English teacher, as a guideline and source of information for the students in the teaching-learning process. 6 3. The next researchers, as comparison material to search relevant topics with the research. op qrs tuuvwxyz{| {} yrs ~sus€r The researcher has some assumptions in doing the research, as follows: 1. Reading comprehension is the construction of the meaning of the written text by using the existing knowledge. 2. Movie Directoris a strategy used in teaching English. ‚ƒ „ † ‡ˆ‰ˆŠ‹ŠˆŒ ŒŽ Š † ††‹‘’ Some limitation of the research as follows: 1. The population of the research is the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016 and sample is taken by using Cluster Sampling. 2. The object of the research is the students’ ability in reading comprehension. 3. In the research, the researcher uses quantitative research method and its type is experimental which generates a type that is quasi experimental and its design is pre test and post test design for both control and experimental groups. 4. The researcher usesrecount texts. 5. In conducting the research, the researcher only focuses on the students’ cognitive domain. 7 J. The Key Terms Definitions of the Research To avoid misunderstanding about the definitions used in the research, the researcher gives some explanations that concern with the definition. They are: 1. Reading Comprehension helps to activate students’ prior knowledge and allows them to make connections between themselves and the text. 2. Movie Director can help the students to understand and comprehend the text that they have read.This strategy aims to help the students to influence their knowledge how they comprehend the text by ordering the segments of the text into coherent piece of the text. So, by applying Movie Director Strategy the students are more interested and motivated in learning English, especially in reading comprehension to express their ideas to comprehend the text that they have read. 3. Conventional Strategy is a traditional Strategy that focuses on teacher centered, while the students’ role is limited because of the teacher’s role. ”•–—˜™š ›› š™œ›™ žŸ š™ –˜™¡ ›˜™š–˜¢š™ –£ ˜¤¥¦§¥¨©ª«¬ Ÿ§«­¥®¦§¯ °£ ±¦²©¥ ¡©§¥ª¨¦§ ³¨§«¨¥´µ «£ ˜¤¥ ¡¥¶©·©¨©¦· ¦¶ ±¦²©¥ ¡©§¥ª¨¦§ ³¨§«¨¥´µ ¸¹º»¼ ½»¾¼¿¹t ¾ Àt¾Át¼Âà »Ä ¹Å¼ ¼ÆƼ¿»tº¼ ÄǾÁt¼Âà Èt Át ¿ÁŠɼ ÁÊÊË»¼Ì Éytȼ t¼Á¿È¼¾ »Å t¼Á¿È»Å ÍÅÂË»ÄÈ É¼¿ÁÎļ ÉyÎĻŠtÈ» Ä ÄǾÁ¼t Âà t¼Á¿È¼¾Ä ¿ÁÅ ÄÇ»ÏÎËÁt¼ tȼ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄÐ º¹¿ÁÉÎËÁ¾Ñy Òt ϼÁÅÄ Èt Át tÈ»Ä ÄǾÁt¼Ây»Ä ¼ÁÄy¹t ÎÅ̼¾ÄÇÁÅÌ ÁɹÎÇ Èt ¼ ¾¼ËÁ»t¹Å ¹w¾Ì »Å ¾¼Á̻Š¿¹Ïʾ¼È¼ÅÄ»¹ÅÑ Ó¿ ¿¹¾Ì»Å ¹t ÍËËÁ ÔÕÖÖÖ×ÕÕØÙÚ Û“ ξʹļ ¹Æ ¸¹º»¼ ½»¾¼¿¹t ¾ Àt¾Át¼Âà »Ä ¹t ÁÄÄ»ÄtÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄ ¹t º»ÄÎÁ Ë»Üe ÝhaÇ Çheà ¾ead aÄ a ÄǾaÇegà ǹ iÏʾ¹º¼ ¾ecaËË aÅÌ c¹ÏʾeheÅÄ»¹ÅÑÞ ÒÅ ¹Çhe¾ ݹ¾d ÇhiÄ ÄǾaÇegà caÅ aÄÄ»ÄÇ Çhe ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄÐ abiËiÇà bà ÎÄ»Åg ÇhiÄ ÄǾaÇegÃÑ Ócc¹¾diÅg ǹ ßegi¹ÅÄ Ôàááâ×àãÙ ÇhaÇ iÅ ch¹¹Ä»Å fiËÏÄ f¹¾ cËaÄľ¹¹Ï ÄÇÎÌÃÚ Çeache¾ÄÚ Ä¿h¹¹ËÄ aÅÌä¹¾ Ä¿h¹¹Ë åξ»ÄÌ»¿»t¹ÅÄ Å¼¼Ì ¹t ¿¹ÅĻ̼¾ È¹Ý ¼wËË tȼ Æ»ËÏ »wËË È¼ËÊ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄ Ï¼¼tÈt ¼ ¹ut¿¹Ï¼ÄÚ ÉÎÇ tȼyÏÎÄÇ ÁËĹ ¿¹ÅĻ̼¾ Èt ¼ æÎÁË»ty¹Æ tȼ Æ»ËÏÚ ÁÊʼÁË ÁÅÌ ÁÊʾ¹Ê¾»Á¼t żÄÄ Æ¹¾ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄÚ ¿¹ÏÏÎÅ»tyÄÇÁÅÌÁ¾ÌÄÑ ÒÅ ¿¹Å¿ËÎÄ»¹ÅÚ ¸¹º»¼ ½»¾¼¿¹t ¾ Àt¾Át¼Âà ¿ÁÅ Á ÆƼ¿t ¹t Èt ¼ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄ Áɻ˻ty»Å ¾¼Á̻Š¿¹Ïʾ¼È¼ÅÄ»¹ÅÚ »Å tÈ»Ä ÄǾÁ¼t Âà tȼ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄ Á¾¼ ÁÄç¼Ì ¹t ÁÄÄ»ÄÇ tȼ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇ ’Ä Áɻ˻tyÁÅÌ ÁÉ˼ ¹t ¾¼ÁÌ tȼ ¼t xtÁtÈt ¼ Ϲº»¼Ñ À¹ ÉyÎĻŠ¸¹º»¼ ½»¾¼¿¹t ¾ À¾t Á¼t Âà tȼ ¾¼Ä¼Á¾¿È¼¾ ¿ÁÅ ¼t Á¿È ¾¼Á̻Š¼ÁÄ»¼¾ ɼ¿ÁÎļ ¸¹º» ¼ ½»¾¼¿¹t ¾ Àt¾Át¼Âà ¿ÁÅ ÏÁç¼ Èt ¼ ÄÇÎ̼ÅÇÄ çÅ¹Ý Èt ¼ ϼÁŻŠ¹Æ Á Èt ¼ t¼xtÁƼt ¾ ¾¼ÁÌ»ÅÂ Ñ “ è éêêëìíîïð ët ñòìðòìëï óïí ñìóíôõìyö÷ëøùù úûüüûýþÿü ë îò îìòêët ì î ët ôìîïð ët ðòt òì wót òw ïë òø îïð îí ìòóí tòxt îwt wót òw ïë óôëut òø îïð îí ìòóí îïð t ò tòxt îï ë îò é t ò ìòóíòì ó òìt îï t ò îï ìëíõêîtëï òw ôòøîò ò t ót êøó ìëë tòóê òì ëõøí òìðò t ò ò ëtw ówy ëù t îï îïð óôëõ ó ìëóê îïð øîòt ìóìytòxt îwt òêëïíóìy õíòï ë îò îìòêët ì ìtóòt ð êóï òø t ò õíòï ëwët õïíò ì óïí t ò ò òït ùìë t ò tòxtëìðóïî ed ëì ë ëìdeì he e cëììec ø                                                              õì heì ëìe aì óï úûüü ý ó “ ë îò îìòêët ì ìtóòt ð î ëïò ëù ìóòt ðîò êóï ôõîøí t ò õíòï óôîøîtywót t òyìòóí óïí ìòtòøø t ò òvòï îï t ò ìòóíîïð òt xt”. In other words,heexplains that strategy expects the students to retell the                       events by details information. In this case, when doing activity the students must able to comprehend the text on the title of the reading text they have been read. The background knowledge of the students are also built through this strategy. So, it can be concluded thatthe strategy makes the students more active and creative in reading comprehension.    !" # $%&'%()*(+ ,-* .*) /)0)+1 Appleman and Graves (2012:40)present some steps in implementing Movie Director Strategy, as follows: 1) Explain to the learner that he or she is to make a movie just like a movie director. 2) The helpers (teacher, tutor, good reader) model the procedure by reading a short piece of text. 3) Ask the learner to think of something that might happen and describe it to you. 4) Explain that as you read the text, the learner is to imagine it as if watching a film he or she would make of it. 5) Read the text, until the first main point of interest. Ask the listener to tell you about his or her movie version. 23 t ; <97=;>?9; @A@BC D?E :@F; : t ; G7FB; >B9;=7t 9 9;@> t:; ;t xtH79 :BG 45 678 9t y: y? =7?J> >;F;J7< t:; <97=;>?9; 79 :;9I;JHK LH t:; 9;@>;9 BI H7C> 7H >9@Bw CAM 7 BCE7 G@NBCA @C BJJ?IE9@; t > <J@C 7H t:; ;t xt K t P;AB7CI QR33ST25M :t ;9; @9; I7G; IE;<I BC BG<J;G;CEBCA U7FB; O==79>BCA 7 t 9 W9t @;t AX BC E;@=:BCA 9;@>BCA @9;M @I H7JJ7IwT VB9;=7 25 R5 3) 4) 5) 6) t @t:; 79 I:; BI E7 G@N; @ G Yx <J@BC E7 E:; IE?>;CE : G7FB; >B9;=7 t9K 7FB; Z?IE JBN; @ U7>;J t:; <97=;>?9; D y9;@>BCA @ I:79t t xt@C> E:;C 9;<79BtCA <B;=; 7H ; as it was read. Ask the student to think of something that might happen and describe it to you. Probe for details such as colors, setting. Encourage the use of the common grammatical patterns of description modeled by the teacher. Explain that, as you read the text, he or she is to imagine it as if watching a movie. Read the text, until the first main point of interest.Ask the student to implement the procedure as movie director and read the textif the student is fond of drawing, consider developing the procedure into making a storyboard. w@t@wI FBI?@JBzed : Based on the procedures of teaching Movie Director Strategy explained, the researcher modifies the steps to teach the students about reading at SMP Negeri1 Gido, namely: a) The researchers prepare the movie about recount text. b) The researcher asks the students to watch movie about The Memories. c) The researcher explains the material about recount text and Movie Director Strategy. d) The researcher asks the students to think something might happen on the Movie about The Memories. e) The researcher asks the students to retell the text in front of class after watching Movie The Memories. [[ \]^ _`^a_ bc^ acdefg^g hy_di^ t ^ _`cb^t kl ^x a^ct_ t]btg^_jcfh^ ] t _dme^ t]^ d _`ng^o`_p acdhm^i fo c^bgfok jdiac^]^o_fdo bt t]^ ^fk]`] kcbg^ dq rst u^k^cf [vfgd fo wx[yzwx[{| }o t]^ c^_^bcj]~ t kl €doe^o`fdobm rtcb^ t]^ c^_^bcj]^c bm_d jdiabc^_ sdef^ fc^jtdc ] t btf_ n_nbmmyfiam^i^o`^g hy] t ^ okmf_] ^t bj]^c t ]t ^ acdj^gnc^ c^bgfok| ‚fj]bcg ƒ[„ y†ww‡ˆ b__^c_ t kl rtcb^ t] rtcbt ^kl fw fo ^ t bj]fok t bj]fok t]cdnk] €doe^o`fdobm dq ^ b_ qdmmd‰_† [ˆ tc^abcbftdo t bj]^c ^xambfo_ t]^ fo_`cnjtfdobm dhŠ^jfte^_ bog t]^ ibfo }o t]f_ _`^a~ t]^ ^ acdhm^i td t]^ _`ng^o`_ fw mm h^ gf_jn__^g| ‹^_fg^ t b~t t]^ ^t bj]^c ^ombck^_ _ ] t ^ ibt^cfbm dt ]^ma `]^ _`ng^o`_ nog^c_`bog `]^ ib^t cfbm t]btf_ ac^_^o`^g| ] wˆ tc^_^o`btfdo }o t]f_ _`^a~ t]^ ^ t bj]^c ac^_^o`_ t]^ ibfo acdhm^i t]bt g^bm_ fwt] t]^ t cfbm| ib^ Œˆ v^o^cbmfzation In this step, the teacher takes the conclusion from the differences and the similarities that are found from the material. 4) Application In this step, the obtained conclusions are used in every situation. The teacher helps the students to implement positive things from the conclusion. In addition, according to Mochamah (2008:95), “Conventional Strategy is normal and ordinary and perhaps not very interesting strategy.” In short, Conventional Strategy is designed in ordinary and uninteresting strategy in the teaching-learning process. However, Conventional Strategy shows that the teacher is more active than the students. The role of the students is limited because of the teacher’s role. So, the students always depend on the teacher to begin teaching-learning process. It is different from using Movie Director Strategy. Ž  ‘’“ ”•–—˜™—š“› —˜• œ›—•–—˜™—š“› žŸ t ª ¬ªt ­t¨®¯ ¤¥¦§¨ ©§ª¨«¥ ž–“ œ¡“™ž¡ ¢™¡—™“š£ t §±³´µ¨±«¨ §° ­ ±¨w °²ª­t¨®¯ ¥ t ½­ª¥t ± ª¨­·§±® «¥¹ºª¨¶¨±°§¥±» ¼««¥ª·§±® ¥ t ¨ °²µ·¨±²’° ­¸§´§ty§± ¶ & Sawyer (2003:57), there are some advantages of Movie Director Strategy, namely: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The students can draw the events of the text. The students can understand how to organize that order has on a text. The students can identify important things from a text. Students gain a deeper understanding of the text by exploring this sequence. Working in group will make the students have awareness in respecting their friend’s ideas. In addition, Movie DirectorStrategy also has some disadvantages, such as: 1) The number of the questionsgiven to the students islimited. The morequestions given to the students, the more alsothe time requiredoing theswappingprocess (swapping the student’s response sheets). This situation will cut down the implementation of time of the next procedures and as the consequence the teacher will not have time again to do the next procedure (lesson-time is over). 2) The students who do not have the courage and the good vocabulary will get difficulty to express their response in the student’s response sheets. ¾ ¿“—•˜š — ‘’“ œ“Ÿ˜™ž˜ žŸ ¿“—•˜š Reading is the ability to take information from written the text and do something with it in a way that demonstrates knowledge or understanding of that information It is supported by Beach, (2008:18), who states that reading ÀÁ wÇÉ Í ÆÇÍÎÇÆ ËÊ ÍÏÐÇ Ãt ÍÂt ÃÉÑ ÆÇÊÅÃÉÎ Ãt ÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÇÉÊËÃÉ ÃÂÂÌÆÊ È ÂÍÉ ËÐÐÌÊÔÆÍtÇ ÍÉÎ ÊÈÃÕ È t ÇËÆÊ ÌÉÎÇÆÊÔÍÉÎ ÕÈÍtÈt ÇyÆÇÍÎ t Ç ÊÔÌÎÇÉÔÊ ÃÒ ÓÃÑ È Ò t ÐÐÇÆ ØÙÚÚÙÛÜÝÑ ÊÔÍtÇÊ Þ “ ÇÍÎËÉß ËÊ Èt Ç ÍÏËÐËtyÃt ÎÆÍw ÖÉ ÍÎÎËtËÃÉÑ ×ÆÍÏÇ ÍÉÎ Óà t Ç ÅÆËÉÔÇÎ ÅÍßÇ ÍÉ Î ËÉÔÇÆÅÆÇt Èt Ç ËÉàÃÆÄÍËt ÄÇÍÉËÉß àÆÃÄ È t Дy. ÃÉ ÍÅÅÆÃÅÆËÍÇ In the other words, the students have to understand and interpret the meaning of words or symbol in the written text to achieve their own goals or interest. Based on the expert opinion above, it can be concluded that theories of reading can simulate the students’ interest, bring much knowledge how important reading is and motivate the students to learn reading. As a result, the students can be successful in comprehending a text as goal of reading. áâ ãäå æçèéêëåë êì íåîïðñò Rivers and Temperly cited in Nunan (1999:251) suggest that there are seven main purposes of reading: 1) To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious about some topics; 2) To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our work or daily life (e.g., knowing how an appliance works); 3) To act in a play, play game, do puzzle; 4) To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand business letters; 5) To know when or where something will take place or what is available; 6) To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspapers, magazines, reports); 7) For enjoyment or excitement. In addition, Grabe and Stoller (2002:12) say that the purposes of reading can be classified under seven main headings, namely: óô óõ ö÷øùúûü tý þ ÷øÿ tý tyú  w ÷  þ÷ úú ý wÿù õ þ÷øÿ  ýÿ þú÷ úûýÿøútýû úþ ø øyþ øû t ÷ ÷t xtýÿ  ø þ÷ úú ýýû ÿ÷øùúûü øúúty û ÿ÷øùúûü ú÷ ÷ ý úûýÿøútýû ýÿ ø t þ ú úþ út ÷øûþ ÿ÷øùúûü tý üøúû øû ý ÷ÿø ö÷øùúûü ý t÷ ûù÷ÿþøûùúûü ý  t ÷ ÷t xt  ö÷øùúûü tý ÷øÿû ÿý t÷ ÷ t xtþ út þ ø ý ÿþ úû ø øù÷ú øûù ÿý÷þþúýûø tþ úû wú  ø ÷ÿþýû û÷÷ùþ tý ÷øÿû ø ýûþúù÷ÿø÷ øý û ý úûýÿøútýû ýû÷x t ÿý ø ÷t x ö÷øùúûü ý t úû÷üÿø÷t úûýÿøútýû út ÷øûþ t øt t ÷ þ ù÷ûþ øû ù÷ úù÷ wøt t útø ýÿùúûü tý ÷úÿ üýø úûýÿøútýû ý úû÷üÿø÷ t øûù ÿúút ÷ ÷t þxt ý ý t ÷  ÿýþ÷þ ÿ÷ÿ÷þ÷û ýýû ö÷øùúûü tý ÿw ú÷ ø øù÷ú ø t þ þ øt ø uýû ÷ ÿ÷øùúûü øúúút÷þ û÷÷ù÷ù ý úû÷üÿø÷t úûýÿøútýû t ÿwú÷t ýÿ þ÷øÿ úûü ýÿ úûýÿøútýû t øt ö÷øùúûü ý û÷÷ù÷ù ýÿ ÿw úútûü t ÷øûþ  t ÷ þ ù÷ûþ ÿ÷øù ý úûù úûýÿøútýû ÿý ø ÷t xtøûù ÿú÷t útýû ø ø÷ÿ  ö÷øùúûü ýÿ ü÷û÷ÿø ýÿ÷÷ûþúýû úþ øÿt úþ  t ÷ øþú  ÿýþ÷ ýÿ ÿ÷øùúûü ýÿ÷÷ûþúýû t úþ øû ø út útyúû ü÷útûü ýÿ÷÷ûþúýû ý  ÷ t ÷ ýû t û ý t ÷ t xt ÷ ýû÷û ý õ ôõ õ õ õ û ýû úûýÿøútýû ýÿ ÿ÷øù úû ýÿù÷ÿ   t÷ þúýû øúúty ý ýû÷û ý ø ÷ t xt t øtútø  ÷þ ýÿ÷÷ûþúýû ÷ þ t ÷  ù÷ûþ þý ÷øþú y ýÿ÷÷ûù úû ÷û ÷ ù ûý þ ù÷ûþ þ üøúû úÿþ  t ÷úÿ  ÿýþ÷þ tý ÷ ÷t x t     !"#$ %!&"#$ û  t÷ þyø þ ý KTSP-2006 øt t ÷ ÷úü üÿøù÷ ý ÷þ÷ úøyúû ÿ÷øùúûü ýÿ÷÷ûþúýû ÷øûúûü úû þýÿt útýû ÷ t xtøûù þú÷ ÷þþøyúû þú÷ ÿ÷ ý û û ÷ t ÿøû ÷ þÿ÷þþ úûýûøútýû u t÷  þ ù÷ûþ ,ý÷÷t û /þ tø ÷ ÷ÿ  ÷ þý ù øþ÷ÿ ÷ø÷ ÿ÷ø÷ t ø ÿ÷øùúûü tý t ù÷ûþ ý ù tý  t÷ ýÿ÷÷ûù ÷ ø÷ tý ó +úùý ÿ÷þýûþ÷ù t÷  øûù ûøÿÿøút ÷ úw  t ÷û úÿý ûþ û ý÷ÿ ý wÿù t ÷ ÷t xt  ÷ÿ ÷ ÷ ø÷ tý ÷ ÷t ø ÷ÿ  þ úûù ü úù÷  t÷ ýÿ úþ þ÷ ýÿ øþ ÷ÿ þ üýýù øÿýø ÿ÷þýûþúúútytý t ø ù÷ûþ úw  ý t ø ÷  t ÷ þ úþ t úû ÷ÿø ù÷ûþ ýÿ þ  ÷ (úûúu ,ÿú÷t ÿúýû -(,,õ úû øtþ ýý úþ . tø ø üýýù ÷ þ  t øtúþ t ÷ þ ý÷þ  '() *÷ü÷ÿú ÷ÿ þ  ÿýþ÷ ý ûý ù÷ûþ ÷ ÿ÷øùúûü  wøtt ÷yùý ûý 01 t ; 86EE6:DFt6;B 63 F;7>363?; they do not 2345 63 78973:;< =3 >;7863?@ tA; BCD8 ;3CB E7:; A know how to comprehend the text. So, the teacher must identify what the students’ need in growing their motivation in reading. According to Grabe (2002:38), there are some activities that should be done by the teacher in teaching reading, namely: 1) Pre-Reading Activities The objectivities of this stage are commonly: a) To introduce and arouse interest in the topic, b) To motivate learners by giving a reason for reading. c) To provide some language preparation for the text. 2) Whilst Reading Activities The objectivities of this stage are commonly: a) To understand the writer’s purpose. b) To understand the text structure. c) To clarify the content. 3) Post-Reading Activities The aims of these activities are: a) To measure how far the students understand about the reading text in whilst reading. b) To investigate and measure how far the students’ ability to extend their knowledge. In this case, the teacher will probably organize some kinds of follow up of students’ task relate to the given text. In general, the stage aims at helping the students to develop their reading strategy or skill so that they can be effective and independent readers. By implication, the students should be flexible in their ways of reading which are appropriate to the given text. In this level, the students interact with the text based on their relevant background knowledge. Of the explanation above, the researcher concludes that in reading process there are three activities that should be done by the teacher, namely: Pre-reading activities, Whilst-reading activities, and Post-reading activities. As a researcher she GH t MN M IPLtQLtLMN RST IJJKLMN O tOM NUVWMXUN ITM Y MLXZ WMQMKSJMW Ot MLT TMIWLXZ NUTIMt Z[ ST N\LKK NS UOIttOMyPIX YM MRRMPtLQM IXW LXWMJMXWMXU TMIWMTN ] ^_ `abcdef ghijkalaemdhe b_ nla oapdedqdhe hp `abcdef ghijkalaemdhe t ItTMIWLXZ PSxJTMOMXNLSX LN IPyVLTLXZ LXRSTxILtSX RTSx rMLK sGttuvGHw NINy O PSXUMXU IXW PSxYLXLXZ WLNJITIMt MKMxMXUN LXUS I XMww OSKM] zt LN I JTSPMNN SR VNLXZ SXMN’ Mx LNULXZ \XSKw MWZM tS LXUMTJTMtMt x tLX STWMT tS PSXNUTVPttOM xMIXLXZ] t ZMt LXRSTxItLSX zX NVxxITy TMIWLXZ PSxJTMOMXNLSX LN SXM SR IPLtQLtLMN S RTSx tOM Mt x ]t zX TMIWLXZ Mt xt O t M NUVWMXUN xVNU uNM OLN ST OMT JTLST \XS{KMWZM tS Ot M t TMIW] | OM JTLST \XS{KMWZM PIX OMKJ tOM NUVWMXUN tS TMIWLXZ tOIt OM ST NOM LN ZSLXZ S t M Mt x]t PSxJTMOMXW UOM PSXUMXU SR O }TutOMTxSTM~ rVXIX sGtttvu€w NINy tOIt TMIWLXZ PSxJTMOMXNLSX LN IX t M Mt x~t LX tOIt tOM TMIWMT TMyVLTMW RLtLXZ LXUMTIPtLQM JTSPMNN YMMtwMX tOM TMIWMT IXW O tOM PKVMN JTSQLWMW LX tOM Mt xtSt OLN ST OMT S{X YIP\ZTSVXW \XS{KMWZM] z wTWN S X SUOMT tOIt TMIWLXZ PSxJTMOMXNLSX LN IX LXUMTIPtLQM \XS{KMWZM JTSPMNN YMMtwMX tOM TMIWMT IXW tOM Mt x t M Mt xt ]t |OM TMIWMTN TMKItM tOMLT JTLST \XS{KMWZM tS tOM PSXUMXU SR O LX STWMT tS YM IYKM tS PSxJTMOMXW IXW ZMtO t M xMIXLXZ JTSQLWMW LX UOM Mt x]t INMW SX tOM W MRLXLLtSXN IYSQM~ Lt PIX YM WTIw X I PSXPKu t It TMIWLXZ NLSX O PSxJTMOMXNLSX LN VXWMTNUIXWLXZ O wIt OIN YMMX TMIW] |OM TMIWMT LN OSJMW tS tN PSxJKMMt K]y zt LN IX IPLtQM Ot LX\LXZ JTSPMNN tOIt WMJMXWN SX XSU VXWMTNUIXW tOM Mt x ‚ƒ t ‹ “‡”Š„‘ •  „–†‹•”‹ „— Œt ‹ ’‘•‹ ’ „t „ †y„ ‡„ˆ‰Š‹Œ‹ Ž„ Ž†† ‘’ “†„ „ Œ ‘ •‹Š’“ • ’Œ‹ ‡„ˆˆ‘ Ž‡“‹t • ˆ‹“”‹˜ ™š ›œ žŸ ¡ ¢£ ¤¥¦§¨© ª¢«¬­œ¨¡§¢¨ t ®‡‡„Š•Ž ” t„ ¯ˆŽŒ “ • °‹ŠŠy ±²³³´µ‚¶·¸ Š‹“•Ž ” ‡„ˆ‰Š‹Œ‹ Ž„ Ž •Ž¹Ž•‹• Ž ’„ —„‘Š †‹¹‹† “ —„††„–µ ‚· Level 1: Literal comprehension defines as the skill of getting the primary, direct literal meaning of a word, idea, or sentence in context. Literal comprehension is generally accepted as the most simple, or basic, comprehension skill and one that requires little thinking or reasoning. 2) Level 2: Interpretation, which definitely involves thinking skills and requires readers to identify ideas and meanings are not explicitly stated in the written text. Within the interpretive level, readers may make generalizations, determine cause and effect, identify motives, find relationships, predict endings, and make comparisons. 3) Level 3: Critical reading, the third category of skills in Smith’s paradigm, includes both literal comprehension and interpretation, but also goes beyond these two levels of comprehension. When individuals read critically, they evaluate what is read. That is, they examine critically the thoughts of the writer, which have been identified through the two lower levels of comprehension, and judge their validity, or worth. 4) Level 4: Creative reading-going beyond what the author has written, applying ideas from the text to new situations, and recombining the author’s ideas with other ideas to form new concepts or to expand old ones. Through creative reading the reader creates something new-an idea, the solution to a problem, a new way of looking at something-from the ideas gleaned from the text. In addition, Coffam(1969:91) gives some levels of comprehension as follows: 1) Literal level At this level, the outhor states, the facts, such as names, dates, locations, and definitions with clearly and directly. There is not hidden meaning, the reader can take what is presented at face value. On tests, literal quetions usually come wordfor-word from the text. 2) Interpretative level At this level, the students are attempting to understand what the author means in the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that the students have already memorized certain facts at the literal level and now the students are attempting to see the implication of the author’s word. º» ¼½¾¿ ÀÁÂþÀÁ¿ ¿ÄÅÁ ¾ÆÇÁÈÁÆÇÁÆÉ t½¾ÆʾÆËÌ On test, interpretive questions usually present a piece of knowledge and then ask you to draw a conclusion or make an inferences from it. You cannot pull the correct answer word-for-word from the text because it is not there. 3) Applicative level At this level, the reader must take the information the author present at the literal level and apply it to an entirely different situation. An applicative question on a test usually sets up a hypothetical situation based on your newly found knowledge. In conclusion, in teaching reading comprehension the researcher should determine and decide the level of comprehension that is achieved by the students, in order that the teacher can guide the students to consider the things that they must know in the text that they are reading. In the research, the researcher focuses on literal comprehension level by applying Movie Director Strategy in reading comprehension. ÍÎ ÏÐÑÒÓ ÔÕ ÖÒ×ØÙÚÛ ÏÒÜÝ Þ×ÓÒØ ÔÚ ÝßÒ àÐáá×ÞâÓ Based on the syllabus KTSP-2006, there is one text that should be comprehended, as follows: 1) Recount text Recount text is a type of text that tells about something that happened or retells past event or activities and has a purpose to give detail information about what and when of that events. The main elements of recount text are orientation, events, and closing or reorientation. In the orientation steps, the writer introduces the characters, place, time and situation. In the events steps, the writer presents the events chronologically (in order to which they happened). In the reorientation steps, the writer presents the concluding comments or author’s/writer’s personal opinion regarding to the events described. ãä t çöëøê åæçèté èé åæêëìíæé îïððñòäó ôèõèôö÷ töx éù ÷ùçêëtêçö èéùø tìçöö úæç÷t û tìöyæçöò æó Orientation is explanation about the basic events. b) Event as way of the event in the story that express with chronologies. c) Reorientation as the final or writer’s conclusion about his/her experiences. Recount text has some languages characteristics. Derewianka (1995:15-16) says the general characteristics of the text or recount text are: a) b) c) d) e) Belongs to the participant or specific. Using the simple past tense. Using the action verbs. Using the words that connect with time. For the especially, the personal recount user the personal version word, such as I and We. f) Using suggestion or the personal respond for the event, especially in the end of the story. Based on the languages characteristics of the recount text, the researcher concludes that recount texts have the certain features such as using simple past tense form, action verbs. üý þÿ            Orientation Events O        On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a tennis court. On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having a shower. Reorientation In the afternoon we went home.   O Errgg….. These shoes are so ugly… Even my friends have a good, his Mother said that, hey, what is going on? Why are you throwing your shoes?? Mom, I want to buy new shoes!!! Not like these! I want to buy you new shoes, but../ what? But I don’t have money for it…/ then go and work!!!!! God… istighfar son istighfar! For what???/ son, I have worked so hard to pay for your school. just because of this, you’re yelling at me. Whatever…/ fine, I am leaving this housefor good, take care of yourself, I give up to take care of you! Ok go away I will leave! Take care of yourself!! I’m tired of taking care of you! It’s ok! After that day, he’s always feeling sad and bitter because of what he did. Based on the text above, the researcher uses the recount text as material to know whether there is the significant of Movie Director Strategyon the students’ ability in reading comprehension or not.      !"# $% &'(") *$!+," ($" -. /0.1 t23 456730548 9:;<;ty;0 =397; 0> ?.@A=32304;.0B t23;= 9:;<;ty 42.6<7 :3 94434437C -23 3t 9?23= 6469<<y?.076?4t 2t 3 3D9<69t;.0E944344@305 ;0 t23 307 .F t 23 3t 9?2;0> 9F3t = 23E423 9AA<;34 2t 3 @93t =;9<C G.@3 .F 2t 3 t39?23=4 7. ;t ;0 w =;3t 0 F.=@ 907 9<4. ;0 4A./30 F.=@C Ht 73A3074 .0 t23 ?.053xt@93t =;9< 294 :3 t9>u25C I4 JK;9w07.0. LMMNOPQR 4593t 4 2t 9t >303=9<<yt. 944344 t23 =397;0> ?.@A=32304;.0 ?90 :3 9==90>37 ;0 F.=@ L9R 3449y3t 45B L:R S 2TU6345;.04 3t 45 L?R 42.=t 90413= U6345;.0B 907 L7R ?.@A<3@305 3t 45C H0 7.;0> t2;4 =3439=?2B t23 =3439=?23= ?2..434 S 2TU6345;.0 3t 45 .t 944344 t23 456730548 9:;<;ty ;0 =397;0> ?.@A=32304;.0 :3?9643 t23 3t 45 9AA=.A=;93t <y t. 9AA<y;0 @3946=3 2.1 733A 523 y 0u73=45907 523 =3?.605 3t Cxt V=ut23=@.=3B JK;9w07.0. LMMNOQR 3@A294;zes that W h-questions test is suitable to test the students when they are asked to comprehend the words meaning in the text, to know the arrangement of paragraph, and able to answer the questions that are explicit and implicit stated in the text. In addition, he points out that Wh-questions test usually consists of a number of test that are divided into Wh-questions words such as what, who, why, where, when, which, how, and in phrases form such as how much, how many, and how often. It can be concluded that WH-questions test is a test in which the students are insisted to answer some questions based on his/her comprehending the text. Moreover, Djiwandono (2008:65) defines that Wh-questions need the answer in complete sentence. It views to answer the question of Wh-questions the students must answer in complete sentence and more significant detail and the students are dependent on the context of the text. Therefore to apply the Wh- WW XYZ[\]^_[ tZ[\ ]_ `[[Z[[]_a tbZ [\YcZ_\[d `e]f]ty]_ g^hijZbZ_c]_a ` tZxkt bt Z Zt `gbZj [b^Yfc g^_[]cZj[ bt Z XYZ[\]^_[ bt `t ][ a]lZ_ ^t bt Z [\YcZ_\[ jZf`tZc t^ tbZ Zt xmt n_ tbZ ^\bZj w ^jc[ bt Z Zt `gbZj g^_[]cZj[ bwZbt Zj tb Z XYZ[\]^_ ]wff iZjo^jh gfZ`jfy`_c ]wff _^\ `he]aY]ty^t \bZ [\YcZ_\[ ]_ `_[pZj]_am q`[Zc ^_ tbZ Zxif`_`]t^_ `e^lZk ]_ g^_cYg]t_a jZ[Z`jgbk tbZ jZ[Z`jgbZj ij^l]cZ[ r XYZ[\]^_[ ]Zt h[ ]_ s btXYZ[\]^_[ o^jh ^t `[[Z[[ bt Z [\YcZ_\[’ `e]f]ty]_ jZ`c]_a g^hijZbZ_[]^_ `oZt j bt ZyjZ`c tbZ tZxmt uj^l]cZc Questions should relate to the text, clearly, easy to understand and ambiguity. Each right answer is scored 4 (four) and the wrong answer is scored 0. In deciding these scores for each item the researcher depends on the aspects of scoring and indicators as suggested by Djiwandono (2008:68) explained onTable1in the next page. vw xyz{| } x~ €‚x‚ƒ „ †€ORING the STUDENTS’ ANSWERS by USING WH-QUESTION ‡ˆ ‰Š‹ŒŠ‹ˆŽ ˆŠ Content Accuracy 1 a. The content is accurate 2 b. The content is less accurate 1 c. The content is inaccurate 0 The clarity organization 2 a. The content organization is clear 2 b. The content organization is less clear 1 c. The content organization is unclear 0 To evaluate the students’ ability in reading comprehension, the researcher asks the students to answer six questions in wh-questions that has been prepared. To get the students’ mark individually, the researcher uses the formula as suggested by Djiwandono (2008:64) as follows: Student ′ s mark = Achievements Score X 100 Maximum Score The researcher describes the level of the students’ ability in reading as suggested by Cartier in Nurgiyanto (1986:363) classifies that 0-39 is fail, 40-59 is less, 60-74 is enough, 75-84 is good, and 85-100 is very good. After getting the students’ score for each answer, the score then summed up together (students’ total score = the sum of all scores of each question number). It is done to get the total score of the whole answer. ‘’ “” •–— ˜™š—›š œ—™š—“ œ—›—™žŸ– Velandia (2008) has searched about “increasing the student’s ability in reading comprehension of using Movie Director Strategy inadolescent students’ involvement during the English class at the eight grades at PorfirioBarba Jacob a public school in Bogota”. In his research the researcher used the Qualitative Method. The steps of Movie Director Strategy used by Velandia, as follows: 1. Show and introduce text in the movie. 2. Ask the student to imagine what they would watch. 3. Ask the students to read the text in the movie by their visual. 4. The students can report what they read and probe the setting such as color, and so on. Rosalba has purpose to know weather her strategy can increase the students ability in reading comprehension. In doing her research chooses the class that hadscores under the average 35-50 and they could not achieve the minimum competence criterion (65), also the ability of the students in comprehending a text is low, especially in recount text. In the research conducted for two cycles. In Cycle Ishe took two meetings. The first meeting was held on July 2008, and the second meeting was conducting on the first week of August 2008. In the cycle she said that the students were not successful. Comprehending the result, she continues her research in Cycle II and she took two meetings. The first meeting was conductedon the second week of August 2008, and the second meeting on the third week of August 2008.She said that, in ¡ ¢£y¤¥ ¦¦ ¦t §¨©ª§ ¨t ¥ §« ¬­¥®«§ ¥w¯¥ §¬££¥§§ °¬¤± ²¨¥ ¯¥§¬¤t ©° ¨¥¯ ¯¥§¥³¯£¨ ´t £©¬¤­ ´®£¯¥³§¥ ¨t ¥ §«¬­¥®«§µ ³¶´¤´ty´® ¯¥³­´®· £©¸¹¯¥¨¥®§´©®± º°t¥¯ ¨t ¥ ¯¥§¥³¯£¨ ­©´®· ¨t ¥ ££y¤¥§ » ´t ³w§ °©¬®­ ¨t ³t ¨t ¥ ³v¥¯³·¥ ©° ¨t ¥ §«¬­¥®§µ ¼³¤¬¥ ´® ¢£y¤¥ ¦ ³w§ ½ ±¾¿ ẅ´¤¥ ´® ¢£y¤¥ ¦¦ ³w§ ÀÁ±À ³®­ ´t w ³§ ´® ·“ ©©­ ¤¥¼¥¤”. And it shows the students’ ability in reading comprehension increases from Cycle I to Cycle II. Meanwhile, the researcher notices that the similar atmosphere exists, as the basic steps experimental method the students’ in reading comprehension. However, the researcher influences the students’ ability in reading comprehension by using Movie Director Strategy especially recount text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1Gido in 2015/2016. ÃÄ ÅÆà ÇÈÉÊÃËÌÍÎÏ ÐÑÎÒÃÓÈÑÔ In teaching-learning process, strategy is very important in teaching students. Strategy of the teacher is able to help the students to understand the material well. Based on the syllabus of KTSP in SMP Negeri 1 Gido, the students are expected to comprehending the meaning of the short and simple essay in recount text to interact with the environment, and the MCC that the students should be achieved in studying reading skill is 60. But in the reality, the students cannot achieve these expectations because there are some problems that affect the students’ ability in reading comprehension. Therefore, strategy is also as a tool in teaching for success. In the teaching reading process the researcher should be able to apply many strategies to ÕÖ ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞt ßt Þ ×ØÛàÞáØ×â ÝãÙÜÙtyät åäÚæçÞ ßÞáà çÞÝàÙáè tÞxt× Ýáà ät ÚÝéÞ tßÞ tÞÝåßÙáè ê ÜÞÝçáÙáè æçäåÞ×× ÝçÞ çÞÝÜÜy ÙáØÞçÞ×ØÙáèë ìá ßt Ù× åÝ×Þí ßt Þ çÞ×ÞÝçåßÞç u×Þ× îäïÙÞ ðÙçÞåät ç ñçt ÝÞt èò Ùá äçàÞç ßt Ýt Þt ÝåßÙáè çÞÝàÙáè ÚäçÞ ÙáØÞçÞ×ØÙáè Ýáà ÞáóäÝyãÜÞ ôäç ×ØÛàÞáØ×ë ñä ßt Ýt ßt Þ Ýt çèÞt äô ßt Þ çÞ×ÞÝçåßÞç× ’ æÛçæä×Þ× ät ×ØÙÚÛÜÝtÞ ßt Þ ×ØÛàÞáØ×â åäÚæçÞßÞá×Ùäá õÙÜÜ ãÞ ÝåßÙÞïÞàë ìá tÞÝåßÙáè êÜÞÝçáÙáè æçäåÞ×× Þ×æÞåÙÝÜÜyÙá öáèÜÙ×ß ×ÛãóÞåít ßt ÞçÞ ÝçÞ ôäÛç ×éÙÜÜ× ßt Ýt×ØÛàÞáØ× ÚÛ×Ø ãÞ ÚÝ×ØÞçÙáè Ùá ÜÝáèÝuèÞí áÝÚÞÜ;ylistening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on the four skills and focuses on recount text for both of control and experimental group. In control group the researcher uses conventional strategy while experimental group uses Movie Director Strategy. Movie Director Strategy can help the students to understand and comprehend the text that they have read. This strategy aims to help the students to influence their knowledge how they comprehend the text by ordering the segments of the text into coherent piece of the text. So, by applying Movie Director Strategy the students will be more interested and motivated in learning English, especially in reading comprehension to express their ideas to comprehend the text that they have read. To comprehend the whole description of teaching-learning process by applying Movie Director Strategy in achieving the students’ ability in reading comprehension, the researcher provides the following conceptual framework on the next page: ÷ø ùúû üýþýÿ  þ O Students Reading comprehension Recount text Quantitative Research Quasi Experimental Design Experimental Group Pre-Test Control Group Pre-Test Teaching Reading by Movie Director Strategy: 1) Explain to the student that s/he is to make a movie just like a movie director. 2) Model the procedure by reading a short piece of text and then reporting what was visualized as it was read. 3) Ask the student to think of something that might happen and describe it to you. Probe for details such as colors, setting. 4) Encourage the use of the common grammatical patterns of description modeled by the teacher. 5) Explain that, as you read the text, he or she is to imagine it as if watching a movie. 6) Read the text, until the first main point of interest.Ask the student to implement the procedure as movie director and read the textif the student is fond of drawing, consider developing the procedure into making a storyboard. Teaching Reading by Using Conventional Strategy : 1. Preparation 2. Presentation 3. Generalization 4. Application Post-Test Post-Test The students’ achievement in reading comprehension Framework 1: Conceptual Framework        +01' $.   t $s 'r s'(r & !"# $t% &    E21'/$3'+(4 t ' 'r s'(r & ) & s'" 'r u *#(+$+(+$,' -'.'(/ & (" -'.'(/ & #.$% *#(.$5'21'/$3'+(4 (" $+. "'.$% $. 6/' 7'.+ (" 6!.+ 7'.+ "'.$% 8!/ 9!+& :!+/!4 (" ;21'/$3'+(4 G/!#1.< G(/9(/$! (" H!44(" =>>?@AB .(0) * “ #(+$+(+$,' +&' 8!/3 !8 #39'/.< 7&' +&'0 =G(/9(/$! 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There are two variables in the research. The first variable is Movie Director Strategyas an independent variable (X), and the second variable is the students’ reading comprehension ability as a dependent variable (Y). The independent variable is teaching by using Movie Director Strategyin which it treats to the experimental group and the dependent variable is the students’ ability in reading comprehension. µ¶ ·¸ ¹º»¼½¾¿ÀºÁ ¾Á þĻ½Å Ƹ ¹º»¼½¾¿ÀºÁ t Çry(ÏÐÐÑÒÓµ)ÔÕ ÖÉ×ØÙÚÌtÉÍ ÌsÚÙÙ ÛÜÛÝÜsrÉÞ ÜwÙÙ ËÜÞÌÍÜË ÈÙÚs ÇÈÈÉÊËÌÍÎ É t Ü ÉàåÜr ÉwÊËáÔ ÉÞ ×ÜÉ×ÙÜÔ ÜßÜÍàáÔ ÉÊ ÉÝâÜÈtãÕ ä Í å r áÜÚrÈåÜr åÚsÉt ËÜÜt Û r ÌÍÜ tåÜ Ú Ü ×É×ØÙÚÌtÉÍ ÞÉ r Û ×ÜÉ×ÙÜÔ ÜßÜÍàáÔ ÉÊ ÉÝâÜÈtÝÚáÜË ÉÍ tåÜ r áÜÚÈr å ÌsÚÙÙ tåÜ Øst ËÜÍàsÚttåÜ ÜÌÎåàå Ü r áÜÚÈr åÜr áÜßÜÍ ÈÙÚááÜáã æåÜ Ü ÎÉà å t Ü ÌÍÞÉrÛÚtÌÉÍ ÞÉr Û ÈÉÛ×ÊÜåÜÍáÌÉÍã wÌÈå ÈÉÍáÌstÉÞ ÉÞ çèÖ éÜÎÜÌr ¶ êÌËÉ å r áÜÚÈr å ËÉÜståÜ Ü r áÜÚÈr åÜr ÌÍ tå Ü áÈåÉÉÙ ÝÜÈÚØáÜ tåÜ Ü ÉÍÜ ÉÞ tåÜ ëÍÎÙÌáå tÜÚÈåÜr r ÚËÌÍ Î ÈÉÛ×ÊÜåÜÍáÌÉÍ ÌÍ åt Ü Ü ÌÍàÜÜ r Üst Ë Ét ËÉ tå ÈÙÚs tåÜ s tåÜÜr tåÚtå t Ü Øst ËÜÍàs’ÚÝÌÙÌtyÌÍ t ÚÌtÉÍ ÛÚíÜs tåÜ áÈåÉÉÙ Ìs ÙÉì ã æåÌs áÌØ Ü Ü r áÜÚÈr å ÌÍ ÉÊËÜr Ét áÜÜ åt Ü tu r ÜrÛÉÊÜÔ îå Ü r áÜÚrÈåã æåÜ ×É×ØÙÚtÌÉÍ ÌÍ åt Ü ÙÉÈÚÌtÉÍ ÉÞ Ø st ËÜÍàs’ ÚÝÌÙÌty ÌÍ Ü r ÚËÌÍÎ tåÌs áÈåÉÉÙ Ìs Ür ÚÈåÚÝÙÜ r áÜÚÈr åÜrå wÌÈå ÛÚíÜståÜ Ür sÜÚrÈåÜrÈÚÍ áåÉÊtÜÍ tåÜ tÌÛÜ ÉÞ ÎÚåt Ü Ü ËÚÚ t ÞÉr Û tå Ü áÈåÉÉÙã æåÜ Ú t ÝÙÜ ËÜsÈrÌÝÜsÉÞ tåÜ ÍØÛÝÜsrÉÞ tåÜ ÞÉÊ ÜÌÎåàå ÈÙÚs Ø st ËÜÍàs’ æÚÝÙÜ µ ÖðÖñòAæIðé CðéDIæIðé ÉÞ àåÜ EIGHæH GóADE çæñDEéæç ÉÞ çèÖ éEGEóI ¶ GIDð ·½¾õõ IIIA IIIB IIIC IIID IIIE IIIF IIIG ¶ã Ïã µã ã Óã ã Ñã æÉàÚÙ çÉØÊÈÜÒ ðÞÞÌÈÜ ö÷øùúû üý þÿ÷ úÿ µ¶ µ¶ µ¶ µ¶ µ¶ µ¶ µ¶ 즄 å tÜ rÌÍÎ tåÜ Ür ïØÌÜr Ë ÚtçèÖ éÜÎÜrÌ ¶ êÌËÉ ã ôº¸ r áÜÚrÈåÜr Ü AËÛÌÍÌáàÊÚàÌÉÍ ÉÞ çèÖ éÜÎÜÊÌ ¶ êÌËÉ    s tr t t t r s t  st!s’ r trsts " #$% t &r ' ((()*++)) , -   $!   $  $!$!  ! !" .  $% !  $$$    ! $ /$0!% !$   ! !1 $ 2  ! ! 1 '$  !1  $$$    $' $ !! !" B  ! !1 ! $$$ !3   ! !!  !   ! $$" I % ! 1 ! $$$  !$ %" F2  % 4((5*)6 01 I !  1 !  !   ! ! ! $ /$0 $! $/! ! $ !0 ! 0 $  ! $!  ! $!" - $  !% ! $! $!  % %" I!   $ !! %  ! ! '0  !% $$!!/   %$ $ ! !" B1 ! $$$  $ ! $%!    ! ! $  !0 !  $ %" I! $3  !$  ! !%7$% $  $%! !!    0 ! 8 !$!$" I !1 G0 4((*)6 01 C “ !$ % $0 ! %$1 ! /" A !  $  ! %$ / $ $!$!"9 I!  !! ! $$$ !3 !  0 !% %$1 ! /" B  ! $! $ ! !$ ! :; <%$ + G  $ E% !$  ! 1 ! $$$  !! ! $  !  !  ! !! !! /  %   % !$ '!! $! ! /  ! !!  !0" .$1 ! !!  /$0  / $ $!$! == >?@A BCA>r DE t>?@ADEF –learning process. In this case the researcher can randomly select the classroom to groups as the research sample. According to Gay (2000:130), there are some steps to select the research sample in clustering sampling as follows: 1. Identify and define the population. The research population is 217 students at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gido in 2015/2016 (see Table 3 page 31). 2. Determine the desired sample size. The desired sample size is 31 students. It is considered of fulfillment of one the conditions of the choosen of statistic parametric form. So the size of the samples should be even (≥ 30). 3. Identify and define a logical cluster. A logical cluster is classrooms. 4. List the entire clusters (or obtain list) that make up the population of clusters. There are 7 classroomsfor more clearly the list of entire cluster can be seen in Table 3 (see Table 3 page 31). 5. Estimate the average number of population members of clusters. The average number of population members per clusters. The number of research population The number of clusters = = 31 = = 62 students 6. Determine the number of cluster needed by dividing the sample size by the estimated size of cluster GH IJK STNUKV WX YPTLZKV SKK[K[ \ IJK STNUKV WX YPTLZKV SKK[K[ \ IJK LMNOPK LQRK IJK LQRK WX YPTLZKV ]^ ^ = ^ YPMLLVWWNL _` aMS[WNPb LKPKYZ ZJK SKK[K[ STNUKVL WX YPTLZKVL` IJKVK MVK NMSb cMbL ZJMZ YMS UK TLK[ QS LKPKYZQSd ZJK ZcW YPMLLKL ZJMZ MVK ML ZJK VKLKMVYJ LMNOPKe UTZ ZJK KMLb WSK QL ZMfQSd PWZZKVb` IJK LZKOL ZJMZ QL [WSK Ub ZJK VKLKMVYJKV ML XWPPWcg M` IJK VKLKMVYJKV NMfKL ZJK PWZZKVb ML NMSb ML ZJK OWOTPMZQWS hLKK IMUPK G OMdK Gij XVWN STNUKV i TSZQP _` U` IJK VKLKMVYJKV [KYQ[KL cJQYJ STNUKV cQPP UK EkOKVQNKSZMP MS[ YWSZVWP YPMLL` FWV QSLZMSYKe ZJK VKLKMVYJKV YJWWLKL ZJK STNUKV i ML ZJK EkOKVQNKSZMP CPMLL MS[ STNUKV ^ ML ZJK CWSZVWP CPMLL` IJKSe ZJK VKLKMVYJKV MLfL ZJK VKOVKLKSZMZQWS XVWN KMYJ YPMLL ZW NMfK ZJK PWZZKVbe KMYJ WX ZJKN ZMfKL WSK PWZZKVb WSPb XVWN i TSZQP _` Y` IS ZJK VKLKMVYJKVe YPMLL lIIImi dKZL STNUKV i MS[ [KYQ[K[ ML EkOKVQNKSZMP GVWTO MS[ YPMLL lIIIm^ dKZL STNUKV ^ MS[ [KYQ[K[ ML CWSZVWP GVWTO` BWZJ WX ZJKN QL LQNOPK WX ZJK VKLKMVYJKV` IJK LMNOPK LQRK WX ZJK VKLKMVYJKV YMS UK LKKS WS ZMUPK H QS ZJK SKkZ OMdK` no pqrst u pvw pxpAy zA{|yE }~ €t EIGHp GADE }~z{| ‚EGEI ƒ „IDx † ‡ˆƒo‰‡ˆƒŠ ‹Œ Ž‘‘ ƒœ EžtŸ t†qs GŸ}¡ž ‡œ C}†Ÿ}s GŸ}¡ž p}qs z}¡Ÿ¢t£ x~~ ¢t A¤ ‹’“”•– Œ— ˜™’š•›™‘ nƒ nƒ Š‡ † ¥Ÿq }† }~ z{| ‚t¦tŸ ƒ G ¤} § ¨©›š Œ— §™ ›š ª•‘•–«¬ ­›‘™–’“•›™‘ I† €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€® €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€tŸ ¡¥t¥ ¯¡q† q °t ¤qqœ p€t ¤qq ¥ q±t† ¤ Ÿt¢s² €Ÿ}¡¦€ t¥œ A¥ A³´qŸ µ‡ˆˆ¶£·ƒ¸ ¥q²¥ €q žŸ ¤ Ÿt¢s² ~Ÿ} qŸ² ¤qq ¥ €t ¤qq €q ¥ }rq †t¤ €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€ ¥¡r¹t¢ r² ¡¥ †¦ †¥Ÿ¡ t† }Ÿ ¤qq tq¥¡Ÿt¥ ¤ Ÿt¢s² } €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€ ¥¡r¹t¢ q¥ €t ¥}¡Ÿ¢t }~ †t†¤t¤ †~}Ÿ q }†œ z}® €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€® €t žŸ ¤qq q¥ €t ¥}¡Ÿ¢t¥ ¥ q±t† ~Ÿ} qŸ² €t ¥¡¤t†¥ q t ¦€€ ¦Ÿq¤t }~ z{| ‚t¦tŸ ƒ G ¤} €q ¢}†¥ ¥ }~ Š‡¥¡¤t†¥œ p€t †¥Ÿ¡ t† €q ¥ ¡¥t¤ r² Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€tŸ † ¢}†¤¡¢ †¦ €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€ t¥žt¢ qss² } ¦t ¤qq ¥ t°qs¡q }† ¥€ttœ I ¥ °tŸ² ~Ÿ} ž}Ÿq† ~}Ÿ €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€tŸ } ¦t €t ¤qq €t ¥¡¤t†¥ t¥žt¢ qss² r² ¦ ° †¦ t¥ } €t ¥¡¤t†¥œ I† €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€® ´} ²žt¥ }~ t¥® €t² qŸt žŸtt¥ q†¤ ž}¥t¥œ |Ÿtt¥ ¥ ¦ °t† } €t ¥¡¤t†¥ rt~}Ÿt €t² ¦t q†² Ÿtq t† } tq †t €t †}Ÿ qs ² q†¤ €} }¦t†t ² }~ ¤qq® q†¤ ž}¥t¥ ¥ ¦ °t† } €t ¥¡¤t†¥ q~tŸ €t² ¦t q Ÿtq t† } tq †t €t Ÿt¥tqŸ¢€ €²ž}€t¥ ¥œ º» ¼½ ¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄ¿Â ÀÅ ÆÀÇÇÂÁÈÉÊË ÈÌ ÍÎÈÎ ÏÐ ÑÒÐÓÔÑtÕÐÖ ×t Ø ÓÙtÙ ÑÒÚÚØÑÕtÒÐÛ ×t Ø Ør ÜØÙrÑ×Ør ÝÕÚstryÓØtØrÞÕÐØsÙ ÑÒÐßÒr Ú ÑÚÙs ÙÐÓ ØxàØÕrÞØÐßÙÚ ÑÚÙÜÜá â×ØÐÛ ×t Ø rØÜØÙÑr ×Ør ÝÒÚÚÒãs ÜÒÞØ àÒr ÑØÓÔäØs ÒÝ ÑÒÚÚØÑtÕÐÖ ×t Ø ÓÙtÙÛ ÐÙÞØÚåy æá â×Ø rØÜØÙÑr ×Ør ÝÕÐÓÜ ×t Ø ÚÒÑÙÕtÒÐá â ×Ø ÚÒÑÙÕtÒÐ ÒÝ ×t Ø Ør ÜØÙrÑ× Õsçèé êØÖØrÕ æ ëÕÓÒ JÚá éÙÐÑÙÜÕÚÙá ìá â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä àäØàÙäØÜ ß×Ø ÜíÚÚÙîÔÜÛ ÚØÜÜÒÐ àÚÙÐÜÛ ÞÙßØäÕÙÚ ÙÐÓ ß×Ø ÕÐÜßäÔÞØÐß ÒÝ ÑÒÚÚØÑßÕÐÖ ß×Ø ÓÙßÙá ºá â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÜØÚØÑßÜ ß×Ø àÒàÔÚÙßÕÒÐá â×Ø àÒàÔÚÙßÕÒÐ ÒÝ ß×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ× ÕÜ ß×Ø ØÕÖ×ß×ÖäÙÓØ ÜßÔÓØÐßÜ ÒÝ çèé êØÖØäÕæ ëÕÓÒá ïá â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÜØÚØÑßÜ ß×Ø ÜÙÞàÚØ îí ÔÜÕÐÖ CÚÔÜßØä çÙÞàÚÕÐÖ âØÑ×ÐÕðÔØ ÙÐÓ ÓÕñÕÓØÜ ÕÐ ßÒ ØòàØäÕÞØÐßÙÚ ÖäÒÔà ÙÐÓ ÑÒÐßäÒÚ ÖäÒÔàá óá â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÖÒØÜ ßÒ ñÙÚÕÓÙßØ ß×Ø ßØÜß ßÒ ß×Ø ðÔÙÚÕÝÕØÓ ßØÙÑ×ØäÜ Òä ÚØÑßÔäØäÜ ã×Ò ÙäØ ÑÒÞàØßØÐß ÕÐ ÚÙÐÖÔÙÖØ ßØÜßÕÐÖ îí ÖÕñÕÐÖ ß×ØÞ ß×Ø Ü×ØØß ÒÝ ÕÐÜßäÔÞØÐß ñÙÚÕÓÕßí ßØÜß ÕÐ ÒäÓØä ß×Ùß ß×Ø ßØÜß ÕÜ ÑÒÐÜßäÔÑßØÓ îí ß×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÕÜ ñÙÚÕÓ ÙÐÓ äØÚÕÙîÚØá »á â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÓÒØÜ àäØôßØÜß ÒÐ ß×Ø ÑÒÐßäÒÚ ÙÐÓ ØòàØäÕÞØÐßÙÚ ÖäÒÔà ßÒ ÜØØõ ×ÒÞÒÖØÐØÕßí ÙÐÓ ÐÒäÞÙÚÕßí ÒÝ ß×Ø ÜÙÞàÚØá öá AÝßØä ß×Ø ÓÙßÙ ÒÝ ß×Ø ÜÙÞàÚØ ÕÜ ÐÒäÞÙÚ ÙÐÓ ×ÒÞÒÖØÐØÒÔÜÛ ß×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÖÕñØÜ ß×Ø ßäØÙßÞØÐß ãÕß× ÓÕÝÝØäØÐß ÞØß×ÒÓ ã×ÕÑ× èÒñÕØ DÕäØÑßÒä çßäÙßØÖí ÕÜ ßÙÔÖ×ß ßÒ ß×Ø ØòàØäÕÞØÐßÙÚ ÖäÒÔà ÙÐÓ CÒÐñØÐßÕÒÐÙÚ çßäÙßØÖí ÕÜ ßÙÔÖ×ß ßÒ ß×Ø ÑÒÐßäÒÚ ÖäÒÔàá ÷á â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÓÒØÜ ß×Ø àÒÜßßØÜß ÝÒä ß×Ø ØòàØäÕÞØÐßÙÚ ÖäÒÔà ÙÐÓ ÑÒÐßäÒÚ ÖäÒÔàá øá â×Ø äØÜØÙäÑ×Øä ÙÐÙÚíùØÜ ß×Ø ÐÒäÞÙÚÕßí ÙÐÓ ×ÒÞÒÖØÐØÕßí ÒÝ àÒÜß ßØÜß ÓÙßÙá úû üýþ ÿ  r r rxst  r  t t  tst yu ÿ üüþ ÿ  r r r y      tstþ         þ   ! 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It functions to find out the average of the range of each data. Therefore to get the standard deviation, the researcher uses the formula from Kothari (2004:135) as follows: ∑ = − (∑ ) ( − 1) Where: = standard deviation ∑ = sum of the squares of each score (that is, each scores is first squared, then these squares are summed) º» (∑ X) 2 = ¼½¾ ¿À tÁ ¼Ã¿Âr ssq u ÄÂr Å (tÁ ¼Ã¿ÆÂsÄÂr ÀÇstr ¼½¾¾ÂÅÈ Át ÂÉ tÁÇs¿t ÊÄË Çs ¼Ì½ÄÂr Å) n Í É½¾ÎÂr¿À tÁ ½st ÅÂÉÊs ÏÐ ÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙ ÒÚ ÛÕØÕ ÜÄx¾ÇÉÇÉÝ tÁ ɿƾÄËÇty¿À ÅÄÄt ÇsusÂÅ t¿ ÀÇÉÅ ¿utÁwÂÁt ÂrÁt  ÅÄÄt ÇsÄt ÞÂÉ Àr¿¾ ÂÄÃÁ tÁ ݿr ½ß¼ ¿À tÁ ¼Ä¾ßË ÁÄsÉ¿r¾ÄË ÅÇstrÇνÊÇ¿É ¿Æ É¿Êà áÀ tÁ ÅÄÄt ÁÄs ɿƾÄË ÅÇstrÇνÊÇ¿ÉÈ ¼¿ tÁ ÅÄÄt Át Ät ÇsÄt ÞÂÉ Àr¿¾ Át  Äs ¾ßË Âr ßÆÂsÂÉÊstÁ Âr ¼ÂÄÃr Á ß¿ß½ËÄÇt ¿É ÄÉÅ tÁ Âr sÂÄÃr ÁÂrÃÄÉ ½¼Â âÄÄr ¾ÂtrÇà ãÄt tÇÇstà ÇÉ ÄÉÄËäyÇÉÝ ÊÁ ÅÄÊÄÈ ÄÉÅ åÇÃÂÈ åÂƼÄà IÉ ÊÁ Æ¼ÂÄÆÃÁÈ ÊÁ Æ¼ÂÄÆÃÁÂÆ ½¼Â¼ ÊÁ ¼ÇÉÝË ÅÄÊÄà ã½ÅæÄÉÄ çè»»èéºêêëºêìí ÝÇå¼ ¼¿¾Â ¼ÊÂß¼ ÇÉ ½¼ÇÉÝ îÇËÇÂÀ¿Æ¼ ÊÂ¼Ê Ä¼ À¿ËË¿ï¼é Äà ðÂÊÂƾÇÉÇÉÝ Zi Îñ ½¼ÇÉÝ ÊÁ À¿Æ¾½ËÄ Ä¼ À¿ËË¿ï¼é òó Í Îà ðÂÊÂƾÇÉÇÉÝ ÊÁ ïÇÅ ½ÉÅÂÆ ¼ÊÄÉÅÄÆŠɿƾÄË Ã½Æå ÀÆ¿¾ 0 Ê¿ ò Î y½¼ÇÉÝ ÊÄÎËÂ. 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Menyebutkan ciricir] teks fungsional yang dibaca Membaca teks fungsional pendek lainnya dari berbagai sumber Bentuk Instrumen Teknik • Contoh Alokasi Waktu Sumb er Belajar lnstrumen Give short !answe rs! komunikatif teks res tulis fungsional pertan yaan tentang セ N .:. Indikator Jawaban singkat Mengindenti fikasi ciri kebahasaan I 3. Gambar terkait materi dan topik 4. Benda sekitar teks fungsional Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Communicative) Rasa hormat dan perhatian (Discip/in ) Tekun ( diligence ) Gido, 2015 UI: P Negeri I Gido セ l Q Y W NUS WARUWU. 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Material Domain a. The test item is appropriate with the indicators. b. The imitation of question and answer which is expected is clear. v. d. 2. a. b. Nセ 3. a. lb . C. ki. c. The content of material is appropriate with the measurement purpose. The content of material which is asked is appropriate with the level, the kind of school, and the grade level. Construction Domain The sentence formula in the form of WH­Question There is the clear instruction to accomplish the test item . There is the scoring guideline. The Language Domain The sentence formula is communicative. 111e sentence uses the language well and rightly which suitable with its language. The sentence formula docs not make the double interpretation or misunderstanding. Using the language/words in general (not locallanguag£). The item formula does not contain the words which can offend the students' feeling. 2 q \ I , 4 Lt­ I セ I 4- \ 4 \ Cf- \ + t 4 4- \ t I 4- ! f Lr \ 4 I lr \ U 4- ( Wセ I \ l+ l I 1 I I 4- ( I 4 I I 4 \ 4- I l 4 \ q 1 82 2 \ 4 \ 1 4 l \ \ 5 セ \ I 4 セ セ I 4- ti. I G \ 4 \ 4- \ セ \ Lf \ I 4 ( セ I \ 4- I セ t 4 ( 4- セ 4 セ 4 q Suggestion: 83 Note: A. Every item comprises 2 columns: Validator, ­ Column 1 : Yes; Score 1, No; Score 0 ­ Column 2 : It is filled based on the evaluation scale; 1,2,3,4 B. If: a. b. c. d. Valid = 4, the item can be used without revision Enough valid = 3, the item can be used with the little revision Not enough valid = 2, the item cannot be used, it still needs consultation Not valid = 1, the item cannot be used June 2015 Appendix 7b THE TEST INSTRUMENT VALIDITY FOR POST TEST SUBJECT : ENGLISH MATERIAL : RECOUNT TEXT RESEARCHER : SAMSELINAR LASE Number of Item Kinds of Regulations 2 1 1 1. Material Domain a .The test item is appropriate with the indicators. b.The imitation of question and answer which is expected is clear. c.The content of material is appropriate with the measurement purpose. d.The content of material which is asked is appropriate with the level, the kind of school, and the grade level. 2.Construction Domain a .The sentence formula in the form of WH­Question b.There is the clear instruction to accomplish the test item. c.There is the scoring guideline. 3.The Language Domain a .The sentence formula is communicative. b.The sentence uses the language well and rightly which suitable with its language. c. The sentence formula does not make the double interpretation or misunderstanding. d.Using the language/words in general (not local language). e.The item formula does not contain the words which can offend the students' feeling . 1 セ 2 1 1 5 4 3 I 2 1 2 I 2 \ t I t \ If 4- \ 4- セ セ 4- \ セ \ ( セ Ii- \ セ \ 4 \ If \ セ 1 4 \ 4 ( 4 I セ 4 \ セ \ ry Lr ( l 1 t \ t 1 4 \ 4' a 4\ \ \ \ l 4 I q \ 1 4 \ I 1 セ セ セ \ q \ セ 4 i( 1 4 \ L ( 1 lL 1 4 84 2 11 1 4 1 I ( I I セ \ セ l 4- \ 4.- ( 4セ \ ( 4 It \ Lj 4 l ­4 , \ ( セ 4- 4- 85 Evaluation Guideline Column 1 Yes = I No = 0 Column 2 The instruments: = 4 Valid = 3 Valid Enough =2 Less Valid = 1 Invalid Hoped to write the revision of the item on suggestion not and/or directly to write on the manuscript. Suggestions: Gunungsitoli , June 2015 Appendix 7c THE TEST INSTRUMENT VALIDITY FOR POST TEST SUBJECT : ENGLISH MATERIAL : RECOUNT TEXT RESEARCHER : SAMSELINAR LASE Number of Hem Kinds of Regulations 1 1. Material Domain a. The test item is appropriate with the indicators . b. The imitation of question and answer which is expected is clear. c. The content of material is appropriate with the measurement purpose. d. The content of material which is asked is appropriate with the level , the kind of school , and the grad e level. 2. Construction Domain a . The sentence formula in the form of WH­Question test item. b. There is the clear instruction to accomplish エセ_ c. There is the scoring guideline. 3. The Language Domain a. The sentence formula is communicative. b. The sentence uses the language well and rightly which suitable with its language. c. The sentence formula does not make the double interpretation or misunderstanding . d. Using the language/words in general (not local language). e. The item formula does not contain the words which can offend the students' feeling . セ セ \ セ ( ( セ 4- \ 1 2 1 '+ l 4- \ lJ-I ( セ l tr \ It / Y­ ( Lr Yセ 4 セ セ \ 2 \ セ j 1 セ ( セ I セ Q \ t 4- \ \ 4 セ I セ ! \ q. 4 \ 4 I I Lr ( 4 I 86 I Ci- t I セ \ 2 ' 4 I (v I L \ 4-- ( 4- セ \ セ I 4 \ 4セ \ セ \ \ - l.- 1 セ I セ l ! I セ ( r (r, It.' セ \ t I ! 5 2 1 2 4 3 2 1 セ セ ( U. セ セ I ( U- r I 4- I セ q, 87 Evaluation Guideline Column 1 Yes = I No = 0 Column 2 The instruments: Valid Valid Enough Less Valid Invalid = = = = 4 3 2 1 Hoped to write the revision of the item on suggestion not and/or directly to write on the manuscript. Suggestions : Gunungsitoli, OS June 2015 Validated by: Validator ll, セ |セ MEYTYN F. HAREFA, S.Pd NIP. 19860520 101001 2037 Appendix 7d THE TEST INSTRUMENT VALIDITY FOR POST TEST SUBJECT : ENGLISH MATERIAL : RECOUNT TEXT RESEARCHER : SAMSELlNAR LASE Number of Item Kinds of Regulations 1 1. Material Domain a. The test item is appropriate with the indicators . b. TI1e imitation of question and answer which is expected is clear. e. The content of material is appropriate with the measurement purpose. d. The content of material which is asked is appropriate with the level , the kind of school, and the g rade level. 2. Construction Domain a. The sentence formula in the form of Wl­l­Qucstion b. There is the clear instruction to accomplish the test item. c. There is the scoring guideline. 3. The Language Domain a. The sentence formula is communicative . b. The sent ence uses the language well and rightly which suitable with its language. d. The sentence formula does not make the double interpretation or misunderstanding. e. Using the language/words in gen eral (not local language) . f. The item formula docs not contain the words which can offend the students' feeling. 2 セ , \ セ \ セ I セ \ セ \ q セ \ セ \ \ I セ \ \ セ \ セ セ \ セ 4.- ( セ \ Lr l セ セ \ セ 2 r L ­- I - - - - -- e­- ! セ t セ I Lt \ li- \ '+ LV I tJ U- \ i [{ \ 4 ( セ I セ セ l [ 4 \ r Y4- l L(- Nセ セ It I I 1 セ I ti- 2 セ セ If \ セ 1 \ セ { I 88 2 4- 4 セ 1 \ I I セ 1 \ I 2 \ セ \ 1 5 4 3 2 1 t u: セ , +cr セ 1 C+ I セ r \ セ ( 4 [ セ 89 Suggestion: Note: A. Every item comprises 2 columns: Validator, ­ Column 1 : Yes; Score 1, No; Score 0 ­ Column 2 : It is filled based on the evaluation scale; 1,2,3,4 B. If: e. f. g. h. Valid = 4, the item Enough valid = 3, the item Not enough valid = 2, the item = 1, the item Not valid can be used without revision can be used with the little revision cannot be used, it still needs consultation cannot be used June 2015 Validator II, 1tW MEYTYN F. HAREFA, S.Pd NIP. 198605201010012037 !""#$%&' () T*+,- ./ 012 304526037 389:23 )$% ;!:<3 &$ =># 2?@2:A;260!B C:94@ D@:2E0230F 69 tu t 3%#$GH 6)I# st u v 0# 6IJ#KL 3MNK# s u SLT ULT 3LT t !M>&##I#$ ;)'&II TLT VLT u t t 0># 3%#$GH 3MNK# ;)KO t u t t yt B#P#Q NR ># 3%#$GH !J&Q& . WXYZ[\W] ^_`Z`a[W ^`Xb c d . d e .d f/ `ghijk X-l-, d Wmn`X[oW p_b m\ZW_W d . c e d .d f/ `ghijk X-l-, c WZ^[m[ qWZrqr c d . c d .. ss X-tt X-l-, e Wrnra \WZm[ ab m\ZW_W . e e e c .f u/ nhhv X-l-, s w`a^WZ[ xWm\Zy^y c d c c d .c fs `ghijk X-l-, f p`ZX[m a_]m^W zb YWo_y . . d . c u e/ X-tt X-l-, { \`a^W |`Zym[oW qWZrqr c d . e d .d f/ `ghijk X-l-, u \[m\W yo^W|[Wm[ qWZrqr e . c c . .d f/ `ghijk X-l-, } `q[ \WZ~Wm m\ZW_W . d d . c } es X-tt X-l-, ./ Y[m[a zZ[_W^[m b nrXy d c c . d .. ss X-tt X-l-, .. 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