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To know about the evolution of anything/event/being is what is known as history. To understand the present and to plan the future, knowledge of the past is a must. Like other trades in the industry the garment industry also has a specific history-The history of how the art of cutting and tailoring evolved over the ages. Unlike many other trades this had a slow but steady evolution over time. In the beginning man was not a social and knowledgeable being, but as time passed his sense of social science developed and along with it came modern thoughts, knowledge and specific rules about eating, dressing up his whole philosophy towards life changed and so changed the way mankind dressed themselves to present their best features to society.
No me preocupa saber si lo que has visto te ha gustado; me basta que sea la verdad. La ciencia no se cuida de. agradar o desagradar. Es inhumana. No es ella sino la poesía quien encanta y consuela. Por eso, la poesía es más necesaria que la ciencia. A. FRANCE 'nuestra vida socia]. ' En verdad, la realidad que ellos ocultan tiene su
-- discovered in a Roman settlement in southeast England This is an adddendum to: Indus Script hieroglyphs on artifacts which signify Karnonov (Cernunnos), Gundestrup cauldron, Celtic tomb of Lavau (500 BCE) I suggest that the expression karnanov (mentioned with variant spelling on the Pillar of Boatmen, as cernunnos) is cognate with कारणी 'supercargo' kāraṇīka 'helmsman'. identified on Indus Script Corpora. Model reconstructing the Pillar of the Boatmen in the Musée de Cluny Relief of Cernunnos (the only one that uses this name) on the column dedicated by the boatmen of Paris to Emperor Tiberius and Jupiter. Two torcs hang from his antlers. (Musée du Moyen-Âge at Cluny, Paris) Indus Script hieroglyphs (hypertext): kāṇḍa 'stalk' (as horns) rebus: kāṇḍa 'implement' PLUS karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: karṇīka (Kashmiri).karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, banglesRebus: khãr 'blacksmith, iron worker' (Kashmiri). PLUS Ka. kōḍu horn, tusk, branch of a tree; kōr̤ horn.(DEDR 2200) rebus: koḍ = artisan’s workshop(Kuwi) karnanov signified on the Pillar of Boatmen. Karnanov (Cernunnos) rebus: karṇīka 'helmsman' Gundestrup Cauldron. "The outer panels show gods and goddesses. On the left a goddess with two birds is having her hair braided. On the right a god with a forked beard holds two humans.The enigmatic scenes inside depict people alongside fantastical creatures. The cross-legged man with antlers holding a horned snake may be a god. Behind him a small figure rides a fish. The goddess on the left is surrounded by wild and strange beasts – the ones with long noses may represent elephants.'"' Source: See: Mistaken Identity By Benjamin Leonard May/June 2021 (James Fairbairn, Oxford Archaeology East) Copper alloy Celtic figurine (James Fairbairn, Oxford Archaeology East) Restored figurine (left) and detail of hair (right) Researchers have finished cleaning a small copper alloy figurine that was unearthed in 2018 at a Late Iron Age to early Roman settlement in southeast England. (See “Celtic Curiosity.”) The figure’s oval eyes, which were revealed during the cleaning, and the torc he carries are both characteristic of Iron Age Celts, says archaeologist Chris Thatcher of Oxford Archaeology East. However, his hairstyle is a more typically Roman coiffure. Thatcher and his team have determined that the figure, along with some 300 other metal objects found with it, dates to the early first century A.D. At this time, Celtic tribes in the area were jockeying for power and coming into increasingly frequent contact with the Romans, who conquered Britain in A.D. 43. Although archaeologists originally identified the figure as the Celtic horned fertility god Cernunnos, they now believe it may represent another Celtic deity, or perhaps a tribal figure. “Holding the torc,” says Thatcher, “he is clearly symbolic of power.” Celtic curiosity by Benjamin Leonard May/June 2019 The most intriguing find from recent excavations at the seventeenth-century manor house known as the Wimpole Estate in Cambridgeshire, England, is a second-century A.D. copper alloy figurine of Cernunnos, the Celtic god of fertility, animals, and the underworld. Cernunnos is often shown, as he is here, in a squatting position with a circular torc, or neck ring, in his hands. The figurine formed “part of a utilitarian object, possibly the handle of a Roman spatula for clearing wax tablets,” says archaeologist Paddy Lambert of Oxford Archaeology East. After it broke, he says, the Cernunnos figurine was likely buried near a shrine.
L'Atelier, 2020
Studiul este o primă încercare de evaluare a eficienţei impactului asistenţei externe asupra obiectivelor de dezvoltare stabilite de către guvernarea Republicii Moldova. Reprezintă o primă obordare privind gradul de pregătire a ţării noastre pentru absorbţia fondurilor de la donatorii străini precum şi elucidează provocările care stau în faţa administraţiei publice centrale şi locale. Conform autorilor, deşi Republica Moldova beneficiază pe an ce trece de fonduri din ce în ce mai generoase alocate pentru dezvoltarea sa, eficienţa utilizării acestora poate fi uşor pusă la îndoială. Majoritatea resurselor financiare sunt direcţionate către sectorul social, justiţie, bună guvernare, şi doar 10% revine sectorului real al economiei naţionale.
Die wissenschaftliche Publikation ist die kommunikative Einheit, die seit dem Beginn des Wissenschaftssystems der Moderne in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jhs. die Einheit des Systems nach innen und sowohl seine operative Geschlossenheit nach außen wie in anderen Hinsichten seine informationelle Öffnung nach außen am entschiedensten verkörpert (Stichweh 1984, Kap. 5; Stichweh 1987). Es scheint sinnvoll, sich die formalen Eigentümlichkeiten der kommunikativen Form Publikation, die sich über 200 Jahre langsam herausgebildet haben, zu vergegenwärtigen.
Bioresource Technology, 2009
Non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data of biomasses and pulps originating from nonwood and alternatives materials (i.e., Tagasaste or rice straw) have been fitted with refined models, which include autocatalytic kinetics. Data sets were obtained for different experimental conditions, such as variations of heating rate and atmosphere, i.e., inert (pyrolysis) versus oxidative atmosphere (combustion). Besides the access to classical kinetic parameters (pre-exponential factor, activation energy, and reaction order), the improved data analysis enabled the determination of the chemical composition of the samples (cellulose, hemicellulose, extractives, lignin). The latter compared very well with those obtained by conventional methods (chemical analysis, HPLC). Given the reduced environmental impact and rapidness of the method, potential applications for research related to new biomasses and industrial processes can be foreseen.
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Journal of Community Health, 2020
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