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209 pages
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בשנת תשפ"ה (2025), שבה ימלאו 160 שנה לפטירתו של שמואל דוד לוצאטו (1800–1865), נערוך כנס בינלאומי שיוקדש לדיון במגוון היבטים באישיותו, מנהיגותו בהקשרה ההיסטורי, מחקריו ומורשתו. אנו מזמינים חוקרים מכל התחומים להגיש הצעות להרצאות בנות 20 דקות, שיוצג בהן מחקר חדש, שטרם פורסם, העוסק בשד"ל.
The purpose of this research is to contribute to a greater understanding and new knowledge in the conceptual area of Shopper marketing from a shopper's perspective Today, there is not much available research of the shoppers’ perspective of Shopper marketing. By accessing insights from the shopper's point of view of the retail situation this knowledge can be used when developing strategies for how to get shoppers to turn to more positive perceptions and an increased shopper experience. Methodology:
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Básicas Matemática I (2015-4) Modalidad virtual 2015-2
In the frame of this work, we are interested in the problem of adaptive control of rigid robot manipulators. We will introduce some basics concepts of this system, in order to facilitate the study and understanding. Using modified conventions of Denavit-Hartenberg, a description of the structure geometry of the robot manipulators within an open loop structure will be presented. All the stage required for the dynamic modeling of robot manipulators is explained. In particular, a detailed presentation of the Lagrange formalism, which in used for the calculation of the dynamic model of robot manipulators is made. The model of the robot manipulators SCARA will be calculated. Then, a synthesis of the classical dynamic control laws used for rigid robot manipulators will be proposed. We will present control laws used in the regulation problem such as the PD, those used for the problem of trajectory tracking based on the linearisation of the feedback (computed torque), and those based on the theory of Lyapunov (Paden and Panja). Then, a synthesis of adaptive control law used for rigid robot manipulator. All the control approaches considered in this work will be validate through the simulation results obtained in the case study of the robot manipulator SCARA with three degree of freedom. Key words : non linear systems, dynamic model of robot manipulator, Robot manipulator SCARA, classical control laws, regulation problem, computer torque, trajectory problem, adaptive control, asymptotic stability.
Analisi semiotica delle pubblicità di Tempo Medico, 2020
Report realizzato per Zadig srl, all’interno di un progetto di valorizzazione degli archivi della rivista "Tempo Medico", versione integrale consultabile sul sito Scienzainrete: [].
African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 2024
The rise of social media networks and their increasingly significant role in democratic life, epitomized by uprisings like the Arab Spring (Wolfsfeld et al., 2013), have revived hopes for democratization from below and the lively participation of the general population to produce dynamic system change. However, while social media allows for increased political awareness, it often inadvertently supports disseminating fake news and rumors that interfere with political reality. This article examines the most popular fake news stories, and rumors circulated during the 2018 presidential election in Cameroon through social media analytics. This research showcases the importance of homophily and echoes chambers in disseminating information on different political digital networks in Cameroon, revealing how fake news spread quickly during the campaign. Nevertheless, this research also shows that while specific fake news stories and rumors were not deemed plausible by the general public, they nevertheless shaped public perceptions and succeeded in maintaining the ruling party's political dominance, underscoring the profound impact of misinformation on public opinion and political control.
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