Implementing Inland Waterway
Transportation in Urban Logistics
Master’s Thesis in the International Master´s Programme Maritime Management
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden 2016
Implementing Inland Waterway Transportation in Urban Logistics
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Göteborg, Sweden 2016
Implementing Inland Waterway Transportation in Urban Logistics
Master’s Thesis 2016:08
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Telephone: + 46 (0)31-772 1000
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Göteborg, Sweden 2016
Implementing Urban Waterway Transportation in Urban Logistics
Master’s Thesis in the International Master’s Programme in Maritime Management
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
Urbanisation puts tremendous stress on road infrastructure. Consequently, innovative
solutions to cater for the growing population and subsequent need for increased
transport of goods and waste in urban areas need to be explored. A modal shift from
road transportation to inland waterway transportation can be beneficial for several
reasons such as less pollution, traffic congestion, accidents and noise. This study
analyses the necessary conditions for a successful implementation of a combined goods
and waste transportation system on inland waterways based on the case of an urban
planning project in the City of Gothenburg. Therefore, semi-structured interviews with
stakeholders from the local urban supply chain, field trips and work group meetings
have been conducted, attended and analysed. It was found that economic and
operational factors, behavioural change, policy and regulations represent strong barriers
for the implementation of such a transportation system. As weak drivers, public interest,
environmental drivers, political incentives, regulations and technical development were
identified. To overcome strong barriers, weak drivers need to be strengthened. More
emphasis needs to be put on policy and regulations as those have strong power to
influence the actions of stakeholders in the urban supply chain and thus, bring forward
sustainable transportation. It is concluded, that building trust represents a core element
in the implementation process of a new transportation system. Consequently, new
systems need to prove their applicability and reliability on a small scale in the short run.
In the long run, these new systems need to serve more areas, thus achieving economies
of scale and profitability.
Key words: (inland waterway transportation, modal shift, sustainability, sustainable
transportation, urban logistics)
Taking on the endeavour of writing this thesis has been challenging and rewarding. The
accomplishments I have achieved would not have been possible without numerous
persons. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Sönke Behrends, who
laid a foundation for the thesis with the right contacts and focus. Furthermore, I would
like to express my deepest gratitude to Martin Svanberg for the tremendous support,
enthusiasm and encouragement, which guided me through the learning process and
showed me the broad possibilities in this undertaking.
Also, I would like to thank the Challenge Lab team John Holmberg, Örjan Söderberg,
David Andersson, Daniella Mendoza and Johan Larsson for making it possible and a
creative experience writing my Master´s thesis in this setting. What is more, I would
like to acknowledge the several interviewees for their support in gathering data.
Similarly, I would like to display my appreciation to my fellow Challenge Lab students
who accompanied me on this adventure on a daily basis; especially Spyros, for giving
me a new understanding of time, Ivo, for, of course, appreciating lunch time, David, for
sharing the joy about the uplift effect, Lindsay, for her never-ending energy and
reminding me of the complex political and cultural differences between Italy and Spain
and last, but most importantly, Aako, for the uncountable hours of sharing the feeling of
being lost and cluelessness, and exchanging relevant information as well as constantly
motivating me.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family: My parents, who supported me in all ways
possible throughout my studies and my brothers for their continuous motivation,
appreciation and love. Finally, thank you, my friends, near and far, for making my life
such a joyful adventure!
Otto-Maximilian Jandl,
Göteborg, September 2016
Table of Contents
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. i
Acknowledgements........................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... vi
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose/Research Question ............................................................................... 2
1.2 Challenge Lab ................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope and Limitations ....................................................................................... 4
1.4 Outline ............................................................................................................... 4
Phase 1 – The Challenge Lab Process ........................................................................... 5
2 Frame of Reference .................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Inside-Out Perspective ...................................................................................... 5
Self-Leadership ................................................................................................ 5
Active Listening and Guidelines for Dialogue ................................................ 5
Dialogic Leadership ......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Outside-In Perspective ...................................................................................... 8
Systems Thinking ............................................................................................. 8
Transition Management: Multi-Level Perspective .......................................... 9
2.3 Design Thinking .............................................................................................. 10
2.4 Backcasting ..................................................................................................... 11
Dimensions of Sustainability ......................................................................... 11
System Conditions ......................................................................................... 12
The Backcasting Process ................................................................................ 13
Methodology............................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Backcasting Step 1 – Defining Criteria ........................................................... 14
3.2 Backcasting Step 2 – Present Situation ........................................................... 15
3.3 Backcasting Step 3 – Envision Future Solutions ............................................ 16
3.4 Backcasting Step 4 – Finding Strategies for a Sustainable Future.................. 17
4 Results ...................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Backcasting Step 1 – Definition of Criteria .................................................... 18
4.2 Backcasting Step 2 – Description of Present Situation ................................... 20
4.3 Backcasting Step 3 – Envisioning Future Solutions ....................................... 21
4.4 Backcasting Step 4 – Strategies for a Sustainable Future ............................... 21
Phase 2 – Implementing Inland Waterway Transportation ..................................... 23
5 Frame of Reference .................................................................................................. 23
5.1 Elements of Urban Logistics ........................................................................... 23
Actors in Urban Logistics .............................................................................. 23
Distribution System and Efficiency ............................................................... 23
Delivery Service Elements ............................................................................. 24
Sustainable Transportation ............................................................................. 25
5.2 City of Gothenburg – Transport regulations ................................................... 26
5.3 Urban Waterway Projects ............................................................................... 27
Franprix Paris – Containers on Barge ............................................................ 27
Vert chez Vous – Floating Distribution Centre ............................................. 29
The Beer Boat – Electric Barge Utrecht ........................................................ 30
Mokum Mariteam - Electric Barge Amsterdam ............................................ 30
5.4 Socio-Technical Systems ................................................................................ 31
6 Methodology............................................................................................................. 32
6.1 Research Design .............................................................................................. 32
6.2 Case Study ....................................................................................................... 32
6.3 Data Collection Methods................................................................................. 34
7 Results & Analysis ................................................................................................... 37
7.1 Success Factors of Delivery Systems .............................................................. 37
7.2 Barriers ............................................................................................................ 38
7.3 Drivers ............................................................................................................. 41
8 Discussion................................................................................................................. 44
8.1 Complexity of the Supply Chain Design ........................................................ 44
8.2 Strong Barriers vs. Weak Drivers – The Importance of Policy ...................... 45
8.3 Early Planning and Collaboration ................................................................... 45
8.4 Short-term vs. long-term Goals ....................................................................... 46
9 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 48
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix......................................................................................................................... 52
List of Figures
List of Tables
PROJECTS .............................................................................................................................. 31
BACKGROUND OF INTERVIEWEES ................................................................................... 35
SUB FACTORS OF SUCCESS FACTORS IN A DELIVERY SYSTEM .................................. 37
CENTRAL BARRIERS MENTIONED BY INTERVIEWEES................................................... 38
SUB FACTORS OF BARRIERS .............................................................................................. 39
CENTRAL DRIVERS MENTIONED BY INTERVIEWEES..................................................... 41
SUB FACTORS OF DRIVERS ................................................................................................ 42
1 Introduction
European cities are facing trends of urbanisation. Despite a stagnating population growth, the
number of habitants in urban areas will increase substantially. More precisely, by 2025 more
than 75%, and by 2050 around 84% of the population will live in urban areas (MDS
Transmodal, 2012). The increased number of citizens implies higher consumption of goods
and production of waste locally. Thus, the need for transportation into and out of urban areas
increases and puts tremendous stress on the transportation network and related infrastructure.
This results in raised negative impacts of freight transport connected to sustainability issues
consisting of environmental, social and economic impacts, while emissions to air and use of
non-renewable natural resources relate to environmental impacts, influence of emissions to
public health, injuries and fatalities from traffic accidents, visual intrusion and vibration point
to social aspects and economic impacts consist of the inefficient use and waste of resources,
congestion, decreased journey reliability and delivery punctuality (Quak, 2008).
Consumers tend to source goods from smaller stores in near proximity rather than from large
shopping centres outside the city as the latter option is too time consuming and not suitable
for personalised service. In the set up with decentralized large shopping centres, high fill rates
of heavy trucks were contributing to high transport efficiency. As local authorities introduced
regulations in several cities to ban heavy trucks from city centres in order to reduce the
negative impacts of freight transport, other ways of transportation into the centres need to be
considered replacing heavy trucks (MDS Transmodal, 2012). Deciding on the suitable mode
of transportation such as air, road, rail and water depends on requirements on time, network
availability and total logistics cost (Rhodes, et al., 2012).
In order to reduce the negative impacts of freight transport and to avoid limitations from local
regulations on road traffic a modal shift to inland waterway transportation can be beneficial.
Janjevic and Ndiaye (2014) present inland waterway transport concepts that were
implemented in several European cities to substitute and reduce heavy traffic in dense urban
areas. The concepts aimed to transport palletized and containerized goods, deliver parcels,
transport to local shops and restaurants as well as to carry waste and recycled material. The
projects show that environmental and social benefits are achievable. However, Janjevic and
Ndiaye highlight the importance of the accessibility and structure of the network of inland
waterways and that this mode of transportation only covers a limited part of the total urban
freight volume. What is more, local authorities and bodies play a substantial role in the
implementation process by providing financial aid in the starting process of the projects.
Lindholm (2012) highlights the importance of authorities´ influence when making sustainable
development of urban freight transport possible. In many cases authorities do not understand
their role and their significant power to bring sustainable development of the urban freight
sector forward. Allocation of resources and information exchange plays an important role in
this context. However, as urban freight transport represents only a small part in the whole
supply chain, its relevance is recognized by the European Union as subordinate. In order to
promote the implementation of sustainable development of urban freight transport it is
recommended to introduce legislation, which encourages the private sector to increase its
efficiency and lower the negative impacts (MDS Transmodal, 2012).
1.1 Purpose/Research Question
Inland waterway transportation can be a suitable mode of transportation in dense urban areas
and has proved to achieve environmental and social benefits, while the implemented projects
focused on goods and waste transportation separately (e.g. Flipo, 2013; BESTFACT, 2014;
Janjevic & Ndiaye, 2014; BESTFACT, 2015; BESTFACT, 2016). Implementing inland
waterway transportation, which combines the transportation of goods and waste, can improve
the transport system efficiency as empty haulage can be avoided. Furthermore, it provides
huge potential to lower the negative impacts of urban freight transport.
This study aims at identifying the necessary conditions to enable a modal shift from road
transportation to inland waterway transportation where the transportation of goods and waste
can be combined. Therefore, the research question addressed in this thesis is formulated as
How can a combined goods and waste transportation system be implemented in urban supply
chains utilizing waterway transportation?
The focus of this research question lies on the process of the implementation of a new
transportation system. Answering the research question is intended to provide an
understanding of which barriers to overcome and which drivers to make use of as central parts
of a successful implementation process. The research project is carried out in close connection
to an urban develpment project in the City of Gothenburg.
The findings of this study can not only be used for existing city development projects in
Gothenburg, but in urban freight transport planning in several cities, in which urban space is
scarce and which have access to an inland waterway network, which is not fully utilized. It
should provide clarification of which aspects have influence on the successful implementation
of an inland waterway transportation system.
1.2 Challenge Lab
The Challenge Lab was established in 2014 as an initiative within Chalmers University of
Technology, in which Master´s students write their theses in a collaborative way in close
connection to the triple helix, which consists of academia, society and industry. Contemporary
challenges are faced and analysed by using the backcasting methodology, which has an
unbiased view envisioning a future regardless from current trends. For the transformative and
integrative opportunities to intervene in the system, the triple helix combined with the student
as a fairly neutral person is the focus of the Challenge Lab.
Within the university the students connect the areas of research, innovation and education,
known as the knowledge triangle (Holmberg, 2014) and connect it with the triple helix (see
Figure 1). By standing in between academia, the public and the private sector, the Challenge
Lab provides a neutral space to bring these three areas closer together.
Figure 1:
The Knowledge Triangle as part of the Triple Helix, (Andersson, Holmberg, &
Larsson, 2015)
Writing their Master´s thesis in the Challenge Lab, the students work as change agents closely
with the stakeholders from the three different sectors enabling and enhancing rich dialogue
which can result in increased quality of collaboration and possibilities in finding leverage
points to bring transitions in complex socio-technical systems (Andersson, Holmberg, &
Larsson, 2015). As a student does not represent any institution, regulator or private company
stakeholders are claimed to be more open in the dialogues and to bring up own ideas without
restrictions (Holmberg, 2014).
In the last study term before starting their Master´s thesis project the majority of the students
participating in the Challenge Lab took the course “Leadership in sustainability transitions” as
a preparation to the Challenge Lab. The overarching theme was to envision a sustainable
campus at Chalmers, which resulted in projects on urban mobility, sharing economy, the
Chalmers vision, food on campus and social integration.
In this year, 2016, the Challenge Lab students consists of 14 students under the guidance of
the Challenge Lab team; the examiner, a professor in Physical Resource Theory, a tutor, two
project leaders and an assistant. The highly diverse group of students from nine different
countries on four continents shares their interest in sustainability while coming from a great
variety of Master´s programmes, i.e. Communication Engineering, Design and Construction
Project Management, Environmental Science, Industrial Design Engineering, Industrial
Ecology, Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering, Maritime Management,
Sustainability, Economics and Management and lastly Sustainable Energy Systems. In this
variety of educational and cultural backgrounds a unique learning and working experience can
be observed where exchange of information, knowledge and work experience takes place on a
daily basis providing new views and ways of problem solving in relation to the different
Master´s thesis projects.
1.3 Scope and Limitations
The preparation and process of defining the research project within the Challenge Lab
represented the first two month on the five-month Master´s thesis timeline. As to the limited
time of the research project, only one round of interviews was performed. Stakeholders were
chosen from the urban supply chain in Gothenburg. Therefore, a bias originating from
geographically local thinking of the interviewees might occur.
Carrying out the research project, does not aim to present a final technical solution on how the
urban supply chain could look like. It intends to describe factors of importance for a
successful implementation of an innovative transportation system introducing combined
goods and waste transportation on inland waterways in urban logistics. Furthermore, this
thesis does not provide a technical solution on solving the problem of connecting inland
waterway transportation with the last mile delivery solution in the distribution to the receiver.
1.4 Outline
The thesis is divided into two phases. The first phase relates to the Challenge Lab process
with the aim of defining a research question; the second Phase contains the research project.
In the first phase, in Chapter 2, process tools and methods used in the Challenge Lab are
presented. A description of the methodology used in the first phase follows in Chapter 3.
Thereafter, the results from the Challenge Lab proceedings are described in Chapter 4, which
lead to the research project, which is approached in the second phase.
In the second phase, the theoretical framework is described in Chapter 5 and elements of
urban logistics, transport regulations in the City of Gothenburg, urban waterway projects in
Europe and the socio-technical system are presented. The methodology is described in
Chapter 6 followed by the results and subsequent analysis of the research project in Chapter 7.
In Chapter 8, the results of the research project are discussed. The thesis ends with a
conclusion in Chapter 9.
Phase 1 – The Challenge Lab Process
The first phase of this thesis focuses on the theoretical background and the proceedings in the
Challenge Lab towards finding a research project. Strongly influenced by the backcasting
methodology, the students work in a co-creative environment from global understanding of
sustainability to solving sustainability challenges in the local system. The road to finding
individual research topics for the students in the Challenge Lab is described by presenting the
theoretical framework in Chapter 2, the methodology in the Challenge Lab in Chapter 3 and
the results in Chapter 4.
2 Frame of Reference
This chapter portrays the theoretical framework of the first phase of the Master´s thesis within
the Challenge Lab. First inside-out and outside-in tools and methods are described followed
by a presentation of the design thinking method. Lastly, the central methodology in the
Challenge Lab, backcasting, is depicted.
2.1 Inside-Out Perspective
The inside-out perspective relates to the identification of own values, strengths and visions
through the application of knowledge, methods and tools to understand ones individual
position in a greater system. Furthermore, it relates to the interaction of those individuals in
that system (Holmberg, 2014). In the following the inside-out tools self-leadership, active
listening, guidelines for dialogue and dialogic leadership are presented.
2.1.1 Self-Leadership
Through self-leadership individuals can identify their own values, strengths and visions
(Holmberg, 2014). For the identification of an individual’s motivation and engagement Ryan
and Deci (2000) differentiate four types of extrinsic motivation with a perceived locus of
causality reaching from external to internal. First, caused externally, the motivation of action
lies in complying with external regulations. Second, somewhat caused externally, the
motivation is based on introjected regulation relating to internal rewards and self-control.
Third, caused slightly internally, the motivation of action lies in self-identified regulation
resulting from identifying matters of personal importance and conscious valuing, thus, finding
a sense of meaning. And last, caused internally, the value of congruence and awareness
shows, that the motivation is based on the individual’s personal values and beliefs. This level,
where the motivation comes from the deep inside of an individual, is the desired level for
leaders to transform complex systems.
2.1.2 Active Listening and Guidelines for Dialogue
Listening to and involving stakeholders are important leadership abilities, where trust and
active listening are central contents. Sandow and Allen (2005) describe a circle of reinforcing
trust as a basis for collaboration. The circle shows the interrelation of listening,
understanding, trusting and collaborating. In a system, where everyone in an organization is
accepted and works towards the same goal, everyone should have a voice. Listening to this
voice, irrespective that level in hierarchy the person represents, is central. Interrupting and
shutting off any voice hinders the understanding and disturbs the trust building process. If the
voice is listened to and understood, trust can emerge in the teller, as this person knows, his
idea or contribution is relevant, thought over and respected by the others, thus, leading to
collaboration. Reflection of processes in performing collaboration results back in listening,
closing the circular relationship (Sandow & Allen, 2005).
Similarly, Isaacs (1993) provides basic recommendations for a successful dialogue. Therefore,
following actions must be taken. Firstly, assumptions and certainties shall be suspended,
secondly, observers shall be observed, thirdly, one shall listen to ones listening, fourthly, one
shall slow down the inquiry, fifthly, one shall be aware of thought and lastly polarization shall
be befriended.
2.1.3 Dialogic Leadership
A strong tool in communication is to understand the power of dialogue, as “Human beings
create, refine, and share knowledge through conversation.” (Isaacs, 1999, p. 2). In his fourplayer model Isaacs defines four different parties in a conversation (see Figure 2). The first
one moves and brings forward new ideas, the second one follows and carries out, what is said.
The third player opposes and brings about criticism, challenges the mover and states different
views. The fourth and last player in this model is a bystander, observing what is happening
and providing a perspective.
Figure 2:
Dialogic Leadership – 4 players model, (Isaacs, 1999)
A leader has to track the action in a conversation and has to balance advocacy and inquiry.
Therefore, to advocate well, he “must move and oppose well” and to inquire he “must bystand
and follow” (Isaacs, 1999, p. 3). A person who opposes, but does not move - i.e. does not
bring in new ideas - is not effectively taking part in the conversation. The same happens,
when a follower does what others say, but never develops an own view for a better
understanding of the task.
Figure 3:
Four practices for dialogic leadership, (Isaacs, 1999)
By extending the four-player model (see Figure 3), four practices for dialogic leadership are
described, which can positively influence the quality of a conversation, where balanced action
is essential. Following means to listen carefully, without criticising in order to understand the
essence of what is told. Listening is difficult, because one always processes own thoughts on
the topic, which can cause a blockade in really understanding, what the other wants to say.
When opposing, respecting that the opposite has a coherent, different view is important in
order to efficiently discourse. Bystanding means to suspend the own views accepting that
others have different ones. Finally, stating own views and opinions and encouraging others in
the same manner, i.e. voicing, relates to moving in the four-player model. Using these four
dimensions of listening, suspending, respecting and voicing can significantly increase the
quality of dialogues. Therefore, leaders should incorporate these dimensions into their
understanding of dialogues (Isaacs, 1999).
2.2 Outside-In Perspective
The outside-in perspective provides means of analysis to understand how global sustainability
influences global and local systems. Outside-in tools and methods are: Systems thinking, to
identify leverage points from where to intervene in locked systems (Meadows, 1997), the
multi level perspective (Geels, 2004), to understand on which level to intervene, and design
thinking (Söderberg, 2014), as an iterative process to improve a product.
2.2.1 Systems Thinking
Motivated by economic growth, socio-economic systems are often steered in the wrong
direction. To enable considerable change in a system, the right leverage points need to be
identified. Meadows (1997) describes nine leverage points to enable change in a system,
which are stated in reverse order and from short leverage to long leverage:
9. Numbers (subsidies, taxes, standards).
8. Material stocks and flows.
7. Regulating negative feedback loops.
6. Driving positive feedback loops.
5. Information flows.
4. The rules of the system (incentives, punishment, constraints).
3. The power of self-organization.
2. The goals of the system.
1. The mindset or paradigm out of which the goals, rules, feedback structure arise.
Figure 4 illustrates how leverage points can have a different level of influence on changing a
system, depending on the length of the leverage.
Figure 4:
Leverage points to intervene in a system, (Meadows, 1997)
2.2.2 Transition Management: Multi-Level Perspective
Change in socio-technical systems happens on three different levels of society (see Figure 5);
on niche, regime and landscape level (Geels, 2002). The niche-level relates to small markets,
which are relatively separated from regular markets, while the regime relates to areas where
regulations allow and limit activities within communities through lock-in mechanism such as
business as usual activities. At regime level, the elements are relatively stable, because they
are interconnected through the alignment and organization of the different actors. The
landscape refers to broader, non-technologic factors, such as oil prices, economic growth,
wars, emigration, broad political coalitions, cultural and normative values, environmental
problems (Geels, 2002). Because of the separateness of the niches, they are able to reveal
radical change, whereas change in regimes is typically generated incrementally and more
slowly because of the existing lock-in mechanisms. The landscape is even harder to change,
which is rooted in the fact, that it cannot be changed directly by any actor. Therefore, change
happens very slowly in the landscape.
Figure 5:
The Multi-Level Perspective, (Geels, 2002)
2.3 Design Thinking
Design thinking is a non-linear concept for planning a product. It consists of three overlapping
stages; the pre study, development and verification (see Figure 6). The pre study comprises
the knowledge of the group working on the project, identifying a challenge, creating or
choosing a system and formulating the needs and requirements. The development phase
consists of formulating the needs and requirements, functions and ideas and finally coming up
with a concept. The verification phase includes the idea, concept, visualization and
prototyping of the design. In between all stages it is necessary to do iterations to improve the
quality of each stage. When designing a product, it can be noticed, that the contractor and
client have a different range of iterations going through the different processes. Figure 6
displays this disparity of the design thinking range in between client and contractor. While the
client, who wants the final design as a product, expects iterations from the contractor only
within the development and verification phases based on his own thoughts, the contractor,
however, is advised to even go into the pre study phase to question the system in order to
improve the quality of the design (Söderberg, 2014).
Figure 6:
Iterations in the design thinking process, (Söderberg 2014)
2.4 Backcasting
In this chapter, the dimensions of sustainability and system conditions are presented, which
are used as a background for the backcasting process, which is described thereafter.
2.4.1 Dimensions of Sustainability
As to the United Nations (1987, p. 41) sustainable development is defined as follows:
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” These needs can be
described as to have different dimensions. Atkisson and Hatcher (2001) invented a tool named
“The Compass Index of Sustainability” which gathers indicators for sustainability in four
quadrants similar to the compass:
N - Nature:
Relating to ecosystems, bio-geo-physical cycles and natural resources
E – Economy:
Relating to effective and efficient use of resources in human activities
S – Society:
Relating to government, social and family systems
W – Well-being:
Relating to health and fulfilment of every individuals needs
By using the compass as a way to present the four dimensions an easily comprehensible
framework is created to ensure that these four dimensions are always considered in any
undertaking related to sustainability.
Holmberg (2015) describes these four dimensions, which were mentioned in the Compass
Index of Sustainability, in the way, that nature is the foundation for the social and economical
dimension, on which the dimension of well-being is built on (see Figure 7).
Figure 7:
Dimensions of Sustainability, (Holmberg 2015)
2.4.2 System Conditions
Together with Robert, Holmberg (2000) elaborated on the tremendous impact of humans on
the life-enabling surroundings. Regarding negative impacts, they defined four principles as
“system conditions” on what humans should refrain in order to enable earth to sustain human
kind and keep earths functions and biodiversity as the foundation for the other sustainability
Firstly, “In order for society to be sustainable, nature´s functions and diversity are not
systematically subject to increasing concentrations of substances extracted from the Earth´s
crust” (Holmberg & Robert, 2000, p. 298). This means, that materials taken from the
lithosphere should not accumulate in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, such as carbon in form
of coal, oil and natural gas taken from the lithosphere and accumulated as carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere as a result of burning and processing of these materials. An accumulation
takes place, when the earth cannot absorb as much material as emitted. What is more,
materials should be used keeping in mind the time, which is necessary for nature to reproduce
them. The same applies to any other chemicals taken from the lithosphere.
Secondly, there shall not be “increasing concentrations of substances produced by society”
(Holmberg & Robert, 2000, p. 298). This system condition relates to all artificially,
chemically produced substances, which do normally not exist in nature and do not follow
natural cycles, or - even worse - negatively affect natural cycles, as example given
fluorochlorinated hydrocarbons, which were used in spray cans and refrigerators and drive
forward ozone layer depletion.
Thirdly, the system condition “nature´s functions and diversity are not systematically
impoverished by over-harvesting or other forms of ecosystem manipulation” (Holmberg &
Robert, 2000, p. 298) sheds light on for instance deforestation of rainforests, which is carried
out in order to grow other plants, motivated by economic benefits as well as the exploitation
of soil in agriculture, in the way that it cannot be used afterwards or needs excessive time to
recover before being able to enable new plant growth.
Fourthly and finally Holmberg and Robert (2000, p. 298) state that “resources are used fairly
and efficiently in order to meet basic human needs world wide.” With this system condition
Holmberg and Robert highlight, that society should make sure, that wealth and resources
should be distributed equitably in order to enable every human being all over the world to
meet their basic human needs.
2.4.3 The Backcasting Process
For transitions it is necessary to analyse a situation and to understand that there is a need for
change. Backcasting is a suitable tool for transformative transitions, as it does not follow
trends or is biased by trends, but envisions a future according to relevant criteria. The concept
is divided into four steps as illustrated in Figure 8 (Holmberg, 1998).
Figure 8:
The four steps in Backcasting, (Holmberg, 1998)
1. First, criteria for the four dimensions of sustainability are defined for a future
2. In the second step, the present situation is described in relation to the formulated
criteria in step one.
3. Solutions for a future according to the pre-set criteria are envisioned in the following,
while not being biased by trends of the present situation.
4. The last step consists of identifying the gap in between the envisioned future and the
present situation and finding sustainable strategies to minimize or erase the gap, thus
creating a transition towards sustainability (Holmberg, 1998).
3 Methodology
The purpose of the methodology in the Challenge Lab it to go from broad sustainability
challenges into formulating the research question for a Master´s thesis project focussing on
challenges in the Gothenburg region. The application of the backcasting methodology in this
undertaking is suitable as it is used for solving long-term complex challenges, concerning
society, technological innovations and change (Dreborg, 1996). Following the four steps of
the backcasting methodology as presented by Holmberg (1998) the first phase in the
Challenge lab was divided into four weeks; 1. Defining criteria for sustainability, 2. Describe
the present situation, 3. Envision future solutions, 4. Finding strategies for sustainability.
Further tools helped during the process, such as inside-out and outside-in perspective tools
and design thinking.
3.1 Backcasting Step 1 – Defining Criteria
In the first week the students in the Challenge Lab started with presenting each other and
identifying personal strengths in a self-leadership workshop (Inside-out) and concentrated on
defining criteria for sustainability (Outside-in).
Inside-Out Perspective
To get a better understanding of the diversity of the group of students in the Challenge Lab
and identifying personal strength, two inside-out tools were used: Coat of Arms and a SelfLeadership workshop. In the latter part of the first phase, the results of this step were used to
choose partners for writing the thesis.
One of the first activities in the Challenge Lab was, that the students present themselves to the
others in order to understand each others´ motivations related to the participation in the
Challenge Lab and to get to know each other more personally. Therefore, everyone had time
to paint a coat of arms with the four sections:
This is me
This makes me concerned
Why I chose Challenge Lab
This makes me happy
In groups of four, the students presented themselves to the others, whereas later in the group
of all students, one had to present another person to the group in order to make everyone more
acquainted as well as generating openness and trust.
In a workshop guided by the institution SelfLeaders the students were introduced to concepts
of intrinsic motivation, being value-driven and leadership ability using the inside-out
perspective in order to relate the inner values to the outer world and to give each other a better
understanding on personal views. As a preparation for that, two surveys had to be done. One
survey, in which personal values had to be graded in comparison to others, and another
survey, in which personal strength were ranked.
Given the individual results from this survey on personal values, further group work in teams
of three students was done. The task was to present some of the values by defining each one
of it and then motivating why this value was chosen, while one person was sitting quietly
listening actively. The third person was a questioner, guiding the presenter towards sticking to
the rules of the presentation.
The results from the survey on personal strength were used to analyse in which category of
leaders each individual student falls. As students in the Challenge Lab mostly write their
thesis in groups of two, this is an important tool to understand the students’ differences and
how to find a team partner who could complement the other, instead of having the same
Outside-in Perspective
In the first week the Challenge Lab team introduced several concepts and theories to the
students such as the backcasting methodology (Holmberg, 1998) and the four dimensions of
sustainability (Holmberg, 2015). To define the criteria for sustainability, the students were
divided into four groups, each representing one of the four dimensions; ecological,
economical, societal and well-being. In each group, one person facilitated a discussion, which
was based on the literature, which was given to the students beforehand. To not only discuss
one dimension, the students changed with their group to other discussions of dimensions,
while the facilitator of each dimension stayed the same in order to gather all discussion
contents and to be able to present those to the next discussion group. After the groups
discussed on all four dimensions they returned to the dimension they first discussed on and
focussed on defining criteria for this dimension.
3.2 Backcasting Step 2 – Present Situation
To describe the present situation, the second step in the Challenge Lab focussed on
identifying current sustainability challenges in the Gothenburg region using tools from the
inside-out and outside-in perspectives.
Outside-in Perspective
In order to describe the present situation in the Gothenburg region, the Multi-Level
Perspective as of Geels (2002) was applied to enable an analysis of the system on a landscape,
regime and niche level. Furthermore, leverage points to intervene in a system as of Meadows
(1997) were investigated in, consisting of current projects in the Gothenburg region. Adding
to that, the Challenge Lab team presented current trends, which put pressure on the current
system, consisting of an increasing number of population, economic growth and material and
energy intensity as well as scarcity of resources, assimilation capacity and decreasing land
area (Holmberg, 1998). Additional literature review, group discussions and group
presentations on different topics were held to bring everyone up to the same level of insight
into the topic of the present situation.
Inside-out Perspective
The findings from the outside-in approach were then used as a basis for getting the inside-out
perspective. Therefore, four stakeholder dialogues were organized in order to get insight from
specialists in the four areas Mobility and Urban Development, Sustainability Driven
Innovation for Urban Development, Area of Advance – Energy and Integration and Social
Innovation. In each dialogue up to ten stakeholders preferably from all three sectors academia,
the public and the private sector, took part in a dialogue on different topics. For that, a
fishbowl setup was used, which consists of two circles of chairs, an outer and an inner circle.
In the inner circle, the students from the Challenge Lab leaded the dialogue with the
stakeholders through two facilitators and four questioners. The questioners had been
preparing a list of questions to bring up during the dialogue with the stakeholders. In the outer
circle, the rest of the Challenge Lab students and other spectators were listening to the
dialogue and taking notes without active involvement in the dialogue. In short breaks of the
dialogue, the students from the inner and outer circle were exchanging ideas and checking,
whether all topics and questions on challenges were covered and how to improve the
dialogue. At the end of every dialogue, all participants in the inner circle were asked to give
feedback about the held dialogue. After the dialogue sessions, the Challenge Lab students
gathered together to sum up the findings and reflect on what could be improved in the next
3.3 Backcasting Step 3 – Envision Future Solutions
Through the application of the Multi-Level Perspective and the stakeholder dialogues in the
second step in the Challenge Lab methodology, three topics for further investigation were
identified. Those three topics, namely Urban Mobility, Urban Development and Bio
Innovation and Energy were then analysed by using the Design Thinking method as presented
in Figure 6. Therefore, the Challenge Lab students worked in groups on one of the three
topics regarding personal interest. For each three topics, on-going projects were searched for
to identify visions on solutions. The scope of each area of interest was widened by adding
identified projects and narrowed down by dividing those projects in categories or discarding
some. After that, the categories were even more narrowed down fewer hot topics. Those hot
topics went through an analysis using the following guideline:
Who are the stakeholders?
What are the dimensions of sustainable development?
Is it transformative?
Is it integrative?
What are the socio-technical aspects?
Where can one intervene in the system (Multi-level Perspective)?
In which phase or process of the value chain can one intervene?
Through group discussions and reflections on the different topics future solutions were
identified as a possible basis to work on as research projects.
3.4 Backcasting Step 4 – Finding Strategies for a Sustainable
The aim of the last step in the Challenge Lab methodology was to find strategies to transform
the present situation into the desired future state. This is done by the formulation of the
research question and therefore working on a research project. As a Master´s thesis in the
Challenge Lab is generally written in a group of two students, finding a research project
meant to form groups. In several discussions and conversations the students in the Challenge
Lab decided on areas of interest, which were identified in the third step. Each student
proposed his or her area of interest and what kind of research was intended. Then, personal
interest, study backgrounds and personal strength as identified in the first week were matched
to find a suitable thesis partner. In the groups of two, and for those who decided to work
individually, research questions were formulated.
4 Results
In this section the results from the first phase are presented, following the four steps of
backcasting and finally resulting in the formulation of the research question for the individual
research project.
4.1 Backcasting Step 1 – Definition of Criteria
With the help of the inside-out and outside-in perspective the Challenge Lab students defined
criteria for sustainability and an overall vision for the Challenge Lab as the first step of
Inside-Out Perspective
Relating to the inside-out perspective, the workshops held during the first week in the
Challenge Lab concentrated on identifying the personalities of the Challenge Lab students.
First, the presentation of the interests and background of the students with the help of the coat
of arms helped to better understand each other and the motivation, why they intended to write
their Master´s thesis in the Challenge Lab. The self-leadership workshop resulted in the
visualisation and categorization of the personal strength, which was later used to match the
strength of the students, to form groups in which the individual strength in a group
complement each other.
Outside-In Perspective
After several time-consuming discussions and redefinitions of the self-formulated vision of
the Challenge Lab students, which should overarch the whole process during the thesis
writing, it was decided to stick to the vision, which was used in the Challenge Lab in the
previous year. It would not only contain the intended visions of the current students, but also
provide consistency to the Challenge Lab.
“We envision a sustainable future where we, approximately 10 billion people, are able to
meet our own needs within the planetary boundaries without compromising the ability of our
future generations to meet theirs“ (Challenge Lab 2015)
Furthermore, this decision provided more time to the students to concentrate on defining
criteria for sustainability, which were later used as a foundation for the individual thesis. In
the following the ecological, economic, societal and well-being criteria of the students from
the Challenge Lab year 2016 are presented.
Ecological Criteria
Human activities affecting nature’s function and diversity are done in such a way that they:
Do not increase the concentration of substances from the lithosphere in the ecosphere;
Do not increase concentration of human made substances in the ecosphere;
Do not systematically deteriorate the resource base; such as fresh water, fertile land,
and biodiversity through manipulation, mismanagement, or over-exploitation.
Adopted and inspired by Holmberg et al. (1996), Holmberg and Robert (2000), United
Nations (2016), Criteria from Challenge Lab (2015)
Economic Criteria
The economic system is an instrument that enables individuals to meet the other criteria
(society, wellbeing, nature) efficiently and effectively, as such:
The function of the economic system is driven by the other criteria and not the other
way around;
It enables further use of resources and avoids dissipative use of materials;
It assures an equitable distribution of resources;
It has an inherent mechanism of maintaining and serving societal infrastructure and
institutions that permits human wellbeing to be met over time;
It has the ability to change and to adapt when facing shocks and disturbances.
Adopted and inspired by Anand and Sen (2000), Simmie and Martin (2010), United Nations
(2016), Criteria from Challenge Lab (2015)
Societal Criteria
The societal system is an instrument for individuals to live together with the other criteria
with respect to the following conditions:
It enables the well-being, empowerment and productiveness of every individual while
adhering to the ecological principles by:
Equitable accessibility to education and health care;
Gender equity, social equity, political voice;
Equal human rights;
Its governing mechanisms are built on transparency, accountability, mutual trust
adaptability and recognition of diversity.
Adopted and inspired by Raworth (2012), Pisano (2012), United Nations (2016), Criteria
from Challenge Lab (2015)
Well-being Criteria
First the basics for survival and then components supporting self-fulfilment and selfrealisation are presented.
The goal of the society and economy, lying on the nature as its fundament, is to serve the
human wellbeing, where:
Everyone has the right to access human basic needs; health, security, future security,
food, water, sanitation, recreation, shelter, energy;
Human life includes: subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation,
idleness, creation, identity, freedom;
Everyone should have access to the same opportunity and the freedom to build a
meaningful life;
Everyone should have access to the same opportunity and freedom to explore and
express your ”inner self” and to life according to one´s values without limiting others’
freedoms or harming others;
Social and economic inequalities are not justified unless they are to the greatest benefit
to the least-advantaged members of society.
Adopted and inspired by Rawls (1971), International Wellbeing Group (2013), Cruz et al.
(2009), United Nations (2016), Criteria from Challenge Lab (2015)
4.2 Backcasting Step 2 – Description of Present Situation
In the following the results of the second step in backcasting, the description of the present
situation, are presented from an inside-out and an outside-in perspective.
Inside-Out Perspective
Through literature review solutions for sustainability challenges on a regional level in the
Gothenburg area were investigated in. This resulted in the identification of four overarching
topics for further research, which the Challenge Lab team decided on together with the
Mobility and Urban Development
Sustainability Driven Innovation for Urban Development
Area of Advance – Energy
Integration and Social Innovation
Outside-In Perspective
Within these four topics, stakeholder dialogues were carried out, to gain an outside-in
perspective of current projects, which are focussing on sustainability challenges in the
Gothenburg area. The stakeholder dialogues provided the students with a broad insight into
the complex structure of the current systems, leverage points and aims of current projects. As
the background of the author of this thesis lies within the transportation sector, a focus on
Mobility and Urban Development was decided. The dialogue session brought up several
relevant challenges within the transportation sector such as zero-emission mobility,
behavioural lock-in, creating a denser city, social inclusion, car dependency, sharing
economy, low use of inland waterways, cooperation and coordination of city planners and the
transportation sector and waste management.
4.3 Backcasting Step 3 – Envisioning Future Solutions
After understanding the present situation in the previous step, the students identified several
hot topics in the Gothenburg region to work on future solutions for sustainability challenges.
These were:
Scaling up electromobility
Smart grid
Traffic strategy
Traffic reduction
Fossil free strategy
Value chain of material use
Sustainable criteria for housing
Inclusive communities
Using the design thinking method, these topics were broadened and narrowed down in several
group work sessions to find similarities of topics and formulate a stronger focus. Together
with applying different perspectives in the socio-technical system, this resulted in the
formulation of the three hot topics, in which the Master´s theses of the Challenge Lab should
do in-depth research:
Transport strategy
Value chain and materials
The transportation strategy relates to a fossil-free and car-free city, scaling up electromobility
within the Gothenburg region and introducing a 0.1 parking norm. The DenCity project is an
undertaking of several stakeholders within the private, public sector and academia focussing
on creating a sustainable dense city in the Frihamnen area of the City of Gothenburg. The
third topic relates to the value chain and use of materials in the construction industry. In the
following, the students worked on each of the topics, gathering answers to the questions stated
in Chapter 3.3 during group discussions to find a focus for their individual thesis project.
4.4 Backcasting Step 4 – Strategies for a Sustainable Future
To identify possible group constellations, the students stated their interest in the different
topics and what to focus on. In more group sessions, it was tried to find a partner for writing a
thesis. Where research interests could be merged, groups of two were formed. For those, who
could not find a partner, individual projects were chosen. Finally, in a consultation with the
examiner the focus of the individual project was put under scrutiny and whether it is a suitable
theme within the Challenge Lab.
As to the maritime background of the author, he registered his interest in writing the thesis on
part of the DenCity project, as the project had a relation to waterway transportation. Because
of the focus on waterway transportation, interest from students within the Challenge Lab
could not be found, even if there were two more projects focussing on the DenCity project,
but within other research areas; therefore, an individual project was chosen. The research
question and scope of the resulting project – this thesis - are stated in Chapter 1.1 and 1.3. The
formulation of the research question concludes the first phase of the Challenge Lab and lays a
foundation for the second phase, which is presented in the following.
Phase 2 – Implementing Inland Waterway Transportation
This part of the report contains the elaboration on the research project, which represents the
second phase in the Challenge Lab process. In the pursuit of answering the research question
“how can a combined goods and waste transportation system be implemented in urban supply
chains utilizing waterway transportation?” the frame of reference is presented in Chapter 5
followed by the methodology in Chapter 6 and results and analysis in Chapter 7. After a
discussion of the findings of this report in Chapter 8 the report ends with the conclusion in
Chapter 9.
5 Frame of Reference
This section of the report provides the theoretical background for the research project. For a
better understanding of the topic, it starts with a description of the elements of urban logistics.
Thereafter follow a presentation of local regulations on road traffic in the City of Gothenburg
and a display of urban waterway projects, which have been implemented in European cities,
where the city centres are connected to inland waterway networks. Last, the socio-technical
system is presented as a framework to comprehend the interrelatedness of stakeholders within
different dimensions.
5.1 Elements of Urban Logistics
To provide an understanding of urban logistics, firstly, the actors in urban logistics are
presented. Secondly, the distribution system and efficiency are depicted followed by a
definition of delivery service elements. Lastly, the role of sustainable transportation in
logistics is described.
5.1.1 Actors in Urban Logistics
Actors in urban logistics can be divided into the three groups, i.e. supply chain, infrastructure
and public authorities. Shippers, transport operators, receivers and end consumers represent
the actors in the supply chain. Infrastructure can be owned, operated and provided.
Companies offering theses services represent the second group. Public authorities consist of
the regulatory institutions on local, regional, national and international level (MDS
Transmodal, 2012).
5.1.2 Distribution System and Efficiency
The purpose of a distribution system is to move goods over geographically far reaching areas.
Environmental impacts of the distribution system can be decreased by lowering the total need
for transportation, changing to other modes of transport, which are more environmental
friendly or by utilizing the chosen mode of transport more efficiently.
In a distribution system, transport system efficiency relates to better operating the transport
system in a way, that a lower number of transportations is necessary. Fixing time delivery
days contributes to transport system efficiency by predefining the number of deliveries and
therefore gathering more cargo as the delivery covers more cargo than for every day
deliveries. What is more, it eases transport planning. By consolidating cargo from different
shippers for the distribution to different receivers the transport system efficiency can be
increased. In this case, a receiver gets shipments from different suppliers in one consolidated
delivery achieving higher fill rates of the transport unit than in single supplier deliveries. In
transport system efficiency reverse logistics play an important role. If the transportation of
cargo into an area is higher than the outflow, return flows can provide a balance by increasing
the fill rate for the transportation out of the area by transporting cargo, that would be
transported out of that area in a different way, thus, decreasing the entire transport kilometres
of the distribution system. With the help of, often computer backed, route and load planning,
routes and load rates can be optimized, which can lead to use of smaller vehicles and a lower
number of total transport kilometres. IT systems contribute to transport system efficiency by
supporting transport planning and the execution and reception of orders increasing the
information flow in between logistics providers, goods shippers and receivers. Lastly, vehicle
design influences transport system efficiency enabling utilization of higher transport volumes
and therefore decreasing the total transport kilometres of the delivery.
In logistics a terminal plays an important role to bring producers and consumers closer
together. It is a place to which products are transported, consolidated and split up into
different deliveries. Furthermore, value can be added to the product by processing the
product, which is then prepared for further transportation to recipients, while the terminal can
serve as an intermediary place for storage. Central activities in a terminal are sorting,
repacking into smaller or bigger units, storing as well as preparing the goods for
transportation on another mode (Jonsson, 2008).
5.1.3 Delivery Service Elements
The service in a transportation system, which normally takes place in between the order and
delivery, is depicted as the delivery service. Its quality can be described by several elements,
which differ from situation to situation and mostly consist of inventory service level, delivery
precision, delivery reliability, delivery time and delivery flexibility.
The inventory service level refers to the ability to which degree customer orders can be
delivered straight from stock.
Delivery precision is related to the ability to deliver within the time span, which was
previously agreed on in the transportation contract. It can be measured and expressed by the
number of deliveries, which were made within the defined time span in relation to the total
number of deliveries.
Delivery reliability describes the amount of deliveries of the right product in the right quantity
and quality. It is an important measure to lower the workload on reception facilities of
customers. The delivery reliability quantifies the relation of deliveries of the right products,
quantities and qualities compared to the number of successfully delivered orders.
The delivery time is the time, which passes from the reception of the order to having carried
out the delivery. It contains administration, processing, dispatch and transport times. When a
product is manufactured, manufacturing or engineering time add to and increase delivery
time. Delivery time is mostly stated as weeks or days. A long delivery time inheres negative
consequences such as high capital lock up, lower flexibility and increased response time.
Delivery flexibility alludes to the ability to adjust to and conform to changes in client
necessities in concurred and continuous requests. Issues may arise from changes in delivery
times, order quantities or content and quality of the delivered items. It is distinguished
between delivery flexibility before and during the order. Before the order, the flexibility refers
to the ability to deviate from the normal terms of conditions such as delivery times, minimum
and maximum quantities and product requirements. During the order, the flexibility relates to
ability to react and conform to changes in quantities and qualities resulting from client
requests (Jonsson, 2008).
A responsive supply chain has various abilities. It can respond to wide ranges of order
amounts, meet short lead times, handle a large variety of items, fabricate highly innovative
products, meet a high service level and cope with supply uncertainty. The more of those
abilities a supply chain has, the more responsive it is (Chopra & Meindl, 2014).
5.1.4 Sustainable Transportation
Sustainable development is defined as the “development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (United
Nations, 1987, p. 41). This definition highlights the impact of actions of contemporary society
on the planet limiting the achievability of meeting present and future needs. Elkington (1998)
relates to the sustainable impact of organizations as the triple bottom line. Besides the
economic responsibility, an organization has social and environmental responsibilities.
In a logistics system, demand puts great pressure on the logistics providers. Besides economic
factors, environmental factors gain importance as aspects of a logistics service. To keep the
service level and customer satisfaction high, logistics providers offer services with lower
negative impacts to the environment as these measures partly influence the customers´
environmental impact. To keep delivery times short, fast transportation is used rather than
prioritizing environmental friendlier slower transportation. States as regulators have the power
to influence market behaviour by policies and therefore to influence the environmental
impacts of logistics.
Several different factors refer to environmental adaption of logistics, such as the supply
chains´ influence on ecological, financial, technological and social conditions. Adapting
logistics to ecological factors relates to the minimization of environmental impacts. The
financial adaption is connected to investments for the reduction of the environmental impact
while the business shall stay profitable. In terms of technological conditions, the logistics
system makes use of the latest technological developments to reduce environmental impacts.
With social conditions the influence of logistics on the maintenance of material and
psychological welfare is described. Furthermore, the influence on the structure of society and
trust in the political system are part of the social factors in a logistics system.
Resulting from the need of transport, logistics has several negative impacts on the
environment such as emissions, congestion, tyre wear and load on infrastructure. From the
combustion engines of vehicles nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur
oxides, hydrocarbons and particles are emitted to the air. This leads to an increased
greenhouse effect with impact on the climate, acidification of land and sea, over-fertilisation,
depletion of the ozone layer, ground-level ozone and broken biological cycles. Adding to that,
the use of non-renewable energy resources such as oil contributes to the negative
environmental impact of logistics. Furthermore, transportation emits noise to the environment
and contributes to congestion in highly dense traffic areas.
In order to control and limit the environmental impact of the transportation system, policy and
regulations can be introduced. Governmental institutions can put pressure on the logistics
providers by introducing emission standards, which limit the emissions of vehicles to defined
amounts. Vehicle charges and tolls for those vehicles, which do not comply with the
regulations are financial means of control as well as a congestion charge, which is required to
be paid in certain traffic areas, sometimes limited to the times during rush hours. Setting up
environmental zones, in which only vehicles with specific environmental classifications can
be used for transportation are further matters of governmental control (Jonsson, 2008).
5.2 City of Gothenburg – Transport regulations
The city of Gothenburg has introduced low emission zones and road tolls for road traffic in
2015 in the central part of the city.
The low emission zone applies to all heavy, diesel-powered lorries and buses in the marked
area in Figure 9. It allows all vehicles to entre until six years after their first registration – for
vehicles of the Euro 3 norm this period was extended to eight years. However, the latest a
Euro 3 norm vehicle could enter the low emission zone was 2015. All vehicles with a norm
lower then Euro 2 were banned from the low emission zones. Vehicles with Euro 4 norm
could be driven until 2016 and those of Euro 5 norm and enhanced environmentally friendly
vehicles are allowed until 2020 irrespective of their year of first registration (EU, 2015).
Figure 9:
City of Gothenburg – Low Emission Zone, (EU, 2015)
Road tolls as a congestion charge have to be paid in the marked zone as seen in Figure 10.
They apply to all vehicles entering the area, while the vehicles with allowed total weight of
more than 3,5 tons are charged double the amount of vehicles with a total weight of lower
than 3,5 tons. The amount charged varies from the different times of the day but is only
charged in between 06.00 hrs to 18.29 hrs (EU, 2015).
Figure 10:
City of Gothenburg - Road tolls, (EU, 2015)
5.3 Urban Waterway Projects
In cities where dense traffic and local regulations put tremendous stress on the transportation
system on roads, several European projects focussed on a modal shift from road traffic
towards utilizing urban waterways. Hyard (2014) points out, that in the starting phase of most
projects in the urban transport system markets and the potential benefits are limited in relation
to total urban freight flows. Nevertheless, the implementation of these projects play a crucial
role in bringing forward sustainable urban transport with high potential benefits originating
from the use of new technologies and practices.
In the following, examples of transport solutions in European cities are presented, where city
centres have dense canal networks or river connectivity. At the end of this chapter the factors
contributing to the successful implementation of the different transport solutions are
consolidated in Table 1.
5.3.1 Franprix Paris – Containers on Barge
In Paris there is a multi-modal urban logistics project from the supermarket chain Franprix
that was initiated in 2012 resulting out of the cooperation of numerous entities, such as the
supermarket company, a logistics provider, the city, the region, legislating authorities a
cooperation project and others. The idea behind this project was to supply several
supermarkets situated in the centre of Paris with a more sustainable transport solution where
the increasing density of urban areas and the problems in common space of commercial
players and locals put tremendous stress on the transportation system. Facing strict regulations
in urban logistics related to emissions of air and noise, Franprix wanted to go one step ahead
(Flipo, 2013).
On a daily basis, 450 pallets of consumer goods, food and non-food products in 24-feet and
27-feet containers leave a distribution centre around 50 kilometres outside the city centre of
Paris. With this size of the containers, two containers can be transported by one truck
complying with French transportation law carrying up to 26 tons. From the distribution centre,
four truck drivers manage the transportation to the inland waterway port located at the river
Seine from 09.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs in seven dedicated trucks (Flipo, 2013).
At the inland waterway port reach stackers unload the trucks. From 14.30 hrs to 18.00 hrs the
reach stackers are used to load a barge, which has a capacity of maximum 48 containers
stacked with maximum two layers of containers in order to be able to pass low bridges. A
pusher navigates the barge through two floodgates of the Seine 20 km into the centre of Paris
from 18.00 hrs to 21.00 hrs (Flipo, 2013).
Berthed at the quay in the city centre the barge waits for the commencement of cargo
activities, which last from 05.15 hrs to 11.00 hrs until it sails back to the inland waterway port
from 11.30 hrs to 14.30 hrs. The final delivery of the containers to around 100 shops in the
centre of Paris takes place from 06.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and is carried out by seven trucks,
while delivery hours of the shops do not have to be changed. As of the short distances to the
shops, the truck needs just ten minutes to reach their destination (Flipo, 2013). After the cargo
operations on the quayside in the city centre are finished, the quay is opened for public to be
used as a promenade along the river, utilizing the quay for industrial as well as recreational
purposes (Lantz, 2016).
Resulting from the modal shift from road to water, based on a full load of the barge with 48
containers, road traffic could be reduced by 450.000 kilometres, taking 3.874 trucks from the
roads, avoiding 35 accidents and saving 88.500 litres of gasoil annually. The reduced
emissions to air could account to 234 tons less CO2, 23% less NOX, 46% less CO and 43%
less hydrocarbures. Furthermore, society savings were calculated to one million Euros. In
2012, Franprix transported 26 containers daily, accounting to 113.000 pallets per year (Flipo,
This endeavour required certain investments and functioning cooperation to reach success.
The road logistics operator invested in 73 specific containers and 14 trucks. The Port of Paris
invested 1,6 mio. Euro in reconditioning the Parisian wharf. A close connection within the
partnering parties, political and financial support from the region, operational helps from the
French legislation and working in small teams enabling quick decisions were claimed to
backing the success of the project. Further success factors were the location of the distribution
centre and the inland waterway port, the dense distribution of the shops within the centre of
Paris and high volumes to cover fixed costs (Flipo, 2013). However, this solution is still more
expensive compared to the utilization of solely road transportation (Tribillon, 2016).
5.3.2 Vert chez Vous – Floating Distribution Centre
Another Parisian project implemented river transportation in their intermodal distribution
system for parcel deliveries. In its system the company “Vert chez Vous”, sends a barge on
the river Seine to serve as a moving distribution centre. Goods are transported from the
warehouse by natural gas and electric powered trucks from the warehouse to the quay, where
they are loaded in bulk on the barge at 07.00 hrs in the mornings (see Figure 11).
Figure 11:
The barge as a floating distribution centre, (Fluvialnet, 2012)
On board, the parcels are packed on electric bikes while the barge sails around eight
kilometres downriver. Within this route, the barge stops five times to send out the bike
deliveries. A delivery round of a bike is calculated to take one and a half hours. After this
round, the bikes return to the barge two stops further on. Around noontime the barge turns
around and sails the eight kilometres back upriver repeating the sorting operations on board
and delivery operations at the five berthing points (BESTFACT, 2014). Daily numbers of
parcels account to in between 2000 to 3000 parcels per day, measuring in total 144 cubic
meters with an average total weight of 14 metric tons. The utilization of this kind of delivery
system takes away 15 heave duty vehicles from the roads reducing CO2 emissions by 207,9
kilogram per day, resulting in an annual reduction of 51 tons of CO2 (Flipo, 2013).
Several factors contributed to the success of this project such as that Vert chez Vous was able
to steer around a heavy goods eco-tax which applies to transportation units on road above 3,5
tons, air priority action zones, urban tolls, low speed zones and limitation on delivery times
for conventionally fuelled vehicles (BESTFACT, 2014). Furthermore, the inland waterway
administration gave financial aids for installing a crane on the barge and granted further
upgrades (Flipo, 2013).
5.3.3 The Beer Boat – Electric Barge Utrecht
In Utrecht a fully electric barge is used to carry out the last mile deliveries for several
breweries and a catering industry wholesaler to customers, which are densely situated in the
historical centre of Utrecht. The problem in the historical centre of Utrecht is, that the delivery
of goods on the roads put tremendeous stress on the road infrastructure in terms of congestion,
space occupancy and wear. Therefore, axle load weight was restricted to two tons and time
windows for deliveries were determined. This led to the transfer of goods to the water already
in 1996. Since 2010, the barge in use is fully electric and can sail for around eight to nine
hours. Its length over all is 18,8 metres, it is 4,2 metres wide and can carry up to 18 tons. The
barge is fitted with an electric hydraulic crane for the cargo handling and can store 40 to 48
containers. Using this transport solution for the last mile deliveries resulted in annually
reduced CO2 emissions by 17 tons, NOX by 35 kilograms and 2 kilograms particulate matter.
(BESTFACT, 2015).
Because of its success, the project invested into another zero-emission barge in 2012 to carry
greater amounts and other type of cargoes, such as waste. The use of this transport solution
enables to avoid the two-tons axle restriction, time windows and small roads with mainly oneway traffic while being cost- and time-efficient. Because of being publicly subsidised, the
transportation costs for the customer are kept low (BESTFACT, 2015).
5.3.4 Mokum Mariteam - Electric Barge Amsterdam
In Amsterdam, where narrow streets around the dense network of canals restrict road traffic, a
project about transportation on an electric driven barge resulted out of the cooperation of five
different local companies with backgrounds in waste collection, cargo transportation and
canal cruises. The service contains the transportation of different goods, such as books,
refrigerated products, food, beverages and building material for various customers such as
supermarkets, shops, hotels, healthcare facilities and hospitals. Furthermore, the barge is
utilized for waste collection. To avoid traffic in the centre of the city, goods are consolidated
at a hub outside the city centre and transhipped onto the barge (Janjevic & Ndiaye, 2014). For
this project, a new electric driven barge was designed with a length overall of 20,00 metres
and a beam of 4,25 metres being able to carry about 85 cubic meters, which is equivalent to
four full truck loads. The barge has an own crane for cargo handling and is able to carry
existing transport units such as rolling containers, pallets and mesh containers (BESTFACT,
By this project, the costs for the transportation of bulk goods, number of road accidents and
transport emissions are reduced. What is more, the barge is not restricted to delivery times
such as conventional road transportation. With the electric barge, a better use of the available
infrastructure is achieved reducing the number of trucks in the city centre and combines the
transportation of goods and waste at the same time (BESTFACT, 2016).
Table 1:
Factors contributing to successful implementation of waterway projects
Franprix Paris
Containers on Barge
Vert chez Vous
Floating Distribution Centre
The Beer Boat
Electric Barge Utrecht
Mokum Mariteam
Electric Barge Amsterdam
Close cooperation of stakeholders
Short lines of communication
Financial support from the region
Legislation providing foundation for operational help
Location of distribution centre and inland waterway port
Dense distribution of shops in city centre
High volumes to cover fixed costs
Avoidance of eco tax for heavy vehicles
Avoidance urban tolls
Compliance to limitations in air priority zones
Financial support from inland waterway administration
Extended time to enter city centre for deliveries
Avoidance of two-tons axle restriction
Extended time to enter city centre for deliveries
Avoidance of congestion
Avoidance of one way traffic
Public subsidies
Extended time to enter city centre for deliveries
Applicability of reverse logistics
5.4 Socio-Technical Systems
Geels (2012) describes a socio-technical system as a configuration of elements comprising
technology, policy, markets, consumer practices, infrastructure, cultural meaning and
scientific knowledge in which changes within the system are referred to as socio-technical
transitions. The different elements are mentioned to be relatively independent from each
other. However, as there are links in between the different elements, they are interdepending.
Maintenance, reproduction and changes in the socio-technical system are influenced by the
commitments of the actors, but then again they provide a framework for actions as well
(Geels, 2004). Actors in a socio-technical system (as shown in Figure 12) are firms and
industries, policy makers and politicians, consumers, civil society, engineers and researchers
(Geels, 2012).
Figure 12:
The Socio-technical System, (Geels, 2012)
6 Methodology
This chapter presents the methodology, which is used in the second phase of the thesis for the
research project. First, the research design is depicted followed by the presentation of the case
study and the case. Finally, data collection methods are described.
6.1 Research Design
There is qualitative and quantitative research. According to De Vaus (2001) qualitative
research aims to describe a problem in detail, where the data is in the form of words, pictures
or objects and the researcher is the data gathering instrument. Furthermore, qualitative
research focuses mostly on one phenomenon, case or subject during a certain period of time
(Benz & Newman, 1998). In qualitative research theories are constructed based on the
observation on the phenomenon, what is referred to as the inductive research approach (De
Vaus, 2001).
Quantitative research requires a quantitative measure on a research problem (Bernhard, 2011)
and has the objective to generalize from a sample to a population (Benz & Newman, 1998).
Benz and Newman (1998) point out, that in a combined qualitative and quantitative research,
the qualitative part often represents starting points and initial schemes trailed by quantitative
methodologies. In quantitative research, analyses are made based on theories. Those theories
lead the researcher in the direction, which observations to make. This approach is referred to
as the deductive research approach (De Vaus, 2001).
6.2 Case Study
A case study represents a typical research methodology, when carrying out qualitative
research. In a case study, the case as an object is put under scrutiny. In doing so, one tries to
understand the case in complete. However, it is important to differentiate between the case as
a whole and the several levels of the case. A school, as an example of a case, consists of
students of different years, teachers with different educational level and expertise, parents,
administrative staff and many levels more. Furthermore, a school can be distinguished by its
characteristics related to size, type of school, structure, strengths and weaknesses. Therefore,
to have a full understanding of the case, all the different levels have to be included in the
analysis. A broader picture is obtained analysing more levels of a case, as the information
extracted from the numerous entities may vary significantly (De Vaus, 2001).
For the purpose of finding out which factors influence the design how an urban waterway
supply chain should look like, a qualitative research design, focusing on descriptive research
was chosen. Within the urban water supply chain a case was identified and put under scrutiny
as elaborated on below.
In its “Samrådshandling” Göteborg Stad (2015), the City of Gothenburg, describes the
endeavour of developing the industrial area of the former free port called “Frihamnen” into a
sustainable neighbourhood containing a great mix of public space, residences, shops,
companies, culture and service industries, where a strong focus lies on public space. The
original shape of the harbour shall be kept in order to preserve the industrial heritage of the
city, which has a long shipbuilding and marine shipping history. Within this neighbourhood,
goods and waste handling shall be sustainable and in a small scale, while being easily
accessible. The whole development process shall be supported by co-creation.
In close connection to the plans of Göteborg Stad, Vinnova, a Swedish government agency
with the mission to promote sustainable growth within Sweden, finances a project called
“DenCity”, over a period of two years, which started in December 2015 and is coordinated by
the Lindholmen Science Park AB, Gothenburg. In this project, a consortium with
representatives of the three dimensions of the triple helix is brought together, to use
Frihamnen as a testbed to introduce innovations in urban planning and urban logistics with the
goal of creating a sustainable functioning city district.
The DenCity project is divided into seven work packages with different focuses:
Work package 1
Zero emission deliveries
Work package 2
Urban waterways
Work package 3
Enabling infrastructure for dense neighbourhoods
Work package 4
Urban services and deliveries
Work package 5
System integration evaluation
Work package 6
Project leadership
Work package 7
Diffusion and communication
The work package related to urban logistics and urban waterway transportation is work
package 2. Its goal is to assess the possibilities of utilizing urban waterways for a combined
transportation of significant amounts of goods and waste into and from Frihamnen through a
demonstrator project, stimulating the development of future solutions in urban waterways.
Participants of this work package are Älvstranden Utveckling AB, a landowner and urban
development company owned by the City of Gothenburg, Kretslopp och Vatten,
Gothenburg´s municipal administration for water and waste management, SSPA Sweden AB,
a maritime consulting company and Trafikkontoret, the urban transport administration of the
City of Gothenburg (Vinnova, 2015).
Within the DenCity project the work package 2 was found suitable to serve as a case study, as
the setting seemed beneficial for data collection purposes, where interview partners with deep
insight could easily be identified and contacted. What is more, observations in group meetings
and workshops of the DenCity project were expected to give more insight into topic based
problem identification and problem solving as well as revealing further ideas. As the DenCity
project comprises entities from the three dimensions of the triple helix, it can be expected, that
the overall findings will not be biased in a single direction and may provide good data on the
different factors shaping the design of the urban supply chain.
6.3 Data Collection Methods
In qualitative research, interviews are considered the most common and powerful tool for data
collection. There are structured and unstructured interviews. Both, the structured and the
unstructured interview need preparation. While the structured interview follows a strict
written arrangement, which exists as a hard or soft copy, the unstructured interview follows
the structure, which the interviewer constantly monitors in his mind to not deviate from the
topic. Combining the structured and unstructured approach results in the semi-structured
interview, which follows an interview guide that should be made available to the interviewee
prior to the interview. It provides questions in a certain structure and allows space for
deviating from the topic, revealing additional information and personal views from the
interviewee. Here it is in the power of the interviewer to allow to which extent the deviation
may reach. Furthermore, by knowing the content of the interview guide, the interviewee
understands the scope of the undertaking and recognizes the preparedness of the interviewer
(Bernhard, 2011). As an interview can be full of unexpected situations the interviewer has to
prepare the interview questions carefully. Czarniawska (2004) describes an interview as an
interaction between one ore more people, which is taped. One has to be alerted, when an
interviewee seems to be interested in the interviewers opinion, he just waits to point out his
own views after the interviewer has finished. Furthermore, interviewees can answer questions
in an unexpected way. When involved in an interview with more than one person, dialogic
listening is important, as not following a conversation and asking questions about another
topic can hinder the dialogic flow (Helin, 2013).
As the main goal of the case study is to understand the different ways, in which various
stakeholders in urban logistics in Gothenburg describe drivers and barriers of a combined
goods and waste transportation system in Gothenburg for the district of Frihamnen, the most
important data comes from interviews. Therefore, semi-structured interviews and the
participation in seminars, workshops as well as project group meetings serve as sources for
the primary data collection. Furthermore, site visits contribute to the latter. As a preparation
for those methods secondary data is gathered through literature review.
The background knowledge in the secondary data gathering on inland waterway
transportation was found in scientific papers, companies’ websites, internal reports and
presentations from governmental institutions and consulting parties.
For the interviews, an interview guide (see Appendix 1) was prepared, which slightly varied
from interviewee to interviewee depending on their background. Before carrying out the
interviews, this guide was sent to the interviewees to give them time to understand the
purpose and content of the interview. Interviewees, which were related to urban logistics were
chosen from all three dimensions of the triple helix. Three interviews were conducted with
organizations from the public sector, eight with representatives of the private sector and one
with an organization related to academia. Table 2 shortly presents the individual background
of the interviewees.
Table 2:
Background of Interviewees
Type of Business /
Waste and water management
Urban Transport Administration
Urban Transport Administration
City owned real estate company
City owned real estate company
State owned logistics provider
Logistics Provider
Logistics Consulting
Business Consulting
Business Consulting
Logistics and Waste Handling
Supermarket Chain
Academia Transport Research,
Development and Innovation
Position / Role
Head of Unit, Household Waste
Management Projects
Project Manager Development
of Innovation Projects
Project Manager Development
City Distribution
Head of Sustainability and
Project Manager City
Product Manager
Branch Manager
Port Development Manager
Head of Port Development
Terminal Contact Person
Project Manager
Project Manager
The interviewed organizations from the public sector were a local waste and water
management administration and an urban transport administration. The representative of the
waste and water management administration is occupied as a head of unit working on waste
management projects related to household waste. In earlier employment, the interviewee
worked in a private waste management company and has a chemical engineering background.
One of the two interviewees from the urban transport administration has been working as a
project manager on development of innovation projects related to urban freight and city
logistics in the administration for the last three years. Before that, the interviewee has been a
director of logistics in a private waste management company for eight years. The second
interviewee from the urban transport administration has been occupied as a project manager
for the last ten years focussing on project development in city distribution logistics related to
freight and goods flows.
The persons representing private companies were working for a city owned real estate
company, several logistics providing and logistics consulting companies, a logistics and waste
management company and a supermarket chain, thus, all entities connected to urban logistics
and urban development. One of the two persons from the city owned real estate company has
been employed for thirteen years as a city developer, with the last position as the head of
sustainability and innovation. The other interviewee from that organization has been working
as a project manager in city development for the last 15 years and is now strongly involved in
the development of the Frihamnen area. Stating the view of a logistics provider, a product
manager of a state owned logistics company, which is involved in the aforementioned
DenCity project, was interviewed, who had been occupied in that position for three years after
having worked 14 years in the telecommunication industry. From another logistics providing
company, which is also involved in the DenCity project, a branch manager was interviewed,
who had been in the company for the last twelve years. From a logistics consulting company,
the CEO was questioned, who has a 30 years background in shipping and logistics with a
strong focus on Swedish inland waterway transportation and was appointed CEO one year
ago. Two persons from a business consulting company, which mainly focuses on port
infrastructure projects, were interviewed, who had both more than thirty years working
experience in port planning and development. Furthermore, the contact person of a logistics
and waste handling company, which is responsible for the last mile distribution of goods and
the waste collection, except food waste, for several customers within one district was
interviewed giving insight into an innovative last mile distribution solution. Finally,
representing the goods receiver, a supermarket chain project manager took part in an
Representing academia, a researcher with main focus on city logistics and freight transport
was interviewed, who is employed as a project manager in a consortium concentrating on
research, development and innovation for efficient transportation.
7 Results & Analysis
This section of the thesis comprises the findings of the primary data collection originating
from carrying out interviews accompanied by observations from taking part in work group
meetings and workshops. At first it is elaborated how interviewees describe the success
factors of a delivery system to show the reader, that there can be several different facets seen
as important. To achieve what is needed for the implementation of a delivery system with
such success factors, barriers and drivers were formulated by the interviewees, which are
presented in the following sections.
7.1 Success Factors of Delivery Systems
When the different interviewees were asked to describe from their point of view what made a
delivery system a successful delivery system, be it e.g. relating to time, costs and negative
impacts, they argued for a wide spectrum of factors. As central factors environmental impact,
time and service level were mentioned.
Table 3:
Central success factors mentioned by interviewees
Environmental impacts and sustainability
Service level
Table 4:
A, B, C, D, G, H, I, K, L, N
B, C, G, H, I, K, M, N
A, B, C, H, L, N
Sub factors of success factors in a delivery system
Success factors
Environmental impacts and sustainability
Service level
Further mentioned factors
Sub factors
Sustainable energy for propulsion of
Low congestion in road traffic
Low emission of pollutants incl. noise
Low visual intrusion
Low cost for society
On time delivery
Extended time windows for deliveries
Being responsive
Quick transportation
Low transhipment time
High predictability
Next day delivery
Easy handling for customer
Meeting delivery agreements and quality
Capability of high volumes
High load factor
Decent costs for stakeholders
Environmental impacts and sustainability as success factors in a delivery system were referred
to by nine interviewees (see Table 3 and Table 4). This category included use of sustainable
energy sources for the propulsion of transportation, low congestion through reduced number
of trucks on the road resulting from the modal shift, low emission of pollutants and noise as
well as low visual intrusion for the same reason. With visual intrusion the interviewees related
to heavy trucks disturbing the view in the city when parked, stuck in traffic as well as on their
way to the customer. Interviewee D indicated, that the cost for society should be low, relating
to the long-term impacts of the mentioned environmental factors.
Eight interviewees (see Table 3) stated time related factors influencing the quality of a
delivery system. These consisted of on time deliveries, being able to deliver and receive
shipments in certain and extended time windows as well as being responsive (see Table 4).
Especially Interviewees I and K pointed out, that the transportation time should be quick and
times for transhipment held as low as possible. Interviewee G made clear, that it is of high
importance to be able to predict transportation times, thus a system is necessary where
experience and reliable data are available. Furthermore, it shall be possible that goods can
reach the point of destination within a certain distance one day after ordering the
Six interviewees recognised the service level as a success factor, which relates to easy
handling for the customer, meeting delivery agreements and quality, the service being precise
and having a high predictability.
Further mentioned factors were capability of high volumes, efficiency relating to a high load
factor, minimizing storage, decent costs for stakeholders and reliability (see Table 4). Relating
to the capability of high volumes interviewee H stated, that a shipment on the river could
consolidate ten to 15 truckloads, which reduces the pressure on the environment by the
reduction of the number of trucks on the road. Interviewee G described it as a success factor,
when cargo units are used efficiently, in particular, when the capacity of the unit is utilized to
its maximum. Interviewees I and K elaborated on minimized storage as one of the advantages
of just in time deliveries, where goods are delivered, when they are needed instead of storing
huge amounts in a warehouse until utilization. With decent costs for stakeholders interviewee
C linked to reasonable pricing for services connected to transportation for all involved parties.
7.2 Barriers
To understand the difficulties of implementing combined goods and waste transportation on
inland waterways in urban logistics, the interviewees were asked to give their opinion on
barriers, which could hinder the implementation process They mentioned economic factors,
operational factors, behavioural change and policy and regulations as central barriers.
Table 5:
Central barriers mentioned by interviewees
Economic factors
Operational factors
Behavioural change
Policy and regulations
A, B, D, F, G, H, I, K, M, N
A, B, C, F, G, H, I, K, M
B, C, H, I, K, M, N
A, C, D, F, M
Table 6:
Sub factors of Barriers
Economic factors
Operational factors
Behavioural change
Policy and Regulations
Sub factors
Low cost for road transport
Economic feasibility
Financing of infrastructure
Allocating financial responsibility
Ownership of infrastructure
Financial risk of logistics companies
Transhipment cost
Nature of goods
Weather conditions
Ownership and operation of infrastructure
Decision making
Receiver wants low cost and fast delivery
Willingness to pay for sustainable delivery
Road transport culture
Allocating financial responsibility
Low political support
No strict regulations on road traffic
Low bridges planned
All interviewees except Interviewee C and L mentioned economic factors as barriers (see
Table 5 and Table 6). First of all, the cost for the transportation service containing waterway
transportation was not seen as competitive to the cost of truck transportation, which is already
part of a well functioning logistics system relying on experience and continuous
improvement. The economic feasibility of waterway transportation was one central point of
discussion. What is more, it was brought up, that the financing of the not yet sufficiently
existing infrastructure for the connection of waterway and road transportation inheres many
While interviewee D claimed that infrastructure cost are all paid by the city another view was
observed during workshop meetings. In those meetings it was mentioned from a
representative of a real estate company, that the financing of the infrastructure and
recreational areas related to the Frihamnen district posed several questions for discussion. The
city wanted land buyers to cover parts of the costs for parks and transportation infrastructure.
However, those refused to pay as they claimed, that it is accessible for the whole public,
therefore, it should not be binding to be paid from local private entities. Furthermore, the land
buyers have the opinion that with the amount paid for the land, the city should be able to
cover the expenses for the parks and transportation infrastructure. It was mentioned, that this
is an on-going discussion and has not yet led to final agreements.
Adding to this, interviewee D highlighted, that there could be problems in allocating
responsibilities related to infrastructure costs covered by the public sector, whether costs are
paid locally by the city, municipality or the country. Moreover, it was questioned whether the
infrastructure is owned publicly or privately. In the case of private ownership, the
interviewees mentioned high investment cost for this undertaking. To be able to provide a
transportation service on water, logistics companies have to invest into transportation units
suitable for this mode. As a consequence, Interviewee H argued, in a new waterway
transportation system the logistics provider bares substantial financial risk. Another cost
factor mentioned by Interviewees M and N was transhipment cost, which relates to the cost,
which arises when transferring goods or waste from one to another mode of transportation.
Nine interviewees declared several operational factors as barriers (see Table 5 and Table 6).
Firstly, consolidation was described as difficult. According to Interviewee A, household and
company waste are treated differently and therefore not consolidated. On the goods side,
interviewee F mentioned that the compatibility of consolidation is highly dependent on the
recipient’s requirements on the transportation. Furthermore the interviewee stated troubles of
consolidation regarding revenue streams and allocating shared cost in a collective last mile
distribution as well as the problem, that logistics providers have already established their own
delivery systems and distribution hubs. Secondly, Interviewees F, H and M added, that
requirements to the nature of the goods, i.e. whether they need heating or cooling, which is
highly energy consuming, or whether they are bulky and heavy, are very complex and it is
therefore challenging finding a suitable and sustainable transportation solution that fits all the
different goods and waste. Thirdly, as to Interviewee C and G weather conditions could put
extra stress on the operability of waterway transportation in form of ice, snow, hail, wind and
rain which could harm the transported goods if not covered properly and influence safe
navigation on the water. Fourthly, the ownership of infrastructure such as of the quay was
tackled as a problem. Here it was questioned whether it was operated publicly or privately.
And fifth, finding the right location of the reception facility in Frihamnen as well as the
consolidation hub outside the city centre was described as a barrier by Interviewees B, I and
K. Inside the Frihamnen area the location, where waterway transportation is connected to the
land should not be disturbing in terms of reducing the living quality around it. The
accessibility both by water and land transportation of the locations outside the Frihamnen
area, where goods are consolidated in a hub and waste collected in the waste facilities was
considered high importance. Further, deciding on the right location was seen as challenging as
well. In a workgroup meeting it was brought up, that the barge, which could transport bulky
household waste should have a scheduled trip to different areas, which have connection to
water, in order that the public can have access to it, but therefore, locations have to be decided
Behavioural change of the public as the recipients of goods was seen as a barrier by seven
interviewees (see Table 5 and Table 6). It was described, that the receiver mostly cares about
receiving the shipment as fast as possible and to the lowest cost, where, as to Interviewee M,
cost is the decision making factor. Willingness to pay for a more sustainable transportation
service plays an important role. Furthermore, interviewee D stated that logistics costs lack
transparency. Because of that, the receiver has no insight into what logistics costs the
purchase include, e.g. when shipping is advertised to be free. Adding to that, a culture based
on road transportation is prevalent hindering the implementation of waterway transportation
as a change from a functioning system to an unknown system could be conceived as prone to
causing problems.
In bringing forward waterway transportation five interviewees (see Table 5 and Table 6)
identified barriers in policy and regulations. As mentioned before, allocating responsibilities
related to infrastructure costs in between different authorities is one of them. Interviewee N
mentioned the problem, that sustainable transportation plays a subordinate role for politicians.
Thus, it is difficult to get strong political support. Furthermore it was recognized, that no strict
regulations on road traffic apply for the Gothenburg urban transportation system, which could
make the market and industry change to other modes of transportation. What is more,
according to Interviewee H and N, the fact that the bridges planned for construction in
Gothenburg are significantly low is contradictive to promoting waterway transportation.
In the market, Interviewee B pointed out, that companies are locked in into their existing well
functioning transportation system. A change towards new ways of transportation was seen as
a too extensive challenge. Furthermore, Interviewee F made clear, that using the same last
mile distribution as competing logistics providers would lower the differentiating factor
significantly, where the way to deliver is the central competence of a business in logistics.
7.3 Drivers
Opposing the barriers, the interviewees were asked to state drivers, which could bring forward
the implementation process. It was found that public interest, environmental drivers, political
incentives and technical development are central points of discussion.
Table 7:
Central drivers mentioned by interviewees
Public interest
Environmental drivers
Political incentives and regulations
Technical development
A, B, D, I, K, M, N
A, D, E, G, H, L, N
A, B, C, F, G, M
A, C, F
Seven interviewees mentioned public interest as a driver (see Table 7). In particular,
interviewee D referred to Gothenburg with its heritage as a harbour city and putting life on the
water would bring this feeling back into the city centre. Interviewee B mentioned a new
thinking in the public, where sustainable options are voluntarily taken and therefore
sustainable transportation promoted. This is especially found in the younger generation from
20 to 40 years, as Interviewees I, K and N highlight, which can be the driving force on that
promotion with high involvement and broad publicity through social media. Interviewee M
added, that industry itself cannot drive the change alone and is highly dependent on this new
thinking society, which is eager to steer towards their own sustainable future.
Table 8:
Sub factors of drivers
Environmental drivers
Political incentives
Sub factors
Lower congestion
Lower noise level
Less road accidents
Less pollution
Less visual intrusion
Financial aid
Coverage of infrastructure costs
Ban of heavy traffic from city centre
Low emission zones
Bonus-malus system
Environmental drivers such as lowered congestion, lower noise level, less road accidents and
less pollution as well as less visual intrusion were indicated by seven interviewees (see Table
7 and Table 8). Congestion in urban areas could be lowered as the shifting of cargo from
several trucks into one floating unit takes away a significant amount of road traffic. By
reducing the number of heavy trucks in the urban road network the noise level and probability
of road accidents could be reduced and emission of pollutants lowered at the same time. What
is more, as to interviewee D, reduced traffic on the road would even make space for other use
of the land, as the space for streets could be minimized.
Several interviewees mentioned, that the implementation of a water based transportation
system could benefit from political incentives and regulations (see Table 7 and Table 8).
Political incentives were related to financial aid in the planning and starting process of a new
waterway based transportation system to cover initial costs for e.g. purchasing equipment
such as cranes, ramps and suitable floating transportation units. Furthermore, covering the
cost for infrastructure such as quays and their connectivity to the last mile transport solution
was found as supporting. For regulations, banning heavy traffic from the city centre and
introducing zones with extremely low emission levels were seen as helpful to promote inland
waterway transportation. Interviewee M emphasized, that a bonus-malus system would be
necessary to significantly bring forward waterway transportation. In this bonus malus-system
taxes would be raised for other transportation modes than on waterways and taxes would be
lowered for waterway transportation making it economically more interesting shifting
transportation in that direction. Interviewee G added, that conversations in between public,
private sector and academia formulating a sustainable transportation vision for Gothenburg
are on-going and could be supportive in the implementation process of waterway
transportation as a sustainable option. Furthermore, interviewee M pointed out, that the river
as transport infrastructure is more or less free compared to road infrastructure.
Interviewees A, C and F found that recent technological development could be seen as a
driver to promote waterway transportation. The first two brought up, that sustainable
transportation on the water in form of electrically driven barges contributes to further
waterway transportation. Interviewee F referred to silent transportation solutions for the last
mile deliveries taking and bringing goods and waste from the water connection to the receiver
and vice versa.
In a field trip it was discovered, that distribution centres of two logistics providers have a
direct connection to waterways and that a waste collection centre and combustion plant are
both connected to waterways. However, the river near the waste combustion plant is a natural
reserve and is naturally limited by the dimensions of the river and related bridges.
8 Discussion
In the following, the findings from this thesis are discussed. First the complexity of the supply
chain design is talked over, in order to reveal the difficulties to the reader when choosing a
suitable solution for the implementation of a new transportation system. This is followed by
an examination of how drivers and barriers affect a successful implementation of such a
system. Further, the importance of early planning and collaboration is highlighted which also
affects its success. Finally, short-term and long-term goals for the implementation process are
8.1 Complexity of the Supply Chain Design
Results of this paper show that the design of a supply chain is shaped by several factors and
stakeholders describe its quality in different ways depending on their role in the supply chain.
With the various requirements on the delivery system it is difficult to find the right solution to
perfectly fit everyone´s needs while achieving high transport system efficiency. The complex
requirements make it challenging to choose one solution, which serves all. Especially
deciding which type of goods and waste to transport plays a central role as it defines the
technical requirements of the waterway transportation units and the related infrastructure in
order to achieve economies of scale. Furthermore, it determines how the supply chain needs
to fit the last mile delivery solution to the receiver and the carriage to the intermodal hub,
where goods are transhipped to waterway transportation. On one hand, it has to be decided,
which types of goods and waste are most suitable for transportation on water. On the other
hand, it has to be assessed, not only whether they are suitable for that transportation mode, but
also whether the new system actually and significantly contributes to the reduction of road
traffic and the negative environmental impacts of urban logistics. The aim of the logistics
providers is to avoid a decrease of their service quality. As water transportation is slower than
road transportation, the total transportation time might increase. What is more, transhipping
cargo from one mode to another adds time and cost, thus, reducing the transportation quality.
However, the quality can be increased by the reduction of emissions to air, noise pollution and
visual intrusion offering a more sustainable transport solution resulting from the modal shift
to inland waterway transportation. The question here is, whether the overall quality of the
transportation service experiences an increase, decrease or stays at the same level. This
assessment highly depends on the point of view and the requirements of the different
stakeholders on the service.
Another important aspect is the location of the hubs for transhipment of the cargo, as it
strongly influences the land use planning and therefore the space efficiency of the urban area.
Firstly, it has to be easily reachable by different kinds of modes of transport. Secondly, it
should fit into the surrounding area and not cause noise and visual intrusion. A combination
of industrial and recreational use of infrastructure such as the quay is therefore desirable.
As mentioned before, providing a final technical solution is not the aim of this thesis, but
aforementioned factors need to be taken into account in order to plan the implementation
process of an innovative sustainable transportation system.
8.2 Strong Barriers vs. Weak Drivers – The Importance of Policy
In the case of the City of Gothenburg as an example of bringing forward sustainable
transportation, the interviewees described the implementation of waterway transportation in
urban logistics as facing strong barriers. These consisted of economic factors relating to the
ownership and financing of infrastructure, investment costs and increased logistics cost
through transhipment of cargo from one to another mode. Adding to that, weak policies, lockins into the existing transportation system and market demands were described as hindering
factors of the implementation. Furthermore, operational factors were seen as inhering
problems when finding the right location, adapting to goods requirements and consolidating
cargo from different logistics providers. Additionally, consolidating cargo from different
operators and then carrying out one transportation service was described to reduce the unique
characteristic of the service of a logistics provider. It is questionable, if logistics providers see
a barrier in the change of their roles in the supply chain.
From the presented cases of implemented waterway solutions in city logistics in Chapter 5.3 it
can be seen that policy played a central role for a successful implementation. In these cases,
policy was related to financial support in the starting phase, legislation for operational
support, extended time windows to carry out deliveries in the urban area and avoidance of
weight restrictions and costs such as heavy traffic taxes and urban tolls. As stated in Chapter
5.2 transport regulations already exist for the City of Gothenburg. However, as presented in
the results of this report in Chapter 7, the interviewees state that policy in the City of
Gothenburg is not supportive enough for the application of waterway transportation for
services in the Frihamnen area. It provides a framework, as tolls and low emission zones
apply for exactly that area (see Figure 9 and Figure 10), but the incentives are not strong
enough to motivate a change of the mode of transportation.
The problem is, that the benefits of sustainable transportation, which were described as
drivers for an implementation, such as the reduction of congestion and emissions, are on one
hand relevant to all stakeholders in the supply chain, but on the other hand, they are somehow
outside the business model. The quantification of the negative impact of the transportation
service and its evaluation in the way that a lower negative impact is rewarded economically
would be helpful. With these measures, transportation services could be benchmarked and
they therefore promote sustainable transportation. Thereby, the economic and environmental
savings could be made more tangible for all stakeholders in the supply chain. Establishing this
approach by policy in the industry could influence the whole socio-technical system. The
industry would adjust to the regulatory requirements. Then, the market is required to follow
and change its behaviour, thus, increasing the importance of technology and science in that
area. The overall goal should be to introduce drivers, which overcome and surpass the abovementioned strong barriers for such an implementation. Therefore, more emphasis needs to be
put on policy to make this change possible and the importance of policy needs to be
understood by the regulatory institutions, which introduce them.
8.3 Early Planning and Collaboration
Another aspect for a successful implementation process is early planning. In the cases shown
in Chapter 5.3 it is found, that early planning and inclusion of various stakeholders
contributed to the success of the projects. This can also be observed in the Frihamnen area in
the City of Gothenburg where different stakeholders are discussing to find urban logistics
solutions. It is determined who pays how for which part of the infrastructure and how to
design logistics services.
During the planning process it is important to include various stakeholders in order to
understand the different views and goals, which motivate their actions. Including them in an
early stage of a project, contributes to the identification of potential problems early in a phase,
in which changes do not considerably delay the project. Solutions of those problems can be
discussed together. Therefore, a platform has to be created, in which close collaboration in
between the stakeholders in the urban supply chain is possible. Within this framework
stakeholders should continuously update each other in meetings and workshops. Especially in
projects, in which completely new districts are built, early planning inheres many
opportunities. The shape of the district does not have to be adapted to the surroundings. Space
can rather be created with a great freedom of choice.
8.4 Short-term vs. long-term Goals
For a successful implementation of a new transportation system clear goals need to be defined
and communicated in the close collaboration within the stakeholders in the urban supply
chain. Regulatory authorities, which have the greatest influence within the socio-technical
system relating to transportation, should introduce policies, which promote such new, more
sustainable transportation options. These goals should be divided into short-term and longterm goals. Transport operators carrying out transportation services for freight forwarders
should therefore include waterway transportation in their service portfolio making use of
incentives of the newly introduced transport policies. The whole supply chain could
experience an improvement e.g. by reducing the carbon footprint of transportation, by using a
more sustainable way of transportation, which is highly valued by customers. But this only
works, when there is trust in the new transportation system.
The short-term goals are a small start with an enhancement of trust in the system. In the
interviews it was mentioned, that trust is highly important when introducing something new.
Therefore, inland waterway transport operators need to show that the new, more sustainable
transportation system is reliable, thus, increasing the interest of freight forwarders to include
inland waterway transportation into their service portfolio and gaining trust in the market. In
the short-run, as the focus on trust building, services transporting only waste or goods should
be offered in a designated location range to show that this mode of transportation works and
to avoid problems, which might occur in consolidated transportation. However, as this system
is only focused on one type of goods, it might not show to be economically feasible, but serve
as the basis for the long-term goals.
The long-term goal is the expansion of this new system´s capacities and capabilities. In the
long run, when the system has shown to be reliable it should be scaled up. Firstly, the
transportation of goods and waste can be combined. Secondly, the service can cater more
locations. With the combination of the transportation of goods and waste empty haulage could
be reduced. Offering services to more than one district would make it more likely to achieve
economies of scale to finally provide an economically feasible transportation service.
In the case of the Gothenburg´s Frihamnen area, which has a direct connection to the river
Göta älv, the short-term goal should be an establishment of a logistics service in another area
within the City of Gothenburg. As the construction of the Frihamnen area is projected to
finalize in more than a decade the new transportation system could be tested and improved in
other areas during that period demonstrating its applicability and workability. The cases
presented in Chapter 5.3 show that comparable new systems are accepted but still struggling
to become economically sustainable. However, they show tremendous potential, when scaled
up. For the long-term, the service in the City of Gothenburg can be scaled up to cover more
areas including the Frihamnen district combining the transport of goods and waste, thus
reducing empty haulage and increasing the transport system´s efficiency.
9 Conclusion
The challenges induced through urbanisation increase the need for innovative solutions to
urban logistics. This study draws the attention to inland waterway transportation and
highlights that an implementation of combined transportation of goods and waste on inland
waterways can bring forward sustainable transportation in urban logistics lowering road
traffic in urban areas. However, the path to a successful implementation is lined with several
obstacles. First of all, the design of the supply chain is dependent on various complex factors
such as the type of goods and waste, compatibility of transportation modes, impacts on the
environment and service level requirements. Additionally, strong barriers have been identified
which hinder the implementation process, consisting of economic and operational factors,
behavioural change, policy and regulations. It was discovered that the existing drivers such as
public interest, environmental drivers, political incentives and regulations as well as technical
development just have a marginal impact. Therefore, more emphasis has to be put on policy to
considerably bring forward sustainable inland waterway transportation while close
collaboration of policy makers with all stakeholders in the urban supply chain is needed to
even out problems early in the planning phases. Besides that, cooperation of stakeholders in
the urban supply chain is necessary to enable consolidation of goods and waste flows.
Consequently, short-term and long-term goals for a successful implementation were
formulated. In the short-run, transportation systems have to be initiated on a small-scale to
ensure trust in the new transportation through applicability and reliability of these new
systems. In the long run, systems need to be scaled up in order to serve more areas and
achieve economies of scale.
The findings from this research are used in an urban planning project in the City of
Gothenburg for a demonstrator project, which aims to assess the applicability of combined
goods and waste transportation on inland waterways in the region of Gothenburg, especially
in the district of Frihamnen.
Furthermore, this thesis can be used as a basis for additional research in the area of urban
logistics. In particular research on the marginal relevance of inland waterway transportation in
areas with waterway connection as well as the use of inland waterway transportation for
large-scale construction projects provide promising avenues of further research to contribute
to academic discourse on urban logistics.
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1 Interview Guide
A modal shift in goods transportation into urban areas from road to waterway transport can be
beneficial for several reasons, such as less pollution, less traffic congestion, less accidents and
less noise. Also, utilising the same vessels to transport waste away from the city avoiding
empty haulage can be beneficial for the same reasons. However, designing the urban
waterways transport system is complicated as there are many different design parameters such
as which goods to transport (e.g. household deliveries, perishable and refrigerated goods to
different types of receivers), which waste to transport (e.g. bulk waste, scraps of food, metal
scrap, hazardous waste), which barge/ship to use and which load carriers to use.
Furthermore, there are a number of different stakeholders that have different views of what
constitutes an effective and efficient urban waterway transport system. The different views of
the actors and their perception of barriers, drivers, cornerstones and success factors need to be
understood. Furthermore, the different actors’ operations need to be understood (in terms of
the amount of goods that can be transported, from where it is transported, which infrastructure
is required etc.).
All these factors shape the design of the urban waterway transport system. Therefore, this
study aims to find out, what is necessary to enable a shift from road transportation to inland
waterway transportation in urban logistics in order to reduce road traffic in urban areas. The
context is the DenCity project, which deals with the construction of the Frihamnen area. The
research question is phrased as “How do different factors influence the shape of combined
goods and waste transportation in urban waterway supply chains?” or alternatively “How can
a combined urban waterway supply chain be designed”. The following interview guide is
used (slightly modified depending on which actor is being interviewed) to collect data from
10-15 stakeholders/actors/experts on urban waterway transport.
Please introduce yourself elaborating on your background and experience.
Please shortly describe your company/institution, your field of work and your role.
What is the companies´/institutions´ role in the urban logistics supply chain?
What is your role in the DenCity project (if applicable)?
Goods and waste transportation
What are the expected volumes of goods and waste for Frihamnen? Are there any
What type of goods do you see as most applicable in this system?
What are the expected cargo units and its packaging?
What type of waste do you see as most applicable in this system?
When answering the following questions on “barriers” and “drivers” please refer to the six
dimensions of a socio-technical system as seen below:
Markets, user
What do you see as challenging factors implementing waterway transportation into
city logistics for Frihamnen?
- What would be hindering an implementation?
- Why is water transportation in Gothenburg not used to a greater extent?
What do you see as driving factors for implementing a new system?
Who has great influence on driving forward towards a new system?
Which prerequisites could lead to a successful implementation of the system in
Who needs to participate in such a system in order to reach success?
Success factors
Which are the success factors in existing delivery systems?
Which would be the success factors for a new system?
Which existing problems do you see as solved by this mode of transport?
What is your vision on urban logistics in relation to this research project?