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Case study - Renovation of Romuald Gutt's Own House in Warsaw

2016, International Exchange of Experiences for Monument Restoration IEEMR 2016/ Leipzig

Romuald Gutt was one of the most important architects in interwar Warsaw, the author of many plans for public spaces and residential districts. The cement bricks are the favourite trademarks of Gutt’s architecture. Grey bricks create alternately advanced and retracted belts. The rhythmic chiaroscuro enhances the sculptural body of the building. Dilapidated estate was purchased in 2012 by the investor who clearly defined the goal of the rehabilitation and restoration – to save historic integrity and to balance it with modern function. Technology of conservation of cement brick facade is presented. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Przyczynek do historii cegły cementowej, z której Romuald Gutt zbudował nie tylko własny dom, lecz także wiele gmachów w Warszawie i innych miastach Polski. W prezentacji pokazano remont i konserwację elewacji domu Gutta, której nadano współczesne funkcje z zachowaniem autentyzmu formy. Przeanalizowano lokalizacje i kontekst architektoniczny. Konserwatorzy położyli nacisk na zachowanie i przywrócenie pierwotnego wyglądu budynku i ogrodzenia oraz ogrodu, które w zamyśle architekta stanowiły przenikającą się całość.

Case study Renovation of Romuald Gutt s Own House in Warsaw Marcin Kozarzewski 1 Architect Romuald Gutt 6 II 1888 – 3 IX 1974 Polish architect Romuald Gutt, considered a representative of modernism, was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Technical University in Warsaw. Romuald Gutt graduated from the Higher Technical School in Winterthur, Switzerland in 1908. His debut was the architectural design of the Polish pavilion at the exhibition in Rome in 1910. 2 Between national and regional style Gutt initially referred to old architecture of rural buildings. His work adopted the a sio house st le, i flue ed local traditions. Private house, 1924 Warszawa, ul. Godebskiego 1 Tomasz Urzykowski,,34862,1 8083432.html?i=14 3 Warszawa, pl. Słoneczny, 1922-25 4 Art in the industrial epoch - the vanguard of the 1920s. Since 1926 Gutt started to work in the mainstream of modernism. His own house became a kind of his artistic manifesto. 5 Gutt was one of the most important architects in interwar Warsaw, the author of many plans for public spaces and residential districts. His architecture was on the borderline of two schools: the school of the older generation whose plans belonged to the current of historical modernism with references to Polish manorial architecture and the group of vanguard functionalists. He was the first post-war dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology, then also head of the Department of Design at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. In 1966 Gutt was presented with the firstever Honorary Award of the Association of Polish Architects for his lifetime achievement. 6 Architect Romuald Gutt • He perceived the functionality of the building as the most important characteristic of good architecture. He designed individual houses, schools, public buildings or military cemeteries. • The exposed brick and structural elements of buildings are trademarks of Gutt's architecture. 7 Gutt s redo Architecture is not a goal in itself. It should primarily serve the public. Architect, using minimal resources, should offer the public convenience and beauty, which are contained in sometimes surprisingly simple solutions. R.Gutt, Architektura, 12/134, 1958 R.Gutt, Hanger in Aquapark, Ciechocinek, 1932 8 9 Social Institute (Academy of Political Science) Warszawa, ul. Wawelska 56 Contest project 1926; construction 1926-1933 Błażej Pindor's photo 10 Arch. R. Gutt, Garden Scholtz, Warsaw, Kielecka 33 A, proj. 1934 11 Balneal resort in Ciechocinek, 1932, 12 Project presented during Berlin Olympic art competitions (Olympischer Kunstwettbewerb) 1936. Balneal resort in Ciechocinek, 1932, Project presented during Berlin Olympic art competitions (Olympischer Kunstwettbewerb) 1936. 13 Balneal resort in Ciechocinek, 1932, Project presented during Berlin Olympic art competitions (Olympischer Kunstwettbewerb) 1936. 14 Balneal resort in Ciechocinek, 1932 15 Building of GUS in Warsaw, 1948-51; (phot. 1964). An innovative project which preceded a similar solution used a few years later i … 16 …. i the Paris Headquarter of UNESCO, 1953-58, arch. M. Breuer, B. Zehrfuss, P.L. Nervi 17 Gutt, nicht gut? Balneal resort in Ciechocinek, 1936 2015 18 19 Architects about Gutt • Halina Skibniewska: "Gutt does not seek originality, parades, showiness and extraordinariness. He likes simple, modest and intimate means of expression" • Bohdan Pniewski to Gutt: I have everything, but I envy you that you create each building just for its place. • Konrad Kucza –Ku z ński about Gutt s own house: ...This house shows consistent way of Master Gutt and indicates an attitude of "Warsaw school" to the avantgarde. There is no lack of boldness - there is the lack of entrustment in orthodox slogans. 20 Romuald Gutt own house 21 Romuald Gutt own house • It has a unique - still unaltered form. • The house has become an u ritte a ifesto of ar hite t s views. • Cubic, stepped blocks and facades in cement brick are trademarks of Gutt s architecture. • Grey bricks create alternately advanced and retracted belts. • The rhythmic chiaroscuro enhances the sculptural body of the building. See: Mi hał Mateusz, DudaMozart modernizmu. Romuald Gutt – Nagroda Honorowa SARP 1966 22 , ar h. H. Łagu a MAA“ 23 Builder and inhabitant "... we create a cottage, but also that cottage creates us. .... „ Gutt s speech in Lublin, 1945 Romuald Gutt in front of his house (1950-60) Phot. Ire a Jarosińska, z ior Ośrodka KA‘TA via: ochowani/GuttRomuald.html © Sowa . . , Profesor Romuald Gutt, "Architektura" 1966, nr 12, s. 532. 24 Builder and inhabitant "... We create his environment and the scenes of his life. This requires us to have a deep insight into human life and love of a a ... „ Gutt s speech in Lublin, 1945 Romuald Gutt inside his hause, 1950s/60s phot. Ire a Jarosińska, z ior Ośrodka KA‘TA via: ochowani/GuttRomuald.html © Sowa . . , Profesor Romuald Gutt, "Architektura" 1966, nr 12, s. 532. 25 Gutt s own house It is historically notable work of architecture because of experimentation and a mix of living and working spaces. This house + studio gathered young architects working on projects signed by Gutt. A 1929 26 B 1929 location and context ..The buildings facing with grey cement bricks were created mainly on the outskirts of the city. But here, in the heart of the city, Gutt performed the mighty grey edifice of the School of Crafts and Household. 27 It arises in the midst of the traditional residential buildings and schools and in the immediate vicinity of the residential colony of professors of architecture Warsaw University of Technology. Building School of Crafts and Household indicates a high level of mastery of architectural forms and great workmanship. … location and context Af. Raniecki, SZKOŁA ZAWODOWA ŻEŃSKA W WARSZAWIE. w: ARCHITEKTURA i BUDOWNICTWO, MIESIĘCZNIK ILUSTROWANY, Warszawa, 1925 PAŹDZIERNIK-GRUDZIEŃ, ROK , ZESZYT , s. 28 Just near grows Gutt’s own house … 29 location and context Developers and architects say that there are three things that are crucial in real estate market: location, location and location. 30 31 32 33 Under construction, circa 1926 Gutt s answer the question of whether you should build houses with flat or with a steep roof: „shit with tip or shit without tip is always shit” 35 1929 A – bright garage doors 36 1929 Romuald Gutt own house in 1960s. 38 before 1966 39 before 1968 40 Garden • Equally important as the building itself was the surrounding garden, which, being the object of continuous improvement, was a testing ground for the architect. • Introducing changes in its layout and composition was, "the exercise of the micro-landscape" and the basis of the concepts of space and landscape on a large scale. • Gutt’s house is entered in the register of monuments alongside with the garden! 1945 - 2011 Arch. R. Gutt, Garden A. Scholtz, Warsaw, Kielecka 33 A, proj. 1934 Silver medal in LArt. & Techique Exibition, Paris, 19837 Building material • The cement bricks are the favourite trademarks of Gutt’s architecture. • Grey bricks create alternately advanced and retracted belts. • The rhythmic chiaroscuro enhances the sculptural body of the building. Cement brick, its manufacture and use. Manual, Wafrsaw 1930. 43 Grey cement brick was very prominent in the work of Gutt, whose Warsaw Nursing School is considered to be a leading representative of this trend. R. Gutt, Warsaw Nursing School, Warsaw, Chału ińskiego , -28 Moderately fu tio alis of gre ri k – still bearing the indications of an e pressio isti play with material and form – was a trend that had small opportunity to express prestige. It found application in designs for public utility buildings and institutions of more general use, particularly schools and hospitals.. Jadwiga ROGUSKA, MODERNISM IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF STATE AND MUICIPAL INSTITUTIONS IN WARSAW OF THE 1920s AND 1930s. In: ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENT,No.4/2009 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Cement brick in market 51 Cement brick production Shaping and compacting of such brick is done in special brick machines. Wooden form which is used to produce bricks is shown above. Paint can be added to external of cement in order to give its surface finish similar 52 to cement tiles. Cement brick - binder Portland Cement The binder in the samples: • Changeable, mixed microcrystalline character, • Consists of the parts of silicate and parts of carbonic !!! • Lime ?? • The cement brick for facades should be made in a special way. When forming, the bricks shall be covered on one of the outer sides with a thin layer of cement mortar 1: 3 53 Binder ce e t a d …. LIME !!! thermogram - sample A1 thermal analysis confirmed that the cement used in the next slaked lime the amount of carbonate is significant, about 10% by weight. - Calculated on the basis of the weight loss (TG curve) Strong endothermic effect, visible in the DSC curve and DDSC, no effects on TG - polymorphic transformation of quartz low in high-temperature. Quite sloping curve TG weight in the range of 200-600C is typical of materials containing phase with water hydraulic (cement). 54 Cement brick aggregate Petrographic analyse: a good degree of roundness of filler and pretty good separation point to the origins of river sediment:? Vistula sand 55 2011 61 62 63 64 The I estor s Goals Dilapidated estate was purchased in 2012 by the investor who clearly defined the goal of the rehabilitation and restoration: • to save historic integrity • to balance it with modern function. Works carried out: • repair of stru tures a d stre gthe i g of foundations • o prehe si e re o atio of the roof stru ture a d roof itself • o ser atio of o rete ri k fa ades • o ser atio of the origi al i do s, doors a d stairs • I terior oder izatio a d adaptatio to e fu tio s • re o stru tio of the origi al for of the all fa i g the street • repair of fe es a d retai i g all • re italizatio of the garde 66 1929 NOTE - solid wall along the street 67 2011 Note: solid wall along the street WAS CUTTED 68 2016 NOTE – COME BACK TO the solid wall along the street 69 Internal main work • Insulation work – injections Remmers Kiesol – waterproofing coating Remmers Sulfatexschlamme • Full replacement of internal plaster – – – – Remmers Vorspritzmoertel Remmers Grundputz Remmers Sanierputz Remmers Feinputz • Internal Thermo - Insulation (no outdoor insulation) – System iQ-Therm 70 p l a s t e r r e p l a c e m e n t 71 2012 1926 2012 chimney built by Gutt was higher! 1926 73 75 ... reminds others Gutt s chimneys Windows and Doors 1929 B - NOTE: shutters and metalwork quite clear 77 przed 1968 B 78 The window in the basement under the terrace 1 - 1929 2 - post-war period 3 – 2013 4 - Reconstruction of the original Gutt s design (1929) 79 Technology of conservation cement brick facade 1. 2. 3. disinfection Adolit M strengthening KSE 100 dry blasting (Gommage), locally also in combination with washing water and manual cleaning 4. strengthening KSE 300 5. repairing of the bricks - Restauriermortel 6. repairing of the joints - Fuge örtel 7. color egalization of the Surface - Historic Lasur (with Funcosil WS) 8. hydrophobization - Funcosil WS 9. supplement the gaps between the windows and the facade - MS 150 (elastic sealant based on hybrid polymers) 10. all exterior plasters - WTA Sanierputz mortar. 11. reconstructed parts of the walls - cement brick + Fuge örtel + Funcosil WS. 80 81 Front facade of the terrace after the first cleaning 82 Helical Anchorage System - Reinforcing 83 “z ie uró Remmers 4331, 4334 Spiralanker Remmers 1028 Spirala ker örtel M20 84 85 1. 2. repairing of the bricks - Restauriermortel repairing of the joints - Fuge örtel 86 87 88 Land Development Plan Internal walls of garden 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 1. 2. color egalization of the Surface - Historic Lasur (with Funcosil WS) hydrophobization - Funcosil WS 96 97 98 99 Spiritus Movens Investor who discovered and appreciated the spirit of this place. Many, many thanks to Tomasz Niewiadomski! 100 The case of Gutt’ s own house as model The methods and technology developed during the work i Gutt s own house can be successfully applied to numerous modernist buildings of gray cement brick. 101 Gray walls phenomenon Gray walls do not have to be boring nor sad. Warszawa, ul. Koszykowa 79 i 79A, 1931–33 Cooperation: Józef Jankowski 102 Gray walls phenomenon Gray walls designed by the best architects of the interwar modernism may even become decorations of neighborhood. 103 Gray walls phenomenon The beauty of those gray walls is yet not easy to understand. Now is the time to discover it, to appreciate it and to protect it! 104 “zkoła za odo a żeńska Warsza a, ul. Gór ośląska Proj. & real. : 1919-1926, RG 03-041 A, Fot. Błażej Pi dor, 105 Gray walls phenomenon Virtuosity in the use of brick may be seen in some of the portals that beautify Gutt s buildings. Warsza a, ul. Gór ośląska Projekt i realizacja: 1919- 9 6 Fot. Błażej Pindor, 2013 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. gutt/album/678727 106 107 Romuald Miller, Instytut Higieny Dzie ię iej im. barona Lenvala, 1930-32 Other gray walls We believe that presented work is the „light in the tunel a d many other „grey walls wil follow this way. 108 109 Cement and sand and almost nothing more …. Almost makes a big difference !! Remmers! We thank you for your support and help in the selection of appropriate materials and conservation technology of Gutt s house. 110 Thank you for your attention! 111