an in-house affair
Steve Rafalsky
[Excerpted from the larger 732-page book,
A Great and Terrible love: A Visionary Journey from Woodstock’s Sorceries to God’s Paradise,
an in-house affair
Part I
An Alien Regime
The Illegitimate Regime
To The Kindly And Gentle
THE GOD OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE: For my family and friends
Of thy sons
نMark Of The Christian
The Intransigence of the Rabbis
The Evil Shepherds
Israel Has Not Been Replaced By The Church
Taliban Poets
A “One-Bomb Country”
Our Courage is different than David’s
I say the rabbis have led my people
Part II
Are the Covenant Curses of Moses truly on us now?
Watchman, what of the night?
A great promise, and a great hope therefrom
I have held this book back many years. It is now time for it to see the light of day (being part of the larger
work, A Great And Terrible Love: A Visionary Journey from Woodstock’s Sorceries to God’s Paradise). With
the gained perspective of years it needed some adding to.
Of course for a Poet to stand among the people of Israel—that Israel which cleaves to its King, Messiah, as well
the children of that apostate Jewry who spurned Him—and speak truly to both camps without fear of man, this
must needs be—simultaneously—an act of war and of love. The prophetic office in Israel closed when the last
prophet, John son of Zebedee (Matthew 10:2), finished writing the apocalyptic vision and prophecy given him
around 95 CE—the culmination of all Old and New Covenant prophecy—so what I write is not “immediate”
prophecy given me, yet as a student of prophecies the prophetic word of those who came before us is in my
mouth. Paul the apostle of Messiah put it like this, “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may
instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16), and John was instructed by the angel, “the
testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10). The word of our prophets is precious to us
who heed them.
I say this is war because of the tearing down of spiritual/intellectual strong holds many have invested their lives
building and defending. To err in this area of theology and vision allows actual blood to be spilled, much blood,
precious blood. We Jews know this first hand, the Arabs also. But the Christian—and some of the Jewish—
West do not; it mostly just sits in its easy chairs in front of the TV and drinks in the fruit of its unseeing. A
storm coming will turn these chairs over.
I do not know how many of my own family have perished because of the blind and blinding rabbinate, and
when I say “perished” I mean in the prophesied Gehenna of eternal Hell, so this is no idle theology with me,
and I mean it to be war, that the falsity plaguing my people may be challenged on the world stage, what I call,
“Apocalypse Field, global arena of consciousness”. Will my opponents resort to the old tricks of murder,
slander, and lies? What do I care, for I am given a heart and tongue to speak by Him who is Lord of poets, and
there could be no power against me were it not given from above, so I will bear this testimony and love not my
life even if it be unto the death. I mean to cut down the lies and hatred that have cost the eternal lives of so
many Jews I cannot count them.
What I say is in accord with both the Old Covenant (Tanakh) and the New Covenant Scripture (B’rit
Chadashah), despite the opposition of some, both Christians and Jews. These things impact the wider world
also, as Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah are grafted into the spiritual faith of Israel, from which
flows the river of eternal life to all nations—the ancient promise to Abraham fulfilled.
Mark you, the poet’s pen is not filled with lifeless ink. It is a sword of the Spirit of YHWH, and His vessel. It
is among the foremost weapons of the Apocalypse—if so be it have the wind of Heaven filling its sails, and
speeding its missiles, even as Heaven’s power sped David’s stone into the brain of the giant.
Part I
But who art thou, and where art thou
to be found, you named “a prince of God,”
having power and favor with the Most High
and with men?
Art thou to be found in the state
that has named itself Israel
while yet being under the covenant curses
Moses uttered in his third and fifth books?
For what happened in Europe, and now happens
in the land you call Israel
do not show to the world (or to ourselves)
a people blessed, but cursed
a people and a nation besieged by the enemy
of humankind, the prince of demons
– and those humans under his sway –
who loathe the blood of Abraham, and his seed.
Alas, the truth must be told,
the nation that calls itself by the name
of Abraham’s grandson, the wrestler with God,
was by Moses, and his later Prophet, bereft of the name
for it is written
(and not in the Talmud
nor yet by any rabbi
nor by the wisest of the Jews)
but by Moses, at command of YHWH,
in the Fifth book, eighteenth chapter,
verses fifteen through nineteen
concerning the Prophet who would arise
acknowledged by the sages as Messiah,
that whoever would not listen to the words
YHWH gave this one to speak
would be cut off from God and the nation
and would receive the curses spoken
ten chapters later, they and their seed after them,
which curses we received through Rome
and then in Europe, and even now in the land.
We have listened to rabbis who led us
into the jaws of death, over and over
and over again, for twenty centuries
in the School of Divine Chastening.
To whom shall I assign responsibility
for the death-camps?
And for our body-parts scattered across the land
in these days – by crazed bombers?
Shall I assign it to YHWH?
For many of us have done so
as we saw the Nazis destroy our loves
and the faith we held in vain.
I, poet of Israel, say no,
not to Him who is holy and righteous
in all His ways, but to them He warned us of
by Isaiah, His prophet, who declared,
“…the leaders of this people
cause them to err;
and they that are led of them
are destroyed.” [9:16]
I say the rabbis have led my people
into the curses of Moses
these past twenty centuries,
for if we had pleased God
and were under His sure covenant blessings
and protection, how is it possible
we had been spewed from the land
to be slaughtered and despised
among the goyim two thousand years
and to end in the ovens of Hitler?
The truth is – and only can be! –
we have followed treasonous leaders
in betrayal of our King,
and have reaped their destruction.
O nation of fools, we,
to be blinded so long!
As the prophets foretold,
the Gentiles came to His light,
and we followed our teachers
into darkness
even unto this blood-filled day!
Cast off the pretenders
who have slain our millions
and return to the one Book we are the people of!
I tell you Israel exists
but no longer tied to the land,
neither to the Jewish nation,
for the great net of the Almighty
has been cast over all the nations
to draw forth His elect
from the ends of the earth,
so Daniel’s vision may be realized,
“that all people, nations, and languages
should serve Him:
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
which shall not pass away
“and His kingdom
that which shall not be destroyed.” [7:14]
Israel is now the international community
which bows the knee to Messiah, David’s Son,
and which holy nation
gleaned from the nations
shall be the Israel which fills the entire world
and inherits all the land-promises,
an everlasting Kingdom of Glory
such as legend or dream never imagined,
with a Temple in it
built of living stones
which are the people in whom YHWH
dwells and lives
as we worship and rejoice in the glory
of His majesty and love forever;
which true Temple exists in these very days
in rudiment form
as people from among Jewry
and all the nations
bow the knee to Messiah
High Priest of Melchizedek’s order,
King seated on David’s throne,
mighty Prophet foretold by Moses
having ordered the Kingdom of God
at His good pleasure
cutting off the rebels
who love their own hearts above His.
At this time, Israel is not grounded
in this world, but in the hearts and lives
of those blessed who are in this world
but not of it
until the great Day of Judgment
and the Resurrection of the Dead.
Then the vast Israel of God
alone shall inhabit the earth
while His enemies inhabit the Gehenna of souls
in the darkness of hellish light
for the wickedness they have done
and for refusing Messiah
who brought cleansing
and forgiveness of sins
to Israel first, and then to the Gentiles,
which priceless mercy ought not be spurned!
Thus says the poet of Israel
to whomever has ears to hear,
as a call to join the people forever blessed,
whom God calls, Israel My Glory
From among the Jews goes up this cry:
“Our rabbis lied to us!
There is no God
in our midst.
We are far from Him,
and under His wrath.
The rabbis concealed our prophets’ teachings!”
From among the Muslims:
“Mohammed lied to us!
There is no Paradise, no girls,
no smile of Allah!
Our religion is a lie,
a demon’s fiction;
we die for nothing!”
From the seed of Abraham,
through Isaac, through Jacob,
through David, comes Messiah the King,
the first time as suffering servant
bearing the sins of His people,
the Lamb of God,
raised from the dead by the power of the Father.
The second time He will return
as Champion of His people
and avenging King over His enemies,
over those who deceived the multitudes
of all the nations and tribes,
suppressing the knowledge of His glory and truth,
so that they awake in Hell.
For Messianic Jews
An Alien Regime
There is a phenomenon in the Jewish State that is matched only in nations where entrenched demonic
strongholds control much of the religious and/or political life of those nations – such as those under
fundamentalist Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, or communist rule – and that is the legal persecution of believers in
Yeshua (Jesus) with government sanction, and violent persecution without government interference.
If it is indeed the case that an alien regime, whose capital is in Gehenna, wields the spiritual scepter in
Jerusalem – with considerable political influence – then our strategy of appeasement by avoidance of the
prophetic stance will be as effective as British appeasement prior to the Second World War. Gehennian regimes
eat appeasers for breakfast.
If it is said, “But they have been the standard-bearers of Judaism for centuries, and through awful persecutions
have preserved Torah for our people,” it must be noted that that which they have preserved is not authentic
Judaism, and all who hold to this spurious version of it shall perish, for it is the devil's snare – this version of
Judaism – concocted for the purpose of destroying the nation by sealing it against Messiah’s Spirit. The
“Torah” they have preserved is not the Torah of Moses at all, for the instruction of Moses pointed to Messiah,
and so it was with all the prophets. The “Torah” they preserved is a counterfeit, and all who stake their souls on
this teaching will lose them eternally.
To put it plainly, the rabbis have destroyed more souls than ever did Hitler or Hamas. They have destroyed
more Jews than all the evil Gentiles and so-called “Christians” up through the ages, by leading us into the dread
curses of Moses (the Fifth Book, chapter 28; Isaiah 9:16).
The true story of these things is being suppressed in unrighteousness, and a fresh retelling of it – in the vigor of
the LORD’s Spirit – will provide an exposure of the evil, and a vision of God’s love for those His ancient
people, and it will happen, for a poet arises in Israel.
The identity under consideration is the name “Israel,” and as its origin and usage come from the Bible, we will
first look there. When this name was bestowed upon Jacob by God at Peniel, after he had wrestled with Him
through the night (see the account in Genesis 32:24-32), it was given to designate the patriarch’s new spiritual
status: in the LORD’s own words, “Thy name shall be no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou
power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.”
This name is utterly unique! The LORD, set to purify and equip His patriarch of the covenant people, Himself
wrestles with Jacob (as with us in all our adversities – truly it is Him in like graciousness behind the scenes)
granting him strength to continue – and even prevail – in his desire for the blessing. Jacob’s own strength
unequal to the task, and crippled in the struggle, he received strength from God: “with the name He gives the
thing itself which the name implies.” 1 The name was conceived and bestowed by God to designate a blessed
state of being; it was passed on to his descendants as well, and the name was also removed from some of them
by the same Bestower, for serious violations of the covenant, as seen in Exodus 12:15, 19; 30:33, 38, and Isaiah
9:13-17; 48:16-19,2 and shown in the expressions, “that soul shall be cut off from Israel,” “…shall be cut off
from the congregation of Israel,” “…shall even be cut off from his people,” “…destroyed from among you,”
and “…destroyed from before Me.”
It should be clear that this is not a name to be bestowed by men,3 as God has created and reserved it for His own
special use. It should also be clear He retains the right to strip the name from whom He will, and specifies
when this is to be done.
To use this name when it has not been given, or after it has been removed, is to steal a prerogative reserved by
God to Himself. It is stealing the right to confer an identity from the Almighty God!
We will look at a modern instance of this in a moment, but let us first look at a warning to the people of Israel
given by God through Moses in his Fifth Book, which bears directly on this:
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put My words in His
mouth; and He shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which He shall speak in My
name, I will require it of him. (Deut. 18:18, 19)
This is a warning to heed the words of those appointed to the prophetic office, and in particular Him who is the
culmination and fulfillment of that office, the Messiah, whom New Covenant believers know as Jesus of
Nazareth. The phrase, “I will require it of him,” means in this instance, “I will require his place among My
people and his life.” Consider the destruction to be visited on those who with wicked hearts refused to “hearken
unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all His commandments…” (Deut 28:15), which promised
destruction is shown in the verses following, so you may comprehend the dread import of the words “I will
require it…” 4 to the Jewish nation after Messiah appeared among them.
Messiah’s apostle, Peter, in quoting from this passage5 as he spoke to the people of Israel, rendered it, “And it
shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the
people.” (Acts 3:22, 23)
We have looked at the pertinent Biblical data, and have seen the name Israel given by God and taken away by
Him (from those who did not warrant it). We have seen it specifically taken away from those in the Jewish
nation who, in the time of Christ and the apostles, refused to “hear that Prophet,” who would not “hearken unto
My words which He shall speak in My name.” Simply put, God openly cleft all those who refused His word
through Messiah from the people of Israel, like a butcher cuts away gristle. As with a great cleaver He divided
the nation, those who were His, and those who were not, even as aged Simeon prophesied over the infant Jesus
in the temple, “Behold, this child is set for the falling and rising again of many in Israel…” (Luke 2:34; Cf.
Isaiah 8:14, 15)
From this point on, the people of Israel gathered around their King, Messiah Jesus. Those who did not were
“cut off” from the people by the judicial decree of God. Jesus Himself foretold this event when He announced
to the chief priests and elders of Israel, “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation
bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Matthew 21:43) Immediately prior to that statement He told them the same
thing in the parable of the vineyard, there holding up a mirror to their motives and actions (verses 33-41). Many
of the priests, and some Pharisees, did turn to Him.
We look now at the “identity theft” spoken of earlier, which, amazingly, is abetted by some in the Community
of Messiah, God’s authentic “holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9).
On May 14, 1948, descendants of those Jews who were declared no longer people of Israel by Messiah (and by
the word of Moses) declared themselves a sovereign nation in the land of Palestine, to be called the State of
Israel. Those Jews who denominated themselves thus, had for 2,000 years maintained their identity as Jews
through subjection to rabbinic teaching devolved from the first century Pharisees, who were, in the main, the
leaders of the apostasy from – and rebellion against – the God of Israel, and His appointed King. This stealing
the name only God may give is an act of unbridled defiance.
I hear many Christians declaiming from various prophetic Scriptures and schemas that the Jewish state is still
God’s Israel, and they go quite on about it, overlooking – or avoiding – the foundational decree on the matter.
But God’s decree stands eternal: A Prophet shall the LORD your God raise up…Him shall ye hear in all things
whatsoever He shall say unto you.
He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His
own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the
sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. [Jesus said,]…I have not spoken of Myself, but the
Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I
know that His commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said
unto Me, so I speak. (John 1:10-12; 12:49, 50)
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto My [the Father’s] words which He shall speak
in My name, I will require it of him.
Whoever abides in the word and Spirit of the King of Israel partakes of His identity and Kingdom, be they Jew
or Gentile. Any others who call themselves Israelites, on any other basis, will answer for this identity theft –
this stealing of that which belongs to God – on the Day that is coming quickly. Do not support them in their
grievous delusion and sin!
Commentary Upon The Book Of Genesis, by John Calvin, on 32:28
Further references on this wise: Deut. 4:2, 3; Lev. 7:21, 25, 27; 18:29; 19:8; 20:6; 23:29, 30; Num. 9:13;
15:30, 31; 19:13; Psalm 94:23; 101:8; etc.
This is not referring to parents who name their children after Biblical characters, even such as Israel, Jesus,
Moses, etc., which may be a way of honoring heroes of the Faith, and seeking the blessing of their children.
It is the same usage as in Genesis 9:5; 42:22; and 2 Chron. 24:22.
Deuteronomy 18:15, 19.
The Illegitimate Regime
The Orthodox rabbinate issues pronouncements as though it were the ruling authority of a legitimate spiritual
regime, as though it were the arbiter of authentic Judaism. It presumes to render judgment on the validity of
Reformed conversions, the Jewishness of Jews who hold Yeshua (Jesus) to be the Messiah, and on the
Jewishness of children born of marriages where only the father is a Jew (see the piece below, “Of thy sons”),
while it itself is manifestly an illegitimate regime whose authority and rule have been a cancer on the Jewish
To illustrate: The Lawgiver of Judaism pronounced an ironclad guarantee of protection and domestic
tranquility on the Jewish nation if they but pleased the God of Israel, keeping His commandments and loving
Him, yet we have been spewed from the Land to be slaughtered and despised among the nations for 20
centuries, to end in the ditches of Europe and the ovens of Hitler. There can be no doubt at all our rabbis have
led us into the curses of Moses, for it is impossible that the covenant promises of the 28th chapter of the fifth
Book could have failed.
But this does not mean there is no true spiritual government in Israel. The true kingdom of Israel is – and
always has been – a spiritual kingdom under the direction and illumination of its prophets and faithful
priesthood. In rebellion the rabbinic school set up a counterfeit government, establishing it through
intimidation, deception and murder. The record of this war between the prophetic and rabbinic schools is the
subject of much of the Scriptures. It is written in blood, as it was the hunted prophets who wrote most of them.
Isaiah warned, “The leaders of this people err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.” (9:16) The truth is
we have followed treasonous leaders in betrayal of our King, and we have reaped their destruction.
The true spiritual government of Israel has not perished, but has thrived – albeit apart from the Land. And
while the royal scepter has lit up the nations, the rabbis still gnash their teeth and seek to outlaw word of their
King. Now the King of Israel (“who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in
battle!” –Psalm 24:8) has established His outposts back in the ancient nation, and once again they are under fire
from the heavy guns of the Orthodox. Lift up your heads, O you outposts, for His glory fills your house, and He
is mighty to save!
A poet arises in Israel, and he tells a story.
To The Kindly And Gentle
To the kindly and gentle among Jews,
rabbi or not,
you have an offer
of redemption
if your heart yearns for the true God
more than the honor of men
for the day of His vengeance nears
in its fulness (we have known
this vengeance two millennia
in part)
but now is the time
to avail ourselves of mercy
from the Son of David
High Priest after the order
of Melchizedek
and the blood of sprinkling
He offers
will avail to the cleansing
of your souls
for His sacrifice is a sweet savor
to the Almighty
—run to Him! He is mighty
to save
and you know His voice
when you hear it
and He knows yours
who are loved by Him.
The time is now short
for the end is near
seek Him!
THE GOD OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE: For my family and friends
Some of us don’t believe in God, and some may but think He is far off and not involved in our lives, while yet
others do believe He is involved and are very religious, yet they follow the teachings of men and not the
teachings God Himself gave, or they discard His continuing revelation through His prophets.
The stakes are high in this matter, for it is the testimony of Moses and the prophets that there is an afterlife and
the failure to be accepted by God in covenant friendship will bode ill for one’s place in that life to come.
We who are Jews – by blood or by faith – have a heritage and an honor granted to no other ethnic group, that
being, God the Creator spoke through prophets to a people He loved, and these prophets were Jews, and the
people He spoke to were Jews. This is the prime distinctive of the Jewish people, that God favored them by
speaking to them, and made a covenant with them to be their God in this life and in the life after this, not just in
the immaterial heavens, but after the Great Cleansing, on the new earth, where He will dwell with them – as a
father with His children – in what has aptly been called the Kingdom of Glory.
This is the glory of the Jews – also called the Hebrews – that God is their God, and they are His people. There
is a story of a servant who, given envelopes with some papers in them by her employers every birthday, thought
them of little worth, and just kept them tied in a bundle, a little disappointed her employers gave her such
useless gifts, but faithfully served them until her death. When her relatives opened the bundle they found stocks
from the employers’ company worth multiple millions. She died not knowing it. So it is with many of us, we
have been given an inheritance of untold wealth – not mere material wealth as in the story – but wealth of
Shalom, a treasure of eternal well-being far surpassing anything we can conceive.
The very heart of this Shalom is fellowship – actual friendship – with the God of Heaven and earth, not only in
this life, but beyond the grave and after the resurrection of our bodies, into the eternity that is our proper home,
in the kingdom where we will be creatures possessed of an inner peace and glory of being that is our proper
state. Moses told the truth when he related how, although created innocent beings who walked with our
Creator, we fell from this first estate into inner ruin, alienation from Him so profound that many of us no longer
even think He exists, physical decay now the way of our lives, and moral failure – this latter seen especially in
how we fail to keep God’s commandments of love and life, even to the point of not acknowledging them as
from Him.
Some of us don’t think much of Moses, or of the prophets who came after him. In this we are like the servant
who was ignorant of her wealth. The prophets unanimously predicted a great Prophet (capital P!) who was to
come and end the sufferings, the oppression, and especially the controversy – the aforementioned alienation –
between us and our God. The rabbis called him the Messiah, the anointed of God. The prophets said Messiah
would not only come to save the Jews, but would take some of the Gentiles under his wing: he would rule the
entire world, and those who loved him would inherit all that God – whom he called his Father – gave him to
bless his people with.
He – the Messiah – has come and gone (and will come again, as it is written of him). Come from the Father’s
side, and gone back, from where he rules the heaven and earth as appointed by the Father. His is a unique
status. The prophets speak of him often: Micah says of him he is from eternity (5:2); Isaiah speaks of him in
such terms that it sounds like God Himself is among us (9:6); Daniel says of him that he approached the throne
of the Almighty and was given an everlasting kingdom which shall never be destroyed or end (7:13, 14). Moses
himself said that whoever did not listen to this prophet’s words which the LORD (YHWH) gave him would no
longer be included in the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18, 19). Micah, again, said that this Ruler of
the nation would be born in Bethlehem.
Messiah came according to the prophecies concerning him, fulfilling numerous predictions to the minute
letter. He came mighty yet lowly, he was born of a woman, yet God was his Father (Isaiah 7:14), as was also
prophesied. He came, first of all, to reconcile God’s people back to Him, by being the sin-bearer for them – the
Lamb of God he was called – so that God would no longer count their sins against them. Levitical sacrifices all
symbolically pointed to this substituting of the innocent for the guilty, as object lessons preparing them for the
true sacrifice Messiah would offer: he would be their Passover, so that all who were sprinkled by his blood
(even as Moses later sprinkled the people and the tabernacle) were purified in God’s eyes, and the Angel of
death passed over them, as in the Exodus. That the Passover blood sprinkled on the lintel and two side posts of
the door makes the sign of the cross – in blood! – is no accident.
One of the great errors we make – a fatal error! – is to think if we are good enough – generous, kind, honest,
and so on – God will accept us. This error is called “self-righteousness, counting on our own goodness to
qualify us for acceptance in His sight, and entrance into Heaven (if we even believe His saying that it’s
real). This is not the righteousness God accepts. It is mere human goodness, and not that absolute moral
perfection He requires for intimate fellowship with Himself, and entrance into His eternal kingdom. So He
gave us another treasure; not only the forgiveness of our sins, but He imputed the moral perfection of Messiah
onto us: Messiah took our place bearing our sins, and gave us his place of perfect standing in the presence of
God. This amounts to a legal gift: the removing the guilt of our sins, and the giving the righteous standing – the
moral merit – of another, God’s Messiah. Isaiah talks of this in the 53rd chapter of his prophecy.
Not that this was an utterly new thing, for God gave this gift to Abraham, counting him righteous simply on the
basis of his faith in God’s promises (Genesis 15:6); and King David found this same forgiveness and
righteousness, as he was a member of that same covenant God made with Abraham and all his (genuinely
believing) seed. He believed, and it was counted as righteousness to him. He did not trust in his own
righteousness! He would not have found favor had he done so.
Now Messiah has come to offer this gift of forgiveness and righteousness in its final and full manifestation, of
which all the other types shown in the Law and the prophets were shadows compared to the realization, the
fulfillment. He is the treasure God has bestowed upon His people.
In the B’rit Chadashah – the New Covenant or Testament – prophesied by Jeremiah (31:31 ff.), this treasure is
revealed. Here are some of these priceless words:
He said he was sent “to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (a), with the warning, “If you do not believe that I
am he [of whom Moses spoke], you shall die in your sins” (b).
To the people he gave this invitation, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest….learn of me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls” (c).
And he gave this promise, “This is the will of Him that sent me, that every one who sees the Son, and believes
in him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” (d).
History tells us that many – but certainly not all – in the Jewish nation rejected him. They were looking for a
different kind of Messiah, a military commander and prince who would free them from the occupation and
oppression of the Roman Empire, and all Gentile domination. They were not looking for a Savior from their
sins, a restorer of them to the heart of God, the true return from exile (which was from the garden of Paradise,
and God’s love)!
Even today in this 21st century the priceless treasure of God to the Jewish people – and He has invited Gentiles
too! – remains available, though often ignored. “The gift of God is eternal life through Messiah Yeshua our
Lord” (e).
All over the world both Jews and Gentiles call out to him whom God made ruler of Heaven and earth, asking
him for forgiveness of all sin, and casting their souls upon his mercy, that he may deliver them from Gehenna,
and to eternal life in his kingdom.
From the throne of power in the heavens he yet speaks; as it is written, “All that the Father gives me shall come
to me, and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out” (f).
This is the treasure and glory of the Jews: such a Savior! Even at death’s door he stands ready to receive all
who look to him. Well it is written of him, he is
“A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel” (g).
Matthew 15:24
John 8:24
Matthew 11:28, 29
John 6:40
Romans 6:23
John 6:37
Luke 2:32
Of thy sons
If, as maintained by some, Ezra declared that children of Gentile mothers and Jewish fathers were not Jews,
how passed the royal seed through the Moabitish womb of Ruth eight centuries before? Ezra did not in fact say
this, but, reiterating Moses (Deut 7:1-4), said, “Do not give your daughters to their sons, nor take their
daughters to your sons...” (Ezra 9:12). The issue was polluting themselves with the demonic worship and filthy
practices of pagan mothers or fathers – particularly of the seven forbidden nations – though in this instance the
trespass involved only pagan women and their offspring. One could sooner wring milk from a stone than a
doctrine of matrilineal descent out of this account!
Did not the sons of Moses have a Gentile mother? Yet they were accounted not only Jews but Levites (1 Chr
23:14-15; 26:24), a matter strictly of their father’s blood lineage. For lineage in ancient Israel could pass
directly and solely from father to son, regardless of whether or not a Gentile mother converted. Else the royal
line of the seed of Judah would have been broken a number of times (we will not consider Tamar, mother of
Pharez, due to its antiquity). We have already considered Ruth, mother of Obed, “the father of Jesse, the father
of David, king of Judah and Israel.” And Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, who succeeded his father as king of
Judah, his mother was Naamah the Ammonitess. Rehoboam could never have become king through conversion
– either his or his mother’s – but only through the royal blood lineage of his father. Consider also the wicked
Athaliah, daughter of Jezebel of Tyre, was not her son, Ahaziah, king over Judah and father of what Scripture
calls “the seed royal”? But we know from Moses that only a true Israelite may sit as king: “From among thy
brethren shalt thou set one king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.”
(Deut 17:15) Do you say men disobeyed God in having Rehoboam and Ahaziah kings over Judah? Ahijah the
prophet declared the word of the LORD otherwise: “Unto [Solomon's] son [Rehoboam] will I give one tribe,
that David My servant may have a light always before Me in Jerusalem...” (1 Kings 11:36) Do you say Naamah
converted? It is unlikely, considering it was because of Solomon’s – and thus the people’s – worship of the
Ammonite deities (1 Kings 11:4,5,7,8,33), among other false gods, that the kingdom was rent from him. Even
in the dark days of Ahaziah son of Jehoram, the scepter of Judah was “a light always before [Him] in
The promise of the Messiah through David's line was on this wise: “I will raise up thy seed after thee, which
shall be of thy sons...” (1 Chr 17:11). When we accept the doctrine of matriarchal descent only – a teaching
conceived in the perilous Galut – we defer to a renegade rabbinate over the word of our God. Yet we who
know Him and His word know lineage may come through father or mother, even to understanding the unique
and unparalleled birth of Messiah, our Immanuel.
Lest I be directed to Lawrence Schiffman's work on the subject, Who Was A Jew? Rabbinic and Halakhic
Perspectives on the Jewish-Christian Schism (KTAV, Hoboken, NJ 1985), I would like to point out some of the
flaws in the work which render it invalid from my point of view.
I hold as false the presupposition that Rabbinic (aka Orthodox) Judaism is the rightful claimant to the seat of
authority over Jewish spiritual life. Its history as recipient of the Mosaic woes meted upon the disobedient and
disfavored ought to be clear evidence even through the deceptive spin constructed by centuries and centuries of
rabbis. Its opponent, and rightful heir to the spiritual scepter, Prophetic – aka Messianic – Judaism, is alive and
well, despite its being clouded over during the time of its life amidst the Gentiles. And there are now godly
Gentiles reckoned among Israel’s princes.
And now the true princes of the house of Israel arise and take their stand against the pretenders. This is not
“missionary activity” or “conversion tactics,” it is bringing to the fore – to public awareness – the ancient
warfare between the prophetic and rabbinic schools, in its modern phase. We will not be drowned out by the
spin-masters who would deny us our place among the people.
We repudiate the foundational premises of Dr. Schiffman's book, which he states at the outset: “the research
presented here will be based largely on tannaitic [i.e., Pharisaic, Rabbinic] evidence...” One of the reasons he
gives to justify this goes as follows, “...by the time Judaism and Christianity made their final break, it was the
tannaitic tradition which was almost completely representative of the Jewish community in Palestine and, to a
great extent, of that segment of the Diaspora which remained loyal to its ancestral faith” (p. 5). He elaborates
on this “ancestral faith” later, when talking of converts to Rabbinic Judaism: “[the convert], like the people of
ancient Israel, must accept not only the laws of the Torah, but also the Rabbinic interpretation or oral Law
which, in the view of the tannaim, was given at Sinai as well” (p. 38).
Now it is this so-called “oral Law...given at Sinai” which forms the basis and foundation of the Talmud, and of
the halakhah, the Jewish legal system that typifies Rabbinic Judaism.
But there is no evidence in the Hebrew Scriptures to support the existence of this “oral Law...given at Sinai,”
while there is ample evidence to refute it. The story of Josiah king of Judah is one such example. Having
received the throne after his grandfather, Manasseh, and father, Amon (who was slain by his servants), Josiah
was eight years old when he began to reign, and when he was sixteen he began to seek after God, and soon
thereafter started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of its idol-worship, yet it was not until he was twenty-six (in
approximately 621 B.C.E.) that the book of the law of the LORD given by Moses was found hidden in the
temple, and evidently lost a long time. When the young king heard the words of the law he rent his clothes,
saying, “...great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word
of the LORD, to do all that is written in this book” (2 Chronicles 34:19,21). God was pleased with Josiah for
his tender and obedient heart. It was the written Law and not any fictitious oral law which renewed the king
and the people before God. Listen to the Scripture: “And the king went up into the house of the LORD, and all
the men of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests, and the Levites, and all the people, great
and small: and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the
LORD. And the king stood in his place, and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and
to keep His commandments, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to
perform the words of the covenant which are written in this book” (v. 30,31).
Make no mistake, we recognize the oral tradition of commentary and exposition that began around the time of
Ezra the priest and scribe, when he read from the book of the law before all the people, and those under Ezra's
direction “caused the people to understand the law...” and “they read in the book of the law of God distinctly,
and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading” (Nehemiah 8:7,8). Down the generations this
teaching was memorized in an unbroken tradition, with the rabbis of each generation adding their own
By the time of Yeshua this oral tradition was vast, and not all of it in accord with the Scripture it was supposed
to illumine. When Yeshua, whose Torah was to be the fulfilling and superseding of the Mosaic Torah, saw the
violence done to Moses and the prophets, He critiqued and reproved the Pharisees, which earned Him their
undying hatred, save for those among them whose hearts were open to His light. The B’rit Chadashah (New
Covenant) tells the story of all these things, for those of you likewise open to Him who is the glory and crown
of Israel.
This “oral tradition” and the Talmud of the rabbis, for all that may be meritorious in it, has been a bane to us
Jews, for it keeps the people from the plain and fresh reading of the word of God. We sound more like Roman
Catholics than Jews, who must get their food from their priests and their understanding from the traditions of
the Church! We are called “People of the Book,” but we do not know the Book we are the people of, for a wall
of rabbinic learning has been placed between us and our God, as though we were too “slow” to understand for
ourselves! And how many of us know the urgent warning of Isaiah our prophet, when he said, “The leaders of
this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed” (Isaiah 9:16)? Do we not think he
spoke to such a time as this? (As this sort of time has been upon us often!)
Josiah needed no oral law, for there was nothing he needed but the law of the LORD in the Book.
Schiffman is a scholar of the Rabbinic school, an enemy of the prophetic school. The fact of the matter is, the
laws of the tannaim, while they kept the portion of the Jewish nation who apostatized from Messiah and
believing Israel intact and self-regulating during their horrid exile, these laws violate and curse the prophetic
faith of Israel, and they revile the King of the prophets, the Lord Yeshua, who was a light to the Gentiles, as
Isaiah prophesied, and is now come to challenge the pretenders in Israel, seeing the time of the Gentiles nears
its end, and a perhaps final gathering in of elect Israel is at hand (for the days darken greatly).
The contest between our two schools enters a new phase: we declare that we have assumed the spiritual rule
and care over the spiritual house of Israel in the name of Yeshua Messiah. A people will be called from the
midst of the State of Israel and international Jewry to receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life, adoption into the
royal line of David through cleaving to David’s greater Son, the one whom David confessed as Lord, Adoni
(Psalm 110), and these people shall never die (though their bodies may till the great resurrection), greatly
beloved of the Most High, willing to suffer for His name.
Read the B’rit Chadashah (New Covenant) the Hebrew prophet Jeremiah foretold would be given us (Jeremiah
31:31 ff). Cleave to the prophets of God, and to God Himself; renounce the rabbis of unfaithful men.
Unbelieving Israel has a sharp mind, but an empty heart void of the presence of the living God, without whom
we are but zombies, the living dead, however agile of mind and glorious of skin-covering we appear. Dead
meat, whitewashed over with religious – or as is the case with many, secular – paint.
Read of your Messiah, O Israel, even amid the uproar and clamor of His enemies, whose hatred of Him is no
less now than it was then. Just listen to them.
Read of Him, and of His covenant. It is given first for the Jew, and then for the Gentile. Make up your own
minds. Don’t listen only to the rabbinic school of faith (which has led us into so much bitter, abysmal grief and
blood), listen as well to the prophetic; examine for yourselves the outlawed King and His words; see if He is
what they say, or if they lie. See for yourself – it is your soul on the line, an eternal line! There is no Israelite
finer than He! And He now King of Israel, and gatekeeper to eternal New Jerusalem which shall manifest after
the Resurrection and great Day of Judgment.
Have not Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah been grafted into the spiritual faith of Israel, from
which flows the river of eternal life to all nations? Much folly arises from failure to distinguish between the
rabbinic and the prophetic traditions of faith in Israel.
I would highly recommend Michael L. Brown’s 5-volume, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (he is a Jew),
for a thorough discussion of the many issues. I won’t recommend his other works on doctrine as in those he
falls far short of his excellence on matters Jewish.
beyond the science fiction and fantasy tales
of our time: the demon powers themselves
have established a stronghold
– an ancient and mightily fortified position –
in the Orthodox Jewish religious world,
and like a cult spins spells of deception,
teaching illusions are reality,
but unlike a cult
this demonic entrenchment almost rules a nation
and is committed (and this is the horror)
to the spiritual genocide of that nation
far more viciously
than any of its earthly enemies are
to its physical destruction.
The terrible irony: pretending to be holy seers
(and believing it themselves)
the rabbinate and company
are in actuality
deceived emissaries from Hell,
fellow laborers with Satan
for the destruction of the Jewish state
and all Jewish people.
This spiritual/political situation began
some 2000 years ago
when the priests, teachers, and rulers in Israel
sided with the demonic realm
and its foul prince
against the God of Heaven.
They were blind to the evil
of their own hearts and actions
– so hardened were they –
but they handed the nation over
to the devil
It is now time
to throw off the yoke
of the imposters and their demons
and give the nation back
to the God
of Israel.
I’m glad I saw the Star Wars movies
‘cause one gets an idea
of fighting against the odds
in a mythic world
of amazing powers and weapons
Afar off I see the Orthodox embattlements
flying the Star of David,
but how weird it is
there is no light of God at all
in that great and fortified death-star
It purports to be holy and of God
but is itself deceived, and deceiving,
a horror spinning a spell
blinding multitudes to the true God
and killing those who oppose them
The worst is
they believe in themselves
unaware they are tools of demons
destroying faith in Him
who is Champion of Israel
So I ponder this dark sphere
bristling with evil powers and weapons
as it lays waste multitudes
and gathers them in the devil’s net,
mighty, but vulnerable.
A wise man scales the city of the mighty
and casts down the strength
of the confidence thereof.
Grant it to be so, Lord,
show how the assault is to be made
That Your light penetrate the sphere
and shine glorious within
exposing all dark ways and thoughts
and capture with Your love
all those who love Your Spirit
destroying the dark star
of lying Orthodoxy,
bringing to the dust its false ways,
leaving only the sons & daughters of God standing
in the Shekinah of Yeshua’s face.
There is an ancient plot of land in Jerusalem the Jews call the Temple Mount, while the Muslims call it
(and the building on it) Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary), aka, the Dome of the Rock. A journalist recently
said of this place, “That is the epicenter of Jewish-Arab tension in this land since the beginning of the national
The back cover of this journalist’s book on the subject reads, “Here nationalism combines with
fundamentalist faith in a volatile brew. Members of the world’s three major monotheistic faiths—Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam—hold this spot to be the key to salvation as they await the end of the world, and struggle
to fulfill conflicting religious prophecies with dangerous political consequences.”[b]
The matter before us now concerns the Christians. A great block of them agree with certain fundamentalist
Jews that the Temple must be rebuilt on this piece of land, and the Muslim mosque which stands there now —
the third holiest shrine in Islam — must come down, one way or another. For these particular Christians, the
imagined scenario is: the church will be raptured out[c], the Antichrist will be revealed, and the Tribulation
period will commence; after three and a half years the Antichrist will proclaim himself God from the rebuilt
Temple precincts, and in another three and a half years the Lord Jesus will return, fight Armageddon, and His
Millennial (thousand year) reign over the earth from Jerusalem will commence, and after this eternity proper
will ensue. Thus saith the Left Behind books and the Dispensationalist teachers!
There is no room to refute these latter here (the interested reader is referred to a couple of books for this,
one brief[d], one comprehensive[e]), but we will look at some vital Biblical principles involved: a) Where is the
Jerusalem in which God’s Temple is located? b) Where is the Israel in which God Himself dwells, in great
power? And, c) What is the Temple God is building?
We know there are two Jerusalems: the apostle Paul puts it like this, “…Jerusalem which now is…is in
bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.”[f] Elsewhere
the Scripture speaks of “the heavenly Jerusalem”[g], and “the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from
God out of Heaven.”[h]
Is there a Temple in the Jerusalem above? The 21st chapter in Revelation tells us “the Lord God Almighty
and the Lamb are the temple of it.”[i] Is not the Temple with which Jesus’ brothers and sisters have to do this
very one? For Scripture says, “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem…and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that
speaketh better things than that of Abel.”[j] Do we not now “enter into the holiest”[k], and is not our mercy seat
the very “throne of grace”[l] where mercy is lavished on those sprinkled with that precious blood?
If we have so great a salvation, the substance of which was only shadowed by the great types of the old
covenant, why do we deceive the Jews, supporting their dreams of a paltry temple built of crumbling stones,
and in which the blood of animals will be shed once again, which cannot cleanse their souls, thus ensuring their
entrance into Hell? Do you think this is God’s agenda? The plumbline of discernment is this, “He that hath the
Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.”[m] Whatever prophetic or covenantal scenarios
may be thought up, that standard determines the eternal destiny of men. Everyone who dies outside of Messiah,
the High Priest of the everlasting Temple, perishes in the Gehenna of souls.
Why are we hiding from the Jews the proclamation of the true Temple, the true blood of sprinkling? Not
only are the Christian supporters of the mock temple enemies of the Jews, foisting upon these lost souls their
own agenda, they are enemies of the Arabs, as they incite the Jews to war upon them, also hinting that to
destroy the Dome of the Rock would not be a bad idea, and as they do these things they utterly disgrace the
name of the only One who can give eternal life to the Arab world. The Jews and Arabs are thus made
expendable pawns as these Christians attempt to manipulate into actuality their version of the Apocalypse!
(Please note: not all followers of Christ are of this ilk!)
Christians! Reason this out. Do you not know that the Temple of the living God is also here in this world
now? By virtue of our union with Christ — made one body with Him[n] — His people, along with Him, are now
considered the temple of God. Speaking of the Gentiles (Arabs as well!) being included into “the household of
God”[o] — which Paul identifies moments earlier as “the commonwealth of Israel”[p] — he says of these two
peoples in Christ, they are, “an holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation
of God through the Spirit.”[q] The Jews and the Gentiles in Christ are the household of God, His Israel, and His
temple. Paul says it again: “for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and
walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”[r]
The apostle Peter puts it this way, “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”[s] Why do we not proclaim that
the God of Israel is building a great house — His Temple — stone by living stone? What do you think Paul
meant when he spoke of provoking the Jews to jealousy, if it is not this very thing? There is a great celebration
going on in the nearly completed Temple! Can we not call both Jew and Arab to come in? Can we not tell them
that to build upon the tears, sweat, and blood of those in Palestine is an affront to God, for upon His own blood,
His own tears and sweat, He built a Temple eternal in the Heavens, and which He shall bring to earth after the
great resurrection, with abundance of shalom for all those blessed to be in that glorious Kingdom?
The true Jerusalem for the Christian is the heavenly; the true temple is the Lord Jesus and those living
stones built into Him; the true Israel is that Representative and King descended from the patriarch of that name
— the only One now worthy of the name[t] — and that community, that nation, which cleaves to Him, even
becoming part of His body. Those of Jewish blood living in the Jewish state need to hear these things! They
need to hear of Israel’s true and eternal return from exile in Messiah — or they perish! Why not tell them of the
joy the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has prepared for those who return to Him in these last days? What?
Have we been so saturated with the “blood and guts” of Hollywood’s “modern warriors” and “heroes” that we
impose this conquest-through-violence on the kingdom of Christ? Beware, for those who live by violence —
and incite others to it — shall die by it.
If these things be true – and a Reformed hermeneutic supports it – why do we not simply stand for the
vision of Christ, holding forth the Kingdom He proclaimed, a kingdom not of this world? At least not yet of this
world, as the day is coming when the new earth will contain only His kingdom, a kingdom of such glory and
wonder we can barely imagine it.
But instead of this, Christians, why do you persist in fomenting the bloodshed between two peoples we are
called to serve in love and illumine with the light of Messiah? You do the Jewish state (it is not worthy the
name Israel) the gravest injustice in failing to call it to repentance. And you do the Arab world as grave an
injustice by urging the Jews on in their aggression. How many of you know of Israel Shahak’s book, Open
Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies, where he tells how close Moshe Dayan (then Commander-inChief of the Jewish Armed Forces) came to using nuclear weapons against Syria in 1973, declaring “the Syrian
cities of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Latakia should be obliterated.” He was only stopped by Golda Meir and
Henry Kissinger (pages, 39, 48, 49). And then there is what the Jewish military calls “the last-minute option,”
which could be used in the event the Jewish state is being defeated by means of conventional warfare, and
consists of “a devastation by nuclear weapons of a considerable number of Arab urban centres and such crucial
installations as the Aswan Dam (whose destruction was envisaged in Israel before 1973).” (page 38)[u]
The “light of the world” you are urging the Jewish state to be is the light of nuclear holocaust upon its
neighbors, an abomination you are supporting in the name of Christ. This “Christian” influence pushing for a
conflagration of violence in the Middle East comes mostly from America.
In your deceiving the world about what “being Israel” means — this very heart of the issue of salvation! —
do you think you will continue in this with impunity, putting the world at such awful risk with your hardhearted delusion and blindness? You might unwittingly err in your distorting the prophecies, but your eyes are
wide open to see the consequences and cost in terms of human suffering. May God silence you.
a “Jerusalem Holy Site a Tense Crossroads Again,” by James Bennet, NYTimes.com article, August 29, 2003.
b The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, by Gershom Gorenberg (Oxford
Univ. Press, 2002). From the back cover.
c Some other Dispensational views have the church raptured — taken to Heaven — during or after the
d An Examination of Dispensationalism, by William E. Cox (Presbyterian and Reformed Publ. Co., 1963)
e Wrongly Dividing The Word Of Truth: A Critique Of Dispensationalism, by John H. Gerstner (Soli Deo
Gloria Pub., 2000)
f Galatians 4:25, 26
g Hebrews 12:22
h Revelation 21:2
i Revelation 21:22
j Hebrews 12:22, 24
k Hebrews 10:19
l Hebrews 4:16
m 1 John 5:12
n 1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 4:15, 16; 5:29, 30
o Ephesians 2:18
p Ephesians 2:12
q Ephesians 2:21, 22
r 2 Corinthians 6:16
s 1 Peter 2:5
t Genesis 32:28, “as a prince hast thou power with God and with men.” Isaiah 49:3 (cf 49:1-3, 5-10)
u Another shocking and revealing book by Shahak is, Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel (Pluto Press, 1999)
Mark Of The Christian
This is the mark Islamists use
to mark where the Christians live
so as to plunder and ravage them
The Arabic letter is ن, a nūn, for Nasara / Nasari,
which is the Qur’an’s word for Christians: Nazarene
The mark usually means
the Nazarene Prophet Himself lives in that house
in union with His beloved
and whoever hurts them
without repenting of it
and seeking His forgiveness
will have to endure an endless suffering
as you do unto others it will be done to you
rape, murder, beheading, all forms of torture
– an eternal torment –
we do not deny Him to whom
Mohammed will bow the knee
and all other supposed prophets
who led the multitudes astray
You will surely contest our testimony today
(except the Nazarene show you undeserved favor!)
and we are willing to die without shedding your blood
as He is the Prince of peace
and true Prophet of Allah
(the “Allah” of Mohammed
a false one, an evil spirit)
And when you see Jesus coming
you shall scream and run
for it will be all over with you
forever in torment – but
for the moment there is mercy offered
to whomever desires forgiveness and eternal life
it is for this, for love of you we speak true.
The Intransigence of the Rabbis
One of you Messianic Jews has said,
“I believe the intransigence of the rabbis has only been deepened by the blatant anti-Semitism and
persecution of what has been called ‘the Church’ (whether such were believers or not is another issue).
How the ground under them would have been cut out had the Jewish people been treated with fervent
love these past 2,000 years!”
And another of you has stated,
“Even though they [the Orthodox Jews] may hate us as believers and tell lies about us and seek to
brainwash the public about us – they are fellow Jews who are acting out a scenario which the Church
has contributed to mightily.”
To which I answer, do you think “the intransigence of the rabbis” could ever be deeper than it was to Yeshua
Himself when He came to them in the spirit of reconciliation:
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be
white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)
and He showed them not merely “2,000 years....of fervent love,” but an infinite and eternally saving love, and
they would not.
Their intransigence was utter from the beginning – it has not deepened. Nor did they just hate Yeshua – they
hated God: “He that hates Me hates My Father also....now they have both seen and hated both Me and My
Father.” (John 15:23,24)
The attitude of the orthodox is not something “the church has contributed to mightily,” but the scenario they act
out was acted out in its pure essence when they first laid eyes on Yeshua and heard His words: “But now you
seek to kill Me, a man that has told you the truth, which I have heard of God....You are of your father, the devil,
and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth....He
that is of God hears God’s words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God.” Summing up their
attitude, He said, “They hated Me without a cause.” (John 8:40,44,47; 15:25) Please, let us not talk of any
“deepening” of their hearts’ obduracy. They loathed and despised both Yeshua and His brethren because they
were not of this world, but of Heaven, and the light they manifested exposed their evil deeds and hearts. (John
I will grant you, the Gentile sector of the Church has sinned grievously, but that was not the cause of the hatred
for Messiah, and to assert so but clouds the matter. The Church had simply (and wickedly) closed the door to
salvation by returning hatred for hatred. And today we have the power and the voice and the wisdom to root out
and destroy this evil in the Church and to expose this venom that still lurks in some churches.
If the One “who works all things after the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11) and who has said, “My counsel
shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,” (Isaiah 46:10) had determined that the scattered nation under wrath
and judgment “had...been treated with fervent love these past 2,000 years” it would surely have been done, for
who can stay His hand and thwart His will? And did He not say, “When a man’s ways please the LORD, He
makes even his enemies to be at peace with him?” (Proverbs 16:7)
But this was not God’s will for treasonous and impenitent Israel. After the offer of cleansing in Isaiah 1, He
“But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath
spoken it.” (Isaiah 1:20)
Jeremiah has the LORD referring back to the covenant with Moses:
“....they obeyed not nor inclined their ear, but walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart:
therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do; but they
did them not.” (11:8)
And that covenant, with the blessings and curses thereof enumerated in Deuteronomy 28, depicts literally what
has befallen us Jews who violated Moses by murdering the Prophet he announced and commended in 18:18 and
19 of that same book. And we know also how Peter warned the people from these very verses in his sermon in
Acts 3:22, 23. (And yes, it is clear from the Scripture the Gentiles were a party to the murder of Yeshua, but I
am dealing here with us Jews, not the Gentiles.)
And now, after such great and terrible affliction as has culminated in the 20th and the 21st centuries, and has
plowed up and broken the hearts of so many living Jews, it is no time to be faint of heart and fuzzy of mind in
proclaiming to them in the prophetic spirit the Cause and Effect of their astonishing and breath-taking history.
That may be too strong a saying
for some of you
but is it not the truth?
Have not the children of the King’s murderers
– those whom He called
children of the devil –
retained the spiritual scepter
even to this day?
Did we not for a price
sell the crown and hope and glory
of Israel
into the hands of the dark lord,
who murdered Him?
And was not the price for which
we sold the LORD from Heaven
the retaining of our authority and power
and employment
as the religious rulers of the nation?
This was our thirty pieces of silver
and we are still cashing in
on this blood currency.
And do we not now oppress Messiah’s brethren
with violence, bloodshed and censorship,
even seeking to make their holy faith
against the law of the land?
An alien regime indeed
wields such a foul scepter,
whose capital is Gehenna
and has the rabbinate
in Satan’s pocket.
It is an illegitimate spiritual regime
not recognized
by the ambassadors of Heaven
and princes of the true Israel.
With regard to the church’s – both Gentiles and Messianics – attitude to Orthodox Jewry, and their suppression
of the saving knowledge of Messiah among their countrymen, I think we have been stricken with a theological
malaise called sovereignitis, wherein we overlook and excuse the role and responsibility of men because of our
knowledge of the overriding sovereignty of God. I am applying this to the present where the most horrible
crimes of spiritual genocide are committed against a people and we are of a mind to “respect the dignity” of the
perpetrators because they are clergy or religious. And we get all theological about it and dress the horror of it
with verses from Romans so that it even looks sort of Biblical, whereas in reality it far outstrips the horror of
Herod’s butchering Bethlehem’s little lambs before their mothers. Those whom Messiah denounced as sealing
off the door of the kingdom to others (Luke 11:52, Matt 23:13), pronouncing divine woes upon them, we want
to have a more nuanced view of them, granting them a Biblical dignity, while the screams of their victims
resound through the corridors of Hell, and those still in the world soak the ground with their tears and their
The Evil Shepherds
The shepherds of a flock, when called by the owner to account, slew him, and fled into the wilderness with
the sheep. The owner’s kin saved a few of the sheep and raised up a new flock.
The evil shepherds, after many centuries in the wilderness of blood and slaughter, came back to the spacious
pasture-lands of the former owner, declaring they were now (and always) the rightful owners, and by right
could live off the flock and rule the land.
When the descendants of the true owner stood up in the midst of their own small flocks on their ancestor’s
land, and spoke against the ancient murder and the ancient theft – with its modern continuation of the crime in
the present-day land – the false owners, believing their own lies after so many centuries, denounced the true kin
and owners and sought to outlaw them from the land and destroy their flocks (as their sheep would not listen to
the wicked shepherds’ voices).
If you be worthy of the name
you will hold truth
above country
and all things in the world
even love
(especially love!)
at issue between us is the name
– a priceless spiritual property –
you call your state,
a blood-soaked land
of bloody, wicked souls, a mockery
of the patriarch, and He who gave him the name,
the two wrestlers at Peniel
the prince that had power with God
and men, and his Maker,
two parties
to Abraham’s covenant
of blood
fulfilled in Messiah
– who took the covenant curse himself
though innocent
to free you from it
whose Father raised him again –
who divided the children
of said Israel
into the true
and the false –
who bowed the knee, and not
and took the kingdom away
from both land
and flesh
to a realm of spirit
– the name taken there too –
till the whole earth be the kingdom.
You poets of the Jewish state
forfeit the honor of your calling
as poets and seers
if you know not these things
if you toe the line
of devil and company
refusing fealty to the Heir of all
Abraham’s and Judah’s riches
the scepter, oracles, land, kingdom, blessing
of Messiah, and yourselves cast out
with the refuse of the nations
to wallow in blood and ignominy
en route to Gehenna, imposter Israel.
may be a proper tag
when talking of Arthur
or Middle Earth,
but we talk history
speaking of a crown
from ancient lineage
and supernatural birth
of course worldview may screen
facts from truth,
calling ancient records
myths, not allowing
God in his universe;
but it remains, the crown
himself was actually seen.
There’s a time to turn the other cheek
and there’s a time to smite
with all the power of God
in the weapons of spiritual warfare
words that hit like a hammer
words that raze as fire
and words that enter the heart and mind
as a two-edged blade
all of which are energized
by the Spirit of the Highest
to accomplish what they purpose:
the casting down of strong enemy holds.
When a demon takes the field
– I care not if he wears the yarmulke
of a rabbi, or the collar of a priest
or the title of a pastor –
in the global arena of consciousness
where the mighty in spirit vie
for the ascendancy,
I fight as did David’s mighty men
to the death, for honor, for love
of the King, to vanquish the demonic spells
without quarter: as David had his mighty men,
Jesus has His.
Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from
you, and given unto a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.1
–Jesus, to the chief priests and the elders of Israel 2
I actually don’t like that term – “replacement theology” – as it’s a misnomer, and it’s in the title in quotes as
what others say. The church hasn’t replaced Israel. Israel has never been replaced. But Messiah Yeshua did
reconstitute and redefine it according to His Torah [law, instruction]. Why should not the King set His nation
in order, according to His good pleasure? We’ll look at that in a moment. But first let’s consider some of the
things that are being said about so-called “replacement theology,” for this is what some folks presume to call
what Jesus Himself did. An article in an issue of Messianic Times had the following title and statements:
“In deep shame and contrition we come before the Almighty and merciful God to confess the crimes and
injustices perpetrated against the Jewish people down through the centuries, for which the Christian
Church bears heavy responsibility.”
The article continued,
Christians officially repented for the Holocaust, the Crusader’s destruction in the Middle Ages, the
accusations and persecution during the Black Death, the practice of segregating Jews, the forced
baptisms, the false accusations of ritual murder and conspiracy, the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms,
and replacement theology.3
Repentance is appropriate for all those things save one, the so-called “replacement theology.” What the
Germans mentioned in the article, and the Messianic Jews who publish Messianic Times mean by that term is
this: the doctrine that the Christian Church is now the beneficiary of all the promises and blessings given to
national Israel during the Old Testament era, with national, ethnic, Israel now disowned and disinherited; and to
say it that way, without any qualification, betrays Biblical precision, rendering the statement inaccurate. It
sounds quite different to say, the Ekklesia4 (gathered assembly) of Messiah Yeshua is heir to the blessings
promised to Old Testament Israel, and is in God’s eyes that Israel, while renegade “Israel after the flesh” – who
disowned the Messiah (and expelled Him from the world), has no status before Him other than one more nation
of the world.
A friend sent me another article from The Spectator (UK) 16 February 2002:
It was one of those sickening moments when an illusion is shattered and an ominous reality laid bare. I
was among a group of Jews and Christians who met recently to discuss the Churches’ increasing public
hostility to Israel. The Jews were braced for a difficult encounter. After all, many British Jews (of
whom I am one) are themselves appalled by the destruction of Palestinian villages, targeted
assassinations and other apparent Israeli overreactions to the Middle East conflict.
But this debate never took place. For the Christians said that the Churches’ hostility had nothing to do
with Israel's behaviour towards the Palestinians. This was merely an excuse. The real reason for the
growing antipathy, according to the Christians at that meeting, was the ancient hatred of Jews rooted
deep in Christian theology and now on widespread display once again.
A doctrine going back to the early Church fathers, suppressed after the Holocaust, had been revived
under the influence of the Middle East conflict. This doctrine is called replacement theology. In
essence, it says that the Jews have been replaced by the Christians in God’s favour, and so all God’s
promises to the Jews, including the land of Israel, have been inherited by Christianity.5
This will give the reader new to the controversy an idea of what is being said against so-called replacement
theology. And be assured a lot hangs on the outcome of this controversy! As this article says, the very
legitimacy of the Jewish state as a prophetic fulfillment is in the balance. For if its existence is found not to be a
fulfilling of Biblical prophecy, then it is just another nation of the world, at best.
It needs to be said, people should not equate the Roman Catholic organization with Christians or the Christian
Church. It is fair to say the Roman Catholics killed as many evangelical or Protestant Christians as they did
Jews and Muslims! Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world,”6 and on the face of it that disqualifies Rome
– according to its own claims – from being Messiah’s community.
Regarding the use of the term “replacement theology,” someone tried to define it as follows:
If we count Messianic Jews as Christians, and we include Gentile Christians in “Israel” (as seems consistent
with this passage [Galatians 6:16, “the Israel of God”]), then Israel means Christians rather than Jews (that
don't accept Jesus) – though Paul does not say it that way. We take this to be ‘replacement theology’.
And there are indeed people who think this, and use the proverb, “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a
duck...etc.” However, in this case the creature does not have the DNA of a duck, notwithstanding its
appearance from a cursory glance. Precision of language is of the utmost importance here. Perhaps another
way of saying it would be that what is called “the church” is not in essence a Gentile entity: the ekklesia —
although it has wrongly been de-Judaized conceptually — is a Jewish entity according to the Scripture, as I will
demonstrate. I have no problem with its being de-Judaized in terms of ceremonial and traditional trappings, in
fact I would insist on it in locations that are not culturally Jewish.
The Biblical data demands a certain understanding, and to do violence to that data constitutes – how shall I put
it? – contradicting God to His face, much as impetuous Peter did when he sought to prevent the Lord Jesus from
laying down His life for His sheep.7 As noted in the heading, Jesus told the chief priests and the rulers He was
taking the Kingdom of God from them – national Israel – and giving it to another nation. They themselves had
passed this judgment on the wicked husbandmen Jesus told them of in the parable spoken only moments earlier:
those who slew the son – the heir – to gain the inheritance of the vineyard – Israel – would themselves be
“miserably destroyed” and the vineyard let out to other husbandmen.8
Everything of God pertaining to the old Israel would be transferred out and into the Israel Jesus would establish:
the Temple would now be His body; Torah would be His word, both directly and by His apostles; the Shekinah
– the glory – would be the Holy Spirit indwelling the new Temple – His body; the Sabbath would be the rest in
Him (different views exist regarding this), and the true Israel would be whatever He said it would be. Let us
look at that a moment.
He very clearly announced there would be a change in the status of Israel – it, as God’s kingdom, would be
taken from the present nation and given to another. It would no longer be God’s kingdom, neither would it be
worthy of the appellation, Israel, which means “a prince of God,” nor of the blessing given in that name: “Thy
name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men…” 9
The foretold days of terrible darkness came when the rulers and chief priests allied themselves with the prince
of demons, and against the God of Israel, and did as the Prophet plainly foretold in His parable mentioned
Who will dare accuse me of being anti-Jewish for telling this truth? It was my own house – the house of Levi –
that bore false witness against the King. Telling the truth ever was unpopular in ancient Israel – witness the
prophets! – and is so even now in modern Jewry, admittedly the children of the Pharisees.10
Then Jesus, after He rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, directed
the apostle Peter in his sermon to the nation to speak on this wise:
For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren,
like unto me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass,
that every soul, which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.11
At that particular moment, by bringing to bear the word and warning of God through the ancient Lawgiver of
Israel, restated again at the time of its fulfillment, God cleft the nation in two, those “destroyed from among the
people” – cut off from the nation Israel – and those who were grafted into the new Israel being reconstituted by
its King. This grafting in was according to their cleaving to Messiah in faith, trusting Him – and the Father
through Him – to be their God, obeying His call to them to return from the long exile, to repent and believe in
the Son of His love, and to receive forgiveness of their sins, individually and as a nation, and inherit the
Kingdom prepared for them by Him, according to His covenant promise to the fathers.
So many images leap out from Scripture to tell this story. John the Baptist said this:
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose
shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: whose fan is in
His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and gather the wheat into the garner; but He will burn
up the chaff with unquenchable fire.12
Is not the “wheat” that of Israel which repented and cleaved to Him, and continued to bear the name Israel, and
the “chaff” that of Israel which were, as He said, “not of My sheep,”13 who opposed Him, and were cut off from
His nation?
When the aged Simeon saw the infant Jesus in the Temple he said to Mary, “Behold, this child is set for the fall
and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against….that the thoughts of many
hearts may be revealed.”14 This is but another way of saying the same thing: He was coming to gather His true
people to Himself, and turn the others away.
And this newly constituted Israel, with whom He would “confirm the covenant with many for one week”15 (of
years), He then opened – giving this order to His apostles – to the Gentiles. Which Paul described to those in
Ephesus as follows,
Remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is
called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens
from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and
without God in the world…16
The apostle then tells how the Messiah of Israel made them one people with the Jews, through the blood shed
for forgiveness of sins, and His
having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to
make one new man, so making peace; and that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the
cross, having slain the enmity thereby…For through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the
household of God…”17
Exactly how Jesus “abolished in His flesh…the law of commandments” is another study, although it is told in
this and many other passages of Scripture. The point to be emphasized is Paul’s showing how the Gentiles are
now become “fellow-citizens with the [Hebrew] saints, and of the household of God,” still and eternally called
Israel! In the Everlasting Kingdom the Lamb – and the Father – are called “the Temple”18 of it, and the
Celestial City is named “new Jerusalem.”19 The Israel of God is His people.
And Peter described the nation of Messiah in the very terms God described ancient Israel to Moses. First
Now therefore, if ye will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar
treasure to Me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests,
and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.20
But Israel of old did not keep the covenant21 and forfeited the promise – according to the stipulations of the
covenant itself (see Deuteronomy 28), and yet the underlying covenant of promise made to Abraham remained
intact, as Paul showed,
And this I say, that the covenant [with Abraham], that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law,
which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none
In other words, although the Mosaic covenant was broken – revealing the utter sinfulness of humankind, and
our inability to please God in this state – the Abrahamic covenant, also known as the Covenant of Grace,
remained strong, and it was fulfilled in one Israelite (who also rendered a perfect obedience to the Mosaic
covenant), the long-awaited Seed spoken of to our mother Eve, and longed for by the godly since the beginning
of time – Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Zacharias, father of John the Baptist, spoke thusly of this fulfillment,
his son being appointed “the prophet of the Highest”23, to announce Him who Himself had come in the flesh to
deliver His people:
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people, and hath raised up an
horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David; as He spoke by the mouth of His holy
prophets, which have been since the world began: that we should be saved from our enemies, and from
the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember His holy
covenant; the oath which He sware to our father Abraham, that He would grant unto us, that we being
delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness
before Him, all the days of our lives.24
In this prophetic utterance Zacharias foresaw a spiritual fulfillment – involving a return from exile unto their
God – which many in the nation did not see or want. This prophecy was fulfilled in the Israel established by
Messiah, but not in that of Israel which apostatized and was cut off (then destroyed and scattered by Rome) –
the spiritual descendants of which people the modern Jewish state, and world Jewry.
Now Peter, speaking of those who cleaved into Messiah:
To Whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ….ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people…25
The imagery remains consistent: we of the community of Messiah, called living stones, are built up a spiritual
house, called also the commonwealth of Israel (as we have seen), the very house over which Moses ruled during
his time, now ruled over by Jesus,26 comprised of both Jew and Gentile, under Messianic Torah instead of
Mosaic Torah, which new torah has given us the wonderful liberty which characterizes New Covenant spiritual
To repeat the central premise and conclusions put forth here: although this of which I have been speaking is
spoken erroneously and disparagingly of as “replacement theology,” it is in fact a much more precise
designation: the reconstituting of Israel according to Messiah’s separating the wheat from the chaff of them,
and then, after a space, providing entrance to the Gentiles, according to ancient promises of God.
To be sure, those Christians enamored of the modern Zionist political/spiritual agenda (and there is a great
“prophecy industry” with big money at stake!) will not take kindly to the views presented herein. And some of
my countrymen according to the flesh, the Jews, being spiritual heirs of the apostate Pharisees cut off in
Messiah’s winnowing out the chaff, will of course rage at this disinheriting them of both lineage and promise.
This was in part their rage at Messiah Jesus when He said these things to their faces. From among the children
of Abraham He called out His sheep, and those not His sheep did not know His voice – hated His voice! – and
later, adding to their rage against Him and His flock, He called Gentiles into God’s Israel, as He had foretold,
And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and
Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into
outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.27
The modern Jewish state is – in the earthly realm – a place of darkness and weeping, even to this day. The
Messianic Jews in their midst – no matter they err in this business I write of – are the salt of the earth in that
land (along with the Palestinian Christians), and are busy calling God’s people to their Messiah. Only as souls,
great in number or small, repent and believe in Yeshua will they become God’s people, and part of Israel.
Unbelieving Jews, living as a nation in Palestine, are as a nation of the world, under wrath save they repent.
Even widespread repentance there will not make the Jewish state “Israel,” for God has His Israel comprised of
many peoples; such repentance in the Jewish state will only transfer those individuals into Messiah’s ekklesia
(also called the church), a kingdom not of the world, although many of us are still in it.
And to those who object that Jesus calls His community “the Israel of God,”28 why cannot the King of Heaven
and earth do according to all His good pleasure? “Is it not lawful for Me to do what I will with Mine own? Is
thine eye evil, because I am good?” 29
Matthew 21:43
Matthew 21:23
The Messianic Times, Vol. 11, Number 2, Summer 2001 – Jewish Year 5761 (p. 14)
ekklesia, Greek, “from ekkletos, called out…It was a common term for a congregation of the ekkletoi, the
called people, or those called out or assembled in the public affairs of a free state, the body of free citizens
called together by a herald…which constituted the ekklesia. In the NT the word (in the Greek) is applied to the
congregation of the people of Israel (Acts 7:38)…The Christian community was designated for the first time as
the ekklesia to differentiate it from the Jewish community…The term ekklesia denotes the NT community of the
redeemed…” From, The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament, by Spiros Zodhiates (AMG Publ.
1992) P. 541. This word is generally translated church in the NT. Ekklesia is used here as the word church is
so loaded with accrued meanings.
By Melanie Phillips. See: http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/16th-february-2002/14/christians-who-hatethe-jews
John 18:36
Matthew 16:21-23
Matthew 21:33-41
Genesis 32:28
Who Was A Jew? Rabbinic and Halakhic Perspectives on the Jewish-Christian Schism, by Lawrence H.
Schiffman (KATV Publishing House, NJ 1985), Pages 4, 5.
Acts 3:22, 23; Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Matthew 3:11, 12
John 10:26
Luke 2:34, 35
Daniel 9:27
Ephesians 2:11, 12
Ephesians 2:15, 18, 19
Revelation 21:22
Revelation 21:2
Exodus 19:5, 6
Jeremiah 31:32; cf. 31:31-34
Galatians 3:17
Luke 1:76
Luke 1:68-75
1 Peter 2:4, 5, 9
Hebrews 3:1-6
Matthew 8:11, 12
Galatians 6:16
Matthew 20:15
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people
whom he has chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
When Christ – the Messiah of Israel – came among His people, taught them and died for them, He came as the
King anciently prophesied. Of Him Isaiah said, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with
justice from henceforth even for ever” (9:7). Daniel saw in vision, “there was given him dominion, and glory,
and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting
dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed” (7:14). Messiah, on
the throne of David, shall rule a kingdom comprised of many nations.
When the angel Gabriel foretold His birth to Mary His mother, he said, “the Lord God shall give unto him the
throne of his father, David; and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; And of his kingdom there shall
be no end.” (Luke 1:32, 33)
We see here Messiah coming into the world to establish and order his kingdom; it is called by the angel “the
house of Jacob”, and in this kingdom will be many nations, peoples, and languages; Micah said of Messiah, that
He is “to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (5:2). We also see that
Messiah, Jesus the Christ, extends the boundaries of His kingdom – the kingdom of Israel – to include all the
earth, and this is fitting, for “The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and all they that dwell
therein.... For God is the king of all the earth.... [He] reigns over the heathen” (Ps 24:1; 47:7, 8). There is no
doubt that this long-awaited kingdom – of which Daniel said the God of heaven would set it up and it would
never be destroyed but rather would do away with all rival kingdoms (2:44) – this very kingdom was Israel; its
king, Jesus of Nazareth, seed of the royal line of David; its capital, New Jerusalem (on the renewed earth in the
eternal state—Rev 21:1): “And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings
of the earth do bring their honour and glory into it” (Rev 21:24).
But many in ancient Israel would not hear Him, rather hated Him. Of such, God speaking through Moses
declared, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in
my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19), meaning, God would require his place in Israel and his
life! The apostle Peter reiterated these words of Moses as follows, “every soul, which will not hear that
prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people” (Acts 3:23).
In other words, the Lord – the King! – at this time ordered His kingdom by separating wheat from chaff, sheep
from goats, and executed what He had earlier told the chief priests and elders of the people: “The kingdom of
God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matt 21:43). The kingdom
of God given to a nation other than Israel? No, rather the nation of Israel so ordered anew by its king as to
remove its ties to the temple and its priesthood, and to the government – both of which were conspiring to slay
Him! – and transfer it to a new government of His choosing, with twelve apostles instead of twelve tribal elders,
and comprised of all true Israelites who would bow the knee to their King and God. The others – all the others
– who refused to heed the word of the God of Israel through Messiah, were removed from the nation of Israel,
as a butcher cleaves inedible gristle from the meat. Israel was now comprised of only those loyal to God’s
Messiah. His body was now the true temple, His word the law, and His apostles the appointed rulers of the
people. The land of Israel would be extended to include the entire earth, no more restricted by the geography of
Palestine; the true Jerusalem would be the heavenly, the one from above, to be brought to the earth in the
fullness of time.
What was the status of those Jews cut off from the people of Israel? Unabashedly modern Judaism states,
“...it was the tannaitic [Pharisaic-Rabbinic teaching] tradition which was almost completely
representative of the Jewish community in Palestine and, to a great extent, of that segment of the
Diaspora which remained loyal to its ancestral faith.... Indeed, it is the halakhah [the Jewish legal
system founded by the Tannaim] which may be described as that which typifies Rabbinic Judaism.” [1]
In other words, those Jews who refused to acknowledge Jesus as Messiah and were cut off by God from the
nation – no more accepted as Israelites by the God of Israel, and by its messianic King – these renegades
became rivals for the name and status of Israel and Jew. Though physical seed of Abraham, they were
disowned by Jehovah. They murderously persecuted the true Israel when it was in their power.
What says Messiah of these? When giving John the letter for the church in Smyrna, Jesus says, “...I know the
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (2:9). When the
Greek word blasphēmia is used regarding humans it means reviling slander, and these Jews slanderously
accused this small company of Messiah’s followers to the Roman authorities, causing their imprisonment and
execution. Again, in the letter to the church in Philadelphia Jesus has John write, “Behold, I will make them of
the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and
worship [bow down in humility] before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (3:9). This indicates that
some of the church’s fiercest enemies were converted and won to their Messiah. But it also indicates that the
King of Israel declared those Jews which were against Him (“He that is not with me is against me” Matt 12:30)
were, in His eyes, not any longer Jews, but apostates.
The apostle Paul, by the Spirit of God, says the same:
“For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the
letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Rom 2:28, 29)
Jeremiah concurs, for even in the Old Covenant uncircumcision of heart incurred God’s wrath, as it indicated
wickedness and rebellion (Jer 9:25, 26). And again Paul says, “For they are not all Israel which are of Israel...
but the children of the promise are counted for the seed” (Rom 9:6, 8), and “...if ye be Christ’s, then are ye
Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Gal 3:29).
And yet again, in his letter to the church in Philippi, Paul says, “For we are the circumcision, which worship
God in the spirit, and rejoice in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh.” (3:3) To the Galatian
churches he says, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new
creature.” (6:15)
Little wonder many in what is called Modern Jewry loathe Christ, the New Testament, Christians, and God for
this pronouncement, even though it first came by Moses (Deut 18:15, 18, 19).
Paul says that in times past Gentile nations were looked upon as “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world…”, but now, in the fold
of Messiah, they “are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household
of God” (Eph 2:12, 19). This household of God is the same spoken of in Hebrews, Moses being a faithful
servant in it – the house of Israel – while Christ is no servant but the “son over his own house; whose house we
are” (3:1-6).
The Israel of God has not been replaced, but it has been culled, the faithful Jews gathered and the unfaithful cast
off by word of the King; the promise to Abraham that “in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed”
(Gen 12:3) is now being fulfilled, as is the prophecy of Daniel that “all people, nations, and languages should
serve him” (7:14). Sometimes the kingdom of Israel is called the church, but this latter is a synonym, and no
replacement! Only in this kingdom is this Scripture fulfilled: “In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be
justified, and shall glory” (Isa 45:25), for justification before His presence is the gift of God through faith in
Messiah; in true Israel alone are all the seed so blessed. The New Jerusalem which shall come down upon the
renewed earth is its capital, and the glory of Israel is the Lamb who sits upon the throne of David, the divine
Husband of that beloved Bride who shares His glory.
[1] Who Was A Jew? Rabbinic and Halakhic Perspectives on the Jewish-Christian Schism, by Lawrence H.
Schiffman (KATV Publishing House, NJ 1985), Pages 4, 5.
Taliban Poets
I see the enemy writes poetry
but are any humans really enemy
and are we not told to love even these
as the psalmist said, I am for peace
but when I speak, they are for war –
yet I will hold forth the flag of truce
Will you accept that, Taliban poets?
Peace in the name of Christ?
Peace in the name of the sovereign God?
It is offered, do with it as you will.
I speak not as a soldier
with weapons that kill
I speak as poet
on Apocalypse Field
global arena of consciousness
in this realm truth is the weapon
voice honed keen edged
a spiritual blade
death is nothing to us
for we come back in resurrection;
the question is: whose God is real?
whose heaven
and whose hell
are real?
May the true God show you mercy
even though you have it not
for others, to your open shame.
Like all humans
you have been held captive
by the demon
and those who know not mercy
cannot show it
but now you have no excuse.
Light has been shown you
embrace it – that is, Him, Messiah –
or eternal darkness without mercy.
A “One-Bomb Country”
meaning one nuke could
wipe us out,
speaking of the earthly
State of Israel,
and so to be on guard
is wise
Wiser yet to have that life
death cannot kill
for resurrection overturns death
and God’s Israel in Messiah
thus the Immortal Nation
scoffs at death and devils!
even now
they gather
for the kill
many not even knowing
that they are about
a battle all heaven
and all hell
eye with dread resolve
the one
steels the hearts of men and women
with valor
born of the champion
of heaven
united as those are
with him
their eyes on him
and the kingdom coming
the other
of a different cloth
infusing into men a molten hatred
of that heaven
and those who people it
fitting them with weapons
of a world gone mad
laws turned evil
that heaven’s Lord
be bereft of kingdom on earth
are you ready for these times
will you stand when the waves
of them crash against your life
throughout all the world
and all held dear be wrenched away
in the whelming flood –
it’s going down now
in dark and hidden planners’ moves –
who is sufficient for these things?
Heaven’s champion
steels his men and women with power.
Our Courage is different than David’s
for the stone we sling
in the giant’s head
is not as of old
nor the giant
that misshapen monster
stomping in the valley of Elah
but a world against us
and the King of the Jews
our Captain
and the stone now slung
the Name of unmatched power
into the heart of darkness
As Jesus we also fear not death
but scorn it as we bear witness
to God and His kingdom
knowing that death is nothing
in the face of resurrection
and the glory of His favor ever after
and the powers of this world
its sorry princes
and feeble weapons
helpless before our might
the Spirit of our God
as a flame to cobwebs
and we stand
unscathed by death
in bodies of glory
while our killers
melt in terror
at His presence
before whom earth and heaven
flee away
and the universe dissolves
and the Mighty One of Israel
rewards both the wicked
and the just
Our courage sees this
before it happens
and our faith pleases Him.
Our words of testimony
regarding Him
the sacred stone we sling.
To repeat,
I say the rabbis have led my people into the curses of Moses these past twenty centuries, for if we had pleased
God and were under the sure covenant blessings and protection of Deuteronomy 28, how could we possibly
have been spewed from the land to be slaughtered and despised among the goyim two thousand years, and to
end up in the ovens of Hitler? The truth is – and only can be! – we have followed treasonous leaders in betrayal
of our King, and we have reaped their destruction. O nation of fools, we, to be blinded so long! As the
prophets foretold, the Gentiles came to His light, and we followed our teachers into darkness.
Awake, O Israel, for the days further darken, and we need our Mighty One to see our way. Seek out the
Messianic Jews among us, and cast off the pretenders who have slain our millions!
Part II
We have seen too much blood. The ancient temple was the fount of rivers of blood, innocence covering guilt.
Our own blood also, rivers of that. And it is coming up again, this blood-letting. There has to be a warning, a
light shined on it, as we have forgotten the rock whence we are hewn: even in 2016 many of us are aware we
are an ancient and unusual people, the people of a God, or a Book, but remember little else. A God who
Himself offered a sacrifice, who Himself walked between the covenant cut animals, who Himself fulfilled what
we could not on eternal pain of death. A God who loved us, and we scoffed. It is our written history! The real
“Never again”—for it to be any benefit to us Abraham’s seed—must be never again will we walk by the
holocaust visited upon Messiah unfeeling and ungrateful, and unavailing of that blood which covers sin, shed by
the Lamb God provided. Other ‘never again’s will prove empty, bloody words!
To some, these words sound alien, irrelevantly ancient—and this but an indicator of a mindset heading for
Are the Covenant Curses of Moses truly on us now?
Are the curses spoken in Deuteronomy chapter 28—written around 1400 years BCE—that would fall upon the
Jews of ancient Israel and their children if they disobeyed the voice of their God as written in the Law Moses
gave them, are these curses active today in 2016 CE, some 3400 years later?
The question then arises: Does the faith of ancient Israel have any bearing on modern Jewry, that is, does it
have any relevance to us? It is written that the word of God given to Moses, and to the Biblical prophets and
writers after him, will endure through all ages. King David, in Psalm 105:8-10, said this of it,
He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.
Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed the same unto Jacob
for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant...
Isaiah the prophet put it this way:
As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD;
My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth,
shall not depart out of thy mouth,
nor out of the mouth of thy seed,
nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD,
from henceforth and for ever. (59:21)
The word of God that goes forth from His mouth goes not in vain. It will accomplish that which He has said.
Our unbelief will not annul it. Our unbelief in the God our forbears cut a blood-oath covenant with has been
our undoing time and again!
It is said by a Messianic teacher, “Ethnic Jewry is no longer under the covenant curses spoken by Moses, since
the Old Covenant is abrogated”, it being understood the curses of the Mosaic Covenant were annulled through
the blood of the New Covenant, the B’rit Chadashah (cf. Jeremiah 31:31ff.). I reply, “Abrogated for whom?
And in what respect?” Are they not abrogated strictly for those who come to Messiah, the mediator of the new
covenant, whose death paid the redemption price for transgressions under Moses? (cf. Hebrews 9:14,15) For
these and these only they are abrogated. For the death required by the violated covenant was offered by
Messiah—an infinitely precious ransom for the transgressors of it—but those apart from Him have no such
redemption, and are still under the power of that covenant’s curses.
Can it be thought that the wrath executed by the curses was rescinded by Messiah for those who reject His
substitutionary offering for their covenant violations? The continuing power of those curses levied against
transgressing Jews who also refuse the redemption of Messiah, this was not and is not rescinded. The Levitical
system of law, sacrifice, and worship—all that ceremonial typology—was abrogated by the “better covenant”
and its infinitely more precious blood, but those of us who spurned both the words of the Prophet who brought
redemption (Deut 18:18, 19; Acts 3:22, 23) and the precious blood which covered the sins under that old
covenant, we have no relief from the penalties pronounced against us.
The final metings of the Deuteronomic curses were the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and accompanying
slaughter of a great multitude of us Jews in CE 70 and the CE 135 spewing of the people entirely out of the land
and scattering us into the nations of the world. The covenant with Israel was annulled, and as a geo-political
nation and people there is no longer a ‘covenant’ entity called Israel. The present State of Israel is not the
covenant nation, which should be obvious to those who behold it.
We Jews, to whom pertained the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, had received greater light
than the nations prior to Messiah’s coming, and that law and that covenant mediated by Moses, although
annulled by Messiah’s covenant, the already executed penalties declared by Moses are still upon us. Hence the
unspeakable value of the death of Messiah for us, whose blood covers those covenant-breakers who come to
Him for mercy and cleansing, but those who spurn Him are still liable for that broken law and covenant. It
makes no difference whether to say we are under the Deuteronomic curses or the continuing wrath that sent
them forth. The curses once executed upon the expiry of the covenant nation and the covenant are still upon us,
whether one refers to the curses themselves or the power of them. Like a stone thrown it is out of the hand and
in the air headed where it was aimed.
Indeed, all humankind stands indicted and guilty in their sin before the holy God, as all have transgressed His
law—whether that written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, or that of His word written in
the Law, writings, and prophets, “the Old Testament in its entirety [being] permeated with the requirements and
judgments which are summed up in the ten commandments” (John Murray, Romans, p 106). All humankind are
under the curse of God for the moral law broken, but we Jews are—in addition—liable to the penalties the more
specific law pronounced against us and sealed in the covenant blood oath by Moses. Those of us who
apostatize from this prophetic faith of Israel either delusionally cling to Moses (for the Torah of Moses is
annulled and superseded), thinking we have remission of sin without blood shed for it, or simply live in willful
ignorance, both views fatal to our souls. These realities must be brought out in the open so that we understand
our status vis-à-vis God, which is different than the status of Gentiles. We Jews have a different history due to
the curses of Moses we have lived and suffered under many, many centuries—though we all will perish along
with unbelieving Gentiles—and we need to understand from whence, and into what, we have fallen in order to
return. Now that return—since the age of Moses has passed (after all, the temple and its accoutrements, the
Aaronic and Levitical genealogical records, etc., all long gone)—needs to be made precisely clear and
perfectly laid out so that Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Jesus of Nazareth, is seen to be the new and eternal High Priest
after the order of Melchisedek (Psalm 110:4), the Prophet, and the Everlasting King: in these three offices the
Saviour of us Jews in this time when the breath of the dragon draws near, bloodlust in its eyes, and his chant the
same as Islam’s, “First Saturday, then Sunday!” (The meaning of this is, for those who have not heard it
before: first the Jews must be destroyed, then the Christians.) A crucial thing to learn more of and to
remember, is that resurrection changes everything—meaning death is not the final word—and there is life after
death, whether it be blessed or cursed. In Messiah we are delivered from the fear of death.
The illusion of what we call Aliyah: As the era of Moses is over, and the theocratic, covenant nation of Israel
dissolved, even in the modern political entity called The State of Israel those Jews therein remain in diaspora
(for joining the Jewish state is but an illusion of Return from the exile), the true Return being only in Messiah,
and His then placing them into His corporate body by the Spirit of God, which community is the true Israel, He
being the only true Israelite—one who has never sinned and thus not liable to the curses upon lawbreakers.
Those joined to Messiah become part of His mystical Body, the new humanity to people the new creation after
the Resurrection and the Judgment.
This needs to be understood: the Divine nature of the new and eternal temple God is building, under the care of
our High Priest—the spiritual, yet still physical, temple built of living stones—consisting of us who are joined
to and built upon the sure foundation Cornerstone (Isaiah 28:16; Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42). Messiah is
this Cornerstone, and we those living stones built upon Him. The living God dwells within this living temple,
even here in its first stages in this world, though we await to see its glory as it manifests solid and complete in
the world to come on New Earth Paradise. Its jeweled stones are us! (1 Peter 2:5)
Perhaps I will hear the old cavil of “Replacement theology”, but that has been put to rest above, for the Israel
God honors is simply that which honors His Messiah; after all, did He not promise our father Abraham, “in thee
shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen 12:3)? And this is that blessing, that we should be one people
gathered around the God of Abraham, all those of the nations that cleave to His holy law as spoken through
Messiah, along with us Jews—all the families of the earth. All those who come to God through Messiah are
now His chosen people. The floodgates of mercy are open to whosoever will come! This is that blessing and
promise given father Abraham.
To not believe is to fall away from His precious salvation, and perish in eternal Gehenna.
The fierce wrath behind the final cursings of that now expired covenant was so hot it will remain
unextinguished on this people till the threshing floor of the world gives up its chaff to the furnace of judgment
and fiery indignation, the elect among us—the remnant—having first been culled out by God’s effectual calling
of His people to Himself.
The linear—i.e., one-dimensional—thinking which views the Deuteronomic revelation of fierce wrath as
expended and finished when the force of the curse was fully executed at the end of the Old Covenant era misses
the nature and continuing power of that anger on the continuing sin that drew it forth in the first place.
Deut 28:45, 46 …all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till
thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his
commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: And they shall be upon thee for a sign and
for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.
One of the most important of His commandments came ten chapters earlier, in Deut 18:18, 19:
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his
mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that
whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
Not only did we not hearken unto Him, but when, centuries later, He manifested in the flesh according to
promise—our Messiah—we conspired to have Him put to death at the hands of Rome, and as He was a-dying—
Himself the atoning sacrifice unto God for our sins—we walked by and mocked this Lamb God provided, not
seeing the infinite heart of love burning immeasurably more bright than the bush Moses walked up to and took
his shoes off to draw near.
But it is not too late for us to draw near the burning we once passed by. Not a bush, but a greater and more
profound sight: a unique heart, and the divine presence aflame within it. A great hope, a great love therein.
For we yet stagger under the wrath lying heavy upon us. We must not revolt at the monstrosity of evil which
befell us under Hitler, cursing our God, for that monstrosity is a reflection of our own hearts’ murderous
hatred of Him, the God of Jacob! And this judgment our hatred provoked is less than the offense that
occasioned it. It is a warning for those with ears to hear: a time of threshing is to come upon us again, greater
by far than what has already come. We should be ware.
The execution by crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, for the sins of that of
humankind which shall cleave to the true God, was the most horrendous judgment that can be conceived by
man, even though its depths cannot be plumbed by us. Involved in this must be the understanding of His nature,
true deity and true human—two natures, though not confused or mingled—yet one Person. His divine nature
upheld His human nature while receiving the wrath of God as He punished the sin-bearer bearing our sin. The
infinite dignity of His Person gave infinite worth to His priestly sacrifice. This was the true passover lamb, no
type or symbol as were those sacrifices of old.
Within the soul and body of Jesus the eternal wrath due untold millions of us was exhausted; the sin imputed to
that infinitely holy soul (2 Cor 5:21) as much a torment as the wrath meted upon it—one cannot compare even
the nuclear devastation of entire vast lands with hundreds of millions destroyed to such destruction and suffering
as the Saviour endured for humankind. We underestimate the expanse of His being, and the wrath due us. The
Great Flood of Noah and its destruction was miniscule in comparison. It is hard for us to think on such vast
scales. But let us try, briefly.
What happened to us under Hitler and his followers—all of it, all the worst—I want to tell you that even these
depths of evil are light—small—compared to what we shall know in Hell. For there actual demons, and the
devil, will be the company we’re in, and that forever—without end, ever. What liberty they will have to
torment us I do not know. But what Messiah calls “the lake of fire” bespeaks something unfathomably terrible.
The holocaust should not even be compared to this unending—eternal—torment, bad as that was. What is
coming is infinitely worse. So when I say God shouts to us that it is not well with us—and we heard that shout
then in the camps of death—rational people should take note.
When the sun shines there is warmth; when it recedes there is darkness and cold. The sun does not cause the
darkness, its absence does. When God takes His covenant protection from us—when He withdraws from us
because of the vileness of our hearts, and our disdain for His covenant—who causes Him to distance from the
moral repulsiveness of our ways? And when He is gone, and darkness is in our house, then devils come to
wreak havoc in those once called the people of God. He said through the prophet Hosea, “yea, woe also to them
when I depart from them!” (9:12) And through Moses He said—with respect to the breaking of the covenant,
Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face
from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will
say in that day, Are not these evils come upon us, because our God is not among us? (Deuteronomy
There was light when Messiah made His offering for sin—our sin. We walked by this epochal event—and in
spirit many continue doing so—as though it were nothing, worse than nothing, an affront to us, despite our
being carefully instructed by our spiritual teachers—Moses and the prophets—and then no less a person than
Messiah Himself, whom we despised, following renegade rabbis. The Holocaust, after the diaspora
persecutions of twenty centuries, was a major judgment (though not of the order of things that are to come), to
the end of alerting the nation—that is, world Jewry, particularly those of us within the newly-formed State of
Israel, as well in America: it is time to wake up to the realities of our situation: time to revisit and reassess our
history as the “people of the book” we purportedly are.
Our forebears walking by the crucifixion—our ancient rabbis and priests—mocking the One who hung there
making atonement for the people according to the will of our God and Creator, set us on a path we have
followed since, a path of blood, gore, and ignominy. It will not do to just leave it at that. If we are not utterly
deadened at heart, and dull of mind, we may want to reassess those we blindly follow—or reject, and go
secular—and what they have done, for we have partaken of their “reward”. Our ancient prophet, Isaiah, put it
like this, “the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed” (9:16).
To some it may seem outrageous even to suggest the Holocaust was a judgment from the God of Israel. We
have become very distant from any true knowledge of Him, and His holiness. But consider, even the pagan
emperor was compelled to confess regarding our God, “all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing:
and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can
stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?” (Daniel 4:35) The God of Israel is the absolute sovereign
over all the universe. Our prophet Isaiah (in 45:6,7) was given the words,
I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create
evil [disaster, calamity]: I the LORD do all these things.
The Psalmist, in 127:1b, said, “except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Whether we
see our suffering at the hands of the wicked as our simply having the covenant protection removed by God and
thus vulnerable to demonic men, or His designing our punishment as just retribution, it amounts to the same
thing: our Safety has departed from us, and we are desolate. And exposed without protection.
We have no fear of God any longer, as some of our fathers had. But we desperately need this. He is just, and
without any flaw in His infinite moral perfection—if we will not take that by faith in the word He has spoken—
and proceed from there, we shall perish, as so many of us already have. For He has said,
…to this man will I look,
even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit,
and trembleth at my word. (Isa 66:2)
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart;
and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. (Psalm 34:18)
There is coming another great holocaust that will usher us into the eternal—and deserved—holocaust, what
Messiah calls “the second death”.
Yet the floodgates of mercy are still flung wide. Of our age it is written,
In that day there shall be a fountain opened
to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem
for sin and for uncleanness. (Zechariah 13:1)
Do you know that fountain? It was opened for us outside of Jerusalem as the Lord of Glory bled paying for our
sins. He was raised from the dead, and sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high, gladly receiving all who
come to Him, contrite, in faith.
Watchman, what of the night?
We have been privileged to see great light, gleams of the dawning new age of humankind after the resurrection,
but those who shut their eyes to it will see what, for them, must follow: an endless and agonizing night.
Some of us are entirely ignorant of the Book we are the people of, having opted instead for the “secular” view
of things, seeing the “religious” among us not any thing we would desire to emulate! And so we shrug off all
things religious, and become emancipated and enlightened according to the zeitgeist, the spirit of the foul age.
Others of us are indoctrinated by those we have loved into the Rabbinic faith, and more or less keep it, yet the
discrepancy between what the one foundational book—Tanakh—says, and what the multitude of supposed
sages in their Talmudic “wisdom” say, disturbs us and we, some of us, simply suspend our judgment and get by
as best we can. But the Holocaust still shouts out to us that God’s righteous wrath yet rests upon us for the
treacherous betrayal—our ongoing treacherous betrayal—of the covenant He made with us in time past. It may
be that among us there no faith in Him left after the meat and soul grinder of centuries, but this then is only a
repeat of our sad and woeful history. After Hitler no one can ignore the shout of God—the anger, and the love.
Please listen: it is true Messiah said, as He was dying, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”
(Luke 23:34). He remitted the sin of deicide we all—Gentile and Jew—had committed. Yet we continue to
laugh and mock at His dying, His infinite propitiation for our sins. To revile this costly mercy is to invite the
wrath it intercepted. We should not want to invite this upon ourselves! Not again!
This “infinite propitiation” is the perfect antidote—and God’s loving answer—to the “eternal torment” of Hell
we are rushing toward. Our Father God accepted His beloved Son’s offering—the atonement—for our sin at
the cross. Jesus’ holocaust in our place—bearing the holocaust of our eternal Hell—satisfies God’s demand for
full justice, and we, sins forgiven for Christ’s sake, may enter into life on paradise New Earth, in the New
Jerusalem that shall come down from Heaven (Revelation 21).
The Gentile nations will have their own major judgment for their rejection of the New Covenant that God so
graciously offered them, the Messiah’s wondrous salvation set before them as well. If they see us come to Him,
doubtless many of them will follow us.
Not all of us will heed and escape, but some will—perhaps more of those who are secular, and open sinners by
the Biblical standard, than the so-called religious. As for both the blessings and the curses He gave Moses to
declare, our disbelief does not annul the power of them; He says, from elsewhere in the Book,
I the LORD have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare,
neither will I repent; according to thy ways, and according to thy doings, shall they judge thee, saith the
Lord GOD. (Ezek 24:14)
The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge,
and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor. (Prov 22:12)
There is no wisdom nor understanding
nor counsel against the LORD.
The horse is prepared against the day of battle:
but safety is of the LORD. (Prov 21:30, 31)
There are many devices in a man’s heart;
nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. (Prov 19:21)
Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not?
Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil [calamity] and good?
Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD. (Lam 3:37-40)
We Jews are a chosen people, for good when we walk at peace with and in obedience to our God, but for ill
when we walk contrary. In an extraordinary move the LORD our God brought our people back to the land, and
at this time (2016) the population of the State of Israel is around 8.5 million (around 6.3 million Jews), and the
number of world Jewry stands at around 15 million, give or take 1.5 million, depending on how the count is
taken. When we figure that during the Holocaust 6 million of us were killed, the percentage vis-à-vis our total
population now is shocking. A little less than half of all of us were wiped off the earth.
What is God doing bringing us back to the ancient land? I see two possibilities: first, giving us a place as a
people again, not a Biblical people for we (even the various Orthodox groups) are averse to the prophetic faith
of our fathers (that faith of Moses and the prophets, not the rabbis); and second, to a threshing floor, where the
wheat will be separated from the chaff. Let me talk of that a little.
For those who have ears to hear, I repeat: about half way through the curses of Deuteronomy 28, in verse 45
Moses says,
Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be
destroyed; because thou hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments
and his statutes which he commanded thee…
Severe as it is, this is a promise—and we should not discount it, for this is the lesson learned from the Holocaust
to us who survive to this day. Some will not take this lesson to heart, but some will. And the Holocaust, you
will recall my saying, horrendous as it was, was small compared to the holocaust that ravaged the being of
Messiah, Son of God—also known as “God manifest in the flesh” (more on that in a moment). And small
compared to our Hell.
Looking at our situation, I will go a little further in Moses; in verses 64 through 66 of Deut 28 he says,
And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other;
and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and
stone. And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but
the LORD shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: And thy life
shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy
This is upon us now in many nations, and even in the State of Israel we live in fear, if not of the knives, then of
Iran’s nuclear bomb(s) many chaff at the bit to develop and lob into Tel Aviv or Jerusalem obliterating us all—
grandchildren and great grandchildren—all. The last great dispersion. Dispersing us out of the world and into
eternal regions. Horrible, you say? We are all going to die some day anyway (except the LORD returns for His
people and for judgment before that). Whether you quietly die of heart failure in your sleep, or eaten by a lion,
while the latter is a more painful death, the end result is identical. We shall all die. If it is earlier or later it boils
down to the same. What Messiah warned us of is the second death. It is also termed eternal death. Going into
eternal realms apart from the love and care of God in Messiah, but instead under His wrath, and in the company
of all the world’s wicked, its sociopaths and psychopaths, along with the hosts of demons and their foul prince,
Satan—this is what awaits us if we are bereft of Messiah’s covenant and saving friendship. We generally
protest and say, “But surely I’m not to be reckoned among these misbegotten grotesqueries—I’m a good person,
or at least I have tried to be good.” And this is our problem—we trust our own evaluation of our selves, and of
the essential human condition, rather than God’s: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) King David, our poet and psalmist, by the Spirit of God said,
God looked down from heaven upon the children of men,
to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.
Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy;
there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Psalm 53:2, 3)
If we discount the word of God in this, we will discount His views on everything. We, the people to whom He
has spoken by Moses, the prophets, and Messiah, to whom He gave the gracious covenants (which first
covenant He gave to no others), and to whom He has revealed His plan for this age of earth’s history, and for
the age to come where His paradise on the new earth will surpass all the finest dreams and visions of this age—
we would do well to take the Scripture to heart.
And this Messiah, Micah said of Him,
But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall
he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from
everlasting. (Micah 5:2)
The attribute of eternality may be posited only of deity. And this One was to come from Bethlehem.
And again, in Isaiah 9:6, Messiah is called,
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
In Isaiah 53 it is written how He suffered for our sins, making atonement for us. Who could offer an acceptable
atoning sacrifice but One possessing absolute moral perfection, and that could be no mere man (nor our
corporate nation!) :
But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned every one to his own way;
and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all . . .
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief:
when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin,
he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days,
and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied:
by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many;
for he shall bear their iniquities. (Isaiah 53:5, 6, 10, 11)
What our Messiah endured to end our exile from the heart of the living God, in taking our sins upon Himself
and paying the penalty we should have paid . . . well, the depth of suffering cannot be fathomed by the human
mind. We walked by that event once, but let us not do it again.
The Promised Land of the Israel in spirit has but one gateway, and Messiah the Gate-keeper. In Him is the
essential return from exile; when this age is over and the flood of fire cleanses the earth, God will not only make
our bodies new and glorified, but the earth as well, and the Land of Promise will be all the earth, and the
unclean shall not dwell thereon forever. The great city of the new earth is called New Jerusalem, and there our
God will dwell among us.
Lest any think to avoid the upheavals of the days to come by fleeing to the United States (where almost 6
million of us Jews live), think again, for this land (from which I write at the moment) is also in the sights of the
wrath of the Almighty for its own egregious wickedness. Please see the chapter, “The Fate of Babylon, a study
in determining the identity and demise of Babylon in John’s Apocalypse”, for more on this, which pertains to
the end of this age.
Even for those who carefully study the prophecies of the end of the age, we tend to minimize the pounding
calamities that shall rack the earth, we tend to “think small” about these things. When it is said by the last
prophet—John of the Apocalypse—that one third of humanity shall be killed during the period of the “sixth
trumpet” judgments, to me this portends major wars and the use of nuclear weapons. I take this to possibly be
the destruction of the large entity known as “harlot Babylon”, and possibly other nations. We know that there
are those who have this passionately in mind for the small State of Israel. Jesus said in His Lucan Olivet
Discourse that men’s hearts will be failing them for fear of the things they see coming upon the earth (21:26).
Things ordinarily unthinkable will actually happen in our sight. It will be realized that the end of the world—of
this age—is upon us, for such things can be nothing else but.
It would be wise to learn the second part of the Hebrew Bible, those of us who want to enter eternity in the care
and love of God. It is the mark of a fool, in these days where even the “wise” are twisted in delusions, to
remain in traditions that have betrayed us for millennia, and not think and investigate for ourselves. Even in the
land, we are not a blessed people; we may be proud, and tough, but a curse dogs us—and it’s time to heed the
writing on the wall, and not the books of effete religious characters whose views are worthless to cease the
madness of these days. The anti-missionaries will rage and roar at what I say. I think my arguments, and vision
into our actual condition, speak for themselves. Whatever the spinmeisters conjure up, our history—and
present—speak for themselves. We need,
God’s Book, Old and New.
When I have spoken of the holocaust visited upon Messiah that was rightly meant for us—He bearing it as our
substitute, just as the old animal sacrifices typified—this manifested the love of our God for us. We need to
apprehend the truth, the reality, of that love, so as to cleave to Him with all the trust of our hearts and minds.
The apostle Paul has a saying in his epistle to the Ephesian congregation, “To the praise of the glory of his
grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved” (1:6); grace is undeserved favor, and this particular
grace pertains to the cleansing that makes us acceptable to our God, and it is written of by the prophet Zechariah
in 13:1,
In that day there shall be a fountain opened
to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem
for sin and for uncleanness.
The fountain was His veins opened—and emptied unto death—for the love of us who would come to Him for
mercy. But He did not remain dead, as it is written in David,
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell;
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption (Psalm 16:10).
He was raised from the dead according to the Scripture, and receives all who come to Him for grace in their
desperate time of need. That Jehovah the eternal Son would so suffer in order to dispense such grace to the
undeserving, there is an unspeakable glory manifested thereby, and for which He is praised continually in the
new temple over which He is tender and kind and mighty high priest, the temple that is New Jerusalem in the
heavens, and will comprise all of New Earth after the resurrection and judgment. Eternally blessed is the one
whose feet tread that land! May that be you, dear reader.
A great promise, and a great hope given us
This is the promise, given through Moses:
And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I
have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God
hath driven thee,
And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee
this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;
That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return
and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.
If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD thy God
gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:
And the LORD thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess
it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers.
And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy
God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
(Deuteronomy 30:1-6)
The Mosaic era being over, and his covenant annulled—the Law having been fulfilled by and in Messiah—the
land we are to be brought into is not the land of old we once were of, for it is at present in spirit and truth that
our Return From Exile must take place: the Return is to the favor—to the very heart and love—of our God
and Saviour, through Jesus the Messiah, in whom we have access, being washed clean by His blood, the perfect
and acceptable sacrifice.
Wherever we are, in whatever land, in whatever circumstance, however defiled and laden with sins, these words
from a hymn say it well,
Just as I am, and waiting not,
to rid my soul of one dark blot,
to Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come.
or another,
Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall;
If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.
Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.
The Messiah came, first of all, for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. You are still the blood children of
Jacob, and the promise is unto you, as written above by Moses, speaking by the Spirit of the Almighty, the
Redeemer of Israel—to whom you now may come in the name of Yeshua of Nazareth.
Shalom shalom