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AI-generated Abstract
The paper explains the structure and uses of conditional clauses in English grammar, detailing the first, second, and third conditionals through examples. It highlights the appropriate verb tense usage and the semantic implications of different conditional forms, emphasizing common patterns and exceptions within conditional constructions.
This research is an endeavor to examine the problem of conditional sentences in English grammar and short novels. English is deemed to be the only language that truly links the whole world together. Without English, the whole world may not be as united as it is today. Of all basic grammatical points, English conditional structure is an important one which should be put into special consideration. English conditional structure plays an important part in English Grammar and mastering it contributes greatly to the students’ English performance. English conditionals require coordination of verb forms in both the “ if “and the result clauses and the fact that verb forms often do not retain their normal temporal meaning makes it even more complex Although the various conditional forms might seem quite abstract at first, they are actually some of the most useful structures in English and are commonly included in daily conversations.
In my paper, I discuss the choice of the verb form in constructions with a complementizer/adverbial subordinator čtoby. I show that while the situation is rather trivial in biclausal constructions, analysis of triclausal constructions where another clause is embedded under the čtoby-clause reveals a phenomenon which is not accounted for in any Russian grammatical descriptions. The marker imposes the past tense form not only to the verb in its clause, but also to the temporal clause which is embedded deeper. The existence of such an unusual construction results from both semantic and syntactic factors: namely, from the fact that the ‘unreal’ meaning carried by čtoby spreads to the temporal clause and from the syntactic properties of čtoby and kogda, the latter not imposing any formal restrictions on the verb form in the temporal clause.
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Based on the top most companies (the biggest study on corporate reputation world-wide) this paper investigates the influence of CSR on financial performance of the company. Corporate social responsibility is measured as the summation of donation and the environmental cost which is taken from annual reports of the companies over last few years. This research study has documented that CSR influence great impact on financial performance of the companies. Also this paper shows that ITC Ltd showed a significance relation whereas Nestle Indian Ltd did not show significance relationship. Hence, through this paper it can be concluded that a significant relation may not be determined between CSR expenditure and profit after tax of companies.
DISCPLINA: Introdução à Contabilidade PROFESOR: Gilmar Luiz APS -ATIVIDADE PRÁTICA SUPERVISIONADA PROPOSTA: APS 1 Preparação de Balanço Patrimonial(BP) 1)Baseado nos lançamentos abaixo, preparar o BPda Empresa Ventania, em agosto/17 e Setembro/17: a)Abertura da empresa com$ 1 milhão, sendo 60% integralizado em dinheiro, 30% em imóveis e o restante em me b)Aquisição de mercadorias no valor $ 200 mil aprazo para fornecedores (03/08/17) c)Abertura de conta corrente. Transferência de 99% do valor que estavano caixa. (05/08/17) d)Obtenção de um empréstimo bancário de $ 70 mil. (11/08/17) e)Pagamento de 10% da dívida com fornecedores através de TED. (15/08/17). f)Venda de metade do imóvel pelo valor de custo, a ser recebido mediante assinatura de nota promissória. (02/09/1 g)Pagamento de mais 10% da dívida (usar base o valor original) com fornecedores através de TED (15/09/17) h)Amortização de 1% do empréstimo bancário. (22/09/17). i)Compra com cheque de Equipamentos no valor de $ 3 mil (23/09/17). j)Aquisição de mercadorias no valor $ 200 mil aprazo para fornecedores (25/09/17) 2) Fazer uma análise da qualidade dos ativos e passivos da empresa Ventania is e o restante em mercadorias. (01/08/17) promissória. (02/09/17) e TED (15/09/17)
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