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Fourth Edition
The McGraw-Hill Series in Economics
Brue, McConnell, and Flynn
Essentials of Economics
Second Edition
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of Macroeconomics
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International Economics
Fourteenth Edition
Fourth Edition
David Romer
University of California, Berkeley
Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Romer, David.
Advanced macroeconomics / David Romer. — 4th ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-07-351137-5
1. Macroeconomics. I. Title.
HB172.5.R66 2012
To Christy
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David Romer is the Royer Professor in Political Economy at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has been on the faculty since 1988.
He is also co-director of the program in Monetary Economics at the National
Bureau of Economic Research. He received his A.B. from Princeton University and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has
been on the faculty at Princeton and has been a visiting faculty member
at M.I.T. and Stanford University. At Berkeley, he is a three-time recipient
of the Graduate Economic Association’s distinguished teaching and advising awards. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
a former member of the Executive Committee of the American Economic
Association, and co-editor of the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.
Most of his recent research focuses on monetary and fiscal policy; this work
considers both the effects of policy on the economy and the determinants
of policy. His other research interests include the foundations of price stickiness, empirical evidence on economic growth, and asset-price volatility. He
is married to Christina Romer, with whom he frequently collaborates. They
have three children, Katherine, Paul, and Matthew.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 12
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Preface to the Fourth Edition
Chapter 1
Part A
Part B
Some Basic Facts about Economic Growth
The Dynamics of the Model
The Impact of a Change in the Saving Rate
Quantitative Implications
The Solow Model and the Central Questions of
Growth Theory
Empirical Applications
The Environment and Economic Growth
Chapter 2
The Behavior of Households and Firms
The Dynamics of the Economy
The Balanced Growth Path
The Effects of a Fall in the Discount Rate
The Effects of Government Purchases
Household Behavior
The Dynamics of the Economy
The Possibility of Dynamic Inefficiency
Government in the Diamond Model
Chapter 3
Framework and Assumptions
The Model without Capital
The General Case
The Nature of Knowledge and the Determinants of
the Allocation of Resources to R&D
The Romer Model
Empirical Application: Time-Series Tests of
Endogenous Growth Models
Empirical Application: Population Growth and
Technological Change since 1 Million B.C.
Models of Knowledge Accumulation and the
Central Questions of Growth Theory
Chapter 4
Extending the Solow Model to Include Human
Empirical Application: Accounting for Cross-Country
Income Differences
Social Infrastructure
Empirical Application: Social Infrastructure and
Cross-Country Income Differences
Beyond Social Infrastructure
Differences in Growth Rates
Chapter 5
Introduction: Some Facts about Economic
An Overview of Business-Cycle Research
A Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
Household Behavior
A Special Case of the Model
Solving the Model in the General Case
Empirical Application: Calibrating a Real-BusinessCycle Model
Empirical Application: Money and Output
Assessing the Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
Chapter 6
Part A
Part B
A Baseline Case: Fixed Prices
Price Rigidity, Wage Rigidity, and Departures from
Perfect Competition in the Goods and Labor
Empirical Application: The Cyclical Behavior of the
Real Wage
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal
A Model of Imperfect Competition and Price-Setting
Are Small Frictions Enough?
Real Rigidity
Coordination-Failure Models and Real NonWalrasian Theories
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
Empirical Application: International Evidence on the
Output-Inflation Tradeoff
Chapter 7
Building Blocks of Dynamic New Keynesian Models
Predetermined Prices: The Fischer Model
Fixed Prices: The Taylor Model
The Calvo Model and the New Keynesian Phillips
State-Dependent Pricing
Empirical Applications
Models of Staggered Price Adjustment with
Inflation Inertia
The Canonical New Keynesian Model
Other Elements of Modern New Keynesian DSGE
Models of Fluctuations
Chapter 8
Consumption under Certainty: The PermanentIncome Hypothesis
Consumption under Uncertainty: The RandomWalk Hypothesis
Empirical Application: Two Tests of the RandomWalk Hypothesis
The Interest Rate and Saving
Consumption and Risky Assets
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
Chapter 9
Investment and the Cost of Capital
A Model of Investment with Adjustment Costs
Tobin’s q
Analyzing the Model
Empirical Application: q and Investment
The Effects of Uncertainty
Kinked and Fixed Adjustment Costs
Financial-Market Imperfections
Empirical Application: Cash Flow and Investment
Chapter 10
Introduction: Theories of Unemployment
A Generic Efficiency-Wage Model
A More General Version
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
Contracting Models
Search and Matching Models
Empirical Applications
Chapter 11
Inflation, Money Growth, and Interest Rates
Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of
Interest Rates
The Microeconomic Foundations of Stabilization
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple BackwardLooking Model
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple ForwardLooking Model
Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary
The Dynamic Inconsistency of Low-Inflation
Monetary Policy
Empirical Applications
Seignorage and Inflation
Chapter 12
The Government Budget Constraint
The Ricardian Equivalence Result
Ricardian Equivalence in Practice
Political-Economy Theories of Budget Deficits
Strategic Debt Accumulation
Delayed Stabilization
Empirical Application: Politics and Deficits in
Industrialized Countries
12.9 The Costs of Deficits
12.10 A Model of Debt Crises
Author Index
Subject Index
Section 1.7
Section 4.2
Section 4.4
Section 7.6
Section 8.1
Section 8.3
Section 11.2
Section 11.6
Section 11.8
Section 12.1
Section 12.8
Growth Accounting
Saving and Investment
Wars and Real Interest Rates
Are Modern Economies Dynamically Efficient?
Time-Series Tests of Endogenous Growth Models
Population Growth and Technological Change since
1 Million B.C.
Accounting for Cross-Country Income Differences
Social Infrastructure and Cross-Country Income
Geography, Colonialism, and Economic Development
Calibrating a Real-Business-Cycle Model
Money and Output
The Cyclical Behavior of the Real Wage
Experimental Evidence on Coordination-Failure Games
International Evidence on the Output-Inflation
Microeconomic Evidence on Price Adjustment
Inflation Inertia
Understanding Estimated Consumption Functions
Campbell and Mankiw’s Test Using Aggregate Data
Shea’s Test Using Household Data
The Equity-Premium Puzzle
Credit Limits and Borrowing
q and Investment
Cash Flow and Investment
Contracting Effects on Employment
Interindustry Wage Differences
Survey Evidence on Wage Rigidity
The Term Structure and Changes in the Federal
Reserve’s Funds-Rate Target
Estimating Interest-Rate Rules
Central-Bank Independence and Inflation
The Great Inflation
Is U.S. Fiscal Policy on a Sustainable Path?
Politics and Deficits in Industrialized Countries
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Keeping a book on macroeconomics up to date is a challenging and neverending task. The field is continually evolving, as new events and research
lead to doubts about old views and the emergence of new ideas, models,
and tests. The result is that each edition of this book is very different from
the one before. This is truer of this revision than any previous one.
The largest changes are to the material on economic growth and on shortrun fluctuations with incomplete price flexibility. I have split the old chapter
on new growth theory in two. The first chapter (Chapter 3) covers models
of endogenous growth, and has been updated to include Paul Romer’s nowclassic model of endogenous technological progress. The second chapter
(Chapter 4) focuses on the enormous income differences across countries.
This material includes a much more extensive consideration of the challenges confronting empirical work on cross-country income differences and
of recent work on the underlying determinants of those differences.
Chapters 6 and 7 on short-run fluctuations when prices are not fully flexible have been completely recast. This material is now grounded in microeconomic foundations from the outset. It proceeds from simple models with
exogenously fixed prices to the microeconomic foundations of price stickiness in static and dynamic settings, to the canonical three-equation new Keynesian model (the new Keynesian IS curve, the new Keynesian Phillips curve,
and an interest-rate rule), to the ingredients of modern dynamic stochastic
general-equilibrium models of fluctuations. These revisions carry over to the
analysis of monetary policy in Chapter 11. This chapter has been entirely
reorganized and is now much more closely tied to the earlier analyses of
short-run fluctuations, and it includes a careful treatment of optimal policy
in forward-looking models.
The two other chapters where I have made major changes are Chapter 5
on real-business-cycle models of fluctuations and Chapter 10 on the labor
market and unemployment. In Chapter 5, the empirical applications and the
analysis of the relation between real-business-cycle theory and other models of fluctuations have been overhauled. In Chapter 10, the presentation of
search-and-matching models of the labor market has been revamped and
greatly expanded, and the material on contracting models has been substantially compressed.
Keeping the book up to date has been made even more challenging by
the financial and macroeconomic crisis that began in 2008. I have deliberately chosen not to change the book fundamentally in response to the
crisis: although I believe that the crisis will lead to major changes in macroeconomics, I also believe that it is too soon to know what those changes
will be. I have therefore taken the approach of bringing in the crisis where
it is relevant and of including an epilogue that describes some of the main
issues that the crisis raises for macroeconomics. But I believe that it will be
years before we have a clear picture of how the crisis is changing the field.
For additional reference and general information, please refer to the
book’s website at Also available on the website,
under the password-protected Instructor Edition, is the Solutions Manual.
Print versions of the manual are available by request only—if interested,
please contact your McGraw-Hill/Irwin representative.
This book owes a great deal to many people. The book is an outgrowth of
courses I have taught at Princeton University, the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Stanford University, and especially the University of California,
Berkeley. I want to thank the many students in these courses for their feedback, their patience, and their encouragement.
Four people have provided detailed, thoughtful, and constructive comments on almost every aspect of the book over multiple editions: Laurence
Ball, A. Andrew John, N. Gregory Mankiw, and Christina Romer. Each has
significantly improved the book, and I am deeply grateful to them for their
efforts. In addition to those four, Susanto Basu, Robert Hall, and Ricardo
Reis provided extremely valuable guidance that helped shape the revisions
in this edition.
Many other people have made valuable comments and suggestions concerning some or all of the book. I would particularly like to thank James
Butkiewicz, Robert Chirinko, Matthew Cushing, Charles Engel, Mark Gertler,
Robert Gordon, Mary Gregory, Tahereh Alavi Hojjat, A. Stephen Holland,
Hiroo Iwanari, Frederick Joutz, Pok-sang Lam, Gregory Linden, Maurice
Obtsfeld, Jeffrey Parker, Stephen Perez, Kerk Phillips, Carlos Ramirez,
Robert Rasche, Joseph Santos, Peter Skott, Peter Temin, Henry Thompson,
Matias Vernengo, and Steven Yamarik. Jeffrey Rohaly prepared the superb
Solutions Manual. Salifou Issoufou updated the tables and figures. Tyler
Arant, Zachary Breig, Chen Li, and Melina Mattos helped draft solutions
to the new problems and assisted with proofreading. Finally, the editorial
and production staff at McGraw-Hill did an excellent job of turning the
manuscript into a finished product. I thank all these people for their help.
Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. It is therefore concerned with some of the most important questions in economics. Why are
some countries rich and others poor? Why do countries grow? What are the
sources of recessions and booms? Why is there unemployment, and what
determines its extent? What are the sources of inflation? How do government policies affect output, unemployment, inflation, and growth? These
and related questions are the subject of macroeconomics.
This book is an introduction to the study of macroeconomics at an advanced level. It presents the major theories concerning the central questions
of macroeconomics. Its goal is to provide both an overview of the field for
students who will not continue in macroeconomics and a starting point
for students who will go on to more advanced courses and research in
macroeconomics and monetary economics.
The book takes a broad view of the subject matter of macroeconomics. A
substantial portion of the book is devoted to economic growth, and separate
chapters are devoted to the natural rate of unemployment, inflation, and
budget deficits. Within each part, the major issues and competing theories
are presented and discussed. Throughout, the presentation is motivated
by substantive questions about the world. Models and techniques are used
extensively, but they are treated as tools for gaining insight into important
issues, not as ends in themselves.
The first four chapters are concerned with growth. The analysis focuses
on two fundamental questions: Why are some economies so much richer
than others, and what accounts for the huge increases in real incomes over
time? Chapter 1 is devoted to the Solow growth model, which is the basic
reference point for almost all analyses of growth. The Solow model takes
technological progress as given and investigates the effects of the division
of output between consumption and investment on capital accumulation
and growth. The chapter presents and analyzes the model and assesses its
ability to answer the central questions concerning growth.
Chapter 2 relaxes the Solow model’s assumption that the saving rate is
exogenous and fixed. It covers both a model where the set of households in
the economy is fixed (the Ramsey model) and one where there is turnover
(the Diamond model).
Chapter 3 presents the new growth theory. It begins with models where
technological progress arises from resources being devoted to the development of new ideas, but where the division of resources between the production of ideas and the production of conventional goods is taken as given. It
then considers the determinants of that division.
Chapter 4 focuses specifically on the sources of the enormous differences in average incomes across countries. This material, which is heavily
empirical, emphasizes two issues. The first is the contribution of variations
in the accumulation of physical and human capital and in output for given
quantities of capital to cross-country income differences. The other is the
determinants of those variations.
Chapters 5 through 7 are devoted to short-run fluctuations—the year-toyear and quarter-to-quarter ups and downs of employment, unemployment,
and output. Chapter 5 investigates models of fluctuations where there are
no imperfections, externalities, or missing markets and where the economy
is subject only to real disturbances. This presentation of real-business-cycle
theory considers both a baseline model whose mechanics are fairly transparent and a more sophisticated model that incorporates additional important
features of fluctuations.
Chapters 6 and 7 then turn to Keynesian models of fluctuations. These
models are based on sluggish adjustment of nominal prices and wages,
and emphasize monetary as well as real disturbances. Chapter 6 focuses
on basic features of price stickiness. It investigates baseline models where
price stickiness is exogenous and the microeconomic foundations of price
stickiness in static settings. Chapter 7 turns to dynamics. It first examines the implications of alternative assumptions about price adjustment in
dynamic settings. It then turns to dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium
models of fluctuations with price stickiness—that is, fully specified generalequilibrium models of fluctuations that incorporate incomplete nominal
price adjustment.
The analysis in the first seven chapters suggests that the behavior of
consumption and investment is central to both growth and fluctuations.
Chapters 8 and 9 therefore examine the determinants of consumption and
investment in more detail. In each case, the analysis begins with a baseline
model and then considers alternative views. For consumption, the baseline
is the permanent-income hypothesis; for investment, it is q theory.
Chapter 10 turns to the labor market. It focuses on the determinants of an
economy’s natural rate of unemployment. The chapter also investigates the
impact of fluctuations in labor demand on real wages and employment. The
main theories considered are efficiency-wage theories, contracting theories,
and search and matching models.
The final two chapters are devoted to macroeconomic policy. Chapter 11
investigates monetary policy and inflation. It starts by explaining the central
role of money growth in causing inflation and by investigating the effects
of money growth. It then considers optimal monetary policy. This analysis
begins with the microeconomic foundations of the appropriate objective
for policy, proceeds to the analysis of optimal policy in backward-looking
and forward-looking models, and concludes with a discussion of a range of
issues in the conduct of policy. The final sections of the chapter examine
how excessive inflation can arise either from a short-run output-inflation
tradeoff or from governments’ need for revenue from money creation.
Chapter 12 is concerned with fiscal policy and budget deficits. The first
part of the chapter describes the government’s budget constraint and
investigates two baseline views of deficits: Ricardian equivalence and
tax-smoothing. Most of the remainder of the chapter investigates theories
of the sources of deficits. In doing so, it provides an introduction to the use
of economic tools to study politics.
Finally, a brief epilogue discusses the macroeconomic and financial crisis
that began in 2007 and worsened dramatically in the fall of 2008. The
focus is on the major issues that the crisis is likely to raise for the field
of macroeconomics.1
Macroeconomics is both a theoretical and an empirical subject. Because
of this, the presentation of the theories is supplemented with examples of
relevant empirical work. Even more so than with the theoretical sections, the
purpose of the empirical material is not to provide a survey of the literature;
nor is it to teach econometric techniques. Instead, the goal is to illustrate
some of the ways that macroeconomic theories can be applied and tested.
The presentation of this material is for the most part fairly intuitive and
presumes no more knowledge of econometrics than a general familiarity
with regressions. In a few places where it can be done naturally, the empirical material includes discussions of the ideas underlying more advanced
econometric techniques.
Each chapter concludes with a set of problems. The problems range from
relatively straightforward variations on the ideas in the text to extensions
that tackle important issues. The problems thus serve both as a way for
readers to strengthen their understanding of the material and as a compact
way of presenting significant extensions of the ideas in the text.
The fact that the book is an advanced introduction to macroeconomics
has two main consequences. The first is that the book uses a series of formal models to present and analyze the theories. Models identify particular
The chapters are largely independent. The growth and fluctuations sections are almost
entirely self-contained (although Chapter 5 builds moderately on Part A of Chapter 2). There
is also considerable independence among the chapters in each section. Chapters 2, 3, and 4
can be covered in any order, and models of price stickiness (Chapters 6 and 7) can be covered
either before or after real-business-cycle theory (Chapter 5). Finally, the last five chapters are
largely self-contained. The main exception is that Chapter 11 on monetary policy builds on
the analysis of models of fluctuations in Chapter 7. In addition, Chapter 8 relies moderately
on Chapter 2 and Chapter 10 relies moderately on Chapter 6.
features of reality and study their consequences in isolation. They thereby
allow us to see clearly how different elements of the economy interact and
what their implications are. As a result, they provide a rigorous way of
investigating whether a proposed theory can answer a particular question
and whether it generates additional predictions.
The book contains literally dozens of models. The main reason for this
multiplicity is that we are interested in many issues. Features of the economy that are crucial to one issue may be unimportant to others. Money, for
example, is almost surely central to inflation but not to long-run growth. Incorporating money into models of growth would only obscure the analysis.
Thus instead of trying to build a single model to analyze all the issues we
are interested in, the book develops a series of models.
An additional reason for the multiplicity of models is that there is considerable disagreement about the answers to many of the questions we will be
examining. When there is disagreement, the book presents the leading views
and discusses their strengths and weaknesses. Because different theories
emphasize different features of the economy, again it is more enlightening
to investigate distinct models than to build one model incorporating all the
features emphasized by the different views.
The second consequence of the book’s advanced level is that it presumes
some background in mathematics and economics. Mathematics provides
compact ways of expressing ideas and powerful tools for analyzing them.
The models are therefore mainly presented and analyzed mathematically.
The key mathematical requirements are a thorough understanding of singlevariable calculus and an introductory knowledge of multivariable calculus.
Tools such as functions, logarithms, derivatives and partial derivatives, maximization subject to constraint, and Taylor-series approximations are used
relatively freely. Knowledge of the basic ideas of probability—random variables, means, variances, covariances, and independence—is also assumed.
No mathematical background beyond this level is needed. More advanced
tools (such as simple differential equations, the calculus of variations, and
dynamic programming) are used sparingly, and they are explained as they
are used. Indeed, since mathematical techniques are essential to further
study and research in macroeconomics, models are sometimes analyzed in
greater detail than is otherwise needed in order to illustrate the use of a
particular method.
In terms of economics, the book assumes an understanding of microeconomics through the intermediate level. Familiarity with such ideas as profit
maximization and utility maximization, supply and demand, equilibrium,
efficiency, and the welfare properties of competitive equilibria is presumed.
Little background in macroeconomics itself is absolutely necessary. Readers with no prior exposure to macroeconomics, however, are likely to find
some of the concepts and terminology difficult, and to find that the pace is
rapid. These readers may wish to review an intermediate macroeconomics
text before beginning the book, or to study such a book in conjunction with
this one.
The book was designed for first-year graduate courses in macroeconomics. But it can be used (either on its own or in conjunction with an
intermediate text) for students with strong backgrounds in mathematics
and economics in professional schools and advanced undergraduate programs. It can also provide a tour of the field for economists and others
working in areas outside macroeconomics.
1.1 Some Basic Facts about Economic
Over the past few centuries, standards of living in industrialized countries
have reached levels almost unimaginable to our ancestors. Although comparisons are difficult, the best available evidence suggests that average real
incomes today in the United States and Western Europe are between 10 and
30 times larger than a century ago, and between 50 and 300 times larger
than two centuries ago.1
Moreover, worldwide growth is far from constant. Growth has been rising
over most of modern history. Average growth rates in the industrialized
countries were higher in the twentieth century than in the nineteenth, and
higher in the nineteenth than in the eighteenth. Further, average incomes
on the eve of the Industrial Revolution even in the wealthiest countries were
not dramatically above subsistence levels; this tells us that average growth
over the millennia before the Industrial Revolution must have been very,
very low.
One important exception to this general pattern of increasing growth
is the productivity growth slowdown. Average annual growth in output per
person in the United States and other industrialized countries from the early
1970s to the mid-1990s was about a percentage point below its earlier level.
The data since then suggest a rebound in productivity growth, at least in the
United States. How long the rebound will last and how widespread it will be
are not yet clear.
Maddison (2006) reports and discusses basic data on average real incomes over modern
history. Most of the uncertainty about the extent of long-term growth concerns the behavior not of nominal income, but of the price indexes needed to convert those figures into
estimates of real income. Adjusting for quality changes and for the introduction of new
goods is conceptually and practically difficult, and conventional price indexes do not make
these adjustments well. See Nordhaus (1997) and Boskin, Dulberger, Gordon, Griliches, and
Jorgenson (1998) for discussions of the issues involved and analyses of the biases in conventional price indexes.
Some Basic Facts about Economic Growth
There are also enormous differences in standards of living across parts
of the world. Average real incomes in such countries as the United States,
Germany, and Japan appear to exceed those in such countries as Bangladesh
and Kenya by a factor of about 20.2 As with worldwide growth, cross-country
income differences are not immutable. Growth in individual countries often
differs considerably from average worldwide growth; that is, there are often
large changes in countries’ relative incomes.
The most striking examples of large changes in relative incomes are
growth miracles and growth disasters. Growth miracles are episodes where
growth in a country far exceeds the world average over an extended period,
with the result that the country moves rapidly up the world income distribution. Some prominent growth miracles are Japan from the end of World
War II to around 1990, the newly industrializing countries (NICs) of East Asia
(South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong) starting around 1960, and
China starting around 1980. Average incomes in the NICs, for example, have
grown at an average annual rate of over 5 percent since 1960. As a result,
their average incomes relative to that of the United States have more than
Growth disasters are episodes where a country’s growth falls far short
of the world average. Two very different examples of growth disasters are
Argentina and many of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. In 1900,
Argentina’s average income was only slightly behind those of the world’s
leaders, and it appeared poised to become a major industrialized country.
But its growth performance since then has been dismal, and it is now near
the middle of the world income distribution. Sub-Saharan African countries
such as Chad, Ghana, and Mozambique have been extremely poor throughout their histories and have been unable to obtain any sustained growth in
average incomes. As a result, their average incomes have remained close to
subsistence levels while average world income has been rising steadily.
Other countries exhibit more complicated growth patterns. Côte d’Ivoire
was held up as the growth model for Africa through the 1970s. From 1960 to
1978, real income per person grew at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent.
But in the three decades since then, its average income has not increased
at all, and it is now lower relative to that of the United States than it was in
1960. To take another example, average growth in Mexico was very high in
the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, negative in most of the 1980s, and moderate—
with a brief but severe interruption in the mid-1990s—since then.
Over the whole of the modern era, cross-country income differences have
widened on average. The fact that average incomes in the richest countries
at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution were not far above subsistence
Comparisons of real incomes across countries are far from straightforward, but are
much easier than comparisons over extended periods of time. The basic source for crosscountry data on real income is the Penn World Tables. Documentation of these data and the
most recent figures are available at
means that the overall dispersion of average incomes across different parts
of the world must have been much smaller than it is today (Pritchett, 1997).
Over the past few decades, however, there has been no strong tendency
either toward continued divergence or toward convergence.
The implications of the vast differences in standards of living over time
and across countries for human welfare are enormous. The differences are
associated with large differences in nutrition, literacy, infant mortality, life
expectancy, and other direct measures of well-being. And the welfare consequences of long-run growth swamp any possible effects of the short-run
fluctuations that macroeconomics traditionally focuses on. During an average recession in the United States, for example, real income per person
falls by a few percent relative to its usual path. In contrast, the productivity
growth slowdown reduced real income per person in the United States by
about 25 percent relative to what it otherwise would have been. Other examples are even more startling. If real income per person in the Philippines continues to grow at its average rate for the period 1960–2001 of 1.5 percent, it
will take 150 years for it to reach the current U.S. level. If it achieves 3 percent growth, the time will be reduced to 75 years. And if it achieves 5 percent
growth, as the NICs have done, the process will take only 45 years. To quote
Robert Lucas (1988), “Once one starts to think about [economic growth], it
is hard to think about anything else.”
The first four chapters of this book are therefore devoted to economic
growth. We will investigate several models of growth. Although we will
examine the models’ mechanics in considerable detail, our goal is to learn
what insights they offer concerning worldwide growth and income differences across countries. Indeed, the ultimate objective of research on economic growth is to determine whether there are possibilities for raising
overall growth or bringing standards of living in poor countries closer to
those in the world leaders.
This chapter focuses on the model that economists have traditionally
used to study these issues, the Solow growth model.3 The Solow model is
the starting point for almost all analyses of growth. Even models that depart
fundamentally from Solow’s are often best understood through comparison
with the Solow model. Thus understanding the model is essential to understanding theories of growth.
The principal conclusion of the Solow model is that the accumulation
of physical capital cannot account for either the vast growth over time in
output per person or the vast geographic differences in output per person. Specifically, suppose that capital accumulation affects output through
the conventional channel that capital makes a direct contribution to production, for which it is paid its marginal product. Then the Solow model
The Solow model (which is sometimes known as the Solow–Swan model) was developed
by Robert Solow (Solow, 1956) and T. W. Swan (Swan, 1956).
Some Basic Facts about Economic Growth
implies that the differences in real incomes that we are trying to understand are far too large to be accounted for by differences in capital inputs.
The model treats other potential sources of differences in real incomes as
either exogenous and thus not explained by the model (in the case of technological progress, for example) or absent altogether (in the case of positive
externalities from capital, for example). Thus to address the central questions of growth theory, we must move beyond the Solow model.
Chapters 2 through 4 therefore extend and modify the Solow model.
Chapter 2 investigates the determinants of saving and investment. The
Solow model has no optimization in it; it takes the saving rate as exogenous
and constant. Chapter 2 presents two models that make saving endogenous
and potentially time-varying. In the first, saving and consumption decisions
are made by a fixed set of infinitely lived households; in the second, the
decisions are made by overlapping generations of households with finite
Relaxing the Solow model’s assumption of a constant saving rate has
three advantages. First, and most important for studying growth, it demonstrates that the Solow model’s conclusions about the central questions of
growth theory do not hinge on its assumption of a fixed saving rate. Second,
it allows us to consider welfare issues. A model that directly specifies relations among aggregate variables provides no way of judging whether some
outcomes are better or worse than others: without individuals in the model,
we cannot say whether different outcomes make individuals better or worse
off. The infinite-horizon and overlapping-generations models are built up
from the behavior of individuals, and can therefore be used to discuss welfare issues. Third, infinite-horizon and overlapping-generations models are
used to study many issues in economics other than economic growth; thus
they are valuable tools.
Chapters 3 and 4 investigate more fundamental departures from the
Solow model. Their models, in contrast to Chapter 2’s, provide different
answers than the Solow model to the central questions of growth theory.
Chapter 3 departs from the Solow model’s treatment of technological progress as exogenous; it assumes instead that it is the result of the allocation of resources to the creation of new technologies. We will investigate
the implications of such endogenous technological progress for economic
growth and the determinants of the allocation of resources to innovative
The main conclusion of this analysis is that endogenous technological
progress is almost surely central to worldwide growth but probably has little to do with cross-country income differences. Chapter 4 therefore focuses
specifically on those differences. We will find that understanding them requires considering two new factors: variation in human as well as physical
capital, and variation in productivity not stemming from variation in technology. Chapter 4 explores both how those factors can help us understand
the enormous differences in average incomes across countries and potential
sources of variation in those factors.
We now turn to the Solow model.
1.2 Assumptions
Inputs and Output
The Solow model focuses on four variables: output (Y ), capital (K ), labor
(L), and “knowledge” or the “effectiveness of labor” (A). At any time, the
economy has some amounts of capital, labor, and knowledge, and these are
combined to produce output. The production function takes the form
Y (t ) = F (K (t ), A(t )L(t )),
where t denotes time.
Notice that time does not enter the production function directly, but only
through K , L, and A. That is, output changes over time only if the inputs
to production change. In particular, the amount of output obtained from
given quantities of capital and labor rises over time—there is technological
progress—only if the amount of knowledge increases.
Notice also that A and L enter multiplicatively. AL is referred to as effective labor, and technological progress that enters in this fashion is known as
labor-augmenting or Harrod-neutral.4 This way of specifying how A enters,
together with the other assumptions of the model, will imply that the ratio
of capital to output, K/Y, eventually settles down. In practice, capital-output
ratios do not show any clear upward or downward trend over extended periods. In addition, building the model so that the ratio is eventually constant
makes the analysis much simpler. Assuming that A multiplies L is therefore
very convenient.
The central assumptions of the Solow model concern the properties of the
production function and the evolution of the three inputs into production
(capital, labor, and knowledge) over time. We discuss each in turn.
Assumptions Concerning the Production Function
The model’s critical assumption concerning the production function is that
it has constant returns to scale in its two arguments, capital and effective
labor. That is, doubling the quantities of capital and effective labor (for example, by doubling K and L with A held fixed) doubles the amount produced.
If knowledge enters in the form Y = F (AK , L), technological progress is capitalaugmenting. If it enters in the form Y = AF (K , L), technological progress is Hicks-neutral.
1.2 Assumptions
More generally, multiplying both arguments by any nonnegative constant c
causes output to change by the same factor:
F (cK , cAL) = cF (K , AL)
for all c ≥ 0.
The assumption of constant returns can be thought of as a combination
of two separate assumptions. The first is that the economy is big enough that
the gains from specialization have been exhausted. In a very small economy,
there are likely to be enough possibilities for further specialization that
doubling the amounts of capital and labor more than doubles output. The
Solow model assumes, however, that the economy is sufficiently large that,
if capital and labor double, the new inputs are used in essentially the same
way as the existing inputs, and so output doubles.
The second assumption is that inputs other than capital, labor, and knowledge are relatively unimportant. In particular, the model neglects land and
other natural resources. If natural resources are important, doubling capital
and labor could less than double output. In practice, however, as Section 1.8
describes, the availability of natural resources does not appear to be a major
constraint on growth. Assuming constant returns to capital and labor alone
therefore appears to be a reasonable approximation.
The assumption of constant returns allows us to work with the production function in intensive form. Setting c = 1/AL in equation (1.2) yields
F (K , AL).
Here K /AL is the amount of capital per unit of effective labor, and F (K , AL)/
AL is Y/AL, output per unit of effective labor. Define k = K /AL, y = Y/AL,
and f (k) = F (k,1). Then we can rewrite (1.3) as
y = f (k).
That is, we can write output per unit of effective labor as a function of
capital per unit of effective labor.
These new variables, k and y , are not of interest in their own right. Rather,
they are tools for learning about the variables we are interested in. As we
will see, the easiest way to analyze the model is to focus on the behavior
of k rather than to directly consider the behavior of the two arguments
of the production function, K and AL. For example, we will determine the
behavior of output per worker, Y/L, by writing it as A(Y/AL), or A f (k), and
determining the behavior of A and k.
To see the intuition behind (1.4), think of dividing the economy into AL
small economies, each with 1 unit of effective labor and K /AL units of capital. Since the production function has constant returns, each of these small
economies produces 1/AL as much as is produced in the large, undivided
economy. Thus the amount of output per unit of effective labor depends
only on the quantity of capital per unit of effective labor, and not on the overall size of the economy. This is expressed mathematically in equation (1.4).
f (k)
FIGURE 1.1 An example of a production function
The intensive-form production function, f (k), is assumed to satisfy f (0) =
0, f ′ (k) > 0, f ′′ (k) < 0.5 Since F (K , AL) equals ALf (K /AL), it follows that
the marginal product of capital, ∂F (K , AL)/∂K , equals ALf ′ (K /AL)(1/AL),
which is just f ′ (k). Thus the assumptions that f ′ (k) is positive and f ′′ (k)
is negative imply that the marginal product of capital is positive, but that
it declines as capital (per unit of effective labor) rises. In addition, f (•)
is assumed to satisfy the Inada conditions (Inada, 1964): limk→0 f ′ (k) = ∞,
limk→∞ f ′ (k) = 0. These conditions (which are stronger than needed for the
model’s central results) state that the marginal product of capital is very
large when the capital stock is sufficiently small and that it becomes very
small as the capital stock becomes large; their role is to ensure that the path
of the economy does not diverge. A production function satisfying f ′ (•) > 0,
f ′′ (•) < 0, and the Inada conditions is shown in Figure 1.1.
A specific example of a production function is the Cobb–Douglas function,
F (K , AL) = K α(AL)1−α,
0 < α < 1.
This production function is easy to analyze, and it appears to be a good first
approximation to actual production functions. As a result, it is very useful.
The notation f ′ (•) denotes the first derivative of f (•), and f ′′ (•) the second derivative.
1.2 Assumptions
It is easy to check that the Cobb–Douglas function has constant returns.
Multiplying both inputs by c gives us
F (cK , cAL) = (cK )α(cAL)1−α
= c αc 1−α K α(AL)1−α
= cF (K , AL).
To find the intensive form of the production function, divide both inputs
by AL; this yields
f (k) ≡ F
= k α.
. It is straightforward to check that
Equation (1.7) implies that f ′ (k) = αk
this expression is positive, that it approaches infinity as k approaches zero,
and that it approaches zero as k approaches infinity. Finally, f ′′ (k) =
−(1 − α)αk
, which is negative.6
The Evolution of the Inputs into Production
The remaining assumptions of the model concern how the stocks of labor,
knowledge, and capital change over time. The model is set in continuous
time; that is, the variables of the model are defined at every point in time.7
The initial levels of capital, labor, and knowledge are taken as given, and
are assumed to be strictly positive. Labor and knowledge grow at constant
L̇(t ) = nL(t ),
Ȧ(t ) = gA(t ),
where n and g are exogenous parameters and where a dot over a variable
denotes a derivative with respect to time (that is, Ẋ (t ) is shorthand for
dX(t )/dt).
Note that with Cobb–Douglas production, labor-augmenting, capital-augmenting, and
Hicks-neutral technological progress (see n. 4) are all essentially the same. For example, to
rewrite (1.5) so that technological progress is Hicks-neutral, simply define à = A 1−α; then
Y = Ã(K α L 1−α).
The alternative is discrete time, where the variables are defined only at specific dates
(usually t = 0,1,2, . . .). The choice between continuous and discrete time is usually based on
convenience. For example, the Solow model has essentially the same implications in discrete
as in continuous time, but is easier to analyze in continuous time.
The growth rate of a variable refers to its proportional rate of change.
That is, the growth rate of X refers to the quantity X˙(t )/X(t ). Thus equation (1.8) implies that the growth rate of L is constant and equal to n, and
(1.9) implies that A’s growth rate is constant and equal to g.
A key fact about growth rates is that the growth rate of a variable equals
the rate of change of its natural log. That is, Ẋ (t )/X(t ) equals d ln X(t )/dt. To
see this, note that since ln X is a function of X and X is a function of t, we
can use the chain rule to write
d ln X(t )
d ln X(t ) dX(t )
dX(t )
X(t )
Ẋ (t ).
Applying the result that a variable’s growth rate equals the rate of change
of its log to (1.8) and (1.9) tells us that the rates of change of the logs of L
and A are constant and that they equal n and g, respectively. Thus,
ln L(t ) = [ln L(0)] + nt,
ln A(t ) = [ln A(0)] + gt,
where L(0) and A(0) are the values of L and A at time 0. Exponentiating both
sides of these equations gives us
L(t ) = L(0)e nt ,
A(t ) = A(0)e .
Thus, our assumption is that L and A each grow exponentially.8
Output is divided between consumption and investment. The fraction
of output devoted to investment, s, is exogenous and constant. One unit of
output devoted to investment yields one unit of new capital. In addition,
existing capital depreciates at rate δ. Thus
K̇ (t ) = sY (t ) − δK (t ).
Although no restrictions are placed on n, g, and δ individually, their sum is
assumed to be positive. This completes the description of the model.
Since this is the first model (of many!) we will encounter, this is a good
place for a general comment about modeling. The Solow model is grossly
simplified in a host of ways. To give just a few examples, there is only a
single good; government is absent; fluctuations in employment are ignored;
production is described by an aggregate production function with just three
inputs; and the rates of saving, depreciation, population growth, and technological progress are constant. It is natural to think of these features of
the model as defects: the model omits many obvious features of the world,
See Problems 1.1 and 1.2 for more on basic properties of growth rates.
1.3 The Dynamics of the Model
and surely some of those features are important to growth. But the purpose
of a model is not to be realistic. After all, we already possess a model that
is completely realistic—the world itself. The problem with that “model” is
that it is too complicated to understand. A model’s purpose is to provide
insights about particular features of the world. If a simplifying assumption causes a model to give incorrect answers to the questions it is being
used to address, then that lack of realism may be a defect. (Even then, the
simplification—by showing clearly the consequences of those features of
the world in an idealized setting—may be a useful reference point.) If the
simplification does not cause the model to provide incorrect answers to the
questions it is being used to address, however, then the lack of realism is
a virtue: by isolating the effect of interest more clearly, the simplification
makes it easier to understand.
1.3 The Dynamics of the Model
We want to determine the behavior of the economy we have just described.
The evolution of two of the three inputs into production, labor and knowledge, is exogenous. Thus to characterize the behavior of the economy, we
must analyze the behavior of the third input, capital.
The Dynamics of k
Because the economy may be growing over time, it turns out to be much
easier to focus on the capital stock per unit of effective labor, k, than on the
unadjusted capital stock, K . Since k = K /AL, we can use the chain rule to
˙ )=
K̇ (t )
A(t )L(t )
K̇ (t )
A(t )L(t )
K (t )
[A(t )L(t )]2
K (t )
[A(t )L̇(t ) + L(t )Ȧ(t )]
L̇(t )
A(t )L(t ) L(t )
K (t )
Ȧ(t )
A(t )L(t ) A(t )
K /AL is simply k. From (1.8) and (1.9), L̇ /L and Ȧ /A are n and g, respectively.
K̇ is given by (1.15). Substituting these facts into (1.16) yields
˙ ) = sY (t ) − δK (t ) − k(t )n − k(t )g
A(t )L(t )
Y (t )
A(t )L(t )
− δk(t ) − nk(t ) − gk(t ).
Break-even investment
(n + g + δ)k
Investment per
unit of effective labor
sf (k)
Actual investment
Actual and break-even investment
Finally, using the fact that Y/AL is given by f (k), we have
˙ ) = sf (k(t )) − (n + g +δ)k(t ).
Equation (1.18) is the key equation of the Solow model. It states that
the rate of change of the capital stock per unit of effective labor is the
difference between two terms. The first, sf (k), is actual investment per unit
of effective labor: output per unit of effective labor is f (k), and the fraction
of that output that is invested is s. The second term, (n + g + δ)k, is breakeven investment, the amount of investment that must be done just to keep
k at its existing level. There are two reasons that some investment is needed
to prevent k from falling. First, existing capital is depreciating; this capital
must be replaced to keep the capital stock from falling. This is the δk term in
(1.18). Second, the quantity of effective labor is growing. Thus doing enough
investment to keep the capital stock (K ) constant is not enough to keep
the capital stock per unit of effective labor (k) constant. Instead, since the
quantity of effective labor is growing at rate n + g, the capital stock must
grow at rate n + g to hold k steady.9 This is the (n + g)k term in (1.18).
When actual investment per unit of effective labor exceeds the investment needed to break even, k is rising. When actual investment falls short
of break-even investment, k is falling. And when the two are equal, k is
Figure 1.2 plots the two terms of the expression for k˙ as functions of k.
Break-even investment, (n + g+δ)k, is proportional to k. Actual investment,
sf (k), is a constant times output per unit of effective labor.
Since f (0) = 0, actual investment and break-even investment are equal at
k = 0. The Inada conditions imply that at k = 0, f ′ (k) is large, and thus that
the sf (k) line is steeper than the (n + g + δ)k line. Thus for small values of
The fact that the growth rate of the quantity of effective labor, AL, equals n + g is an
instance of the fact that the growth rate of the product of two variables equals the sum of
their growth rates. See Problem 1.1.
1.3 The Dynamics of the Model
FIGURE 1.3 The phase diagram for k in the Solow model
k, actual investment is larger than break-even investment. The Inada conditions also imply that f ′ (k) falls toward zero as k becomes large. At some
point, the slope of the actual investment line falls below the slope of the
break-even investment line. With the sf (k) line flatter than the (n + g + δ)k
line, the two must eventually cross. Finally, the fact that f ′′ (k) < 0 implies
that the two lines intersect only once for k > 0. We let k ∗ denote the value
of k where actual investment and break-even investment are equal.
Figure 1.3 summarizes this information in the form of a phase diagram,
which shows k˙ as a function of k. If k is initially less than k ∗ , actual investment exceeds break-even investment, and so k˙ is positive—that is, k is
rising. If k exceeds k ∗ , k˙ is negative. Finally, if k equals k ∗ , then k˙ is zero.
Thus, regardless of where k starts, it converges to k ∗ and remains there.10
The Balanced Growth Path
Since k converges to k ∗ , it is natural to ask how the variables of the model
behave when k equals k ∗ . By assumption, labor and knowledge are growing
at rates n and g, respectively. The capital stock, K , equals ALk; since k is
constant at k ∗ , K is growing at rate n + g (that is, K̇ /K equals n + g). With
both capital and effective labor growing at rate n + g, the assumption of
constant returns implies that output, Y, is also growing at that rate. Finally,
capital per worker, K /L, and output per worker, Y/L, are growing at rate g.
If k is initially zero, it remains there. However, this possibility is ruled out by our
assumption that initial levels of K , L, and A are strictly positive.
Thus the Solow model implies that, regardless of its starting point, the
economy converges to a balanced growth path—a situation where each
variable of the model is growing at a constant rate. On the balanced growth
path, the growth rate of output per worker is determined solely by the rate
of technological progress.11
1.4 The Impact of a Change in the
Saving Rate
The parameter of the Solow model that policy is most likely to affect is the
saving rate. The division of the government’s purchases between consumption and investment goods, the division of its revenues between taxes and
borrowing, and its tax treatments of saving and investment are all likely to
affect the fraction of output that is invested. Thus it is natural to investigate
the effects of a change in the saving rate.
For concreteness, we will consider a Solow economy that is on a balanced
growth path, and suppose that there is a permanent increase in s. In addition
to demonstrating the model’s implications concerning the role of saving,
this experiment will illustrate the model’s properties when the economy is
not on a balanced growth path.
The Impact on Output
The increase in s shifts the actual investment line upward, and so k ∗ rises.
This is shown in Figure 1.4. But k does not immediately jump to the new
value of k ∗ . Initially, k is equal to the old value of k ∗ . At this level, actual
investment now exceeds break-even investment—more resources are being
devoted to investment than are needed to hold k constant—and so k˙ is
positive. Thus k begins to rise. It continues to rise until it reaches the new
value of k ∗ , at which point it remains constant.
These results are summarized in the first three panels of Figure 1.5. t 0 denotes the time of the increase in the saving rate. By assumption, s jumps up
The broad behavior of the U.S. economy and many other major industrialized
economies over the last century or more is described reasonably well by the balanced growth
path of the Solow model. The growth rates of labor, capital, and output have each been
roughly constant. The growth rates of output and capital have been about equal (so that the
capital-output ratio has been approximately constant) and have been larger than the growth
rate of labor (so that output per worker and capital per worker have been rising). This is often
taken as evidence that it is reasonable to think of these economies as Solow-model economies
on their balanced growth paths. Jones (2002a) shows, however, that the underlying determinants of the level of income on the balanced growth path have in fact been far from constant
in these economies, and thus that the resemblance between these economies and the balanced growth path of the Solow model is misleading. We return to this issue in Section 3.3.
1.4 The Impact of a Change in the Saving Rate
(n + g + δ)k
Investment per unit of effective labor
s NEWf (k)
s OLDf (k)
k ∗OLD
k ∗NEW
The effects of an increase in the saving rate on investment
at time t 0 and remains constant thereafter. Since the jump in s causes actual
investment to exceed break-even investment by a strictly positive amount,
k˙ jumps from zero to a strictly positive amount. k rises gradually from the
old value of k ∗ to the new value, and k˙ falls gradually back to zero.12
We are likely to be particularly interested in the behavior of output per
worker, Y/L. Y/L equals A f (k). When k is constant, Y/L grows at rate g,
the growth rate of A. When k is increasing, Y/L grows both because A is
increasing and because k is increasing. Thus its growth rate exceeds g.
When k reaches the new value of k ∗ , however, again only the growth of
A contributes to the growth of Y/L, and so the growth rate of Y/L returns
to g. Thus a permanent increase in the saving rate produces a temporary
increase in the growth rate of output per worker: k is rising for a time, but
eventually it increases to the point where the additional saving is devoted
entirely to maintaining the higher level of k.
The fourth and fifth panels of Figure 1.5 show how output per worker
responds to the rise in the saving rate. The growth rate of output per worker,
which is initially g, jumps upward at t0 and then gradually returns to its
initial level. Thus output per worker begins to rise above the path it was on
and gradually settles into a higher path parallel to the first.13
For a sufficiently large rise in the saving rate, k̇ can rise for a while after t 0 before
starting to fall back to zero.
Because the growth rate of a variable equals the derivative with respect to time of its
log, graphs in logs are often much easier to interpret than graphs in levels. For example, if
a variable’s growth rate is constant, the graph of its log as a function of time is a straight
line. This is why Figure 1.5 shows the log of output per worker rather than its level.
of Y/L
The effects of an increase in the saving rate
In sum, a change in the saving rate has a level effect but not a growth
effect: it changes the economy’s balanced growth path, and thus the level of
output per worker at any point in time, but it does not affect the growth
rate of output per worker on the balanced growth path. Indeed, in the
1.4 The Impact of a Change in the Saving Rate
Solow model only changes in the rate of technological progress have growth
effects; all other changes have only level effects.
The Impact on Consumption
If we were to introduce households into the model, their welfare would depend not on output but on consumption: investment is simply an input into
production in the future. Thus for many purposes we are likely to be more
interested in the behavior of consumption than in the behavior of output.
Consumption per unit of effective labor equals output per unit of effective labor, f (k), times the fraction of that output that is consumed, 1 − s.
Thus, since s changes discontinuously at t0 and k does not, initially consumption per unit of effective labor jumps downward. Consumption then
rises gradually as k rises and s remains at its higher level. This is shown in
the last panel of Figure 1.5.
Whether consumption eventually exceeds its level before the rise in s is
not immediately clear. Let c ∗ denote consumption per unit of effective labor
on the balanced growth path. c ∗ equals output per unit of effective labor,
f (k ∗ ), minus investment per unit of effective labor, sf (k ∗ ). On the balanced
growth path, actual investment equals break-even investment, (n + g+δ)k ∗ .
c ∗ = f (k ∗ ) − (n + g + δ)k ∗ .
k ∗ is determined by s and the other parameters of the model, n, g, and δ;
we can therefore write k ∗ = k ∗ (s, n, g, δ). Thus (1.19) implies
∂c ∗
= [ f ′ (k ∗ (s, n, g, δ)) − (n + g + δ)]
∂k ∗ (s, n, g, δ)
We know that the increase in s raises k ∗ ; that is, we know that ∂k ∗ /∂s
is positive. Thus whether the increase raises or lowers consumption in the
long run depends on whether f ′ (k ∗ )—the marginal product of capital—is
more or less than n + g +δ. Intuitively, when k rises, investment (per unit of
effective labor) must rise by n + g + δ times the change in k for the increase
to be sustained. If f ′ (k ∗ ) is less than n + g + δ, then the additional output
from the increased capital is not enough to maintain the capital stock at
its higher level. In this case, consumption must fall to maintain the higher
capital stock. If f ′ (k ∗ ) exceeds n + g + δ, on the other hand, there is more
than enough additional output to maintain k at its higher level, and so consumption rises.
f ′ (k ∗ ) can be either smaller or larger than n + g + δ. This is shown in
Figure 1.6. The figure shows not only (n + g + δ)k and sf (k), but also f (k).
Since consumption on the balanced growth path equals output less breakeven investment (see [1.19]), c ∗ is the distance between f (k) and (n + g + δ)k
at k = k ∗ . The figure shows the determinants of c ∗ for three different values
Output and investment
per unit of effective labor
f (k )
(n + g + δ)k
sH f (k)
Output and investment
per unit of effective labor
f (k)
(n + g + δ)k
sLf (k)
k L∗
Output and investment
per unit of effective labor
f (k)
(n + g + δ)k
sMf (k)
FIGURE 1.6 Output, investment, and consumption on the balanced growth
Quantitative Implications
of s (and hence three different values of k ∗ ). In the top panel, s is high, and
so k ∗ is high and f ′ (k ∗ ) is less than n + g + δ. As a result, an increase in
the saving rate lowers consumption even when the economy has reached
its new balanced growth path. In the middle panel, s is low, k ∗ is low, f ′ (k ∗ )
is greater than n + g + δ, and an increase in s raises consumption in the
long run.
Finally, in the bottom panel, s is at the level that causes f ′ (k ∗ ) to just equal
n + g + δ—that is, the f (k) and (n + g + δ)k loci are parallel at k = k ∗ . In this
case, a marginal change in s has no effect on consumption in the long run,
and consumption is at its maximum possible level among balanced growth
paths. This value of k ∗ is known as the golden-rule level of the capital stock.
We will discuss the golden-rule capital stock further in Chapter 2. Among
the questions we will address are whether the golden-rule capital stock is
in fact desirable and whether there are situations in which a decentralized
economy with endogenous saving converges to that capital stock. Of course,
in the Solow model, where saving is exogenous, there is no more reason to
expect the capital stock on the balanced growth path to equal the goldenrule level than there is to expect it to equal any other possible value.
1.5 Quantitative Implications
We are usually interested not just in a model’s qualitative implications, but
in its quantitative predictions. If, for example, the impact of a moderate
increase in saving on growth remains large after several centuries, the result
that the impact is temporary is of limited interest.
For most models, including this one, obtaining exact quantitative results
requires specifying functional forms and values of the parameters; it often
also requires analyzing the model numerically. But in many cases, it is possible to learn a great deal by considering approximations around the long-run
equilibrium. That is the approach we take here.
The Effect on Output in the Long Run
The long-run effect of a rise in saving on output is given by
∂y ∗
= f ′ (k ∗ )
∂k ∗ (s, n, g, δ)
where y ∗ = f (k ∗ ) is the level of output per unit of effective labor on the
balanced growth path. Thus to find ∂y ∗/∂s, we need to find ∂k ∗/∂s. To do
this, note that k ∗ is defined by the condition that k˙ = 0. Thus k ∗ satisfies
sf (k ∗ (s, n, g, δ)) = (n + g + δ)k ∗ (s, n, g, δ).
Equation (1.22) holds for all values of s (and of n, g, and δ). Thus the derivatives of the two sides with respect to s are equal:14
sf ′ (k ∗ )
∂k ∗
+ f (k ∗ ) = (n + g + δ)
∂k ∗
where the arguments of k ∗ are omitted for simplicity. This can be rearranged
to obtain15
∂k ∗
f (k ∗ )
(n + g + δ) − sf ′ (k ∗ )
Substituting (1.24) into (1.21) yields
∂y ∗
f ′ (k ∗ ) f (k ∗ )
(n + g + δ) − sf ′ (k ∗ )
Two changes help in interpreting this expression. The first is to convert it
to an elasticity by multiplying both sides by s/y ∗ . The second is to use the
fact that sf (k ∗ ) = (n + g + δ)k ∗ to substitute for s. Making these changes
gives us
s ∂y ∗
f ′ (k ∗ ) f (k ∗ )
y ∂s
f (k ) (n + g + δ) − sf ′ (k ∗ )
(n + g + δ)k ∗f ′ (k ∗ )
f (k ∗ )[(n + g + δ) − (n + g + δ)k ∗ f ′ (k ∗ )/f (k ∗ )]
k ∗ f ′ (k ∗ )/f (k ∗ )
1 − [k ∗f ′ (k ∗ )/f (k ∗ )]
k ∗f ′ (k ∗ )/f (k ∗ ) is the elasticity of output with respect to capital at k = k ∗.
Denoting this by αK (k ∗ ), we have
αK (k ∗ )
y ∂s
1 − αK (k ∗ )
s ∂y ∗
Thus we have found a relatively simple expression for the elasticity of the
balanced-growth-path level of output with respect to the saving rate.
To think about the quantitative implications of (1.27), note that if markets are competitive and there are no externalities, capital earns its marginal
This technique is known as implicit differentiation. Even though (1.22) does not explicitly give k ∗ as a function of s, n, g, and δ, it still determines how k ∗ depends on those
variables. We can therefore differentiate the equation with respect to s and solve for ∂k ∗/∂s.
We saw in the previous section that an increase in s raises k ∗ . To check that this is
also implied by equation (1.24), note that n + g + δ is the slope of the break-even investment
line and that sf ′ (k ∗ ) is the slope of the actual investment line at k ∗ . Since the break-even
investment line is steeper than the actual investment line at k ∗ (see Figure 1.2), it follows
that the denominator of (1.24) is positive, and thus that ∂k ∗/∂s > 0.
Quantitative Implications
product. Since output equals ALf (k) and k equals K /AL, the marginal product of capital, ∂Y/∂K , is ALf ′ (k)[1/(AL)], or just f ′ (k). Thus if capital earns its
marginal product, the total amount earned by capital (per unit of effective
labor) on the balanced growth path is k ∗f ′ (k ∗ ). The share of total income that
goes to capital on the balanced growth path is then k ∗f ′ (k ∗ )/f (k ∗ ), or αK (k ∗ ).
In other words, if the assumption that capital earns its marginal product is
a good approximation, we can use data on the share of income going to
capital to estimate the elasticity of output with respect to capital, αK (k ∗ ).
In most countries, the share of income paid to capital is about one-third.
If we use this as an estimate of αK (k ∗ ), it follows that the elasticity of output
with respect to the saving rate in the long run is about one-half. Thus, for
example, a 10 percent increase in the saving rate (from 20 percent of output
to 22 percent, for instance) raises output per worker in the long run by about
5 percent relative to the path it would have followed. Even a 50 percent
increase in s raises y ∗ only by about 22 percent. Thus significant changes
in saving have only moderate effects on the level of output on the balanced
growth path.
Intuitively, a small value of αK (k ∗ ) makes the impact of saving on output
low for two reasons. First, it implies that the actual investment curve, sf (k),
bends fairly sharply. As a result, an upward shift of the curve moves its
intersection with the break-even investment line relatively little. Thus the
impact of a change in s on k ∗ is small. Second, a low value of αK (k ∗ ) means
that the impact of a change in k ∗ on y ∗ is small.
The Speed of Convergence
In practice, we are interested not only in the eventual effects of some change
(such as a change in the saving rate), but also in how rapidly those effects
occur. Again, we can use approximations around the long-run equilibrium
to address this issue.
For simplicity, we focus on the behavior of k rather than y . Our goal is thus
to determine how rapidly k approaches k ∗ . We know that k˙ is determined
by k: recall that the key equation of the model is k˙ = sf (k) − (n + g + δ)k
(see [1.18]). Thus we can write k˙ = k(k).
When k equals k ∗ , k˙ is zero. A first˙
order Taylor-series approximation of k(k) around k = k ∗ therefore yields
k˙ ≃
k=k ∗
(k − k ∗ ).
That is, k˙ is approximately equal to the product of the difference between
k and k ∗ and the derivative of k˙ with respect to k at k = k ∗ .
|k=k ∗ . With this definition, (1.28) becomes
Let λ denote −∂k(k)/∂k
˙ ) ≃ −λ[k(t ) − k ∗ ].
Since k˙ is positive when k is slightly below k ∗ and negative when it is slightly
|k=k ∗ is negative. Equivalently, λ is positive.
above, ∂k(k)/∂k
Equation (1.29) implies that in the vicinity of the balanced growth path,
k moves toward k ∗ at a speed approximately proportional to its distance
from k ∗ . That is, the growth rate of k(t ) − k ∗ is approximately constant and
equal to −λ. This implies
k(t ) ≃ k ∗ + e −λt [k(0) − k ∗ ],
where k(0) is the initial value of k. Note that (1.30) follows just from the
facts that the system is stable (that is, that k converges to k ∗ ) and that we
are linearizing the equation for k˙ around k = k ∗ .
It remains to find λ; this is where the specifics of the model enter the analysis. Differentiating expression (1.18) for k˙ with respect to k and evaluating
the resulting expression at k = k ∗ yields
λ≡ −
= −[sf ′ (k ∗ ) − (n + g + δ)]
k=k ∗
= (n + g + δ) − sf ′ (k ∗ )
= (n + g + δ) −
(n + g + δ)k ∗f ′ (k ∗ )
f (k ∗ )
= [1 − αK (k ∗ )](n + g + δ).
Here the third line again uses the fact that sf (k ∗ ) = (n + g + δ)k ∗ to substitute for s, and the last line uses the definition of αK . Thus, k converges
to its balanced-growth-path value at rate [1 − αK (k ∗ )](n + g +δ). In addition,
one can show that y approaches y ∗ at the same rate that k approaches k ∗ .
That is, y (t ) − y ∗ ≃ e −λt [y (0) − y ∗ ].16
We can calibrate (1.31) to see how quickly actual economies are likely to
approach their balanced growth paths. Typically, n + g+δ is about 6 percent
per year. This arises, for example, with 1 to 2 percent population growth, 1
to 2 percent growth in output per worker, and 3 to 4 percent depreciation.
If capital’s share is roughly one-third, (1 − αK )(n + g + δ) is thus roughly
4 percent. Therefore k and y move 4 percent of the remaining distance
toward k ∗ and y ∗ each year, and take approximately 17 years to get halfway
to their balanced-growth-path values.17 Thus in our example of a 10 percent
See Problem 1.11.
The time it takes for a variable (in this case, y − y ∗ ) with a constant negative growth rate
to fall in half is approximately equal to 70 divided by its growth rate in percent. (Similarly,
the doubling time of a variable with positive growth is 70 divided by the growth rate.) Thus
in this case the half-life is roughly 70/(4%/year), or about 17 years. More exactly, the half-life,
t ∗ , is the solution to e −λt = 0.5, where λ is the rate of decrease. Taking logs of both sides,
t ∗ = − ln(0.5)/λ ≃ 0.69/λ.
1.6 The Solow Model and the Central Questions of Growth Theory
increase in the saving rate, output is 0.04(5%) = 0.2% above its previous
path after 1 year; is 0.5(5%) = 2.5% above after 17 years; and asymptotically
approaches 5 percent above the previous path. Thus not only is the overall
impact of a substantial change in the saving rate modest, but it does not
occur very quickly.18
1.6 The Solow Model and the Central
Questions of Growth Theory
The Solow model identifies two possible sources of variation—either over
time or across parts of the world—in output per worker: differences in capital per worker (K /L) and differences in the effectiveness of labor (A). We
have seen, however, that only growth in the effectiveness of labor can lead
to permanent growth in output per worker, and that for reasonable cases
the impact of changes in capital per worker on output per worker is modest.
As a result, only differences in the effectiveness of labor have any reasonable hope of accounting for the vast differences in wealth across time and
space. Specifically, the central conclusion of the Solow model is that if the
returns that capital commands in the market are a rough guide to its contributions to output, then variations in the accumulation of physical capital
do not account for a significant part of either worldwide economic growth
or cross-country income differences.
There are two ways to see that the Solow model implies that differences in capital accumulation cannot account for large differences in incomes, one direct and the other indirect. The direct approach is to consider the required differences in capital per worker. Suppose we want to
account for a difference of a factor of X in output per worker between
two economies on the basis of differences in capital per worker. If output per worker differs by a factor of X, the difference in log output per
worker between the two economies is ln X. Since the elasticity of output per
worker with respect to capital per worker is αK , log capital per worker must
differ by ( ln X )/αK . That is, capital per worker differs by a factor of e (ln X )/αK ,
or X 1/αK .
Output per worker in the major industrialized countries today is on the
order of 10 times larger than it was 100 years ago, and 10 times larger than
it is in poor countries today. Thus we would like to account for values of
These results are derived from a Taylor-series approximation around the balanced
growth path. Thus, formally, we can rely on them only in an arbitrarily small neighborhood
around the balanced growth path. The question of whether Taylor-series approximations
provide good guides for finite changes does not have a general answer. For the Solow model
with conventional production functions, and for moderate changes in parameter values (such
as those we have been considering), the Taylor-series approximations are generally quite
X in the vicinity of 10. Our analysis implies that doing this on the basis of
differences in capital requires a difference of a factor of 101/αK in capital
per worker. For αK = 31 , this is a factor of 1000. Even if capital’s share is
one-half, which is well above what data on capital income suggest, one still
needs a difference of a factor of 100.
There is no evidence of such differences in capital stocks. Capital-output
ratios are roughly constant over time. Thus the capital stock per worker in
industrialized countries is roughly 10 times larger than it was 100 years
ago, not 100 or 1000 times larger. Similarly, although capital-output ratios
vary somewhat across countries, the variation is not great. For example,
the capital-output ratio appears to be 2 to 3 times larger in industrialized
countries than in poor countries; thus capital per worker is “only” about 20
to 30 times larger. In sum, differences in capital per worker are far smaller
than those needed to account for the differences in output per worker that
we are trying to understand.
The indirect way of seeing that the model cannot account for large variations in output per worker on the basis of differences in capital per worker is
to notice that the required differences in capital imply enormous differences
in the rate of return on capital (Lucas, 1990). If markets are competitive, the
rate of return on capital equals its marginal product, f ′ (k), minus depreciation, δ. Suppose that the production function is Cobb–Douglas, which in
intensive form is f (k) = k α (see equation [1.7]). With this production function, the elasticity of output with respect to capital is simply α. The marginal
product of capital is
f ′ (k) = αk α−1
= αy (α−1)/α.
Equation (1.32) implies that the elasticity of the marginal product of capital with respect to output is −(1 − α)/α. If α = 13 , a tenfold difference in
output per worker arising from differences in capital per worker thus implies a hundredfold difference in the marginal product of capital. And since
the return to capital is f ′ (k) − δ, the difference in rates of return is even
Again, there is no evidence of such differences in rates of return. Direct
measurement of returns on financial assets, for example, suggests only
moderate variation over time and across countries. More tellingly, we can
learn much about cross-country differences simply by examining where the
holders of capital want to invest. If rates of return were larger by a factor of
10 or 100 in poor countries than in rich countries, there would be immense
incentives to invest in poor countries. Such differences in rates of return
would swamp such considerations as capital-market imperfections, government tax policies, fear of expropriation, and so on, and we would observe
1.6 The Solow Model and the Central Questions of Growth Theory
immense flows of capital from rich to poor countries. We do not see such
Thus differences in physical capital per worker cannot account for the
differences in output per worker that we observe, at least if capital’s contribution to output is roughly reflected by its private returns.
The other potential source of variation in output per worker in the Solow
model is the effectiveness of labor. Attributing differences in standards of
living to differences in the effectiveness of labor does not require huge differences in capital or in rates of return. Along a balanced growth path, for
example, capital is growing at the same rate as output; and the marginal
product of capital, f ′ (k), is constant.
Unfortunately, however, the Solow model has little to say about the effectiveness of labor. Most obviously, the growth of the effectiveness of labor
is exogenous: the model takes as given the behavior of the variable that it
identifies as the driving force of growth. Thus it is only a small exaggeration
to say that we have been modeling growth by assuming it.
More fundamentally, the model does not identify what the “effectiveness
of labor” is; it is just a catchall for factors other than labor and capital
that affect output. Thus saying that differences in income are due to differences in the effectiveness of labor is no different than saying that they
are not due to differences in capital per worker. To proceed, we must take
a stand concerning what we mean by the effectiveness of labor and what
causes it to vary. One natural possibility is that the effectiveness of labor
corresponds to abstract knowledge. To understand worldwide growth, it
would then be necessary to analyze the determinants of the stock of knowledge over time. To understand cross-country differences in real incomes,
one would have to explain why firms in some countries have access to more
knowledge than firms in other countries, and why that greater knowledge is
not rapidly transmitted to poorer countries.
There are other possible interpretations of A: the education and skills of
the labor force, the strength of property rights, the quality of infrastructure,
cultural attitudes toward entrepreneurship and work, and so on. Or A may
reflect a combination of forces. For any proposed view of what A represents,
one would again have to address the questions of how it affects output, how
it evolves over time, and why it differs across parts of the world.
The other possible way to proceed is to consider the possibility that capital is more important than the Solow model implies. If capital encompasses
One can try to avoid this conclusion by considering production functions where capital’s marginal product falls less rapidly as k rises than it does in the Cobb–Douglas case. This
approach encounters two major difficulties. First, since it implies that the marginal product
of capital is similar in rich and poor countries, it implies that capital’s share is much larger
in rich countries. Second, and similarly, it implies that real wages are only slightly larger in
rich than in poor countries. These implications appear grossly inconsistent with the facts.
more than just physical capital, or if physical capital has positive externalities, then the private return on physical capital is not an accurate guide to
capital’s importance in production. In this case, the calculations we have
done may be misleading, and it may be possible to resuscitate the view that
differences in capital are central to differences in incomes.
These possibilities for addressing the fundamental questions of growth
theory are the subject of Chapters 3 and 4.
1.7 Empirical Applications
Growth Accounting
In many situations, we are interested in the proximate determinants of
growth. That is, we often want to know how much of growth over some
period is due to increases in various factors of production, and how much
stems from other forces. Growth accounting, which was pioneered by
Abramovitz (1956) and Solow (1957), provides a way of tackling this subject.
To see how growth accounting works, consider again the production function Y (t ) = F (K (t ), A(t )L(t )). This implies
Ẏ (t ) =
∂Y (t )
∂K (t )
K̇ (t ) +
∂Y (t )
∂L(t )
L̇(t ) +
∂Y (t )
∂A(t )
Ȧ(t ),
where ∂Y/∂L and ∂Y/∂A denote [∂Y/∂ (AL)]A and [∂Y/∂ (AL)]L, respectively.
Dividing both sides by Y (t ) and rewriting the terms on the right-hand side
Ẏ (t )
Y (t )
K (t ) ∂Y (t ) K̇ (t )
Y (t ) ∂K (t ) K (t )
≡ αK (t )
K̇ (t )
K (t )
+ αL (t )
L(t ) ∂Y (t ) L̇(t )
Y (t ) ∂L(t ) L(t )
L̇(t )
L(t )
A(t ) ∂Y (t ) Ȧ(t )
Y (t ) ∂A(t ) A(t )
+ R(t ).
Here αL (t ) is the elasticity of output with respect to labor at time t,
αK (t ) is again the elasticity of output with respect to capital, and R(t ) ≡
[A(t )/Y (t )][∂Y (t )/∂A(t )][Ȧ(t )/A(t )]. Subtracting L̇(t )/L(t ) from both sides and
using the fact that αL (t ) + αK (t ) = 1 (see Problem 1.9) gives an expression
for the growth rate of output per worker:
Ẏ (t )
Y (t )
L̇(t )
L(t )
= αK (t )
K̇ (t )
K (t )
L̇(t )
L(t )
+ R(t ).
The growth rates of Y, K , and L are straightforward to measure. And we
know that if capital earns its marginal product, αK can be measured using
data on the share of income that goes to capital. R(t ) can then be measured as the residual in (1.35). Thus (1.35) provides a way of decomposing
the growth of output per worker into the contribution of growth of capital
per worker and a remaining term, the Solow residual. The Solow residual
1.7 Empirical Applications
is sometimes interpreted as a measure of the contribution of technological
progress. As the derivation shows, however, it reflects all sources of growth
other than the contribution of capital accumulation via its private return.
This basic framework can be extended in many ways. The most common
extensions are to consider different types of capital and labor and to adjust
for changes in the quality of inputs. But more complicated adjustments are
also possible. For example, if there is evidence of imperfect competition,
one can try to adjust the data on income shares to obtain a better estimate
of the elasticity of output with respect to the different inputs.
Growth accounting only examines the immediate determinants of growth:
it asks how much factor accumulation, improvements in the quality of inputs, and so on contribute to growth while ignoring the deeper issue of
what causes the changes in those determinants. One way to see that growth
accounting does not get at the underlying sources of growth is to consider
what happens if it is applied to an economy described by the Solow model
that is on its balanced growth path. We know that in this case growth is coming entirely from growth in A. But, as Problem 1.13 asks you to show and
explain, growth accounting in this case attributes only fraction 1 − αK (k ∗ )
of growth to the residual, and fraction αK (k ∗ ) to capital accumulation.
Even though growth accounting provides evidence only about the immediate sources of growth, it has been fruitfully applied to many issues.
For example, it has played a major role in a recent debate concerning the
exceptionally rapid growth of the newly industrializing countries of East
Asia. Young (1995) uses detailed growth accounting to argue that the higher
growth in these countries than in the rest of the world is almost entirely due
to rising investment, increasing labor force participation, and improving
labor quality (in terms of education), and not to rapid technological progress
and other forces affecting the Solow residual. This suggests that for other
countries to replicate the NICs’ successes, it is enough for them to promote
accumulation of physical and human capital and greater use of resources,
and that they need not tackle the even more difficult task of finding ways
of obtaining greater output for a given set of inputs. In this view, the NICs’
policies concerning trade, regulation, and so on have been important largely
only to the extent they have influenced factor accumulation and factor use.
Hsieh (2002), however, observes that one can do growth accounting by
examining the behavior of factor returns rather than quantities. If rapid
growth comes solely from capital accumulation, for example, we will see
either a large fall in the return to capital or a large rise in capital’s share
(or a combination). Doing the growth accounting this way, Hsieh finds a
much larger role for the residual. Young (1998) and Fernald and Neiman
(2008) extend the analysis further, and identify reasons that Hsieh’s analysis
may have underestimated the role of factor accumulation.
Growth accounting has also been used extensively to study both the productivity growth slowdown (the reduced growth rate of output per workerhour in the United States and other industrialized countries that began
in the early 1970s) and the productivity growth rebound (the return of U.S.
productivity growth starting in the mid-1990s to close to its level before the
slowdown). Growth-accounting studies of the rebound suggest that computers and other types of information technology are the main source of the
rebound (see, for example, Oliner and Sichel, 2002, and Oliner, Sichel, and
Stiroh, 2007). Until the mid-1990s, the rapid technological progress in computers and their introduction in many sectors of the economy appear to
have had little impact on aggregate productivity. In part, this was simply
because computers, although spreading rapidly, were still only a small fraction of the overall capital stock. And in part, it was because the adoption
of the new technologies involved substantial adjustment costs. The growthaccounting studies find, however, that since the mid-1990s, computers and
other forms of information technology have had a large impact on aggregate
An issue that has attracted considerable attention in empirical work on
growth is whether poor countries tend to grow faster than rich countries.
There are at least three reasons that one might expect such convergence.
First, the Solow model predicts that countries converge to their balanced
growth paths. Thus to the extent that differences in output per worker arise
from countries being at different points relative to their balanced growth
paths, one would expect poor countries to catch up to rich ones. Second, the
Solow model implies that the rate of return on capital is lower in countries
with more capital per worker. Thus there are incentives for capital to flow
from rich to poor countries; this will also tend to cause convergence. And
third, if there are lags in the diffusion of knowledge, income differences
can arise because some countries are not yet employing the best available
technologies. These differences might tend to shrink as poorer countries
gain access to state-of-the-art methods.
Baumol (1986) examines convergence from 1870 to 1979 among the 16
industrialized countries for which Maddison (1982) provides data. Baumol
regresses output growth over this period on a constant and initial income.
The simple information-technology explanation of the productivity growth rebound
faces an important challenge, however: other industrialized countries have for the most part
not shared in the rebound. The leading candidate explanation of this puzzle is closely related
to the observation that there are large adjustments costs in adopting the new technologies.
In this view, the adoption of computers and information technology raises productivity
substantially only if it is accompanied by major changes in worker training, the composition
of the firm’s workforce, and the organization of the firm. Thus in countries where firms
lack the ability to make these changes (because of either government regulation or business
culture), the information-technology revolution is, as yet, having little impact on overall
economic performance (see, for example, Breshnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt, 2002; Basu,
Fernald, Oulton, and Srinivasan, 2003; and Bloom, Sadun, and Van Reenan, 2008).
1.7 Empirical Applications
Log per capita income growth
Finland +
+ Germany
+ United States
+ Belgium
Netherlands +
United Kingdom
Australia +
Log per capita income in 1870
FIGURE 1.7 Initial income and subsequent growth in Baumol’s sample (from
DeLong, 1988; used with permission)
That is, he estimates
− ln
= a + b ln
+ εi .
Here ln(Y/N) is log income per person, ε is an error term, and i indexes countries.21 If there is convergence, b will be negative: countries with higher initial incomes have lower growth. A value for b of −1 corresponds to perfect
convergence: higher initial income on average lowers subsequent growth
one-for-one, and so output per person in 1979 is uncorrelated with its value
in 1870. A value for b of 0, on the other hand, implies that growth is uncorrelated with initial income and thus that there is no convergence.
The results are
− ln
= 8.457 − 0.995 ln
R2 = 0.87,
s.e.e. = 0.15,
where the number in parentheses, 0.094, is the standard error of the regression coefficient. Figure 1.7 shows the scatterplot corresponding to this
The regression suggests almost perfect convergence. The estimate of b
is almost exactly equal to −1, and it is estimated fairly precisely; the
Baumol considers output per worker rather than output per person. This choice has
little effect on the results.
Log per capita income growth
East Germany
Spain ++
Ireland +
Chile +
+ New Zealand
Log per capita income in 1870
FIGURE 1.8 Initial income and subsequent growth in the expanded sample
(from DeLong, 1988; used with permission)
two-standard-error confidence interval is (0.81, 1.18). In this sample, per
capita income today is essentially unrelated to its level 100 years ago.
DeLong (1988) demonstrates, however, that Baumol’s finding is largely
spurious. There are two problems. The first is sample selection. Since historical data are constructed retrospectively, the countries that have long
data series are generally those that are the most industrialized today. Thus
countries that were not rich 100 years ago are typically in the sample only if
they grew rapidly over the next 100 years. Countries that were rich 100 years
ago, in contrast, are generally included even if their subsequent growth was
only moderate. Because of this, we are likely to see poorer countries growing faster than richer ones in the sample of countries we consider, even if
there is no tendency for this to occur on average.
The natural way to eliminate this bias is to use a rule for choosing the
sample that is not based on the variable we are trying to explain, which
is growth over the period 1870–1979. Lack of data makes it impossible to
include the entire world. DeLong therefore considers the richest countries
as of 1870; specifically, his sample consists of all countries at least as rich as
the second poorest country in Baumol’s sample in 1870, Finland. This causes
him to add seven countries to Baumol’s list (Argentina, Chile, East Germany,
Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain) and to drop one (Japan).22
Figure 1.8 shows the scatterplot for the unbiased sample. The inclusion
of the new countries weakens the case for convergence considerably. The
Since a large fraction of the world was richer than Japan in 1870, it is not possible
to consider all countries at least as rich as Japan. In addition, one has to deal with the fact
that countries’ borders are not fixed. DeLong chooses to use 1979 borders. Thus his 1870
income estimates are estimates of average incomes in 1870 in the geographic regions defined
by 1979 borders.
1.7 Empirical Applications
regression now produces an estimate of b of −0.566, with a standard error
of 0.144. Thus accounting for the selection bias in Baumol’s procedure eliminates about half of the convergence that he finds.
The second problem that DeLong identifies is measurement error. Estimates of real income per capita in 1870 are imprecise. Measurement error again creates bias toward finding convergence. When 1870 income is
overstated, growth over the period 1870–1979 is understated by an equal
amount; when 1870 income is understated, the reverse occurs. Thus measured growth tends to be lower in countries with higher measured initial
income even if there is no relation between actual growth and actual initial
DeLong therefore considers the following model:
− ln
= a + b ln
= ln
+ ui .
+ εi ,
Here ln[(Y/N )1870 ]∗ is the true value of log income per capita in 1870 and
ln[(Y/N )1870 ] is the measured value. ε and u are assumed to be uncorrelated
with each other and with ln[(Y/N )1870 ]∗ .
Unfortunately, it is not possible to estimate this model using only data
on ln[(Y/N )1870 ] and ln[(Y/N )1979 ]. The problem is that there are different
hypotheses that make identical predictions about the data. For example,
suppose we find that measured growth is negatively related to measured
initial income. This is exactly what one would expect either if measurement
error is unimportant and there is true convergence or if measurement error
is important and there is no true convergence. Technically, the model is not
DeLong argues, however, that we have at least a rough idea of how good
the 1870 data are, and thus have a sense of what is a reasonable value
for the standard deviation of the measurement error. For example, σu =
0.01 implies that we have measured initial income to within an average of
1 percent; this is implausibly low. Similarly, σu = 0.50—an average error
of 50 percent—seems implausibly high. DeLong shows that if we fix a value
of σu , we can estimate the remaining parameters.
Even moderate measurement error has a substantial impact on the results. For the unbiased sample, the estimate of b reaches 0 (no tendency
toward convergence) for σu ≃ 0.15, and is 1 (tremendous divergence) for
σu ≃ 0.20. Thus plausible amounts of measurement error eliminate most or
all of the remainder of Baumol’s estimate of convergence.
It is also possible to investigate convergence for different samples of
countries and different time periods. Figure 1.9 is a convergence scatterplot
analogous to Figures 1.7 and 1.8 for virtually the entire non-Communist
Change in log income per capita, 1970–2003
Log income per capita in 1970 (2000 international prices)
FIGURE 1.9 Initial income and subsequent growth in a large sample
world for the period 1970–2003. As the figure shows, there is little evidence
of convergence. We return to the issue of convergence in Section 3.12.
Saving and Investment
Consider a world where every country is described by the Solow model and
where all countries have the same amount of capital per unit of effective
labor. Now suppose that the saving rate in one country rises. If all the additional saving is invested domestically, the marginal product of capital in that
country falls below that in other countries. The country’s residents therefore have incentives to invest abroad. Thus if there are no impediments to
capital flows, not all the additional saving is invested domestically. Instead,
the investment resulting from the increased saving is spread uniformly over
the whole world; the fact that the rise in saving occurred in one country has
no special effect on investment there. Thus in the absence of barriers to
capital movements, there is no reason to expect countries with high saving
to also have high investment.
Feldstein and Horioka (1980) examine the association between saving and
investment rates. They find that, contrary to this simple view, saving and
investment rates are strongly correlated. Specifically, Feldstein and Horioka
run a cross-country regression for 21 industrialized countries of the average
share of investment in GDP during the period 1960–1974 on a constant and
the average share of saving in GDP over the same period. The results are
= 0.035 + 0.887
R2 = 0.91,
1.8 The Environment and Economic Growth
where again the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. Thus, rather
than there being no relation between saving and investment, there is an
almost one-to-one relation.
There are various possible explanations for Feldstein and Horioka’s finding. One possibility, suggested by Feldstein and Horioka, is that there are
significant barriers to capital mobility. In this case, differences in saving and
investment across countries would be associated with rate-of-return differences. There is little evidence of such rate-of-return differences, however.
Another possibility is that there are underlying variables that affect both
saving and investment. For example, high tax rates can reduce both saving
and investment (Barro, Mankiw, and Sala-i-Martin, 1995). Similarly, countries
whose citizens have low discount rates, and thus high saving rates, may
provide favorable investment climates in ways other than the high saving;
for example, they may limit workers’ ability to form strong unions or adopt
low tax rates on capital income.
Finally, the strong association between saving and investment can arise
from government policies that offset forces that would otherwise make saving and investment differ. Governments may be averse to large gaps between
saving and investment—after all, a large gap must be associated with a large
trade deficit (if investment exceeds saving) or a large trade surplus (if saving
exceeds investment). If economic forces would otherwise give rise to a large
imbalance between saving and investment, the government may choose to
adjust its own saving behavior or its tax treatment of saving or investment
to bring them into rough balance. Helliwell (1998) finds that the savinginvestment correlation is much weaker if we look across regions within a
country rather than across countries. This is certainly consistent with the
hypothesis that national governments take steps to prevent large imbalances between aggregate saving and investment, but that such imbalances
can develop in the absence of government intervention.
In sum, the strong relationship between saving and investment differs
dramatically from the predictions of a natural baseline model. Most likely,
however, this difference reflects not major departures from the baseline
(such as large barriers to capital mobility), but something less fundamental
(such as underlying forces affecting both saving and investment).
1.8 The Environment and Economic
Natural resources, pollution, and other environmental considerations are
absent from the Solow model. But at least since Malthus (1798) made his
classic argument, many people have believed that these considerations are
critical to the possibilities for long-run economic growth. For example, the
amounts of oil and other natural resources on earth are fixed. This could
mean that any attempt to embark on a path of perpetually rising output
will eventually deplete those resources, and must therefore fail. Similarly,
the fixed supply of land may become a binding constraint on our ability to
produce. Or ever-increasing output may generate an ever-increasing stock
of pollution that will bring growth to a halt.
This section addresses the issue of how environmental limitations affect
long-run growth. In thinking about this issue, it is important to distinguish
between environmental factors for which there are well-defined property
rights—notably natural resources and land—and those for which there are
not—notably pollution-free air and water.
The existence of property rights for an environmental good has two important implications. The first is that markets provide valuable signals concerning how the good should be used. Suppose, for example, that the best
available evidence indicates that the limited supply of oil will be an important limitation on our ability to produce in the future. This means that oil
will command a high price in the future. But this in turn implies that the
owners of oil do not want to sell their oil cheaply today. Thus oil commands
a high price today, and so current users have an incentive to conserve. In
short, evidence that the fixed amount of oil is likely to limit our ability to
produce in the future would not be grounds for government intervention.
Such a situation, though unfortunate, would be addressed by the market.
The second implication of the existence of property rights for an environmental good is that we can use the good’s price to obtain evidence about its
importance in production. For example, since evidence that oil will be an important constraint on future production would cause it to have a high price
today, economists can use the current price to infer what the best available
evidence suggests about oil’s importance; they do not need to assess that
evidence independently.
With environmental goods for which there are no property rights, the use
of a good has externalities. For example, firms can pollute without compensating the people they harm. Thus the case for government intervention is
much stronger. And there is no market price to provide a handy summary
of the evidence concerning the good’s importance. As a result, economists
interested in environmental issues must attempt to assess that evidence
We will begin by considering environmental goods that are traded in
markets. We will analyze both a simple baseline case and an important complication to the baseline. We will then turn to environmental goods for which
there is no well-functioning market.
Natural Resources and Land: A Baseline Case
We want to extend our analysis to include natural resources and land. To
keep the analysis manageable, we start with the case of Cobb–Douglas
1.8 The Environment and Economic Growth
production. Thus the production function, (1.1), becomes
Y (t ) = K (t )α R(t )β T(t )γ [A(t )L(t )]1−α−β−γ ,
α > 0,
β > 0,
γ > 0,
α + β + γ < 1.
Here R denotes resources used in production, and T denotes the amount of
The dynamics of capital, labor, and the effectiveness of labor are the
same as before: K̇ (t ) = sY (t ) − δK (t ), L̇(t ) = nL(t ), and Ȧ(t ) = gA(t ). The new
assumptions concern resources and land. Since the amount of land on earth
is fixed, in the long run the quantity used in production cannot be growing.
Thus we assume
Ṫ (t ) = 0.
Similarly, the facts that resource endowments are fixed and that resources
are used in production imply that resource use must eventually decline.
Thus, even though resource use has been rising historically, we assume
Ṙ(t ) = −bR(t ),
b > 0.
The presence of resources and land in the production function means
that K /AL no longer converges to some value. As a result, we cannot use
our previous approach of focusing on K /AL to analyze the behavior of this
economy. A useful strategy in such situations is to ask whether there can be
a balanced growth path and, if so, what the growth rates of the economy’s
variables are on that path.
By assumption, A, L, R, and T are each growing at a constant rate. Thus
what is needed for a balanced growth path is that K and Y each grow at
a constant rate. The equation of motion for capital, K̇ (t ) = sY (t ) − δK (t ),
implies that the growth rate of K is
K̇ (t )
K (t )
Y (t )
K (t )
− δ.
Thus for the growth rate of K to be constant, Y/K must be constant. That
is, the growth rates of Y and K must be equal.
We can use the production function, (1.41), to find when this can occur.
Taking logs of both sides of (1.41) gives us
ln Y (t ) = α ln K (t ) + β ln R(t ) + γ ln T(t )
+ (1 − α − β − γ )[ ln A(t ) + ln L(t )].
We can now differentiate both sides of this expression with respect to time.
Using the fact that the time derivative of the log of a variable equals the
variable’s growth rate, we obtain
gY (t ) = αg K (t ) + βgR (t ) + γgT (t ) + (1 − α − β − γ )[gA (t ) + g L (t )],
where g X denotes the growth rate of X. The growth rates of R, T, A, and L
are −b, 0, g, and n, respectively. Thus (1.46) simplifies to
gY (t ) = αg K (t ) − βb + (1 − α − β − γ )(n + g).
We can now use our finding that gY and g K must be equal if the economy
is on a balanced growth path. Imposing g K = gY on (1.47) and solving for
gY gives us
(1 − α − β − γ )(n + g) − βb
where gY denotes the growth rate of Y on the balanced growth path.
This analysis leaves out a step: we have not determined whether the economy in fact converges to this balanced growth path. From (1.47), we know
that if g K exceeds its balanced-growth-path value, gY does as well, but by
less than g K does. Thus if g K exceeds its balanced-growth-path value, Y/K
is falling. Equation (1.44) tells us that g K equals s (Y/K ) − δ. Thus if Y/K is
falling, g K is falling as well. That is, if g K exceeds its balanced-growth-path
value, it is falling. Similarly, if it is less than its balanced-growth-path value,
it is rising. Thus g K converges to its balanced-growth-path value, and so the
economy converges to its balanced growth path.23
Equation (1.48) implies that the growth rate of output per worker on the
balanced growth path is
gY/L = gY
− gL
(1 − α − β − γ )(n + g) − βb
(1 − α − β − γ )g − βb − (β + γ )n
Equation (1.49) shows that growth in income per worker on the balanced
growth path, gY/L , can be either positive or negative. That is, resource and
land limitations can cause output per worker to eventually be falling, but
they need not. The declining quantities of resources and land per worker
are drags on growth. But technological progress is a spur to growth. If the
spur is larger than the drags, then there is sustained growth in output per
worker. This is precisely what has happened over the past few centuries.
This analysis overlooks one subtlety. If (1 − α − β − γ )(n + g) + (1 − α)δ − βb is
negative, the condition gK = gK holds only for a negative value of Y/K . And the statement that Y/K is falling when gY is less than gK is not true if Y/K is zero or negative. As a
result, if (1 − α − β − γ )(n + g) + (1 − α)δ − βb is negative, the economy does not converge
to the balanced growth path described in the text, but to a situation where Y/K = 0 and
gK = −δ. But for any reasonable parameter values, (1 − α − β − γ )(n + g) + (1 − α)δ − βb is
positive. Thus this complication is not important.
1.8 The Environment and Economic Growth
An Illustrative Calculation
In recent history, the advantages of technological progress have outweighed
the disadvantages of resource and land limitations. But this does not tell us
how large those disadvantages are. For example, they might be large enough
that only a moderate slowing of technological progress would make overall
growth in income per worker negative.
Resource and land limitations reduce growth by causing resource use per
worker and land per worker to be falling. Thus, as Nordhaus (1992) observes,
to gauge how much these limitations are reducing growth, we need to ask
how much greater growth would be if resources and land per worker were
constant. Concretely, consider an economy identical to the one we have
just considered except that the assumptions Ṫ (t ) = 0 and Ṙ(t ) = −bR(t )
are replaced with the assumptions Ṫ (t ) = nT (t ) and Ṙ(t ) = nR(t ). In this
hypothetical economy, there are no resource and land limitations; both grow
as population grows. Analysis parallel to that used to derive equation (1.49)
shows that growth of output per worker on the balanced growth path of
this economy is24
g̃Y/L =
(1 − α − β − γ )g.
The “growth drag” from resource and land limitations is the difference
between growth in this hypothetical case and growth in the case of resource
and land limitations:
Drag = g̃Y/L − gY/L
(1 − α − β − γ )g − [(1 − α − β − γ )g − βb − (β + γ )n]
βb + (β + γ )n
Thus, the growth drag is increasing in resources’ share (β), land’s share (γ ),
the rate that resource use is falling (b), the rate of population growth (n ),
and capital’s share (α).
It is possible to quantify the size of the drag. Because resources and land
are traded in markets, we can use income data to estimate their importance
in production—that is, to estimate β and γ . As Nordhaus (1992) describes,
these data suggest a combined value of β + γ of about 0.2. Nordhaus goes
on to use a somewhat more complicated version of the framework presented here to estimate the growth drag. His point estimate is a drag of
0.0024—that is, about a quarter of a percentage point per year. He finds
that only about a quarter of the drag is due to the limited supply of land. Of
See Problem 1.15.
the remainder, he estimates that the vast majority is due to limited energy
Thus this evidence suggests that the reduction in growth caused by environmental limitations, while not trivial, is not large. In addition, since growth
in income per worker has been far more than a quarter of a percentage
point per year, the evidence suggests that there would have to be very large
changes for resource and land limitations to cause income per worker to
start falling.
A Complication
The stock of land is fixed, and resource use must eventually fall. Thus even
though technology has been able to keep ahead of resource and land limitations over the past few centuries, it may still appear that those limitations
must eventually become a binding constraint on our ability to produce.
The reason that this does not occur in our model is that production is
Cobb–Douglas. With Cobb–Douglas production, a given percentage change
in A always produces the same percentage change in output, regardless of
how large A is relative to R and T. As a result, technological progress can
always counterbalance declines in R/L and T/L.
This is not a general property of production functions, however. With
Cobb–Douglas production, the elasticity of substitution between inputs is 1.
If this elasticity is less than 1, the share of income going to the inputs that
are becoming scarcer rises over time. Intuitively, as the production function
becomes more like the Leontief case, the inputs that are becoming scarcer
become increasingly important. Conversely, if the elasticity of substitution
is greater than 1, the share of income going to the inputs that are becoming
scarcer is falling. This, too, is intuitive: as the production function becomes
closer to linear, the abundant factors benefit.
In terms of our earlier analysis, what this means is that if we do not
restrict our attention to Cobb–Douglas production, the shares in expression
(1.51) for the growth drag are no longer constant, but are functions of factor
proportions. And if the elasticity of substitution is less than 1, the share of
income going to resources and land is rising over time—and thus the growth
drag is as well. Indeed, in this case the share of income going to the slowestgrowing input—resources—approaches 1. Thus the growth drag approaches
b + n. That is, asymptotically income per worker declines at rate b + n, the
rate at which resource use per worker is falling. This case supports our
apocalyptic intuition: in the long run, the fixed supply of resources leads to
steadily declining incomes.
In fact, however, recognizing that production may not be Cobb–Douglas
should not raise our estimate of the importance of resource and land limitations, but reduce it. The reason is that the shares of income going to
resources and land are falling rather than rising. We can write land’s share
1.8 The Environment and Economic Growth
as the real rental price of land multiplied by the ratio of land to output.
The real rental price shows little trend, while the land-to-GDP ratio has
been falling steadily. Thus land’s share has been declining. Similarly, real
resource prices have had a moderate downward trend, and the ratio of resource use to GDP has also been falling. Thus resources’ share has also been
declining. And declining resource and land shares imply a falling growth
The fact that land’s and resources’ shares have been declining despite
the fact that these factors have been becoming relatively scarcer means that
the elasticity of substitution between these inputs and the others must be
greater than 1. At first glance, this may seem surprising. If we think in terms
of narrowly defined goods—books, for example—possibilities for substitution among inputs may not seem particularly large. But if we recognize that
what people value is not particular goods but the ultimate services they
provide—information storage, for example—the idea that there are often
large possibilities for substitution becomes more plausible. Information can
be stored not only through books, but through oral tradition, stone tablets,
microfilm, videotape, DVDs, hard drives, and more. These different means
of storage use capital, resources, land, and labor in very different proportions. As a result, the economy can respond to the increasing scarcity of
resources and land by moving to means of information storage that use
those inputs less intensively.
Declining quantities of resources and land per worker are not the only ways
that environmental problems can limit growth. Production creates pollution. This pollution reduces properly measured output. That is, if our data
on real output accounted for all the outputs of production at prices that
reflect their impacts on utility, pollution would enter with a negative price.
In addition, pollution could rise to the point where it reduces conventionally measured output. For example, global warming could reduce output
through its impact on sea levels and weather patterns.
Economic theory does not give us reason to be sanguine about pollution.
Because those who pollute do not bear the costs of their pollution, an unregulated market leads to excessive pollution. Similarly, there is nothing to
prevent an environmental catastrophe in an unregulated market. For example, suppose there is some critical level of pollution that would result in a
sudden and drastic change in climate. Because pollution’s effects are external, there is no market mechanism to prevent pollution from rising to such
a level, or even a market price of a pollution-free environment to warn us
that well-informed individuals believe a catastrophe is imminent.
Conceptually, the correct policy to deal with pollution is straightforward.
We should estimate the dollar value of the negative externality and tax
pollution by this amount. This would bring private and social costs in line,
and thus would result in the socially optimal level of pollution.25
Although describing the optimal policy is easy, it is still useful to know
how severe the problems posed by pollution are. In terms of understanding
economic growth, we would like to know by how much pollution is likely
to retard growth if no corrective measures are taken. In terms of policy,
we would like to know how large a pollution tax is appropriate. We would
also like to know whether, if pollution taxes are politically infeasible, the
benefits of cruder regulatory approaches are likely to outweigh their costs.
Finally, in terms of our own behavior, we would like to know how much
effort individuals who care about others’ well-being should make to curtail
their activities that cause pollution.
Since there are no market prices to use as guides, economists interested
in pollution must begin by looking at the scientific evidence. In the case of
global warming, for example, a reasonable point estimate is that in the absence of major intervention, the average temperature will rise by 3 degrees
centigrade over the next century, with various effects on climate (Nordhaus,
2008). Economists can help estimate the welfare consequences of these
changes. To give just one example, experts on farming had estimated the
likely impact of global warming on U.S. farmers’ ability to continue growing their current crops. These studies concluded that global warming would
have a significant negative impact. Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994),
however, note that farmers can respond to changing weather patterns by
moving into different crops, or even switching their land use out of crops
altogether. They find that once these possibilities for substitution are taken
into account, the overall effect of global warming on U.S. farmers is small
and may be positive (see also Deschenes and Greenstone, 2007).
After considering the various channels through which global warming
is likely to affect welfare, Nordhaus (2008) concludes that a reasonable estimate is that the overall welfare effect as of 2100 is likely to be slightly
negative—the equivalent of a reduction in GDP of 2 to 3 percent. This corresponds to a reduction in average annual growth of only about 0.03 percentage points. Not surprisingly, Nordhaus finds that drastic measures to
combat global warming, such as policies that would largely halt further
warming by cutting emissions of greenhouse gases to less than half their
1990 levels, would be much more harmful than simply doing nothing.
Using a similar approach, Nordhaus (1992) concludes that the welfare
costs of other types of pollution are larger, but still limited. His point estimate is that they will lower appropriately measured annual growth by
roughly 0.04 percentage points.
Alternatively, we could find the socially optimal level of pollution and auction off a
quantity of tradable permits that allow that level of pollution. Weitzman (1974) provides the
classic analysis of the choice between controlling prices or quantities.
Of course, it is possible that this reading of the scientific evidence or this
effort to estimate welfare effects is far from the mark. It is also possible
that considering horizons longer than the 50 to 100 years usually examined
in such studies would change the conclusions substantially. But the fact
remains that most economists who have studied environmental issues seriously, even ones whose initial positions were sympathetic to environmental
concerns, have concluded that the likely impact of environmental problems
on growth is at most moderate.26
1.1. Basic properties of growth rates. Use the fact that the growth rate of a variable
equals the time derivative of its log to show:
(a ) The growth rate of the product of two variables equals the sum of
their growth rates. That is, if Z(t ) = X(t )Y (t ), then Ż (t )/Z(t ) = [Ẋ (t )/X(t )] +
[Ẏ (t )/Y (t )].
(b ) The growth rate of the ratio of two variables equals the difference of their
growth rates. That is, if Z(t ) = X(t )/Y (t ), then Ż (t )/Z(t ) = [Ẋ (t )/X(t )] −
[Ẏ (t )/Y (t )].
(c ) If Z(t ) = X(t )α, then Ż (t )/Z(t ) = α Ẋ (t )/X(t ).
1.2. Suppose that the growth rate of some variable, X, is constant and equal to
a > 0 from time 0 to time t 1 ; drops to 0 at time t 1 ; rises gradually from 0 to a
from time t 1 to time t 2 ; and is constant and equal to a after time t 2 .
(a ) Sketch a graph of the growth rate of X as a function of time.
(b ) Sketch a graph of ln X as a function of time.
1.3. Describe how, if at all, each of the following developments affects the breakeven and actual investment lines in our basic diagram for the Solow model:
(a ) The rate of depreciation falls.
(b ) The rate of technological progress rises.
(c ) The production function is Cobb–Douglas, f (k) = k α, and capital’s share,
α, rises.
(d ) Workers exert more effort, so that output per unit of effective labor for a
given value of capital per unit of effective labor is higher than before.
This does not imply that environmental factors are always unimportant to long-run
growth. Brander and Taylor (1998) make a strong case that Easter Island suffered an environmental disaster of the type envisioned by Malthusians sometime between its settlement
around 400 and the arrival of Europeans in the 1700s. And they argue that other primitive
societies may have also suffered such disasters.
1.4. Consider an economy with technological progress but without population
growth that is on its balanced growth path. Now suppose there is a one-time
jump in the number of workers.
(a ) At the time of the jump, does output per unit of effective labor rise, fall,
or stay the same? Why?
(b ) After the initial change (if any) in output per unit of effective labor when
the new workers appear, is there any further change in output per unit of
effective labor? If so, does it rise or fall? Why?
(c ) Once the economy has again reached a balanced growth path, is output
per unit of effective labor higher, lower, or the same as it was before the
new workers appeared? Why?
1.5. Suppose that the production function is Cobb–Douglas.
(a ) Find expressions for k ∗ , y ∗ , and c ∗ as functions of the parameters of the
model, s, n, δ, g, and α.
(b ) What is the golden-rule value of k?
(c ) What saving rate is needed to yield the golden-rule capital stock?
1.6. Consider a Solow economy that is on its balanced growth path. Assume for
simplicity that there is no technological progress. Now suppose that the rate
of population growth falls.
(a ) What happens to the balanced-growth-path values of capital per worker,
output per worker, and consumption per worker? Sketch the paths of these
variables as the economy moves to its new balanced growth path.
(b ) Describe the effect of the fall in population growth on the path of output
(that is, total output, not output per worker).
1.7. Find the elasticity of output per unit of effective labor on the balanced growth
path, y ∗ , with respect to the rate of population growth, n. If αK (k ∗ ) = 13 ,
g = 2%, and δ = 3%, by about how much does a fall in n from 2 percent to
1 percent raise y ∗ ?
1.8. Suppose that investment as a fraction of output in the United States rises
permanently from 0.15 to 0.18. Assume that capital’s share is 31 .
(a ) By about how much does output eventually rise relative to what it would
have been without the rise in investment?
(b ) By about how much does consumption rise relative to what it would have
been without the rise in investment?
(c ) What is the immediate effect of the rise in investment on consumption?
About how long does it take for consumption to return to what it would
have been without the rise in investment?
1.9. Factor payments in the Solow model. Assume that both labor and capital
are paid their marginal products. Let w denote ∂F (K , AL)/∂L and r denote
[∂F (K ,AL)/∂K ] − δ.
(a ) Show that the marginal product of labor, w, is A[ f (k) − kf ′ (k)].
(b ) Show that if both capital and labor are paid their marginal products, constant returns to scale imply that the total amount paid to the factors of
production equals total net output. That is, show that under constant
returns, wL + rK = F (K ,AL) − δK .
(c ) The return to capital (r ) is roughly constant over time, as are the shares of
output going to capital and to labor. Does a Solow economy on a balanced
growth path exhibit these properties? What are the growth rates of w and
r on a balanced growth path?
(d ) Suppose the economy begins with a level of k less than k ∗ . As k moves
toward k ∗ , is w growing at a rate greater than, less than, or equal to its
growth rate on the balanced growth path? What about r ?
1.10. Suppose that, as in Problem 1.9, capital and labor are paid their marginal
products. In addition, suppose that all capital income is saved and all labor
income is consumed. Thus K̇ = [∂F (K ,AL)/∂K ]K − δK .
(a ) Show that this economy converges to a balanced growth path.
(b ) Is k on the balanced growth path greater than, less than, or equal to the
golden-rule level of k? What is the intuition for this result?
1.11. Go through steps analogous to those in equations (1.28)–(1.31) to find how
quickly y converges to y ∗ in the vicinity of the balanced growth path. (Hint:
Since y = f (k), we can write k = g(y ), where g(•) = f −1 (•).)
1.12. Embodied technological progress. (This follows Solow, 1960, and Sato, 1966.)
One view of technological progress is that the productivity of capital goods
built at t depends on the state of technology at t and is unaffected by subsequent technological progress. This is known as embodied technological progress (technological progress must be “embodied” in new capital before it can
raise output). This problem asks you to investigate its effects.
(a ) As a preliminary, let us modify the basic Solow model to make technological progress capital-augmenting rather than labor-augmenting. So that
a balanced growth path exists, assume that the production function is
Cobb–Douglas: Y (t ) = [A(t )K (t )]α L(t )1−α. Assume that A grows at rate
µ: Ȧ(t ) = µA(t ).
Show that the economy converges to a balanced growth path, and find
the growth rates of Y and K on the balanced growth path. (Hint: Show that
we can write Y/(A φL) as a function of K /(A φL), where φ = α/(1 − α). Then
analyze the dynamics of K /(A φL).)
(b ) Now consider embodied technological progress. Specifically, let the production function be Y (t ) = J (t )α L(t )1−α, where J (t ) is the effective capital
stock. The dynamics of J (t ) are given by J˙(t ) = sA(t )Y (t ) − δJ (t ). The presence of the A(t ) term in this expression means that the productivity of
investment at t depends on the technology at t.
Show that the economy converges to a balanced growth path. What
are the growth rates of Y and J on the balanced growth path? (Hint: Let
J (t ) = J (t )/A(t ). Then use the same approach as in (a), focusing on J /(A φL)
instead of K /(A φL).)
(c ) What is the elasticity of output on the balanced growth path with respect
to s ?
(d ) In the vicinity of the balanced growth path, how rapidly does the economy
converge to the balanced growth path?
(e ) Compare your results for (c ) and (d ) with the corresponding results in the
text for the basic Solow model.
1.13. Consider a Solow economy on its balanced growth path. Suppose the growthaccounting techniques described in Section 1.7 are applied to this economy.
(a ) What fraction of growth in output per worker does growth accounting
attribute to growth in capital per worker? What fraction does it attribute
to technological progress?
(b ) How can you reconcile your results in (a ) with the fact that the Solow
model implies that the growth rate of output per worker on the balanced
growth path is determined solely by the rate of technological progress?
1.14. (a ) In the model of convergence and measurement error in equations (1.38)
and (1.39), suppose the true value of b is −1. Does a regression of
ln(Y/N )1979 − ln(Y/N )1870 on a constant and ln(Y/N )1870 yield a biased
estimate of b? Explain.
(b ) Suppose there is measurement error in measured 1979 income per capita
but not in 1870 income per capita. Does a regression of ln(Y/N )1979 −
ln(Y/N )1870 on a constant and ln(Y/N )1870 yield a biased estimate of b?
1.15. Derive equation (1.50). (Hint: Follow steps analogous to those in equations
[1.47] and [1.48].)
This chapter investigates two models that resemble the Solow model but in
which the dynamics of economic aggregates are determined by decisions at
the microeconomic level. Both models continue to take the growth rates of
labor and knowledge as given. But the models derive the evolution of the
capital stock from the interaction of maximizing households and firms in
competitive markets. As a result, the saving rate is no longer exogenous,
and it need not be constant.
The first model is conceptually the simplest. Competitive firms rent capital and hire labor to produce and sell output, and a fixed number of infinitely lived households supply labor, hold capital, consume, and save. This
model, which was developed by Ramsey (1928), Cass (1965), and Koopmans
(1965), avoids all market imperfections and all issues raised by heterogeneous households and links among generations. It therefore provides a natural benchmark case.
The second model is the overlapping-generations model developed by
Diamond (1965). The key difference between the Diamond model and the
Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model is that the Diamond model assumes continual entry of new households into the economy. As we will see, this seemingly
small difference has important consequences.
Part A
The Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans
2.1 Assumptions
There are a large number of identical firms. Each has access to the production function Y = F (K , AL), which satisfies the same assumptions as
in Chapter 1. The firms hire workers and rent capital in competitive factor
markets, and sell their output in a competitive output market. Firms take A
as given; as in the Solow model, A grows exogenously at rate g. The firms
maximize profits. They are owned by the households, so any profits they
earn accrue to the households.
There are also a large number of identical households. The size of each
household grows at rate n. Each member of the household supplies 1 unit
of labor at every point in time. In addition, the household rents whatever
capital it owns to firms. It has initial capital holdings of K (0)/H, where K (0)
is the initial amount of capital in the economy and H is the number of
households. As in the Solow model, the initial capital stock is assumed to
be strictly positive. For simplicity, here we assume there is no depreciation.
The household divides its income (from the labor and capital it supplies
and, potentially, from the profits it receives from firms) at each point in
time between consumption and saving so as to maximize its lifetime utility.
The household’s utility function takes the form
e −ρt u(C(t ))
t =0
L (t )
C(t ) is the consumption of each member of the household at time t. u(•)
is the instantaneous utility function, which gives each member’s utility at
a given date. L (t ) is the total population of the economy; L (t )/H is therefore the number of members of the household. Thus u(C(t ))L (t )/H is the
household’s total instantaneous utility at t. Finally, ρ is the discount rate;
the greater is ρ, the less the household values future consumption relative
to current consumption.1
The instantaneous utility function takes the form
u(C(t )) =
C(t )1−θ
θ > 0,
ρ − n − (1 − θ)g > 0.
This functional form is needed for the economy to converge to a balanced
growth path. It is known as constant-relative-risk-aversion (or CRRA) utility. The reason for the name is that the coefficient of relative risk aversion
(which is defined as −Cu ′′ (C )/u ′ (C )) for this utility function is θ, and thus is
independent of C.
Since there is no uncertainty in this model, the household’s attitude
toward risk is not directly relevant. But θ also determines the household’s
One can also write utility as
e −ρ t u (C (t )) dt, where ρ′ ≡ ρ − n. Since L (t ) = L (0)e nt ,
t =0
this expression equals the expression in equation (2.1) divided by L (0)/H, and thus has the
same implications for behavior.
The Behavior of Households and Firms
willingness to shift consumption between different periods. When θ is
smaller, marginal utility falls more slowly as consumption rises, and so the
household is more willing to allow its consumption to vary over time. If θ
is close to zero, for example, utility is almost linear in C, and so the household is willing to accept large swings in consumption to take advantage of
small differences between the discount rate and the rate of return on saving. Specifically, one can show that the elasticity of substitution between
consumption at any two points in time is 1/θ.2
Three additional features of the instantaneous utility function are worth
mentioning. First, C 1−θ is increasing in C if θ < 1 but decreasing if θ > 1;
dividing C 1−θ by 1 − θ thus ensures that the marginal utility of consumption is positive regardless of the value of θ. Second, in the special case
of θ → 1, the instantaneous utility function simplifies to ln C; this is often a useful case to consider.3 And third, the assumption that ρ − n −
(1 − θ)g > 0 ensures that lifetime utility does not diverge: if this condition does not hold, the household can attain infinite lifetime utility, and its
maximization problem does not have a well-defined solution.4
2.2 The Behavior of Households and
Firms’ behavior is relatively simple. At each point in time they employ the
stocks of labor and capital, pay them their marginal products, and sell the
resulting output. Because the production function has constant returns and
the economy is competitive, firms earn zero profits.
As described in Chapter 1, the marginal product of capital, ∂F (K , AL)/∂K ,
is f ′ (k), where f (•) is the intensive form of the production function. Because
markets are competitive, capital earns its marginal product. And because
there is no depreciation, the real rate of return on capital equals its earnings
per unit time. Thus the real interest rate at time t is
r (t ) = f ′ (k (t )).
Labor’s marginal product is ∂F (K , AL)/∂L, which equals A∂F (K , AL)/
∂AL. In terms of f (•), this is A[ f (k) − kf ′ (k)].5 Thus the real wage
See Problem 2.2.
To see this, first subtract 1/(1−θ) from the utility function; since this changes utility by
a constant, it does not affect behavior. Then take the limit as θ approaches 1; this requires
using l’Hôpital’s rule. The result is ln C.
Phelps (1966a) discusses how growth models can be analyzed when households can
obtain infinite utility.
See Problem 1.9.
at t is
W (t ) = A(t )[ f (k (t )) − k (t ) f ′ (k (t ))].
The wage per unit of effective labor is therefore
w(t ) = f (k (t )) − k (t ) f ′ (k (t )).
Households’ Budget Constraint
The representative household takes the paths of r and w as given. Its budget constraint is that the present value of its lifetime consumption cannot
exceed its initial wealth plus the present value of its lifetime labor income.
To write the budget constraint formally, we need to account for the fact that
r may vary over time. To do this, define R(t ) as τ= 0 r (τ) dτ. One unit of the
output good invested at time 0 yields e R (t ) units of the good at t ; equivalently, the value of 1 unit of output at time t in terms of output at time 0 is
e −R (t ) . For example, if r is constant at some level r, R(t ) is simply rt and the
present value of 1 unit of output at t is e −rt . More generally, e R (t ) shows the
effects of continuously compounding interest over the period [0,t ].
Since the household has L (t )/H members, its labor income at t is
W (t )L (t )/H, and its consumption expenditures are C(t )L (t )/H. Its initial
wealth is 1/H of total wealth at time 0, or K (0)/H. The household’s budget constraint is therefore
e −R (t ) C(t )
L (t )
t =0
dt ≤
K (0)
e −R (t ) W (t )
t =0
L (t )
In general, it is not possible to find the integrals in this expression. Fortunately, we can express the budget constraint in terms of the limiting behavior of the household’s capital holdings; and it is usually possible to describe
the limiting behavior of the economy. To see how the budget constraint can
be rewritten in this way, first bring all the terms of (2.6) over to the same
side and combine the two integrals; this gives us
K (0)
e −R (t ) [W (t ) − C(t )]
t =0
L (t )
dt ≥ 0.
We can write the integral from t = 0 to t = ∞ as a limit. Thus (2.7) is
equivalent to
K (0)
t =0
e −R (t ) [W (t ) − C(t )]
L (t )
dt ≥ 0.
The Behavior of Households and Firms
Now note that the household’s capital holdings at time s are
K (s)
= e R (s)
K (0)
e R (s)−R (t ) [W (t ) − C(t )]
t =0
L (t )
To understand (2.9), observe that e R (s)K (0)/H is the contribution of the
household’s initial wealth to its wealth at s. The household’s saving at t is
[W (t ) − C(t )]L (t )/H (which may be negative); e R (s)−R (t ) shows how the value
of that saving changes from t to s.
The expression in (2.9) is e R (s) times the expression in brackets in (2.8).
Thus we can write the budget constraint as simply
lim e −R (s)
K (s)
≥ 0.
Expressed in this form, the budget constraint states that the present value
of the household’s asset holdings cannot be negative in the limit.
Equation (2.10) is known as the no-Ponzi-game condition. A Ponzi game
is a scheme in which someone issues debt and rolls it over forever. That is,
the issuer always obtains the funds to pay off debt when it comes due by
issuing new debt. Such a scheme allows the issuer to have a present value of
lifetime consumption that exceeds the present value of his or her lifetime
resources. By imposing the budget constraint (2.6) or (2.10), we are ruling
out such schemes.6
Households’ Maximization Problem
The representative household wants to maximize its lifetime utility subject
to its budget constraint. As in the Solow model, it is easier to work with
variables normalized by the quantity of effective labor. To do this, we need
to express both the objective function and the budget constraint in terms
of consumption and labor income per unit of effective labor.
This analysis sweeps a subtlety under the rug: we have assumed rather than shown that
households must satisfy the no-Ponzi-game condition. Because there are a finite number
of households in the model, the assumption that Ponzi games are not feasible is correct. A
household can run a Ponzi game only if at least one other household has a present value of
lifetime consumption that is strictly less than the present value of its lifetime wealth. Since
the marginal utility of consumption is always positive, no household will accept this. But
in models with infinitely many households, such as the overlapping-generations model of
Part B of this chapter, Ponzi games are possible in some situations. We return to this point
in Section 12.1.
We start with the objective function. Define c (t ) to be consumption per
unit of effective labor. Thus C(t ), consumption per worker, equals A(t )c (t ).
The household’s instantaneous utility, (2.2), is therefore
C(t )1−θ
[A(t )c (t )]1−θ
[A(0)e gt ]1−θc (t )1−θ
= A(0)1−θe (1−θ)gt
c (t )1−θ
Substituting (2.11) and the fact that L (t ) = L (0)e nt into the household’s
objective function, (2.1)–(2.2), yields
e −ρt
C(t )1−θ L (t )
t =0
t =0
L (0)
= A(0)1−θ
e −βt
1−θ (1−θ)gt c (t )
e −ρt e (1−θ)gt e
L (0)e nt
n t c (t )
t =0
c (t )1−θ
t =0
where B ≡ A(0)1−θ L (0)/H and β ≡ ρ − n − (1 − θ)g. From (2.2), β is assumed
to be positive.
Now consider the budget constraint, (2.6). The household’s total consumption at t, C(t )L (t )/H, equals consumption per unit of effective labor,
c (t ), times the household’s quantity of effective labor, A(t )L (t )/H. Similarly,
its total labor income at t equals the wage per unit of effective labor, w(t ),
times A(t )L (t )/H. And its initial capital holdings are capital per unit of effective labor at time 0, k (0), times A(0)L (0)/H. Thus we can rewrite (2.6) as
e −R (t ) c (t )
A(t )L (t )
t =0
≤ k (0)
A(0)L (0)
−R (t )
t =0
w(t )
A(t )L (t )
A(t )L (t ) equals A(0)L (0)e (n +g)t . Substituting this fact into (2.13) and dividing
both sides by A(0)L (0)/H yields
t =0
e −R (t ) c (t )e (n +g)t dt ≤ k (0) +
t =0
e −R (t ) w(t )e (n +g)t dt.
The Behavior of Households and Firms
Finally, because K (s) is proportional to k (s)e (n +g)s , we can rewrite the
no-Ponzi-game version of the budget constraint, (2.10), as
lim e −R (s) e (n +g)s k (s) ≥ 0.
Household Behavior
The household’s problem is to choose the path of c (t ) to maximize lifetime utility, (2.12), subject to the budget constraint, (2.14). Although this
involves choosing c at each instant of time (rather than choosing a finite
set of variables, as in standard maximization problems), conventional maximization techniques can be used. Since the marginal utility of consumption
is always positive, the household satisfies its budget constraint with equality. We can therefore use the objective function, (2.12), and the budget constraint, (2.14), to set up the Lagrangian:
L= B
e −βt
c (t )1−θ
t =0
+ λ k (0) +
t =0
e −R (t ) e (n +g)t w(t ) dt −
e −R (t ) e (n +g)t c (t ) dt .
t =0
The household chooses c at each point in time; that is, it chooses infinitely
many c (t )’s. The first-order condition for an individual c (t ) is7
Be −βt c (t )−θ = λe −R (t ) e (n +g)t .
The household’s behavior is characterized by (2.17) and the budget constraint, (2.14).
This step is slightly informal; the difficulty is that the terms in (2.17) are of order dt in
(2.16); that is, they make an infinitesimal contribution to the Lagrangian. There are various
ways of addressing this issue more formally than simply “canceling” the dt’s (which is what
we do in [2.17]). For example, we can model the household as choosing consumption over the
finite intervals [0,t ), [t,2t ), [2t,3t ), . . . , with its consumption required to be constant
within each interval, and then take the limit as t approaches zero. This also yields (2.17).
Another possibility is to use the calculus of variations (see n. 13, at the end of Section 2.4).
In this particular application, however, the calculus-of-variations approach simplifies to the
approach we have used here. That is, here the calculus-of-variations approach is no more
rigorous than the approach we have used. To put it differently, the methods used to derive
the calculus of variations provide a formal justification for canceling the dt ’s in (2.17).
To see what (2.17) implies for the behavior of consumption, first take
logs of both sides:
ln B − βt − θ ln c (t ) = ln λ − R(t ) + (n + g)t
= ln λ −
r (τ) dτ + (n + g)t,
τ= 0
where the second line uses the definition of R(t ) as τ= 0 r (τ) dτ. Now note
that since the two sides of (2.18) are equal for every t, the derivatives of the
two sides with respect to t must be the same. This condition is
−β − θ
ċ (t )
c (t )
= −r (t ) + (n + g),
where we have once again used the fact that the time derivative of the log
of a variable equals its growth rate. Solving (2.19) for ċ (t )/c (t ) yields
ċ (t )
c (t )
r (t ) − n − g − β
r (t ) − ρ − θg
where the second line uses the definition of β as ρ − n − (1 − θ)g.
To interpret (2.20), note that since C(t ) (consumption per worker) equals
c (t )A(t ), the growth rate of C is given by
Ċ(t )
C(t )
Ȧ(t )
A(t )
ċ (t )
c (t )
r (t ) − ρ − θg
r (t ) − ρ
where the second line uses (2.20). This condition states that consumption
per worker is rising if the real return exceeds the rate at which the household discounts future consumption, and is falling if the reverse holds. The
smaller is θ—the less marginal utility changes as consumption changes—the
larger are the changes in consumption in response to differences between
the real interest rate and the discount rate.
Equation (2.20) is known as the Euler equation for this maximization
problem. A more intuitive way of deriving (2.20) is to think of the household’s consumption at two consecutive moments in time.8 Specifically,
imagine the household reducing c at some date t by a small (formally, infinitesimal) amount c, investing this additional saving for a short (again,
The intuition for the Euler equation is considerably easier if time is discrete rather than
continuous. See Section 2.9.
2.3 The Dynamics of the Economy
infinitesimal) period of time t, and then consuming the proceeds at time
t + t ; assume that when it does this, the household leaves consumption
and capital holdings at all times other than t and t + t unchanged. If the
household is optimizing, the marginal impact of this change on lifetime
utility must be zero. If the impact is strictly positive, the household can
marginally raise its lifetime utility by making the change. And if the impact
is strictly negative, the household can raise its lifetime utility by making the
opposite change.
From (2.12), the marginal utility of c (t ) is Be −βt c (t )−θ. Thus the change has
a utility cost of Be −βt c (t )−θc. Since the instantaneous rate of return is r (t ), c
at time t + t can be increased by e [r (t )−n−g]t c. Similarly, since c is growing
at rate ċ (t )/c (t ), we can write c (t + t ) as c (t )e [ċ (t )/c (t )]t . Thus the marginal
utility of c (t + t ) is Be −β(t +t ) c (t + t )−θ, or Be −β(t +t ) [c (t )e [ċ(t )/c (t )]t ]−θ.
For the path of consumption to be utility-maximizing, it must therefore
Be −βt c (t )−θc = Be −β(t +t ) [c (t )e [ċ (t )/c (t )]t ]−θe [r (t )−n−g]t c.
Dividing by Be −βt c (t )−θc and taking logs yields
−β t − θ
ċ (t )
c (t )
t + [r (t ) − n − g] t = 0.
Finally, dividing by t and rearranging yields the Euler equation in (2.20).
Intuitively, the Euler equation describes how c must behave over time
given c (0): if c does not evolve according to (2.20), the household can rearrange its consumption in a way that raises its lifetime utility without
changing the present value of its lifetime spending. The choice of c (0) is then
determined by the requirement that the present value of lifetime consumption over the resulting path equals initial wealth plus the present value of
future earnings. When c (0) is chosen too low, consumption spending along
the path satisfying (2.20) does not exhaust lifetime wealth, and so a higher
path is possible; when c (0) is set too high, consumption spending more than
uses up lifetime wealth, and so the path is not feasible.9
2.3 The Dynamics of the Economy
The most convenient way to describe the behavior of the economy is in
terms of the evolution of c and k.
Formally, equation (2.20) implies that c (t ) = c (0)e [R (t ) − (ρ + θg )t ]/θ, which implies
that e −R (t ) e (n +g )t c (t ) = c (0)e [(1−θ)R (t )+(θn−ρ)t ]/θ. Thus c (0) is determined by the fact that
e [(1−θ)R (t ) + (θn − ρ)t ]/θ dt must equal the right-hand side of the budget constraint,
c (0)
t =0
(c > 0)
(c < 0)
The dynamics of c
The Dynamics of c
Since all households are the same, equation (2.20) describes the evolution
of c not just for a single household but for the economy as a whole. Since
r (t ) = f ′ (k (t )), we can rewrite (2.20) as
ċ (t )
c (t )
f ′ (k (t )) − ρ − θg
Thus ċ is zero when f ′ (k) equals ρ + θg. Let k ∗ denote this level of k. When
k exceeds k ∗ , f ′ (k) is less than ρ + θg, and so ċ is negative; when k is less
than k ∗ , ċ is positive.
This information is summarized in Figure 2.1. The arrows show the direction of motion of c. Thus c is rising if k < k ∗ and falling if k > k ∗ . The
ċ = 0 line at k = k ∗ indicates that c is constant for this value of k.10
The Dynamics of k
As in the Solow model, k˙ equals actual investment minus break-even investment. Since we are assuming that there is no depreciation, break-even
Note that (2.24) implies that ċ also equals zero when c is zero. That is, ċ is also zero
along the horizontal axis of the diagram. But since, as we will see below, in equilibrium c is
never zero, this is not relevant to the analysis of the model.
2.3 The Dynamics of the Economy
(k < 0)
(k > 0)
FIGURE 2.2 The dynamics of k
investment is (n + g)k. Actual investment is output minus consumption,
f (k) − c. Thus,
k˙(t ) = f (k (t )) − c (t ) − (n + g)k (t ).
For a given k, the level of c that implies k˙ = 0 is given by f (k) − (n + g)k;
in terms of Figure 1.6 (in Chapter 1), k˙ is zero when consumption equals the
difference between the actual output and break-even investment lines. This
value of c is increasing in k until f ′ (k) = n + g (the golden-rule level of k) and
is then decreasing. When c exceeds the level that yields k˙ = 0, k is falling;
when c is less than this level, k is rising. For k sufficiently large, break-even
investment exceeds total output, and so k˙ is negative for all positive values
of c. This information is summarized in Figure 2.2; the arrows show the
direction of motion of k.
The Phase Diagram
Figure 2.3 combines the information in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The arrows now
show the directions of motion of both c and k. To the left of the ċ = 0 locus
and above the k˙ = 0 locus, for example, ċ is positive and k˙ negative. Thus c is
rising and k falling, and so the arrows point up and to the left. The arrows
in the other sections of the diagram are based on similar reasoning. On
the ċ = 0 and k˙ = 0 curves, only one of c and k is changing. On the ċ = 0
line above the k˙ = 0 locus, for example, c is constant and k is falling; thus
FIGURE 2.3 The dynamics of c and k
the arrow points to the left. Finally, at Point E both ċ and k˙ are zero; thus
there is no movement from this point.11
Figure 2.3 is drawn with k ∗ (the level of k that implies ċ = 0) less than
the golden-rule level of k (the value of k associated with the peak of the
k˙ = 0 locus). To see that this must be the case, recall that k ∗ is defined by
f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ + θg, and that the golden-rule k is defined by f ′ (k G R ) = n + g.
Since f ′′ (k) is negative, k ∗ is less than k G R if and only if ρ + θg is greater
than n + g. This is equivalent to ρ− n − (1 − θ)g > 0, which we have assumed
to hold so that lifetime utility does not diverge (see [2.2]). Thus k ∗ is to the
left of the peak of the k˙ = 0 curve.
The Initial Value of c
Figure 2.3 shows how c and k must evolve over time to satisfy households’
intertemporal optimization condition (equation [2.24]) and the equation
Recall from n. 10 that ċ is also zero along the horizontal axis of the phase diagram.
As a result, there are two other points where c and k are constant. The first is the origin: if
the economy has no capital and no consumption, it remains there. The second is the point
where the k˙ = 0 curve crosses the horizontal axis. Here all of output is being used to hold
k constant, so c = 0 and f (k ) = (n + g)k. Since having consumption change from zero to
any positive amount violates households’ intertemporal optimization condition, (2.24), if
the economy is at this point it must remain there to satisfy (2.24) and (2.25). We will see
shortly, however, that the economy is never at either of these points.
2.3 The Dynamics of the Economy
The behavior of c and k for various initial values of c
relating the change in k to output and consumption (equation [2.25]) given
initial values of c and k. The initial value of k is given; but the initial value
of c must be determined.
This issue is addressed in Figure 2.4. For concreteness, k (0) is assumed
to be less than k ∗ . The figure shows the trajectory of c and k for various
assumptions concerning the initial level of c. If c (0) is above the k˙ = 0 curve,
at a point like A, then ċ is positive and k˙ negative; thus the economy moves
continually up and to the left in the diagram. If c (0) is such that k˙ is initially
zero (Point B), the economy begins by moving directly up in (k,c) space;
thereafter ċ is positive and k˙ negative, and so the economy again moves
up and to the left. If the economy begins slightly below the k˙ = 0 locus
(Point C), k˙ is initially positive but small (since k˙ is a continuous function
of c), and ċ is again positive. Thus in this case the economy initially moves
up and slightly to the right; after it crosses the k˙ = 0 locus, however, k˙
becomes negative and once again the economy is on a path of rising c and
falling k.
Point D shows a case of very low initial consumption. Here ċ and k˙ are
both initially positive. From (2.24), ċ is proportional to c; when c is small,
ċ is therefore small. Thus c remains low, and so the economy eventually
crosses the ċ = 0 line. After this point, ċ becomes negative, and k˙ remains
positive. Thus the economy moves down and to the right.
ċ and k˙ are continuous functions of c and k. Thus there is some critical
point between Points C and D—Point F in the diagram—such that at that
level of initial c, the economy converges to the stable point, Point E. For any
level of consumption above this critical level, the k˙ = 0 curve is crossed
before the ċ = 0 line is reached, and so the economy ends up on a path
of perpetually rising consumption and falling capital. And if consumption
is less than the critical level, the ċ = 0 locus is reached first, and so the
economy embarks on a path of falling consumption and rising capital. But
if consumption is just equal to the critical level, the economy converges to
the point where both c and k are constant.
All these various trajectories satisfy equations (2.24) and (2.25). Does
this mean that they are all possible? The answer is no, because we have not
yet imposed the requirements that households must satisfy their budget
constraint and that the economy’s capital stock cannot be negative. These
conditions determine which of the trajectories in fact describes the behavior
of the economy.
If the economy starts at some point above F, c is high and rising. As a
result, the equation of motion for k, (2.25), implies that k eventually reaches
zero. For (2.24) and (2.25) to continue to be satisfied, c must continue to
rise and k must become negative. But this cannot occur. Since output is
zero when k is zero, c must drop to zero. This means that households are
not satisfying their intertemporal optimization condition, (2.24). We can
therefore rule out such paths.
To rule out paths starting below F, we use the budget constraint expressed in terms of the limiting behavior of capital holdings, equation (2.15):
lims→∞ e −R (s) e (n +g)s k (s) ≥ 0. If the economy starts at a point like D, eventually k exceeds the golden-rule capital stock. After that time, the real interest
rate, f ′ (k), is less than n + g, so e −R (s) e (n +g)s is rising. Since k is also rising,
e −R (s) e (n +g)s k (s) diverges. Thus lims→∞ e −R (s) e (n +g)s k (s) is infinity. From the
derivation of (2.15), we know that this is equivalent to the statement that
the present value of households’ lifetime income is infinitely larger than the
present value of their lifetime consumption. Thus each household can afford to raise its consumption at each point in time, and so can attain higher
utility. That is, households are not maximizing their utility. Hence, such a
path cannot be an equilibrium.
Finally, if the economy begins at Point F, k converges to k ∗ , and so r
converges to f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ + θg. Thus eventually e −R (s) e (n +g)s is falling at rate
ρ − n − (1 − θ)g = β > 0, and so lims→∞ e −R (s) e (n +g)s k (s) is zero. Thus the
path beginning at F, and only this path, is possible.
The Saddle Path
Although this discussion has been in terms of a single value of k, the idea is
general. For any positive initial level of k, there is a unique initial level of c
that is consistent with households’ intertemporal optimization, the dynamics of the capital stock, households’ budget constraint, and the requirement
The saddle path
that k not be negative. The function giving this initial c as a function of k is
known as the saddle path; it is shown in Figure 2.5. For any starting value
for k, the initial c must be the value on the saddle path. The economy then
moves along the saddle path to Point E.
2.4 Welfare
A natural question is whether the equilibrium of this economy represents
a desirable outcome. The answer to this question is simple. The first welfare theorem from microeconomics tells us that if markets are competitive
and complete and there are no externalities (and if the number of agents
is finite), then the decentralized equilibrium is Pareto-efficient—that is, it is
impossible to make anyone better off without making someone else worse
off. Since the conditions of the first welfare theorem hold in our model,
the equilibrium must be Pareto-efficient. And since all households have the
same utility, this means that the decentralized equilibrium produces
the highest possible utility among allocations that treat all households in
the same way.
To see this more clearly, consider the problem facing a social planner who
can dictate the division of output between consumption and investment at
each date and who wants to maximize the lifetime utility of a representative household. This problem is identical to that of an individual household
except that, rather than taking the paths of w and r as given, the planner
takes into account the fact that these are determined by the path of k, which
is in turn determined by (2.25).
The intuitive argument involving consumption at consecutive moments
used to derive (2.20) or (2.24) applies to the social planner as well: reducing
c by c at time t and investing the proceeds allows the planner to increase c
at time t + t by e f (k (t ))t e −(n +g)t c.12 Thus c (t ) along the path chosen
by the planner must satisfy (2.24). And since equation (2.25) giving the
evolution of k reflects technology, not preferences, the social planner must
obey it as well. Finally, as with households’ optimization problem, paths
that require that the capital stock becomes negative can be ruled out on the
grounds that they are not feasible, and paths that cause consumption to
approach zero can be ruled out on the grounds that they do not maximize
households’ utility.
In short, the solution to the social planner’s problem is for the initial value
of c to be given by the value on the saddle path, and for c and k to then
move along the saddle path. That is, the competitive equilibrium maximizes
the welfare of the representative household.13
2.5 The Balanced Growth Path
Properties of the Balanced Growth Path
The behavior of the economy once it has converged to Point E is identical
to that of the Solow economy on the balanced growth path. Capital, output,
and consumption per unit of effective labor are constant. Since y and c are
constant, the saving rate, (y − c)/y , is also constant. The total capital stock,
total output, and total consumption grow at rate n + g. And capital per
worker, output per worker, and consumption per worker grow at rate g.
Thus the central implications of the Solow model concerning the driving
forces of economic growth do not hinge on its assumption of a constant
saving rate. Even when saving is endogenous, growth in the effectiveness of
Note that this change does affect r and w over the (brief) interval from t to t +t. r falls
by f ′′ (k ) times the change in k, while w rises by −f ′′ (k )k times the change in k. But the effect
of these changes on total income (per unit of effective labor), which is given by the change
in w plus k times the change in r, is zero. That is, since capital is paid its marginal product,
total payments to labor and to previously existing capital remain equal to the previous level
of output (again per unit of effective labor). This is just a specific instance of the general
result that the pecuniary externalities—externalities operating through prices—balance in
the aggregate under competition.
A formal solution to the planner’s problem involves the use of the calculus of variations. For a formal statement and solution of the problem, see Blanchard and Fischer (1989,
pp. 38–43). For an introduction to the calculus of variations, see Section 9.2; Barro and Salai-Martin, 2003, Appendix A.3; Kamien and Schwartz (1991); or Obstfeld (1992).
The Balanced Growth Path
labor remains the only source of persistent growth in output per worker.
And since the production function is the same as in the Solow model, one
can repeat the calculations of Section 1.6 demonstrating that significant
differences in output per worker can arise from differences in capital per
worker only if the differences in capital per worker, and in rates of return
to capital, are enormous.
The Social Optimum and the Golden-Rule Level of
The only notable difference between the balanced growth paths of the Solow
and Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans models is that a balanced growth path with a
capital stock above the golden-rule level is not possible in the Ramsey–Cass–
Koopmans model. In the Solow model, a sufficiently high saving rate causes
the economy to reach a balanced growth path with the property that there
are feasible alternatives that involve higher consumption at every moment.
In the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model, in contrast, saving is derived from
the behavior of households whose utility depends on their consumption,
and there are no externalities. As a result, it cannot be an equilibrium for
the economy to follow a path where higher consumption can be attained in
every period; if the economy were on such a path, households would reduce
their saving and take advantage of this opportunity.
This can be seen in the phase diagram. Consider again Figure 2.5. If the
initial capital stock exceeds the golden-rule level (that is, if k (0) is greater
than the k associated with the peak of the k˙ = 0 locus), initial consumption
is above the level needed to keep k constant; thus k˙ is negative. k gradually
approaches k ∗ , which is below the golden-rule level.
Finally, the fact that k ∗ is less than the golden-rule capital stock implies
that the economy does not converge to the balanced growth path that yields
the maximum sustainable level of c. The intuition for this result is clearest
in the case of g equal to zero, so that there is no long-run growth of consumption and output per worker. In this case, k ∗ is defined by f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ
(see [2.24]) and k G R is defined by f ′ (k G R ) = n, and our assumption that
ρ − n − (1 − θ)g > 0 simplifies to ρ > n. Since k ∗ is less than k G R , an increase in saving starting at k = k ∗ would cause consumption per worker to
eventually rise above its previous level and remain there (see Section 1.4).
But because households value present consumption more than future consumption, the benefit of the eventual permanent increase in consumption
is bounded. At some point—specifically, when k exceeds k ∗ —the tradeoff
between the temporary short-term sacrifice and the permanent long-term
gain is sufficiently unfavorable that accepting it reduces rather than raises
lifetime utility. Thus k converges to a value below the golden-rule level. Because k ∗ is the optimal level of k for the economy to converge to, it is known
as the modified golden-rule capital stock.
2.6 The Effects of a Fall in the Discount
Consider a Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans economy that is on its balanced growth
path, and suppose that there is a fall in ρ, the discount rate. Because ρ is the
parameter governing households’ preferences between current and future
consumption, this change is the closest analogue in this model to a rise in
the saving rate in the Solow model.
Since the division of output between consumption and investment is
determined by forward-looking households, we must specify whether the
change is expected or unexpected. If a change is expected, households may
alter their behavior before the change occurs. We therefore focus on the
simple case where the change is unexpected. That is, households are optimizing given their belief that their discount rate will not change, and the
economy is on the resulting balanced growth path. At some date households
suddenly discover that their preferences have changed, and that they now
discount future utility at a lower rate than before.14
Qualitative Effects
Since the evolution of k is determined by technology rather than prefer˙ Thus only the ċ = 0
ences, ρ enters the equation for ċ but not the one for k.
locus is affected. Recall equation (2.24): ċ (t )/c (t ) = [ f ′ (k (t )) − ρ − θg]/θ.
Thus the value of k where ċ equals zero is defined by f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ + θg. Since
f ′′ (•) is negative, this means that the fall in ρ raises k ∗ . Thus the ċ = 0 line
shifts to the right. This is shown in Figure 2.6.
At the time of the change in ρ, the value of k—the stock of capital per unit
of effective labor—is given by the history of the economy, and it cannot
change discontinuously. In particular, k at the time of the change equals
the value of k ∗ on the old balanced growth path. In contrast, c—the rate at
which households are consuming—can jump at the time of the shock.
Given our analysis of the dynamics of the economy, it is clear what occurs:
at the instant of the change, c jumps down so that the economy is on the
new saddle path (Point A in Figure 2.6).15 Thereafter, c and k rise gradually
to their new balanced-growth-path values; these are higher than their values
on the original balanced growth path.
Thus the effects of a fall in the discount rate are similar to the effects of
a rise in the saving rate in the Solow model with a capital stock below the
See Section 2.7 and Problems 2.11 and 2.12 for examples of how to analyze anticipated
Since we are assuming that the change is unexpected, the discontinuous change in c
does not imply that households are not optimizing. Their original behavior is optimal given
their beliefs; the fall in c is the optimal response to the new information that ρ is lower.
The Effects of a Fall in the Discount Rate
k ∗OLD
k ∗NEW
The effects of a fall in the discount rate
golden-rule level. In both cases, k rises gradually to a new higher level, and
in both c initially falls but then rises to a level above the one it started at.
Thus, just as with a permanent rise in the saving rate in the Solow model,
the permanent fall in the discount rate produces temporary increases in
the growth rates of capital per worker and output per worker. The only
difference between the two experiments is that, in the case of the fall in ρ,
in general the fraction of output that is saved is not constant during the
adjustment process.
The Rate of Adjustment and the Slope of the Saddle
Equations (2.24) and (2.25) describe ċ (t ) and k˙(t ) as functions of k (t ) and
c (t ). A fruitful way to analyze their quantitative implications for the dynamics of the economy is to replace these nonlinear equations with linear
approximations around the balanced growth path. Thus we begin by taking
first-order Taylor approximations to (2.24) and (2.25) around k = k ∗ , c = c ∗ .
That is, we write
k˙ ≃
[k − k ∗ ] +
[c − c ∗ ],
[k − k ∗ ] +
[c − c ∗ ],
ċ ≃
where ∂ċ/∂k, ∂ċ/∂c, ∂k/∂k,
and ∂k/∂c
are all evaluated at k = k ∗ , c = c ∗ . Our
strategy will be to treat (2.26) and (2.27) as exact and analyze the dynamics
of the resulting system.16
It helps to define c̃ = c − c ∗ and k̃ = k − k ∗ . Since c ∗ and k ∗ are both con˙ equals k.
˙ We can therefore rewrite (2.26) and (2.27)
stant, c̃˙ equals ċ, and k̃
c̃˙ ≃
k̃ +
k̃ +
k̃˙ ≃
(Again, the derivatives are all evaluated at k = k ∗ , c = c ∗ .) Recall that ċ =
{[ f ′ (k) − ρ − θg]/θ}c (equation [2.24]). Using this expression to compute the
derivatives in (2.28) and evaluating them at k = k ∗ , c = c ∗ gives us
f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗
c̃˙ ≃
Similarly, (2.25) states that k˙ = f (k) − c − (n + g)k. We can use this to find
the derivatives in (2.29); this yields
k̃˙ ≃ [ f ′ (k ∗ ) − (n + g)]k̃ − c̃
= [(ρ + θg) − (n + g)]k̃ − c̃
= βk̃ − c̃,
where the second line uses the fact that (2.24) implies that f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ + θg
and the third line uses the definition of β as ρ − n − (1 − θ)g. Dividing both
sides of (2.30) by c̃ and both sides of (2.31) by k̃ yields expressions for the
growth rates of c̃ and k̃:
f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ k̃
≃ β−
Equations (2.32) and (2.33) imply that the growth rates of c̃ and k̃ depend
only on the ratio of c̃ and k̃. Given this, consider what happens if the values
of c̃ and k̃ are such that c̃ and k̃ are falling at the same rate (that is, if they
˙ = k̃˙/k̃). This implies that the ratio of c̃ to k̃ is not changing, and
imply c̃/c̃
thus that their growth rates are also not changing. That is, if c − c ∗ and
For a more formal introduction to the analysis of systems of differential equations
(such as [2.26]–[2.27]), see Simon and Blume (1994, Chapter 25).
The Effects of a Fall in the Discount Rate
k − k ∗ are initially falling at the same rate, they continue to fall at that rate.
In terms of the diagram, from a point where c̃ and k̃ are falling at equal
rates, the economy moves along a straight line to (k ∗ ,c ∗ ), with the distance
from (k ∗ ,c ∗ ) falling at a constant rate.
˙ Equation (2.32) implies
Let µ denote c̃/c̃.
f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ 1
˙ is thus
From (2.33), the condition that k̃˙/k̃ equals c̃/c̃
µ = β−
f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ 1
= 0.
µ 2 − βµ +
f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗
This is a quadratic equation in µ. The solutions are
β ± [β2 − 4f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ /θ]1/2
Let µ 1 and µ 2 denote these two values of µ.
If µ is positive, then c̃ and k̃ are growing; that is, instead of moving along a
straight line toward (k ∗ ,c ∗ ), the economy is moving on a straight line away
from (k ∗ ,c ∗ ). Thus if the economy is to converge to (k ∗ ,c ∗ ), then µ must
be negative. Inspection of (2.37) shows that only one of the µ’s, namely
{β− [β2 − 4f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ /θ]1/2 }/2, is negative. Let µ 1 denote this value of µ. Equation (2.34) (with µ = µ 1 ) then tells us how c̃ must be related to k̃ for both to
be falling at rate µ 1 .
Figure 2.7 shows the line along which the economy converges smoothly
to (k ∗ ,c ∗ ); it is labeled AA. This is the saddle path of the linearized system.
The figure also shows the line along which the economy moves directly away
from (k ∗ ,c ∗ ); it is labeled BB. If the initial values of c (0) and k (0) lay along
this line, (2.32) and (2.33) would imply that c̃ and k̃ would grow steadily at
rate µ 2 .17 Since f ′′ (•) is negative, (2.34) implies that the relation between c̃
and k̃ has the opposite sign from µ. Thus the saddle path AA is positively
sloped, and the BB line is negatively sloped.
˙ we can characterize the
Thus if we linearize the equations for ċ and k,
dynamics of the economy in terms of the model’s parameters. At time 0, c
must equal c ∗ + [ f ′′ (k ∗ )c ∗ /(θµ 1 )](k−k ∗ ). Thereafter, c and k converge to their
balanced-growth-path values at rate µ 1 . That is, k (t ) = k ∗ + e µ1t [k (0) − k ∗ ]
and c (t ) = c ∗ + e µ1t [c (0) − c ∗ ].
Of course, it is not possible for the initial value of (k ,c ) to lie along the BB line. As we
saw in Section 2.3, if it did, either k would eventually become negative or households would
accumulate infinite wealth.
The linearized phase diagram
The Speed of Adjustment
To understand the implications of (2.37) for the speed of convergence to the
balanced growth path, consider our usual example of Cobb–Douglas production, f (k) = k α. This implies f ′′ (k ∗ ) = α(α − 1)k ∗ α−2 . Since consumption
on the balanced growth path equals output minus break-even investment,
consumption per unit of effective labor, c ∗ , equals k ∗ α − (n + g)k ∗ . Thus in
this case we can write the expression for µ 1 as
µ1 =
β2 −
α(α − 1)k ∗ α−2 [k ∗ α − (n + g)k ∗ ]
Recall that on the balanced growth path, f ′ (k) equals ρ + θg (see [2.24]).
For the Cobb–Douglas case, this is equivalent to αk ∗ α−1 = ρ + θg, or k ∗ =
[(ρ + θg)/α]1/(α−1) . Substituting this into (2.38) and doing some uninteresting algebraic manipulations yields
µ1 =
β2 +
4 1−α
(ρ + θg)[ρ + θg − α(n + g)]
Equation (2.39) expresses the rate of adjustment in terms of the underlying
parameters of the model.
To get a feel for the magnitudes involved, suppose α = 31 , ρ = 4%, n = 2%,
g = 1%, and θ = 1. One can show that these parameter values imply that on
the balanced growth path, the real interest rate is 5 percent and the saving
The Effects of Government Purchases
rate 20 percent. And since β is defined as ρ− n − (1 − θ)g, they imply β = 2%.
Equation (2.38) or (2.39) then implies µ 1 ≃ −5.4%. Thus adjustment is quite
rapid in this case; for comparison, the Solow model with the same values
of α, n, and g (and as here, no depreciation) implies an adjustment speed
of 2 percent per year (see equation [1.31]). The reason for the difference is
that in this example, the saving rate is greater than s ∗ when k is less than k ∗
and less than s ∗ when k is greater than k ∗ . In the Solow model, in contrast,
s is constant by assumption.
2.7 The Effects of Government
Thus far, we have left government out of our model. Yet modern economies
devote their resources not just to investment and private consumption but
also to public uses. In the United States, for example, about 20 percent
of total output is purchased by the government; in many other countries
the figure is considerably higher. It is thus natural to extend our model to
include a government sector.
Adding Government to the Model
Assume that the government buys output at rate G(t ) per unit of effective
labor per unit time. Government purchases are assumed not to affect utility from private consumption; this can occur if the government devotes the
goods to some activity that does not affect utility at all, or if utility equals
the sum of utility from private consumption and utility from governmentprovided goods. Similarly, the purchases are assumed not to affect future
output; that is, they are devoted to public consumption rather than public investment. The purchases are financed by lump-sum taxes of amount
G(t ) per unit of effective labor per unit time; thus the government always
runs a balanced budget. Consideration of deficit finance is postponed to
Chapter 11. We will see there, however, that in this model the government’s
choice between tax and deficit finance has no impact on any important variables. Thus the assumption that the purchases are financed with current
taxes only serves to simplify the presentation.
Investment is now the difference between output and the sum of private
consumption and government purchases. Thus the equation of motion for
k, (2.25), becomes
k˙(t ) = f (k (t )) − c (t ) − G(t ) − (n + g)k (t ).
A higher value of G shifts the k˙ = 0 locus down: the more goods that are
purchased by the government, the fewer that can be purchased privately if
k is to be held constant.
By assumption, households’ preferences ([2.1]–[2.2] or [2.12]) are unchanged. Since the Euler equation ([2.20] or [2.24]) is derived from households’ preferences without imposing their lifetime budget constraint, this
condition continues to hold as before. The taxes that finance the government’s purchases affect households’ budget constraint, however. Specifically, (2.14) becomes
t =0
e −R (t ) c (t )e (n +g)t dt ≤ k (0) +
e −R (t ) [w(t ) − G(t )]e (n +g)t dt.
t =0
Reasoning parallel to that used before shows that this implies the same
expression as before for the limiting behavior of k (equation [2.15]).
The Effects of Permanent and Temporary Changes in
Government Purchases
To see the implications of the model, suppose that the economy is on a
balanced growth path with G(t ) constant at some level G L , and that there
is an unexpected, permanent increase in G to G H . From (2.40), the k˙ = 0
locus shifts down by the amount of the increase in G. Since government
purchases do not affect the Euler equation, the ċ = 0 locus is unaffected.
This is shown in Figure 2.8.18
We know that in response to such a change, c must jump so that the
economy is on its new saddle path. If not, then as before, either capital
would become negative at some point or households would accumulate infinite wealth. In this case, the adjustment takes a simple form: c falls by
the amount of the increase in G, and the economy is immediately on its
new balanced growth path. Intuitively, the permanent increases in government purchases and taxes reduce households’ lifetime wealth. And because
the increases in purchases and taxes are permanent, there is no scope for
households to raise their utility by adjusting the time pattern of their consumption. Thus the size of the immediate fall in consumption is equal to
the full amount of the increase in government purchases, and the capital
stock and the real interest rate are unaffected.
An older approach to modeling consumption behavior assumes that consumption depends only on current disposable income and that it moves
less than one-for-one with disposable income. Recall, for example, that the
Solow model assumes that consumption is simply fraction 1 − s of current
income. With that approach, consumption falls by less than the amount of
the increase in government purchases. As a result, the rise in government
We assume that G H is not so large that k̇ is negative when c = 0. That is, the intersection
of the new k̇ = 0 locus with the ċ = 0 line is assumed to occur at a positive level of c. If it
does not, the government’s policy is not feasible. Even if c is always zero, k̇ is negative, and
eventually the economy’s output per unit of effective labor is less than G H .
The Effects of Government Purchases
The effects of a permanent increase in government purchases
purchases crowds out investment, and so the capital stock starts to fall and
the real interest rate starts to rise. Our analysis shows that those results rest
critically on the assumption that households follow mechanical rules: with
intertemporal optimization, a permanent increase in government purchases
does not cause crowding out.
A more complicated case is provided by an unanticipated increase in G
that is expected to be temporary. For simplicity, assume that the terminal
date is known with certainty. In this case, c does not fall by the full amount
of the increase in G, G H − G L . To see this, note that if it did, consumption
would jump up discontinuously at the time that government purchases returned to G L ; thus marginal utility would fall discontinuously. But since the
return of G to G L is anticipated, the discontinuity in marginal utility would
also be anticipated, which cannot be optimal for households.
During the period of time that government purchases are high, k˙ is governed by the capital-accumulation equation, (2.40), with G = G H ; after G
returns to G L , it is governed by (2.40) with G = G L . The Euler equation,
(2.24), determines the dynamics of c throughout, and c cannot change discontinuously at the time that G returns to G L . These facts determine what
happens at the time of the increase in G: c must jump to the value such
that the dynamics implied by (2.40) with G = G H (and by [2.24]) bring the
economy to the old saddle path at the time that G returns to its initial level.
Thereafter, the economy moves along that saddle path to the old balanced
growth path.19
As in the previous example, because the initial change in G is unexpected, the discontinuities in consumption and marginal utility at that point do not mean that households are
not behaving optimally. See n. 15.
r (t)
ρ + θg
The effects of a temporary increase in government purchases
This is depicted in Figure 2.9. Panel (a) shows a case where the increase
in G is relatively long-lasting. In this case c falls by most of the amount of
the increase in G. Because the increase is not permanent, however, households decrease their capital holdings somewhat. c rises as the economy
approaches the time that G returns to G L .
Since r = f ′ (k), we can deduce the behavior of r from the behavior of k.
Thus r rises gradually during the period that government spending is high
and then gradually returns to its initial level. This is shown in Panel ( b); t 0
denotes the time of the increase in G, and t 1 the time of its return to its
initial value.
Finally, Panel (c) shows the case of a short-lived rise in G. Here households
change their consumption relatively little, choosing instead to pay for most
The Effects of Government Purchases
of the temporarily higher taxes out of their savings. Because government
purchases are high for only a short period, the effects on the capital stock
and the real interest rate are small.
Note that once again allowing for forward-looking behavior yields insights we would not get from the older approach of assuming that consumption depends only on current disposable income. With that approach, the
duration of the change in government purchases is irrelevant to the impact
of the change during the time that G is high. But the idea that households do
not look ahead and put some weight on the likely future path of government
purchases and taxes is implausible.
Empirical Application: Wars and Real Interest Rates
This analysis suggests that temporarily high government purchases cause
real interest rates to rise, whereas permanently high purchases do not. Intuitively, when the government’s purchases are high only temporarily, households expect their consumption to be greater in the future than it is in the
present. To make them willing to accept this, the real interest rate must
be high. When the government’s purchases are permanently high, on the
other hand, households’ current consumption is low, and they expect it to
remain low. Thus in this case, no movement in real interest rates is needed
for households to accept their current low consumption.
A natural example of a period of temporarily high government purchases
is a war. Thus our analysis predicts that real interest rates are high during
wars. Barro (1987) tests this prediction by examining military spending and
interest rates in the United Kingdom from 1729 to 1918. The most significant complication he faces is that, instead of having data on short-term
real interest rates, he has data only on long-term nominal interest rates.
Long-term interest rates should be, loosely speaking, a weighted average of
expected short-term interest rates.20 Thus, since our analysis implies that
temporary increases in government purchases raise the short-term rate over
an extended period, it implies that they raise the long-term rate. Similarly,
since the analysis implies that permanent increases never change the shortterm rate, it predicts that they do not affect the long-term rate. In addition,
the real interest rate equals the nominal rate minus expected inflation; thus
the nominal rate should be corrected for changes in expected inflation. Barro
does not find any evidence, however, of systematic changes in expected inflation in his sample period; thus the data are at least consistent with the
view that movements in nominal rates represent changes in real rates.21
See Section 11.2.
Two further complications are that wars increase the probability that the bonds will
be defaulted on and that there is some chance that a war, rather than leading to a return of
consumption to normal, will lead to a catastrophic fall in consumption. Barro (2006) argues
that both complications may be important.
Gt − 0.067
Gt − 0.067
Rt (percent)
1740 1760 1780 1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900
Temporary military spending and the long-term interest rate in
the United Kingdom (from Barro, 1987; used with permission)
Figure 2.10 plots British military spending as a share of GNP (relative
to the mean of this series for the full sample) and the long-term interest
rate. The spikes in the military spending series correspond to wars; for example, the spike around 1760 reflects the Seven Years’ War, and the spike
around 1780 corresponds to the American Revolution. The figure suggests
that the interest rate is indeed higher during periods of temporarily high
government purchases.
To test this formally, Barro estimates a process for the military purchases
series and uses it to construct estimates of the temporary component of
military spending. Not surprisingly in light of the figure, the estimated temporary component differs little from the raw series.22 Barro then regresses
the long-term interest rate on this estimate of temporary military spending.
Because the residuals are serially correlated, he includes a first-order serial
correlation correction. The results are
R t = 3.54 + 2.6 G̃ t ,
(0.27) (0.7)
R2 = 0.89,
s.e.e. = 0.248,
λ = 0.91
D.W. = 2.1.
Since there is little permanent variation in military spending, the data cannot be used
to investigate the effects of permanent changes in government purchases on interest rates.
2.8 Assumptions
Here R t is the long-term nominal interest rate, G̃ t is the estimated value of
temporary military spending as a fraction of GNP, λ is the first-order autoregressive parameter of the residual, and the numbers in parentheses are
standard errors. Thus there is a statistically significant link between temporary military spending and interest rates. The results are even stronger
when World War I is excluded: stopping the sample period in 1914 raises
the coefficient on G̃ t to 6.1 (and the standard error to 1.3). Barro argues that
the comparatively small rise in the interest rate given the tremendous rise
in military spending in World War I may have occurred because the government imposed price controls and used a variety of nonmarket means
of allocating resources. If this is right, the results for the shorter sample
may provide a better estimate of the impact of government purchases on
interest rates in a market economy.
Thus the evidence from the United Kingdom supports the predictions of
the theory. The success of the theory is not universal, however. In particular,
for the United States real interest rates appear to have been, if anything,
generally lower during wars than in other periods (see, for example, Weber,
2008). The reasons for this anomalous behavior are not well understood.
Thus the theory does not provide a full account of how real interest rates
respond to changes in government purchases.
Part B The Diamond Model
2.8 Assumptions
We now turn to the Diamond overlapping-generations model. The central
difference between the Diamond model and the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans
model is that there is turnover in the population: new individuals are continually being born, and old individuals are continually dying.
With turnover, it turns out to be simpler to assume that time is discrete rather than continuous. That is, the variables of the model are defined
for t = 0, 1, 2, . . . rather than for all values of t ≥ 0. To further simplify the
analysis, the model assumes that each individual lives for only two periods.
It is the general assumption of turnover in the population, however, and not
the specific assumptions of discrete time and two-period lifetimes, that is
crucial to the model’s results.23
See Problem 2.15 for a discrete-time version of the Solow model. Blanchard (1985)
develops a tractable continuous-time model in which the extent of the departure from the
infinite-horizon benchmark is governed by a continuous parameter. Weil (1989a) considers a
variant of Blanchard’s model where new households enter the economy but existing households do not leave. He shows that the arrival of new households is sufficient to generate most
of the main results of the Diamond and Blanchard models. Finally, Auerbach and Kotlikoff
(1987) use simulations to investigate a much more realistic overlapping-generations model.
L t individuals are born in period t. As before, population grows at rate
n; thus L t = (1 + n)L t−1 . Since individuals live for two periods, at time t
there are L t individuals in the first period of their lives and L t−1 = L t /(1 + n)
individuals in their second periods. Each individual supplies 1 unit of labor
when he or she is young and divides the resulting labor income between
first-period consumption and saving. In the second period, the individual
simply consumes the saving and any interest he or she earns.
Let C1t and C2t denote the consumption in period t of young and old
individuals. Thus the utility of an individual born at t, denoted Ut , depends
on C1t and C2t+1 . We again assume constant-relative-risk-aversion utility:
Ut =
θ > 0,
ρ > −1.
As before, this functional form is needed for balanced growth. Because lifetimes are finite, we no longer have to assume ρ > n + (1 − θ)g to ensure
that lifetime utility does not diverge. If ρ > 0, individuals place greater
weight on first-period than second-period consumption; if ρ < 0, the situation is reversed. The assumption ρ > −1 ensures that the weight on secondperiod consumption is positive.
Production is described by the same assumptions as before. There are
many firms, each with the production function Yt = F (Kt ,A t L t ). F (•) again
has constant returns to scale and satisfies the Inada conditions, and A again
grows at exogenous rate g (so A t = [1 + g]A t−1 ). Markets are competitive;
thus labor and capital earn their marginal products, and firms earn zero
profits. As in the first part of the chapter, there is no depreciation. The real
interest rate and the wage per unit of effective labor are therefore given as
before by r t = f ′ (k t ) and w t = f (k t ) − k t f ′ (k t ). Finally, there is some strictly
positive initial capital stock, K0 , that is owned equally by all old individuals.
Thus, in period 0 the capital owned by the old and the labor supplied by
the young are combined to produce output. Capital and labor are paid their
marginal products. The old consume both their capital income and their existing wealth; they then die and exit the model. The young divide their labor
income, w t A t , between consumption and saving. They carry their saving forward to the next period; thus the capital stock in period t + 1, Kt +1 , equals
the number of young individuals in period t, L t , times each of these individuals’ saving, w t A t − C1t . This capital is combined with the labor supplied by
the next generation of young individuals, and the process continues.
2.9 Household Behavior
The second-period consumption of an individual born at t is
C2t +1 = (1 + r t +1 )(w t A t − C1t ).
Household Behavior
Dividing both sides of this expression by 1 + r t +1 and bringing C1t over to
the left-hand side yields the individual’s budget constraint:
C1t +
1 + r t +1
C2t +1 = A t w t .
This condition states that the present value of lifetime consumption equals
initial wealth (which is zero) plus the present value of lifetime labor income
(which is A t w t ).
The individual maximizes utility, (2.43), subject to the budget constraint,
(2.45). We will consider two ways of solving this maximization problem. The
first is to proceed along the lines of the intuitive derivation of the Euler equation for the Ramsey model in (2.22)–(2.23). Because the Diamond model is
in discrete time, the intuitive derivation of the Euler equation is much easier
here than in the Ramsey model. Specifically, imagine the individual decreasing C1t by a small (formally, infinitesimal) amount C and then using the additional saving and capital income to raise C2t +1 by (1+r t +1 )C. This change
does not affect the present value of the individual’s lifetime consumption
stream. Thus if the individual is optimizing, the utility cost and benefit of
the change must be equal. If the cost is less than the benefit, the individual
can increase lifetime utility by making the change. And if the cost exceeds
the benefit, the individual can increase utility by making the reverse change.
The marginal contributions of C1t and C2t +1 to lifetime utility are C1t−θ
and [1/(1 + ρ)]C2t
+1 , respectively. Thus as we let C approach 0, the utility
cost of the change approaches C1t
C and the utility benefit approaches
[1/(1 + ρ)]C2t +1 (1 + r t +1 ) C. As just described, these are equal when the
individual is optimizing. Thus optimization requires
C =
+1 (1 + r t +1 ) C.
Canceling the C ’s and multiplying both sides by C2t
+1 gives us
1 + r t +1
C2t +1
1 + r t +1
This condition and the budget constraint describe the individual’s behavior.
Expression (2.48) is analogous to equation (2.21) in the Ramsey model. It
implies that whether an individual’s consumption is increasing or decreasing over time depends on whether the real rate of return is greater or less
than the discount rate. θ again determines how much individuals’ consumption varies in response to differences between r and ρ.
The second way to solve the individual’s maximization problem is to set
up the Lagrangian:
+ λ A t wt −
C1t +
1 + r t +1
C2t +1
The first-order conditions for C1t and C2t +1 are
= λ,
+1 =
1 + r t +1
Substituting the first equation into the second yields
+1 =
1 + r t +1
This can be rearranged to obtain (2.48). As before, this condition and the
budget constraint characterize utility-maximizing behavior.
We can use the Euler equation, (2.48), and the budget constraint, (2.45), to
express C1t in terms of labor income and the real interest rate. Specifically,
multiplying both sides of (2.48) by C1t and substituting into (2.45) gives
C1t +
(1 + r t +1 ) (1−θ)/θ
(1 + ρ)1/θ
C1t = A t w t .
This implies
C1t =
(1 + ρ)1/θ
(1 + ρ)1/θ + (1 + r t +1 ) (1−θ)/θ
A t wt .
Equation (2.54) shows that the interest rate determines the fraction of
income the individual consumes in the first period. If we let s (r ) denote the
fraction of income saved, (2.54) implies
s (r ) =
(1 + r ) (1−θ)/θ
(1 + ρ)1/θ + (1 + r ) (1−θ)/θ
We can therefore rewrite (2.54) as
C1t = [1 − s (r t +1 )]A t w t .
Equation (2.55) implies that young individuals’ saving is increasing in r
if and only if (1 + r ) (1−θ)/θ is increasing in r. The derivative of (1 + r ) (1−θ)/θ
with respect to r is [(1 − θ)/θ](1 + r ) (1−2θ)/θ. Thus s is increasing in r if θ
is less than 1, and decreasing if θ is greater than 1. Intuitively, a rise in
r has both an income and a substitution effect. The fact that the tradeoff
between consumption in the two periods has become more favorable for
second-period consumption tends to increase saving (the substitution effect), but the fact that a given amount of saving yields more second-period
consumption tends to decrease saving (the income effect). When individuals
2.10 The Dynamics of the Economy
are very willing to substitute consumption between the two periods to take
advantage of rate-of-return incentives (that is, when θ is low), the substitution effect dominates. When individuals have strong preferences for similar
levels of consumption in the two periods (that is, when θ is high), the income
effect dominates. And in the special case of θ = 1 (logarithmic utility), the
two effects balance, and young individuals’ saving rate is independent of r.
2.10 The Dynamics of the Economy
The Equation of Motion of k
As in the infinite-horizon model, we can aggregate individuals’ behavior to
characterize the dynamics of the economy. As described above, the capital
stock in period t + 1 is the amount saved by young individuals in period t.
Kt +1 = s (r t +1 )L t A t w t .
Note that because saving in period t depends on labor income that period
and on the return on capital that savers expect the next period, it is w in
period t and r in period t + 1 that enter the expression for the capital stock
in period t + 1.
Dividing both sides of (2.57) by L t +1 A t +1 gives us an expression for
Kt +1 /(A t +1 L t +1 ), capital per unit of effective labor:
k t +1 =
(1 + n)(1 + g)
s (r t +1 )w t .
We can then substitute for r t +1 and w t to obtain
k t +1 =
(1 + n)(1 + g)
s ( f ′ (k t +1 ))[ f (k t ) − k t f ′ (k t )].
The Evolution of k
Equation (2.59) implicitly defines k t +1 as a function of k t . (It defines k t +1 only
implicitly because k t +1 appears on the right-hand side as well as the lefthand side.) It therefore determines how k evolves over time given its initial
value. A value of k t such that k t +1 = k t satisfies (2.59) is a balanced-growthpath value of k: once k reaches that value, it remains there. We therefore
want to know whether there is a balanced-growth-path value (or values) of
k, and whether k converges to such a value if it does not begin at one.
kt +1
k ∗ k2
FIGURE 2.11 The dynamics of k
To answer these questions, we need to describe how k t +1 depends on k t .
Unfortunately, we can say relatively little about this for the general case.
We therefore begin by considering the case of logarithmic utility and Cobb–
Douglas production. With these assumptions, (2.59) takes a particularly simple form. We then briefly discuss what occurs when these assumptions are
Logarithmic Utility and Cobb–Douglas Production
When θ is 1, the fraction of labor income saved is 1/(2 + ρ) (see equation
[2.55]). And when production is Cobb–Douglas, f (k) is k α and f ′ (k) is αk α−1 .
Equation (2.59) therefore becomes
k t +1 =
(1 + n)(1 + g) 2 + ρ
(1 − α)ktα.
Figure 2.11 shows k t +1 as a function of k t . A point where the k t +1 function
intersects the 45-degree line is a point where k t +1 equals k t . In the case we
are considering, k t +1 equals k t at k t = 0; it rises above k t when k t is small; and
it then crosses the 45-degree line and remains below. There is thus a unique
balanced-growth-path level of k (aside from k = 0), which is denoted k ∗ .
k ∗ is globally stable: wherever k starts (other than at 0, which is ruled
out by the assumption that the initial capital stock is strictly positive), it
2.10 The Dynamics of the Economy
kt +1
k ∗OLD
k ∗NEW kt
FIGURE 2.12 The effects of a fall in the discount rate
converges to k ∗ . Suppose, for example, that the initial value of k, k 0 , is
greater than k ∗ . Because k t +1 is less than k t when k t exceeds k ∗ , k1 is less
than k 0 . And because k 0 exceeds k ∗ and k t +1 is increasing in k t , k1 is larger
than k ∗ . Thus k1 is between k ∗ and k 0 : k moves partway toward k ∗ . This process is repeated each period, and so k converges smoothly to k ∗ . A similar
analysis applies when k 0 is less than k ∗ .
These dynamics are shown by the arrows in Figure 2.11. Given k 0 , the
height of the k t +1 function shows k1 on the vertical axis. To find k 2 , we first
need to find k1 on the horizontal axis; to do this, we move across to the
45-degree line. The height of the k t +1 function at this point then shows k 2 ,
and so on.
The properties of the economy once it has converged to its balanced
growth path are the same as those of the Solow and Ramsey economies on
their balanced growth paths: the saving rate is constant, output per worker
is growing at rate g, the capital-output ratio is constant, and so on.
To see how the economy responds to shocks, consider our usual example
of a fall in the discount rate, ρ, when the economy is initially on its balanced
growth path. The fall in the discount rate causes the young to save a greater
fraction of their labor income. Thus the k t +1 function shifts up. This is
depicted in Figure 2.12. The upward shift of the k t +1 function increases
k ∗ , the value of k on the balanced growth path. As the figure shows, k rises
monotonically from the old value of k ∗ to the new one.
Thus the effects of a fall in the discount rate in the Diamond model in
the case we are considering are similar to its effects in the Ramsey–Cass–
Koopmans model, and to the effects of a rise in the saving rate in the Solow
model. The change shifts the paths over time of output and capital per
worker permanently up, but it leads only to temporary increases in the
growth rates of these variables.
The Speed of Convergence
Once again, we may be interested in the model’s quantitative as well as
qualitative implications. In the special case we are considering, we can solve
for the balanced-growth-path values of k and y . Equation (2.60) gives k t +1
as a function of k t . The economy is on its balanced growth path when these
two are equal. That is, k ∗ is defined by
k∗ =
(1 + n)(1 + g) 2 + ρ
(1 − α)k ∗ α.
Solving this expression for k ∗ yields
k∗ =
(1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ)
Since y equals k α, this implies
y∗ =
(1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ)
This expression shows how the model’s parameters affect output per unit
of effective labor on the balanced growth path. If we want to, we can choose
values for the parameters and obtain quantitative predictions about the
long-run effects of various developments.24
We can also find how quickly the economy converges to the balanced
growth path. To do this, we again linearize around the balanced growth
path. That is, we replace the equation of motion for k, (2.60), with a firstorder approximation around k = k ∗ . We know that when k t equals k ∗ , k t +1
also equals k ∗ . Thus,
k t +1
≃ k∗ +
dk t +1
(k t − k ∗ ).
dk t k t =k ∗
Let λ denote dk t +1 /dk t evaluated at k t = k ∗ . With this definition, we can
rewrite (2.64) as k t +1 − k ∗ ≃ λ(k t − k ∗ ). This implies
k t − k ∗ ≃ λt (k 0 − k ∗ ),
where k 0 is the initial value of k.
In choosing parameter values, it is important to keep in mind that individuals are
assumed to live for only two periods. Thus, for example, n should be thought of as population
growth not over a year, but over half a lifetime.
2.10 The Dynamics of the Economy
The convergence to the balanced growth path is determined by λ. If λ is
between 0 and 1, the system converges smoothly. If λ is between −1 and 0,
there are damped oscillations toward k ∗ : k alternates between being greater
and less than k ∗ , but each period it gets closer. If λ is greater than 1, the
system explodes. Finally, if λ is less than −1, there are explosive oscillations.
To find λ, we return to (2.60): k t +1 = (1 − α)k αt /[(1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ)]. Thus,
dk t +1
k ∗ α−1
dk t k t =k ∗
(1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ)
(1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ) (1 + n)(1 + g)(2 + ρ)
= α,
where the second line uses equation (2.62) to substitute for k ∗ . That is, λ is
simply α, capital’s share.
Since α is between 0 and 1, this analysis implies that k converges
smoothly to k ∗ . If α is one-third, for example, k moves two-thirds of the
way toward k ∗ each period.25
The rate of convergence in the Diamond model differs from that in the
Solow model (and in a discrete-time version of the Solow model—see Problem 2.15). The reason is that although the saving of the young is a constant
fraction of their income and their income is a constant fraction of total
income, the dissaving of the old is not a constant fraction of total income.
The dissaving of the old as a fraction of output is Kt /F (Kt , A t L t ), or k t /f (k t ).
The fact that there are diminishing returns to capital implies that this ratio
is increasing in k. Since this term enters negatively into saving, it follows
that total saving as a fraction of output is a decreasing function of k. Thus
total saving as a fraction of output is above its balanced-growth-path value
when k < k ∗ , and is below when k > k ∗ . As a result, convergence is more
rapid than in the Solow model.
The General Case
Let us now relax the assumptions of logarithmic utility and Cobb–Douglas
production. It turns out that, despite the simplicity of the model, a wide
range of behaviors of the economy are possible. Rather than attempting a
comprehensive analysis, we merely discuss some of the more interesting
Recall, however, that each period in the model corresponds to half of a person’s
To understand the possibilities intuitively, it is helpful to rewrite the
equation of motion, (2.59), as
k t +1 =
(1 + n)(1 + g)
s ( f ′ (k t +1 ))
f (k t ) − k t f ′ (k t )
f (k t )
f (k t ).
Equation (2.67) expresses capital per unit of effective labor in period t + 1
as the product of four terms. From right to left, those four terms are the
following: output per unit of effective labor at t, the fraction of that output
that is paid to labor, the fraction of that labor income that is saved, and the
ratio of the amount of effective labor in period t to the amount in period
t + 1.
Figure 2.13 shows some possible forms for the relation between k t +1 and
k t other than the well-behaved case shown in Figure 2.11. Panel (a) shows
a case with multiple values of k ∗ . In the case shown, k ∗1 and k ∗3 are stable:
if k starts slightly away from one of these points, it converges to that level.
k ∗2 is unstable (as is k = 0). If k starts slightly below k ∗2 , then k t +1 is less
than k t each period, and so k converges to k ∗1 . If k begins slightly above k ∗2 ,
it converges to k ∗3 .
To understand the possibility of multiple values of k ∗ , note that since
output per unit of capital is lower when k is higher (capital has a diminishing
marginal product), for there to be two k ∗ ’s the saving of the young as a
fraction of total output must be higher at the higher k ∗ . When the fraction
of output going to labor and the fraction of labor income saved are constant,
the saving of the young is a constant fraction of total output, and so multiple
k ∗ ’s are not possible. This is what occurs with Cobb–Douglas production and
logarithmic utility. But if labor’s share is greater at higher levels of k (which
occurs if f (•) is more sharply curved than in the Cobb–Douglas case) or if
workers save a greater fraction of their income when the rate of return is
lower (which occurs if θ > 1), or both, there may be more than one level of
k at which saving reproduces the existing capital stock.
Panel ( b) shows a case in which k t +1 is always less than k t , and in which
k therefore converges to zero regardless of its initial value. What is needed
for this to occur is for either labor’s share or the fraction of labor income
saved (or both) to approach zero as k approaches zero.
Panel (c) shows a case in which k converges to zero if its initial value
is sufficiently low, but to a strictly positive level if its initial value is sufficiently high. Specifically, if k 0 < k ∗1 , then k approaches zero; if k 0 > k ∗1 , then
k converges to k ∗2 .
Finally, Panel (d) shows a case in which k t +1 is not uniquely determined
by k t : when k t is between ka and kb , there are three possible values of k t +1 .
This can happen if saving is a decreasing function of the interest rate. When
saving is decreasing in r, saving is high if individuals expect a high value of
k t +1 and therefore expect r to be low, and is low when individuals expect
2.10 The Dynamics of the Economy
kt +1
kt +1
k∗3 kt
kt +1
kt +1
k∗2 kt
ka kb
FIGURE 2.13 Various possibilities for the relationship between k t and k t +1
a low value of k t +1 . If saving is sufficiently responsive to r, and if r is sufficiently responsive to k, there can be more than one value of k t +1 that is
consistent with a given k t . Thus the path of the economy is indeterminate:
equation (2.59) (or [2.67]) does not fully determine how k evolves over time
given its initial value. This raises the possibility that self-fulfilling prophecies
and sunspots can affect the behavior of the economy and that the economy
can exhibit fluctuations even though there are no exogenous disturbances.
Depending on precisely what is assumed, various dynamics are possible.26
Thus assuming that there are overlapping generations rather than infinitely lived households has potentially important implications for the dynamics of the economy: for example, sustained growth may not be possible,
or it may depend on initial conditions.
At the same time, the model does no better than the Solow and Ramsey
models at answering our basic questions about growth. Because of the Inada
These issues are briefly discussed further in Section 6.8.
conditions, k t +1 must be less than k t for k t sufficiently large. Specifically,
since the saving of the young cannot exceed the economy’s total output,
k t +1 cannot be greater than f (k t )/[(1 + n)(1 + g)]. And because the marginal
product of capital approaches zero as k becomes large, this must eventually be less than k t . The fact that k t +1 is eventually less than k t implies
that unbounded growth of k is not possible. Thus, once again, growth in
the effectiveness of labor is the only potential source of long-run growth
in output per worker. Because of the possibility of multiple k ∗ ’s, the model
does imply that otherwise identical economies can converge to different balanced growth paths simply because of differences in their initial conditions.
But, as in the Solow and Ramsey models, we can account for quantitatively
large differences in output per worker in this way only by positing immense
differences in capital per worker and in rates of return.
2.11 The Possibility of Dynamic
The one major difference between the balanced growth paths of the Diamond and Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans models involves welfare. We saw that
the equilibrium of the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model maximizes the welfare of the representative household. In the Diamond model, individuals
born at different times attain different levels of utility, and so the appropriate way to evaluate social welfare is not clear. If we specify welfare as some
weighted sum of the utilities of different generations, there is no reason to
expect the decentralized equilibrium to maximize welfare, since the weights
we assign to the different generations are arbitrary.
A minimal criterion for efficiency, however, is that the equilibrium be
Pareto-efficient. It turns out that the equilibrium of the Diamond model
need not satisfy even this standard. In particular, the capital stock on the
balanced growth path of the Diamond model may exceed the golden-rule
level, so that a permanent increase in consumption is possible.
To see this possibility as simply as possible, assume that utility is logarithmic, production is Cobb–Douglas, and g is zero. With g = 0, equation (2.62) for the value of k on the balanced growth path simplifies to
k∗ =
(1 − α)
Thus the marginal product of capital on the balanced growth path, αk ∗ α−1 , is
f ′ (k ∗ ) =
(1 + n)(2 + ρ).
The golden-rule capital stock is the capital stock that yields the highest
balanced-growth-path value of the economy’s total consumption per unit of
Total consumption per worker
2.11 The Possibility of Dynamic Inefficiency
maintaining k at k∗ > kGR
reducing k to kGR in period t 0
FIGURE 2.14 How reducing k to the golden-rule level affects the path of
consumption per worker
effective labor. On a balanced growth path with g = 0, total consumption per
unit of effective labor is output per unit of effective labor, f (k), minus breakeven investment per unit of effective labor, nf (k). The golden-rule capital
stock therefore satisfies f ′ (k G R ) = n. f ′ (k ∗ ) can be either more or less than
f ′ (k G R ). In particular, for α sufficiently small, f ′ (k ∗ ) is less than f ′ (k G R )—the
capital stock on the balanced growth path exceeds the golden-rule level.
To see why it is inefficient for k ∗ to exceed k G R , imagine introducing a
social planner into a Diamond economy that is on its balanced growth path
with k ∗ > k G R . If the planner does nothing to alter k, the amount of output
per worker available each period for consumption is output, f (k ∗ ), minus
the new investment needed to maintain k at k ∗ , nk ∗ . This is shown by the
crosses in Figure 2.14. Suppose instead, however, that in some period, period t 0 , the planner allocates more resources to consumption and fewer to
saving than usual, so that capital per worker the next period is k G R , and that
thereafter he or she maintains k at k G R . Under this plan, the resources per
worker available for consumption in period t 0 are f (k ∗ ) + (k ∗ − k G R ) − nk G R .
In each subsequent period, the output per worker available for consumption is f (k G R ) − nk G R . Since k G R maximizes f (k) − nk, f (k G R ) − nk G R exceeds
f (k ∗ )−nk ∗ . And since k ∗ is greater than k G R , f (k ∗ )+(k ∗ −k G R )−nk G R is even
larger than f (k G R ) − nk G R . The path of total consumption under this policy
is shown by the circles in Figure 2.14. As the figure shows, this policy makes
more resources available for consumption in every period than the policy
of maintaining k at k ∗ . The planner can therefore allocate consumption between the young and the old each period to make every generation better off.
Thus the equilibrium of the Diamond model can be Pareto-inefficient.
This may seem puzzling: given that markets are competitive and there are
no externalities, how can the usual result that equilibria are Pareto-efficient
fail? The reason is that the standard result assumes not only competition
and an absence of externalities, but also a finite number of agents. Specifically, the possibility of inefficiency in the Diamond model stems from the
fact that the infinity of generations gives the planner a means of providing
for the consumption of the old that is not available to the market. If individuals in the market economy want to consume in old age, their only choice is
to hold capital, even if its rate of return is low. The planner, however, need
not have the consumption of the old determined by the capital stock and its
rate of return. Instead, he or she can divide the resources available for consumption between the young and old in any manner. The planner can take,
for example, 1 unit of labor income from each young person and transfer it
to the old. Since there are 1 + n young people for each old person, this increases the consumption of each old person by 1 + n units. The planner can
prevent this change from making anyone worse off by requiring the next
generation of young to do the same thing in the following period, and then
continuing this process every period. If the marginal product of capital is
less than n—that is, if the capital stock exceeds the golden-rule level—this
way of transferring resources between youth and old age is more efficient
than saving, and so the planner can improve on the decentralized allocation.
Because this type of inefficiency differs from conventional sources of
inefficiency, and because it stems from the intertemporal structure of the
economy, it is known as dynamic inefficiency.27
Empirical Application: Are Modern Economies
Dynamically Efficient?
The Diamond model shows that it is possible for a decentralized economy
to accumulate capital beyond the golden-rule level, and thus to produce an
allocation that is Pareto-inefficient. Given that capital accumulation in actual
economies is not dictated by social planners, this raises the issue of whether
actual economies might be dynamically inefficient. If they were, there would
be important implications for public policy: the great concern about low
rates of saving would be entirely misplaced, and it would be possible to
increase both present and future consumption.
This issue is addressed by Abel, Mankiw, Summers, and Zeckhauser
(1989). They start by observing that at first glance, dynamic inefficiency appears to be a possibility for the United States and other major economies.
A balanced growth path is dynamically inefficient if the real rate of return, f ′ (k ∗ ) − δ, is less than the growth rate of the economy. A straightforward measure of the real rate of return is the real interest rate on shortterm government debt. Abel et al. report that in the United States over the
Problem 2.20 investigates the sources of dynamic inefficiency further.
2.11 The Possibility of Dynamic Inefficiency
period 1926–1986, this interest rate averaged only a few tenths of a percent, much less than the average growth rate of the economy. Similar findings hold for other major industrialized countries. Thus the real interest
rate is less than the golden-rule level, suggesting that these economies have
overaccumulated capital.
As Abel et al. point out, however, there is a problem with this argument.
In a world of certainty, all interest rates must be equal; thus there is no
ambiguity in what is meant by “the” rate of return. But if there is uncertainty,
different assets can have different expected returns. Suppose, for example,
we assess dynamic efficiency by examining the marginal product of capital
net of depreciation instead of the return on a fairly safe asset. If capital
earns its marginal product, the net marginal product can be estimated as
the ratio of overall capital income minus total depreciation to the value
of the capital stock. For the United States, this ratio is about 10 percent,
which is much greater than the economy’s growth rate. Thus using this
approach, we would conclude that the U.S. economy is dynamically efficient.
Our simple theoretical model, in which the marginal product of capital and
the safe interest rate are the same, provides no guidance concerning which
of these contradictory conclusions is correct.
Abel et al. therefore tackle the issue of how to assess dynamic efficiency
in a world of uncertainty. Their principal theoretical result is that under
uncertainty, a sufficient condition for dynamic efficiency is that net capital
income exceed investment. For the balanced growth path of an economy
with certainty, this condition is the same as the usual comparison of the
real interest rate with the economy’s growth rate. In this case, net capital
income is the real interest rate times the stock of capital, and investment
is the growth rate of the economy times the stock of capital. Thus capital
income exceeds investment if and only if the real interest rate exceeds the
economy’s growth rate. But Abel et al. show that under uncertainty these
two conditions are not equivalent, and that it is the comparison of capital
income and investment that provides the correct way of judging whether
there is dynamic efficiency. Intuitively, a capital sector that is on net making resources available by producing more output than it is using for new
investment is contributing to consumption, whereas one that is using more
in resources than it is producing is not.
Abel et al.’s principal empirical result is that the condition for dynamic
efficiency seems to be satisfied in practice. They measure capital income
as national income minus employees’ compensation and the part of the
income of the self-employed that appears to represent labor income;28 investment is taken directly from the national income accounts. They find that
for the period 1929–1985, capital income consistently exceeds investment
in the United States and in the six other major industrialized countries they
They argue that adjusting these figures to account for land income and monopoly
rents does not change the basic results.
consider. Even in Japan, where investment has been remarkably high, the
profit rate is so great that the returns to capital comfortably exceed investment. Thus, although decentralized economies can produce dynamically
inefficient outcomes in principle, they do not appear to in practice.
2.12 Government in the Diamond Model
As in the infinite-horizon model, it is natural to ask what happens in the
Diamond model if we introduce a government that makes purchases and
levies taxes. For simplicity, we focus on the case of logarithmic utility and
Cobb–Douglas production.
Let G t denote the government’s purchases of goods per unit of effective
labor in period t. Assume that it finances those purchases by lump-sum
taxes on the young.
When the government finances its purchases entirely with taxes, workers’
after-tax income in period t is (1 − α)k α
t − G t rather than (1 − α)k t . The
equation of motion for k, equation (2.60), therefore becomes
k t +1 =
(1 + n)(1 + g) 2 + ρ
[(1 − α)k α
t − G t ].
A higher G t therefore reduces k t +1 for a given k t .
To see the effects of government purchases, suppose that the economy
is on a balanced growth path with G constant, and that G increases permanently. From (2.70), this shifts the k t +1 function down; this is shown in
Figure 2.15. The downward shift of the k t +1 function reduces k ∗ . Thus—in
contrast to what occurs in the infinite-horizon model—higher government
purchases lead to a lower capital stock and a higher real interest rate. Intuitively, since individuals live for two periods, they reduce their first-period
consumption less than one-for-one with the increase in G. But since taxes
are levied only in the first period of life, this means that their saving falls.
As usual, the economy moves smoothly from the initial balanced growth
path to the new one.
As a second example, consider a temporary increase in government purchases from G L to G H , again with the economy initially on its balanced
growth path. The dynamics of k are thus described by (2.70) with G = G H
during the period that government purchases are high and by (2.70) with
G = G L before and after. That is, the fact that individuals know that government purchases will return to G L does not affect the behavior of the
economy during the time that purchases are high. The saving of the young—
and hence next period’s capital stock—is determined by their after-tax labor
income, which is determined by the current capital stock and by the government’s current purchases. Thus during the time that government purchases
kt +1
k ∗NEW
k ∗OLD
FIGURE 2.15 The effects of a permanent increase in government purchases
are high, k gradually falls and r gradually increases. Once G returns to G L ,
k rises gradually back to its initial level.29
2.1. Consider N firms each with the constant-returns-to-scale production function
Y = F (K , AL), or (using the intensive form) Y = AL f (k ). Assume f ′ (•) > 0,
f ′′ (•) < 0. Assume that all firms can hire labor at wage wA and rent capital at
cost r, and that all firms have the same value of A.
(a ) Consider the problem of a firm trying to produce Y units of output at
minimum cost. Show that the cost-minimizing level of k is uniquely defined
and is independent of Y, and that all firms therefore choose the same value
of k.
(b ) Show that the total output of the N cost-minimizing firms equals the output that a single firm with the same production function has if it uses all
the labor and capital used by the N firms.
The result that future values of G do not affect the current behavior of the economy
does not depend on the assumption of logarithmic utility. Without logarithmic utility, the
saving of the current period’s young depends on the rate of return as well as on after-tax
labor income. But the rate of return is determined by the next period’s capital-labor ratio,
which is not affected by government purchases in that period.
2.2. The elasticity of substitution with constant-relative-risk-aversion utility.
Consider an individual who lives for two periods and whose utility is given
by equation (2.43). Let P1 and P2 denote the prices of consumption in the two
periods, and let W denote the value of the individual’s lifetime income; thus
the budget constraint is P1C1 + P2 C2 = W.
(a ) What are the individual’s utility-maximizing choices of C1 and C2 , given
P1 , P2 , and W ?
(b ) The elasticity of substitution between consumption in the two periods
is −[(P1 /P2 )/(C1 /C2 )][∂ (C1 /C2 )/∂ (P1 /P2 )], or −∂ ln (C1 /C2 )/∂ ln (P1 /P2 ). Show
that with the utility function (2.43), the elasticity of substitution between
C1 and C2 is 1/θ.
2.3. (a ) Suppose it is known in advance that at some time t 0 the government will
confiscate half of whatever wealth each household holds at that time. Does
consumption change discontinuously at time t 0 ? If so, why (and what is
the condition relating consumption immediately before t 0 to consumption
immediately after)? If not, why not?
(b ) Suppose it is known in advance that at t 0 the government will confiscate
from each household an amount of wealth equal to half of the wealth of
the average household at that time. Does consumption change discontinuously at time t 0 ? If so, why (and what is the condition relating consumption
immediately before t 0 to consumption immediately after)? If not, why not?
2.4. Assume that the instantaneous utility function u (C ) in equation (2.1) is
ln C. Consider the problem of a household maximizing (2.1) subject to (2.6).
Find an expression for C at each time as a function of initial wealth plus the
present value of labor income, the path of r (t ), and the parameters of the utility
2.5. Consider a household with utility given by (2.1)–(2.2). Assume that the real
interest rate is constant, and let W denote the household’s initial wealth plus
the present value of its lifetime labor income (the right-hand side of [2.6]). Find
the utility-maximizing path of C, given r, W, and the parameters of the utility
2.6. The productivity slowdown and saving. Consider a Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans
economy that is on its balanced growth path, and suppose there is a permanent
fall in g.
(a ) How, if at all, does this affect the k˙ = 0 curve?
(b ) How, if at all, does this affect the ċ = 0 curve?
(c ) What happens to c at the time of the change?
(d ) Find an expression for the impact of a marginal change in g on the fraction
of output that is saved on the balanced growth path. Can one tell whether
this expression is positive or negative?
(e ) For the case where the production function is Cobb–Douglas, f (k ) = k α,
rewrite your answer to part (d ) in terms of ρ, n, g, θ, and α. (Hint: Use the
fact that f ′ (k ∗ ) = ρ + θg.)
2.7. Describe how each of the following affects the ċ = 0 and k˙ = 0 curves in
Figure 2.5, and thus how they affect the balanced-growth-path values of c
and k:
(a ) A rise in θ.
(b ) A downward shift of the production function.
(c ) A change in the rate of depreciation from the value of zero assumed in
the text to some positive level.
2.8. Derive an expression analogous to (2.39) for the case of a positive depreciation rate.
2.9. A closed-form solution of the Ramsey model. (This follows Smith, 2006.)
Consider the Ramsey model with Cobb–Douglas production, y (t ) = k (t )α,
and with the coefficient of relative risk aversion (θ) and capital’s share (α)
assumed to be equal.
(a ) What is k on the balanced growth path (k ∗ )?
(b ) What is c on the balanced growth path (c ∗ )?
(c ) Let z(t ) denote the capital-output ratio, k (t )/y (t ), and x (t ) denote the
consumption-capital ratio, c (t )/k (t ). Find expressions for ż(t ) and ẋ (t )/x (t )
in terms of z, x , and the parameters of the model.
(d ) Tentatively conjecture that x is constant along the saddle path. Given this
(i ) Find the path of z given its initial value, z(0).
(ii ) Find the path of y given the initial value of k, k (0). Is the speed of
convergence to the balanced growth path, d ln[y (t ) − y ∗ ]/dt, constant
as the economy moves along the saddle path?
(e ) In the conjectured solution, are the equations of motion for c and k, (2.24)
and (2.25), satisfied?
2.10. Capital taxation in the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model. Consider a Ramsey–
Cass–Koopmans economy that is on its balanced growth path. Suppose that
at some time, which we will call time 0, the government switches to a policy
of taxing investment income at rate τ. Thus the real interest rate that households face is now given by r (t ) = (1 − τ) f ′ (k (t )). Assume that the government
returns the revenue it collects from this tax through lump-sum transfers.
Finally, assume that this change in tax policy is unanticipated.
(a ) How, if at all, does the tax affect the ċ = 0 locus? The k˙ = 0 locus?
(b ) How does the economy respond to the adoption of the tax at time 0? What
are the dynamics after time 0?
(c ) How do the values of c and k on the new balanced growth path compare
with their values on the old balanced growth path?
(d ) (This is based on Barro, Mankiw, and Sala-i-Martin, 1995.) Suppose there
are many economies like this one. Workers’ preferences are the same in
each country, but the tax rates on investment income may vary across
countries. Assume that each country is on its balanced growth path.
(i ) Show that the saving rate on the balanced growth path, (y ∗ − c ∗ )/y ∗ ,
is decreasing in τ.
(ii ) Do citizens in low-τ, high-k ∗ , high-saving countries have any incentive
to invest in low-saving countries? Why or why not?
(e ) Does your answer to part (c ) imply that a policy of subsidizing investment
(that is, making τ < 0), and raising the revenue for this subsidy through
lump-sum taxes, increases welfare? Why or why not?
( f ) How, if at all, do the answers to parts (a ) and (b ) change if the government
does not rebate the revenue from the tax but instead uses it to make
government purchases?
2.11. Using the phase diagram to analyze the impact of an anticipated change.
Consider the policy described in Problem 2.10, but suppose that instead of
announcing and implementing the tax at time 0, the government announces
at time 0 that at some later time, time t 1 , investment income will begin to be
taxed at rate τ.
(a ) Draw the phase diagram showing the dynamics of c and k after time t 1 .
(b ) Can c change discontinuously at time t 1 ? Why or why not?
(c ) Draw the phase diagram showing the dynamics of c and k before t 1 .
(d ) In light of your answers to parts (a ), (b ), and (c ), what must c do at time 0?
(e ) Summarize your results by sketching the paths of c and k as functions of
2.12. Using the phase diagram to analyze the impact of unanticipated and anticipated temporary changes. Analyze the following two variations on Problem
(a ) At time 0, the government announces that it will tax investment income at
rate τ from time 0 until some later date t 1 ; thereafter investment income
will again be untaxed.
(b ) At time 0, the government announces that from time t 1 to some later
time t 2 , it will tax investment income at rate τ; before t 1 and after t 2 ,
investment income will not be taxed.
2.13. The analysis of government policies in the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model
in the text assumes that government purchases do not affect utility from
private consumption. The opposite extreme is that government purchases
and private consumption are perfect substitutes. Specifically, suppose that
the utility function (2.12) is modified to be
t =0
e −βt
[c (t ) + G(t )]1−θ
If the economy is initially on its balanced growth path and if households’
preferences are given by U , what are the effects of a temporary increase in
government purchases on the paths of consumption, capital, and the interest
2.14. Consider the Diamond model with logarithmic utility and Cobb–Douglas
production. Describe how each of the following affects k t +1 as a function
of k t :
(a ) A rise in n.
(b ) A downward shift of the production function (that is, f (k ) takes the form
Bk α, and B falls).
(c ) A rise in α.
2.15. A discrete-time version of the Solow model. Suppose Yt = F (Kt ,A t L t ), with
F (•) having constant returns to scale and the intensive form of the production
function satisfying the Inada conditions. Suppose also that A t +1 = (1 + g)A t ,
L t +1 = (1 + n)L t , and Kt +1 = Kt + sYt − δKt .
(a ) Find an expression for k t +1 as a function of k t .
(b ) Sketch k t +1 as a function of k t . Does the economy have a balanced growth
path? If the initial level of k differs from the value on the balanced growth
path, does the economy converge to the balanced growth path?
(c ) Find an expression for consumption per unit of effective labor on the
balanced growth path as a function of the balanced-growth-path value
of k. What is the marginal product of capital, f ′ (k ), when k maximizes
consumption per unit of effective labor on the balanced growth path?
(d ) Assume that the production function is Cobb–Douglas.
(i ) What is k t +1 as a function of k t ?
(ii ) What is k ∗ , the value of k on the balanced growth path?
(iii ) Along the lines of equations (2.64)–(2.66), in the text, linearize the
expression in subpart (i ) around k t = k ∗ , and find the rate of convergence of k to k ∗ .
2.16. Depreciation in the Diamond model and microeconomic foundations for
the Solow model. Suppose that in the Diamond model capital depreciates at
rate δ, so that r t = f ′ (k t ) − δ.
(a ) How, if at all, does this change in the model affect equation (2.59) giving
k t +1 as a function of k t ?
(b ) In the special case of logarithmic utility, Cobb–Douglas production, and
δ = 1, what is the equation for k t +1 as a function of k t ? Compare this
with the analogous expression for the discrete-time version of the Solow
model with δ = 1 from part (a ) of Problem 2.15.
2.17. Social security in the Diamond model. Consider a Diamond economy where
g is zero, production is Cobb–Douglas, and utility is logarithmic.
(a ) Pay-as-you-go social security. Suppose the government taxes each young
individual an amount T and uses the proceeds to pay benefits to old individuals; thus each old person receives (1 + n )T.
(i ) How, if at all, does this change affect equation (2.60) giving k t +1 as a
function of k t ?
(ii ) How, if at all, does this change affect the balanced-growth-path value
of k?
(iii ) If the economy is initially on a balanced growth path that is dynamically efficient, how does a marginal increase in T affect the welfare of
current and future generations? What happens if the initial balanced
growth path is dynamically inefficient?
(b ) Fully funded social security. Suppose the government taxes each young
person an amount T and uses the proceeds to purchase capital. Individuals born at t therefore receive (1 + r t +1 )T when they are old.
(i ) How, if at all, does this change affect equation (2.60) giving k t +1 as a
function of k t ?
(ii ) How, if at all, does this change affect the balanced-growth-path value
of k?
2.18. The basic overlapping-generations model. (This follows Samuelson, 1958,
and Allais, 1947.) Suppose, as in the Diamond model, that L t two-period-lived
individuals are born in period t and that L t = (1 + n)L t−1 . For simplicity, let
utility be logarithmic with no discounting: U t = ln(C1t ) + ln(C2t +1 ).
The production side of the economy is simpler than in the Diamond
model. Each individual born at time t is endowed with A units of the economy’s single good. The good can be either consumed or stored. Each unit
stored yields x > 0 units of the good in the following period.30
Finally, assume that in the initial period, period 0, in addition to the
L 0 young individuals each endowed with A units of the good, there are
[1/(1 + n)]L 0 individuals who are alive only in period 0. Each of these “old” individuals is endowed with some amount Z of the good; their utility is simply
their consumption in the initial period, C 20 .
(a ) Describe the decentralized equilibrium of this economy. (Hint: Given the
overlapping-generations structure, will the members of any generation
engage in transactions with members of another generation?)
(b ) Consider paths where the fraction of agents’ endowments that is stored,
f t , is constant over time. What is total consumption (that is, consumption
of all the young plus consumption of all the old) per person on such a path
as a function of f ? If x < 1 + n, what value of f satisfying 0 ≤ f ≤ 1 maximizes consumption per person? Is the decentralized equilibrium Paretoefficient in this case? If not, how can a social planner raise welfare?
2.19. Stationary monetary equilibria in the Samuelson overlapping-generations
model. (Again this follows Samuelson, 1958.) Consider the setup described
Note that this is the same as the Diamond economy with g = 0, F (Kt ,AL t ) = AL t + xKt ,
and δ = 1. With this production function, since individuals supply 1 unit of labor when they
are young, an individual born in t obtains A units of the good. And each unit saved yields
1 + r = 1 + ∂F (K ,AL)/∂K − δ = 1 + x − 1 = x units of second-period consumption.
in Problem 2.18. Assume that x < 1 + n. Suppose that the old individuals in
period 0, in addition to being endowed with Z units of the good, are each
endowed with M units of a storable, divisible commodity, which we will call
money. Money is not a source of utility.
(a ) Consider an individual born at t. Suppose the price of the good in units
of money is P t in t and P t +1 in t + 1. Thus the individual can sell units of
endowment for P t units of money and then use that money to buy P t /P t +1
units of the next generation’s endowment the following period. What is
the individual’s behavior as a function of P t /P t +1 ?
(b ) Show that there is an equilibrium with P t +1 = P t /(1 + n) for all t ≥ 0 and
no storage, and thus that the presence of “money” allows the economy to
reach the golden-rule level of storage.
(c ) Show that there are also equilibria with P t +1 = P t /x for all t ≥ 0.
(d ) Finally, explain why P t = ∞ for all t (that is, money is worthless) is also
an equilibrium. Explain why this is the only equilibrium if the economy
ends at some date, as in Problem 2.20(b) below. (Hint: Reason backward
from the last period.)
2.20. The source of dynamic inefficiency. (Shell, 1971.) There are two ways in
which the Diamond and Samuelson models differ from textbook models.
First, markets are incomplete: because individuals cannot trade with individuals who have not been born, some possible transactions are ruled out.
Second, because time goes on forever, there are an infinite number of agents.
This problem asks you to investigate which of these is the source of the possibility of dynamic inefficiency. For simplicity, it focuses on the Samuelson
overlapping-generations model (see the previous two problems), again with
log utility and no discounting. To simplify further, it assumes n = 0 and
0 < x < 1.
(a ) Incomplete markets. Suppose we eliminate incomplete markets from the
model by allowing all agents to trade in a competitive market “before”
the beginning of time. That is, a Walrasian auctioneer calls out prices
Q 0 , Q 1 , Q 2 , . . . for the good at each date. Individuals can then make sales
and purchases at these prices given their endowments and their ability
to store. The budget constraint of an individual born at t is thus Q t C1t +
Q t +1 C2t +1 = Q t (A − St )+ Q t +1 xSt , where St (which must satisfy 0 ≤ St ≤ A)
is the amount the individual stores.
(i ) Suppose the auctioneer announces Q t +1 = Q t /x for all t > 0. Show
that in this case individuals are indifferent concerning how much to
store, that there is a set of storage decisions such that markets clear
at every date, and that this equilibrium is the same as the equilibrium
described in part (a ) of Problem 2.18.
(ii ) Suppose the auctioneer announces prices that fail to satisfy Q t +1 =
Q t /x at some date. Show that at the first date that does not satisfy
this condition the market for the good cannot clear, and thus that the
proposed price path cannot be an equilibrium.
(b ) Infinite duration. Suppose that the economy ends at some date T. That
is, suppose the individuals born at T live only one period (and hence seek
to maximize C1T ), and that thereafter no individuals are born. Show that
the decentralized equilibrium is Pareto-efficient.
(c ) In light of these answers, is it incomplete markets or infinite duration that
is the source of dynamic inefficiency?
2.21. Explosive paths in the Samuelson overlapping-generations model. (Black,
1974; Brock, 1975; Calvo, 1978a.) Consider the setup described in Problem
2.19. Assume that x is zero, and assume that utility is constant-relative-riskaversion with θ < 1 rather than logarithmic. Finally, assume for simplicity
that n = 0.
(a ) What is the behavior of an individual born at t as a function of P t /P t +1 ?
Show that the amount of his or her endowment that the individual sells
for money is an increasing function of P t /P t +1 and approaches zero as
this ratio approaches zero.
(b ) Suppose P0 /P1 < 1. How much of the good are the individuals born in
period 0 planning to buy in period 1 from the individuals born then? What
must P1 /P2 be for the individuals born in period 1 to want to supply this
(c ) Iterating this reasoning forward, what is the qualitative behavior of Pt /Pt +1
over time? Does this represent an equilibrium path for the economy?
(d ) Can there be an equilibrium path with P0 /P1 > 1?
The models we have seen so far do not provide satisfying answers to our
central questions about economic growth. The models’ principal result is
a negative one: if capital’s earnings reflect its contribution to output, then
capital accumulation does not account for a large part of either long-run
growth or cross-country income differences. And the only determinant of
income in the models other than capital is a mystery variable, the “effectiveness of labor” (A), whose exact meaning is not specified and whose behavior
is taken as exogenous.
Thus if we are to make progress in understanding economic growth, we
need to go further. The view of growth that is most in keeping with the models of Chapters 1 and 2 is that the effectiveness of labor represents knowledge or technology. Certainly it is plausible that technological progress is
the reason that more output can be produced today from a given quantity of
capital and labor than could be produced a century or two ago. This chapter
therefore focuses on the accumulation of knowledge.
One can think of the models we will consider in this chapter as elaborations of the Solow model and the models of Chapter 2. They treat capital
accumulation and its role in production in ways that are similar to those earlier models. But they differ from the earlier models in explicitly interpreting
the effectiveness of labor as knowledge and in modeling the determinants
of its evolution over time.
Sections 3.1 through 3.3 present and analyze a model where, paralleling
the treatment of saving in the Solow model, the division of the economy’s
factors of production between knowledge accumulation and other activities is exogenous. We will investigate the dynamics of the economy and the
determinants of long-run growth under various assumptions about how inputs combine to produce additions to knowledge. Section 3.4 then discusses
different views about what determines the allocation of resources to knowledge production. Section 3.5 considers one specific model of that allocation
in a model where growth is exogenous—the classic model of endogenous
technological change of P. Romer (1990). Sections 3.6 and 3.7 then turn to
empirical work: Section 3.6 examines the evidence about one key dimension
on which different models of endogenous growth make sharply different
predictions, and Section 3.7 considers an application of the models to the
grand sweep of human history.
Section 3.8 concludes by asking what we have learned about the central questions of growth theory. We will see that the conclusions are mixed.
Models of knowledge accumulation provide a plausible and appealing explanation of worldwide growth. But, as we will discuss, they are of little help
in understanding cross-country income differences. Chapter 4 is therefore
devoted specifically to those differences.
3.1 Framework and Assumptions
To model the accumulation of knowledge, we need to introduce a separate
sector of the economy where new ideas are developed. We then need to
model both how resources are divided between the sector where conventional output is produced and this new research and development (or R&D)
sector, and how inputs into R&D produce new ideas.
In our formal modeling, we will take a fairly mechanical view of the production of new technologies. Specifically, we will assume a largely standard
production function in which labor, capital, and technology are combined
to produce improvements in technology in a deterministic way. Of course,
this is not a complete description of technological progress. But it is reasonable to think that, all else equal, devoting more resources to research yields
more discoveries; this is what the production function captures. Since we
are interested in growth over extended periods, modeling the randomness in
technological progress would give little additional insight. And if we want to
analyze the consequences of changes in other determinants of the success
of R&D, we can introduce a shift parameter in the knowledge production
function and examine the effects of changes in that parameter. The model
provides no insight, however, concerning what those other determinants of
the success of research activity are.
We make two other major simplifications. First, both the R&D and goods
production functions are assumed to be generalized Cobb–Douglas functions; that is, they are power functions, but the sum of the exponents on
the inputs is not necessarily restricted to 1. Second, in the spirit of the Solow
model, the model of Sections 3.1–3.3 takes the fraction of output saved and
the fractions of the labor force and the capital stock used in the R&D sector
as exogenous and constant. These assumptions do not change the model’s
main implications.
Framework and Assumptions
The model is a simplified version of the models of R&D and growth developed by P. Romer (1990), Grossman and Helpman (1991a), and Aghion and
Howitt (1992).1 The model, like the others we have studied, involves four
variables: labor (L), capital (K ), technology (A), and output (Y ). The model
is set in continuous time. There are two sectors, a goods-producing sector
where output is produced and an R&D sector where additions to the stock
of knowledge are made. Fraction a L of the labor force is used in the R&D
sector and fraction 1 − a L in the goods-producing sector. Similarly, fraction
a K of the capital stock is used in R&D and the rest in goods production. Both
a L and a K are exogenous and constant. Because the use of an idea or a piece
of knowledge in one place does not prevent it from being used elsewhere,
both sectors use the full stock of knowledge, A.
The quantity of output produced at time t is thus
Y (t ) = [(1 − a K )K (t )]α[A(t )(1 − a L )L(t )]1−α,
0 < α < 1.
Aside from the 1 − a K and 1 − a L terms and the restriction to the Cobb–
Douglas functional form, this production function is identical to those of
our earlier models. Note that equation (3.1) implies constant returns to capital and labor: with a given technology, doubling the inputs doubles the
amount that can be produced.
The production of new ideas depends on the quantities of capital and
labor engaged in research and on the level of technology. Given our assumption of generalized Cobb–Douglas production, we therefore write
Ȧ(t ) = B[a K K (t )]β[a L L(t )]γ A(t )θ,
B > 0,
β ≥ 0,
γ ≥ 0,
where B is a shift parameter.
Notice that the production function for knowledge is not assumed to
have constant returns to scale to capital and labor. The standard argument
that there must be at least constant returns is a replication one: if the inputs double, the new inputs can do exactly what the old ones were doing,
thereby doubling the amount produced. But in the case of knowledge production, exactly replicating what the existing inputs were doing would cause
the same set of discoveries to be made twice, thereby leaving Ȧ unchanged.
Thus it is possible that there are diminishing returns in R&D. At the same
time, interactions among researchers, fixed setup costs, and so on may be
important enough in R&D that doubling capital and labor more than doubles
output. We therefore also allow for the possibility of increasing returns.
The parameter θ reflects the effect of the existing stock of knowledge on
the success of R&D. This effect can operate in either direction. On the one
hand, past discoveries may provide ideas and tools that make future
See also Uzawa (1965), Shell (1966, 1967), and Phelps (1966b).
discoveries easier. In this case, θ is positive. On the other hand, the easiest discoveries may be made first. In this case, it is harder to make new
discoveries when the stock of knowledge is greater, and so θ is negative.
Because of these conflicting effects, no restriction is placed on θ in (3.2).
As in the Solow model, the saving rate is exogenous and constant. In
addition, depreciation is set to zero for simplicity. Thus,
K̇ (t ) = sY (t ).
Likewise, we continue to treat population growth as exogenous and constant. For simplicity, we do not consider the possibility that it is negative.
This implies
L̇(t ) = nL(t ),
n ≥ 0.
Finally, as in our earlier models, the initial levels of A, K , and L are given
and strictly positive. This completes the description of the model.2
Because the model has two state variables whose behavior is endogenous,
K and A, it is more complicated to analyze than the Solow model. We therefore begin by considering the model without capital; that is, we set α and
β to zero. This case shows most of the model’s central messages. We then
turn to the general case.
3.2 The Model without Capital
The Dynamics of Knowledge Accumulation
When there is no capital in the model, the production function for output
(equation [3.1]) becomes
Y (t ) = A(t )(1 − a L )L(t ).
Similarly, the production function for new knowledge (equation [3.2]) is now
Ȧ (t ) = B [a L L(t )]γ A(t )θ.
Population growth continues to be described by equation (3.4).
Equation (3.5) implies that output per worker is proportional to A, and
thus that the growth rate of output per worker equals the growth rate of
A. We therefore focus on the dynamics of A, which are given by (3.6). This
equation implies that the growth rate of A, denoted gA , is
gA (t ) ≡
Ȧ (t )
A(t )
Ba L L(t )γ A(t )θ−1 .
The model contains the Solow model with Cobb–Douglas production as a special case:
if β, γ , a K , and a L are all 0 and θ is 1, the production function for knowledge becomes
Ȧ = BA (which implies that A grows at a constant rate), and the other equations of the
model simplify to the corresponding equations of the Solow model.
The Model without Capital
FIGURE 3.1 The dynamics of the growth rate of knowledge when θ < 1
Taking logs of both sides of (3.7) and differentiating the two sides with
respect to time gives us an expression for the growth rate of gA (that is, for
the growth rate of the growth rate of A):
ġA (t )
gA (t )
= γ n + (θ − 1)gA (t ).
Multiplying both sides of this expression by gA (t ) yields
ġA (t ) = γ n gA (t ) + (θ − 1)[gA (t )]2 .
The initial values of L and A and the parameters of the model determine the
initial value of gA (by [3.7]). Equation (3.9) then determines the subsequent
behavior of gA .
To describe further how the growth rate of A behaves (and thus to characterize the behavior of output per worker), we must distinguish among the
cases θ < 1, θ > 1, and θ = 1. We discuss each in turn.
Case 1: θ < 1
Figure 3.1 shows the phase diagram for gA when θ is less than 1. That is, it
plots ġA as a function of A for this case. Because the production function for
knowledge, (3.6), implies that gA is always positive, the diagram considers
only positive values of gA . As the diagram shows, equation (3.9) implies
that for the case of θ less than 1, ġA is positive for small positive values
of gA and negative for large values. We will use gA∗ to denote the unique
positive value of gA that implies that ġA is zero. From (3.9), gA∗ is defined by
γ n + (θ − 1)gA∗ = 0. Solving this for gA∗ yields
gA∗ =
The effects of an increase in aL when θ < 1
This analysis implies that regardless of the economy’s initial conditions,
gA converges to gA∗ . If the parameter values and the initial values of L and A
imply gA (0) < gA∗ , for example, ġA is positive; that is, gA is rising. It continues
to rise until it reaches gA∗ . Similarly, if gA (0) > gA∗ , then gA falls until it
reaches gA∗ . Once gA reaches gA∗ , both A and Y/L grow steadily at rate gA∗ .
Thus the economy is on a balanced growth path.
This model is our first example of a model of endogenous growth. In this
model, in contrast to the Solow, Ramsey, and Diamond models, the long-run
growth rate of output per worker is determined within the model rather than
by an exogenous rate of technological progress.
The model implies that the long-run growth rate of output per worker,
gA∗ , is an increasing function of the rate of population growth, n. Indeed,
positive population growth is necessary for sustained growth of output per
worker. This may seem troubling; for example, the growth rate of output
per worker is not on average higher in countries with faster population
growth. We will return to this issue after we consider the other cases of the
Equation (3.10) also implies that the fraction of the labor force engaged
in R&D does not affect long-run growth. This too may seem surprising: since
growth is driven by technological progress and technological progress is endogenous, it is natural to expect an increase in the fraction of the economy’s
resources devoted to technological progress to increase long-run growth. To
see why it does not, suppose there is a permanent increase in a L starting
from a situation where A is growing at rate gA∗ . This change is analyzed
in Figure 3.2. a L does not enter expression (3.9) for ġA : ġA (t ) = γ n gA (t ) +
(θ − 1)[ġA (t )]2 . Thus the rise in a L does not affect the curve showing ġA
as a function of gA . But a L does enter expression (3.7) for gA : gA (t ) =
BaL L(t ) A(t )θ−1 . The increase in a L therefore causes an immediate increase
The Model without Capital
ln A
The impact of an increase in aL on the path of A when θ < 1
in gA but no change in ġA as a function of gA . This is shown by the dotted
arrow in Figure 3.2.
As the phase diagram shows, the increase in the growth rate of knowledge is not sustained. When gA is above gA∗ , ġA is negative. gA therefore
returns gradually to gA∗ and then remains there. This is shown by the solid
arrows in the figure. Intuitively, the fact that θ is less than 1 means that the
contribution of additional knowledge to the production of new knowledge
is not strong enough to be self-sustaining.
This analysis implies that, paralleling the impact of a rise in the saving
rate on the path of output in the Solow model, the increase in a L results in
a rise in gA followed by a gradual return to its initial level. That is, it has
a level effect but not a growth effect on the path of A. This information is
summarized in Figure 3.3.3
Case 2: θ > 1
The second case to consider is θ greater than 1. This corresponds to the case
where the production of new knowledge rises more than proportionally with
the existing stock. Recall from equation (3.9) that ġA = γ n gA + (θ − 1)gA2 .
When θ exceeds 1, this equation implies that ġA is positive for all possible
See Problem 3.1 for an analysis of how the change in a L affects the path of output.
FIGURE 3.4 The dynamics of the growth rate of knowledge when θ > 1
values of gA . Further, it implies that ġA is increasing in gA (since gA must
be positive). The phase diagram is shown in Figure 3.4.
The implications of this case for long-run growth are very different from
those of the previous case. As the phase diagram shows, the economy
exhibits ever-increasing growth rather than convergence to a balanced
growth path. Intuitively, here knowledge is so useful in the production of
new knowledge that each marginal increase in its level results in so much
more new knowledge that the growth rate of knowledge rises rather than
falls. Thus once the accumulation of knowledge begins—which it necessarily does in the model—the economy embarks on a path of ever-increasing
The impact of an increase in the fraction of the labor force engaged in
R&D is now dramatic. From Equation (3.7), an increase in a L causes an immediate increase in gA , as before. But ġA is an increasing function of gA;
thus ġA rises as well. And the more rapidly gA rises, the more rapidly its
growth rate rises. Thus the increase in a L causes the growth rate of A to
exceed what it would have been otherwise by an ever-increasing amount.
Case 3: θ = 1
When θ is exactly equal to 1, existing knowledge is just productive enough
in generating new knowledge that the production of new knowledge is proportional to the stock. In this case, expressions (3.7) and (3.9) for gA and ġA
simplify to
gA (t ) = Ba L L(t )γ ,
ġA (t ) = γ n gA (t ).
The Model without Capital
If population growth is positive, gA is growing over time; in this case
the dynamics of the model are similar to those when θ > 1.4 If population
growth is zero, on the other hand, gA is constant regardless of the initial
situation. Thus there is no adjustment toward a balanced growth path: no
matter where it begins, the economy immediately exhibits steady growth.
As equations (3.5) and (3.11) show, the growth rates of knowledge, output,
and output per worker are all equal to Ba L L γ in this case. Thus changes in
a L affect the long-run growth rate of the economy.
Since the output good in this economy has no use other than in consumption, it is natural to think of it as being entirely consumed. Thus 1 − a L is
the fraction of society’s resources devoted to producing goods for current
consumption, and a L is the fraction devoted to producing a good (namely,
knowledge) that is useful for producing output in the future. Thus one can
think of a L as a measure of the saving rate in this economy.
With this interpretation, the case of θ = 1 and n = 0 provides a simple
example of a model where the saving rate affects long-run growth. Models of
this form are known as linear growth models; for reasons that will become
clear in Section 3.4, they are also known as Y = AK models. Because of their
simplicity, linear growth models have received a great deal of attention in
work on endogenous growth.
The Importance of Returns to Scale to Produced
The reason that the three cases have such different implications is that
whether θ is less than, greater than, or equal to 1 determines whether there
are decreasing, increasing, or constant returns to scale to produced factors
of production. The growth of labor is exogenous, and we have eliminated
capital from the model; thus knowledge is the only produced factor. There
are constant returns to knowledge in goods production. Thus whether there
are on the whole increasing, decreasing, or constant returns to knowledge in
this economy is determined by the returns to scale to knowledge in knowledge production—that is, by θ.
In the cases of θ > 1 and of θ = 1 and n > 0, the model implies not merely that growth
is increasing, but that it rises so fast that output reaches infinity in a finite amount of time.
Consider, for example, the case of θ > 1 with n = 0. One can check that A(t ) = c 1 /(c 2 −t )1/(θ−1) ,
with c 1 = 1/[(θ − 1)Ba L L γ ]1/(θ−1) and c 2 chosen so that A(0) equals the initial value of A,
satisfies (3.6). Thus A explodes at time c 2 . Since output cannot reach infinity in a finite
time, this implies that the model must break down at some point. But it does not mean that
it cannot provide a good description over the relevant range. Indeed, Section 3.7 presents
evidence that a model similar to this one provides a good approximation to historical data
over many thousands of years.
To see why the returns to the produced input are critical to the behavior
of the economy, suppose that the economy is on some path, and suppose
there is an exogenous increase in A of 1 percent. If θ is exactly equal to 1,
Ȧ grows by 1 percent as well: knowledge is just productive enough in the
production of new knowledge that the increase in A is self-sustaining. Thus
the jump in A has no effect on its growth rate. If θ exceeds 1, the 1 percent
increase in A causes more than a 1 percent increase in Ȧ. Thus in this case
the increase in A raises the growth rate of A. Finally, if θ is less than 1, the
1 percent increase in A results in an increase of less than 1 percent in Ȧ,
and so the growth rate of knowledge falls.
The Importance of Population Growth
Recall that when θ < 1, the model has the surprising implication that positive population growth is necessary for long-run growth in income per person, and that the economy’s long-run growth rate is increasing in population
growth. The other cases have similar implications. When θ = 1 and n = 0,
long-run growth is an increasing function of the level of population. And
when θ > 1 (or θ = 1 and n > 0), one can show that an increase in population growth causes income per person to be higher than it otherwise would
have been by an ever-increasing amount.
To understand these results, consider equation (3.7) for knowledge acγ
cumulation: gA (t ) = BaL L(t ) A(t )θ−1 . Built into this expression is the completely natural idea that when there are more people to make discoveries,
more discoveries are made. And when more discoveries are made, the stock
of knowledge grows faster, and so (all else equal) output per person grows
faster. In the particular case of θ = 1 and n = 0, this effect operates in a
special way: long-run growth is increasing in the level of population. When
θ is greater than 1, the effect is even more powerful, as increases in the
level or growth rate of population lead to ever-rising increases in growth.
When θ is less than 1, there are decreasing returns to scale to produced
factors, and so the implication is slightly different. In this case, although
knowledge may be helpful in generating new knowledge, the generation of
new knowledge rises less than proportionally with the existing stock. Thus
without something else making an increasing contribution to knowledge
production, growth would taper off. Because people contribute to knowledge production, population growth provides that something else: positive
population growth is needed for long-run growth, and the rate of long-run
growth is increasing in the rate of population growth.
A natural interpretation of the model (which we will return to at the end
of the chapter) is that A represents knowledge that can be used anywhere in
the world. With this interpretation, the model does not imply that countries
with larger populations, or countries with greater population growth, enjoy
greater income growth; it only implies that higher worldwide population
The General Case
growth raises worldwide income growth. This implication is plausible: because people are an essential input into producing knowledge, it makes
sense that, at least up to the point where resource limitations (which are
omitted from the model) become important, higher population growth is
beneficial to the growth of worldwide knowledge.
3.3 The General Case
We now want to reintroduce capital into the model and determine how this
modifies the earlier analysis. Thus the model is now described by equations
(3.1)–(3.4) rather than by (3.4)–(3.6).
The Dynamics of Knowledge and Capital
As mentioned above, when the model includes capital, there are two endogenous state variables, A and K . Paralleling our analysis of the simple model,
we focus on the dynamics of the growth rates of A and K . Substituting
the production function, (3.1), into the expression for capital accumulation,
(3.3), yields
K̇ (t ) = s (1 − a K )α(1 − a L )1−α K (t )αA(t )1−α L(t )1−α.
Dividing both sides by K (t ) and defining cK = s (1 − a K ) (1 − a L )
gK (t ) ≡
gives us
K̇ (t )
K (t )
= cK
A(t )L(t )
K (t )
Taking logs of both sides and differentiating with respect to time yields
ġ K (t )
gK (t )
= (1 − α)[gA (t ) + n − gK (t )].
From (3.13), gK is always positive. Thus gK is rising if gA + n − gK is positive,
falling if this expression is negative, and constant if it is zero. This information is summarized in Figure 3.5. In (gA ,gK ) space, the locus of points where
gK is constant has an intercept of n and a slope of 1. Above the locus, gK is
falling; below the locus, it is rising.
Similarly, dividing both sides of equation (3.2), Ȧ = B(a K K )β(a L L)γ A θ, by
A yields an expression for the growth rate of A:
gA (t ) = cA K (t )β L(t )γ A(t )θ−1 ,
where cA ≡ Ba K a L . Aside from the presence of the K β term, this is essentially the same as equation (3.7) in the simple version of the model. Taking
gK = 0
(gK < 0)
(gK > 0)
The dynamics of the growth rate of capital in the general version
of the model
logs and differentiating with respect to time gives
ġA (t )
gA (t )
= βgK (t ) + γ n + (θ − 1)gA (t ).
Thus gA is rising if βgK + γ n + (θ − 1)gA is positive, falling if it is negative,
and constant if it is zero. This is shown in Figure 3.6. The set of points where
gA is constant has an intercept of −γ n/β and a slope of (1 − θ)/β.5 Above
this locus, gA is rising; and below the locus, it is falling.
The production function for output (equation [3.1]) exhibits constant returns to scale in the two produced factors of production, capital and knowledge. Thus whether there are on net increasing, decreasing, or constant
returns to scale to the produced factors depends on their returns to scale
in the production function for knowledge, equation (3.2). As that equation
shows, the degree of returns to scale to K and A in knowledge production is β + θ: increasing both K and A by a factor of X increases Ȧ by
a factor of X β+θ. Thus the key determinant of the economy’s behavior is
now not how θ compares with 1, but how β + θ compares with 1. We will
limit our attention to the cases of β + θ < 1 and of β + θ = 1 with n = 0.
The remaining cases (β + θ > 1 and β + θ = 1 with n > 0) have implications similar to those of θ > 1 in the simple model; they are considered in
Problem 3.6.
The figure is drawn for the case of θ < 1, so the slope is shown as positive.
The General Case
gA = 0
(gA > 0)
(gA < 0)
FIGURE 3.6 The dynamics of the growth rate of knowledge in the general
version of the model
Case 1: β + θ < 1
If β + θ is less than 1, (1 − θ)/β is greater than 1. Thus the locus of points
where ġA = 0 is steeper than the locus where ġ K = 0. This case is shown in
Figure 3.7. The initial values of gA and gK are determined by the parameters
of the model and by the initial values of A, K , and L. Their dynamics are
then as shown in the figure.
Figure 3.7 shows that regardless of where gA and gK begin, they converge
to Point E in the diagram. Both ġA and ġ K are zero at this point. Thus the
values of gA and gK at Point E, which we denote gA∗ and g K∗ , must satisfy
gA∗ + n − g K∗ = 0
βg K∗ + γ n + (θ − 1)gA∗ = 0.
Rewriting (3.18) as g K∗ = gA∗ + n and substituting into (3.19) yields
βgA∗ + (β + γ )n + (θ − 1)gA∗ = 0,
gA∗ =
1 − (θ + β)
From above, g K∗ is simply gA∗ + n. Equation (3.1) then implies that when A
and K are growing at these rates, output is growing at rate g K∗ . Output per
worker is therefore growing at rate gA∗ .
gA = 0
gK = 0
FIGURE 3.7 The dynamics of the growth rates of capital and knowledge when
β + θ <1
This case is similar to the case when θ is less than 1 in the version of
the model without capital. Here, as in that case, the long-run growth rate
of the economy is endogenous, and again long-run growth is an increasing
function of population growth and is zero if population growth is zero. The
fractions of the labor force and the capital stock engaged in R&D, a L and
a K , do not affect long-run growth; nor does the saving rate, s. The reason
that these parameters do not affect long-run growth is essentially the same
as the reason that a L does not affect long-run growth in the simple version
of the model.6
Models like this one and like the model without capital in the case of θ < 1
are often referred to as semi-endogenous growth models. On the one hand,
long-run growth arises endogenously in the model. On the other, it depends
only on population growth and parameters of the knowledge production
function, and is unaffected by any other parameters of the model. Thus, as
the name implies, growth seems only somewhat endogenous.
See Problem 3.4 for a more detailed analysis of the impact of a change in the saving
rate in this model.
The General Case
gK = gA = 0
FIGURE 3.8 The dynamics of the growth rates of capital and knowledge when
β + θ = 1 and n = 0
Case 2: β + θ = 1 and n = 0
We have seen that the locus of points where ġ K = 0 is given by gK = gA + n,
and that the locus of points where ġA = 0 is given by gK = − (γ n/β) +
[(1 − θ)/β]gA . When β + θ is 1 and n is 0, both expressions simplify to
gK = gA . That is, in this case the two loci lie directly on top of each other:
both are given by the 45-degree line. Figure 3.8 shows the dynamics of the
economy in this case.
As the figure shows, regardless of where the economy begins, the dynamics of gA and gK carry them to the 45-degree line. Once that happens, gA
and gK are constant, and the economy is on a balanced growth path. As in
the case of θ = 1 and n = 0 in the model without capital, the phase diagram
does not tell us what balanced growth path the economy converges to. One
can show, however, that the economy has a unique balanced growth path for
a given set of parameter values, and that the economy’s growth rate on that
path is a complicated function of the parameters. Increases in the saving rate
and in the size of the population increase this long-run growth rate; the intuition is essentially the same as the intuition for why increases in a L and L
increase long-run growth when there is no capital. And because changes in
a L and a K involve shifts of resources between goods production (and hence
investment) and R&D, they have ambiguous effects on long-run growth. Unfortunately, the derivation of the long-run growth rate is tedious and not
particularly insightful. Thus we will not work through the details.7 Because
See Problem 3.5.
long-run growth depends on a wide range of parameters, models like this
one, as well as the model of the previous section when θ ≥ 1 and the model
of this section when β + θ > 1 or β + θ = 1 and n > 0, are known as fully
endogenous growth models.
3.4 The Nature of Knowledge and the
Determinants of the Allocation of
Resources to R&D
The previous analysis takes the saving rate, s, and the fractions of inputs
devoted to R&D, a L and a K , as given. The models of Chapter 2 (and of Chapter 8 as well) show the ingredients needed to make s endogenous. This leaves
the question of what determines a L and a K . This section is devoted to that
So far we have simply described the “A” variable produced by R&D as
knowledge. But knowledge comes in many forms. It is useful to think of
there being a continuum of types of knowledge, ranging from the highly
abstract to the highly applied. At one extreme is basic scientific knowledge
with broad applicability, such as the Pythagorean theorem and the germ
theory of disease. At the other extreme is knowledge about specific goods,
such as how to start a particular lawn mower on a cold morning. There are
a wide range of ideas in between, from the design of the transistor or the
invention of the record player to an improved layout for the kitchen of a
fast-food restaurant or a recipe for a better-tasting soft drink.
Many of these different types of knowledge play important roles in economic growth. Imagine, for example, that 100 years ago there had been a
halt to basic scientific progress, or to the invention of applied technologies
useful in broad classes of goods, or to the invention of new products, or
to improvements in the design and use of products after their invention.
These changes would have had different effects on growth, and those effects would have occurred with different lags, but it seems likely that all of
them would have led to substantial reductions in growth.
There is no reason to expect the determinants of the accumulation of
these different types of knowledge to be the same: the forces underlying,
for example, the advancement of basic mathematics differ from those behind improvements in the design of fast-food restaurants. There is thus
no reason to expect a unified theory of the growth of knowledge. Rather,
we should expect to find various factors underlying the accumulation of
3.4 Knowledge and the Allocation of Resources to R&D
At the same time, all types of knowledge share one essential feature:
they are nonrival. That is, the use of an item of knowledge, whether it is the
Pythagorean theorem or a soft-drink recipe, in one application makes its use
by someone else no more difficult. Conventional private economic goods,
in contrast, are rival: the use of, say, an item of clothing by one individual
precludes its simultaneous use by someone else.
An immediate implication of this fundamental property of knowledge is
that the production and allocation of knowledge cannot be completely governed by competitive market forces. The marginal cost of supplying an item
of knowledge to an additional user, once the knowledge has been discovered, is zero. Thus the rental price of knowledge in a competitive market
is zero. But then the creation of knowledge could not be motivated by the
desire for private economic gain. It follows that either knowledge is sold
at above its marginal cost or its development is not motivated by market
Although all knowledge is nonrival, it is heterogeneous along a second
dimension: excludability. A good is excludable if it is possible to prevent
others from using it. Thus conventional private goods are excludable: the
owner of a piece of clothing can prevent others from using it.
In the case of knowledge, excludability depends both on the nature of the
knowledge itself and on economic institutions governing property rights.
Patent laws, for example, give inventors rights over the use of their designs and discoveries. Under a different set of laws, inventors’ ability to
prevent the use of their discoveries by others might be smaller. To give
another example, copyright laws give an author who finds a better organization for a textbook little ability to prevent other authors from adopting
that organization. Thus the excludability of the superior organization is
limited. (Because, however, the copyright laws prevent other authors from
simply copying the entire textbook, adoption of the improved organization
requires some effort; as a result there is some degree of excludability, and
thus some potential to earn a return from the superior organization.) But it
would be possible to alter the law to give authors stronger rights concerning
the use of similar organizations by others.
In some cases, excludability is more dependent on the nature of the
knowledge and less dependent on the legal system. The recipe for Coca-Cola
is sufficiently complex that it can be kept secret without copyright or patent
protection. The technology for recording television programs onto videocassette is sufficiently simple that the makers of the programs were unable to
prevent viewers from recording the programs (and the “knowledge” they
contained) even before courts ruled that such recording for personal use
is legal.
The degree of excludability is likely to have a strong influence on how the
development and allocation of knowledge depart from perfect competition.
If a type of knowledge is entirely nonexcludable, there can be no private gain
in its development; thus R&D in these areas must come from elsewhere. But
when knowledge is excludable, the producers of new knowledge can license
the right to use the knowledge at positive prices, and hence hope to earn
positive returns on their R&D efforts.
With these broad remarks, we can now turn to a discussion of some of the
major forces governing the allocation of resources to the development of
knowledge. Four forces have received the most attention: support for basic
scientific research, private incentives for R&D and innovation, alternative
opportunities for talented individuals, and learning-by-doing.
Support for Basic Scientific Research
Basic scientific knowledge has traditionally been made available relatively
freely; the same is true of the results of much of the research undertaken
in such institutions as modern universities and medieval monasteries. Thus
this research is not motivated by the desire to earn private returns in the
market. Instead it is supported by governments, charities, and wealthy individuals and is pursued by individuals motivated by this support, by desire
for fame, and perhaps even by love of knowledge.
The economics of this type of knowledge are relatively straightforward.
Since it is useful in production and is given away at zero cost, it has a positive externality. Thus its production should be subsidized.8 If one added,
for example, the infinitely lived households of the Ramsey model to a model
of growth based on this view of knowledge accumulation, one could compute the optimal research subsidy. Phelps (1966b) and Shell (1966) provide
examples of this type of analysis.
Private Incentives for R&D and Innovation
Many innovations, ranging from the introductions of entirely new products to small improvements in existing goods, receive little or no external
support and are motivated almost entirely by the desire for private gain.
The modeling of these private R&D activities and of their implications for
economic growth has been the subject of considerable research; important
examples include P. Romer (1990), Grossman and Helpman (1991a), and
Aghion and Howitt (1992).
As described above, for R&D to result from economic incentives, the
knowledge that is created must be at least somewhat excludable. Thus
the developer of a new idea has some degree of market power. Typically,
the developer is modeled as having exclusive control over the use of the
This implication makes academics sympathetic to this view of knowledge.
3.4 Knowledge and the Allocation of Resources to R&D
idea and as licensing its use to the producers of final goods. The fee that
the innovator can charge for the use of the idea is limited by the usefulness
of the idea in production, or by the possibility that others, motivated by
the prospect of high returns, will devote resources to learning the idea. The
quantities of the factors of production engaged in R&D are modeled in turn
as resulting from factor movements that equate the private factor payments
in R&D with the factor payments in the production of final goods.
Since economies like these are not perfectly competitive, their equilibria are not in general optimal. In particular, the decentralized equilibria
may have inefficient divisions of resources between R&D and conventional
goods production. There are in fact three distinct externalities from R&D:
the consumer-surplus effect, the business-stealing effect, and the R&D effect.
The consumer-surplus effect is that the individuals or firms licensing
ideas from innovators obtain some surplus, since innovators cannot engage
in perfect price discrimination. Thus this is a positive externality from R&D.
The business-stealing effect is that the introduction of a superior technology typically makes existing technologies less attractive, and therefore
harms the owners of those technologies. This externality is negative.9
Finally, the R&D effect is that innovators are generally assumed not to
control the use of their knowledge in the production of additional knowledge. In terms of the model of the previous section, innovators are assumed to earn returns on the use of their knowledge in goods production
(equation [3.1]) but not in knowledge production (equation [3.2]). Thus the
development of new knowledge has a positive externality on others engaged
in R&D.
The net effect of these three externalities is ambiguous. It is possible to
construct examples where the business-stealing externality outweighs both
the consumer-surplus and R&D externalities. In this case the incentives to
capture the profits being earned by other innovators cause too many resources to be devoted to R&D. The result is that the economy’s equilibrium
growth rate may be inefficiently high (Aghion and Howitt, 1992). It is generally believed, however, that the normal situation is for the overall externality
from R&D to be positive. In this case the equilibrium level of R&D is inefficiently low, and R&D subsidies can increase welfare.
There can be additional externalities as well. For example, if innovators
have only incomplete control over the use of their ideas in goods production
(that is, if there is only partial excludability), there is an additional reason
that the private return to R&D is below the social return. On the other hand,
Both the consumer-surplus and business-stealing effects are pecuniary externalities:
they operate through markets rather than outside them. As described in Section 2.4, such
externalities do not cause inefficiency in a competitive market. For example, the fact that
an individual’s love of carrots drives up the price of carrots harms other carrot buyers, but
benefits carrot producers. In the competitive case, these harms and benefits balance, and so
the competitive equilibrium is Pareto-efficient. But when there are departures from perfect
competition, pecuniary externalities can cause inefficiency.
the fact that the first individual to create an invention is awarded exclusive
rights to the invention can create excessive incentives for some kinds of
R&D; for example, the private returns to activities that cause one inventor
to complete an invention just ahead of a competitor can exceed the social
In Section 3.5, we will investigate a specific model where R&D is motivated
by the private returns from innovation. This investigation serves several
purposes. First, and probably most important, it shows the inner workings
of a model of this type and illustrates some of the tools used in constructing
and analyzing the models. Second, it allows us to see how various forces
can affect the division of the economy’s resources between R&D and other
activities. And third, it shows how equilibrium and optimal R&D differ in a
particular setting.
Alternative Opportunities for Talented Individuals
Baumol (1990) and Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny (1991) observe that major innovations and advances in knowledge are often the result of the work
of extremely talented individuals. They also observe that such individuals
typically have choices other than just pursuing innovations and producing
goods. These observations suggest that the economic incentives and social
forces influencing the activities of highly talented individuals may be important to the accumulation of knowledge.
Baumol takes a historical view of this issue. He argues that, in various
places and times, military conquest, political and religious leadership, tax
collection, criminal activity, philosophical contemplation, financial dealings,
and manipulation of the legal system have been attractive to the most talented members of society. He also argues that these activities often have
negligible (or even negative) social returns. That is, his argument is that
these activities are often forms of rent-seeking—attempts to capture existing wealth rather than to create new wealth. Finally, he argues that there has
been a strong link between how societies direct the energies of their most
able members and whether the societies flourish over the long term.
Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny provide a general discussion of the forces
that influence talented individuals’ decisions whether to pursue activities
that are socially productive. They emphasize three factors in particular.
The first is the size of the relevant market: the larger is the market from
which a talented individual can reap returns, the greater are the incentives
to enter a given activity. Thus, for example, low transportation costs and
an absence of barriers to trade encourage entrepreneurship; poorly defined
property rights that make much of an economy’s wealth vulnerable to expropriation encourage rent-seeking. The second factor is the degree of diminishing returns. Activities whose scale is limited by the entrepreneur’s
time (performing surgeries, for example) do not offer the same potential
3.4 Knowledge and the Allocation of Resources to R&D
returns as activities whose returns are limited only by the scale of the market (creating inventions, for instance). Thus, for example, well-functioning
capital markets that permit firms to expand rapidly tend to promote entrepreneurship over rent-seeking. The final factor is the ability to keep the
returns from one’s activities. Thus, clear property rights tend to encourage
entrepreneurship, whereas legally sanctioned rent-seeking (through government or religion, for example) tends to encourage socially unproductive
The final determinant of knowledge accumulation is somewhat different
in character. The central idea is that, as individuals produce goods, they
inevitably think of ways of improving the production process. For example,
Arrow (1962) cites the empirical regularity that after a new airplane design
is introduced, the time required to build the frame of the marginal aircraft
is inversely proportional to the cube root of the number of aircraft of that
model that have already been produced; this improvement in productivity
occurs without any evident innovations in the production process. Thus
the accumulation of knowledge occurs in part not as a result of deliberate
efforts, but as a side effect of conventional economic activity. This type of
knowledge accumulation is known as learning-by-doing.
When learning-by-doing is the source of technological progress, the rate
of knowledge accumulation depends not on the fraction of the economy’s
resources engaged in R&D, but on how much new knowledge is generated
by conventional economic activity. Analyzing learning-by-doing therefore
requires some changes to our model. All inputs are now engaged in goods
production; thus the production function becomes
Y (t ) = K (t )α[A(t )L(t )]1−α.
The simplest case of learning-by-doing is when learning occurs as a side
effect of the production of new capital. With this formulation, since the
increase in knowledge is a function of the increase in capital, the stock of
knowledge is a function of the stock of capital. Thus there is only one state
variable.10 Making our usual choice of a power function, we have
A(t ) = BK (t )φ,
B > 0,
φ > 0.
Equations (3.22)–(3.23), together with (3.3)–(3.4) describing the accumulation of capital and labor, characterize the economy.
See Problem 3.7 for the case in which knowledge accumulation occurs as a side effect
of goods production rather than of capital accumulation.
To analyze this economy, begin by substituting (3.23) into (3.22). This
Y (t ) = K (t )α B 1−α K (t )φ(1−α) L(t )1−α.
Since K̇ (t ) = sY (t ), the dynamics of K are given by
K̇ (t ) = sB 1−α K (t )α K (t )φ(1−α) L(t )1−α.
In our model of knowledge accumulation without capital in Section 3.2,
the dynamics of A are given by Ȧ (t ) = B [a L L(t )]γ A(t )θ (equation [3.6]). Comparing equation (3.25) of the learning-by-doing model with this equation
shows that the structures of the two models are similar. In the model of Section 3.2, there is a single productive input, knowledge. Here, we can think
of there also being only one productive input, capital. As equations (3.6)
and (3.25) show, the dynamics of the two models are essentially the same.
Thus we can use the results of our analysis of the earlier model to analyze
this one. There, the key determinant of the economy’s dynamics is how θ
compares with 1. Here, by analogy, it is how α + φ(1 − α) compares with 1,
which is equivalent to how φ compares with 1.
If φ is less than 1, the long-run growth rate of the economy is a function
of the rate of population growth, n. If φ is greater than 1, there is explosive
growth. And if φ equals 1, there is explosive growth if n is positive and
steady growth if n equals 0.
Once again, a case that has received particular attention is φ = 1 and
n = 0. In this case, the production function (equation [3.24]) becomes
Y (t ) = bK (t ),
b ≡ B 1−α L 1−α.
Capital accumulation is therefore given by
K̇ (t ) = sbK (t ).
As in the similar cases we have already considered, the dynamics of this
economy are straightforward. Equation (3.27) immediately implies that K
grows steadily at rate sb. And since output is proportional to K , it also grows
at this rate. Thus we have another example of a model in which long-run
growth is endogenous and depends on the saving rate. Moreover, since b is
the inverse of the capital-output ratio, which is easy to measure, the model
makes predictions about the size of the saving rate’s impact on growth—an
issue we will return to in Section 3.6.
In this model, the saving rate affects long-run growth because the contribution of capital is larger than its conventional contribution: increased
capital raises output not only through its direct role in production (the K α
term in [3.24]), but also by indirectly contributing to the development of new
ideas and thereby making all other capital more productive (the K φ(1−α) term
in [3.24]). Because the production function in these models is often written
3.5 The Romer Model
using the symbol “A” rather than the “b” used in (3.26), these models are
often referred to as “Y = AK ” models.11
3.5 The Romer Model
In this section we consider a specific model where the allocation of resources
to R&D is built up from microeconomic foundations: the model of P. Romer
(1990) of endogenous technological change. In this model, R&D is undertaken by profit-maximizing economic factors. That R&D fuels growth, which
in turn affects the incentives for devoting resources to R&D.
As we know from the previous section, any model where the creation
of knowledge is motivated by the returns that the knowledge commands in
the market must involve departures from perfect competition: if knowledge
is sold at marginal cost, the creators of knowledge earn negative profits.
Romer deals with this issue by assuming that knowledge consists of distinct ideas and that inputs into production that embody different ideas are
imperfect substitutes. He also assumes that the developer of an idea has
monopoly rights to the use of the idea. These assumptions imply that the
developer can charge a price above marginal cost for the use of his or her
idea. The resulting profits provide the incentives for R&D.
The assumptions of imperfect substitutability and monopoly power add
complexity to the model. To keep things as simple as possible, the variant
of Romer’s model we will consider is constructed so that its aggregate behavior is similar to the model in Section 3.2 in the special case of θ = 1 and
n = 0. The reason for constructing the model this way is not any evidence
that this is a particularly realistic case. Rather, it is that it simplifies the
analysis dramatically. Models of this type exhibit no transition dynamics. In
response to a shock, the economy jumps immediately to its new balanced
growth path. This feature makes it easier to characterize exactly how various
changes affect the economy and to explicitly compute both the equilibrium
and optimal allocations of resources to R&D.
Two types of simplifications are needed to give the model these aggregate
properties. The first are assumptions about functional forms and parameter
values, analogous to the assumptions of θ = 1 and n = 0 in our earlier model.
The model in P. Romer (1986) that launched new growth theory is closely related to our
learning-by-doing model with φ = 1 and n = 0. There are two main differences. First, the role
played by physical capital here is played by knowledge in Romer’s model: privately controlled
knowledge both contributes directly to production at a particular firm and adds to aggregate
knowledge, which contributes to production at all firms. Second, knowledge accumulation
occurs through a separate production function rather than through forgone output; there are
increasing returns to knowledge in goods production and (asymptotically) constant returns
in knowledge accumulation. As a result, the economy converges to a constant growth rate.
The other is the elimination of all types of physical and human capital. In
versions of Romer’s model that include capital, there is generally some longrun equilibrium ratio of capital to the stock of ideas. Any disturbance that
causes the actual ratio to differ from the long-run equilibrium ratio then
sets off transition dynamics.
The Ethier Production Function and the Returns to
Knowledge Creation
The first step in presenting the model is to describe how knowledge creators
have market power. Thus for the moment, we take the level of knowledge
as given and describe how inputs embodying different ideas combine to
produce final output.
There is an infinity of potential specialized inputs into production. For
concreteness, one can think of each input as a chemical compound and
each idea as the formula for a particular compound. When more ideas are
used, more output is produced from a given quantity of inputs. For example,
if output is initially produced with a single compound, adding an equal
amount of a second compound yields more output than just doubling the
amount of the first compound. Thus there is a benefit to new ideas.
Specifically, assume that there is a range of ideas that are currently available that extends from 0 to A, where A > 0. (In a moment, A will be a function
of time. But here we are looking at the economy at a point in time, and so it
is simplest to leave out the time argument.) When an idea is available, the
input into production embodying the idea can be produced using a technology that transforms labor one-for-one into the input. Thus we will use
L(i) to denote both the quantity of labor devoted to producing input i and
the quantity of input i that goes into final-goods production. For ideas that
have not yet been discovered (that is, for i > A), inputs embodying the ideas
cannot be produced at any cost.
The specific assumption about how the inputs combine to produce final
output uses the production function proposed by Ethier (1982):
0 < φ < 1.
To see the implications of this function, let L Y denote the total number of
workers producing inputs, and suppose the number producing each available input is the same. Then L(i) = L Y /A for all i, and so
Y= A
= A (1− φ)/φL Y .
3.5 The Romer Model
This expression has two critical implications. First, there are constant returns to L Y : holding the stock of knowledge constant, doubling the inputs
into production doubles output. Second, output is increasing in A: holding
the total quantity of inputs constant, raising the stock of knowledge raises
output. This creates a value to a new idea.
To say more about the implications of the production function, it helps to
introduce the model’s assumptions about market structure. The exclusive
rights to the use of a given idea are held by a monopolist; we can think of the
monopolist as holding a patent on the idea. The patent–holder hires workers
in a competitive labor market to produce the input associated with his or her
idea, and then sells the input to producers of final output. The monopolist
charges a constant price for each unit of the input; that is, price discrimination and other complicated contracts are ruled out. Output is produced
by competitive firms that take the prices of inputs as given. Competition
causes these firms to sell output at marginal cost. We will see shortly that
this causes them to earn zero profits.
Consider the cost-minimization problem of a representative output producer. Let p(i) denote the price charged by the holder of the patent on idea
i for each unit of the input embodying that idea. The Lagrangian for the
problem of producing one unit of output at minimum cost is
p(i)L(i)di − λ
L(i) di
The firm’s choice variables are the L(i)’s for all values of i from 0 to A. The
first-order condition for an individual L(i) is
p(i) = λL(i)φ−1 ,
L(i)φ di must equal 1.12
where we have used the fact that
Equation (3.31) implies L(i)φ−1 = p(i)/λ, which in turn implies
L(i) =
φ− 1
Equation (3.32) shows that the holder of the patent on an idea faces a
downward-sloping demand curve for the input embodying the idea: L(i) is
a smoothly decreasing function of p(i). When φ is closer to 1, the marginal
Because the terms in (3.31) are of order di in the Lagrangian, this step—like the analysis
of household optimization in continuous time in Section 2.2—is slightly informal. Assuming
φ 1/φ
NL i
, and then letting that number
that the number of inputs is finite, so Y =
i=1 N
(N ) approach infinity, yields the same results. Note that this approach is analogous to the
approach sketched in n. 7 of Chapter 2 to analyzing household optimization there.
product of an input declines more slowly as the quantity of the input rises.
As a result, the inputs are closer substitutes, and so the elasticity of demand
for each input is greater.
Because firms producing final output face constant costs for each input
and the production function exhibits constant returns, marginal cost equals
average cost. As a result, these firms earn zero profits.13
The Rest of the Model
We now turn to the remainder of the model, which involves four sets of assumptions. The first set concern economic aggregates. Population is fixed
and equal to L > 0. Workers can be employed either in producing intermediate inputs or in R&D. If we let L A (t ) denote the number of workers engaged
in R&D at time t, then equilibrium in the labor market at t requires
L A (t ) + L Y (t ) = L,
A(t )
where, as before, L Y (t ) = i=0 L(i,t)di is the total number of workers producing inputs. Note that we have now made the time arguments explicit,
since we will be considering the evolution of the economy over time.
The production function for new ideas is linear in the number of workers
employed in R&D and proportional to the existing stock of knowledge:
Ȧ(t ) = BL A (t )A(t ),
B > 0.
Finally, the initial level of A, A(0), is assumed to be strictly positive.
These assumptions are chosen to give the model the aggregate dynamics
of a linear growth model. Equation (3.34) and the assumption of no population growth imply that if the fraction of the population engaged in R&D is
constant, the stock of knowledge grows at a constant rate, and that this rate
is an increasing function of the fraction of the population engaged in R&D.
The second group of assumptions concern the microeconomics of household behavior. Individuals are infinitely lived and maximize a conventional
utility function like the one we saw in Section 2.1. Individuals’ discount rate
is ρ and, for simplicity, their instantaneous utility function is logarithmic.14
Thus the representative individual’s lifetime utility is
e −ρt ln C(t )dt,
ρ > 0,
where C(t ) is the individual’s consumption at t.
= 1 to solve for λ, and then solve
One could use the condition that
for the cost-minimizing levels of the L(i)’s and the level of marginal cost. These steps are
not needed for what follows, however.
Assuming constant-relative-risk-aversion utility leads to very similar results. See
Problem 3.8.
3.5 The Romer Model
As in the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, the individual’s budget constraint is that the present value of lifetime consumption cannot exceed his
or her initial wealth plus the present value of lifetime labor income. If individuals all have the same initial wealth (which we assume) and if the interest
rate is constant (which will prove to be the case in equilibrium), this constraint is
C(t )dt ≤ X(0) +
e−rt w(t )dt,
where r is the interest rate, X(0) is initial wealth per person, and w(t ) is the
wage at t. The individual takes all of these as given.
The third set of assumptions concern the microeconomics of R&D. There
is free entry into idea creation: anyone can hire 1/[BA(t )] units of labor at
the prevailing wage w(t ) and produce a new idea (see [3.34]). Even though
an increase in A raises productivity in R&D, R&D firms are not required to
compensate the inventors of past ideas. Thus the model assumes the R&D
externality discussed in Section 3.4.
The creator of an idea is granted permanent patent rights to the use of
the idea in producing the corresponding input into output production (but,
as just described, not in R&D). The patent-holder chooses how much of the
input that embodies his or her idea to produce, and the price to charge for
the input, at each point in time. In making this decision, the patent-holder
takes as given the wage, the prices charged for other inputs, and the total
amount of labor used in goods production, L Y .15
The free-entry condition in R&D requires that the present value of the
profits earned from selling the input embodying an idea equals the cost
of creating it. Suppose idea i is created at time t, and let π(i,τ) denote the
profits earned by the creator of the idea at time τ. Then this condition is
e−r (τ−t ) π(i,τ)dτ =
w(t )
BA(t )
The final assumptions of the model concern general equilibrium. First,
the assumption that the labor market is competitive implies that the wage
paid in R&D and the wages paid by all input producers are equal. Second, the
only asset in the economy is the patents. Thus initial wealth is the present
value of the future profits from the ideas that have already been invented.
Finally, the only use of the output good is for consumption. Because all
It might seem natural to assume that the patent-holder takes the price charged by
producers of final goods rather than L Y as given. However, this approach implies that no
equilibrium exists. Consider a situation where the price charged by goods producers equals
their marginal cost. If one patent-holder cuts his or her price infinitesimally with the prices
of other inputs and of final output unchanged, goods producers’ marginal cost is less than
price, and so their input demands are infinite. Assuming that patent-holders take L Y as given
avoids this problem.
individuals are the same, they all choose the same consumption path. Thus
equilibrium in the goods market at time t requires
C(t )L = Y(t ).
This completes the description of the model.
Solving the Model
The fact that at the aggregate level the economy resembles a linear growth
model suggests that in equilibrium, the allocation of labor between R&D
and the production of intermediate inputs is likely not to change over time.
Thus, rather than taking a general approach to find the equilibrium, we will
look for an equilibrium where L A and L Y are constant. Specifically, we will investigate the implications of a given (and constant) value of L A to the point
where we can find what it implies about both the present value of the profits
from the creation of an idea and the cost of creating the idea. The condition
that these two quantities must be equal will then pin down the equilibrium
value of L A . We will then verify that this equilibrium value is constant over
Of course, this approach will not rule out the possibility that there are
also equilibria where L A varies over time. It turns out, however, that there
are no such equilibria, and thus that the equilibrium we will find is the
model’s only one. We will not demonstrate this formally, however.
The first step in solving the model is to consider the problem of a patentholder choosing the price to charge for his or her input at a point in time.
A standard result from microeconomics is that the profit-maximizing price
of a monopolist is η/(η− 1) times marginal cost, where η is the elasticity of
demand. In our case, we know from equation (3.32) for cost-minimization
by the producers of final goods that the elasticity of demand is constant
and equal to 1/(1 − φ). And since one unit of the input can be produced
from one unit of labor, the marginal cost of supplying the input at time t is
w(t ). Each monopolist therefore charges [1/(1 − φ)]/{[1/(1 − φ)] − 1} times
w(t ), or w(t )/φ.16
Knowing the price each monopolist charges allows us to determine his or
her profits at a point in time. Because the prices of all inputs are the same,
the quantity of each input used at time t is the same. Given our assumption
that L A is constant and the requirement that L A (t ) + L Y (t ) = L, this quantity
This neglects the potential complication that the analysis in equations (3.30)–(3.32)
shows the elasticity of input demand conditional on producing a given amount of output.
Thus we might need to consider possible effects through changes in the quantity of output
produced. However, because each input accounts for an infinitesimal fraction of total costs,
the impact of a change in the price of a single input on the total amount produced from a
given L Y is negligible. Thus allowing for the possibility that a change in p (i) could change
the quantity produced does not change the elasticity of demand each monopolist faces.
3.5 The Romer Model
is (L − L A )/A(t ). Each patent-holder’s profits are thus
π(t ) =
L − LA
A(t )
w(t )
1 − φL − LA
A(t )
− w(t )
w(t ).
To determine the present value of profits from an invention, and hence
the incentive to innovate, we need to determine the economy’s growth rate
and the interest rate. Equation (3.34) for knowledge creation, Ȧ(t ) =
BL A (t )A(t ), implies that if L A is constant, Ȧ(t )/A(t ) is just BL A . We know that
all input suppliers charge the same price at a point in time, and thus that
all available inputs are used in the same quantity. Equation (3.29) tells us
that in this case, Y(t ) = A(t )[(1−φ)/φ] L Y (t ). Since L Y (t ) is constant, the growth
rate of Y is (1 − φ)/φ times the growth rate of A, or [(1 − φ)/φ]BL A .
Both consumption and the wage grow at the same rate as output. In the
case of consumption, we know this because all output is consumed. In the
case of the wage, one way to see this is to note that because of constant
returns and competition, all the revenues of final goods producers are paid
to the intermediate goods suppliers. Because their markup is constant, their
payments to workers are a constant fraction of their revenues. Since the
number of workers producing intermediate inputs is constant, it follows
that the growth rate of the wage equals the growth rate of output.
We can use this analysis, together with equation (3.39), to find the growth
rate of profits from an invention. L − L A is constant; w is growing at rate
[(1 − φ)/φ]BL A ; and A is growing at rate BL A . Equation (3.39) then implies
that profits from a given invention are growing at rate [(1 − φ)/φ]BL A − BL A ,
or [(1 − 2φ)/φ]BL A .
Once we know the growth rate of consumption, finding the real interest
rate is straightforward. Recall from Section 2.2 that consumption growth
for a household with constant-relative-risk-aversion utility is Ċ(t )/C(t ) =
[r (t ) − ρ]/θ, where θ is the coefficient of relative risk aversion. With logarithmic utility, θ is 1. Thus equilibrium requires
r (t ) = ρ +
= ρ+
Ċ(t )
C(t )
BL A .
Thus if L A is constant, the real interest rate is constant, as we have been
The profits from an invention grow at rate [(1 − 2φ)/φ]BL A , and are discounted at the interest rate, ρ + [(1 − φ)/φ]BL A . Equation (3.39) tells us that
the profits at t are [(1 − φ)/φ][(L − L A )w(t )/A(t )]. The present value of the
profits earned from the discovery of a new idea at time t is therefore
w(t )
(L − L A )
A(t )
π(t ) =
1 − 2φ
BL A −
1 − φ L − L A w(t )
φ ρ + BL A A(t )
We are now in a position to find the equilibrium value of L A . If the amount
of R&D is strictly positive, the present value of profits from an invention
must equal the costs of the invention. Since one worker can produce BA(t )
ideas per unit time, the cost of an invention is w(t )/[BA(t )]. The equilibrium
condition is therefore
1 − φ L − L A w(t )
φ ρ + BL A A(t )
w(t )
BA(t )
Solving this equation for L A yields
L A = (1 − φ)L −
The amount of R&D need not be strictly positive, however. In particular,
when (3.43) implies L A < 0, the discounted profits from the first invention
starting from L A = 0 are less than its costs. As a result, R&D is 0. Thus we
need to modify equation (3.43) to
L A = max
(1 − φ)L −
,0 .
Finally, since the growth rate of output is [(1 − φ)/φ]BL A , we have
Ẏ (t )
Y(t )
= max
(1 − φ)2
B L − (1 − φ)ρ,0 .
Thus we have succeeded in describing how long-run growth is determined
by the underlying microeconomic environment. And note that since none of
the terms on the right-hand side of (3.40) are time-varying, the equilibrium
value of L A is constant.17
To verify that individuals are satisfying their budget constraint, recall from Section 2.2 that the lifetime budget constraint can be expressed in terms of the behavior of
wealth as t approaches infinity. When the interest rate is constant, this version of the budget constraint simplifies to limt→∞ e −rt [X(t )/L ] ≥ 0. X(t ), the economy’s wealth at t, is the
present value of future profits from ideas already invented, and is growing at the growth
rate of the economy. From (3.40), the interest rate exceeds the economy’s growth rate.
Thus limt→∞ e −rt [X(t )/L ] = 0, and so individuals are satisfying their budget constraint with
3.5 The Romer Model
The model has two major sets of implications. The first concern the determinants of long-run growth. Four parameters affect the economy’s growth
rate.18 First, when individuals are less patient (that is, when ρ is higher),
fewer workers engage in R&D (equation [3.44]), and so growth is lower (equation [3.45]). Since R&D is a form of investment, this makes sense.
Second, an increase in substitutability among inputs (φ) also reduces
growth. There are two reasons. First, fewer workers engage in R&D (again,
equation [3.44]). Second, although a given amount of R&D translates into the
same growth rate of A (equation [3.34]), a given growth rate of A translates
into slower output growth (equation [3.29]). This finding is also intuitive:
when the inputs embodying different ideas are better substitutes, patentholders’ market power is lower, and each additional idea contributes less to
output. Both effects make R&D less attractive.
Third, an increase in productivity in the R&D sector (B ) increases growth.
There are again two effects at work. The first is the straightforward one that
a rise in B raises growth for a given number of workers engaged in R&D.
The other is that increased productivity in R&D draws more workers into
that sector.
Finally, an increase in the size of the population (L) raises long-run
growth. Paralleling the effects of an increase in B, there are two effects:
growth increases for a given fraction of workers engaged in R&D, and the
fraction of workers engaged in R&D increases. The second effect is another
consequence of the nonrivalry of knowledge: an increase in the size of the
economy expands the market an inventor can reach, and so increases the
returns to R&D.
All four parameters affect growth at least in part by changing the fraction
of workers who are engaged in R&D. None of these effects are present in
the simple model of R&D and growth in Sections 3.1–3.3, since that model
takes the allocation of workers between activities as given. Thus the Romer
model identifies a rich set of determinants of long-run growth.
The model’s second major set of implications concern the gap between
equilibrium and optimal growth. Since the economy is not perfectly competitive, there is no reason to expect the decentralized equilibrium to be
socially optimal. Paralleling our analysis of the equilibrium, let us look for
the constant level of L A that yields the highest level of lifetime utility for
the representative individual.19
Because all output is consumed, the representative individual’s consumption is 1/L times output. Equation (3.29) for output therefore implies that
The discussion that follows assumes that the parameter values are in the range where
L A is strictly positive.
One can show that a social planner would in fact choose to have L A be constant, so
the restriction to paths where L A is constant is not a binding constraint.
the representative individual’s consumption at time 0 is
C(0) =
(L − L A )A(0)(1−φ)/φ
Output and consumption grow at rate [(1 − φ)/φ]BL A . The representative
individual’s lifetime utility is therefore
e −ρt ln
L − LA
A(0)(1−φ)/φe [(1−φ)/φ]BLA t dt.
One can show that the solution to this integral is20
L − LA
ln A(0) +
1 − φBL A
Maximizing this expression with respect to L A shows that the socially optimal level of L A is given by21
= max
φ ρ
1 − φB
,0 .
Comparing this expression with equation (3.44) for the equilibrium level of
L A shows a simple relation between the two:
L A = (1 − φ)L OPT
is the equilibrium level of L A .
The model potentially has all three externalities described in Section 3.4.
There is a consumer-surplus effect (or, in this case, a goods-producersurplus effect): because a patent-holder charges a fixed price per unit of the
input embodying his or her idea, the firms producing final output obtain
surplus from buying the intermediate input. There can be either a businessstealing or a business-creating effect. Equation (3.39) shows that the profits of each supplier of intermediate goods are proportional to w(t )/A(t ).
w(t ) is proportional to Y(t ), which is proportional to A(t )(1−φ)/φ. Thus profits are proportional to A(t )(1−2φ)/φ. It follows that the profits of existing
patent-holders are reduced by an increase in A if φ > 1/2, but increased
if φ < 1/2. Finally, there is an R&D effect: an increase in A makes the R&D
sector more productive, but innovators do not have to compensate existing
patent-holders for this benefit.
Despite the three externalities, the relation between the equilibrium and
optimal allocation of workers to R&D takes a simple form. The equilibrium
number of workers engaged in R&D is always less than the optimal number (unless both are at the corner solution of zero). Thus growth is always
inefficiently low. Moreover, the proportional gap between the equilibrium
See Problem 3.10.
Again, see Problem 3.10.
3.5 The Romer Model
and optimal numbers (and hence between equilibrium and optimal growth)
depends only on a single parameter. The smaller the degree of differentiation among inputs embodying different ideas (that is, the greater is φ), the
greater the gap.
Romer’s model has proven seminal. As a result, there are almost innumerable extensions, variations, and alternatives. Here, we discuss three of the
most significant.
First, the key difference between Romer’s original model and the version
we have been considering is that Romer’s model includes physical capital.
In his version, ideas are embodied in specialized capital goods rather than
intermediate inputs. The capital goods are used together with labor to produce final output.
Introducing physical capital does not change the model’s central messages. And as described above, by introducing another state variable, it complicates the analysis considerably. But it does allow one to examine policies
that affect the division of output between consumption and investment.
In Romer’s model, where physical capital is not an input into R&D, policies
that increase physical-capital investment have only level effects, not growth
effects. In variants where capital enters the production function for ideas,
such policies generally have growth effects.
Second, as we have stressed repeatedly, for reasons of simplicity the
macroeconomics of the version of the model we have been considering correspond to a linear growth model. In the next section, we will encounter important evidence against the predictions of linear growth models and other
models with fully endogenous growth. Jones (1995a) therefore extends the
Romer model to the case where the exponent on A in the production function for ideas is less than 1. This creates transition dynamics, and so complicates the analysis. More importantly, it changes the model’s messages
concerning the determinants of long-run growth. The macroeconomics of
Jones’s model correspond to those of a semi-endogenous growth model. As
a result, long-run growth depends only on the rate of population growth.
Forces that affect the allocation of inputs between R&D and goods production, and forces that affect the division of output between investment and
consumption, have only level effects.
Third, in Romer’s model, technological progress takes the form of expansion of the number of inputs into production. An alternative is that it takes
the form of improvements in existing inputs. This leads to the “qualityladder” models of Grossman and Helpman (1991a) and Aghion and Howitt
(1992). In those models, there is a fixed number of inputs, and innovations
take the form of discrete improvements in the inputs. One implication is that
the price a patent-holder charges is limited not just by downward-sloping
demand for a given input, but also by the possibility of output-producers
switching to an older, lower-quality version of the patent-holder’s input.
Quality-ladder models do not produce sharply different answers than
expanding-variety models concerning the long-run growth and level of income. But they identify additional microeconomic determinants of incentives for innovation, and so show other factors that affect long-run economic
3.6 Empirical Application: Time-Series
Tests of Endogenous Growth
A central motivation for work on new growth theory is the desire to understand variations in long-run growth. As a result, the initial work in this area
focused on fully endogenous growth models—that is, models with constant
or increasing returns to produced factors, where changes in saving rates and
resources devoted to R&D can permanently change growth. Jones (1995b)
raises a critical issue about these models: Does growth in fact vary with the
factors identified by the models in the way the models predict?
Are Growth Rates Stationary?
Jones considers two approaches to testing the predictions of fully endogenous growth models about changes in growth. The first starts with the observation that the models predict that changes in the models’ parameters
permanently affect growth. For example, in the model of Section 3.3 with
β + θ = 1 and n = 0, changes in s, a L , and a K change the economy’s longrun growth rate. He therefore asks whether the actual growth rate of income
per person is stationary or nonstationary. Loosely speaking, a variable is stationary if its distribution is constant over time. To take a simple example,
consider a variable that follows the process
X t = α + ρX t−1 + εt ,
where the ε ’s are white-noise disturbances—that is, a series of independent
mean-zero shocks with the same distribution. If |ρ| < 1, X is stationary: the
effects of a shock gradually fade, and the mean of X t is α/(1 − ρ) for all t.
If |ρ| > 1, X is nonstationary: the effects of a shock increase over time, and
the entire distribution of X t is different for different values of t.
Jones argues that because models of fully endogenous growth imply that
long-run growth is easily changed, they predict that growth rates are nonstationary. He therefore considers several tests of stationarity versus nonstationarity. A simple one is to regress the growth rate of income per person
Time-Series Tests of Endogenous Growth Models
on a constant and a trend,
gt = a + bt + e t ,
and then test the null hypothesis that b = 0. A second test is an augmented
Dickey-Fuller test. Consider a regression of the form
gt = µ + ρgt−1 + α1 gt−1 + α2 gt−2 + · · · + αn gt−n + εt .
If growth has some normal level that it reverts to when it is pushed away, ρ
is negative. If it does not, ρ is 0.22
Unfortunately, although trying to look at the issue of stationarity versus
nonstationarity is intuitively appealing, it is not in fact an appropriate way
to test endogenous growth models. There are two difficulties, both related
to the fact that stationarity and nonstationarity concern characteristics of
the data at infinite horizons. First, no finite amount of data can shed any
light on how series behave at infinite horizons. Suppose, for example, we
see highly persistent changes in growth in some sample. Although this is
consistent with the presence of permanent changes in growth, it is equally
consistent with the view that growth reverts very slowly to some value. Alternatively, suppose we observe that growth returns rapidly to some value
over a sample. Such a finding is completely consistent not only with stationarity, but with the view that a small portion of changes in growth are
permanent, or even explosive.23
Second, it is hard to think of any substantive economic question that
hinges on the stationarity or nonstationarity of a series. In the case of growth
theory, growth could be nonstationary even if fully endogenous growth
models do not describe the world. For example, the correct model could
be a semi-endogenous growth model and n could be nonstationary. Likewise, growth could be stationary even if a fully endogenous growth model is
correct; all that is required is that the parameters that determine long-run
growth are stationary. No important question depends on whether movements in some series are extremely long-lasting or literally permanent.
The results of Jones’s tests illustrate the dangers of conducting tests of
stationarity versus nonstationarity to try to address substantive questions.
Jones examines data on U.S. income per person over the period 1880–1987.
His statistical results seem to provide powerful evidence that growth is
stationary. The augmented Dickey-Fuller test overwhelmingly rejects the
null hypothesis that ρ = 0, thus appearing to indicate stationarity. And
the t-statistic on b in equation (3.52) is just 0.1, suggesting an almost complete lack of evidence against the hypothesis of no trend in growth.
But, as Jones points out, the results are in fact essentially uninformative
about whether there have been economically important changes in growth.
It is the presence of the lagged gt terms that makes this test an “augmented” DickeyFuller test. A simple Dickey-Fuller test would focus on gt = µ + ρgt−1 + εt .
See Blough (1992) and Campbell and Perron (1991).
The two-standard-error confidence interval for b in (3.52) is (−0. 026, 0. 028).
A value of 0.02, which is comfortably within the confidence interval, implies
that annual growth is rising by 0.2 percentage points per decade, and thus
that average growth was more than two percentage points higher at the end
of Jones’s sample than at the beginning. That is, while the results do not
reject the null of no trend in growth, they also fail to reject the null of an
enormous trend in growth.
Intuitively, what the statistical results are telling us is not whether growth
is stationary or nonstationary—which, as just described, is both impossible
and uninteresting. Rather, they are telling us that there are highly transitory
movements in growth that are large relative to any long-lasting movements
that may be present. But this does not tell us whether such long-lasting
movements are economically important.
The Magnitudes and Correlates of Changes in
Long-Run Growth
Jones’s second approach is to examine the relationships between the determinants of growth identified by endogenous growth models and actual
growth rates. He begins by considering learning-by-doing models like the
one discussed in Section 3.4 with φ = 1. Recall that that model yields a
relationship of the form
Y(t )
L(t )
K (t )
L(t )
(see equation [3.26]). This implies that the growth rate of income per person is
gY/L (t ) = gK (t ) − gL (t ),
where gx denotes the growth rate of x. gK is given by
K̇ (t )
K (t )
sY(t )
K (t )
− δ,
where s is the fraction of output that is invested and δ is the depreciation
Jones observes that Y/K , δ, and gL all both appear to be fairly steady,
while investment rates have been trending up. Thus the model predicts an
upward trend in growth. More importantly, it makes predictions about the
magnitude of the trend. Jones reports that in most major industrialized
countries, Y/K is about 0.4 and the ratio of investment to GDP has been rising by about one percentage point per decade. The model therefore predicts
an increase in growth of about 0.4 percentage points per decade. This figure
is far outside the confidence interval noted above for the estimated trend in
Time-Series Tests of Endogenous Growth Models
growth in the United States. Jones reports similar findings for other major
Jones then turns to endogenous growth models that emphasize R&D.
The simplest version of such a model is the model of Section 3.2 with γ = 1
(constant returns to the number of workers engaged in R&D) and θ = 1 (the
production of new knowledge is proportional to the stock of knowledge).
In this case, growth in income per person is proportional to the number of
workers engaged in R&D. Reasonable variants of the model, as long as they
imply fully endogenous growth, have similar implications.
Over the postwar period, the number of scientists and engineers engaged
in R&D and real R&D spending have both increased by roughly a factor
of five. Thus R&D models of fully endogenous growth predict roughly a
quintupling of the growth rate of income per person. Needless to say, this
prediction is grossly contradicted by the data.
Finally, Jones observes that other variables that fully endogenous growth
models plausibly identify as potential determinants of growth also have
strong upward trends. Examples include the resources devoted to humancapital accumulation, the number of highly educated workers, the extent of
interactions among countries, and world population. But again, we do not
observe large increases in growth.
Thus Jones’s second approach delivers clear results. Models of fully endogenous growth predict that growth should have been rising rapidly. Yet
the data reveal no trend at all in growth over the past century, and are
grossly inconsistent with a trend of the magnitude predicted by the models.
The simplest interpretation of Jones’s results, and the one that he proposes,
is that there are decreasing returns to produced factors. That is, Jones’s
results support semi-endogenous growth models over models of fully
endogenous growth.
Several subsequent papers suggest another possibility, however. These
papers continue to assume constant or increasing returns to produced factors, but add a channel through which the overall expansion of the economy
does not lead to faster growth. Specifically, they assume that it is the amount
of R&D activity per sector that determines growth, and that the number of
sectors grows with the economy. As a result, growth is steady despite the
fact that population is rising. But because of the returns to produced factors, increases in the fraction of resources devoted to R&D permanently
raise growth. Thus the models maintain the ability of early new growth
models to potentially explain variations in long-run growth, but do not imply that worldwide population growth leads to ever-increasing growth (see,
for example, Peretto, 1998; Dinopoulos and Thompson, 1998; and Howitt,
There are two difficulties with this line of argument. First, it is not just
population that has been trending up. The basic fact emphasized by Jones
is that R&D’s share and rates of investment in physical and human capital
have also been rising. Thus the failure of growth to rise is puzzling for these
second-generation models of fully endogenous growth as well. Second, as
Jones (1999) and Li (2000) show, the parameter restrictions needed in these
models to eliminate scale effects on growth are strong and appear arbitrary.
With decreasing returns, the lack of a trend in growth is not puzzling. In
this case, a rise in, say, the saving rate or R&D’s share leads to a temporary
period of above-normal growth. As a result, repeated rises in these variables
lead not to increasing growth, but to an extended period of above-normal
growth. This suggests that despite the relative steadiness of growth, one
should not think of the United States and other major economies as being
on conventional balanced growth paths (Jones, 2002a).
Saving rates and R&D’s share cannot continue rising indefinitely (though
in the case of the R&D share, the current share is sufficiently low that it can
continue to rise at a rapid rate for a substantial period). Thus one corollary
of this analysis is that in the absence of countervailing forces, growth must
slow at some point. Moreover, the calculations in Jones (2002a) suggest that
the slowdown would be considerable.
3.7 Empirical Application: Population
Growth and Technological Change
since 1 Million B.C.
Our goal in developing models of endogenous knowledge accumulation has
been to learn about the sources of modern economic growth and of the
vast differences in incomes across countries today. Kremer (1993), however,
applies the models in a very different setting: he argues that they provide
insights into the dynamics of population, technology, and income over the
broad sweep of human history.
Kremer begins his analysis by noting that essentially all models of the
endogenous growth of knowledge predict that technological progress is an
increasing function of population size. The reasoning is simple: the larger
the population, the more people there are to make discoveries, and thus the
more rapidly knowledge accumulates.
He then argues that over almost all of human history, technological progress has led mainly to increases in population rather than increases in output per person. Population grew by several orders of magnitude between
prehistoric times and the Industrial Revolution. But since incomes at the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution were not far above subsistence levels, output per person could not have risen by anything close to the same
amount as population. Only in the past few centuries has the impact of
3.7 Population Growth and Technological Change since 1 Million B.C.
technological progress fallen to any substantial degree on output per person.
Putting these observations together, Kremer concludes that models of endogenous technological progress predict that over most of human history,
the rate of population growth should have been rising.
A Simple Model
Kremer’s formal model is a straightforward variation on the models we have
been considering. The simplest version consists of three equations. First,
output depends on technology, labor, and land:
Y (t ) = T α[A(t )L(t )]1−α,
where T denotes the fixed stock of land. (Capital is neglected for simplicity, and land is included to keep population finite.) Second, additions to
knowledge are proportional to population, and also depend on the stock of
Ȧ(t ) = BL(t )A(t )θ.
And third, population adjusts so that output per person equals the subsistence level, denoted y :
Y (t )
L(t )
= y.
Aside from this Malthusian assumption about the determination of population, this model is similar to the model of Section 3.2 with γ = 1.
We solve the model in two steps. The first is to find the size of the population that can be supported on the fixed stock of land at a given time.
Substituting expression (3.57) for output into the Malthusian population
condition, (3.59), yields
T α[A(t )L(t )]1−α
L(t )
= y.
Solving this condition for L(t ) gives us
L(t ) =
A(t )(1−α)/α T.
This equation states that the population that can be supported is decreasing in the subsistence level of output, increasing in technology, and proportional to the amount of land.
The second step is to find the dynamics of technology and population.
Since both y and T are constant, (3.61) implies that the growth rate of L is
(1 − α)/α times the growth rate of A:
L̇(t )
L(t )
1 − α Ȧ(t )
A(t )
In the special case of θ = 1, equation (3.58) for knowledge accumulation implies that Ȧ(t )/A(t ) is just BL(t ). Thus in this case, (3.62) implies that the
growth rate of population is proportional to the level of population. In the
general case, one can show that the model implies that the rate of population growth is proportional to L(t )ψ, where ψ = 1 − [(1 − θ)α/(1 − α)].24
Thus population growth is increasing in the size of the population unless α
is large or θ is much less than 1 (or a combination of the two). Intuitively,
Kremer’s model implies increasing growth even with diminishing returns
to knowledge in the production of new knowledge (that is, even with θ < 1)
because labor is now a produced factor: improvements in technology lead
to higher population, which in turn leads to further improvements in technology. Further, the effect is likely to be substantial. For example, even if
α is one-third and θ is one-half rather than 1, 1 − [(1 − θ)α/(1 − α)] is 0.75.
Kremer tests the model’s predictions using population estimates extending back to 1 million B.C. that have been constructed by archaeologists and
anthropologists. Figure 3.9 shows the resulting scatter plot of population
growth against population. Each observation shows the level of population at the beginning of some period and the average annual growth rate
of population over that period. The length of the periods considered falls
gradually from many thousand years early in the sample to 10 years at the
end. Because the periods considered for the early part of the sample are so
long, even substantial errors in the early population estimates would have
little impact on the estimated growth rates.
The figure shows a strongly positive, and approximately linear, relationship between population growth and the level of population. A regression
of growth on a constant and population (in billions) yields
nt = −0.0023 + 0.524 L t ,
R2 = 0.92,
D.W. = 1.10,
where n is population growth and L is population, and where the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. Thus there is an overwhelmingly
statistically significant association between the level of population and its
growth rate.
The argument that technological progress is a worldwide phenomenon
fails if there are regions that are completely cut off from one another.
Kremer uses this observation to propose a second test of theories of
To see this, divide both sides of (3.58) by A to obtain an expression for Ȧ/A. Then
use (3.60) to express A in terms of L, and substitute the result into the expression for Ȧ/A.
Expression (3.62) then implies that L̇/L equals a constant times L(t )ψ.
3.7 Population Growth and Technological Change since 1 Million B.C.
Population growth rate
++ + +
0.000 +
+ +
Population (billions)
FIGURE 3.9 The level and growth rate of population, 1 million B.C. to 1990 (from
Kremer, 1993; used with permission)
endogenous knowledge accumulation. From the disappearance of the intercontinental land bridges at the end of the last ice age to the voyages of the
European explorers, Eurasia-Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Tasmania
were almost completely isolated from one another. The model implies that
at the time of the separation, the populations of each region had the same
technology. Thus the initial populations should have been approximately
proportional to the land areas of the regions (see equation [3.61]). The
model predicts that during the period that the regions were separate, technological progress was faster in the regions with larger populations. The
theory thus predicts that, when contact between the regions was reestablished around 1500, population density was highest in the largest regions.
Intuitively, inventions that would allow a given area to support more people,
such as the domestication of animals and the development of agriculture,
were much more likely in Eurasia-Africa, with its population of millions,
than in Tasmania, with its population of a few thousand.
The data confirm this prediction. The land areas of the four regions are
84 million square kilometers for Eurasia-Africa, 38 million for the Americas,
8 million for Australia, and 0.1 million for Tasmania. Population estimates
for the four regions in 1500 imply densities of approximately 4.9 people
per square kilometer for Eurasia-Africa, 0.4 for the Americas, and 0.03 for
both Australia and Tasmania.25
Kremer argues that, since Australia is largely desert, these figures understate
Australia’s effective population density. He also argues that direct evidence suggests that
Australia was more technologically advanced than Tasmania. Finally, he notes that there
was in fact a fifth separate region, Flinders Island, a 680-square-kilometer island between
Tasmania and Australia. Humans died out entirely on Flinders Island around 3000 B.C.
What do we learn from the confirmation of the model’s time-series and
cross-section predictions? The basic source of Kremer’s predictions is the
idea that the rate of increase in the stock of knowledge is increasing in
population: innovations do not arrive exogenously, but are made by people.
Although this idea is assumed away in the Solow, Ramsey, and Diamond
models, it is hardly controversial. Thus Kremer’s main qualitative findings
for the most part confirm predictions that are not at all surprising.
Any tractable model of technological progress and population growth
over many millennia must inevitably be so simplified that it would closely
match the quantitative features of the data only by luck. For example, it
would be foolish to attach much importance to the finding that population
growth appears to be roughly proportional to the level of population rather
than to L 0.75 or L 0.9 . Thus, Kremer’s evidence tells us little about, say, the
exact value of θ in equation (3.58).
The value of Kremer’s evidence, then, lies not in discriminating among
alternative theories of growth, but in using growth theory to help understand major features of human history. The dynamics of human population
over the very long run and the relative technological performance of different regions in the era before 1500 are important issues. Kremer’s evidence
shows that the ideas of new growth theory shed significant light on them.
Population Growth versus Growth in Income per
Person over the Very Long Run
As described above, over nearly all of history technological progress has led
almost entirely to higher population rather than to higher average income.
But this has not been true over the past few centuries: the enormous technological progress of the modern era has led not only to vast population
growth, but also to vast increases in average income.
It may appear that explaining this change requires appealing to some demographic change, such as the development of contraceptive techniques or
preferences for fewer children when technological progress is rapid. In fact,
however, Kremer shows that the explanation is much simpler. Malthusian
population dynamics are not instantaneous. Rather, at low levels of income,
population growth is an increasing function of income. That is, Kremer argues that instead of assuming that Y/L always equals y (equation [3.59]),
it is more realistic to assume n = n (y ), with n (y ) = 0 and n ′ (•) > 0 in the
vicinity of y .
This formulation implies that when income rises, population growth rises,
tending to push income back down. When technological progress is slow,
the fact that the adjustment is not immediate is of little importance. With
3.8 Knowledge and the Central Questions of Growth Theory
slow technological progress, population adjusts rapidly enough to keep income per person very close to y . Income and population growth rise very
slowly, but almost all of technological progress is reflected in higher population rather than higher average income. But when population becomes
large enough that technological progress is relatively rapid, this no longer
occurs; instead, a large fraction of the effect of technological progress falls
on average income rather than on population. Thus, a small and natural
variation on Kremer’s basic model explains another important feature of
human history.26
A further extension of the demographic assumptions leads to additional
implications. The evidence suggests that preferences are such that once average income is sufficiently high, population growth is decreasing in income.
That is, n (y ) appears to be decreasing in y when y exceeds some y ∗ . With
this modification, the model predicts that population growth peaks at some
point and then declines.27 This reinforces the tendency for an increasing
fraction of the effect of technological progress to fall on average income
rather than on population. And if n (y ) is negative for y sufficiently large,
population itself peaks at some point. In this case, assuming that θ is less
than or equal to 1, the economy converges to a path where both the rate of
technological progress and the level of the population are converging to 0.28
3.8 Models of Knowledge Accumulation
and the Central Questions of
Growth Theory
Our analysis of economic growth is motivated by two issues: the growth
over time in standards of living, and their disparities across different parts
of the world. It is therefore natural to ask what the models of R&D and
knowledge accumulation have to say about these issues.
Researchers’ original hope was that models of knowledge accumulation
would provide a unified explanation of worldwide growth and cross-country
income differences. After all, the models provided candidate theories of the
determinants of growth rates and levels of income, which is what we are
trying to understand.
Section III of Kremer’s paper provides a formal analysis of these points.
The facts that the population does not adjust immediately and that beyond some
point population growth is decreasing in income can explain why the relationship between
the level of population and its growth rate shown in Figure 3.9 breaks down somewhat for
the last two observations in the figure, which correspond to the period after 1970.
Of course, we should not expect any single model to capture the major features of all
of history. For example, it seems likely that sometime over the next few centuries, genetic
engineering will progress to the point where the concept of a “person” is no longer well
defined. When that occurs, a different type of model will be needed.
Explaining cross-country income differences on the basis of differences
in knowledge accumulation faces a fundamental problem, however: the nonrivalry of knowledge. As emphasized in Section 3.4, the use of knowledge by
one producer does not prevent its use by others. Thus there is no inherent
reason that producers in poor countries cannot use the same knowledge
as producers in rich countries. If the relevant knowledge is publicly available, poor countries can become rich by having their workers or managers
read the appropriate literature. And if the relevant knowledge is proprietary
knowledge produced by private R&D, poor countries can become rich by instituting a credible program for respecting foreign firms’ property rights.
With such a program, the firms in developed countries with proprietary
knowledge would open factories in poor countries, hire their inexpensive labor, and produce output using the proprietary technology. The result would
be that the marginal product of labor in poor countries, and hence wages,
would rapidly rise to the level of developed countries.
Although lack of confidence on the part of foreign firms in the security of
their property rights is surely an important problem in many poor countries,
it is difficult to believe that this alone is the cause of the countries’ poverty.
There are numerous examples of poor regions or countries, ranging from
European colonies over the past few centuries to many countries today,
where foreign investors can establish plants and use their know-how with
a high degree of confidence that the political environment will be relatively
stable, their plants will not be nationalized, and their profits will not be
taxed at exorbitant rates. Yet we do not see incomes in those areas jumping
to the levels of industrialized countries.
One might object to this argument on the grounds that in practice the
flow of knowledge is not instantaneous. In fact, however, this does not resolve the difficulties with attributing cross-country income differences to
differences in knowledge. As Problem 3.14 asks you to demonstrate, if one
believes that economies are described by something like the Solow model
but do not all have access to the same technology, the lags in the diffusion
of knowledge from rich to poor countries that are needed to account for
observed differences in incomes are extremely long—on the order of a century or more. It is hard to believe that the reason that some countries are
so poor is that they do not have access to the improvements in technology
that have occurred over the past century.
One may also object on the grounds that the difficulty countries face is
not lack of access to advanced technology, but lack of ability to use the
technology. But this objection implies that the main source of differences
in standards of living is not different levels of knowledge or technology,
but differences in whatever factors allow richer countries to take better
advantage of technology. Understanding differences in incomes therefore
requires understanding the reasons for the differences in these factors. This
task is taken up in the next chapter.
With regard to worldwide growth, the case for the relevance of models of
knowledge accumulation is much stronger. At an informal level, the growth
of knowledge appears to be the central reason that output and standards
of living are so much higher today than in previous centuries. And formal
growth-accounting studies attribute large portions of the increases in output per worker over extended periods to the unexplained residual component, which may reflect technological progress.29 Work on endogenous
growth has identified many determinants of knowledge accumulation, provided tools and insights for studying the externalities involved, and analyzed ways that knowledge accumulation affects the level and growth of
It would of course be desirable to refine these ideas by improving our
understanding of what types of knowledge are most important for growth,
their quantitative importance, and the forces determining how knowledge
is accumulated. For example, suppose we want to address a concrete policy
intervention, such as doubling government support for basic scientific research or eliminating the R&D tax credit. Models of endogenous knowledge
accumulation are far from the point where they can deliver reliable quantitative predictions about how such interventions would affect the path of
growth. But they identify many relevant considerations and channels. Thus,
although the analysis is not as far along as we would like, it appears to be
headed in the right direction.
3.1. Consider the model of Section 3.2 with θ < 1.
(a ) On the balanced growth path, Ȧ = g ∗A A(t ), where g ∗A is the balancedgrowth-path value of gA . Use this fact and equation (3.6) to derive an
expression for A(t ) on the balanced growth path in terms of B, a L , γ , θ,
and L(t ).
(b ) Use your answer to part (a) and the production function, (3.5), to obtain
an expression for Y (t ) on the balanced growth path. Find the value of a L
that maximizes output on the balanced growth path.
3.2. Consider two economies (indexed by i = 1,2) described by Yi (t ) = K i (t )θ and
K̇ i (t ) = s i Yi (t ), where θ > 1. Suppose that the two economies have the same
initial value of K , but that s 1 > s 2 . Show that Y1 /Y2 is continually rising.
3.3. Consider the economy analyzed in Section 3.3. Assume that θ + β < 1 and
n > 0, and that the economy is on its balanced growth path. Describe how
Moreover, as noted in Section 1.7 and Problem 1.13, by considering only the proximate
determinants of growth, growth accounting understates the underlying importance of the
residual component.
each of the following changes affects the ġ A = 0 and ġK = 0 lines and the
position of the economy in (gA ,gK ) space at the moment of the change:
(a ) An increase in n.
(b ) An increase in a K .
(c ) An increase in θ.
3.4. Consider the economy described in Section 3.3, and assume β + θ < 1 and
n > 0. Suppose the economy is initially on its balanced growth path, and that
there is a permanent increase in s.
(a ) How, if at all, does the change affect the ġ A = 0 and ġK = 0 lines? How,
if at all, does it affect the location of the economy in (gA ,gK ) space at the
time of the change?
(b ) What are the dynamics of gA and gK after the increase in s ? Sketch the
path of log output per worker.
(c ) Intuitively, how does the effect of the increase in s compare with its effect
in the Solow model?
3.5. Consider the model of Section 3.3 with β + θ = 1 and n = 0.
(a ) Using (3.14) and (3.16), find the value that A/K must have for gK and gA
to be equal.
(b ) Using your result in part (a), find the growth rate of A and K when gK = gA .
(c ) How does an increase in s affect the long-run growth rate of the economy?
(d ) What value of a K maximizes the long-run growth rate of the economy?
Intuitively, why is this value not increasing in β, the importance of capital
in the R&D sector?
3.6. Consider the model of Section 3.3 with β + θ > 1 and n > 0.
(a ) Draw the phase diagram for this case.
(b ) Show that regardless of the economy’s initial conditions, eventually the
growth rates of A and K (and hence the growth rate of Y ) are increasing
(c ) Repeat parts (a) and (b) for the case of β + θ = 1, n > 0.
3.7. Learning-by-doing. Suppose that output is given by equation (3.22), Y (t ) =
K (t )α[A(t )L(t )]1−α; that L is constant and equal to 1; that K̇ (t ) = sY (t ); and that
knowledge accumulation occurs as a side effect of goods production: Ȧ (t ) =
BY (t ).
(a ) Find expressions for gA (t ) and gK (t ) in terms of A(t ), K (t ), and the
(b ) Sketch the ġ A = 0 and ġK = 0 lines in (gA ,gK ) space.
(c ) Does the economy converge to a balanced growth path? If so, what are the
growth rates of K , A, and Y on the balanced growth path?
(d ) How does an increase in s affect long-run growth?
3.8. Consider the model of Section 3.5. Suppose, however, that households have
constant-relative-risk-aversion utility with a coefficient of relative risk aversion of θ. Find the equilibrium level of labor in the R&D sector, L A .
3.9. Suppose that policymakers, realizing that monopoly power creates distortions, put controls on the prices that patent-holders in the Romer model can
charge for the inputs embodying their ideas. Specifically, suppose they require patent-holders to charge δw(t )/φ, where δ satisfies φ ≤ δ ≤ 1.
(a ) What is the equilibrium growth rate of the economy as a function of δ
and the other parameters of the model? Does a reduction in δ increase,
decrease, or have no effect on the equilibrium growth rate, or is it not
possible to tell?
(b ) Explain intuitively why setting δ = φ, thereby requiring patent-holders to
charge marginal cost and so eliminating the monopoly distortion, does
not maximize social welfare.
3.10. (a ) Show that (3.48) follows from (3.47).
(b ) Derive (3.49).
3.11. Learning-by-doing with microeconomic foundations. Consider a variant of
the model in equations (3.22)–(3.25). Suppose firm i’s output is Yi (t ) =
Ki (t )α[A(t )L i (t )]1−α, and that A(t ) = BK (t ). Here Ki and L i are the amounts of
capital and labor used by firm i and K is the aggregate capital stock. Capital
and labor earn their private marginal products. As in the model of Section 3.5,
the economy is populated by infinitely lived households that own the economy’s initial capital stock. The utility of the representative household takes
the constant-relative-risk-aversion form in equations (2.1)–(2.2). Population
growth is zero.
(a )
(i ) What are the private marginal products of capital and labor at firm i
as functions of Ki (t ), L i (t ), K (t ), and the parameters of the model?
(ii ) Explain why the capital-labor ratio must be the same at all firms, so
Ki (t )/L i (t ) = K (t )/L(t ) for all i.
(iii ) What are w(t ) and r (t ) as functions of K (t ), L, and the parameters of
the model?
(b ) What must the growth rate of consumption be in equilibrium? (Hint: Consider equation [2.21].) Assume for simplicity that the parameter values
are such that the growth rate is strictly positive and less than the interest
rate. Sketch an explanation of why the equilibrium growth rate of output
equals the equilibrium growth rate of consumption.
(c ) Describe how long-run growth is affected by:
(i ) A rise in B.
(ii ) A rise in ρ.
(iii ) A rise in L.
(d ) Is the equilibrium growth rate more than, less than, or equal to the socially
optimal rate, or is it not possible to tell?
3.12. (This follows Rebelo, 1991.) Assume that there are two sectors, one producing consumption goods and one producing capital goods, and two factors of
production: capital and land. Capital is used in both sectors, but land is used
only in producing consumption goods. Specifically, the production functions
are C(t ) = KC (t )α T 1−α and K̇ (t ) = BK K (t ), where KC and K K are the amounts of
capital used in the two sectors (so KC (t ) + K K (t ) = K (t )) and T is the amount
of land, and 0 < α < 1 and B > 0. Factors are paid their marginal products,
and capital can move freely between the two sectors. T is normalized to 1 for
(a ) Let PK (t ) denote the price of capital goods relative to consumption goods
at time t. Use the fact that the earnings of capital in units of consumption
goods in the two sectors must be equal to derive a condition relating PK (t ),
KC (t ), and the parameters α and B. If KC is growing at rate gK (t ), at what
rate must PK be growing (or falling)? Let gP (t ) denote this growth rate.
(b ) The real interest rate in terms of consumption is B + gP (t ).30 Thus, assuming that households have our standard utility function, (2.21–2.22), the
growth rate of consumption must be (B + gP − ρ)/θ ≡ gC . Assume ρ < B.
(i ) Use your results in part (a) to express gC ( t ) in terms of gK (t ) rather
than gP (t ).
(ii ) Given the production function for consumption goods, at what rate
must KC be growing for C to be growing at rate gC ( t )?
(iii ) Combine your answers to (i ) and (ii ) to solve for gK (t ) and g C ( t ) in
terms of the underlying parameters.
(c ) Suppose that investment income is taxed at rate τ, so that the real interest rate households face is (1 − τ)(B + gP ). How, if at all, does τ affect the
equilibrium growth rate of consumption?
3.13. (This follows Krugman, 1979; see also Grossman and Helpman, 1991b.) Suppose the world consists of two regions, the “North” and the “South.” Output
and capital accumulation in region i (i = N,S ) are given by Yi (t ) = K i (t )α[A i (t )
(1 − aLi )L i ]1−α and K̇ i (t ) = s i Yi (t ). New technologies are developed in the
North. Specifically, Ȧ N (t ) = BaL N L N A N (t ). Improvements in Southern technology, on the other hand, are made by learning from Northern technology:
Ȧ S (t ) = µaL S L S [A N (t ) − A S (t )] if A N (t ) > A S (t ); otherwise Ȧ S (t ) = 0. Here a L N
is the fraction of the Northern labor force engaged in R&D, and aL S is the fraction of the Southern labor force engaged in learning Northern technology; the
rest of the notation is standard. Note that L N and L S are assumed constant.
(a ) What is the long-run growth rate of Northern output per worker?
(b ) Define Z(t ) = A S (t )/A N (t ). Find an expression for Ż as a function of Z and
the parameters of the model. Is Z stable? If so, what value does it converge
to? What is the long-run growth rate of Southern output per worker?
To see this, note that capital in the investment sector produces new capital at rate B
and changes in value relative to the consumption good at rate gP . (Because the return to
capital is the same in the two sectors, the same must be true of capital in the consumption
(c ) Assume a L N = a L S and sN = sS . What is the ratio of output per worker in
the South to output per worker in the North when both economies have
converged to their balanced growth paths?
3.14. Delays in the transmission of knowledge to poor countries.
(a ) Assume that the world consists of two regions, the North and the South.
The North is described by YN (t ) = A N (t )(1−a L )L N and Ȧ N (t ) = a L L N A N (t ).
The South does not do R&D but simply uses the technology developed in
the North; however, the technology used in the South lags the North’s by
τ years. Thus YS (t ) = A S (t )L S and A S (t ) = A N (t − τ). If the growth rate of
output per worker in the North is 3 percent per year, and if a L is close to
0, what must τ be for output per worker in the North to exceed that in
the South by a factor of 10?
(b ) Suppose instead that both the North and the South are described by
the Solow model: y i (t ) = f (k i (t )), where y i (t ) ≡ Yi (t )/[A i (t )L i (t )] and
k i (t ) ≡ K i (t )/[A i (t )L i (t )] (i = N,S ). As in the Solow model, assume
K̇ i (t ) = sYi (t ) − δK i (t ) and L̇ i (t ) = nL i (t ); the two countries are assumed
to have the same saving rates and rates of population growth. Finally,
Ȧ N (t ) = gA N (t ) and A S (t ) = A N (t − τ).
(i ) Show that the value of k on the balanced growth path, k ∗ , is the same
for the two countries.
(ii ) Does introducing capital change the answer to part (a)? Explain.
(Continue to assume g = 3%.)
One of our central goals over the past three chapters has been to understand
the vast variation in average income per person around the world. So far,
however, our progress has been very limited. A key conclusion of the Solow
model is that if physical capital’s share in income is a reasonable measure
of capital’s importance in production, differences in capital account for little of cross-country income differences. The Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans and
Diamond models have the same implication. And a key implication of models of endogenous growth is that since technology is nonrival, differences
in technology are unlikely to be important to differences in income among
This chapter attempts to move beyond these negative conclusions. Work
on cross-country income differences is extremely active, and has a much
greater empirical focus than the work discussed in the previous chapters. It
has two main branches. The first focuses on the proximate determinants of
income. That is, it considers factors whose influence on income is clear and
direct, such as the quantities of physical and human capital. It generally
employs techniques like those of growth accounting, which we discussed
in Section 1.7. Factors’ marginal products are measured using the prices
they command in the market; these estimates of marginal products are then
combined with estimates of differences in the quantities of factors to obtain
estimates of the factors’ contributions to income differences.
This work has the strength that one can often have a fair amount of confidence in its conclusions, but the weakness that it considers only immediate
determinants of income. The second branch of work on cross-country income differences therefore tries to go deeper. Among the potential underlying determinants of income that researchers have considered are political institutions, geography, and religion. Unfortunately, accounting-style
approaches can rarely be used to measure these forces’ effects on incomes.
Researchers instead use various statistical techniques to attempt to estimate their effects. As a result, the effort to go deeper comes at the cost of
reduced certainty about the results.
4.1 Extending the Solow Model to Include Human Capital
One obvious proximate determinant of countries’ incomes other than
physical capital is human capital. Section 4.1 therefore sets the stage for
the accounting approach by extending our modeling of growth to include
human capital. Section 4.2 then develops the accounting approach. Its main
focus is on decomposing income differences into the contributions of physical capital, human capital, and output for given amounts of capital. We will
see that variations in both physical and human capital contribute to income
differences, but that variations in output for given capital stocks are considerably more important.
Sections 4.3 through 4.5 consider attempts to go deeper and investigate
the sources of differences in these determinants of average incomes. Section
4.3 introduces social infrastructure: institutions and policies that determine
the allocation of resources between activities that raise overall output and
ones that redistribute it. Section 4.4 examines the evidence about the importance of social infrastructure. Section 4.5, which takes us very much to
the frontier of current research, extends the analysis of social infrastructure
in three directions. First, what specific factors within social infrastructure
might be particularly important? Second, can we go even further and say
anything about the determinants of social infrastructure? And third, are
there factors that are not part of social infrastructure that are important to
cross-country income differences?
Finally, Section 4.6 asks what insights our analysis provides about crosscountry differences in income growth rather than in income levels.
4.1 Extending the Solow Model to
Include Human Capital
This section develops a model of growth that includes human as well as
physical capital.1 Because the model is not intended to explain growth in
overall world income, it follows the Solow, Ramsey, and Diamond models in
taking worldwide technological progress as exogenous. Further, our eventual goal is to make quantitative statements about cross-country income
differences. The model therefore assumes Cobb–Douglas production; this
makes the model tractable and leads easily to quantitative analysis. Our desire to do quantitative analysis also means that it is easiest to consider a
model that, in the spirit of the Solow model, takes the saving rate and the
allocation of resources to human-capital accumulation as exogenous. This
will allow us to relate the model to measures of capital accumulation, which
we can observe, rather than to preferences, which we cannot.
Jones (2002b, Chapter 3) presents a similar model.
The model is set in continuous time. Output at time t is
Y (t ) = K (t )α[A(t )H(t )]1−α.
Y, K , and A are the same as in the Solow model: Y is output, K is capital,
and A is the effectiveness of labor. H is the total amount of productive
services supplied by workers. That is, it is the total contribution of workers
of different skill levels to production. It therefore includes the contributions
of both raw labor (that is, skills that individuals are endowed with) and
human capital (that is, acquired skills).
The dynamics of K and A are the same as in the Solow model. An exogenous fraction s of output is saved, and capital depreciates at an exogenous
rate δ. Thus,
K̇ (t ) = sY (t ) − δK (t ).
The effectiveness of labor grows at an exogenous rate g:
Ȧ(t ) = gA(t ).
The model revolves around its assumptions about how the quantity of
human capital is determined. The accumulation of human capital depends
both on the amount of human capital created by a given amount of resources devoted to human-capital accumulation (that is, on the production
function for human capital), and on the quantity of resources devoted to
human-capital accumulation. With regard to the amount of human capital
created from a given set of inputs, the model assumes that each worker’s
human capital depends only on his or her years of education. This is equivalent to assuming that the only input into the production function for human capital is students’ time. The next section briefly discusses what happens if physical capital and existing workers’ human capital are also inputs
to human-capital production. With regard to the quantity of resources devoted to human-capital accumulation, the model, paralleling the treatment
of physical capital, takes the allocation of resources to human-capital accumulation as exogenous. To simplify further, it assumes that each worker
obtains the same amount of education, and for the most part we focus on
the case where that amount is constant over time.
Thus, our assumption is that the quantity of human capital, H, is given by
H (t ) = L(t )G(E ),
where L is the number of workers and G(•) is a function giving human capital per worker as a function of years of education per worker.2 As usual,
Expression (4.4) implies that of total labor services, LG(0) is raw labor and L[G(E )−G(0)]
is human capital. If G(0) is much smaller than G(E ), almost all of labor services are human
4.1 Extending the Solow Model to Include Human Capital
the number of workers grows at an exogenous rate n:
L̇(t ) = nL(t ).
It is reasonable to assume that the more education a worker has, the
more human capital he or she has. That is, we assume G ′ (•) > 0. But there
is no reason to impose G′′ (•) < 0. As individuals acquire human capital,
their ability to acquire additional human capital may improve. To put it
differently, the first few years of education may provide individuals mainly
with basic tools, such as the ability to read, count, and follow directions, that
by themselves do not allow the individuals to contribute much to output but
that are essential for acquiring additional human capital.
The microeconomic evidence suggests that each additional year of education increases an individual’s wage by approximately the same percentage
amount. If wages reflect the labor services that individuals supply, this implies that G ′ (•) is indeed increasing. Specifically, it implies that G(•) takes
the form
G(E ) = e φE ,
φ > 0,
where we have normalized G(0) to 1. For the most part, however, we will
not impose this functional form in our analysis.
Analyzing the Model
The dynamics of the model are exactly like those of the Solow model. The
easiest way to see this is to define k as physical capital per unit of effective
labor services: k = K /[AG (E )L]. Analysis like that in Section 1.3 shows that
the dynamics of k are identical to those in the Solow model. That is,
˙ ) = sf (k(t )) − (n + g + δ)k(t )
= sk(t )α − (n + g + δ)k(t ).
In the first line, f (•) is the intensive form of the production function (see
Section 1.2). The second line uses the fact that the production function is
As in the Solow model, k converges to the point where k˙ = 0. From (4.7),
this value of k is [s/(n + g + δ)]1/(1−α) , which we will denote k ∗ . We know
that once k reaches k ∗ , the economy is on a balanced growth path with
output per worker growing at rate g.
This analysis implies that the qualitative and quantitative effects of a
change in the saving rate are the same as in the Solow model. To see this,
note that since the equation of motion for k is identical to that in the Solow
model, the effects of a change in s on the path of k are identical to those in
the Solow model. And since output per unit of effective labor services, y ,
is determined by k, it follows that the impact on the path of y is identical.
Finally, output per worker equals output per unit of effective labor services,
y , times effective labor services per worker, AG (E ): Y/L = AG (E )y . The path
of AG (E ) is not affected by the change in the saving rate: A grows at exogenous rate g, and G(E ) is constant. Thus the impact of the change on the
path of output per worker is determined entirely by its impact on the path
of y .
We can also describe the long-run effects of a rise in the number of years
of schooling per worker, E . Since E does not enter the equation for K̇ , the
balanced-growth-path value of k is unchanged, and so the balanced-growthpath value of y is unchanged. And since Y/L equals AG (E )y , it follows that
the rise in E increases output per worker on the balanced growth path by
the same proportion that it increases G(E ).
This model has two implications for cross-country income differences.
First, it identifies an additional potential source of these differences: they
can stem from differences in human capital as well as physical capital. Second, it implies that recognizing the existence of human capital does not
change the Solow model’s implications about the effects of physical-capital
accumulation. That is, the effects of a change in the saving rate are no different in this model than they are in the Solow model.
Students and Workers
Our analysis thus far focuses on output per worker. In the case of a change
in the saving rate, output per person behaves the same way as output per
worker. But a change in the amount of time individuals spend in school
changes the proportion of the population that is working. Thus in this case,
output per person and output per worker behave differently.
To say more about this point, we need some additional demographic assumptions. The most natural ones are that each individual has some fixed
lifespan, T, and spends the first E years of life in school and the remaining
T − E years working. Further, for the overall population to be growing at
rate n and the age distribution to be well behaved, the number of people
born per unit time must be growing at rate n.
With these assumptions, the total population at t equals the number of
people born from t − T to t. Thus if we use N (t ) to denote the population at
t and B(t ) to denote the number of people born at t,
N (t ) =
B(t − τ) dτ
B(t )e −nτdτ
1 − e −nT
B(t ),
4.1 Extending the Solow Model to Include Human Capital
where the second line uses the fact that the number of people born per unit
time grows at rate n.
Similarly, the number of workers at time t equals the number of individuals who are alive and no longer in school. Thus it equals the number of
people born from t − T to t − E :
L(t ) =
B(t − τ) dτ
B(t )e −nτ dτ
e −nE − e −nT
B(t ).
Combining expressions (4.8) and (4.9) gives the ratio of the number of workers to the total population:
L(t )
N (t )
e −nE − e −nT
1 − e −nT
We can now find output per person (as opposed to output per worker) on
the balanced growth path. Output per person equals output per unit of effective labor services, y , times the amount of effective labor services supplied
by the average person. And the amount of labor services supplied by the average person equals the amount supplied by the average worker, A(t )G(E ),
times the fraction of the population that is working, (e −nE −e −nT )/(1−e −nT ).
= y ∗A(t )G(E )
e −nE − e −nT
1 − e −nT
where y ∗ equals f (k ∗ ), output per unit of effective labor services on the
balanced growth path.
We saw above that a change in E does not affect y ∗ . In addition, the path
of A is exogenous. Thus our analysis implies that a change in the amount of
education each person receives, E , alters output per person on the balanced
growth path by the same proportion that it changes G(E )[(e −nE − e −nT )/
(1 − e −nT )]. A rise in education therefore has two effects on output per person. Each worker has more human capital; that is, the G(E ) term rises. But
a smaller fraction of the population is working; that is, the (e −nE − e −nT )/
(1 − e −nT ) term falls. Thus a rise in E can either raise or lower output per
person in the long run.3
The specifics of how the economy converges to its new balanced growth
path in response to a rise in E are somewhat complicated. In the short run,
the rise reduces output relative to what it otherwise would have been. In
See Problem 4.1 for an analysis of the “golden-rule” level of E in this model.
addition, the adjustment to the new balanced growth path is very gradual.
To see these points, suppose the economy is on a balanced growth path with
E = E 0 . Now suppose that everyone born after some time, t 0 , obtains E 1 > E 0
years of education. This change first affects the economy at date t 0 + E 0 .
From this date until t 0 + E 1 , everyone who is working still has E 0 years of
education, and some individuals who would have been working if E had
not risen are still in school. The highly educated individuals start to enter
the labor force at date t 0 + E 1 . The average level of education in the labor
force does not reach its new balanced-growth-path value until date t 0 + T,
however. And even then, the stock of physical capital is still adjusting to
the changed path of effective labor services, and so the adjustment to the
new balanced growth path is not complete.
These results about the effects of an increase in education on the path
of output per person are similar to the Solow model’s implications about
the effects of an increase in the saving rate on the path of consumption
per person. In both cases, the shift in resources leads to a short-run fall in
the variable of interest (output per person in this model, consumption per
person in the Solow model). And in both cases, the long-run effect on the
variable of interest is ambiguous.
4.2 Empirical Application: Accounting
for Cross-Country Income
A central goal of accounting-style studies of income differences is to decompose those differences into the contributions of physical-capital accumulation, human-capital accumulation, and other factors. Such a decomposition
has the potential to offer significant insights into cross-country income differences. For example, if we were to find that differences in human-capital
accumulation account for most of income differences, this would suggest
that to understand income differences, we should focus on factors that affect human-capital accumulation.
Two leading examples accounting-style income decompositions are those
performed by Hall and Jones (1999) and Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare (1997).
These authors measure differences in the accumulation of physical and
human capital, and then use a framework like the previous section’s to
estimate the quantitative importance of those differences to income differences. They then measure the role of other forces as a residual.
Hall and Jones and Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare begin by assuming, as we
did in the previous section, that output in a given country is a Cobb–Douglas
Accounting for Cross-Country Income Differences
combination of physical capital and effective labor services:
Yi = Kiα(A i Hi )1−α,
where i indexes countries. Since A’s contribution will be measured as a
residual, it reflects not just technology or knowledge, but all forces that
determine output for given amounts of physical capital and labor services.
Dividing both sides of (4.12) by the number of workers, L i , and taking
logs yields
= α ln
+ (1 − α) ln
+ (1 − α) ln A i .
The basic idea in these papers, as in growth accounting over time, is to
measure directly all the ingredients of this equation other than A i and then
compute A i as a residual. Thus (4.13) can be used to decompose differences
in output per worker into the contributions of physical capital per worker,
labor services per worker, and other factors.
Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare and Hall and Jones observe, however, that
this decomposition may not be the most interesting one. Suppose, for example, that the level of A rises with no change in the saving rate or in
education per worker. The resulting higher output increases the amount of
physical capital (since the premise of the example is that the saving rate
is unchanged). When the country reaches its new balanced growth path,
physical capital and output are both higher by the same proportion as the
increase in A. The decomposition in (4.13) therefore attributes fraction α of
the long-run increase in output per worker in response to the increase in A
to physical capital per worker. It would be more useful to have a decomposition that attributes all the increase to the residual, since the rise in A was
the underlying source of the increase in output per worker.
To address this issue, Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare and Hall and Jones
subtract α ln(Yi /L i ) from both sides of (4.13). This yields
(1 − α) ln
α ln
= α ln
− α ln
+ (1 − α) ln
+ (1 − α) ln
+ (1 − α) ln A i
+ (1 − α) ln A i .
Dividing both sides by 1 − α gives us
+ ln
+ ln A i .
Equation (4.15) expresses output per worker in terms of physical-capital
intensity (that is, the capital-output ratio, K /Y ), labor services per worker,
and a residual. It is no more correct than equation (4.13): both result from
manipulating the production function, (4.12). But (4.15) is more insightful
for our purposes: it assigns the long-run effects of changes in labor services
per worker and the residual entirely to those variables.
Data and Basic Results
Data on output and the number of workers are available from the Penn
World Tables. Hall and Jones and Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare estimate
physical-capital stocks using data on investment from the Penn World Tables
and reasonable assumptions about the initial stocks and depreciation. Data
on income shares suggest that α, physical capital’s share in the production
function, is around one-third for almost all countries (Gollin, 2002).
The hardest part of the analysis is to estimate the stock of labor services, H. Hall and Jones take the simplest approach. They consider only
years of schooling. Specifically, they assume that Hi takes the form e φ(E i )L i ,
where E i is the average number of years of education of workers in country
i and φ(•) is an increasing function. In the previous section, we considered
the possibility of a linear φ(•) function: φ(E ) = φE . Hall and Jones argue,
however, that the microeconomic evidence suggests that the percentage increase in earnings from an additional year of schooling falls as the amount
of schooling rises. On the basis of this evidence, they assume that φ(E ) is a
piecewise linear function with a slope of 0.134 for E below 4 years, 0.101
for E between 4 and 8 years, and 0.068 for E above 8 years.
Armed with these data and assumptions, Hall and Jones use expression
(4.15) to estimate the contributions of physical-capital intensity, schooling,
and the residual to output per worker in each country. They summarize their
results by comparing the five richest countries in their sample with the five
poorest. Average output per worker in the rich group exceeds the average in
the poor group by a stunning factor of 31.7. On a log scale, this is a difference
of 3.5. The difference in the average [α/(1 − α)] ln(K /Y ) between the two
groups is 0.6; in ln(H/L), 0.8; and in ln A, 2.1. That is, they find that only
about a sixth of the gap between the richest and poorest countries is due
to differences in physical-capital intensity, and that less than a quarter is
due to differences in schooling. Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare, using slightly
different assumptions, reach similar conclusions.
An additional finding from Hall and Jones’s and Klenow and Rodrı́guezClare’s decompositions is that the contributions of physical capital, schooling, and the residual are not independent. Hall and Jones, for example, find a
substantial correlation across countries between their estimates of ln(H i /L i )
and ln A i (ρ = 0.52), and a modest correlation between their estimates of
[α/(1 − α)] ln(K i /L i ) and ln A i (ρ = 0.25); they also find a substantial correlation between the two capital terms (ρ = 0.60).
More Detailed Examinations of Human Capital
Hall and Jones’s and Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare’s decompositions have
been extended in numerous ways. For the most part, the extensions suggest
an even larger role for the residual.
Accounting for Cross-Country Income Differences
Many of the extensions concern the role of human capital. Hall and Jones’s
calculations ignore all differences in human capital other than differences in
years of education. But there are many other sources of variation in human
capital. School quality, on-the-job training, informal human-capital acquisition, child-rearing, and even prenatal care vary significantly across countries. The resulting differences in human capital may be large.
One way to incorporate differences in human-capital quality into the analysis is to continue to use the decomposition in equation (4.15), but to obtain a more comprehensive measure of human capital. A natural approach
to comparing the overall human capital of workers in different countries
is to compare the wages they would earn in the same labor market. Since
the United States has immigrants from many countries, this can be done by
examining the wages of immigrants from different countries in the United
States. Of course, there are complications. For example, immigrants are not
chosen randomly from the workers in their home countries, and they may
have characteristics that affect their earnings in the United States that would
not affect their earnings in their home countries. Nonetheless, looking at
immigrants’ wages provides important information about whether there are
large differences in human-capital quality.
This idea is implemented by Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare and by
Hendricks (2002). These authors find that immigrants to the United States
with a given amount of education typically earn less when they come from
lower-income countries. This suggests that cross-country differences in human capital are larger than suggested solely by differences in years of schooling, and that the role of the residual is therefore smaller. Crucially, however,
the magnitudes involved are small.4
Hendricks extends the analysis of human capital in two other ways. First,
he estimates the returns to different amounts of education rather than imposing the piecewise linear form assumed by Hall and Jones. His results
suggest somewhat smaller differences in human capital across countries,
and hence somewhat larger differences in the residual.
Second, he examines the possibility that low-skill and high-skill workers are complements in production. In this case, the typical worker in a
The approach of using the decomposition in equation (4.15) with a broader measure of
human capital has a disadvantage like that of our preliminary decomposition, (4.13). Physical
capital is likely to affect human-capital quality. For example, differences in the amount of
physical capital in schools are likely to lead to differences in school quality. When physical
capital affects human-capital quality, a rise in the saving rate or the residual raises income
per worker partly by raising human-capital quality via a higher stock of physical capital.
With a comprehensive measure of human capital, the decomposition in (4.15) assigns that
portion of the rise in income to human-capital quality. Ideally, however, we would assign it
to the underlying change in the saving rate or in the residual.
The alternative is to specify a production function for human capital and then use this
to create a decomposition that is more informative. Klenow and Rodrı́guez-Clare consider
this approach. It turns out, however, that the results are quite sensitive to the details of how
the production function for human capital is specified.
low-income country (who has low skills) may have low wages in part not because output for a given set of inputs is low, but because he or she has few
high-skill workers to work with. And indeed, the premium to having high
skills is larger in poor countries. Hendricks finds that when he chooses an
elasticity of substitution between low-skill and high-skill workers to fit the
cross-country pattern of skill premia, he is able to explain a moderate additional part of cross-country income differences.
The combined effect of these more careful analyses of the role of human
capital is not large. For example, Hendricks finds an overall role for humancapital differences in income differences that is slightly smaller than what
Hall and Jones estimate.
More Detailed Examinations of Physical Capital
Hall and Jones’s and Klenow and Rodríguez-Clare’s decomposition has also
been extended on the physical-capital side. The most thorough extension
is that of Hsieh and Klenow (2007). Hsieh and Klenow begin by observing that a lower capital-output ratio presumably reflects a lower average
investment-output ratio. They then note that, as a matter of accounting,
there are three possible sources of a lower investment-output ratio. First,
and most obviously, it can arise because the fraction of nominal income
devoted to investment is smaller. Second, it can arise because investment
goods are more costly (for example, because of distortionary policies or
transportation costs), so that a given amount of investment spending yields
a smaller quantity of investment (Jones, 1994). And third, it can arise because noninvestment goods have lower prices, which again has the effect
that devoting a given fraction of nominal income to investment yields a
smaller quantity of investment goods.
It has long been known that nontradable consumption goods, such as
haircuts and taxi rides, are generally cheaper in poorer countries; this is
the Balassa-Samuelson effect. The reasons for the effect are uncertain. One
possibility is that it arises because these goods use unskilled labor, which
is comparatively cheap in poor countries, more intensively. Another is that
it occurs because these goods are of lower quality in poor countries.
If lower income leads to lower prices of nontradable consumption goods,
this implies that a fall in H or A with the saving rate and the price of investment goods held fixed tends to lower the capital-output ratio. Thus, although the decomposition in (4.15) (like the decomposition in [4.13]) is not
incorrect, it is probably more insightful to assign the differences in income
per worker that result from income’s impact on the price of nontradables,
and hence on investment for a given saving rate, to the underlying differences in H and A rather than to physical capital.
To see how Hsieh and Klenow decompose differences in the investmentoutput ratio into the contributions of the three determinants they identify,
Accounting for Cross-Country Income Differences
consider for simplicity a country that produces nontradable and tradable
consumption goods and that purchases all its investment goods abroad. Let
Q N and Q T denote the quantities of the two types of consumption goods
that are produced in the country, and let I denote the quantity of investment goods purchased from abroad. Similarly, let PN , PT , and PI denote the
domestic prices of the three types of goods, and let PN∗ , PT∗ , and PI∗ denote
their prices in a typical country in the world. Finally, assume that PT and PT∗
are equal.5
With these assumptions, the value of the country’s output at “world”
prices is PN∗ Q N + PT∗ Q T , and the value of its investment at world prices is
PI∗ I . Thus its investment-output ratio is PI∗ I/(PN∗ Q N + PT∗ Q T ). We can write
this ratio as the product of three terms:
PN∗ Q N + PT∗ Q T
The three terms correspond to the three determinants of the investmentoutput ratio described above. The first is the fraction of nominal income devoted to investment; that is, loosely speaking, it is the economy’s saving rate.
The second is the world price relative to the domestic price of investment
goods. The third reflects differences between the domestic and world prices
of nontradable consumption goods (recall that PT = PT∗ by assumption).
Hsieh and Klenow find that as we move from rich to poor countries, only
about a quarter of the decline in the investment-output ratio comes from
a fall in the saving rate; almost none comes from increases in the price of
investment goods (as would occur, for example, if poor countries imposed
tariffs and other barriers to the purchase of investment goods); and threequarters comes from the lower price of nontradable consumption goods.
Because only a small fraction of cross-country income differences is due to
variation in the capital-output ratio to begin with, this implies that only a
very small part is due to variation in the saving rate.
As we have discussed, the reasons that nontradable consumption goods
are cheaper in poorer countries are not fully understood. But if lower income
from any source tends to reduce the price of nontradables, this would magnify the importance of variation in human capital and the residual. Thus a
revised decomposition would assign the large majority of variations in income across countries to the residual, and almost all of the remainder to
human capital.
It is straightforward to extend the analysis to allow for the possibilities that PT = PT∗
and that some investment goods are produced domestically.
4.3 Social Infrastructure
The analysis in the previous section tells us about the roles of physicalcapital accumulation, human-capital accumulation, and output for given
quantities of capital in cross-country income differences. But we would like
to go deeper and investigate the determinants of these sources of income
A leading candidate hypothesis is that differences in these determinants
of income stem largely from differences in what Hall and Jones call social
infrastructure. By social infrastructure, Hall and Jones mean institutions
and policies that align private and social returns to activities.6
There is a tremendous range of activities where private and social returns
may differ. They fall into two main categories. The first consists of various
types of investment. If an individual engages in conventional saving, acquires education, or devotes resources to R&D, his or her private returns
are likely to fall short of the social returns because of taxation, expropriation, crime, externalities, and so on.
The second category consists of activities intended for the individual’s
current benefit. An individual can attempt to increase his or her current
income through either production or diversion. Production refers to activities that increase the economy’s total output at a point in time. Diversion, which we encountered in Section 3.4 under the name rent-seeking,
refers to activities that merely reallocate that output. The social return to
rent-seeking activities is zero by definition, and the social return to productive activities is the amount they contribute to output. As with investment,
there are many reasons the private returns to rent-seeking and to production may differ from their social returns.
Discussions of diversion or rent-seeking often focus on its most obvious forms, such as crime, lobbying for tax benefits, and frivolous lawsuits.
Since these activities use only small fractions of resources in advanced
economies, it is natural to think that rent-seeking is not of great importance
in those countries. But rent-seeking consists of much more than these pure
forms. Such commonplace activities as firms engaging in price discrimination, workers providing documentation for performance evaluations, and
consumers clipping coupons have large elements of rent-seeking. Indeed,
such everyday actions as locking one’s car or going to a concert early to try
to get a ticket involve rent-seeking. Thus substantial fractions of resources
are probably devoted to rent-seeking even in advanced countries. And it
seems plausible that the fraction is considerably higher in less developed
This specific definition of social infrastructure is due to Jones.
Social Infrastructure
countries. If this is correct, differences in rent-seeking may be an important
source of cross-country income differences. Likewise, as described in Section 3.4, the extent of rent-seeking in the world as a whole may be an important determinant of worldwide growth.7
There are many different aspects of social infrastructure. It is useful to
divide them into three groups. The first group consists of features of the
government’s fiscal policy. For example, the tax treatment of investment
and marginal tax rates on labor income directly affect relationships between
private and social returns. Only slightly more subtly, high tax rates induce
such forms of rent-seeking as devoting resources to tax evasion and working
in the underground economy despite its relative inefficiency.
The second group of institutions and policies that make up social infrastructure consists of factors that determine the environment that private
decisions are made in. If crime is unchecked or there is civil war or foreign
invasion, private rewards to investment and to activities that raise overall
output are low. At a more mundane level, if contracts are not enforced or
the courts’ interpretation of them is unpredictable, long-term investment
projects are unattractive. Similarly, competition, with its rewards for activities that increase overall output, is more likely when the government allows
free trade and limits monopoly power.
The final group of institutions and policies that constitute social infrastructure are ones that affect the extent of rent-seeking activities by the
government itself. As Hall and Jones stress, although well-designed government policies can be an important source of beneficial social infrastructure,
the government can be a major rent-seeker. Government expropriation, the
solicitation of bribes, and the doling out of benefits in response to lobbying
or to actions that benefit government officials can be important forms of
Because social infrastructure has many dimensions, poor social infrastructure takes many forms. There can be Stalinist central planning where
property rights and economic incentives are minimal. There can be
“kleptocracy”—an economy run by an oligarchy or a dictatorship whose
main interest is personal enrichment and preservation of power, and which
relies on expropriation and corruption. There can be near-anarchy, where
property and lives are extremely insecure. And so on.
The seminal paper on rent-seeking is Tullock (1967). Rent-seeking is important to
many phenomena other than cross-country income differences. For example, Krueger (1974)
shows its importance for understanding the effects of tariffs and other government interventions, and Posner (1975) argues that it is essential to understanding the welfare effects
of monopoly.
4.4 Empirical Application: Social
Infrastructure and Cross-Country
Income Differences
The idea that institutions and policies that affect the relationship between
private returns and social benefits are crucial to economic performance
dates back at least to Adam Smith. But it has recently received renewed
attention. One distinguishing feature of this recent work is that it attempts
to provide empirical evidence about the importance of social infrastructure.
A Regression Framework
In thinking about the evidence concerning the importance of social infrastructure, it is natural to consider a simple regression framework. Suppose
income in country i is determined by social infrastructure and other forces.
We can express this as
= a + bSI i + ei .
Here Y/L is output per worker, SI is social infrastructure, and e reflects
other influences on income. Examples of papers that try to find measures
of social infrastructure and then estimate regressions in the spirit of (4.17)
include Sachs and Warner (1995); Knack and Keefer (1995); Mauro (1995);
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001, 2002); and Hall and Jones. These
papers investigate both the magnitude of social infrastructure’s effect on
income and the fraction of the cross-country variation in income that is due
to variations in social infrastructure. The hypothesis that social infrastructure is critical to income differences predicts that it is the source of a large
fraction of those differences.
Attempts to estimate relationships like (4.17) must confront two major
problems. The first is the practical one of how to measure social infrastructure. The second is the conceptual one of how to obtain accurate estimates
of the parameters in (4.17) given a measure of social infrastructure.
For the moment, assume that we have a perfect measure of social infrastructure, and focus on the second problem. Equation (4.17) looks like
a regression. Thus it is natural to consider estimating it by ordinary least
squares (OLS). And indeed, many papers estimating the effects of social
infrastructure use OLS regressions.
For OLS to produce unbiased estimates, the right-hand-side variable (here,
social infrastructure) must be uncorrelated with the residual (here, other
Social Infrastructure and Cross-Country Income Differences
influences on income per worker). So to address the question of whether
OLS is likely to yield reliable estimates of social infrastructure’s impact on
income, we must think about whether social infrastructure is likely to be
correlated with other influences on income.
Unfortunately, the answer to that question appears to be yes. Suppose,
for example, that cultural factors, such as religion, have important effects
on income that operate through channels other than social infrastructure.
Some religions may instill values that promote thrift and education and
that discourage rent-seeking. It seems likely that countries where such religions are prevalent would tend to adopt institutions and policies that
do a relatively good job of aligning private and social returns. Thus there
would be positive correlation between social infrastructure and the
To give another example, suppose geography has an important direct
impact on income. Some climates may be unfavorable to agriculture and
favorable to disease, for example. The fact that countries with worse climates are poorer means they have fewer resources with which to create
good social infrastructure. Thus again there will be correlation between
social infrastructure and the residual.8
In short, OLS estimates of (4.17) are likely to suffer from omitted-variable
bias. Omitted-variable bias is a pervasive problem in empirical work in
The solution to omitted-variable bias is to use instrumental variables (IV)
rather than OLS. The intuition behind IV estimation is easiest to see using
the two-stage least squares interpretation of instrumental variables. What
one needs are variables correlated with the right-hand-side variables but not
systematically correlated with the residual. Once one has such instruments,
the first-stage regression is a regression of the right-hand-side variable, SI ,
on the instruments. The second-stage regression is then a regression of the
left-hand-side variable, ln(Y/L), on the fitted value of SI from the first-stage
. That is, think of rewriting (4.17) as
regression, SI
l + b (SI i − SI
l ) + ei
= a + b SI
l + ui ,
≡ a + b SI
and then estimating the equation by OLS. u consists of two terms, e and
). By assumption, the instruments used to construct SI
are not
b (SI − SI
is the fitted value from a
systematically correlated with e. And since SI
regression, by construction it is not correlated with the residual from that
We will return to the subject of geography and cross-country income differences in
Section 4.5. There, we will encounter another potential source of correlation between direct
geographic influences on income and social infrastructure.
. Thus regressing ln(Y/L) on SI
yields a valid estimate
regression, SI − SI
of b.
Thus, the key to addressing the second problem—how to estimate (4.17)—
is to find valid instruments. Before discussing that issue, let us return to the
first problem—how to measure social infrastructure. It is clear that any measure of social infrastructure will be imperfect. Let SI ∗ denote “true” social
denote measured social infrastructure. The underinfrastructure, and let SI
lying relationship of interest is that between true social infrastructure and
= a + bSI i∗ + ei .
True social infrastructure equals measured social infrastructure plus the
i +
difference between true and measured social infrastructure: SI i∗ = SI
SI i − SI i ). This allows us to rewrite (4.19) in terms of observables and other
i + b (SI ∗ − SI
i ) + ei
= a + b SI
i + vi .
≡ a + b SI
To consider what happens if we estimate (4.20) by OLS, consider the case
i = SI ∗ + wi , where w is uncorrelated with
of classical measurement error : SI
SI . In this case, the right-hand-side variable in the regression is SI ∗ +w, and
one component of the composite residual, v, is −bw. Thus if b is positive,
the measurement error causes negative correlation between the right-handside variable and the residual. Thus again there is omitted-variable bias, but
now it biases the estimate of b down rather than up.
Since measurement error leads to omitted-variable bias, the solution is
again instrumental variables. That is, to obtain valid estimates of the impact of social infrastructure on income, we need to find variables that are
not systematically correlated both with the measurement error in social in ) component of the composite residual in [4.20],
frastructure (the b (SI ∗ − SI
v) and with forces other than social infrastructure that affect income (the e
is based on estimated coefficients causes two complications. First, the
The fact that SI
uncertainty about the estimated coefficients must be accounted for in finding the standard
error in the estimate of b; this is done in the usual formulas for the standard errors of
instrumental-variables estimates. Second, the fact that the first-stage coefficients are esti and e in the same direction as the correlation
mated introduces some correlation between SI
between SI and e. This correlation disappears as the sample size becomes large; thus IV is
consistent but not unbiased. If the instruments are only moderately correlated with the
right-hand-side variable, however, the bias in finite samples can be large. See, for example,
Staiger and Stock (1997).
Social Infrastructure and Cross-Country Income Differences
Implementation and Results
One of the most serious attempts to use a regression approach to examine
social infrastructure’s effect on income is Hall and Jones’s. As their mea , Hall and Jones use an index based on two
sure of social infrastructure, SI
variables. First, companies interested in doing business in foreign countries
often want to know about the quality of countries’ institutions. As a result,
there are consulting firms that construct measures of institutional quality
based on a mix of objective data and subjective assessments. Following earlier work by Knack and Keefer (1995) and Mauro (1995), Hall and Jones use
one such measure, an index of “government anti-diversion policies” based
on assessments by the company Political Risk Services. The second variable
that enters Hall and Jones’s measure is an index of openness or marketorientation constructed by Sachs and Warner (1995).
In selecting instruments, Hall and Jones argue that the main channel
through which Western European, and especially British, influence affected
incomes in the rest of the world was social infrastructure. They therefore
propose four instruments: the fraction of a country’s population who are
native speakers of English; the fraction who are native speakers of a major
European language (English, French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish); the
country’s distance from the equator; and a measure of geographic influences
on openness to trade constructed by Frankel and D. Romer (1999).
Unfortunately, as Hall and Jones recognize, the case for the validity of
these instruments is far from compelling. For example, distance from the
equator is correlated with climate, which may directly affect income. Geographic proximity to other countries may affect income through channels
other than social infrastructure. And Western European influence may operate through channels other than social infrastructure, such as culture.
Nonetheless, it is interesting to examine Hall and Jones’s results, which
are generally representative of the findings of regression-based efforts to
estimate the role of social infrastructure in cross-country income differences. There are three main findings. First, the estimated impact of social
infrastructure on income is quantitatively large and highly statistically significant. Second, variations in social infrastructure appear to account for
a large fraction of cross-country income differences.10 And third, the IV
estimates are substantially larger than the OLS estimates. This could arise
because measurement error in social infrastructure is a larger problem with
the OLS regression than correlation between omitted influences on growth
and true social infrastructure. Or, more troublingly, it could occur because
When there is important measurement error in the right-hand-side variable, interpreting the magnitudes of the coefficient estimate and estimating the fraction of the variation
in the left-hand-side variable that is due to variation in the true right-hand-side variable are
not straightforward. Hall and Jones provide a careful discussion of these issues.
the instruments are positively correlated with omitted influences on growth,
so that the IV estimates are biased upward.
Natural Experiments
In light of the limitations of the regression-based tests, Olson (1996) argues
for a different approach.11 Specifically, he argues that the experiences of divided countries provide powerful evidence concerning the importance of social infrastructure. For most of the post-World War II period, both Germany
and Korea were divided into two countries. Similarly, Hong Kong and Taiwan
were separated from China. Many variables that might affect income, such
as climate, natural resources, initial levels of physical and human capital,
and cultural attitudes toward work, thrift, and entrepreneurship, were similar in the different parts of these divided areas. Their social infrastructures,
however, were very different: East Germany, North Korea, and China were
communist, while West Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan had
relatively free-market economies.
In effect, these cases provide natural experiments for determining the
effects of social infrastructure. If economies were laboratories, economists
could take relatively homogeneous countries and divide them in half; they
could then randomly assign one type of social infrastructure to one half
and another type to the other, and examine the halves’ subsequent economic
performances. Since the social infrastructures would be assigned randomly,
the possibility that there were other factors causing both the differences in
social infrastructure and the differences in economic performance could
be ruled out. And since the countries would be fairly homogeneous before
their divisions, the possibility that the different halves would have large
differences on dimensions other than social infrastructure simply by chance
would be minimal.
Unfortunately for economic science (though fortunately for other reasons), economies are not laboratories. The closest we can come to a laboratory experiment is when historical developments happen to bring about
situations similar to those of an experiment. The cases of the divided regions
fit this description almost perfectly. The regions that were divided (particularly Germany and Korea) were fairly homogeneous initially, and the enormous differences in social infrastructure between the different parts were
the result of minor details of geography.
The results of these natural experiments are clear-cut: social infrastructure matters. In every case, the market-oriented regimes were dramatically
more successful economically than the communist ones. When China began
See also the historical evidence in Baumol (1990); Olson (1982); North (1981); and
DeLong and Shleifer (1993).
Beyond Social Infrastructure
its move away from communism around 1980, Hong Kong had achieved a
level of income per person between 15 and 20 times larger than China, and
Taiwan had achieved a level between 5 and 10 times larger. When Germany
was reunited in 1990, income per person was about 21/2 times larger in the
West than in the East. And although we have no reliable data on output in
North Korea, the available evidence suggests that the income gap between
South and North Korea is even larger than the others. Thus in the cases
of these very large cross-country income differences, differences in social
infrastructure appear to have been crucial. More importantly, the evidence
provided by these historical accidents strongly suggests that social infrastructure has a large effect on income.
Although the natural-experiment and regression approaches appear very
different, the natural-experiment approach can in fact be thought of as
a type of instrumental-variables estimation. Consider an instrument that
equals plus one for the capitalist halves of divided countries, minus one
for the communist halves, and zero for all other countries.12 Running an
IV regression of income on measured social infrastructure using this instrument uses only the information from the differences in social infrastructure and income in the divided countries, and so is equivalent to focusing on the natural experiment. Thus one can think of a natural experiment
as an instrumental-variables approach using an instrument that captures
only a very small, but carefully chosen, portion of the variation in the righthand-side variable. And at least in this case, this approach appears to provide more compelling evidence than approaches that try to use much larger
amounts of the variation in the right-hand-side variable.
4.5 Beyond Social Infrastructure
Social infrastructure is an extremely broad concept, encompassing aspects
of economies ranging from the choice between capitalism and communism
to the details of the tax code. This breadth is unsatisfying both scientifically
and normatively. Scientifically, it makes the hypothesis that social infrastructure is important to cross-country income differences very hard to test.
For example, persuasive evidence that one specific component of social infrastructure had no impact on income would leave many other components
that could be important. Normatively, it means that the hypothesis that
social infrastructure is crucial to income does not have clear implications
about what specific institutions or policies policymakers should focus on in
their efforts to raise incomes in poor countries.
For simplicity, this discussion neglects the fact that China is paired with both Hong
Kong and Taiwan in Olson’s natural experiment.
Thus, we would like to move beyond the general statement that social
infrastructure is important. This section discusses three ways that current
research is trying to do this.
Looking within Social Infrastructure
One way to move beyond the view that social infrastructure is important
is to be more specific about what features of it matter. Ideally, we could
identify a specific subset of institutions and policies that are critical to crosscountry income differences, or provide a list of different elements of social
infrastructure with weights attached to each one.
Our current knowledge does not come close to this ideal. Rather, research
is actively considering a range of features of social infrastructure. For example, Glaeser, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2004) and, especially, Jones and Olken (2005) ask whether “policies”—defined as features
of social infrastructure that can be changed by a country’s leaders, with no
change in the institutions that determine how leaders are chosen or how
they exercise their power—are important to growth. Another line of work
examines whether institutional constraints on executive power are important to economic performance. North (1981) argues that they are critical,
while Glaeser, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer argue that they are of
little importance.
Many other papers (and many informal arguments) single out specific features of social infrastructure and argue that they are particularly important.
Examples include the security of property rights, political stability, market
orientation, and lack of corruption. Unfortunately, obtaining persuasive evidence about the effects of a specific aspect of social infrastructure is very
hard. Countries that perform well on one measure of social infrastructure
tend to do well on others. Thus a cross-country regression of income on
a specific feature of social infrastructure is subject to potentially severe
omitted-variable bias: the right-hand-side variable is likely to be correlated
not just with determinants of income other than social infrastructure, but
also with other elements of social infrastructure. And because social infrastructure is multifaceted and hard to measure, we cannot simply control for
those other elements.
In the absence of a way to comprehensively analyze the effects of each
component of social infrastructure, researchers search for tools that provide insights into the roles of particular components. The work of Jones
and Olken on policies is an excellent example of this approach. Their strategy is to look at what happens to growth in the wake of essentially random
deaths of leaders from accident or disease. One would expect such deaths
to result in changes in policies, but generally not in institutions. Thus asking whether growth rates change unusually (in either direction) provides a
test of whether policies are important. Jones and Olken find strong evidence
of such changes. Thus their strategy allows them to learn about whether a
Beyond Social Infrastructure
subset of social infrastructure is important. It does not, however, allow them
to address more precise questions, such as the relative importances of policies and deep institutions to income differences or what specific policies
are important.
The Determinants of Social Infrastructure
The second way that current research is attempting to look more deeply
into social infrastructure is by examining its determinants. Unfortunately,
there has been relatively little work on this issue. Our knowledge consists
of little more than speculation and scraps of evidence.
One set of speculations focuses on incentives, particularly those of individuals with power under the existing system. The clearest example of the
importance of incentives to social infrastructure is provided by absolute
dictators. An absolute dictator can expropriate any wealth that individuals
accumulate; but the knowledge that dictators can do this discourages individuals from accumulating wealth in the first place. Thus for the dictator
to encourage saving and entrepreneurship, he or she may need to give up
some power. Doing so might make it possible to make everyone, including
the dictator, much better off. But in practice, for reasons that are not well
understood, it is difficult for a dictator to do this in a way that does not involve some risk of losing power (and perhaps much more) entirely. Further,
the dictator is likely to have little difficulty in amassing large amounts of
wealth even in a poor economy. Thus he or she is unlikely to accept even
a small chance of being overthrown in return for a large increase in expected wealth. The result may be that an absolute dictator prefers a social
infrastructure that leads to low average income (DeLong and Shleifer, 1993;
North, 1981; Jones, 2002b, pp. 148–149).
Similar considerations may be relevant for others who benefit from an existing system, such as bribe-taking government officials and workers earning above-market wages in industries where production occurs using laborintensive, inefficient technologies. If the existing system is highly inefficient,
it should be possible to compensate these individuals generously for agreeing to move to a more efficient system. But again, in practice we rarely observe such arrangements, and as a result these individuals have a large stake
in the continuation of the existing system.13
A second set of speculations focuses on factors that fall under the heading of culture. Societies have fairly persistent characteristics arising from religion, family structure, and so on that can have important effects on social
See Shleifer and Vishny (1993) and Parente and Prescott (1999). Acemoglu and
Robinson (2000, 2002) argue that it is individuals who benefit economically under the current system and would lose politically if there were reform (and who therefore ex post cannot
protect any compensation they had been given to accept the reform) who prevent moves to
more efficient systems.
infrastructure. For example, different religions suggest different views about
the relative importance of tradition, authority, and individual initiative. The
implicit or explicit messages of the prevailing religion about these factors
may influence individuals’ views, and may in turn affect society’s choice of
social infrastructure. To give another example, there seems to be considerable variation across countries in norms of civic responsibility and in the
extent to which people generally view one another as trustworthy (Knack
and Keefer, 1997; La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny, 1997).
Again, these difference are likely to affect social infrastructure. As a final
example, countries differ greatly in their ethnic diversity, and countries with
greater ethnic diversity appear to have less favorable social infrastructure
(Easterly and Levine, 1997, and Alesina, Devleeschauwer, Easterly, Kurlat,
and Wacziarg, 2003).
A third set of ideas focuses on geography. For example, recall that in
their analysis of social infrastructure and income, Hall and Jones’s instruments include geographic variables. Their argument is that geography has
been an important determinant of exposure to Western European ideas and
institutions, and hence of social infrastructure. We will return to this issue
shortly, when we discuss the large income differences between temperate
and tropical countries.
A final set of speculations focuses on individuals’ beliefs about what
types of policies and institutions are best for economic development. For
example, Sachs and Warner (1995) emphasize that in the early postwar period, the relative merits of state planning and markets were not at all clear.
The major market economies had just been through the Great Depression,
while the Soviet Union had gone from a backward economy to one of the
world’s leading industrial countries in just a few decades. Reasonable people disagreed about the merits of alternative forms of social infrastructure.
As a result, one important source of differences in social infrastructure was
differences in leaders’ judgments.
The combination of beliefs and incentives in the determination of social
infrastructure creates the possibility of “vicious circles” in social infrastructure. A country may initially adopt a relatively centralized, interventionist
system because its leaders sincerely believe that this system is best for the
majority of the population. But the adoption of such a system creates groups
with interests in its continuation. Thus even as the evidence accumulates
that other types of social infrastructure are preferable, the system is very
difficult to change. This may capture important elements of the determination of social infrastructure in many sub-Saharan African countries after
they became independent (Krueger, 1993).
Other Sources of Cross-Country Income Differences
The third way that current research is trying to go beyond the general hypothesis that social infrastructure is important to income differences is by
Beyond Social Infrastructure
investigating other potential sources of those differences. To the extent that
this work is just trying to identify additional determinants, it complements
the social-infrastructure view. But to the extent that it argues that those
other determinants are in fact crucial, it challenges the social-infrastructure
Like work on the determinants of social infrastructure, work on other
sources of income differences is at an early and speculative stage. There is
another important parallel between the two lines of work: they emphasize
many of the same possibilities. In particular, both culture and geography
have the potential to affect income not just via social infrastructure, but
In the case of culture, it seems clear that views and norms about such
matters as thrift, education, trust, and the merits of material success could
directly affect economic performance. Clark (1987) and Landes (1998) argue
that these direct effects are important, but the evidence on this issue is very
In the case of geography, one line of work argues that the lower incomes
of tropical countries are largely the direct result of their geographies. We will
discuss this work below. Another line of work focuses on geographic determinants of economic interactions: geographic barriers can reduce incomes
not just by decreasing exposure to beneficial institutions and policies, but
also by decreasing trade and specialization and reducing exposure to new
ideas (see, for example, Nunn and Puga, 2007).
A very different alternative to social infrastructure stresses externalities
from capital. In this view, human and physical capital earn less than their
marginal products. High-skill workers create innovations, which benefit all
workers, and increase other workers’ human capital in ways for which they
are not compensated. The accumulation of physical capital causes workers
to acquire human capital and promotes the development of new techniques
of production; again, the owners of the capital are not fully compensated for
these contributions. We encountered such possibilities in the learning-bydoing model of Section 3.4.14 If this view is correct, Klenow and Rodrı́guezClare’s and Hall and Jones’s accounting exercises are largely uninformative:
when capital has positive externalities, a decomposition that uses its private
returns to measure its marginal product understates its importance.
This view implies that focusing on social infrastructure in general is
misplaced, and that the key determinants of income differences are whatever forces give rise to differences in capital accumulation. This would
mean that only aspects of social infrastructure that affect capital accumulation are important, and that factors other than social infrastructure that
For such externalities to contribute to cross-country income differences, they must be
somewhat localized. If the externalities are global (as would be the case if capital accumulation produces additional knowledge, as in the learning-by-doing models), they raise world
income but do not produce differences among countries.
affect capital accumulation, such as cultural attitudes toward thrift and
education, are important as well.
Although externalities from capital attracted considerable attention in
early work on new growth theory, several types of evidence suggest that they
are not crucial to cross-country income differences. First, the hypothesis of
large positive externalities from physical capital predicts that an increase
in the saving rate raises income by even more than conventional growthaccounting calculations imply. Thus the absence of a noticeable correlation
between the saving rate and income is consistent with this view only if there
are negative influences on income that are correlated with the saving rate.
Second, there is no compelling microeconomic evidence of local externalities from capital large enough to account for the enormous income differences we observe. Third, highly statist economies have often been very successful at the accumulation of physical and human capital, and at achieving
higher capital-output ratios than their market-oriented counterparts. But
these countries’ economic performance has been generally dismal.
Finally, Bils and Klenow (2000) observe that we can use the simple fact
that there is not technological regress to place an upper bound on the externalities from human capital. In the United States and other industrialized
countries, the average education of the labor force has been rising at an
average rate of about 0.1 years each year. An additional year of education
typically raises an individual’s earnings by about 10 percent. If the social
return to education were double this, increases in education would be raising average output per worker by about 2 percent per year (see equation
[4.15], for example). But this would account for essentially all growth of
output per worker. Since technology cannot be regressing, we can conclude
that the social return to education cannot be greater than this. And if we
are confident that technology is improving, we can conclude that the social
return to education is less than this.
For these reasons, recent work on cross-country income differences for
the most part does not emphasize externalities from capital.15
Empirical Application: Geography, Colonialism, and
Economic Development
A striking fact about cross-country income differences is that average incomes are much lower closer to the equator. Figure 4.1, from Bloom and
Sachs (1998), shows this pattern dramatically. Average incomes in countries
Early theoretical models of externalities from capital include P. Romer (1986), Lucas
(1988), and Rebelo (1991). When applied naively to the issue of cross-country income differences, these models tend to have the counterfactual implication that countries with higher
saving rates have permanently higher growth rates. Later models of capital externalities
that focus explicitly on the issue of income differences among countries generally avoid
this implication. See, for example, Basu and Weil (1999).
Beyond Social Infrastructure
GDP per capita
40 9
30 9
20 9
10 9
10 9
20 9
30 9
40 9
50 9
FIGURE 4.1 Geography and income (from Bloom and Sachs, 1998; used with
within 20 degrees of the equator, for example, are less than a sixth of those
in countries at more than 40 degrees of latitude.
As we have discussed, one possible reason for this pattern is that the tropics have characteristics that directly reduce income. This idea has a long history, and has been advocated more recently by Diamond (1997), Bloom and
Sachs (1998), and others. These authors identify numerous geographic disadvantages of the tropics. Some, such as environments more conducive to
disease and climates less favorable to agriculture, are direct consequences
of tropical locations. Others, such as the fact that relatively little of the
world’s land is in the tropics (which reduces opportunities for trade and
incentives for innovations that benefit the tropics) are not inherently tied
to tropical locations, but are nonetheless geographic disadvantages.
The hypothesis that the tropics’ poverty is a direct consequence of geography has a serious problem, however: social infrastructure is dramatically
worse in the tropics. The measures of social infrastructure employed by
Sachs and Warner (1995), Mauro (1995), and Knack and Keefer (1995) all
show much lower levels of social infrastructure in the tropics. The countries’ poor social infrastructure is almost surely not a consequence of their
poverty. For example, social infrastructure in much of Europe a century ago
was much more favorable than social infrastructure in most of Africa today.
Examining why tropical countries are poor therefore has the potential to
shed light on two of the three issues that are the focus of this section. The
first is the determinants of social infrastructure: what is it about tropical
countries that causes them to have poor social infrastructure? The second
is the determinants of income other than social infrastructure: does geography have important direct effects on income, or does its impact operate
largely through social infrastructure?
With regard to the first question, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001,
2002) and Engerman and Sokoloff (2002) argue that what links geography
and poor social infrastructure is colonialism. In their view, differences between tropical and temperate areas at the time of colonization (which were
largely the result of geography) caused the Europeans to colonize them differently. These different strategies of colonization affected subsequent institutional development, and so are a crucial source of differences in social
infrastructure today.
The specific determinants of colonization strategy that these papers focus on differ. In their 2001 paper, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson emphasize the disease environment. They argue that Europeans faced extremely
high mortality risks in tropical areas, particularly from malaria and yellow fever, and that their death rates in temperate regions were similar to
(and in some cases less than) those in Europe. They then argue that in the
high-disease environments, European colonizers established “extractive
states”—authoritarian institutions designed to exploit the areas’ population
and resources with little settlement, and with minimal property rights or incentives to invest for the vast majority of the population. In the low-disease
environments, they established “settler colonies” with institutions broadly
similar to those in Europe.
In their 2002 paper, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson focus on the existing level of development in the colonized areas. In regions that were more
densely populated and had more developed institutions, establishing extractive states was more attractive (because there was a larger population
to exploit and an existing institutional structure that could be used in that
effort) and establishing settler colonies more difficult. The result, Acemoglu,
Johnson, and Robinson argue, was a “great reversal”: among the areas that
were colonized, those that were the most developed on the eve of colonization are the least developed today.
Engerman and Sokoloff argue that another geographic characteristic had
a large effect on colonization strategies: conduciveness to slavery. A majority of the people who came to the Americas between 1500 and 1800 came
as slaves, and the extent of slavery varied greatly across different regions.
Engerman and Sokoloff argue that geography was key: although all the colonizing powers accepted slavery, slavery flourished mainly in areas suitable
to crops that could be grown effectively on large plantations with heavy
use of manual labor. These initial differences in colonization strategy,
Engerman and Sokoloff argue, had long-lasting effects on the areas’ political
and institutional development.
Beyond Social Infrastructure
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson and Engerman and Sokoloff present
compelling evidence that there were large differences in colonization strategies. And these differences are almost surely an important source of differences in social infrastructure today. However, both the reasons for the
differences in colonization strategies and the channels through which the
different strategies led to differences in institutions are not clear.
With regard to the reasons for the differences in colonization strategies,
researchers have made little progress in determining the relative importance of the different reasons the three papers propose for the differences.
Moreover, the evidence in Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson’s 2001 paper
is the subject of considerable debate. Albouy (2008) reexamines the data on
settler mortality and finds that in many cases the best available data suggest that mortality was lower in the tropics and higher in temperate regions
than in the figures used by Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson. He finds that
as a result, the statistical relationship between modern social infrastructure
and settler mortality is much weaker than found by Acemoglu, Johnson, and
With regard to the channels through which the differences in colonization strategies affected institutional development, Acemoglu, Johnson, and
Robinson stress the distinction between extractive states and settler colonies and the resulting effects on the strength of property rights. Engerman
and Sokoloff, in contrast, stress the impact of colonization strategies on political and economic inequality, and the resulting effects on the development
of democracy, public schooling, and other institutions. Another possibility
is that there was greater penetration of European ideas, and hence European
institutions, in regions more heavily settled by Europeans.
Now turn to the second issue that the poverty of tropical countries may
be able to shed light on—whether geography has important direct effects
on income. Here Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson take a strong view (particularly in their 2001 paper). They argue that it is only through their past
impact on institutional development that the geographic factors have important effects on income today. For example, yellow fever, which they argue
had important effects on colonization strategies and subsequent institutional development, has been largely eradicated throughout the world. Thus
it cannot be a direct source of income differences today.
Unfortunately, however, the evidence on this issue is inconclusive. Consider the negative correlation between the prevalence of yellow fever a century or two ago and income today. Clearly, this cannot reflect any effects
of current risk of yellow fever, since that risk is minimal everywhere. But it
does not follow that it reflects long-lasting effects (through institutions or
other channels) of past risk of yellow fever. It could equally well reflect the
effects of other variables that are correlated with past risk of yellow fever
See Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2006) for their response to Albouy’s analysis.
and that directly affect income today, such as risk of other tropical diseases,
climates poorly suited to agriculture, and so on. Thus the issue of whether
the direct effects of geography are important remains unsettled.17
Conclusion: “Five Papers in Fifteen Minutes”
The state of our understanding of the enormous differences in standards of
living across the world is mixed. On the one hand, we are far from having a
clear quantitative understanding of the ultimate determinants of those differences. And we are even farther from being able to quantitatively assess
the contributions that different policies would make to the incomes of poor
countries. On the other hand, our knowledge is advancing rapidly. Our understanding of the proximate determinants of income has been revolutionized over the past 15 years and is continuing to advance impressively. And
work on deeper determinants is a cauldron of new ideas and new evidence.
When I teach this material to my students, to illustrate the ferment and
excitement of current research, I conclude with a short section I call “Five
Papers in Fifteen Minutes.” The idea is that there is so much current work
that is of high quality and potentially important that it is not possible to do
more than give a flavor of it. Some of the papers are accounting-based, some
are statistical, and some are theoretical. What unites them is that they all
provide important insights into cross-country income differences and the
low incomes of poor countries. The current list is Acemoglu and Robinson
(2000); Pritchett (2000); Jones and Olken (2005); Schmitz (2005); Caselli
and Feyrer (2007); Hsieh and Klenow (2008); Albouy (2008); and Lagakos
4.6 Differences in Growth Rates
Our discussion so far has focused on differences in countries’ average levels of income per person. But recall from Section 1.1 that relative incomes
are not fixed; they often change by large amounts, sometimes in just a few
decades. It is therefore natural to ask what insights our discussion of differences in income levels provides about differences in income growth.
Other recent papers that address the issue of geography versus institutions include
Easterly and Levine (2003); Sachs (2003); Rodrik, Subramanian, and Trebbi (2004); and
Glaeser, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2004).
The careful reader will notice that there are more than five papers on this list. This
reflects the fact that so much important research is being done that it is hard to limit the
list to five. The even more careful reader will notice that one of the papers is about changes
in productivity in a specific industry in the United States and Canada. This reflects the fact
that one can obtain insights into the sources of low incomes in many ways.
Differences in Growth Rates
Convergence to Balanced Growth Paths
We begin with the case where the underlying determinants of long-run relative income per person across countries are constant over time. That is, we
begin by ignoring changes in relative saving rates, years of education, and
long-run determinants of output for a given set of inputs.
Countries’ incomes do not jump immediately to their long-run paths. For
example, if part of a country’s capital stock is destroyed in a war, capital
returns to its long-run path only gradually. During the return, capital per
worker is growing more rapidly than normal, and so output per worker is
growing more rapidly than normal. More generally, one source of differences in growth rates across countries is differences in the countries’ initial
positions relative to their long-run paths. Countries that begin below their
long-run paths grow more rapidly than countries that begin above.
To see this more formally, assume for simplicity that differences in output per worker across countries stem only from differences in physical capital per worker. That is, human capital per worker and output for given inputs are the same in all countries. Assume that output is determined by a
standard production function, Yi (t ) = F (K i (t ),A(t )L i (t )), with constant returns. Because of the constant-returns assumption, we can write output per
worker in country i as
Yi (t )
L i (t )
= A(t ) f (k i (t )).
(As in our earlier models, k ≡ K /(AL) and f (k) ≡ F (k,1).) By assumption, the
path of A is the same in all countries. Thus (4.21) implies that differences
in growth come only from differences in the behavior of k.
In the Solow and Ramsey models, each economy has a balanced-growthpath value of k, and the rate of change of k is approximately proportional
to its departure from its balanced-growth-path value (see Sections 1.5 and
2.6). If we assume that the same is true here, we have
k˙i (t ) = λ[k i∗ − k i (t )],
where k i∗ is the balanced-growth-path value of k in country i and λ > 0 is the
rate of convergence. Equation (4.22) implies that when a country is farther
below its balanced growth path, its capital per unit of effective labor rises
more rapidly, and so its growth in income per worker is greater.
There are two possibilities concerning the values of k i∗ . The first is that
they are the same in all countries. In this case, all countries have the same
income per worker on their balanced growth paths. Differences in average
income stem only from differences in where countries stand relative to the
common balanced growth path. Thus in this case, the model predicts that
the lower a country’s income per person, the faster its growth. This is known
as unconditional convergence.
Unconditional convergence provides a reasonably good description of
differences in growth among the industrialized countries in the postwar
period. Long-run fundamentals—saving rates, levels of education, and incentives for production rather than diversion—are broadly similar in these
countries. Yet, because World War II affected the countries very differently,
they had very different average incomes at the beginning of the postwar
period. For example, average incomes in Japan and Germany were far below
those in the United States and Canada. Thus the bulk of the variation in initial income came from differences in where countries stood relative to their
long-run paths rather than from differences in those paths. As a result, the
industrialized countries that were the poorest at the start of the postwar
period grew the fastest over the next several decades (Dowrick and Nguyen,
1989; Mankiw, D. Romer, and Weil, 1992).
The other possibility is that the k i∗ ’s vary across countries. In this case,
there is a persistent component of cross-country income differences. Countries that are poor because their saving rates are low, for example, will
have no tendency to grow faster than other countries. But differences that
stem from countries being at different points relative to their balanced
growth paths gradually disappear as the countries converge to those balanced growth paths. That is, the model predicts conditional convergence:
countries that are poorer after controlling for the determinants of income
on the balanced growth path grow faster (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1991,
1992; Mankiw, Romer, and Weil, 1992).
These ideas extend to situations where initial income differences do not
arise just from differences in physical capital. With human capital, as with
physical capital, capital per worker does not move immediately to its
long-run level. For example, if the young spend more years in school than
previous generations, average human capital per worker rises gradually as
new workers enter the labor force and old workers leave. Similarly, workers and capital cannot switch immediately and costlessly between rentseeking and productive activities. Thus the allocation of resources between
these activities does not jump immediately to its long-run level. Again,
countries that begin with incomes below their long-run paths experience periods of temporarily high growth as they move to their long-run
Changes in Fundamentals
So far we have assumed that the underlying determinants of countries’ relative long-run levels of income per worker are fixed. The fact that those
underlying determinants can change creates another source of differences
in growth among countries.
To see this, begin again with the case where incomes per worker differ
only because of differences in physical capital per worker. As before, assume
Differences in Growth Rates
that economies have balanced growth paths they would converge to in the
absence of shocks. Recall equation (4.22): k˙i (t ) = λ[k i∗ − k i (t )]. We want to
consider growth over some interval of time where k i∗ need not be constant.
To see the issues involved, it is easiest to assume that time is discrete and to
consider growth over just two periods. Assume that the change in k i from
period t to period t + 1, denoted, kit+1 , depends on the period-t values of
k i∗ and k i . The equation analogous to (4.22) is thus
∗ − k ),
k it +1 = λ(k it
with λ assumed to be between 0 and 1. The change in k i from t to t + 2 is
k it +1 + k it +2 = λ(k it∗ − k it ) + λ(k it∗ +1 − k it +1 ).
To interpret this expression, rewrite k it∗ +1 as k it∗ + k it∗ +1 and k it +1 as
k it + k it +1 . Thus (4.24) becomes
k it +1 + k it +2 = λ(k it∗ − k it ) + λ(k it∗ + k it∗ +1 − k it − k it +1 )
= λ(k it∗ − k it ) + λ[k it∗ + k∗it +1 − kit − λ(k it∗ − k it )]
= [λ + λ(1 − λ)](k it∗ − k it ) + λk it∗ +1 ,
where the second line uses (4.23) to substitute for k it +1 .
It is also useful to consider the continuous-time case. One can show that
if k i∗ does not change discretely, then (4.22) implies that the change in k
over some interval, say from 0 to T, is
k i (T ) − k i (0) = (1 − e −λT )[k i∗ (0) − k i (0)]
(1 − e −λ(T−τ) )k˙∗i (τ) dτ.
Expressions (4.25) and (4.26) show that we can decompose that change
in k over an interval into two terms. The first depends on the country’s
initial position relative to its balanced growth path. This is the conditionalconvergence effect we discussed above. The second term depends on
changes in the balanced growth path during the interval. A rise in the
balanced-growth-path value of k, for example, raises growth. Further, as the
expression for the continuous-time case shows (and as one would expect),
such a rise has a larger effect if it occurs earlier in the interval.
For simplicity, we have focused on physical capital. But analogous results
apply to human capital and efficiency: growth depends on countries’ starting points relative to their balanced growth paths and on changes in their
balanced growth paths.
This analysis shows that the issue of convergence is more complicated
than our earlier discussion suggests. Overall convergence depends not only
on the distribution of countries’ initial positions relative to their long-run
paths and on the dispersion of those long-run paths, but also on the distribution of changes in the underlying determinants of countries’ long-run
paths. For example, there can be overall convergence as a result of convergence of fundamentals.
It is tempting to infer from this that there are strong forces promoting
convergence. A country’s average income can be far below the world average
either because it is far below its long-run path or because its long-run path
has unusually low income. In the first case, the country is likely to grow
rapidly as it converges to its long-run path. In the second case, the country
can grow rapidly by improving its fundamentals. For example, it can adopt
policies and institutions that have proved successful in wealthier countries.
Unfortunately, the evidence does not support this conclusion. Over the
postwar period, poorer countries have shown no tendency to grow faster
than rich ones. This appears to reflect two factors. First, little of the initial
gap between poor and rich countries was due to poor countries being below
their long-run paths and rich countries being above. In fact, there is some
evidence that it was rich countries that tended to begin farther below their
long-run paths (Cho and Graham, 1996). This could reflect the fact that
World War II disproportionately affected those countries. Second, although
there are many cases where fundamentals improved in poor countries, there
are also many cases where they worsened.
Further, recall from Section 1.1 that if we look over the past several centuries, the overall pattern has been one of strong divergence. Countries
that were slightly industrialized in 1800—mainly the countries of Western
Europe plus the United States and Canada—are now overwhelmingly richer
than the poorer countries of the world. What appears to have happened is
that these countries improved their fundamentals dramatically while many
poor countries did not.
Growth Miracles and Disasters
This analysis provides us with a framework for understanding the most
extreme cases of changes in countries’ relative incomes: growth miracles
and disasters. A period of very rapid or very slow growth relative to the
rest of the world can occur as a result of either a shock that pushes an
economy very far from its long-run path or a large change in fundamentals. Shocks large enough to move an economy very far from its long-run
path are rare, however. The best example might be the impact of World
War II on West Germany. On the eve of the war, average income per person
in the region that became West Germany was about three-quarters of that
of the United States. In 1946, after the end of the war, it was about onequarter the level in the United States. West German output grew rapidly
over the next two decades as the country returned toward its long-run
trajectory: in the 20 years after 1946, growth of income per person in
West Germany averaged more than 7 percent per year. As a result, its average income in 1966 was again about three-quarters of that of the United
States (Maddison, 1995).19
Such large disturbances are rare, however. As a result, growth miracles
and disasters are usually the result of large changes in fundamentals. Further, since social infrastructure is central to fundamentals, most growth
miracles and disasters are the result of large, rapid changes in social infrastructure.
Not surprisingly, growth miracles and disasters appear to be more common under strong dictators; large, rapid changes in institutions are difficult
in democracies. More surprisingly, there is not a clear correlation between
the dictators’ motives and the nature of the changes in social infrastructure.
Large favorable shifts in social infrastructure can occur under dictators who
are far from benevolent (to put it mildly), and large unfavorable shifts can
occur under dictators whose main objective is to improve the well-being of
the average citizen of their countries. Some apparent examples of major
shifts toward favorable social infrastructure, followed by periods of miraculous growth, are Singapore and South Korea around 1960, Chile in the
early 1970s, and China around 1980. Some examples of the opposite pattern include Argentina after World War II, many newly independent African
countries in the early 1960s, China’s “cultural revolution” of the mid-1960s,
and Uganda in the early 1970s.
It is possible that the evidence about what types of social infrastructure
are most conducive to high levels of average income is becoming increasingly clear, and that as a result many of the world’s poorer countries are
beginning, or are about to begin, growth miracles. Unfortunately, it is too
soon to know whether this optimistic view is correct.
4.1. The golden-rule level of education. Consider the model of Section 4.1 with
the assumption that G(E ) takes the form G(E ) = e φE .
(a ) Find an expression that characterizes the value of E that maximizes the
level of output per person on the balanced growth path. Are there cases
where this value equals 0? Are there cases where it equals T ?
(b ) Assuming an interior solution, describe how, if at all, the golden-rule level
of E (that is, the level of E you characterized in part (a)) is affected by each
of the following changes:
(i ) A rise in T.
(ii ) A fall in n.
East Germany, in contrast, suffered an unfavorable change in fundamentals in the form
of the imposition of communism. Thus its recovery was much weaker.
4.2. Endogenizing the choice of E. (This follows Bils and Klenow, 2000.) Suppose
that the wage of a worker with education E at time t is be gt e φE . Consider a
worker born at time 0 who will be in school for the first E years of life and will
work for the remaining T − E years. Assume that the interest rate is constant
and equal to r.
(a ) What is the present discounted value of the worker’s lifetime earnings as
a function of E , T, b, r, φ, and g?
(b ) Find the first-order condition for the value of E that maximizes the expression you found in part (a). Let E ∗ denote this value of E . (Assume an
interior solution.)
(c ) Describe how each of the following developments affects E ∗ :
(i ) A rise in T.
(ii ) A rise in r.
(iii ) A rise in g.
4.3. Suppose output in country i is given by Yi = A i Q i e φE i L i . Here E i is each
worker’s years of education, Q i is the quality of education, and the rest of the
notation is standard. Higher output per worker raises the quality of education.
Specifically, Q i is given by Bi (Yi /L i )γ , 0 < γ < 1, Bi > 0.
Our goal is to decompose the difference in log output per worker between
two countries, 1 and 2, into the contributions of education and all other forces.
We have data on Y, L, and E in the two countries, and we know the values of
the parameters φ and γ .
(a ) Explain in what way attributing amount φ(E 2 − E 1 ) of ln(Y2 /L 2 ) − ln(Y1 /L 1 )
to education and the remainder to other forces would understate the contribution of education to the difference in log output per worker between
the two countries.
(b ) What would be a better measure of the contribution of education to the
difference in log output per worker?
4.4. Suppose the production function is Y = K α(e φE L)1−α, 0 < α < 1. E is the
amount of education workers receive; the rest of the notation is standard.
Assume that there is perfect capital mobility. In particular, K always adjusts
so that the marginal product of capital equals the world rate of
return, r ∗ .
(a ) Find an expression for the marginal product of capital as a function of K ,
E , L, and the parameters of the production function.
(b ) Use the equation you derived in (a) to find K as a function of r ∗ , E , L, and
the parameters of the production function.
(c ) Use your answer in (b) to find an expression for d(ln Y )/dE , incorporating
the effect of E on Y via K .
(d ) Explain intuitively how capital mobility affects the impact of the change in
E on output.
4.5. (This follows Mankiw, D. Romer, and Weil, 1992.) Suppose output is given by
Y(t ) = K (t )α H(t )β[A(t )L(t )]1−α−β, α > 0, β > 0, α + β < 1. Here L is the number
of workers and H is their total amount of skills. The remainder of the notation
is standard. The dynamics of the inputs are L̇(t ) = nL(t ), Ȧ(t ) = gA(t ), K̇ (t ) =
skY(t ) − δK (t ), Ḣ (t ) = shY(t ) − δH(t ), where 0 < sk < 1, 0 < sh < 1, and n + g + δ >
0. L(0), A(0), K (0), and H(0) are given, and are all strictly positive. Finally, define
y (t ) ≡ Y(t )/[A(t )L(t )], k(t ) ≡ K (t )/[A(t )L(t )], and h(t ) ≡ H(t )/[A(t )L(t )].
(a ) Derive an expression for y (t ) in terms of k(t ) and h(t ) and the parameters
of the model.
(b ) Derive an expression for k̇(t ) in terms of k(t ) and h(t ) and the parameters
of the model. In (k,h) space, sketch the set of points where k̇ = 0.
(c ) Derive an expression for ḣ (t ) in terms of k(t ) and h(t ) and the parameters
of the model. In (k,h) space, sketch the set of points where ḣ = 0.
(d ) Does the economy converge to a balanced growth path? Why or why not?
If so, what is the growth rate of output per worker on the balanced growth
path? If not, in general terms what is the behavior of output per worker
over time?
4.6. Consider the model in Problem 4.5.
(a ) What are the balanced-growth-path values of k and h in terms of sk , sh, and
the other parameters of the model?
(b ) Suppose α = 1/3 and β = 1/2. Consider two countries, A and B, and
suppose that both sk and sh are twice as large in Country A as in Country B
and that the countries are otherwise identical. What is the ratio of the
balanced-growth-path value of income per worker in Country A to its value
in Country B implied by the model?
(c ) Consider the same assumptions as in part (b). What is the ratio of the
balanced-growth-path value of skills per worker in Country A to its value
in Country B implied by the model?
4.7. (This follows Jones, 2002a.) Consider the model of Section 4.1 with the assumption that G(E ) = e φE . Suppose, however, that E , rather than being constant, is increasing steadily: Ė (t ) = m, where m > 0. Assume that, despite the
steady increase in the amount of education people are getting, the growth
rate of the number of workers is constant and equal to n, as in the basic
(a ) With this change in the model, what is the long-run growth rate of output
per worker?
(b ) In the United States over the past century, if we measure E as years of
schooling, φ ≈ 0.1 and m ≈ 1/15. Overall growth of output per worker
has been about 2 percent per year. In light of your answer to (a), approximately what fraction of this overall growth has been due to increasing
(c ) Can Ė (t ) continue to equal m > 0 forever? Explain.
4.8. Consider the following model with physical and human capital:
Y (t ) = [(1 − a K )K (t )]α[(1 − a H )H (t )]1−α, 0 < α < 1, 0 < a K < 1, 0 < a H < 1,
K̇ (t ) = sY (t ) − δK K (t ),
Ḣ (t ) = B [a K K (t )]γ [a H H (t )]φ [A(t )L(t )]1−γ −φ − δH H (t ), γ > 0, φ > 0, γ + φ< 1,
L̇(t ) = nL(t ),
Ȧ (t ) = gA(t ),
where a K and a H are the fractions of the stocks of physical and human capital
used in the education sector.
This model assumes that human capital is produced in its own sector
with its own production function. Bodies (L) are useful only as something to
be educated, not as an input into the production of final goods. Similarly,
knowledge (A) is useful only as something that can be conveyed to students,
not as a direct input to goods production.
(a ) Define k = K /(AL) and h = H/(AL). Derive equations for k̇ and ḣ.
(b ) Find an equation describing the set of combinations of h and k such that
k̇ = 0. Sketch in (h,k) space. Do the same for ḣ = 0.
(c ) Does this economy have a balanced growth path? If so, is it unique? Is
it stable? What are the growth rates of output per person, physical capital per person, and human capital per person on the balanced growth
(d ) Suppose the economy is initially on a balanced growth path, and that
there is a permanent increase in s. How does this change affect the path
of output per person over time?
4.9. Increasing returns in a model with human capital. (This follows Lucas, 1988.)
Suppose that Y (t ) = K (t )α[(1 − a H )H (t )]β, Ḣ (t ) = Ba H H (t ), and K̇ (t ) = sY (t ).
Assume 0 < α < 1, 0 < β < 1, and α + β > 1.20
(a ) What is the growth rate of H ?
(b ) Does the economy converge to a balanced growth path? If so, what are
the growth rates of K and Y on the balanced growth path?
4.10. (A different form of measurement error.) Suppose the true relationship between social infrastructure (SI ) and log income per person (y ) is y i = a +
bSI i + ei . There are two components of social infrastructure, SI A and SI B
(with SI i = SI iA + SI iB ), and we only have data on one of the components, SI A.
Both SI A and SI B are uncorrelated with e. We are considering running an OLS
regression of y on a constant and SI A.
(a ) Derive an expression of the form, y i = a + bSI iA + other terms.
Lucas’s model differs from this formulation by letting a H and s be endogenous and
potentially time-varying, and by assuming that the social and private returns to human
capital differ.
(b ) Use your answer to part (a) to determine whether an OLS regression of y
on a constant and SI A will produce an unbiased estimate of the impact
of social infrastructure on income if:
(i ) SI A and SI B are uncorrelated.
(ii ) SI A and SI B are positively correlated.
4.11. Briefly explain whether each of the following statements concerning a crosscountry regression of income per person on a measure of social infrastructure
is true or false:
(a ) “If the regression is estimated by ordinary least squares, it shows the
effect of social infrastructure on output per person.”
(b ) “If the regression is estimated by instrumental variables using variables
that are not affected by social infrastructure as instruments, it shows the
effect of social infrastructure on output per person.”
(c ) “If the regression is estimated by ordinary least squares and has a high
R2 , this means that there are no important influences on output per person that are omitted from the regression; thus in this case, the coefficient
estimate from the regression is likely to be close to the true effect of social
infrastructure on output per person.”
4.12. Convergence regressions.
(a ) Convergence. Let y i denote log output per worker in country i. Suppose
all countries have the same balanced-growth-path level of log income
per worker, y ∗ . Suppose also that y i evolves according to dy i (t )/dt =
−λ[y i (t ) − y ∗ ].
(i ) What is y i (t ) as a function of y i (0), y ∗ , λ, and t ?
(ii ) Suppose that y i (t ) in fact equals the expression you derived in
part (i) plus a mean-zero random disturbance that is uncorrelated
with y i (0). Consider a cross-country growth regression of the form
y i (t ) − y i (0) = α + βy i (0) + εi . What is the relation between β, the coefficient on y i (0) in the regression, and λ, the speed of convergence?
(Hint: For a univariate OLS regression, the coefficient on the righthand-side variable equals the covariance between the right-hand-side
and left-hand-side variables divided by the variance of the right-handside variable.) Given this, how could you estimate λ from an estimate
of β?
(iii ) If β in part (ii) is negative (so that rich countries on average grow less
than poor countries), is Var(y i (t )) necessarily less than Var(y i (0)), so
that the cross-country variance of income is falling? Explain. If β is
positive, is Var(y i (t )) necessarily more than Var(y i (0))? Explain.
(b ) Conditional convergence. Suppose y i∗ = a + bX i , and that dy i (t )/dt =
−λ[y i (t ) − y i∗ ].
(i ) What is y i (t ) as a function of y i (0), X i , λ, and t ?
(ii ) Suppose that y i (0) = y i∗ + u i and that y i (t ) equals the expression you
derived in part (i) plus a mean-zero random disturbance, e i , where
X i , u i , and e i are uncorrelated with one another. Consider a crosscountry growth regression of the form y i (t ) − y i (0) = α + βy i (0) + εi .
Suppose one attempts to infer λ from the estimate of β using the
formula in part (a) (ii ). Will this lead to a correct estimate of λ, an
overestimate, or an underestimate?
(iii ) Consider a cross-country growth regression of the form y i (t )− y i (0) =
α + βy i (0) + γ X i + εi . Under the same assumptions as in part (ii ),
how could one estimate b, the effect of X on the balanced-growthpath value of y , from estimates of β and γ?
5.1 Introduction: Some Facts about
Economic Fluctuations
Modern economies undergo significant short-run variations in aggregate
output and employment. At some times, output and employment are falling
and unemployment is rising; at others, output and employment are rising
rapidly and unemployment is falling. For example, the U.S. economy underwent a severe contraction in 2007–2009. From the fourth quarter of 2007
to the second quarter of 2009, real GDP fell 3.8 percent, the fraction of the
adult population employed fell by 3.1 percentage points, and the unemployment rate rose from 4.8 to 9.3 percent. In contrast, over the previous 5 years
(that is, from the fourth quarter of 2002 to the fourth quarter of 2007), real
GDP rose at an average annual rate of 2.9 percent, the fraction of the adult
population employed rose by 0.3 percentage points, and the unemployment
rate fell from 5.9 to 4.8 percent.
Understanding the causes of aggregate fluctuations is a central goal of
macroeconomics. This chapter and the two that follow present the leading
theories concerning the sources and nature of macroeconomic fluctuations.
Before we turn to the theories, this section presents a brief overview of some
major facts about short-run fluctuations. For concreteness, and because of
the central role of the U.S. experience in shaping macroeconomic thought,
the focus is on the United States.
A first important fact about fluctuations is that they do not exhibit any
simple regular or cyclical pattern. Figure 5.1 plots seasonally adjusted real
GDP per person since 1947, and Table 5.1 summarizes the behavior of real
GDP in the eleven postwar recessions.1 The figure and table show that output declines vary considerably in size and spacing. The falls in real GDP
range from 0.3 percent in 2000–2001 to 3.8 percent in the recent recession.
The formal dating of recessions for the United States is not based solely on the behavior of real GDP. Instead, recessions are identified judgmentally by the National Bureau of
Economic Research (NBER) on the basis of various indicators. For that reason, the dates of
the official NBER peaks and troughs differ somewhat from the dates shown in Table 5.1.
Recessions in the United States since World War II
Year and quarter
of peak in real GDP
Number of quarters until
trough in real GDP
Change in real GDP,
peak to trough
Real GDP per person (chained
2000 dollars, log scale)
FIGURE 5.1 U.S. real GDP per person, 1947:1–2009:3
The times between the end of one recession and the beginning of the next
range from 4 quarters in 1980–1981 to almost 10 years in 1991–2000. The
patterns of the output declines also vary greatly. In the 1980 recession, over
90 percent of the overall decline of 2.2 percent took place in a single quarter; in the 1960 recession, output fell for a quarter, then rose slightly, and
then fell again; and in the 1957–1958 and 1981–1982 recessions, output fell
sharply for two consecutive quarters.
Because output movements are not regular, the prevailing view is that the
economy is perturbed by disturbances of various types and sizes at more or
less random intervals, and that those disturbances then propagate through
Introduction: Some Facts about Economic Fluctuations
TABLE 5.2 Behavior of the components of output in recessions
Component of GDP
Average share
in GDP
Average share in fall
in GDP in recessions
relative to normal growth
Fixed nonresidential
Net exports
Government purchases
the economy. Where the major macroeconomic schools of thought differ is
in their hypotheses concerning these shocks and propagation mechanisms.2
A second important fact is that fluctuations are distributed very unevenly
over the components of output. Table 5.2 shows both the average shares
of each of the components in total output and their average shares in the
declines in output (relative to its normal growth) in recessions. As the table shows, even though inventory investment on average accounts for only
a trivial fraction of GDP, its fluctuations account for close to half of the
shortfall in growth relative to normal in recessions: inventory accumulation is on average large and positive at peaks, and large and negative at
troughs. Consumer purchases of durable goods, residential investment (that
is, housing), and fixed nonresidential investment (that is, business investment other than inventories) also account for disproportionate shares of
output fluctuations. Consumer purchases of nondurables and services, government purchases, and net exports are relatively stable.3 Although there
is some variation across recessions, the general pattern shown in Table 5.2
holds in most. And the same components that decline disproportionately
when aggregate output is falling also rise disproportionately when output
is growing at above-normal rates.
A third set of facts involves asymmetries in output movements. There
are no large asymmetries between rises and falls in output; that is, output
growth is distributed roughly symmetrically around its mean. There does,
however, appear to be asymmetry of a second type: output seems to be
There is an important exception to the claim that fluctuations are irregular: there are
large seasonal fluctuations that are similar in many ways to conventional business-cycle
fluctuations. See Barsky and Miron (1989) and Miron (1996).
The entries for net exports indicate that they are on average negative over the postwar
period, and that they typically grow—that is, become less negative—during recessions.
characterized by relatively long periods when it is slightly above its usual
path, interrupted by brief periods when it is relatively far below.4
A fourth set of facts concerns changes in the magnitude of fluctuations
over time. One can think of the macroeconomic history of the United States
since the late 1800s as consisting of four broad periods: the period before
the Great Depression; the Depression and World War II; the period from
the end of World War II to about the mid-1980s; and the mid-1980s to the
present. Although our data for the first period are highly imperfect, it appears that fluctuations before the Depression were only moderately larger
than in the period from World War II to the mid-1980s. Output movements
in the era before the Depression appear slightly larger, and slightly less persistent, than in the period following World War II; but there was no sharp
change in the character of fluctuations. Since such features of the economy
as the sectoral composition of output and role of government were very different in the two eras, this suggests either that the character of fluctuations
is determined by forces that changed much less over time, or that there
was a set of changes to the economy that had roughly offsetting effects on
overall fluctuations.5
The remaining two periods are the extremes. The collapse of the economy
in the Depression and the rebound of the 1930s and World War II dwarf any
fluctuations before or since. Real GDP in the United States fell by 27 percent
between 1929 and 1933, with estimated unemployment reaching 25 percent
in 1933. Over the next 11 years, real GDP rose at an average annual rate of
10 percent; as a result, unemployment in 1944 was 1.2 percent. Finally, real
GDP declined by 13 percent between 1944 and 1947, and unemployment
rose to 3.9 percent.
In contrast, the period following the recovery from the 1981–1982 recession was one of unprecedented macroeconomic stability (McConnell and
Perez-Quiros, 2000). Indeed, this period has come to be known as the “Great
Moderation.” From 1982 to 2007, the United States underwent only two mild
recessions, separated by the longest expansion on record.
The crisis that began in 2007 represents a sharp change from the economic stability of recent decades. But one severe recession is not enough
to bring average volatility since the mid-1980s even close to its average in
the early postwar decades. And it is obviously too soon to know whether
the recent events represent the end of the Great Moderation or a one-time
Finally, Table 5.3 summarizes the behavior of some important macroeconomic variables during recessions. Not surprisingly, employment falls and
More precisely, periods of extremely low growth quickly followed by extremely high
growth are much more common than periods exhibiting the reverse pattern. See, for example, Sichel (1993).
For more on fluctuations before the Great Depression, see C. Romer (1986, 1989, 1999)
and Davis (2004).
An Overview of Business-Cycle Research
Behavior of some important macroeconomic variables in recessions
Real GDP∗
Unemployment rate (percentage points)
Average weekly hours, production
workers, manufacturing
Output per hour, nonfarm business
Inflation (GDP deflator; percentage points)
Real compensation per hour, nonfarm
Nominal interest rate on 3-month Treasury
bills (percentage points)
Ex post real interest rate on 3-month
Treasury bills (percentage points)
Real money stock (M-2/GDP deflator)∗†
Average change
in recessions
Number of recessions
in which variable falls
∗ Change in recessions is computed relative to the variable’s average growth over the full postwar period,
† Available only beginning in 1959.
unemployment rises during recessions. The table shows that, in addition,
the length of the average workweek falls. The declines in employment and
the declines in hours in the economy as a whole (though not in the manufacturing sector) are generally small relative to the falls in output. Thus
productivity—output per worker-hour—almost always declines during recessions. The conjunction of the declines in productivity and hours implies
that the movements in the unemployment rate are smaller than the movements in output. The relationship between changes in output and the unemployment rate is known as Okun’s law. As originally formulated by Okun
(1962), the “law” stated that a shortfall in GDP of 3 percent relative to normal growth produces a 1 percentage-point rise in the unemployment rate;
a more accurate description of the current relationship is 2 to 1.
The remaining lines of Table 5.3 summarize the behavior of various price
and financial variables. Inflation shows no clear pattern. The real wage, at
least as measured in aggregate data, tends to fall slightly in recessions.
Nominal and real interest rates generally decline, while the real money stock
shows no clear pattern.
5.2 An Overview of Business-Cycle
It is natural to begin our study of aggregate fluctuations by asking whether
they can be understood using a Walrasian model—that is, a competitive
model without any externalities, asymmetric information, missing markets,
or other imperfections. If they can, then the analysis of fluctuations may
not require any fundamental departure from conventional microeconomic
As emphasized in Chapter 2, the Ramsey model is the natural Walrasian
baseline model of the aggregate economy: the model excludes not only
market imperfections, but also all issues raised by heterogeneity among
households. This chapter is therefore devoted to extending a variant of the
Ramsey model to incorporate aggregate fluctuations. This requires modifying the model in two ways. First, there must be a source of disturbances:
without shocks, a Ramsey economy converges to a balanced growth path
and then grows smoothly. The initial extensions of the Ramsey model to include fluctuations emphasized shocks to the economy’s technology—that
is, changes in the production function from period to period.6 Subsequent
work in this area also emphasizes changes in government purchases.7 Both
types of shocks represent real—as opposed to monetary, or nominal—
disturbances: technology shocks change the amount that is produced from
a given quantity of inputs, and government-purchases shocks change the
quantity of goods available to the private economy for a given level of production. For this reason, the models are known as real-business-cycle (or
RBC ) models.
The second change that is needed to the Ramsey model is to allow for
variations in employment. In all the models we have seen, labor supply is exogenous and either constant or growing smoothly. Real-business-cycle theory focuses on the question of whether a Walrasian model provides a good
description of the main features of observed fluctuations. Models in this literature therefore allow for changes in employment by making households’
utility depend not just on their consumption but also on the amount they
work; employment is then determined by the intersection of labor supply
and labor demand.
Although a purely Walrasian model is the natural starting point for studying macroeconomic fluctuations, we will see that the real-business-cycle
models of this chapter do a poor job of explaining actual fluctuations. Thus
we will need to move beyond them. At the same time, however, what these
models are trying to accomplish remains the ultimate goal of business-cycle
research: building a general-equilibrium model from microeconomic foundations and a specification of the underlying shocks that explains, both
qualitatively and quantitatively, the main features of macroeconomic fluctuations. Thus the models of this chapter do not just allow us to explore how
far we can get in understanding fluctuations with purely Walrasian models;
they also illustrate the type of analysis that is the goal of business-cycle
The seminal papers include Kydland and Prescott (1982); Long and Plosser (1983);
Prescott (1986); and Black (1982).
See Aiyagari, Christiano, and Eichenbaum (1992), Baxter and King (1993), and Christiano
and Eichenbaum (1992).
A Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
research. Fully specified general-equilibrium models of fluctuations are
known as dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium (or DSGE) models. When
they are quantitative and use additional evidence to choose parameter values and properties of the shocks, they are calibrated DSGE models.
As we will discuss in Section 5.9, one way that the RBC models of this
chapter appear to fail involves the effects of monetary disturbances: there
is strong evidence that contrary to the predictions of the models, such disturbances have important real effects. As a result, there is broad (though
not universal) agreement that nominal imperfections or rigidities are important to macroeconomic fluctuations. Chapters 6 and 7 therefore build on the
analysis of this chapter by introducing nominal rigidities into business-cycle
Chapter 6 drops almost all the complexities of the models of this chapter to focus on nominal rigidity alone. It begins with simple models where
nominal rigidity is specified exogenously, and then moves on to consider
the microeconomic foundations of nominal rigidity in simple static models.
Chapter 6 illustrates an important feature of research on business cycles:
although the ultimate goal is a calibrated DSGE model rich enough to match
the main features of fluctuations, not all business-cycle research is done
using such models. If our goal is to understand a particular issue relevant
to fluctuations, we often learn more from studying much simpler models.
Chapter 7 begins to put nominal rigidity into DSGE models of fluctuations. We will see, however, that—not surprisingly—business-cycle research
is still short of its ultimate goal. Much of the chapter therefore focuses on
the “dynamic” part of “dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium,” analyzing
dynamic models of price adjustment. The concluding sections discuss some
of the elements of leading models and some main outstanding challenges.
5.3 A Baseline Real-Business-Cycle
We now turn to a specific real-business-cycle model. The assumptions and
functional forms are similar to those used in most such models. The model
is a discrete-time variation of the Ramsey model of Chapter 2. Because our
goal is to describe the quantitative behavior of the economy, we will assume
specific functional forms for the production and utility functions.
The economy consists of a large number of identical, price-taking firms
and a large number of identical, price-taking households. As in the Ramsey
model, households are infinitely lived. The inputs to production are again
capital (K ), labor (L), and “technology” (A). The production function is Cobb–
Douglas; thus output in period t is
Yt = K tα(A t L t )1−α,
0 < α < 1.
Output is divided among consumption (C ), investment (I ), and government purchases (G ). Fraction δ of capital depreciates each period. Thus the
capital stock in period t + 1 is
K t +1 = K t + I t − δK t
= K t + Yt − Ct − G t − δK t .
The government’s purchases are financed by lump-sum taxes that are assumed to equal the purchases each period.8
Labor and capital are paid their marginal products. Thus the real wage
and the real interest rate in period t are
wt = (1 − α)K tα(A t L t )−αA t
= (1 − α)
rt = α
A t Lt
A t Lt
At ,
− δ.
The representative household maximizes the expected value of
e−ρt u(ct ,1 − ℓt )
u(•) is the instantaneous utility function of the representative member of the
household, and ρ is the discount rate.9 Nt is population and H is the number
of households; thus Nt /H is the number of members of the household.
Population grows exogenously at rate n:
ln Nt = N + nt,
n < ρ.
Thus the level of Nt is given by Nt = e N+nt .
The instantaneous utility function, u(•), has two arguments. The first is
consumption per member of the household, c. The second is leisure per
member, which is the difference between the time endowment per member
(normalized to 1 for simplicity) and the amount each member works, ℓ.
As in the Ramsey model, the choice between debt and tax finance in fact has no impact
on outcomes in this model. Thus the assumption of tax finance is made just for expositional
convenience. Section 12.2 describes why the form of finance is irrelevant in models like
this one.
The usual way to express discounting in a discrete-time model is as 1/(1 + ρ)t rather
than as e−ρt . But because of the log-linear structure of this model, the exponential formulation is more natural here. There is no important difference between the two approaches,
however. Specifically, if we define ρ ′ = e ρ − 1, then e−ρt = 1/(1 + ρ ′ )t . The log-linear structure
of the model is also the reason behind the exponential formulations for population growth
and for trend growth of technology and government purchases (see equations [5.6], [5.8],
and [5.10]).
5.4 Household Behavior
Since all households are the same, c = C/N and ℓ = L/N. For simplicity, u(•)
is log-linear in the two arguments:
u t = ln ct + b ln (1 − ℓt ),
b > 0.
The final assumptions of the model concern the behavior of the two driving variables, technology and government purchases. Consider technology
first. To capture trend growth, the model assumes that in the absence of any
shocks, ln A t would be A + gt, where g is the rate of technological progress.
But technology is also subject to random disturbances. Thus,
ln A t = A + gt + Ã t ,
where à reflects departures from trend. à is assumed to follow a first-order
autoregressive process. That is,
à t = ρA à t −1 + εA,t ,
−1 < ρA < 1,
where the εA,t ’s are white-noise disturbances—a series of mean-zero shocks
that are uncorrelated with one another. Equation (5.9) states that the random component of ln A t , Ã t , equals fraction ρA of the previous period’s
value plus a random term. If ρA is positive, this means that the effects of a
shock to technology disappear gradually over time.
We make similar assumptions about government purchases. The trend
growth rate of per capita government purchases equals the trend growth
rate of technology; if this were not the case, over time government purchases would become arbitrarily large or arbitrarily small relative to the
economy. Thus,
ln G t = G + (n + g)t + G̃ t ,
G̃ t = ρG G̃ t −1 + εG,t ,
−1 < ρG < 1,
where the εG ’s are white-noise disturbances that are uncorrelated with the
εA ’s. This completes the description of the model.
5.4 Household Behavior
The two most important differences between this model and the Ramsey
model are the inclusion of leisure in the utility function and the introduction
of randomness in technology and government purchases. Before we analyze
the model’s general properties, this section discusses the implications of
these features for households’ behavior.
Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Supply
To see what the utility function implies for labor supply, consider first the
case where the household lives only for one period and has no initial wealth.
In addition, assume for simplicity that the household has only one member.
In this case, the household’s objective function is just ln c + b ln (1 − ℓ ), and
its budget constraint is c = w ℓ.
The Lagrangian for the household’s maximization problem is
L = ln c + b ln (1 − ℓ ) + λ(w ℓ − c).
The first-order conditions for c and ℓ, respectively, are
− λ = 0,
+ λw = 0.
Since the budget constraint requires c = w ℓ, (5.13) implies λ = 1/(w ℓ ).
Substituting this into (5.14) yields
= 0.
The wage does not enter (5.15). Thus labor supply (the value of ℓ that satisfies [5.15]) is independent of the wage. Intuitively, because utility is logarithmic in consumption and the household has no initial wealth, the income
and substitution effects of a change in the wage offset each other.
The fact that the level of the wage does not affect labor supply in the
static case does not mean that variations in the wage do not affect labor
supply when the household’s horizon is more than one period. This can
be seen most easily when the household lives for two periods. Continue to
assume that it has no initial wealth and that it has only one member; in
addition, assume that there is no uncertainty about the interest rate or the
second-period wage.
The household’s lifetime budget constraint is now
c 2 = w 1 ℓ1 +
w 2 ℓ2 ,
where r is the real interest rate. The Lagrangian is
c1 +
L = ln c 1 + b ln (1 − ℓ1 ) + e−ρ [ln c 2 + b ln (1 − ℓ2 )]
+ λ w 1 ℓ1 +
w 2 ℓ2 − c 1 −
c2 .
The household’s choice variables are c 1 , c 2 , ℓ1 , and ℓ2 . Only the firstorder conditions for ℓ1 and ℓ2 are needed, however, to show the effect of the
relative wage in the two periods on relative labor supply. These conditions
= λw 1 ,
1 − ℓ1
e −ρb
1 − ℓ2
λw 2 .
5.4 Household Behavior
To see the implications of (5.18)–(5.19), divide both sides of (5.18) by
w 1 and both sides of (5.19) by w 2 /(1 + r ), and equate the two resulting
expressions for λ. This yields
e −ρb 1 + r
1 − ℓ2 w 2
1 − ℓ1 w 1
1 − ℓ1
1 − ℓ2
e −ρ (1 + r ) w 1
Equation (5.21) implies that relative labor supply in the two periods responds to the relative wage. If, for example, w 1 rises relative to w 2 , the
household decreases first-period leisure relative to second-period leisure;
that is, it increases first-period labor supply relative to second-period supply. Because of the logarithmic functional form, the elasticity of substitution
between leisure in the two periods is 1.
Equation (5.21) also implies that a rise in r raises first-period labor supply
relative to second-period supply. Intuitively, a rise in r increases the attractiveness of working today and saving relative to working tomorrow. As we
will see, this effect of the interest rate on labor supply is crucial to employment fluctuations in real-business-cycle models. These responses of labor
supply to the relative wage and the interest rate are known as intertemporal
substitution in labor supply (Lucas and Rapping, 1969).
Household Optimization under Uncertainty
The second way that the household’s optimization problem differs from its
problem in the Ramsey model is that it faces uncertainty about rates of return and future wages. Because of this uncertainty, the household does not
choose deterministic paths for consumption and labor supply. Instead, its
choices of c and ℓ at any date potentially depend on all the shocks to technology and government purchases up to that date. This makes a complete
description of the household’s behavior quite complicated. Fortunately, we
can describe key features of its behavior without fully solving its optimization problem. Recall that in the Ramsey model, we were able to derive an
equation relating present consumption to the interest rate and consumption
a short time later (the Euler equation) before imposing the budget constraint
and determining the level of consumption. With uncertainty, the analogous
equation relates consumption in the current period to expectations concerning interest rates and consumption in the next period. We will derive this
equation using the informal approach we used in equations (2.22)–(2.23) to
derive the Euler equation.10
Consider the household in period t. Suppose it reduces current consumption per member by a small amount c and then uses the resulting greater
wealth to increase consumption per member in the next period above what
it otherwise would have been. If the household is behaving optimally, a
marginal change of this type must leave expected utility unchanged.
Equations (5.5) and (5.7) imply that the marginal utility of consumption
per member in period t, c t , is e −ρt (Nt /H )(1/c t ). Thus the utility cost of this
change is e −ρt (Nt /H )(c/c t ). Since the household has e n times as many
members in period t + 1 as in period t, the increase in consumption per
member in period t + 1, c t + 1 , is e −n (1 + r t + 1 ) c. The marginal utility of
period-t +1 consumption per member is e −ρ (t + 1) (Nt + 1 /H )(1/c t + 1 ). Thus
the expected utility benefit as of period t is E t [e −ρ(t + 1) (Nt + 1 /H )e −n (1 +
r t + 1 )/c t +1 ] c, where E t denotes expectations conditional on what the household knows in period t (that is, conditional on the history of the economy
up through period t ). Equating the costs and expected benefits implies
e −ρt
Nt c
H ct
= E t e −ρ(t + 1)
Nt +1
e −n
c t +1
(1 + r t +1 ) c.
Since e −ρ(t +1) (Nt +1 /H )e −n is not uncertain and since Nt +1 = Nt e n , this condition simplifies to
c t +1
(1 + r t +1 ) .
This is the analogue of equation (2.20) in the Ramsey model.
Note that the expression on the right-hand side of (5.23) is not the same
as e −ρ E t [1/c t +1 ]E t [1 + r t +1 ]. That is, the tradeoff between present and future consumption depends not just on the expectations of future marginal
utility and of the rate of return, but also on their interaction. Specifically,
the expectation of the product of two variables equals the product of their
expectations plus their covariance. Thus (5.23) implies
c t +1
E t [1 + rt +1 ] + Cov
c t +1
,1 + r t +1
where Cov(1/c t +1 ,1 + r t +1 ) denotes the covariance of 1/c t +1 and 1 + r t +1 .
Suppose, for example, that when r t +1 is high, c t +1 is also high. In this case,
Cov(1/c t +1 ,1 + r t +1 ) is negative; that is, the return to saving is high in the
times when the marginal utility of consumption is low. This makes saving
less attractive than it is if 1/c t +1 and r t +1 are uncorrelated, and thus tends
to raise current consumption.
Chapter 8 discusses the impact of uncertainty on optimal consumption
The household’s problem can be analyzed more formally using dynamic programming
(see Section 10.4 or Ljungqvist and Sargent, 2004). This also yields (5.23) below.
5.5 A Special Case of the Model
The Tradeoff between Consumption and Labor Supply
The household chooses not only consumption at each date, but also labor
supply. Thus a second first-order condition for the household’s optimization problem relates its current consumption and labor supply. Specifically,
imagine the household increasing its labor supply per member in period t
by a small amount ℓ and using the resulting income to increase its consumption in that period. Again if the household is behaving optimally, a
marginal change of this type must leave expected utility unchanged.
From equations (5.5) and (5.7), the marginal disutility of labor supply
in period t is e −ρt (Nt /H )[b/(1 − ℓt )]. Thus the change has a utility cost of
e−ρt (Nt /H )[b/(1 − ℓt )] ℓ. And since the change raises consumption per
member by w t ℓ, it has a utility benefit of e −ρt (Nt /H )(1/ct )w t ℓ. Equating
the cost and benefit gives us
H 1 − ℓt
ℓ = e −ρt
Nt 1
H ct
w t ℓ,
1 − ℓt
Equation (5.26) relates current leisure and consumption, given the wage. Because it involves current variables, which are known, uncertainty does not
enter. Equations (5.23) and (5.26) are the key equations describing households’ behavior.
5.5 A Special Case of the Model
Simplifying Assumptions
The model of Section 5.3 cannot be solved analytically. The basic problem
is that it contains a mixture of ingredients that are linear—such as depreciation and the division of output into consumption, investment, and government purchases—and ones that are log-linear—such as the production
function and preferences. In this section, we therefore investigate a simplified version of the model.
Specifically, we make two changes to the model: we eliminate government, and we assume 100 percent depreciation each period.11 Thus
With these changes, the model corresponds to a one-sector version of Long and
Plosser’s (1983) real-business-cycle model. McCallum (1989) investigates this model. In addition, except for the assumption of δ = 1, the model corresponds to the basic case considered
by Prescott (1986). It is straightforward to assume that a constant fraction of output is purchased by the government instead of eliminating government altogether.
equations (5.10) and (5.11), which describe the behavior of government purchases, are dropped from the model. And equations (5.2) and (5.4), which
describe the evolution of the capital stock and the determination of the real
interest rate, become
Kt +1 = Yt − Ct ,
1 + rt = α
A t Lt
The elimination of government can be justified on the grounds that doing
so allows us to isolate the effects of technology shocks. The grounds for
the assumption of complete depreciation, on the other hand, are only that
it allows us to solve the model analytically.
Solving the Model
Because markets are competitive, externalities are absent, and there are a
finite number of individuals, the model’s equilibrium must correspond to
the Pareto optimum. Because of this, we can find the equilibrium either
by ignoring markets and finding the social optimum directly, or by solving
for the competitive equilibrium. We will take the second approach, on the
grounds that it is easier to apply to variations of the model where Pareto
efficiency fails. Finding the social optimum is sometimes easier, however;
as a result, many real-business-cycle models are solved that way.12
There are two state variables in the model: the capital stock inherited
from the previous period, and the current value of technology. That is, the
economy’s situation in a given period is described by these two variables.
The two endogenous variables are consumption and employment.
Because the endogenous variables are growing over time, it is easier to
focus on the fraction of output that is saved, s, and labor supply per person, ℓ. Our basic strategy will be to rewrite the equations of the model in
log-linear form, substituting (1−s )Y for C whenever it appears. We will then
determine how ℓ and s must depend on the current technology and on the
capital stock inherited from the previous period to satisfy the equilibrium
conditions. We will focus on the two conditions for household optimization, (5.23) and (5.26); the remaining equations follow mechanically from
accounting and from competition.
We will find that s is independent of technology and the capital stock. Intuitively, the combination of logarithmic utility, Cobb–Douglas production,
and 100 percent depreciation causes movements in both technology and
See Problem 5.11 for the solution using the social-optimum approach.
5.5 A Special Case of the Model
capital to have offsetting income and substitution effects on saving. It is
the fact that s is constant that allows the model to be solved analytically.
Consider (5.23) first; this condition is 1/ct = e −ρ E t [(1 + r t +1 )/c t +1 ]. Since
c t = (1 − s t )Yt /Nt , rewriting (5.23) along the lines just suggested gives us
− ln (1 − s t )
= −ρ + ln E t
1 + r t +1
(1 − s t +1 )Yt +1 /Nt +1
Equation (5.28) implies that 1 + r t +1 equals α(A t +1 L t +1 /K t +1 )1−α, or αYt +1 /
K t +1 . In addition, the assumption of 100 percent depreciation implies that
K t +1 = Yt − C t = s t Yt . Substituting these facts into (5.29) yields
− ln (1 − s t ) − ln Yt + ln Nt
= −ρ + ln E t
= −ρ + ln E t
αYt +1
K t +1 (1 − s t +1 )Yt +1 /Nt +1
αNt +1
s t (1 − s t +1 )Yt
= −ρ + ln α + ln N t + n − ln s t − ln Yt + ln E t
1 − s t +1
where the final line uses the facts that α, Nt +1 , s t , and Yt are known at date t
and that N is growing at rate n. Equation (5.30) simplifies to
ln s t − ln (1 − s t ) = −ρ + n + ln α + ln E t
1 − s t +1
Crucially, the two state variables, A and K , do not enter (5.31). This implies that there is a constant value of s that satisfies this condition. To see
this, note that if s is constant at some value ŝ, then s t +1 is not uncertain,
and so E t [1/(1 − s t +1 )] is simply 1/(1 − ŝ ). Thus (5.31) becomes
ln ŝ = ln α + n − ρ,
ŝ = αe n−ρ.
Thus the model has a solution where the saving rate is constant.
Now consider (5.26), which states c t /(1 − ℓt ) = w t /b. Since c t = C t /Nt =
(1 − ŝ )Yt /Nt , we can rewrite this condition as
ln (1 − ŝ )
− ln (1 − ℓt ) = ln w t − ln b.
Since the production function is Cobb–Douglas, w t = (1 − α)Yt /(ℓt Nt ). Substituting this fact into (5.34) yields
ln (1 − ŝ ) + ln Yt − ln Nt − ln (1 − ℓt )
= ln (1 − α) + ln Yt − ln ℓt − ln Nt − ln b.
Canceling terms and rearranging gives us
ln ℓt − ln (1 − ℓt ) = ln (1 − α) − ln (1 − ŝ ) − ln b.
Finally, straightforward algebra yields
ℓt =
(1 − α) + b(1 − ŝ )
≡ ℓ̂.
Thus labor supply is also constant. The reason this occurs despite households’ willingness to substitute their labor supply intertemporally is that
movements in either technology or capital have offsetting impacts on the
relative-wage and interest-rate effects on labor supply. An improvement in
technology, for example, raises current wages relative to expected future
wages, and thus acts to raise labor supply. But, by raising the amount saved,
it also lowers the expected interest rate, which acts to reduce labor supply.
In the specific case we are considering, these two effects exactly balance.
The remaining equations of the model do not involve optimization; they
follow from technology, accounting, and competition. Thus we have found
a solution to the model with s and ℓ constant.
As described above, any competitive equilibrium of this model is also
a solution to the problem of maximizing the expected utility of the representative household. Standard results about optimization imply that this
problem has a unique solution (see Stokey, Lucas, and Prescott, 1989, for
example). Thus the equilibrium we have found must be the only one.
This model provides an example of an economy where real shocks drive
output movements. Because the economy is Walrasian, the movements are
the optimal responses to the shocks. Thus, contrary to the conventional
wisdom about macroeconomic fluctuations, here fluctuations do not reflect
any market failures, and government interventions to mitigate them can
only reduce welfare. In short, the implication of real-business-cycle models, in their strongest form, is that observed aggregate output movements
represent the time-varying Pareto optimum.
The specific form of the output fluctuations implied by the model is determined by the dynamics of technology and the behavior of the capital
5.5 A Special Case of the Model
stock.13 In particular, the production function, Yt = K tα(A t L t )1−α, implies
ln Yt = α ln K t + (1 − α)(ln A t + ln L t ).
We know that K t = ŝYt −1 and L t = ℓ̂ Nt ; thus
ln Yt = α ln ŝ + α ln Yt −1 + (1 − α)(ln A t + ln ℓ̂ + ln Nt )
= α ln ŝ + α ln Yt −1 + (1 − α)(A + gt )
+ (1 − α)Ã t + (1 − α)(ln ℓ̂ + N + nt ),
where the last line uses the facts that ln A t = A + gt + Ã t and ln Nt = N + nt
(see [5.6] and [5.8]).
The two components of the right-hand side of (5.39) that do not follow
deterministic paths are α ln Yt −1 and (1 − α)Ã t . It must therefore be possible
to rewrite (5.39) in the form
Ỹ t = αỸ t −1 + (1 − α)Ã t ,
where Ỹ t is the difference between ln Yt and the value it would take if ln A t
equaled A + gt each period (see Problem 5.14 for the details).
To see what (5.40) implies concerning the dynamics of output, note that
since it holds each period, it implies Ỹ t −1 = αỸ t−2 + (1 − α)Ã t −1 , or
à t −1 =
Ỹ t −1 − αỸ t −2 .
Recall that (5.9) states that à t = ρA à t −1 + ε A,t . Substituting this fact and
(5.41) into (5.40), we obtain
Ỹ t = αỸ t −1 + (1 − α)( ρA Ã t −1 + ε A,t )
= αỸ t −1 + ρA (Ỹ t −1 − αỸ t−2 ) + (1 − α)ε A,t
= (α + ρA )Ỹ t −1 − αρA Ỹ t−2 + (1 − α) ε A,t .
Thus, departures of log output from its normal path follow a second-order
autoregressive process; that is, Ỹ can be written as a linear combination of
its two previous values plus a white-noise disturbance.14
The combination of a positive coefficient on the first lag of Ỹ t and a negative coefficient on the second lag can cause output to have a “hump-shaped”
The discussion that follows is based on McCallum (1989).
Readers who are familiar with the use of lag operators can derive (5.42) using that
approach. In lag operator notation, Ỹ t −1 is L Ỹ t , where L maps variables to their previous period’s value. Thus (5.40) can be written as Ỹ t = α L Ỹ t + (1 − α)Ã t , or (1 − αL )Ỹ t =
(1 − α)à t . Similarly, we can rewrite (5.9) as (1 − ρA L )à t = ε A,t , or à t = (1 − ρA L )−1 ε A,t .
Thus we have (1 − αL )Ỹ t = (1 − α)(1 − ρA L )−1 ε A,t . “Multiplying” through by 1 − ρA L yields
(1 − αL )(1 − ρA L )Ỹ t = (1 − α)ε A,t , or [1 − (α + ρA )L + αρA L 2 ]Ỹ t = (1 − α)ε A,t . This is equivalent to Ỹ t = (α + ρA )L Ỹ t − αρA L 2 Ỹ t + (1 − α)ε A,t , which corresponds to (5.42). (See Section 7.3 for a discussion of lag operators and of the legitimacy of manipulating them in these
response to disturbances. Suppose, for example, that α = 31 and ρA = 0. 9.
Consider a one-time shock of 1/(1 − α) to ε A . Using (5.42) iteratively shows
that the shock raises log output relative to the path it would have otherwise
followed by 1 in the period of the shock (1 − α times the shock), 1.23 in
the next period (α + ρA times 1), 1.22 in the following period (α + ρA times
1.23, minus α times ρA times 1), then 1.14, 1.03, 0.94, 0.84, 0.76, 0.68, . . . in
subsequent periods.
Because α is not large, the dynamics of output are determined largely by
the persistence of the technology shocks, ρA . If ρA = 0, for example, (5.42)
simplifies to Ỹ t = αỸ t −1 + (1 − α)ε A,t . If α = 31 , this implies that almost ninetenths of the initial effect of a shock disappears after only two periods. Even
if ρA = 12 , two-thirds of the initial effect is gone after three periods. Thus
the model does not have any mechanism that translates transitory technology disturbances into significant long-lasting output movements. We will
see that the same is true of the more general version of the model. Nonetheless, these results show that this model yields interesting output dynamics.
Despite the output dynamics, this special case of the model does not
match major features of fluctuations very well. Most obviously, the saving
rate is constant—so that consumption and investment are equally volatile—
and labor input does not vary. In practice, as we saw in Section 5.1, investment varies much more than consumption, and employment and hours are
strongly procyclical. In addition, the model predicts that the real wage is
highly procyclical. Because of the Cobb–Douglas production function, the
real wage is (1 − α)Y/L; since L does not respond to technology shocks, this
means that the real wage rises one-for-one with Y. But, as we saw in Section
5.1 and will see in more detail in Section 6.3, in actual fluctuations the real
wage is only moderately procyclical.
Thus the model must be modified if it is to capture many of the major features of observed output movements. The next section shows that
introducing depreciation of less than 100 percent and shocks to government purchases improves the model’s predictions concerning movements
in employment, saving, and the real wage.
To see intuitively how lower depreciation improves the fit of the model,
consider the extreme case of no depreciation and no growth, so that investment is zero in the absence of shocks. In this situation, a positive technology
shock, by raising the marginal product of capital in the next period, makes
it optimal for households to undertake some investment. Thus the saving
rate rises. The fact that saving is temporarily high means that expected consumption growth is higher than it would be with a constant saving rate; from
consumers’ intertemporal optimization condition, (5.23), this requires the
expected interest rate to be higher. But we know that a higher interest rate
increases current labor supply. Thus introducing incomplete depreciation
causes investment and employment to respond more to shocks.
The reason that introducing shocks to government purchases improves
the fit of the model is straightforward: it breaks the tight link between
Solving the Model in the General Case
output and the real wage. Since an increase in government purchases increases households’ lifetime tax liability, it reduces their lifetime wealth.
This causes them to consume less leisure—that is, to work more. When
labor supply rises without any change in technology, the real wage falls;
thus output and the real wage move in opposite directions. It follows that
with shocks to both government purchases and technology, the model can
generate an overall pattern of real wage movements that is not strongly
5.6 Solving the Model in the General
As discussed above, the full model of Section 5.3 cannot be solved analytically. This is true of almost all real-business-cycle models, as well as many
other modern models in macroeconomics. A common way of dealing with
this problem is to log-linearize the model. That is, agents’ decision rules
and the equations of motion for the state variables are replaced by firstorder Taylor approximations in the logs of the relevant variables around
the path the economy would follow in the absence of shocks. We will take
that approach here.15
Unfortunately, even though taking a log-linear approximation to the
model allows it to be solved analytically, the analysis is complicated and
somewhat tedious. For that reason, we will only describe the broad features
of the derivation and results without going through the specifics in detail.
Recall that the economy has three state variables (the capital stock inherited from the previous period and the current values of technology and
government purchases) and two endogenous variables (consumption and
employment). If we log-linearize the model around the nonstochastic balanced growth path, the rules for consumption and employment must take
the form
C̃ t ≃ a CK K̃ t + a CA Ã t + a CG G̃ t ,
L̃ t ≃ a LK K̃ t + a LA Ã t + a LG G̃ t ,
where the a’s will be functions of the underlying parameters of the model.
As before, a tilde over a variable denotes the difference between the log
of that variable and the log of its balanced-growth-path value.16 Thus, for
example, Ã t denotes ln A t − (A + gt ). Equations (5.43) and (5.44) state that
The specifics of the analysis follow Campbell (1994).
See Problem 5.10 for the balanced growth path of the model in the absence of shocks.
log consumption and log employment are linear functions of the logs of
K , A, and G, and that consumption and employment are equal to their
balanced-growth-path values when K , A, and G are all equal to theirs. Since
we are building a version of the model that is log-linear around the balanced
growth path by construction, we know that these conditions must hold. To
solve the model, we must determine the values of the a’s.
As with the simple version of the model, we will focus on the two conditions for household optimization, (5.23) and (5.26). For a set of a’s to be a
solution to the model, they must imply that households are satisfying these
conditions. It turns out that the restrictions that this requirement puts on
the a’s fully determine them, and thus tell us the solution to the model.
This solution method is known as the method of undetermined coefficients. The idea is to use theory (or, in some cases, educated guesswork)
to find the general functional form of the solution, and then to determine
what values the coefficients in the functional form must take to satisfy the
equations of the model. This method is useful in many situations.
The Intratemporal First-Order Condition
Begin by considering households’ first-order condition for the tradeoff between current consumption and labor supply, c t /(1 − ℓt ) = wt /b (equation [5.26] ). Using equation (5.3), wt = (1 − α)[Kt /(A t L t )]αA t , to substitute
for the wage and taking logs, we can write this condition as
ln ct − ln (1 − ℓt ) = ln
+ (1 − α) ln A t + α ln K t − α ln L t .
We want to find a first-order Taylor-series approximation to this expression in the logs of the variables of the model around the balanced growth
path the economy would follow if there were no shocks. Approximating the
right-hand side is straightforward: the difference between the actual value
of the right-hand side and its balanced-growth-path value is (1 − α)Ã t +
αK̃ t − αL̃ t . To approximate the left-hand side, note first that since population growth is not affected by the shocks, the log of consumption per
worker differs from its balanced-growth-path value only to the extent that
the log of total consumption differs from its balanced-growth-path value.
Thus c̃t = C̃ t . Similarly, ℓ̃t = L̃ t . The derivative of the left-hand side of (5.45)
with respect to ln ct is simply 1. The derivative with respect to ln ℓt at ℓt = ℓ ∗
is ℓ ∗/(1 − ℓ ∗ ), where ℓ ∗ is the value of ℓ on the balanced growth path. Thus,
log-linearizing (5.45) around the balanced growth path yields
C̃ t +
1 − ℓ∗
L̃ t = (1 − α)Ã t + αK̃ t − αL̃ t .
Solving the Model in the General Case
We can now use the fact that C̃ t and L̃ t are linear functions of K̃ t , Ã t , and
G̃ t . Substituting (5.43) and (5.44) into (5.46) yields
a CK K̃ t + a CA Ã t + a CG G̃ t +
+ α (a LK K̃ t + a LA Ã t + a LG G̃ t )
1 − ℓ∗
= αK̃ t + (1 − α)Ã t .
Equation (5.47) must hold for all values of K̃ , Ã, and G̃. If it does not, then
for some combinations of K̃ , Ã, and G̃, households are not satisfying their
intratemporal first-order condition. Thus the coefficients on K̃ on the two
sides of (5.47) must be equal, and similarly for the coefficients on à and on
G̃. The a’s must therefore satisfy
a CK +
a CA +
a CG +
1 − ℓ∗
1 − ℓ∗
+ α a LK = α,
+ α a LA = 1 − α,
+ α a LG = 0.
1 − ℓ∗
To understand these conditions, consider first (5.50), which relates the
responses of consumption and employment to movements in government
purchases. Government purchases do not directly enter (5.45); that is, they
do not affect the wage for a given level of labor supply. If households increase their labor supply in response to an increase in government purchases, the wage falls and the marginal disutility of working rises. Thus,
they will do this only if the marginal utility of consumption is higher—
that is, if consumption is lower. Thus if labor supply and consumption
respond to changes in government purchases, they must move in opposite directions. Equation (5.50) tells us not only this qualitative result, but
also how the movements in labor supply and consumption must be
Now consider an increase in A (equation [5.49]). An improvement in technology raises the wage for a given level of labor supply. Thus if neither labor supply nor consumption responds, households can raise their utility by
working more and increasing their current consumption. Households must
therefore increase either labor supply or consumption (or both); this is what
is captured in (5.49).
Finally, the restrictions that (5.45) puts on the responses of labor supply
and consumption to movements in capital are similar to the restrictions it
puts on their responses to movements in technology. The only difference
is that the elasticity of the wage with respect to capital, given L, is α rather
than 1 − α. This is what is shown in (5.48).
The Intertemporal First-Order Condition
The analysis of the first-order condition relating current consumption and
next period’s consumption, 1/ct = e −ρ E t [(1 + r t +1 )/ct +1 ] (equation [5.23]), is
more complicated. The basic idea is the following. Begin by defining Z̃ t +1 as
the difference between the log of (1 + r t +1 )/c t +1 and the log of its balancedgrowth-path value. Then use equation (5.4) for r t +1 to express 1 + r t +1 in
terms of K t +1 , A t +1 , and L t +1 . This allows us to approximate Z̃ t +1 in terms
of K̃ t +1 , Ã t +1 , L̃ t +1 and C̃ t +1 . Now note that since (5.43) and (5.44) hold at
each date, they imply
C̃ t +1 ≃ a CK K̃ t +1 + a CA Ã t +1 + a CG G̃ t +1 ,
L̃ t +1 = a LK K̃ t +1 + a LA Ã t +1 + a LG G̃ t +1 .
These equations allow us to express Z̃ t +1 in terms of K̃ t +1 , Ã t +1 , and G̃ t +1 .
Since K̃ t +1 is an endogenous variable, we need to eliminate it from the
expression for Z̃ t +1 . Specifically, we can log-linearize the equation of motion
for capital, (5.2), to write K̃ t +1 in terms of K̃ t , Ã t , G̃ t , L̃ t , and C̃ t , and then
use (5.43) and (5.44) to substitute for L̃ t and C̃ t . This yields an equation of
the form
K̃ t +1 ≃ b KK K̃ t + b KA Ã t + b KG G̃ t ,
where the b’s are complicated functions of the parameters of the model and
of the a’s.17
Substituting (5.53) into the expression for Z̃t +1 in terms of K̃ t +1 , Ã t +1 ,
and G̃ t +1 then gives us an expression for Z̃t +1 in terms of à t +1 , G̃ t +1 , K̃ t ,
à t , and G̃ t . The final step is to use this to find E t [ Z̃t +1 ] in terms of K̃ t , à t ,
and G̃ t , which we can do by using the facts that E t [Ã t +1 ] = ρA Ã t and
E t [G̃ t +1 ] = ρG G̃ t (see [5.9] and [5.11]).18 Substituting this into (5.23) gives
us three additional restrictions on the a’s; this is enough to determine the
a’s in terms of the underlying parameters.
Unfortunately, the model is sufficiently complicated that solving for the
a’s is tedious, and the resulting expressions for the a’s in terms of the underlying parameters of the model are complicated. Even if we wrote down
See Problem 5.15.
There is one complication here. As emphasized in Section 5.4, (5.23) involves not just
the expectations of next-period values, but their entire distribution. That is, what appears in
the log-linearized version of (5.23) is not E t [ Z̃t +1 ], but ln E t [e Z̃t +1 ]. Campbell (1994) addresses
this difficulty by assuming that Z̃ is normally distributed with constant variance; that is,
e Z̃ has a lognormal distribution. Standard results about this distribution then imply that
ln E t [e Z̃t +1 ] equals E t [ Z̃t +1 ] plus a constant. Thus we can express the log of the right-hand
side of (5.23) in terms of E t [ Z̃t +1 ] and constants. Finally, Campbell notes that given the loglinear structure of the model, if the underlying shocks—the εA ’s and εG ’s in (5.9) and (5.11)—
are normally distributed with constant variances, his assumption about the distribution of
Z̃t +1 is correct.
those expressions, the effects of the parameters of the model on the a’s,
and hence on the economy’s response to shocks, would not be transparent.
Thus, despite the comparative simplicity of the model and our use of
approximations, we must still resort to numerical methods to describe the
model’s properties. What we will do is choose a set of baseline parameter
values and discuss their implications for the a’s in (5.43)–(5.44) and the
b’s in (5.53). Once we have determined the values of the a’s and b’s, equations (5.43), (5.44), and (5.53) specify (approximately) how consumption,
employment, and capital respond to shocks to technology and government
purchases. The remaining equations of the model can then be used to describe the responses of the model’s other variables—output, investment, the
wage, and the interest rate. For example, we can substitute equation (5.44)
for L̃ into the log-linearized version of the production function to find the
model’s implications for output:
Ỹ t = αK̃ t + (1 − α)( L̃ t + Ã t )
= αK̃ t + (1 − α)(a LK K̃ t + a LA Ã t + a LG G̃ t + Ã t )
= [α + (1 − α)a LK ] K̃ t + (1 − α)(1 + a LA )Ã t + (1 − α)a LG G̃ t .
5.7 Implications
Following Campbell (1994), assume that each period corresponds to a quarter, and take for baseline parameter values α = 31 , g = 0.5%, n = 0.25%,
δ = 2.5%, ρA = 0.95, ρG = 0.95, and G, ρ, and b such that (G/Y )∗ = 0.2,
r ∗ = 1.5%, and ℓ ∗ = 13 .19
The Effects of Technology Shocks
One can show that these parameter values imply a LA ≃ 0.35, a LK ≃ −0.31,
a CA ≃ 0.38, a CK ≃ 0.59, b KA ≃ 0.08, and b KK ≃ 0.95. These values can be
used to trace out the effects of a change in technology. Consider, for example, a positive 1 percent technology shock. In the period of the shock,
capital (which is inherited from the previous period) is unchanged, labor
supply rises by 0.35 percent, and consumption rises by 0.38 percent. Since
the production function is K 1/3 (AL)2/3 , output increases by 0.90 percent. In
the next period, technology is 0.95 percent above normal (since ρA = 0.95),
capital is higher by 0.08 percent (since b K A ≃ 0. 08), labor supply is higher
by 0.31 percent (0.35 times 0.95, minus 0.31 times 0.08), and consumption is higher by 0.41 percent (0.38 times 0.95, plus 0.59 times 0.08); the
See Problem 5.10 for the implications of these parameter values for the balanced
growth path.
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
The effects of a 1 percent technology shock on the paths of technology, capital, and labor
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
FIGURE 5.3 The effects of a 1 percent technology shock on the paths of output
and consumption
effects on A, K , and L imply that output is 0.86 percent above normal. And
so on.
Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show the shock’s effects on the major quantity variables of the model. By assumption, the effects on the level of technology
die away slowly. Capital accumulates gradually and then slowly returns to
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
FIGURE 5.4 The effects of a 1 percent technology shock on the paths of the
wage and the interest rate
normal; the peak effect is an increase of 0.60 percent after 20 quarters. Labor
supply jumps by 0.35 percent in the period of the shock and then declines
relatively rapidly, falling below normal after 15 quarters. It reaches a low
of −0.09 percent after 33 quarters and then slowly comes back to normal.
The net result of the movements in A, K , and L is that output increases in
the period of the shock and then gradually returns to normal. Consumption
responds less, and more slowly, than output; thus investment is more volatile than consumption.
Figure 5.4 shows the percentage movement in the wage and the change in
percentage points in the interest rate at an annual rate. The wage rises and
then returns very slowly to normal. Because the changes in the wage (after
the unexpected jump at the time of the shock) are small, wage movements
contribute little to the variations in labor supply. The annual interest rate
increases by about one-seventh of a percentage point in the period of the
shock and then returns to normal fairly quickly. Because the capital stock
moves more slowly than labor supply, the interest rate dips below normal
after 14 quarters. These movements in the interest rate are the main source
of the movements in labor supply.
To understand the movements in the interest rate and consumption,
start by considering the case where labor supply is inelastic, and recall that
r = α(AL /K )1−α − δ. The immediate effect of the increase in A is to raise
r. Since the increase in A dies out only slowly, r must remain high unless
K increases rapidly. And since depreciation is low, a rapid rise in K would
require a large increase in the fraction of output that is invested. But if
the saving rate were to rise by so much that r returned immediately to
its usual level, this would mean that consumption was expected to grow
rapidly even though r equaled its normal value; this would violate households’ intertemporal first-order condition, (5.23). Thus instead, households
raise the fraction of their income that they save, but not by enough to return r immediately to its usual level. And since the increase in A is persistent, the increase in the saving rate is also persistent. As technology returns to normal, the slow adjustment of the capital stock eventually causes
A/K to fall below its initial value, and thus causes r to fall below its usual
value. When this occurs, the saving rate falls below its balanced-growth-path
When we allow for variations in labor supply, some of the adjustments
of the capital stock occur through changes in labor supply rather than the
saving rate: households build up the capital stock during the early phase
partly by increasing labor supply, and bring it back to normal in the later
phase partly by decreasing labor supply.
In general, we can think of the effects of shocks as working through
wealth and intertemporal-substitution effects. A positive technology shock
implies that the economy will be more productive for a while. This increase
in productivity means that households’ lifetime wealth is greater, which
acts to increase their consumption and reduce their labor supply. But there
are also two reasons for them to shift labor supply from the future to the
present and to save more. First, the productivity increases will dissipate
over time, so that this is an especially appealing time to produce. Second,
the capital stock is low relative to technology, so the marginal product of
capital is especially high.
We saw in Section 5.5 that with complete depreciation, the wealth and
intertemporal-substitution effects balance, so technology shocks do not affect labor supply and the saving rate. With less than complete depreciation,
the intertemporal-substitution effect becomes more important, and so labor
supply and the saving rate rise in the short run.
The parameter that the results are most sensitive to is ρA . When technology shocks are less persistent, the wealth effect of a shock is smaller (because its impact is shorter-lived), and its intertemporal-substitution effect
is larger. As a result, a CA is increasing in ρA , and a LA and b KA are decreasing;
a CK , a LK , and b KK are unaffected. If ρA declines from the baseline value of
0.95 to 0.5, for example, a CA falls from 0.38 to 0.11, a LA rises from 0.35 to
0.66, and b KA rises from 0.08 to 0.12. The result is sharper, shorter output fluctuations. In this case, a 1 percent technology shock raises output by
1.11 percent in the period of the shock, but only by 0.30 percent two periods later. If ρA = 1, then a CA rises to 0.63, a LA falls to 0.05, and b KA falls
to 0.04. The result is that employment fluctuations are small and output
fluctuations are much more gradual. For example, a 1 percent shock causes
output to increase by 0.70 percent immediately (only slightly larger than the
direct effect of 0.67 percent), and then to rise very gradually to 1 percent
above its initial level.20
In addition, suppose we generalize the way that leisure enters the instantaneous utility function, (5.7), to allow the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in labor supply to take on values other than 1.21 With this change, this
elasticity also has important effects on the economy’s response to shocks:
the larger the elasticity, the more responsive labor supply is to technology
and capital. If the elasticity rises from 1 to 2, for example, a LA increases
from 0.35 to 0.48 and aLK increases from −0. 31 to −0. 41 (in addition, a CA ,
a CK , b KA , and b KK all change moderately). As a result, fluctuations are larger
when the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is higher.22
The Effects of Changes in Government Purchases
Our baseline parameter values imply a CG ≃ −0.13, a LG ≃ 0.15, and b KG ≃
−0.004; a CK , aLK , and b KK are as before. Intuitively, an increase in government purchases causes consumption to fall and labor supply to rise because of its negative wealth effects. And because the rise in government
purchases is not permanent, agents also respond by decreasing their capital holdings.
Since the elasticity of output with respect to L is 32 , the value of a LG of
0.15 means that output rises by about 0.1 percent in response to a 1 percent government-purchases shock. Since output on the balanced growth
path is 5 times government purchases, this means that Y rises by about
one-half as much as G. And since one can show that consumption on the
balanced growth path is about 21/2 times government purchases, the value
of a CG of −0. 13 means that C falls by about one-third as much as G
increases. The remaining one-sixth of the adjustment takes the form of
lower investment.
Figures 5.5–5.7 trace out the effects of a positive 1 percent governmentpurchases shock. The capital stock is only slightly affected; the maximum
impact is a decline of 0.03 percent after 20 quarters. Employment increases
and then gradually returns to normal; in contrast to what occurs with technology shocks, it never falls below its normal level. Because technology is
One might think that with a permanent shock, the intertemporal-substitution effect
would be absent, and so labor supply would not rise. Recall, however, that the capital stock
also creates an intertemporal-substitution effect. When technology improves, the marginal
product of capital rises, creating an incentive to increase labor supply to increase investment.
Equivalently, the real interest rate rises temporarily, increasing labor supply.
See Campbell (1994) and Problem 5.4.
In addition, Kimball (1991) shows that if we relax the assumption of a Cobb–Douglas
production function, the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor has important
effects on the economy’s response to shocks.
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
The effects of a 1 percent government-purchases shock on the
paths of capital and labor
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
The effects of a 1 percent government-purchases shock on the
paths of output and consumption
unchanged and the capital stock moves little, the movements in output are
small and track the changes in employment fairly closely. Consumption declines at the time of the shock and then gradually returns to normal. The
increase in employment and the fall in the capital stock cause the wage to
fall and the interest rate to rise. The anticipated wage movements after the
Empirical Application: Calibrating a Real-Business-Cycle Model
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
The effects of a 1 percent government-purchases shock on the
paths of the wage and the interest rate
period of the shock are small and positive. Thus the increases in labor supply stem from the intertemporal-substitution effect due to the increase in
the interest rate, and from the wealth effect due to the government’s use of
more output.
As with technology, the persistence of movements in government purchases has important effects on how the economy responds to shocks. If
ρG falls to 0.5, for example, a CG falls from −0. 13 to −0. 03, a LG falls from
0.15 to 0.03, and b KG increases from −0. 004 to −0. 020: because movements
in purchases are much shorter-lived, much more of the response takes the
form of reductions in capital holdings. These values imply that output rises
by about one-tenth of the increase in government purchases, that consumption falls by about one-tenth of the increase, and that investment falls by
about four-fifths of the increase. In response to a 1 percent shock, for example, output increases by just 0.02 percent in the period of the shock and
then falls below normal, with a low of −0. 004 percent after 7 quarters.
5.8 Empirical Application: Calibrating a
Real-Business-Cycle Model
How should we judge how well a real-business-cycle model fits the data?
One common approach is calibration (Kydland and Prescott, 1982). The
basic idea of calibration is to choose parameter values on the basis of
microeconomic evidence and then to compare the model’s predictions concerning the variances and covariances of various series with those in the
Calibration has two potential advantages over estimating models econometrically. First, because parameter values are selected on the basis of microeconomic evidence, a large body of information beyond that usually employed can be brought to bear, and the models can therefore be held to a
higher standard. Second, the economic importance of a statistical rejection,
or lack of rejection, of a model is often hard to interpret. A model that fits
the data well along every dimension except one unimportant one may be
overwhelmingly rejected statistically. Or a model may fail to be rejected
simply because the data are consistent with a wide range of possibilities.
To see how calibration works in practice, consider the baseline realbusiness-cycle model of Prescott (1986) and Hansen (1985). This model differs from the model we have been considering in two ways. First, government is absent. Second, the trend component of technology is not assumed
to follow a simple linear path; instead, a smooth but nonlinear trend is removed from the data before the model’s predictions and actual fluctuations
are compared.23
We consider the parameter values proposed by Hansen and Wright (1992),
which are similar to those we considered in the previous section as well as
those considered by Hansen and Wright. Based on data on factor shares, the
capital-output ratio, and the investment-output ratio, Hansen and Wright
set α = 0.36, δ = 2.5% per quarter, and ρ = 1% per quarter. Based on
the average division of discretionary time between work and nonwork activities, they set b to 2. They choose the parameters of the process for
technology on the basis of the empirical behavior of the Solow residual,
R t ≡ ln Yt − [α ln K t + (1 − α) ln L t ]. As described in Chapter 1, the
Solow residual is a measure of all influences on output growth other than the
contributions of capital and labor through their private marginal products.
Under the assumptions of real-business-cycle theory, the only such other influence on output is technology, and so the Solow residual is a measure of
technological change. Based on the behavior of the Solow residual, Hansen
and Wright set ρA = 0. 95 and the standard deviation of the quarterly εA ’s
to 1.1 percent.24
Table 5.4 shows the model’s implications for some key features of fluctuations. The figures in the first column are from actual U.S. data; those in
The detrending procedure that is used is known as the Hodrick–Prescott filter (Hodrick
and Prescott, 1997).
In addition, Prescott argues that, under the assumption that technology multiplies an
expression of form F (K ,L), the absence of a strong trend in capital’s share suggests that F (•)
is approximately Cobb–Douglas. Similarly, he argues on the basis of the lack of a trend in
leisure per person and of studies of substitution between consumption in different periods
that (5.7) provides a good approximation to the instantaneous utility function. Thus the
choices of functional forms are not arbitrary.
Empirical Application: Calibrating a Real-Business-Cycle Model
σC /σY
σI /σY
σL /σY
A calibrated real-business-cycle model
versus actual data
U.S. data
Baseline real-business-cycle model
Source: Hansen and Wright (1992).
the second column are from the model. All of the numbers are based on the
deviation-from-trend components of the variables, with the trends found
using the nonlinear procedure employed by Prescott and Hansen.
The first line of the table reports the standard deviation of output. The
model produces output fluctuations that are only moderately smaller than
those observed in practice. This finding is the basis for Prescott’s (1986)
famous conclusion that aggregate fluctuations are not just consistent with
a competitive, neoclassical model, but are predicted by such a model. The
second and third lines of the table show that both in the United States and
in the model, consumption is considerably less volatile than output, and
investment is considerably more volatile.
The final two lines of the table show that the baseline model is less successful in its predictions about the contributions of variations in labor input
and in output per unit of labor input to aggregate fluctuations. In the U.S.
economy, labor input is nearly as volatile as output; in the model it is much
less so. And in the United States, labor input and productivity are essentially
uncorrelated; in the model they move together closely.
Thus a simple calibration exercise can be used to identify a model’s major successes and failures. In doing so, it suggests ways in which the model
might be modified to improve its fit with the data. For example, additional
sources of shocks would be likely to increase output fluctuations and to
reduce the correlation between movements in labor input and in productivity. Indeed, Hansen and Wright show that, for their suggested parameter
values, adding government-purchases shocks along the lines of the model
of this chapter lowers the correlation of L and Y/L from 0.93 to 0.49; the
change has little effect on the magnitude of output fluctuations, however.
Of course, calibration has disadvantages as well. As we will see over the
next two chapters, models of business cycles have moved away from the
simple, highly Walrasian models of this chapter. As a result, calibration exercises no longer rely on the original idea of using microeconomic evidence to
tie down essentially all the relevant parameters and functional forms: given
the models’ wide variety of features, they have some flexibility in matching
the data. As a result, we do not know how informative it is when they match
important moments of the data relatively well. Nor, because the models
are generally not tested against alternatives, do we know whether there are
other, perhaps completely different, models that can match the moments
just as well.
Further, given the state of economic knowledge, it is not clear that matching the major moments of the data should be viewed as a desirable feature of a model.25 Even the most complicated models of fluctuations are
grossly simplified descriptions of reality. It would be remarkable if none
of the simplifications had quantitatively important effects on the models’
implications. But given this, it is hard to determine how informative the
fact that a model does or does not match aggregate data is about its overall
It would be a mistake to think that the only alternative to calibration is
formal estimation of fully specified models. Often, the alternative is to focus
more narrowly. Researchers frequently assess models by considering the
microeconomic evidence about the reasonableness of the models’ central
building blocks or by examining the models’ consistency with a handful of
“stylized facts” that the modelers view as crucial.
Unfortunately, there is little evidence concerning the relative merits of
different approaches to evaluating macroeconomic models. Researchers use
various mixes and types of calibration exercises, formal estimation, examination of the plausibility of the ingredients, and consideration of consistency with specific facts. At this point, choices among these approaches
seem to be based more on researchers’ “tastes” than on a body of knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches. Trying to move
beyond this situation by developing evidence about the merits of different
approaches is an important and largely uncharted area of research.
5.9 Empirical Application: Money and
One dimension on which the real-business-cycle view of macroeconomic
fluctuations departs strikingly from traditional views concerns the effects
of monetary disturbances. A monetary shock, such as a change in the money
supply, does not change the economy’s technology, agents’ preferences, or
the government’s purchases of goods and services. As a result, in models
with completely flexible prices, including the RBC models of this chapter,
its only effect is to change nominal prices; all real quantities and relative
prices are unaffected. In traditional views of fluctuations, in contrast, monetary changes have substantial real effects, and they are often viewed as
important sources of output movements. Moreover, as we will see in the
next two chapters, the same factors that can cause monetary disturbances
The argument that follows is due to Matthew Shapiro.
5.9 Empirical Application: Money and Output
to have significant real effects have important consequences for the effects
of other disturbances.
This discussion suggests that a critical test of pure real-business-cycle
models is whether monetary disturbances have substantial real effects.
Partly for this reason, an enormous amount of research has been devoted
to trying to determine the effects of monetary changes.
The St. Louis Equation
Since our goal is to test whether monetary changes have real effects, a seemingly obvious place to start is to just regress output on money. Such regressions have a long history. One of the earliest and most straightforward was
carried out by Leonall Andersen and Jerry Jordan of the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis (Andersen and Jordan, 1968). For that reason, the regression of output on money is known as the St. Louis equation.
Here we consider an example of the St. Louis equation. The left-hand-side
variable is the change in the log of real GDP. The main right-hand-side variable is the change in the log of the money stock, as measured by M2; since
any effect of money on output may occur with a lag, the contemporaneous
and four lagged values are included. The regression also includes a constant and a time trend (to account for trends in output and money growth).
The data are quarterly, and the sample period is 1960Q2–2008Q4.
The results are
ln Yt = 0.0046 − 0.09 ln m t + 0.18 ln m t −1 + 0.16 ln m t −2
+ 0.02 ln m t−3 − 0.02 ln m t −4 − 0.000010 t,
R = 0.056,
D.W. = 1.51,
s.e.e. = 0.008,
where the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. The sum of the coefficients on the current and four lagged values of the money-growth variable is 0.25, with a standard error of 0.10. Thus the estimates suggest that
a 1 percent increase in the money stock is associated with an increase of
percent in output over the next year, and the null hypothesis of no asso4
ciation is rejected at high levels of significance.
Does this regression, then, provide powerful evidence in support of monetary over real theories of fluctuations? The answer is no. There are several
basic problems with a regression like this one. First, causation may run
from output to money rather than from money to output. A simple story,
formalized by King and Plosser (1984), is that when firms plan to increase
production, they may increase their money holdings because they will need
to purchase more intermediate inputs. Similarly, households may increase
their money holdings when they plan to increase their purchases. Aggregate
measures of the money stock, such as M2, are not set directly by the Federal
Reserve but are determined by the interaction of the supply of high-powered
money with the behavior of the banking system and the public. Thus shifts
in money demand stemming from changes in firms’ and households’ production plans can lead to changes in the money stock. As a result, we may
see changes in the money stock in advance of output movements even if the
changes in money are not causing the output movements.
The second major problem with the St. Louis equation involves the determinants of monetary policy. Suppose the Federal Reserve adjusts the money
stock to try to offset other factors that influence aggregate output. Then if
monetary changes have real effects and the Federal Reserve’s efforts to stabilize the economy are successful, we will observe fluctuations in money
without movements in output (Kareken and Solow, 1963). Thus, just as we
cannot conclude from the positive correlation between money and output
that money causes output, if we fail to observe such a correlation we cannot
conclude that money does not cause output.
A more prosaic difficulty with the St. Louis equation is that there have
been a series of large shifts in the demand for money over this period. At
least some of the shifts are probably due to financial innovation and deregulation, but their causes are not entirely understood. Models with sticky
prices predict that if the Federal Reserve does not adjust the money supply
fully in response to these disturbances, there will be a negative relationship
between money and output. A positive money demand shock, for example,
will increase the money stock but increase the interest rate and reduce output. And even if the Federal Reserve accommodates the shifts, the fact that
they are so large may cause a few observations to have a disproportionate
effect on the results.
As a result of the money demand shifts, the estimated relationship between money and output is sensitive to such matters as the sample period
and the measure of money. For example, if equation (5.55) is estimated using M 1 in place of M 2, or if it is estimated over a somewhat different sample
period, the results change considerably.
Because of these difficulties, regressions like (5.55) are of little value in
determining the effects of monetary changes on output.
Other Types of Evidence
A very different approach to testing whether monetary shocks have real effects stems from the work of Friedman and Schwartz (1963). Friedman and
Schwartz undertake a careful historical analysis of the sources of movements in the money stock in the United States from the end of the Civil
War to 1960. On the basis of this analysis, they argue that many of the
movements in money, especially the largest ones, were mainly the result of
5.9 Empirical Application: Money and Output
developments in the monetary sector of the economy rather than the response of the money stock to real developments. Friedman and Schwartz
demonstrate that these monetary movements were followed by output movements in the same direction. Thus, Friedman and Schwartz conclude, unless
the money-output relationship in these episodes is an extraordinary fluke,
it must reflect causation running from money to output.26
C. Romer and D. Romer (1989) provide additional evidence along the same
lines. They search the records of the Federal Reserve for the postwar period
for evidence of policy shifts designed to lower inflation that were not motivated by developments on the real side of the economy. They identify six
such shifts, and find that all of them were followed by recessions. For example, in October 1979, shortly after Paul Volcker became chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy dramatically. The change appears to have been motivated by a desire to reduce
inflation, and not by the presence of other forces that would have caused
output to decline in any event. Yet it was followed by one of the largest
recessions in postwar U.S. history.27
What Friedman and Schwartz and Romer and Romer are doing is searching for natural experiments to determine the effects of monetary shocks
analogous to the natural experiments described in Section 4.4 for determining the effects of social infrastructure. For example, Friedman and
Schwartz argue that the death in 1928 of Benjamin Strong, the president
of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, brought about a large monetary
change that was not caused by the behavior of output. Strong’s death, they
argue, left a power vacuum in the Federal Reserve System and therefore
caused monetary policy to be conducted very differently over the next several years than it otherwise would have been.28
Natural experiments such as Strong’s death are unlikely to be as ideal as
genuine randomized experiments for determining the effects of monetary
See especially Chapter 13 of their book—something that every macroeconomist should
It is possible that similar studies of open economies could provide stronger evidence
concerning the importance of monetary forces. For example, shifts in monetary policy to
combat high rates of inflation in small, highly open economies appear to be associated with
large changes in real exchange rates, real interest rates, and real output. What we observe
is more complicated than anti-inflationary monetary policy being consistently followed by
low output, however. In particular, when the policy attempts to reduce inflation by targeting
the exchange rate, there is typically an output boom in the short run. Why this occurs is not
known. Likewise, the more general question of whether the evidence from inflation stabilizations in open economies provides strong evidence of monetary nonneutrality is unresolved.
Analyzing stabilizations is complicated by the fact that the policy shifts are often accompanied by fiscal reforms and by large changes in uncertainty. See, for example, Sargent (1982),
Rebelo and Végh (1995), and Calvo and Végh (1999).
Velde (2008) identifies and analyzes a fascinating natural monetary experiment in
eighteenth-century France. The results provide strong evidence of incomplete price adjustment and real effects of monetary changes even then.
changes. There is room for disagreement concerning whether any episodes
are sufficiently clear-cut to be viewed as independent monetary disturbances, and if so, what set of episodes should be considered. But since
randomized experiments are not possible, the evidence provided by natural
experiments may be the best we can obtain.
A related approach is to use the evidence provided by specific monetary interventions to investigate the impact of monetary changes on relative
prices. For example, as described in Section 11.2, Cook and Hahn (1989) confirm formally the common observation that Federal Reserve open-market
operations are associated with changes in nominal interest rates (see also
Kuttner, 2001). Given the discrete nature of the open-market operations and
the specifics of how their timing is determined, it is not plausible that they
occur endogenously at times when interest rates would have moved in any
event. And the fact that monetary expansions lower nominal rates strongly
suggests that the changes in nominal rates represent changes in real rates
as well. For example, monetary expansions lower nominal interest rates for
terms as short as a day; it seems unlikely that they reduce expected inflation
over such horizons. Since changes in real rates affect real behavior even in
Walrasian models, this evidence strongly suggests that monetary changes
have real effects.
Similarly, the nominal exchange-rate regime appears to affect the behavior of real exchange rates. Under a fixed exchange rate, the central bank
adjusts the money supply to keep the nominal exchange rate constant;
under a floating exchange rate, it does not. There is strong evidence that
not just nominal but also real exchange rates are much less volatile under fixed than floating exchange rates. In addition, when a central bank
switches from pegging the nominal exchange rate against one currency to
pegging it against another, the volatility of the two associated real exchange
rates seems to change sharply as well. (See, for example, Genberg, 1978;
Stockman, 1983; Mussa, 1986; and Baxter and Stockman, 1989.) Since shifts
between exchange-rate regimes are usually discrete, explaining this behavior of real exchange rates without appealing to real effects of monetary
forces appears to require positing sudden large changes in the real shocks
affecting economies. And again, all classes of theories predict that the behavior of real exchange rates has real effects.
The most significant limitation of this evidence is that the importance
of these apparent effects of monetary changes on real interest rates and
real exchange rates for quantities has not been determined. Baxter and
Stockman (1989), for example, do not find any clear difference in the behavior of economic aggregates under floating and fixed exchange rates.
Since real-business-cycle theories attribute fairly large changes in quantities to relatively modest movements in relative prices, however, a finding
that the price changes were not important would be puzzling from the perspective of many theories, not just ones predicting real effects of monetary
5.9 Empirical Application: Money and Output
More Sophisticated Statistical Evidence
The evidence involving natural experiments and monetary policy’s impact
on relative prices has caused the proposition that monetary disturbances
have real effects to gain broad support among macroeconomists. But these
kinds of evidence are of little use in determining the details of policy’s effects. For example, because Friedman and Schwartz and Romer and Romer
identify only a few episodes, their evidence cannot be used to obtain precise
quantitative estimates of policy’s impact on output or to shed much light
on the exact timing of different variables’ responses to monetary changes.
The desire to obtain a more detailed picture of monetary policy’s effects
has motivated a large amount of work reexamining the statistical relationship between monetary policy and the economy. Most of the work has been
done in the context of vector autoregressions, or VARs. In its simplest form,
a VAR is a system of equations where each variable in the system is regressed on a set of its own lagged values and lagged values of each of the
other variables (for example, Sims, 1980; Hamilton, 1994, Chapter 11, provides a general introduction to VARs). Early VARs put little or no structure
on the system. As a result, attempts to make inferences from them about
the effects of monetary policy suffered from the same problems of omitted variables, reverse causation, and money-demand shifts that doom the
St. Louis equation (Cooley and LeRoy, 1985).
Modern VARs improve on the early attempts in two ways. First, since
the Federal Reserve has generally let the money stock fluctuate in response
to money-demand shifts, the modern VARs choose measures of monetary
policy other than the money stock. The most common choice is the Federal funds rate (Bernanke and Blinder, 1992). Second, and more important,
they recognize that drawing inferences about the economy from the data
requires a model. They therefore make assumptions about the conduct of
policy and its effects that allow the estimates of the VAR parameters to
be mapped into estimates of policy’s impact on macroeconomic variables.
These structural VARs were pioneered by Sims (1986), Bernanke (1986), and
Blanchard and Watson (1986). Important contributions in the context of
monetary policy include Sims (1992); Galı́ (1992); Christiano, Eichenbaum,
and Evans (1996); Bernanke and Mihov (1998); Cochrane (1998); Barth and
Ramey (2001); and Hanson (2004). The results of these studies are broadly
consistent with the evidence discussed above. More importantly, these studies provide a variety of evidence about lags in policy’s effects, its impact on
financial markets, and other issues.
Unfortunately, it is not clear that such VARs have solved the difficulties
with simpler money-output regressions (Rudebusch, 1998). In particular,
these papers have not found a compelling way of addressing the problem
that the Federal Reserve may be adjusting policy in response to information
it has about future economic developments that the VARs do not control
for. Consider, for example, the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate cuts in 2007.
Since output had been growing rapidly for several years and unemployment
was low (which is not a situation in which the Federal Reserve normally cuts
interest rates), the typical VAR identifies the cuts as expansionary monetarypolicy shocks, and as therefore appropriate to use to investigate policy’s
effects. In fact, however, the Federal Reserve made the cuts because it believed the declines in housing prices and disruptions to financial markets
would lead to slower growth of aggregate demand; it lowered interest rates
only to try to offset these contractionary forces. Thus looking at the behavior of the macroeconomy after the interest-rate cuts is not a good way of
determining the impact of monetary policy. As this example shows, monetary policymaking is sufficiently complicated that it is extremely difficult
to control for the full set of factors that influence policy and that may also
directly influence the economy.
This discussion suggests that obtaining reliable estimates of the size and
timing of the effects of monetary changes will be very difficult: we will need
both the careful attention to the sources of changes in monetary policy or
of other monetary disturbances that characterizes the natural-experiments
literature, and the careful attention to statistical issues and estimation that
characterizes the VAR literature. C. Romer and D. Romer (2004) provide one
attempt in this direction. They find larger and faster impacts of monetary
policy on output and prices than conventional VARs, which is consistent
with the discussion above about likely biases in VARs. However, work trying
to marry the natural-experiment and VAR approaches is still in its early
5.10 Assessing the Baseline
Real-Business-Cycle Model
As described in Section 5.2, models like those we have been analyzing are
the simplest and most natural extensions of the Ramsey model to include
fluctuations. As a result, they are the natural baseline models of fluctuations. It would therefore be gratifying—and would simplify macroeconomics
greatly—if they captured the key features of observed fluctuations. Unfortunately, however, the evidence is overwhelming that they do not.
We met one major problem in the previous section: there is strong evidence that monetary shocks have important real effects. This finding means
more than just that baseline real-business-cycle models omit one source
of output movements. As described in the next two chapters, the leading
candidate explanations of real effects of monetary changes rest on incomplete adjustment of nominal prices or wages. We will see that incomplete nominal adjustment implies a new channel through which other
Assessing the Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
disturbances, such as changes in government purchases, have real effects.
We will also see that incomplete nominal adjustment is most likely to arise
when labor, credit, and goods markets depart significantly from the competitive assumptions of pure real-business-cycle theory. Thus the existence
of substantial monetary nonneutrality raises the possibility that there are
significant problems with many of the central features of the basic realbusiness-cycle model.
A second difficulty concerns the technology shocks. The model posits
technology shocks with a standard deviation of about 1 percent each quarter. It seems likely that such large technological innovations would often be
readily apparent. Yet it is usually difficult to identify specific innovations
associated with the large quarter-to-quarter swings in the Solow residual.
More importantly, there is significant evidence that short-run variations
in the Solow residual reflect more than changes in the pace of technological innovation. For example, Bernanke and Parkinson (1991) find that the
Solow residual moves just as much with output in the Great Depression as it
does in the postwar period, even though the Depression was almost surely
not caused by technological regress. Mankiw (1989) shows that the Solow
residual behaves similarly in the World War II boom—for which technology
shocks again appear an unlikely explanation—as it does during other periods. Hall (1988a) demonstrates that movements in the Solow residual are
correlated with the political party of the President, changes in military purchases, and oil price movements; yet none of these variables seem likely to
affect technology significantly in the short run.29
These findings suggest that variations in the Solow residual may be a
poor measure of technology shocks. There are several reasons that a rise
in output stemming from a source other than a positive technology shock
can cause the measured Solow residual to rise. The leading possibilities are
increasing returns, increases in the intensity of capital and labor utilization,
and the reallocation of inputs toward more productive firms. The evidence
suggests that the variation in utilization is important and provides less support for increasing returns. Less work has been done on reallocation.30
Technology shocks are central to the basic real-business-cycle model.
Thus if true technology shocks are considerably smaller than the variation
in the Solow residual suggests, the model’s ability to account for fluctuations is much smaller than the calibration exercise of Section 5.8 implies.
A third problem with the model concerns the effects of properly identified technology shocks. A body of recent work attempts to estimate series
of true technological disturbances, for example by purging the simple Solow
As Hall explains, oil price movements should not affect productivity once oil’s role in
production is accounted for.
Some important papers in this area are Basu (1995, 1996); Burnside, Eichenbaum, and
Rebelo (1995); Caballero and Lyons (1992) and the critique by Basu and Fernald (1995); Basu
and Fernald (1997); and Bils and Klenow (1998).
residual of confounding influences due to such factors as variable utilization. The papers then estimate the macroeconomic effects of those disturbances. The general finding is that following a positive technology shock,
labor input falls rather than rises (see Shea, 1998; Galı́ and Rabanal, 2004;
Francis and Ramey, 2005; Basu, Fernald, and Kimball, 2006; and Fernald,
2007). Thus in practice, the key source of fluctuations in baseline realbusiness-cycle models appears to cause labor and output to move in opposite directions. Moreover, this is exactly what one would expect in a stickyprice model where output is determined by demand in the short run.
A fourth difficulty concerns the microeconomic foundations of the model.
As noted above, the evidence concerning the effects of monetary disturbances is suggestive of important non-Walrasian features of the economy.
More importantly, there is strong direct evidence from the markets for
goods, labor, and credit that those markets depart from the assumptions
underlying the models of this chapter in ways that are potentially very relevant to aggregate fluctuations. To give an obvious example, the events
since August 2007 appear to provide overwhelming evidence that credit
markets are not Walrasian, and that this can have major consequences for
the macroeconomy. To give a more prosaic example, we will see in Section
7.6 that prices of goods are not perfectly flexible, but often remain fixed for
extended periods. A third example is provided by studies of the microeconomics of labor supply. These studies generally find that the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution is low, casting doubt on a critical mechanism behind changes in employment in real-business-cycle models. They also often
find that the prediction of the model that changes in labor demand affect the
quantity of labor supplied only through their impact on wages is rejected
by the data, suggesting that there is more to employment fluctuations than
the forces included in the model (see, for example, MaCurdy, 1981, Altonji,
1986, and Ham and Reilly, 2002). Although we would not want or expect the
microeconomics of a successful macroeconomic model to be completely realistic, such systematic departures are worrisome for real-business-cycle
Finally, Cogley and Nason (1995) and Rotemberg and Woodford (1996)
show that the dynamics of the basic real-business-cycle model do not look
at all like what one would think of as a business cycle. Cogley and Nason
show that the model has no significant propagation mechanisms: the dynamics of output follow the dynamics of the shocks quite closely. That is, the
model produces realistic output dynamics only to the extent that it assumes
them in the driving processes. Rotemberg and Woodford, in contrast, show
that there are important predictable movements in output, consumption,
and hours in actual economies but not in the baseline real-business-cycle
model. In the data, for example, times when hours are unusually low or the
ratio of consumption to income is unusually high are typically followed by
above-normal output growth. Rotemberg and Woodford demonstrate that
predictable output movements in the basic real-business-cycle model are
Assessing the Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
much smaller than what we observe in the data, and have very different
“Real” Extensions
Because of these difficulties, there is broad agreement that the models of
this chapter do not provide a remotely accurate account of fluctuations.
Moreover, as we have discussed, there are important features of fluctuations
that appear impossible to understand without incorporating some type of
nominal rigidity or imperfection. Nonetheless, much work on fluctuations
is done in purely real models. One reason is to create building blocks for
more complete models. As we will see, incorporating nominal rigidity into
dynamic models of fluctuations is difficult. As a result, in considering some
new feature, it is often easier to start with models that lack nominal rigidity.
Another reason is that there may be features of fluctuations that can be
understood without appeal to nominal rigidity. Thus, although a complete
model will presumably incorporate it, we may be able to gain insights in
models without it. Here we briefly discuss some important extensions on
the real side of business-cycle research.
One extension of the models of this chapter that has attracted considerable attention is the addition of indivisible labor. Changes in labor input
come not just from smooth changes in hours, but also from movements
into and out of employment. To investigate the implications of this fact,
Rogerson (1988) and Hansen (1985) consider the extreme case where ℓ for
each individual has only two possible values, 0 (which corresponds to not
being employed) and some positive value, ℓ0 (which corresponds to being
employed). Rogerson and Hansen justify this assumption by arguing that
there are fixed costs of working.
This change in the model greatly increases the responsiveness of labor
input to shocks; this in turn increases both the size of output fluctuations
and the share of changes in labor input in those fluctuations. From the
results of the calibration exercise described in Section 5.8, we know that
these changes improve the fit of the model.
To see why assuming all-or-nothing employment increases fluctuations
in labor input, assume that once the number of workers employed is determined, individuals are divided between employment and unemployment
randomly. The number of workers employed in period t, denoted by E t , must
satisfy E t ℓ0 = L t ; thus the probability that any given individual is employed
in period t is (L t /ℓ0 )/Nt . Each individual’s expected utility from leisure in
period t is therefore
L t /ℓ0
Nt − (L t /ℓ0 )
b ln (1 − ℓ0 ) +
b ln 1.
This expression is linear in L t : individuals are not averse to employment
fluctuations. In contrast, when all individuals work the same amount, utility
from leisure in period t is b ln [1 − (L t /Nt )]. This expression has a negative
second derivative with respect to L t : there is increasing marginal disutility of
working. As a result, L t varies less in response to a given amount of variation
in wages in the conventional version of the model than in the indivisiblelabor version. Hansen and Wright (1992) report that introducing indivisible
labor into the Prescott model discussed in Section 5.8 raises the standard
deviation of output from 1.30 to 1.73 percent (versus 1.92 percent in the
data), and the ratio of the standard deviation of total hours to the standard
deviation of output from 0.49 to 0.76 (versus 0.96 in the data).31
A second major extension is to include distortionary taxes (see Greenwood and Huffman, 1991; Baxter and King, 1993; Campbell, 1994; Braun,
1994; and McGrattan, 1994). A particularly appealing case is proportional
output taxation, so Tt = τt Yt , where τt is the tax rate in period t. Output
taxation corresponds to equal tax rates on capital and labor, which is a
reasonable first approximation for many countries. With output taxation,
a change in 1 − τ is, from the point of view of private agents, just like a
change in technology, A 1−α: it changes the amount of output they obtain
from a given amount of capital and labor. Thus for a given process for 1 − τ,
after-tax output behaves just as total output does in a model without taxation in which A 1−α follows that same process. This makes the analysis of
distortionary taxation straightforward (Campbell, 1994).
Since tax revenues are used to finance government purchases, it is natural
to analyze the effects of distortionary taxation and government purchases
together. Doing this can change our earlier analysis of the effects of government purchases significantly. Most importantly, predictable changes in
marginal tax rates create additional intertemporal-substitution effects that
can be quantitatively important. For example, in response to a temporary
increase in government purchases financed by a temporary increase in distortionary taxation, the tax-induced incentives for intertemporal substitution typically outweigh the other forces affecting output, so that aggregate
output falls rather than rises (Baxter and King, 1993).
Another important extension of real models of fluctuations is the inclusion of multiple sectors and sector-specific shocks. Long and Plosser (1983)
develop a multisector model similar to the model of Section 5.5 and investigate its implications for the transmission of shocks among sectors. Lilien
(1982) proposes a distinct mechanism through which sectoral technology or
relative-demand shocks can cause employment fluctuations. The basic idea
is that if the reallocation of labor across sectors is time-consuming, employment falls more rapidly in the sectors suffering negative shocks than
it rises in the sectors facing favorable shocks. As a result, sector-specific
Because the instantaneous utility function, (5.7), is separable between consumption
and leisure, expected utility is maximized when employed and unemployed workers have
the same consumption. Thus the indivisible-labor model implies that the unemployed are
better off than the employed. See Problem 10.6 and Rogerson and Wright (1988).
Assessing the Baseline Real-Business-Cycle Model
shocks cause temporary increases in unemployment. Lilien finds that a simple measure of the size of sector-specific disturbances appears to account
for a large fraction of the variation in aggregate employment. Subsequent
research, however, shows that Lilien’s original measure is flawed and that
his results are almost surely too strong. This work has not reached any firm
conclusions concerning the contribution of sectoral shocks to fluctuations
or to average unemployment, however.32
These are only a few of a large number of extensions of real-businesscycle models. Since there is nothing inherent in real-business-cycle modeling that requires that the models be Walrasian, many of the extensions
incorporate non-Walrasian features.33
Incorporating Nominal Rigidity into Models of
Business Cycles
As we have stressed, finding some channel through which nominal disturbances have real effects appears essential to understanding some central
features of business cycles. The main focus of the next two chapters is
therefore on incorporating nominal rigidity into business-cycle modeling.
Chapter 6 steps back from the complexities of this chapter and considers
nominal rigidity in isolation. Chapter 7 begins the process of putting things
back together by considering increasingly rich dynamic models of fluctuations with nominal rigidity.
One drawback of this organization is that it may give a false sense of
disagreement about research on business cycles. It is wrong to think of
macroeconomics as divided into two camps, one favoring rich Walrasian
models along the lines of the real extensions of the models of this chapter,
the other favoring relatively simple models with nominal rigidity like many
See, for example, Abraham and Katz (1986); Murphy and Topel (1987a); Davis and
Haltiwanger (1999); and Phelan and Trejos (2000).
Examples of Walrasian features that have been incorporated into the models include
lags in the investment process, or time-to-build (Kydland and Prescott, 1982); non-timeseparable utility (so that instantaneous utility at t does not depend just on ct and ℓt ) (Kydland
and Prescott, 1982); home production (Benhabib, Rogerson, and Wright, 1991, and Greenwood and Hercowitz, 1991); roles for government-provided goods and capital in utility and
production (for example, Christiano and Eichenbaum, 1992, and Baxter and King, 1993);
multiple countries (for example, Baxter and Crucini, 1993); embodied technological change
(Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Huffman, 1988, and Hornstein and Krusell, 1996); variable capital utilization and labor hoarding (Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Huffman, 1988, Burnside,
Eichenbaum, and Rebelo, 1993, and Burnside and Eichenbaum, 1996); and learning-by-doing
(Chang, Gomes, and Schorfheide, 2002, and Cooper and Johri, 2002). Examples of nonWalrasian features include externalities from capital (for example, Christiano and Harrison,
1999); efficiency wages (for example, Danthine and Donaldson, 1990); job search (for example, den Haan, Ramey, and Watson, 2000); and uninsurable idiosyncratic risk (for example,
Krusell and Smith, 1998).
of the models of the next two chapters. The almost universally shared ideal
is a fully specified quantitative model built up from microeconomic foundations, and the almost universal consensus is that such a model will need
to be relatively complicated and will need to include an important role for
nominal rigidity.
In terms of how to make progress toward that objective, again there is
no sharp division into distinct camps with conflicting views. Instead, researchers pursue a wide range of approaches. There are at least two dimensions along which there is considerable heterogeneity in research strategies.
The first is the extent to which the “default” modeling choices are Walrasian.
Suppose, for example, one is interested in the business-cycle implications
of efficiency wages. If one needed to model consumption decisions in analyzing that issue, one could let them be made by infinitely lived households
that face no borrowing constraints, or one could take a shortcut (such as
considering a static model or excluding capital) that implies that consumption equals current income.
There is no clearly “right” answer concerning which approach is likely
to be more fruitful. The use of a Walrasian baseline imposes discipline:
the modeler is not free to make a long list of non-Walrasian assumptions
that generate the results he or she desires. It also makes clear what nonWalrasian features are essential to the results. But it makes the models more
complicated, and thereby makes the sources of the results more difficult to
discern. And it may cause modelers to adopt assumptions that are not good
approximations for analyzing the questions at hand.
A second major dimension along which approaches vary is partialequilibrium versus general-equilibrium. Consider, for example, the issue we
will discuss in Part B of Chapter 6 of whether small costs of price adjustment
can cause substantial nominal rigidity. At one extreme, one could focus on a
single firm’s response to a one-time monetary disturbance. At the other, one
could build a dynamic model where the money supply follows a stochastic
process and examine the resulting general equilibrium.
Again, there are strengths and weaknesses to both approaches. The focus
on general equilibrium guards against the possibility that the effect being
considered has implausible implications along some dimension the modeler would not otherwise consider. But this comes at the cost of making
the analysis more complicated. As a result, the analysis must often take a
simpler approach to modeling the central issue of interest, and the greater
complexity again makes it harder to see the intuition for the results.
It is tempting to say that all these approaches are valuable, and that
macroeconomists should therefore pursue them all. There is clearly much
truth in this statement. For example, the proposition that both partialequilibrium and general-equilibrium models are valuable is unassailable.
But there are tradeoffs: simultaneously pursuing general-equilibrium and
partial-equilibrium analysis, and fully specified dynamic models and simple
static models, means that less attention can be paid to any one avenue. Thus
saying that all approaches have merit avoids the harder question of when
different approaches are more valuable and what mix is appropriate for analyzing a particular issue. Unfortunately, as with the issue of calibration versus other approaches to evaluating models’ empirical performance, we have
little systematic evidence on this question. As a result, macroeconomists
have little choice but to make tentative judgments, based on the currently
available models and evidence, about what types of inquiry are most promising. And they must remain open to the possibility that those judgments will
need to be revised.
5.1. Redo the calculations reported in Table 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3 for any country other
than the United States.
5.2. Redo the calculations reported in Table 5.3 for the following:
(a ) Employees’ compensation as a share of national income.
(b ) The labor force participation rate.
(c ) The federal government budget deficit as a share of GDP.
(d ) The Standard and Poor’s 500 composite stock price index.
(e ) The difference in yields between Moody’s Baa and Aaa bonds.
(f ) The difference in yields between 10-year and 3-month U.S. Treasury
(g ) The weighted average exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against major
5.3. Let A 0 denote the value of A in period 0, and let the behavior of ln A be given
by equations (5.8)–(5.9).
(a ) Express ln A 1 , ln A 2 , and ln A 3 in terms of ln A 0 ,
εA1 , εA2 , εA3 , A, and g.
(b ) In light of the fact that the expectations of the εA ’s are zero, what are the
expectations of ln A 1 , ln A 2 , and ln A 3 given ln A 0 , A, and g?
5.4. Suppose the period-t utility function, u t , is u t = ln c t + b (1 − ℓt )1−γ/(1 − γ ),
b > 0, γ > 0, rather than (5.7).
(a ) Consider the one-period problem analogous to that investigated in
(5.12)–(5.15). How, if at all, does labor supply depend on the wage?
(b ) Consider the two-period problem analogous to that investigated in
(5.16)–(5.21). How does the relative demand for leisure in the two periods
depend on the relative wage? How does it depend on the interest rate? Explain intuitively why γ affects the responsiveness of labor supply to wages
and the interest rate.
5.5. Consider the problem investigated in (5.16)–(5.21).
(a ) Show that an increase in both w 1 and w 2 that leaves w 1 /w 2 unchanged
does not affect ℓ1 or ℓ2 .
(b ) Now assume that the household has initial wealth of amount Z > 0.
(i ) Does (5.23) continue to hold? Why or why not?
(ii ) Does the result in (a) continue to hold? Why or why not?
5.6. Suppose an individual lives for two periods and has utility ln C1 + ln C2 .
(a ) Suppose the individual has labor income of Y1 in the first period of life
and zero in the second period. Second-period consumption is thus
(1 + r ) (Y1 − C1 ); r, the rate of return, is potentially random.
(i ) Find the first-order condition for the individual’s choice of C1 .
(ii ) Suppose r changes from being certain to being uncertain, without any
change in E [r ]. How, if at all, does C1 respond to this change?
(b ) Suppose the individual has labor income of zero in the first period and
Y2 in the second. Second-period consumption is thus Y2 − (1 + r )C1 . Y2 is
certain; again, r may be random.
(i ) Find the first-order condition for the individual’s choice of C1 .
(ii ) Suppose r changes from being certain to being uncertain, without any
change in E [r ]. How, if at all, does C1 respond to this change?
5.7. (a ) Use an argument analogous to that used to derive equation (5.23) to show
that household optimization requires b/(1 − ℓt ) = e−ρ E t [wt (1 + rt +1 )b/
wt +1 (1 − ℓt +1 )] .
(b ) Show that this condition is implied by (5.23) and (5.26). (Note that [5.26]
must hold in every period.)
5.8. A simplified real-business-cycle model with additive technology shocks.
(This follows Blanchard and Fischer, 1989, pp. 329–331.) Consider an economy consisting of a constant population of infinitely lived individuals. The
u (Ct )/(1 + ρ)t ,
representative individual maximizes the expected value of
ρ > 0. The instantaneous utility function, u (Ct ), is u (Ct ) = Ct − θC t2 , θ > 0.
Assume that C is always in the range where u ′ (C ) is positive.
Output is linear in capital, plus an additive disturbance: Yt = A K t + e t .
There is no depreciation; thus Kt +1 = K t + Yt − Ct , and the interest rate is A.
Assume A = ρ. Finally, the disturbance follows a first-order autoregressive
process: e t = φe t −1 + εt , where −1 < φ< 1 and where the εt ’s are mean-zero,
i.i.d. shocks.
(a ) Find the first-order condition (Euler equation) relating Ct and expectations
of Ct +1 .
(b ) Guess that consumption takes the form Ct = α + βK t + γ e t . Given this
guess, what is Kt +1 as a function of K t and e t ?
(c ) What values must the parameters α, β, and γ have for the first-order condition in part (a) to be satisfied for all values of K t and e t ?
(d ) What are the effects of a one-time shock to
and C ?
on the paths of Y, K ,
5.9. A simplified real-business-cycle model with taste shocks. (This follows
Blanchard and Fischer, 1989, p. 361.) Consider the setup in Problem 5.8. Assume, however, that the technological disturbances (the e’s) are absent and
that the instantaneous utility function is u (C t ) = C t − θ(C t + νt )2 . The ν’s are
mean-zero, i.i.d. shocks.
(a ) Find the first-order condition (Euler equation) relating Ct and expectations
of Ct +1 .
(b ) Guess that consumption takes the form Ct = α + βK t + γ νt . Given this
guess, what is Kt +1 as a function of K t and νt ?
(c ) What values must the parameters α, β, and γ have for the first-order condition in (a) to be satisfied for all values of K t and νt ?
(d ) What are the effects of a one-time shock to ν on the paths of Y, K , and C ?
5.10. The balanced growth path of the model of Section 5.3. Consider the model
of Section 5.3 without any shocks. Let y ∗ , k ∗ , c ∗ , and G ∗ denote the values
of Y/(AL), K /(AL), C/(AL), and G/(AL) on the balanced growth path; w ∗ the
value of w/A; ℓ ∗ the value of L/N ; and r ∗ the value of r.
(a ) Use equations (5.1)–(5.4), (5.23), and (5.26) and the fact that y ∗ , k ∗ , c ∗ , w ∗ ,
ℓ ∗ , and r ∗ are constant on the balanced growth path to find six equations
in these six variables. (Hint: The fact that c in [5.23] is consumption per
person, C/N, and c ∗ is the balanced-growth-path value of consumption
per unit of effective labor, C/(AL), implies that c = c ∗ ℓ ∗ A on the balanced
growth path.)
(b ) Consider the parameter values assumed in Section 5.7. What are the implied shares of consumption and investment in output on the balanced
growth path? What is the implied ratio of capital to annual output on the
balanced growth path?
5.11. Solving a real-business-cycle model by finding the social optimum.34 Consider the model of Section 5.5. Assume for simplicity that n = g = A = N =
0. Let V (K t ,A t ), the value function, be the expected present value from the
current period forward of lifetime utility of the representative individual as
a function of the capital stock and technology.
(a ) Explain intuitively why V (•) must satisfy
V (K t ,A t ) = max {[ln Ct + b ln (1 − ℓt )] + e−ρ E t [V (Kt +1 ,A t +1 )]}.
Ct ,ℓt
This condition is known as the Bellman equation.
Given the log-linear structure of the model, let us guess that V (•) takes
the form V (K t ,A t ) = β0 + βK ln K t + βA ln A t , where the values of the β’s
are to be determined. Substituting this conjectured form and the facts
This problem uses dynamic programming and the method of undetermined coefficients. These two methods are explained in Section 10.4 and Section 5.6, respectively.
that Kt +1 = Yt − Ct and E t [ln A t +1 ] = ρA ln A t into the Bellman equation
V (K t ,A t ) = max {[ln Ct + b ln (1 − ℓt )] + e−ρ[β0 + βK ln (Yt − Ct ) + βA ρA ln A t ]}.
Ct , ℓ t
(b ) Find the first-order condition for Ct . Show that it implies that Ct /Yt does
not depend on K t or A t .
(c ) Find the first-order condition for ℓt . Use this condition and the result in
part (b) to show that ℓt does not depend on K t or A t .
(d ) Substitute the production function and the results in parts (b) and (c) for
the optimal Ct and ℓt into the equation above for V (•), and show that the
resulting expression has the form V (K t ,A t ) = β0′ + βK′ ln K t + βA′ ln A t .
(e ) What must βK and βA be so that βK′ = βK and βA′ = βA ?35
(f ) What are the implied values of C/Y and ℓ ? Are they the same as those
found in Section 5.5 for the case of n = g = 0?
5.12. Suppose technology follows some process other than (5.8)–(5.9). Do s t = ŝ
and ℓt = ℓ̂ for all t continue to solve the model of Section 5.5? Why or
why not?
5.13. Consider the model of Section 5.5. Suppose, however, that the instantaneous
utility function, u t , is given by u t = ln c t + b (1 − ℓt )1−γ/(1 − γ ), b > 0, γ > 0,
rather than by (5.7) (see Problem 5.4).
(a ) Find the first-order condition analogous to equation (5.26) that relates
current leisure and consumption, given the wage.
(b ) With this change in the model, is the saving rate (s) still constant?
(c ) Is leisure per person (1 − ℓ ) still constant?
5.14. (a ) If the à t ’s are uniformly 0 and if ln Yt evolves according to (5.39), what
path does ln Yt settle down to? (Hint: Note that we can rewrite [5.39] as
ln Yt − (n + g)t = Q + α[ln Yt −1 − (n + g)(t − 1)] + (1 − α)Ã t , where Q ≡
α ln ŝ + (1 − α)(A + ln ℓ̂ + N ) − α(n + g).)
(b ) Let Ỹ t denote the difference between ln Yt and the path found in (a). With
this definition, derive (5.40).
5.15. The derivation of the log-linearized equation of motion for capital. Consider the equation of motion for capital, Kt +1 = K t + K tα(A t L t )1−α − Ct −
G t − δK t .
(a ) (i ) Show that ∂ ln Kt +1 /∂ ln K t (holding A t , L t , Ct , and G t fixed) equals
(1 + rt +1 )(K t /Kt +1 ).
(ii ) Show that this implies that ∂ ln Kt +1 /∂ ln K t evaluated at the balanced
growth path is (1 + r ∗ )/e n+g.36
The calculation of β0 is tedious and is therefore omitted.
One could express r ∗ in terms of the discount rate ρ. Campbell (1994) argues, however,
that it is easier to discuss the model’s implications in terms of r ∗ than ρ.
(b ) Show that
K̃ t +1 ≃ λ1 K̃ t + λ2 (Ã t + L̃ t ) + λ3 G̃ t + (1 − λ1 − λ2 − λ3 )C̃ t ,
where λ1 ≡ (1 + r ∗ )/e n +g, λ2 ≡ (1 − α)(r ∗ + δ)/(αe n +g ), and λ3 = −(r ∗ + δ)
(G/Y ) ∗ /(αe n+g ); and where (G/Y ) ∗ denotes the ratio of G to Y on the
balanced growth path without shocks. (Hints: Since the production function is Cobb–Douglas, Y ∗ = (r ∗ + δ)K ∗/α. On the balanced growth path,
Kt +1 = e n+g K t , which implies that C ∗ = Y ∗ − G ∗ − δK ∗ − (e n+g − 1)K ∗ .)
(c ) Use the result in (b) and equations (5.43)–(5.44) to derive (5.53),
where b KK = λ1 + λ2 a LK + (1 − λ1 − λ2 − λ3 ) a CK , b KA = λ2 (1 + a LA ) +
(1 − λ1 − λ2 − λ3 )a CA , and b KG = λ2 a LG + λ3 + (1 − λ1 − λ2 − λ3 )a CG .
5.16. Redo the regression reported in equation (5.55):
(a ) Incorporating more recent data.
(b ) Incorporating more recent data, and using M 1 rather than M 2.
(c ) Including eight lags of the change in log money rather than four.
As we discussed at the end of the previous chapter, a major limitation
of real-business-cycle models is their omission of any role for monetary
changes in driving macroeconomic fluctuations. It is therefore important
to extend our analysis of fluctuations to incorporate a role for such
For monetary disturbances to have real effects, there must be some type
of nominal rigidity or imperfection. Otherwise, even in a model that is highly
non-Walrasian, a monetary change results only in proportional changes in
all prices with no impact on real prices or quantities. By far the most common nominal imperfection in modern business-cycle models is some type
of barrier or limitation to the adjustment of nominal prices or wages. This
chapter therefore focuses on such barriers.
Introducing incomplete nominal price adjustment does more than just
add a channel through which monetary disturbances have real effects. As we
will see, for realistic cases just adding plausible barriers to price adjustment
to an otherwise Walrasian model is not enough to produce quantitatively
important effects of monetary changes. Thus introducing an important role
for nominal disturbances usually involves significant changes to the microeconomics of the model. In addition, nominal rigidity changes how disturbances other than monetary shocks affect the economy. Thus it affects
our understanding of the effects of nonmonetary changes. Because nominal
rigidity has such strong effects and is so central to understanding important features of fluctuations, most modern business-cycle models include
some form of nominal rigidity.
This chapter begins the process of adding nominal rigidity to businesscycle models by considering the effects of nominal rigidity in relatively simple models that are either static or consider only one-time shocks. In Part A
of the chapter, nominal rigidity is taken as given. The goal is to understand
the effects of nominal rigidity and to analyze the effects of various assumptions about the specifics of the rigidity, such as whether it is prices or wages
that are sticky and the nature of inflation dynamics. Part B then turns to the
microeconomic foundations of nominal rigidity. The key question we will
consider there is how barriers to nominal adjustment—which, as we will
A Baseline Case: Fixed Prices
see, are almost certainly small—can lead to substantial aggregate nominal
Part A Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
6.1 A Baseline Case: Fixed Prices
In this part of the chapter, we take nominal rigidity as given and investigate its effects. We begin with the extreme case where nominal prices are
not just less than fully flexible, but completely fixed. Aside from this exogenously imposed assumption of price rigidity, the model is built up from
microeconomic foundations.
Time is discrete. Firms produce output using labor as their only input. Aggregate output is therefore given by
Y = F (L),
F ′ (•) > 0, F ′′ (•) ≤ 0.
Government and international trade are absent from the model. Together
with the assumption that there is no capital, this implies that aggregate
consumption and aggregate output are equal.
There is a fixed number of infinitely lived households that obtain utility
from consumption and from holding real money balances, and disutility
from working. For simplicity, we ignore population growth and normalize
the number of households to 1. The representative household’s objective
function is
β [U (Ct ) + ⌫
− V (L t )],
0 < β < 1.
There is diminishing marginal utility of consumption and money holdings,
and increasing marginal disutility of working: U ′ (•) > 0, U ′′ (•) < 0, ⌫ (•) > 0,
⌫ (•) < 0, V ′ (•) > 0, V ′′ (•) > 0. We assume that U (•) and ⌫(•) take our usual
constant-relative-risk-aversion forms:
U (Ct ) =
θ > 0,
(Mt /Pt )1−ν
ν > 0.
The assumption that money is a direct source of utility is a shortcut.
In truth, individuals hold cash not because it provides utility directly, but
because it allows them to purchase some goods more easily. One can think
of the contribution of Mt /Pt to the objective function as reflecting this increased convenience rather than direct utility.1
There are two assets: money, which pays a nominal interest rate of zero,
and bonds, which pay an interest rate of it . Let A t denote the household’s
wealth at the start of period t. Its labor income is Wt L t (where W is the
nominal wage), and its consumption expenditures are Pt Ct . The quantity of
bonds it holds from t to t + 1 is therefore A t + Wt L t − Pt Ct − Mt . Thus its
wealth evolves according to
A t+1 = Mt + (A t + Wt L t − Pt Ct − Mt )(1 + it ).
The household takes the paths of P , W, and i as given. It chooses the
paths of C and M to maximize its lifetime utility subject to its flow budget
constraint and a no-Ponzi-game condition (see Section 2.2). Because we want
to allow for the possibility of nominal wage rigidity and of a labor market
that does not clear, for now we do not take a stand concerning whether the
household’s labor supply, L, is exogenous to the household or a choice variable. Likewise, for now we make no assumption about how firms choose L.
The path of M is set by the central bank. Thus, although households view
the path of i as given and the path of M as something they choose, in general
equilibrium the path of M is exogenous and the path of i is determined
Household Behavior
In period t, the household’s choice variables are Ct and Mt (and as just described, perhaps L t ). Consider the experiment we used in Sections 2.2 and
5.4 to find the Euler equation relating Ct and Ct+1 . The household reduces
Ct by dC, and therefore increases its bond holdings by Pt dC. It then uses
those bonds and the interest on them to increase Ct+1 by (1 + it )Pt dC/Pt+1 .
Equivalently, it increases Ct+1 by (1 + rt )dC, where rt is the real interest rate,
defined by 1 + rt = (1 + it )Pt /Pt+1 .2 Analysis paralleling that in the earlier
chapters yields
Ct−θ = (1 + rt )βCt+1
Feenstra (1986) demonstrates formally that this money-in-the-utility-function formulation and transactions benefits of money holdings are observationally equivalent. The classic
model of the transactions demand for money is the Baumol-Tobin model (Baumol, 1952;
Tobin, 1956). See Problem 6.2.
If we define πt by 1 + πt = Pt+1 /Pt , we have 1 + rt = (1 + it )/(1 + πt ). For small values of
it and πt , rt ≈ it − πt .
A Baseline Case: Fixed Prices
Taking logs of both sides and solving for ln Ct gives us
ln Ct = ln Ct+1 −
ln[(1 + rt )β].
To get this expression into a form that is more useful, we make three
changes. First, and most importantly, recall that the only use of output is
for consumption and that we have normalized the number of households
to 1. Thus in equilibrium, aggregate output, Y, and the consumption of the
representative household, C, must be equal. We therefore substitute Y for
C. Second, for small values of r, ln(1 + r ) ≈ r. For simplicity, we treat this
relationship as exact. And third, we suppress the constant term, −(1/θ) ln β.3
These changes give us:
ln Yt = ln Yt+1 −
rt .
Equation (6.8) is known as the new Keynesian IS curve. In contrast to
the traditional IS curve, it is derived from microeconomic foundations. The
main difference from the traditional IS curve is the presence of Yt+1 on the
right-hand side.4
For our purposes, the most important feature of the new Keynesian IS
curve is that it implies an inverse relationship between rt and Yt . More elaborate analyses of the demand for goods have the same implication. For example, we will see in Chapter 9 that increases in the real interest rate reduce
the amount of investment firms want to undertake. Thus adding capital to
the model would introduce another reason for a downward-sloping relationship. Similarly, suppose we introduced international trade. A rise in the
country’s interest rate would generally increase demand for the country’s
assets, and so cause its exchange rate to appreciate. This in turn would
reduce exports and increase imports.
To find the first-order condition for households’ money holdings, consider a balanced-budget change in Mt /Pt and Ct . Specifically, suppose the
household raises Mt /Pt by dm and lowers Ct by [it /(1 + it )]dm. The household’s real bond holdings therefore fall by {1 − [it /(1 + it )]}dm, or [1/(1 +
it )]dm. This change has no effect on the household’s wealth at the beginning of period t + 1. Thus if the household is optimizing, at the margin this
change must not affect utility.
The utility benefit of the change is ⌫ (Mt /Pt )dm, and the utility cost is
U (Ct )[it /(1 + it )]dm. The first-order condition for optimal money holdings
This can be formalized by reinterpreting r as the difference between the real interest
rate and − ln β.
The new Keynesian IS curve is derived by Kerr and King (1996) and McCallum and
Nelson (1999). Under uncertainty, with appropriate assumptions ln Yt+1 can be replaced with
E t [ln Yt+1 ] plus a constant.
is therefore
1 + it
U ′ (Ct ).
Since U (•) and ⌫(•) are given by (6.3) and (6.4) and since Ct = Yt , this condition implies
1 + it
Thus money demand is increasing in output and decreasing in the nominal
interest rate.
The Effects of Shocks with Fixed Prices
We are now in a position to describe the effects of changes in the money
supply and of other disturbances. To see how price rigidity alters the behavior of the economy, it is easiest to begin with the case where prices are
completely fixed, both now and in the future. Thus in this section we assume
Pt = P
for all t.
This assumption allows us to depict the solutions to the two conditions
for household optimization, (6.8) and (6.10), graphically. With completely
rigid prices, the nominal and real interest rates are the same. Equation (6.8),
the new Keynesian IS curve, implies an inverse relationship between the
interest rate and output (for a given value of the expectation of next period’s
output). The set of combinations of the interest rate and output that satisfy
equation (6.10) for optimal money holdings (for a given level of the money
supply) is upward-sloping. The two curves are shown in Figure 6.1. They are
known as the IS and LM curves.
We know that in the absence of any type of nominal rigidity or imperfection, a change in the money supply leads to a proportional change in all
prices and wages, with no impact on real quantities. Thus the most important experiment to consider to investigate the effects of nominal rigidity is
a change in the money supply.
For concreteness, consider an increase in the money supply in period t
that is fully reversed the next period, so that future output is unaffected.
The increase shifts the LM curve down and does not affect the IS curve. As
a result, the interest rate falls and output rises. This is shown in Figure 6.2.
Thus we have a simple but crucial result: with nominal rigidity, monetary
disturbances have real effects.
Nominal rigidity also has implications for the effects of other disturbances. Suppose, for example, we introduce government purchases to the
model. The Euler equation for households’ intertemporal optimization
problem is the same as before; thus equation (6.7) continues to describe
A Baseline Case: Fixed Prices
FIGURE 6.1 The IS-LM diagram
LM ′
The effects of a temporary increase in the money supply with
completely fixed prices
consumption demand. Now, however, the demand for goods comes from
both households and the government. An increase in government purchases
that is temporary (so that future output is unaffected) shifts the IS curve
to the right, and so raises output and the real interest rate. Because of
the nominal rigidity, the intertemporal-substitution and wealth effects that
are central to the effects of changes in government purchases in the realbusiness-cycle model of Chapter 5 are irrelevant. Thus the transmission
mechanism is now completely different: the government demands more
goods and, because prices are fixed, firms supply them at the fixed prices.
6.2 Price Rigidity, Wage Rigidity, and
Departures from Perfect
Competition in the Goods and
Labor Markets
The discussion in the previous section of the effects of increases in demand
with rigid prices neglects an important question: Why do firms supply the
additional output? Although by assumption they do not have the option of
raising prices, they could just leave their output unchanged and choose not
to meet the additional demand.
There is one important case where this is exactly what they do. Suppose
the markets for goods and labor are perfectly competitive and are initially in
equilibrium. Thus workers’ wages equal their marginal disutility of supplying labor, and firms’ prices equal their marginal cost. Workers are therefore
not willing to supply more labor unless the wage rises. But the marginal
product of labor declines as labor input rises, and so marginal cost rises.
Thus firms are not willing to employ more labor unless the wage falls. The
result is that employment and output do not change when the money supply
increases. The rise in demand leads not to a rise in output, but to rationing
in the goods market.
This discussion tells us that for monetary expansion to have real effects,
nominal rigidity is not enough; there must also be some departure from
perfect competition in either the product market or the labor market. This
section therefore investigates various combinations of nominal price and
wage rigidity and imperfections in the goods and labor markets that could
cause nominal disturbances to have real effects.
In all of the cases we will consider, incomplete nominal adjustment is
assumed rather than derived. Thus this section’s purpose is not to discuss
possible microeconomic foundations of nominal stickiness; that is the job
of Part B of this chapter. Instead, the goal is to examine the implications that
different assumptions concerning nominal wage and price rigidity and characteristics of the labor and goods markets have for unemployment, firms’
Alternative Assumptions about Price and Wage Rigidity
pricing behavior, and the behavior of the real wage and the markup in response to demand fluctuations.
We consider four sets of assumptions. The first two are valuable baselines. Both, however, appear to fail as even remotely approximate descriptions of actual economies. The other two are more complicated and potentially more accurate. Together, the four cases illustrate the wide range of
Case 1: Keynes’s Model
The supply side of the model in Keynes’s General Theory (1936) has two
key features. First, the nominal wage is completely unresponsive to currentperiod developments (at least over some range):
W = W.
(Throughout this section, we focus on the economy in a single period. Thus
we omit time subscripts for simplicity.) Second, for reasons that Keynes did
not specify explicitly, the wage that prevails in the absence of nominal rigidity is above the level that equates supply and demand. Thus, implicitly, the
labor market has some non-Walrasian feature that causes the equilibrium
real wage to be above the market-clearing level.
Keynes’s assumptions concerning the goods market, in contrast, are conventional. As in Section 6.1, output is given by Y = F (L), with F ′ (•) > 0 and
F ′′ (•) ≤ 0 (see equation [6.1]). Firms are competitive and their prices are
flexible, and so they hire labor up to the point where the marginal product
of labor equals the real wage:
F ′ (L) =
With these assumptions, an increase in demand raises output through its
impact on the real wage. When the money supply or some other determinant
of demand rises, goods prices rise, and so the real wage falls and employment rises. Because the real wage is initially above the market-clearing level,
workers are willing to supply the additional labor.
Figure 6.3 shows the situation in the labor market. The initial level of employment is determined by labor demand and the prevailing real wage (Point
E in the diagram). Thus there is involuntary unemployment: some workers
would like to work at the prevailing wage but cannot. The amount of unemployment is the difference between supply and demand at the prevailing
real wage (distance EA in the diagram).
Fluctuations in the demand for goods lead to movements of employment
and the real wage along the downward-sloping labor demand curve. Higher
demand, for example, raises the price level. Thus it leads to a lower real
wage and higher employment. This is shown as Point E′ in the diagram. This
The labor market with sticky wages, flexible prices, and a competitive goods market
view of the supply side of the economy therefore implies a countercyclical
real wage in response to aggregate demand shocks. This prediction has been
subject to extensive testing beginning shortly after the publication of the
General Theory. It has consistently failed to find support. As described in
the next section, our current understanding suggests that real wages are
moderately procyclical.5
Case 2: Sticky Prices, Flexible Wages, and a
Competitive Labor Market
The view of supply in the General Theory assumes that the goods market is
competitive and goods prices are completely flexible, and that the source of
nominal stickiness is entirely in the labor market. This raises the question
In responding to early studies of the cyclical behavior of wages, Keynes (1939) largely
disavowed the specific formulation of the supply side of the economy in the General Theory,
saying that he had chosen it to keep the model as classical as possible and to simplify the
presentation. His 1939 view of supply is closer to Case 4, below.
Alternative Assumptions about Price and Wage Rigidity
of what occurs in the reverse case where the labor market is competitive and
wages are completely flexible, and where the source of incomplete nominal
adjustment is entirely in the goods market.
In the previous case, we assumed that in the absence of nominal rigidity,
the wage is above the market-clearing level. This assumption was necessary for increases in demand to lead to higher employment. Likewise, when
the nominal rigidity is in the goods market, we assume that the flexibleprice equilibrium involves prices that exceed marginal costs. Without this
assumption, if the demand for goods rose, firms would turn customers away
rather than meet the additional demand at their fixed prices.
Models of nominal rigidity in the goods market almost always assume
that the reason prices normally exceed marginal costs is that firms have
market power, so that profit-maximizing prices are above marginal costs.
Under this assumption, at the flexible-price equilibrium, firms are better off
if they can sell more at the prevailing price. As a result, a rise in demand
with rigid prices leads to higher output.
When prices rather than wages are assumed rigid, the assumption from
Section 6.1 that P = P (equation [6.11]), which we dropped in Case 1, again
applies. Wages are flexible and the labor market is competitive. Thus workers choose their labor supply to maximize utility taking the real wage as
given. From the utility function, (6.2)–(6.4), the first-order condition for optimal labor supply is
C −θ
= V ′ (L).
In equilibrium, C = Y = F (L). Thus (6.14) implies
= [F (L)]θV ′ (L).
The right-hand side of this expression is increasing in L. Thus (6.15) implicitly defines L as an increasing function of the real wage:
L s ′ (•) > 0.
Finally, firms meet demand at the prevailing price as long as it does not
exceed the level where marginal cost equals price.
With these assumptions, fluctuations in demand cause firms to change
employment and output at the fixed price level. Figure 6.4 shows the model’s
implications for the labor market. Firms’ demand for labor is determined
by their desire to meet the demand for their goods. Thus, as long as the
real wage is not so high that it is unprofitable to meet the full demand, the
labor demand curve is a vertical line in employment-wage space. The term
effective labor demand is used to describe a situation, such as this, where the
F −1(Y )
F −1(Y ′ )
A competitive labor market when prices are sticky and wages
are flexible
quantity of labor demanded depends on the amount of goods that firms are
able to sell.6 The real wage is determined by the intersection of the effective
labor demand curve and the labor supply curve (Point E). Thus workers are
on their labor supply curve, and there is no unemployment.
This model implies a procyclical real wage in the face of demand fluctuations. A rise in demand, for example, leads to a rise in effective labor
demand, and thus to an increase in the real wage as workers move up their
labor supply curve (to Point E′ in the diagram). If labor supply is relatively
unresponsive to the real wage, the real wage varies greatly when demand
for goods changes.
Finally, this model implies a countercyclical markup (ratio of price to
marginal cost) in response to demand fluctuations. A rise in demand, for
example, leads to a rise in costs, both because the wage rises and because
the marginal product of labor declines as output rises. Prices, however, stay
fixed, and so the ratio of price to marginal cost falls.
If the real wage is so high that it is unprofitable for firms to meet the demand for their
goods, the quantity of labor demanded is determined by the condition that the marginal
product equals the real wage. Thus this portion of the labor demand curve is downwardsloping.
Alternative Assumptions about Price and Wage Rigidity
Because markups are harder to measure than real wages, it is harder to
determine their cyclical behavior. Nonetheless, work in this area has largely
reached a consensus that markups are significantly countercyclical. See, for
example, Bils (1987); Warner and Barsky (1995); Chevalier and Scharfstein
(1996); and Chevalier, Kashyap, and Rossi (2003).7
The reason that incomplete nominal adjustment causes changes in the
demand for goods to affect output is quite different in this case than in the
previous one. A fall in demand, for example, lowers the amount that firms
are able to sell; thus they reduce their production. In the previous model,
in contrast, a fall in demand, by raising the real wage, reduces the amount
that firms want to sell.
This model of the supply side of the economy is important for three reasons. First, it is the natural starting point for models in which nominal stickiness involves prices rather than wages. Second, it shows that there is no necessary connection between nominal rigidity and unemployment. And third,
it is easy to use; because of this, models like it often appear in the theoretical
Case 3: Sticky Prices, Flexible Wages, and Real Labor
Market Imperfections
Since fluctuations in output appear to be associated with fluctuations in
unemployment, it is natural to ask whether movements in the demand for
goods can lead to changes in unemployment when it is nominal prices
that adjust sluggishly. To see how this can occur, suppose that nominal
wages are still flexible, but that there is some non-Walrasian feature of
the labor market that causes the real wage to remain above the level that
equates demand and supply. Chapter 10 investigates characteristics of the
labor market that can cause this to occur and how the real wage may vary
with the level of aggregate economic activity in such situations. For now,
let us simply assume that firms have some “real-wage function.” Thus we
= w (L),
w ′ (•) ≥ 0.
For concreteness, one can think of firms paying more than market-clearing
wages for efficiency-wage reasons (see Sections 10.2–10.4). As before, prices
are fixed at P , and output and employment are related by the production
function, Y = F (L).
Rotemberg and Woodford (1999a) synthesize much of the evidence and discuss its
implications. Nekarda and Ramey (2009) present evidence in support of procyclical markups.
W (L)
F −1(Y ′ )
F −1(Y )
A non-Walrasian labor market when prices are sticky and nominal
wages are flexible
These assumptions, like the previous ones, imply that increases in demand raise output up to the point where marginal cost equals the exogenously given price level. Thus again changes in demand have real effects.
This case’s implications for the labor market are shown in Figure 6.5. Employment and the real wage are now determined by the intersection of the
effective labor demand curve and the real-wage function. In contrast to the
previous case, there is unemployment; the amount is given by distance EA
in the diagram. Fluctuations in labor demand lead to movements along the
real-wage function rather than along the labor supply curve. Thus the elasticity of labor supply no longer determines how the real wage responds to
changes in the demand for goods. And if the real-wage function is flatter
than the labor supply curve, unemployment falls when demand rises.
Case 4: Sticky Wages, Flexible Prices, and Imperfect
Just as Case 3 extends Case 2 by introducing real imperfections in the labor
market, the final case extends Case 1 by introducing real imperfections in
Alternative Assumptions about Price and Wage Rigidity
the goods market. Specifically, assume (as in Case 1) that the nominal wage
is rigid at W and that nominal prices are flexible, and continue to assume
that output and employment are related by the production function. Now,
however, assume that the goods market is imperfectly competitive. With
imperfect competition, price is a markup over marginal cost. Paralleling our
assumptions about the real wage in Case 3, we do not model the determinants of the markup, but simply assume that there is a “markup function.”
With these assumptions, price is given by
P = μ(L)
F ′ (L)
W/F ′ (L) is marginal cost and μ is the markup.
Equation (6.18) implies that the real wage, W/P , is given by F ′ (L)/μ(L).
Without any restriction on μ(L), one cannot say how W/P varies with L. If
μ is constant, the real wage is countercyclical because of the diminishing
marginal product of labor, just as in Case 1. Since the nominal wage is fixed,
the price level must be higher when output is higher. And again as in Case 1,
there is unemployment.
If μ(L) is sufficiently countercyclical—that is, if the markup is sufficiently
lower in booms than in recoveries—the real wage can be acyclical or procyclical even though the nominal rigidity is entirely in the labor market. A
particularly simple case occurs when μ(L) is precisely as countercyclical as
F ′ (L). In this situation, the real wage is not affected by changes in L. Since
the nominal wage is unaffected by L by assumption, the price level is unaffected as well. If μ(L) is more countercyclical than F ′ (L), then P must actually
be lower when L is higher. In all these cases, employment continues to be
determined by effective labor demand.
Figure 6.6 shows this case’s implications for the labor market. The real
wage equals F ′ (L)/μ(L), which can be decreasing in L (Panel (a)), constant
(Panel (b)), or increasing (Panel (c)). The level of goods demand determines
where on the F ′ (L)/μ(L) locus the economy is. Unemployment again equals
the difference between labor supply and employment at the prevailing real
In short, different views about the sources of incomplete nominal adjustment and the characteristics of labor and goods markets have different
implications for unemployment, the real wage, and the markup. As a result, Keynesian theories do not make strong predictions about the behavior
of these variables. For example, the fact that the real wage does not appear to be countercyclical is perfectly consistent with the view that nominal
disturbances are a major source of aggregate fluctuations. The behavior of
these variables can be used, however, to test specific Keynesian models. The
absence of a countercyclical real wage, for example, appears to be strong
evidence against the view that fluctuations are driven by changes in goods
F ′ (L)/μ(L)
F ′ (L)/μ(L)
F ′ (L)/μ(L)
The labor market with sticky wages, flexible prices, and an
imperfectly competitive goods market
Empirical Application: The Cyclical Behavior of the Real Wage
demand and that Keynes’s original model provides a good description of
the supply side of the economy.
6.3 Empirical Application: The Cyclical
Behavior of the Real Wage
Economists have been interested in the cyclical behavior of the real wage
ever since the appearance of Keynes’s General Theory. Early studies of this
issue examined aggregate data. The general conclusion of this literature is
that the real wage in the United States and other countries is approximately
acyclical or moderately procyclical (see, for example, Geary and Kennan,
The set of workers who make up the aggregate is not constant over
the business cycle, however. Since employment is more cyclical for lowerskill, lower-wage workers, lower-skill workers constitute a larger fraction of
employed individuals in booms than in recessions. As a result, examining
aggregate data is likely to understate the extent of procyclical movements
in the typical individual’s real wage. To put it differently, the skill-adjusted
aggregate real wage is likely to be more procyclical than the unadjusted
aggregate real wage.
Because of this possibility, various authors have examined the cyclical
behavior of real wages using panel data. One of the most thorough and
careful attempts is that of Solon, Barsky, and Parker (1994). They employ U.S.
data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (commonly referred to as the
PSID) for the period 1967–1987. As Solon, Barsky, and Parker describe, the
aggregate real wage is unusually procyclical in this period. Specifically, they
report that in this period a rise in the unemployment rate of 1 percentage
point is associated with a fall in the aggregate real wage of 0.6 percent (with
a standard error of 0.17 percent).
Solon, Barsky, and Parker consider two approaches to addressing the
effects of cyclical changes in the skill mix of workers. The first is to consider
only individuals who are employed throughout their sample period and to
examine the cyclical behavior of the aggregate real wage for this group. The
second approach uses more observations. With this approach, Solon, Barsky,
and Parker in effect estimate a regression of the form
ln wit = a ′ X it + bu t + eit .
Here i indexes individuals and t years, w is the real wage, u is the unemployment rate, and X is a vector of control variables. They use all available
observations; that is, observation it is included if individual i is employed in
both year t − 1 and year t. The fact that the individual must be employed in
both years to be included is what addresses the possibility of composition
The results of the two approaches are quite similar: the real wage is
roughly twice as procyclical at the individual level as in the aggregate. A
fall in the unemployment rate of 1 percentage point is associated with a
rise in a typical worker’s real wage of about 1.2 percent. And with both
approaches, the estimates are highly statistically significant.
One concern is that these results might reflect not composition bias, but
differences between the workers in the PSID and the population as a whole.
To address this possibility, Solon, Barsky, and Parker construct an aggregate
real wage series for the PSID in the conventional way; that is, they compute
the real wage in a given year as the average real wage paid to individuals
in the PSID who are employed in that year. Since the set of workers used in
computing this wage varies from year to year, these estimates are subject
to composition bias. Thus, comparing the estimates of wage cyclicality for
this measure with those for a conventional aggregate wage measure shows
the importance of the PSID sample. And comparing the estimates from this
measure with the panel data estimates shows the importance of composition bias.
When they perform this exercise, Solon, Barsky, and Parker find that the
cyclicality of the aggregate PSID real wage is virtually identical to that of the
conventional aggregate real wage. Thus the difference between the paneldata estimates and the aggregate estimates reflects composition bias.
Solon, Barsky, and Parker are not the first authors to examine the cyclical
behavior of the real wage using panel data. Yet they report much greater
composition bias than earlier researchers. If we are to accept their conclusions rather than those of the earlier studies, we need to understand why
they obtain different results.
Solon, Barsky, and Parker discuss this issue in the context of three earlier studies: Blank (1990), Coleman (1984), and Bils (1985). Blank’s results
in fact indicated considerable composition bias. She was interested in other
issues, however, and so did not call attention to this finding. Coleman
focused on the fact that movements in an aggregate real wage series and
in a series purged of composition bias show essentially the same correlation with movements in the unemployment rate. He failed to note that the
magnitude of the movements in the corrected series is much larger. This
is an illustration of the general principle that in doing empirical work, it is
important to consider not just statistical measures such as correlations and
Because of the need to avoid composition bias, Solon, Barsky, and Parker do not use all
PSID workers with either approach. Thus it is possible that their procedures suffer from a
different type of composition bias. Suppose, for example, that wages conditional on being
employed are highly countercyclical for individuals who work only sporadically. Then by
excluding these workers, Solon, Barsky, and Parker are overstating the procyclicality of wages
for the typical individual. This possibility seems farfetched, however.
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
t-statistics, but also the economic magnitudes of the estimates. Finally, Bils
found that real wages at the individual level are substantially procyclical.
But he found that an aggregate real wage series for his sample was nearly as
procyclical, and thus he concluded that composition bias is not large. His
sample, however, consisted only of young men. Thus a finding that there
is only a small amount of composition bias within this fairly homogeneous
group does not rule out the possibility that there is substantial bias in the
population as a whole.
Can we conclude from Solon, Barsky, and Parker’s findings that shortrun fluctuations in the quantity of labor represent movements along an
upward-sloping short-run labor supply curve? Solon, Barsky, and Parker
argue that we cannot, for two reasons. First, they find that explaining their
results in this way requires a labor supply elasticity in response to cyclical
wage variation of 1.0 to 1.4. They argue that microeconomic studies suggest
that this elasticity is implausibly high even in response to purely temporary
changes. More importantly, they point out that short-run wage movements
are far from purely temporary; this makes an explanation based on movements along the labor supply function even more problematic. Second, as
described above, the aggregate real wage is unusually procyclical in Solon,
Barsky, and Parker’s sample period. If the same is true of individuals’ wages,
explaining employment movements on the basis of shifts along the labor
supply function in other periods is even more difficult.
Thus, Solon, Barsky, and Parker’s evidence does not eliminate the likelihood that non-Walrasian features of the labor market (or, possibly, shifts
in labor supply) are important to the comovement of the quantity of labor
and real wages. Nonetheless, it significantly changes our understanding of a
basic fact about short-run fluctuations, and therefore about what we should
demand of our models of macroeconomic fluctuations.
6.4 Toward a Usable Model with
Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
The models of Sections 6.1 and 6.2 are extremely stylized. They all assume
that nominal prices or wages are completely fixed, which is obviously not
remotely accurate. They also assume that the central bank fixes the money
supply. Although this assumption is not as patently counterfactual as the
assumption of complete nominal rigidity, it provides a poor description of
how modern central banks behave.
Our goal in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 was to address qualitative questions
about nominal rigidity, such as whether monetary disturbances have real
effects when there is nominal rigidity and whether nominal rigidity implies
a countercyclical real wage. The models in those sections are not useful
for addressing more practical questions, however. This section therefore
discusses how one can modify the models to turn them into a potentially
helpful framework for thinking about real-world issues. We will begin with
the supply side, and then turn to the demand side.
A Permanent Output-Inflation Tradeoff?
To build a model we would want to use in practice, we need to relax the
assumption that nominal prices or wages never change. One natural way to
do this is to suppose that the level at which current prices or wages are fixed
is determined by what happened the previous period. Consider, for example,
our first model of supply; this is the model with fixed wages, flexible prices,
and a competitive goods market.9 Suppose, however, that rather than being
an exogenous parameter, W is proportional to the previous period’s price
level. That is, suppose that wages are adjusted to make up for the previous
period’s inflation:
Wt = AP t −1 ,
A > 0,
Recall that in our first model of supply, employment is determined by
F ′ (L t ) = Wt /Pt (equation [6.13]). Equation (6.20) for Wt therefore implies
F ′ (L t ) =
AP t −1
1 + πt
where πt is the inflation rate. Equation (6.21) implies a stable, upwardsloping relationship between employment (and hence output) and inflation.
That is, it implies that there is a permanent output-inflation tradeoff: by
accepting higher inflation, policymakers can permanently raise output. And
since higher output is associated with lower unemployment, it also implies
a permanent unemployment-inflation tradeoff.
In a famous paper, Phillips (1958) showed that there was in fact a strong
and relatively stable negative relationship between unemployment and wage
inflation in the United Kingdom over the previous century. Subsequent
researchers found a similar relationship between unemployment and price
inflation—a relationship that became known as the Phillips curve. Thus
there appeared to be both theoretical and empirical support for a stable
unemployment-inflation tradeoff.
The other models of Section 6.2 could be modified in similar ways, and would have
similar implications.
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
The Natural Rate
The case for this stable tradeoff was shattered in the late 1960s and early
1970s. On the theoretical side, the attack took the form of the naturalrate hypothesis of Friedman (1968) and Phelps (1968). Friedman and Phelps
argued that the idea that nominal variables, such as the money supply or
inflation, could permanently affect real variables, such as output or unemployment, was unreasonable. In the long run, they argued, the behavior of
real variables is determined by real forces.
In the specific case of the output-inflation or unemployment-inflation
tradeoff, Friedman’s and Phelps’s argument was that a shift by policymakers
to permanently expansionary policy would, sooner or later, change the way
that prices or wages are set. Consider again the example analyzed in (6.20)–
(6.21). When policymakers adopt permanently more expansionary policies,
they permanently increase output and employment, and (with this version
of supply) they permanently reduce the real wage. Yet there is no reason
for workers and firms to settle on different levels of employment and the
real wage just because inflation is higher: if there are forces causing the
employment and real wage that prevail in the absence of inflation to be an
equilibrium, those same forces are present when there is inflation. Thus
wages will not always be adjusted mechanically for the previous period’s
inflation. Sooner or later, they will be set to account for the expansionary
policies that workers and firms know are going to be undertaken. Once this
occurs, employment, output, and the real wage will return to the levels that
prevailed at the original inflation rate.
In short, the natural-rate hypothesis states that there is some “normal”
or “natural” rate of unemployment, and that monetary policy cannot keep
unemployment below this level indefinitely. The precise determinants of the
natural rate are unimportant. Friedman’s and Phelps’s argument was simply
that it was determined by real rather than nominal forces. In Friedman’s
famous definition (1968, p. 8):
“The natural rate of unemployment” . . . is the level that would be ground
out by the Walrasian system of general equilibrium equations, provided there
is embedded in them the actual structural characteristics of the labor and
commodity markets, including market imperfections, stochastic variability in
demands and supplies, the cost of gathering information about job vacancies
and labor availabilities, the costs of mobility, and so on.
The empirical downfall of the stable unemployment-inflation tradeoff is
illustrated by Figure 6.7, which shows the combinations of unemployment
and inflation in the United States during the heyday of belief in a stable
tradeoff and in the quarter-century that followed. The points for the 1960s
suggest a fairly stable downward-sloping relationship. The points over the
subsequent 25 years do not.
Inflation (GDP deflator, Q4 to Q4, percent)
95 94
93 86
Unemployment (annual average, percent)
FIGURE 6.7 Unemployment and inflation in the United States, 1961–1995
One source of the empirical failure of the Phillips curve is mundane: if
there are disturbances to supply rather than demand, then even the models
of the previous section imply that high inflation and high unemployment can
occur together. And there certainly are plausible candidates for significant
supply shocks in the 1970s. For example, there were tremendous increases
in oil prices in 1973–74 and 1978–79; such increases are likely to cause
firms to charge higher prices for a given level of wages. To give another
example, there were large influxes of new workers into the labor force during this period; such influxes may increase unemployment for a given level
of wages.
Yet these supply shocks cannot explain all the failings of the Phillips
curve in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1981 and 1982, for example, there were
no identifiable large supply shocks, yet both inflation and unemployment
were much higher than they were at any time in the 1960s. The reason,
if Friedman and Phelps are right, is that the high inflation of the 1970s
changed how prices and wages were set.
Thus, the models of price and wage behavior that imply a stable relationship between inflation and unemployment do not provide even a moderately
accurate description of the dynamics of inflation and the choices facing
policymakers. We must therefore go further if our models of the supply
side of the economy are to be used to address these issues.
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
The Expectations-Augmented Phillips Curve
Our purpose at the moment is not to build models of pricing from microeconomic foundations. Rather, our goal is to directly specify a model of pricing
that is realistic enough to have some practical use. The model in equations
(6.20)–(6.21), with its implication of a permanent unemployment-inflation
tradeoff, does not meet that standard for most purposes.
Modern non-micro-founded formulations of pricing behavior generally
differ from the simple models in equations (6.20)–(6.21) and in Section 6.2
in three ways. First, neither wages nor prices are assumed to be completely
unresponsive to the current state of the economy. Instead, higher output is
assumed to be associated with higher wages and prices. Second, the possibility of supply shocks is allowed for. Third, and most important, adjustment
to past and expected future inflation is assumed to be more complicated
than the simple formulation in (6.20).
A typical modern non-micro-founded formulation of supply is
πt = π ∗t + λ(ln Yt − ln Y t ) + ε tS ,
λ > 0.
Here Y is the level of output that would prevail if prices were fully flexible.
It is known as the natural rate of output, or potential or full-employment
output, or flexible-price output. The λ(ln Y − ln Y ) term implies that at any
time there is an upward-sloping relationship between inflation and output;
the relationship is log-linear for simplicity. Equation (6.22) takes no stand
concerning whether it is nominal prices or wages, or some combination of
the two, that are the source of the incomplete adjustment.10 The ε S term
captures supply shocks.
The key difference between (6.22) and the earlier models of supply is the
π ∗ term. Tautologically, π ∗ is what inflation would be if output is equal to its
natural rate and there are no supply shocks. π ∗ is known as core or underlying inflation. Equation (6.22) is referred to as the expectations-augmented
Phillips curve—although, as we will see shortly, modern formulations do not
necessarily interpret π ∗ as expected inflation.
A simple model of π ∗ that is useful for fixing ideas is that it equals the
previous period’s actual inflation:
π ∗t = πt −1 .
Equation (6.22) can be combined with Case 2 or 3 of Section 6.2 by assuming that
the nominal wage is completely flexible and using the assumption in (6.22) in place of the
assumption that P equals P . Similarly, one can assume that wage inflation is given by an
expression analogous to (6.22) and use that assumption in place of the assumption that
the wage is completely unresponsive to current-period developments in Case 1 or 4. This
implies somewhat more complicated behavior of price inflation, however.
With this assumption, there is a tradeoff between output and the change
in inflation, but no permanent tradeoff between output and inflation. For
inflation to be held steady at any level, output must equal the natural rate.
And any level of inflation is sustainable. But for inflation to fall, there must
be a period when output is below the natural rate. The formulation in (6.22)–
(6.23) is known as the accelerationist Phillips curve.11
This model is much more successful than models with a permanent
output-inflation tradeoff at fitting the macroeconomic history of the United
States over the past quarter-century. Consider, for example, the behavior of
unemployment and inflation from 1980 to 1995. The model attributes the
combination of high inflation and high unemployment in the early 1980s
to contractionary shifts in demand with inflation starting from a high level.
The high unemployment was associated with falls in inflation (and with
larger falls when unemployment was higher), just as the model predicts.
Once unemployment fell below the 6 to 7 percent range in the mid-1980s,
inflation began to creep up. When unemployment returned to this range at
the end of the decade, inflation held steady. Inflation again declined when
unemployment rose above 7 percent in 1992, and it again held steady when
unemployment fell below 7 percent in 1993 and 1994. All these movements
are consistent with the model.
Although the model of core inflation in (6.23) is often useful, it has important limitations. For example, if we interpret a period as being fairly short
(such as a quarter), core inflation is likely to take more than one period to
respond fully to changes in actual inflation. In this case, it is reasonable to
replace the right-hand side of (6.23) with a weighted average of inflation
over the previous several periods.
Perhaps the most important drawback of the model of supply in (6.22)–
(6.23) is that it assumes that the behavior of core inflation is independent
of the economic environment. For example, if the formulation in (6.23) always held, there would be a permanent tradeoff between output and the
change in inflation. That is, equations (6.22) and (6.23) imply that if policymakers are willing to accept ever-increasing inflation, they can push output
permanently above its natural rate. But the same arguments that Friedman
and Phelps make against a permanent output-inflation tradeoff imply that if
policymakers attempt to pursue this strategy, workers and firms will eventually stop following (6.22)–(6.23) and will adjust their behavior to account
for the increases in inflation they know are going to occur; as a result, output
will return to its natural rate.
In his original presentation of the natural-rate hypothesis, Friedman discussed another, more realistic, example of how the behavior of core inflation
The standard rule of thumb is that for each percentage point that the unemployment
rate exceeds the natural rate, inflation falls by one-half percentage point per year. And, as
we saw in Section 5.1, for each percentage point that u exceeds u, Y is roughly 2 percent
less than Y. Thus if each period corresponds to a year, λ in equation (6.22) is about 41 .
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
may depend on the environment: how rapidly core inflation adjusts to
changes in inflation is likely to depend on how long-lasting actual movements in inflation typically are. If this is right, then in a situation like the
one that Phillips studied, where there are many transitory movements in inflation, core inflation will vary little; the data will therefore suggest a stable
relationship between output and inflation. But in a setting like the United
States in the 1970s and 1980s, where there are sustained periods of high
and of low inflation, core inflation will vary more, and thus there will be no
consistent link between output and the level of inflation.
Carrying these criticisms of (6.22)–(6.23) to their logical extreme would
suggest that we replace core inflation in (6.22) with expected inflation:
πt = πte + λ(ln Yt − ln Y t ) + ε tS ,
where πte is expected inflation. This formulation captures the ideas in the
previous examples. For example, (6.24) implies that unless expectations are
grossly irrational, no policy can permanently raise output above its natural
rate, since that requires that workers’ and firms’ forecasts of inflation are
always too low. Similarly, since expectations of future inflation respond less
to current inflation when movements in inflation tend to be shorter-lived,
(6.24) is consistent with Friedman’s example of how the output-inflation
relationship is likely to vary with the behavior of actual inflation.
Nonetheless, practical modern formulations of pricing behavior generally do not use the model of supply in (6.24). The central reason is that, as
we will see in Section 6.9, if one assumes that price- and wage-setters are
rational in forming their expectations, then (6.24) has strong implications—
implications that do not appear to be supported by the data. Alternatively,
if one assumes that workers and firms do not form their expectations rationally, one is resting the theory on irrationality.
A natural compromise between the models of core inflation in (6.23) and
in (6.24) is to assume that core inflation is a weighted average of past inflation and expected inflation. With this assumption, we have a hybrid Phillips
πt = φπte + (1 − φ)πt −1 + λ(ln Y t − ln Y t ) + ε tS ,
0 ≤ φ ≤ 1.
As long as φ is strictly less than 1, there is some inertia in wage and price
inflation. That is, there is some link between past and future inflation beyond effects operating through expectations. We will return to this issue in
the next chapter.
Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and the AS-AD
Our simple formulation of the demand side of the economy in Section 6.1
had two elements: the new Keynesian IS curve, ln Yt = E [ln Yt+1 ] − 1θ rt
(equation [6.8]), and the LM curve, Mt /Pt = Ytθ/ν[(1+ it )/it ]1/ν (equation [6.10]).
Coupled with the assumption that Mt was set exogenously by the central
bank, these equations led to the IS-LM diagram in (Y,r ) space
(Figure 6.1).
The ideas captured by the new Keynesian IS curve are appealing and useful: increases in the real interest rate reduce the current demand for goods
relative to future demand, and increases in expected future income raise
current demand. The LM curve, in contrast, is quite problematic in practical
applications. One difficulty is that the model becomes much more complicated once we relax Section 6.1’s assumption that prices are permanently
fixed; changes in either Pt or πte shift the LM curve in (Y,r ) space. A second
difficulty is that modern central banks do not focus on the money supply.
An alternative approach that avoids the difficulties with the LM curve is
to assume that the central bank conducts policy in terms of a rule for the
interest rate (Taylor, 1993; Bryant, Hooper, and Mann, 1993). We will discuss
such interest-rate rules extensively in our examination of monetary policy
in Chapter 11. For now, however, we simply assume that the central bank
conducts policy so as to make the real interest rate an increasing function
of the gap between actual and potential output and of inflation:
rt = r (ln Yt − ln Y t ,πt ),
r1 (•) > 0, r2 (•) > 0.
The way the central bank carries out this policy is by adjusting the money
supply to make (6.26) hold. That is, it sets the money supply at t so that
the money market equilibrium condition, which we can write as
= Ytθ/ν[(1 + rt + πte)/(rt + πte)]1/ν yields the value of rt that satisfies (6.26).
For most purposes, however, we can neglect the money market and work
directly with (6.26).
The central bank’s interest-rate rule, (6.26), directly implies an upwardsloping relationship between Yt and rt (for a given value of πt ). This relationship is known as the MP curve. It is shown together with the IS curve in
Figure 6.8.
The determination of output and inflation can then be described by two
curves in output-inflation space, an upward-sloping aggregate supply (AS )
curve and a downward-sloping aggregate demand (AD) curve. The AS curve
follows directly from (6.22), πt = π ∗t + λ(ln Yt − ln Y t ) + ε tS . The AD curve
comes from the IS and MP curves. To see this, consider a rise in inflation. Since π does not enter households’ intertemporal first-order condition, (6.7), the IS curve is unaffected. But since the monetary-policy rule,
r = r (ln Y − ln Y,π), is increasing in π, the rise in inflation increases the real
interest rate the central bank sets at a given level of output. That is, the MP
curve shifts up. As a result, r rises and Y falls. Thus the level of output at the
intersection of the IS and MP curves is a decreasing function of inflation.
The AS and AD curves are shown in Figure 6.9.
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
FIGURE 6.8 The IS-MP diagram
FIGURE 6.9 The AS-AD diagram
Example: IS Shocks
We now have a three-equation model: the new Keynesian IS curve, the MP
curve, and the AS curve. A common approach to obtaining a model one can
work with is to assume that core inflation, π ∗t , is given by lagged inflation,
πt −1 , as in (6.23), and that the MP curve is linear. Even then, however, the
conjunction of forward-looking elements (from the E t [ln Yt+1 ] term in the
IS curve) and backward-looking ones (from the πt −1 term in the AS curve)
makes solving the model complicated.
A solution to this difficulty that is somewhat arbitrary but nonetheless
often useful is to simply drop the E t [ln Yt+1 ] term from the IS curve. The
result is the traditional IS curve, where output depends negatively on the
real interest rate and is not affected by any other endogenous variables.
The attractiveness of this approach is that it makes the model very easy to
solve. There is no need to assume linear functional forms; shocks to any
of the equations can be considered without making assumptions about the
processes followed by the shocks; and the analysis can be done graphically. For these reasons, this approach is often useful and is the standard
approach in undergraduate teaching.
At the same time, however, the logic of the model implies that the expected output term belongs in the IS equation, and thus that it is desirable
to understand the implications of the full model. To get a feel for this,
here we consider a very stripped-down version. Crucially, we assume that
the monetary-policy rule depends only on output and not on inflation; this
assumption eliminates the backward-looking element of output behavior.
Second, we assume that the only shocks are to the IS curve, and that the
shocks follow a first-order autoregressive process. Finally, we make several
minor assumptions to simplify the notation and presentation: ln Y t is zero
for all t, the MP equation is linear, the constant term in the MP equation is
zero, and y t denotes ln Yt .
These assumptions give us the system:
πt = πt −1 + λy t ,
rt = by t ,
y t = E t [y t +1 ] −
λ > 0,
b > 0,
rt + u tI S ,
u tI S = ρI S u tI −1
+ etI S ,
θ > 0,
−1 < ρI S < 1,
where e I S is white noise. Equation (6.27) is the AS curve, (6.28) is the MP
curve, (6.29) is the IS curve, and (6.30) describes the behavior of the IS
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
We can combine (6.28) and (6.29) and use straightforward algebra to solve
for y t in terms of u tI S and E t [y t +1 ]:
yt =
E t [y t +1 ] +
u tI S
≡ φE t [y t +1 ] + φu tI S ,
where φ = θ/(θ + b). Note that our assumptions imply 0 < φ < 1.
Equation (6.31) poses a challenge: it expresses y in terms of not just the
disturbance, utI S , but the expectation of the future value of an endogenous
variable, E t [y t +1 ]. Thus it is not immediately clear how to trace out the effect
of a shock. To address this problem, note that (6.31) holds in all future
y t +j = φE t +j [y t +j +1 ] + φu tI +j
for j = 1, 2, 3, . . .
Taking expectations of both sides of (6.32) as of time t implies
E t [y t +j ] = φE t [y t +j +1 ] + φρI S u tI S .
Equation (6.33) uses the fact that E t [E t +j [y t +j +1 ]] is simply E t [y t +j +1 ]; otherwise agents would be expecting to revise their estimate of y t +j +1 either up
or down, which would imply that their original estimate was not rational.
The fact that the current expectation of a future expectation of a variable
equals the current expectation of the variable is known as the law of iterated
We can now iterate (6.31) forward. That is, we first express E t [y t +1 ] in
terms of E t [y t +2 ] and E t [u tI +1
]; we then express E t [y t +2 ] in terms of E t [y t +3 ]
and E t [u t +2 ]; and so on. Doing this gives us:
y t = φu tI S + φ φE t [y t +2 ] + φρI S u tI S
= φu tI S + φ2 ρI S u tI S + φ2 φE t [y t +3 ] + φρI2S u tI S
= ···
= φ + φ2 ρI S + φ3 ρI2S + · · · u tI S + lim φn E t [y t +n ]
1 − φρI S
n →∞
u tI S + lim φn E t [y t +n ].
n →∞
If we assume that limn →∞ φ E t [y t +n ] converges to zero (an issue we will
return to in a moment) and substitute back in for φ, we obtain
yt =
θ + b − θρI S
u tI S .
This expression shows how various forces influence how shocks to demand affect output. For example, a more aggressive monetary-policy
response to output movements (that is, a higher value of b) dampens the
effects of shocks to the IS curve.
Observe that in the absence of the forward-looking aspect of the IS curve
(that is, if the IS equation is just y t = −(1/θ)rt + u tI S ), output is [θ/(θ +
b)]u tI S . Equation (6.35) shows that accounting for forward-looking behavior
raises the coefficient on u tI S as long as ρI S > 0. That is, forward-looking
consumption behavior magnifies the effects of persistent shocks to demand.
Equation (6.35) for output and the AS equation, (6.27), imply that inflation
is given by
πt = πt −1 +
θ + b − θρI S
u tI S .
Because there is no feedback from inflation to the real interest rate, there
is no force acting to stabilize inflation. Indeed, if the shocks to the IS curve
are positively serially correlated, the change in inflation is positively serially
The solution for y t in (6.34) includes the term limn →∞ φn E t [y t +n ], which
thus far we have been assuming converges to zero. Since φ is less than one,
this term could fail to converge only if E t [y t +n ] diverged. That is, agents
would have to expect y to diverge, which cannot happen. Thus assuming
limn →∞ φn E t [y t +n ] = 0 is appropriate.
One other aspect of this example is worth noting. Suppose φ > 1 but
φρI S < 1. φ > 1 could arise if the central bank followed the perverse policy
of cutting the real interest rate in response to increases in output (so that
b was negative). With φρI S < 1, the sum in equation (6.34) still converges,
and so that expression is still correct. And if (6.35) holds, limn →∞ φn E t [y t +n ]
equals limn →∞ φn ρInS [θ/(θ + b − θρI S )]u tI S , which is zero. That is, although
one might expect φ > 1 to generate instability, the conventional solution to
the model still carries over to this case as long as φρI S < 1.
Interestingly, however, this is now no longer the only solution. If φ exceeds 1, then limn →∞ φn E t [y t +n ] can differ from zero without E t [y t +n ] diverging. As a result, there can be spontaneous, self-fulfilling changes in the
path of output. To see this, suppose that u tI S = 0 for all t and that initially
y t = 0 for all t. Now suppose that in some period, which we will call period
0, y rises by some amount X—not because of a change in tastes, government purchases, or some other external influence (that is, not because of a
nonzero realization of u 0I S ), but simply because a change in agents’ beliefs
about the equilibrium path of the economy. If agents’ expectation of y t is
X/φt for t ≥ 0, they will act in ways that make their expectations correct.
That is, this change can be self-fulfilling.
When the economy has multiple equilibria in this way, the solution without spontaneous, self-fulfilling output movements is known as the fundamental solution. Solutions with self-fulfilling output movements are known
as sunspot solutions. Although here the assumption that leads to the possibility of a sunspot solution is contrived, there are many models where this
Toward a Usable Model with Exogenous Nominal Rigidity
possibility arises naturally. We will therefore return to the general issue of
self-fulfilling equilibria in Section 6.8, and to sunspot solutions in a model
similar in spirit to this one in Section 11.5.12
Part B Microeconomic Foundations of
Incomplete Nominal Adjustment
Some type of incomplete nominal adjustment appears essential to understanding why monetary changes have real effects. This part of the chapter therefore examines the question of what might give rise to incomplete
nominal adjustment.
The fact that what is needed is a nominal imperfection has an important
implication.13 Individuals care mainly about real prices and quantities: real
wages, hours of work, real consumption levels, and the like. Nominal magnitudes matter to them only in ways that are minor and easily overcome.
Prices and wages are quoted in nominal terms, but it costs little to change
(or index) them. Individuals are not fully informed about the aggregate price
level, but they can obtain accurate information at little cost. Debt contracts
are usually specified in nominal terms, but they too could be indexed with
little difficulty. And individuals hold modest amounts of currency, which is
denominated in nominal terms, but they can change their holdings easily.
There is no way in which nominal magnitudes are of great direct importance
to individuals.
This discussion suggests that nominal frictions that are small at the
microeconomic level somehow have a large effect on the macroeconomy.
Much of the research on the microeconomic foundations of nominal rigidity is devoted to addressing the questions of whether this can plausibly be
the case and of what conditions are needed for this to be true.14
Most of this part of the chapter addresses these questions for a specific
view about the nominal imperfection. In particular, we focus on a static
model where firms face a menu cost of price adjustment—a small fixed cost
of changing a nominal price. (The standard example is the cost incurred
by a restaurant in printing new menus—hence the name.) The goal is to
characterize the microeconomic conditions that cause menu costs to lead
to significant nominal stickiness in response to a one-time monetary shock.
Section 6.9 considers the case where the nominal imperfection is instead
lack of complete information about the aggregate price level and briefly
For more on the model of this section, see Problems 6.8–6.9. For more on the solutions
of linear models with expectations of future variables, see Blanchard and Kahn (1980).
In places, the introduction to Part B and the material in Sections 6.6–6.7 draw on
D. Romer (1993).
The seminal papers are Mankiw (1985) and Akerlof and Yellen (1985). See also Parkin
(1986), Rotemberg (1982), and Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987).
discusses other possible sources of incomplete nominal adjustment. We
will see that the same fundamental issues that arise with menu costs also
arise with other nominal imperfections.
Our goal in this chapter is not to try to construct an even remotely realistic macroeconomic model. For that reason, the models we will consider are
very simple. The next chapter will begin to make the models more realistic
and useful in practical applications.
6.5 A Model of Imperfect Competition
and Price-Setting
Before turning to menu costs and the effects of monetary shocks, we first
examine an economy of imperfectly competitive price-setters with complete
price flexibility. There are two reasons for analyzing this model. First, as
we will see, imperfect competition alone has interesting macroeconomic
consequences. Second, the models in the rest of the chapter are concerned
with the causes and effects of barriers to price adjustment. To address these
issues, we will need a model that shows us what prices firms would choose
in the absence of barriers to adjustment and what happens when prices
depart from those levels.
There is a continuum of differentiated goods indexed by i ∈ [0,1]. Each good
is produced by a single firm with monopoly rights to the production of the
good. Firm i ’s production function is just
Yi = L i ,
where L i is the amount of labor it hires and Yi is its output. Firms hire
labor in a perfectly competitive labor market and sell output in imperfectly
competitive goods markets. In this section, firms can set their prices freely.
They are owned by the households, and so any profits they earn accrue to
the households. As in the model of Section 6.1, we normalize the number
of households to 1.
The utility of the representative household depends positively on its consumption and negatively on the amount of labor it supplies. It takes the
U =C−
1 Y
L ,
γ > 1.
Crucially, C is not the household’s total consumption of all goods. If it were,
goods would be perfect substitutes for one another, and so firms would not
A Model of Imperfect Competition and Price-Setting
have market power. Instead, it is an index of the household’s consumption
of the individual goods. It takes the constant-elasticity-of-substitution form
η > 1.
This formulation, which parallels the production function in the Romer
model of endogenous technological change in Section 3.5, is due to Dixit
and Stiglitz (1977). Note that it has the convenient feature that if all the Ci ’s
are equal, C equals the common level of the Ci ’s. The assumption that η > 1
implies that the elasticity of demand for each good is greater than 1, and
thus that profit-maximizing prices are not infinite.
As in the model in Section 6.1, investment, government purchases, and
international trade are absent from the model. We will therefore use C as
our measure of output in this economy:
Y ≡ C.
Households choose their labor supply and their purchases of the consumption goods to maximize their utility, taking as given the wage, prices
of goods, and profits from firms. Firms choose their prices and the amounts
of labor to hire to maximize profits, taking the wage and the demand curves
for their goods as given.
Finally, to be able to analyze the effects of monetary changes and other
shifts in aggregate demand, we need to add an aggregate demand side to
the model. We do this in the simplest possible way by assuming
There are various interpretations of (6.41). The simplest, and most appropriate for our purposes, is that it is just a shortcut approach to modeling
aggregate demand. Equation (6.41) implies an inverse relationship between
the price level and output, which is the essential feature of aggregate demand. Since our focus is on the supply side of the economy, there is little
point in modeling aggregate demand more fully. Under this interpretation,
M should be thought of as a generic variable affecting aggregate demand
rather than as money.
It is also possible to derive (6.41) from more complete models. We could
introduce real money balances to the utility function along the lines of
Section 6.1. With an appropriate specification, this gives rise to (6.41).
Rotemberg (1987) derives (6.41) from a cash-in-advance constraint. Finally,
Woodford (2003) observes that (6.41) arises if the central bank conducts
monetary policy to achieve a target level of nominal GDP.
Under the money-in-the-utility function and cash-in-advance-constraint
interpretations of (6.41), it is natural to think of M as literally money. In
this case the right-hand side should be modified to MV/P , where V captures
aggregate demand disturbances other than shifts in money supply. Under
Woodford’s interpretation, in contrast, M is the central bank’s target level
of nominal GDP.
Household Behavior
In analyzing households’ behavior, it is easiest to start by considering how
they allocate their consumption spending among the different goods. Consider a household that spends S. The Lagrangian for its utility-maximization
problem is
+ λ S−
Pi Ci di .
The first-order condition for Ci is
η− 1
η− 1
The only terms in (6.43) that depend on i are Ci
take the form
= λPi .
and Pi . Thus, Ci must
Ci = AP i .
To find A in terms of the variables the household takes as given, substitute
(6.44) into the budget constraint, i=0 Pi Ci di = S, and then solve for A. This
Substituting this result into expression (6.44) for the Ci ’s and then into the
definition of C in (6.39) gives us
(η−1)/η ⎤η/(η−1)
di ⎦
Pi di
1/(1−η) .
Equation (6.46) tells us that when households allocate their spending
across goods optimally, the cost of obtaining one unit of C is
A Model of Imperfect Competition and Price-Setting
i=0 i
That is, the price index corresponding to the utility func-
tion (6.39) is
Pi di
Note that the index has the attractive feature that if all the Pi ’s are equal,
the index equals the common level of the Pi ’s.
Finally, expressions (6.44), (6.45), and (6.47) imply
Ci =
Thus the elasticity of demand for each individual good is η.
The household’s only other choice variable is its labor supply. Its spending equals W L + R, where W is the wage and R is its profit income, and so
its consumption is (W L + R)/P . Its problem for choosing L is therefore
WL + R
The first-order condition for L is
Lγ .
− L γ −1 = 0,
which implies
1/(γ −1)
Thus labor supply is an increasing function of the real wage, with an elasticity of 1/(γ − 1).
Since all households are the same and we have normalized the number of
households to one, equation (6.51) describes not just L for a representative
household, but the aggregate value of L.
Firm Behavior
The real profits of the monopolistic producer of good i are its real revenues
minus its real costs:
= Yi −
Li .
The production function, (6.37), implies L i = Yi , and the demand function,
(6.48), implies Yi = (Pi /P )−ηY. (Recall that Y = C and that the amount of
good i produced must equal the amount consumed.) Substituting these expressions into (6.52) implies
Y = 0.
The first-order condition for Pi /P is
(1 − η)
To solve this expression for Pi /P , divide both sides by Y and by (Pi /P )−η.
Solving for Pi /P then yields
η −1 P
That is, we get the standard result that a producer with market power sets
price as a markup over marginal cost, with the size of the markup determined by the elasticity of demand.
Because the model is symmetric, its equilibrium is also symmetric. As described above, all households supply the same amount of labor and have the
same demand curves. Similarly, the fact that all firms face the same demand
curve and the same real wage implies that they all charge the same amount
and produce the same amount. And since the production of each good is
the same, the measure of aggregate output, Y, is just this common level of
output. Finally, since the production function is one-for-one, this in turn
equals the common level of labor supply. That is, in equilibrium Y = C = L.
We can use (6.50) or (6.51) to express the real wage as a function of output:
= Y γ −1 .
Substituting this expression into the price equation, (6.55), yields an expression for each producer’s desired relative price as a function of aggregate
η −1
Y γ −1 .
For future reference, it is useful to write this expression in logarithms:
p ∗i − p = ln
η −1
≡ c + φy ,
+ (γ − 1)y
A Model of Imperfect Competition and Price-Setting
where lowercase letters denote the logs of the corresponding uppercase
We know that each producer charges the same price, and that the price
index, P , equals this common price. Equilibrium therefore requires that each
producer, taking P as given, sets his or her own price equal to P ; that is, each
producer’s desired relative price must equal 1. From (6.57), this condition
is [η/(η − 1)]Y γ −1 = 1, or
η −1
1/(γ −1)
This is the equilibrium level of output.
Finally, we can use the aggregate demand equation, Y = M/P , to find the
equilibrium price level:
η −1
1/(γ −1) .
When producers have market power, they produce less than the socially
optimal amount. To see this, note that in a symmetric allocation each individual supplies some amount L of labor, and production of each good and
each individual’s consumption equal that L. Thus the problem of finding the
best symmetric allocation reduces to choosing L to maximize L − (1/γ )L .
The solution is simply L = 1. As (6.59) shows, equilibrium output is less
than this. Intuitively, the fact that producers face downward-sloping demand curves means that the marginal revenue product of labor is less than
its marginal product. As a result, the real wage is less than the marginal
product of labor: from (6.55) (and the fact that each Pi equals P in equilibrium), the real wage is (η − 1)/η; the marginal product of labor, in contrast,
is 1. This reduces the quantity of labor supplied, and thus causes equilibrium output to be less than optimal. From (6.59), equilibrium output is
[(η − 1)/η]1/(γ −1) . Thus the gap between the equilibrium and optimal levels
of output is greater when producers have more market power (that is, when
η is lower) and when labor supply is more responsive to the real wage (that
is, when γ is lower).
The fact that equilibrium output is inefficiently low under imperfect competition has important implications for fluctuations. To begin with, it implies that recessions and booms have asymmetric effects on welfare
(Mankiw, 1985). In practice, periods when output is unusually high are
viewed as good times, and periods when output is unusually low are viewed
as bad times. But think about an economy where fluctuations arise from
incomplete nominal adjustment in the face of monetary shocks. If the equilibrium in the absence of shocks is optimal, both times of high output and
times of low output are departures from the optimum, and thus both are undesirable. But if equilibrium output is less than optimal, a boom brings output closer to the social optimum, whereas a recession pushes it farther away.
In addition, the gap between equilibrium and optimal output implies that
pricing decisions have externalities. Suppose the economy is initially in equilibrium, and consider the effects of a marginal reduction in all prices. M/P
rises, and so aggregate output rises. This potentially affects welfare through
two channels. First, the real wage increases (see [6.56]). Since households
employ the same amount of labor in their capacity as owners of the firms
as they supply to the labor market, at the margin this increase does not affect welfare. Second, because aggregate output increases, the demand curve
for each good, Y(Pi /P )−η, shifts out. Since firms are selling at prices that exceed marginal costs, this change raises profits, and so increases households’
welfare. Thus under imperfect competition, pricing decisions have externalities, and those externalities operate through the overall demand for goods.
This externality is often referred to as an aggregate demand externality
(Blanchard and Kiyotaki, 1987).
The final implication of this analysis is that imperfect competition alone
does not imply monetary nonneutrality. A change in the money stock leads
to proportional changes in the nominal wage and all nominal prices; output
and the real wage are unchanged (see [6.59] and [6.60]).
Finally, since a pricing equation of the form (6.58) is important in later
sections, it is worth noting that the basic idea captured by the equation is
much more general than the specific model of price-setters’ desired prices
we are considering here. Equation (6.58) states that p ∗i − p takes the form
c + φy . That is, it states that a price-setter’s optimal relative price is increasing in aggregate output. In the particular model we are considering,
this arises from increases in the prevailing real wage when output rises. But
in a more general setting, it can also arise from increases in the costs of
other inputs, from diminishing returns, or from costs of adjusting output.
The fact that price-setters’ desired real prices are increasing in aggregate
output is necessary for the flexible-price equilibrium to be stable. To see
this, note that we can use the fact that y = m − p to rewrite (6.58) as
p ∗i = c + (1 − φ) p + φm.
If φ is negative, an increase in the price level raises each price-setter’s desired price more than one-for-one. This means that if p is above the level
that causes individuals to charge a relative price of 1, each individual wants
to charge more than the prevailing price level; and if p is below its equilibrium value, each individual wants to charge less than the prevailing price
level. Thus if φ is negative, the flexible-price equilibrium is unstable. We
will return to this issue in Section 6.8.
Are Small Frictions Enough?
6.6 Are Small Frictions Enough?
General Considerations
Consider an economy, such as that of the previous section, consisting of
many price-setting firms. Assume that it is initially at its flexible-price equilibrium. That is, each firm’s price is such that if aggregate demand is at its
expected level, marginal revenue equals marginal cost. After prices are set,
aggregate demand is determined; at this point each firm can change its price
by paying a menu cost. For simplicity, prices are assumed to be set afresh
at the start of each period. This means that we can consider a single period
in isolation. It also means that if a firm pays the menu cost, it sets its price
to the new profit-maximizing level.
We want to know when firms change their prices in response to a departure of aggregate demand from its expected level. For concreteness, suppose that demand is less than expected. Since the economy is large, each
firm takes other firms’ actions as given. Constant nominal prices are thus
an equilibrium if, when all other firms hold their prices fixed, the maximum
gain to a representative firm from changing its price is less than the menu
cost of price adjustment.15
To see the general issue involved, consider the marginal revenue–marginal
cost diagram in Figure 6.10. The economy begins in equilibrium; thus the
representative firm is producing at the point where marginal cost equals
marginal revenue (Point A in the diagram). A fall in aggregate demand with
other prices unchanged reduces aggregate output, and thus shifts the demand curve that the firm faces to the left—at a given price, demand for the
firm’s product is lower. Thus the marginal revenue curve shifts in. If the firm
does not change its price, its output is determined by demand at the existing
price (Point B). At this level of output, marginal revenue exceeds marginal
cost, and so the firm has some incentive to lower its price and raise output.16
If the firm changes its price, it produces at the point where marginal cost
and marginal revenue are equal (Point C). The area of the shaded triangle in
the diagram shows the additional profits to be gained from reducing price
and increasing quantity produced. For the firm to be willing to hold its price
fixed, the area of the triangle must be small.
The diagram reveals a crucial point: the firm’s incentive to reduce its
price may be small even if it is harmed greatly by the fall in demand. The
firm would prefer to face the original, higher demand curve, but of course
it can only choose a point on the new demand curve. This is an example of
The condition for price adjustment by all firms to be an equilibrium is not simply the
reverse of this. As a result, there can be cases when both price adjustment and unchanged
prices are equilibria. See Problem 6.10.
The fall in aggregate output is likely to reduce the prevailing wage, and therefore to
shift the marginal cost curve down. For simplicity, this effect is not shown in the figure.
MR ′
A representative firm’s incentive to change its price in response
to a fall in aggregate output (from D. Romer, 1993)
the aggregate demand externality described above: the representative firm
is harmed by other firms’ failure to cut their prices in the face of the fall in
the money supply, just as it is harmed in the model of the previous section
by a decision by all firms to raise their prices. As a result, the firm may
find that the gain from reducing its price is small even if the shift in its
demand curve is large. Thus there is no contradiction between the view that
recessions have large costs and the hypothesis that they are caused by falls
in aggregate demand and small barriers to price adjustment.
It is not possible, however, to proceed further using a purely diagrammatic analysis. To answer the question of whether the firm’s incentive to
change its price is likely to be more or less than the menu cost for plausible cases, we must turn to a specific model and find the incentive for price
adjustment for reasonable parameter values.
A Quantitative Example
Consider the model of imperfect competition in Section 6.5. Firm i’s real
profits equal the quantity sold, Y(Pi /P )−η, times price minus cost, (Pi /P ) −
(W/P ) (see [6.52]). In addition, labor-market equilibrium requires that the
real wage equals Y 1/ν, where ν ≡ 1/(γ − 1) is the elasticity of labor supply
Are Small Frictions Enough?
(see [6.56]). Thus,
πi = Y
− Y 1/ν
where the second line uses the fact that Y = M/P . We know that the profitmaximizing real price in the absence of the menu cost is η/(η − 1) times
marginal cost, or [η/(η − 1)](M/P )1/ν (see [6.57]). It follows that the equilibrium when prices are flexible occurs when [η/(η − 1)](M/P )1/ν = 1, or
M/P = [(η − 1)/η]ν (see [6.59]).
We want to find the condition for unchanged nominal prices to be a Nash
equilibrium in the face of a departure of M from its expected value. That
is, we want to find the condition under which, if all other firms do not adjust their prices, a representative firm does not want to pay the menu cost
and adjust its own price. This condition is π ADJ − π FIXED < Z, where π ADJ
is the representative firm’s profits if it adjusts its price to the new profitmaximizing level and other firms do not, π FIXED is its profits if no prices
change, and Z is the menu cost. Thus we need to find these two profit levels.
Initially all firms are charging the same price, and by assumption, other
firms do not change their prices. Thus if firm i does not adjust its price, we
have Pi = P . Substituting this into (6.62) yields
If the firm does adjust its price, it sets it to the profit-maximizing value,
[η/(η − 1)](M/P )1/ν. Substituting this into (6.62) yields
π ADJ =
η −1
η −1
η −1
η −1
It is straightforward to check that π ADJ and π FIXED are equal when M/P
equals its flexible-price equilibrium value, and that otherwise π ADJ is greater
than π FIXED .
To find the firm’s incentive to change its price, we need values for η
and ν. Since labor supply appears relatively inelastic, consider ν = 0.1.
Suppose also that η = 5, which implies that price is 1.25 times marginal
cost. These parameter values imply that the flexible-price level of output
is Y EQ = [(η − 1)/η]ν ≃ 0.978. Now consider a firm’s incentive to adjust
its price in response to a 3 percent fall in M with other prices unchanged.
Substituting ν = 0.1, η = 5, and Y = 0.97Y EQ into (6.63) and (6.64) yields
π ADJ − π FIXED ≃ 0.253.
Since Y EQ is about 1, this calculation implies that the representative firm’s
incentive to pay the menu cost in response to a 3 percent change in output
is about a quarter of revenue. No plausible cost of price adjustment can
prevent firms from changing their prices in the face of this incentive. Thus,
in this setting firms adjust their prices in the face of all but the smallest
shocks, and money is virtually neutral.17
The source of the difficulty lies in the labor market. The labor market clears, and labor supply is relatively inelastic. Thus, as in Case 2 of
Section 6.2, the real wage falls considerably when aggregate output falls.
Producers’ costs are therefore very low, and so they have a strong incentive
to cut their prices and raise output. But this means that unchanged nominal
prices cannot be an equilibrium.18
6.7 Real Rigidity
General Considerations
Consider again a firm that is deciding whether to change its price in the face
of a fall in aggregate demand with other prices held fixed. Figure 6.11 shows
the firm’s profits as a function of its price. The fall in aggregate output affects this function in two ways. First, it shifts the profit function vertically.
The fact that the demand for the firm’s good falls tends to shift the function
down. The fact that the real wage falls, on the other hand, tends to shift the
function up. In the case shown in the figure, the net effect is a downward
shift. As described above, the firm cannot undo this change. Second, the
firm’s profit-maximizing price is less than before.19 This the firm can do
Although π ADJ − π FIXED is sensitive to the values of ν and η, there are no remotely
reasonable values that imply that the incentive for price adjustment is small. Consider, for
example, η = 3 (implying a markup of 50 percent) and ν = 31 . Even with these extreme values,
the incentive to pay the menu cost is 0.8 percent of the flexible-price level of revenue for a
3 percent fall in output, and 2.4 percent for a 5 percent fall. Even though these incentives
are much smaller than those in the baseline calculation, they are still surely larger than the
barriers to price adjustment for most firms.
It is not possible to avoid the problem by assuming that the cost of adjustment applies
to wages rather than prices, in the spirit of Case 1 of Section 6.2. With this assumption, the
incentive to cut prices would indeed be low. But the incentive to cut wages would be high:
firms (which could greatly reduce their labor costs) and workers (who could greatly increase
their hours of work) would bid wages down.
This corresponds to the assumption that the profit-maximizing relative price is
increasing in aggregate output; that is, it corresponds to the assumption that φ > 0 in the
pricing equation, (6.58). As described in Section 6.5, this condition is needed for the equilibrium with flexible prices to be stable.
Real Rigidity
FIGURE 6.11 The impact of a fall in aggregate output on the representative
firm’s profits as a function of its price
something about. If the firm does not pay the menu cost, its price remains
the same, and so it is not charging the new profit-maximizing price. If the
firm pays the menu cost, on the other hand, it can go to the peak of the new
profit function.
The firm’s incentive to adjust its price is thus given by the distance AB in
the diagram. This distance depends on two factors: the difference between
the old and new profit-maximizing prices, and the curvature of the profit
function. We consider each in turn.
Since other firms’ prices are unchanged, a change in the firm’s nominal
price is also a change in its real price. In addition, the fact that others’
prices are unchanged means that the shift in aggregate demand changes
aggregate output. Thus the difference between the firm’s new and old profitmaximizing prices (distance CD in the figure) is determined by how the
profit-maximizing real price depends on aggregate output: when the firm’s
profit-maximizing price is less responsive to aggregate output (holding the
curvature of the profit function fixed), its incentive to adjust its price is
A smaller responsiveness of profit-maximizing real prices to aggregate
output is referred to as greater real rigidity (Ball and D. Romer, 1990). In
terms of equation (6.58) ( p i∗ − p = c + φy ), greater real rigidity corresponds
to a lower value of φ. Real rigidity alone does not cause monetary disturbances to have real effects: if prices can adjust fully, money is neutral regardless of the degree of real rigidity. But real rigidity magnifies the effects
of nominal rigidity: the greater the degree of real rigidity, the larger the
range of prices for which nonadjustment of prices is an equilibrium.
The curvature of the profit function determines the cost of a given departure of price from the profit-maximizing level. When profits are less sensitive to departures from the optimum, the incentive for price adjustment
is smaller (for a given degree of real rigidity), and so the range of shocks
for which nonadjustment is an equilibrium is larger. Thus, in general terms,
what is needed for small costs of price adjustment to generate substantial
nominal rigidity is some combination of real rigidity and of insensitivity of
the profit function.
Seen in terms of real rigidity and insensitivity of the profit function, it is
easy to see why the incentive for price adjustment in our baseline calculation
is so large: there is immense “real flexibility” rather than real rigidity. Since
the profit-maximizing real price is [η/(η − 1)]Y 1/ν, its elasticity with respect
to output is 1/ν. If the elasticity of labor supply, ν, is small, the elasticity of
(Pi /P )∗ with respect to Y is large. A value of ν of 0.1, for example, implies
an elasticity of (Pi /P )∗ with respect to Y of 10.
An analogy may help to make clear how the combination of menu costs
with either real rigidity or insensitivity of the profit function (or both) can
lead to considerable nominal stickiness: monetary disturbances may have
real effects for the same reasons that the switch to daylight saving time
does.20 The resetting of clocks is a purely nominal change—it simply alters
the labels assigned to different times of day. But the change is associated
with changes in real schedules—that is, the times of various activities relative to the sun. And there is no doubt that the switch to daylight saving
time is the cause of the changes in real schedules.
If there were literally no cost to changing nominal schedules and communicating this information to others, daylight saving time would just cause
everyone to do this and would have no effect on real schedules. Thus for
daylight saving time to change real schedules, there must be some cost to
changing nominal schedules. These costs are analogous to the menu costs
of changing prices; and like the menu costs, they do not appear to be large.
The reason that these small costs cause the switch to have real effects is that
individuals and businesses are generally much more concerned about their
schedules relative to one another’s than about their schedules relative to
the sun. Thus, given that others do not change their scheduled hours, each
individual does not wish to incur the cost of changing his or hers. This is
analogous to the effects of real rigidity in the price-setting case. Finally, the
less concerned that individuals are about precisely what their schedules are,
the less willing they are to incur the cost of changing them; this is analogous
to the insensitivity of the profit function in the price-setting case.
This analogy is originally due to Friedman (1953, p. 173), in the context of exchange
Real Rigidity
Specific Sources of Real Rigidity
A great deal of research on macroeconomic fluctuations is concerned with
factors that can give rise to real rigidity or to insensitivity of the profit
function. This work is done in various ways. For example, one can focus on
the partial-equilibrium question of how some feature of financial, goods,
or labor markets affects either a firm’s incentive to adjust its real price in
response to a change in aggregate output or the sensitivity of its profits
to departures from the optimum. Or one can add the candidate feature
to a calibrated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model that includes
barriers to nominal adjustment, like those we will meet at the end of the next
chapter, and ask how the addition affects such properties of the model as
the variance of output, the covariance of money growth and output growth,
and the real effects of a monetary disturbance. Or one need not focus on
monetary disturbances and nominal imperfections at all. As we will see in
the next section, most forces that make the real economy more responsive to
monetary shocks when there are nominal frictions make it more responsive
to other types of shocks. As a result, many analyses of specific sources
of real rigidity and insensitivity focus on their general implications for the
effects of shocks, or on their implications for some type of shock other than
monetary shocks.
Here we will take the approach of considering a single firm’s incentive
to adjust its price in response to a change in aggregate output when other
firms do not change their prices. To do this, consider again the marginal
revenue–marginal cost framework of Figure 6.10. When the fall in marginal
cost as a result of the fall in aggregate output is smaller, the firm’s incentive
to cut its price and increase its output is smaller; thus nominal rigidity is
more likely to be an equilibrium. This can occur in two ways. First, a smaller
downward shift of the marginal cost curve in response to a fall in aggregate
output implies a smaller decline in the firm’s profit-maximizing price—that
is, it corresponds to greater real rigidity.21 Second, a flatter marginal cost
curve implies both greater insensitivity of the profit function and greater
real rigidity.
Similarly, when the fall in marginal revenue in response to a decline in
aggregate output is larger, the gap between marginal revenue and marginal
cost at the representative firm’s initial price is smaller, and so the incentive
for price adjustment is smaller. Specifically, a larger leftward shift of the
marginal revenue curve corresponds to increased real rigidity, and so reduces the incentive for price adjustment. In addition, a steeper marginal
revenue curve (for a given leftward shift) also increases the degree of real
rigidity, and so again acts to reduce the incentive for adjustment.
Recall that for simplicity the marginal cost curve was not shown as shifting in
Figure 6.10 (see n. 16). There is no reason to expect it to stay fixed in general, however.
Since there are many potential determinants of the cyclical behavior of
marginal cost and marginal revenue, the hypothesis that small frictions in
price adjustment result in considerable nominal rigidity is not tied to any
specific view of the structure of the economy. On the cost side, researchers
have identified various factors that may make costs less procyclical than in
our baseline case. A factor that has been the subject of considerable research
is capital-market imperfections that raise the cost of finance in recessions.
This can occur through reductions in cash flow (Bernanke and Gertler, 1989)
or declines in asset values (Kiyotaki and Moore, 1997). Another factor that
may be quantitatively important is input-output linkages that cause firms
to face constant costs for their inputs when prices are sticky (Basu, 1995).
A factor that has received a great deal of attention is thick-market externalities and other external economies of scale. These externalities have the
potential to make purchasing inputs and selling products easier in times
of high economic activity. Although this is an appealing idea, its empirical
importance is unknown.22
On the revenue side, any factor that makes firms’ desired markups countercyclical increases real rigidity. Typically, when the desired markup is
more countercyclical, the marginal revenue curve shifts down more in a
recession. One specific factor that might make this occur is the combination of long-term relationships between customers and firms and capitalmarket imperfections. With long-term relationships, some of the increased
revenues from cutting prices and thereby attracting new customers come
in the future. And with capital-market imperfections, firms may face shortterm financing difficulties in recessions that lower the present value to them
of these future revenues (see, for example, Greenwald, Stiglitz, and Weiss,
1984, and Chevalier and Scharfstein, 1996). Another possibility is thickmarket effects that make it easier for firms to disseminate information and
for consumers to acquire it when aggregate output is high, and thus make
demand more elastic (Warner and Barsky, 1995). Three other factors that
tend to make desired markups lower when output is higher are shifts in the
composition of demand toward goods with more elastic demand, increased
competition as a result of entry, and the fact that higher sales increase the
incentive for firms to deviate from patterns of implicit collusion by cutting their prices (Rotemberg and Woodford, 1999a, Section 4.2). Finally, an
example of a factor on the revenue side that affects real rigidity by making the marginal revenue curve steeper (rather than by causing it to shift
more in response to movements in aggregate output) is imperfect information that makes existing customers more responsive to price increases
The classic reference is Diamond (1982). See also Caballero and Lyons (1992), Cooper
and Haltiwanger (1996), and Basu and Fernald (1995).
Real Rigidity
than prospective new customers are to price decreases (for example, Stiglitz,
1979, Woglom, 1982, and Kimball, 1995).23
Although the view of fluctuations we have been considering does not
depend on any specific view about the sources of real rigidity and insensitivity of the profit function, the labor market is almost certainly crucial. In
the example in the previous section, the combination of relatively inelastic
labor supply and a clearing labor market causes the real wage to fall sharply
when output falls. As a result, firms have very large incentives to cut their
prices and then hire large amounts of labor at the lower real wage to meet
the resulting increase in the quantity of their goods demanded. These incentives for price adjustment will almost surely swamp the effects of any
complications in the goods and credit markets.
One feature of the labor market that has an important effect on the degree of real rigidity is the extent of labor mobility. As we will discuss in more
detail in Chapter 10, the enormous heterogeneity of workers and jobs means
that there is not simply a prevailing wage at which firms can hire as much labor as they want. Instead, there are significant search and matching frictions
that generate important barriers to short-run labor mobility.
Reduced labor mobility affects both the slope of firms’ marginal cost
curve and how it shifts in response to changes in aggregate output: it makes
the marginal cost curve steeper (because incomplete mobility causes the real
wage a firm faces to rise as it hires more labor), and causes it to respond
less to aggregate output (because conditions in the economy as a whole have
smaller effects on the availability of labor to an individual firm). The overall
effect is to increase the degree of real rigidity. When the output of all firms
falls together, labor mobility is unimportant to the level of marginal cost. But
the steepening of the marginal cost curve from lower mobility reduces the
amount an individual firm wants to cut its price and increase its production
relative to others’.
Even relatively high barriers to labor mobility, however, are unlikely to be
enough. Thus the view that small costs of nominal adjustment have large
effects almost surely requires that the cost of labor not fall nearly as dramatically as it would if labor supply is relatively inelastic and workers are
on their labor supply curves.
At a general level, real wages might not be highly procyclical for two
reasons. First, short-run aggregate labor supply could be relatively elastic
(as a result of intertemporal substitution, for example). But as described in
As described in Section 6.2, markups appear to be at least moderately countercyclical.
If this occurs because firms’ desired markups are countercyclical, then there are real rigidities
on the revenue side. But this is not the case if, as argued by Sbordone (2002), markups are
countercyclical only because barriers to nominal price adjustment cause firms not to adjust
their prices in the face of procyclical fluctuations in marginal cost.
Sections 5.10 and 6.3, this view of the labor market has had limited empirical
Second, imperfections in the labor market, such as those that are the
subject of Chapter 10, can cause workers to be off their labor supply curves
over at least part of the business cycle. The models presented there (including more complicated models of search and matching frictions) break
the link between the elasticity of labor supply and the response of the
cost of labor to demand disturbances. Indeed, Chapter 10 presents several
models that imply relatively acyclical wages (or relatively acyclical costs of
labor to firms) despite inelastic labor supply. If imperfections like these
cause real wages to respond little to demand disturbances, they greatly
reduce firms’ incentive to vary their prices in response to these demand
A Second Quantitative Example
To see the potential importance of labor-market imperfections, consider the
following variation (from Ball and Romer, 1990) on our example of firms’
incentives to change prices in response to a monetary disturbance. Suppose that for some reason firms pay wages above the market-clearing level,
and that the elasticity of the real wage with respect to aggregate output
is β:
= AY β.
Thus, as in Case 3 of Section 6.2, the cyclical behavior of the real wage is
determined by a “real-wage function” rather than by the elasticity of labor
With the remainder of the model as before, firm i’s profits are given by
(6.53) with the real wage equal to AY β rather than Y 1/ν. It follows that
πi =
(compare [6.62]). The profit-maximizing real price is again η/(η − 1) times
the real wage; thus it is [η/(η − 1)]AY β. It follows that equilibrium output
under flexible prices is [(η − 1)/(ηA)]1/β. Assume that A and β are such that
In addition, the possibility of substantial real rigidities in the labor market suggests
that small barriers to nominal adjustment may cause nominal disturbances to have substantial real effects through stickiness of nominal wages rather than of nominal prices. If wages
display substantial real rigidity, a demand-driven expansion leads only to small increases
in optimal real wages. As a result, just as small frictions in nominal price adjustment can
lead to substantial nominal price rigidity, so small frictions in nominal wage adjustment
can lead to substantial nominal wage rigidity.
Real Rigidity
labor supply at the flexible-price equilibrium exceeds the amount of labor
employed by firms.25
Now consider the representative firm’s incentive to change its price in the
face of a decline in aggregate demand, again assuming that other firms do
not change their prices. If the firm does not change its price, then Pi /P = 1,
and so (6.66) implies
If the firm changes its price, it charges a real price of [η/(η − 1)]AY β. Substituting this expression into (6.66) yields
π ADJ =
η −1
= A1−η
η −1
η −1
η −1
A −η
If β, the parameter that governs the cyclical behavior of the real wage, is
small, the effect of this change in the model on the incentive for price adjustment is dramatic. Suppose, for example, that β = 0.1, that η = 5 as before,
and that A = 0.806 (so that the flexible-price level of Y is 0.928, or about
95 percent of its level with ν = 0.1 and a clearing labor market). Substituting these parameter values into (6.67) and (6.68) implies that if the money
stock falls by 3 percent and firms do not adjust their prices, the representative firm’s gain from changing its price is approximately 0.0000168, or
about 0.0018 percent of the revenue it gets at the flexible-price equilibrium.
Even if M falls by 5 percent and β = 0.25 (and A is changed to 0.815,
so that the flexible-price level of Y continues to be 0.928), the incentive
for price adjustment is only 0.03 percent of the firm’s flexible-price
This example shows how real rigidity and small barriers to nominal price
adjustment can produce a large amount of nominal rigidity. But the example
almost surely involves an unrealistic degree of real rigidity in the labor market: the example assumes that the elasticity of the real wage with respect to
output is only 0.1, while the evidence discussed in Section 6.3 suggests that
the true elasticity is considerably higher. A more realistic account would
probably involve less real rigidity in the labor market, but would include
When prices are flexible, each firm sets its relative price to [η/(η − 1)](W/P ). Thus the
real wage at the flexible-price equilibrium must be (η −1)/η, and so labor supply is [(η −1)/η]ν.
Thus the condition that labor supply exceeds demand at the flexible-price equilibrium is
[(η − 1)/η]ν > [(η − 1)/(ηA)]1/β .
the presence of other forces dampening fluctuations in costs and making
desired markups countercyclical.
6.8 Coordination-Failure Models and
Real Non-Walrasian Theories
Coordination-Failure Models
Our analysis suggests that real rigidities play an important role in fluctuations. As desired real prices become less responsive to aggregate output
(that is, as φ falls), the degree to which nominal frictions lead nominal disturbances to have real effects increases. Throughout, however, we have assumed that desired real prices are increasing in aggregate output (that is,
that φ > 0). An obvious question is what happens if real rigidities are so
strong that desired real prices are decreasing in output (φ < 0).
When producers reduce their relative prices, their relative output rises.
Thus if they want to cut their relative prices when aggregate output rises,
their desired output is rising more than one-for-one with aggregate output.
This immediately raises the possibility that there could be more than one
equilibrium level of output when prices are flexible.
Cooper and John (1988) present a framework for analyzing the possibility of multiple equilibria in aggregate activity under flexible prices in a
framework that is considerably more general than the particular model we
have been considering. The economy consists of many identical agents. Each
agent chooses the value of some variable, which we call output for concreteness, taking others’ choices as given. Let U i = V (y i , y ) be agent i’s payoff
when he or she chooses output y i and all others choose y . (We will consider
only symmetric equilibria; thus we do not need to specify what happens
when others’ choices are heterogeneous.) Let y i∗ (y ) denote the representative agent’s optimal choice of y i given y . Assume that V (•) is sufficiently well
behaved that y i∗ (y ) is uniquely defined for any y , continuous, and always
between 0 and some upper bound y . y i∗ (y ) is referred to as the reaction
Equilibrium occurs when y i∗ (y ) = y . In such a situation, if each agent
believes that other agents will produce y , each agent in fact chooses to
produce y .
Figure 6.12 shows an economy without multiple equilibria. The figure
plots the reaction function, y i∗ (y ). Equilibrium occurs when the reaction
function crosses the 45-degree line. Since there is only one crossing, the
equilibrium is unique.
Figure 6.13 shows a case with multiple equilibria. Since y i∗ (y ) is bounded
between 0 and y , it must begin above the 45-degree line and end up below.
And since it is continuous, it must cross the 45-degree line an odd number
Coordination-Failure Models and Real Non-Walrasian Theories
y i∗
yi∗ (y)
FIGURE 6.12 A reaction function that implies a unique equilibrium
y i∗
yi∗ (y)
FIGURE 6.13 A reaction function that implies multiple equilibria
of times (if we ignore the possibility of tangencies). The figure shows a case
with three crossings and thus three equilibrium levels of output. Under plausible assumptions, the equilibrium at Point B is unstable. If, for example,
agents expect output to be slightly above the level at B, they produce slightly
more than they expect others to produce. With natural assumptions about
dynamics, this causes the economy to move away from B. The equilibria at
A and C, however, are stable.
With multiple equilibria, fundamentals do not fully determine outcomes.
If agents expect the economy to be at A, it ends up there; if they expect it to
be at C, it ends up there instead. Thus animal spirits, self-fulfilling prophecies,
and sunspots can affect aggregate outcomes.26
It is plausible that V (y i , y ) is increasing in y —that is, that a typical individual is better off when aggregate output is higher. In the model of
Section 6.5, for example, higher aggregate output shifts the demand curve
that the representative firm faces outward, and thus increases the real price
the firm obtains for a given level of its output. If V (y i , y ) is increasing in y ,
equilibria with higher output involve higher welfare. To see this, consider
two equilibrium levels of output, y 1 and y 2 , with y 2 > y 1 . Since V (y i , y ) is
increasing in y , V (y 1 , y 2 ) is greater than V (y 1 , y 1 ). And since y 2 is an equilibrium, y i = y 2 maximizes V (y i , y ) given y = y 2 , and so V (y 2 , y 2 ) exceeds
V (y 1 , y 2 ). Thus the representative agent is better off at the higher-output
Models with multiple, Pareto-ranked equilibria are known as coordinationfailure models. The possibility of coordination failure implies that the economy can get stuck in an underemployment equilibrium. That is, output can
be inefficiently low just because everyone believes that it will be. In such a
situation, there is no force tending to restore output to normal. As a result,
there may be scope for government policies that coordinate expectations on
a high-output equilibrium. For example, a temporary stimulus might permanently move the economy to a better equilibrium.
One weakness of models with multiple equilibria is that they are inherently incomplete: they fail to tell us what outcomes will be as a function
of underlying conditions. Work by Morris and Shin (1998, 2000) addresses
this limitation by introducing heterogeneous information about fundamentals. Under plausible assumptions, adding heterogeneous information to
coordination-failure models makes each agent’s action a unique function of
his or her information, and so eliminates the indeterminacy. At the same
time, when the heterogeneity is small, the modified models have the feature that small changes in fundamentals (or in beliefs about fundamentals,
or in beliefs about others’ beliefs about fundamentals, and so on) can lead
to very large changes in outcomes and welfare. Thus the basic message
of coordination-failure models carries over to this more realistic and more
complete case.
A sunspot equilibrium occurs when some variable that has no inherent effect on the
economy matters because agents believe that it does. Any model with multiple equilibria
has the potential for sunspots: if agents believe that the economy will be at one equilibrium
when the extraneous variable takes on a high value and at another when it takes on a low
value, they behave in ways that validate this belief. For more on these issues, see Woodford
(1990) and Benhabib and Farmer (1999).
Coordination-Failure Models and Real Non-Walrasian Theories
As noted above, there is a close connection between multiple equilibria
and real rigidity. The existence of multiple equilibria requires that over some
range, increases in aggregate output cause the representative producer to
want to lower its price and thus increase its output relative to others’. That
is, coordination failure requires that real rigidity be very strong over some
range. One implication of this observation is that since there are many potential sources of real rigidity, there are many potential sources of coordination failure. Thus there are many possible models that fit Cooper and
John’s general framework.
Empirical Application: Experimental Evidence on
Coordination-Failure Games
Coordination-failure models have more than one Nash equilibrium. Traditional game theory predicts that such economies will arrive at one of their
equilibria, but does not predict which one. Various theories of equilibrium
refinements make predictions about which equilibrium will be reached (as
do the extensions to heterogeneous information mentioned above). For example, a common view is that Pareto-superior equilibria are focal, and that
economies where there is the potential for coordination failure therefore
attain the best possible equilibrium. There are other possibilities as well.
For example, it may be that each agent is unsure about what rule others
are using to choose among the possible outcomes, and that as a result such
economies do not reach any of their equilibria.
One approach to testing theories that has been pursued extensively in recent years, especially in game theory, is the use of experiments. Experiments
have the advantage that they allow researchers to control the economic environment precisely. They have the disadvantages, however, that they are
often not feasible and that behavior may be different in the laboratory than
in similar situations in practice.
An example of this approach in the context of coordination-failure models is the test of the game proposed by Bryant (1983) that is conducted by
Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil (1990). In Bryant’s game, each of N agents
chooses an effort level over the range [0,e]. The payoff to agent i is
U i = α min[e1 ,e 2 , . . . ,eN ] − βei ,
α > β > 0.
The best Nash equilibrium is for every agent to choose the maximum effort
level, e; this gives each agent a payoff of (α − β)e. But any common effort
level in [0,e] is also a Nash equilibrium: if every agent other than agent i
sets his or her effort to some level ê, i also wants to choose effort of ê. Since
each agent’s payoff is increasing in the common effort level, Bryant’s game
is a coordination-failure model with a continuum of equilibria.
Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil consider a version of Bryant’s game with
effort restricted to the integers 1 through 7, α = $0.20, β = $0.10, and N
between 14 and 16.27 They report several main results. The first concerns
the first time a group plays the game; since Bryant’s model is not one of
repeated play, this situation may correspond most closely to the model.
Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil find that in the first play, the players do not
reach any of the equilibria. The most common levels of effort are 5 and 7,
but there is a great deal of dispersion. Thus, no deterministic theory of
equilibrium selection successfully describes behavior.
Second, repeated play of the game results in rapid movement toward low
effort. Among five of the seven experimental groups, the minimum effort in
the first period is more than 1. But in all seven groups, by the fourth play the
minimum level of effort reaches 1 and remains there in every subsequent
round. Thus there is strong coordination failure.
Third, the game fails to converge to any equilibrium. Each group played
the game 10 times, for a total of 70 trials. Yet in none of the 70 trials do all
the players choose the same effort. Even in the last several trials, which are
preceded in every group by a string of trials where the minimum effort is 1,
more than a quarter of players choose effort greater than 1.
Finally, even modifying the payoff function to induce “coordination successes” does not prevent reversion to inefficient outcomes. After the initial
10 trials, each group played 5 trials with the parameter β in (6.69) set to
zero. With β = 0, there is no cost to higher effort. As a result, most groups
converge to the Pareto-efficient outcome of ei = 7 for all players. But when
β is changed back to $0.10, there is a rapid return to the situation where
most players choose the minimum effort.
Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil’s results suggest that predictions from deductive theories of behavior should be treated with caution: even though
Bryant’s game is fairly simple, actual behavior does not correspond well
with the predictions of any standard theory. The results also suggest that
coordination-failure models can give rise to complicated behavior and
Real Non-Walrasian Theories
Substantial real rigidity, even if it is not strong enough to cause multiple
equilibria, can make the equilibrium highly sensitive to disturbances. Consider the case where the reaction function is upward-sloping with a slope
slightly less than 1. As shown in Figure 6.14, this leads to a unique equilibrium. Now let x be some variable that shifts the reaction function; thus we
now write the reaction function as y i = y i∗ (y ,x). The equilibrium level of y
for a given x , denoted ŷ (x), is defined by the condition y i∗ ( ŷ (x),x) = ŷ (x).
In addition, they add a constant of $0.60 to the payoff function so that no one can
lose money.
Coordination-Failure Models and Real Non-Walrasian Theories
y i∗
yi∗ (y, x ′ )
y ∗ (y, x)
FIGURE 6.14 A reaction function that implies a unique but fragile equilibrium
Differentiating this condition with respect to x yields
∂y i∗
ŷ ′ (x) +
∂y i∗
= ŷ ′ (x),
ŷ ′ (x) =
∂y i∗
1 − (∂y i∗ /∂y ) ∂x
Equation (6.71) shows that when the reaction function slopes up, there
is a “multiplier” that magnifies the effect of the shift of the reaction function at a given level of y , ∂y i∗ /∂x. In terms of the diagram, the impact on
the equilibrium level of y is larger than the upward shift of the reaction
function. The closer the slope is to 1, the larger is the multiplier.
In a situation like this, any factor that affects the reaction function has
a large impact on overall economic activity. In the terminology of Summers
(1988), the equilibrium is fragile. Thus it is possible that there is substantial
real rigidity but that fluctuations are driven by real rather than nominal
shocks. When there is substantial real rigidity, technology shocks, creditmarket disruptions, changes in government spending and tax rates, shifts
in uncertainty about future policies, and other real disturbances can all be
important sources of output movements. Since, as we have seen, there is
unlikely to be substantial real rigidity in a Walrasian model, we refer to
theories of fluctuations based on real rigidities and real disturbances as
real non-Walrasian theories. Just as there are many candidate real rigidities,
there are many possible theories of this type.
This discussion suggests that whether there are multiple flexibleprice equilibria or merely a unique but fragile equilibrium is not crucial
to fluctuations. Suppose first that (as we have been assuming throughout
this section) there are no barriers to nominal adjustment. If there are multiple equilibria, fluctuations can occur without any disturbances at all as the
economy moves among the different equilibria. With a unique but fragile
equilibrium, on the other hand, fluctuations can occur in response to small
disturbances as the equilibrium is greatly affected by the shocks.
The situation is similar with small barriers to price adjustment. Strong
real rigidity (plus appropriate insensitivity of the profit function) causes
firms’ incentives to adjust their prices in response to a nominal disturbance
to be small; whether the real rigidity is strong enough to create multiple
equilibria when prices are flexible is not important.
6.9 The Lucas Imperfect-Information
The nominal imperfection we have focused on so far is a cost of changing nominal prices. Long before the modern work on menu costs, however,
Lucas (1972) and Phelps (1970) suggested a different nominal imperfection:
perhaps producers do not observe the aggregate price level perfectly.
If a producer does not know the price level, then it does not know whether
a change in the price of its good reflects a change in the good’s relative price
or a change in the aggregate price level. A change in the relative price alters
the optimal amount to produce. A change in the aggregate price level, on
the other hand, leaves optimal production unchanged.
When the price of the producer’s good increases, there is some chance
that the increase reflects a rise in the price level, and some chance that
it reflects a rise in the good’s relative price. The rational response for the
producer is to attribute part of the change to an increase in the price level
and part to an increase in the relative price, and therefore to increase output
somewhat. When the aggregate price level rises, all producers see increases
in the prices of their goods. Thus, not knowing that the increases reflect
a rise in the price level, they raise their output. As a result, an increase in
aggregate demand that is not publicly observed leads to some combination
of a rise in the overall price level and a rise in overall output.
This section develops these ideas in a variation of the model of Section 6.5. We now need to allow for unobserved movements in the overall
price level and in relative prices. We do this by assuming that the money
supply (or some other aggregate-demand variable) and the demands for
individual goods are subject to random shocks that are not observed by
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
producers. We also make two smaller changes to the earlier model. First,
producers behave competitively rather than imperfectly competitively; that
is, they ignore the impact of their output choices on the prices of their
goods. We make this assumption both because it keeps the model closer
to Lucas’s original model and because it is easier to talk about producers
making inferences from the prices of their goods than from the positions of
their demand curves. Nothing substantive hinges on this assumption, however. Second, there is no economy-wide labor market; each firm is owned
by a particular household that produces the firm’s output using its own labor. If firms hired labor in a competitive labor market, their observation of
the prevailing wage would allow them to deduce the aggregate price level.
Assuming away an economy-wide labor market eliminates this possibility.
The Model
As in the model of Section 6.5, each household maximizes C − (1/γ )L γ ,
where C is its consumption and L is its labor supply. Each good is produced
by a single household using only its own labor. For simplicity, we will refer to
the household that produces good i as household i. Household i’s objective
function is therefore
Ui = Ci −
Yi −
Yi ,
where Ci is its consumption index. The second line of (6.72) uses the production function, Yi = L i , and the fact that Ci equals the household’s revenues
from selling its good, Pi Yi , divided by the price index, P .
The producers takes prices as given. Thus if producer i knew Pi and P ,
the first-order condition for its utility-maximizing choice of Yi would be
− Yi
γ −1
= 0,
Yi =
1/(γ −1)
Letting lowercase letters denote logarithms of the corresponding uppercase
variables, we can rewrite this as
yi =
γ −1
( pi − p).
The model allows for both changes in the money supply (or aggregate
demand) and the demands for individual goods. Specifically, the demand
for good i is given by
y i = y + zi − η(pi − p),
η > 0,
where zi is the good-specific demand shock. We assume that the aggregate
demand equation (6.41), y = m − p, holds as before. Thus (6.76) becomes
y i = (m − p) + zi − η(pi − p).
Note that aside from the presence of the zi term, this is the same as the
demand curve in the model in Section 6.5, equation (6.48).
With heterogeneous demands arising from taste shocks, the price index
corresponding to individuals’ utility function takes a somewhat more complicated form than the previous price index, (6.47). For simplicity, we therefore define the log price index, p, to be just the average log price:
p = pi .
y = yi .
Similarly, we define
Using the more theoretically appropriate definitions of p and y would have
no effects on the messages of the model.
The model’s key assumption is that the producer cannot observe zi and
m. Instead, it can only observe the price of its good, pi . We can write pi as
pi = p + (pi − p)
≡ p + ri ,
where r i ≡ p i − p is the relative price of good i . Thus, in logs, the variable
that the producer observes—the price of its good—equals the sum of the
aggregate price level and the good’s relative price.
The producer would like to base its production decision on ri alone (see
[6.75]). The producer does not observe ri , but must estimate it given the
observation of pi .28 At this point, Lucas makes two simplifying assumptions.
First, he assumes that the producer finds the expectation of ri given pi , and
then produces as much as it would if this estimate were certain. Thus (6.75)
yi =
γ −1
E [ri | pi ].
Recall that the firm is owned by a single household. If the household knew others’
prices as a result of making purchases, it could deduce p, and hence ri . This can be ruled out
in several ways. One approach is to assume that the household consists of two individuals, a
“producer” and a “shopper,” and that communication between them is limited. In his original
model, Lucas avoids the problem by assuming an overlapping-generations structure where
individuals produce in the first period of their lives and make purchases in the second.
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
As Problem 6.14 shows, this certainty-equivalence behavior is not identical
to maximizing expected utility: in general, the utility-maximizing choice of
y i depends not just on the household’s point estimate of ri , but also on
its uncertainty. Like the assumption that p = P i , however, the assumption
that households use certainty equivalence simplifies the analysis and has
no effect on the central messages of the model.
Second, Lucas assumes that the monetary shock (m) and the shocks to
the demands for the individual goods (the zi ’s) are normally distributed.
m has a mean of E [m] and a variance of Vm . The zi ’s have a mean of 0 and a
variance of Vz , and are independent of m. We will see that these assumptions
imply that p and ri are normal and independent.
Finally, one assumption of the model is so commonplace today that we
passed over it without comment: in assuming that the producer chooses
how much to produce based on the mathematical expectation of r i , E [r i | pi ],
we implicitly assumed that the producer finds expectations rationally. That
is, the expectation of r i is assumed to be the true expectation of ri given pi
and given the actual joint distribution of the two variables. Today, this assumption of rational expectations seems no more peculiar than the assumption that individuals maximize utility. But when Lucas introduced rational
expectations into macroeconomics, it was highly controversial. As we will
see, it is one source—but by no means the only one—of the strong implications of his model.
The Lucas Supply Curve
We will solve the model by tentatively assuming that p and r i are normal
and independent, and then verifying that the equilibrium does indeed have
this property.
Since pi equals p + r i , the assumption that p and r i are normal and independent implies that pi is also normal; its mean is the sum of the means
of p and ri , and its variance is the sum of their variances. An important result in statistics is that when two variables are jointly normally distributed
(as with ri and pi here), the expectation of one is a linear function of the
observation of the other. In this particular case, where pi equals ri plus an
independent variable, the expectation takes the specific form
E [r i | pi ] = E [r i ] +
V r + Vp
V r + Vp
( pi − E [ pi ])
( pi − E [ pi ]),
where Vr and Vp are the variances of p and r i , and where the second line
uses the fact that the symmetry of the model implies that the mean of each
relative price is zero.
Equation (6.82) is intuitive. First, it implies that if pi equals its mean,
the expectation of ri equals its mean (which is 0). Second, it states that the
expectation of ri exceeds its mean if pi exceeds its mean, and is less than
its mean if pi is less than its mean. Third, it tells us that the fraction of the
departure of pi from its mean that is estimated to be due to the departure of
ri from its mean is Vr /(Vr + Vp); this is the fraction of the overall variance
of pi (which is Vr + Vp) that is due to the variance of ri (which is Vr ). If,
for example, Vp is 0, all the variation in pi is due to ri , and so E [ri | pi ] is
pi − E [p]. If Vr and Vp are equal, half of the variance in pi is due to ri , and
so E [ri | pi ] = (pi − E [p])/2. And so on.
This conditional-expectations problem is referred to as signal extraction.
The variable that the individual observes, pi , equals the signal, ri , plus noise,
p. Equation (6.82) shows how the individual can best extract an estimate of
the signal from the observation of pi . The ratio of Vr to Vp is referred to as
the signal-to-noise ratio.
Recall that the producer’s output is given by y i = [1/(γ −1)]E [r i |pi ] (equation [6.81]). Substituting (6.82) into this expression yields
yi =
γ − 1 V r + Vp
(pi − E [p])
≡ b(pi − E [p]).
Averaging (6.83) across producers (and using the definitions of y and p)
gives us an expression for overall output:
y = b(p − E [p]).
Equation (6.84) is the Lucas supply curve. It states that the departure of
output from its normal level (which is zero in the model) is an increasing
function of the surprise in the price level.
The Lucas supply curve is essentially the same as the expectationsaugmented Phillips curve of Section 6.4 with core inflation replaced by expected inflation (see equation [6.24]). Both state that if we neglect disturbances to supply, output is above normal only to the extent that inflation
(and hence the price level) is greater than expected. Thus the Lucas model
provides microeconomic foundations for this view of aggregate supply.
Combining the Lucas supply curve with the aggregate demand equation,
y = m − p, and solving for p and y yields
y =
E [p],
E [p].
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
We can use (6.85) to find E [p]. Ex post, after m is determined, the two sides
of (6.85) are equal. Thus it must be that ex ante, before m is determined,
the expectations of the two sides are equal. Taking the expectations of both
sides of (6.85), we obtain
E [p] =
E [m] +
E [p].
Solving for E [p] yields
E [p] = E [m].
Using (6.88) and the fact that m = E [m] + (m − E [m]), we can rewrite
(6.85) and (6.86) as
p = E [m] +
y =
(m − E [m]),
(m − E [m]).
Equations (6.89) and (6.90) show the key implications of the model: the
component of aggregate demand that is observed, E [m], affects only prices,
but the component that is not observed, m − E [m], has real effects. Consider, for concreteness, an unobserved increase in m—that is, a higher realization of m given its distribution. This increase in the money supply raises
aggregate demand, and thus produces an outward shift in the demand curve
for each good. Since the increase is not observed, each supplier’s best guess
is that some portion of the rise in the demand for his or her product reflects
a relative price shock. Thus producers increase their output.
The effects of an observed increase in m are very different. Specifically,
consider the effects of an upward shift in the entire distribution of m, with
the realization of m − E [m] held fixed. In this case, each supplier attributes
the rise in the demand for his or her product to money, and thus does not
change his or her output. Of course, the taste shocks cause variations in
relative prices and in output across goods (just as they do in the case of an
unobserved shock), but on average real output does not rise. Thus observed
changes in aggregate demand affect only prices.
To complete the model, we must express b in terms of underlying parameters rather than in terms of the variances of p and ri . Recall that b =
[1/(γ −1)][Vr /(Vr + Vp )] (see [6.83]). Equation (6.89) implies Vp = V m /(1 +b)2 .
The demand curve, (6.76), and the supply curve, (6.84), can be used to find
Vr , the variance of pi − p. Specifically, we can substitute y = b(p − E [p])
into (6.76) to obtain y i = b(p − E [p]) + zi − η(pi − p), and we can rewrite
(6.83) as y i = b(pi − p) + b(p − E [p]). Solving these two equations for pi − p
then yields pi − p = zi /(η+ b). Thus Vr = V z /(η+ b)2 .
Substituting the expressions for Vp and Vr into the definition of b (see
[6.83]) yields
γ − 1⎣
Vz +
(η + b)2
(1 + b)
2 m
Equation (6.91) implicitly defines b in terms of V z , V m , and γ , and thus completes the model. It is straightforward to show that b is increasing in V z and
decreasing in V m . In the special case of η = 1, we can obtain a closed-form
expression for b:
γ − 1 V z + Vm
Finally, note that the results that p = E [m] + [1/(1 + b)](m − E [m]) and
ri = zi /(η + b) imply that p and ri are linear functions of m and zi . Since
m and zi are independent, p and ri are independent. And since linear functions of normal variables are normal, p and ri are normal. This confirms the
assumptions made above about these variables.
The Phillips Curve and the Lucas Critique
Lucas’s model implies that unexpectedly high realizations of aggregate demand lead to both higher output and higher-than-expected prices. As a result, for reasonable specifications of the behavior of aggregate demand, the
model implies a positive association between output and inflation. Suppose,
for example, that m is a random walk with drift:
m t = m t −1 + c + u t ,
where u is white noise. This specification implies that the expectation of
m t is m t −1 + c and that the unobserved component of m t is u t . Thus, from
(6.89) and (6.90),
pt = m t −1 + c +
yt =
ut ,
ut .
Equation (6.94) implies that pt −1 = m t −2 + c + [u t −1 /(1 + b)]. The rate of
inflation (measured as the change in the log of the price level) is thus
πt = (m t −1 − m t −2 ) +
= c+
u t −1 +
ut −
ut .
u t −1
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
Note that u t appears in both (6.95) and (6.96) with a positive sign, and
that u t and u t −1 are uncorrelated. These facts imply that output and inflation
are positively correlated. Intuitively, high unexpected money growth leads,
through the Lucas supply curve, to increases in both prices and output.
The model therefore implies a positive relationship between output and
inflation—a Phillips curve.
Crucially, however, although there is a statistical output-inflation relationship in the model, there is no exploitable tradeoff between output and
inflation. Suppose policymakers decide to raise average money growth (for
example, by raising c in equation [6.93]). If the change is not publicly known,
there is an interval when unobserved money growth is typically positive, and
output is therefore usually above normal. Once individuals determine that
the change has occurred, however, unobserved money growth is again on
average zero, and so average real output is unchanged. And if the increase
in average money growth is known, expected money growth jumps immediately and there is not even a brief interval of high output. The idea that
the statistical relationship between output and inflation may change if policymakers attempt to take advantage of it is not just a theoretical curiosity:
as we saw in Section 6.4, when average inflation rose in the late 1960s and
early 1970s, the traditional output-inflation relationship collapsed.
The central idea underlying this analysis is of wider relevance. Expectations are likely to be important to many relationships among aggregate
variables, and changes in policy are likely to affect those expectations. As a
result, shifts in policy can change aggregate relationships. In short, if policymakers attempt to take advantage of statistical relationships, effects operating through expectations may cause the relationships to break down.
This is the famous Lucas critique (Lucas, 1976).
Stabilization Policy
The result that only unobserved aggregate demand shocks have real effects
has a strong implication: monetary policy can stabilize output only if policymakers have information that is not available to private agents. Any portion
of policy that is a response to publicly available information—such as the
unemployment rate or the index of leading indicators—is irrelevant to the
real economy (Sargent and Wallace, 1975; Barro, 1976).
To see this, let aggregate demand, m, equal m ∗ + v, where m ∗ is a policy variable and v a disturbance outside the government’s control. If the
government does not pursue activist policy but simply keeps m ∗ constant
(or growing at a steady rate), the unobserved shock to aggregate demand
in some period is the realization of v less the expectation of v given the
information available to private agents. If m ∗ is instead a function of public
information, individuals can deduce m ∗ , and so the situation is unchanged.
Thus systematic policy rules cannot stabilize output.
If the government observes variables correlated with v that are not known
to the public, it can use this information to stabilize output: it can change
m ∗ to offset the movements in v that it expects on the basis of its private
information. But this is not an appealing defense of stabilization policy, for
two reasons. First, a central element of conventional stabilization policy involves reactions to general, publicly available information that the economy
is in a boom or a recession. Second, if superior information is the basis for
potential stabilization, there is a much easier way for the government to
accomplish that stabilization than following a complex policy rule: it can
simply announce the information that the public does not have.
The Lucas model is surely not a complete account of the effects of aggregate demand shifts. For example, as described in Section 5.9, there is strong
evidence that publicly announced changes in monetary policy affect real
interest rates and real exchange rates, contrary to the model’s predictions.
The more important question, however, is whether the model accounts for
important elements of the effects of aggregate demand. Two major objections have been raised in this regard.
The first difficulty is that the employment fluctuations in the Lucas model,
like those in real-business-cycle models, arise from changes in labor supply
in response to changes in the perceived benefits of working. Thus to generate substantial employment fluctuations, the model requires a significant
short-run elasticity of labor supply. But, as described in Section 5.10, there
is little evidence of such a high elasticity.
The second difficulty concerns the assumption of imperfect information.
In modern economies, high-quality information about changes in prices is
released with only brief lags. Thus, other than in times of hyperinflation,
individuals can estimate aggregate price movements with considerable accuracy at little cost. In light of this, it is difficult to see how they can be significantly confused between relative and aggregate price level movements.
In fact, however, neither of the apparently critical assumptions—a high
short-run elasticity of labor supply and the difficulty of finding timely information about the price level—is essential to Lucas’s central results. Suppose
that price-setters choose not to acquire current information about the price
level, and that the behavior of the economy is therefore described by the
Lucas model. In such a situation, price-setters’ incentive to obtain information about the price level, and to adjust their pricing and output decisions
accordingly, is determined by the same considerations that determine their
incentive to adjust their nominal prices in menu-cost models. As we have
seen, there are many possible mechanisms other than highly elastic labor
supply that can cause this incentive to be small. Thus neither unavailability of information about the price level nor elastic labor supply is essential
The Lucas Imperfect-Information Model
to the mechanism identified by Lucas. One important friction in nominal
adjustment may therefore be a small inconvenience or cost of obtaining information about the price level (or of adjusting one’s pricing decisions in
light of that information). We will return to this point in Section 7.7.
Another Candidate Nominal Imperfection: Nominal
Frictions in Debt Markets
Not all potential nominal frictions involve incomplete adjustment of nominal prices and wages, as they do in menu-cost models and the Lucas model.
One line of research examines the consequences of the fact that debt contracts are often not indexed; that is, loan agreements and bonds generally
specify streams of nominal payments the borrower must make to the lender.
Nominal disturbances therefore cause redistributions. A negative nominal
shock, for example, increases borrowers’ real debt burdens. If capital markets are perfect, such redistributions do not have any important real effects;
investments continue to be made if the risk-adjusted expected payoffs exceed the costs, regardless of whether the funds for the projects can be supplied by the entrepreneurs or have to be raised in capital markets.
But actual capital markets are not perfect. As we will discuss in Section 9.9, asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers, coupled
with risk aversion or limited liability, generally makes the first-best outcome
unattainable. The presence of risk aversion or limited liability means that
the borrowers usually do not bear the full cost of very bad outcomes of
their investment projects. But if borrowers are partially insured against bad
outcomes, they have an incentive to take advantage of the asymmetric information between themselves and lenders by borrowing only if they know
their projects are risky (adverse selection) or by taking risks on the projects
they undertake (moral hazard). These difficulties cause lenders to charge
a premium on their loans. As a result, there is generally less investment,
and less efficient investment, when it is financed externally than when it is
funded by the entrepreneurs’ own funds.
In such settings, redistributions matter: transferring wealth from entrepreneurs to lenders makes the entrepreneurs more dependent on external
finance, and thus reduces investment. Thus if debt contracts are not indexed, nominal disturbances are likely to have real effects. Indeed, price and
wage flexibility can increase the distributional effects of nominal shocks,
and thus potentially increase their real effects. This channel for real effects
of nominal shocks is known as debt-deflation.29
This view of the nature of nominal imperfections must confront the same
issues that face theories based on frictions in nominal price adjustment.
The term is due to Irving Fisher (1933). For a modern treatment, see Bernanke and
Gertler (1989).
For example, when a decline in the money stock redistributes wealth from
firms to lenders because of nonindexation of debt contracts, firms’ marginal
cost curves shift up. For reasonable cases, this upward shift is not large. If
marginal cost falls greatly when aggregate output falls (because real wages
decline sharply, for example) and marginal revenue does not, the modest
increase in costs caused by the fall in the money stock leads to only a small
decline in aggregate output. If marginal cost changes little and marginal
revenue is very responsive to aggregate output, on the other hand, the small
change in costs leads to large changes in output. Thus the same kinds of
forces needed to cause small barriers to price adjustment to lead to large
fluctuations in aggregate output are also needed for small costs to indexing
debt contracts to have this effect.
At first glance, the current financial and economic crisis, where developments in financial markets have been central, seems to provide strong
evidence of the importance of nominal imperfections in debt contracts. But
this inference would be mistaken. Recent events provide strong evidence
that debt and financial markets affect the real economy. The bankruptcies,
rises in risk spreads, drying up of credit flows, and other credit-market disruptions appear to have had enormous effects on output and employment.
But essentially none of this operated through debt-deflation. Inflation has
not changed sharply over the course of the crisis. Thus it appears that outcomes would have been little different if financial contracts had been written
in real rather than nominal terms.
We must therefore look elsewhere to understand both the reasons for
the crisis and the reasons that financial disruptions are so destructive to
the real economy. We will return to this issue briefly in the Epilogue.30
6.10 Empirical Application:
International Evidence on the
Output-Inflation Tradeoff
The fundamental concern of the models of this chapter is the real effects
of monetary changes and of other disturbances to aggregate demand. Thus
a natural place to look for tests of the models is in their predictions about
Another line of work on nominal imperfections investigates the consequences of the
fact that at any given time, not all agents are adjusting their holdings of high-powered
money. Thus when the monetary authority changes the quantity of high-powered money,
it cannot achieve a proportionate change in everyone’s holdings. As a result, a change in the
money stock generally affects real money balances even if all prices and wages are perfectly
flexible. Under appropriate conditions (such as an impact of real balances on consumption),
this change in real balances affects the real interest rate. And if the real interest rate affects
aggregate supply, the result is that aggregate output changes. See, for example, Christiano,
Eichenbaum, and Evans (1997) and Williamson (2008).
International Evidence on the Output-Inflation Tradeoff
the determinants of the strength of those effects. This is the approach pioneered by Lucas (1973).
The Variability of Demand
In the Lucas model, suppliers’ responses to changes in prices are determined
by the relative importance of aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks. If aggregate shocks are large, for example, suppliers attribute most of the changes
in the prices of their goods to changes in the price level, and so they alter their production relatively little in response to variations in prices (see
[6.83]). The Lucas model therefore predicts that the real effect of a given
aggregate demand shock is smaller in an economy where the variance of
those shocks is larger.
To test this prediction, one must find a measure of aggregate demand
shocks. Lucas (1973) uses the change in the log of nominal GDP. For this to
be precisely correct, two conditions must be satisfied. First, the aggregate
demand curve must be unit-elastic; that is, nominal GDP must be determined entirely by aggregate demand, so that changes in aggregate supply
affect P and Y but not their product. Second, the change in log nominal GDP
must not be predictable or observable. That is, letting x denote log nominal
GDP, x must take the form a + u t , where u t is white noise. With this process, the change in log nominal GDP (relative to its average change) is also
the unobserved change. Although these conditions are surely not satisfied
exactly, they may be accurate enough to be reasonable approximations.
Under these assumptions, the real effects of an aggregate demand shock
in a given country can be estimated by regressing log real GDP (or the change
in log real GDP) on the change in log nominal GDP and control variables. The
specification Lucas employs is
y t = c + γt + τx t + λy t −1 ,
where y is log real GDP, t is time, and x is the change in log nominal GDP.
Lucas estimates (6.97) separately for various countries. He then asks
whether the estimated τ’s—the estimates of the responsiveness of output to
aggregate demand movements—are related to the average size of countries’
aggregate demand shocks. A simple way to do this is to estimate
τi = α + βσx,i ,
where τi is the estimate of the real impact of an aggregate demand shift
obtained by estimating (6.97) for country i and σx ,i is the standard deviation of the change in log nominal GDP in country i. Lucas’s theory predicts
that nominal shocks have smaller real effects in settings where aggregate
demand is more volatile, and thus that β is negative.
Lucas employs a relatively small sample. His test has been extended to
much larger samples, with various modifications in specification, in several
studies. Figure 6.15, from Ball, Mankiw, and D. Romer (1988), is typical of
Standard deviation of nominal GDP growth
FIGURE 6.15 The output-inflation tradeoff and the variability of aggregate
demand (from Ball, Mankiw, and Romer, 1988)
the results. It shows a scatterplot of τ versus σx for 43 countries. The
corresponding regression is
τi = 0.388 − 1.639 σx ,i ,
R = 0.201,
s.e.e. = 0.245,
where the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. Thus there is a highly
statistically significant negative relationship between the variability of nominal GDP growth and the estimated effect of a given change in aggregate
demand, just as the model predicts.
The Average Inflation Rate
Ball, Mankiw, and Romer observe that menu-cost models and other models
of barriers to price adjustment suggest a different determinant of the real
effects of aggregate demand movements: the average rate of inflation. Their
argument is straightforward. When average inflation is higher, firms must
adjust their prices more often to keep up with the price level. This implies
that when there is an aggregate demand disturbance, firms can pass it into
prices more quickly. Thus its real effects are smaller.
Paralleling Lucas’s test, Ball, Mankiw, and Romer’s basic test of their prediction is to examine whether the estimated impact of aggregate demand
shifts (the τi ’s) are negatively estimated to average inflation. Figure 6.16
shows a scatterplot of the estimated τi ’s versus average inflation. The figure suggests a negative relationship. The corresponding regression (with
International Evidence on the Output-Inflation Tradeoff
Mean inflation
FIGURE 6.16 The output-inflation tradeoff and average inflation (from Ball,
Mankiw, and Romer, 1988)
a quadratic term included to account for the nonlinearity apparent in the
figure) is
τi = 0.600 − 4.835 πi + 7.118 πi2 ,
R = 0.388,
s.e.e. = 0.215,
where πi is average inflation in country i and the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. The point estimates imply that ∂τ/∂π = −4.835 +
2(7.118)π, which is negative for π < 4.835/[2(7.118)] ≃ 34%. Thus there is a
statistically significant negative relationship between average inflation and
the estimated real impact of aggregate demand movements.
Countries with higher average inflation generally have more variable aggregate demand. Thus it is possible that the results in (6.100) arise not
because π directly affects τ, but because it is correlated with the standard
deviation of nominal GNP growth (σx ), which does directly affect τ. Alternatively, it is possible that Lucas’s results arise from the fact that σx and π
are correlated.
The appropriate way to test between these two views is to run a “horserace” regression that includes both variables. Again quadratic terms are
included to allow for nonlinearities. The results are
τi = 0.589 − 5.729 πi + 8.406 πi2 + 1.241 σx − 2.380 σx2 ,
R = 0.359,
s.e.e. = 0.219.
The coefficients on the average inflation variables are essentially the same
as in the previous regression, and they remain statistically significant. The
variability terms, in contrast, play little role. The null hypothesis that the coefficients on both σx and σ 2x are zero cannot be rejected at any reasonable
confidence level, and the point estimates imply that reasonable changes in
σx have quantitatively small effect on τ. For example, a change in σx from
0.05 to 0.10 changes τ by only 0.04. Thus the results appear to favor the
menu-cost view over the Lucas model.31
Kiley (2000) extends the analysis to the persistence of output movements.
He first notes that menu-cost models imply that departures of output from
normal are less persistent when average inflation is higher. The intuition
is again that higher average inflation increases the frequency of price adjustment, and therefore causes the economy to return to its flexible-price
equilibrium more rapidly after a shock. He finds that the data support this
implication as well.
6.1. Describe how, if at all, each of the following developments affect the curves in
Figure 6.1:
(a ) The coefficient of relative risk aversion, θ, rises.
(b ) The curvature of ⌫(•), ν falls.
(c ) We modify the utility function, (6.2), to be
V (L t )], B > 0, and B falls.
βt [U (Ct ) + B ⌫(Mt /Pt ) −
6.2. The Baumol-Tobin model. (Baumol, 1952; Tobin, 1956.) Consider a consumer
with a steady flow of real purchases of amount αY, 0 < α ≤ 1, that are made
with money. The consumer chooses how often to convert bonds, which pay a
constant interest rate of i, into money, which pays no interest. If the consumer
chooses an interval of τ, his or her money holdings decline linearly from αY P τ
after each conversion to zero at the moment of the next conversion (here P is
the price level, which is assumed constant). Each conversion has a fixed real
cost of C. The consumer’s problem is to choose τ to minimize the average cost
per unit time of conversions and foregone interest.
(a ) Find the optimal value of τ.
(b ) What are the consumer’s average real money holdings? Are they decreasing
in i and increasing in Y ? What is the elasticity of average money holdings
with respect to i ? With respect to Y ?
6.3. The multiplier-accelerator. (Samuelson, 1939.) Consider the following model
of income determination. (1) Consumption depends on the previous period’s
The lack of a discernable link between σx and τ, however, is a puzzle not only for the
Lucas model but also for models based on barriers to price adjustment: an increase in the
variability of shocks should make firms change their prices more often, and should therefore
reduce the real impact of a change in aggregate demand.
income: Ct = a + bY t −1 . (2) The desired capital stock (or inventory stock) is
proportional to the previous period’s output: Kt∗ = cY t −1 . (3) Investment equals
the difference between the desired capital stock and the stock inherited from
the previous period: I t = Kt∗ − Kt −1 = Kt∗ − cYt −2 . (4) Government purchases
are constant: G t = G. (5) Yt = Ct + I t + G t .
(a ) Express Yt in terms of Yt −1 , Yt−2 , and the parameters of the model.
(b ) Suppose b = 0.9 and c = 0.5. Suppose there is a one-time disturbance
to government purchases; specifically, suppose that G is equal to G + 1
in period t and is equal to G in all other periods. How does this shock
affect output over time?
6.4. The analysis of Case 1 in Section 6.2 assumes that employment is determined
by labor demand. Under perfect competition, however, employment at a given
real wage will equal the minimum of demand and supply; this is known as the
short-side rule. Draw diagrams showing the situation in the labor market when
employment is determined by the short-side rule if:
(a ) P is at the level that generates the maximum possible output.
(b ) P is above the level that generates the maximum possible output.
6.5. Productivity growth, the Phillips curve, and the natural rate. (Braun, 1984,
and Ball and Moffitt, 2001.) Let gt be growth of output per worker in period
t, πt inflation, and πtW wage inflation. Suppose that initially g is constant and
equal to g L and that unemployment is at the level that causes inflation to
be constant. g then rises permanently to g H > g L . Describe the path of u t
that would keep price inflation constant for each of the following assumptions about the behavior of price and wage inflation. Assume φ > 0 in all
(a ) (The price-price Phillips curve.) πt = πt −1 − φ(u t − u), πtw = πt + gt .
(b ) (The wage-wage Phillips curve.) πtw = πtw−1 − φ(u t − u), πt = πtw − gt .
(c ) (The pure wage-price Phillips curve.) πtw = πt −1 − φ(u t − u), πt = πtw − gt .
(d ) (The wage-price Phillips curve with an adjustment for normal productivity
growth.) πtw = πt −1 + ĝt − φ(u t − u), ĝt = ρĝt −1 + (1 − ρ)gt , πt = πtw − gt .
Assume that 0 < ρ < 1 and that initially ĝ = g L .
6.6. The central bank’s ability to control the real interest rate. Suppose the economy is described by two equations. The first is the IS equation, which for
simplicity we assume takes the traditional form, Yt = −rt /θ. The second is the
money-market equilibrium condition, which we can write as m − p =
L(r + π e,Y ), L r +π e < 0, L Y > 0, where m and p denote ln M and ln P .
(a ) Suppose P = P and π e = 0. Find an expression for dr/dm. Does an increase
in the money supply lower the real interest rate?
(b ) Suppose prices respond partially to increases in money. Specifically, assume that dp/dm is exogenous, with 0 < dp/dm < 1. Continue to assume
π e = 0. Find an expression for dr/dm. Does an increase in the money supply lower the real interest rate? Does achieving a given change in r require
a change in m smaller, larger, or the same size as in part (a)?
(c ) Suppose increases in money also affect expected inflation. Specifically,
assume that dπ e/dm is exogenous, with dπ e/dm > 0. Continue to assume 0 < dp/dm < 1. Find an expression for dr /dm. Does an increase
in the money supply lower the real interest rate? Does achieving a given
change in r require a change in m smaller, larger, or the same size as in
part (b)?
(d ) Suppose there is complete and instantaneous price adjustment: dp /dm =
1, dπ e/dm = 0. Find an expression for dr /dm. Does an increase in the
money supply lower the real interest rate?
6.7. The liquidity trap. Consider the following model. The dynamics of inflation
are given by the continuous-time version of (6.22)–(6.23): π̇(t ) = λ[y (t )− y (t )],
λ > 0. The IS curve takes the traditional form, y (t ) = −[i(t )−π(t )]/θ, θ > 0. The
central bank sets the interest rate according to (6.26), but subject to the constraint that the nominal interest rate cannot be negative: i(t ) = max[0,π(t ) +
r (y (t ) − y (t ),π(t ))]. For simplicity, normalize y (t ) = 0 for all t .
(a ) Sketch the aggregate demand curve for this model—that is, the set of
points in (y ,π) space that satisfy the IS equation and the rule above for
the interest rate.
(b ) Let (ỹ , π̃) denote the point on the aggregate demand curve where π +
r (y ,π) = 0. Sketch the paths of y and π over time if:
(i ) ỹ > 0, π(0) > π̃, and y (0) < 0.
(ii ) ỹ < 0 and π(0) > π̃.
(iii ) ỹ > 0, π(0) < π̃, and y (0) < 0.32
6.8. Consider the model in equations (6.27)–(6.30). Suppose, however, that there
are shocks to the MP equation but not to the IS equation. Thus rt = b y t +
= ρMP u MP
+ e MP
(where −1 < ρMP < 1 and e MP is white noise), and
u MP
t , ut
y t = E t y t+1 − 1θ rt . Find the expression analogous to (6.35).
6.9. (a ) Consider the model in equations (6.27)–(6.30). Solve the model using the
method of undetermined coefficients. That is, conjecture that the solution
takes the form y t = Au IS
t , and find the value that A must take for the
equations of the model to hold. (Hint: The fact that y t = Au IS
t for all t
implies E t y t+1 = A E t u IS
t+1 .)
(b ) Now modify the MP equation to be rt = by t + cπt . Conjecture that the
solution takes the form y t = Au IS
t + Bπt−1 , πt = Cu t + D πt−1 . Find (but do
not solve) four equations that A, B, C, and D must satisfy for the equations
of the model to hold.
6.10. Multiple equilibria with menu costs. (Ball and D. Romer, 1991.) Consider an
economy consisting of many imperfectly competitive firms. The profits that
a firm loses relative to what it obtains with pi = p ∗ are K (pi − p ∗ )2 , K > 0. As
usual, p ∗ = p + φy and y = m − p. Each firm faces a fixed cost Z of changing
its nominal price.
See Section 11.6 for more on the zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate.
Initially m is 0 and the economy is at its flexible-price equilibrium, which
is y = 0 and p = m = 0. Now suppose m changes to m ′.
(a ) Suppose that fraction f of firms change their prices. Since the firms that
change their prices charge p ∗ and the firms that do not charge 0, this
implies p = f p ∗ . Use this fact to find p, y , and p ∗ as functions of m ′ and f .
(b ) Plot a firm’s incentive to adjust its price, K (0 − p ∗ )2 = K p ∗ , as a function
of f . Be sure to distinguish the cases φ < 1 and φ > 1.
(c ) A firm adjusts its price if the benefit exceeds Z, does not adjust if the
benefit is less than Z, and is indifferent if the benefit is exactly Z. Given
this, can there be a situation where both adjustment by all firms and
adjustment by no firms are equilibria? Can there be a situation where
neither adjustment by all firms nor adjustment by no firms is an
6.11. Consider an economy consisting of many imperfectly competitive, pricesetting firms. The profits of the representative firm, firm i, depend on aggregate output, y , and the firm’s real price, ri : πi = π(y ,ri ), where π 22 < 0
(subscripts denote partial derivatives). Let r ∗ (y ) denote the profit-maximizing
price as a function of y ; note that r ∗ (y ) is characterized by π2 (y ,r ∗ (y )) = 0.
Assume that output is at some level y 0 , and that firm i’s real price is r ∗ (y 0 ).
Now suppose there is a change in the money supply, and suppose that other
firms do not change their prices and that aggregate output therefore changes
to some new level, y 1 .
(a ) Explain why firm i’s incentive to adjust its price is given by G = π(y 1 ,
r ∗ (y 1 )) − π(y 1 ,r ∗ (y 0 )).
(b ) Use a second-order Taylor approximation of this expression in y 1 around
y 1 = y 0 to show that G ≃ −π22 (y 0 ,r ∗ (y 0 ))[r ∗ (y 0 )]2 (y 1 − y 0 )2 /2.
(c ) What component of this expression corresponds to the degree of real
rigidity? What component corresponds to the degree of insensitivity of
the profit function?
6.12. Indexation. (This problem follows Ball, 1988.) Suppose production at firm
i is given by Yi = SL iα, where S is a supply shock and 0 < α ≤ 1. Thus
in logs, y i = s + α ℓi . Prices are flexible; thus (setting the constant term to
0 for simplicity), pi = w i + (1 − α) ℓi − s. Aggregating the output and price
equations yields y = s + α ℓ and p = w + (1 − α) ℓ − s. Wages are partially
indexed to prices: w = θp, where 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. Finally, aggregate demand is
given by y = m − p. s and m are independent, mean-zero random variables
with variances Vs and V m .
(a ) What are p, y , ℓ, and w as functions of m and s and the parameters α and
θ? How does indexation affect the response of employment to monetary
shocks? How does it affect the response to supply shocks?
(b ) What value of θ minimizes the variance of employment?
(c ) Suppose the demand for a single firm’s output is y i = y − η(pi − p).
Suppose all firms other than firm i index their wages by w = θp as before,
but that firm i indexes its wage by w i = θi p. Firm i continues to set its
price as pi = w i + (1 − α) ℓi − s. The production function and the pricing
equation then imply that y i = y − φ(w i − w), where φ≡ αη/[α+ (1 − α)η].
(i ) What is employment at firm i, ℓi , as a function of m, s, α, η, θ, and θi ?
(ii ) What value of θi minimizes the variance of ℓi ?
(iii ) Find the Nash equilibrium value of θ. That is, find the value of θ such
that if aggregate indexation is given by θ, the representative firm
minimizes the variance of ℓi by setting θi = θ. Compare this value
with the value found in part (b ).
6.13. Thick-market effects and coordination failure. (This follows Diamond,
1982.)33 Consider an island consisting of N people and many palm trees.
Each person is in one of two states, not carrying a coconut and looking for
palm trees (state P ) or carrying a coconut and looking for other people with
coconuts (state C ). If a person without a coconut finds a palm tree, he or she
can climb the tree and pick a coconut; this has a cost (in utility units) of c.
If a person with a coconut meets another person with a coconut, they trade
and eat each other’s coconuts; this yields u units of utility for each of them.
(People cannot eat coconuts that they have picked themselves.)
A person looking for coconuts finds palm trees at rate b per unit time.
A person carrying a coconut finds trading partners at rate aL per unit time,
where L is the total number of people carrying coconuts. a and b are
Individuals’ discount rate is r. Focus on steady states; that is, assume that
L is constant.
(a ) Explain why, if everyone in state P climbs a palm tree whenever he or she
finds one, then rVP = b (VC − VP − c), where VP and VC are the values of
being in the two states.
(b ) Find the analogous expression for VC .
(c ) Solve for VC − VP , VC , and VP in terms of r, b, c, u, a, and L.
(d ) What is L, still assuming that anyone in state P climbs a palm tree whenever he or she finds one? Assume for simplicity that aN = 2b.
(e ) For what values of c is it a steady-state equilibrium for anyone in state
P to climb a palm tree whenever he or she finds one? (Continue to assume
aN = 2b.)
(f ) For what values of c is it a steady-state equilibrium for no one who finds
a tree to climb it? Are there values of c for which there is more than one
steady-state equilibrium? If there are multiple equilibria, does one involve
higher welfare than the other? Explain intuitively.
6.14. Consider the problem facing an individual in the Lucas model when Pi /P is
unknown. The individual chooses L i to maximize the expectation of Ui ; Ui
continues to be given by equation (6.72).
The solution to this problem requires dynamic programming (see Section 10.4).
(a ) Find the first-order condition for Yi , and rearrange it to obtain an expression for Yi in terms of E [Pi /P ]. Take logs of this expression to obtain an
expression for y i .
(b ) How does the amount of labor the individual supplies if he or she follows the certainty-equivalence rule in (6.81) compare with the optimal
amount derived in part (a )? (Hint: How does E [ ln (Pi /P )] compare with
ln (E [Pi /P ])?)
(c ) Suppose that (as in the Lucas model) ln (Pi /P ) = E [ ln(Pi /P ) |Pi ] + u i , where
u i is normal with a mean of 0 and a variance that is independent of Pi .
Show that this implies that ln{E [(Pi /P ) |Pi ]} = E [ ln(Pi /P ) |Pi ] + C, where
C is a constant whose value is independent of Pi . (Hint: Note that Pi /P =
exp{E [ ln(Pi /P ) |Pi ]}exp(u i ), and show that this implies that the y i that
maximizes expected utility differs from the certainty-equivalence rule in
(6.81) only by a constant.)
6.15. Observational equivalence. (Sargent, 1976.) Suppose that the money supply
is determined by m t = c ′ zt −1 + e t , where c and z are vectors and e t is an i.i.d.
disturbance uncorrelated with zt −1 . e t is unpredictable and unobservable.
Thus the expected component of m t is c ′ zt −1 , and the unexpected component
is e t . In setting the money supply, the Federal Reserve responds only to variables that matter for real activity; that is, the variables in z directly affect y .
Now consider the following two models: (i ) Only unexpected money matters, so y t = a ′ zt −1 +be t +v t ; (ii) all money matters, so y t = α ′ zt −1 +βm t +νt . In
each specification, the disturbance is i.i.d. and uncorrelated with zt −1 and e t .
(a ) Is it possible to distinguish between these two theories? That is, given a
candidate set of parameter values under, say, model (i ), are there parameter values under model (ii ) that have the same predictions? Explain.
(b ) Suppose that the Federal Reserve also responds to some variables that
do not directly affect output; that is, suppose m t = c ′ zt −1 + γ ′ wt −1 + e t
and that models (i ) and (ii ) are as before (with their distubances now
uncorrelated with wt −1 as well as with zt −1 and e t ). In this case, is it possible to distinguish between the two theories? Explain.
6.16. Consider an economy consisting of some firms with flexible prices and some
with rigid prices. Let p f denote the price set by a representative flexible-price
firm and p r the price set by a representative rigid-price firm. Flexible-price
firms set their prices after m is known; rigid-price firms set their prices before m is known. Thus flexible-price firms set p f = p i∗ = (1 − φ) p + φm,
and rigid-price firms set p r = E p i∗ = (1 − φ)E p + φE m, where E denotes the
expectation of a variable as of when the rigid-price firms set their prices.
Assume that fraction q of firms have rigid prices, so that p = qp r + (1−q)p f .
(a ) Find p f in terms of p r , m, and the parameters of the model (φ and q).
(b ) Find p r in terms of Em and the parameters of the model.
(c )
(i ) Do anticipated changes in m (that is, changes that are expected as of
when rigid-price firms set their prices) affect y ? Why or why not?
(ii ) Do unanticipated changes in m affect y ? Why or why not?
Our analysis of macroeconomic fluctuations in the previous two chapters
has developed two very incomplete pieces. In Chapter 5, we considered a
full intertemporal macroeconomic model built from microeconomic foundations with explicit assumptions about the behavior of the underlying
shocks. The model generated quantitative predictions about fluctuations,
and is therefore an example of a quantitative dynamic stochastic generalequilibrium, or DSGE, model. The problem is that, as we saw in Section 5.10,
the model appears to be an empirical failure. For example, it implies that
monetary disturbances do not have real effects; it rests on large aggregate
technology shocks for which there is little evidence; and its predictions
about the effects of technology shocks and about business-cycle dynamics
appear to be far from what we observe.
To address the real effects of monetary shocks, Chapter 6 introduced
nominal rigidity. It established that barriers to price adjustment and other
nominal frictions can cause monetary changes to have real effects, analyzed
some of the determinants of the magnitude of those effects, and showed
how nominal rigidity has important implications for the impacts of other
disturbances. But it did so at the cost of abandoning most of the richness of
the model of Chapter 5. Its models are largely static models with one-time
shocks; and to the extent their focus is on quantitative predictions at all,
it is only on addressing broad questions, notably whether plausibly small
barriers to price adjustment can lead to plausibly large effects of monetary
Researchers’ ultimate goal is to build a model of fluctuations that combines the strengths of the models of the previous two chapters. This chapter will not take us all the way to that goal, however. There are two reasons.
First, there is no consensus about the ingredients that are critical to include
in such a model. Second, the state-of-the-art models in this effort (for example, Erceg, Henderson, and Levin, 2000, Smets and Wouters, 2003, and
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans, 2005) are quite complicated. If there
were strong evidence that one of these models captured the essence of modern macroeconomic fluctuations, it would be worth covering in detail. But in
the absence of such evidence, the models are best left for more specialized
Instead, the chapter moves us partway toward constructing a realistic
DSGE model of fluctuations. The bulk of the chapter extends the analysis
of the microeconomic foundations of incomplete nominal flexibility to dynamic settings. This material vividly illustrates the lack of consensus about
how best to build a realistic dynamic model of fluctuations: counting generously, we will consider seven distinct models of dynamic price adjustment.
As we will see, the models often have sharply different implications for the
macroeconomic consequences of microeconomic frictions in price adjustment. This analysis shows the main issues in moving to dynamic models
of price-setting and illustrates the list of ingredients to choose from, but it
does not identify a specific “best practice” model.
The main nominal friction we considered in Chapter 6 was a fixed cost
of changing prices, or menu cost. In considering dynamic models of price
adjustment, it is therefore tempting to assume that the only nominal imperfection is that firms must pay a fixed cost each time they change their
price. There are two reasons not to make this the only case we consider,
however. First, it is complicated: analyzing models of dynamic optimization with fixed adjustment costs is technically challenging and only rarely
leads to closed-form solutions. Second, the vision of price-setters constantly
monitoring their prices and standing ready to change them at any moment
subject only to an unchanging fixed cost may be missing something important. Many prices are reviewed on a schedule and are only rarely changed at
other times. For example, many wages are reviewed annually; some union
contracts specify wages over a three-year period; and many companies issue
catalogues with prices that are in effect for six months or a year. Thus price
changes are not purely state dependent (that is, triggered by developments
within the economy, regardless of the time over which the developments
have occurred); they are partly time dependent (that is, triggered by the passage of time).
Because time-dependent models are easier, we will start with them. Section 7.1 presents a common framework for all the models of this part of
the chapter. Sections 7.2 through 7.4 then consider three baseline models
of time-dependent price adjustment: the Fischer, or Fischer-Phelps-Taylor,
model (Fischer, 1977; Phelps and Taylor, 1977); the Taylor model (Taylor,
1979); and the Calvo model (Calvo, 1983). All three models posit that prices
(or wages) are set by multiperiod contracts or commitments. In each period, the contracts governing some fraction of prices expire and must be
renewed; expiration is determined by the passage of time, not economic developments. The central result of the models is that multiperiod contracts
lead to gradual adjustment of the price level to nominal disturbances. As a
result, aggregate demand disturbances have persistent real effects.
The Taylor and Calvo models differ from the Fischer model in one important respect. The Fischer model assumes that prices are predetermined
but not fixed. That is, when a multiperiod contract sets prices for several
periods, it can specify a different price for each period. In the Taylor and
Calvo models, in contrast, prices are fixed: a contract must specify the same
price each period it is in effect.
The difference between the Taylor and Calvo models is smaller. In the
Taylor model, opportunities to change prices arrive deterministically, and
each price is in effect for the same number of periods. In the Calvo model,
opportunities to change prices arrive randomly, and so the number of periods a price is in effect is stochastic. In keeping with the assumption of
time-dependence rather than state-dependence, the stochastic process governing price changes operates independently of other factors affecting the
economy. The qualitative implications of the Calvo model are the same as
those of the Taylor model. Its appeal is that it yields simpler inflation dynamics than the Taylor model, and so is easier to embed in larger models.
Section 7.5 then turns to two baseline models of state-dependent price
adjustment, the Caplin-Spulber and Danziger-Golosov-Lucas models (Caplin
and Spulber, 1987; Danziger, 1999; Golosov and Lucas, 2007). In both, the
only barrier to price adjustment is a constant fixed cost. There are two
differences between the models. First, money growth is always positive
in the Caplin-Spulber model, while the version of the Danziger-GolosovLucas model we will consider assumes no trend money growth. Second, the
Caplin-Spulber model assumes no firm-specific shocks, while the DanzigerGolosov-Lucas model includes them. Both models deliver strong results
about the effects of monetary disturbances, but for very different reasons.
After Section 7.6 examines some empirical evidence, Section 7.7 considers two more models of dynamic price adjustment: the Calvo-withindexation model and the Mankiw-Reis model (Christiano, Eichenbaum, and
Evans, 2005; Mankiw and Reis, 2002). These models are more complicated
than the models of the earlier sections, but appear to have more hope of
fitting key facts about inflation dynamics.
The final two sections begin to consider how dynamic models of price
adjustment can be embedded in models of the business cycle. Section 7.8
presents an example of a complete DSGE model with nominal rigidity. The
model is the canonical three-equation new Keynesian model of Clarida, Galí,
and Gertler (2000). Unfortunately, in many ways this model is closer to
the baseline real-business-cycle model than to our ultimate objective: much
of the model’s appeal is tractability and elegance, not realism. Section 7.9
therefore discusses elements of other DSGE models with monetary nonneutrality. Because of the models’ complexity and the lack of agreement
about their key ingredients, however, it stops short of analyzing other fully
specified models.
Before proceeding, it is important to emphasize that the issue we are interested in is incomplete adjustment of nominal prices and wages. There are
Building Blocks of Dynamic New Keynesian Models
many reasons—involving uncertainty, information and renegotiation costs,
incentives, and so on—that prices and wages may not adjust freely to equate
supply and demand, or that firms may not change their prices and wages
completely and immediately in response to shocks. But simply introducing
some departure from perfect markets is not enough to imply that nominal disturbances matter. All the models of unemployment in Chapter 10,
for example, are real models. If one appends a monetary sector to those
models without any further complications, the classical dichotomy continues to hold: monetary disturbances cause all nominal prices and wages to
change, leaving the real equilibrium (with whatever non-Walrasian features
it involves) unchanged. Any microeconomic basis for failure of the classical
dichotomy requires some kind of nominal imperfection.
7.1 Building Blocks of Dynamic New
Keynesian Models
We will analyze the various models of dynamic price adjustment in a common framework. The framework draws heavily on the model of exogenous
nominal rigidity in Section 6.1 and the model of imperfect competition in
Section 6.5.
Time is discrete. Each period, imperfectly competitive firms produce output using labor as their only input. As in Section 6.5, the production function is one-for-one; thus aggregate output and aggregate labor input are
equal. The model omits the government and international trade; thus, as in
the models of Chapter 6, aggregate consumption and aggregate output are
For simplicity, for the most part we will neglect uncertainty. Households
maximize utility, taking the paths of the real wage and the real interest rate
as given. Firms, which are owned by the households, maximize the present
discounted value of their profits, subject to constraints on their price-setting
(which vary across the models we will consider). Finally, a central bank determines the path of the real interest rate through its conduct of monetary
There is a fixed number of infinitely lived households that obtain utility from
consumption and disutility from working. The representative household’s
objective function is
t =0
βt [U (Ct ) − V (L t )],
0 < β < 1.
As in Section 6.5, C is a consumption index that is a constant-elasticity-ofsubstitution combination of the household’s consumption of the individual
goods, with elasticity of substitution η > 1. We make our usual assumptions
about the functional forms of U (•) and V (•):1
U (Ct ) =
V (L t ) =
Lt ,
θ > 0,
B > 0,
γ > 1.
Let W denote the nominal wage and P denote the price level. Formally, P is
the price index corresponding to the consumption index, as in Section 6.5.
Throughout this chapter, however, we use the approximation we used in
the Lucas model in Section 6.9 that the log of the price index, which we will
denote p, is simply the average of firms’ log prices.
An increase in labor supply in period t of amount dL increases the household’s real income by (Wt /Pt ) dL. The first-order condition for labor supply
in period t is therefore
V ′ (L t ) = U ′ (Ct )
Because the production function is one-for-one and the only possible use
of output is for consumption, in equilibrium Ct and L t must both equal Yt .
Combining this fact with (7.4) tells us what the real wage must be given the
level of output:
V ′ (Yt )
U ′ (Yt )
Substituting the functional forms in (7.2)–(7.3) into (7.5) and solving for the
real wage yields
θ+γ −1
= BY t
Equation (7.6) is similar to equation (6.56) in the model of Section 6.5.
Since we are making the same assumptions about consumption as before,
the new Keynesian IS curve holds in this model (see equation [6.8]):
ln Yt = ln Yt +1 −
rt .
Firm i produces output in period t according to the production function
Yit = L it , and, as in Section 6.5, faces demand function Yit = Yt (Pit /Pt )−η. The
The reason for introducing B in (7.3) will be apparent below.
Building Blocks of Dynamic New Keynesian Models
firm’s real profits in period t, R t , are revenues minus costs:
Rt =
= Yt
Yit −
Consider the problem of the firm setting its price in some period, which
we normalize to period 0. As emphasized above, we will consider various
assumptions about price-setting, including ones that imply that the length
of time a given price is in effect is random. Thus, let qt denote the probability
that the price the firm sets in period zero is in effect in period t. Since the
firm’s profits accrue to the households, it values the profits according to the
utility they provide to households. The marginal utility of the representative
household’s consumption in period t relative to period 0 is βt U ′ (Ct )/U ′ (C0 );
denote this quantity λt .
The firm therefore chooses its price in period 0, Pi , to maximize
t =0 qt λt R t ≡ A, where R t is the firm’s profits in period t if Pi is still in
effect. Using equation (7.8) for R t , we can write A as
qt λt Yt
t =0
One can say relatively little about the Pi that maximizes A in the general case. Two assumptions allow us to make progress, however. The first,
and most important, is that inflation is low and that the economy is always
close to its flexible-price equilibrium. The other is that households’ discount
factor, β, is close to 1.
To see the usefulness of these assumptions, rewrite (7.9) as
η −1
qt λt Yt Pt
t =0
− Wt Pi
The production function implies that marginal cost is constant and equal
to Wt , and the elasticity of demand for the firm’s good is constant. Thus the
price that maximizes profits in period t, which we denote Pt∗ , is a constant
times Wt (see equation [6.55]). Equivalently, Wt is a constant times Pt∗ . Thus
we can write the expression in parentheses in (7.10) as a function of just Pi
and Pt∗ . As before, we will end up working with variables expressed in logs
rather than levels. Thus, rewrite (7.10) as
η −1
qt λt Yt Pt
F (pi ,p ∗t ),
t =0
where pi and p ∗t denote the logs of Pi and Pt∗ .
Our simplifying assumptions have two important implications about
η −1
(7.11). The first is that the variation in λt Yt Pt
is negligible relative to the
variation in qt and p ∗t . The second is that F (•) can be well approximated by
a second-order approximation around pi = p ∗t .2 Period-t profits are maximized at pi = p ∗t ; thus at pi = p ∗t , ∂F (pi ,p ∗t )/∂pi is zero and ∂2F(pi ,p ∗t )/∂pi2
is negative. It follows that
F (pi ,p ∗t ) ≃ F (p ∗t ,p ∗t ) − K (pi − p ∗t )2 ,
K > 0.
This analysis implies that the problem of choosing Pi to maximize A can
be simplified to the problem,
qt (pi − p ∗t )2 .
t =0
Finding the first-order condition for pi and rearranging gives us
pi =
ωt p ∗t ,
t =0
where ωt ≡ qt / τ=0 qτ. ωt is the probability that the price the firm sets
in period 0 will be in effect in period t divided by the expected number
of periods the price will be in effect. Thus it measures the importance of
period t to the choice of pi . Equation (7.14) states that the price firm i sets
is a weighted average of the profit-maximizing prices during the time the
price will be in effect.
Finally, paralleling our assumption of certainty equivalence in the Lucas
model in Section 6.9, we assume that when there is uncertainty, firms base
their prices on expectations of the p ∗t ’s:
pi =
ωt E 0 [p ∗t ],
t =0
where E 0 [•] denotes expectations as of period 0. Again, (7.15) is a legitimate
approximation under appropriate assumptions.
A firm’s profit-maximizing real price, P ∗/P , is η/(η − 1) times the real
wage, W/P . And we know from equation (7.6) that wt equals pt + b +
(θ + γ − 1)y t (where b ≡ ln B, wt ≡ ln Wt , and y t ≡ ln Yt ). Thus, the profitmaximizing price is
p ∗ = p + ln[η/(η− 1)] + b + (θ + γ − 1)y .
Note that (7.16) is of the form p ∗ = p + c + φy , φ > 0, of the static model
of Section 6.5 (see [6.58]). To simplify this, let m denote log nominal GDP,
p + y , define φ ≡ θ + γ − 1, and assume ln[η/(η − 1)] + b = 0 for simplicity.3
This yields
p ∗t = φm t + (1 − φ)pt .
These claims can be made precise with appropriate formalizations of the statements
that inflation is small, the economy is near its flexible-price equilibrium, and β is close to 1.
It was for this reason that we introduced B in (7.3).
Predetermined Prices: The Fischer Model
Substituting this expression into (7.15) gives us
pi =
ωt E 0 [φm t + (1 − φ)pt ].
t =0
The Central Bank
Equation (7.18) is the key equation of the aggregate supply side of the model,
and equation (7.7) describes aggregate demand for a given real interest rate.
It remains to describe the determination of the real interest rate. To do this,
we need to bring monetary policy into the model.
One approach, along the lines of Section 6.4, is to assume that the central
bank follows some rule for how it sets the real interest rate as a function of
macroeconomic conditions. This is the approach we will use in Section 7.8
and in much of Chapter 11. Our interest here, however, is in the aggregate
supply side of the economy. Thus, along the lines of what we did in Part
B of Chapter 6, we will follow the simpler approach of taking the path of
nominal GDP (that is, the path of m t ) as given. We will then examine the
behavior of the economy in response to various paths of nominal GDP, such
as a one-time, permanent increase in its level or a permanent increase in
its growth rate. As described in Section 6.5, a simple interpretation of the
assumption that the path of nominal GDP is given is that the central bank
has a target path of nominal GDP and conducts monetary policy to achieve
it. This approach allows us to suppress not only the money market, but also
the IS equation, (7.7).
7.2 Predetermined Prices: The Fischer
Framework and Assumptions
We now turn to the Fischer model of staggered price adjustment.4 The model
follows the framework of the previous section. Price-setting is assumed to
take a particular form, however: each price-setter sets prices every other period for the next two periods. And as emphasized above, the model assumes
that the price-setter can set different prices for the two periods. That is, a
The original versions of the Fischer and Taylor models focused on staggered adjustment of wages; prices were in principle flexible but were determined as markups over wages.
For simplicity, we assume instead that staggered adjustment applies directly to prices. Staggered wage adjustment has qualitatively similar implications. The key difference is that the
microeconomic determinants of the parameter φ in the equation for desired prices, (7.17),
are different under staggered wage adjustment (Huang and Liu, 2002).
firm setting its price in period 0 sets one price for period 1 and one price
for period 2. Since each price will be in effect for only one period, equation
(7.15) implies that each price (in logs) equals the expectation as of period 0
of the profit-maximizing price for that period. In any given period, half of
price-setters are setting their prices for the next two periods. Thus at any
point, half of the prices in effect are those set the previous period, and half
are those set two periods ago.
No specific assumptions are made about the process followed by aggregate demand. For example, information about m t may be revealed gradually
in the periods leading up to t ; the expectation of m t as of period t −1, E t −1 m t ,
may therefore differ from the expectation of m t the period before, E t −2 m t .
Solving the Model
In any period, half of prices are ones set in the previous period, and half are
ones set two periods ago. Thus the average price is
pt = 21 (pt1 + pt2 ),
where pt1 denotes the price set for t by firms that set their prices in t −1, and
pt2 the price set for t by firms that set their prices in t − 2. Our assumptions
about pricing from the previous section imply that pt1 equals the expectation
∗ , and p 2 equals the expectation as of t − 2 of p ∗ .
as of period t − 1 of p it
Equation (7.17) therefore implies
pt1 = E t −1 [φm t + (1 − φ) pt ]
= φE t −1 m t + (1 − φ) 12 (pt1 + pt2 ),
pt2 = E t −2 [φm t + (1 − φ) pt ]
= φE t −2 m t + (1 − φ) 21 (E t −2 pt1 + pt2 ),
where E t−τ denotes expectations conditional on information available
through period t − τ. Equation (7.20) uses the fact that pt2 is already determined when pt1 is set, and thus is not uncertain.
Our goal is to find how the price level and output evolve over time, given
the behavior of m. To do this, we begin by solving (7.20) for pt1 ; this yields
pt1 =
1−φ 2
E t −1 m t +
pt .
Since the left- and right-hand sides of (7.22) are equal, the expectation as of
t − 2 of the two sides must be equal. Thus,
E t −2 pt1 =
1−φ 2
E t −2 m t +
pt ,
Predetermined Prices: The Fischer Model
where we have used the law of iterated projections to substitute E t −2 m t for
E t −2 E t −1 m t .
We can substitute (7.23) into (7.21) to obtain
= φE t −2 m t + (1 − φ)
1−φ 2
E t −2 m t +
pt + pt2 .
Solving this expression for pt2 yields simply
pt2 = E t −2 m t .
We can now combine the results and describe the equilibrium. Substituting (7.25) into (7.22) and simplifying gives
pt1 = E t −2 m t +
(E t −1 m t − E t −2 m t ).
Finally, substituting (7.25) and (7.26) into the expressions for the price level
and output, pt = (pt1 + pt2 )/2 and yt = m t − pt , implies
pt = E t −2 m t +
yt =
(E t −1 m t − E t −2 m t ),
(E t −1 m t − E t −2 m t ) + (m t − E t −1 m t ).
Equation (7.28) shows the model’s main implications. First, unanticipated
aggregate demand shifts have real effects; this is shown by the m t − E t −1 m t
term. Because price-setters are assumed not to know m t when they set their
prices, these shocks are passed one-for-one into output.
Second, aggregate demand shifts that become anticipated after the first
prices are set affect output. Consider information about aggregate demand
in t that becomes available between period t − 2 and period t − 1. In practice, this might correspond to the release of survey results or other leading
indicators of future economic activity, or to indications of likely shifts in
monetary policy. As (7.27) and (7.28) show, proportion 1/(1 + φ) of information about m t that arrives between t − 2 and t − 1 is passed into output,
and the remainder goes into prices. The reason that the change is not neutral
is straightforward: not all prices are completely flexible in the short run.
One implication of these results is that interactions among price-setters
can either increase or decrease the effects of microeconomic price stickiness. One might expect that since half of prices are already set and the
other half are free to adjust, half of the information about m t that arrives
between t − 2 and t − 1 is passed into prices and half into output. But in
general this is not correct. The key parameter is φ: the proportion of the
shift that is passed into output is not 21 but 1/(1 + φ) (see [7.28]).
Recall that φ measures the degree of real rigidity: φ is the responsiveness of price-setters’ desired real prices to aggregate real output, and so
a smaller value of φ corresponds to greater real rigidity. When real rigidity is large, price-setters are reluctant to allow variations in their relative
prices. As a result, the price-setters that are free to adjust their prices do
not allow their prices to differ greatly from the ones already set, and so the
real effects of a monetary shock are large. If φ exceeds 1, in contrast, the
later price-setters make large price changes, and the aggregate real effects
of changes in m are small.5
Finally, and importantly, the model implies that output does not depend
on E t −2 m t (given the values of E t −1 m t −E t −2 m t and m t −E t −1 m t ). That is, any
information about aggregate demand that all price-setters have had a chance
to respond to has no effect on output. Thus the model does not provide an
explanation of persistent effects of movements in aggregate demand. We
will return to this issue in Section 7.7.
7.3 Fixed Prices: The Taylor Model
The Model
We now change the model of the previous section by assuming that when a
firm sets prices for two periods, it must set the same price for both periods.
In the terminology introduced earlier, prices are not just predetermined,
but fixed.
We make two other, less significant changes to the model. First, a firm
setting a price in period t now does so for periods t and t + 1 rather than for
periods t + 1 and t + 2. This change simplifies the model without affecting
the main results. Second, the model is much easier to solve if we posit a
specific process for m. A simple assumption is that m is a random walk:
m t = m t −1 + u t ,
where u is white noise. The key feature of this process is that an innovation
to m (the u term) has a long-lasting effect on its level.
Let x t denote the price chosen by firms that set their prices in period t.
Here equation (7.18) for price-setting implies
xt =
p it + E t p it
= 21 {[φm t + (1 − φ) pt ] + [φE t m t +1 + (1 − φ)E t pt +1 ]},
where the second line uses the fact that p ∗ = φm + (1 − φ) p.
Since half of prices are set each period, pt is the average of x t and x t −1 .
In addition, since m is a random walk, E t m t +1 equals m t . Substituting these
Haltiwanger and Waldman (1989) show more generally how a small fraction of agents
who do not respond to shocks can have a disproportionate effect on the economy.
Fixed Prices: The Taylor Model
facts into (7.30) gives us
x t = φm t + 41 (1 − φ)(x t −1 + 2x t + E t x t +1 ).
Solving for x t yields
x t = A(x t −1 + E t x t +1 ) + (1 − 2A)m t ,
1 1−φ
2 1+φ
Equation (7.32) is the key equation of the model.
Equation (7.32) expresses x t in terms of m t , x t −1 , and the expectation of
x t +1 . To solve the model, we need to eliminate the expectation of x t +1 from
this expression. We will solve the model in two different ways, first using
the method of undetermined coefficients and then using lag operators. The
method of undetermined coefficients is simpler. But there are cases where
it is cumbersome or intractable; in those cases the use of lag operators is
often fruitful.
The Method of Undetermined Coefficients
As described in Section 5.6, the idea of the method of undetermined coefficients is to guess the general functional form of the solution and then to
use the model to determine the precise coefficients. In the model we are
considering, in period t two variables are given: the money stock, m t , and
the prices set the previous period, x t −1 . In addition, the model is linear. It
is therefore reasonable to guess that x t is a linear function of x t −1 and m t :
x t = µ + λx t −1 + νm t .
Our goal is to determine whether there are values of µ, λ, and ν that yield a
solution of the model.
Although we could now proceed to find µ, λ, and ν, it simplifies the algebra if we first use our knowledge of the model to restrict (7.33). We have
normalized the constant in the expression for firms’ desired prices to zero,
∗ = p + φy . As a result, the equilibrium with flexible prices is for
so that p it
y to equal zero and for each price to equal m. In light of this, consider a
situation where x t −1 and m t are equal. If period-t price-setters also set their
prices to m t , the economy is at its flexible-price equilibrium. In addition,
since m follows a random walk, the period-t price-setters have no reason to
expect m t +1 to be on average either more or less than m t , and hence no rea∗
son to expect x t +1 to depart on average from m t . Thus in this situation p it
and E t p it
In sum, it is reasonable to guess that if x t −1 = m t , then x t = m t . In terms of
(7.33), this condition is
µ + λm t + νm t = m t
for all m t .
Two conditions are needed for (7.34) to hold. The first is λ + ν = 1;
otherwise (7.34) cannot be satisfied for all values of m t . Second, when we
impose λ + ν = 1, (7.34) implies µ = 0. Substituting these conditions into
(7.33) yields
x t = λx t −1 + (1 − λ)m t .
Our goal is now to find a value of λ that solves the model.
Since (7.35) holds each period, it implies x t +1 = λx t + (1 − λ)m t +1 . Thus
the expectation as of period t of x t +1 is λx t + (1 − λ)E t m t +1 , which equals
λx t + (1 − λ)m t . Using (7.35) to substitute for x t then gives us
E t x t +1 = λ[λx t −1 + (1 − λ)m t ] + (1 − λ)m t
= λ2 x t −1 + (1 − λ2 )m t .
Substituting this expression into (7.32) yields
x t = A[x t −1 + λ2 x t −1 + (1 − λ2 )m t ] + (1 − 2A)m t
= (A + Aλ2 )x t −1 + [A(1 − λ2 ) + (1 − 2A)]m t .
Thus, if price-setters believe that x t is a linear function of x t −1 and m t
of the form assumed in (7.35), then, acting to maximize their profits, they
will indeed set their prices as a linear function of these variables. If we have
found a solution of the model, these two linear equations must be the same.
Comparison of (7.35) and (7.37) shows that this requires
A + Aλ2 = λ
A(1 − λ2 ) + (1 − 2A) = 1 − λ.
It is easy to show that (7.39) simplifies to (7.38). Thus we only need to
consider (7.38). This is a quadratic in λ. The solution is
1 ± 1 − 4A 2
Using the definition of A in equation (7.32), one can show that the two values
of λ are
λ1 =
λ2 =
Of the two values, only λ = λ1 gives reasonable results. When λ = λ1 ,
|λ| < 1, and so the economy is stable. When λ = λ2 , in contrast, |λ| > 1,
Fixed Prices: The Taylor Model
and thus the economy is unstable: the slightest disturbance sends output
off toward plus or minus infinity. As a result, the assumptions underlying
the model—for example, that sellers do not ration buyers—break down. For
that reason, we focus on λ = λ1 .
Thus equation (7.35) with λ = λ1 solves the model: if price-setters believe
that others are using that rule to set their prices, they find it in their own
interests to use that same rule.
We can now describe the behavior of output. yt equals m t − pt , which in
turn equals m t − (x t −1 + x t )/2. With the behavior of x given by (7.35), this
yt = m t − 21 {[λx t−2 + (1 − λ)m t −1 ] + [λx t −1 + (1 − λ)m t ]}
= m t − λ 21 (x t−2 + x t −1 ) + (1 − λ) 12 (m t −1 + m t ) .
Using the facts that m t = m t −1 + u t and (x t −1 + x t−2 )/2 = pt −1 , we can
simplify this to
yt = m t −1 + u t − λpt −1 + (1 − λ)m t −1 + (1 − λ) 21 u t
= λ(m t −1 − pt −1 ) +
= λy t −1 +
ut .
Equation (7.44) is the key result of the model. As long as λ1 is positive
(which is true if φ < 1), (7.44) implies that shocks to aggregate demand
have long-lasting effects on output—effects that persist even after all firms
have changed their prices. Suppose the economy is initially at the equilibrium with flexible prices (so y is steady at 0), and consider the effects of
a positive shock of size u0 in some period. In the period of the shock, not
all firms adjust their prices, and so not surprisingly, y rises; from (7.44),
y = [(1 + λ)/2]u0 . In the following period, even though the remaining firms
are able to adjust their prices, y does not return to normal even in the
absence of a further shock: from (7.44), y is λ[(1 + λ)/2]u 0 . Thereafter output returns slowly to normal, with yt = λy t −1 each period.
The response of the price level to the shock is the flip side of the response
of output. The price level rises by [1 − (1 + λ)/2]u 0 in the initial period, and
then fraction 1 − λ of the remaining distance from u 0 in each subsequent
period. Thus the economy exhibits price-level inertia.
The source of the long-lasting real effects of monetary shocks is again
price-setters’ reluctance to allow variations in their relative prices. Recall
∗ = φm + (1 − φ) p , and that λ > 0 only if φ < 1. Thus there is
that p it
gradual adjustment only if desired prices are an increasing function of the
price level. Suppose each price-setter adjusted fully to the shock at the first
opportunity. In this case, the price-setters who adjusted their prices in the
period of the shock would adjust by the full amount of the shock, and the
remainder would do the same in the next period. Thus y would rise by u 0/2
in the initial period and return to normal in the next.
To see why this rapid adjustment cannot be the equilibrium if φ is less
than 1, consider the firms that adjust their prices immediately. By assumption, all prices have been adjusted by the second period, and so in that
period each firm is charging its profit-maximizing price. But since φ < 1,
the profit-maximizing price is lower when the price level is lower, and so
the price that is profit-maximizing in the period of the shock, when not all
prices have been adjusted, is less than the profit-maximizing price in the
next period. Thus these firms should not adjust their prices fully in the
period of the shock. This in turn implies that it is not optimal for the remaining firms to adjust their prices fully in the subsequent period. And the
knowledge that they will not do this further dampens the initial response
of the firms that adjust their prices in the period of the shock. The end
result of these forward- and backward-looking interactions is the gradual
adjustment shown in equation (7.35).
Thus, as in the model with prices that are predetermined but not fixed,
the extent of incomplete price adjustment in the aggregate can be larger
than one might expect simply from the knowledge that not all prices are
adjusted every period. Indeed, the extent of aggregate price sluggishness is
even larger in this case, since it persists even after every price has changed.
And again a low value of φ—that is, a high degree of real rigidity—is critical
to this result. If φ is 1, then λ is 0, and so each price-setter adjusts his or her
price fully to changes in m at the earliest opportunity. If φ exceeds 1, λ is
negative, and so p moves by more than m in the period after the shock, and
thereafter the adjustment toward the long-run equilibrium is oscillatory.
Lag Operators
A different, more general approach to solving the model is to use lag operators. The lag operator, which we denote by L, is a function that lags variables.
That is, the lag operator applied to any variable gives the previous period’s
value of the variable: Lzt = zt −1 .
To see the usefulness of lag operators, consider our model without the
restriction that m follows a random walk. Equation (7.30) continues to hold.
If we proceed analogously to the derivation of (7.32), but without imposing
E t m t +1 = m t , straightforward algebra yields
x t = A(x t −1 + E t x t +1 ) +
1 − 2A
mt +
1 − 2A
E t m t +1 ,
where A is as before. Note that (7.45) simplifies to (7.32) if E t m t +1 = m t .
The first step is to rewrite this expression using lag operators. x t −1 is the
lag of x t : x t −1 = Lx t . In addition, if we adopt the rule that when L is applied to
Fixed Prices: The Taylor Model
an expression involving expectations, it lags the date of the variables but not
the date of the expectations, then x t is the lag of E t x t +1 : L E t x t +1 = E t x t = x t .6
Equivalently, using L −1 to denote the inverse lag function, E t x t +1 = L −1 x t .
Similarly, E t m t +1 = L −1 m t . Thus we can rewrite (7.45) as
x t = A(Lx t + L −1 x t ) +
1 − 2A
1 − 2A
mt +
L −1 m t ,
(I − A L − A L −1 )x t =
1 − 2A
(I + L −1 )m t .
Here I is the identity operator (so I zt = zt for any z). Thus (I + L −1 )m t
is shorthand for m t + L −1 m t , and (I − A L − A L −1 )x t is shorthand for x t −
A x t −1 − A E t x t +1 .
Now observe that we can “factor” I − A L − A L −1 as (I −λL −1 )(I −λL)(A/λ),
where λ is again given by (7.40). Thus we have
(I − λL −1 )(I − λL)x t =
λ 1 − 2A
(I + L −1 )m t .
This formulation of “multiplying” expressions involving the lag operator
should be interpreted in the natural way: (I − λL −1 )(I − λL)x t is shorthand
for (I −λL)x t minus λ times the inverse lag operator applied to (I −λL)x t , and
thus equals (x t − λLx t ) − (λL −1 x t − λ2 x t ). Simple algebra and the definition
of λ can be used to verify that (7.48) and (7.47) are equivalent.
As before, to solve the model we need to eliminate the term involving
the expectation of the future value of an endogenous variable. In (7.48),
E t x t +1 appears (implicitly) on the left-hand side because of the I − λL −1
term. It is thus natural to “divide” both sides by I − λL −1 . That is, consider
applying the operator I + λL −1 + λ2 L −2 + λ3 L −3 + · · · to both sides of (7.48).
I + λL −1 + λ2 L −2 + · · · times I − λL −1 is simply I ; thus the left-hand side
is (I − λL)x t . And I + λL −1 + λ2 L −2 + · · · times I + L −1 is I + (1 + λ)L −1 +
(1 + λ)λL −2 + (1 + λ)λ2 L −3 + · · ·.7 Thus (7.48) becomes
(I − λL)x t
λ 1 − 2A
[I + (1 + λ)L
+ (1 + λ)λL
+ (1 + λ)λ L
+ · · ·]m t .
Since E t x t −1 = x t −1 and E t m t = m t , we can think of all the variables in (7.45) as being
expectations as of t. Thus in the analysis that follows, the lag operator should always be
interpreted as keeping all variables as expectations as of t. The backshift operator, B, lags
both the date of the variable and the date of the expectations. Thus, for example, BE t x t +1 =
E t −1 x t . Whether the lag operator or the backshift operator is more useful depends on the
Since the operator I + λL −1 + λ2 L −2 + · · · is an infinite sum, this requires that
limn→∞ (I + λL −1 + λ2 L −2 + · · · + λn L −n )(I + L −1 )m t exists. This requires that λn L −(n+1) m t
(which equals λn E t m t +n +1 ) converges to 0. For the case where λ = λ1 (so | λ| < 1) and where
m is a random walk, this condition is satisfied.
Rewriting this expression without lag operators yields
x t = λx t −1
λ 1 − 2A
[m t + (1 + λ)(E t m t +1 + λE t m t+2 + λ2 E t m t+3 + · · ·)].
Expression (7.50) characterizes the behavior of newly set prices in terms
of the exogenous money supply process. To find the behavior of the aggregate price level and output, we only have to substitute this expression into
the expressions for p (pt = (x t + x t −1 )/2) and y (yt = m t − pt ).
In the special case when m is a random walk, all the E t m t+i ’s are equal
to m t . In this case, (7.50) simplifies to
x t = λx t −1 +
λ 1 − 2A
It is straightforward to show that expression (7.38), A + Aλ2 = λ, implies
that equation (7.51) reduces to equation (7.35), x t = λx t −1 + (1 − λ)m t . Thus
when m is a random walk, we obtain the same result as before. But we have
also solved the model for a general process for m.
Although this use of lag operators may seem mysterious, in fact it is no
more than a compact way of carrying out perfectly standard manipulations.
We could have first derived (7.45) (expressed without using lag operators)
by simple algebra. We could then have noted that since (7.45) holds at each
date, it must be the case that
E t x t+k − A E t x t+k−1 − A E t x t+k+1 =
1 − 2A
(E t m t+k + E t m t+k+1 )
for all k ≥ 0.8 Since the left- and right-hand sides of (7.52) are equal, it
must be the case that the left-hand side for k = 0 plus λ times the left-hand
side for k = 1 plus λ2 times the left-hand side for k = 2 and so on equals
the right-hand side for k = 0 plus λ times the right-hand side for k = 1
plus λ2 times the right-hand side for k = 2 and so on. Computing these
two expressions yields (7.50). Thus lag operators are not essential; they
serve merely to simplify the notation and to suggest ways of proceeding
that might otherwise be missed.9
The reason that we cannot assume that (7.52) holds for k < 0 is that the law of iterated
projections does not apply backward: the expectation today of the expectation at some date
in the past of a variable need not equal the expectation today of the variable.
For a more thorough introduction to lag operators and their uses, see Sargent (1987,
Chapter 9).
7.4 The Calvo Model and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
7.4 The Calvo Model and the New
Keynesian Phillips Curve
In the Taylor model, each price is in effect for the same number of periods. One consequence is that moving beyond the two-period case quickly
becomes intractable. The Calvo model (Calvo, 1983) is an elegant variation
on the model that avoids this problem. Calvo assumes that price changes,
rather than arriving deterministically, arrive stochastically. Specifically, he
assumes that opportunities to change prices follow a Poisson process: the
probability that a firm is able to change its price is the same each period,
regardless of when it was last able to change its price. As in the Taylor
model, prices are not just predetermined but fixed between the times they
are adjusted.
This model’s qualitative implications are similar to those of the Taylor
model. Suppose, for example, the economy starts with all prices equal to
the money stock, m, and that in period 1 there is a one-time, permanent
increase in m. Firms that can adjust their prices will want to raise them in
response to the rise in m. But if φ in the expression for the profit-maximizing
price ( p ∗t = φmt + (1 − φ) pt ) is less than 1, they put some weight on the
overall price level, and so the fact that not all firms are able to adjust their
prices mutes their adjustment. And the smaller is φ, the larger is this effect.
Thus, just as in the Taylor model, nominal rigidity (the fact that not all prices
adjust every period) leads to gradual adjustment of the price level, and real
rigidity (a low value of φ) magnifies the effects of nominal rigidity.10
The importance of the Calvo model, then, is not in its qualitative predictions. Rather, it is twofold. First, the model can easily accommodate any
degree of price stickiness; all one needs to do is change the parameter determining the probability that a firm is able to change its price each period.
Second, it leads to a simple expression for the dynamics of inflation. That
expression is known as the new Keynesian Phillips curve.
Deriving the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
Each period, fraction α (0 < α ≤ 1) of firms set new prices, with the firms
chosen at random. The average price in period t therefore equals α times
the price set by firms that set new prices in t, xt , plus 1 − α times the average
price charged in t by firms that do not change their prices. Because the firms
that change their prices are chosen at random (and because the number of
See Problem 7.6.
firms is large), the average price charged by the firms that do not change
their prices equals the average price charged by all firms the previous period.
Thus we have
pt = αx t + (1 − α) pt−1 ,
where p is the average price and x is the price set by firms that are able to
change their prices. Subtracting pt−1 from both sides gives us an expression
for inflation:
πt = α(x t − pt−1 ).
That is, inflation is determined by the fraction of firms that change their
prices and the relative price they set.
In deriving the rule in Section 7.1 for how a firm sets its price as a
weighted average of the expected profit-maximizing prices while the price
is in effect (equation [7.14]), we assumed the discount factor was approximately 1. For the Fischer and Taylor models, where prices are only in effect
for two periods, this assumption simplified the analysis at little cost. But
here, where firms need to look indefinitely into the future, it is not innocuous. Extending expression (7.14) to the case of a general discount factor
xt =
β j qj
k=0 β qk
E t p ∗t+ j ,
where β is the discount factor and, as before, qj is the probability the price
will still be in effect in period t + j. Calvo’s Poisson assumption implies that
qj is (1 − α) j . Thus (7.55) becomes
x t = [1 − β(1 − α)]
β j (1 − α) j E t p ∗t+ j .
Firms that can set their prices in period t + 1 face a very similar problem.
Period t is no longer relevant, and all other periods get a proportionally
higher weight. It therefore turns out to be helpful to express x t in terms of
p ∗t and E t xt+1 . To do this, rewrite (7.56) as
x t = [1 − β(1 − α)]E t p ∗t + β(1 − α)[1 − β(1 − α)]
= [1 − β(1 − α)] p ∗t + β(1 − α)E t xt+1 ,
β j (1 − α) j E t p ∗t+1+ j
where the second line uses the fact that p ∗t is known at time t and expression (7.56) shifted forward one period. To relate (7.57) to (7.54), subtract
pt from both sides of (7.57), and rewrite x t − pt as (x t − pt−1 ) − ( pt − pt−1 ).
7.4 The Calvo Model and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
This gives us
(x t − pt−1 ) − ( pt − pt−1 ) = [1 − β(1 − α)]( p ∗t − pt ) + β(1 − α)(E t x t+1 − pt ).
We can now use (7.54): x t − pt−1 is πt /α, and E t x t+1 − pt is E t πt+1 /α. In
addition, pt − pt−1 is just πt , and p ∗t − pt is φyt . Thus (7.58) becomes
(πt /α) − πt = [1 − β(1 − α)]φyt + β(1 − α)(E t πt+1 /α),
πt =
[1 − β(1 − α)]φyt + βE t πt+1
= κyt + βE t πt+1 ,
α[1 − (1 − α)β]φ
Equation (7.60) is the new Keynesian Phillips curve.11 Like the accelerationist
Phillips curve of Section 6.4 and the Lucas supply curve of Section 6.9,
it states that inflation depends on a core or expected inflation term and
on output. Higher output raises inflation, as does higher core or expected
There are two features of this Phillips curve that make it “new.” First, it is
derived by aggregating the behavior of price-setters facing barriers to price
adjustment. Second, the inflation term on the right-hand side is different
from previous Phillips curves. In the accelerationist Phillips curve, it is last
period’s inflation. In the Lucas supply curve, it is the expectation of current
inflation. Here it is the current expectation of next period’s inflation. These
differences are important—a point we will return to in Section 7.6.
Although the Calvo model leads to a particularly elegant expression for
inflation, its broad implications stem from the general assumption of staggered price adjustment, not the specific Poisson assumption. For example,
one can show that the basic equation for pricing-setting in the Taylor model,
∗ + E p ∗ )/2 (equation [7.30]) implies
x t = ( p it
t it+1
+ 2φ(yt + E t y t+1 ),
πtx = E t πt+1
where π x is the growth rate of newly set prices. Although (7.61) is not as simple as (7.60), its basic message is the same: a measure of inflation depends
on a measure of expected future inflation and expectations of output.
The new Keynesian Phillips curve was originally derived by Roberts (1995).
7.5 State-Dependent Pricing
The Fischer, Taylor, and Calvo models assume that the timing of price
changes is purely time dependent. The other extreme is that it is purely
state dependent. Many retail stores, for example, can adjust the timing of
their price change fairly freely in response to economic developments. This
section therefore considers state-dependent pricing.
The basic message of analyses of state-dependent pricing is that it leads
to more rapid adjustment of the overall price level to macroeconomic disturbances for a given average frequency of price changes. There are two
distinct reasons for this result. The first is the frequency effect: under statedependent pricing, the number of firms that change their prices is larger
when there is a larger monetary shock. The other is the selection effect: the
composition of the firms that adjust their prices changes in response to a
shock. In this section, we consider models that illustrate each effect.
The Frequency Effect: The Caplin-Spulber Model
Our first model is the Caplin-Spulber model. The model is set in continuous
time. Nominal GDP is always growing; coupled with the assumption that
there are no firm-specific shocks, this causes profit-maximizing prices to
always be increasing. The specific state-dependent pricing rule that pricesetters are assumed to follow is an Ss policy. That is, whenever a firm adjusts
its price, it sets the price so that the difference between the actual price and
the optimal price at that time, pi − p i∗ , equals some target level, S. The
firm then keeps its nominal price fixed until money growth has raised p i∗
sufficiently that pi − p i∗ has fallen to some trigger level, s. Then, regardless
of how much time has passed since it last changed its price, the firm resets
pi − p i∗ to S , and the process begins anew.
Such an Ss policy is optimal when inflation is steady, aggregate output is
constant, and there is a fixed cost of each nominal price change (Barro, 1972;
Sheshinski and Weiss, 1977). In addition, as Caplin and Spulber describe, it
is also optimal in some cases where inflation or output is not constant. And
even when it is not fully optimal, it provides a simple and tractable example
of state-dependent pricing.
Two technical assumptions complete the model. First, to keep prices from
overshooting s and to prevent bunching of the distribution of prices across
price-setters, m changes continuously. Second, the initial distribution of
pi − p i∗ across price-setters is uniform between s and S. We continue to use
the assumptions of Section 7.1 that p i∗ = (1 − φ) p + φm, p is the average of
the pi ’s, and y = m − p.
Under these assumptions, shifts in aggregate demand are completely
neutral in the aggregate despite the price stickiness at the level of the
individual price-setters. To see this, consider an increase in m of amount
State-Dependent Pricing
m < S − s over some period of time. We want to find the resulting changes
in the price level and output, p and y . Since p i∗ = (1 − φ) p + φm, the rise
in each firm’s profit-maximizing price is (1 − φ)p + φm. Firms change
their prices if pi − p i∗ falls below s; thus firms with initial values of pi − p i∗
that are less than s + [(1 − φ) p + φm] change their prices. Since the initial
values of pi − p i∗ are distributed uniformly between s and S, this means that
the fraction of firms that change their prices is [(1 − φ) p + φm]/(S − s ).
Each firm that changes its price does so at the moment when its value of
pi − p i∗ reaches s; thus each price increase is of amount S − s. Putting all
this together gives us
(1 − φ) p + φm
(S − s )
= (1 − φ)p + φm.
p =
Equation (7.62) implies that p = m, and thus that y = 0. Thus the
change in money has no impact on aggregate output.12
The reason for the sharp difference between the results of this model and
those of the models with time-dependent adjustment is that the number of
firms changing their prices at any time is endogenous. In the Caplin–Spulber
model, the number of firms changing their prices at any time is larger when
aggregate demand is increasing more rapidly; given the specific assumptions that Caplin and Spulber make, this has the effect that the aggregate
price level responds fully to changes in m. In the Fischer, Taylor, and Calvo
models, in contrast, the number of firms changing their prices at any time
is fixed; as a result, the price level does not respond fully to changes in m.
Thus this model illustrates the frequency effect.
The Selection Effect: The Danziger-Golosov-Lucas
A key fact about price adjustment, which we will discuss in more detail in
the next section, is that it varies enormously across firms and products. For
example, even in environments of moderately high inflation, a substantial
fraction of price changes are price cuts.
This heterogeneity introduces a second channel through which statedependent pricing dampens the effects of nominal disturbances. With statedependent pricing, the composition of the firms that adjust their prices
responds to shocks. When there is a positive monetary shock, for example,
In addition, this result helps to justify the assumption that the initial distribution of
pi − p i∗ is uniform between s and S. For each firm, pi − p i∗ equals each value between s and
S once during the interval between any two price changes; thus there is no reason to expect
a concentration anywhere within the interval. Indeed, Caplin and Spulber show that under
simple assumptions, a given firm’s pi − p i∗ is equally likely to take on any value between s
and S.
the firms that adjust are disproportionately ones that raise their prices. As a
result, it is not just the number of firms changing their prices that responds
to the shock; the average change of those that adjust responds as well.
Here we illustrate these ideas using a simple example based on Danziger
(1999). However, the model is similar in spirit to the richer model of Golosov
and Lucas (2007).
Each firm’s profit-maximizing price in period t depends on aggregate demand, mt , and an idiosyncratic variable, ωit ; ω is independent across firms.
∗ =m +ω .
For simplicity, φ in the price-setting rule is set to 1. Thus p it
To show the selection effect as starkly as possible, we make strong assumptions about the behavior of m and ω. Time is discrete. Initially, m is
constant and not subject to shocks. Each firm’s ω follows a random walk.
The innovation to ω, denoted ε, can take on either positive or negative values and is distributed uniformly over a wide range (in a sense to be specified
When profit-maximizing prices can either rise or fall, as is the case here,
the analogue of an Ss policy is a two-sided Ss policy. If a shock pushes the
difference between the firm’s actual and profit-maximizing prices, pi − p i∗ ,
either above some upper bound S or below some lower bound s, the firm
resets pi − p i∗ to some target K . As with the one-sided Ss policy in the CaplinSpulber model, the two-sided policy is optimal in the presence of fixed costs
of price adjustment under appropriate assumptions. Again, however, here
we just assume that firms follow such a policy.
The sense in which the distribution of ε is wide is that regardless of a
firm’s initial price, there is some chance the firm will raise its price and some
chance that it will lower it. Concretely, let A and B be the lower and upper
bounds of the distribution of ε. Then our assumptions are S − B < s and
s − A > S, or equivalently, B > S − s and A < − (S − s). To see the implications
of these assumptions, consider a firm that is at the upper bound, S, and so
appears to be on the verge of cutting its price. The assumption B > S − s
means that if it draws that largest possible realization of ε, its p − p ∗ is
pushed below the lower bound s, and so it raises its price. Thus every firm
has some chance of raising its price each period. Likewise, the assumption
A < − (S − s) implies that every firm has some chance of cutting its price.
The steady state of the model is relatively simple. Initially, all pi − p i∗ ′s
must be between s and S. For any pi − p i∗ within this interval, there is a
range of values of ε of width S − s that leaves pi − p i∗ between s and S.
Thus the probability that the firm does not adjust its price is (S − s)/(B − A).
Conditional on not adjusting, pi − p i∗ is distributed uniformly on [sS ]. And
with probability 1−[(S −s)/(B −A)] the firm adjusts, in which case its pi − p i∗
equals the reset level, K .
This analysis implies that the distribution of pi − p i∗ consists of a uniform
distribution over [sS ] with density 1/(B −A), plus a spike of mass 1−[(S−s)/
(B − A)] at K . This is shown in Figure 7.1. For convenience, we assume that
K = (S + s)/2, so that the reset price is midway between s and S.
State-Dependent Pricing
Mass of probability 1−
S −s
B −A
B −A
pi − pi∗
FIGURE 7.1 The steady state of the Danziger model
Now consider a one-time monetary shock. Specifically, suppose that at
the end of some period, after firms have made price-adjustment decisions,
there is an unexpected increase in m of amount m < K − s. This raises
all p i∗ ′s by m. That is, the distribution in Figure 7.1 shifts to the left by
m. Because pricing is state-dependent, firms can change their prices at
any time. The firms whose pi − p i∗ ′s are pushed below s therefore raise them
to K . The resulting distribution is shown in Figure 7.2.
Crucially, the firms that adjust are not a random sample of firms. Instead, they are the firms whose actual prices are furthest below their optimal prices, and thus that are most inclined to make large price increases. For
small values of m, the firms that raise their prices do so by approximately
K − s. If instead, in the spirit of time-dependent models, we picked firms
at random and allowed them to change their prices, their average price increase would be m.13 Thus there is a selection effect that sharply increases
the initial price response.
Now consider the next period: there is no additional monetary shock, and
the firm-specific shocks behave in their usual way. But because of the initial monetary disturbance, there are now relatively few firms near S. Thus
the firms whose idiosyncratic shocks cause them to change their prices are
The result that the average increase is m is exactly true only because of the assumption that K = (S + s)/2. If this condition does not hold, there is a constant term that does
not depend on the sign or magnitude of m.
Mass of probability 1−
S −s
B −A
Mass of probability
B −A
B −A
K − △m
S − △m
pi − pi∗
The initial effects of a monetary disturbance in the Danziger
disproportionately toward the bottom of the [sS ] interval, and so price
changes are disproportionately price increases. Given the strong assumptions of the model, the distribution of pi − p i∗ returns to its steady state
after just one period. And the distribution of pi − p i∗ being unchanged is
equivalent to the distribution of pi moving one-for-one with the distribution
of p i∗ . That is, actual prices on average adjust fully to the rise in m. Note
that this occurs even though the fraction of firms changing their prices in
this period is exactly the same as normal (all firms change their prices with
probability 1 − [(S − s)/(B − A)], as usual), and even though all price changes
in this period are the result of firm-specific shocks.
The assumptions of these examples are chosen to show the frequency and
selection effects as starkly as possible. In the Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model,
the assumption of wide, uniformly distributed firm-specific shocks is needed
to deliver the strong result that a monetary shock is neutral after just one
period. With a narrower distribution, for example, the effects would be
more persistent. Similarly, a nonuniform distribution of the shocks generally leads to a nonuniform distribution of firms’ prices, and so weakens
the frequency effect. In addition, allowing for real rigidity (that is, allowing
Empirical Applications
φ in the expression for firms’ desired prices to be less than 1) causes the
behavior of the nonadjusters to influence the firms that change their prices,
and so causes the effects of monetary shocks to be larger and longer lasting.
Similarly, if we introduced negative as well as positive monetary shocks
to the Caplin-Spulber model, the result would be a two-sided Ss rule, and so
monetary shocks would generally have real effects (see, for example, Caplin
and Leahy, 1991, and Problem 7.7). In addition, the values of S and s may
change in response to changes in aggregate demand. If, for example, high
money growth today signals high money growth in the future, firms widen
their Ss bands when there is a positive monetary shock; as a result, no firms
adjust their prices in the short run (since no firms are now at the new, lower
trigger point s), and so the positive shock raises output (Tsiddon, 1991).14
In short, the strong results of the simple cases considered in this section are not robust. What is robust is that state-dependent pricing gives rise
naturally to the frequency and selection effects, and that those effects can
be quantitatively important. For example, Golosov and Lucas show in the
context of a much more carefully calibrated model that the effects of monetary shocks can be much smaller with state-dependent pricing than in a
comparable economy with time-dependent pricing.
7.6 Empirical Applications
Microeconomic Evidence on Price Adjustment
The central assumption of the models we have been analyzing is that there is
some kind of barrier to complete price adjustment at the level of individual
firms. It is therefore natural to investigate pricing policies at the microeconomic level. By doing so, we can hope to learn whether there are barriers to
price adjustment and, if so, what form they take.
The microeconomics of price adjustment have been investigated by many
authors. The broadest studies of price adjustment in the United States are
the survey of firms conducted by Blinder (1998), the analysis of the data underlying the Consumer Price Index by Klenow and Kryvtsov (2008), and the
analysis of the data underlying the Consumer Price Index and the Producer
Price Index by Nakamura and Steinsson (2008). Blinder’s and Nakamura and
Steinsson’s analyses show that the average interval between price changes
for intermediate goods is about a year. In contrast, Klenow and Kryvtsov’s
and Nakamura and Steinsson’s analyses find that the typical period between
price changes for final goods and services is only about 4 months.
The key finding of this literature, however, is not the overall statistics
concerning the frequency of adjustment. Rather, it is that price adjustment
See Caballero and Engel (1993) for a more detailed analysis of these issues.
Price of a 9.5 ounce box of Triscuits (from Chevalier, Kashyap, and
Rossi, 2000; used with permission)
does not follow any simple pattern. Figure 7.3, from Chevalier, Kashyap, and
Rossi (2000), is a plot of the price of a 9.5 ounce box of Triscuit crackers at a
particular supermarket from 1989 to 1997. The behavior of this price clearly
defies any simple summary. One obvious feature, which is true for many
products, is that temporary “sale” prices are common. That is, the price
often falls sharply and is then quickly raised again, often to its previous
level. Beyond the fact that sales are common, it is hard to detect any regular
patterns. Sales occur at irregular intervals and are of irregular lengths; the
sizes of the reductions during sales vary; the intervals between adjustments
of the “regular” price are heterogeneous; the regular price sometimes rises
and sometimes falls; and the sizes of the changes in the regular price vary.
Other facts that have been documented include tremendous heterogeneity
across products in the frequency of adjustment; a tendency for some prices
to be adjusted at fairly regular intervals, most often once a year; the presence of a substantial fraction of price decreases (of both regular and sale
prices), even in environments of moderately high inflation; and the presence for many products of a second type of sale, a price reduction that is
not reversed and that is followed, perhaps after further reductions, by the
disappearance of the product (a “clearance” sale).
Thus the microeconomic evidence does not show clearly what assumptions about price adjustment we should use in building a macroeconomic
Empirical Applications
model. Time-dependent models are grossly contradicted by the data, and
purely state-dependent models fare only slightly better. The timedependent models are contradicted by the overwhelming presence of irregular intervals between adjustments. Purely state-dependent models are
most clearly contradicted by two facts: the frequent tendency for prices to
be in effect for exactly a year, and the strong tendency for prices to revert
to their original level after a sale.
In thinking about the aggregate implications of the evidence on price
adjustment, a key issue is how to treat sales. At one extreme, they could
be completely mechanical. Imagine, for example, that a store manager is
instructed to discount goods representing 10 percent of the store’s sales
by an average of 20 percent each week. Then sale prices are unresponsive
to macroeconomic conditions, and so should be ignored in thinking about
macroeconomic issues. If we decide to exclude sales, we then encounter difficult issues of how to define them and how to treat missing observations
and changes in products. Klenow and Kryvtsov’s and Nakamura and Steinsson’s analyses suggest, however, that across goods, the median frequency
of changes in regular prices of final goods is about once every 7 months. For
intermediate goods, sales are relatively unimportant, and so accounting for
them has little impact on estimates of the average frequency of adjustment.
The other possibility is that sale prices respond to macroeconomic conditions; for example, they could be more frequent and larger when the economy is weak. At the extreme, sales should not be removed from the data at
all in considering the macroeconomic implications of the microeconomics
of price adjustment.
Another key issue for the aggregate implications of these data is heterogeneity. The usual summary statistic, and the one used above, is the median
frequency of adjustment across goods. But the median masks an enormous
range, from goods whose prices typically adjust more than once a month
to ones whose prices usually change less than once a year. Carvalho (2006)
poses the following question. Suppose the economy is described by a model
with heterogeneity, but a researcher wants to match the economy’s response
to various types of monetary disturbances using a model with a single
frequency of adjustment. What frequency should the researcher choose?
Carvalho shows that in most cases, one would want to choose a frequency
less than the median or average frequency. Moreover, the difference is magnified by real rigidity: as the degree of real rigidity rises, the importance of
the firms with the stickiest prices increases. Carvalho shows that to best
match the economy’s response to shocks using a single-sector model, one
would often want to use a frequency of price adjustment a third to a half of
the median across heterogeneous firms. Thus heterogeneity has important
Finally, Levy, Bergen, Dutta, and Venable (1997) look not at prices, but at
the costs of price adjustment. Specifically, they report data on each step of
the process of changing prices at supermarkets, such as the costs of putting
on new price tags or signs on the shelves, of entering the new prices into
the computer system, and of checking the prices and correcting errors. This
approach does not address the possibility that there may be more sophisticated, less expensive ways of adjusting prices to aggregate disturbances. For
example, a store could have a prominently displayed discount factor that it
used at checkout to subtract some proportion from the amount due; it could
then change the discount factor rather than the shelf prices in response to
aggregate shocks. The costs of changing the discount factor would be dramatically less than the cost of changing the posted price on every item in
the store.
Despite this limitation, it is still interesting to know how large the costs
of changing prices are. Levy et al.’s basic finding is that the costs are surprisingly high. For the average store in their sample, expenditures on changing
prices amount to between 0.5 and 1 percent of revenues. To put it differently, the average cost of a price change in their stores in 1991–1992 was
about 50 cents. Thus the common statement that the physical costs of nominal price changes are extremely small is not always correct: for the stores
that Levy et al. consider, these costs, while not large, are far from trivial.
In short, empirical work on the microeconomics of price adjustment and
its macroeconomic implications is extremely active. A few examples of recent contributions in addition to those discussed above are Dotsey, King,
and Wolman (1999), Klenow and Willis (2006), Gopinath and Rigobon (2008),
and Midrigan (2009).
Inflation Inertia
We have encountered three aggregate supply relationships that include an
inflation term and an output term: the accelerationist Phillips curve of Section 6.4, the Lucas supply curve of Section 6.9, and the new Keynesian
Phillips curve of Section 7.4. Although the three relationships look broadly
similar, in fact they have sharply different implications. To see this, consider the experiment of an anticipated fall in inflation in an economy with
no shocks. The accelerationist Phillips curve, πt = πt−1 + λ(yt − yt ) (see
[6.22]–[6.23]), implies that disinflation requires below-normal output. The
Lucas supply curve, πt = E t−1 πt + λ(yt − yt ) (see [6.84]), implies that disinflation can be accomplished with no output cost. Finally, for the new Keynesian Phillips curve (equation [7.60]), it is helpful to rewrite it as
E t [πt+1 ] − πt =
πt −
(yt − yt ).
With β close to 1, the [(1 − β)/β]πt term is small. Thus the new Keynesian
Phillips curve implies that anticipated disinflation is associated with an output boom.
Empirical Applications
The view that high inflation has a tendency to continue unless there is
a period of low output is often described as the view that there is inflation inertia. That is, “inflation inertia” refers not to inflation being highly
serially correlated, but to it being costly to reduce. Of the three Phillips
curves, only the accelerationist one implies inertia. The Lucas supply curve
implies that there is no inertia, while the new Keynesian Phillips curve (as
well as other models of staggered price-setting) implies that there is “antiinertia.”15
Ball (1994b) performs a straightforward test for inflation inertia. Looking at a sample of nine industrialized countries over the period 1960–1990,
he identifies 28 episodes where inflation fell substantially. He reports that
in all 28 cases, observers at the time attributed the decline to monetary
policy. Thus the view that there is inflation inertia predicts that output
was below normal in the episodes; the Lucas supply curve suggests that
it need not have departed systematically from normal; and the new Keynesian Phillips curve implies that it was above normal. Ball finds that the evidence is overwhelmingly supportive of inflation inertia: in 27 of the 28 cases,
output was on average below his estimate of normal output during the
Ball’s approach of choosing episodes on the basis of ex post inflation
outcomes could create bias, however. In particular, suppose the disinflations
had important unanticipated components. If prices were set on the basis of
expectations of higher aggregate demand than actually occurred, the low
output in the episodes does not clearly contradict any of the models.
Galí and Gertler (1999) therefore take a more formal econometric approach. Their main interest is in testing between the accelerationist and
new Keynesian views. They begin by positing a hybrid Phillips curve with
backward-looking and forward-looking elements:
πt = γb πt−1 + γf E t πt+1 + κ(yt − y t ) + e t .
They point out, however, that what the κ(yt − y t ) term is intended to capture
is the behavior of firms’ real marginal costs. When output is above normal,
marginal costs are high, which increases desired relative prices. In the model
of Section 7.1, for example, desired relative prices rise when output rises
because the real wage increases. Galí and Gertler therefore try a more direct
approach to estimating marginal costs. Real marginal cost equals the real
wage divided by the marginal product of labor. If the production function
is Cobb-Douglas, so that Y = K α(A L)1−α, the marginal product of labor is
(1 − α)Y/L. Thus real marginal cost is wL/[(1 − α)Y ], where w is the real
wage. That is, marginal cost is proportional to the share of income going
The result that models of staggered price adjustment do not imply inflation inertia is
due to Fuhrer and Moore (1995) and Ball (1994a).
to labor (see also Sbordone, 2002). Galı́ and Gertler therefore focus on the
πt = γb πt−1 + γf E t πt+1 + λSt + e t ,
where St is labor’s share.16
Galı́ and Gertler estimate (7.65) using quarterly U.S. data for the period
1960–1997.17 A typical set of estimates is
πt = 0.378 πt−1 + 0.591 E t πt+1 + 0.015 St + e t ,
where the numbers in parentheses are standard errors. Thus their results
appear to provide strong support for the importance of forward-looking
In a series of papers, however, Rudd and Whelan show that in fact the data
provide little evidence for the new Keynesian Phillips curve (see especially
Rudd and Whelan, 2005, 2006). They make two key points. The first concerns
labor’s share. Galı́ and Gertler’s argument for including labor’s share in the
Phillips curve is that under appropriate assumptions, it captures the rise
in firms’ marginal costs when output rises. Rudd and Whelan (2005) point
out, however, that in practice labor’s share is low in booms and high in
recessions. In Galı́ and Gertler’s framework, this would mean that booms are
times when the economy’s flexible-price level of output has risen even more
than actual output, and when marginal costs are therefore unusually low.
A much more plausible possibility, however, is that there are forces other
than those considered by Galı́ and Gertler moving labor’s share over the
business cycle, and that labor’s share is therefore a poor proxy for marginal
Since labor’s share is countercyclical, the finding of a large coefficient on
expected future inflation and a positive coefficient on the share means that
inflation tends to be above future inflation in recessions and below future
inflation in booms. That is, inflation tends to fall in recessions and rise in
booms, consistent with the accelerationist Phillips curve and not with the
new Keynesian Phillips curve.
How can labor’s share vary if production is Cobb-Douglas? Under perfect competition
(and under imperfect competition if price is a constant markup over marginal cost), it cannot.
But if prices are not fully flexible, it can. For example, if a firm with a fixed price hires more
labor at the prevailing wage, output rises less than proportionally than the rise in labor, and
so labor’s share rises.
For simplicity, we omit any discussion of their estimation procedure, which, among
other things, must address the fact that we do not have data on E t πt+1 . Section 8.3 discusses
estimation when there are expectational variables.
Empirical Applications
Rudd and Whelan’s second concern has to do with the information content of current inflation. Replacing yt with a generic marginal cost variable,
mct , and then iterating the new Keynesian Phillips curve, (7.60), forward
πt = κmct + βE t πt+1
= κmct + β[κE r mct+1 + βE t πt+2 ]
= ...
βiE t mc t+i .
Thus the model implies that inflation should be a function of expectations
of future marginal costs, and thus that it should help predict marginal costs.
Rudd and Whelan (2005) show, however, that the evidence for this hypothesis is minimal. When marginal costs are proxied by an estimate of y − y ,
inflation’s predictive power is small and goes in the wrong direction from
what the model suggests. When marginal costs are measured using labor’s
share (which, as Rudd and Whelan’s first criticism shows, may be a poor
proxy), the performance is only slightly better. In this case, inflation’s predictive power for marginal costs is not robust, and almost entirely absent in
Rudd and Whelan’s preferred specification. They also find that the hybrid
Phillips curve performs little better (Rudd and Whelan, 2006). They conclude that there is little evidence in support of the new Keynesian Phillips
The bottom line of this analysis is twofold. First, the evidence we have
on the correct form of the Phillips curve is limited. The debate between Galı́
and Gertler and Rudd and Whelan, along with further analysis of the econometrics of the new Keynesian Phillips curve (for example, King and Plosser,
2005), does not lead to clear conclusions on the basis of formal econometric studies. This leaves us with the evidence from less formal analyses, such
as Ball’s, which is far from airtight. Second, although the evidence is not
definitive, it points in the direction of inflation inertia and provides little
support for the new Keynesian Phillips curve.
Because of this and other evidence, researchers attempting to match important features of business-cycle dynamics typically make modifications to
models of price-setting (often along the lines of the ones we will encounter
in the next section) that imply inertia. Nonetheless, because of its simplicity
This discussion does not address the question of why Galı́ and Gertler’s estimates suggest that the new Keynesian Phillips curve fits well. Rudd and Whelan argue that this has to
do with the specifics of Galı́ and Gertler’s estimation procedure, which we are not delving
into. Loosely speaking, Rudd and Whelan’s argument is that because inflation is highly serially correlated, small violations of the conditions needed for the estimation procedure to
be valid can generate substantial upward bias in the coefficient on E t πt+1 .
and elegance, the new Keynesian Phillips curve is still often used in theoretical models. Following that pattern, we will meet it again in Section 7.8 and
in Chapter 11.
7.7 Models of Staggered Price
Adjustment with Inflation Inertia
The evidence in the previous section suggests that a major limitation of the
micro-founded models of dynamic price adjustment we have been considering is that they do not imply inflation inertia. A central focus of recent work
on price adjustment is therefore bringing inflation inertia into the models.
At a general level, the most common strategy is to assume that firms’ prices
are not fixed between the times they review them, but adjust in some way.
These adjustments are assumed to give some role to past inflation, or to
past beliefs about inflation. The result is inflation inertia.
The two most prominent approaches along these lines are those of Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2005) and Mankiw and Reis (2002). Christiano,
Eichenbaum, and Evans assume that between reviews, prices are adjusted
for past inflation. This creates a direct role for past inflation in price behavior. But whether this reasonably captures important microeconomic phenomena is not clear. Mankiw and Reis return to Fischer’s assumption of
prices that are predetermined but not fixed. This causes past beliefs about
what inflation would be to affect price changes, and so creates behavior
similar to inflation inertia. In contrast to Fischer, however, they make assumptions that imply that some intervals between reviews of prices are
quite long, which has important quantitative implications. Again, however,
the strength of the microeconomic case for the realism of their key assumption is not clear.
The Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans Model: The
New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Indexation
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans begin with Calvo’s assumption that opportunities for firms to review their prices follow a Poisson process. As
in the basic Calvo model of Section 7.4, let α denote the fraction of firms
that review their prices in a given period. Where Christiano, Eichenbaum,
and Evans depart from Calvo is in their assumption about what happens
between reviews. Rather than assuming that prices are fixed, they assume
they are indexed to the previous period’s inflation rate. This assumption
captures the fact that even in the absence of a full-fledged reconsideration
of their prices, firms can account for the overall inflationary environment.
The assumption that the indexing is to lagged rather than current inflation
Models of Staggered Price Adjustment with Inflation Inertia
reflects the fact that firms do not continually obtain and use all available
Our analysis of the model is similar to the analysis of the Calvo model
in Section 7.4. Since the firms that review their prices in a given period are
chosen at random, the average (log) price in period t of the firms that do
not review their prices is pt−1 + πt−1 . The average price in t is therefore
pt = (1 − α)( pt−1 + πt−1 ) + αx t ,
where x t is the price set by firms that review their prices. Equation (7.68)
x t − pt = x t − [(1 − α)( pt−1 + πt−1 ) + αx t ]
= (1 − α)x t − (1 − α)( pt−1 + πt−1 )
= (1 − α)(x t − pt ) − (1 − α)( pt−1 + πt−1 − pt )
= (1 − α)(x t − pt ) + (1 − α)(πt − πt−1 ).
x t − pt =
(πt − πt−1 ).
Equation (7.70) shows that to find the dynamics of inflation, we need to
find x t − pt . That is, we need to determine how firms that review their prices
set their relative prices in period t. As in the Calvo model, a firm wants to
set its price to minimize the expected discounted sum of the squared differences between its optimal and actual prices during the period before it
is next able to review its price. Suppose a firm sets a price of x t in period t
and that it does not have an opportunity to review its price before period
t + j. Then, because of the lagged indexation, its price in t + j (for j ≥ 1) is
x t + τ=0 πt+τ. The profit-maximizing price in t + j is pt+ j + φy t+ j , which
equals pt +
τ=1 πt+τ + φy t+ j . Thus the difference between the profitmaximizing and actual prices in t + j, which we will denote et,t+ j , is
et,t+ j = ( pt − x t ) + (πt+ j − πt ) + φy t+ j .
Note that (7.71) holds for all j ≥ 0. The discount factor is β, and the probability of nonadjustment each period is 1 − α. Thus, similarly to equation (7.56)
in the Calvo model without indexation, the firm sets
x t − pt = [1 − β(1 − α)]
β j (1 − α) j [(E t πt+ j − πt ) + φE t y t+ j ].
As in the derivation of the new Keynesian Phillips curve, it is helpful to
rewrite this expression in terms of period-t variables and the expectation of
x t+1 − pt+1 . Equation (7.72) implies
x t+1 − pt+1
= [1 − β(1 − α)]
β (1 − α) [(E t+1 πt+1+ j − πt+1 ) + φE t+1 y t+1+ j ].
Rewriting the πt+1 term as πt + (πt+1 − πt ) and taking expectations as of t
(and using the law of iterated projections) gives us
E t [x t+1 − pt+1 ] = −E t [πt+1 − πt ]
+ [1 − β(1 − α)]
β (1 − α) [(E t πt+1+ j − πt ) + φE t y t+1+ j ].
We can therefore rewrite (7.72) as
x t − pt = [1 − β(1 − α)]φyt + β(1 − α){E t [x t+1 − pt+1 ] + E t [πt+1 − πt ]}. (7.75)
The final step is to use (7.70) applied to both periods t and t + 1: x t − pt =
[(1 − α)/α](πt − πt−1 ), E t [x t+1 − pt+1 ] = [(1 − α)/α](E t [πt+1 ] − πt ). Substituting
these expressions into (7.75) and performing straightforward algebra yields
πt =
πt−1 +
πt−1 +
E t πt+1 +
[1 − β(1 − α)]φy t
E t πt+1 + χyt .
Equation (7.76) is the new Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation. It resembles the new Keynesian Phillips curve except that instead of a weight
of β on expected future inflation and no role for past inflation, there is a
weight of β/(1 + β) on expected future inflation and a weight of 1/(1 + β) on
lagged inflation. If β is close to 1, the weights are both close to one-half. An
obvious generalization of (7.76) is
πt = γ πt−1 + (1 − γ )E t πt+1 + χyt ,
0 ≤ γ ≤ 1.
Equation (7.77) allows for any mix of weights on the two inflation terms.
Because they imply that past inflation has a direct impact on current inflation, and thus that there is inflation inertia, expressions like (7.76) and
(7.77) often appear in modern dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium models with nominal rigidity.
The Model’s Implications for the Costs of Disinflation
The fact that equation (7.76) (or [7.77]) implies inflation inertia does not
mean that the model can account for the apparent output costs of disinflation. To see this, consider the case of β = 1, so that (7.76) becomes
πt = (πt−1 /2) + (E t [πt+1 ]/2) + xyt . Now suppose that there is a perfectly
Models of Staggered Price Adjustment with Inflation Inertia
anticipated, gradual disinflation that occurs at a uniform rate: πt = π0 for
t ≤ 0; πt = 0 for t ≥ T; and πt = [(T − t)/T ]π0 for 0 < t < T. Because the
disinflation proceeds linearly and is anticipated, πt equals the average of
πt−1 and E t [πt+1 ] in all periods except t = 0 and t = T. In period 0, π0 exceeds (πt−1 + E t [πt+1 ])/2, and in period T, it is less than (πt−1 + E t [πt+1 ])/2
by the same amount. Thus the disinflation is associated with above-normal
output when it starts and an equal amount of below-normal output when
it ends, and no departure of output from normal in between. That is, the
model implies no systematic output cost of an anticipated disinflation.
One possible solution to this difficulty is to reintroduce the assumption
that β is less than 1. This results in more weight on πt−1 and less on E t [πt+1 ],
and so creates output costs of disinflation. For reasonable values of β, however, this effect is small.
A second potential solution is to appeal to the generalization in equation (7.77) and to suppose that γ > (1 − γ ). But since (7.77) is not derived
from microeconomic foundations, this comes at the cost of abandoning the
initial goal of grounding our understanding of inflation dynamics in microeconomic behavior.
The final candidate solution is to argue that the prediction of no systematic output costs of an anticipated disinflation is reasonable. Recall that
Ball’s finding is that disinflations are generally associated with below-normal
output. But recall also that the fact that disinflations are typically less than
fully anticipated means that the output costs of actual disinflations tend to
overstate the costs of perfectly anticipated disinflations. Perhaps the bias is
sufficiently large that the average cost of an anticipated disinflation is zero.
The bottom line is that adding indexation to Calvo pricing introduces
some inflation inertia. But whether that inertia is enough to explain actual
inflation dynamics is not clear.
The other important limitation of the model is that its key microeconomic
assumption appears unrealistic—we do not observe actual prices rising mechanically with lagged inflation. At the same time, however, it could be that
price-setters behave in ways that cause their average prices to rise roughly
with lagged inflation between the times that they seriously rethink their
pricing policies in light of macroeconomic conditions, and that this average adjustment is masked by the fact that individual nominal prices are not
continually adjusted.
The Mankiw-Reis Model
Mankiw and Reis take a somewhat different approach to obtaining inflation
inertia. Like Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans, they assume some adjustment of prices between the times that firms review their pricing policies.
Their assumption, however, is that each time a firm reviews its price, it
sets a path that the price will follow until the next review. That is, they
reintroduce the idea from the Fischer model that prices are predetermined
but not fixed.
Recall that a key result from our analysis in Section 7.2 is that with predetermined prices, a monetary shock ceases to have real effects once all pricesetters have had an opportunity to respond. This is often taken to imply
that predetermined prices cannot explain persistent real effects of monetary shocks. But recall also that when real rigidity is high, firms that do not
change their prices have a disproportionate impact on the behavior of the
aggregate economy. This raises the possibility that a small number of firms
that are slow to change their price paths can cause monetary shocks to have
important long-lasting effects with predetermined prices. This is the central
idea of Mankiw and Reis’s model (see also Devereux and Yetman, 2003).
Although the mechanics of the Mankiw–Reis model involve predetermined prices, their argument for predetermination differs from Fischer’s.
Fischer motivates his analysis in terms of labor contracts that specify a different wage for each period of the contract; prices are then determined as
markups over wages. But such contracts do not appear sufficiently widespread to be a plausible source of substantial aggregate nominal rigidity.
Mankiw and Reis appeal instead to what they call “sticky information.” It
is costly for price-setters to obtain and process information. Mankiw and
Reis argue that as a result, they may choose not to continually update their
prices, but to periodically choose a path for their prices that they follow
until they next gather information and adjust their path.
Specifically, Mankiw and Reis begin with a model of predetermined prices
like that of Section 7.2. Opportunities to adopt new price paths do not arise
deterministically, as in the Fischer model, however. Instead, as in the Calvo
and Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans models, they follow a Poisson process.
Paralleling those models, each period a fraction α of firms adopt a new
piece path (where 0 < α ≤ 1). And again yt = m t − pt and p ∗t = pt + φyt .
Our analysis of the Fischer model provides a strong indication of what
the solution of the model will look like. Because a firm can set a different
price for each period, the price it sets for a given period, period t, will depend
only on information about yt and pt . It follows that the aggregate price level,
pt (and hence yt ), will depend only on information about m t ; information
about m in other periods will affect yt and pt only to the extent it conveys
information about m t . Further, if the value of m t were known arbitrarily far
in advance, all firms would set their prices for t equal to m t , and so yt would
be zero. Thus, departures of yt from zero will come only from information
about m t revealed after some firms have set their prices for period t. And
given the log-linear structure of the model, its solution will be log-linear.
Consider information about m t that arrives in period t − i (i ≥ 0); that
is, consider E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t . If we let a i denote the fraction of E t−i m t −
E t−(i+1) m t that is passed into the aggregate price level, then the information about m t that arrives in period t − i raises pt by a i (E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t )
and raises yt by (1 − a i )(E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ). That is, yt will be given by
Models of Staggered Price Adjustment with Inflation Inertia
an expression of the form
yt =
(1 − a i )(E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ).
To solve the model, we need to find the a i ’s. To do this, let λi denote the
fraction of firms that have an opportunity to change their price for period
t in response to information about m t that arrives in period t − i (that is,
in response to E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ). A firm does not have an opportunity
to change its price for period t in response to this information if it does
not have an opportunity to set a new price path in any of periods t − i,
t − (i − 1), . . . , t. The probability of this occurring is (1 − α)i+1 . Thus,
λi = 1 − (1 − α)i+1 .
Because firms can set a different price for each period, the firms that
adjust their prices are able to respond freely to the new information. We
know that p ∗t = (1 − φ)pt + φm t and that the change in pt in response to
the new information is a i (E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ). Thus, the firms that are able
to respond raise their prices for period t by (1 − φ)a i (E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ) +
φ(E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ), or [(1 − φ)a i + φ](E t−i m t − E t−(i+1) m t ). Since fraction
λi of firms are able to adjust their prices and the remaining firms cannot
respond at all, the overall price level responds by λi [(1 − φ)ai + φ](E t−i m t −
E t−(i+1) m t ). Thus a i must satisfy
λi [(1 − φ)a i + φ] = a i .
Solving for a i yields
ai =
1 − (1 − φ)λi
φ[1 − (1 − α)i+1 ]
1 − (1 − φ)[1 − (1 − α)i+1 ]
where the second line uses (7.79) to substitute for λi . Finally, since pt + yt =
m t , we can write pt as
pt = m t − yt .
To understand the implications of the Mankiw–Reis model, it is helpful to
start by examining the effects of a shift in the level of aggregate demand
(as opposed to its growth rate).19 Specifically, consider an unexpected, onetime, permanent increase in m in period t of amount m. The increase raises
The reason for not considering this experiment for the Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans
model is that the model’s implications concerning such a shift are complicated. See
Problem 7.9.
E t m t+i − E t −1 m t+i by m for all i ≥ 0. Thus pt+i rises by a i m and y t+i rises
by (1 − a i )m.
Equation (7.80) implies that the a i ’s are increasing in i and gradually
approach 1. Thus the permanent increase in aggregate demand leads to a
rise in output that gradually disappears, and to a gradual rise in the price
level. If the degree of real rigidity is high, the output effects can be quite
persistent even if price adjustment is frequent. Mankiw and Reis assume
that a period corresponds to a quarter, and consider the case of λ = 0. 25
and φ = 0.1. These assumptions imply price adjustment on average every
four periods and substantial real rigidity. For this case, a 8 = 0.55. Even
though by period 8 firms have been able to adjust their price paths twice on
average since the shock, there is a small fraction—7.5 percent—that have
not been able to adjust at all. Because of the high degree of real rigidity, the
result is that the price level has only adjusted slightly more than halfway to
its long-run level.
Another implication concerns the time pattern of the response. Straightforward differentiation of (7.81) shows that if φ < 1, then d 2a i /dλi2 > 0. That
is, when there is real rigidity, the impact of a given change in the number of
additional firms adjusting their prices is greater when more other firms are
adjusting. Thus there are two competing effects on how the a i ’s vary with i.
The fact that d 2a i /dλi2 > 0 tends to make the a i ’s rise more rapidly as i rises,
but the fact that fewer additional firms are getting their first opportunity
to respond to the shock as i increases tends to make them rise less rapidly.
For the parameter values that Mankiw and Reis consider, the a i ’s rise first
at an increasing rate and then a decreasing one, with the greatest rate of
increase occurring after about eight periods. That is, the peak effect of the
demand expansion on inflation occurs with a lag.20
Now consider a disinflation. For concreteness, we start with the case of
an immediate, unanticipated disinflation. In particular, assume that until
date 0 all firms expect m to follow the path m t = gt (where g > 0), but that
the central bank stabilizes m at 0 starting at date 0. Thus m t = 0 for t ≥ 0.
Because of the policy change, E 0 m t − E −1 m t = −gt for all t ≥ 0. This
expression is always negative—that is, the actual money supply is always
below what was expected by the firms that set their price paths before date 0.
Since the a i ’s are always between 0 and 1, it follows that the disinflation
lowers output. Specifically, equations (7.78) and (7.81) imply that the path
of y is given by
yt = (1 − at )(−gt)
(1 − α)t +1
1 − (1 − φ)[1 − (1 − α)t +1 ]
for t ≥ 0.
This is easier to see in a continuous-time version of the model (see Problem 7.11). In
this case, equation (7.81) becomes a (i ) = φ(1 − e−αi )/[1 − (1 − φ)(1 − e−αi )]. The sign of a ′ (i )
is determined by the sign of (1 − φ)e−αi − φ. For Mankiw and Reis’s parameter values, this
is positive until i ≃ 8. 8 and then negative.
Models of Staggered Price Adjustment with Inflation Inertia
The (1 − at )’s are falling over time, while gt is rising. Initially the linear
growth of the gt term dominates, and so the output effect increases. Eventually, however, the fall in the (1 − at )’s dominates, and so the output effect decreases, and asymptotically it approaches zero. Thus the switch to a
lower growth rate of aggregate demand produces a recession whose trough
is reached with a lag. For the parameter values described above, the trough
occurs after seven quarters.
For the first few periods after the policy shift, most firms still follow
their old price paths. Moreover, the firms that are able to adjust do not
change their prices for the first few periods very much, both because m is
not yet far below its old path and because (if φ < 1) they do not want to
deviate far from the prices charged by others. Thus initially inflation falls
little. As time passes, however, these forces all act to create greater price
adjustment, and so inflation falls. In the long run, output returns to normal
and inflation equals the new growth rate of aggregate demand, which is zero.
Thus, consistent with what we appear to observe, a shift to a disinflationary
policy first produces a recession, and then a fall in inflation.
The polar extreme from a completely anticipated disinflation is one that
is anticipated arbitrarily far in advance. The model immediately implies that
such a disinflation is not associated with any departure of output from normal. If all firms know the value of m t for some period t when they set their
prices, then, regardless of what they expect about m in any other period,
they set pt = m t , and so we have yt = 0.
For any disinflation, either instantaneous or gradual, that is not fully anticipated, there are output costs. The reason is simple: any disinflation involves a fall of aggregate demand below its prior path. Thus for sufficiently
large values of τ, m t is less than E t−τm t , and so the prices for period t that
are set in period t − τ are above m t . As a result, the average value of prices,
pt , exceeds m t , and thus yt (which equals m t − pt ) is negative. Finally, recall
that the a i ’s are increasing in i. Thus the further in advance a change in
aggregate demand is anticipated, the smaller are its real effects.
At the same time, the model is not without difficulties. As with the
Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans model, its assumptions about price-setting
do not match what we observe at the microeconomic level: many prices and
wages are fixed for extended periods, and there is little evidence that many
price-setters or wage-setters set price or wage paths of the sort that are
central to the model. And some phenomena, such as the finding described
in Section 6.10 that aggregate demand disturbances appear to have smaller
and less persistent real effects in higher-inflation economies, seem hard to
explain without fixed prices. It is possible that to fully capture the major
features of fluctuations, our microeconomic model will need to incorporate
important elements both of adjustments between formal reviews, as in the
models of this section, and of fixed prices.
Another limitation of the Christiano–Eichenbaum–Evans and Mankiw–
Reis models, like all models of pure time-dependence, is that the assumption
of an exogenous and unchanging frequency of changes in firms’ pricing
plans is clearly too strong. The frequency of adjustment is surely the result
of some type of optimizing calculation, not an exogenous parameter. Perhaps more importantly, it could change in response to policy changes, and
this in turn could alter the effects of the policy changes. That is, a successful model may need to incorporate elements of both time-dependence and
This leaves us in an unsatisfactory position. It appears that any model
of price behavior that does not include elements of both fixed prices and
mechanical price adjustments, and elements of both time-dependence and
state-dependence, will fail to capture important macroeconomic phenomena. Yet the hope that a single model could incorporate all these features
and still be tractable seems far-fetched. The search for a single workhorse
model of pricing behavior—or for a small number of workhorse models
together with an understanding of when each is appropriate—continues.
7.8 The Canonical New Keynesian
The next step in constructing a complete model of fluctuations is to integrate a model of dynamic price adjustment into a larger model of the
economy. Given the wide range of models of pricing behavior we have seen,
it is not possible to single out one approach as the obvious starting point.
Moreover, dynamic general-equilibrium models with the behavior of inflation built up from microeconomic foundations quickly become complicated.
In this section, we therefore consider only an illustrative, relatively simple
general-equilibrium model.
The specific model we consider is the canonical three-equation new Keynesian model of Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler (2000). The price-adjustment equation is the new Keynesian Phillips curve of Section 7.4. This treatment of
price adjustment has two main strengths. The first is its strong microeconomic foundations: it comes directly from an assumption of infrequent adjustment of nominal prices. The other is its comparative simplicity: inflation
depends only on expected future inflation and current output, with no role
for past inflation or for more complicated dynamics. The aggregate-demand
equation of the model is the new Keynesian IS curve of Sections 6.1 and 7.1.
The final equation describes monetary policy. So far in this chapter, because
our goal has been to shed light on the basic implications of various assumptions concerning price adjustment, we have considered only simple paths
of the money supply (or aggregate demand). To build a model that is more
The Canonical New Keynesian Model
useful for analyzing actual macroeconomic fluctuations, however, we need
to assume that the central bank follows a rule for the interest rate along the
lines of Section 6.4. In particular, in keeping with the forward-looking character of the new Keynesian Phillips curve and the new Keynesian IS curve,
we assume the central bank follows a forward-looking interest-rate rule, adjusting the interest rate in response to changes in expected future inflation
and output.
The other ingredient of the model is its shocks: it includes serially correlated disturbances to all three equations. This allows us to analyze disturbances to private aggregate demand, price-setting behavior, and monetary
policy. Finally, for convenience, all the equations are linear and the constant
terms are set to zero. Thus the variables should be interpreted as differences
from their steady-state or trend values.
The three core equations are:
yt = E t [y t+1 ] −
rt + u IS
t ,
πt = βE t [πt+1 ] + κyt + u π
t ,
θ > 0,
0 < β < 1,
rt = φπ E t [πt+1 ] + φy E t [y t+1 ] + u MP
t ,
κ > 0,
φπ > 0,
φy ≥ 0.
Equation (7.84) is the new Keynesian IS curve, (7.85) is the new Keynesian
Phillips curve, and (7.86) is the forward-looking interest-rate rule. The shocks
follow independent AR-1 processes:
u IS
t = ρIS u t−1 + e t ,
t = ρπu t−1 + e t ,
u tM P
ρMP u MP
e MP
t ,
−1 < ρIS < 1,
−1 < ρπ < 1,
−1 < ρMP < 1,
where e IS , e π, and e MP are white-noise disturbances that are uncorrelated
with one another.
The model is obviously extremely stylized. To give just a few examples,
all behavior is forward-looking; the dynamics of inflation and aggregate demand are very simple; and the new Keynesian Phillips curve is assumed to
describe inflation dynamics despite its poor empirical performance. Nonetheless, because its core ingredients are so simple and have such appealing
microeconomic foundations, the model is a key reference point in modern
models of fluctuations. The model and variants of it are frequently used,
and it has been modified and extended in many ways.
Because of its forward-looking elements, for some parameter values the
model has sunspot solutions, like those we encountered in the model of
Section 6.4. Since we discussed such solutions there and will encounter them
again in our discussion of monetary policy in a model similar to this one in
Section 11.5, here we focus only on the fundamental, non-sunspot solution.
The Case of White-Noise Disturbances
The first step in solving the model is to express output and inflation in terms
of their expected future values and the disturbances. Applying straightforward algebra to (7.84)–(7.85) gives us
yt = −
πt =
E t [πt+1 ] + 1 −
E t [πt+1 ] + 1 −
E t [y t+1 ] + u IS
t −
u MP
t ,
κE t [y t+1 ] + κu IS
t + ut −
u MP
t . (7.91)
An important and instructive special case of the model occurs when there
is no serial correlation in the disturbances (so ρIS = ρπ = ρMP = 0). In this
case, because of the absence of any backward-looking elements and any
information about the future values of the disturbances, there is no force
causing agents to expect the economy to depart from its steady state in the
future. That is, the fundamental solution has E t [y t+1 ] and E t [πt+1 ] always
equal to zero. To see this, note that with E t [y t+1 ] = E t [πt+1 ] = 0, equations
(7.86), (7.90), and (7.91) simplify to
yt = u IS
t −
u MP
t ,
πt = κu IS
t + ut −
rt = u MP
t .
u MP
t ,
If (7.92)–(7.94) describe the behavior of output, inflation, and the real interest rate, then, because we are considering the case where the u’s are
white noise, the expectations of future output and inflation are always zero.
(7.92)–(7.94) therefore represent the fundamental solution to the model in
this case.
These expressions show the effects of the various shocks. A contractionary monetary-policy shock raises the real interest rate and lowers output
and inflation. A positive shock to private aggregate demand raises output
and inflation and has no impact on the real interest rate. And an unfavorable
inflation shock raises inflation but has no other effects. These results are
largely conventional. The IS shock fails to affect the real interest rate because
monetary policy is forward-looking, and so does not respond to the increases in current output and inflation. The fact that monetary policy is
forward-looking is also the reason the inflation shock does not spill over to
the other variables.
The key message of this case of the model, however, is that the model,
like the baseline real-business-cycle model of Chapter 5, has no internal
propagation mechanisms. Serial correlation in output, inflation, and the real
interest rate can come only from serial correlation in the driving processes.
The Canonical New Keynesian Model
As a result, a major goal of extensions and variations of the model—such as
those we will discuss in the next section—is to introduce forces that cause
one-time shocks to trigger persistent changes in the macroeconomy.
The General Case
A straightforward way to solve the model in the general case is to use the
method of undetermined coefficients. Given the model’s linear structure
and absence of backward-looking behavior, it is reasonable to guess that the
endogenous variables are linear functions of the disturbances. For output
and inflation, we can write this as
yt = aIS u IS
t + aπu t + aMP u t ,
bMP u tMP .
πt =
bIS u IS
bπu π
This conjecture and the assumptions about the behavior of the disturbances
in (7.87)–(7.89) determine E t [y t+1 ] and E t [πt+1 ]: E t [y t+1 ] equals aIS ρIS u IS
t +
aπρπu π
t +aMP ρMP u t , and similarly for E t [πt+1 ]. We can then substitute these
expressions and (7.95) and (7.96) into (7.90) and (7.91). This yields:
aIS u IS
t + aπu t + aMP u t
+ 1−
aIS ρIS u IS
bIS u IS
t + bπu t + bMP u t
+ 1−
aIS ρIS u IS
bIS ρIS u IS
t + bπρπu t + bMP ρMP u t
aπρπu π
aMP ρMP u MP
aπρπu π
u IS
u MP
t ,
bIS ρIS u IS
t + bπρπu t + bMP ρMP u t
aMP ρMP u MP
κu IS
u MP
t .
For the equations of the model to be satisfied when output and inflation
are described by equations (7.95) and (7.96), the two sides of (7.97) must be
equal for all values of u IS
t , u t , and u t . That is, the coefficients on u t on the
two sides must be equal, and similarly for the coefficients on u t and u MP
t .
This gives us three equations—one involving aIS and bIS , one involving aπ
and bπ, and one involving aMP and bMP . Equation (7.98) gives us three more
equations. Once we have found the a’s and b’s, equations (7.95) and (7.96)
tell us the behavior of output and inflation. We can then use (7.86) and the
expressions for E t [πt+1 ] and E t [y t+1 ] to find the behavior of the real interest
rate. Thus solving the model is just a matter of algebra.
Unfortunately, the equations determining the a’s and b’s are complicated,
the algebra is tedious, and the resulting solutions for the a’s and b’s are
complex and unintuitive. To get a sense of the model’s implications, we
will therefore assume values for the parameters and find their implications
for how the economy responds to shocks. Specifically, following Galı́ (2008,
Section 3.4.1), we interpret a time period as a quarter, and assume θ = 1,
κ = 0.1275, β = 0.99, φπ = 0.5, and φy = 0.125. For each of the disturbances, we will consider both the case of no serial correlation and a serial
correlation coefficient of 0.5 to see how serial correlation affects the behavior of the economy.
Consider first a monetary-policy shock. With ρMP = 0, our parameter valMP
ues and equations (7.92)–(7.94) imply that yt = −u MP
t , πt = −0.13u t , and
rt = u t . With ρMP = 0.5, they imply that yt = −1.60u t , πt = −0.40u MP
t ,
and rt = 0.80u MP
t . Intuitively, the fact that output and inflation will be below
normal in later periods mutes the rise in the real interest rate. But because
of the fall in future output, a larger fall in current output is needed for
households to satisfy their Euler equation in response to the rise in the real
rate. And both the greater fall in output and the decline in future inflation
strengthen the response of inflation. As the economy returns to its steady
state, the real rate is above normal and output is rising, consistent with the
new Keynesian IS curve. And inflation is rising and output is below normal,
consistent with the new Keynesian Phillips curve.
Next, consider an IS shock. When ρIS = 0, our parameter values imIS
ply yt = u IS
t , πt = 0.13u t , and rt = 0. When ρIS rises to 0.5, we obtain
yt = 1.60u t , πt = 0.40u t , and rt = 0.20u IS
t . Again, the impact of the shock
on future output magnifies the output response via the new Keynesian IS
curve. In addition, the increases in future inflation strengthen the inflation
response through the new Keynesian Phillips curve. And with future output
and inflation affected by the shock, the current real interest rate responds
through the forward-looking interest-rate rule.
Finally, consider an inflation shock. As described above, in the absence of
serial correlation, the shock is translated one-for-one into inflation and has
no effect on output or the real interest rate. With ρπ = 0. 5, in contrast, yt =
−0.80u π
t , πt = 1.78u t , and rt = 0.40u t . The persistence of the inflation shock
increases the response of current inflation (through the forward-looking
term of the new Keynesian Phillips curve) and raises the real interest rate
(through the inflation term of the forward-looking interest-rate rule). The
increase in the real rate reduces current output through the IS curve; and
this effect is magnified by the fact that the curve is forward-looking.
7.9 Other Elements of Modern New
Keynesian DSGE Models of
The model of Section 7.8 is a convenient illustrative model. But it is obviously far short of being rich enough to be useful for many applications. A
policymaker wanting to forecast the path of the economy or evaluate the
likely macroeconomic effects of some policy intervention would certainly
need a considerably more complicated model.
Modern New Keynesian DSGE Models of Fluctuations
A large and active literature is engaged in constructing and estimating
more sophisticated quantitative DSGE models that, at their core, have important resemblances to the model of the previous section. The models
do not lend themselves to analytic solutions or to transparency. But they
are in widespread use not just in academia, but in central banks and other
policymaking institutions. This section briefly discusses some of the most
important modifications and extensions of the baseline model. Many of
the changes come from the models of Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans
(2005), Erceg, Henderson, and Levin (2000), and Smets and Wouters (2003).
Aggregate Supply
The canonical new Keynesian model uses the new Keynesian Phillips curve
to model the behavior of inflation. Richer models often extend this in two
ways. First, recall that the evidence in favor of the distinctive predictions
of the new Keynesian Phillips curve—notably its implication that an anticipated disinflation is associated with an output boom—is weak. Thus modern models often introduce inflation inertia. Because of its tractability, the
usual approach is to posit a relationship along the lines suggested by the
new Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation. Typically, the coefficients on
lagged and expected future inflation are not constrained to equal 1/(1 + β)
and β/(1 + β), as in equation (7.76), but follow the more general set of possibilities allowed by equation (7.77).
Second, to better capture the behavior of prices and wages, the models often assume incomplete adjustment not just of goods prices, but also
of wages. The most common approach is to assume Calvo wage adjustment (with an adjustment frequency potentially different from that for price
changes). Under appropriate assumptions, the result is a new Keynesian
Phillips curve for wage inflation:
t = βE t π t+1 + κw yt ,
where πw is wage inflation. A natural alternative, paralleling the treatment
of prices, is to assume indexation to lagged wage inflation between adjustments, leading to an equation for wage inflation analogous to the new
Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation.
Aggregate Demand
There are two major limitations of the new Keynesian IS curve. First, and
most obviously, it leaves out investment, government purchases, and net
exports. Virtually every model intended for practical use includes investment modeled as arising from the decisions of profit-maximizing firms. Government purchases are almost always included as well; they are generally
modeled as exogenous. And there are numerous open-economy extensions.
Examples include Obstfeld and Rogoff (2002); Corsetti and Pesenti (2005);
Benigno and Benigno (2006); and Galı́ (2008, Chapter 7).
Second, the basic new Keynesian IS curve, even when it is extended to include other components of output, tends to imply large and rapid responses
to shocks. To better match the data, the models therefore generally include
ingredients that slow adjustment. With regard to consumption, the most
common approach is to assume habit formation. That is, a consumer’s utility is assumed to depend not just on the level of consumption, but also
on its level relative to some reference amount, such as the consumer’s or
others’ past consumption. Under appropriate assumptions, this slows the
response of consumption to shocks. On the investment side, the most common way of slowing responses is to assume directly that there are costs of
adjusting investment.
We will see in Chapter 8 that households’ current income appears to
have an important effect on their consumption, and we will see in Chapter 9 that firms’ current cash flow may be important to their investment
decisions. The new Keynesian IS curve, with or without the various modifications we have discussed, does not allow for these possibilities. To let
current income affect the demand for goods, the usual approach is to assume that some fraction of consumption is determined by rule-of-thumb
or liquidity-constrained households that devote all their current income
to consumption.21 This assumption can magnify the economy’s responses
to various disturbances and can introduce a role for shocks that shift the
timing of income, which would otherwise not affect behavior.
Credit-Market Imperfections
The crisis of 2008–2009 has made it clear that non-Walrasian features of
credit markets have important macroeconomic consequences. Disruptions
in credit markets can cause large swings in economic activity, and creditmarket imperfections can have large effects on how other shocks affect the
macroeconomy. As a result, introducing credit-market imperfections into
new Keynesian DSGE models is an active area of research.
Three recent efforts in this area are those by Cúrdia and Woodford (2009),
Gertler and Karadi (2009), and Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno (2009). In all
three models, there is a financial sector that intermediates between saving
and investment. Cúrdia and Woodford’s model is conceptually the simplest.
The models generally do not give current cash flow a role in investment. For some
purposes, the assumption of rule-of-thumb consumers has similar implications, making it
unnecessary to add this complication. In addition, some models that include credit-market
imperfections, along the lines of the ones we will discuss in a moment, naturally imply an
impact of cash flow on investment.
Modern New Keynesian DSGE Models of Fluctuations
They assume a costly intermediation technology. The spread between borrowing and lending rates changes because of changes both in the marginal
cost of intermediation and in intermediaries’ markups. These fluctuations
have an endogenous component, with changes in the quantity of intermediation changing its marginal cost, and an exogenous component, with shocks
to both the intermediation technology and markups.
In Gertler and Karadi’s model, the spread arises from constraints on the
size of the intermediation sector. Intermediaries have limited capital. Because high leverage would create harmful incentives, the limited capital
restricts intermediaries’ ability to attract funds from savers. The result is
that they effectively earn rents on their capital, charging more to borrowers
than they pay to savers. Again, the spread moves both endogenously and
exogenously. Various types of shocks affect intermediaries’ capital, and so
change their ability to attract funds and the spread. And shocks to the value
of their capital directly affect their ability to attract funds, and so again affect the spread. Both endogenous and exogenous movements in the spread
are propagated to the remainder of the economy.
Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno, building on their earlier work
(Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno, 2003), focus on frictions in the relationship between intermediaries and borrowers. The limited capital of borrowers and the riskiness of their investments affect their ability to borrow and
the interest rates they must pay. As a result, borrowing rates and the quantity of borrowing move endogenously in response to various types of disturbances. In addition, Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno assume that loan
contracts are written in nominal terms (along the lines we discussed in Section 6.9), so that any disturbance that affects the price level affects borrowers’ real indebtedness, which in turn affects the rest of the economy. And,
as in the other models, there are exogenous disturbances to the factors governing spreads. Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno consider not only shocks
to borrowers’ net worth and to the riskiness of their projects, but also the
arrival of news about the riskiness of future projects.
All three papers represent early efforts to incorporate financial-market
imperfections and disruptions into larger models. Recent events leave no
doubt that those imperfections and disruptions are important. But the question of how to best incorporate them in larger macroeconomic models is
very much open.
The policy assumptions of more sophisticated new Keynesian DSGE models
of fluctuations depart from the simple interest-rate rule we considered in
Section 7.8 in three main ways. The first, and most straightforward, is to
consider other interest-rate rules. A seemingly infinite variety of interestrate rules have been considered. The rules consider gradual adjustment,
responses to current values or past values of variables instead of (or in
addition to) their expected future values, responses to growth rates rather
than levels of variables, and the possible inclusion of many variables other
than output and inflation. A common strategy in this literature is to ask
how some change in the rule, such as the addition of a new variable, affects
macroeconomic outcomes, such as the variability of inflation and output.
The second, larger departure is to replace the assumption of a prespecified policy rule with the assumption that policymakers maximize some objective function. The objective function may be specified directly; for example, policymakers can be assumed to have a quadratic loss function over
inflation and output. Alternatively, the function may be derived from microeconomic foundations; most commonly, policymakers’ goal is assumed
to be to maximize the expected utility of the representative household in the
model. With this approach, it is necessary to specify a model rich enough
that inflation affects welfare. Once the objective is in place (either by assumption or by derivation), policymakers’ decisions come from maximizing
that function.
A natural way to meld the approach based on interest-rate rules and the
approach based on maximization is to ask how well various simple rules
approximate optimal policy. There is a widespread view that policymakers
would be reluctant to follow a complicated rule or the prescriptions of one
particular model. Thus it is important to ask whether there are simple rules
that perform relatively well across a range of models. We will investigate
both modifications of simple interest-rate rules and the derivation of optimal policy further in Chapter 11, where we examine monetary policy in
more depth.
The third way that recent models extend the analysis of policy is by considering policy instruments other than the short-term interest rate. One set
of additional policy instruments are those associated with fiscal policy, notably government purchases, transfers, and various tax rates. And models
that incorporate imperfections in credit markets naturally allow for consideration of various government interventions in those markets.
Assessments of this research program fall along a continuum between two
extremes. Although few economists are at either extreme, they are useful
reference points.
One extreme is that we are well on the way to having models of the
macroeconomy that are sufficiently well grounded in microeconomic assumptions that their parameters can be thought of as structural (in the
sense that they do not change when policies change), and that are sufficiently realistic that they can be used to obtain welfare-based recommendations about the conduct of policy. Advocates of this view can point to the
facts that the models are built up from microeconomic foundations; that
estimated versions of the models match some important features of fluctuations reasonably well; that many policymakers value the models enough to
put weight on their predictions and recommendations; that there is microeconomic evidence for many of their assumptions; and that their sophistication is advancing rapidly.
The other extreme is that the models are ad hoc constructions that are
sufficiently distant from reality that their policy recommendations are unreliable and their predictions likely to fail if the macroeconomic environment
changes. Advocates of this view can point to two main facts. First, despite
the models’ complications, there is a great deal they leave out. For example,
until the recent crisis, the models’ treatment of credit-market imperfections
was generally minimal. Second, the microeconomic case for some important
features of the models is questionable. Most notably, the models include assumptions that generate inertia in decision making: inflation indexation in
price adjustment, habit formation in consumption, and adjustment costs in
investment. The inclusion of these features is mainly motivated not by microeconomic evidence, but by a desire to match macroeconomic facts. For
example, at the microeconomic level we see nominal prices that are fixed for
extended periods, not frequently adjusted to reflect recent inflation. Similarly, as we will see in Chapter 9, standard models of investment motivated
by microeconomic evidence involve costs of adjusting the capital stock, not
costs of adjusting investment. The need to introduce these features, in this
view, suggests that the models have significant gaps.
Almost all macroeconomists agree that the models have important
strengths and weaknesses, and thus that the truth lies between the two
extremes. Nonetheless, where in that range the truth is matters for how
macroeconomists should conduct their research. The closer it is to the first
extreme, the greater the value of extending the models and of examining
new phenomena by incorporating them into the models. The closer it is
to the second extreme, the greater the value of working on new issues in
narrower models and of postponing efforts to construct integrative models
until our understanding of the component pieces is further advanced.
7.1. The Fischer model with unbalanced price-setting. Suppose the economy is
described by the model of Section 7.2, except that instead of half of firms
setting their prices each period, fraction f set their prices in odd periods and
fraction 1 − f set their prices in even periods. Thus the price level is f p 1t +
(1− f ) p 2t if t is even and (1− f ) p 1t + f p 2t if t is odd. Derive expressions analogous
to (7.27) and (7.28) for pt and yt for even and odd periods.
7.2. The instability of staggered price-setting. Suppose the economy is described
as in Problem 7.1, and assume for simplicity that m is a random walk
(so mt = mt−1 +u t , where u is white noise and has a constant variance). Assume
the profits a firm loses over two periods relative to always having pt = p ∗t is
proportional to ( pit − p ∗it )2 + ( pit+1 − p ∗it+1 )2 . If f < 1/2 and φ< 1, is the expected
value of this loss larger for the firms that set their prices in odd periods or
for the firms that set their prices in even periods? In light of this, would you
expect to see staggered price-setting if φ< 1?
7.3. Synchronized price-setting. Consider the Taylor model. Suppose, however,
that every other period all the firms set their prices for that period and the
next. That is, in period t prices are set for t and t + 1; in t + 1, no prices are
set; in t + 2, prices are set for t + 2 and t + 3; and so on. As in the Taylor model,
prices are both predetermined and fixed, and firms set their prices according
to (7.30). Finally, assume that m follows a random walk.
(a ) What is the representative firm’s price in period t, x t , as a function of m t ,
E t m t +1 , pt , and E t pt +1 ?
(b ) Use the fact that synchronization implies that pt and pt +1 are both equal
to x t to solve for x t in terms of m t and E t m t +1 .
(c ) What are y t and y t +1 ? Does the central result of the Taylor model—that
nominal disturbances continue to have real effects after all prices have
been changed—still hold? Explain intuitively.
7.4. Consider the Taylor model with the money stock white noise rather than a random walk; that is, m t = εt , where εt is serially uncorrelated. Solve the model
using the method of undetermined coefficients. (Hint: In the equation analogous to (7.33), is it still reasonable to impose λ + ν = 1?)
7.5. Repeat Problem 7.4 using lag operators.
7.6. Consider the experiment described at the beginning of Section 7.4. Specifically,
a Calvo economy is initially in long-run equilibrium with all prices equal to
m, which we normalize to zero. In period 1, there is a one-time, permanent
increase in m to m 1 .
Let us conjecture that the behavior of the price level for t ≥ 1 is described
by an expression of the form pt = (1 − λt )m1 .
(a ) Explain why this conjecture is or is not reasonable.
(b ) Find λ in terms of the primitive parameters of the model (α, β, and φ).
(c ) How do increases in each of α, β, and φ affect λ? Explain your answers
7.7. State-dependent pricing with both positive and negative inflation. (Caplin
and Leahy, 1991.) Consider an economy like that of the Caplin–Spulber model.
Suppose, however, that m can either rise or fall, and that firms therefore follow
a simple two-sided Ss policy: if pi − p i∗ (t ) reaches either S or −S, firm i changes
pi so that pi − p i∗ (t ) equals 0. As in the Caplin–Spulber model, changes in m
are continuous.
Assume for simplicity that p i∗ (t ) = m(t ). In addition, assume that pi −
p i (t ) is initially distributed uniformly over some interval of width S; that
is, pi − p i∗ (t ) is distributed uniformly on [X, X + S ] for some X between −S
and 0.
(a ) Explain why, given these assumptions, pi − p i∗ (t ) continues to be distributed uniformly over some interval of width S.
(b ) Are there any values of X for which an infinitesimal increase in m of
dm raises average prices by less than dm? by more than dm? by exactly
dm? Thus, what does this model imply about the real effects of monetary
7.8. (This follows Ball, 1994a.) Consider a continuous-time version of the Taylor
model, so that p (t ) = (1/T ) τ=0 x (t − τ)dτ, where T is the interval between
each individual’s price changes and x (t −τ) is the price set by individuals who
set their prices at time t − τ. Assume that φ = 1, so that p i∗ (t ) = m(t ); thus
x (t ) = (1/T )
E t m(t + τ)dτ.
(a ) Suppose that initially m(t ) = gt (g > 0), and that E t m(t + τ) is therefore
(t + τ)g . What are x (t ), p (t ), and y (t ) = m(t ) − p (t )?
(b ) Suppose that at time 0 the government announces that it is steadily reducing money growth to zero over the next interval T of time. Thus
m(t ) = t [1 − (t/2T )]g for 0 < t < T, and m(t ) = gT/2 for t ≥ T. The
change is unexpected, so that prices set before t = 0 are as in part (a ).
(i ) Show that if x (t ) = gT/2 for all t > 0, then p (t ) = m(t ) for all t > 0,
and thus that output is the same as it would be without the change in
(ii ) For 0 < t < T, are the prices that firms set more than, less than, or
equal to gT/2? What about for T ≤ t ≤ 2T ? Given this, how does output
during the period (0,2T ) compare with what it would be without the
change in policy?
7.9. Consider the new Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation, equation (7.76),
under the assumptions of perfect foresight and β = 1, together with our usual
aggregate demand equation, y t = mt − pt .
(a ) Express pt+1 in terms of its lagged values and mt .
(b ) Consider an anticipated, permanent, one-time increase in m: mt = 0 for
t < 0, mt = 1 for t ≥ 0. Sketch how you would find the resulting path of
pt . (Hint: Use the lag operator approach from Section 7.3.)
7.10. The new Keynesian Phillips curve with partial indexation. Consider the
analysis of the new Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation in Section 7.7.
Suppose, however, that the indexation is only partial. That is, if a firm does
not have an opportunity to review its price in period t, its price in t is the
previous period’s price plus γ πt−1 , 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1. Find an expression for πt in
terms of πt−1 , E t πt+1 , y t , and the parameters of the model. Check that your
answer simplifies to the new Keynesian Phillips curve when γ = 0 and to
the new Keynesian Phillips curve with indexation when γ = 1. (Hint: Start by
showing that [α/(1 − α)](x t − pt ) = πt − γ πt−1 .)
7.11. Consider a continuous-time version of the Mankiw–Reis model. Opportunities
to review pricing policies follow a Poisson process with arrival rate α > 0.
Thus the probability that a price path set at time t is still being followed at
time t + i is e −αi . The other assumptions of the model are the same as before.
(a ) Show that the expression analogous to (7.81) is a(i) =
φ(1 − e −αi )
[1 − (1 − φ)(1 − e −αi )]
(b ) Consider the experiment of a permanent fall in the growth rate of aggregate
demand discussed in Section 7.7. That is, until t = 0, all firms expect m (t ) =
gt (where g > 0); thereafter, they expect m (t ) = 0.
(i ) Find the expression analogous to (7.83).
(ii ) Find an expression for inflation, ṗ (t ), for t ≥ 0. Is inflation ever negative
during the transition to the new steady state?
(iii ) Suppose φ= 1. When does output reach its lowest level? When does
inflation reach its lowest level?
7.12. Consider the model of Section 7.8. Suppose, however, that monetary policy
responds to current inflation and output: rt = φππt + φy y t + u MP
t .
(a ) For the case of white-noise disturbances, find expressions analogous to
(7.92)–(7.94). What are the effects of an unfavorable inflation shock in
this case?
(b ) Describe how you would solve this model using the method of undetermined coefficients (but do not actually solve it).
This chapter and the next investigate households’ consumption choices and
firms’ investment decisions. Consumption and investment are important to
both growth and fluctuations. With regard to growth, the division of society’s resources between consumption and various types of investment—in
physical capital, human capital, and research and development—is central
to standards of living in the long run. That division is determined by the interaction of households’ allocation of their incomes between consumption
and saving given the rates of return and other constraints they face, and
firms’ investment demand given the interest rates and other constraints
they face. With regard to fluctuations, consumption and investment make
up the vast majority of the demand for goods. Thus to understand how such
forces as government purchases, technology, and monetary policy affect aggregate output, we must understand how consumption and investment are
There are two other reasons for studying consumption and investment.
First, they introduce some important issues involving financial markets.
Financial markets affect the macroeconomy mainly through their impact
on consumption and investment. In addition, consumption and investment
have important feedback effects on financial markets. We will investigate
the interaction between financial markets and consumption and investment
both in cases where financial markets function perfectly and in cases where
they do not.
Second, much of the most insightful empirical work in macroeconomics
in recent decades has been concerned with consumption and investment.
These two chapters therefore have an unusually intensive empirical focus.
8.1 Consumption under Certainty: The
Permanent-Income Hypothesis
Although we have already examined aspects of individuals’ consumption
decisions in our investigations of the Ramsey and Diamond models in
Chapter 2 and of real-business-cycle theory in Chapter 5, here we start with
a simple case. Consider an individual who lives for T periods whose lifetime
utility is
u ′ (•) > 0,
u(Ct ),
u ′′ (•) < 0,
t =1
where u(•) is the instantaneous utility function and C t is consumption in
period t. The individual has initial wealth of A 0 and labor incomes of Y1 ,
Y2 , . . . , YT in the T periods of his or her life; the individual takes these as
given. The individual can save or borrow at an exogenous interest rate, subject only to the constraint that any outstanding debt be repaid at the end
of his or her life. For simplicity, this interest rate is set to 0.1 Thus the
individual’s budget constraint is
Ct ≤ A 0 +
t =1
Yt .
t =1
Since the marginal utility of consumption is always positive, the individual
satisfies the budget constraint with equality. The Lagrangian for his or her
maximization problem is therefore
u(C t ) + λ A 0 +
t =1
t =1
Yt −
Ct .
t =1
The first-order condition for C t is
u ′ (C t ) = λ.
Since (8.4) holds in every period, the marginal utility of consumption is constant. And since the level of consumption uniquely determines its marginal
utility, this means that consumption must be constant. Thus C 1 = C 2 = · · · =
CT . Substituting this fact into the budget constraint yields
Ct =
A0 +
for all t.
Note that we have also assumed that the individual’s discount rate is zero (see [8.1]).
Assuming that the interest rate and the discount rate are equal but not necessarily zero
would have almost no effect on the analysis in this section and the next. And assuming that
they need not be equal would have only modest effects.
The Permanent-Income Hypothesis
The term in parentheses is the individual’s total lifetime resources. Thus
(8.5) states that the individual divides his or her lifetime resources equally
among each period of life.
This analysis implies that the individual’s consumption in a given period is
determined not by income that period, but by income over his or her entire lifetime. In the terminology of Friedman (1957), the right-hand side of
(8.5) is permanent income, and the difference between current and permanent income is transitory income. Equation (8.5) implies that consumption
is determined by permanent income.
To see the importance of the distinction between permanent and transitory income, consider the effect of a windfall gain of amount Z in the first
period of life. Although this windfall raises current income by Z, it raises
permanent income by only Z/T. Thus if the individual’s horizon is fairly
long, the windfall’s impact on current consumption is small. One implication is that a temporary tax cut may have little impact on consumption.
Our analysis also implies that although the time pattern of income is not
important to consumption, it is critical to saving. The individual’s saving in
period t is the difference between income and consumption:
S t = Yt − C t
Yt −
A 0,
where the second line uses (8.5) to substitute for C t . Thus saving is high
when income is high relative to its average—that is, when transitory income
is high. Similarly, when current income is less than permanent income, saving is negative. Thus the individual uses saving and borrowing to smooth
the path of consumption. This is the key idea of the permanent-income hypothesis of Modigliani and Brumberg (1954) and Friedman (1957).
What Is Saving?
At a more general level, the basic idea of the permanent-income hypothesis is a simple insight about saving: saving is future consumption. As
long as an individual does not save just for the sake of saving, he or she
saves to consume in the future. The saving may be used for conventional
consumption later in life, or bequeathed to the individual’s children for their
consumption, or even used to erect monuments to the individual upon his
or her death. But as long as the individual does not value saving in itself,
the decision about the division of income between consumption and saving is driven by preferences between present and future consumption and
information about future consumption prospects.
This observation suggests that many common statements about saving
may be incorrect. For example, it is often asserted that poor individuals
save a smaller fraction of their incomes than the wealthy do because their
incomes are little above the level needed to provide a minimal standard of
living. But this claim overlooks the fact that individuals who have trouble
obtaining even a low standard of living today may also have trouble obtaining that standard in the future. Thus their saving is likely to be determined
by the time pattern of their income, just as it is for the wealthy.
To take another example, consider the common assertion that individuals’ concern about their consumption relative to others’ tends to raise their
consumption as they try to “keep up with the Joneses.” Again, this claim
fails to recognize what saving is: since saving represents future consumption, saving less implies consuming less in the future, and thus falling further behind the Joneses. Thus one can just as well argue that concern about
relative consumption causes individuals to try to catch up with the Joneses
in the future, and thus lowers rather than raises current consumption.2
Empirical Application: Understanding Estimated
Consumption Functions
The traditional Keynesian consumption function posits that consumption is
determined by current disposable income. Keynes (1936) argued that “the
amount of aggregate consumption mainly depends on the amount of aggregate income,” and that this relationship “is a fairly stable function.”
He claimed further that “it is also obvious that a higher absolute level of
income . . . will lead, as a rule, to a greater proportion of income being saved”
(Keynes, 1936, pp. 96–97; emphasis in original).
The importance of the consumption function to Keynes’s analysis of fluctuations led many researchers to estimate the relationship between consumption and current income. Contrary to Keynes’s claims, these studies
did not demonstrate a consistent, stable relationship. Across households at
a point in time, the relationship is indeed of the type that Keynes postulated; an example of such a relationship is shown in Panel (a) of Figure 8.1.
But within a country over time, aggregate consumption is essentially proportional to aggregate income; that is, one sees a relationship like that in
For more on how individuals’ concern about their consumption relative to others’
affects saving once one recognizes that saving represents future consumption, see n. 14
The Permanent-Income Hypothesis
Some different forms of the relationship between current income
and consumption
Panel ( b) of the figure. Further, the cross-section consumption function differs across groups. For example, the slope of the estimated consumption
function is similar for whites and blacks, but the intercept is higher for
whites. This is shown in Panel (c) of the figure.
As Friedman (1957) demonstrates, the permanent-income hypothesis provides a straightforward explanation of all of these findings. Suppose consumption is in fact determined by permanent income: C = Y P . Current income equals the sum of permanent and transitory income: Y = Y P + Y T .
And since transitory income reflects departures of current income from
permanent income, in most samples it has a mean near zero and is roughly
uncorrelated with permanent income.
Now consider a regression of consumption on current income:
Ci = a + bYi + ei .
In a univariate regression, the estimated coefficient on the right-hand-side
variable is the ratio of the covariance of the right-hand-side and left-handside variables to the variance of the right-hand-side variable. In this case,
this implies
b̂ =
Cov (Y,C)
Var (Y )
Cov (Y P + Y T ,Y P )
Var (Y P + Y T )
Var (Y P )
Var (Y P ) + Var (Y T )
Here the second line uses the facts that current income equals the sum of
permanent and transitory income and that consumption equals permanent
income, and the last line uses the assumption that permanent and temporary income are uncorrelated. In addition, the estimated constant equals
the mean of the left-hand-side variable minus the estimated slope coefficient times the mean of the right-hand-side variable. Thus,
â = C − b̂Y
= Y − b̂(Y + Y )
= (1 − b̂)Y ,
where the last line uses the assumption that the mean of transitory income
is zero.
Thus the permanent-income hypothesis predicts that the key determinant of the slope of an estimated consumption function, b̂, is the relative
variation in permanent and transitory income. Intuitively, an increase in
The Permanent-Income Hypothesis
current income is associated with an increase in consumption only to the
extent that it reflects an increase in permanent income. When the variation in
permanent income is much greater than the variation in transitory income,
almost all differences in current income reflect differences in permanent income; thus consumption rises nearly one-for-one with current income. But
when the variation in permanent income is small relative to the variation
in transitory income, little of the variation in current income comes from
variation in permanent income, and so consumption rises little with current
This analysis can be used to understand the estimated consumption
functions in Figure 8.1. Across households, much of the variation in income reflects such factors as unemployment and the fact that households
are at different points in their life cycles. As a result, the estimated slope
coefficient is substantially less than 1, and the estimated intercept is positive. Over time, in contrast, almost all the variation in aggregate income
reflects long-run growth—that is, permanent increases in the economy’s resources. Thus the estimated slope coefficient is close to 1, and the estimated
intercept is close to zero.3
Now consider the differences between blacks and whites. The relative
variances of permanent and transitory income are similar in the two groups,
and so the estimates of b are similar. But blacks’ average incomes are lower
than whites’; as a result, the estimate of a for blacks is lower than the estimate for whites (see [8.9]).
To see the intuition for this result, consider a member of each group
whose income equals the average income among whites. Since there are
many more blacks with permanent incomes below this level than there are
with permanent incomes above it, the black’s permanent income is much
more likely to be less than his or her current income than more. As a result,
blacks with this current income have on average lower permanent income;
thus on average they consume less than their income. For the white, in contrast, his or her permanent income is about as likely to be more than current
income as it is to be less; as a result, whites with this current income on
average have the same permanent income, and thus on average they consume their income. In sum, the permanent-income hypothesis attributes
the different consumption patterns of blacks and whites to the different
average incomes of the two groups, and not to any differences in tastes or
In this case, although consumption is approximately proportional to income, the constant of proportionality is less than 1; that is, consumption is on average less than permanent
income. As Friedman describes, there are various ways of extending the basic theory to make
it consistent with this result. One is to account for turnover among generations and long-run
growth: if the young generally save and the old generally dissave, the fact that each generation is wealthier than the previous one implies that the young’s saving is greater than the
old’s dissaving.
8.2 Consumption under Uncertainty:
The Random-Walk Hypothesis
Individual Behavior
We now extend our analysis to account for uncertainty. In particular, suppose there is uncertainty about the individual’s labor income each period
(the Yt ′ S). Continue to assume that both the interest rate and the discount
rate are zero. In addition, suppose that the instantaneous utility function,
u(•), is quadratic. Thus the individual maximizes
E [U ] = E
Ct −
C t2
a > 0.
We will assume that the individual’s wealth is such that consumption is
always in the range where marginal utility is positive. As before, the individual must pay off any outstanding debts at the end of life. Thus the budget
constraint is again given by equation (8.2), t =1 C t ≤ A 0 + t =1 Yt .
To describe the individual’s behavior, we use our usual Euler equation
approach. Specifically, suppose that the individual has chosen first-period
consumption optimally given the information available, and suppose that
he or she will choose consumption in each future period optimally given
the information then available. Now consider a reduction in C 1 of dC from
the value the individual has chosen and an equal increase in consumption at
some future date from the value he or she would have chosen. If the individual is optimizing, a marginal change of this type does not affect expected
utility. Since the marginal utility of consumption in period 1 is 1 − aC 1 ,
the change has a utility cost of (1 − aC 1 ) dC. And since the marginal utility of period-t consumption is 1 − aC t , the change has an expected utility
benefit of E 1 [1 − aC t ] dC, where E 1 [•] denotes expectations conditional on
the information available in period 1. Thus if the individual is optimizing,
1 − aC 1 = E 1 [1 − aC t ],
for t = 2, 3, . . . , T.
Since E 1 [1 − aC t ] equals 1 − aE 1 [C t ], this implies
C 1 = E 1 [C t ],
for t = 2, 3, . . . , T.
The individual knows that his or her lifetime consumption will satisfy
the budget constraint, (8.2), with equality. Thus the expectations of the two
sides of the constraint must be equal:
E 1 [C t ] = A 0 +
E 1 [Yt ].
8.2 Consumption under Uncertainty: The Random-Walk Hypothesis
Equation (8.12) implies that the left-hand side of (8.13) is TC 1 . Substituting
this into (8.13) and dividing by T yields
C1 =
A0 +
E 1 [Yt ] .
That is, the individual consumes 1/T of his or her expected lifetime
Equation (8.12) implies that the expectation as of period 1 of C 2 equals C 1.
More generally, reasoning analogous to what we have just done implies that
each period, expected next-period consumption equals current consumption. This implies that changes in consumption are unpredictable. By the
definition of expectations, we can write
C t = E t −1 [C t ] + e t ,
where e t is a variable whose expectation as of period t − 1 is zero. Thus,
since E t −1 [C t ] = C t −1 , we have
C t = C t −1 + e t .
This is Hall’s famous result that the permanent-income hypothesis implies
that consumption follows a random walk (Hall, 1978).4 The intuition for this
result is straightforward: if consumption is expected to change, the individual can do a better job of smoothing consumption. Suppose, for example,
that consumption is expected to rise. This means that the current marginal
utility of consumption is greater than the expected future marginal utility
of consumption, and thus that the individual is better off raising current
consumption. Thus the individual adjusts his or her current consumption
to the point where consumption is not expected to change.
In addition, our analysis can be used to find what determines the change
in consumption, e. Consider for concreteness the change from period 1 to
period 2. Reasoning parallel to that used to derive (8.14) implies that C 2
Strictly speaking, the theory implies that consumption follows a martingale (a series
whose changes are unpredictable) and not necessarily a random walk (a martingale whose
changes are i.i.d.). The common practice, however, is to refer to martingales as random
equals 1/(T − 1) of the individual’s expected remaining lifetime resources:
C2 =
A1 +
E 2 [Yt ]
A 0 + Y1 − C 1 +
E 2 [Yt ] ,
where the second line uses the fact that A 1 = A 0 + Y1 − C 1 . We can rewrite
the expectation as of period 2 of income over the remainder of life,
t=2 E 2 [Yt ], as the expectation of this quantity as of period 1,
t=2 E 1 [Yt ],
plus the information learned between period 1 and period 2, t=2 E 2 [Yt ] −
t=2 E 1 [Yt ]. Thus we can rewrite (8.17) as
C2 =
A 0 + Y1 − C 1 +
E 1 [Yt ] +
t=2 E 1 [Yt ]
From (8.14), A 0 + Y1 +
C2 =
= C1 +
E 2 [Yt ] −
E 2 [Yt ] −
E 1 [Yt ]
. (8.18)
equals TC 1 . Thus (8.18) becomes
TC 1 − C 1 +
E 2 [Yt ] −
E 1 [Yt ]
E 1 [Yt ] .
Equation (8.19) states that the change in consumption between period 1 and
period 2 equals the change in the individual’s estimate of his or her lifetime
resources divided by the number of periods of life remaining.
Finally, note that the individual’s behavior exhibits certainty equivalence:
as (8.14) shows, the individual consumes the amount he or she would if his
or her future incomes were certain to equal their means; that is, uncertainty
about future income has no impact on consumption.
To see the intuition for this certainty-equivalence behavior, consider the
Euler equation relating consumption in periods 1 and 2. With a general instantaneous utility function, this condition is
u ′ (C 1 ) = E 1 [u ′ (C 2 )].
When utility is quadratic, marginal utility is linear. Thus the expected
marginal utility of consumption is the same as the marginal utility of expected consumption. That is, since E 1 [1 − aC 2 ] = 1 − a E 1 [C 2 ], for quadratic
utility (8.20) is equivalent to
u ′ (C 1 ) = u ′ (E 1 [C 2 ]).
This implies C 1 = E 1 [C 2 ].
Two Tests of the Random-Walk Hypothesis
This analysis shows that quadratic utility is the source of certaintyequivalence behavior: if utility is not quadratic, marginal utility is not linear, and so (8.21) does not follow from (8.20). We return to this point in
Section 8.6.5
8.3 Empirical Application: Two Tests of
the Random-Walk Hypothesis
Hall’s random-walk result ran strongly counter to existing views about consumption.6 The traditional view of consumption over the business cycle
implies that when output declines, consumption declines but is expected to
recover; thus it implies that there are predictable movements in consumption. Hall’s extension of the permanent-income hypothesis, in contrast, predicts that when output declines unexpectedly, consumption declines only
by the amount of the fall in permanent income; as a result, it is not expected
to recover.
Because of this divergence in the predictions of the two views, a great
deal of effort has been devoted to testing whether predictable changes in
income produce predictable changes in consumption. The hypothesis that
consumption responds to predictable income movements is referred to as
excess sensitivity of consumption (Flavin, 1981).7
Campbell and Mankiw’s Test Using Aggregate Data
The random-walk hypothesis implies that the change in consumption is unpredictable; thus it implies that no information available at time t − 1 can be
used to forecast the change in consumption from t − 1 to t. One approach
Although the specific result that the change in consumption has a mean of zero and is
unpredictable (equation [8.16]) depends on the assumption of quadratic utility (and on the
assumption that the discount rate and the interest rate are equal), the result that departures
of consumption growth from its average value are not predictable arises under more general
assumptions. See Problem 8.5.
Indeed, when Hall first presented the paper deriving and testing the random-walk result,
one prominent macroeconomist told him that he must have been on drugs when he wrote
the paper.
The permanent-income hypothesis also makes predictions about how consumption responds to unexpected changes in income. In the model of Section 8.2, for example, the
response to news is given by equation (8.19). The hypothesis that consumption responds
less than the permanent-income hypothesis predicts to unexpected changes in income is
referred to as excess smoothness of consumption. Since excess sensitivity concerns expected
changes in income and excess smoothness concerns unexpected changes, it is possible for
consumption to be excessively sensitive and excessively smooth at the same time. For more
on excess smoothness, see Campbell and Deaton (1989); West (1988); Flavin (1993); and
Problem 8.6.
to testing the random-walk hypothesis is therefore to regress the change
in consumption on variables that are known at t − 1. If the random-walk
hypothesis is correct, the coefficients on the variables should not differ
systematically from zero.
This is the approach that Hall took in his original work. He was unable to
reject the hypothesis that lagged values of either income or consumption
cannot predict the change in consumption. He did find, however, that lagged
stock-price movements have statistically significant predictive power for the
change in consumption.
The disadvantage of this approach is that the results are hard to interpret.
For example, Hall’s result that lagged income does not have strong predictive power for consumption could arise not because predictable changes in
income do not produce predictable changes in consumption, but because
lagged values of income are of little use in predicting income movements.
Similarly, it is hard to gauge the importance of the rejection of the randomwalk prediction using stock-price data.
Campbell and Mankiw (1989) therefore use an instrumental-variables approach to test Hall’s hypothesis against a specific alternative. The alternative they consider is that some fraction of consumers simply spend their
current income, and the remainder behave according to Hall’s theory. This
alternative implies that the change in consumption from period t − 1 to
period t equals the change in income between t − 1 and t for the first
group of consumers, and equals the change in estimated permanent income
between t −1 and t for the second group. Thus if we let λ denote the fraction
of consumption that is done by consumers in the first group, the change in
aggregate consumption is
C t − C t −1 = λ(Yt − Yt −1 ) + (1 − λ)e t
≡ λZ t + v t ,
where e t is the change in consumers’ estimate of their permanent income
from t − 1 to t.
Zt and v t are almost surely correlated. Times when income increases
greatly are usually also times when households receive favorable news about
their total lifetime incomes. But this means that the right-hand-side variable
in (8.22) is positively correlated with the error term. Thus estimating (8.22)
by OLS leads to estimates of λ that are biased upward.
As described in Section 4.4, the solution to correlation between the righthand-side variable and the error term is to use IV rather than OLS. The
usual problem in using IV is finding valid instruments: it is often hard to
find variables that one can be confident are uncorrelated with the residual.
But in cases where the residual reflects new information between t − 1 and
t, theory tells us that there are many candidate instruments: any variable
that is known as of time t − 1 is uncorrelated with the residual. Campbell
and Mankiw’s specification therefore implies that there are many variables
that can be used as instruments.
Two Tests of the Random-Walk Hypothesis
To carry out their test, Campbell and Mankiw measure consumption as
real purchases of consumer nondurables and services per person, and income as real disposable income per person. The data are quarterly, and the
sample period is 1953–1986. They consider various sets of instruments.
They find that lagged changes in income have almost no predictive power for
future changes. This suggests that Hall’s failure to find predictive power of
lagged income movements for consumption is not strong evidence against
the traditional view of consumption. As a base case, they therefore use
lagged values of the change in consumption as instruments. When three
lags are used, the estimate of λ is 0.42, with a standard error of 0.16; when
five lags are used, the estimate is 0.52, with a standard error of 0.13. Other
specifications yield similar results.
Thus Campbell and Mankiw’s estimates suggest quantitatively large and
statistically significant departures from the predictions of the random-walk
model: consumption appears to increase by about fifty cents in response
to an anticipated one-dollar increase in income, and the null hypothesis of
no effect is strongly rejected. At the same time, the estimates of λ are far
below 1. Thus the results also suggest that the permanent-income hypothesis is important to understanding consumption.8
Shea’s Test Using Household Data
Testing the random-walk hypothesis with aggregate data has several disadvantages. Most obviously, the number of observations is small. In addition,
it is difficult to find variables with much predictive power for changes in
income; it is therefore hard to test the key prediction of the random-walk
hypothesis that predictable changes in income are not associated with predictable changes in consumption. Finally, the theory concerns individuals’
consumption, and additional assumptions are needed for the predictions
of the model to apply to aggregate data. Entry and exit of households from
In addition, the instrumental-variables approach has overidentifying restrictions that
can be tested. If the lagged changes in consumption are valid instruments, they are uncorrelated with v . This implies that once we have extracted all the information in the instruments
about income growth, they should have no additional predictive power for the left-handside variable: if they do, that means that they are correlated with v , and thus that they are
not valid instruments. This implication can be tested by regressing the estimated residuals
from (8.22) on the instruments and testing whether the instruments have any explanatory
power. Specifically, one can show that under the null hypothesis of valid instruments, the
R 2 of this regression times the number of observations is asymptotically distributed χ with
degrees of freedom equal to the number of overidentifying restrictions—that is, the number
of instruments minus the number of endogenous variables.
In Campbell and Mankiw’s case, this T R 2 statistic is distributed χ2 when three lags of
the change in consumption are used, and χ4 when five lags are used. The values of the
test statistic in the two cases are only 1.83 and 2.94; these are only in the 59th and 43rd
percentiles of the relevant χ distributions. Thus the hypothesis that the instruments are
valid cannot be rejected.
the population, for example, can cause the predictions of the theory to fail
in the aggregate even if they hold for each household individually.
Because of these considerations, many investigators have examined consumption behavior using data on individual households. Shea (1995) takes
particular care to identify predictable changes in income. He focuses on
households in the PSID with wage-earners covered by long-term union contracts. For these households, the wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in the contracts cause income growth to have an important predictable
Shea constructs a sample of 647 observations where the union contract
provides clear information about the household’s future earnings. A regression of actual real wage growth on the estimate constructed from the
union contract and some control variables produces a coefficient on the
constructed measure of 0.86, with a standard error of 0.20. Thus the union
contract has important predictive power for changes in earnings.
Shea then regresses consumption growth on this measure of expected
wage growth; the permanent-income hypothesis predicts that the coefficient
should be 0.9 The estimated coefficient is in fact 0.89, with a standard error
of 0.46. Thus Shea also finds a quantitatively large (though only marginally
statistically significant) departure from the random-walk prediction.
Recall that in our analysis in Sections 8.1 and 8.2, we assumed that households can borrow without limit as long as they eventually repay their debts.
One reason that consumption might not follow a random walk is that this
assumption might fail—that is, that households might face liquidity constraints. If households are unable to borrow and their current income is less
than their permanent income, their consumption is determined by their current income. In this case, predictable changes in income produce predictable
changes in consumption.
Shea tests for liquidity constraints in two ways. First, following Zeldes
(1989) and others, he divides the households according to whether they have
liquid assets. Households with liquid assets can smooth their consumption
by running down these assets rather than by borrowing. Thus if liquidity
constraints are the reason that predictable wage changes affect consumption growth, the prediction of the permanent-income hypothesis will fail
only among the households with no assets. Shea finds, however, that the estimated effect of expected wage growth on consumption is essentially the
same in the two groups.
Second, following Altonji and Siow (1987), Shea splits the low-wealth sample according to whether the expected change in the real wage is positive or
An alternative would be to follow Campbell and Mankiw’s approach and regress consumption growth on actual income growth by instrumental variables, using the constructed
wage growth measure as an instrument. Given the almost one-for-one relationship between
actual and constructed earnings growth, this approach would probably produce similar
Two Tests of the Random-Walk Hypothesis
negative. Individuals facing expected declines in income need to save rather
than borrow to smooth their consumption. Thus if liquidity constraints are
important, predictable wage increases produce predictable consumption increases, but predictable wage decreases do not produce predictable consumption decreases.
Shea’s findings are the opposite of this. For the households with positive
expected income growth, the estimated impact of the expected change in
the real wage on consumption growth is 0.06 (with a standard error of 0.79);
for the households with negative expected growth, the estimated effect is
2.24 (with a standard error of 0.95). Thus there is no evidence that liquidity
constraints are the source of Shea’s results.
Many other researchers have obtained findings similar to Campbell and
Mankiw’s and Shea’s. For example, Parker (1999), Souleles (1999), Shapiro
and Slemrod (2003), and Johnson, Parker, and Souleles (2006) identify features of government policy that cause predictable income movements.
Parker focuses on the fact that workers do not pay social security taxes
once their wage income for the year exceeds a certain level; Souleles examines income-tax refunds; and Shapiro and Slemrod and Johnson, Parker, and
Souleles consider the distribution of tax rebates in 2001. All these authors
find that the predictable changes in income resulting from the policies are
associated with substantial predictable changes in consumption.
This pattern appears to break down, however, when the predictable movements in income are large and regular. Paxson (1993), Browning and Collado
(2001), and Hsieh (2003) consider predictable income movements that are
often 10 percent or more of a family’s annual income. In Paxson’s and
Browning and Collado’s cases, the movements stem from seasonal fluctuations in labor income; in Hsieh’s case, they stem from the state of Alaska’s
annual payments to its residents from its oil royalties. In all three cases, the
permanent-income hypothesis describes consumption behavior well.
Cyclical fluctuations in income are much smaller and much less obviously predictable than the movements considered by Paxson, Browning and
Collado, and Hsieh. Thus the behavior of consumption over the business
cycle seems more likely to resemble its behavior in response to the income
movements considered by Shea and others than to resemble its behavior
in response to the movements considered by Paxson and others. Certainly
Campbell and Mankiw’s findings are consistent with this view.
At the same time, it is possible that cyclical income fluctuations are different in some important way from the variations caused by contracts and the
tax code; for example, they may be more salient to consumers. As a result,
the behavior of consumption in response to aggregate income fluctuations
could be closer to the predictions of the permanent-income hypothesis.
Unfortunately, it appears that only aggregate data can resolve the issue.
And although those data point against the permanent-income hypothesis,
they are far from decisive.
8.4 The Interest Rate and Saving
An important issue concerning consumption involves its response to rates
of return. For example, many economists have argued that more favorable
tax treatment of interest income would increase saving, and thus increase
growth. But if consumption is relatively unresponsive to the rate of return,
such policies would have little effect. Understanding the impact of rates of
return on consumption is thus important.
The Interest Rate and Consumption Growth
We begin by extending the analysis of consumption under certainty in Section 8.1 to allow for a nonzero interest rate. This largely repeats material in
Section 2.2; for convenience, however, we quickly repeat that analysis here.
Once we allow for a nonzero interest rate, the individual’s budget constraint is that the present value of lifetime consumption not exceed initial
wealth plus the present value of lifetime labor income. For the case of a
constant interest rate and a lifetime of T periods, this constraint is
(1 + r)
C ≤ A0 +
t t
(1 + r)t
Yt ,
where r is the interest rate and where all variables are discounted to
period 0.
When we allow for a nonzero interest rate, it is also useful to allow for a
nonzero discount rate. In addition, it simplifies the analysis to assume that
the instantaneous utility function takes the constant-relative-risk-aversion
form used in Chapter 2: u(C t ) = C t1−θ/(1 − θ), where θ is the coefficient of
relative risk aversion (the inverse of the elasticity of substitution between
consumption at different dates). Thus the utility function, (8.1), becomes
C t1−θ
(1 + ρ) 1 − θ
where ρ is the discount rate.
Now consider our usual experiment of a decrease in consumption in some
period, period t, accompanied by an increase in consumption in the next
period by 1 + r times the amount of the decrease. Optimization requires
that a marginal change of this type has no effect on lifetime utility. Since
the marginal utilities of consumption in periods t and t + 1 are C t−θ/(1 + ρ)t
8.4 The Interest Rate and Saving
t +1
and C t−θ
, this condition is
+1 /(1 + ρ)
(1 + ρ)t
C t−θ = (1 + r)
(1 + ρ)t +1
C t−θ
+1 .
We can rearrange this condition to obtain
C t +1
This analysis implies that once we allow for the possibility that the real
interest rate and the discount rate are not equal, consumption need not be a
random walk: consumption is rising over time if r exceeds ρ and falling if r
is less than ρ. In addition, if there are variations in the real interest rate, there
are variations in the predictable component of consumption growth. Hansen
and Singleton (1983), Hall (1988b), Campbell and Mankiw (1989), and others
therefore examine how much consumption growth responds to variations in
the real interest rate. For the most part they find that it responds relatively
little, which suggests that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is low
(that is, that θ is high).
The Interest Rate and Saving in the Two-Period Case
Although an increase in the interest rate reduces the ratio of first-period to
second-period consumption, it does not necessarily follow that the increase
reduces first-period consumption and thereby raises saving. The complication is that the change in the interest rate has not only a substitution effect,
but also an income effect. Specifically, if the individual is a net saver, the
increase in the interest rate allows him or her to attain a higher path of
consumption than before.
The qualitative issues can be seen in the case where the individual lives
for only two periods. For this case, we can use the standard indifferencecurve diagram shown in Figure 8.2. For simplicity, assume the individual has
no initial wealth. Thus in (C 1 ,C 2 ) space, the individual’s budget constraint
goes through the point (Y1 ,Y2 ): the individual can choose to consume his
or her income each period. The slope of the budget constraint is − (1 + r ):
giving up 1 unit of first-period consumption allows the individual to increase
second-period consumption by 1 + r. When r rises, the budget constraint
continues to go through (Y1 ,Y2 ) but becomes steeper; thus it pivots clockwise around (Y1 ,Y2 ).
In Panel (a), the individual is initially at the point (Y1 ,Y2 ); that is, saving is
initially zero. In this case the increase in r has no income effect—the individual’s initial consumption bundle continues to be on the budget constraint.
Thus first-period consumption necessarily falls, and so saving necessarily
In Panel ( b), C 1 is initially less than Y1 , and thus saving is positive. In
this case the increase in r has a positive income effect—the individual can
The interest rate and consumption choices in the two-period case
8.4 The Interest Rate and Saving
now afford strictly more than his or her initial bundle. The income effect
acts to decrease saving, whereas the substitution effect acts to increase it.
The overall effect is ambiguous; in the case shown in the figure, saving does
not change.
Finally, in Panel (c) the individual is initially borrowing. In this case both
the substitution and income effects reduce first-period consumption, and
so saving necessarily rises.
Since the stock of wealth in the economy is positive, individuals are on
average savers rather than borrowers. Thus the overall income effect of a
rise in the interest rate is positive. An increase in the interest rate thus
has two competing effects on overall saving, a positive one through the
substitution effect and a negative one through the income effect.
This discussion appears to imply that unless the elasticity of substitution
between consumption in different periods is large, increases in the interest
rate are unlikely to bring about substantial increases in saving. There are
two reasons, however, that the importance of this conclusion is limited.
First, many of the changes we are interested in do not involve just changes
in the interest rate. For tax policy, the relevant experiment is usually a
change in composition between taxes on interest income and other taxes
that leaves government revenue unchanged. As Problem 8.7 shows, such a
change has only a substitution effect, and thus necessarily shifts consumption toward the future.
Second, and more subtly, if individuals have long horizons, small changes
in saving can accumulate over time into large changes in wealth (Summers,
1981a). To see this, first consider an individual with an infinite horizon and
constant labor income. Suppose that the interest rate equals the individual’s
discount rate. From (8.26), this means that the individual’s consumption is
constant. The budget constraint then implies that the individual consumes
the sum of interest and labor incomes: any higher steady level of consumption implies violating the budget constraint, and any lower level implies
failing to satisfy the constraint with equality. That is, the individual maintains his or her initial wealth level regardless of its value: the individual is
willing to hold any amount of wealth if r = ρ. A similar analysis shows that
if r > ρ, the individual’s wealth grows without bound, and that if r < ρ, his
or her wealth falls without bound. Thus the long-run supply of capital is
perfectly elastic at r = ρ.
Summers shows that similar, though less extreme, results hold in the
case of long but finite lifetimes. Suppose, for example, that r is slightly
larger than ρ, that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is small, and
that labor income is constant. The facts that r exceeds ρ and that the elasticity of substitution is small imply that consumption rises slowly over the
individual’s lifetime. But with a long lifetime, this means that consumption
is much larger at the end of life than at the beginning. But since labor income is constant, this in turn implies that the individual gradually builds
up considerable savings over the first part of his or her life and gradually
decumulates them over the remainder. As a result, when horizons are finite
but long, wealth holdings may be highly responsive to the interest rate in
the long run even if the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is small.10
8.5 Consumption and Risky Assets
Individuals can invest in many assets, almost all of which have uncertain
returns. Extending our analysis to account for multiple assets and risk raises
some new issues concerning both household behavior and asset markets.
The Conditions for Individual Optimization
Consider an individual reducing consumption in period t by an infinitesimal
amount and using the resulting saving to buy an asset, i, that produces a
potentially uncertain stream of payoffs, D it +1 , D it +2 , . . . . If the individual is
optimizing, the marginal utility he or she forgoes from the reduced consumption in period t must equal the expected sum of the discounted
marginal utilities of the future consumption provided by the asset’s payoffs. If we let P it denote the price of the asset, this condition is
(C t )P it
= Et
(1 + ρ)k
(C t +k )D ti +k
for all i.
To see the implications (8.27), suppose the individual holds the asset for
only one period, and define the return on the asset, rti +1 , by rti +1 =
D ti +1 ,
D ti +1
P it
(Note that here the payoff to the asset,
includes not only any dividend
payouts in period t + 1, but also any proceeds from selling the asset.) Then
(8.27) becomes
u ′ (C t ) =
for all i.
E t 1 + rti +1 u ′ (C t +1 )
Since the expectation of the product of two variables equals the product of
their expectations plus their covariance, we can rewrite this expression as
u ′ (C t ) =
E t 1 + rti +1 E t [u ′ (C t +1 )]
+ Covt 1 + rti +1 ,u ′ (C t +1 )
for all i,
where Covt (•) is covariance conditional on information available at time t.
Carroll (1997) shows, however, that the presence of uncertainty weakens this
Consumption and Risky Assets
If we assume that utility is quadratic, u(C ) = C −aC 2/2, then the marginal
utility of consumption is 1 − aC. Using this to substitute for the covariance
term in (8.29), we obtain
u ′ (C t ) =
E t 1 + rti +1 E t [u ′ (C t +1 )] − a Covt 1 + rti +1 ,C t +1
Equation (8.30) implies that in deciding whether to hold more of an asset,
the individual is not concerned with how risky the asset is: the variance of
the asset’s return does not appear in (8.30). Intuitively, a marginal increase
in holdings of an asset that is risky, but whose risk is not correlated with
the overall risk the individual faces, does not increase the variance of the
individual’s consumption. Thus in evaluating that marginal decision, the
individual considers only the asset’s expected return.
Equation (8.30) implies that the aspect of riskiness that matters to the
decision of whether to hold more of an asset is the relation between the
asset’s payoff and consumption. Suppose, for example, that the individual
is given an opportunity to buy a new asset whose expected return equals
the rate of return on a risk-free asset that the individual is already able
to buy. If the payoff to the new asset is typically high when the marginal
utility of consumption is high (that is, when consumption is low), buying
one unit of the asset raises expected utility by more than buying one unit
of the risk-free asset. Thus (since the individual was previously indifferent about buying more of the risk-free asset), the individual can raise his
or her expected utility by buying the new asset. As the individual invests
more in the asset, his or her consumption comes to depend more on the
asset’s payoff, and so the covariance between consumption and the asset’s return becomes less negative. In the example we are considering, since
the asset’s expected return equals the risk-free rate, the individual invests
in the asset until the covariance of its return with consumption reaches
This discussion implies that hedging risks is crucial to optimal portfolio
choices. A steelworker whose future labor income depends on the health of
the U.S. steel industry should avoid—or better yet, sell short—assets whose
returns are positively correlated with the fortunes of the steel industry, such
as shares in U.S. steel companies. Instead the worker should invest in assets
whose returns move inversely with the health of the U.S. steel industry, such
as foreign steel companies or U.S. aluminum companies.
One implication of this analysis is that individuals should exhibit no
particular tendency to hold shares of companies that operate in the individuals’ own countries. In fact, because the analysis implies that individuals should avoid assets whose returns are correlated with other sources of
risk to their consumption, it implies that their holdings should be skewed
against domestic companies. For example, for plausible parameter values it
predicts that the typical person in the United States should sell U.S. stocks
short (Baxter and Jermann, 1997). In fact, however, individuals’ portfolios
are very heavily skewed toward domestic companies (French and Poterba,
1991). This pattern is known as home bias.
The Consumption CAPM
This discussion takes assets’ expected returns as given. But individuals’ demands for assets determine these expected returns. If, for example, an asset’s payoff is highly correlated with consumption, its price must be driven
down to the point where its expected return is high for individuals to
hold it.
To see the implications of this observation for asset prices, suppose that
all individuals are the same, and return to the general first-order condition,
(8.27). Solving this expression for P it yields
P it
= Et
u ′ (C t +k )
(1 + ρ)k u ′ (C t )
D it +k
The term [1/(1 + ρ)k ]u ′ (C t +k )/u ′ (C t ) shows how the consumer values future
payoffs, and therefore how much he or she is willing to pay for various
assets. It is referred to as the pricing kernel or stochastic discount factor.
Similarly, we can find the implications of our analysis for expected returns
by solving (8.30) for E t [1 + r it +1 ]:
E t 1 + rti +1 =
E t [u (C t +1 )]
(1 + ρ)u ′ (C t ) + a Covt 1 + rti +1 ,C t +1
Equation (8.32) states that the higher the covariance of an asset’s payoff
with consumption, the higher its expected return must be.
We can simplify (8.32) by considering the return on a risk-free asset. If
the payoff to an asset is certain, then the covariance of its payoff with consumption is zero. Thus the risk-free rate, rt +1 , satisfies
1 + rt +1 =
(1 + ρ)u ′ (C t )
E t [u ′ (C t +1 )]
Subtracting (8.33) from (8.32) gives
E t rti +1 − rt +1 =
a Covt 1 + rti +1 , C t +1
E t [u ′ (C t +1 )]
Equation (8.34) states that the expected-return premium that an asset must
offer relative to the risk-free rate is proportional to the covariance of its
return with consumption.
This model of the determination of expected asset returns is known
as the consumption capital-asset pricing model, or consumption CAPM. The
Consumption and Risky Assets
coefficient from a regression of an asset’s return on consumption growth
is known as its consumption beta. Thus the central prediction of the
consumption CAPM is that the premiums that assets offer are proportional
to their consumption betas (Breeden, 1979; see also Merton, 1973, and
Rubinstein, 1976).11
Empirical Application: The Equity-Premium Puzzle
One of the most important implications of this analysis of assets’ expected
returns concerns the case where the risky asset is a broad portfolio of
stocks. To see the issues involved, it is easiest to return to the Euler equation,
(8.28), and to assume that individuals have constant-relative-risk-aversion
utility rather than quadratic utility. With this assumption, the Euler equation
C t−θ =
1 + rti +1 C t−θ
+1 ,
where θ is the coefficient of relative risk aversion. If we divide both sides
by C t−θ and multiply both sides by 1 + ρ, this expression becomes
1 + ρ = Et
+ rti +1
C t−θ
C t−θ
Finally, it is convenient to let gtc+1 denote the growth rate of consumption
from t to t + 1, (C t +1 /C t ) − 1, and to omit the time subscripts. Thus we have
E [(1 + r i )(1 + g c )−θ ] = 1 + ρ.
To see the implications of (8.37), we take a second-order Taylor approximation of the left-hand side around r = g = 0. Computing the relevant
derivatives yields
(1 + r)(1 + g)−θ ≃ 1 + r − θg − θgr + 21 θ(θ + 1)g 2 .
Thus we can rewrite (8.37) as
E [r i ] − θE [g c ] − θ{E [r i ]E [g c ] + Cov (r i ,g c )}
+ 12 θ(θ + 1){(E [g c ])2 + Var (g c )} ≃ ρ.
The original CAPM assumes that investors are concerned with the mean and variance of
the return on their portfolio rather than the mean and variance of consumption. That version
of the model therefore focuses on market betas—that is, coefficients from regressions of
assets’ returns on the returns on the market portfolio—and predicts that expected-return
premiums are proportional to market betas (Lintner, 1965, and Sharpe, 1964).
When the time period involved is short, the E [r i ]E [g c ] and (E [g c ])2 terms are
small relative to the others.12 Omitting these terms and solving the resulting
expression for E [r i ] yields
E [r i ] ≃ ρ + θE [g c ] + θ Cov (r i ,g c ) − 21 θ(θ + 1)Var(g c ).
Equation (8.40) implies that the difference between the expected returns on
two assets, i and j, satisfies
E [r i ] − E [r j ] = θ Cov (r i ,g c ) − θ Cov (r j ,g c )
= θ Cov (r i − r j ,g c ).
In a famous paper, Mehra and Prescott (1985) show that it is difficult
to reconcile observed returns on stocks and bonds with equation (8.41).
Mankiw and Zeldes (1991) report a simple calculation that shows the essence
of the problem. For the United States during the period 1890–1979 (which is
the sample that Mehra and Prescott consider), the difference between the average return on the stock market and the return on short-term government
debt—the equity premium—is about 6 percentage points. Over the same
period, the standard deviation of the growth of consumption (as measured
by real purchases of nondurables and services) is 3.6 percentage points, and
the standard deviation of the excess return on the market is 16.7 percentage
points; the correlation between these two quantities is 0.40. These figures
imply that the covariance of consumption growth and the excess return on
the market is 0.40(0.036)(0.167), or 0.0024.
Equation (8.41) therefore implies that the coefficient of relative risk aversion needed to account for the equity premium is the solution to 0.06 =
θ (0.0024), or θ = 25. This is an extraordinary level of risk aversion; it
implies, for example, that individuals would rather accept a 17 percent
reduction in consumption with certainty than risk a 50-50 chance of a 20 percent reduction. As Mehra and Prescott describe, other evidence suggests that
risk aversion is much lower than this. Among other things, such a high degree of aversion to variations in consumption makes it puzzling that the
average risk-free rate is close to zero despite the fact that consumption is
growing over time.
Furthermore, the equity-premium puzzle has become more severe in the
period since Mehra and Prescott identified it. From 1979 to 2008, the average equity premium is 7 percentage points, which is slightly higher than in
Mehra and Prescott’s sample period. More importantly, consumption growth
has become more stable and less correlated with returns: the standard deviation of consumption growth over this period is 1.1 percentage points, the
standard deviation of the excess market return is 14.2 percentage points,
and the correlation between these two quantities is 0.33. These figures
Indeed, for the continuous-time case, one can derive equation (8.40) without any
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
imply a coefficient of relative risk aversion of 0.07/ [0.33(0.011)(0.142)], or
about 140.
The large equity premium, particularly when coupled with the low riskfree rate, is thus difficult to reconcile with household optimization. This
equity-premium puzzle has stimulated a large amount of research, and many
explanations for it have been proposed. No clear resolution of the puzzle
has been provided, however.13
8.6 Beyond the Permanent-Income
Background: Buffer-Stock Saving
The permanent-income hypothesis provides appealing explanations of many
important features of consumption. For example, it explains why temporary
tax cuts appear to have much smaller effects than permanent ones, and it
accounts for many features of the relationship between current income and
consumption, such as those described in Section 8.1.
Yet there are also important features of consumption that appear inconsistent with the permanent-income hypothesis. For example, as described
in Section 8.3, both macroeconomic and microeconomic evidence suggest
that consumption often responds to predictable changes in income. And as
we just saw, simple models of consumer optimization cannot account for
the equity premium.
Indeed, the permanent-income hypothesis fails to explain some central
features of consumption behavior. One of the hypothesis’s key predictions
is that there should be no relation between the expected growth of an individual’s income over his or her lifetime and the expected growth of his or
her consumption: consumption growth is determined by the real interest
rate and the discount rate, not by the time pattern of income.
Carroll and Summers (1991) present extensive evidence that this prediction of the permanent-income hypothesis is incorrect. For example, individuals in countries where income growth is high typically have high rates of
consumption growth over their lifetimes, and individuals in slowly growing
countries typically have low rates of consumption growth. Similarly, typical
Proposed explanations include incomplete markets and transactions costs (Mankiw,
1986; Mankiw and Zeldes, 1991; Heaton and Lucas, 1996; Luttmer, 1999; and Problem 8.11);
habit formation (Constantinides, 1990; Campbell and Cochrane, 1999); nonexpected utility
(Weil, 1989b; Epstein and Zin, 1991; Bekaert, Hodrick, and Marshall, 1997); concern about
equity returns for reasons other than just their implications for consumption (Benartzi
and Thaler, 1995; Barberis, Huang, and Santos, 2001); gradual adjustment of consumption
(Gabaix and Laibson, 2001; Parker, 2001); and a small probability of a catastrophic decline
in consumption and equity prices (Barro, 2006).
lifetime consumption patterns of individuals in different occupations tend
to match typical lifetime income patterns in those occupations. Managers
and professionals, for example, generally have earnings profiles that rise
steeply until middle age and then level off; their consumption profiles follow a similar pattern.
More generally, most households have little wealth (see, for example,
Wolff, 1998). Their consumption approximately tracks their income. As a
result, as described in Section 8.3, their current income has a large role
in determining their consumption. Nonetheless, these households have a
small amount of saving that they use in the event of sharp falls in income
or emergency spending needs. In the terminology of Deaton (1991), most
households exhibit buffer-stock saving behavior. As a result, a small fraction
of households hold the vast majority of wealth.
These failings of the permanent-income hypothesis have motivated a
large amount of work on extensions or alternatives to the theory. Three
ideas that have received particular attention are precautionary saving,
liquidity constraints, and departures from full optimization. This section
touches on some of the issues raised by these ideas.14
Precautionary Saving
Recall that our derivation of the random-walk result in Section 8.2 was based
on the assumption that utility is quadratic. Quadratic utility implies, however, that marginal utility reaches zero at some finite level of consumption
and then becomes negative. It also implies that the utility cost of a given
variance of consumption is independent of the level of consumption. This
means that, since the marginal utility of consumption is declining, individuals have increasing absolute risk aversion: the amount of consumption
they are willing to give up to avoid a given amount of uncertainty about the
level of consumption rises as they become wealthier. These difficulties with
quadratic utility suggest that marginal utility falls more slowly as consumption rises. That is, the third derivative of utility is almost certainly positive
rather than zero.
To see the effects of a positive third derivative, assume that both the
real interest rate and the discount rate are zero, and consider again the
Euler equation relating consumption in consecutive periods, equation (8.20):
Four extensions of the permanent-income hypothesis that we will not discuss are durability of consumption goods, habit formation, nonexpected utility, and complementarity between consumption and employment. For durability, see Mankiw (1982); Caballero (1990,
1993); Eberly (1994); and Problem 8.12. For habit formation, see Carroll, Overland, and Weil
(1997); Dynan (2000); Fuhrer (2000); Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (2007); and Problem 8.13.
For nonexpected utility, see Weil (1989b, 1990) and Epstein and Zin (1989, 1991). For complementarity, see Benhabib, Rogerson, and Wright (1991), Baxter and Jermann (1999), and
Aguiar and Hurst (2005).
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
u ′ (C t ) = E t [u ′ (C t +1 )]. As described in Section 8.2, if utility is quadratic,
marginal utility is linear, and so E t [u ′ (C t +1 )] equals u ′ (E t [C t +1 ]). Thus in this
case, the Euler equation reduces to C t = E t [C t +1 ]. But if u ′′′ (•) is positive, then
u ′ (C) is a convex function of C. In this case, E t [u ′ (C t +1 )] exceeds u ′ (E t [C t +1 ]).
But this means that if C t and E t [C t +1 ] are equal, E t [u ′ (C t +1 )] is greater than
u ′ (C t ), and so a marginal reduction in C t increases expected utility. Thus the
combination of a positive third derivative of the utility function and uncertainty about future income reduces current consumption, and thus raises
saving. This saving is known as precautionary saving (Leland, 1968).
Panel (a) of Figure 8.3 shows the impact of uncertainty and a positive
third derivative of the utility function on the expected marginal utility of
consumption. Since u ′′ (C) is negative, u ′ (C) is decreasing in C. And since
u ′′′ (C) is positive, u ′ (C) declines less rapidly as C rises. If consumption takes
on only two possible values, CL and C H , each with probability 12 , the expected
marginal utility of consumption is the average of marginal utility at these
two values. In terms of the diagram, this is shown by the midpoint of the
line connecting u ′ (CL ) and u ′ (C H ). As the diagram shows, the fact that u ′ (C)
is convex implies that this quantity is larger than marginal utility at the
average value of consumption, (CL + C H )/2.
Panel (b) depicts an increase in uncertainty. In particular, the low value
of consumption, CL , falls, and the high value, C H , rises, with no change in
their mean. When the high value of consumption rises, the fact that u ′′′ (C) is
positive means that marginal utility falls relatively little; but when the low
value falls, the positive third derivative magnifies the rise in marginal utility.
As a result, the increase in uncertainty raises expected marginal utility for
a given value of expected consumption. Thus the increase in uncertainty
raises the incentive to save.
An important question, of course, is whether precautionary saving is
quantitatively important. To address this issue, recall equation (8.40) from
our analysis of the equity premium: E [r i ] ≃ ρ + θE [g c ] + θ Cov (r i ,g c ) −
θ(θ + 1)Var (g c ). If we consider a risk-free asset and assume r = ρ for
simplicity, this expression becomes
ρ ≃ ρ + θE [g c ] − 21 θ(θ + 1)Var (g c ),
E [g c ] ≃ 12 (θ + 1)Var (g c ).
Thus the impact of precautionary saving on expected consumption growth
depends on the variance of consumption growth and the coefficient of relative risk aversion.15 If both are substantial, precautionary saving can have
a large effect on expected consumption growth. If the coefficient of relative
risk aversion is 4 (which is toward the high end of values that are viewed
For a general utility function, the θ + 1 term is replaced by −Cu ′′′ (C )/u ′′ (C ). In analogy to the coefficient of relative risk aversion, −Cu ′′ (C )/u ′ (C ), Kimball (1990) refers to
−Cu ′′′ (C )/u ′′ (C ) as the coefficient of relative prudence.
u ′ (C )
u ′ (CL )
[u ′ (CL ) + u ′ (CH )]/2
u ′ ([CL + CH ]/2)
u ′ (CH )
(CL + CH )/2
u ′ (C )
[u ′ (CL′ ) + u ′ (CH′ )]/2
[u ′ (CL ) + u ′ (CH )]/2
(CL + CH )/2
The effects of a positive third derivative of the utility function on
the expected marginal utility of consumption
as plausible), and the standard deviation of households’ uncertainty about
their consumption 1 year ahead is 0.1 (which is consistent with the evidence
in Dynan, 1993, and Carroll, 1992), (8.43) implies that precautionary saving
raises expected consumption growth by 21 (4 + 1)(0. 1)2 , or 2.5 percentage
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
This analysis implies that precautionary saving raises expected consumption growth; that is, it decreases current consumption and thus increases
saving. But one of the basic features of household behavior we are trying to
understand is that most households save very little. Carroll (1992, 1997) argues that the key to understanding this phenomenon is a combination of a
precautionary motive for saving and a high discount rate. The high discount
rate acts to decrease saving, offsetting the effect of the precautionary-saving
This hypothesis does not, however, provide a reason for the two forces
to approximately balance, so that savings are typically close to zero. Rather,
this view implies that households that are particularly impatient, that have
particularly steep paths of expected income, or that have particularly weak
precautionary-saving motives will have consumption far in excess of income
early in life. Explaining the fact that there are not many such households
requires something further.16
Liquidity Constraints
The permanent-income hypothesis assumes that individuals can borrow at
the same interest rate at which they can save as long as they eventually
repay their loans. Yet the interest rates that households pay on credit card
debt, automobile loans, and other borrowing are often much higher than the
rates they obtain on their savings. In addition, some individuals are unable
to borrow more at any interest rate.
Liquidity constraints can raise saving in two ways. First, and most obviously, whenever a liquidity constraint is binding, it causes the individual
to consume less than he or she otherwise would. Second, as Zeldes (1989)
emphasizes, even if the constraints are not currently binding, the fact that
they may bind in the future reduces current consumption. Suppose, for example, there is some chance of low income in the next period. If there are
no liquidity constraints, and if income in fact turns out to be low, the individual can borrow to avoid a sharp fall in consumption. If there are liquidity
constraints, however, the fall in income causes a large fall in consumption
unless the individual has savings. Thus the presence of liquidity constraints
causes individuals to save as insurance against the effects of future falls in
Carroll points out that an extreme precautionary-saving motive can in fact account for
the fact that there are not many such households. Suppose the marginal utility of consumption approaches infinity as consumption approaches some low level, C 0 . Then households
will make certain their consumption is always above this level. As a result, they will choose
to limit their debt if there is any chance of their income path being only slightly above the
level that would finance steady consumption at C 0 . But plausible changes in assumptions
(such as introducing income-support programs or assuming large but finite marginal utility
at C 0 ) eliminate this result.
These points can be seen in a three-period model. To distinguish the effects of liquidity constraints from precautionary saving, assume that the instantaneous utility function is quadratic. In addition, continue to assume
that the real interest rate and the discount rate are zero.
Begin by considering the individual’s behavior in period 2. Let At denote
assets at the end of period t. Since the individual lives for only three periods,
C3 equals A 2 + Y3 , which in turn equals A 1 + Y2 + Y3 − C 2 . The individual’s
expected utility over the last two periods of life as a function of his or her
choice of C 2 is therefore
U = C 2 − 12 aC 22 + E 2 (A 1 + Y2 + Y3 − C 2 )
− 21 a(A 1 + Y2 + Y3 − C 2 )2 .
The derivative of this expression with respect to C 2 is
∂C 2
= 1 − aC 2 − (1 − aE 2 [A 1 + Y2 + Y3 − C 2 ])
= a(A 1 + Y2 + E 2 [Y3 ] − 2C 2 ).
This expression is positive for C 2 < (A 1 + Y2 + E 2 [Y3 ])/2, and negative
thereafter. Thus, as we know from our earlier analysis, if the liquidity constraint does not bind, the individual chooses C 2 = (A 1 + Y2 + E 2 [Y3 ])/2. But
if it does bind, he or she sets consumption to the maximum attainable level,
which is A 1 + Y2 . Thus,
C 2 = min
A 1 + Y2 + E 2 [Y3 ]
,A 1 + Y2
Thus the liquidity constraint reduces current consumption if it is binding.
Now consider the first period. If the liquidity constraint is not binding
that period, the individual has the option of marginally raising C 1 and paying
for this by reducing C 2 . Thus if the individual’s assets are not literally zero,
the usual Euler equation holds. With the specific assumptions we are making, this means that C 1 equals the expectation of C 2 .
But the fact that the Euler equation holds does not mean that the liquidity
constraints do not affect consumption. Equation (8.46) implies that if the
probability that the liquidity constraint will bind in the second period is
strictly positive, the expectation of C 2 as of period 1 is strictly less than the
expectation of (A 1 + Y2 + E 2 [Y3 ])/2. A 1 is given by A 0 + Y1 − C 1 , and the law
of iterated projections implies that E 1 [E 2 [Y3 ]] equals E 1 [Y3 ]. Thus,
C1 <
A 0 + Y1 + E 1 [Y2 ] + E 1 [Y3 ] − C 1
Adding C 1 /2 to both sides of this expression and then dividing by
C1 <
A 0 + Y1 + E 1 [Y2 ] + E 1 [Y3 ]
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
Thus even when the liquidity constraint does not bind currently, the possibility that it will bind in the future reduces consumption.
Finally, if the value of C 1 that satisfies C 1 = E 1 [C 2 ] (given that C 2 is determined by [8.46]) is greater than the individual’s period-1 resources, A 0 + Y1 ,
the first-period liquidity constraint is binding; in this case the individual
consumes A 0 + Y1 .
Thus liquidity constraints alone, like precautionary saving alone, raise
saving. Explaining why household wealth is often low on the basis of liquidity constraints therefore again requires appealing to a high discount rate.
As before, the high discount rate tends to make households want to have
high consumption. But with liquidity constraints, consumption cannot systematically exceed income early in life. Instead, households are constrained,
and so their consumption follows their income.
The combination of liquidity constraints and impatience can also explain
why households typically have some savings. When there are liquidity constraints, a household with no wealth faces asymmetric risks from increases
and decreases in income even if its utility is quadratic. A large fall in income
forces a corresponding fall in consumption, and thus a large rise in the
marginal utility of consumption. In contrast, a large rise in income causes
the household to save, and thus leads to only a moderate fall in marginal
utility. This is precisely the reason that the possibility of future liquidity
constraints lowers consumption. Researchers who have examined this issue
quantitatively, however, generally find that this effect is not large enough
to account for even the small savings we observe. Thus they typically introduce a precautionary-saving motive as well. The positive third derivative of the utility function increases consumers’ desire to insure themselves
against the fall in consumption that would result from a fall in income, and
so increases the consumers’ savings beyond what would come about from
liquidity constraints and quadratic utility alone.17
Empirical Application: Credit Limits and Borrowing
In the absence of liquidity constraints, an increase in the amount a particular
lender is willing to lend will not affect consumption. But if there are binding liquidity constraints, such an increase will increase the consumption of
households that are borrowing as much as they can. Moreover, by making it
less likely that households will be up against their borrowing constraints in
the future, the increase may raise the consumption of households that are
not currently at their constraints.
Gourinchas and Parker (2002) extend the analysis of impatience, liquidity constraints,
and precautionary savings to the life cycle. Even a fairly impatient household wants to avoid
a large drop in consumption at retirement. Gourinchas and Parker find that as a result, it
appears that most households are mainly buffer-stock savers early in life but begin accumulating savings for retirement once they reach middle age.
Gross and Souleles (2002) test these predictions by examining the impact of changes in the credit limits on households’ credit cards. Their basic
regression takes the form:
B it = b0 L it + b1 L i,t −1 + · · · + b12 L i,t −12 + a ′ X it + eit .
Here i indexes households and t months, B is interest-incurring credit-card
debt, L is the credit limit, and X is a vector of control variables.
An obvious concern about equation (8.49) is that credit-card issuers might
tend to raise credit limits when cardholders are more likely to borrow more.
That is, there might be correlation between e, which captures other influences on borrowing, and the L terms. Gross and Souleles take various approaches to dealing with this problem. For example, in most specifications
they exclude cases where cardholders request increases in their borrowing
limits. Their most compelling approach uses institutional features of how
card issuers adjust credit limits that induce variation in L that is almost
certainly unrelated to variations in e. Most issuers are unlikely to raise a
card’s credit limit for a certain number of months after a previous increase,
with different issuers doing this for different numbers of months. Gross
and Souleles therefore introduce a set of dummy variables, D jn , where Dit
equals 1 if and only if household i’s card is from issuer j and i’s credit
limit was increased n months before month t. They then estimate (8.49) by
instrumental variables, using the D jn ’s as the instruments.
For Gross and Souleles’s basic instrumental-variables specification, the
sum of the estimated b ’s in (8.49) is 0.111, with a standard error of 0.018.
That is, a one-dollar increase in the credit limit is associated with an 11-cent
increase in borrowing after 12 months. This estimate is highly robust to the
estimation technique, control variables, and sample.18
Gross and Souleles then ask whether the increased borrowing is confined
to households that are borrowing as much as they can. To do this, they split
the sample by the utilization rate (the ratio of the credit-card balance to the
credit limit) in month t −13 (the month before the earliest L term in [8.49]).
For households with initial utilization rates above 90 percent, the sum of the
b’s is very large: 0.452 (with a standard error of 0.125). Crucially, however,
it remains clearly positive for households with lower utilization rates: 0.158
(with a standard error of 0.060) when the utilization rate is between 50 and
90 percent, and 0.068 (with a standard error of 0.018) when the utilization
rate is less than 50 percent. Thus the data support not just the prediction
of the theory that changes in liquidity constraints matter for households
Gross and Souleles have data on borrowers’ other credit-card debt; they find no evidence that the increased borrowing in response to the increases in credit limits lowers other
credit-card debt. However, since they do not have complete data on households’ balance
sheets, they cannot rule out the possibility that the increased borrowing is associated with
lower debt of other types or increased asset holdings. But they argue that since interest rates
on credit-card debt are quite high, this effect is unlikely to be large.
Beyond the Permanent-Income Hypothesis
that are currently constrained, but the more interesting prediction that they
matter for households that are not currently constrained but may be in the
Gross and Souleles do uncover one important pattern that is at odds
with the model, however. Using a separate data set, they find that it is common for households to have both interest-incurring credit-card debt and
liquid assets. For example, one-third of households with positive interestincurring credit-card debt have liquid assets worth more than one month’s
income. Given the large difference between the interest rates on credit-card
debt and liquid assets, these households appear to be forgoing a virtually
riskless opportunity to save money. Thus this behavior is puzzling not just
for theories of liquidity constraints, but for virtually all theories.
Departures from Complete Optimization
The assumption of costless optimization is a powerful modeling device,
and it provides a good first approximation to how individuals respond to
many changes. At the same time, it does not provide a perfect description
of how people behave. There are well-documented cases in which individuals appear to depart consistently and systematically from the predictions of
standard models of utility maximization, and in which those departures are
quantitatively important (see, for example, Tversky and Kahneman, 1974,
and Loewenstein and Thaler, 1989). This may be the case with choices between consumption and saving. The calculations involved are complex, the
time periods are long, and there is a great deal of uncertainty that is difficult
to quantify. So instead of attempting to be completely optimizing, individuals may follow rules of thumb in choosing their consumption (Shefrin and
Thaler, 1988). Indeed, such rules of thumb may be the rational response
to such factors as computation costs and fundamental uncertainty about
how future after-tax income is determined. Examples of possible rules of
thumb are that it is usually reasonable to spend one’s current income and
that assets should be dipped into only in exceptional circumstances. Relying on such rules may lead households to use saving and borrowing to
smooth short-run income fluctuations; thus they will typically have some
savings, and consumption will follow the predictions of the permanentincome hypothesis reasonably well at short horizons. But such behavior
may also cause consumption to track income fairly closely over long horizons; thus savings will typically be small.
One specific departure from full optimization that has received considerable attention is time-inconsistent preferences (for example, Laibson, 1997).
There is considerable evidence that individuals (and animals as well) are impatient at short horizons but patient at long horizons. This leads to time
inconsistency. Consider, for example, choices concerning consumption over
a two-week period. When the period is in the distant future—when it is a
year away, for instance—individuals typically have little preference for consumption in the first week over consumption in the second. Thus they prefer
roughly equal levels of consumption in the two weeks. When the two weeks
arrive, however, individuals often want to depart from their earlier plans
and have higher consumption in the first week.
Time inconsistency alone, like the other departures from the baseline
model alone, cannot account for the puzzling features of consumption we
are trying to understand. By itself, time inconsistency makes consumers
act as though they are impatient: at each point in time, individuals value
current consumption greatly relative to future consumption, and so their
consumption is high (Barro, 1999). And time inconsistency alone provides
no reason for consumption to approximately track income for a large number of households, so that their savings are close to zero. Other factors—
liquidity constraints, the ability to save in illiquid forms (so that individuals can limit their future ability to indulge the strong preference they feel
at each moment for current consumption), and perhaps a precautionarysaving motivation—appear needed for models with time inconsistency to
fit the facts (Angeletos, Laibson, Repetto, Tobacman, and Weinberg, 2001).
Two themes emerge from this discussion. First, no single factor can account
for the main departures from the permanent-income hypothesis. Second,
there is considerable agreement on the broad factors that must be present:
a high degree of impatience (from either a high discount rate or time inconsistency with a perpetually high weight on current consumption); some
force preventing consumption from running far ahead of income (either liquidity constraints or rules of thumb that stress the importance of avoiding
debt); and a precautionary-saving motive.
8.1. Life-cycle saving. (Modigliani and Brumberg, 1954.) Consider an individual
who lives from 0 to T, and whose lifetime utility is given by U = t =0 u(C(t ))dt ,
where u ′ (•) > 0, u ′′ (•) < 0. The individual’s income is Y0 + g t for 0 ≤ t < R, and
0 for R ≤ t ≤ T. The retirement age, R, satisfies 0 < R < T. The interest rate is
zero, the individual has no initial wealth, and there is no uncertainty.
(a ) What is the individual’s lifetime budget constraint?
(b ) What is the individual’s utility-maximizing path of consumption, C(t )?
(c ) What is the path of the individual’s wealth as a function of t ?
8.2. The average income of farmers is less than the average income of nonfarmers, but fluctuates more from year to year. Given this, how does the
permanent-income hypothesis predict that estimated consumption functions
for farmers and nonfarmers differ?
8.3. The time-averaging problem. (Working, 1960.) Actual data give not consumption at a point in time, but average consumption over an extended period,
such as a quarter. This problem asks you to examine the effects of this
Suppose that consumption follows a random walk: C t = C t −1 + e t , where e
is white noise. Suppose, however, that the data provide average consumption
over two-period intervals; that is, one observes (C t + C t +1 )/2, (C t +2 + C t +3 )/2,
and so on.
(a ) Find an expression for the change in measured consumption from one
two-period interval to the next in terms of the e’s.
(b ) Is the change in measured consumption uncorrelated with the previous
value of the change in measured consumption? In light of this, is measured
consumption a random walk?
(c ) Given your result in part (a ), is the change in consumption from one twoperiod interval to the next necessarily uncorrelated with anything known
as of the first of these two-period intervals? Is it necessarily uncorrelated
with anything known as of the two-period interval immediately preceding
the first of the two-period intervals?
(d ) Suppose that measured consumption for a two-period interval is not the
average over the interval, but consumption in the second of the two periods. That is, one observes C t +1 , C t +3 , and so on. In this case, is measured
consumption a random walk?
8.4. In the model of Section 8.2, uncertainty about future income does not affect
consumption. Does this mean that the uncertainty does not affect expected
lifetime utility?
8.5. (This follows Hansen and Singleton, 1983.) Suppose instantaneous utility is of
the constant-relative-risk-aversion form, u (C t ) = C t1−θ/(1 − θ), θ > 0. Assume
that the real interest rate, r, is constant but not necessarily equal to the discount rate, ρ.
(a ) Find the Euler equation relating C t to expectations concerning C t +1 .
(b ) Suppose that the log of income is distributed normally, and that as a
result the log of C t +1 is distributed normally; let σ 2 denote its variance
conditional on information available at time t. Rewrite the expression in
part (a ) in terms of ln C t , E t [ ln C t +1 ], σ 2 , and the parameters r, ρ, and θ.
(Hint: If a variable x is distributed normally with mean µ and variance V ,
E [ex ] = e µ eV /2 .)
(c ) Show that if r and σ 2 are constant over time, the result in part (b ) implies
that the log of consumption follows a random walk with drift: ln C t +1 =
a + ln C t + ut +1 , where u is white noise.
(d ) How do changes in each of r and σ 2 affect expected consumption growth,
E t [ ln C t +1 − ln C t ]? Interpret the effect of σ 2 on expected consumption
growth in light of the discussion of precautionary saving in Section 8.6.
8.6. A framework for investigating excess smoothness. Suppose that C t equals
[r/(1 + r)]{A t + s =0 E t [Yt +s ]/(1 + r)s }, and that A t +1 = (1 + r )(A t + Yt − C t ).
(a ) Show that these assumptions imply that E t [C t +1 ] = C t (and thus that
E [C t +s ]/(1 + r )s =
consumption follows a random walk) and that
s=0 t
A t + s=0 E t [Yt +s ]/(1 + r ) .
(b ) Suppose that Yt = φYt −1 + ut , where u is white noise. Suppose that Yt
exceeds E t −1 [Yt ] by 1 unit (that is, suppose ut = 1). By how much does
consumption increase?
(c ) For the case of φ > 0, which has a larger variance, the innovation in
income, ut , or the innovation in consumption, C t − E t −1 [C t ]? Do consumers
use saving and borrowing to smooth the path of consumption relative to
income in this model? Explain.
8.7. Consider the two-period setup analyzed in Section 8.4. Suppose that the government initially raises revenue only by taxing interest income. Thus the individual’s budget constraint is C 1 + C 2 /[1 + (1 − τ)r] ≤ Y1 + Y2 /[1 + (1 − τ)r],
where τ is the tax rate. The government’s revenue is 0 in period 1 and
τr (Y1 − C 10 ) in period 2, where C 10 is the individual’s choice of C 1 given this tax
rate. Now suppose the government eliminates the taxation of interest income
and instead institutes lump-sum taxes of amounts T1 and T2 in the two periods; thus the individual’s budget constraint is now C 1 + C 2 /(1 + r) ≤ (Y1 − T1 ) +
(Y2 − T2 )/(1 + r). Assume that Y1 , Y2 , and r are exogenous.
(a ) What condition must the new taxes satisfy so that the change does not
affect the present value of government revenues?
(b ) If the new taxes satisfy the condition in part (a ), is the old consumption
bundle, (C 10 ,C 20 ), not affordable, just affordable, or affordable with room to
(c ) If the new taxes satisfy the condition in part (a ), does first-period consumption rise, fall, or stay the same?
8.8. Consider a stock that pays dividends of Dt in period t and whose price in period
t is Pt . Assume that consumers are risk-neutral and have a discount rate of r ;
thus they maximize E [ t =0 C t /(1 + r )t ].
(a ) Show that equilibrium requires Pt = E t [(Dt +1 + Pt +1 )/(1 + r )] (assume that
if the stock is sold, this happens after that period’s dividends have been
(b ) Assume that lims→∞ E t [Pt +s /(1 + r)s ] = 0 (this is a no-bubbles condition;
see the next problem). Iterate the expression in part (a ) forward to derive
an expression for Pt in terms of expectations of future dividends.
8.9. Bubbles. Consider the setup of the previous problem without the assumption
that lims→∞ E t [Pt +s /(1 + r)s ] = 0.
(a ) Deterministic bubbles. Suppose that Pt equals the expression derived in
part (b ) of Problem 8.8 plus (1 + r)t b, b > 0.
(i ) Is consumers’ first-order condition derived in part (a ) of Problem 8.8
still satisfied?
(ii ) Can b be negative? (Hint: Consider the strategy of never selling the
(b ) Bursting bubbles. (Blanchard, 1979.) Suppose that Pt equals the expression derived in part (b ) of Problem 8.8 plus qt , where qt equals
(1 + r )qt −1 /α with probability α and equals 0 with probability 1 − α.
(i ) Is consumers’ first-order condition derived in part (a ) of Problem 8.8
still satisfied?
(ii ) If there is a bubble at time t (that is, if qt > 0), what is the probability
that the bubble has burst by time t + s (that is, that qt +s = 0)? What is
the limit of this probability as s approaches infinity?
(c ) Intrinsic bubbles. (Froot and Obstfeld, 1991.) Suppose that dividends follow a random walk: Dt = Dt −1 + e t , where e is white noise.
(i ) In the absence of bubbles, what is the price of the stock in period t ?
(ii ) Suppose that Pt equals the expression derived in (i ) plus bt , where
bt = (1+r )bt −1 +ce t , c > 0. Is consumers’ first-order condition derived
in part (a ) of Problem 8.8 still satisfied? In what sense do stock prices
overreact to changes in dividends?
8.10. The Lucas asset-pricing model. (Lucas, 1978.) Suppose the only assets in
the economy are infinitely lived trees. Output equals the fruit of the trees,
which is exogenous and cannot be stored; thus C t = Yt , where Yt is the exogenously determined output per person and C t is consumption per person.
Assume that initially each consumer owns the same number of trees. Since
all consumers are assumed to be the same, this means that, in equilibrium,
the behavior of the price of trees must be such that, each period, the representative consumer does not want to either increase or decrease his or her
holdings of trees.
Let Pt denote the price of a tree in period t (assume that if the tree is
sold, the sale occurs after the existing owner receives that period’s output).
Finally, assume that the representative consumer maximizes E [ t =0 ln C t /
(1 + ρ)t ].
(a ) Suppose the representative consumer reduces his or her consumption in
period t by an infinitesimal amount, uses the resulting saving to increase
his or her holdings of trees, and then sells these additional holdings in
period t + 1. Find the condition that C t and expectations involving Yt +1 ,
Pt +1 , and C t +1 must satisfy for this change not to affect expected utility.
Solve this condition for Pt in terms of Yt and expectations involving Yt +1 ,
Pt +1 , and C t +1 .
(b ) Assume that lims→∞ E t [(Pt+s /Yt +s )/(1 + ρ)s ] = 0. Given this assumption,
iterate your answer to part (a ) forward to solve for Pt . (Hint: Use the fact
that C t+s = Yt +s for all s.)
(c ) Explain intuitively why an increase in expectations of future dividends
does not affect the price of the asset.
(d ) Does consumption follow a random walk in this model?
8.11. The equity premium and the concentration of aggregate shocks. (Mankiw,
1986.) Consider an economy with two possible states, each of which occurs
with probability 21 . In the good state, each individual’s consumption is 1.
In the bad state, fraction λ of the population consumes 1 − (φ/λ) and the
remainder consumes 1, where 0 < φ < 1 and φ ≤ λ ≤ 1. φ measures the reduction in average consumption in the bad state, and λ measures how broadly
that reduction is shared.
Consider two assets, one that pays off 1 unit in the good state and one
that pays off 1 unit in the bad state. Let p denote the relative price of the
bad-state asset to the good-state asset.
(a ) Consider an individual whose initial holdings of the two assets are zero,
and consider the experiment of the individual marginally reducing (that
is, selling short) his or her holdings of the good-state asset and using the
proceeds to purchase more of the bad-state asset. Derive the condition
for this change not to affect the individual’s expected utility.
(b ) Since consumption in the two states is exogenous and individuals are
ex ante identical, p must adjust to the point where it is an equilibrium
for individuals’ holdings of both assets to be zero. Solve the condition
derived in part (a ) for this equilibrium value of p in terms of φ, λ, U ′ (1),
and U ′ (1 − (φ/λ)).
(c ) Find ∂p/∂λ.
(d ) Show that if utility is quadratic, ∂p/∂λ = 0.
(e ) Show that if U ′′′ (•) is everywhere positive, ∂p/∂λ < 0.
8.12. Consumption of durable goods. (Mankiw, 1982.) Suppose that, as in Section 8.2, the instantaneous utility function is quadratic and the interest rate
and the discount rate are zero. Suppose, however, that goods are durable;
specifically, C t = (1 − δ)C t −1 + X t , where X t is purchases in period t and
0 ≤ δ < 1.
(a ) Consider a marginal reduction in purchases in period t of dX t . Find values
of dX t +1 and dX t +2 such that the combined changes in X t , X t +1 , and
X t +2 leave the present value of spending unchanged (so dX t + dX t +1 +
dX t +2 = 0) and leave C t +2 unchanged (so (1 − δ)2 dX t + (1 − δ)dX t +1 +
dX t +2 = 0).
(b ) What is the effect of the change in part (a ) on C t and C t +1 ? What is the
effect on expected utility?
(c ) What condition must C t and E t [C t +1 ] satisfy for the change in part (a )
not to affect expected utility? Does C follow a random walk?
(d ) Does X follow a random walk? (Hint: Write X t − X t −1 in terms of C t − C t −1
and C t −1 − C t−2 .) Explain intuitively. If δ = 0, what is the behavior of X ?
8.13. Habit formation and serial correlation in consumption growth. Suppose
that the utility of the representative consumer, individual i, is given by
[1/(1 + ρ)t ](C it /Z it )1−θ/(1 − θ), ρ > 0, θ > 0, where Z it is the “reference”
level of consumption. Assume the interest rate is constant at some level, r,
and that there is no uncertainty.
(a ) External habits. Suppose Z it = C t−1 , 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1. Thus the reference level of
consumption is determined by aggregate consumption, which individual
i takes as given.
(i ) Find the Euler equation for the experiment of reducing C it by dC and
increasing C i,t+1 by (1 + r)dC. Express C i,t+1 /C i,t in terms of C t /C t−1
and (1 + r)/(1 + ρ).
(ii ) In equilibrium, the consumption of the representative consumer must
equal aggregate consumption: C it = C t for all t. Use this fact to express current consumption growth, ln C t+1 − ln C t , in terms of lagged
consumption growth, ln C t − ln C t−1 , and anything else that is relevant. If φ > 0 and θ = 1, does habit formation affect the behavior of consumption? What if φ > 0 and θ > 1? Explain your results
(b ) Internal habits. Suppose Z t = C i,t−1 . Thus the reference level of consumption is determined by the individual’s own level of past consumption (and
the parameter φ is fixed at 1).
(i ) Find the Euler equation for the experiment considered in part (a) (i).
(Note that C it affects utility in periods t and t + 1, and C i,t+1 affects
utility in t + 1 and t + 2.)
(ii ) Let gt ≡ (C t /C t−1 ) − 1 denote consumption growth from t − 1 to t.
Assume that ρ = r = 0 and that consumption growth is close to
zero (so that we can approximate expressions of the form (C t /C t−1 )γ
with 1 + γ gt , and can ignore interaction terms). Using your results
in (i), find an approximate expression for gt+2 − gt+1 in terms of
gt+1 − gt and anything else that is relevant. Explain your result
8.14. Precautionary saving with constant-absolute-risk-aversion utility. Consider
an individual who lives for two periods and has constant-absoluterisk-aversion utility, U = −e −γ C 1 − e −γ C 2 , γ > 0. The interest rate is zero and
the individual has no initial wealth, so the individual’s lifetime budget constraint is C 1 + C 2 = Y1 + Y2 . Y1 is certain, but Y2 is normally distributed with
mean Y 2 and variance σ 2 .
(a ) With an instantaneous utility function u (C ) = −e −γ C , γ > 0, what is the
sign of U ′′′ (C )?
(b ) What is the individual’s expected lifetime utility as a function of C 1 and
the exogenous parameters Y1 , Y 2 , σ 2 , and γ ? (Hint: See the hint in Problem 8.5, part (b).)
(c ) Find an expression for C 1 in terms of Y1 , Y 2 , σ 2 , and γ . What is C 1 if there
is no uncertainty? How does an increase in uncertainty affect C 1 ?
8.15. Time-inconsistent preferences. Consider an individual who lives for three
periods. In period 1, his or her objective function is ln c1 + δ ln c2 + δ ln c3 ,
where 0 < δ < 1. In period 2, it is ln c2 + δ ln c3 . (Since the individual’s period3 choice problem is trivial, the period-3 objective function is irrelevant.) The
individual has wealth of W and faces a real interest rate of zero.
(a ) Find the values of c1 , c2 , and c3 under the following assumptions about
how they are determined:
(i ) Commitment: The individual chooses c1 , c2 , and c3 in period 1.
(ii ) No commitment, naivete: The individual chooses c1 in period 1 to
maximize the period-1 objective function, thinking he or she will also
choose c2 to maximize this objective function. In fact, however, the
individual chooses c2 to maximize the period-2 objective function.
(iii ) No commitment, sophistication: The individual chooses c1 in period
1 to maximize the period-1 objective function, realizing that he or
she will choose c2 in period 2 to maximize the period-2 objective
(b )
(i ) Use your answers to parts (a)(i ) and (a)(ii ) to explain in what sense
the individuals’ preferences are time-inconsistent.
(ii ) Explain intuitively why sophistication does not produce different
behavior than naivete.
This chapter investigates the demand for investment. As described at the
beginning of Chapter 8, there are two main reasons for studying investment. First, the combination of firms’ investment demand and households’
saving supply determines how much of an economy’s output is invested;
as a result, investment demand is potentially important to the behavior of
standards of living over the long run. Second, investment is highly volatile;
thus investment demand may be important to short-run fluctuations.
Section 9.1 presents a baseline model of investment where firms face a
perfectly elastic supply of capital goods and can adjust their capital stocks
costlessly. We will see that this model, even though it is a natural one to consider, provides little insight into actual investment. It implies, for example,
that discrete changes in the economic environment (such as discrete changes
in interest rates) produce infinite rates of investment or disinvestment.
Sections 9.2 through 9.5 therefore develop and analyze the q theory model
of investment. The model’s key assumption is that firms face costs of adjusting their capital stocks. As a result, the model avoids the unreasonable implications of the baseline case and provides a useful framework for analyzing
the effects that expectations and current conditions have on investment.
The remainder of the chapter examines extensions and empirical evidence. Sections 9.7 through 9.9 consider three issues that are omitted from
the basic model: uncertainty, adjustment costs that take more complicated
forms than the smooth adjustment costs of q theory, and financial-market
imperfections. Sections 9.6 and 9.10 consider empirical evidence about the
impact of the value of capital on investment and the importance of financialmarket imperfections to investment decisions.
9.1 Investment and the Cost of Capital
The Desired Capital Stock
Consider a firm that can rent capital at a price of r K . The firm’s profits at a
point in time are given by π (K , X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X n ) − r K K , where K is the amount
of capital the firm rents and the X ’s are variables that it takes as given. In
the case of a perfectly competitive firm, for example, the X ’s include the
price of the firm’s product and the costs of other inputs. π (•) is assumed to
account for whatever optimization the firm can do on dimensions other than
its choice of K . For a competitive firm, for example, π (K , X 1 , . . . , X n ) − r K K
gives the firm’s profits at the profit-maximizing choices of inputs other than
capital given K and the X ’s. We assume that πK > 0 and πK K < 0, where
subscripts denote partial derivatives.
The first-order condition for the profit-maximizing choice of K is
πK (K , X 1 , . . . , X n ) = r K .
That is, the firm rents capital up to the point where its marginal revenue
product equals its rental price.
Equation (9.1) implicitly defines the firm’s desired capital stock as a function of r K and the X ’s. We can differentiate this condition to find the impact
of a change in one of these variables on the desired capital stock. Consider,
for example, a change in the rental price of capital, r K . By assumption, the
X ’s are exogenous; thus they do not change when r K changes. K , however,
is chosen by the firm. Thus it adjusts so that (9.1) continues to hold. Differentiating both sides of (9.1) with respect to r K shows that this requires
πK K (K , X 1 , . . . , X n )
∂K (r K , X 1 , . . . , X n )
∂r K
= 1.
Solving this expression for ∂K /∂r K yields
∂K (r K , X 1 , . . . , X n )
∂r K
πK K (K , X 1 , . . . , X n )
Since πK K is negative, (9.3) implies that K is decreasing in r K . A similar
analysis can be used to find the effects of changes in the X ’s on K .
The User Cost of Capital
Most capital is not rented but is owned by the firms that use it. Thus there is
no clear empirical counterpart of r K . This difficulty has given rise to a large
literature on the user cost of capital.
Consider a firm that owns a unit of capital. Suppose the real market price
of the capital at time t is p K (t ), and consider the firm’s choice between
selling the capital and continuing to use it. Keeping the capital has three
costs to the firm. First, the firm forgoes the interest it would receive if it sold
the capital and saved the proceeds. This has a real cost of r (t ) p K (t ) per unit
time, where r (t ) is the real interest rate. Second, the capital is depreciating.
This has a cost of δp K (t ) per unit time, where δ is the depreciation rate. And
third, the price of the capital may be changing. This increases the cost of
using the capital if the price is falling (since the firm obtains less if it waits
to sell the capital) and decreases the cost if the price is rising. This has a
cost of −ṗ K (t ) per unit time. Putting the three components together yields
Investment and the Cost of Capital
the user cost of capital:
r K (t ) = r (t )p K (t ) + δp K (t ) − ṗ K (t )
= r (t ) + δ −
ṗ K (t )
p K (t )
p K (t ).
This analysis ignores taxes. In practice, however, the tax treatments of investment and of capital income have large effects on the user cost of capital.
To give an idea of these effects, consider an investment tax credit. Specifically, suppose the firm’s income that is subject to the corporate income tax
is reduced by fraction f of its investment expenditures; for symmetry, suppose also that its taxable income is increased by fraction f of any receipts
from selling capital goods. Such an investment tax credit implies that the
effective price of a unit of capital to the firm is (1 − f τ) p K (t ), where τ is the
marginal corporate income tax rate. The user cost of capital is therefore
r K (t ) = r (t ) + δ −
ṗ K (t )
p K (t )
(1 − f τ) p K (t ).
Thus the investment tax credit reduces the user cost of capital, and hence increases firms’ desired capital stocks. One can also investigate the effects
of depreciation allowances, the tax treatment of interest, and many other
features of the tax code on the user cost of capital and the desired capital
Difficulties with the Baseline Model
This simple model of investment has at least two major failings as a description of actual behavior. The first concerns the impact of changes in the
exogenous variables. Our model concerns firms’ demand for capital, and
it implies that firms’ desired capital stocks are smooth functions of the
exogenous variable. As a result, a discrete change in an exogenous variables
leads to a discrete change in the desired capital stock. Suppose, for example,
that the Federal Reserve reduces interest rates by a discrete amount. As the
analysis above shows, this discretely reduces the cost of capital, r K . This in
turn means that the capital stock that satisfies (9.1) rises discretely.
The problem with this implication is that, since the rate of change of the
capital stock equals investment minus depreciation, a discrete change in
the capital stock requires an infinite rate of investment. For the economy
as a whole, however, investment is limited by the economy’s output; thus
aggregate investment cannot be infinite.
The second problem with the model is that it does not identify any mechanism through which expectations affect investment demand. The model
implies that firms equate the current marginal revenue product of capital
The seminal paper is Hall and Jorgenson (1967). See also Problems 9.2 and 9.3.
with its current user cost, without regard to what they expect future marginal
revenue products or user costs to be. Yet it is clear that in practice, expectations about demand and costs are central to investment decisions: firms
expand their capital stocks when they expect their sales to be growing and
the cost of capital to be low, and they contract them when they expect their
sales to be falling and the cost of capital to be high.
Thus we need to modify the model if we are to obtain even a remotely
reasonable picture of actual investment decisions. The standard theory that
does this emphasizes the presence of costs to changing the capital stock.
Those adjustment costs come in two forms, internal and external. Internal
adjustment costs arise when firms face direct costs of changing their capital
stocks (Eisner and Strotz, 1963; Lucas, 1967). Examples of such costs are the
costs of installing the new capital and training workers to operate the new
machines. Consider again a discrete cut in interest rates. If the adjustment
costs approach infinity as the rate of change of the capital stock approaches
infinity, the fall in interest rates causes investment to increase but not to
become infinite. As a result, the capital stock moves gradually toward the
new desired level.
External adjustment costs arise when each firm, as in our baseline model,
faces a perfectly elastic supply of capital, but where the price of capital
goods relative to other goods adjusts so that firms do not wish to invest
or disinvest at infinite rates (Foley and Sidrauski, 1970). When the supply
of capital is not perfectly elastic, a discrete change that increases firms’
desired capital stocks bids up the price of capital goods. Under plausible
assumptions, the result is that the rental price of capital does not change
discontinuously but merely begins to adjust, and that again investment
increases but does not become infinite.2
9.2 A Model of Investment with
Adjustment Costs
We now turn to a model of investment with adjustment costs. For concreteness, the adjustment costs are assumed to be internal; it is straightforward,
however, to reinterpret the model as one of external adjustment costs.3 The
model is known as the q theory model of investment.
As described in Section 7.9, some business-cycle models assume that there are costs
of adjusting investment rather than costs of adjusting the capital stock (for example,
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans, 2005). Like the assumption of adjustment costs for capital, this assumption implies that investment is a smooth function of the exogenous variables
and that expectations affect investment demand. We will focus on the more traditional assumption of capital adjustment costs, however, both because it is simpler and because it
appears to better describe firm-level investment behavior (Eberly, Rebelo, and Vincent, 2009).
See n. 10 and Problem 9.8. The model presented here is developed by Abel (1982),
Hayashi (1982), and Summers (1981b).
A Model of Investment with Adjustment Costs
Consider an industry with N identical firms. A representative firm’s real
profits at time t, neglecting any costs of acquiring and installing capital, are
proportional to its capital stock, κ(t ), and decreasing in the industry-wide
capital stock, K (t ); thus they take the form π (K (t ))κ(t ), where π ′ (•) < 0. The
assumption that the firm’s profits are proportional to its capital is appropriate if the production function has constant returns to scale, output markets
are competitive, and the supply of all factors other than capital is perfectly
elastic. Under these assumptions, if one firm has, for example, twice as much
capital as another, it employs twice as much of all inputs; as a result, both
its revenues and its costs are twice as high as the other’s.4 And the assumption that profits are decreasing in the industry’s capital stock is appropriate
if the demand curve for the industry’s product is downward-sloping.
The key assumption of the model is that firms face costs of adjusting
their capital stocks. The adjustment costs are a convex function of the rate
of change of the firm’s capital stock, κ̇. Specifically, the adjustment costs,
C(κ̇), satisfy C(0) = 0, C ′ (0) = 0, and C ′′ (•) > 0. These assumptions imply
that it is costly for a firm to increase or decrease its capital stock, and that
the marginal adjustment cost is increasing in the size of the adjustment.
The purchase price of capital goods is constant and equal to 1; thus there
are no external adjustment costs. Finally, for simplicity, the depreciation
rate is assumed to be zero. It follows that κ̇(t ) = I (t ), where I is the firm’s
These assumptions imply that the firm’s profits at a point in time are
π (K )κ − I − C(I ). The firm maximizes the present value of these profits,
e −r t π (K (t ))κ(t ) − I (t ) − C(I (t )) dt,
where we assume for simplicity that the real interest rate is constant. Each
firm takes the path of the industry-wide capital stock, K , as given, and
chooses its investment over time to maximize given this path.
A Discrete-Time Version of the Firm’s Problem
To solve the firm’s maximization problem, we need to employ the calculus
of variations. To understand this method, it is helpful to first consider a
discrete-time version of the firm’s problem.5 In discrete time, the firm’s
Note that these assumptions imply that in the model of Section 9.1, π (K , X 1 , . . . , X n )
takes the form π̃ (X 1 , . . . , X n )K , and so the assumption that πK K < 0 fails. Thus in this case,
in the absence of adjustment costs, the firm’s demand for capital is not well defined: it is
infinite if π̃(X 1 , . . . , X n ) > 0, zero if π̃ (X 1 , . . . , X n ) < 0, and indeterminate if π̃ (X 1 , . . . , X n ) = 0.
For more thorough and formal introductions to the calculus of variations, see Kamien
and Schwartz (1991), Obstfeld (1992), and Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2003, Appendix A.3).
objective function is
t =0
(1 + r )t
[π (Kt )κt − I t − C(I t )].
For comparability with the continuous-time case, it is helpful to assume that
the firm’s investment and its capital stock are related by κt = κt −1 + I t for
all t.6 We can think of the firm as choosing its investment and capital stock
each period subject to the constraint κt = κt −1 + I t for each t. Since there
are infinitely many periods, there are infinitely many constraints.
The Lagrangian for the firm’s maximization problem is
t =0
(1 + r )
[π (Kt )κt − I t − C(I t )] +
t =0
λt (κt −1 + I t − κt ).
λt is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraint relating κt and
κt −1 . It therefore gives the marginal value of relaxing the constraint; that is,
it gives the marginal impact of an exogenous increase in κt on the lifetime
value of the firm’s profits discounted to time 0. This discussion implies
that if we define qt = (1 + r )t λt , then qt shows the value to the firm of an
additional unit of capital at time t in time-t dollars. With this definition, we
can rewrite the Lagrangian as
L′ =
t =0
(1 + r )t
[π (Kt )κt − I t − C(I t ) + qt (κt −1 + I t − κt )].
The first-order condition for the firm’s investment in period t is therefore
(1 + r )t
[−1 − C ′ (I t ) + qt ] = 0,
1 + C ′ (I t ) = qt .
which is equivalent to
To interpret this condition, observe that the cost of acquiring a unit of capital equals the purchase price (which is fixed at 1) plus the marginal adjustment cost. Thus (9.11) states that the firm invests to the point where the
cost of acquiring capital equals the value of the capital.
Now consider the first-order condition for capital in period t. The term
for period t in the Lagrangian, (9.9), involves both κt and κt −1 . Thus the
capital stock in period t, κt , appears in both the term for period t and the
The more standard assumption is κt = κt −1 + It−1 . However, this formulation imposes
a one-period delay between investment and the resulting increase in capital that has no
analogue in the continuous-time case.
A Model of Investment with Adjustment Costs
term for period t + 1. The first-order condition for κt is therefore
(1 + r )
[π (Kt ) − qt ] +
(1 + r )t +1
qt +1 = 0.
Multiplying this expression by (1 + r )t +1 and rearranging yields
(1 + r )π (Kt ) = (1 + r )qt − qt +1 .
If we define qt = qt +1 − qt , we can rewrite the right-hand side of (9.13) as
rqt − qt . Thus we have
π (Kt ) =
(rqt − qt ).
The left-hand side of (9.14) is the marginal revenue product of capital, and
the right-hand side is the opportunity cost of a unit of capital. Intuitively,
owning a unit of capital for a period requires forgoing rqt of real interest
and involves offsetting capital gains of qt (see [9.4] with the depreciation
rate assumed to be zero; in addition, there is a factor of 1/(1 + r ) that will
disappear in the continuous-time case). For the firm to be optimizing, the
returns to capital must equal this opportunity cost. This is what is stated
by (9.14). This condition is thus analogous to the condition in the model
without adjustment costs that the firm rents capital to the point where its
marginal revenue product equals its rental price.
A second way of interpreting (9.14) is as a consistency requirement concerning how the firm values capital over time. To see this interpretation,
rearrange (9.14) (or [9.13]) as
qt = π (Kt ) +
qt +1 .
By definition, qt is the value the firm attaches to a unit of capital in period t
measured in period-t dollars, and qt +1 is the value the firm will attach to
a unit of capital in period t + 1 measured in period-(t + 1) dollars. If qt
does not equal the amount the capital contributes to the firm’s objective
function this period, π (Kt ), plus the value the firm will attach to the capital
next period measured in this period’s dollars, qt +1 /(1 + r ), its valuations in
the two periods are inconsistent.
Conditions (9.11) and (9.15) are not enough to completely characterize
profit-maximizing behavior, however. The problem is that although (9.15)
requires the q’s to be consistent over time, it does not require them to
actually equal the amount that an additional unit of capital contributes to
the firm’s objective function. To see this, suppose the firm has an additional
unit of capital in period 0 that it holds forever. Since the additional unit of
capital raises profits in period t by π (Kt ), we can write the amount the capital
contributes to the firm’s objective function as
MB = lim
t =0
(1 + r )t
π (Kt ) .
Now note that equation (9.15) implies that q 0 can be written as
q 0 = π (K 0 ) +
= π (K 0 ) +
= ...
= lim
t =0
π (K1 ) +
(1 + r )
π (Kt ) +
(1 + r )T
where the first line uses (9.15) for t = 0, and the second uses it for t = 1.
Comparison of (9.16) and (9.17) shows that q 0 equals the contribution of
an additional unit of capital to the firm’s objective function if and only if
(1 + r )T
q T = 0.
If (9.18) fails, then marginally raising investment in period 0 (which, by
[9.11], has a marginal cost of q 0 ) and holding the additional capital forever
(which has a marginal benefit of MB) has a nonzero impact on the firm’s
profits, which would mean that the firm is not maximizing profits. Equation (9.18) is therefore necessary for profit maximization. This condition is
known as the transversality condition.
An alternative version of the transversality condition is
(1 + r )T
q T κT = 0.
Intuitively, this version of the condition states that it cannot be optimal to
hold valuable capital forever. In the model we are considering, κ̇ and q are
linked through (9.11), and so κ diverges if and only if q does. One can show
that as a result, (9.19) holds if and only if (9.18) does. Thus we can use either
The Continuous-Time Case
We can now consider the case when time is continuous. The firm’s profitmaximizing behavior in this case is characterized by three conditions that
are analogous to the three conditions that characterize its behavior in discrete time: (9.11), (9.14), and (9.19). Indeed, the optimality conditions for
continuous time can be derived by considering the discrete-time problem
A Model of Investment with Adjustment Costs
where the time periods are separated by intervals of length t and then taking the limit as t approaches zero. We will not use this method, however.
Instead we will simply describe how to find the optimality conditions, and
justify them as necessary by way of analogy to the discrete-time case.
The firm’s problem is now to maximize the continuous-time objective
function, (9.6), rather than the discrete-time objective function, (9.7).
The first step in analyzing this problem is to set up the current-value
H (κ(t ), I (t )) = π (K (t ))κ(t ) − I (t ) − C (I (t )) + q(t )I (t ).
This expression is analogous to the period-t term in the Lagrangian for the
discrete-time case with the term in the change in the capital stock omitted
(see [9.9]). There is some standard terminology associated with this type of
problem. The variable that can be controlled freely (I ) is the control variable;
the variable whose value at any time is determined by past decisions (κ) is
the state variable; and the shadow value of the state variable (q) is the costate
The first condition characterizing the optimum is that the derivative of
the Hamiltonian with respect to the control variable at each point in time is
zero. This is analogous to the condition in the discrete-time problem that
the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to I for each t is zero. For our
problem, this condition is
1 + C ′ (I (t )) = q(t ).
This condition is analogous to (9.11) in the discrete-time case.
The second condition is that the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to the state variable equals the discount rate times the costate variable
minus the derivative of the costate variable with respect to time. In our case,
this condition is
π (K (t )) = rq(t ) − q˙(t ).
This condition is analogous to (9.14) in the discrete-time problem.
The final condition is the continuous-time version of the transversality
condition. This condition is that the limit of the product of the discounted
costate variable and the state variable is zero. In our model, this condition is
lim e −r t q(t )κ(t ) = 0.
Equations (9.21), (9.22), and (9.23) characterize the firm’s behavior.7
An alternative approach is to formulate the present-value Hamiltonian, H̃ (κ(t ),I (t )) =
e −rt [π (K (t ))κ(t ) − I (t ) − C (I (t ))] + λ(t )I (t ). This is analogous to using the Lagrangian (9.8)
rather than (9.9). With this formulation, (9.22) is replaced by e −rt π (K (t )) = −λ̇(t ), and (9.23)
is replaced by limt→∞ λ (t )κ(t ) = 0.
9.3 Tobin’s q
Our analysis of the firm’s maximization problem implies that q summarizes
all information about the future that is relevant to a firm’s investment decision. q shows how an additional dollar of capital affects the present value
of profits. Thus the firm wants to increase its capital stock if q is high and
reduce it if q is low; the firm does not need to know anything about the
future other than the information that is summarized in q in order to make
this decision (see [9.21]).
From our analysis of the discrete-time case, we know that q is the present
discounted value of the future marginal revenue products of a unit of capital. In the continuous-time case, we can therefore express q as
q(t ) =
e −r (τ−t ) π (K (τ)) dτ.
There is another interpretation of q. A unit increase in the firm’s capital
stock increases the present value of the firm’s profits by q, and thus raises
the value of the firm by q. Thus q is the market value of a unit of capital. If
there is a market for shares in firms, for example, the total value of a firm
with one more unit of capital than another firm exceeds the value of the
other by q. And since we have assumed that the purchase price of capital
is fixed at 1, q is also the ratio of the market value of a unit of capital to
its replacement cost. Thus equation (9.21) states that a firm increases its
capital stock if the market value of capital exceeds the cost of acquiring it,
and that it decreases its capital stock if the market value of the capital is
less than the cost of acquiring it.
The ratio of the market value to the replacement cost of capital is known
as Tobin’s q (Tobin, 1969); it is because of this terminology that we used q to
denote the value of capital in the previous section. Our analysis implies that
what is relevant to investment is marginal q—the ratio of the market value
of a marginal unit of capital to its replacement cost. Marginal q is likely to
be harder to measure than average q—the ratio of the total value of the
firm to the replacement cost of its total capital stock. Thus it is important
to know how marginal q and average q are related.
One can show that in our model, marginal q is less than average q. The
reason is that when we assumed that adjustment costs depend only on κ̇,
we implicitly assumed diminishing returns to scale in adjustment costs. Our
assumptions imply, for example, that it is more than twice as costly for a
firm with 20 units of capital to add 2 more than it is for a firm with 10 units
to add 1 more. Because of this assumption of diminishing returns, firms’
lifetime profits, , rise less than proportionally with their capital stocks,
and so marginal q is less than average q.
One can also show that if the model is modified to have constant
returns in the adjustment costs, average q and marginal q are equal
9.4 Analyzing the Model
(Hayashi, 1982).8 The source of this result is that the constant returns in
the costs of adjustment imply that q determines the growth rate of a firm’s
capital stock. As a result, all firms choose the same growth rate of their capital stocks. Thus if, for example, one firm initially has twice as much capital
as another and if both firms optimize, the larger firm will have twice as much
capital as the other at every future date. In addition, profits are linear in a
firm’s capital stock. This implies that the present value of a firm’s profits—
the value of when it chooses the path of its capital stock optimally—is
proportional to its initial capital stock. Thus average q and marginal q are
In other models, there are potentially more significant reasons than the
degree of returns to scale in adjustment costs that average q may differ
from marginal q. For example, if a firm faces a downward-sloping demand
curve for its product, doubling its capital stock is likely to less than double
the present value of its profits; thus marginal q is less than average q. If
the firm owns a large amount of outmoded capital, on the other hand, its
marginal q may exceed its average q.
9.4 Analyzing the Model
We will analyze the model using a phase diagram similar to the one we
used in Chapter 2 to analyze the Ramsey model. The two variables we will
focus on are the aggregate quantity of capital, K , and its value, q. As with
k and c in the Ramsey model, the initial value of one of these variables is
given, but the other must be determined: the quantity of capital is something
that the industry inherits from the past, but its price adjusts freely in the
Recall from the beginning of Section 9.2 that there are N identical firms.
Equation (9.21) states that each firm invests to the point where the purchase
price of capital plus the marginal adjustment cost equals the value of capital:
1 + C ′ (I ) = q. Since q is the same for all firms, all firms choose the same
value of I . Thus the rate of change of the aggregate capital stock, K̇ , is given
by the number of firms times the value of I that satisfies (9.21). That is,
K̇ (t ) = f (q(t )),
f (1) = 0,
f ′ (•) > 0,
where f (q) ≡ NC ′−1 (q− 1). Since C ′ (I ) is increasing in I , f (q) is increasing in
q. And since C ′ (0) equals zero, f (1) is zero. Equation (9.25) therefore implies
Constant returns can be introduced by assuming that the adjustment costs take the
form C (κ̇/κ)κ, with C (•) having the same properties as before. With this assumption, doubling both κ̇ and κ doubles the adjustment costs. Changing our model in this way implies
that κ affects profits not only directly, but also through its impact on adjustment costs for
a given level of investment. As a result, it complicates the analysis. The basic messages are
the same, however. See Problem 9.9.
(K > 0)
(K < 0)
FIGURE 9.1 The dynamics of the capital stock
that K̇ is positive when q exceeds 1, negative when q is less than 1, and zero
when q equals 1. This information is summarized in Figure 9.1.
Equation (9.22) states that the marginal revenue product of capital equals
its user cost, rq − q˙. Rewriting this as an equation for q˙ yields
q˙(t ) = rq(t ) − π (K (t )).
This expression implies that q is constant when rq = π (K ), or q = π (K )/r.
Since π (K ) is decreasing in K , the set of points satisfying this condition
is downward-sloping in (K ,q) space. In addition, (9.26) implies that q˙ is increasing in K ; thus q˙ is positive to the right of the q˙ = 0 locus and negative
to the left. This information is summarized in Figure 9.2.
The Phase Diagram
Figure 9.3 combines the information in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. The diagram
shows how K and q must behave to satisfy (9.25) and (9.26) at every point
in time given their initial values. Suppose, for example, that K and q begin
at Point A. Then, since q is more than 1, firms increase their capital stocks;
thus K̇ is positive. And since K is high and profits are therefore low, q can
9.4 Analyzing the Model
(q > 0)
(q < 0)
q =0
FIGURE 9.2 The dynamics of q
q =0
FIGURE 9.3 The phase diagram
q =0
The saddle path
be high only if it is expected to rise; thus q˙ is also positive. Thus K and q
move up and to the right in the diagram.
As in the Ramsey model, the initial level of the capital stock is given.
But the level of the other variable—consumption in the Ramsey model, the
market value of capital in this model—is free to adjust. Thus its initial level
must be determined. As in the Ramsey model, for a given level of K there is a
unique level of q that produces a stable path. Specifically, there is a unique
level of q such that K and q converge to the point where they are stable
(Point E in the diagram). If q starts below this level, the industry eventually
crosses into the region where both K and q are falling, and they then continue to fall indefinitely. Similarly, if q starts too high, the industry eventually moves into the region where both K and q are rising and remains there.
One can show that the transversality condition fails for these paths.9 This
means that firms are not maximizing profits on these paths, and thus that
they are not equilibria.
Thus the unique equilibrium, given the initial value of K , is for q to equal
the value that puts the industry on the saddle path, and for K and q to then
move along this saddle path to E. This saddle path is shown in Figure 9.4.
See Abel (1982) and Hayashi (1982) for formal demonstrations of this result.
The long-run equilibrium, Point E, is characterized by q = 1 (which implies K̇ = 0) and q˙ = 0. The fact that q equals 1 means that the market
and replacement values of capital are equal; thus firms have no incentive
to increase or decrease their capital stocks. And from (9.22), for q˙ to equal
0 when q is 1, the marginal revenue product of capital must equal r. This
means that the profits from holding a unit of capital just offset the forgone interest, and thus that investors are content to hold capital without
the prospect of either capital gains or losses.10
9.5 Implications
The model developed in the previous section can be used to address many
issues. This section examines its implications for the effects of changes in
output, interest rates, and tax policies.
The Effects of Output Movements
An increase in aggregate output raises the demand for the industry’s product, and thus raises profits for a given capital stock. Thus the natural way
to model an increase in aggregate output is as an upward shift of the π (•)
For concreteness, assume that the industry is initially in long-run equilibrium, and that there is an unanticipated, permanent upward shift of the
π (•) function. The effects of this change are shown in Figure 9.5. The upward shift of the π (•) function shifts the q˙ = 0 locus up: since profits are
higher for a given capital stock, smaller capital gains are needed for investors to be willing to hold shares in firms (see [9.26]). From our analysis
of phase diagrams in Chapter 2, we know what the effects of this change
are. q jumps immediately to the point on the new saddle path for the given
capital stock; K and q then move down that path to the new long-run equilibrium at Point E′ . Since the rate of change of the capital stock is an increasing
function of q, this implies that K̇ jumps at the time of the change and then
gradually returns to zero. Thus a permanent increase in output leads to a
temporary increase in investment.
The intuition behind these responses is straightforward. The increase in
output raises the demand for the industry’s product. Since the capital stock
It is straightforward to modify the model to be one of external rather than internal
adjustment costs. The key change is to replace the adjustment cost function with a supply
curve for new capital goods, K̇ = g (p K ), where g ′ (•) > 0 and where p K is the relative price
of capital. With this change, the market value of firms always equals the replacement cost
of their capital stocks; the role played by q in the model with internal adjustment costs is
played instead by the relative price of capital. See Foley and Sidrauski (1970) and Problem 9.8.
q =0
The effects of a permanent increase in output
cannot adjust instantly, existing capital in the industry earns rents, and so
its market value rises. The higher market value of capital attracts investment, and so the capital stock begins to rise. As it does so, the industry’s
output rises, and thus the relative price of its product declines; thus profits
and the value of capital fall. The process continues until the value of the
capital returns to normal, at which point there are no incentives for further
Now consider an increase in output that is known to be temporary. Specifically, the industry begins in long-run equilibrium. There is then an unexpected upward shift of the profit function; when this happens, it is known
that the function will return to its initial position at some later time, T.
The key insight needed to find the effects of this change is that there
cannot be an anticipated jump in q. If, for example, there is an anticipated
downward jump in q, the owners of shares in firms will suffer capital losses
at an infinite rate with certainty at that moment. But that means that no one
will hold shares at that moment.
Thus at time T, K and q must be on the saddle path leading back to
the initial long-run equilibrium: if they were not, q would have to jump
for the industry to get back to its long-run equilibrium. Between the time
of the upward shift of the profit function and T, the dynamics of K and q
are determined by the temporarily high profit function. Finally, the initial
q =0
FIGURE 9.6 The effects of a temporary increase in output
value of K is given, but (since the upward shift of the profit function is
unexpected) q can change discretely at the time of the initial shock.
Together, these facts tell us how the industry responds. At the time of
the change, q jumps to the point such that, with the dynamics of K and q
given by the new profit function, they reach the old saddle path at exactly
time T. This is shown in Figure 9.6. q jumps from Point E to Point A at the
time of the shock. q and K then move gradually to Point B, arriving there
at time T. Finally, they then move up the old saddle path to E.
This analysis has several implications. First, the temporary increase in
output raises investment: since output is higher for a period, firms increase
their capital stocks to take advantage of this. Second, comparing Figure 9.6
with Figure 9.5 shows that q rises less than it does if the increase in output is
permanent; thus, since q determines investment, investment responds less.
Intuitively, since it is costly to reverse increases in capital, firms respond
less to a rise in profits when they know they will reverse the increases.
And third, Figure 9.6 shows that the path of K and q crosses the K̇ = 0 line
before it reaches the old saddle path—that is, before time T. Thus the capital
stock begins to decline before output returns to normal. To understand this
intuitively, consider the time just before time T. The profit function is just
about to return to its initial level; thus firms are about to want to have
smaller capital stocks. And since it is costly to adjust the capital stock and
since there is only a brief period of high profits left, there is a benefit and
almost no cost to beginning the reduction immediately.
These results imply that it is not just current output but its entire path
over time that affects investment. The comparison of permanent and temporary output movements shows that investment is higher when output is
expected to be higher in the future than when it is not. Thus expectations of
high output in the future raise current demand. In addition, as the example
of a permanent increase in output shows, investment is higher when output
has recently risen than when it has been high for an extended period. This
impact of the change in output on the level of investment demand is known
as the accelerator.
The Effects of Interest-Rate Movements
Recall that the equation of motion for q is q˙ = rq − π (K ) (equation [9.26]).
Thus interest-rate movements, like shifts of the profit function, affect in˙ Their effects are therevestment through their impact on the equation for q.
fore similar to the effects of output movements. A permanent decline in the
interest rate, for example, shifts the q˙ = 0 locus up. In addition, since r mul˙ the decline makes the locus steeper. This is
tiplies q in the equation for q,
shown in Figure 9.7.
The figure can be used to analyze the effects of permanent and temporary changes in the interest rate along the lines of our analysis of the
effects of permanent and temporary output movements. A permanent fall
in the interest rate, for example, causes q to jump to the point on the new
saddle path (Point A in the diagram). K and q then move down to the new
long-run equilibrium (Point E′ ). Thus the permanent decline in the interest
rate produces a temporary boom in investment as the industry moves to a
permanently higher capital stock.
Thus, just as with output, both past and expected future interest rates
affect investment. The interest rate in our model, r, is the instantaneous
rate of return; thus it corresponds to the short-term interest rate. One implication of this analysis is that the short-term rate does not reflect all the
information about interest rates that is relevant for investment. As we will
see in greater detail in Section 11.2, long-term interest rates are likely to
reflect expectations of future short-term rates. If long-term rates are less
than short-term rates, for example, it is likely that investors are expecting
short-term rates to fall; if not, they are better off buying a series of shortterm bonds than buying a long-term bond, and so no one is willing to hold
long-term bonds. Thus, since our model implies that increases in expected
future short-term rates reduce investment, it implies that, for a given level
of current short-term rates, investment is lower when long-term rates are
higher. Thus the model supports the standard view that long-term interest
rates are important to investment.
q =0
The effects of a permanent decrease in the interest rate
The Effects of Taxes: An Example
A temporary investment tax credit is often proposed as a way to stimulate
aggregate demand during recessions. The argument is that an investment
tax credit that is known to be temporary gives firms a strong incentive to
invest while the credit is in effect. Our model can be used to investigate this
For simplicity, assume that the investment tax credit takes the form of
a direct rebate to the firm of fraction θ of the price of capital, and assume
that the rebate applies to the purchase price but not to the adjustment costs.
When there is a credit of this form, the firm invests as long as the value of
the capital plus the rebate exceeds the capital’s cost. Thus the first-order
condition for current investment, (9.21), becomes
q(t ) + θ (t ) = 1 + C ′ (I (t )),
˙ (9.26), is unchanged.
where θ (t ) is the credit at time t. The equation for q,
Equation (9.27) implies that the capital stock is constant when q + θ = 1.
An investment tax credit of θ therefore shifts the K̇ = 0 locus down by θ;
this is shown in Figure 9.8. If the credit is permanent, q jumps down to the
new saddle path at the time it is announced. Intuitively, because the credit
q =0
The effects of a permanent investment tax credit
increases investment, it means that the industry’s profits (neglecting the
credit) will be lower, and thus that existing capital is less valuable. K and
q then move along the saddle path to the new long-run equilibrium, which
involves higher K and lower q.
Now consider a temporary credit. From our earlier analysis of a temporary
change in output, we know that the announcement of the credit causes q to
fall to a point where the dynamics of K and q, given the credit, bring them
to the old saddle path just as the credit expires. They then move up that
saddle path back to the initial long-run equilibrium.
This is shown in Figure 9.9. As the figure shows, q does not fall all the way
to its value on the new saddle path; thus the temporary credit reduces q by
less than a comparable permanent credit does. The reason is that, because
the temporary credit does not lead to a permanent increase in the capital
stock, it causes a smaller reduction in the value of existing capital. Now
recall that the change in the capital stock, K̇ , depends on q + θ (see [9.27]).
q is higher under the temporary credit than under the permanent one; thus,
just as the informal argument suggests, the temporary credit has a larger
effect on investment than the permanent credit does. Finally, note that the
figure shows that under the temporary credit, q is rising in the later part
of the period that the credit is in effect. Thus, after a point, the temporary
credit leads to a growing investment boom as firms try to invest just before
Empirical Application: q and Investment
q =0
The effects of a temporary investment tax credit
the credit goes out of effect. Under the permanent credit, in contrast, the
rate of change of the capital stock declines steadily as the industry moves
toward its new long-run equilibrium.
9.6 Empirical Application: q and
Summers’s Test
One of the central predictions of our model of investment is that investment
is increasing in q. This suggests the possibility of examining the relationship between investment and q empirically. Summers (1981b) carries out
such an investigation. He considers the version of the theory described in
Section 9.3 where there are constant returns in the adjustment costs. To
obtain an equation he can estimate, he assumes that the adjustment costs
are quadratic in investment. Together, these assumptions imply:
C (I (t ),κ(t )) =
I (t )
κ(t )
κ(t ),
a > 0,
where the κ(t ) terms are included so that there are constant returns.
Recall that the condition relating investment to q is that the cost of acquiring capital (the fixed purchase price of 1 plus the marginal adjustment
cost) equals the value of capital: 1 + C ′ (I (t )) = q(t ) (equation [9.21]). With
the assumption about adjustment costs in (9.28), this condition is
I (t )
κ(t )
= q(t ),
which implies
I (t )
κ(t )
[q(t ) − 1].
Based on this analysis, Summers estimates various regressions of the
= c + b [qt − 1] + e t .
He uses annual data for the United States for 1931–1978, and estimates
most of his regressions by ordinary least squares. His measure of q accounts
for various features of the tax code that affect investment incentives.
Summers’s central finding is that the coefficient on q is very small. Equivalently, the implied value of a is very large. In his baseline specification, the
coefficient on q is 0.031 (with a standard error of 0.005), which implies a
value of a of 32. This suggests that the adjustment costs associated with a
value of I/K of 0.2—a high but not exceptional figure—are equal to 65 percent of the value of the firm’s capital stock (see [9.28]). When Summers
embeds this estimate in a larger model, he finds that the capital stock takes
10 years to move halfway to its new steady-state value in response to a
Two leading candidate explanations of these implausible results are measurement error and simultaneity. Measuring marginal q (which is what the
theory implies is relevant for investment) is extremely difficult; it requires
estimating both the market value and the replacement cost of capital, accounting for a variety of subtle features of the tax code, and adjusting
for a range of factors that could cause average and marginal q to differ.
To the extent that the variation in measured q on the right-hand side of
(9.31) is the result of measurement error, it is presumably unrelated to variation in investment. As a result, it biases estimates of the responsiveness of
investment to q toward zero.11
Section 1.7 presents a formal model of the effects of measurement error in the context
of investigations of cross-country income convergence. If one employs that model here (so
that the true relationship is I t /Kt = c + bq ∗t + e t and q̂t = q ∗t + u t , where q ∗ is actual q, q̂ is
measured q, and e and u are mean-zero disturbances uncorrelated with each other and with
q ∗ ), one can show that the estimate of b from a regression of I/K on q − 1 is biased toward
Empirical Application: q and Investment
To think about simultaneity, consider what happens when e in (9.31)—
which captures other forces affecting desired investment—is high. Increased
investment demand is likely to raise interest rates. But recall that q is the
present discounted value of the future marginal revenue products of capital
(equation [9.24]). Thus higher interest rates reduce q. This means that there
is likely to be negative correlation between the right-hand-side variable and
the residual, and thus that the coefficient on the right-hand-side variable is
likely to be biased down.
Cummins, Hassett, and Hubbard’s Test
One way to address the problems of measurement error and simultaneity
that may cause Summers’s test to yield biased estimates is to find cases
where most of the variation in measured q comes from variations in actual
q that are not driven by changes in desired investment. Cummins, Hassett,
and Hubbard (1994) argue that major U.S. tax reforms provide this type of
variation. The tax reforms of 1962, 1971, 1982, and 1986 had very different effects on the tax benefits of different types of investment. Because the
compositions of industries’ capital stocks differ greatly, the result was that
the reforms’ effects on the after-tax cost of capital differed greatly across
industries. Cummins, Hassett, and Hubbard argue that these differential impacts are so large that measurement error is likely to be small relative to
the true variation in q caused by the reforms. They also argue that the differential impacts were not a response to differences in investment demand
across the industries, and thus that simultaneity is not a major concern.
Motivated by these considerations, Cummins, Hassett, and Hubbard
(loosely speaking) run cross-industry regressions in the tax-reform years
of investment rates, not on q, but only on the component of the change in
q (defined as the ratio of the market value of capital to its after-tax cost)
that is due to the tax reforms. When they do this, a typical estimate of the
coefficient on q is 0.5 and is fairly precisely estimated. Thus a is estimated
to be around 2, which implies that the adjustment costs associated with
I/K = 0. 2 are about 4 percent of the value of the firm’s capital stock—a
much more plausible figure than the one obtained by Summers.
There are at least two limitations to this finding. First, it is not clear
whether the cross-industry results carry over to aggregate investment. One
potential problem is that forces that affect aggregate investment demand
are likely to affect the price of investment goods; differential effects of tax
reform on different industries, in contrast, seem much less likely to cause
differential changes in the prices of different investment goods. That is,
external adjustment costs may be more important for aggregate than for
cross-section variations in investment. And indeed, Goolsbee (1998) finds
evidence of substantial rises in the price of investment goods in response
to tax incentives for investment.
Second, we will see in Section 9.10 that the funds that firms have available
for investment appear to affect their investment decisions for a given q. But
industries whose marginal cost of capital is reduced the most by tax reforms
are likely to also be the ones whose tax payments are reduced the most
by the reforms, and who will thus have the largest increases in the funds
they have available for investment. Thus there may be positive correlation
between Cummins, Hassett, and Hubbard’s measure and the residual, and
thus upward bias in their estimates.
9.7 The Effects of Uncertainty
Our analysis so far assumes that firms are certain about future profitability,
interest rates, and tax policies. In practice, they face uncertainty about all
of these. This section therefore introduces some of the issues raised by
Uncertainty about Future Profitability
We begin with the case where there is no uncertainty about the path of the
interest rate; for simplicity it is assumed to be constant. Thus the uncertainty concerns only future profitability. In the case, the value of 1 unit of
capital is given by
q(t ) =
e −r (τ−t ) E t [π (K (τ))] dτ
(see [9.24]).
This expression can be used to find how q is expected to evolve over time.
Since (9.32) holds at all times, it implies that the expectation as of time t of
q at some later time, t + t, is given by
E t [q(t + t )] = E t
e −r [τ−(t+t )] E t +t [π (K (τ))] dτ
e −r [τ−(t+t )] E t [π (K (τ))] dτ,
where the second line uses the fact that the law of iterated projections implies that E t [E t +t [π (K (τ))]] is just E t [π (K (τ))]. Differentiating (9.33) with
respect to t and evaluating the resulting expression at t = 0 gives us
E t [q˙(t )] = rq(t ) − π (K (t )).
Except for the presence of the expectations term, this expression is identical
to the equation for q˙ in the model with certainty (see [9.26]).
The Effects of Uncertainty
As before, each firm invests to the point where the cost of acquiring
new capital equals the market value of capital. Thus equation (9.25), K̇ (t ) =
f (q(t )), continues to hold.
Our analysis so far appears to imply that uncertainty has no effect on
investment: firms invest as long as the value of new capital exceeds the cost
of acquiring it, and the value of that capital depends only on its expected
payoffs. But this analysis neglects the fact that it is not quite correct to assume that there is exogenous uncertainty about the future values of π (K ).
Since the path of K is determined within the model, what can be taken as
exogenous is uncertainty about the position of the π (•) function; the combination of that uncertainty and firms’ behavior then determines uncertainty
about the values of π (K ).
In one natural baseline case, this subtlety proves to be unimportant: if
π (•) is linear and C (•) is quadratic and if the uncertainty concerns the intercept of the π (•) function, then the uncertainty does not affect investment.
That is, one can show that in this case, investment at any time is the same
as it is if the future values of the intercept of the π (•) function are certain
to equal their expected values (see Problems 9.10 and 9.11).
An Example
Even in our baseline case, news about future profitability and the resolution of uncertainty about future profitability affect investment by affecting
expectations of the mean of the intercept of the π (•) function. To see this,
suppose that π (•) is linear and C(•) is quadratic, and that initially the π (•)
function is constant and the industry is in long-run equilibrium. At some
date, which we normalize to time 0, it becomes known that the government
is considering a change in the tax code that would raise the intercept of
the π (•) function. The proposal will be voted on at time T, and it has a
50 percent chance of passing. There is no other source of uncertainty.
The effects of this development are shown in Figure 9.10. The figure
shows the K̇ = 0 locus and the q˙ = 0 loci and the saddle paths with the
initial π (•) function and the potential new, higher function. Given our assumptions, all these loci are straight lines (see Problem 9.10). Initially, K
and q are at Point E. After the proposal is voted on, they will move along the
appropriate saddle path to the relevant long-run equilibrium (Point E′ if the
proposal is passed, E if it is defeated). There cannot be an expected capital
gain or loss at the time the proposal is voted on. Thus, since the proposal
has a 50 percent chance of passing, q must be midway vertically between
the two saddle paths at the time of the vote; that is, it must be on the dotted
line in the figure. Finally, before the vote the dynamics of K and q are given
by (9.34) and (9.25) with the initial π (•) function and no uncertainty about q.
Thus at the time it becomes known that the government is considering
the proposal, q jumps up to the point such that the dynamics of K and q
q =0
The effects of uncertainty about future tax policy when adjustment costs are symmetric
carry them to the dotted line at time T. q then jumps up or down depending
on the outcome of the vote, and K and q then converge to the relevant longrun equilibrium.
Irreversible Investment
If π (•) is not linear or C (•) is not quadratic, uncertainty about the π (•) function can affect expectations of future values of π (K ), and thus can affect
current investment. Suppose, for example, that it is more costly for firms to
reduce their capital stocks than to increase them. Then if π (•) shifts up, the
industry-wide capital stock will rise rapidly, and so the increase in π (K ) will
be brief; but if π (•) shifts down, K will fall only slowly, and so the decrease
in π (K ) will be long-lasting. Thus with asymmetry in adjustment costs, uncertainty about the position of the profit function reduces expectations of
future profitability, and thus reduces investment.
This type of asymmetry in adjustment costs means that investment is
somewhat irreversible: it is easier to increase the capital stock than to reverse the increase. In the phase diagram, irreversibility causes the saddle
path to be curved. If K exceeds its long-run equilibrium value, it falls only
slowly; thus profits are depressed for an extended period, and so q is much
The Effects of Uncertainty
q =0
FIGURE 9.11 The effects of uncertainty about future tax policy when adjustment costs are asymmetric
less than 1. If K is less than its long-run equilibrium value, on the other
hand, it rises rapidly, and so q is only slightly more than 1.
To see the effects of irreversibility, consider our previous example, but
now with the assumption that the costs of adjusting the capital stock are
asymmetric. This situation is analyzed in Figure 9.11. As before, at the time
the proposal is voted on, q must be midway vertically between the two saddle paths, and again the dynamics of K and q before the vote are given by
(9.34) and (9.25) with the initial π (•) function and no uncertainty about q.
Thus, as before, when it becomes known that the government is considering the proposal, q jumps up to the point such that the dynamics of
K and q carry them to the dashed line at time T. As the figure shows,
however, the asymmetry of the adjustment costs causes this jump to be
smaller than it is under symmetric costs. The fact that it is costly to reduce
capital holdings means that if firms build up large capital stocks before
the vote and the proposal is then defeated, the fact that it is hard to reverse the increase causes q to be quite low. This acts to reduce the value of
capital before the vote, and thus reduces investment. Intuitively, when
investment is irreversible, there is an option value to waiting rather than
investing. If a firm does not invest, it retains the possibility of keeping its
capital stock low; if it invests, on the other hand, it commits itself to a high
capital stock.
Uncertainty about Discount Factors
Firms are uncertain not only about what their future profits will be, but also
about how those payoffs will be valued. To see the effects of this uncertainty, suppose the firm is owned by a representative consumer. As we saw
in Section 8.5, the consumer values future payoffs not according to a constant interest rate, but according to the marginal utility of consumption.
The discounted marginal utility of consumption at time τ, relative to the
marginal utility of consumption at t, is e −ρ(τ−t ) u ′ (C (τ))/u ′ (C (t )), where ρ is
the consumer’s discount rate, u(•) is the instantaneous utility function, and
C is consumption (see equation [8.31]). Thus our expression for the value
of a unit of capital, (9.32), becomes
q(t ) =
e −ρ(τ−t ) E t
u ′ (C (τ))
u ′ (C (t ))
π (K (τ)) dτ.
As Craine (1989) emphasizes, (9.35) implies that the impact of a project’s
riskiness on investment in the project depends on the same considerations
that determine the impact of assets’ riskiness on their values in the consumption CAPM. Idiosyncratic risk—that is, randomness in π (K ) that is
uncorrelated with u ′ (C )—has no impact on the market value of capital,
and thus no impact on investment. But uncertainty that is positively correlated with aggregate risk—that is, positive correlation of π (K ) and C, and
thus negative correlation of π (K ) and u ′ (C )—lowers the value of capital
and hence reduces investment. And uncertainty that is negatively correlated
with aggregate risk raises investment.
9.8 Kinked and Fixed Adjustment Costs
The previous section considers a simple form of partial irreversibility of
investment. Realistically, however, adjustment costs are almost certainly
more complicated than just being asymmetric around I = 0. One possibility
is that the marginal cost of both the first unit of investment and the first unit
of disinvestment are strictly positive. This could arise if there are transaction costs associated with both buying and selling capital. In this case, C (I )
is kinked at I = 0. An even larger departure from smooth adjustment costs
arises if there is a fixed cost to undertaking any nonzero amount of investment. In this case, C (I ) is not just kinked at I = 0, but discontinuous.
Kinked and Fixed Adjustment Costs
FIGURE 9.12 Kinked adjustment costs
Kinked Costs
A kinked adjustment-cost function is shown in Figure 9.12. In the case
shown, the adjustment cost for the first unit of positive investment, which
we will denote c + , is less than the adjustment cost for the first unit of disinvestment, c − .
It is straightforward to modify our phase-diagram analysis to incorporate
kinked adjustment costs. To do this, start by noting that firms neither invest
nor disinvest when 1 − c − ≤ q(t ) ≤ 1 + c + (Abel and Eberly, 1994). Thus there
is a range of values of q for which K̇ = 0. In terms of the phase diagram, this
means that the K̇ = 0 line at q = 1 in the model with smooth adjustment
costs is replaced by the area from q = 1 − c − to q = 1 + c + . This is shown in
Figure 9.13.
˙ q˙(t ) = rq(t ) − π(K (t )), is simply a conRecall that equation (9.26) for q,
sistency requirement for how firms value capital over time. Thus assuming a more complicated form for adjustment costs does not change this
condition. The q˙ = 0 locus is therefore the same as before; this is also shown
in Figure 9.13.
Let K1 denote the value of K where the q˙ = 0 locus crosses into the K̇ = 0
region, and K2 the level of K where it leaves. If the initial value of K , K (0), is
less than K1 , then q(0) exceeds 1 + c + . There is positive investment, and the
economy moves down the saddle path until K = K1 and q = 1 + c + ; this is
Point E + in the diagram. Similarly, if K (0) exceeds K2 , there is disinvestment,
and the economy converges to Point E − . And if K (0) is between K1 and K2 ,
there is neither investment nor disinvestment, and K remains constant at
K (0). Thus the long-run equilibria are the points on the q˙ = 0 locus from E +
to E − .
1 + c+
1 − c−
q =0
FIGURE 9.13 The phase diagram with kinked adjustment costs
Finally, the fact that q˙ is zero when K = K1 or K = K2 allows us to
characterize K1 and K2 in terms of the profit function. The expression for
˙ q(t)
˙ = rq (t) − π(K (t )), implies that when q˙ is zero, q equals π(K )/r. Thus
K1 satisfies π(K1 )/r = 1 + c + , and K2 satisfies π(K2 )/r = 1 − c − . Similarly,
the fact that q˙ = 0 when K is between K1 and K2 implies that if K (0) is in
this range, q equals π(K (0))/r.
Fixed Costs
If there is a fixed cost to any nonzero quantity of investment, the adjustmentcost function is discontinuous. One might expect this to make the model
very difficult to analyze: with a fixed cost, a small change in a firm’s environment can cause a discrete change in its behavior. It turns out, however, that
in a natural baseline case fixed costs do not greatly complicate the analysis of aggregate investment. Specifically, we will focus on the case where
there are constant returns to scale in the adjustment costs. This assumption implies that the division of the aggregate capital stock among firms
is irrelevant, and thus that we do not have to keep track of each firm’s
When there are fixed costs, adjustment costs per unit of investment are
nonmonotonic in investment. The fixed costs act to make this ratio decreasing in investment at low positive levels of investment. But the remaining component of adjustment costs (which we assume continue to satisfy
Kinked and Fixed Adjustment Costs
FIGURE 9.14 Adjustment costs per unit of investment in the presence of fixed
C ′ (I ) > 0 for I > 0, C ′ (I ) < 0 for I < 0, and C ′′ (I ) > 0) act to make this ratio
increasing at high positive levels of investment.
Suppose, for example, that adjustment costs consist of a fixed cost and
a quadratic component:
C (I ,κ)
if I = 0
if I = 0,
where F > 0, a > 0. (As in equation [9.28], the κ terms ensure constant
returns to scale. Doubling I and κ leaves C (I ,κ)/κ unchanged, and so doubles
C (I ,κ). ) Equation (9.36) implies that adjustment costs per unit of investment
(both expressed relative to the firm’s capital stock) are
C (I , κ)/κ
I /κ
I /κ
if I = 0.
As Figure 9.14 shows, this ratio is first decreasing and then increasing in
the investment rate, I /κ.
A firm’s value is linear in its investment: each unit of investment the
firm undertakes at time t raises its value by q(t ). As a result, the firm
never chooses a level of investment in the range where [C (I ,κ)/κ]/(I /κ) is
decreasing. If a quantity of investment in that range is profitable (in the
sense that the increase in the firm’s value, q(t )I (t ), is greater than the purchase costs of the capital plus the adjustment costs), a slightly higher level
of investment is even more profitable. Thus, each firm acts as if it has a
minimum investment rate (the level (I /κ)0 in the diagram) and a minimum
cost per unit of investment (C0 in the diagram).
Recall, however, that there are many firms. As a result, for the economy
as a whole there is no minimum level of investment. There can be aggregate
investment at a rate less than (I /κ)0 at a cost per unit of investment of
C0 ; all that is needed is for some firms to invest at rate (I /κ)0 . Thus the
aggregate economy does not behave as though there are fixed adjustment
costs. Instead, it behaves as though the first unit of investment has strictly
positive adjustment costs and the adjustment costs per unit of investment
are constant over some range. And the same is true of disinvestment. The
aggregate implications of fixed adjustment costs in this case are therefore
similar to those of kinked costs.
Fixed costs (and kinked costs) have potentially more interesting implications when firms are heterogeneous and there is uncertainty. There is a
substantial literature investigating the microeconomic and macroeconomic
effects of irreversibility, fixed costs, and uncertainty both theoretically
and empirically. One important departure from the models we have been
analyzing is the inclusion of imperfect competition and other forces that
make a firm’s profits concave rather than linear in its capital stock. This
makes the composition of investment among firms no longer irrelevant, and
thus eliminates the simple force in the model we have been considering that
makes fixed costs unimportant to aggregate investment. Nonetheless, many
(though not all) analyses find that investment behavior at the macroeconomic level in the presence of fixed adjustment costs at the microeconomic
level is similar to its behavior with smooth adjustment costs.12
9.9 Financial-Market Imperfections
When firms and investors are equally well informed, financial markets function efficiently. Investments are valued according to their expected payoffs
and riskiness. As a result, they are undertaken if their value exceeds the cost
of acquiring and installing the necessary capital. These are the assumptions
underlying our analysis so far. In particular, we have assumed that firms
make investments if they raise the present value of profits evaluated using
For more on these issues, see Caballero, Engel, and Haltiwanger (1995); Thomas (2002);
Veracierto (2002); Cooper and Haltiwanger (2006); Gourio and Kashyap (2007); Bachmann,
Caballero, and Engel (2008); and House (2008).
Financial-Market Imperfections
the prevailing economy-wide interest rate. Thus we have implicitly assumed
that firms can borrow at that interest rate.
In practice, however, firms are much better informed than potential outside investors about their investment projects. Outside financing must
ultimately come from individuals. These individuals usually have little contact with the firm and little expertise concerning the firm’s activities. In
addition, their stakes in the firm are usually low enough that their incentive
to acquire relevant information is small.
Because of these problems, institutions such as banks, mutual funds,
and bond-rating agencies that specialize in acquiring and transmitting information play central roles in financial markets. But even they are much
less informed than the firms or individuals in whom they are investing their
funds. The issuer of a credit card, for example, is usually much less informed
than the holder of the card about the holder’s financial circumstances and
spending habits. In addition, the existence of intermediaries between the
ultimate investors and firms means that there is a two-level problem of
asymmetric information: there is asymmetric information not just between
the intermediaries and the firms, but also between the individuals and the
intermediaries (Diamond, 1984).
Asymmetric information creates agency problems between investors and
firms. Some of the risk in the payoff to investment is usually borne by the
investors rather than by the firm; this occurs, for example, in any situation
where there is a possibility that the firm may go bankrupt. When this is
the case, the firm can change its behavior to take advantage of its superior
information. It can only borrow if it knows that its project is particularly
risky, for example, or it can choose a high-risk strategy over a low-risk one
even if this reduces expected returns. Thus asymmetric information can distort investment choices away from the most efficient projects. In addition,
the presence of asymmetric information can lead the investors to expend
resources monitoring the firms’ activities; thus again it imposes costs.
This section presents a simple model of asymmetric information and the
resulting agency problems, and discusses some of their effects. We will find
that when there is asymmetric information, investment depends on more
than just interest rates and profitability; such factors as investors’ ability to
monitor firms and firms’ ability to finance their investment using internal
funds also matter. We will also see that asymmetric information changes
how interest rates and profitability affect investment.
An entrepreneur has the opportunity to undertake a project that requires
1 unit of resources. The entrepreneur has wealth of W, which is less than
1. Thus he or she must obtain 1 − W units of outside financing to undertake the project. If the project is undertaken, it has an expected output
of γ , which is positive. γ is heterogeneous across entrepreneurs and is publicly observable. Actual output can differ from expected output, however;
specifically, the actual output of a project with an expected output of γ is
distributed uniformly on [0,2γ ]. Since the entrepreneur’s wealth is all invested in the project, his or her payment to the outside investors cannot
exceed the project’s output. This limit on the amount that the entrepreneur
can pay to outside investors means that the investors must bear some of
the project’s risk.
If the entrepreneur does not undertake the project, he or she can invest
at the risk-free interest rate, r. The entrepreneur is risk-neutral; thus he or
she undertakes the project if the difference between γ and the expected
payments to the outside investors is greater than (1 + r )W.
The outside investors, like the entrepreneur, are risk-neutral and can invest their wealth at the risk-free rate. In addition, the outside investors are
competitive. Thus in equilibrium their expected rate of return on any financing they provide to entrepreneurs must be r.
The key assumption of the model is that entrepreneurs are better informed than outside investors about their projects’ actual output. Specifically, an entrepreneur observes his or her output costlessly; an outside
investor, however, must pay a cost c to observe output. c is assumed to
be positive; for convenience, it is also assumed to be less than expected
output, γ .
This type of asymmetric information is known as costly state verification (Townsend, 1979). We focus on this type of asymmetric information
between entrepreneurs and investors not because it is the most important
type in practice, but because it is relatively straightforward to analyze. Other
types of information asymmetries, such as asymmetric information about
the riskiness of projects or entrepreneurs’ actions, have broadly similar
The Equilibrium under Symmetric Information
In the absence of the cost of observing the project’s output, the equilibrium is straightforward. Entrepreneurs whose projects have an expected
payoff that exceeds 1 + r obtain financing and undertake their projects; entrepreneurs whose projects have an expected output less than 1 + r do not.
For the projects that are undertaken, the contract between the entrepreneur
and the outside investors provides the investors with expected payments of
(1 − W )(1 + r ). There are many contracts that do this. One example is a contract that gives to investors the fraction (1 − W )(1 + r )/γ of whatever output
turns out to be. Since expected output is γ , this yields an expected payment
of (1−W )(1+r ). The entrepreneur’s expected income is then γ −(1−W )(1+r ),
which equals W(1 + r ) + γ − (1 + r ). Since γ exceeds 1 + r by assumption,
this is greater than W(1 + r ). Thus the entrepreneur is made better off by
undertaking the project.
Payment to outside investor
Financial-Market Imperfections
FIGURE 9.15 The form of the optimal payment function
The Form of the Contract under Asymmetric
Now consider the case where it is costly for outside investors to observe a
project’s output. In addition, assume that each outsider’s wealth is greater
than 1−W. Thus we can focus on the case where, in equilibrium, each project
has only a single outside investor. This allows us to avoid dealing with the
complications that arise when there is more than one outside investor who
may want to observe a project’s output.
Since outside investors are risk-neutral and competitive, an entrepreneur’s expected payment to the investor must equal (1 + r )(1 − W ) plus
the investor’s expected spending on verifying output. The entrepreneur’s
expected income equals the project’s expected output, which is exogenous,
minus the expected payment to the investor. Thus the optimal contract is
the one that minimizes the fraction of the time that the investor verifies output while providing the outside investor with the required rate of return.
Given our assumptions, the contract that accomplishes this takes a simple form. If the payoff to the project exceeds some critical level D, then the
entrepreneur pays the investor D and the investor does not verify output.
But if the payoff is less than D, the investor pays the verification cost and
takes all of output. Thus the contract is a debt contract. The entrepreneur
borrows 1 − W and promises to pay back D if that is possible. If the entrepreneur’s output exceeds the amount that is due, he or she pays off the
loan and keeps the surplus. And if the entrepreneur cannot make the required payment, all of his or her resources go to the lender. This payment
function is shown in Figure 9.15.
The argument that the optimal contract takes this form has several steps.
First, when the investor does not verify output, the payment cannot depend
on actual output. To see this, suppose that the payment is supposed to be
Q 1 when output is Y1 and Q 2 when output is Y2 , with Q 2 > Q 1 , and that the
investor does not verify output in either of these cases. Since the investor
does not know output, when output is Y2 the entrepreneur pretends that it
is Y1 , and therefore pays Q 1 . Thus the contract cannot make the payment
when output is Y2 exceed the payment when it is Y1 .
Second, and similarly, the payment with verification can never exceed the
payment without verification, D ; otherwise the entrepreneur always pretends that output is not equal to the values of output that yield a payment
greater than D . In addition, the payment with verification cannot equal D ;
otherwise it is possible to reduce expected expenditures on verification by
not verifying whenever the entrepreneur pays D .
Third, the payment is D whenever output exceeds D . To see this, note
that if the payment is ever less than D when output is greater than D , it is
possible to increase the investor’s expected receipts and reduce expected
verification costs by changing the payment to D for these levels of output;
as a result, it is possible to construct a more efficient contract.
Fourth, the entrepreneur cannot pay D if output is less than D . Thus in
these cases the investor must verify output.
Finally, if the payment is less than all of output when output is less than
D , increasing the payment in these situations raises the investor’s expected
receipts without changing expected verification costs. But this means that
it is possible to reduce D , and thus to save on verification costs.
Together, these facts imply that the optimal contract is a debt contract.13
The Equilibrium Value of D
The next step of the analysis is to determine what value of D is specified
in the contract. Investors are risk-neutral and competitive, and the risk-free
interest rate is r. Thus the expected payments to the investor, minus his or
her expected spending on verification, must equal 1 + r times the amount
of the loan, 1 − W. To find the equilibrium value of D , we must therefore
For formal proofs, see Townsend (1979) and Gale and Hellwig (1985). This analysis
neglects two subtleties. First, it assumes that verification must be a deterministic function
of the state. One can show, however, that a contract that makes verification a random function of the entrepreneur’s announcement of output can improve on the contract shown in
Figure 9.15 (Bernanke and Gertler, 1989). Second, the analysis assumes that the investor can
commit to verification if the entrepreneur announces that output is less than D . For any
announced level of output less than D , the investor prefers to receive that amount without
verifying than with verifying. But if the investor can decide ex post not to verify, the entrepreneur has an incentive to announce low output. Thus the contract is not renegotiationproof. For simplicity, we neglect these complications.
Financial-Market Imperfections
determine how the investor’s expected receipts net of verification costs vary
with D , and then find the value of D that provides the investor with the
required expected net receipts.
To find the investor’s expected net receipts, suppose first that D is less
than the project’s maximum possible output, 2γ . In this case, actual output
can be either more or less than D . If output is more than D , the investor
does not pay the verification cost and receives D . Since output is distributed
uniformly on [0,2γ ], the probability of this occurring is (2γ − D )/(2γ ). If
output is less than D , the investor pays the verification cost and receives
all of output. The assumption that output is distributed uniformly implies
that the probability of this occurring is D/(2γ ), and that average output
conditional on this event is D/2.
If D exceeds 2γ , on the other hand, then output is always less than D .
Thus in this case the investor always pays the verification cost and receives
all of output. In this case the expected payment is γ .
Thus the investor’s expected receipts minus verification costs are
⎨ 2γ − D D + D D − c
2γ 2
R(D ) =
γ −c
if D ≤ 2γ
if D > 2γ .
Equation (9.38) implies that when D is less than 2γ , R ′ (D ) equals 1 −
[c/(2γ )] − [D/(2γ )]. Thus R increases until D = 2γ − c and then decreases.
The reason that raising D above 2γ − c lowers the investor’s expected net
revenues is that when the investor verifies output, the net amount he or she
receives is always less than 2γ − c. Thus setting D = 2γ − c and accepting
2γ − c without verification when output exceeds 2γ − c makes the investor
better off than setting D > 2γ − c.
Equation (9.38) implies that when D = 2γ − c, the investor’s expected
net revenues are R(2γ − c) = [(2γ − c)/(2γ )]2 γ ≡ R MAX . Thus the maximum
expected net revenues equal expected output when c is zero, but are less
than this when c is greater than zero. Finally, R declines to γ − c at D = 2γ ;
thereafter further increases in D do not affect R(D ). The R(D ) function is
plotted in Figure 9.16.
Figure 9.17 shows three possible values of the investor’s required net revenues, (1 + r )(1 − W ). If the required net revenues equal V1 —more generally,
if they are less than γ − c—there is a unique value of D that yields the investor the required net revenues. The contract therefore specifies this value
of D . For the case when the required payment equals V1 , the equilibrium
value of D is given by D1 in the figure.
If the required net revenues exceed R MAX —if they equal V 3 , for example—
there is no value of D that yields the necessary revenues for the investor.
Thus in this situation there is credit rationing: investors refuse to lend to
the entrepreneur at any interest rate.
γ −c
2γ − c
FIGURE 9.16 The investor’s expected revenues net of verification costs
γ −c
D B2
FIGURE 9.17 The determination of the entrepreneur’s required payment to the
Finally, if the required net revenues are between γ − c and R MAX , there are
two possible values of D . For example, the figure shows that a D of either
D2A or D B2 yields R(D ) = V2 . The higher of these two D’s (D B2 in the figure) is
not a competitive equilibrium, however: if an investor is making a loan to an
entrepreneur with a required payment of D B2 , other investors can profitably
lend on more favorable terms. Thus competition drives D down to D2A . The
equilibrium value of D is thus the smaller solution to R(D ) = (1 + r )(1 − W ).
Financial-Market Imperfections
Expression (9.38) implies that this solution is14
D ∗ = 2γ − c −
(2γ − c)2 − 4γ (1 + r )(1 − W )
for (1 + r )(1 − W ) ≤ R MAX .
Equilibrium Investment
The final step of the analysis is to determine when the entrepreneur undertakes the project. Clearly a necessary condition is that he or she can obtain
financing at some interest rate. But this is not sufficient: some entrepreneurs
who can obtain financing may be better off investing in the safe asset.
An entrepreneur who invests in the safe asset obtains (1 + r )W. If the entrepreneur instead undertakes the project, his or her expected receipts are
expected output, γ , minus expected payments to the outside investor. If the
entrepreneur can obtain financing, the expected payments to the investor
are the opportunity cost of the investor’s funds, (1 + r )(1 − W ), plus the
investor’s expected spending on verification costs. Thus to determine when
a project is undertaken, we need to determine these expected verification
These can be found from equation (9.39). The investor verifies when output is less than D ∗ , which occurs with probability D ∗ /(2γ ). Thus expected
verification costs are
2γ − c
2γ − c
(1 + r )(1 − W ) ⎦
Straightforward differentiation shows that A is increasing in c and r and
decreasing in γ and W. We can therefore write
A = A(c,r,W,γ ),
A c > 0,
A r > 0,
A W < 0,
A γ < 0.
The entrepreneur’s expected payments to the investor are (1 +r )(1− W )+
A(c,r,W,γ ). Thus the project is undertaken if (1 + r )(1 − W ) ≤ R MAX and if
γ − (1 + r )(1 − W ) − A(c,r,W,γ ) > (1 + r )W.
Although we have derived these results from a particular model of asymmetric information, the basic ideas are general. Suppose, for example, that
there is asymmetric information about how much risk the entrepreneur is
Note that the condition for the expression under the square root sign, (2γ − c )2 −
4γ (1 + r )(1 − W ), to be negative is that [(2γ − c )/(2γ )]2 γ < (1 + r )(1 − W )—that is, that R MAX is
less than required net revenues. Thus the case where the expression in (9.39) is not defined
corresponds to the case where there is no value of D at which investors are willing to lend.
taking. In such a situation, if the investor bears some of the cost of poor
outcomes, the entrepreneur has an incentive to increase the riskiness of
his or her activities beyond the point that maximizes the expected return
to the project. Thus there is moral hazard. As a result, asymmetric information again reduces the total expected returns to the entrepreneur and
the investor, just as it does in our model of costly state verification. Under
plausible assumptions, these agency costs are decreasing in the amount of
financing that the entrepreneur can provide (W ), increasing in the amount
that the investor must be paid for a given amount of financing (r ), decreasing
in the expected payoff to the project (γ ), and increasing in the magnitude of
the asymmetric information (c when there is costly state verification, and the
entrepreneur’s ability to take high-risk actions when there is moral hazard).
Similarly, suppose that entrepreneurs are heterogeneous in terms of how
risky their projects are, and that risk is not publicly observable—that is,
suppose there is adverse selection. Then again there are agency costs of
outside finance, and again those costs are determined by the same types of
considerations as in our model. Thus the qualitative results of this model
apply to many other models of asymmetric information in financial markets.
This model has many implications. As the preceding discussion suggests,
most of the major ones arise from financial-market imperfections in general rather than from our specific model. Here we discuss four of the most
First, the agency costs arising from asymmetric information raise the cost
of external finance, and therefore discourage investment. Under symmetric
information, investment occurs in our model if γ > 1 + r. But when there is
asymmetric information, investment occurs only if γ > 1 + r + A(c,r,W,γ ).
Thus the agency costs reduce investment at a given safe interest rate.
Second, because financial-market imperfections create agency costs that
affect investment, they alter the impact of output and interest-rate movements on investment. Recall from Section 9.5 that when financial markets
are perfect, output movements affect investment through their effect on future profitability. Financial-market imperfections create a second channel:
because output movements affect firms’ current profitability, they affect
firms’ ability to provide internal finance. In the context of our model, we
can think of a fall in current output as lowering entrepreneurs’ wealth, W;
since a reduction in wealth increases agency costs, the fall in output reduces
investment even if the profitability of investment projects (the distribution
of the γ ’s) is unchanged.
Similarly, interest-rate movements affect investment not only through
the conventional channel, but also through their impact on agency costs:
an increase in interest rates raises agency costs and thus discourages
Financial-Market Imperfections
investment. Intuitively, an increase in r raises the total amount the entrepreneur must pay the investor. This means that the probability that the
investor is unable to make the required payment is higher, and thus that
agency costs are higher. Specifically, since the investor’s required net revenues are (1 + r )(1 − W ), an increase in r of r increases these required
revenues by (1 − W ) r. Thus it has the same effect on the required net revenues as a fall in W of [(1 − W )/(1 + r )] r. As a result, as equation (9.40)
shows, these two changes have the same effect on agency costs.
In addition, the model implies that the effects of changes in output and
interest rates on investment do not all occur through their impact on entrepreneurs’ decisions of whether to borrow at the prevailing interest rate.
Instead some of the impact comes from changes in the set of entrepreneurs
who are able to borrow.
The third implication of our analysis is that many variables that do not
affect investment when capital markets are perfect matter when capital markets are imperfect. Entrepreneurs’ wealth provides a simple example. Suppose that γ and W are heterogeneous across entrepreneurs. With perfect
financial markets, whether a project is funded depends only on γ . Thus the
projects that are undertaken are the most productive ones. This is shown
in Panel (a) of Figure 9.18. With asymmetric information, in contrast, since
W affects the agency costs, whether a project is funded depends on both
γ and W. Thus a project with a lower expected payoff than another can
be funded if the entrepreneur with the less productive project is wealthier.
This is shown in Panel (b) of the figure.
The fact that financial-market imperfections cause entrepreneurs’ wealth
to affect investment implies that these imperfections can magnify the effects of shocks that occur outside the financial system. Declines in output
arising from other sources act to reduce entrepreneurs’ wealth. These reductions in wealth reduce investment, and thus increase the output declines
(Bernanke and Gertler, 1989; Kiyotaki and Moore, 1997).
Two other examples of variables that affect investment only when capital
markets are imperfect are average tax rates and idiosyncratic risk. If taxes
are added to the model, the average rate (rather than just the marginal rate)
affects investment through its impact on firms’ ability to use internal finance. And risk, even if it is uncorrelated with consumption, affects investment through its impact on agency costs. Outside finance of a project whose
payoff is certain, for example, involves no agency costs, since there is no
possibility that the entrepreneur will be unable to repay the investor. But, as
our model shows, outside finance of a risky project involves agency costs.
Fourth, and critically, our analysis implies that the financial system itself can be important to investment. The model implies that increases in
c, the cost of verification, reduce investment. More generally, the existence
of agency costs suggests that the efficiency of the financial system in processing information and monitoring borrowers is a potentially important
determinant of investment.
FIGURE 9.18 The determination of the projects that are undertaken under
symmetric and asymmetric information
This observation has implications for both long-run growth and shortrun fluctuations. With regard to long-run growth, McKinnon (1973) and others argue that the financial system has important effects on overall investment and on the quality of the investment projects undertaken, and thus on
economies’ growth over extended periods. Because the development of the
Empirical Application: Cash Flow and Investment
financial system may be a by-product, rather than a cause, of growth, this argument is difficult to test. Nonetheless, there is at least suggestive evidence
that financial development is important to growth (for example, Levine and
Zervos, 1998, Rajan and Zingales, 1998, and Jayaratne and Strahan, 1996).
With regard to short-run fluctuations, our analysis implies that disruptions to the financial system can affect investment, and thus aggregate
output. Recall that the transformation of saving into investment is often
done via financial intermediaries, creating a two-level asymmetric information problem. This creates a potentially large propagation mechanism for
shocks. Suppose some development—for example, the crash of the stock
market in 1929 and the contraction of the economy in 1930, or the fall in
house prices in 2007 and 2008—lowers borrowers’ wealth. This not only
reduces their ability to borrow and invest; it also weakens the position of
financial intermediaries, and so reduces their ability to obtain funds from
ultimate wealthholders. This reduces their lending, further depressing investment and output. This amplification can be compounded by links among
intermediaries. In the extreme, some intermediaries fail. If they have specialized knowledge about particular borrowers, those borrowers’ investment
collapses. The end result can be catastrophic. Precisely these type of financial amplification mechanisms were at work in the Great Depression
(Bernanke, 1983b), and they were central to the crisis that began in 2007—
an issue we will return to in the Epilogue.
9.10 Empirical Application: Cash Flow
and Investment
Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen’s Test
Theories of financial-market imperfections imply that internal finance is
less costly than external finance. They therefore imply that all else equal,
firms with higher profits invest more.
A naive way to test this prediction is to regress investment on measures
of the cost of capital and on cash flow—loosely speaking, current revenues
minus expenses and taxes. Such regressions can use either firm-level data
at a point in time or aggregate data over time. In either form, they typically
find a strong link between cash flow and investment.
There is a problem with this test, however. The regression does not control for the future profitability of capital, and cash flow is likely to be correlated with future profitability. We saw in Section 9.5, for example, that our
model of investment without financial-market imperfections predicts that a
rise in output that is not immediately reversed raises investment. The reason is not that higher current output reduces firms’ need to rely on outside
finance, but that higher future output means that capital is more valuable.
A similar relationship is likely to hold across firms at a point in time: firms
with high cash flow probably have successful products or low costs, and
thus have incentives to expand output. Because of this potential correlation
between cash flow and current profitability, the regression may show a relationship between cash flow and investment even if financial markets are
A large literature, begun by Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen (1988), addresses this problem by comparing the investment behavior of different
types of firms. Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen’s idea is to divide firms into
those that are likely to face significant costs of obtaining outside funds and
those that are not. There is likely to be an association between cash flow
and investment among both types of firms even if financial-market imperfections are not important. But the theory that financial-market imperfections have large effects on investment predicts that the association will be
stronger among the firms that face greater barriers to external finance. And
unless the association between current cash flow and future profitability is
stronger for the firms with less access to financial markets, the view that
financial-market imperfections are not important predicts no difference in
the cash flow–investment link for the two groups. Thus, Fazzari, Hubbard,
and Petersen argue, the difference in the cash flow–investment relationship
between the two groups can be used to test for the importance of financialmarket imperfections to investment.
The specific way that Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen divide their firms
is according to their dividend payments as a fraction of income. Firms that
pay high dividends can finance additional investment by reducing their dividends. Firms that pay low dividends, in contrast, must rely on external
The basic regression is a pooled time series–cross section regression of
investment as a fraction of firms’ capital stock on the ratio of cash flow to the
capital stock, an estimate of q, and dummy variables for each firm and each
year. The regression is estimated separately for the two groups of firms.
The sample consists of 422 relatively large U.S. firms over the period 1970–
1984. Low-dividend firms are defined as those with ratios of dividends to
income consistently under 10 percent, and high-dividend firms are defined
as those with dividend-income ratios consistently over 20 percent (Fazzari,
Hubbard, and Petersen also consider an intermediate-dividend group).
For the high-dividend firms, the coefficient on cash flow is 0.230, with
a standard error of 0.010; for the low-dividend firms, it is 0.461, with a
One complication to this argument is that it may be costly for high-dividend firms to
reduce their dividends: there is evidence that reductions in dividends are interpreted by the
stock market as a signal of lower future profitability, and that the reductions therefore lower
the value of firms’ shares. Thus it is possible that the test could fail to find differences between the two groups of firms not because financial-market imperfections are unimportant,
but because they are important to both groups.
Empirical Application: Cash Flow and Investment
standard error of 0.027. The t-statistic for the hypothesis that the two coefficients are equal is 12.1; thus the hypothesis is overwhelmingly rejected.
The point estimates imply that low-dividend firms invest 23 cents more of
each extra dollar of cash flow than the high-dividend firms do. Thus even if
we interpret the estimate for the high-dividend firms as reflecting only the
correlation between cash flow and future profitability, the results still suggest that financial-market imperfections have a large effect on investment
by low-dividend firms.
Many authors have used variations on Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen’s
approach. A few examples are Lamont (1997), Rauh (2006), and Blalock,
Gertler, and Levine (2008), all of whom find important effects of cash flow.
Gertler and Gilchrist (1994) carry out a test that is in the same spirit as these
but that focuses on the effects of monetary policy. They begin by arguing
that small firms are likely to face larger barriers to outside finance than
large firms do; for example, the fixed costs associated with issuing publicly
traded bonds may be more important for small firms. They then compare
the behavior of small and large firms’ inventories and sales following moves
to tighter monetary policy. Again the results support the importance of imperfect financial markets. Small firms account for a highly disproportionate
share of the declines in sales, inventories, and short-term debt following
monetary tightening. Indeed, large firms’ borrowing increases after a monetary tightening, whereas small firms’ borrowing declines sharply.
Kaplan and Zingales’s Critique
The findings described above are representative of the results that have been
obtained in this area. Indeed, for the most part the literature on financialmarket imperfections is one of unusual empirical consensus. The bulk of
the evidence suggests that cash flow and other determinants of access to internal resources affect investment, and that they do so in ways that suggest
that the relationship is the result of financial-market imperfections.
Kaplan and Zingales (1997), however, challenge this consensus both theoretically and empirically. Theoretically, they argue that the premise of the
empirical tests is flawed. They agree that for a firm that faces no barriers to
external finance, cash flow does not affect investment. But they argue that
among firms that face costs of outside finance, there is little reason to expect the relationship between investment and cash flow to be stronger for
those facing greater costs of external finance.
To make this argument, Kaplan and Zingales consider a firm that has a
fixed amount of internal funds, W, with an opportunity cost of r per unit.
External funds, E , have costs C (E ), where C (•) satisfies C ′ (•) > r and C ′′ (•) >
0. The firm chooses the amount of investment, I , to solve
max F (I ) − r W − C (I − W ),
where F (I ) is the firm’s value as a function of the amount of investment;
F (•) satisfies F ′ (•) > 0 and F ′′ (•) < 0. Under the assumption that the solution
involves I > W, the first-order condition for I is
F ′ (I ) = C ′ (I − W ).
Implicitly differentiating this condition with respect to W yields
F (I )
= C (I − W )
−1 .
Solving this equation for dI /dW shows how investment responds to internal
C ′′ (I − W )
C (I − W ) − F ′′ (I )
> 0.
Thus, as Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen argue, investment is increasing
in internal resources when firms face financial-market imperfections. Recall,
however, that their test involves comparing the sensitivity of investment
to cash flow across firms facing different degrees of financial-market constraints. Since firms with fewer internal funds are more affected by financialmarket imperfections, one way to address this is to ask how dI/dW varies
with W.16 Differentiating (9.46) with respect to W yields
d 2I
dW 2
[C (I − W ) − F (I )]C (I − W )
−C (I − W ) C (I − W )
− F (I )
[C (I − W ) − F (I )]2 .
Substituting for dI/dW and simplifying yields
d 2I
[C ′′ (I − W )]2 F ′′′ (I ) − [F ′′ (I )]2 C ′′′ (I − W )
[C ′′ (I − W ) − F ′′ (I )]3
Kaplan and Zingales argue that the theory that financial-market imperfections are important to investment makes no clear predictions about the
signs of F ′′′ (•) and C ′′′ (•), and thus that the theory does not make strong
predictions about differences in the sensitivity of investment to cash flow
across different kinds of firms.
Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen (2000) respond, however, that the theory
does in fact plausibly make predictions about third derivatives. Specifically,
they argue that over a range, the marginal cost of external funds is likely to
be low (so that C ′ (I − W ) is only slightly above r ) and rising slowly (so that
C ′′ (I − W ) is small). At some point, the firm starts to be severely constrained
in its access to external funds; that is, C ′ (I − W ) changes from rising slowly
An alternative is to assume C = C (E ,α), where α indexes financial-market imperfections (so that Cα(•) > 0, CαE (•) > 0), and to ask how d I/dW varies with α. This yields similar
to rising rapidly, which corresponds to C ′′′ (I −W ) > 0. This will tend to make
d 2I/dW 2 negative—that is, it will tend to make investment less sensitive to
cash flow when firms can finance more investment from internal funds.
Empirically, Kaplan and Zingales focus on Fazzari, Hubbard, and
Petersen’s low-dividend firms. They use qualitative statements from firms’
annual reports and quantitative information on such variables as firms’ liquid assets and debt conditions to classify each firm-year according to the
extent of financial constraints. They find that even in this sample—which is
where Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen argue financial constraints are most
likely to be important—for most firms in most years, both the discussions
of liquidity in the firms’ annual reports and quantitative evidence from the
firms’ balance sheets provide little evidence of important financial-market
constraints. They also find that within this sample, firms that appear to face
the greatest financial-market constraints have the lowest estimated sensitivities of investment to cash flow. Thus, they argue that direct examination of
financial constraints yields conclusions opposite to Fazzari, Hubbard, and
Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen (2000) make three major points in response. First, they argue that Kaplan and Zingales understate the amount
of investment these firms need to finance, and that as a result they understate the fraction of time they need significant outside finance. Second, they
argue that Kaplan and Zingales’s results stem partly from an extreme and
not particularly interesting case where greater financial constraints reduce
the cash flow–investment link: a firm in severe financial distress may find
that the marginal dollar of cash flow must be paid to creditors and cannot
be used for investment. And third, they point out that inferring the extent
of financial constraints from balance-sheet information is problematic. For
example, low levels of debt can result from either the absence of a need to
borrow or the inability to do so.
As this discussion makes clear, Kaplan and Zingales’s work raises important issues concerning the impact of financial-market imperfections on
investment. The debate on those issues is very much open. Since the interpretation of a large literature hinges on the outcome, this is an important
area of research.
9.1. Consider a firm that produces output using a Cobb–Douglas combination of
capital and labor: Y = K α L 1−α, 0 < α < 1. Suppose that the firm’s price is fixed
in the short run; thus it takes both the price of its product, P , and the quantity,
Y, as given. Input markets are competitive; thus the firm takes the wage, W,
and the rental price of capital, r K , as given.
(a ) What is the firm’s choice of L given P , Y, W, and K ?
(b ) Given this choice of L, what are profits as a function of P , Y, W, and K ?
(c ) Find the first-order condition for the profit-maximizing choice of K . Is the
second-order condition satisfied?
(d ) Solve the first-order condition in part (c) for K as a function of P , Y, W,
and r K . How, if at all, do changes in each of these variables affect K ?
9.2. Corporations in the United States are allowed to subtract depreciation allowances from their taxable income. The depreciation allowances are based on
the purchase price of the capital; a corporation that buys a new capital good
at time t can deduct fraction D (s ) of the purchase price from its taxable income at time t + s. Depreciation allowances often take the form of straight-line
depreciation: D (s ) equals 1/T for s ǫ [0,T ], and equals 0 for s > T, where T is
the tax life of the capital good.
(a ) Assume straight-line depreciation. If the marginal corporate income tax
rate is constant at τ and the interest rate is constant at i, by how much
does purchasing a unit of capital at a price of PK reduce the present value
of the firm’s corporate tax liabilities as a function of T, τ, i, and PK ? Thus,
what is the after-tax price of the capital good to the firm?
(b ) Suppose that i = r + π, and that π increases with no change in r. How does
this affect the after-tax price of the capital good to the firm?
9.3. The major feature of the tax code that affects the user cost of capital in the
case of owner-occupied housing in the United States is that nominal interest
payments are tax-deductible. Thus the after-tax real interest rate relevant to
home ownership is r − τi, where r is the pretax real interest rate, i is the
nominal interest rate, and τ is the marginal tax rate. In this case, how does an
increase in inflation for a given r affect the user cost of capital and the desired
capital stock?
9.4. Using the calculus of variations to solve the social planner’s problem in the
Ramsey model. Consider the social planner’s problem that we analyzed in
Section 2.4: the planner wants to maximize ∫t∞=0 e −βt [c (t )1−θ/(1 − θ)]dt subject
˙ ) = f (k (t )) − c (t ) − (n + g)k (t ).
to k(t
(a ) What is the current-value Hamiltonian? What variables are the control variable, the state variable, and the costate variable?
(b ) Find the three conditions that characterize optimal behavior analogous to
equations (9.21), (9.22), and (9.23) in Section 9.2.
(c ) Show that the first two conditions in part (b), together with the fact that
f ′ (k (t )) = r (t ), imply the Euler equation (equation [9.20]).
(d ) Let μ denote the costate variable. Show that [μ̇(t )/μ(t )] − β = (n + g) − r (t ),
and thus that e −βt μ(t ) is proportional to e −R (t ) e (n+g )t . Show that this implies
that the transversality condition in part (b) holds if and only if the budget
constraint, equation (2.15), holds with equality.
9.5. Using the calculus of variations to find the socially optimal allocation in the
Romer model. Consider the Romer model of Section 3.5. For simplicity, neglect
the constraint that L A cannot be negative. Set up the problem of choosing the
path of L A (t) to maximize the lifetime utility of the representative individual.
What is the control variable? What is the state variable? What is the current
value Hamiltonian? Find the conditions that characterize the optimum. Is there
an allocation where L A (t) is constant that satisfies those conditions? If so, what
is the constant value of L A ? If not, why not?
9.6. Consider the model of investment in Sections 9.2–9.5. Describe the effects of
each of the following changes on the K̇ = 0 and q˙ = 0 loci, on K and q at the
time of the change, and on their behavior over time. In each case, assume that
K and q are initially at their long-run equilibrium values.
(a ) A war destroys half of the capital stock.
(b ) The government taxes returns from owning firms at rate τ (so that a
firm’s profits per unit of capital for a given aggregate capital stock are
(1 − τ)π(K (t )) rather than π(K (t ))).
(c ) The government taxes investment. Specifically, firms pay the government
γ for each unit of capital they acquire, and receive a subsidy of γ for each
unit of disinvestment.
9.7. Consider the model of investment in Sections 9.2–9.5. Suppose it becomes
known at some date that there will be a one-time capital levy. Specifically, capital holders will be taxed an amount equal to fraction f of the value of their
capital holdings at some time in the future, time T. Assume the industry is initially in long-run equilibrium. What happens at the time of this news? How do
K and q behave between the time of the news and the time the levy is imposed?
What happens to K and q at the time of the levy? How do they behave thereafter? (Hint: Is q anticipated to change discontinuously at the time of the levy?)
9.8. A model of the housing market. (Poterba, 1984.) Let H denote the stock of
housing, I the rate of investment, p H the real price of housing, and R the rent.
Assume that I is increasing in p H , so that I = I (p H ), with I ′ (•) > 0, and that
Ḣ = I − δH. Assume also that the rent is a decreasing function of H: R = R(H ),
R ′ (•) < 0. Finally, assume that rental income plus capital gains must equal the
exogenous required rate of return, r : (R + ṗ H )/p H = r.
(a ) Sketch the set of points in (H, p H ) space such that Ḣ = 0. Sketch the set of
points such that ṗ H = 0.
(b ) What are the dynamics of H and p H in each region of the resulting diagram?
Sketch the saddle path.
(c ) Suppose the market is initially in long-run equilibrium, and that there is
an unexpected permanent increase in r. What happens to H and p H at the
time of the change? How do H, p H , I , and R behave over time following
the change?
(d ) Suppose the market is initially in long-run equilibrium, and that it becomes
known that there will be a permanent increase in r time T in the future.
What happens to H and p H at the time of the news? How do H, p H , I , and
R behave between the time of the news and the time of the increase? What
happens to them when the increase occurs? How do they behave after the
(e ) Are adjustment costs internal or external in this model? Explain.
(f ) Why is the Ḣ = 0 locus not horizontal in this model?
9.9. Suppose that the costs of adjustment exhibit constant returns in κ̇ and κ.
Specifically, suppose they are given by C (κ̇/κ)κ, where C (0) = 0, C ′ (0) = 0,
C ′′ (•) > 0. In addition, suppose capital depreciates at rate δ; thus κ̇(t ) =
I (t ) − δκ(t ). Consider the representative firm’s maximization problem.
(a ) What is the current-value Hamiltonian?
(b ) Find the three conditions that characterize optimal behavior analogous
to equations (9.21), (9.22), and (9.23) in Section 9.2.
(c ) Show that the condition analogous to (9.21) implies that the growth rate
of each firm’s capital stock, and thus the growth rate of the aggregate
capital stock, is determined by q. In (K , q) space, what is the K̇ = 0 locus?
(d ) Substitute your result in part (c) into the condition analogous to (9.22) to
express q˙ in terms of K and q.
(e ) In (K , q) space, what is the slope of the q˙ = 0 locus at the point where
q = 1?
9.10. Suppose that π (K ) = a − b K and C (I ) = αI 2/2.
(a ) What is the q˙ = 0 locus? What is the long-run equilibrium value of K ?
(b ) What is the slope of the saddle path? (Hint: Use the approach in Section 2.6.)
9.11. Consider the model of investment under uncertainty with a constant interest
rate in Section 9.7. Suppose that, as in Problem 9.10, π (K ) = a − b K and that
C (I ) = αI 2/2. In addition, suppose that what is uncertain is future values
of a. This problem asks you to show that it is an equilibrium for q(t ) and
K (t ) to have the values at each point in time that they would if there were no
uncertainty about the path of a. Specifically, let q̂(t + τ,t ) and K̂ (t + τ,t ) be
the paths q and K would take after time t if a (t + τ) were certain to equal
E t [a (t + τ)] for all τ ≥ 0.
(a ) Show that if E t [q(t + τ)] = q̂(t + τ,t ) for all τ ≥ 0, then E t [K (t + τ)] =
K̂ (t + τ,t ) for all τ ≥ 0.
(b ) Use equation (9.32) to show that this implies that if E t [q(t +τ)] = q̂(t +τ,t ),
then q(t ) = q̂(t,t ), and thus that K̇ (t ) = N [q̂(t,t ) − 1]/α, where N is the
number of firms.
9.12. Consider the model of investment with kinked adjustment costs in Section 9.8.
Describe the effect of each of the following on the q˙ = 0 locus, on the area
where K̇ = 0, on q and K at the time of the change, and on their behavior over
time. In each case, assume q and K are initially at Point E + in Figure 9.13.
(a ) There is a permanent upward shift of the π (•) function.
(b ) There is a small permanent rise in the interest rate.
(c ) The cost of the first unit of positive investment, c + , rises.
(d ) The cost of the first unit of positive investment, c + , falls.
9.13. (This follows Bernanke, 1983a, and Dixit and Pindyck, 1994.) Consider a firm
that is contemplating undertaking an investment with a cost of I . There are
two periods. The investment will pay off π 1 in period 1 and π 2 in period 2.
π 1 is certain, but π 2 is uncertain. The firm maximizes expected profits and,
for simplicity, the interest rate is zero.
(a ) Suppose the firm’s only choices are to undertake the investment in period
1 or not to undertake it at all. Under what condition will the firm undertake
the investment?
(b ) Suppose the firm also has the possibility of undertaking the investment
in period 2, after the value of π 2 is known; in this case the investment
pays off only π 2 . Is it possible for the condition in (a ) to be satisfied but
for the firm’s expected profits to be higher if it does not invest in period
1 than if it does invest?
(c ) Define the cost of waiting as π 1 , and define the benefit of waiting as
Prob(π 2 < I )E [I − π 2 | π 2 < I ]. Explain why these represent the cost
and the benefit of waiting. Show that the difference in the firm’s expected
profits between not investing in period 1 and investing in period 1 equals
the benefit of waiting minus the cost.
9.14. The Modigliani–Miller theorem. (Modigliani and Miller, 1958.) Consider the
analysis of the effects of uncertainty about discount factors in Section 9.7.
Suppose, however, that the firm finances its investment using a mix of equity
and risk-free debt. Specifically, consider the financing of the marginal unit of
capital. The firm issues quantity b of bonds; each bond pays 1 unit of output
with certainty at time t + τ for all τ ≥ 0. Equity holders are the residual
claimant; thus they receive π (K (t + τ)) − b at t + τ for all τ ≥ 0.
(a ) Let P (t ) denote the value of a unit of debt at t, and V (t ) the value of the
equity in the marginal unit of capital. Find expressions analogous to (9.35)
for P (t ) and V (t ).
(b ) How, if at all, does the division of financing between bonds and equity
affect the market value of the claims on the unit of capital, P (t )b + V (t )?
Explain intuitively.
(c ) More generally, suppose the firm finances the investment by issuing n
financial instruments. Let d i (t + τ) denote the payoff to instrument i at
time t + τ; the payoffs satisfy d1 (t + τ) + · · · + d n (t + τ) = π (K (t + τ)),
but are otherwise unrestricted. How, if at all, does the total value of the
n assets depend on how the total payoff is divided among the assets?
(d ) Return to the case of debt and equity finance. Suppose, however, that
the firm’s profits are taxed at rate θ, and that interest payments are taxdeductible. Thus the payoff to bond holders is the same as before, but
the payoff to equity holders at time t + τ is (1 − θ)[π (K (t + τ)) − b]. Does
the result in part (b) still hold? Explain.
10.1 Introduction: Theories of
In almost any economy at almost any time, many individuals appear to be
unemployed. That is, there are many people who are not working but who
say they want to work in jobs like those held by individuals similar to them,
at the wages those individuals are earning.
The possibility of unemployment is a central subject of macroeconomics.
There are two basic issues. The first concerns the determinants of average unemployment over extended periods. The central questions here are
whether this unemployment represents a genuine failure of markets to
clear, and if so, what its causes and consequences are. There is a wide range
of possible views. At one extreme is the position that unemployment is
largely illusory, or the working out of unimportant frictions in the process
of matching up workers and jobs. At the other extreme is the view that unemployment is the result of non-Walrasian features of the economy and that
it largely represents a waste of resources.
The second issue concerns the cyclical behavior of the labor market. As
described in Section 6.3, the real wage appears to be only moderately procyclical. This is consistent with the view that the labor market is Walrasian
only if labor supply is quite elastic or if shifts in labor supply play an important role in employment fluctuations. But as we saw in Section 5.10, there
is little support for the hypothesis of highly elastic labor supply. And it
seems unlikely that shifts in labor supply are central to fluctuations. The
remaining possibility is that the labor market is not Walrasian, and that its
non-Walrasian features are central to its cyclical behavior. That possibility
is the focus of this chapter.
The issue of why shifts in labor demand appear to lead to large movements in employment and only small movements in the real wage is important to all theories of fluctuations. For example, we saw in Chapter 6
that if the real wage is highly procyclical in response to demand shocks,
it is essentially impossible for the small barriers to nominal adjustment to
10.1 Introduction: Theories of Unemployment
generate substantial nominal rigidity. In the face of a decline in aggregate
demand, for example, if prices remain fixed the real wage must fall sharply;
as a result, each firm has a huge incentive to cut its price and hire labor
to produce additional output. If, however, there is some non-Walrasian feature of the labor market that causes the cost of labor to respond little to
the overall level of economic activity, then there is some hope for theories
of small frictions in nominal adjustment.
This chapter considers various ways in which the labor market may depart from a competitive, textbook market. We investigate both whether
these departures can lead to substantial unemployment and whether they
can have large effects on the cyclical behavior of employment and the real
If there is unemployment in a Walrasian labor market, unemployed workers immediately bid the wage down until supply and demand are in balance.
Theories of unemployment can therefore be classified according to their
view of why this mechanism fails to operate. Concretely, consider an unemployed worker who offers to work for a firm for slightly less than the
firm is currently paying, and who is otherwise identical to the firm’s current
workers. There are at least four possible responses the firm can make to
this offer.
First, the firm can say that it does not want to reduce wages. Theories in
which there is a cost as well as a benefit to the firm of paying lower wages
are known as efficiency-wage theories. (The name comes from the idea that
higher wages may raise the productivity, or efficiency, of labor.) These theories are the subject of Sections 10.2 through 10.4. Section 10.2 first discusses
the possible ways that paying lower wages can harm a firm; it then analyzes
a simple model where wages affect productivity but where the reason for
that link is not explicitly specified. Section 10.3 considers an important generalization of that model. Finally, Section 10.4 presents a model formalizing
one particular view of why paying higher wages can be beneficial. The central idea is that if firms cannot monitor their workers’ effort perfectly, they
may pay more than market-clearing wages to induce workers not to shirk.
The second possible response the firm can make is that it wishes to
cut wages, but that an explicit or implicit agreement with its workers prevents it from doing so.1 Theories in which bargaining and contracts affect
the macroeconomics of the labor market are known as contracting models.
These models are considered in Section 10.5.
The third way the firm can respond to the unemployed worker’s offer
is to say that it does not accept the premise that the unemployed worker
is identical to the firm’s current employees. That is, heterogeneity among
workers and jobs may be an essential feature of the labor market. In this
The firm can also be prevented from cutting wages by minimum-wage laws. In most
settings, this is relevant only to low-skill workers; thus it does not appear to be central to
the macroeconomics of unemployment.
view, to think of the market for labor as a single market, or even as a large
number of interconnected markets, is to commit a fundamental error. Instead, according to this view, each worker and each job should be thought
of as distinct; as a result, the process of matching up workers and jobs occurs not through markets but through a complex process of search. Models
of this type are known as search and matching models. They are discussed
in Sections 10.6 and 10.7.
Finally, the firm can accept the worker’s offer. That is, it is possible that
the market for labor is approximately Walrasian. In this view, measured
unemployment consists largely of people who are moving between jobs, or
who would like to work at wages higher than those they can in fact obtain.
Since the focus of this chapter is on unemployment, we will not develop this
idea here. Nonetheless, it is important to keep in mind that this is one view
of the labor market.
10.2 A Generic Efficiency-Wage Model
Potential Reasons for Efficiency Wages
The key assumption of efficiency-wage models is that there is a benefit as
well as a cost to a firm of paying a higher wage. There are many reasons
that this could be the case. Here we describe four of the most important.
First, and most simply, a higher wage can increase workers’ food consumption, and thereby cause them to be better nourished and more productive. Obviously this possibility is not important in developed economies.
Nonetheless, it provides a concrete example of an advantage of paying a
higher wage. For that reason, it is often a useful reference point.
Second, a higher wage can increase workers’ effort in situations where the
firm cannot monitor them perfectly. In a Walrasian labor market, workers
are indifferent about losing their jobs, since identical jobs are immediately
available. Thus if the only way that firms can punish workers who exert low
effort is by firing them, workers in such a labor market have no incentive to
exert effort. But if a firm pays more than the market-clearing wage, its jobs
are valuable. Thus its workers may choose to exert effort even if there is
some chance they will not be caught if they shirk. This idea is developed in
Section 10.4.
Third, paying a higher wage can improve workers’ ability along dimensions the firm cannot observe. Specifically, if higher-ability workers have
higher reservation wages, offering a higher wage raises the average quality
of the applicant pool, and thus raises the average ability of the workers the
firm hires (Weiss, 1980).2
When ability is observable, the firm can pay higher wages to more able workers. Thus
observable ability differences do not lead to any departures from the Walrasian case.
10.2 A Generic Efficiency-Wage Model
Finally, a high wage can build loyalty among workers and hence induce
high effort; conversely, a low wage can cause anger and desire for revenge,
and thereby lead to shirking or sabotage. Akerlof and Yellen (1990) present
extensive evidence that workers’ effort is affected by such forces as anger,
jealousy, and gratitude. For example, they describe studies showing that
workers who believe they are underpaid sometimes perform their work in
ways that are harder for them in order to reduce their employers’ profits.3
Other Compensation Schemes
This discussion implicitly assumes that a firm’s financial arrangements with
its workers take the form of some wage per unit of time. An important question is whether there are more complicated ways for the firm to compensate
its workers that allow it to obtain the benefits of a higher wage less expensively. The nutritional advantages of a higher wage, for example, can be
obtained by compensating workers partly in kind (such as by feeding them
at work). To give another example, firms can give workers an incentive to exert effort by requiring them to post a bond that they lose if they are caught
If there are cheaper ways for firms to obtain the benefits of a higher
wage, then these benefits lead not to a higher wage but just to complicated
compensation policies. Whether the benefits can be obtained in such ways
depends on the specific reason that a higher wage is advantageous. We will
therefore not attempt a general treatment. The end of Section 10.4 discusses
this issue in the context of efficiency-wage theories based on imperfect monitoring of workers’ effort. In this section and the next, however, we simply assume that compensation takes the form of a conventional wage, and
investigate the effects of efficiency wages under this assumption.
We now turn to a model of efficiency wages. There is a large number, N, of
identical competitive firms.4 The representative firm seeks to maximize its
profits, which are given by
π = Y − wL,
See Problem 10.5 for a formalization of this idea. Three other potential advantages of
a higher wage are that it can reduce turnover (and hence recruitment and training costs, if
they are borne by the firm); that it can lower the likelihood that the workers will unionize;
and that it can raise the utility of managers who have some ability to pursue objectives other
than maximizing profits.
We can think of the number of firms as being determined by the amount of capital in
the economy, which is fixed in the short run.
where Y is the firm’s output, w is the wage that it pays, and L is the amount
of labor it hires.
A firm’s output depends on the number of workers it employs and on
their effort. For simplicity, we neglect other inputs and assume that labor
and effort enter the production function multiplicatively. Thus the representative firm’s output is
Y = F (eL),
F ′ (•) > 0,
F ′′ (•) < 0,
where e denotes workers’ effort. The crucial assumption of efficiency-wage
models is that effort depends positively on the wage the firm pays. In this
section we consider the simple case (due to Solow, 1979) where the wage is
the only determinant of effort. Thus,
e = e(w),
e ′ (•) > 0.
Finally, there are L identical workers, each of whom supplies 1 unit of labor
Analyzing the Model
The problem facing the representative firm is
max F (e(w )L) − wL.
If there are unemployed workers, the firm can choose the wage freely. If
unemployment is zero, on the other hand, the firm must pay at least the
wage paid by other firms.
When the firm is unconstrained, the first-order conditions for L and w
F ′ (e(w)L)e(w) − w = 0,
F ′ (e(w)L)Le ′ (w) − L = 0.
We can rewrite (10.5) as
F ′ (e(w)L) =
Substituting (10.7) into (10.6) and dividing by L yields
we ′ (w)
= 1.
Equation (10.8) states that at the optimum, the elasticity of effort with
respect to the wage is 1. To understand this condition, note that output is a
function of the quantity of effective labor, eL. The firm therefore wants to
hire effective labor as cheaply as possible. When the firm hires a worker, it
We assume that the second-order conditions are satisfied.
10.2 A Generic Efficiency-Wage Model
obtains e(w) units of effective labor at a cost of w; thus the cost per unit of
effective labor is w/e(w). When the elasticity of e with respect to w is 1, a
marginal change in w has no effect on this ratio; thus this is the first-order
condition for the problem of choosing w to minimize the cost of effective
labor. The wage satisfying (10.8) is known as the efficiency wage.
Figure 10.1 depicts the choice of w graphically in (w,e) space. The rays
coming out from the origin are lines where the ratio of e to w is constant;
the ratio is larger on the higher rays. Thus the firm wants to choose w to
attain as high a ray as possible. This occurs where the e(w) function is just
tangent to one of the rays—that is, where the elasticity of e with respect to
w is 1. Panel (a) shows a case where effort is sufficiently responsive to the
wage that over some range the firm prefers a higher wage. Panel (b) shows
a case where the firm always prefers a lower wage.
Finally, equation (10.7) states that the firm hires workers until the marginal product of effective labor equals its cost. This is analogous to the
condition in a standard labor-demand problem that the firm hires labor up
to the point where the marginal product equals the wage.
Equations (10.7) and (10.8) describe the behavior of a single firm. Describing the economy-wide equilibrium is straightforward. Let w ∗ and L ∗ denote
the values of w and L that satisfy (10.7) and (10.8). Since firms are identical,
each firm chooses these same values of w and L. Total labor demand is therefore NL ∗ . If labor supply, L, exceeds this amount, firms are unconstrained
in their choice of w. In this case the wage is w ∗ , employment is NL ∗ , and
there is unemployment of amount L − NL ∗ . If NL ∗ exceeds L, on the other
hand, firms are constrained. In this case, the wage is bid up to the point
where demand and supply are in balance, and there is no unemployment.
This model shows how efficiency wages can give rise to unemployment. In
addition, the model implies that the real wage is unresponsive to demand
shifts. Suppose the demand for labor increases. Since the efficiency wage,
w ∗ , is determined entirely by the properties of the effort function, e(•), there
is no reason for firms to adjust their wages. Thus the model provides a candidate explanation of why shifts in labor demand lead to large movements
in employment and small changes in the real wage. In addition, the fact that
the real wage and effort do not change implies that the cost of a unit of
effective labor does not change. As a result, in a model with price-setting
firms, the incentive to adjust prices is small.
Unfortunately, these results are less promising than they appear. The
difficulty is that they apply not just to the short run but to the long run: the
model implies that as economic growth shifts the demand for labor outward,
the real wage remains unchanged and unemployment trends downward.
Eventually, unemployment reaches zero, at which point further increases in
e (w)
e (w)
FIGURE 10.1 The determination of the efficiency wage
A More General Version
demand lead to increases in the real wage. In practice, however, we observe
no clear trend in unemployment over extended periods. In other words,
the basic fact about the labor market that we need to understand is not just
that shifts in labor demand appear to have little impact on the real wage and
fall mainly on employment in the short run; it is also that they fall almost
entirely on the real wage in the long run. Our model does not explain this
10.3 A More General Version
With many of the potential sources of efficiency wages, the wage is unlikely
to be the only determinant of effort. Suppose, for example, that the wage
affects effort because firms cannot monitor workers perfectly and workers
are concerned about the possibility of losing their jobs if the firm catches
them shirking. In such a situation, the cost to a worker of being fired depends not just on the wage the job pays, but also on how easy it is to obtain
other jobs and on the wages those jobs pay. Thus workers are likely to exert
more effort at a given wage when unemployment is higher, and to exert less
effort when the wage paid by other firms is higher. Similar arguments apply
to situations where the wage affects effort because of unobserved ability or
feelings of gratitude or anger.
Thus a natural generalization of the effort function, (10.3), is
e = e(w,wa ,u),
e1 (•) > 0,
e2 (•) < 0,
e3 (•) > 0,
where wa is the wage paid by other firms and u is the unemployment rate,
and where subscripts denote partial derivatives.
Each firm is small relative to the economy, and therefore takes wa and
u as given. The representative firm’s problem is the same as before, except
that wa and u now affect the effort function. The first-order conditions can
therefore be rearranged to obtain
F ′ (e(w,wa ,u)L) =
e(w,wa ,u)
we1 (w,wa ,u)
e(w,wa ,u)
= 1.
These conditions are analogous to (10.7) and (10.8) in the simpler version
of the model.
Assume that the e(•) function is sufficiently well behaved that there is a
unique optimal w for a given wa and u. Given this assumption, equilibrium
requires w = wa ; if not, each firm wants to pay a wage different from the
prevailing wage. Let w ∗ and L ∗ denote the values of w and L satisfying
(10.10)–(10.11) with w = wa. As before, if NL ∗ is less than L, the equilibrium
wage is w ∗ and L − NL ∗ workers are unemployed. And if NL ∗ exceeds L,
the wage is bid up and the labor market clears.
This extended version of the model has promise for accounting for both
the absence of any trend in unemployment over the long run and the fact
that shifts in labor demand appear to have large effects on unemployment
in the short run. This is most easily seen by means of an example.
Following Summers (1988), suppose that effort is given by
⎨ w−x
if w > x
x = (1 − bu)wa ,
where 0 < β < 1 and b > 0. x is a measure of labor-market conditions.
If b equals 1, x is the wage paid at other firms multiplied by the fraction
of workers who are employed. If b is less than 1, workers put less weight
on unemployment; this could occur if there are unemployment benefits or
if workers value leisure. If b is greater than 1, workers put more weight
on unemployment; this might occur because workers who lose their jobs
face unusually high chances of continued unemployment, or because of risk
aversion. Finally, equation (10.12) states that for w > x , effort increases less
than proportionately with w − x .
Differentiation of (10.12) shows that for this functional form, the condition that the elasticity of effort with respect to the wage equals 1 (equation [10.11]) is
[(w − x )/x]β
w− x
= 1.
Straightforward algebra can be used to simplify (10.14) to
1 − bu
wa .
For small values of β, 1/(1 − β) ≃ 1 + β. Thus (10.15) implies that when β is
small, the firm offers a premium of approximately fraction β over the index
of labor-market opportunities, x .
A More General Version
Equilibrium requires that the representative firm wants to pay the prevailing wage, or that w = wa . Imposing this condition in (10.15) yields
(1 − β)wa = (1 − bu)wa .
For this condition to be satisfied, the unemployment rate must be given by
≡ uEQ .
As equation (10.15) shows, each firm wants to pay more than the prevailing
wage if unemployment is less than uEQ , and wants to pay less if unemployment is more than uEQ . Thus equilibrium requires that u = uEQ .
This analysis has three important implications. First, (10.17) implies that
equilibrium unemployment depends only on the parameters of the effort
function; the production function is irrelevant. Thus an upward trend in
the production function does not produce a trend in unemployment.
Second, relatively modest values of β—the elasticity of effort with respect
to the premium firms pay over the index of labor-market conditions—can
lead to nonnegligible unemployment. For example, either β = 0.06 and b = 1
or β = 0.03 and b = 0.5 imply that equilibrium unemployment is 6 percent.
This result is not as strong as it may appear, however: while these parameter
values imply a low elasticity of effort with respect to (w − x )/x , they also
imply that workers exert no effort at all until the wage is quite high. For
example, if b is 0.5 and unemployment is at its equilibrium level of 6 percent,
effort is zero until a firm’s wage reaches 97 percent of the prevailing wage.
In that sense, efficiency-wage forces are quite strong for these parameter
Third, firms’ incentive to adjust wages or prices (or both) in response
to changes in aggregate unemployment is likely to be small for reasonable
cases. Suppose we embed this model of wages and effort in a model of pricesetting firms along the lines of Chapter 6. Consider a situation where the
economy is initially in equilibrium, so that u = uEQ and marginal revenue
and marginal cost are equal for the representative firm. Now suppose that
the money supply falls and firms do not change their nominal wages or
prices; as a result, unemployment rises above uEQ . We know from Chapter 6
that small barriers to wage and price adjustment can cause this to be an
equilibrium only if the representative firm’s incentive to adjust is small.
For concreteness, consider the incentive to adjust wages. Equation (10.15),
w = (1 − bu)wa /(1 − β), shows that the cost-minimizing wage is decreasing
in the unemployment rate. Thus the firm can reduce its costs, and hence
raise its profits, by cutting its wage. The key issue is the size of the gain.
Equation (10.12) for effort implies that if the firm leaves its wage equal to
the prevailing wage, wa , its cost per unit of effective labor, w/e, is
e(wa ,wa ,u)
wa − x
wa − (1 − bu)wa
(1 − bu)wa
1 − bu
wa .
If the firm changes its wage, on the other hand, it sets it according to
(10.15), and thus chooses w = x/(1 − β). In this case, the firm’s cost per unit
of effective labor is
w− x
x/(1 − β)
[x/(1 − β)] − x
x/(1 − β)
β/(1 − β)
β (1 − β)1−β
(1 − bu)wa .
Suppose that β = 0.06 and b = 1, so that uEQ = 6%. Suppose, however, that
unemployment rises to 9 percent and that other firms do not change their
wages. Equations (10.18) and (10.19) imply that this rise lowers CFIXED by 2.6
percent and CADJ by 3.2 percent. Thus the firm can save only 0.6 percent of
costs by cutting its wages. For β = 0.03 and b = 0.5, the declines in CFIXED
and CADJ are 1.3 percent and 1.5 percent; thus in this case the incentive to
cut wages is even smaller.6
One can also show that if firms do not change their wages, for reasonable cases their
incentive to adjust their prices is also small. If wages are completely flexible, however, the
incentive to adjust prices is not small. With u greater than u EQ , each firm wants to pay less
than other firms are paying (see [10.15]). Thus if wages are completely flexible, they must fall
to zero—or, if workers have a positive reservation wage, to the reservation wage. As a result,
firms’ labor costs are extremely low, and so their incentive to cut prices and increase output
is high. Thus in the absence of any barriers to changing wages, small costs to changing prices
are not enough to prevent price adjustment in this model.
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
In a competitive labor market, in contrast, the equilibrium wage falls by
the percentage fall in employment divided by the elasticity of labor supply.
For a 3 percent fall in employment and a labor supply elasticity of 0.2, for
example, the equilibrium wage falls by 15 percent. And without endogenous
effort, a 15 percent fall in wages translates directly into a 15 percent fall
in costs. Firms therefore have an overwhelming incentive to cut wages and
prices in this case.7
Thus efficiency wages have a potentially large impact on the incentive
to adjust wages in the face of fluctuations in aggregate output. As a result,
they have the potential to explain why shifts in labor demand mainly affect employment in the short run. Intuitively, in a competitive market firms
are initially at a corner solution with respect to wages: firms pay the lowest possible wage at which they can hire workers. Thus wage reductions, if
possible, are unambiguously beneficial. With efficiency wages, in contrast,
firms are initially at an interior optimum where the marginal benefits and
costs of wage cuts are equal.
10.4 The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
One source of efficiency wages that has received a great deal of attention
is the possibility that firms’ limited monitoring abilities force them to provide their workers with an incentive to exert effort. This section presents a
specific model, due to Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984), of this possibility.
Presenting a formal model of imperfect monitoring serves three purposes. First, it allows us to investigate whether this idea holds up under
scrutiny. Second, it permits us to analyze additional questions. For example, only with a formal model can we ask whether government policies can
improve welfare. Third, the mathematical tools the model employs are useful in other settings.
The economy consists of a large number of workers, L, and a large number
of firms, N. Workers maximize their expected discounted utilities, and firms
maximize their expected discounted profits. The model is set in continuous
time. For simplicity, the analysis focuses on steady states.
In fact, in a competitive labor market, an individual firm’s incentive to reduce wages if
other firms do not is even larger than the fall in the equilibrium wage. If other firms do not
cut wages, some workers are unemployed. Thus the firm can hire workers at an arbitrarily
small wage (or at workers’ reservation wage).
Consider workers first. The representative worker’s lifetime utility is
e −ρt u(t )dt,
ρ > 0.
u(t ) is instantaneous utility at time t, and ρ is the discount rate. Instantaneous utility is
u(t ) =
w(t ) − e(t )
if employed
if unemployed.
w is the wage and e is the worker’s effort. There are only two possible effort
levels, e = 0 and e = e. Thus at any moment a worker must be in one of
three states: employed and exerting effort (denoted E ), employed and not
exerting effort (denoted S, for shirking), or unemployed (denoted U ).
A key ingredient of the model is its assumptions concerning workers’
transitions among the three states. First, there is an exogenous rate at which
jobs end. Specifically, if a worker begins working in a job at some time,
t 0 (and if the worker exerts effort), the probability that the worker is still
employed in the job at some later time, t, is
P (t ) = e −b (t−t0 ) ,
b > 0.
(10.22) implies that P (t + τ)/P (t ) equals e −bτ, and thus that it is independent
of t : if a worker is employed at some time, the probability that he or she
is still employed time τ later is e −bτ regardless of how long the worker has
already been employed. This assumption that job breakups follow a Poisson
process simplifies the analysis greatly, because it implies that there is no
need to keep track of how long workers have been in their jobs.
An equivalent way to describe the process of job breakup is to say that it
occurs with probability b per unit time, or to say that the hazard rate for job
breakup is b. That is, the probability that an employed worker’s job ends in
the next dt units of time approaches bdt as dt approaches zero. To see that
our assumptions imply this, note that (10.22) implies P ′ (t ) = −bP (t ).
The second assumption concerning workers’ transitions between states
is that firms’ detection of workers who are shirking is also a Poisson process. Specifically, detection occurs with probability q per unit time. q is
exogenous, and detection is independent of job breakups. Workers who are
caught shirking are fired. Thus if a worker is employed but shirking, the
probability that he or she is still employed time τ later is e −q τ (the probability that the worker has not been caught and fired) times e −bτ (the probability
that the job has not ended exogenously).
Third, unemployed workers find employment at rate a per unit time. Each
worker takes a as given. In the economy as a whole, however, a is determined endogenously. When firms want to hire workers, they choose workers at random out of the pool of unemployed workers. Thus a is determined
by the rate at which firms are hiring (which is determined by the number
of employed workers and the rate at which jobs end) and the number of
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
unemployed workers. Because workers are identical, the probability of finding a job does not depend on how workers become unemployed or on how
long they are unemployed.
Firms’ behavior is straightforward. A firm’s profits at t are
π(t ) = F (eL(t)) − w(t)[L(t) + S(t)],
F ′ (•) > 0,
F ′′ (•) < 0,
where L is the number of employees who are exerting effort and S is the
number who are shirking. The problem facing the firm is to set w sufficiently
high that its workers do not shirk, and to choose L. Because the firm’s decisions at any date affect profits only at that date, there is no need to analyze
the present value of profits: the firm chooses w and L at each moment to
maximize the instantaneous flow of profits.
The final assumption of the model is e F ′ (eL/N ) > e, or F ′ (eL/N ) > 1. This
condition states that if each firm hires 1/N of the labor force, the marginal
product of labor exceeds the cost of exerting effort. Thus in the absence of
imperfect monitoring, there is full employment.
The Values of E , U, and S
Let V i denote the “value” of being in state i (for i = E , S, and U ). That is, V i is
the expected value of discounted lifetime utility from the present moment
forward of a worker who is in state i. Because transitions among states are
Poisson processes, the V i ’s do not depend on how long the worker has been
in the current state or on the worker’s prior history. And because we are
focusing on steady states, the V i ’s are constant over time.
To find VE , VS , and VU , it is not necessary to analyze the various paths
the worker may follow over the infinite future. Instead we can use dynamic
programming. The central idea of dynamic programming is to look at only a
brief interval of time and use the V i ’s themselves to summarize what occurs
after the end of the interval.8 Consider first a worker who is employed and
exerting effort at time 0. Suppose temporarily that time is divided into intervals of length t, and that a worker who loses his or her job during one interval cannot begin to look for a new job until the beginning of the next interval.
Let VE (t) and VU (t) denote the values of employment and unemployment
as of the beginning of an interval under this assumption. In a moment we
will let t approach zero. When we do this, the constraint that a worker
who loses his or her job during an interval cannot find a new job during the
remainder of that interval becomes irrelevant. Thus VE (t) will approach VE .
If time is discrete rather than continuous, we look one period ahead. See Ljungqvist
and Sargent (2004) for an introduction to dynamic programming.
If a worker is employed in a job paying a wage of w, VE (t) is given by
VE (t) =
e −bt e −ρt (w − e) dt
VE (t ) + (1 − e
)VU (t)].
The first term of (10.24) reflects utility during the interval (0,t). The probability that the worker is still employed at time t is e −bt . If the worker is
employed, flow utility is w − e. Discounting this back to time 0 yields an
expected contribution to lifetime utility of e −(ρ+b)t (w − e ).9
The second term of (10.24) reflects utility after t. At time t, the worker
is employed with probability e −bt and unemployed with probability 1 −
e −bt . Combining these probabilities with the V ’s and discounting yields
the second term.
If we compute the integral in (10.24), we can rewrite the equation as
VE (t) =
ρ+ b
1 − e −(ρ+b)t (w − e )
VE (t) + (1 − e
)VU (t)].
Solving this expression for VE (t) gives
VE (t) =
ρ+ b
(w − e ) +
1 − e −(ρ+b)t
e −ρt (1 − e −bt )VU (t).
As described above, VE equals the limit of VE (t ) as t approaches zero.
(Similarly, VU equals the limit of VU (t) as t approaches zero.) To find this
limit, we apply l’Hôpital’s rule to (10.26). This yields
VE =
ρ+ b
[(w − e ) + bVU ].
Equation (10.27) can also be derived intuitively. Think of an asset that
pays dividends at rate w− e per unit time when the worker is employed and
no dividends when the worker is unemployed. In addition, assume that the
asset is being priced by risk-neutral investors with required rate of return
ρ. Since the expected present value of lifetime dividends of this asset is the
same as the worker’s expected present value of lifetime utility, the asset’s
price must be VE when the worker is employed and VU when the worker is
unemployed. For the asset to be held, it must provide an expected rate of
return of ρ. That is, its dividends per unit time, plus any expected capital
gains or losses per unit time, must equal ρVE . When the worker is employed,
dividends per unit time are w − e, and there is a probability b per unit time
Because of the steady-state assumption, if it is optimal for the worker to exert effort
initially, it continues to be optimal. Thus we do not have to allow for the possibility of the
worker beginning to shirk.
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
of a capital loss of VE − VU . Thus,
ρVE = (w − e ) − b(VE − VU ).
Rearranging this expression yields (10.27).
If the worker is shirking, the “dividend” is w per unit time, and the
expected capital loss is (b + q)(VS − VU ) per unit time. Thus reasoning
parallel to that used to derive (10.28) implies
ρVS = w − (b + q)(VS − VU ).
Finally, if the worker is unemployed, the dividend is zero and the expected capital gain (assuming that firms pay sufficiently high wages that
employed workers exert effort) is a(VE − VU ) per unit time.10 Thus,
ρVU = a(VE − VU ).
The No-Shirking Condition
The firm must pay enough that VE ≥ VS ; otherwise its workers exert no
effort and produce nothing. At the same time, since effort cannot exceed
e, there is no need to pay any excess over the minimum needed to induce
effort. Thus the firm chooses w so that VE just equals VS :11
VE = VS .
This result tells us that the left-hand sides of (10.28) and (10.29) must be
equal. Thus
(w − e ) − b(VE − VU ) = w − (b + q)(VE − VU ),
VE − VU =
Equation (10.33) implies that firms set wages high enough that workers
strictly prefer employment to unemployment. Thus workers obtain rents.
The size of the premium is increasing in the cost of exerting effort, e, and
decreasing in firms’ efficacy in detecting shirkers, q.
The next step is to find what the wage must be for the rent to employment
to equal e /q. Equations (10.28) and (10.30) imply
ρ (VE − VU ) = (w − e ) − (a + b)(VE − VU ).
Equations (10.29) and (10.30) can also be derived by defining VU (t ) and VS (t ) and
proceeding along the lines used to derive (10.27).
Since all firms are the same, they choose the same wage.
It follows that for VE − VU to equal e /q, the wage must satisfy
w = e + (a + b + ρ) .
Thus the wage needed to induce effort is increasing in the cost of effort (e ),
the ease of finding jobs (a), the rate of job breakup (b), and the discount
rate (ρ), and decreasing in the probability that shirkers are detected (q).
It turns out to be more convenient to express the wage needed to prevent
shirking in terms of employment per firm, L, rather than the rate at which
the unemployed find jobs, a. To substitute for a, we use the fact that, since
the economy is in steady state, movements into and out of unemployment
balance. The number of workers becoming unemployed per unit time is N
(the number of firms) times L (the number of workers per firm) times b (the
rate of job breakup).12 The number of unemployed workers finding jobs is
L − NL times a. Equating these two quantities yields
L − NL
Equation (10.36) implies a + b = Lb/(L − NL). Substituting this into (10.35)
w=e +
L − NL
Equation (10.37) is the no-shirking condition. It shows, as a function of
the level of employment, the wage that firms must pay to induce workers
to exert effort. When more workers are employed, there are fewer unemployed workers and more workers leaving their jobs; thus it is easier for
unemployed workers to find employment. The wage needed to deter shirking is therefore an increasing function of employment. At full employment,
unemployed workers find work instantly, and so there is no cost to being
fired and thus no wage that can deter shirking. The set of points in (NL,w)
space satisfying the no-shirking condition (NSC) is shown in Figure 10.2.
Closing the Model
Firms hire workers up to the point where the marginal product of labor
equals the wage. Equation (10.23) implies that when its workers are exerting effort, a firm’s flow profits are F (eL) − w L. Thus the condition for the
marginal product of labor to equal the wage is
e F ′ ( eL) = w.
We are assuming that the economy is large enough that although the breakup of any
individual job is random, aggregate breakups are not.
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
FIGURE 10.2 The Shapiro–Stiglitz model
The set of points satisfying (10.38) (which is simply a conventional labor
demand curve) is also shown in Figure 10.2.
Labor supply is horizontal at e up to the number of workers, L, and
then vertical. In the absence of imperfect monitoring, equilibrium occurs
at the intersection of labor demand and supply. Our assumption that the
marginal product of labor at full employment exceeds the disutility of effort
(F ′ (e L /N ) > 1) implies that this intersection occurs in the vertical part of
the labor supply curve. The Walrasian equilibrium is shown as Point EW in
the diagram.
With imperfect monitoring, equilibrium occurs at the intersection of the
labor demand curve (equation [10.38]) and the no-shirking condition (equation [10.37]). This is shown as Point E in the diagram. At the equilibrium,
there is unemployment. Unemployed workers strictly prefer to be employed
at the prevailing wage and exert effort than to remain unemployed. Nonetheless, they cannot bid the wage down: firms know that if they hire additional
workers at slightly less than the prevailing wage, the workers will prefer
shirking to exerting effort. Thus the wage does not fall, and the unemployment remains.
Two examples may help to clarify the workings of the model. First, a rise
in q—an increase in the probability per unit time that a shirker is detected—
shifts the no-shirking locus down and does not affect the labor demand
The effects of a rise in q in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model
curve. This is shown in Figure 10.3. Thus the wage falls and employment
rises. As q approaches infinity, the probability that a shirker is detected in
any finite length of time approaches 1. As a result, the no-shirking wage
approaches e for any level of employment less than full employment. Thus
the economy approaches the Walrasian equilibrium.
Second, if there is no turnover (b = 0), unemployed workers are never
hired. As a result, the no-shirking wage is independent of the level of employment. From (10.37), the no-shirking wage in this case is e + ρe /q. Intuitively, the gain from shirking relative to exerting effort is e per unit time.
The cost is that there is probability q per unit time of becoming permanently
unemployed and thereby losing the discounted surplus from the job, which
is (w − e )/ρ. Equating the cost and benefit gives w = e + ρe /q. This case is
shown in Figure 10.4.
The model implies that there is equilibrium unemployment and suggests
various factors that are likely to influence it. Thus the model has some
promise as a candidate explanation of unemployment. Unfortunately, the
model is so stylized that it is difficult to determine what level of unemployment it predicts.
ee+pρ qe
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
The Shapiro–Stiglitz model without turnover
With regard to short-run fluctuations, consider the impact of a fall in
labor demand, shown in Figure 10.5. w and L move down along the noshirking locus. Since labor supply is perfectly inelastic, employment necessarily responds more than it would without imperfect monitoring. Thus
the model suggests one possible reason that wages may respond less to
demand-driven output fluctuations than they would if workers were always
on their labor supply curves.13
Unfortunately, however, this effect appears to be quantitatively small.
When unemployment is lower, a worker who is fired can find a new job
more easily, and so the wage needed to prevent shirking is higher; this is
the reason the no-shirking locus slopes up. Attempts to calibrate the model
suggest that the locus is quite steep at the levels of unemployment we observe. That is, the model implies that the impact of a shift in labor demand
The simple model presented here has the same problem as the simple efficiency-wage
model in Section 10.2: it implies that as technological progress continually shifts the labor
demand curve up, unemployment trends down. One way to eliminate this prediction is to
make the cost of exerting effort, e, endogenous, and to structure the model so that e and
output per worker grow at the same rate in the long run. This causes the NSC curve to shift
up at the same rate as the labor demand curve in the long run, and thus eliminates the
downward trend in unemployment.
The effects of a fall in labor demand in the Shapiro–Stiglitz
falls mainly on wages and relatively little on employment (Gomme, 1999;
Alexopoulos, 2004).14
Finally, the model implies that the decentralized equilibrium is inefficient. To see this, note that the marginal product of labor at full employment, e F ′ (eL /N ), exceeds the cost to workers of supplying effort, e. Thus
the first-best allocation is for everyone to be employed and exert effort. Of
course, the government cannot bring this about simply by dictating that
firms move down the labor demand curve until full employment is reached:
this policy causes workers to shirk, and thus results in zero output. But
Shapiro and Stiglitz note that wage subsidies financed by lump-sum taxes or
profits taxes improve welfare. This policy shifts the labor demand curve up,
and thus increases the wage and employment along the no-shirking locus.
Since the value of the additional output exceeds the opportunity cost of
producing it, overall welfare rises. How the gain is divided between workers
and firms depends on how the wage subsidies are financed.
In contrast to the simple analysis in the text, these authors analyze the dynamic effects
of a shift in labor demand rather than comparing steady states with different levels of
The Shapiro–Stiglitz Model
The basic model can be extended in many ways. Here we discuss four.
First, an important question about the labor market is why, given that
unemployment appears so harmful to workers, employers rely on layoffs
rather than work-sharing arrangements when they reduce the amount of
labor they use. Shapiro and Stiglitz’s model (modified so that the number
of hours employees work can vary) suggests a possible answer. A reduction
in hours lowers the surplus that employees are getting from their jobs. As a
result, the wage that the firm has to pay to prevent shirking rises. Thus the
firm may find layoffs preferable to work-sharing even though it subjects its
workers to greater risk.
Second, Bulow and Summers (1986) extend the model to include a second type of job where effort can be monitored perfectly. Since there is no
asymmetric information in this sector, the jobs provide no surplus and are
not rationed. Under plausible assumptions, the absence of surplus results
in high turnover. The jobs with imperfect monitoring continue to pay more
than the market-clearing wage. Thus workers who obtain these jobs are reluctant to leave them. If the model is extended further to include groups
of workers with different job attachments (different b’s), a higher wage is
needed to induce effort from workers with less job attachment. As a result, firms with jobs that require monitoring are reluctant to hire workers
with low job attachment, and so these workers are disproportionately employed in the low-wage, high-turnover sector. These predictions concerning
wage levels, turnover, and occupational segregation fit the stylized facts
about primary and secondary jobs identified by Doeringer and Piore (1971)
in their theory of dual labor markets.
Third, Alexopoulos (2004) considers a variation on the model where
shirkers, rather than being fired, receive a lower wage for some period.
This change has a large impact on the model’s implications for short-run
fluctuations. The cost of forgoing a given amount of wage income does not
depend on the prevailing unemployment rate. As a result, the no-shirking
locus is flat, and the short-run impact of a shift in labor demand falls
entirely on employment.
The final extension is more problematic for the theory. We have assumed
that compensation takes the form of conventional wage payments. But,
as suggested in the general discussion of potential sources of efficiency
wages, more complicated compensation policies can dramatically change the
effects of imperfect monitoring. Two examples of such compensation policies are bonding and job selling. Bonding occurs when firms require each
new worker to post a bond that must be forfeited if he or she is caught
shirking. By requiring sufficiently large bonds, the firm can induce workers not to shirk even at the market-clearing wage; that is, it can shift the
no-shirking locus down until it coincides with the labor supply curve. Job
selling occurs when firms require employees to pay a fee when they are
hired. If firms are obtaining payments from new workers, their labor demand is higher for a given wage; thus the wage and employment rise as the
economy moves up the no-shirking curve. If firms are able to require bonds
or sell jobs, they will do so, and unemployment will be eliminated from the
Bonding, job selling, and the like may be limited by an absence of perfect
capital markets (so that it is difficult for workers to post large bonds, or
to pay large fees when they are hired). They may also be limited by workers’ fears that the firm may falsely accuse them of shirking and claim the
bonds, or dismiss them and keep the job fee. But, as Carmichael (1985) emphasizes, such considerations cannot eliminate these schemes entirely: if
workers strictly prefer employment to unemployment, firms can raise their
profits by, for example, charging marginally more for jobs. In such situations, jobs are not rationed, but go to those who are willing to pay the most
for them. Thus even if these schemes are limited, they still eliminate unemployment. In short, the absence of job fees and performance bonds is a
puzzle for the theory.
It is important to keep in mind that the Shapiro–Stiglitz model focuses
on one particular source of efficiency wages. Neither its conclusions nor the
difficulties it faces in explaining the absence of bonding and job selling are
general. For example, suppose firms find high wages attractive because they
improve the quality of job applicants on dimensions they cannot observe.
Since the attractiveness of a job presumably depends on the overall compensation package, in this case firms have no incentive to adopt schemes
such as job selling. Likewise, there is no reason to expect the implications of
the Shapiro–Stiglitz model concerning the effects of a shift in labor demand
to apply in this case.
As described in Section 10.8, workers’ feelings of gratitude, anger, and
fairness appear to be important to wage-setting. If these considerations are
the reason that the labor market does not clear, again there is no reason to
expect the Shapiro–Stiglitz model’s implications concerning compensation
schemes and the effects of shifts in labor demand to hold. In this case,
theory provides little guidance. Generating predictions concerning the determinants of unemployment and the cyclical behavior of the labor market
requires more detailed study of the determinants of workers’ attitudes and
their impact on productivity. Section 10.8 describes some preliminary attempts in this direction.
10.5 Contracting Models
The second departure from Walrasian assumptions about the labor market
that we consider is the existence of long-term relationships between firms
and workers. Firms do not hire workers afresh each period. Instead, many
Contracting Models
jobs involve long-term attachments and considerable firm-specific skills on
the part of workers.
The possibility of long-term relationships implies that the wage does not
have to adjust to clear the labor market each period. Workers are content to
stay in their current jobs as long as the income streams they expect to obtain
are preferable to their outside opportunities; because of their long-term
relationships with their employers, their current wages may be relatively
unimportant to this comparison. This section explores the consequences of
this observation.
A Baseline Model
Consider a firm dealing with a group of workers. The firm’s profits are
π = AF (L) − w L,
F ′ (•) > 0,
F ′′ (•) < 0,
where L is the quantity of labor the firm employs and w is the wage. A
is a factor that shifts the profit function. It could reflect technology (so
that a higher value means that the firm can produce more output from a
given amount of labor), or economy-wide output (so that a higher value
means that the firm can obtain a higher relative price for a given amount of
Instead of considering multiple periods, it is easier to consider a single
period and assume that A is random. Thus when workers decide whether
to work for the firm, they consider the expected utility they obtain in the
single period given the randomness in A, rather than the average utility
they obtain over many periods as their income and hours vary in response
to fluctuations in A.
The distribution of A is discrete. There are K possible values of A, indexed by i; pi denotes the probability that A = A i . Thus the firm’s expected
profits are
E [π] =
pi [A i F (L i ) − wi L i ],
i =1
where L i and wi denote the quantity of labor and the wage if the realization of A is A i . The firm maximizes its expected profits; thus it is riskneutral.
Each worker is assumed to work the same amount. The representative
worker’s utility is
u = U (C ) − V (L), U ′ (•) > 0, U ′′ (•) < 0,
V ′ (•) > 0,
V ′′ (•) > 0,
where U (•) gives the utility from consumption and V (•) the disutility from
working. Since U ′′ (•) is negative, workers are risk-averse.15
Workers’ consumption, C, is assumed to equal their labor income, wL.16
That is, workers cannot purchase insurance against employment and wage
fluctuations. In a more fully developed model, this might arise because
workers are heterogeneous and have private information about their labormarket prospects. Here, however, the absence of outside insurance is simply
Equation (10.41) implies that the representative worker’s expected
utility is
E [u] =
pi [U (Ci ) − V (L i )].
i =1
There is some reservation level of expected utility, u 0 , that workers must
attain to be willing to work for the firm. There is no labor mobility once
workers agree to a contract. Thus the only constraint on the contract involves the average level of utility it offers, not the level in any individual
Implicit Contracts
One simple type of contract just specifies a wage and then lets the firm
choose employment once A is determined; many actual contracts at least
appear to take this form. Under such a wage contract, unemployment and
real wage rigidity arise immediately. A fall in labor demand, for example,
causes the firm to reduce employment at the fixed real wage while labor
supply does not shift, and thus creates unemployment (or, if all workers
work the same amount, underemployment). And the cost of labor does not
respond because, by assumption, the real wage is fixed.
But this is not a satisfactory explanation of unemployment and real wage
rigidity. The difficulty is that this type of a contract is inefficient (Leontief,
1946). Since the wage is fixed and the firm chooses employment taking the
wage as given, the marginal product of labor is independent of A. But since
employment varies with A, the marginal disutility of working depends on
Because the firm’s owners can diversify away firm-specific risk by holding a broad
portfolio, the assumption that the firm is risk-neutral is reasonable for firm-specific shocks.
For aggregate shocks, however, the assumption that the firm is less risk-averse than the
workers is harder to justify. Since the main goal of the theory is to explain the effects of
aggregate shocks, this is a weak point of the model. One possibility is that the owners are
wealthier than the workers and that risk aversion is declining in wealth.
If there are L workers, the representative worker’s hours and consumption are in fact
L/L and wL/L, and so utility takes the form Ũ (C/L) − Ṽ (L/L). To eliminate L, define U (C ) =
Ũ (C/L) and V (L) = Ṽ (L/L).
Contracting Models
A. Thus the marginal product of labor is generally not equal to the marginal
disutility of work, and so it is possible to make both parties to the contract
better off. And if labor supply is not very elastic, the inefficiency is large.
When labor demand is low, for example, the marginal disutility of work is
low, and so the firm and the workers could both be made better off if the
workers worked slightly more.
To see how it is possible to improve on a wage contract, suppose the
firm offers the workers a contract specifying the wage and hours for each
possible realization of A. Since actual contracts do not explicitly specify employment and the wage as functions of the state, such contracts are known
as implicit contracts.17
Recall that the firm must offer the workers at least some minimum level
of expected utility, u 0 , but is otherwise unconstrained. In addition, since L i
and wi determine Ci , we can think of the firm’s choice variables as L and C
in each state rather than as L and w. The Lagrangian for the firm’s problem
is therefore
i =1
pi [A i F (L i ) − Ci ] + λ
pi [U (Ci ) − V (L i )]
i =1
− u0 .
The first-order condition for Ci is
− pi + λpi U ′ (Ci ) = 0,
U ′ (Ci ) =
Equation (10.45) implies that the marginal utility of consumption is constant
across states, and thus that consumption is constant across states. Thus the
risk-neutral firm fully insures the risk-averse workers.
The first-order condition for L i is
pi A i F ′ (L i ) = λpiV ′ (L i ).
Equation (10.45) implies λ = 1/U ′ (C ), where C is the constant level of consumption. Substituting this fact into (10.46) and dividing both sides by pi
A i F ′ (L i ) =
V ′ (L i )
U ′ (C )
The theory of implicit contracts is due to Azariadis (1975), Baily (1974), and Gordon
Under efficient contracts, workers’ real incomes are constant. In that sense,
the model implies strong real wage rigidity. Indeed, because L is higher when
A is higher, the model implies that the wage per hour is countercyclical.
Unfortunately, however, this result does not help to account for the puzzle
that shifts in labor demand appear to result in large changes in employment.
The problem is that with long-term contracts, the wage is no longer playing
an allocative role (Barro, 1977; Hall, 1980). That is, firms do not choose
employment taking the wage as given. Rather, the level of employment as
a function of the state is specified in the contract. And, from (10.47), this
level is the level that equates the marginal product of labor with the marginal
disutility of additional hours of work.
This discussion implies that the cost to the firm of varying the amount
of labor it uses is likely to change greatly with its level of employment. Suppose the firm wants to increase employment marginally in state i. To do
this, it must raise workers’ compensation to make them no worse off than
before. Since the expected utility cost to workers of the change is piV ′ (L i ), C
must rise by piV ′ (L i )/U ′ (C ). Thus the marginal cost to the firm of increasing employment in a given state is proportional to V ′ (L i ). If labor supply
is relatively inelastic, V ′ (L i ) is sharply increasing in L i , and so the cost of
labor to the firm is much higher when employment is high than when it
is low. Thus, for example, embedding this model of contracts in a model
of price determination like that of Section 6.6 would not alter the result
that relatively inelastic labor supply creates a strong incentive for firms to
cut prices and increase employment in recessions, and to raise prices and
reduce employment in booms.
In addition to failing to predict relatively acyclical labor costs, the model
fails to predict unemployment: as emphasized above, the implicit contract
equates the marginal product of labor and the marginal disutility of work.
The model does, however, suggest a possible explanation for apparent
unemployment. In the efficient contract, workers are not free to choose
their labor supply given the wage. Instead, the wage and employment are
simultaneously specified to yield optimal risk-sharing and allocative efficiency. When employment is low, the marginal disutility of work is low and
the hourly wage, C/L i , is high. Thus workers wish that they could work more
at the wage the firm is paying. As a result, even though employment and the
wage are chosen optimally, workers appear to be constrained in their labor
Insiders and Outsiders
One possible way of improving contracting models’ ability to explain key
features of labor markets is to relax the assumption that the firm is dealing
Contracting Models
with a fixed pool of workers. In reality, there are two groups of potential
workers. The first group—the insiders—are workers who have some connection with the firm at the time of the bargaining, and whose interests
are therefore taken into account in the contract. The second group—the
outsiders—are workers who have no initial connection with the firm but
who may be hired after the contract is set.
Oswald (1993) and Gottfries (1992), building on earlier work by Lindbeck
and Snower (1986), Blanchard and Summers (1986), and Gregory (1986), argue that relationships between firms and insiders and outsiders have two
features that are critical to how contracting affects the labor market. First,
because of normal employment growth and turnover, most of the time the
insiders are fully employed and the only hiring decision concerns how many
outsiders to hire. This immediately implies that, just as in a conventional
labor demand problem, but in sharp contrast to what happens in the basic implicit-contract model, employment is chosen to equate the marginal
product of labor with the wage. To see this, note that if this condition fails,
it is possible to increase the firm’s profits with no change in the insiders’
expected utility by changing the number of outsiders hired. Thus it cannot
make sense for the insiders and the firm (who are the only ones involved in
the original bargaining) to agree to such an arrangement.
The second feature of labor markets that Oswald and Gottfries emphasize is that the wages paid to the two types of workers cannot be set independently: in practice, the higher the wage that the firm pays to its existing
employees, the more it must pay to its new hires. This implies that the insurance role of wages affects employment. Suppose, for example, that the
insiders and the firm agree to keep the real wage fixed and so provide complete insurance to the insiders.18 Then when the firm is hit by shocks, employment varies to keep the marginal product of labor equal to the constant
real wage.
Because the wage is now playing both an insurance and an allocative role,
in general the optimal contract does not make it independent of the state.
Under natural assumptions, however, this actually strengthens the results:
the optimal contract typically specifies a lower wage when the realization of
A is higher, and so further magnifies employment fluctuations. Intuitively,
by lowering the wage in states where employment is high, the insiders and
the firm reduce the amount of insurance the firm is providing but also lower
the average amount spent hiring outsiders. The optimal contract involves
a balancing of these two objectives, and thus a somewhat countercyclical
wage.19 Thus this model implies that the real wage is countercyclical and
that it represents the true cost of labor to the firm.
Recall that since the marginal hiring decisions involve outsiders, the amount the insiders work is independent of the state. Thus, in contrast to what happens in the basic
implicit-contract model, here a constant wage makes the insiders’ consumption constant.
See Problem 10.8.
The crucial feature of the model is its assumption that the outsiders’ and
insiders’ wages are linked. Without this link, the firm can hire outsiders at
the prevailing economy-wide wage. With inelastic labor supply, that wage is
low in recessions and high in booms, and so the marginal cost of labor to
the firm is highly procyclical.
Unfortunately, the insider-outsider literature has not established that
outsiders’ and insiders’ wages are linked. Gottfries argues that a link arises
from the facts that the firm must be given some freedom to discharge
insiders who are incompetent or shirking and that an excessive gap between insiders’ and outsiders’ wages would give the firm an incentive to
take advantage of this freedom. Blanchard and Summers (1986) argue that
the insiders are reluctant to allow the hiring of large numbers of outsiders
at a low wage because they realize that, over time, such a policy would
result in the outsiders controlling the bargaining process. But tying insiders’ and outsiders’ wages does not appear to be the best way of dealing with
these problems. If the economy-wide wage is sometimes far below insiders’,
tying the insiders’ and outsiders’ wages is very costly. It appears that the
firm and the insiders would therefore be better off if they instead agreed
to some limitation on the firm’s ability to hire outsiders, or if they charged
new hires a fee (and let the fee vary with the gap between the insiders’ wage
and the economy-wide wage).
It is also possible that a link between insiders’ and outsiders’ wages could
arise from workers’ notions about fairness and the potential effects of the
firm violating those notions, along the lines of the loyalty-based efficiencywage models we discussed in Section 10.2. But in this case, it is not clear that
the contracting and insider-outsider considerations would be important; the
efficiency-wage forces alone might be enough to greatly change the labor
In short, we can conclude only that if a link between insiders’ and outsiders’ wages can be established, insider-outsider considerations may have
important implications.
Hysteresis and European Unemployment
One important extension of insider-outsider models involves dynamic settings. The previous discussion assumed that the insiders are always employed. But this assumption is likely to fail in some situations. Most importantly, if the insiders’ bargaining power is sufficiently great, they will set
the wage high enough to risk some unemployment: if the insiders are fully
employed with certainty, there is a benefit but not a cost to them of raising
the wage further. And variations in employment can give rise to dynamics
in the number of insiders. Under many institutional arrangements, workers
Contracting Models
who become unemployed eventually lose a say in wage-setting; likewise,
workers who are hired eventually gain a role in bargaining. Thus a fall in
employment caused by a decline in labor demand is likely to reduce the
number of insiders, and a rise in employment is likely to increase the number of insiders. This in turn affects future wage-setting and employment.
When the number of insiders is smaller, they can afford to set a higher
wage. Thus a one-time adverse shock to labor demand can lead to a persistent fall in employment. The extreme case where the effect is permanent is
known as hysteresis.
The possibility of hysteresis has received considerable attention in the
context of Europe. European unemployment fluctuated around very low
levels in the 1950s and 1960s, rose fairly steadily to more than 10 percent from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, and has shown little tendency
to decline since then. Thus there is no evidence of a stable natural rate that
unemployment returns to after a shock. Blanchard and Summers (1986) argue that Europe in the 1970s and 1980s satisfied the conditions for insideroutsider considerations to produce hysteresis: workers had a great deal of
power in wage-setting, there were large negative shocks, and the rules and
institutions led to some extent to the disenfranchisement from the bargaining process of workers who lost their jobs.
Two possible sources of hysteresis other than insider-outsider considerations have also received considerable attention. One is deterioration of
skills: workers who are unemployed do not acquire additional on-the-job
training, and their existing human capital may decay or become obsolete. As
a result, workers who lose their jobs when labor demand falls may have difficulty finding work when demand recovers, particularly if the downturn is extended. The second additional source of hysteresis operates through laborforce attachment. Workers who are unemployed for extended periods may
adjust their standard of living to the lower level provided by income maintenance programs. In addition, a long period of high unemployment may
reduce the social stigma of extended joblessness. Because of these effects,
labor supply may be permanently lower when demand returns to normal.
Loosely speaking, views of European unemployment fall into two camps.
One emphasizes not hysteresis, but shifts in the natural rate as a result
of such features of European labor-market institutions as generous
unemployment-insurance benefits. Since most of those features were in
place well before the rise in unemployment, this view requires that institutions’ effects operate with long lags. For example, because the social stigma
of unemployment changes slowly, the impact of generous unemployment
benefits on the natural rate may be felt only very gradually (see, for example, Lindbeck and Nyberg, 2006). The other view emphasizes hysteresis.
In this view, the labor-market institutions converted what would have otherwise been short-lived increases in unemployment into very long-lasting
ones through union wage-setting, skill deterioration, and loss of labor-force
10.6 Search and Matching Models
The final departure of the labor market from Walrasian assumptions that
we consider is the simple fact that workers and jobs are heterogeneous. In
a frictionless labor market, firms are indifferent about losing their workers,
since identical workers are costlessly available at the same wage; likewise,
workers are indifferent about losing their jobs. These implications are obviously not accurate descriptions of actual labor markets.
When workers and jobs are highly heterogeneous, the labor market has
little resemblance to a Walrasian market. Rather than meeting in centralized
markets where employment and wages are determined by the intersections
of supply and demand curves, workers and firms meet in a decentralized,
one-on-one fashion, and engage in a costly process of trying to match up
idiosyncratic preferences, skills, and needs. Since this process is not instantaneous, it results in some unemployment. In addition, it may have implications for how wages and employment respond to shocks.
This section presents a model of firm and worker heterogeneity and the
matching process. Because modeling heterogeneity requires abandoning
many of our usual tools, even a basic model is relatively complicated. As a result, the model here only introduces some of the issues involved. This class
of models is known collectively as the Mortensen–Pissarides model (for example, Pissarides, 1985; Mortensen, 1986; Mortensen and Pissarides, 1994;
Pissarides, 2000).
Basic Assumptions
The model is set in continuous time. The economy consists of workers and
jobs. There is a continuum of workers of mass 1. Each worker can be in
one of two states: employed or unemployed. A worker who is employed
produces an exogenous, constant amount y per unit time and receives an
endogenous and potentially time-varying wage w(t ) per unit time. A worker
who is unemployed receives an exogenous, constant income of b ≥ 0 per
unit time (or, equivalently, receives utility from leisure that he or she values
as much as income of b).
Workers are risk neutral. Thus a worker’s utility per unit time is w(t ) if
employed and b if unemployed. Workers’ discount rate is r > 0.
For more on these issues, see Siebert (1997); Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998, 2006);
Ball (1999a); Blanchard and Wolfers (2000); Prescott (2004); Rogerson (2008); and Alesina,
Glaeser, and Sacerdote (2005).
Search and Matching Models
A job can be either filled or vacant. If it is filled, there is output of y per
unit time and labor costs of w(t ) per unit time. If it is vacant, there is neither
output nor labor costs. Any job, either filled or vacant, involves a constant,
exogenous cost c > 0 per unit time of being maintained. Thus profits per
unit time are y − w (t ) − c if a job is filled and −c per unit time if it is vacant.
y is assumed to exceed b + c, so that a filled job produces positive value.
Vacant jobs can be created freely (but must incur the flow maintenance cost
once they are created). Thus the number of jobs is endogenous.
In the absence of search frictions, the equilibrium of the model is trivial.
There is a mass 1 of jobs, all of which are filled. If there were fewer jobs,
some workers would be unemployed, and so creating a job would be profitable. If there were more jobs, the unfilled jobs would be producing negative
profits with no offsetting benefit, and so there would be exit. Workers earn
their marginal product, y − c. If they earned more, profits would be negative; if they earned less, creating new jobs and bidding up the wage would
be profitable. Thus all workers are employed and earn their marginal products. Shifts in labor demand—changes in y —lead to immediate changes in
the wage and leave employment unchanged.
The central feature of the model, however, is that there are search frictions. That is, unemployed workers and vacant jobs cannot find each other
costlessly. Instead, the stocks of unemployed workers and vacancies yield
a flow of meetings between workers and firms. Let E (t ) and U (t ) denote the
numbers of employed and unemployed workers at time t, and let F (t ) and
V (t ) denote the numbers of filled and unfilled jobs. Then the number of
meetings per unit time is
M(t ) = M(U (t ),V (t)),
MU > 0, MV > 0.
This matching function proxies for the complicated process of employer
recruitment, worker search, and mutual evaluation.
In addition to the flow of new matches, there is turnover in existing jobs.
Paralleling the Shapiro–Stiglitz model, jobs end at an exogenous rate λ per
unit time. Thus if we assume that all meetings lead to hires, the dynamics
of the number of employed workers are given by
Ė (t ) = M(U (t ),V (t )) − λE (t ).
Because of the search frictions, the economy is not perfectly competitive. When an unemployed worker and a firm with a vacancy meet, the
worker’s alternative to accepting the position is to continue searching, which
will lead, after a period of unemployment of random duration, to meeting
another firm with a vacancy. Likewise, the firm’s alternative to hiring the
worker is to resume searching. Thus, collectively, the worker and the firm
are strictly better off if the worker fills the position than if he or she does
not. Equivalently, the worker’s reservation wage is strictly less than his or
her marginal revenue product.
One immediate implication is that either workers earn strictly more than
their reservation wages or firms pay strictly less than the marginal revenue
product of labor, or both. In standard versions of the model, as we will
see, both inequalities are strict. Thus even though every agent is atomistic,
standard competitive results fail.
Because a firm and a worker that meet are collectively better off if the firm
hires the worker, they would be forgoing a mutually advantageous trade if
the firm did not hire the worker. Thus the assumption that all meetings
lead to hires is reasonable. But this does not uniquely determine the wage.
The wage must be high enough that the worker wants to work in the job,
and low enough that the firm wants to hire the worker. Because there is
strictly positive surplus from the match, there is a range of wages that satisfy these requirements. Thus we need more structure to pin down the wage.
The standard approach is to assume that the wage is determined by Nash
bargaining. That is, there is some exogenous parameter, φ, where 0 ≤ φ ≤ 1;
the wage is determined by the condition that fraction φ of the surplus from
forming the match goes to the worker and fraction 1 − φ goes to the firm.
The specifics of how this assumption allows us to pin down the wage will
be clearer shortly, when we see how to specify the parties’ surpluses from
forming a match.
The Matching Function
The properties of the matching function are crucial to the model. In principle, it need not have constant returns to scale. When it exhibits increasing
returns, there are thick-market effects: increases in the resources devoted
to search make the matching process operate more effectively, in the sense
that it yields more output (matches) per unit of input (unemployment and
vacancies). When the matching function has decreasing returns, there are
crowding effects.
The prevailing view, however, is that in practice constant returns is a
reasonable approximation. For a large economy, over the relevant range the
thick-market and crowding effects may be relatively unimportant or may
roughly balance. Empirical efforts to estimate the matching function have
found no strong evidence of departures from constant returns (for example,
Blanchard and Diamond, 1989).
The assumption of constant returns implies that a single number, the
ratio of vacancies to unemployment, summarizes the tightness of the labor
market. To see this, define θ(t ) = V (t )/U (t ), and note that constant returns
M(U (t ),V (t )) = U (t )M(1,V (t )/U (t ))
≡ U (t )m (θ(t )),
Search and Matching Models
where m (θ) ≡ M(1,θ). Then the job-finding rate—the probability per unit
time that an unemployed worker finds a job—is
a (t ) =
M(U (t ),V (t ))
U (t )
= m (θ(t )).
Similarly, the vacancy-filling rate is
α(t ) =
M(U (t ),V (t ))
V (t )
m (θ(t ))
θ(t )
Our assumptions that M(U ,V ) exhibits constant returns and that it is
increasing in both arguments imply that m (θ) is increasing in θ, but that
the increase is less than proportional. Thus when the labor market is tighter
(that is, when θ is greater), the job-finding rate is higher and the vacancyfilling rate is lower.
When researchers want to assume a functional form for the matching
function, they almost universally assume that it is Cobb-Douglas. We will
take that approach here. Thus,
m (θ) = kθγ ,
k > 0,
0 < γ < 1.
Equilibrium Conditions
As in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model, we use dynamic programming to describe
the values of the various states. In contrast to how we analyzed that model,
however, we will not impose the assumption that the economy is in steady
state from the outset (although we will end up focusing on that case). Let
VE (t ) denote the value of being employed at time t. That is, VE (t ) is the
expected lifetime utility from time t forward, discounted to time t, of a
worker who is employed at t. VU (t ), VF (t ), and VV (t ) are defined similarly.
Since we are not assuming that the economy is in steady state, the “return” on being employed consists of three terms: a “dividend” of w(t ) per
unit time; the potential “capital gain” on being employed from the fact that
the economy is not in steady state, V̇E (t ); and a probability λ per unit time of
a “capital loss” of VE (t ) − VU (t ) as a result of becoming unemployed. Thus,
rVE (t ) = w(t ) + V̇E (t ) − λ[VE (t ) − VU (t )].
Similar reasoning implies
rVU (t ) = b + V̇U (t ) + a(t )[VE (t ) − VU (t )],
rVF (t ) = [y − w(t ) − c ] + V̇F (t ) − λ[VF (t ) − VV (t )],
rVV (t ) = −c + V̇V (t ) + α(t )[VF (t ) − VV (t )].
Four conditions complete the model. First, (10.49) and our assumptions
about M(•) describe the evolution of the number of workers who are
Ė (t ) = U (t )1−γ V (t )γ − λE (t ).
Second, recall our assumption of Nash bargaining. A worker’s surplus from
forming a match rather than continuing to work is VE (t ) − VU (t ). Similarly,
a firm’s surplus from a match is VF (t ) − VV (t ). Thus the Nash bargaining
assumption implies
VE (t ) − VU (t ) =
[VF (t ) − VV (t )].
Third, since new vacancies can be created and eliminated freely,
VV (t ) = 0
for all t.
Finally, the initial level of employment, E (0), is given. This completes the
description of the model.
Steady-State Equilibrium
Characterizing the full dynamic path of the economy starting from arbitrary
initial conditions is complicated by the potentially time-varying paths of the
V ’s. We will therefore focus mainly on the steady state of the model. The
assumption that the economy is in steady state implies that all the V̇ (t )’s
and Ė (t ) are zero and that a(t ) and α(t ) are constant.
We solve the model by focusing on two variables, employment (E ) and
the value of a vacancy (VV ). We will first find the value of VV implied by a
given level of employment, and then impose the free-entry condition that
VV must be zero.
We begin by considering the determination of the wage and the value of a
vacancy given a and α. Subtracting (10.55) from (10.54) (with the V̇ (t ) terms
set to zero) and rearranging yields
VE − VU =
w −b
a + λ+ r
Similarly, (10.56) and (10.57) imply
VF − VV =
y −w
α+ λ+ r
Our Nash-bargaining assumption (equation [10.59]) implies that VE − VU
equals φ/(1 − φ) times VF − VV . Thus (10.61) and (10.62) imply
w −b
a+ λ+ r
y −w
1 − φα+ λ+ r
Search and Matching Models
Solving this condition for w yields
w=b +
(a + λ + r)φ
φa + (1 − φ)α + λ + r
(y − b).
To interpret (10.64), first consider the case when a and α are equal. Then
the wage is b + φ(y − b): fraction φ of the difference between output and
the value of leisure goes to the worker, and fraction 1 − φ goes to the firm.
When a exceeds α, workers can find new jobs more rapidly than firms can
find new employees, and so more of the output goes to the worker. When α
exceeds a, the reverse occurs.
Recall that we want to focus on the value of a vacancy. Equation (10.57)
states that rVV equals −c + α(VF − VV ). Expression (10.62) for VF − VV therefore gives us
rVV = −c + α
y −w
α+ λ+ r
Substituting expression (10.64) for w into this equation and performing
straightforward algebra yields
rVV = −c +
(1 − φ)α
φa + (1 − φ)α + λ + r
(y − b).
In this expression, a and α are endogenous. Thus the next step is to
express them in terms of E . In steady state, Ė (t ) is zero, and so the number
of new matches per unit time must equal the number of jobs that end per
unit time, λE (equation [10.49]). Thus the job-finding rate, a = M(U ,V )/U , is
given by
1− E
where we use the fact that the mass of workers is 1, so that E + U = 1.
The vacancy-filling rate, α, is M(U ,V )/V (equation [10.52]). We again know
that in steady state, M(U ,V ) equals λE . To express α in terms of E , we therefore need to find the V that implies M(U ,V ) = λE for a given E . Using the
fact that M(U ,V ) = kU 1−γ V γ , we can derive
V = k −1/γ (λE )1/γ (1 − E )−(1−γ )/γ ,
α = k 1/γ (λE )(γ −1)/γ (1 − E )(1−γ )/γ .
For our purposes, the key features of (10.67) and (10.69) are that they
imply that a is increasing in E and that α is decreasing. Thus (10.66) implies
that rVV is a decreasing function of E . As E approaches 1, a approaches
infinity and α approaches zero; hence rVV approaches −c. Similarly, as E
approaches zero, a approaches zero and α approaches infinity. Thus in this
case rVV approaches y − (b + c), which we have assumed to be positive. This
information is summarized in Figure 10.6.
y − (b +c )
FIGURE 10.6 The determination of equilibrium employment in the search and
matching model
The equilibrium level of employment is determined by the intersection of
the rVV locus with the free-entry condition, which implies rVV = 0. Imposing
this condition on (10.66) yields
−c +
(1 − φ)α (E )
φa (E ) + (1 − φ)α (E ) + λ + r
(y − b) = 0.
where the functions a(E ) and α(E ) are given by (10.67) and (10.69). This expression implicitly defines E, and thus completes the solution of the model
in the steady-state case.
This model can be extended in many directions. Here we discuss a few of
the most important.21
One major set of extensions are ones that introduce greater heterogeneity. Although search and matching models are motivated by the enormous
variety among workers and jobs, the model we have been considering assumes that both workers and jobs are homogeneous. A simple way to introduce heterogeneity and a reason for search and matching is to suppose that
when a worker and a job meet, the worker’s productivity, y , is not certain
but is drawn from some distribution. This assumption implies that if the
realized level of productivity is too low, the meeting does not lead to a
match being formed but to continued search by both sides. Moreover, the
Many of these extensions are surveyed by Rogerson, Shimer, and Wright (2005).
10.7 Implications
cut-off level of productivity is endogenous, so that the fraction of meetings
that lead to jobs depends on the underlying parameters of the economy
and may be time-varying. Similarly, if the worker’s productivity in the job
is subject to shocks, the break-up rate, which is exogenous and constant in
the basic model, can be endogenized.
Another extension in the same spirit is to allow workers to continue
searching even when they are employed and firms to continue searching
even when their positions are filled. The result is that some of workers’
transitions are directly from one job to another and that firms sometimes
replace a worker with another.
Another important set of extensions involves making the process of
search and information flow more sophisticated. In the basic model, search
is completely random. But in practice, workers have some information about
jobs, and they focus their search on the jobs that look most appealing. That
is, to some extent search is not random but directed. Likewise, firms and
workers generally do not bargain over compensation from scratch each time
a worker is hired; many firms have wage policies that they are to some extent committed to. That is, to some extent wages are posted. Since one effect
of posting wages is to affect workers’ search, it is natural to combine the assumption that wages are posted with the assumption that search is directed.
Such models are known as competitive search models.
10.7 Implications
Search and matching models offer a straightforward explanation for average unemployment: it may be the result of continually matching workers and jobs in a complex and changing economy. Thus, much of observed
unemployment may reflect what is traditionally known as frictional
Labor markets are characterized by high rates of turnover. In U.S. manufacturing, for example, more than 3 percent of workers leave their jobs
in a typical month. Moreover, many job changes are associated with wage
increases, particularly for young workers (Topel and Ward, 1992); thus at
least some of the turnover appears to be useful. In addition, there is high
turnover of jobs themselves. In U.S. manufacturing, at least 10 percent of existing jobs disappear each year (Davis and Haltiwanger, 1990, 1992). These
statistics suggest that a nonnegligible portion of unemployment is a largely
inevitable result of the dynamics of the economy and the complexities of
the labor market.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to go much beyond this general statement.
Existing theoretical models and empirical evidence do not provide any clear
way of discriminating between, for example, the hypothesis that search and
matching considerations account for one-quarter of average unemployment
and the hypothesis that they account for three-quarters. The importance
of long-term unemployment in overall unemployment suggests, however,
that at least some significant part of unemployment is not frictional. In the
United States, although most workers who become unemployed remain so
for less than a month, most of the workers who are unemployed at any time
will have spells of unemployment that last more than 3 months; and nearly
half will have spells that last more than 6 months (Clark and Summers,
1979). And in the European Community in the late 1980s, more than half
of unemployed workers had been out of work for more than a year (Bean,
1994). It seems unlikely that search and matching considerations could be
the source of most of this long-term unemployment.
A large recent literature moves away from such examinations of average rates of turnover and focuses on cyclical variations in turnover. From
the firm side, this is often phrased in terms of the relative importance of
changes in rates of job creation and job destruction to changes in unemployment. That is, this work asks to what extent increases in unemployment are
the result of increases in the rate at which existing jobs disappear, and to
what extent they are the result of decreases in the rate at which new jobs
appear. From the worker side, the focus is on the relative importance of
changes in the rates of inflows into and outflows from unemployment.
The two perspectives are not just mirror images of one another. For example, suppose the rate of job creation is constant over the business cycle and
the rate of job destruction is countercyclical. Then on the worker side, both
margins are cyclical: the rate of inflows rises in recessions because of the
increase in the rate of job destruction, and the rate of outflow falls because
of the increase in the number of unemployed workers and the constant rate
of job creation.
One conclusion of this literature is that answering seemingly simple questions about the contributions of different margins to changes in unemployment is surprisingly hard. The details of the sample period, the precise
measures used, and subtleties of the data can have large impacts on the results. To the extent that this work has reached firmer conclusions, it is that,
from either the firm or the worker perspective, both margins are important
to changes in overall unemployment.22
The Impact of a Shift in Labor Demand
We now want to ask our usual question of whether the imperfection we
are considering—in this case, the absence of a centralized market—affects
A few contributions to this work are Blanchard and Diamond (1990); Foote (1998);
Davis, Faberman, and Haltiwanger (2006); Shimer (2007); and Elsby, Michaels, and Solon
10.7 Implications
y ′ − (b +c )
y − (b +c )
The effects of a rise in labor demand in the search and matching
the cyclical behavior of the labor market. Specifically, we are interested in
whether it causes a shift in labor demand to have a larger impact on employment and a smaller impact on the wage than it does in a Walrasian market.
Recall that we do not observe any long-run trend in unemployment. Thus
a successful model of the labor market should imply that in response to
long-run productivity growth, there is no change in unemployment. In this
model, it is natural to model long-run productivity growth as increases of
the same proportion in the output from a job (y ), its nonlabor costs (c ), and
the income of the unemployed (b). From Figure 10.6 in the previous section,
it is not immediately clear how such a change affects the point where the rVV
line crosses the horizontal axis. Instead we must examine the equilibrium
condition, (10.70). Inspecting this condition shows that if y , b, and c change
by the same proportion, the value of E for which the condition holds does
not change. Thus the model implies that long-run productivity growth does
not affect employment. This means that a and α do not change, and thus
that the wage changes by the same proportion as y (see [10.64]). In short,
the model’s long-run implications are reasonable.
We will model a cyclical change as a shift in y with no change in b and
c. For concreteness, assume that y rises, and continue to focus on steady
states. From (10.70), this shifts the rVV locus up. Thus, as Figure 10.7 shows,
employment rises. In a Walrasian market, in contrast, employment is unchanged at 1. Intuitively, in the absence of a frictionless market, workers
are not costlessly available at the prevailing wage. The increase in y , with b
and c fixed, raises the profits firms obtain when they find a worker relative
to their costs of searching for one. Thus the number of firms—and hence
In addition, equation (10.68) implies that steady-state vacancies are
k −1/γ (λE )1/γ (1− E )−(1−γ )/γ . Thus the rise in y and the resulting increase in the
number of firms increase vacancies. The model therefore implies a negative
relation between unemployment and vacancies—a Beveridge curve.
The model does not imply substantial wage rigidity, however. From
(10.67) and (10.69), the rise in E causes a to rise and α to fall: when unemployment is lower, workers can find jobs more rapidly than before, and
firms cannot fill positions as easily. From (10.64), this implies that the wage
rises more than proportionately with y .23
The employment effects of the shift in labor demand occur as a result of
the creation of new vacancies. But the fact that the wage responds substantially to the shift in demand makes the incentives to create new vacancies
small. Shimer (2005) shows that as a result, for reasonable parameter values
search and matching models like the one considered here imply that shifts
in labor demand have only small employment effects.
To address this difficulty, current research is examining wage rigidity
in these models. There are two main issues. The first is the effects of wage
rigidity. When wages respond less to an increase in labor demand, the profits
from a filled job are larger, and so the rewards to creating a vacancy are
greater. As a result, more vacancies are created, and the increase in demand
has a larger impact on employment. Thus, it appears that the combination
of search and matching considerations and wage rigidity may be important
to the cyclical behavior of the labor market (Hall, 2005; Shimer, 2004 ).
The second, and more important, issue is whether there might be forces
leading to wage rigidity in these settings. In the model we have been
considering, there is a range of wages that yield surplus to both firms and
workers. Thus, as Hall observes, there can be wage rigidity over some range
without agents forgoing any profitable trades. This observation, however,
does not imply that there is more likely to be wage rigidity than any other
pattern of wage behavior that is consistent with the absence of unexploited
profit opportunities. Moreover, the idea that wages are essentially indeterminate over some range seems implausible.
A promising variant on these ideas is related to the discussion of the curvature of firms’ profit functions in Section 6.7. In a Walrasian labor market,
a firm that fails to raise its wage in response to an increase in labor demand
loses all its workers. In a search and matching environment, in contrast,
failing to raise the wage has both a cost and a benefit. The firm will have
more difficulty attracting and retaining workers than if it raised its wage,
but the workers it retains will be cheaper. Thus the firm’s profits are less
sensitive to departures from the profit-maximizing wage. As a result, small
barriers to wage adjustment might generate considerable wage rigidity.
Since w = y − c in the Walrasian market, the same result holds there. Thus it is not
clear which case exhibits greater wage adjustment. Nonetheless, simply adding heterogeneity and matching does not appear to generate strong wage rigidity.
10.7 Implications
Because this economy is not Walrasian, firms’ decisions concerning whether
to enter have externalities both for workers and for other firms. Entry makes
it easier for unemployed workers to find jobs, and increases their bargaining
power when they do. But it also makes it harder for other firms to find
workers, and decreases their bargaining power when they do. As a result,
there is no presumption that equilibrium unemployment in this economy is
To illustrate the implications of search and matching models for welfare,
consider the following static example (due to Rogerson, Shimer, and Wright,
2005). There are U unemployed workers. If V vacancies are created, the
number of workers hired is E = M(U ,V ) = kU 1−γ V γ . Each vacancy has a cost
of c, and each employed worker produces y . Unemployed workers receive
no income, and the wage is w = φy . Social welfare equals the sum of firms’
profits and workers’ utility, which equals E (y − w ) + E w − V c, or E y − V c.
(Note that in this static model, V is the number of vacancies initially created,
not the number left unfilled.)
Consider first the decentralized equilibrium. The value of a vacancy is
the probability the position is filled, M(U ,V )/V , times the firm’s surplus
from hiring a worker, y − w, minus the cost of creating the vacancy, c. Thus
equilibrium occurs when
M(U ,V )
(y − w ) − c = 0,
(1 − φ)y − c = 0.
The number of vacancies created is therefore given by
k(1 − φ)y
1/(1−γ )
Now consider the optimal allocation. A social planner would choose V to
maximize E y − V c, or kU 1−γ V γ y − V c. The first-order condition is
γ kU 1−γ V γ −1 y − c = 0,
which implies
V∗ =
kγ y
1/(1−γ )
Comparison of (10.73) and (10.75) shows that the condition for the decentralized equilibrium to be efficient is that γ = 1 − φ—that is, that the
elasticity of matches with respect to vacancies equals the share of the match
surplus that goes to the firm. If γ < 1 − φ (that is, if the elasticity of matches
with respect to vacancies is less than the share of the surplus that goes to
the firm), too many vacancies are created. If γ > 1 − φ, too few are created.
This result—that the condition for the decentralized equilibrium to be
efficient is that the elasticity of matches with respect to vacancies equals
the share of the surplus that goes to the firm—holds in many other models,
including the dynamic model we have been considering (Hosios, 1990).24
To see the intuition behind it, note that creating a vacancy has a positive
externality on the unemployed workers but a negative externality on other
firms looking for workers. When γ is larger, the positive externality is larger
and the negative one is smaller. Thus for the decentralized equilibrium to be
efficient when γ is larger, the incentives to create vacancies must be larger;
that is, 1 − φ must be larger.
The result that the decentralized equilibrium need not be efficient is characteristic of economies where allocations are determined through one-onone meetings rather than through centralized markets. In our model, there
is only one endogenous decision—firms must decide whether to enter—and
hence only one dimension along which the equilibrium can be inefficient.
But in practice, participants in such markets have many choices. Workers
can decide whether to enter the labor force, how intensively to look for jobs
when they are unemployed, where to focus their search, whether to invest in
job-specific or general skills when they are employed, whether to look for a
different job while they are employed, and so on. Firms face a similar array
of decisions. There is no guarantee that the decentralized economy produces an efficient outcome along any of these dimensions. Instead, agents’
decisions are likely to have externalities through direct effects on other
parties’ surplus or through effects on the effectiveness of the matching
process, or both.
This analysis implies that there is no reason to suppose that the natural
rate of unemployment is optimal. This observation provides no guidance,
however, concerning whether observed unemployment is inefficiently high,
inefficiently low, or approximately efficient. Determining which of these
cases is correct—and whether there are changes in policy that would lead to
efficiency-enhancing changes in equilibrium unemployment—is an important open question.
10.8 Empirical Applications
Contracting Effects on Employment
In our analysis of contracts in Section 10.5, we discussed two views of how
employment can be determined when the wage is set by bargaining. In the
first, a firm and its workers bargain only over the wage, and the firm chooses
See Problem 10.17 for a demonstration in one special case of our dynamic model.
Empirical Applications
employment to equate the marginal product of labor with the agreed-upon
wage. As we saw, this arrangement is inefficient. Thus the second view is
that the bargaining determines how both employment and the wage depend
on the conditions facing the firm. Since actual contracts do not spell out
such arrangements, this view assumes that workers and the firm have some
noncontractual understanding that the firm will not treat the cost of labor as
being given by the wage. For example, workers are likely to agree to lower
wages in future contracts if the firm chooses employment to equate the
marginal product of labor with the opportunity cost of workers’ time.
Which of these views is correct has important implications. If firms choose
employment freely taking the wage as given, evidence that nominal wages
are fixed for extended periods provides direct evidence that nominal disturbances have real effects. If the wage is unimportant to employment determination, on the other hand, nominal wage rigidity is unimportant to the
effects of nominal shocks.
Bils (1991) proposes a way to test between the two views (see also Card,
1990). If employment is determined efficiently, then it equates the marginal
product of labor and the marginal disutility of work at each date. Thus its behavior should not have any systematic relation to the times that firms and
workers bargain.25 A finding that movements in employment are related
to the dates of contracts—for example, that employment rises unusually
rapidly or slowly just after contracts are signed, or that it is more variable
over the life of a contract than from one contract to the next—would therefore be evidence that it is not determined efficiently.
In addition, Bils shows that the alternative view that employment equates
the marginal product of labor with the wage makes a specific prediction
about how employment movements are likely to be related to the times
of contracts. Consider Figure 10.8, which shows the marginal product of
labor, the marginal disutility of labor, and a contract wage. In response to a
negative shock to labor demand, a firm that views the cost of labor as being
given by the contract wage reduces employment a great deal; in terms of the
figure, it reduces employment from L A to L B . The marginal product of labor
now exceeds the opportunity cost of workers’ time. Thus when the firm and
the workers negotiate a new contract, they will make sure that employment
is increased; in terms of the diagram, they will act to raise employment
from L B to L C . Thus if the wage determines employment (and if shocks to
labor demand are the main source of employment fluctuations), changes in
employment during contracts should be partly reversed when new contracts
are signed.
To test between the predictions of these two views, Bils examines employment fluctuations in U.S. manufacturing industries. Specifically, he focuses
on 12 industries that are highly unionized and where there are long-term
This is not precisely correct if there are income effects on the marginal disutility of
labor. Bils argues, however, that these effects are unlikely to be important to his test.
FIGURE 10.8 Employment movements under wage contracts
contracts that are signed at virtually the same time for the vast majority of
workers in the industry. He estimates a regression of the form
ln L i,t = αi − φZi,t − θ ( ln L i,t−1 − ln L i,t−10 ) + Ŵ Di,t + εi,t .
Here i indexes industries, L is employment, and Di,t is a dummy variable
equal to 1 in quarters when a new contract goes into effect in industry i. The
key variable is Zi,t . If a new contract goes into effect in industry i in quarter
t (that is, if Di,t = 1), then Zi,t equals the change in log employment in the
industry over the life of the previous contract; otherwise, Zi,t is zero. The
parameter φ therefore measures the extent to which employment changes
over the life of a contract are reversed when a new contract is signed. Bils
includes ln L i,t−1 − ln L i,t−10 to control for the possibility that employment
changes are typically reversed even in the absence of new contracts; he
chooses t − 10 because the average contract in his sample lasts 10 quarters.
Finally, Di,t allows for the possibility of unusual employment growth in the
first quarter of a new contract.
Bils’s estimates are φ = 0.198 (with a standard error of 0.037), θ = 0.016
(0.012), and Ŵ = −0.0077 (0.0045). Thus the results suggest highly significant and quantitatively large movements in employment related to the dates
Empirical Applications
of new contracts: when a new contract is signed, on average 20 percent of
the employment changes over the life of the previous contract are immediately reversed.
There is one puzzling feature of Bils’s results, however. When a new contract is signed, the most natural way to undo an inefficient employment
change during the previous contract is by adjusting the wage. In the case of
the fall in labor demand shown in Figure 10.8, for example, the wage should
be lowered when the new contract is signed. But Bils finds little relation between how the wage is set in a new contract and the change in employment
over the life of the previous contract. In addition, when he looks across
industries, he finds essentially no relation between the extent to which employment changes are reversed when a new contract is signed and the extent
to which the wage is adjusted.
Bils suggests two possible explanations of this finding. One is that adjustments in compensation mainly take the form of changes to fringe benefits
and other factors that are not captured by his wage measure. The second
is that employment determination is more complex than either of the two
views we have been considering.
Interindustry Wage Differences
The basic idea of efficiency-wage models is that firms may pay wages above
market-clearing levels. If there are reasons for firms to do this, those reasons
are unlikely to be equally important everywhere in the economy. Motivated
by this observation, Dickens and Katz (1987a) and Krueger and Summers
(1988) investigate whether some industries pay systematically higher wages
than others.
These authors begin by adding dummy variables for the industries
that workers are employed in to conventional wage regressions. A typical
specification is
ln wi = α +
βj X i j +
γk Dik + εi ,
where wi is worker i’s wage, the X i j ’s are worker characteristics (such as
age, education, occupation, and so on), and the Dik ’s are dummy variables
for employment in different industries. In a competitive, frictionless labor
market, wages depend only on workers’ characteristics and not on what
industry they are employed in. Thus if the X ’s adequately capture workers’
characteristics, the coefficients on the industry dummies will be zero.
Dickens and Katz’s and Krueger and Summers’s basic finding is that the
estimated γk ’s are large. Katz and Summers (1989), for example, consider
U.S. workers in 1984. Since they consider a sample of more than 100,000
workers, it is not surprising that they find that most of the γ ’s are highly
significant. But they also find that they are quantitatively large. For example,
the standard deviation of the estimated γ ’s (weighted by the sizes of the
industries) is 0.15, or 15 percent. Thus wages appear to differ considerably
among industries.
Dickens and Katz and Krueger and Summers show that several possible explanations of these wage differences are contradicted by the data.
The estimated differences are essentially the same when the sample is restricted to workers not covered by union contracts; thus they do not appear
to be the result of union bargaining power. The differences are quite stable over time and across countries; thus they are unlikely to reflect transitory adjustments in the labor market (Krueger and Summers, 1987). When
broader measures of compensation are used, the estimated differences typically become larger; thus the results do not appear to arise from differences in the mix of wage and nonwage compensation across industries.
Finally, there is no evidence that working conditions are worse in the highwage industries; thus the differences do not appear to be compensating
There is also some direct evidence that the differences represent genuine
rents. Krueger and Summers (1988) and Akerlof, Rose, and Yellen (1988)
find that workers in industries with higher estimated wage premiums quit
much less often. Krueger and Summers also find that workers who move
from one industry to another on average have their wages change by nearly
as much as the difference between the estimated wage premiums for the
two industries. And Gibbons and Katz (1992) consider workers who lose
their jobs because the plants where they are working close. They find that
the wage cuts the workers take when they accept new jobs are much higher
when the jobs they lost were in higher-wage industries.
Two aspects of the results are more problematic for efficiency-wage
theory, however. First, although many competitive explanations of the
results are not supported at all by the data, there is one that cannot be
readily dismissed. No wage equation can control for all relevant worker
characteristics. Thus one possible explanation of the finding of apparent
interindustry wage differences is that they reflect unmeasured differences
in ability across workers in different industries rather than rents (Murphy
and Topel, 1987b ).
To understand this idea, imagine an econometrician studying wage differences among baseball leagues. If the econometrician could only control
for the kinds of worker characteristics that studies of interindustry wage
differences control for—age, experience, and so on—he or she would find
that wages are systematically higher in some leagues than in others: majorleague teams pay more than AAA minor-league teams, which pay more
than AA minor-league teams, and so on. In addition, quit rates are much
lower in the higher-wage leagues, and workers who move from lower-wage
to higher-wage leagues experience large wage increases. But there is little
doubt that large parts of the wage differences among baseball leagues reflect
Empirical Applications
ability differences rather than rents. Just as an econometrician using Dickens and Katz’s and Krueger and Summers’s methods to study interleague
wage differences in baseball would be led astray, perhaps econometricians
studying interindustry wage differences have also been led astray.
Several pieces of evidence support this view. First, if some firms are paying more than the market-clearing wage, they face an excess supply of workers, and so they have some discretion to hire more able workers. Thus it
would be surprising if at least some of the estimated wage differences did
not reflect ability differences. Second, higher-wage industries have higher
capital-labor ratios, which suggests that they need more skilled workers.
Third, workers in higher-wage industries have higher measured ability (in
terms of education, experience, and so on); thus it seems likely that they
have higher unmeasured ability. Finally, the same patterns of interindustry
earnings differences occur, although less strongly, among self-employed
The hypothesis that estimated interindustry wage differences reflect unmeasured ability cannot easily account for all the findings about these differences, however. First, quantitative attempts to estimate how much of
the differences can plausibly be due to unmeasured ability generally leave
a substantial portion of the differences unaccounted for (see, for example, Katz and Summers, 1989). Second, the unmeasured-ability hypothesis
cannot readily explain Gibbons and Katz’s findings about the wage cuts of
displaced workers. Third, the estimated wage premiums are higher in industries where profits are higher; this is not what the unmeasured-ability
hypothesis naturally predicts. Finally, industries that pay higher wages generally do so in all occupations, from janitors to managers; it is not clear
that unmeasured ability differences should be so strongly related across
occupations. Thus, although the view that interindustry wage differences
reflect unmeasured ability is troubling for rent-based explanations of those
differences, it does not definitively refute them.
The second aspect of this literature’s findings that is not easily accounted
for by efficiency-wage theories concerns the characteristics of industries
that pay high wages. As described above, higher-wage industries tend to
have higher capital-labor ratios, more educated and experienced workers,
and higher profits. In addition, they have larger establishments and larger
fractions of male and of unionized workers (Dickens and Katz, 1987b ).
No single efficiency-wage theory predicts all these patterns. As a result,
authors who believe that the estimated interindustry wage differences reflect rents tend to resort to complicated explanations of them. Dickens
and Katz and Krueger and Summers, for example, appeal to a combination
of efficiency-wage theories based on imperfect monitoring, efficiency-wage
theories based on workers’ perceptions of fairness, and worker power in
wage determination.
In sum, the literature on interindustry wage differences has identified an
interesting set of regularities that differ greatly from what simple theories
of the labor market predict. The reasons for those regularities, however,
have not been convincingly identified.
Survey Evidence on Wage Rigidity
One of the main reasons we are interested in the labor market is that we
would like to understand why falls in labor demand lead firms to reduce
employment substantially and cut wages relatively little. This raises a natural question: Why not simply ask individuals responsible for firms’ wage
and employment policies why they do this?
Asking wage-setters the reasons for their behavior is not a panacea. Most
importantly, they may not fully understand the factors underlying their decisions. They may have found successful policies through such means as
trial and error, instruction from their predecessors, and observation of other
firms’ policies. Friedman and Savage (1948) give the analogy of an expert billiard player. Talking to the player is likely to be of little value in predicting
how the player will shoot or in understanding the reasons for his or her
choices. One would do better computing the optimal shots based on such
considerations as the elasticity of the balls, the friction of the table surface,
how spin affects the balls’ bounces, and so on, even though these factors
may not directly enter the player’s thinking.
When wage-setters are not completely sure of the reasons for their decisions, small differences in how questions are phrased can be important.
For example, economists use the phrases “shirk,” “exert less effort,” and
“be less productive” more or less interchangeably to describe how workers may respond to a wage cut. But these phrases may have quite different
connotations to wage-setters.
Despite these difficulties, surveys of wage-setters are potentially useful.
If, for example, wage-setters disagree with a theory no matter how it is
phrased and find its mechanisms implausible regardless of how they are
described, we should be skeptical of the theory’s relevance.
Examples of surveys of wage-setters include Blinder and Choi (1990),
Campbell and Kamlani (1997), and Bewley (1999). Here we focus on Campbell
and Kamlani’s. These authors survey compensation managers at roughly
100 of the largest 1000 firms in the United States and at roughly 100 smaller
U.S. firms. They ask the managers’ views both about various theories of wage
rigidity and about the mechanisms underlying the theories. Their central
question asks the respondents their views concerning the importance of
various possible reasons that “firms normally do not cut wages to the lowest level at which they can find the necessary number of qualified applicants
during a recession.”
The reason for not cutting wages in a recession that the survey participants view as clearly the most important is, “If your firm were to cut wages,
your most productive workers might leave, whereas if you lay off workers,
Empirical Applications
you can lay off the least productive workers.” Campbell and Kamlani interpret the respondents’ agreement with this statement as support for the importance of adverse selection. Unfortunately, however, this question serves
mainly to illustrate the perils of surveys. The difficulty is that the phrasing of the statement presumes that firms know which workers are more
productive. Adverse selection can arise, however, only from unobservable
differences among workers. Thus it seems likely that compensation managers’ strong agreement with the statement is due to other reasons.
Other surveys find much less support for the importance of adverse selection. For example, Blinder and Choi ask,
There are two workers who are being considered for the same job. As far as
you can tell, . . . both workers are equally well qualified. One of the workers
agrees to work for the wage you offer him. The other one says he needs more
money to work for you. Based on this difference, do you think one of these
workers is likely to be an inherently more productive worker?
All 18 respondents to Blinder and Choi’s survey answer this question negatively. But this too is not decisive. For example, the reference to one worker
being “inherently more productive” may be sufficiently strong that it biases
the results against the adverse-selection hypothesis.
A hypothesis that fares better in surveys is that concern about quits
is critical to wage-setting. The fact that the respondents to Campbell and
Kamlani’s survey agree strongly with the statement that wage cuts may
cause highly productive workers to leave supports this view. The respondents also agree strongly with statements that an important reason not to
cut wages is that cuts would increase quits and thereby raise recruitment
and training costs and cause important losses of firm-specific human capital. Other surveys also find that firms’ desire to avoid quits is important to
their wage policies.
The impact of concern about quits on wage-setting is very much in the
spirit of the Shapiro–Stiglitz model. There is an action under workers’ control (shirking in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model, quitting here) that affects the
firm. For some reason, the firm’s compensation policy does not cause workers to internalize the action’s impact on the firm. Thus the firm raises wages
to discourage the action. In that sense, the survey evidence supports the
Shapiro–Stiglitz model. If we take a narrow view of the model, however,
the survey evidence is less favorable: respondents consistently express little sympathy for the idea that imperfect monitoring and effort on the job
are important to their decisions about wages.
The other theme of surveys of wage-setters besides the importance of
quits is the critical role of fairness considerations. The surveys consistently
suggest that workers’ morale and perceptions of whether they are being
treated appropriately are crucial to their productivity. The surveys also suggest that workers have strong views about what actions by the firm are
appropriate, and that as a result their sense of satisfaction is precarious.
The results are thus supportive of the fairness view of efficiency wages
advocated by Akerlof and Yellen (1990) that we encountered in Section 10.2.
They are also supportive of the key assumption of insider-outsider
models that firms cannot set insiders’ and outsiders’ wages completely
One important concern about this evidence is that if other forces cause
a particular policy to be the equilibrium outcome, and therefore what normally occurs, that policy may come to be viewed as fair. That is, views concerning what is appropriate can be a reflection of the equilibrium outcome
rather than an independent cause of it.
This effect may be the source of some of the apparent importance of
fairness, but it seems unlikely to be the only one: concerns about fairness
seem too strong to be just reflections of other forces. In addition, in some
cases fairness considerations appear to push wage-setting in directions one
would not otherwise expect. For example, there is evidence that individuals’ views about what compensation policies are fair put some weight on
equalizing compensation rather than equalizing compensation relative to
marginal products. And there is evidence that firms in fact set wages so
that they rise less than one-for-one with observable differences in workers’ marginal products. Because of this, firms obtain greater surplus from
their more productive workers. This provides a more plausible explanation
than adverse selection for the survey respondents’ strong agreement with
Campbell and Kamlani’s statement about the advantages of layoffs over
wage cuts. To give another example of how fairness considerations appear
to alter wage-setting in unusual ways, many researchers, beginning with
Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1986), find that workers view reductions
in real wages as highly objectionable if they result from cuts in nominal
wages, but as not especially objectionable if they result from increases in
nominal wages that are less than the inflation rate.
Finally, although Campbell and Kamlani focus on why firms do not cut
wages in recessions, their results probably tell us more about why firms
might pay more than market-clearing wages than about the cyclical behavior
of wages. The reason is that they do not provide evidence concerning wagesetting in booms. For example, if concern about quits causes firms to pay
more than they have to in recessions, it may do the same in booms. Indeed,
concern about quits may have a bigger effect on wages in booms than in
10.1. Union wage premiums and efficiency wages. (Summers, 1988.) Consider
the efficiency-wage model analyzed in equations (10.12)–(10.17). Suppose,
however, that fraction f of workers belong to unions that are able to obtain a
wage that exceeds the nonunion wage by proportion μ. Thus, wu = (1 + μ )wn ,
where wu and wn denote wages in the union and nonunion sectors; and the
average wage, wa, is given by f wu + (1 − f )wn . Nonunion employers continue
to set their wages freely; thus (by the same reasoning used to derive [10.15]
in the text), wn = (1 − bu)wa /(1 − β).
(a ) Find the equilibrium unemployment rate in terms of β, b, f, and µ.
(b ) Suppose µ = f = 0. 15.
(i ) What is the equilibrium unemployment rate if β = 0.06 and b = 1?
By what proportion is the cost of effective labor higher in the union
sector than in the nonunion sector?
(ii ) Repeat part (i) for the case of β = 0.03 and b = 0.5.
10.2. Efficiency wages and bargaining. (Garino and Martin, 2000.) Summers (1988,
p. 386) states, “In an efficiency wage environment, firms that are forced to
pay their workers premium wages suffer only second-order losses. In almost any plausible bargaining framework, this makes it easier for workers to extract concessions.” This problem asks you to investigate this
Consider a firm with profits given by π = [(eL)α/α] − wL, 0 < α < 1, and a
union with objective function U = (w −x )L, where x is an index of its workers’
outside opportunities. Assume that the firm and the union bargain over the
wage, and that the firm then chooses L taking w as given.
(a ) Suppose that e is fixed at 1, so that efficiency-wage considerations are
(i ) What value of L does the firm choose, given w? What is the resulting
level of profits?
(ii ) Suppose that the firm and the union choose w to maximize U γ π 1−γ ,
where 0 < γ < α indexes the union’s power in the bargaining. What
level of w do they choose?
(b ) Suppose that e is given by equation (10.12) in the text: e = [(w − x )/x] β for
w > x, where 0 < β < 1.
(i ) What value of L does the firm choose, given w? What is the resulting
level of profits?
(ii ) Suppose that the firm and the union choose w to maximize U γ π 1−γ ,
0 < γ < α. What level of w do they choose? (Hint: For the case of
β = 0, your answer should simplify to your answer in part [a ][ii ].)
(iii ) Is the proportional impact of workers’ bargaining power on wages
greater with efficiency wages than without, as Summers implies? Is it
greater when efficiency-wage effects, β, are greater?
10.3. Describe how each of the following affect equilibrium employment and the
wage in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model:
(a ) An increase in workers’ discount rate, ρ.
(b ) An increase in the job breakup rate, b.
(c ) A positive multiplicative shock to the production function (that is, suppose the production function is AF (L), and consider an increase in A).
(d ) An increase in the size of the labor force, L.
10.4. Suppose that in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model, unemployed workers are hired
according to how long they have been unemployed rather than at random;
specifically, suppose that workers who have been unemployed the longest
are hired first.
(a ) Consider a steady state where there is no shirking. Derive an expression
for how long it takes a worker who becomes unemployed to get a job as
a function of b, L, N, and L.
(b ) Let VU be the value of being a worker who is newly unemployed. Derive an
expression for VU as a function of the time it takes to get a job, workers’
discount rate (ρ), and the value of being employed (VE ).
(c ) Using your answers to parts (a ) and (b ), find the no-shirking condition
for this version of the model.
(d ) How, if at all, does the assumption that the longer-term unemployed get
priority affect the equilibrium unemployment rate?
10.5. The fair wage-effort hypothesis. (Akerlof and Yellen, 1990.) Suppose there
are a large number of firms, N, each with profits given by F (eL)−wL, F ′ (•) > 0,
F ′′ (•) < 0. L is the number of workers the firm hires, w is the wage it pays,
and e is workers’ effort. Effort is given by e = min [w/w ∗ ,1], where w ∗ is the
“fair wage”; that is, if workers are paid less than the fair wage, they reduce
their effort in proportion to the shortfall. Assume that there are L workers
who are willing to work at any positive wage.
(a ) If a firm can hire workers at any wage, what value (or range of values) of w
minimizes the cost per unit of effective labor, w/e? For the remainder of
the problem, assume that if the firm is indifferent over a range of possible
wages, it pays the highest value in this range.
(b ) Suppose w ∗ is given by w ∗ = w + a − bu, where u is the unemployment rate and w is the average wage paid by the firms in the economy.
Assume b > 0 and a/b < 1.
(i ) Given your answer to part (a ) (and the assumption about what firms
pay in cases of indifference), what wage does the representative firm
pay if it can choose w freely (taking w and u as given)?
(ii ) Under what conditions does the equilibrium involve positive unemployment and no constraints on firms’ choice of w? (Hint: In this case,
equilibrium requires that the representative firm, taking w as given,
wishes to pay w.) What is the unemployment rate in this case?
(iii ) Under what conditions is there full employment?
(c ) Suppose the representative firm’s production function is modified to be
F (Ae1 L 1 + e2 L 2 ), A > 1, where L 1 and L 2 are the numbers of highproductivity and low-productivity workers the firm hires. Assume that
ei = min[w i /w ∗i ,1], where w ∗i is the fair wage for type-i workers. w ∗i is
given by w i∗ = [(w 1 + w 2 )/2] − bu i , where b > 0, w i is the average wage
paid to workers of type i, and u i is their unemployment rate. Finally, assume there are L workers of each type.
(i ) Explain why, given your answer to part (a ) (and the assumption about
what firms pay in cases of indifference), neither type of worker will
be paid less than the fair wage for that type.
(ii ) Explain why w 1 will exceed w 2 by a factor of A.
(iii ) In equilibrium, is there unemployment among high-productivity workers? Explain. (Hint: If u 1 is positive, firms are unconstrained in their
choice of w 1 .)
(iv) In equilibrium, is there unemployment among low-productivity workers? Explain.
10.6. Implicit contracts without variable hours. Suppose that each worker must
either work a fixed number of hours or be unemployed. Let C iE denote the
consumption of employed workers in state i and C iU the consumption of unemployed workers. The firm’s profits in state i are therefore A i F (L i )−[C iE L i +
C iU (L − L i )], where L is the number of workers. Similarly, workers’ expected
utility in state i is (L i /L )[U (C iE ) − K ] + [(L − L i )/L ]U (C iU ), where K > 0 is the
disutility of working.
(a ) Set up the Lagrangian for the firm’s problem of choosing the L i ’s, C iE ’s,
and C iU ’s to maximize expected profits subject to the constraint that the
representative worker’s expected utility is u 0 .26
(b ) Find the first-order conditions for L i , C iE , and C iU . How, if at all, do C E
and C U depend on the state? What is the relation between C iE and C iU ?
(c ) After A is realized and some workers are chosen to work and others are
chosen to be unemployed, which workers are better off ?
10.7. Implicit contracts under asymmetric information. (Azariadis and Stiglitz,
1983.) Consider the model of Section 10.5. Suppose, however, that only the
firm observes A. In addition, suppose there are only two possible values of
A, A B and A G (A B < A G ), each occurring with probability 21 .
We can think of the contract as specifying w and L as functions of the
firm’s announcement of the state, and as being subject to the restriction that
it is never in the firm’s interest to announce a state other than the actual one;
formally, the contract must be incentive-compatible.
(a ) Is the efficient contract under symmetric information derived in
Section 10.5 incentive-compatible under asymmetric information? Specifically, if A is A B , is the firm better off claiming that A is A G (so that C and
L are given by CG and L G ) rather than that it is A B ? And if A is A G , is the
firm better off claiming it is A B rather than A G ?
For simplicity, neglect the constraint that L cannot exceed L. Accounting for this constraint, one would find that for A i above some critical level, L i would equal L rather than be
determined by the condition derived in part (b ).
(b ) One can show that the constraint that the firm not prefer to claim that
the state is bad when it is good is not binding, but that the constraint that
it not prefer to claim that the state is good when it is bad is binding. Set
up the Lagrangian for the firm’s problem of choosing CG , C B , L G , and L B
subject to the constraints that workers’ expected utility is u 0 and that the
firm is indifferent about which state to announce when A is A B . Find the
first-order conditions for CG , C B , L G , and L B .
(c ) Show that the marginal product and the marginal disutility of labor are
equated in the bad state—that is, that A B F ′ (L B ) = V ′ (L B )/U ′ (C B ).
(d ) Show that there is “overemployment” in the good state—that is, that
A G F ′ (L G ) < V ′ (L G )/U ′ (CG ).
(e ) Is this model helpful in understanding the high level of average unemployment? Is it helpful in understanding the large size of employment
10.8. An insider-outsider model. Consider the following variant of the model in
equations (10.39)–(10.42). The firm’s profits are π = A F (L I + L O ) − wI L I −
wO L O , where L I and L O are the numbers of insiders and outsiders the firm
hires, and wI and wO are their wages. L I always equals L I , and the insiders’
utility in state i is therefore simply uI i = U (wI i ), where U ′ (•) > 0 and U ′′ (•) < 0.
We capture the idea that insiders’ and outsiders’ wages cannot be set independently by assuming that wOi is given by wOi = RwI i , where 0 < R ≤ 1.
(a ) Think of the firm’s choice variables as wI and L O in each state, with wOi
given by wOi = RwI i . Set up the Lagrangian analogous to (10.43) for the
firm’s problem of maximizing its expected profits subject to the constraint that the insiders’ expected utility be u 0 .
(b ) What is the first-order condition for L Oi ? Does the firm choose employment so that the marginal product of labor and the real wage are equal
in all states? (Assume there is always an interior solution for L Oi .)
(c ) What is the first-order condition for wI i ? When L Oi is higher, is wI i higher,
lower, or unchanged? (Continue to assume that there is always an interior
solution for L Oi .)
10.9. The Harris–Todaro model. (Harris and Todaro, 1970.) Suppose there are two
sectors. Jobs in the primary sector pay wp ; jobs in the secondary sector pay
ws . Each worker decides which sector to be in. All workers who choose the
secondary sector obtain a job. But there are a fixed number, Np , of primarysector jobs. These jobs are allocated at random among workers who choose
the primary sector. Primary-sector workers who do not get a job are unemployed, and receive an unemployment benefit of b. Workers are risk-neutral,
and there is no disutility of working. Thus the expected utility of a primarysector worker is qwp + (1 − q)b, where q is the probability of a primarysector worker getting a job. Assume that b < ws < wp , and that Np/N <
(ws − b)/(wp − b).
(a ) What is equilibrium unemployment as a function of wp , ws , Np , b, and the
size of the labor force, N ?
(b ) How does an increase in Np affect unemployment? Explain intuitively
why, even though unemployment takes the form of workers waiting for
primary-sector jobs, increasing the number of these jobs can increase
(c ) What are the effects of an increase in the level of unemployment benefits?
10.10. Partial-equilibrium search. Consider a worker searching for a job. Wages, w,
have a probability density function across jobs, f (w), that is known to the
worker; let F (w) be the associated cumulative distribution function. Each
time the worker samples a job from this distribution, he or she incurs a cost
of C, where 0 < C < E [w]. When the worker samples a job, he or she can
either accept it (in which case the process ends) or sample another job. The
worker maximizes the expected value of w − nC, where w is the wage paid
in the job the worker eventually accepts and n is the number of jobs the
worker ends up sampling.
Let V denote the expected value of w − n ′ C of a worker who has just
rejected a job, where n ′ is the number of jobs the worker will sample from
that point on.
(a ) Explain why the worker accepts a job offering ŵ if ŵ > V , and rejects it
if ŵ < V . (A search problem where the worker accepts a job if and only
if it pays above some cutoff level is said to exhibit the reservation-wage
(b ) Explain why V satisfies V = F (V )V +
w =V
w f (w) dw − C.
(c ) Show that an increase in C reduces V .
(d ) In this model, does a searcher ever want to accept a job that he or she
has previously rejected?
10.11. In the setup described in Problem 10.10, suppose that w is distributed uniformly on [μ − a,μ + a] and that C < μ.
(a ) Find V in terms of μ, a, and C.
(b ) How does an increase in a affect V ? Explain intuitively.
10.12. Describe how each of the following affects steady-state employment in the
Mortensen–Pissarides model of Section 10.6:
(a ) An increase in the job breakup rate, λ.
(b ) An increase in the interest rate, r.
(c ) An increase in the effectiveness of matching, k.
(d ) An increase in income when unemployed, b.
(e ) An increase in workers’ bargaining power, φ.
10.13. Consider the steady state of the Mortensen-Pissarides model of Section 10.6.
(a ) Suppose that φ = 0. What is the wage? What does the equilibrium condition (10.70) simplify to?
(b ) Suppose that φ = 1. What is the wage? What does the equilibrium condition (10.70) simplify to? Is there any value of E for which it is satisfied?
What is the steady state of the model in this case?
10.14. Consider the model of Section 10.6. Suppose the economy is initially in equilibrium, and that y then falls permanently. Suppose, however, that entry and
exit are ruled out; thus the total number of jobs, F + V , remains constant.
How do unemployment and vacancies behave over time in response to the
fall in y ?
10.15. Consider the model of Section 10.6.
(a ) Use equations (10.65) and (10.69), together with the fact that VV = 0 in
equilibrium, to find an expression for E as a function of the wage and
exogenous parameters of the model.
(b ) Show that the impact of a rise in y on E is greater if w remains fixed
than if it adjusts so that VE − VU remains equal to VF − VV .
10.16. Consider the static search and matching model analyzed in equations
(10.71)–(10.75). Suppose, however, that the matching function, M(•), is not
assumed to be Cobb–Douglas or to have constant returns. Is the condition
for the decentralized equilibrium to be efficient still that the elasticity of
matches with respect to vacancies, V MV (U ,V )/M(U ,V ), equals the share of
surplus going to the firm, 1 − φ? (Assume that M(•) is smooth and wellbehaved, and that V EQ and V ∗ are strictly positive.)
10.17. The efficiency of the decentralized equilibrium in a search economy. Consider the steady state of the model of Section 10.6. Let the discount rate, r,
approach zero, and assume that the firms are owned by the households;
thus welfare can be measured as the sum of utility and profits per unit
time, which equals y E − (F + V )c + bU . Letting N denote the total number
of jobs, we can therefore write welfare as W(N ) = (y − b)E (N ) + b − Nc,
where E (N ) gives equilibrium employment as a function of N.
(a ) Use the matching function, (10.53), and the steady-state condition,
M(U ,V ) = λE , to derive an expression for the impact of a change in
the number of jobs on employment, E ′ (N ), in terms of E (N ) and the
parameters of the model.
(b ) Substitute your result in part (a ) into the expression for W(N ) to find
W ′ (N ) in terms of E (N ) and the parameters of the model.
(c ) Use (10.66) and the facts that a = λE /(1 − E ) and α = λE /V to find
an expression for c in terms of N EQ , E (N EQ ), and y, where N EQ is the
number of jobs in the decentralized equilibrium.
(d ) Use your results in parts (b ) and (c ) to show that W ′ (N EQ ) > 0 if γ > 1− φ
and W ′ (N EQ ) < 0 if γ < 1 − φ.
Our final two chapters are devoted to macroeconomic policy. This chapter
considers monetary policy, and Chapter 12 considers fiscal policy. We will
focus on two main aspects of policy. The first is its short-run conduct: we
would like to know how policymakers should act in the face of the various
disturbances that impinge on the economy. The second is its long-run performance. Monetary policy often causes high rates of inflation over extended
periods, and fiscal policy often causes persistent high budget deficits. In
many cases, these inflation rates and budget deficits appear to be higher
than is socially optimal. That is, it appears that in at least some circumstances, there is inflation bias in monetary policy and deficit bias in fiscal
Sections 11.1 and 11.2 begin our analysis of monetary policy by explaining why inflation is almost always the result of rapid growth of the money
supply; they also investigate the effects of money growth on inflation, real
balances, and interest rates. We then turn to stabilization policy. Section 11.3
considers the foundations of these policies by discussing what we know
about the costs of inflation and output variability and about whether there
are any significant potential benefits to stabilization. Sections 11.4 and 11.5
take as given that we understand these issues and analyze optimal stabilization policy in two baseline models—a backward-looking one in Section 11.4, and a forward-looking one in Section 11.5. Section 11.6 discusses
some additional issues concerning the conduct of stabilization policy.
The final sections of the chapter discuss inflationary bias. Explanations
of how such bias can arise fall into two main groups. The first emphasizes
the output-inflation tradeoff. The fact that monetary policy has real effects
can cause policymakers to want to increase the money supply in an effort to
increase output. Theories of how this desire can lead to inflation that is on
average too high are discussed in Section 11.7, and Section 11.8 examines
some of the relevant evidence.
The second group of explanations of inflationary bias focuses on
seignorage—the revenue the government gets from printing money. These
theories, which are more relevant to less developed countries than to industrialized ones, and which are at the heart of hyperinflations, are the subject
of Section 11.9.
11.1 Inflation, Money Growth, and
Interest Rates
Inflation and Money Growth
Inflation is an increase in the average price of goods and services in terms
of money. Thus to understand inflation, we need to examine the market for
The model of Section 6.1 implies that the demand for real money balances
is decreasing in the nominal interest rate and increasing in real income. Thus
we can write the demand for real balances as L(i,Y ), L i < 0, L Y > 0, where
i is the nominal interest rate and Y is real income. With this specification,
the condition for equilibrium in the money market is
= L(i,Y ),
where M is the money stock and P is the price level. This condition implies
that the price level is given by
L(i,Y )
Equation (11.2) suggests that there are many potential sources of inflation. The price level can rise as the result of increases in the money supply,
increases in interest rates, decreases in output, and decreases in money demand for a given i and Y. Nonetheless, when it comes to understanding
inflation over the longer term, economists typically emphasize just one factor: growth of the money supply. The reason for this emphasis is that no
other factor is likely to lead to persistent increases in the price level. Longterm declines in output are unlikely. The expected inflation component of
nominal interest rates reflects inflation itself, and the observed variation
in the real-interest-rate component is limited. Finally, there is no reason to
expect repeated large falls in money demand for a given i and Y. The money
supply, in contrast, can grow at almost any rate, and we observe huge variations in money growth—from large and negative during some deflations to
immense and positive during hyperinflations.
It is possible to see these points quantitatively. Conventional estimates
of money demand suggest that the income elasticity of money demand is
about 1 and the interest elasticity is about −0.2 (see Goldfeld and Sichel,
1990, for example). Thus for the price level to double without a change in
the money supply, income must fall roughly in half or the interest rate must
11.1 Inflation, Money Growth, and Interest Rates
Inflation rate (percent, log scale)
El Salvador
Saudi Arabia
Money supply growth (percent, log scale)
FIGURE 11.1 Money growth and inflation
rise by a factor of about 32. Alternatively, the demand for real balances at
a given interest rate and income must fall in half. All these possibilities are
essentially unheard of. In contrast, a doubling of the money supply, either
over several years in a moderate inflation or over a few days at the height
of a hyperinflation, is not uncommon.
Thus money growth plays a special role in determining inflation not because money affects prices more directly than other factors do, but because
empirically money growth varies more than other determinants of inflation.
Figure 11.1 provides powerful confirmation of the importance of money
growth to inflation. The figure plots average inflation against average money
growth for the period 1980–2006 for a sample of 97 countries. There is a
clear and strong relationship between the two variables.
Money Growth and Interest Rates
Since money growth is the main determinant of inflation, it is natural to
examine its effects in greater detail. We begin with the case where prices
are completely flexible; this is presumably a good description of the long
run. As we know from our analysis of fluctuations, this assumption implies
that the money supply does not affect real output or the real interest rate.
For simplicity, we assume that these are constant at Y and r, respectively.
By definition, the real interest rate is the difference between the nominal
interest rate and expected inflation. That is, r ≡ i − π e, or
i ≡ r + π e.
Equation (11.3) is known as the Fisher identity.
Using (11.3) and our assumption that r and Y are constant, we can rewrite
(11.2) as
L(r + π e, Y )
Assume that initially M and P are growing together at some steady rate (so
that M/P is constant) and that π e equals actual inflation. Now suppose that
at some time, time t 0 , there is a permanent increase in money growth. The
resulting path of the money stock is shown in the top panel of Figure 11.2.
After the change, since M is growing at a new steady rate and r and Y are
constant by assumption, M/P is constant. That is, (11.4) is satisfied with P
growing at the same rate as M and with π e equal to the new rate of money
But what happens at the time of the change? Since the price level rises
faster after the change than before, expected inflation jumps up when the
change occurs. Thus the nominal interest rate jumps up, and so the quantity
of real balances demanded falls discontinuously. Since M does not change
discontinuously, it follows that P must jump up at the time of the change.
This information is summarized in the remaining panels of Figure 11.2.1
This analysis has two messages. First, the change in inflation resulting
from the change in money growth is reflected one-for-one in the nominal
interest rate. The hypothesis that inflation affects the nominal rate one-forone is known as the Fisher effect; it follows from the Fisher identity and the
assumption that inflation does not affect the real rate.
Second, a higher growth rate of the nominal money stock reduces the real
money stock. The rise in money growth increases expected inflation, thereby
increasing the nominal interest rate. This increase in the opportunity cost of
holding money reduces the quantity of real balances that individuals want
to hold. Thus equilibrium requires that P rises more than M. That is, there
must be a period when inflation exceeds the rate of money growth. In our
model, this occurs at the moment that money growth increases. In models
where prices are not completely flexible or individuals cannot adjust their
real money holdings costlessly, it occurs over a longer period.
A corollary is that a reduction in inflation can be accompanied by a temporary period of unusually high money growth. Suppose that policymakers
In addition to the path of P described here, there may also be bubble paths that satisfy
(11.4). Along these paths, P rises at an increasing rate, thereby causing π e to be rising and
the quantity of real balances demanded to be falling. See, for example, Problem 2.21 and
Blanchard and Fischer (1989, Section 5.3).
11.1 Inflation, Money Growth, and Interest Rates
ln M
ln(M/P )
ln P
FIGURE 11.2 The effects of an increase in money growth
want to reduce inflation and that they do not want the price level to change
discontinuously. What path of M is needed to do this? The decline in inflation will reduce expected inflation, and thus lower the nominal interest rate
and raise the quantity of real balances demanded. Writing the money market
equilibrium condition as M = P L(i,Y ), it follows that—since L(i,Y ) increases
discontinuously and P does not jump—M must jump up. Of course, to
keep inflation low, the money stock must then grow slowly from this higher
Thus, the monetary policy that is consistent with a permanent drop in
inflation is a sudden upward jump in the money supply, followed by low
growth. And, in fact, the clearest examples of declines in inflation—the ends
of hyperinflations—are accompanied by spurts of very high money growth
that continue for a time after prices have stabilized (Sargent, 1982).2
The Case of Incomplete Price Flexibility
In the preceding analysis, an increase in money growth increases nominal
interest rates. In practice, however, the immediate effect of a monetary expansion is to lower short-term nominal rates. This negative effect of monetary expansions on nominal rates is known as the liquidity effect.
The conventional explanation of the liquidity effect is that monetary expansions reduce real rates. If prices are not completely flexible, an increase
in the money stock raises output, which requires a decline in the real interest rate. In terms of the model of Section 6.1, a monetary expansion moves
the economy down along the I S curve. If the decline in the real rate is large
enough, it more than offsets the increase in expected inflation.3
If prices are fully flexible in the long run, then the real rate eventually
returns to normal following a shift to higher money growth. Thus if the
real-rate effect dominates the expected-inflation effect in the short run, the
shift depresses the nominal rate in the short run but increases it in the long
run. As Friedman (1968) pointed out, this appears to provide an accurate
description of the effects of monetary policy in practice. The Federal Reserve’s expansionary policies in the late 1960s, for example, lowered nominal rates for several years but, by generating inflation, raised them over the
longer term.
11.2 Monetary Policy and the Term
Structure of Interest Rates
In many situations, we are interested in the behavior not just of short-term
interest rates, but also of long-term rates. To understand how monetary
policy affects long-term rates, we must consider the relationship between
short-term and long-term rates. The relationship among interest rates over
different horizons is known as the term structure of interest rates, and the
This analysis raises the question of why expected inflation falls when the money supply
is exploding. We return to this issue in Section 11.9.
See Problem 11.2. In addition, if inflation is completely unresponsive to monetary policy
for any interval of time, then expectations of inflation over that interval do not rise. Thus in
this case short-term nominal rates necessarily fall.
11.2 Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
standard theory of that relationship is known as the expectations theory
of the term structure. This section describes this theory and considers its
implications for the effects of monetary policy.
The Expectations Theory of the Term Structure
Consider the problem of an investor deciding how to invest a dollar over
the next n periods, and assume for simplicity that there is no uncertainty
about future interest rates. Suppose first the investor puts the dollar in
an n-period zero-coupon bond—that is, a bond whose entire payoff comes
after n periods. If the bond has a continuously compounded return of itn per
period, the investor has exp(nitn ) dollars after n periods. Now consider what
happens if he or she puts the dollar into a sequence of 1-period bonds paying
continuously compounded rates of return of i t1 , i t1+1 , . . . , i t1+n −1 over the n
periods. In this case, he or she ends up with exp(i t1 + i t1+1 + · · · + i t1+n −1 )
Equilibrium requires that investors are willing to hold both 1-period and
n-period bonds. Thus the returns on the investor’s two strategies must be
the same. This requires
i tn =
i t1 + i t1+1 + · · · + i t1+n −1
That is, the interest rate on the long-term bond must equal the average of
the interest rates on short-term bonds over its lifetime.
In this example, since there is no uncertainty, rationality alone implies
that the term structure is determined by the path that short-term interest
rates will take. With uncertainty, under plausible assumptions expectations
concerning future short-term rates continue to play an important role in the
determination of the term structure. A typical formulation is
i tn =
i t1 + E t i 1t +1 + · · · + E t i 1t +n −1
+ θnt ,
where E t denotes expectations as of period t. With uncertainty, the strategies
of buying a single n-period bond and a sequence of 1-period bonds generally
involve different risks. Thus rationality does not imply that the expected
returns on the two strategies must be equal. This is reflected by the inclusion
of θ, the term premium to holding the long-term bond, in (11.6).
The expectations theory of the term structure is the hypothesis that
changes in the term structure are determined by changes in expectations
of future interest rates (rather than by changes in the term premium). Typically, the expectations are assumed to be rational.
As described at the end of Section 11.1, even if prices are not completely
flexible, a permanent increase in money growth eventually increases the
short-term nominal interest rate permanently. Thus even if short-term rates
fall for some period, (11.6) implies that interest rates for sufficiently long
maturities (that is, for sufficiently large n) are likely to rise immediately.
Thus our analysis implies that a monetary expansion is likely to reduce
short-term rates but increase long-term ones.
Empirical Application: The Term Structure and
Changes in the Federal Reserve’s Funds-Rate Target
The Federal Reserve typically has a target level of a specific interest rate,
the Federal funds rate, and implements monetary policy through discrete
changes in its target. The Federal funds rate is the interest rate that banks
charge one another on one-day loans of reserves; thus it is a very shortterm rate. Cook and Hahn (1989) investigate the impact of changes in
the target level of the funds rate on interest rates on bonds of different
Cook and Hahn focus on the period 1974–1979, which was a time when
the Federal Reserve was targeting the funds rate closely. During this period,
the Federal Reserve did not announce its target level of the funds rate. Instead, market participants had to infer the target from the Federal Reserve’s
open-market operations. Cook and Hahn therefore begin by compiling a
record of the changes in the target over this period. They examine both the
records of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (which implemented the
changes) and the reports of the changes in The Wall Street Journal. They
find that despite the absence of announcements, the Journal ’s reports are
almost always correct. Thus it is reasonable to think of the changes in the
target reported by the Journal as publicly observed.
As Cook and Hahn describe, the actual Federal funds rate moves closely
with the Federal Reserve’s target. Moreover, it is highly implausible that the
Federal Reserve is changing the target in response to factors that would have
moved the funds rate in the absence of the policy changes. For example, it
is unlikely that, absent the Federal Reserve’s actions, the funds rate would
move by discrete amounts. In addition, there is often a lag of several days
between the Federal Reserve’s decision to change the target and the actual
change. Thus arguing that the Federal Reserve is responding to forces that
would have moved the funds rate in any event requires arguing that the
Federal Reserve has advance knowledge of those forces.
The close link between the actual funds rate and the Federal Reserve’s target thus provides strong evidence that monetary policy affects short-term
interest rates. As Cook and Hahn describe, earlier investigations of this issue mainly regressed changes in interest rates over periods of a month or
a quarter on changes in the money supply over those periods; the regressions produced no clear evidence of the Federal Reserve’s ability to influence
11.2 Monetary Policy and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
interest rates. The reason appears to be that the regressions are complicated
by the same types of issues that complicate the money-output regressions
discussed in Section 5.9: the money supply is not determined solely by the
Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve adjusts policy in response to information about the economy, and so on.
Cook and Hahn then examine the impact of changes in the Federal
Reserve’s target on longer-term interest rates. Specifically, they estimate
regressions of the form
Rti = b1i + b2i FF t + u ti ,
where Rti is the change in the nominal interest rate on a bond of maturity
i on day t, and FF t is the change in the target Federal funds rate on that
Cook and Hahn find, contrary to the predictions of the analysis in the
first part of this section, that increases in the funds-rate target raise nominal
interest rates at all horizons. An increase in the target of 100 basis points
(that is, 1 percentage point) is associated with increases in the 3-month
interest rate of 55 basis points (with a standard error of 6.8 basis points), in
the 1-year rate of 50 basis points (5.2), in the 5-year rate of 21 basis points
(3.2), and in the 20-year rate of 10 basis points (1.8).
Kuttner (2001) extends this work to later data. A key difference between
the period studied by Cook and Hahn and the more recent period is that
there has been a Federal-funds futures market since 1989. Under plausible assumptions, the main determinant of rates in the futures market is
market participants’ expectations about the path of the funds rate. Kuttner
therefore uses data from the futures market to decompose changes in the
Federal Reserve’s target into the portions that were anticipated by market
participants and the portions that were unanticipated.
Since long-term rates incorporate expectations of future short-term rates,
movements in the funds rate that are anticipated should not affect longterm rates. Consistent with this, Kuttner finds that for the period since
1989, there is no evidence that anticipated changes in the target have any
impact on interest rates on bonds with maturities ranging from 3 months
to 30 years. Unanticipated changes, in contrast, have very large and highly
significant effects. As in the 1970s, increases in the funds-rate target are associated with increases in nominal rates at all horizons. Indeed, the effects
are larger than those that Cook and Hahn find for changes in the overall
target rate in the 1970s. A likely explanation is that the moves in the 1970s
were partially anticipated.
The idea that contractionary monetary policy should immediately lower
long-term nominal interest rates is intuitive: contractionary policy is likely
to raise real interest rates only briefly and to lower inflation over the longer
term. Yet, as Cook and Hahn’s and Kuttner’s results show, the evidence does
not support this prediction.
One possible explanation of this anomaly is that the Federal Reserve often changes policy on the basis of information that it has concerning future
inflation that market participants do not have. As a result, when market participants observe a shift to tighter monetary policy, they do not infer that the
Federal Reserve is tougher on inflation than they had previously believed.
Rather, they infer that there is unfavorable information about inflation that
they were previously not aware of.
C. Romer and D. Romer (2000) test this explanation by examining the
inflation forecasts made by commercial forecasts and the Federal Reserve.
Because the Federal Reserve’s forecasts are made public only after 5 years,
the forecasts provide a potential record of information that was known to
the Federal Reserve but not to market participants. Romer and Romer ask
whether individuals who know the commercial forecast could improve their
forecasts if they also had access to the Federal Reserve’s. Specifically, they
estimate regressions of the form
πt = a + bC π̂ Ct + b F π̂ tF + et ,
where πt is actual inflation and π̂ Ct and π̂ tF are the commercial and Federal
Reserve forecasts of πt . Their main interest is in b F , the coefficient on the
Federal Reserve forecast.
For most specifications, the estimates of bF are close to 1 and overwhelmingly statistically significant. In addition, the estimates of bC are generally
near 0 and highly insignificant. These results suggest that the Federal Reserve has useful information about inflation. Indeed, they suggest that the
optimal forecasting strategy of someone with access to both forecasts would
be to discard the commercial forecast and adopt the Federal Reserve’s.
For the Federal Reserve’s additional information to explain the increases
in long-term rates in response to contractionary policy moves, the moves
must reveal some of the Federal Reserve’s information. Romer and Romer
therefore consider the problem of a market participant trying to infer the
Federal Reserve’s forecast. To do this, they estimate regressions of the
π̂ tF = α + βF F t + γ π̂ Ct + εt ,
where F F is the change in the Federal-funds-rate target. A typical estimate
of β is around 0.25: a rise in the funds-rate target of 1 percentage point
suggests that the Federal Reserve’s inflation forecast is about 14 percentage
points higher than one would expect given the commercial forecast. In light
of the results about the value of the Federal Reserve forecasts in predicting
inflation, this suggests that the rise should increase market participants’
expectations of inflation by about this amount; this is more than enough
to account for Cook and Hahn’s findings. Unfortunately, the estimates of
β are not very precise: typically the two-standard-error confidence interval
ranges from less than 0 to above 0.5. Thus, although Romer and Romer’s
results are consistent with the information-revelation explanation of policy
11.3 The Microeconomic Foundations of Stabilization Policy
actions’ impact on long-term interest rates, they do not provide decisive
evidence for it.4
11.3 The Microeconomic Foundations
of Stabilization Policy
We now turn to stabilization policy—that is, how policymakers should use
their ability to influence the behavior of inflation and output. Discussions of
stabilization policy often start from an assumption that policymakers’ goal
should be to keep inflation low and stable and to minimize departures of
output from some smooth trend. Presumably, however, their ultimate goal
should be to maximize welfare. How inflation and output affect welfare is
not obvious. Thus the appropriate place to start the analysis of stabilization
policy is by considering the welfare effects of inflation and output fluctuations. We begin with inflation, and then turn to output.
The Costs of Inflation
Understanding the costs of inflation is a significant challenge. In many models, steady inflation just adds an equal amount to the growth rate of all
prices and wages and to nominal interest rates on all assets. As a result, it
has few easily identifiable costs.
The cost of inflation that is easiest to identify arises from the fact that,
since the nominal return on high-powered money is fixed at zero, higher
inflation causes people to exert more effort to reduce their holdings of highpowered money. For example, they make smaller and more frequent conversions of interest-bearing assets into currency. Since high-powered money is
essentially costless to produce, these efforts have no social benefit, and so
they represent a cost of inflation. They could be eliminated if inflation were
chosen so that the nominal interest rate—and hence the opportunity cost
The most recent work in this area takes advantage of another institutional development since the period studied by Cook and Hahn. Since 1997, the United States has issued not just conventional nominal bonds, whose payoffs are fixed in dollar terms, but
also inflation-indexed bonds; in addition, the United Kingdom has issued inflation-indexed
bonds since 1981. By logic like that underlying equation (11.6), the interest rate on an
n-period inflation-indexed bond reflects expected one-period real interest rates over the
n periods and a term premium. If changes in term premia are small, one can therefore study
the impact of unexpected changes in the funds-rate target and other developments not just
on nominal rates, but on real rates and expected inflation separately. Examples of such analyses include Gürkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2005), Gürkaynak, Levin, and Swanson (2008),
and Beechey and Wright (2009).
of holding money—was zero. Since real interest rates are typically modestly
positive, this requires slight deflation.5
A second readily identifiable cost of inflation comes from the fact that
individual prices are not adjusted continuously. As a result, even steady
inflation causes variations in relative prices as different firms adjust their
prices at different times. These relative-price variations have no counterpart
in social costs and benefits, and so cause misallocations. Likewise, the resources that firms devote to changing their prices to keep up with inflation
represent costs of inflation. Under natural assumptions about the distribution of relative-price shocks, spurious movements in relative prices and the
resources devoted to price adjustment are minimized with zero inflation.
The last cost of inflation that can be identified easily is that it distorts
the tax system (see, for example, Feldstein, 1997). In most countries, income
from capital gains and interest, and deductions for interest expenses and
depreciation, are computed in nominal terms. As a result, inflation can have
large effects on incentives for investment and saving. In the United States,
the net effect of inflation through these various channels is to raise the effective tax rate on capital income substantially. In addition, inflation can significantly alter the relative attractiveness of different kinds of investment. For
example, since the services from owner-occupied housing are generally not
taxed and the income generated by ordinary business capital is, even without inflation the tax system encourages investment in owner-occupied housing relative to business capital. The fact that mortgage interest payments
are deductible from income causes inflation to exacerbate this distortion.
Unfortunately, none of these costs can explain the strong aversion to
inflation among policymakers and the public. The shoe-leather costs associated with more frequent conversions of interest-bearing assets into highpowered money are surely small for almost all inflation rates observed in
practice. Even if the price level is doubling each month, money is losing value
only at a rate of a few percent per day. Thus even in this case individuals will
not incur extreme costs to reduce their money holdings. Similarly, because
the costs of price adjustment and indexation are almost certainly small,
both the costs of adjusting prices to keep up with inflation and the direct
distortions caused by inflation-induced relative price variability are likely
to be small. Finally, although the costs of inflation through tax distortions
may be large, these costs are quite specific and can be overcome through
indexation of the tax system. Yet the dislike of inflation seems much deeper.
Economists have therefore devoted considerable effort to investigating
whether inflation might have important costs through less straightforward
channels. Those costs could arise from steady, anticipated inflation, or from
a link between the level of inflation and its variability.
In the case of steady inflation, there are three leading candidates for
large costs of inflation. The first involves the inflation-induced relative-price
See, for example, Tolley (1957) and Friedman (1969).
11.3 The Microeconomic Foundations of Stabilization Policy
variability described above. Okun (1975) and Carlton (1982) argue informally that although this variability has only small effects on relatively
Walrasian markets, it can significantly disrupt markets where buyers and
sellers form long-term relationships. For example, it can make it harder for
potential customers to decide whether to enter a long-term relationship, or
for the parties to a long-term relationship to check the fairness of the price
they are trading at by comparing it with other prices. Formal models suggest
that inflation can have complicated effects on market structure, long-term
relationships, and efficiency (for example, Bénabou, 1992, and Tommasi,
1994). This literature has not reached any consensus about the effects of
inflation, but it does suggest some ways that inflation may have substantial
Second, individuals and firms may have trouble accounting for inflation
(Modigliani and Cohn, 1979; Hall, 1984). Ten percent annual inflation causes
the price level to rise by a factor of 45 in 40 years; even 3 percent inflation causes it to triple over that period. As a result, inflation can cause
households and firms, which typically do their financial planning in nominal terms, to make large errors in saving for their retirement, in assessing
the real burdens of mortgages, or in making long-term investments.
Third, steady inflation may be costly not because of any real effects,
but simply because people dislike it. People relate to their economic environment in terms of dollar values. They may therefore find large changes
in dollar prices and wages disturbing even if the changes have no consequences for their real incomes. In Okun’s (1975) analogy, a switch to a policy of reducing the length of the mile by a fixed amount each year might
have few effects on real decisions, but might nonetheless cause considerable
unhappiness. And indeed, Shiller (1997) reports survey evidence suggesting
that people intensely dislike inflation for reasons other than the economic
effects catalogued above. Since the ultimate goal of policy is presumably
the public’s well-being, such effects of inflation represent genuine costs.6
The other possible sources of large costs of inflation stem from its potential impact on inflation variability. Inflation is more variable and less predictable when it is higher (see, for example, Okun, 1971, Taylor, 1981, and
Ball and Cecchetti, 1990). Okun, Ball and Cecchetti, and others argue that
the association arises through the effect of inflation on policy. When inflation is low, there is a consensus that it should be kept low, and so inflation is
steady and predictable. When inflation is moderate or high, however, there
is disagreement about the importance of reducing it; indeed, the costs of
Of course, it is also possible that the public’s aversion to steady inflation represents
neither some deep understanding of its effects that has eluded economists nor an intense
dislike of inflation for its own sake, but a misapprehension. For example, Katona (1976) argues that the public perceives how inflation affects prices but not wages. Thus when it rises,
individuals attribute only the faster growth of prices to the increase, and so incorrectly conclude that the change has reduced their standard of living. If Katona’s argument is correct, it
is wrong to infer from the public’s dislike of inflation that it in fact reduces their well-being.
slightly greater inflation may appear small. As a result, inflation is variable
and difficult to predict.
If this argument is correct, the relationship between the mean and the
variance of inflation represents a true effect of the mean on the variance.
This implies three potentially important additional costs of inflation. First,
since many assets are denominated in nominal terms, unanticipated changes
in inflation redistribute wealth. Thus greater inflation variability increases
uncertainty and lowers welfare. Second, with debts denominated in nominal terms, increased uncertainty about inflation may make firms and individuals reluctant to undertake investment projects, especially long-term
ones.7 And finally, highly variable inflation (or even high average inflation
alone) can also discourage long-term investment because firms and individuals view it as a symptom of a government that is functioning badly, and
that may therefore resort to confiscatory taxation or other policies that are
highly detrimental to capital-holders.
Empirically, there is a negative association between inflation and investment, and between inflation and growth (Fischer, 1993; Cukierman, Kalaitzidakis, Summers, and Webb, 1993; Bruno and Easterly, 1998). But we know
little about whether these relationships are causal, and it is not difficult to
think of reasons that the associations might not represent true effects of
inflation. As a result, this evidence is of limited value in determining the
costs of inflation.
Potential Benefits of Inflation
Inflation can have benefits as well as costs. Two potential benefits are especially important. First, as Tobin (1972) observes, inflation can “grease the
wheels” of the labor market. That is, if it is particularly hard for firms to cut
nominal wages, real wages can make needed adjustments to sector-specific
shocks more rapidly when inflation is higher. Empirically, we observe a
substantial spike in the distribution of nominal wage changes at zero and
relatively few nominal wage cuts. Two unsettled questions, however, are
whether this results in substantial misallocation and whether the resistance
to nominal wage cuts depends strongly on the average inflation rate.8
Second, as described in Section 11.6, a higher average rate of inflation
makes it less likely that monetary policy will be constrained by the zero
lower bound on nominal interest rates. For example, if the financial crisis
that began in 2007 had taken place in an environment of higher average
If these costs of inflation variability are large, however, there may be large incentives
for individuals and firms to write contracts in real rather than nominal terms, or to create
markets that allow them to insure against inflation risk. Thus a complete account of large
costs of inflation through these channels must explain the absence of these institutions.
For more on these issues, see Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry, 1996; Card and Hyslop, 1997;
Bewley, 1999; and Elsby, 2009.
11.3 The Microeconomic Foundations of Stabilization Policy
inflation, and thus higher nominal interest rates, central banks would have
had more room to cut rates. The resulting stimulus would almost certainly
have mitigated the downturn, perhaps substantially (Williams, 2009).
The bottom line is that research has not yet yielded any firm conclusions
about the costs and benefits of inflation and the optimal rate of inflation.
Thus economists and policymakers must rely on their judgment in weighing the different considerations. Loosely speaking, they fall into two groups.
One group views inflation as pernicious, and believes that policy should focus on eliminating inflation and pay virtually no attention to other considerations. Members of this group generally believe that policy should aim
for zero inflation or moderate deflation. The other group concludes that
extremely low inflation is of little benefit, or perhaps even harmful, and
believes that policy should aim to keep average inflation low to moderate
but should keep other objectives in mind. The opinions of members of this
group about the level of inflation that policy should aim for generally range
from a few percent to close to about 5 percent.
What Should Stabilization Policy Try to Accomplish on
the Output Side?
We now turn to policymakers’ concerns about real output, unemployment,
and employment. It may seem obvious that policymakers should try to mitigate recessions and booms. In fact, however, the subject is considerably
more complicated.
One important consideration is that not all output fluctuations are undesirable. Over the medium run, significant parts of output movements surely
reflect not aggregate demand shocks and sticky prices, but changes in the
growth rate of the economy’s productive capacity. There is no reason for
monetary and fiscal policy to try to prevent those movements. And even
shorter-run fluctuations may be due to changes in the terms of trade, technology, and other forces that would affect output under completely flexible
prices. Since Walrasian outcomes are Pareto efficient, it seems hard to make
a strong case that policymakers should try to prevent output movements
that would otherwise result from these forces.
The power of monetary policy comes from the fact that prices are not
completely flexible. It is therefore tempting to say that policy should try to
minimize departures of output from its flexible-price level. But this is not
quite right either: not all movements in the flexible-price level of output
are desirable. If an output movement is inefficient (for example, because of
changes in firms’ market power that result in changes in markups), monetary policy can improve welfare by mitigating it. In short, the correct statement is that policymakers should try to minimize fluctuations of output not
around its trend, nor around its flexible-price level, but around its Walrasian
A second important consideration is that it is not obvious that there are
significant potential benefits to this type of stabilization. Because monetary
policy can have a powerful effect on average inflation, the potential benefits
on the inflation side of conducting policy well rather than badly are clearly
large. But in many models, stabilization policy has little or no influence on
average output. Thus even though distortions presumably cause output to
be systematically less than its Walrasian level, there may be little scope for
stabilization policy to raise welfare by increasing average output. Its main
potential welfare impact on the output side may be through reducing the
variance of the gap between Walrasian and actual output. And it is not clear
that this benefit is large.
To see this more formally, consider two baseline views of aggregate supply. The first is the Lucas supply curve,
y t = y tn + b πt − πet + u t ,
where y n denotes the flexible-price (or natural) level of output. The other
is the accelerationist Phillips curve,
πt = πt−1 + λ y t − y tn + vt .
In addition, suppose that social welfare is a function of inflation and output,
and suppose for the moment that it is linear in output—an assumption we
will return to shortly. Thus we have,
Wt = −c [yt∗ − y t ] − f (πt ),
c > 0.
Here W gives the impact of output and inflation on welfare relative to the
Walrasian outcome, and y ∗ is the Walrasian level of output. Assume f (•)
satisfies f ′′ (•) > 0, limπ→−∞ f ′ (•) = −∞, limπ→∞ f ′ (•) = ∞, so that there is a
well-defined optimal rate of inflation and that letting inflation grow or fall
without bound is prohibitively costly.
Under either of these assumptions about aggregate supply, policy will
not affect average output. Expression (11.10) implies that y t − y tn can differ
systematically from zero only if πt differs systematically from πet, which
requires systematically irrational expectations. And expression (11.11) implies that y t − y tn can differ systematically from zero only if inflation rises or
falls without bound, which we have assumed to be catastrophic. And with social welfare linear in y , there is no benefit to reducing the variability of output. Thus in this baseline case, regardless of how much policymakers care
about output (that is, regardless of c ), policymakers should try to keep inflation as close as possible to its optimal level and pay no attention to output.
Is There a Case for Stabilization Policy?
The preceding argument that stabilization policy can have few benefits
through its impact on output appears to have an obvious flaw. Individuals
11.3 The Microeconomic Foundations of Stabilization Policy
are risk-averse, and aggregate fluctuations cause consumption to vary. Thus
social welfare is clearly not linear in aggregate economic activity. In a famous
paper, however, Lucas (1987) shows that in a representative-agent setting,
the potential welfare gain from stabilizing consumption around its mean is
small. That is, he suggests that social welfare is not sufficiently nonlinear
in output for there to be a significant gain from stabilization. His argument
is straightforward. Suppose utility takes the constant-relative-risk-aversion
U (C ) =
C 1−θ
θ > 0,
where θ is the coefficient of relative risk aversion (see Section 2.1). Since
U ′′ (C ) = −θC −θ−1 , a second-order Taylor expansion of U (•) around the mean
of consumption implies
E [U (C )] ≃
C 1−θ
C −θ−1 σ C2 ,
where C and σ C2 are the mean and variance of consumption. Thus eliminating consumption variability would raise expected utility by approximately
(θ/2)C −θ−1 σ C2 . Similarly, doubling consumption variability would lower welfare by approximately that amount.
To translate this into units that can be interpreted, note that the marginal
utility of consumption at C is C −θ. Thus setting σ C2 to zero would raise
expected utility by approximately as much as would raising average consumption by (θ/2)C −θ−1 σ C2 /C −θ = (θ/2)C −1 σ C2 . As a fraction of average
consumption, this equals (θ/2)C −1 σ C2 /C, or (θ/2)(σC /C )2 .
Lucas argues that a generous estimate of the standard deviation of consumption due to short-run fluctuations is 1.5 percent of its mean, and that
a generous estimate of the coefficient of relative risk aversion is 5. Thus,
he concludes, an optimistic figure for the maximum possible welfare gain
from more successful stabilization policy is equivalent to (5/2)(0. 015)2 , or
0.06 percent, of average consumption—a very small amount.
This analysis assumes that there is a representative agent. But actual
recessions do not reduce everyone’s consumption by a small amount; instead, they reduce the consumption of a small fraction of the population by
a large amount. Thus recessions’ welfare costs are larger than they would be
in a representative-agent setting. Atkeson and Phelan (1994) show, however,
that accounting for the dispersion of consumption decreases rather than increases the potential gain from stabilization. Indeed, in the extreme their
analysis suggests that there could be no gain at all from stabilizing output.
Suppose that individuals have one level of consumption, CE , when they are
employed, and another level, CU , when they are unemployed, and suppose
that CE and CU do not depend on the state of the economy. In this case,
social welfare is linear in aggregate consumption: average utility from consumption is uU (CU ) + (1 − u)U (CE ), where u is the fraction of individuals who
are unemployed. Since CU and CE are constant by assumption, changes in
aggregate consumption take the form of changes in u, which affect average
utility linearly. Intuitively, in this case stabilizing unemployment around its
mean has no effect on the variance of individuals’ consumption; individuals
have consumption CE fraction 1 − E [u] of the time, and CU fraction E [u] of
the time.
This analysis suggests that stabilization policy has only modest potential
benefits. If this is right, episodes like Great Depression and the financial crisis that began in 2007 are counterbalanced by periods of above-normal output with roughly offsetting welfare benefits. Thus, although we surely would
have preferred a smoother path of output, the overall costs of departing
from that path are small.
There are four main reasons that this view may be missing something
important. The first two concern asymmetries in the welfare effects of recessions and booms. First, individuals might be much more risk-averse than
Lucas’s calculation assumes. Recall from Section 8.5 that stocks earn much
higher average returns than bonds. One candidate explanation is that individuals dislike risk so much that they require a substantial premium to
accept the moderate risk of holding stocks (for example, Kandel and Stambaugh, 1991, and Campbell and Cochrane, 1999). If this is right, the welfare
costs of the variability associated with short-run fluctuations could be large.
Second, stabilization policy might have substantial benefits not by stabilizing consumption, but by stabilizing hours of work. Hours are much more
cyclically variable than consumption; and if labor supply is relatively inelastic, utility may be much more sharply curved in hours than in consumption.
Ball and D. Romer (1990) find that as a result, it is possible that the cost of
fluctuations through variability of hours is substantial. Intuitively, the utility benefit of the additional leisure during periods of below-normal output
may not nearly offset the utility cost of the reduced consumption, whereas
the disutility from the additional hours during booms may nearly offset the
benefit of the higher consumption.
The third possibility has to do with investment and the path of the economy’s flexible-price level of output. A common informal view is that macroeconomic stability promotes investment of all types, from conventional
physical-capital investment to research and development. If so, stabilization policy could raise income substantially over the long run.9
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, stabilization policy could have
significant benefits if the specifications of inflation dynamics in (11.10) and
(11.11) are missing something important. For example, although the conventional finding is that a linear specification provides an adequate descrip9
Attempts to formalize this argument must confront two difficulties: the net effect of
uncertainty on investment is complicated and not necessarily negative, and the risk that
individual firms and entrepreneurs face from aggregate economic fluctuations is small compared with the risk they face from other sources.
11.4 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Backward-Looking Model
tion of the data over the relevant range (see, for example, Ball and Mankiw,
1995, and Gordon, 1997), some work provides evidence of important nonlinearities (Clark, Laxton, and Rose, 1996; Debelle and Laxton, 1997; Laxton,
Rose, and Tambakis, 1999). These papers suggest that inflation may be less
responsive to shortfalls of output from its natural rate than to output exceeding the natural rate. If this is right, periods of below-normal output are
not matched by comparable periods of above-normal output, and so stabilization policy affects average output.
These arguments suggest that there may be an important role for stabilization policy after all. If social welfare or aggregate supply is substantially
nonlinear in output, there may be large benefits to preventing fluctuations
in aggregate demand.
Concluding Comments
This discussion shows that our understanding of the costs of inflation and
of output fluctuations is very limited. We know relatively little about such
basic issues as what the main costs of inflation are, what level of inflation
is best to aim for, and whether there are substantial benefits to stabilizing output. It is not feasible to wait until these issues are resolved before
addressing questions concerning how stabilization policy should be conducted: those questions arise continually, and policymakers have no choice
but to make decisions about them. The standard approach in modeling stabilization policy is therefore to tentatively assume that we understand the
appropriate objective function. Typically it is assumed to be a simple function of a small number of variables, such as inflation and output. With regard
to inflation, the most common approach is to assume that the optimal rate
of inflation is zero (on the grounds that this is where distortionary relativeprice movements and the costs of price adjustment are minimized), and
that the costs of departing from this level are quadratic. With regard to
output, the most common approach is to assume quadratic costs of departures from the Walrasian level. But it is important to remember that these
assumptions are only shortcuts, and that our understanding of how policy
should be conducted is likely to change substantially as our understanding
of the microeconomic foundations of the goals of policy evolves.
11.4 Optimal Monetary Policy in a
Simple Backward-Looking Model
We now turn from general discussions of what the goals of stabilization
policy should be to models that yield precise statements concerning how
policy should be conducted. This section considers a natural baseline model
where private behavior is backward-looking, and Section 11.5 considers a
baseline model where private behavior is forward-looking. In both models, in
keeping with the comments at the end of the previous section, policymakers’
objective function is assumed rather than derived. Thus the models are only
illustrative. Nonetheless, they show how one can derive prescriptions about
policy from formal models and show the types of considerations that govern
optimal policy.
The model is a variant of the model considered by Svensson (1997) and Ball
(1999b). The economy is described by two equations, one characterizing aggregate demand and the other characterizing aggregate supply. In the spirit
of traditional Keynesian models, the model omits any forward-looking elements of private behavior. This makes it comparatively transparent and
easy to solve. The main difference from textbook Keynesian formulations is
the inclusion of lags. The aggregate-demand equation states that output depends negatively on the previous period’s real interest rate. The aggregatesupply equation states that the change in inflation depends positively on
the previous period’s output. Because of this lag structure, a change in the
real interest rate has no effect on output until the following period and no
effect on inflation until the period after that. This captures the conventional
wisdom that policy works with a lag and that it affects output more rapidly
than it affects inflation. In addition, there are disturbances to both aggregate
demand and aggregate supply.
Specifically, let y tn and y t∗ denote the economy’s flexible-price and
Walrasian levels of output, both in logs; the rest of the notation is standard.
Then the model is
y t = −βrt−1 + u tI S ,
πt = πt−1 + α y t−1 −
+ ε tI S ,
u tI S = ρI S u t−1
y tn
ρY y t−1
t ,
y t∗ − y tn = ,
β > 0,
α > 0,
−1 < ρI S < 1,
0 < ρY < 1,
≥ 0.
y t−1
The first equation is a traditional I S curve, with the constant term normalized to zero for convenience and with a lagged response to the interest rate.
Here r t−1 is the real interest rate, it−1 − E t−1 [πt ]. The second equation is an
accelerationist Phillips curve, with the change in inflation determined by
the gap between the actual and flexible-price levels of output. The next two
equations describe the behavior of the two driving processes—shocks to the
I S curve and to the flexible-price level of output. ε I S and ε Y are assumed
11.4 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Backward-Looking Model
to be independent white-noise processes.10 The final equation states that
there may be a constant gap between the Walrasian and flexible-price levels
of output.
The central bank chooses rt after observing u tI S and y tn . It dislikes both
departures of output from the Walrasian level and departures of inflation
from its preferred level. Specifically, it minimizes E [(y − y ∗ )2 ] + λE [π 2 ],
where λ is a positive parameter showing the relative weight it puts on inflation and where the most preferred level of inflation is normalized to zero
for simplicity. Without loss of generality, the analysis considers only rules
for the real interest rate that are linear in variables describing the state of
the economy.11
Analyzing the Model
To solve the model, the first step is to define the output gap, ỹ , as y − y n ,
and to rewrite (11.15) and (11.16) as
ỹ t = −βrt−1 + u tI S − y tn ,
πt = πt−1 + αỹ t−1 .
The second step is to note that the central bank’s choice of r t has no impact
on ỹ t , πt , or πt +1 . Its first impact is on ỹt +1 , and it is only through ỹt +1
that it affects inflation and output in subsequent periods. Thus one can
think of policy as a rule not for r t , but for the expectation as of period t
of ỹ in period t + 1. That is, for the moment we will think of the central
bank as choosing −βr t + ρI S u tI S − ρY y tn = E t [ ỹt +1 ] (see [11.20] applied to
period t + 1).
Now note that the paths of inflation and output beginning in period t + 1
are determined by E t [ ỹt +1 ] (which is determined by the central bank’s policy
in t ), πt +1 (which is known at t and is unaffected by the central bank’s
actions in period t ), and future shocks. Because of this, the optimal policy
will make E t [ ỹt+1 ] a function of πt +1 . Further, the aggregate supply equation,
(11.21), implies that the average value of ỹ must be zero for inflation to
be bounded. Thus it is reasonable to guess (and one can show formally)
that when πt +1 is zero, the central bank sets E t [ ỹt +1 ] to zero. Given the
assumption of linearity, this means that the optimal policy takes the form
E t ỹ t +1 = −qπt +1 ,
where the value of q is to be determined.
Adding an ε π
t term to (11.16) as a third type of shock has no effect on the messages
of the model. See Problem 11.7.
A more formal approach is not to assume linearity and to assume that the central bank
minimizes the expected discounted sum of terms of the form (y t − y ∗ )2 + λπt2 , and to let the
discount rate approach zero. As Svensson shows, this approach yields the rule derived below.
To find q, we need to find E [(y − y ∗ )2 ] + λE [π 2 ] as a function of q.
To do this, note that equation (11.20) implies
ỹt = E t−1 ỹ t + ε tI S − ε tY
= −q πt + ε tI S − ε tY ,
where the second line uses (11.22) lagged one period. Equation (11.21)
therefore implies
πt+1 = πt + αỹ t
= (1 − αq)πt + α ε tI S − α ε tY .
Given the linear structure of the model and the assumption of i.i.d. disturbances, in the long run the distribution of πt will be constant over time
and independent of the economy’s initial conditions. That is, in the long run
E [πt2 ] and E [πt2+1 ] are equal. We can therefore solve (11.24) for E [π 2 ]. This
E [π 2 ] =
1 − (1 − αq)
αq(2 − αq)
σY2 + σI2S
where σY2 and σI2S are the variances of ε Y and ε I S .
To find E [(y − y ∗ )2 ], first note that y − y ∗ equals (y − y n ) − (y ∗ − y n ),
which (by the definition of ỹ and [11.19]) equals ỹ − . We can therefore
use (11.23) to obtain:
E [(y − y ∗ )2 ] = 2 + q 2 E [π 2 ] + σY2 + σI2S .
Finding the optimal q is now just a matter of algebra. Expressions (11.25)
and (11.26) tell us the value of the central bank’s loss function, E [(y −y ∗ )2 ] +
λE [π 2 ], as a function of q. The first-order condition for q turns out to be a
quadratic. One of the solutions is negative. Since a negative q causes the
variances of y and π to be infinite, we can rule out this solution. The remaining solution is
−λα + α2 λ2 + 4λ
q∗ =
The central bank’s policy is described by E t [ ỹt+1 ] = −q ∗ πt+1 (see [11.22]). To
interpret expression (11.27) for q ∗ , it is helpful to consider its implications
for how q ∗ varies with λ, the weight the central bank places on inflation
11.4 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Backward-Looking Model
stabilization. (11.27) implies that as λ approaches zero, q ∗ approaches zero:
the central bank always conducts policy so that E t [ ỹt +1 ] is zero. Thus output
is white noise around zero. The aggregate supply equation, (11.16), then
implies that inflation is a random walk.
Equation (11.27) implies that as λ rises, q ∗ rises: as the central bank places
more weight on inflation stabilization, it induces departures of output from
its natural rate to bring inflation back to its optimal level after a departure. One can show that as λ approaches infinity, q ∗ approaches 1/α. This
corresponds to a policy of bringing inflation back to zero as rapidly as possible after a shock. With q ∗ equal to 1/α, E t [ ỹt +1 ] equals −(1/α)πt +1 . The
aggregate supply equation, (11.16), then implies that E t [πt +2 ] equals zero.
Note that as λ approaches infinity, the variance of output does not approach
infinity (see [11.26] with q = 1/α): even if the central bank cares only about
inflation, it wants to keep output close to its natural rate to prevent large
movements in inflation.
As, Svensson and Ball point out, the optimal policy can be interpreted as
a type of inflation targeting. To see this, note that equation (11.24) applied
to πt+2 implies that E t [πt +2 ] equals (1 − αq)πt +1 . Since q is between 0 and
1/α, 1 − αq is between 0 and 1. Thus the class of optimal policies consists
of rules for the behavior of expected inflation of the form
E t [πt +2 ] = φπt +1 ,
with φ between 0 and 1. Thus all optimal policies can be described in terms
of a rule purely for the expected behavior of inflation. In the extreme case
of λ = ∞ (that is, a central bank that cares only about inflation), q equals
1/α, and so φ equals 0. In this case, E t [πt +2 ] is always 0: the central bank
always tries to achieve its inflation target as quickly as possible.12 A central
bank behaving this way is said to be a strict inflation targeter.
For all finite, strictly positive values of λ, φ is strictly between 0 and 1,
and policies take the form of flexible inflation targeting. Specifically, the
optimal policies take the form of trying to bring inflation back to the most
preferred level (which we have normalized to zero) after a disturbance has
pushed it away. Where the policies differ is in the speed that they do this
with: the more the central bank cares about inflation (that is, the greater is λ),
the faster it undoes changes in inflation (that is, the lower is φ).
To see what the central bank’s policy rule implies concerning interest
rates, start by defining the natural rate of interest, rtn , to be the interest
rate that causes output to equal its flexible-price level. Specifically, since
rt affects yt+1 , rtn is the value of rt that yields yt +1 = ytn+1 . From (11.15) or
Recall that the central bank’s actions in t do not affect πt or πt +1 .
(11.20), this interest rate is given by
rtn = −
y tn+1 − u t+1
ỹt = −β rt−1 − rt−1
With this definition, we can rewrite (11.20) as
It follows that
E t [ ỹt +1 ] = −β rt − Et rtn
(The reason that E t rt rather than rtn appears in this expression is that rtn
depends on u t+1
and y tn+1 , which are not known at t.) Now recall that the
central bank chooses rt so that E t [ ỹt +1 ] equals −q πt+1 , and that πt+1 equals
πt + αỹ t . Substituting these facts into (11.31) gives us
−q [πt + α ỹ t ] = −β rt − E t rtn
rt = E t rtn +
πt +
ỹ t .
Thus optimal policy can be described as an interest-rate rule: the central
bank sets the real interest rate equal to its estimate of the equilibrium or
natural real rate plus a linear function of output and inflation.
This analysis implies that not all interest-rate rules are optimal. In particular, equation (11.33) places four restrictions on the rule (other than linearity, which follows naturally from the linearity of the model and the quadratic
objective function). First, the real interest rate should be adjusted one-forone with fluctuations in the equilibrium real rate. Since fluctuations in actual
output relative to its equilibrium level are undesirable in their own right and
lead to changes in inflation, the central bank wants to avoid them. Second,
since q ∗ ranges from zero to 1/α as λ ranges from zero to infinity, the coefficient on inflation must be between zero and 1/αβ and the coefficient on
the output gap must be between zero and 1/β. The reason the coefficients
cannot be negative is that it cannot make sense to exacerbate fluctuations
in inflation. The reason they cannot be too large is that there is a cost but
no benefit to responding to fluctuations so aggressively that E t [πt +2 ] has
the opposite sign from πt +1 .
The final restriction that (11.33) places on the interest-rate rule is a relation between the two coefficients. Specifically, (11.33) implies that the coefficient on y equals α times the coefficient on π. Thus when the coefficient
on π is higher, the coefficient on y must be higher. The intuition is that if,
for example, the central bank cares a great deal about inflation, it should
respond aggressively to movements in both output and inflation to keep
inflation under control; responding to one but not the other is inefficient.
11.5 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Forward-Looking Model
11.5 Optimal Monetary Policy in a
Simple Forward-Looking Model
The model of Section 11.4 is very traditional: the demand for goods depends on the lagged real interest rate, with no role for expectations about
future income, and inflation depends on lagged inflation and the lagged
output gap, with no role for expected inflation. Expectations matter only
through the impact of expected inflation on the nominal interest rate the
central bank must choose to achieve a given real rate. Although the model
yields valuable insights, it is important to ask what happens if we introduce
forward-looking elements into the demand for goods and the dynamics of
inflation. In this section, we therefore go to the opposite extreme from the
model of the previous section and consider a model that is almost entirely
forward-looking. As we will see, this changes our earlier conclusions dramatically and raises important new issues.
The two key equations of the model are the new Keynesian IS curve and the
new Keynesian Phillips curve of the canonical three-equation new Keynesian
model we examined in Section 7.8. Specifically, we assume
y t = E t [y t+1 ] −
(it − E t [πt+1 ]) + u tI S ,
πt = βE t [πt+1 ] + κ y t − y tn ,
θ > 0,
0 < β < 1,
(see [7.84] and [7.85]). As in the previous section, y n is the flexible-price level
of output. And as in that section, the behavior of the driving processes is
given by u tI S = ρI S u t−1
+ ε tI S , y tn = ρY y t−1
+ ε tY , where ρ I S and ρY are between
−1 and 1 and where ε and ε are independent, white-noise processes (see
[11.17] and [11.18]).
For the moment, we assume that the central bank’s goal on the output
side is to minimize departures of output from its flexible-price level, y n ,
rather than from its Walrasian level, y ∗ . Below we discuss what happens if
its goal is to minimize departures of output from its Walrasian level. On the
inflation side, we again assume it wants to minimize departures of inflation
from its optimal level, which we normalize to zero as before.
The “Divine Coincidence”
The structure of the model and our assumptions about the central bank’s
objective function imply that optimal policy takes a simple form. The new
Keynesian Phillips curve implies that for πt to differ from zero, either
E t [πt+1 ] or y t − y tn (or both) must differ from zero. But this means that
there is no conflict between output stabilization and inflation stabilization:
if the central bank does its best to keep y t − y tn and E t [πt+1 ] equal to zero,
it will be doing as well as possible at keeping πt equal to zero.
To see this more formally, suppose the central bank conducts policy so
that E t [πt+1 ] = 0. Then (11.34) and (11.35) become
y t = E t [y t+1 ] −
it + u tI S ,
πt = κ y t − y t .
If the central bank chooses it so that y t = y tn , it achieves not only its output
objective, but (by [11.37]) its inflation objective as well. This result, which
is due to Goodfriend and King (1997), is referred to by Blanchard and Galí
(2007) as the divine coincidence.
To see the intuition behind the divine coincidence, consider a rise in y tn .
This could be the result of a favorable technology shock, for example. The
shock naturally makes firms want to produce more at a given level of prices.
Thus if the central bank takes no action to change inflation, actual output
rises along with the flexible-price level of output, just as the central bank
Another way to describe the intuition is to say that it stems from the lack
of backward-looking behavior in price-setting. If some disturbance were to
push the economy away from its flexible-price equilibrium, there would be
no force keeping it away. As a result, there would be no need for the central
bank to manipulate inflation (or expected inflation) to move the economy
back to the flexible-price equilibrium.
Implementing the Optimal Policy
This discussion makes it seem that carrying out optimal policy is trivial. The
central bank wants to achieve y = y n and π = 0 each period; it therefore
wants (11.34) to hold with y t = y tn , E t [y t+1 ] = E t [y t+1
], and E t [πt+1 ] = 0.
Imposing these conditions on (11.34) and solving for it yields
it = θ
Et y t+1
− y tn + u tI S
= rtn .
As in the model of Section 11.4, r n , the economy’s natural rate of interest, is the real interest rate that would prevail with flexible prices. Here it
is given by the expression in (11.38). Thus the policy prescription is that
11.5 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Forward-Looking Model
the central bank should set the nominal interest rate equal to the natural
interest rate.13
Unfortunately, as emphasized by Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler (2000) and
Galı́ (2008, Section 4.3), things are not so simple. Recall from Section 6.4
that forward-looking models are prone to sunspot equilibria—that is, to
equilibria with self-fulfilling beliefs. This problem arises if the central bank
follows (11.38). Although the desired outcome of πt = 0 and y t = y tn for
all t is one equilibrium, there are also equilibria with spontaneous, selffulfilling departures of actual and expected inflation from zero. Specifically,
suppose inflation and output jump up and that agents expect them to return
gradually to normal. With the nominal interest rate equal to the natural
interest rate, the increase in expected inflation lowers the real rate. This
means that declining output is needed for the new Keynesian IS equation to
be satisfied, which is what we assumed. And with inflation above expected
inflation, the new Keynesian Phillips curve requires above-normal output,
which is also what we assumed. As a result, for an appropriate speed of
return to normal and an appropriate relationship between the output and
inflation movements, the beliefs can be self-fulfilling.
The way for the central bank to avoid this problem that has received the
most attention is for it to follow an interest-rate rule that coincides with
(11.38) when E t [πt+1 ] = 0 and E t [y t+1 ] = E t [y t+1
], but that differs in other
cases in a way that eliminates the sunspot equilibria. Since it is E t [πt+1 ] and
E t [y t+1 ] that affect behavior, a natural way to do this is to make the interest
rate a function of those two variables. Specifically, define ỹ = y − y n as
before, and consider a rule of the form
it = rtn + φπ E t [πt+1 ] + φy (E t [ ỹt+1 ])
(see [7.86]). When E t [πt+1 ] = 0 and E t [ ỹt+1 ] = 0, this rule immediately simplifies to (11.38). To see intuitively how appropriate coefficient values can
rule out sunspot equilibria, suppose that φy = 0 and that φπ is greater than
one. Then a self-fulfilling rise in inflation would require a rise in the real interest rate, and so require households to expect y to be rising over time for
the new Keynesian IS equation to be satisfied. But this means that we cannot have the type of self-fulfilling expectations that can occur when the
central just sets it = rtn . In other words, the threat to raise the interest rate
in response to increases in expected inflation prevents any increases from
occurring, and so never needs to be carried out.
We touched on the issue of when there can and cannot be self-fulfilling
equilibria in models like this one in Section 6.4. To understand the issue
The model, like the previous one, neglects the fact that the nominal interest rate cannot be negative; this constraint is discussed in the next section. Taken literally, the model
implies that the nominal rate fluctuates symmetrically around zero, which suggests that the
constraint is very important. With a positive inflation target and positive average output
growth, however, the mean nominal rate would be positive.
more formally, suppose for a moment that we have a model with a single
variable, x t , that takes the form
x t = AE t x t+1 ,
and that the possible values of x are bounded. One solution of (11.40) is
simply x t = 0 for all t. Under what conditions is this the only solution? For
a spontaneous change in x in period t to some x = 0 to be consistent with
(11.40), we would need x = AE t x t+1 , which in turn would require E t x t+1 =
AE t x t+2 and so on. Thus we would need E t x t+1 = x/A, E t x t+2 = x/A 2 , and
so on. If |A| < 1, this requires that agents expect x to explode, which cannot
occur. If |A| ≥ 1, on the other hand, such expectations are possible. Thus in
this simple example, the condition to rule out sunspot equilibria is that |A|
be less than 1.
In the case where x is a vector rather than a single variable, the condition
is analogous: multiple equilibria are ruled out if the eigenvalues of the matrix relating x t and E t x t+1 are less than 1 in absolute value, or inside the unit
To see how this works in practice, assume that there are no shocks, and
consider again the interest-rate rule in (11.39) with φy = 0. Substituting this
rule (and the fact that rtn = 0 for all t in the absence of shocks) into (11.34)
and (11.35) allows us to rewrite the system as
ỹ t
E t ỹ t+1
E t πt+1
κ β
+κ θ π
The eigenvalues of A are given by
γ =
1+β +α ±
(1 + β + α)2 − 4β
where α ≡ κ(1 − φπ)/θ. When φπ ≤ 1, the positive solution is greater than
or equal to 1, and so the system has multiple equilibria. When the value of
φπ becomes larger than 1, multiple equilibria are ruled out. One can also
show that for sufficiently large values of φπ, multiple equilibria reappear.
Specifically, when κ(1 − φπ)/θ < −2(1 + β ), the negative solution of (11.42)
is less than −1, and so there can be self-fulfilling oscillatory fluctuations in
inflation and output. As Galı́ (2008, Section explains, however, for
reasonable values of the other parameters, the value of φπ needed for this
to occur is extremely high.
An obvious variation on (11.39) is for the central bank to adopt a rule
that responds to the current values of inflation and the output gap:
it = rtn + φππt + φy ỹ t .
The name comes from the fact that values less than 1 in absolute value are inside the
circle of radius 1 centered at the origin of the complex plane.
11.5 Optimal Monetary Policy in a Simple Forward-Looking Model
Again, for appropriate choices of coefficient values, the rule eliminates sunspot equilibria, and so actual interest rates never depart from the simple
rule it = rtn . When φy = 0, for example, this occurs when φπ > 1 (Galı́,
Breaking the Divine Coincidence
The finding that there is no tradeoff between the central bank’s inflation
and output objectives is surprising and runs counter to the beliefs of most
central bankers. Why might there not be a divine coincidence in practice?
One possibility is that the backward-looking considerations that lead to a
tradeoff in the model of Section 11.4 are important. But the divine coincidence can also fail in forward-looking models.
One reason that there might not be a coincidence between the two objectives that has attracted considerable attention is the possibility of variation
over time in the gap between optimal and flexible-price output. Recall that
so far in this section, we have assumed that on the output side, the central
bank’s goal is to keep actual output, y , as close as possible to flexible-price
output, y n . But recall also that the discussion in Section 11.3 suggests that
the appropriate goal is to keep output as close as possible to Walrasian
output, y ∗ .
Introducing the possibility of gaps between y n and y ∗ raises several
issues. To begin with, because of market imperfections and distortionary
taxes, y ∗ is almost surely larger than y n . This creates an incentive for
policymakers to choose an average level of inflation above their most preferred level of zero. Recall the new Keynesian Phillips curve: πt = βE t [πt+1 ]+
κ(y t − y tn ). Since β is less than 1, this relationahip implies a long-run outputinflation tradeoff. If inflation is steady at some level π, y − y n is steady
at (1 − β )π. Thus by choosing an average inflation rate that is positive,
policymakers can raise average output, and so bring it closer to the socially
optimal level.
This discussion shows that if the central bank makes a one-time choice
of average inflation, it has an incentive to choose a rate greater than zero.
If it chooses policy each period, there is another complication. The central
bank would like to achieve output above y n and zero inflation. The new
Keynesian Phillips curve implies that if it could somehow induce agents to
expect negative inflation and then surprise them by producing zero inflation, it could achieve both objectives. The central bank cannot consistently
do this, since this would require that agents be systematically fooled. But
the fact that the inflation rate the central bank would like agents to expect
differs from the rate it would like to deliver after expectations are formed
means that there is dynamic inconsistency in optimal monetary policy. This
dynamic inconsistency is the subject of Section 11.7.
Neither of these complications affects our original motive for introducing
the possibility of gaps between y ∗ and y n , which was to break the divine
coincidence in how policy should respond to shocks. To focus solely on
that issue, suppose that y ∗ − y n is subject to white-noise disturbances but
has a mean of zero. This assumption eliminates the central bank’s desire to
pursue systematic inflation.
To check whether the divine coincidence holds in this environment, recall that when the central bank conducts policy so that E t [πt+1 ] = 0 and
E t [yt+1 ] = E t [y t+1
] = E t [y t∗ ], we have y t = E t [y t+1
]−(it /θ)+u tI S , πt = κ(y t − y tn )
(see [11.34]–[11.35]). To achieve its output objective, the central bank should
choose it so that the first expression holds with y t = y t∗ . But to achieve its
inflation objective, it should choose it so that y t = y tn . Thus there is a conflict
between the two objectives—the divine coincidence fails.
In characterizing the exact form that optimal policy takes, the issue of
dynamic inconsistency arises again, even though y ∗ − y n is on average zero.
Suppose y ∗ − y n is temporarily high, so the central bank is especially interested in raising output. One approach would be for it to keep E t [πt+1 ] equal
to zero but allow y t to exceed y tn , and so come closer to its output objective
at some cost to its inflation objective. But potentially even better would be
to persuade private agents to expect πt+1 to be negative. For an appropriate
value of E t [πt+1 ], the central bank could achieve both its objectives perfectly
in period t. When period t + 1 arrived, however, the central bank would not
want to actually produce a negative value of πt+1 , since at that point this
would have no benefit. That is, its policy is again not dynamically consistent.
This discussion shows that even in this very simple model, optimal policy
once the divine coincidence fails is complicated. The usual approach at this
point is to assume that the central bank can commit to a rule for its policy
choices, so that trying to depart systematically from what it has led agents
to expect is not feasible. Even then, however, additional issues arise. These
issues, along with other reasons for the divine coincidence to fail, are discussed by Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler (1999); Woodford (2003, Chapters 7–8);
Galı́ (2008, Chapter 5); and Blanchard and Galı́ (2007).
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct
of Monetary Policy
The previous two sections investigate monetary policy in highly stylized
models. Although the models are helpful for analyzing many issues, there
is also a great deal they leave out. This section therefore discusses some
other issues concerning the conduct of monetary policy.
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Interest-Rate Rules
Many traditional prescriptions for monetary policy focus on the money
stock. For example, Friedman (1960) and others famously argue that the
central bank should follow a k-percent rule. That is, they argue that monetary policymakers should aim to keep the money stock growing steadily at
an annual rate of k percent (where k is some small number, such as 2 or 3),
and otherwise forgo attempts to stabilize the economy.
Despite many economists’ impassioned advocacy of money-stock rules,
central banks have only rarely given the behavior of the money stock more
than a minor role in policy. The measures of the money stock that the central bank can control tightly, such as high-powered money, are not closely
linked to aggregate demand. And the measures of the money stock that are
often closely linked with aggregate demand, such as M 2, are difficult for the
central bank to control. Further, in many countries the relationship between
all measures of the money stock and aggregate demand has broken down
in recent decades, weakening the case for money-stock rules even more.
Because of these difficulties, modern central banks almost universally
conduct policy not by trying to achieve some target growth rate for the
money stock, but by adjusting the short-term nominal interest rate in response to various disturbances. (In the background, of course, what allows
them to do this is their control over the money supply.) This is the approach
we took in the previous two sections: although the policies we considered
there could be described in terms of their implications for the money supply, we focused on their implications for interest rates.
A key fact about conducting policy in terms of interest rates is that
interest-rate policies, in contrast to money-supply policies, cannot be passive. Suppose, for example, the central bank keeps the nominal interest rate
constant. With backward-looking behavior, this leads to instability. A disturbance to aggregate demand that pushes output above its natural rate
causes inflation to rise. With the nominal interest rate fixed, this reduces
the real interest rate, which raises output further, which causes inflation
to rise even faster, and so on (Friedman, 1968). And with forward-looking
behavior, keeping the nominal interest rate constant leads to indeterminacy.
Taylor (1993) and Bryant, Hooper, and Mann (1993) therefore argue that
we should think about the conduct of monetary policy in terms of rules for
the short-term nominal interest rate. That is, we should neither think of the
central bank as choosing a path for the nominal rate that is unresponsive
to economic conditions (which leads to instability or indeterminacy), nor
think of it as adjusting the nominal rate on an ad hoc basis (which does
not give us a way of analyzing its behavior or agents’ expectations). Instead,
we should think of the central bank as following a policy of adjusting the
nominal rate in a predictable way to economic developments. Although no
rule will fully capture what any central bank does, interest-rate rules may
provide a reasonable approximation to actual central bank behavior and
can be analyzed formally. This is the approach we took in the previous
Probably the most famous interest-rate rule is the one proposed by
Taylor. His rule has two elements. The first is for the nominal interest rate
to rise more than one-for-one with inflation, so that the real rate increases
when inflation rises. The second is for the interest rate to rise when output
is above normal and fall when output is below normal. Taylor’s proposed
rule is linear in inflation and in the percentage departure of output from its
natural rate. That is, his rule takes the form
it = a + φππt + φy ln Yt − ln Y nt ,
φπ > 0,
φy > 0.
If we let rtn denote the real interest rate that prevails when Yt = Ytn and if
we assume that it is constant over time, (11.44) is equivalent to
it = r n + φπ (πt − π ∗ ) + φy ln Yt − ln Ytn ,
where π ∗ = (r n −a)/φπ. This way of presenting the rule says that the central
bank should raise the real interest rate above its long-run equilibrium level
in response to inflation exceeding its target and to output exceeding its
natural rate. Interest-rate rules of the form in (11.44) and (11.45) are known
as Taylor rules.
Taylor argues that a rule like (11.45) with φπ = 1.5, φy = 0.5, and r n =
π = 2% provides a good description of U.S. monetary policy in the period
since the Federal Reserve shifted to a clear policy of trying to adjust interest
rates to keep inflation low and the economy fairly stable. Specifically, the
interest rate predicted by the rule tracks the actual interest rate well starting
around 1985. He also argues that this rule with these parameter values is
likely to lead to relatively good macroeconomic outcomes.
Some Issues in the Design of Interest-Rate Rules
Recent research has devoted a great deal of attention to trying to construct
interest-rate rules that are likely to produce desirable outcomes. Central
banks show little interest in actually committing themselves to a rule, or
even in mechanically following the dictates of a rule. Thus research in this
area has focused on the question of whether there are prescriptions for how
interest rates should be adjusted that can provide valuable guidelines for
This research for the most part presumes that central banks can commit to following an interest-rate rule even if they would sometimes want
to depart from the rule ex post. That is, the work generally assumes that
central banks have found some way of overcoming the types of dynamicinconsistency problems that we encountered in the previous section and
that we will examine further in Section 11.7.
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
The previous two sections provide simple examples of analyses of
interest-rate rules. There, we posited objective functions for the central
bank and models of the economy, found optimal policy, and showed how
it could be characterized as an interest-rate rule. Much of the research in
this area follows this approach. Other papers do not derive optimal policy
but consider the relative performance of different interest-rate rules. And
other papers are less formal. For example, one can ask how the policy of a
particular central bank over some period would have differed from its actual policy if it had followed some rule, and then try to assess whether that
would have led to better outcomes.
Research on interest-rate rules has tackled a wide range of questions.
Many of them revolve around measurement issues. Taylor assumed that the
equilibrium real interest rate is constant and known; that the other variables
that enter the rule (inflation, output, and the natural rate of output) are
known with certainty; and that the appropriate inflation measure is inflation
from four quarters ago to the current quarter and the appropriate measure
of the output gap is its current value. These assumptions raise at least four
First, the equilibrium or natural real interest rate presumably varies over
time. The logic of Taylor’s argument (as well as of the formal models in
Sections 11.4 and 11.5) suggests that policymakers should move actual rates
one-for-one with movements in the natural interest rate, and thus that the
constant r n in (11.45) should be replaced with the time-varying rtn .
Second, none of the variables in the rule are known with certainty. The
fact that current inflation and output are not known exactly when the central bank sets the interest rate turns out to be relatively unimportant. For
example, research has found that using the previous quarter’s values has
little impact on the rule’s performance. A more serious issue is that at any
time there is considerable uncertainty about the equilibrium real interest
rate and the natural rate of output. For example, Staiger, Stock, and Watson
(1997) show that a 95 percent confidence interval for the natural rate of
unemployment is probably at least 2 percentage points wide. As a result, it
is often hard for policymakers to tell whether output is above or below its
natural rate. Thus rtn and Ytn need to be replaced with the current estimates
of those variables.
Third, the issue of estimating r n and Y n is closely related to the issue
of what values the coefficients on inflation, φπ and φy , should take. The
usual finding is that if there were no measurement issues, larger coefficient
values than those proposed by Taylor, particularly for φy , are appropriate.
The intuition is that inflation appears to respond to the output gap with
a lag. As a result, responding aggressively to departures of output from
its natural rate, perhaps with values of φy as high as 2, is desirable. However, the substantial measurement error in estimates of Y n makes this strategy dangerous. Once measurement error is accounted for, values closer to
those proposed by Taylor appear appropriate (though, as we discuss below,
measurement error also suggests that it may be desirable to change the
form of the rule).15
Finally, it is not at all clear that policy should be reacting to current and
past values of inflation and the output gap, since they are largely or entirely
unaffected by current policy decisions. An obvious alternative is a forwardlooking interest-rate rule, along the lines of what we considered in Section
11.5. For example, Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler (2000) consider rules of the
it = rtn + φπ (E t [πt+k ] − π∗ ) + φy E t ln Yt+k − ln Yt+k
k > 0.
Here, policy responds to information about the future values of the variables that the central bank is concerned with. The most common values of
k to consider are 1 quarter, which has the advantage of simplicity, and 4
quarters, which corresponds more closely to a horizon at which monetary
policy is likely to have a significant impact.16
Many other issues about interest-rate rules concern whether additional
variables should be included in the rule. The three types of additional variables that have received the most attention are the exchange rate, lagged interest rates, and measures of asset prices. An appreciation of the exchange
rate, like a rise in the interest rate, dampens economic activity. Thus it lowers the interest rate needed to generate a given level of aggregate demand.
One might therefore want to modify (11.45) to
it = r n + φπ (πt − π∗ ) + φy ln Yt − ln Ytn + φeet ,
where e is the real exchange rate (that is, the price of foreign goods in terms
of domestic goods). Moving the exchange-rate term over to the right-hand
side of this expression gives
it − φeet = r n + φπ(πt − π∗ ) + φy ln Yt − ln Ytn .
The left-hand side of (11.48) is referred to as a monetary conditions index. It
is a linear combination of the real exchange rate and the real interest rate.
If the coefficient on the exchange rate, φe , is chosen properly, the index
shows the overall impact of the exchange rate and the interest rate on aggregate demand. Thus (11.48) is a rule for the monetary conditions index
as a function of inflation and output.
Including the lagged interest rate may be desirable for three reasons.
First, it can cause a given change in the interest rate to have a larger impact
on the economy: agents will realize that, for example, a rise in rates implies
that rates will remain high for an extended period. Second, by increasing
the impact of a given change in the interest rate, it can reduce interest-rate
volatility, which may be desirable for its own sake. And third, it can make
See, for example, Rudebusch (2001) and Orphanides (2003a).
For more on the use of forecasts in policymaking, see Bernanke and Woodford (1997)
and many of the papers in Taylor (1999).
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
the rule more robust to errors in estimating the natural rates of interest and
output. For example, the extreme case of a coefficient on the lagged interest
rate of 1 corresponds to a prescription to keep raising the real interest rate
when inflation is above target. Such a rule would presumably be certain to
bring inflation back to its target level eventually (see, for example, Levin,
Wieland, and Williams, 2003, and Orphanides and Williams, 2002). Because
of these advantages, in some models the optimal policy does not just put
a positive weight on the past interest rate, but raises the current rate more
than one-for-one with the past rate. Rotemberg and Woodford (1999b) call
such policies super-inertial.
The potential disadvantage of including the lagged interest rate is simple: having policy affected by a variable that is not of direct concern to
policymakers may produce inefficient outcomes in terms of the variables
that policymakers care about. In particular, putting a large weight on the
lagged interest rate slows the response of policy to other variables, and so
may lead to unnecessary macroeconomic volatility. A potential concrete example of this is the Federal Reserve’s behavior in 2004 through 2006, when
it raised its interest-rate target by 41 of a percentage point at each of 17
consecutive meetings; this may have considerably delayed its response to
economic developments relative to what it would have done had it put little
weight on interest-rate smoothing.
Most analyses suggest that policy should react to asset prices only to the
extent they provide information about the natural rate of interest and future
movements in inflation and the output gap (see, for example, Bernanke and
Gertler, 2001). In this view, asset prices might contain information that is
valuable in forming the expectations that go into a forward-looking rule
such as (11.46) and in estimating the natural rate of interest, but they should
not enter the rule directly. The logic behind this conclusion is that because
asset prices are not sticky, asset-price inflation, unlike goods-price inflation,
does not lead to spurious relative-price variability or to wasteful spending
on costs of adjusting prices.
Even if asset prices should not enter the interest-rate rule directly, this
does not mean they are unimportant. One set of asset prices that may be
particularly important is interest-rate spreads. The gaps between other interest rates and the short-term rate for lending between banks (which is the
interest rate that interest-rate rules usually focus on) can vary substantially.
And it is often those other interest rates that are relevant for households’
and firms’ spending decisions. Thus when spreads are higher, then, all else
equal, the real short-term interbank interest rate that would lead output
to equal its flexible-price level is lower. The logic behind interest-rate rules
such as (11.46) therefore strongly suggests that interest-rate spreads should
affect central banks’ decisions. More formal analyses lead to the same conclusion (for example, Cúrdia and Woodford, 2009).
The argument that asset prices should not enter the central bank’s rule
breaks down if asset prices depart from the values that are warranted by
fundamentals and if policymakers can identify those departures. Because
such departures would lead to inefficient allocations of resources, it would
be appropriate for policymakers concerned about social welfare to try to
counteract them (Cecchetti, Genberg, and Wadhwani, 2003). The difficulty,
of course, is that determining whether, for example, a large rise in asset
prices is due to some type of irrationality or to new information about fundamentals or a changing willingness to accept risk is extremely challenging.
As a result, most observers continue to believe that asset prices should have
at most only a very small direct influence on policy.
Empirical Application: Estimating Interest-Rate Rules
Not surprisingly, many authors have tried to estimate central banks’ interestrate rules. Two prominent efforts are those by Taylor (1999b), who estimates
interest-rate rules similar to (11.45) over various periods in U.S. history back
to 1879, and Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler (2000), who estimate forward-looking
rules like (11.46) over various periods of postwar U.S. history. Here we examine Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler’s procedure.
Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler begin with an equation similar to (11.39) or
(11.46) for the Federal Reserve’s preferred Federal funds rate:
i ∗t = r n + φπ (E t [πt+k ] − π ∗ ) + φy E t y t+k − yt+k
k > 0.
where y ≡ ln Y. The authors assume, however, that there is interest-rate
smoothing, so that the Federal Reserve moves to its preferred rate only
it = ρit−1 + (1 − ρ)i ∗t ,
0 ≤ ρ < 1.
Equations (11.49) and (11.50) imply:
it = ρit−1 + (1 − ρ)r n − (1 − ρ)φππ ∗
+ (1 − ρ)φπ E t [πt+k ] + (1 − ρ)φy E t y t+k − y t+k
≡ a + ρit−1 + bπ E t [πt+k ] + b y E t y t+k −
y t+k
To address the fact that we do not observe E t [πt+k ] and E t [y t+k − y t+k
Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler use a procedure like the one we saw in tests of
the permanent-income hypothesis is Section 8.3: they replace the expectational variables with their realized values minus the expectational errors,
and then move the terms involving the expectational errors to the residual.
This gives us
it = a + ρit−1 + bππt+k + b y y t+k − y t+k
− bπ (πt+k − E t [πt+k ])
− by
y t+k − y t+k
− E t y t+k − y t+k
≡ a + ρit−1 + bππt+k + b y y t+k − y t+k
+ et .
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Because e t depends only on differences between realized values and expectations, its expectation as of time t is zero. We can therefore estimate
(11.52) by instrumental variables, using variables known at time t as instruments. Under Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler’s assumptions, the result will be
consistent estimates of the parameters of the underlying rule, (11.51). This
is the essence of what Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler do. In their baseline specification, they set k = 1 (with time measured in quarters), measure the output
gap using the estimates constructed by the Congressional Budget Office, and
use lagged values of a range of macroeconomic variables as instruments.
They focus on two periods: the “pre-Volcker” period, 1960Q1–1979Q2, and
the “Volcker-Greenspan” period, 1979Q3–1996Q4.
For the pre-Volcker period, the estimated parameters (with standard errors in parentheses) are π ∗ = 4.24 (1.09), φπ = 0.83 (0.07), φy = 0.27 (0.08),
and ρ = 0.68 (0.05). For the Volcker-Greenspan period, they are π ∗ =
3.58 (0.50), φπ = 2.15 (0.40), φy = 0.93 (0.42), and ρ = 0.79 (0.04).17 The
most striking feature of these results is the small value of φπ in the first
period, which implies that the Federal Reserve on average cut the real interest rate when inflation rose. Such a policy leads to explosive inflation or
deflation in backward-looking models, and to sunspot equilibria in forwardlooking ones. Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler argue that this can account for the
high inflation of the 1970s.
One limitation of Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler’s approach is that it does not
include any reason for (11.52) not to hold perfectly other than expectational
errors. That is, the Federal Reserve is assumed to follow the rule in equation (11.51) exactly. If the Federal Reserve departs from (11.51), Clarida,
Galı́, and Gertler’s estimates may be biased. Suppose, for example, there is
some variation in its inflation target over time. Then the error term in (11.52)
also includes the term −bπ (πt∗ − π ∗ ) (where π ∗ is the average inflation target). Thus, since actual and target inflation are almost certainly positively
correlated, and since bπ (which equals (1 − ρ)φπ ) is almost certainly positive, there is negative correlation between inflation and the error term. As a
result, there is downward bias in the estimate of bπ, and thus in the estimate of φπ. Other sources of departure from (11.51) (such as variation
in r n ) are also likely to lead to biased estimates. As in many other applications, the facts that many factors may contribute to the residual and
that it is difficult to find good instruments once we recognize the existence
of nonexpectational terms in the residual make estimating the underlying
parameters extremely challenging.
The finding of this literature that is robust, and that has been confirmed
by many authors in addition to Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler, is that for a given
inflation rate and output gap, the Federal Reserve chose a much lower real
All the parameters other than π ∗ can be inferred directly from the estimates of (11.52).
Inferring π ∗ requires an estimate of r n . Clarida, Galı́, and Gertler assume that r n in each of
their two sample periods is equal to the average real interest rate in that period.
interest rate in the 1960s and, especially, the 1970s than it did in the 1980s
and 1990s (Taylor, 1999b; Orphanides, 2003b; C. Romer and D. Romer,
2002). In most models, a policy that implies lower real rates under a given
set of macroeconomic conditions leads to higher average inflation. In that
sense, the results of examinations of the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policies suggest a likely source of the high inflation of the 1970s. The deeper
question that this leaves open is why the Federal Reserve followed
low-interest-rate policies in this period. We will return to that question in
Section 11.8.
The Zero Lower Bound on the Nominal Interest Rate
Our discussion so far has presumed that the central bank can set the interest rate according to the interest-rate rule that it chooses. But if the rule
prescribes a negative nominal interest rate, it cannot. Because high-powered
money earns a nominal return of zero, there is no reason for anyone to buy
an asset offering a negative nominal return. Thus the nominal rate cannot
fall below zero.
The zero lower bound on the nominal interest rate was long thought to
be mainly of historical and theoretical interest, relevant to the Great Depression but unlikely to be important to modern economies. Recent events have
proven that view wrong. Nominal interest rates on short-term government
debt in Japan have been virtually zero since the late 1990s. The Federal Reserve lowered the short-term nominal rate not far from zero in 2003. And
most importantly, the economic and financial crisis that began in 2007 led
most major central banks to lower their nominal interest-rate target to near
zero. In the cases of Japan and of the recent crisis, it is reasonably clear
that the zero lower bound was a binding constraint on monetary policy. For
example, conventional interest-rate rules implied that the appropriate target level of the Federal funds rate in 2009 in the absence of the zero lower
bound was negative 4 percent or lower (Rudebusch, 2009). Thus, the issue
of how—if at all—policy can increase aggregate demand when the nominal
interest rate is close to zero is important.
Various ways to stimulate an economy with a zero nominal rate have been
suggested. One obvious possibility is to use fiscal policy. But as described
in Section 12.4, there are cases where expansionary fiscal policy does not
raise aggregate demand. And stimulative fiscal policy (at least in its standard
forms) requires increasing the budget deficit, which has disadvantages—
particularly in economies with severe long-run budget problems. Thus the
possibility of using fiscal policy does not make the issue of whether monetary policy can be used irrelevant.
One way to try to use monetary policy to stimulate the economy when
the short-term nominal rate is zero is to conduct conventional open-market
operations. Although these operations cannot lower the nominal rate, they
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
may be able to lower the real rate. Money growth is a crucial determinant of
inflation in the long run. Thus expanding the money supply may generate
expectations of inflation, and so reduce real interest rates. C. Romer (1992)
presents evidence that the rapid money growth in the United States starting in 1933 raised inflationary expectations, stimulated interest-sensitive
sectors of the economy, and fueled the recovery from the Great
The issue of whether monetary expansion with a zero nominal rate raises
expected inflation is complicated, however. With a nominal rate of zero, at
the margin agents do not value the liquidity services provided by money
(since otherwise they would not be willing to hold zero-interest bonds). Thus
when the central bank expands the money stock by purchasing bonds, individuals can just hold the additional money in place of the bonds. Thus it
is not clear why expected inflation should rise.
Krugman (1998) and Eggertsson and Woodford (2003) show that the issue hinges on how the expansion affects expectations concerning what the
money stock will be once the nominal rate becomes positive again. If the
expansion raises expectations of those future money stocks, it should raise
expectations of the price level in those periods, and so increase expected
inflation today. But if the expansion does not affect expectations of those
money stocks, there is no reason for it to raise expected inflation.
For the Depression, when the Federal Reserve did not have a clear view
concerning the long-term path it wanted the money stock or the price level
to follow, it is plausible that the large monetary expansion increased expectations of later money stocks substantially. But in modern economies, where
central banks generally have reasonably clear explicit or implicit long-run
inflation targets, agents may reasonably believe that the central bank will
largely undo the increase in the money stock as soon as it starts to have an
important effect on aggregate demand. As a result, expected inflation may
not rise, and the open-market purchase may have little effect.
One way for the central bank to deal with the fact that expected inflation
is crucial to the amount of stimulus it can provide by lowering the nominal
rate to zero is to raise its inflation target. If agents expect sufficiently high
inflation, the real interest rate at a zero nominal rate will be low enough
to bring about recovery. Krugman (1998), for example, proposes that the
Bank of Japan adopt a permanently higher target for inflation. However,
Eggertsson and Woodford observe that the target needed to generate a sufficiently low real rate when the nominal rate is zero may be above the rate
that would be optimal on other grounds. They argue that in this case, the
central bank can do better by announcing that its policy is to aim for high
inflation not at all times, but only after times when the nominal rate has
fallen to zero. One step in the direction of the policy proposed by Eggertsson and Woodford is to adopt a target price-level path. A downturn that
causes the central bank to lower the nominal rate to zero is likely to push
inflation below the central bank’s target. If the central bank has a policy of
offsetting shortfalls from its target through later periods of above-normal
inflation, the fall in inflation naturally generates an increase in expected inflation. There is no reason, however, that the resulting amount of expected
inflation will generally be optimal. Thus the optimal policy is usually more
complicated (Eggertsson and Woodford, 2003).
Another possible way for the central bank to provide stimulus in the face
of the zero lower bound is to purchase assets other than short-term government debt in its open-market operations. For example, it can purchase
long-term government debt or corporate debt, both of which are likely to
offer positive nominal returns even when the interest rate on short-term
government debt is zero. It is useful to think about such transactions as
conventional open-market operations followed by exchanges of short-term
zero-interest government debt for the alternative asset.18 The potential additional benefit of this type of open-market operation comes from the second step. If investors are risk-neutral, with the positive nominal returns on
the alternative asset reflecting default risk or expectations of positive future
short-term interest rates, the exchange of short-term government debt for
the alternative asset will have no effect on the asset’s return. But in the realistic case where the demand for the alternative asset is downward-sloping,
the exchange will reduce the interest rate on the alternative asset at least
One specific type of unconventional open-market operation that has attracted considerable attention is exchange-market intervention. By purchasing foreign currency or other foreign assets, the central bank can presumably cause the domestic currency to depreciate. For example, temporarily
pegging the exchange rate at a level that is highly depreciated relative to the
current level should be straightforward. If the central bank announces that
it is willing to buy foreign currency at a high price, it will face a large supply
of foreign currency. But since it can print domestic currency, it will have no
difficulty carrying out the promised trades. And exchange-rate depreciation
will stimulate the economy.19
A final way that policy can attempt to stimulate the economy is by direct
intervention in credit markets. In 2008 and 2009, the Federal Reserve and
other central banks took actions aimed at the markets for specific types
of credit, supporting commercial-paper issuance, mortgage lending, and so
on. Such actions are clearly most likely to be effective when the particular markets they are aimed at have been disrupted, and their effectiveness
Similarly, it is often argued that a money-financed tax cut is certain to stimulate an
economy facing the zero nominal bound. But such a tax cut is a combination of a conventional tax cut and a conventional open-market operation. If neither component stimulates
the economy, then (barring interaction effects, which seem unlikely to be important) the
combination will be ineffective as well.
Svensson (2001) offers a concrete proposal for how to use exchange-rate policy in a
situation where the nominal rate is zero.
11.6 Additional Issues in the Conduct of Monetary Policy
even then is unknown. Thus they do not provide a general solution to the
constraints created by the zero lower bound.
This menu of possible policies at the zero lower bound requires a specialized vocabulary. Because the issues are so new, the terminology is still
evolving. One usage is to refer to conventional open-market operations
at the zero lower bound as quantitative easing; open-market operations
that involve buying assets other than short-term government debt as asset purchases; interventions in credit markets as credit policy ; and policies
aimed at expectations of future inflation or interest rates as expectations
Five years ago,20 there was considerable disagreement about the importance of the zero lower bound. One group viewed it as a powerful constraint on monetary policy, and felt that the possibility of an economy being
trapped in a situation of low aggregate demand, with monetary policy powerless to help, was a serious concern. A situation where the nominal interest
rate is zero and monetary policy is powerless is known as a liquidity trap.
The other group stressed the many tools available to the central bank other
than control over the short-term nominal rate, especially its ability to provide essentially unlimited amounts of money at zero cost. This clearly gives
it the ability to create inflation in the long run, and hence almost surely
implies an ability to create expected inflation.
The crisis that began in 2007 has largely settled the debate. Regardless of
whether central banks could have used other tools to provide the stimulus
to aggregate demand that would have been provided by further reductions
in the nominal rate had the zero lower bound not been binding, the fact is
that they did not. As a result, it is clear that the bound had very large effects.
If unconstrained central banks had been faced with the prospects of a rapid
output decline followed by years of high unemployment, all accompanied by
inflation at or below their targets, there is no doubt they would have cut their
interest-rate targets sharply, with the result that outcomes would have been
substantially different. For example, Williams (2009) estimates that relative
to the likely path of GDP even after accounting for the fiscal stimulus that
was adopted and the various unconventional monetary actions that were
taken, removing the zero lower bound would have resulted in GDP in the
United States being on average about 3 percent higher over the period 2009–
2012, for a cumulative output gain of about $1.7 trillion.
A final issue raised by this discussion is whether policy should be conducted differently in the future. If the crisis was a one-time event that we
are unlikely to see anything like again, policy can proceed as before. If it was
the preventable result of regulatory and other policy failures, the first-best
solution is to correct those failures. But if we are likely to see other severe
contractions in the future, then in the absence of any changes, the zero
lower bound is likely to have large output costs again. Thus the question
For example, at the time of the writing of the third edition of this book.
of how to avoid those costs—by raising the target inflation rate, adopting
some type of price-level-path targeting, or in some other way—would be important. For example, Williams finds that in an environment of large shocks,
an inflation target of about 4 percent may be needed to keep the zero lower
bound from having large costs.
11.7 The Dynamic Inconsistency of
Low-Inflation Monetary Policy
The previous three sections are devoted mainly to optimal monetary policy, analyzing how policy should be conducted in various environments. But
actual policy often appears to be far from optimal. For example, monetary
policymakers’ failure to respond to shocks was an important source of the
Great Depression; rapid money growth led to high inflation in many industrialized countries in the 1970s, and has often led to high inflation in other
times and places; and explosive money growth results in hyperinflation. Our
analysis so far provides no explanation of such policy failures.
Departures from optimal policy do not appear to be random. Episodes
when money growth and inflation are too high seem far more common than
episodes when they are too low. As a result, there is considerable interest
in possible sources of inflationary bias in monetary policy.
For the major industrialized countries, where government revenue from
money creation does not appear important, the underlying source of any inflationary bias is almost certainly the existence of an output-inflation tradeoff. Policymakers may increase the money supply to try to push output
above its normal level. Or, if they are faced with inflation that they believe
is too high, they may be reluctant to undergo a recession to reduce it.
Any theory of how an output-inflation tradeoff can lead to inflation must
confront the fact that there is no significant tradeoff in the long run.21 Since
average inflation has little effect on average output, it might seem that the
existence of a short-run tradeoff is largely irrelevant to the determination of
average inflation. Consider, for example, two monetary policies that differ
only because money growth is lower by a constant amount in every situation
under one policy than the other. If the public is aware of the difference, there
is no reason for output to behave differently under the low-inflation policy
than under the high-inflation one.
In a famous paper, however, Kydland and Prescott (1977) show that
the inability of policymakers to commit themselves to such a low-inflation
policy can give rise to excessive inflation despite the absence of an
As noted in Section 11.5, the new Keynesian Phillips curve implies a slight long-run
tradeoff. When the discount factor is close to 1, however, the impact of average inflation on
average output is small.
11.7 The Dynamic Inconsistency of Low-Inflation Monetary Policy
important long-run tradeoff. Kydland and Prescott’s basic observation is
that if expected inflation is low, so that the marginal cost of additional inflation is low, policymakers will pursue expansionary policies to push output
temporarily above its normal level. But the public’s knowledge that policymakers have this incentive means that they will not in fact expect low inflation. The end result is that policymakers’ ability to pursue discretionary policy results in inflation without any increase in output. This section presents
a simple model that formalizes this idea.
Kydland and Prescott’s argument requires three key ingredients: monetary
changes have real effects, expectations concerning inflation affect output
behavior, and the economy’s flexible-price level of output is less than the
socially optimal level. To model the first two ingredients as simply as possible (and to keep close to the spirit of Kydland and Prescott’s original analysis), we assume that aggregate supply is given by the Lucas supply curve
(see equations [6.24] and [6.84]):
y = y n + b(π − π e ),
b > 0,
where y is the log of output and y n is the log of its flexible-price level. Other
models with a role for expectations, such as the new Keynesian Phillips
curve and various hybrid Phillips curves with a mix of backward-looking
and forward-looking elements, would have broadly similar implications.
To model the third ingredient, we assume that y n is less than Walrasian
output, y ∗ .
Kydland and Prescott also assume that inflation above some level is costly,
and that the marginal cost of inflation increases as inflation rises. A simple
way to capture these assumptions is to make social welfare quadratic in
both output and inflation. Thus the policymaker minimizes
L = 12 (y − y ∗ )2 + 21 a(π − π ∗ )2 ,
y ∗ > y n,
a > 0.
The parameter a reflects the relative importance of output and inflation in
social welfare.
Finally, the policymaker can influence aggregate demand. Since there is
no uncertainty, we can think of the policymaker as choosing inflation directly, subject to the constraint that inflation and output are related by the
aggregate supply curve, (11.53).
Analyzing the Model
To see the model’s implications, consider two ways that monetary policy
and expected inflation could be determined. In the first, the policymaker
makes a binding commitment about what inflation will be before expected
inflation is determined. Since the commitment is binding, expected inflation
equals actual inflation, and so (by [11.53]) output equals its natural rate.
Thus the policymaker’s problem is to choose π to minimize (y n − y ∗ )2 /2 +
a(π − π ∗ )2 /2. The solution is simply π = π ∗ .
In the second situation, the policymaker chooses inflation taking expectations of inflation as given. This could occur either if expected inflation is determined before actual inflation is, or if π and π e are determined
simultaneously. Substituting (11.53) into (11.54) implies that the policymaker’s problem is
min 21 [ y n + b(π − π e) − y ∗ ]2 + 21 a(π − π ∗ )2 .
The first-order condition is
[ y n + b(π − π e) − y ∗ ]b + a(π − π ∗ ) = 0.
Solving (11.56) for π yields
b 2 π e + aπ ∗ + b(y ∗ − y n )
= π∗ +
a + b2
a+ b
(y ∗ − y n ) +
a+ b
(π − π ∗ ).
Figure 11.3 plots the policymaker’s choice of π as a function of π e. The
relationship is upward-sloping with a slope less than 1. The figure and equation (11.57) show the policymaker’s incentive to pursue expansionary policy. If the public expects the policymaker to choose the optimal rate of inflation, π ∗ , then the marginal cost of slightly higher inflation is zero, and
the marginal benefit of the resulting higher output is positive. Thus in this
situation the policymaker chooses an inflation rate greater than π ∗ .
Since there is no uncertainty, equilibrium requires that expected and actual inflation are equal. As Figure 11.3 shows, there is a unique inflation rate
for which this is true. If we impose π = π e in (11.57) and then solve for this
inflation rate, we obtain
πe = π∗ +
(y ∗ − y n )
If expected inflation exceeds this level, then actual inflation is less than
individuals expect, and thus the economy is not in equilibrium. Similarly, if
π e is less than π EQ , then π exceeds π e.
Thus the only equilibrium is for π and π e to equal π EQ , and for y to
therefore equal y n . Intuitively, expected inflation rises to the point where
the policymaker, taking π e as given, chooses to set π equal to π e. In short,
11.7 The Dynamic Inconsistency of Low-Inflation Monetary Policy
π EQ
FIGURE 11.3 The determination of inflation in the absence of commitment
all that the policymaker’s discretion does is to increase inflation without
affecting output.22
The reason that the ability to choose inflation after expected inflation is
determined makes the policymaker worse off is that the policy of announcing that inflation will be π ∗ , and then producing that inflation rate after
expected inflation is determined, is not dynamically consistent. If the policymaker announces that inflation will equal π ∗ and the public forms its
expectations accordingly, the policymaker will deviate from the policy once
expectations are formed. The public’s knowledge that the policymaker will
do this causes it to expect inflation greater than π ∗ . This expected inflation
worsens the menu of choices that the policymaker faces.
None of these results depend on the use of specific functional forms. With general
functional forms, the equilibrium is for expected and actual inflation to rise to the point
where the marginal cost of inflation just balances its marginal benefit through higher output.
Thus output equals its natural rate and inflation is above the optimal level. The equilibrium
if the policymaker can make a binding commitment is still for inflation to equal its optimal
level and output to equal its natural rate.
To see that it is the knowledge that the policymaker has discretion, rather
than the discretion itself, that is the source of the problem, consider what
happens if the public believes the policymaker can commit but he or she
in fact has discretion. In this case, the policymaker can announce that inflation will equal π ∗ and thereby cause expected inflation to equal π ∗ .
But the policymaker can then set inflation according to (11.57). Since
(11.57) is the solution to the problem of minimizing the social loss function
given expected inflation, this “reneging” on the commitment raises social
Dynamic inconsistency arises in many other situations. In the context of
monetary policy, we already encountered it in the model of Section 11.5.
There, policymakers would like to manipulate expectations of inflation to
change the economy’s response to shocks, but then not produce the inflation that agents expect. More important additional cases of dynamic inconsistency arise in contexts other than monetary policy. Policymakers choosing how to tax capital may want to encourage capital accumulation by adopting a low tax rate. Once the capital has been accumulated, however, taxing
it is nondistortionary; thus it is optimal for policymakers to tax it at high
rates.23 To give another example, policymakers who want individuals to
obey a law may want to promise that violators will be punished harshly.
Once individuals have decided whether to comply, however, there is a cost
and no benefit to punishing violators.
Addressing the Dynamic-Inconsistency Problem
This analysis shows that discretionary monetary policy can give rise to inefficiently high inflation. This naturally raises the question of what can be
done to avoid, or at least mitigate, this possibility.
One approach, of course, is to have monetary policy determined by rules
rather than discretion. It is important to emphasize, however, that the rules
must be binding. Suppose policymakers just announce that they are going
to determine monetary policy according to some procedure, such as making the money stock grow at a constant rate or following some formula
to choose their target nominal interest rate. If the public believes this announcement and therefore expects low inflation, policymakers can raise social welfare by departing from the announced policy and choosing a higher
rate of money growth. Thus the public will not believe the announcement.
A corollary of this observation is that low-inflation policy can be dynamically inconsistent not because of an output-inflation tradeoff, but because of government debt. Since
government debt is generally denominated in nominal terms, unanticipated inflation is a
lump-sum tax on debtholders. As a result, even if monetary shocks do not have real effects,
a policy of setting π = π ∗ is not dynamically consistent as long as the government has
nominally denominated debt (Calvo, 1978b).
11.7 The Dynamic Inconsistency of Low-Inflation Monetary Policy
Only if the monetary authority relinquishes the ability to determine monetary policy does a rule solve the problem.
There are two problems, however, with using binding rules to overcome
the dynamic-inconsistency problem. One is normative, the other positive.
The normative problem is that rules cannot account for completely unexpected circumstances. There is no difficulty in constructing a rule that
makes monetary policy respond to normal economic developments. But
sometimes there are events that could not plausibly have been expected.
In recent decades, for example, the United States experienced a collapse of
the relationships between economic activity and many standard measures
of the money stock, an almost unprecedented one-day crash in the stock
market that caused a severe liquidity crisis, the aftershocks of various international crises, a major terrorist attack, and a financial collapse unlike
any since the Great Depression. It is inconceivable that a rule would have
anticipated all these possibilities.
The positive problem with binding rules as the solution to the dynamicinconsistency problem is that we observe low rates of inflation in many
situations (such as the United States in the 1950s and in recent years, and
Germany over most of the postwar period) where policy is not made according to fixed rules. Thus there must be ways of alleviating the dynamicinconsistency problem that do not involve binding commitments.
Because of considerations like these, there has been considerable interest
in other ways of dealing with dynamic inconsistency. The two approaches
that have received the most attention are reputation and delegation.24
The basic idea behind using reputation to deal with the dynamicinconsistency problem is that the public is unsure about policymakers’ characteristics and learns something about those characteristics by observing
inflation. For example, the public may not know policymakers’ preferences
between output and inflation or their beliefs about the output-inflation
tradeoff, or how costly it is to them to not follow through on their announcements about future policy. In such situations, policymakers’ behavior conveys information about their characteristics, and thus affects the public’s
expectations of inflation in subsequent periods. Since policymakers face a
Two other possibilities are punishment equilibria and incentive contracts. Punishment
equilibria (which are often described as models of reputation, but which differ fundamentally
from the models discussed below) arise in infinite-horizon models. These models typically
have multiple equilibria, including ones where inflation stays below the one-time discretionary level (that is, below π EQ ). Low inflation is sustained by beliefs that if policymakers
were to choose high inflation, the public would “punish” them by expecting high inflation
in subsequent periods; the punishments are structured so that the expectations of high inflation would in fact be rational if that situation ever arose. See, for example, Barro and
Gordon (1983) and Problems 11.16–11.18. Incentive contracts are arrangements in which
the central banker is penalized (either financially or through loss of prestige) for inflation.
In simple models, the appropriate choice of penalties produces the optimal policy (Persson
and Tabellini, 1993; Walsh, 1995). The empirical relevance of such contracts is not clear,
more favorable menu of output-inflation choices when expected inflation is
lower, this gives them an incentive to pursue low-inflation policies. This idea
is developed formally by Backus and Driffill (1985) and Barro (1986) and in
Problem 11.13.
The idea that concern about their reputations causes policymakers to
pursue less expansionary policies seems not only theoretically appealing,
but also realistic. Central bankers appear to be very concerned with establishing reputations as being tough on inflation and as being credible. If the
public were certain of policymakers’ preferences and beliefs, there would be
no reason for this. Only if the public is uncertain and if expectations matter
is this concern appropriate.
The basic idea behind the use of delegation to overcome dynamic inconsistency is that the output-inflation tradeoff is more favorable if monetary
policy is controlled by individuals who are known to particularly dislike inflation (Rogoff, 1985). A straightforward extension of the model we have
been considering shows how this can address the dynamic-inconsistency
problem. Suppose that the output-inflation relationship and social welfare
continue to be given by (11.53) and (11.54); thus y = y n + b(π − π e) and
L = [(y − y ∗ )2 /2] + [a(π − π ∗ )2 /2]. Suppose, however, that monetary policy
is determined by an individual whose objective function is
L ′ = 12 (y − y ∗ )2 + 12 a ′ (π − π ∗ )2 ,
y ∗ > y n,
a ′ > 0.
a ′ may differ from a, the weight that society as a whole places on inflation.
Solving the policymaker’s maximization problem along the lines of (11.55)
implies that his or her choice of π, given π e, is given by (11.57) with a ′ in
place of a. Thus,
π = π∗ +
a +b
(y ∗ − y n ) +
a + b2
(π e − π ∗ ).
Figure 11.4 shows the effects of delegating policy to someone with a value
of a ′ greater than a. Because the policymaker puts more weight on inflation
than before, he or she chooses a lower value of inflation for a given level of
expected inflation (at least over the range where π e ≥ π ∗ ); in addition, his
or her response function is flatter.
As before, the public knows how inflation is determined. Thus equilibrium again requires that expected and actual inflation are equal. As a result,
when we solve for expected inflation, we find that it is given by (11.58) with
a ′ in place of a:
π EQ = π ∗ +
(y ∗ − y n ).
The equilibrium is for both actual and expected inflation to be given by
(11.61), and for output to equal its natural rate.
11.7 The Dynamic Inconsistency of Low-Inflation Monetary Policy
π EQ
The effect of delegation to a conservative policymaker on equilibrium inflation
Now consider social welfare, which is higher when (y − y ∗ )2/2 +
a(π − π ∗ )2/2 is lower. Output is equal to y n regardless of a ′ . But when a ′ is
higher, π is closer to π ∗ . Thus when a ′ is higher, social welfare is higher. Intuitively, when monetary policy is controlled by someone who cares strongly
about inflation, the public realizes that the policymaker has little desire to
pursue expansionary policy; the result is that expected inflation is low.
Rogoff extends this analysis to the case where the economy is affected
by shocks. Under plausible assumptions, a policymaker whose preferences
between output and inflation differ from society’s does not respond optimally to shocks. Thus in choosing monetary policymakers, there is a tradeoff: choosing policymakers with a stronger dislike of inflation produces a
better performance in terms of average inflation, but a worse one in terms
of responses to disturbances. As a result, there is some optimal level of
“conservatism” for central bankers.25
Again, the idea that societies can address the dynamic-inconsistency
problem by letting individuals who particularly dislike inflation control monetary policy appears realistic. In many countries, monetary policy is determined by independent central banks rather than by the central government.
This idea is developed in Problem 11.14.
And the central government often seeks out individuals who are known to
be particularly averse to inflation to run those banks. The result is that
those who control monetary policy are often known for being more concerned about inflation than society as a whole, and only rarely for being
less concerned.
11.8 Empirical Applications
Central-Bank Independence and Inflation
Theories that attribute inflation to the dynamic inconsistency of lowinflation monetary policy are difficult to test. The theories suggest that inflation is related to such variables as the costs of inflation, policymakers’
ability to commit, their ability to establish reputations, and the extent to
which policy is delegated to individuals who particularly dislike inflation.
All of these are hard to measure.
One variable that has received considerable attention is the independence
of the central bank. Alesina (1988) argues that central-bank independence
provides a measure of the delegation of policymaking to conservative policymakers. Intuitively, the greater the independence of the central bank, the
greater the government’s ability to delegate policy to individuals who especially dislike inflation. Empirically, central-bank independence is generally
measured by qualitative indexes based on such factors as how the bank’s
governor and board are appointed and dismissed, whether there are government representatives on the board, and the government’s ability to veto
or directly control the bank’s decisions.
Investigations of the relation between these measures of independence
and inflation find that among industrialized countries, independence and
inflation are strongly negatively related (Alesina, 1988; Grilli, Masciandaro,
and Tabellini, 1991; Cukierman, Webb, and Neyapti, 1992). Figure 11.5 is
representative of the results.
There are four limitations to this finding, however. First, it is not clear
that theories of dynamic inconsistency and delegation predict that greater
central-bank independence will produce lower inflation. The argument that
they make this prediction implicitly assumes that the preferences of central
bankers and government officials do not vary systematically with centralbank independence. But the delegation hypothesis implies that they will.
Suppose, for example, that monetary policy depends on the central bank’s
and the government’s preferences, with the weight on the bank’s preferences increasing in its independence. Then when the bank is less independent, government officials should compensate by appointing more inflationaverse individuals to the bank. Similarly, when the government is less able
to delegate policy to the bank, voters should elect more inflation-averse
11.8 Empirical Applications
Average inflation (percent)
Index of central-bank independence
FIGURE 11.5 Central-bank independence and inflation26
governments. These effects will mitigate, and might even offset, the effects
of reduced central-bank independence.
Second, the fact that there is a negative relation between central-bank
independence and inflation does not mean that the independence is the
source of the low inflation. As Posen (1993) observes, countries whose citizens are particularly averse to inflation are likely to try to insulate their
central banks from political pressure. For example, it is widely believed that
Germans especially dislike inflation, perhaps because of the hyperinflation
that Germany experienced after World War I. And the institutions governing Germany’s central bank appear to have been created largely because of
this desire to avoid inflation. Thus some of Germany’s low inflation is almost surely the result of the general aversion to inflation, rather than of the
independence of its central bank.
Third, the empirical relationship is not in fact as strong as this discussion suggests. To begin with, there is no clear relationship between legal
measures of central-bank independence and average inflation among nonindustrialized countries (Cukierman, Webb, and Neyapti, 1992; Campillo and
Miron, 1997). Further, the usual measures of independence appear to be
biased in favor of finding a link between independence and low inflation.
For example, the measures put some weight on whether the bank’s charter
gives low inflation as its principal goal (Pollard, 1993).
Figure 11.5, from “Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance” by
Alberto Alesina and Lawrence H. Summers, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 25,
No. 2 (May 1993), is reprinted by permission. Copyright 1993 by the Ohio State University
Press. All rights reserved.
Inflation (GDP deflator, annual change, percent)
FIGURE 11.6 Inflation in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and
Japan, 1961–2008
Finally, even if independence is the source of the low inflation, the mechanism linking the two may not involve dynamic inconsistency. We will see
another possibility in the next application.
The Great Inflation
Most industrialized countries experienced high inflation in the 1970s.
Figure 11.6 plots inflation in four countries—the United States, the United
Kingdom, Australia, and Japan—since 1960. Two facts stand out. First, there
was considerable heterogeneity across countries. In just these four countries, the peak level of inflation varied from less than 10 percent in the
United States to almost 25 percent in the United Kingdom. In the United
States, inflation rose gradually through the mid-1970s, fluctuated irregularly, and then fell sharply in the early 1980s; but in Australia, it rose
sharply in the early 1970s and then fell gradually and irregularly for two
decades. Second, despite the variety, all these countries—and many more—
experienced much higher inflation in the 1970s than they did before or after.
This period of high inflation is often referred to as the Great Inflation.
Understanding the Great Inflation is an important challenge in the study
of macroeconomic policy. Unfortunately, its causes are far from fully understood. Thus we can do little better than to describe some of the leading
11.8 Empirical Applications
In light of the analysis in Section 11.7, one candidate is the dynamic inconsistency of low-inflation policy. Indeed, the high inflation of the 1970s
was an important motivation for Kydland and Prescott’s analysis. But this
explanation faces an obvious challenge. Theories of dynamic inconsistency
imply that high inflation is the result of optimizing behavior by the relevant players given the institutions. Thus they predict that in the absence of
changes to those institutions, high inflation will remain. This is not what
we observe. In the United States, for example, policymakers reduced inflation from about 10 percent at the end of the 1970s to under 5 percent
just a few years later, and maintained the lower inflation, without any significant changes in the institutions or rules governing policy. Similarly, in
countries such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom, reforms to increase
central-bank independence followed rather than preceded major reductions
in inflation.
To explain the Great Inflation, then, models of dynamic inconsistency
need to appeal to changes in the forces that drive inflation in the models,
such as the gap between equilibrium and optimal output and the slope of the
output-inflation relationship. It is true that, at least in the United States, the
natural rate of unemployment was unusually high in the 1970s, suggesting
that y ∗ − y n may have been unusually high as well. Yet it seems unlikely
that such changes can explain the magnitude and pervasiveness of the rise
and fall in inflation.
A variation on the dynamic-inconsistency explanation is proposed by
Sargent (1999) and Cho, Williams, and Sargent (2002). Their basic idea is
that policymakers do not know the true structure of the economy, but must
infer it from the dynamics of output and inflation. Even if the economy is
in fact described by the Kydland–Prescott model, policymakers may sometimes infer that there is no output-inflation tradeoff, and thus that there is
no cost to pursuing low-inflation policies. Policymakers’ attempts at learning can therefore lead to recurring bouts of high and low inflation. Whether
this account fits with actual experience is unclear, however. For example, it
implies that policymakers during the Great Inflation believed that there was
a short-run output-inflation tradeoff while their predecessors and successors did not. There does not appear to be any strong evidence for this view.
Before Kydland and Prescott’s work, the conventional explanation of the
Great Inflation was that it was due to a series of unfavorable supply shocks
that pushed inflation higher, coupled with backward-looking inflation dynamics that translated those shocks into a higher embedded inflation (for
example, Blinder, 1979). This explanation must confront at least two problems, however. First, there were important increases in inflation in the late
1960s and in parts of the 1970s that were not clearly associated with supply
shocks (DeLong, 1997). Second, there have been large supply shocks since
the 1970s, but they did not lead to renewed high inflation.27
See Blinder and Rudd (2008) for a recent attempt to resuscitate the supply-shock view.
Another traditional explanation is that the high inflation was the result of
political pressure on policymakers (for example, Weise, 2009). Again, however, this view has trouble explaining the timing. Recall that many countries
were able to bring inflation down with no major changes in the institutions of monetary policy. Thus to explain why high inflation was particularly a phenomenon of the 1970s, this view must explain why politicians
particularly pressured monetary policymakers in the 1970s or why monetary policymakers were particularly susceptible to such pressures in this
A fascinating theory of the Great Inflation is proposed by Orphanides
(2003b). He considers applying the basic Taylor rule with Taylor’s coefficients to the data on inflation and output and estimates of the natural rate
of output that were available to policymakers in the 1970s. He finds that
the resulting series for the interest rate corresponds fairly well with the
actual series. In this view, the inflation of the 1970s was due not to policy being fundamentally different from what it is today, but only to the
incorrect information about the economy’s normal level of output (coupled with a failure of policymakers to recognize this possibility, and thus
an overly high weight on the estimated output gap in determining
Orphanides’s explanation may be too simple, however. Policymakers in
the 1970s often did not think about the economy using a natural-rate framework with a conventional view of the behavior of inflation. As a result, the
measures from the 1970s that Orphanides interprets as estimates of the
natural rate may have been intended as estimates of something more like
the economy’s maximum capacity. For example, Primiceri (2006) concludes
from estimating a learning model that if 1970s policymakers had been confident that the natural-rate hypothesis was correct, their estimates of the
natural rate of output would have been substantially below those they reported at the time.
This discussion of different frameworks for understanding the economy
leads to the final candidate explanation of the Great Inflation: it may have
resulted from beliefs on the part of policymakers about the economy that
implied that it was appropriate to pursue inflationary policies (DeLong,
1997; Mayer, 1999; C. Romer and D. Romer, 2002; Nelson, 2005; Primiceri,
2006). At various times in the 1960s and 1970s, many economists and
policymakers thought that there was a permanent output-inflation tradeoff; that it was possible to have low unemployment and low inflation indefinitely; that tight monetary policy was of minimal value in lowering inflation; and that the costs of moderate inflation were low. To give one example, Samuelson and Solow (1960) described a downward-sloping Phillips
curve as showing “the menu of choices between different degrees of unemployment and price stability,” and went on to conclude, “To achieve the
nonperfectionist’s goal of high enough output to give us no more than
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
3 percent unemployment, the price index might have to rise by as much
as 4 to 5 percent per year.”28
This explanation must confront two major challenges. First, although one
can bring various types of qualitative and quantitative evidence to bear on
it, it is hard to subject it to definitive tests. Second, it can at best only partially address where the beliefs came from. For example, Primiceri is able
to account for some of the changes in beliefs as endogenous responses to
macroeconomic developments. But he takes the set of possible beliefs that
policymakers could have adopted as given, and so leaves an important part
of the Great Inflation unexplained.
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
Inflation sometimes reaches extraordinarily high levels. The most extreme
cases are hyperinflations, which are traditionally defined as periods when
inflation exceeds 50 percent per month. The first modern hyperinflations
took place in the aftermaths of World War I and World War II. Hyperinflations
then disappeared for over a third of a century. But in the past 30 years, there
have been hyperinflations in various parts of Latin America, many of the
countries of the former Soviet Union, and several war-torn countries. The alltime record inflation took place in Hungary between August 1945 and July
1946. During this period, the price level rose by a factor of approximately
1027 . In the peak month of the inflation, prices on average tripled daily. The
hyperinflation in Zimbabwe in 2007–2009 was almost as large, with prices at
times doubling daily. And many countries experience high inflation that falls
short of hyperinflation: there are many cases where inflation was between
100 and 1000 percent per year for extended periods.
The existence of an output-inflation tradeoff cannot plausibly lead to
hyperinflations, or even to very high rates of inflation that fall short of hyperinflation. By the time inflation reaches triple digits, the costs of inflation
are almost surely large, and the real effects of monetary changes are almost surely small. No reasonable policymaker would choose to subject an
economy to such large costs out of a desire to obtain such modest output
The underlying cause of most, if not all, episodes of high inflation and
hyperinflation is government’s need to obtain seignorage—that is, revenue
This view provides an alternative explanation of the link between central-bank independence and low inflation. Individuals who specialize in monetary policy are likely to be
more knowledgeable about its effects. They are therefore likely to have more accurate estimates of the benefits and costs of expansionary policy. If incomplete knowledge of those
costs and benefits leads to inflationary bias, increasing specialists’ role in determining policy
is likely to reduce that bias.
from printing money (Bresciani-Turroni, 1937; Cagan, 1956). Wars, falls in
export prices, tax evasion, and political stalemate frequently leave governments with large budget deficits. And often investors do not have enough
confidence that the government will honor its debts to be willing to buy its
bonds. Thus the government’s only choice is to resort to seignorage.29
This section therefore investigates the interactions among seignorage
needs, money growth, and inflation. We begin by considering a situation
where seignorage needs are sustainable, and see how this can lead to high
inflation. We then consider what happens when seignorage needs are unsustainable, and see how that can lead to hyperinflation.
The Inflation Rate and Seignorage
As in Section 11.1, assume that real money demand depends negatively on
the nominal interest rate and positively on real income (see equation [11.1]):
= L(i,Y )
= L(r + π e,Y ),
L i < 0,
L Y > 0.
Since we are interested in the government’s revenue from money creation,
M should be interpreted as high-powered money (that is, currency and reserves issued by the government). Thus L(•) is the demand for high-powered
For the moment we focus on steady states. It is therefore reasonable to
assume that output and the real interest rate are unaffected by the rate of
money growth, and that actual inflation and expected inflation are equal. If
we neglect output growth for simplicity, then in steady state the quantity
of real balances is constant. This implies that inflation equals the rate of
money growth. Thus we can rewrite (11.62) as
= L(r + gM ,Y ),
where r and Y are the real interest rate and output and where gM is the rate
of money growth, Ṁ/M.
The quantity of real purchases per unit time that the government finances
from money creation equals the increase in the nominal money stock per
An important question is how the political process leads to situations that require such
large amounts of seignorage. The puzzle is that given the apparent high costs of the resulting
inflation, there appear to be alternatives that all parties prefer. This issue is addressed in
Section 12.7.
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
unit time divided by the price level:
= gM .
Equation (11.64) shows that in steady state, real seignorage equals the
growth rate of the money stock times the quantity of real balances. The
growth rate of money is equal to the rate at which nominal money holdings
lose real value, π. Thus, loosely speaking, seignorage equals the “tax rate”
on real balances, π, times the amount being taxed, M/P . For this reason,
seignorage revenues are often referred to as inflation-tax revenues.30
Substituting (11.63) into (11.64) yields
S = gM L(r + gM ,Y ).
Equation (11.65) shows that an increase in gM increases seignorage by raising the rate at which real money holdings are taxed, but decreases it by
reducing the tax base. Formally,
= L(r + gM ,Y ) + gM L 1 (r + gM ,Y ),
where L 1 (•) denotes the derivative of L(•) with respect to its first argument.
The first term of (11.66) is positive and the second is negative. The second term approaches zero as gM approaches zero (unless L 1 (r + gM ,Y ) approaches minus infinity as gM approaches zero). Since L(r,Y ) is strictly positive, it follows that dS/dgM is positive for sufficiently low values of gM : at
low tax rates, seignorage is increasing in the tax rate. It is plausible, however, that as gM becomes large, the second term eventually dominates; that
is, it is reasonable to suppose that when the tax rate becomes extreme, further increases in the rate reduce revenue. The resulting “inflation-tax Laffer
curve” is shown in Figure 11.7.
As a concrete example of the relation between inflation and steady-state
seignorage, consider the money-demand function proposed by Cagan (1956).
Cagan suggests that a good description of money demand, particularly
at high inflation, is given by
= a − bi + ln Y,
b > 0.
Phelps (1973) shows that it is more natural to think of the tax rate on money balances
as the nominal interest rate, since the nominal rate is the difference between the cost to
agents of holding money (which is the nominal rate itself) and the cost to the government of
producing it (which is essentially zero). In our framework, where the real rate is fixed and the
nominal rate therefore moves one-for-one with inflation, this distinction is not important.
FIGURE 11.7 The inflation-tax Laffer curve
Converting (11.67) from logs to levels and substituting the resulting expression into (11.65) yields
S = gM e aYe −b (r+gM )
= CgM e−b gM ,
where C ≡ e aYe−br . The impact of a change in money growth on seignorage
is therefore given by
= Ce−bgM − bCgM e−bgM
= (1 − bgM )Ce
This expression is positive for gM < 1/b and negative thereafter.
Cagan’s estimates suggest that b is between 31 and 21 . This implies that the
peak of the inflation-tax Laffer curve occurs when gM is between 2 and 3.
This corresponds to a continuously compounded rate of money growth of
200 to 300 percent per year, which implies an increase in the money stock
by a factor of between e 2 ≃ 7. 4 and e 3 ≃ 20 per year. Cagan, Sachs and
Larrain (1993), and others suggest that for most countries, seignorage at
the peak of the Laffer curve is about 10 percent of GDP.
Now consider a government that has some amount of real purchases,
G, that it needs to finance with seignorage. Assume that G is less than
the maximum feasible amount of seignorage, denoted S MAX . Then, as Figure 11.8 shows, there are two rates of money growth that can finance the
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
FIGURE 11.8 How seignorage needs determine inflation
purchases.31 With one, inflation is low and real balances are high; with the
other, inflation is high and real balances are low. The high-inflation equilibrium has peculiar comparative-statics properties; for example, a decrease in
the government’s seignorage needs raises inflation. Since we do not appear
to observe such situations in practice, we focus on the low-inflation equilibrium. Thus the rate of money growth—and hence the rate of inflation—is
given by g1 .
This analysis provides an explanation of high inflation: it stems from
governments’ need for seignorage. Suppose, for example, that b = 13 and
that seignorage at the peak of the Laffer curve, S MAX , is 10 percent of GDP.
Since seignorage is maximized when gM = 1/b, (11.68) implies that S MAX is
Ce −1 /b. Thus for S MAX to equal 10 percent of GDP when b is 13 , C must be
about 9 percent of GDP. Straightforward calculations then show that raising 2 percent of GDP from seignorage requires gM ≃ 0.24, raising 5 percent
requires gM ≃ 0.70, and raising 8 percent requires gM ≃ 1.42. Thus moderate seignorage needs give rise to substantial inflation, and large seignorage
needs produce high inflation.
Figure 11.8 implicitly assumes that the seignorage needs are independent of the inflation rate. This assumption omits an important effect of inflation: because taxes are usually
specified in nominal terms and collected with a lag, an increase in inflation typically reduces
real tax revenues. As a result, seignorage needs are likely to be greater at higher inflation
rates. This Tanzi (or Olivera-Tanzi ) effect does not require any basic change in our analysis;
we only have to replace the horizontal line at G with an upward-sloping line. But the effect
can be quantitatively significant, and is therefore important to understanding high inflation
in practice.
Seignorage and Hyperinflation
This analysis seems to imply that even governments’ need for seignorage
cannot account for hyperinflations: if seignorage revenue is maximized at
inflation rates of several hundred percent, why do governments ever let
inflation go higher? The answer is that the preceding analysis holds only in
steady state. If the public does not immediately adjust its money holdings
or its expectations of inflation to changes in the economic environment,
then in the short run seignorage is always increasing in money growth, and
the government can obtain more seignorage than the maximum sustainable
amount, S MAX . Thus hyperinflations arise when the government’s seignorage
needs exceed S MAX (Cagan, 1956).
Gradual adjustment of money holdings and gradual adjustment of expected inflation have similar implications for the dynamics of inflation. We
focus on the case of gradual adjustment of money holdings. Specifically,
assume that individuals’ desired money holdings are given by the Cagan
money-demand function, (11.67). In addition, continue to assume that the
real interest rate and output are fixed at r and Y : although both variables
are likely to change somewhat over time, the effects of those variations are
likely to be small relative to the effects of changes in inflation.
With these assumptions, desired real money holdings are
m∗ (t ) = Ce−b π(t ) .
The key assumption of the model is that actual money holdings adjust gradually toward desired holdings. Specifically, our assumption is
d ln m (t )
= β [ ln m∗ (t ) − ln m (t )],
= β [ ln C − bπ (t ) − ln m (t )],
ṁ (t )
m (t )
where we have used (11.70) to substitute for ln m∗ (t ). The idea behind this
assumption of gradual adjustment is that it is difficult for individuals to adjust their money holdings; for example, they may have made arrangements
to make certain types of purchases using money. As a result, they adjust
their money holdings toward the desired level only gradually. The specific
functional form is chosen for convenience. Finally, β is assumed to be positive but less than 1/b—that is, adjustment is assumed not to be too rapid.32
The assumption that the change in real money holdings depends only on the current
values of m ∗ and m implies that individuals are not forward-looking. A more appealing
assumption, along the lines of the q model of investment in Chapter 9, is that individuals
consider the entire future path of inflation in deciding how to adjust their money holdings.
This assumption complicates the analysis greatly without changing the implications for most
of the issues we are interested in.
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
As before, seignorage equals Ṁ/P , or (Ṁ/M )(M/P ). Thus
S (t ) = gM (t )m (t ).
Suppose that this economy is initially in steady state with the government’s
seignorage needs, G, less than S MAX , and that G then increases to a value
greater than S MAX . If adjustment is instantaneous, there is no equilibrium
with positive money holdings. Since S MAX is the maximum amount of seignorage the government can obtain when individuals have adjusted their real
money holdings to their desired level, the government cannot obtain more
than this with instantaneous adjustment. As a result, the only possibility is
for money to immediately become worthless and for the government to be
unable to obtain the seignorage it needs.
With gradual adjustment, on the other hand, the government can obtain
the needed seignorage through increasing money growth and inflation. With
rising inflation, real money holdings are falling. But because the adjustment
is not immediate, the real money stock exceeds Ce −b π. As a result (as long
as the adjustment is not too rapid), the government is able to obtain more
than S MAX . But with the real money stock falling, the required rate of money
growth is rising. The result is explosive inflation.
To see the dynamics of the economy formally, it is easiest to focus on
the dynamics of the real money stock, m. Since m equals M/P , its growth
rate, ṁ/m, equals the growth rate of nominal money, gM , minus the rate of
inflation, π; thus, gM equals ṁ/m plus π. In addition, by assumption S (t ) is
constant and equal to G. Using these facts, we can rewrite (11.73) as
ṁ (t )
m (t )
+ π (t ) m (t ).
Equations (11.72) and (11.74) are two equations in ṁ/m and π. At a point
in time, m(t ) is given, and everything else in the equations is exogenous and
constant. Solving the two equations for ṁ/m yields
ṁ (t )
m (t )
1 − bβ m (t )
ln C − ln m (t )
m (t ) − G .
Our assumption that G is greater than S MAX implies that the expression in
brackets is negative for all values of m. To see this, note first that the rate of
inflation needed to make desired money holdings equal m is the solution to
Ce −b π = m; taking logs and rearranging the resulting expression shows that
this inflation rate is (ln C − ln m)/b. Next, recall that if real money holdings
are steady, seignorage is πm; thus the sustainable level of seignorage associated with real money balances of m is [(ln C −ln m)/b]m. Finally, recall that
S MAX is defined as the maximum sustainable level of seignorage. Thus the
assumption that S MAX is less than G implies that [(ln C − ln m)/b]m is less
than G for all values of m. But this means that the expression in brackets
in (11.75) is negative.
FIGURE 11.9 The dynamics of the real money stock when seignorage needs
are unsustainable
Thus, since bβ is less than 1, the right-hand side of (11.75) is everywhere
negative: regardless of where it starts, the real money stock continually falls.
The associated phase diagram is shown in Figure 11.9.33 With the real money
stock continually falling, money growth must be continually rising for the
government to obtain the seignorage it needs (see [11.73]). In short, the
government can obtain seignorage greater than S MAX , but only at the cost
of explosive inflation.
This analysis can also be used to understand the dynamics of the real
money stock and inflation under gradual adjustment of money holdings
when G is less than S MAX . Consider the situation depicted in Figure 11.8.
Sustainable seignorage, πm∗ , equals G if inflation is either g1 or g2 ; it is
greater than G if inflation is between g1 and g2 ; and it is less than G otherwise. The resulting dynamics of the real money stock implied by (11.75) for
this case are shown in Figure 11.10. The steady state with the higher real
money stock (and thus with the lower inflation rate) is stable, and the steady
state with the lower money stock is unstable.34
By differentiating (11.75) twice, one can show that d 2 (ṁ/m)/(d ln m)2 < 0, and thus
that the phase diagram has the shape shown.
Recall that this analysis depends on the assumption that β < 1/b. If this assumption
fails, the denominator of (11.75) is negative. The stability and dynamics of the model are
peculiar in this case. If G < S MAX , the high-inflation equilibrium is stable and the low-inflation
11.9 Seignorage and Inflation
ln m
FIGURE 11.10 The dynamics of the real money stock when seignorage needs
are sustainable
This analysis of the relation between seignorage and inflation explains
many of the main characteristics of high inflations and hyperinflations.
Most basically, the analysis explains the puzzling fact that inflation often
reaches extremely high levels. The analysis also explains why inflation can
reach some level—empirically, in the triple-digit range—without becoming
explosive, but that beyond this level it degenerates into hyperinflation. In
addition, the model explains the central role of fiscal problems in causing
high inflations and hyperinflations, and of fiscal reforms in ending them
(Sargent, 1982).
Finally, the central role of seignorage in hyperinflations explains how
the hyperinflations can end before money growth stabilizes. As described
equilibrium is unstable; if G > S MAX , ṁ > 0 everywhere, and thus there is explosive deflation.
And with G in either range, an increase in G leads to a downward jump in inflation.
One interpretation of these results is that it is only because parameter values happen
to fall in a particular range that we do not observe such unusual outcomes in practice. A
more appealing interpretation, however, is that these results suggest that the model omits
important features of actual economies. For example, if there is gradual adjustment of both
real money holdings and expected inflation, then the stability and dynamics of the model are
reasonable regardless of the adjustment speeds. More importantly, Ball (1993) and Cardoso
(1991) argue that the assumption that Y is fixed at Y omits crucial features of the dynamics of high inflations (though not necessarily of hyperinflations). Ball and Cardoso develop
models that combine seignorage-driven monetary policy with the assumption that aggregate
demand policies can reduce inflation only by temporarily depressing real output. They show
that with this assumption, only the low-inflation steady state is stable. They then use their
models to analyze various aspects of high-inflation economies.
in Section 11.1, the increased demand for real money balances after hyperinflations end is satisfied by continued rapid growth of the nominal
money stock rather than by declines in the price level. But this leaves the
question of why the public expects low inflation when there is still rapid
money growth. The answer is that the hyperinflations end when fiscal and
monetary reforms eliminate either the deficit or the government’s ability
to use seignorage to finance it, or both. At the end of the German hyperinflation of 1922–1923, for example, Germany’s World War I reparations
were reduced, and the existing central bank was replaced by a new institution with much greater independence. Because of reforms like these, the
public knows that the burst of money growth is only temporary (Sargent,
11.1. Consider a discrete-time version of the analysis of money growth, inflation,
and real balances in Section 11.1. Suppose that money demand is given by
mt − p t = c − b (E t pt +1 − p t ), where m and p are the logs of the money stock
and the price level, and where we are implicitly assuming that output and the
real interest rate are constant (see [11.67]).
(a ) Solve for p t in terms of mt and E t pt +1 .
(b ) Use the law of iterated projections to express E t pt +1 in terms of E t mt +1
and E t pt +2 .
(c ) Iterate this process forward to express p t in terms of mt , E t mt +1 ,
E t mt +2 , . . . . (Assume that lim i→∞ E t [{b/(1 + b)}i pt +i ] = 0. This is a nobubbles condition analogous to the one in Problem 8.8.)
(d ) Explain intuitively why an increase in E t mt +i for any i > 0 raises p t .
(e ) Suppose expected money growth is constant, so E t mt +i = mt + gi. Solve
for p t in terms of mt and g. How does an increase in g affect p t ?
11.2. Consider a discrete-time model where prices are completely unresponsive to
unanticipated monetary shocks for one period and completely flexible thereafter. Suppose the IS equation is y = c − ar and that the condition for equilibrium in the money market is m − p = b + hy − ki. Here y , m, and p are the
logs of output, the money supply, and the price level; r is the real interest
rate; i is the nominal interest rate; and a, h, and k are positive parameters.
Assume that initially m is constant at some level, which we normalize to
zero, and that y is constant at its flexible-price level, which we also normalize to zero. Now suppose that in some period—period 1 for simplicity—the
To incorporate the effects of the knowledge that the money growth is temporary into
our formal analysis, we would have to let the change in real money holdings at a given time
depend not just on current holdings and current inflation, but on current holdings and the
entire expected path of inflation. See n. 32.
monetary authority shifts unexpectedly to a policy of increasing m by some
amount g > 0 each period.
(a ) What are r, π e, i, and p before the change in policy?
(b ) Once prices have fully adjusted, π e = g. Use this fact to find r, i, and p
in period 2.
(c ) In period 1, what are i, r, p, and the expectation of inflation from period
1 to period 2, E 1 [ p2 ] − p1 ?
(d ) What determines whether the short-run effect of the monetary expansion
is to raise or lower the nominal interest rate?
11.3. Assume, as in Problem 11.2, that prices are completely unresponsive to unanticipated monetary shocks for one period and completely flexible thereafter.
Assume also that y = c − ar and m − p = b + hy − ki hold each period. Suppose, however, that the money supply follows a random walk: mt = mt −1 + u t ,
where ut is a mean-zero, serially uncorrelated disturbance.
(a ) Let E t denote expectations as of period t. Explain why, for any t, E t [E t +1
[ pt +2 ] − pt +1 ] = 0, and thus why E t mt +1 − E t pt +1 = b + h y − k r, where y
and r are the flexible-price levels of y and r.
(b ) Use the result in part (a) to solve for y t , p t , it , and r t in terms of mt−1
and u t .
(c ) Does the Fisher effect hold in this economy? That is, are changes in expected inflation reflected one-for-one in the nominal interest rate?
11.4. Suppose you want to test the hypothesis that the real interest rate is constant,
so that all changes in the nominal interest rate reflect changes in expected
inflation. Thus your hypothesis is it = r + E t πt +1 .
(a ) Consider a regression of it on a constant and πt +1 . Does the hypothesis
that the real interest rate is constant make a general prediction about the
coefficient on πt +1 ? Explain. (Hint: For a univariate OLS regression, the
coefficient on the right-hand-side variable equals the covariance between
the right-hand-side and left-hand-side variables divided by the variance
of the right-hand-side variable.)
(b ) Consider a regression of πt +1 on a constant and i t . Does the hypothesis
that the real interest rate is constant make a general prediction about the
coefficient on i t ? Explain.
(c ) Some argue that the hypothesis that the real interest rate is constant
implies that nominal interest rates move one-for-one with actual inflation
in the long run—that is, that the hypothesis implies that in a regression
of i on a constant and the current and many lagged values of π, the
sum of the coefficients on the inflation variables will be 1. Is this claim
correct? (Hint: Suppose that the behavior of actual inflation is given by
πt = ρπt −1 + et , where e is white noise.)
11.5. Policy rules, rational expectations, and regime changes. (See Lucas, 1976,
and Sargent, 1983.) Suppose that aggregate supply is given by the Lucas supply curve, y t = y + b (πt − πte ), b > 0, and suppose that monetary policy is
determined by m t = m t −1 + a + εt , where ε is a white-noise disturbance. Assume that private agents do not know the current values of m t or εt ; thus πte
is the expectation of p t − pt−1 given m t −1 , εt −1 , y t −1 , and pt−1 . Finally, assume
that aggregate demand is given by y t = m t − p t .
(a ) Find y t in terms of mt −1 , mt , and any other variables or parameters that
are relevant.
(b ) Are mt −1 and mt all one needs to know about monetary policy to find y t ?
Explain intuitively.
(c ) Suppose that monetary policy is initially determined as above, with a > 0,
and that the monetary authority then announces that it is switching to
a new regime where a is 0. Suppose that private agents believe that the
probability that the announcement is true is ρ. What is y t in terms of
mt −1 , mt , ρ, y , b, and the initial value of a?
(d ) Using these results, describe how an examination of the money-output
relationship might be used to measure the credibility of announcements
of regime changes.
11.6. Regime changes and the term structure of interest rates. (See Mankiw and
Miron, 1986.) Consider an economy where money is neutral. Specifically, assume that πt = mt and that r is constant at zero. Suppose that the money
supply is given by mt = k mt −1 + εt , where ε is a white-noise disturbance.
(a ) Assume that the rational-expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates holds (see [11.6]). Specifically, assume that the two-period interest rate is given by i t2 = (i t1 + E t i t1+1 )/2. i t1 denotes the nominal interest
rate from t to t + 1; thus, by the Fisher identity, it equals r t + E t [ pt +1 ] − p t .
(i ) What is i t1 as a function of mt and k? (Assume that m t is known
at time t.)
(ii ) What is E t i t1+1 as a function of mt and k?
(iii ) What is the relation between i t2 and i t1 ; that is, what is i t2 as a function
of i t1 and k?
(iv ) How would a change in k affect the relation between i t2 and i t1 ?
Explain intuitively.
(b ) Suppose that the two-period rate includes a time-varying term premium:
i t2 = (i t1 + E t i t1+1 )/2 + θt , where θ is a white-noise disturbance that is
independent of ε . Consider the OLS regression i t1+1 − i t1 = a + b (i t2 − i t1 ) +
e t +1 .
(i ) Under the rational-expectations theory of the term structure
(with θt = 0 for all t ), what value would one expect for b? (Hint: For
a univariate OLS regression, the coefficient on the right-hand-side
variable equals the covariance between the right-hand-side and lefthand-side variables divided by the variance of the right-hand-side
(ii ) Now suppose that θ has variance σ θ2 . What value would one expect
for b?
(iii ) How do changes in k affect your answer to part (ii )? What happens
to b as k approaches 1?
11.7. Consider the model of Section 11.4. Suppose, however, the aggregate supply
) + επ
equation, (11.16), is πt = πt−1 + α(y t−1 − y t−1
t , where ε is a white-noise
shock that is independent of ε I S and ε Y . How, if at all, does this change to
the model change expression (11.27) for q ∗ ?
11.8. Consider the system given by (11.41).
(a ) What does the system simplify to when φπ = 1? What are the eigenvalues of the system in this case? Suppose we look for self-fulfilling movements in ỹ and π of the form π t = λt Z, ỹ t = cλt Z, |λ| ≤ 1. When φπ = 1,
for what values of λ and c does such a solution satisfy (11.41)? Thus,
what form do the self-fulfilling movements in inflation and output take?
(b ) Suppose φπ is slightly (that is, infinitesimally) greater than 1. Are both
eigenvalues inside the unit circle? What if φπ is slightly less than 1?
(c ) Suppose κ (1 − φπ)/θ = −2(1 + β). What does the system simplify to in
this case? What are the eigenvalues of the system in this case? Suppose
we look for self-fulfilling movements in ỹ and π of the form π t = λt Z,
ỹ t = cλt Z, |λ| ≤ 1. When κ(1 − φπ)/θ = −2(1 + β), for what values of
λ and c does such a solution satisfy (11.41)? Thus, what form do the
self-fulfilling movements in inflation and output take?
11.9. Money versus interest-rate targeting. (Poole, 1970.) Suppose the economy
is described by linear IS and money-market equilibrium equations that are
subject to disturbances: y = c − ai + ε 1 , m − p = hy − ki + ε 2 , where ε 1 and
ε 2 are independent, mean-zero shocks with variances σ12 and σ22 , and where
a, h, and k are positive. Policymakers want to stabilize output, but they
cannot observe y or the shocks, ε 1 and ε 2 . Assume for simplicity that p is
(a ) Suppose the policymaker fixes i at some level i. What is the variance of y ?
(b ) Suppose the policymaker fixes m at some level m. What is the variance
of y ?
(c ) If there are only monetary shocks (so σ 12 = 0), does money targeting or
interest-rate targeting lead to a lower variance of y ?
(d ) If there are only IS shocks (so σ 22 = 0), does money or interest-rate targeting lead to a lower variance of y ?
(e ) Explain your results in parts (c ) and (d ) intuitively.
(f ) When there are only IS shocks, is there a policy that produces a variance
of y that is lower than either money or interest-rate targeting? If so, what
policy minimizes the variance of y ? If not, why not? (Hint: Consider the
money-market equilibrium condition, m − p = hy − ki.)
11.10. Uncertainty and policy. (Brainard, 1967.) Suppose output is given by y =
x + (k + εk )z + u, where z is some policy instrument controlled by the government and k is the expected value of the multiplier for that instrument.
εk and u are independent, mean-zero disturbances that are unknown when
the policymaker chooses z, and that have variances σk2 and σu2 . Finally, x is
a disturbance that is known when z is chosen. The policymaker wants to
minimize E [(y − y ∗ )2 ].
(a ) Find E [(y − y ∗ )2 ] as a function of x , k, y ∗ , σ 2k , and σu2 .
(b ) Find the first-order condition for z, and solve for z.
(c ) How, if at all, does σ 2u affect how policy should respond to shocks (that
is, to the realized value of x )? Thus, how does uncertainty about the state
of the economy affect the case for “fine-tuning”?
(d ) How, if at all, does σ 2k affect how policy should respond to shocks (that
is, to the realized value of x )? Thus, how does uncertainty about the
effects of policy affect the case for “fine-tuning”?
11.11. The importance of using rather than saving your ammunition in the presence of the zero lower bound. Suppose inflation is described by the accelerationist Phillips curve, π̇(t) = λy (t), λ > 0, and that output is determined
by a simple IS curve, y (t) = −b[i(t) − π(t)], b > 0, Initially, the central bank is
setting the nominal interest rate at a strictly positive level: i(0) > 0. Assume
−b[i(0) − π(0)] < 0 < bπ(0).
(a ) Suppose the central bank keeps i constant at i (0). Sketch the behavior
of inflation and output over time.
(b ) Suppose the central bank keeps i constant at i (0) until some time when
bπ(t) < 0, and then permanently reduces i to zero. Sketch the behavior
of inflation and output over time.
(c ) Suppose the central bank permanently reduces i to zero at t = 0. Sketch
the behavior of inflation and output over time.
(d ) Explain your results intuitively.
11.12. (Fischer and Summers, 1989.) Suppose inflation is determined as in Section 11.7. Suppose the government is able to reduce the costs of inflation;
that is, suppose it reduces the parameter a in equation (11.54). Is society
made better or worse off by this change? Explain intuitively.
11.13. A model of reputation and monetary policy. (This follows Backus and
Driffill, 1985, and Barro, 1986.) Suppose a policymaker is in office for two
periods. Output is given by (11.53) each period. There are two possible types
of policymaker, type 1 and type 2. A type-1 policymaker, which occurs with
probability p, maximizes social welfare, which for simplicity is given by
(y 1 − aπ 21 /2) + (y 2 − aπ 22 /2), a > 0. A type-2 policymaker, which occurs
with probability 1 − p, cares only about inflation, and so sets inflation to
zero in both periods. Assume 0 < p < 12 .
(a ) What value of π 2 will a type-1 policymaker choose?
(b ) Consider a possible equilibrium where a type-1 policymaker always
chooses π 1 = 0. In this situation, what is π e2 if π 1 = 0? What value
of π 1 does a type-1 policymaker choose? What is the resulting level of
social welfare over the two periods?
(c ) Consider a possible equilibrium where a type-1 policymaker always
chooses π 1 = 0. In this situation, what is π e2 if π 1 = 0? What is the
resulting level of social welfare over the two periods?
(d ) In light of your answers to (b) and (c), what is the equilibrium? In what
sense, if any, does concern about reputation lower average inflation in
this environment?
(e ) In qualitative terms, what form do you think the equilibrium would take
if 21 < p < 1? Why?
11.14. The tradeoff between low average inflation and flexibility in response to
shocks with delegation of control over monetary policy. (Rogoff, 1985.)
Suppose that output is given by y = y n + b (π − π e), and that the social
welfare function is γ y − aπ 2/2, where γ is a random variable with mean γ
and variance σ γ2 . π e is determined before γ is observed; the policymaker,
however, chooses π after γ is known. Suppose policy is made by someone
whose objective function is cγ y − aπ 2/2.
(a ) What is the policymaker’s choice of π given π e, γ , and c?
(b ) What is π e ?
(c ) What is the expected value of the true social welfare function, γ y −
aπ 2/2?
(d ) What value of c maximizes expected social welfare? Interpret your result.
11.15. In the model of delegation analyzed in Section 11.7, suppose that the policymaker’s preferences are believed to be described by (11.59), with a ′ > a,
when π e is determined. Is social welfare higher if these are actually the policymaker’s preferences, or if the policymaker’s preferences in fact match the
social welfare function, (11.54)?
11.16. Solving the dynamic-inconsistency problem through punishment. (Barro
and Gordon, 1983.) Consider a policymaker whose objective function is
βt (y t − aπ 2t /2), where a > 0 and 0 < β < 1. y t is determined by the
Lucas supply curve, (11.53), each period. Expected inflation is determined
as follows. If π has equaled π̂ (where π̂ is a parameter) in all previous periods, then π e = π̂. If π ever differs from π̂, then π e = b/a in all later
(a ) What is the equilibrium of the model in all subsequent periods if π ever
differs from π̂?
(b ) Suppose π has always been equal to π̂, so π e = π̂. If the monetary authority chooses to depart from π = π̂, what value of π does it choose? What
level of its lifetime objective function does it attain under this strategy?
If the monetary authority continues to choose π = π̂ every period, what
level of its lifetime objective function does it attain?
(c ) For what values of π̂ does the monetary authority choose π = π̂? Are
there values of a, b, and β such that if π̂ = 0, the monetary authority
chooses π = 0?
11.17. Other equilibria in the Barro–Gordon model. Consider the situation described in Problem 11.16. Find the parameter values (if any) for which each
of the following is an equilibrium:
(a ) One-period punishment. πte equals π̂ if πt−1 = πte−1 and equals b/a
otherwise; π = π̂ each period.
(b ) Severe punishment. (Abreu, 1988, and Rogoff, 1987.) πte equals π̂ if
πt −1 = πte−1 , equals π 0 > b/a if πte−1 = π̂ and πt −1 = π̂, and equals b/a
otherwise; π = π̂ each period.
(c ) Repeated discretionary equilibrium. π = π e = b/a each period.
11.18. Consider the situation analyzed in Problem 11.16, but assume that there is
only some finite number of periods rather than an infinite number. What is
the unique equilibrium? (Hint: Reason backward from the last period.)
11.19. The political business cycle. (Nordhaus, 1975.) Suppose the relationship
between unemployment and inflation is described by π t = πt −1 − α(u t − u ) +
ε tS , α > 0, where the ε tS ’s are i.i.d., mean-zero disturbances with cumulative
distribution function F (•). Consider a politician who takes office in period
1, taking π 0 as given, and who faces reelection at the end of period 2. The
politician has complete control over u 1 and u 2 , subject only to the limitations
that there are minimum and maximum feasible levels of unemployment, uL
and uH . The politician is evaluated based on u 2 and π 2 ; specifically, he or
she is reelected if and only if π 2 +βu2 < K , where β > 0 and K are exogenous
parameters. If the politician wants to maximize the chances of reelection,
what value of u 1 does he or she choose?
11.20. Rational political business cycles. (Alesina and Sachs, 1988.) Suppose the
relationship between output and inflation is given by y t = y +b (πt − E t −1 πt ),
where b > 0 and where E t −1 denotes the expectation as of period t − 1. Suppose there are two types of politicians, “liberals” and “conservatives.” Liberals maximize a L y t − π t2/2 each period, and conservatives maximize ac y t −
πt2/2, where a L > aC > 0. Elected leaders stay in office for two periods. In
period 0, it is not known who the leader in period 1 will be; it will be a liberal
with probability p and a conservative with probability 1 − p. In period 1, the
identity of the period-2 leader is known.
(a ) Given E t −1 πt , what value of y t will a liberal leader choose? What value
will a conservative leader choose?
(b ) What is E 0 π 1 ? If a liberal is elected, what are π 1 and Y1 ? If a conservative
is elected, what are π 1 and y 1 ?
(c ) If a liberal is elected, what are π 2 and y 2 ? If a conservative is elected,
what are π2 and y 2 ?
11.21. Growth and seignorage, and an alternative explanation of the inflationgrowth relationship. (Friedman, 1971.) Suppose that money demand is given
by ln (M/P ) = a − bi + ln Y, and that Y is growing at rate g Y . What rate of
inflation leads to the highest path of seignorage?
11.22. (Cagan, 1956.) Suppose that instead of adjusting their real money holdings
gradually toward the desired level, individuals adjust their expectation of inflation gradually toward actual inflation. Thus equations (11.70) and (11.71)
are replaced by m(t ) = Cexp(−b π e(t )) and π̇ e(t ) = β[π(t )−π e(t )], 0 < β < 1/b.
(a ) Follow steps analogous to the derivation of (11.75) to find an expression
for π̇ e(t ) as a function of π (t ).
(b ) Sketch the resulting phase diagram for the case of G > S MAX . What are
the dynamics of π e and m?
(c ) Sketch the phase diagram for the case of G < S MAX .
The U.S. federal government has run large budget deficits since the early
1980s, interrupted only by a brief period of surpluses in the late 1990s.
Furthermore, there is likely to be a sharp rise in the number of retirees
relative to the number of workers in coming decades. In the absence of
policy changes, the resulting increases in social security and health care
spending are likely to lead to deficits that consistently exceed 10 percent of
GDP within a few decades (Congressional Budget Office, 2009). Many other
industrialized countries have run persistently large budget deficits in recent
decades and face similar long-term budgetary challenges.
These large and persistent budget deficits have generated considerable
concern. There is a widespread perception that they reduce growth, and that
they could lead to a crisis of some type if they go on too long or become
too large.
This chapter studies the sources and effects of budget deficits. Section 12.1 begins by describing the budget constraint a government faces
and some accounting issues involving the budget; it also describes some of
the specifics of the long-term fiscal outlook in the United States. Section 12.2
lays out a baseline model where the government’s choice of whether to finance its purchases through taxes or borrowing has no impact on the economy. Section 12.3 discusses various reasons that this result of Ricardian
equivalence may fail.
The next several sections consider the sources of budget deficits in settings where Ricardian equivalence fails. Section 12.4 presents the taxsmoothing model of deficits. The model’s basic idea is that since taxes distort individuals’ choices and since those distortions rise more than proportionally with the tax rate, steady moderate tax rates are preferable to
alternating periods of high and low tax rates. As we will see, this theory
provides an appealing explanation for such phenomena as governments’
reliance on deficits to finance wars.
Chapter 12
Budget Deficits and Fiscal Policy
Tax-smoothing does not appear to account for large persistent deficits
or for the pursuit of fiscal policies that are unlikely to be sustainable.
The presentation therefore turns to the possibility that there is a systematic tendency for the political process to produce excessive deficits. Section 12.5 provides an introduction to the economic analysis of politics.
Section 12.6 then presents a model where conflict over the composition
of government spending can lead to excessive deficits, and Section 12.7
considers a model where excessive deficits can result from conflict over
how the burden of reducing a deficit is to be divided among different
Finally, Section 12.8 presents some empirical evidence about the sources
of deficits, Section 12.9 discusses the costs of deficits, and Section 12.10
presents a simple model of debt crises.
For the most part, the chapter does not address the short-run impact of
fiscal policy on the economy and the potential role of fiscal policy in stabilization. Until the recent crisis, there was considerable agreement that,
largely because of the political barriers to the timely and sound use of fiscal policy, it was generally best to leave short-run stabilization to monetary
policy. With the enormous economic downturn and the binding of the zerolower-bound constraint on nominal interest rates for many central banks,
however, there has been renewed interest in the use of fiscal tools for shortrun stabilization. For example, almost every major advanced country employed discretionary fiscal stimulus in 2008 and 2009.
Much of the discussion of stabilization policy in Chapter 11, such as the
analyses of the costs of inflation, whether there are substantial benefits to
stabilization, and the possibility of dynamic inconsistency of optimal policy
because of the importance of inflation expectations, carries over to fiscal
policy. One important issue that is specific to fiscal policy concerns the
possibility that reductions in taxes or increases in government purchases
could fail to stimulate aggregate demand, or even be contractionary. We will
touch on ways this could occur in Sections 12.2 and 12.4.
Finally, there is a rapidly growing literature investigating the short-run
macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy empirically. Examples include
Blanchard and Perotti (2002); Ramey (2009); C. Romer and D. Romer (2009a);
Fisher (2009); Hall (2009); and Barro and Redlick (2009). The general consensus of this work is that fiscal policy normally operates in the expected
direction: reductions in taxes and increases in government purchases raise
output in the short run. However, once one turns to more specific issues,
such as the magnitude and timing of the effects, their channels, and whether
they depend strongly on the state of the economy, the work is still in its early
12.1 The Government Budget
The Basic Budget Constraint
To discuss fiscal policy, we need to know what the government can and cannot do. Thus we need to understand the government’s budget constraint. A
household’s budget constraint is that the present value of its consumption
must be less than or equal to its initial wealth plus the present value of its
labor income. The government’s budget constraint is analogous: the present
value of its purchases of goods and services must be less than or equal to its
initial wealth plus the present value of its tax receipts (net of transfer payments). To express this constraint, let G (t ) and T (t ) denote the government’s
real purchases and taxes at time t,and D (0) its initial real debt outstanding.
As in Section 2.2, let R(t ) denote τ=0 r (τ)dτ, where r (τ) is the real interest
rate at time τ. Thus the value of a unit of output at time t discounted back
to time 0 is e −R (t ) . With this notation, the government’s budget constraint is
e −R (t ) G (t ) dt ≤ −D (0) +
t =0
e −R (t ) T (t ) dt.
t =0
Note that because D (0) represents debt rather than wealth, it enters negatively into the budget constraint.
The government’s budget constraint does not prevent it from staying permanently in debt, or even from always increasing the amount of its debt.
Recall that the household’s budget constraint in the Ramsey model implies
that the limit of the present value of its wealth cannot be negative (see Section 2.2). Similarly, the restriction the budget constraint places on the government is that the limit of the present value of its debt cannot be positive.
That is, one can show that (12.1) is equivalent to
lim e −R (s)D (s ) ≤ 0.
The derivation of (12.2) from (12.1) follows steps analogous to the derivation
of (2.10) from (2.6).
If the real interest rate is always positive, a positive but constant value
of D —so the government never pays off its debt—satisfies the budget constraint. Likewise, a policy where D is always growing satisfies the budget
constraint if the growth rate of D is less than the real interest rate.
The simplest definition of the budget deficit is that it is the rate of change
of the stock of debt. The rate of change in the stock of real debt equals the
difference between the government’s purchases and revenues, plus the real
interest on its debt. That is,
Ḋ(t ) = [G (t ) − T (t )] + r (t )D (t ),
where again r (t ) is the real interest rate at t.
12.1 The Government Budget Constraint
The term in brackets on the right-hand side of (12.3) is referred to as
the primary deficit. Considering the primary rather than the total deficit is
often a better way of gauging how fiscal policy at a given time is contributing to the government’s budget constraint. For example, we can rewrite the
government budget constraint, (12.1), as
e −R (t ) [T (t ) − G (t )]dt ≥ D (0).
t =0
Expressed this way, the budget constraint states that the government must
run primary surpluses large enough in present value to offset its initial
Some Measurement Issues
The government budget constraint involves the present values of the entire
paths of purchases and revenues, and not the deficit at a point in time.
As a result, conventional measures of either the primary or total deficit
can be misleading about how fiscal actions are contributing to the budget
constraint. Here we consider three examples.
The first example is inflation’s effect on the measured deficit. The change
in nominal debt outstanding—that is, the conventionally measured budget
deficit—equals the difference between nominal purchases and revenues,
plus the nominal interest on the debt. If we let B denote the nominal debt,
the nominal deficit is thus
Ḃ(t ) = P (t )[G (t ) − T (t )] + i (t )P (t )D (t ),
where P is the price level and i is the nominal interest rate. When inflation
rises, the nominal interest rate rises for a given real rate. Thus interest payments and the deficit increase. Yet the higher interest payments are just
offsetting the fact that the higher inflation is eroding the real value of debt.
Nothing involving the behavior of the real stock of debt, and thus nothing
involving the government’s budget constraint, is affected.
To see this formally, we use the fact that, by definition, the nominal interest rate equals the real rate plus inflation.1 This allows us to rewrite our
expression for the nominal deficit as
Ḃ(t ) = P (t )[G (t ) − T (t )] + [r (t ) + π(t )]P (t )D (t )
= P (t )[Ḋ(t ) + π(t )D (t )],
For simplicity, we assume there is no uncertainty, so there is no need to distinguish
between expected and actual inflation.
where the second line uses equation (12.3) for the rate of change in real debt
outstanding. Dividing both sides of (12.6) by the price level yields
Ḃ(t )
P (t )
= Ḋ(t ) + π(t )D (t ).
That is, as long as the stock of debt is positive, higher inflation raises the conventional measure of the deficit even when it is deflated by the price level.
The second example is the sale of an asset. If the government sells an
asset, it increases current revenue and thus reduces the current deficit. But
it also forgoes the revenue the asset would have generated in the future. In
the natural case where the value of the asset equals the present value of the
revenue it will produce, the sale has no effect on the present value of the
government’s revenue. Thus the sale affects the current deficit but does not
affect the budget constraint.
Our third example is an unfunded liability. An unfunded liability is a government commitment to incur expenses in the future that is made without
provision for corresponding revenues. In contrast to an asset sale, an unfunded liability affects the budget constraint without affecting the current
deficit. If the government sells an asset, the set of policies that satisfy the
budget constraint is unchanged. If it incurs an unfunded liability, on the
other hand, satisfying the budget constraint requires higher future taxes or
lower future purchases.
The lack of a close relationship between the deficit and the budget constraint implies that the government can satisfy legislative or constitutional
rules restricting the deficit without substantive changes. Asset sales and
switches from conventional spending programs to unfunded liabilities are
just two of the devices it can use to satisfy requirements about the measured
deficit without any genuine changes in policies. Others include “off-budget”
spending, mandates concerning private-sector spending, unrealistic forecasts, and shifts of spending among different fiscal years.
Despite this fact, the empirical evidence concerning the effects of deficit
restrictions, though not clear-cut, suggests that they have genuine effects
on government behavior.2 If this is correct, it suggests that it is costly for
governments to use devices that reduce measured deficits without substantive changes.
Ponzi Games
The fact that the government’s budget constraint involves the paths of purchases and revenues over the infinite future introduces another complication: there are cases where the government does not have to satisfy the
Much of the evidence comes from the examination of U.S. states. See, for example,
Poterba (1994).
12.1 The Government Budget Constraint
constraint. An agent’s budget constraint is not exogenous, but is determined
by the transactions other agents are willing to make. If the economy consists of a finite number of individuals who have not reached satiation, the
government does indeed have to satisfy (12.1). If the present value of the
government’s purchases exceeds the present value of its revenues, the limit
of the present value of its debt is strictly positive (see [12.1] and [12.2]).
And if there are a finite number of agents, at least one agent must be holding a strictly positive fraction of this debt. This means that the limit of the
present value of the agent’s wealth is strictly positive; that is, the present
value of the agent’s spending is strictly less than the present value of his
or her after-tax income. This cannot be an equilibrium, because that agent
can obtain higher utility by increasing his or her spending.
If there are infinitely many agents, however, this argument does not apply. Even if the present value of each agent’s spending equals the present
value of his or her after-tax income, the present value of the private sector’s total spending may be less than the present value of its total after-tax
income. To see this, consider the Diamond overlapping-generations model
of Chapter 2. In that model, each individual saves early in life and dissaves
late in life. As a result, at any time some individuals have saved and not yet
dissaved. Thus the present value of private-sector income up to any date
exceeds the present value of private-sector spending up to that date. If this
difference does not approach zero, the government can take advantage of
this by running a Ponzi scheme. That is, it can issue debt at some date and
roll it over forever.
The specific condition that must be satisfied for the government to be
able to run a Ponzi scheme in the Diamond model is that the equilibrium is
dynamically inefficient, so that the real interest rate is less than the growth
rate of the economy. Consider what happens in such a situation if the government issues a small amount of debt at time 0 and tries to roll it over
indefinitely. That is, each period, when the previous period’s debt comes
due, the government just issues new debt to pay the principal and interest
on the old debt. With this policy, the value of the debt outstanding grows at
the real interest rate. Since the growth rate of the economy exceeds the real
interest rate, the ratio of the value of the debt to the size of the economy is
continually falling. Thus there is no reason the government cannot follow
this policy. Yet the policy does not satisfy the conventional budget constraint: because the government is rolling the debt over forever, the value
of the debt discounted to time 0 is constant, and so does not approach
One implication is that debt issuance is a possible solution to dynamic
inefficiency. By getting individuals to hold some of their savings in the form
of government debt rather than capital, the government can reduce the
capital stock from its inefficiently high level.
The possibility of a government Ponzi scheme is largely a theoretical curiosity, however. In the realistic case where the economy is not dynamically
inefficient, Ponzi games are not feasible, and the government must satisfy
the traditional present-value budget constraint.3
Empirical Application: Is U.S. Fiscal Policy on a
Sustainable Path?
The U.S. federal government has run large measured budget deficits over
most of the past three decades. In addition, it has large pension and medicalcare programs for the elderly, which it operates largely on a pay-as-you-go
basis. In large part because of the impending retirement of the baby-boom
generation, this means that it has an enormous quantity of unfunded liabilities. Because of these factors, there is significant concern about the United
States’s long-term fiscal prospects.
One way to assess the long-term fiscal situation is to ask whether it appears that if current policies were continued, the government would satisfy
its budget constraint. A finding that the constraint would probably not be
satisfied would suggest that changes in spending or taxes are likely to be
Auerbach (1997) proposes a measure of the size of the expected fiscal
imbalance. The first step is to project the paths of purchases, revenues, income, and interest rates under current policy. Auerbach’s measure is then
the answer to the following question: By what constant fraction of GDP
would taxes have to be increased (or purchases decreased) for the budget
constraint to be satisfied if the projections proved to be correct? That is,
Auerbach’s measure, , is the solution to
t =0
e −R
(t )
T PROJ (t ) − G PROJ (t )
Y PROJ (t )
+ Y PROJ (t ) = D (0).
A larger value of implies that larger adjustments in fiscal policy are likely
to be needed.4
Auerbach and Gale (2009) apply this framework to U.S. fiscal policy. One
problem in applying the framework is that it is not clear how one should
The situation is more complicated under uncertainty. In an uncertain economy, the
realized rate of return on government debt is sometimes less than the economy’s growth
rate even when the economy is not dynamically inefficient. As a result, an attempt to issue
debt and roll it over forever has a positive probability of succeeding. See Bohn (1995), Ball,
Elmendorf, and Mankiw (1998), and Blanchard and Weil (2001).
Changing revenues or purchases would almost certainly affect the paths of Y and R . For
example, higher taxes might raise output and lower interest rates by increasing investment,
or lower output through incentive effects. As a result, even in the absence of uncertainty,
changing revenues or purchases at each point in time by fraction of GDP would probably not bring the budget constraint exactly into balance. Nonetheless, provides a useful
summary of the magnitude of the imbalance under current policy.
12.1 The Government Budget Constraint
define “current” policy. For example, all the tax cuts passed in 2001 and
2003 were officially scheduled to expire at the end of 2010. Yet this is
not because Congress or the President actually wanted the cuts to expire
completely, but only because some technical features of the budget process made the cuts easier to adopt with this feature. Thus it might be more
useful to analyze the case where they do not expire. To give another example, a significant part of spending each year is allocated in that year’s
budget; any projection must make assumptions about this “discretionary”
Auerbach and Gale begin with the assumptions and projections used by
the Congressional Budget Office. They then modify those assumptions by
assuming that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts will not be allowed to expire
on incomes less than $250,000 per year; that discretionary spending will
remain approximately constant as a share of GDP (rather than constant in
real terms); that the Alternative Minimum Tax (a feature of the tax code
originally designed to prevent a small number of high-income taxpayers
from greatly reducing their taxes) will be modified so that it does not affect
an increasing number of taxpayers over time; and in several additional, less
important ways. With these assumptions, they obtain an estimate of of a
stunning 9 percent. For comparison, in 2007, before the recession, federal
revenues were about 19 percent of GDP. That is, Auerbach and Gale’s point
estimate is that current policies are extraordinarily far from satisfying the
government budget constraint.
There are two main sources of this result. One is demographics. The first
members of the baby boom are now about 65; over the next several decades,
the ratio of working-age adults to individuals over 65 is likely to fall roughly
in half. The other factor is technological progress in medicine. Technological
advances have led to the development of many extremely valuable procedures and drugs. The result has been greatly increased medical spending,
much of which is paid for by the government (particularly in the case of the
elderly). Because of these developments, under current law federal spending
on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is projected to rise from about
10 percent of GDP today to almost 20 percent by 2060.
To make matters worse, Auerbach and Gale’s estimates probably understate the extent of the expected fiscal imbalance. The government demographic projections underlying their calculations appear to understate the
likely improvement in longevity among the elderly. The projections assume
a sharp slowing of the increase in life expectancy, even though countries
with life expectancies well above the United States’s show no signs of such
a slowing (Lee and Skinner, 1999). The assumptions about technological
progress in medicine are also quite conservative.
In short, the best available evidence suggests that extremely large adjustments will be needed for the government to satisfy its budget constraint. The possible forms of the adjustments are spending reductions,
tax increases, and implicit or explicit reneging on government debt through
hyperinflation or default.5
An obvious issue is how much confidence one should have in these estimates. On the one hand, the estimates of the needed adjustments are
based on projections over very long horizons; thus one might think they
are very uncertain. On the other hand, the forces driving the estimates—
demographics and technological progress in medicine—are simple and
highly persistent; thus one might think we can estimate the size of the necessary adjustments fairly precisely.
It turns out that the first intuition is correct. Both the demographic
changes and long-run growth in demography-adjusted medical spending
are very uncertain. For example, Lee and Skinner (1999) estimate that the
95 percent confidence interval for the ratio of working-age adults to individuals over 65 in 2070 is [1.5, 4.0]. Even more importantly, trend productivity
growth is quite uncertain and has enormous implications for the long-run
fiscal outlook. For example, the combination of the productivity-growth rebound and unexpectedly high tax revenues for a given level of GDP caused
estimates of the long-run fiscal imbalance to fall rapidly in the second half
of the 1990s despite only small changes in policy. Although a confidence
interval has not been estimated formally, it appears that it would not be
surprising if the actual adjustments that are needed differ from our current estimates of by 5 percentage points or more.
The fact that there is great uncertainty about the needed adjustments
is not an argument for inaction, however. The needed adjustments could
turn out to be either much smaller or much larger than our point estimate.
The results from Section 8.6 about the impact of uncertainty on optimal
consumption are helpful in thinking about how uncertainty affects optimal
policy. If the costs of fiscal adjustment are quadratic in the size of the adjustment, uncertainty does not affect the expected benefits of, for example,
an action that would reduce the government’s debt today. And if the costs
are more sharply curved than in the quadratic case, uncertainty raises the
expected benefits of such an action.
12.2 The Ricardian Equivalence Result
We now turn to the effects of the government’s choice between taxes and
bonds. A natural starting point is the Ramsey–Cass–Koopmans model of
Chapter 2 with lump-sum taxation, since that model avoids all complications
involving market imperfections and heterogeneous households.
The forces underlying the fiscal imbalance in the United States are present in most
industrialized countries. As a result, most of those countries face long-term fiscal problems
similar to those in the United States.
12.2 The Ricardian Equivalence Result
When there are taxes, the representative household’s budget constraint
is that the present value of its consumption cannot exceed its initial wealth
plus the present value of its after-tax labor income. And with no uncertainty
or market imperfections, there is no reason for the interest rate the household faces at each point in time to differ from the one the government faces.
Thus the household’s budget constraint is
−R (t )
C (t ) dt ≤ K (0) + D (0) +
e −R (t ) [W(t ) − T (t )] dt.
t =0
t =0
Here C (t ) is consumption at t, W(t ) is labor income, and T (t ) is taxes; K (0)
and D (0) are the quantities of capital and government bonds at time 0.6
Breaking the integral on the right-hand side of (12.9) in two gives us
e −R (t ) C (t )dt
t =0
≤ K (0) + D (0) +
−R (t )
W(t ) dt −
t =0
−R (t )
T (t ) dt.
t =0
It is reasonable to assume that the government satisfies its budget
constraint, (12.1), with equality. If it did not, its wealth would be growing
forever, which does not seem realistic.
With that assumption, (12.1) implies
∞ −R
that the present value of taxes, t =0 e (t ) T (t ) dt, equals initial debt, D (0),
plus the present value of government purchases, t =0 e −R (t ) G (t ) dt. Substituting this fact into (12.10) gives us
t =0
−R (t )
C (t ) dt ≤ K (0) +
t =0
−R (t )
W(t ) dt −
e −R (t ) G (t ) dt.
t =0
Equation (12.11) shows that we can express households’ budget constraint in terms of the present value of government purchases without reference to the division of the financing of those purchases at any point in
time between taxes and bonds. In addition, it is reasonable to assume that
taxes do not enter directly into households’ preferences; this is true in any
model where utility depends only on such conventional economic goods
as consumption, leisure, and so on. Since the path of taxes does not enter either households’ budget constraint or their preferences, it does not
In writing the representative household’s budget constraint in this way, we are implicitly normalizing the number of households to 1. With H households, all the terms in (12.9)
must be divided by H: the representative household’s consumption at t is 1/H of total consumption, its initial wealth is 1/H of K (0) + D (0), and so on. Multiplying both sides by H
then yields (12.9).
Moreover, if the government attempts such a policy, an equilibrium may not exist if
its debt is denominated in real terms. See, for example, Aiyagari and Gertler (1985) and
Woodford (1995).
affect consumption. Likewise, it is government purchases, not taxes, that
affect capital accumulation, since investment equals output minus the sum
of consumption and government purchases. Thus we have a key result: only
the quantity of government purchases, not the division of the financing of
those purchases between taxes and bonds, affects the economy.
The result of the irrelevance of the government’s financing decisions is
the famous Ricardian equivalence between debt and taxes.8 The logic of
the result is simple. To see it clearly, think of the government giving some
amount D of bonds to each household at some date t 1 and planning to
retire this debt at a later date t 2 ; this requires that each household be taxed
amount e R (t 2 ) −R (t 1 )D at t 2 . Such a policy has two effects on the representative
household. First, the household has acquired an asset—the bond—that has
present value as of t 1 of D. Second, it has acquired a liability—the future tax
obligation—that also has present value as of t 1 of D. Thus the bond does not
represent “net wealth” to the household, and it therefore does not affect the
household’s consumption behavior. In effect, the household simply saves
the bond and the interest the bond is accumulating until t 2 , at which point
it uses the bond and interest to pay the taxes the government is levying to
retire the bond.
Traditional economic models, and many informal discussions, assume
that a shift from tax to bond finance increases consumption. Traditional
analyses of consumption often model consumption as depending just on
current disposable income, Y −T. With this assumption, a bond-financed tax
cut raises consumption. The Ricardian and traditional views of consumption
have very different implications for many policy issues. For example, the
United States cut taxes in 2008 and 2009. In the traditional view (which
motivated the actions), the cuts are increasing consumption. But the
Ricardian view implies that they are not. To give another example, the traditional view implies that the United States’s sustained budget deficits over
the past several decades increased consumption, and thus reduced capital
accumulation and growth. But the Ricardian view implies that they had no
effect on consumption or capital accumulation.
12.3 Ricardian Equivalence in Practice
An enormous amount of research has been devoted to trying to determine
how much truth there is to Ricardian equivalence. There are, of course, many
reasons that Ricardian equivalence does not hold exactly. The important
question, however, is whether there are large departures from it.
The name comes from the fact that this idea was first proposed (though ultimately
rejected) by David Ricardo. See O’Driscoll (1977).
12.3 Ricardian Equivalence in Practice
The Entry of New Households into the Economy
One reason that Ricardian equivalence is likely not to be exactly correct is
that there is turnover in the population. When new individuals are entering
the economy, some of the future tax burden associated with a bond issue
is borne by individuals who are not alive when the bond is issued. As a
result, the bond represents net wealth to those who are currently living, and
thus affects their behavior. This possibility is illustrated by the Diamond
overlapping-generations model.
There are two difficulties with this objection to Ricardian equivalence.
First, a series of individuals with finite lifetimes may behave as if they are
a single household. In particular, if individuals care about the welfare of
their descendants, and if that concern is sufficiently strong that they make
positive bequests, the government’s financing decisions may again be irrelevant. This result, like the basic Ricardian equivalence result, follows from
the logic of budget constraints. Consider the example of a bond issue today repaid by a tax levied several generations in the future. It is possible
for the consumption of all the generations involved to remain unchanged.
All that is needed is for each generation, beginning with the one alive at
the time of the bond issue, to increase its bequest by the size of the bond
issue plus the accumulated interest; the generation living at the time of the
tax increase can then use those funds to pay the tax levied to retire the
Although this discussion shows that individuals can keep their consumption paths unchanged in response to the bond issue, it does not establish
whether they do. The bond issue does provide each generation involved
(other than the last ) with some possibilities it did not have before. Because
government purchases are unchanged, the bond issue is associated with
a cut in current taxes. The bond issue therefore increases the lifetime resources available to the individuals then alive. But the fact that the individuals are already planning to leave positive bequests means that they are at
an interior optimum in choosing between their own consumption and that
of their descendants. Thus they do not change their behavior. Only if the
requirement that bequests not be negative is a binding constraint—that is,
only if bequests are zero—does the bond issue affect consumption. Since we
have assumed that this is not the case, the individuals do not change their
consumption; instead they pass the bond and the accumulated interest on
to the next generation. Those individuals, for the same reason, do the same,
and the process continues until the generation that has to retire the debt
uses its additional inheritance to do so.
The result that intergenerational links can cause a series of individuals
with finite lifetimes to behave as if they are a household with an infinite
horizon is due to Barro (1974). It was this insight that started the debate on
Ricardian equivalence, and it has led to a large literature on the reasons for
bequests and transfers among generations, their extent, and their implications for Ricardian equivalence and many other issues.9
The second difficulty with the argument that finite lifetimes cause Ricardian equivalence to fail is more prosaic. As a practical matter, lifetimes are
long enough that if the only reason that governments’ financing decisions
matter is because lifetimes are finite, Ricardian equivalence is a good approximation (Poterba and Summers, 1987). For realistic cases, large parts
of the present value of the taxes associated with bond issues are levied
during the lifetimes of the individuals alive at the time of the issue. For example, Poterba and Summers calculate that most of the burden of retiring
the United States’s World War II debt was borne by people who were already
of working age at the time of the war, and they find that similar results hold
for other wartime debt issues. Thus even in the absence of intergenerational
links, bonds represent only a small amount of net wealth.
Further, the fact that lifetimes are long means that an increase in wealth
has only a modest impact on consumption. For example, if individuals
spread out the spending of an unexpected wealth increase equally over the
remainder of their lives, an individual with 30 years left to live increases
consumption spending in response to a one-dollar increase in wealth only
by about three cents.10 Thus it appears that if Ricardian equivalence fails
in a quantitatively important way, it must be for some reason other than an
absence of intergenerational links.
Ricardian Equivalence and the Permanent-Income
The issue of whether Ricardian equivalence is a good approximation is
closely connected with the issue of whether the permanent-income hypothesis provides a good description of consumption behavior. In the permanentincome model, only a household’s lifetime budget constraint affects its
behavior; the time path of its after-tax income does not matter. A bond
issue today repaid by future taxes affects the path of after-tax income without changing the lifetime budget constraint. Thus if the permanent-income
hypothesis describes consumption behavior well, Ricardian equivalence is
likely to be a good approximation. But significant departures from the
permanent-income hypothesis can lead to significant departures from
Ricardian equivalence.
We saw in Chapter 8 that the permanent-income hypothesis fails in important ways: most households have little wealth, and predictable changes
For a few examples, see Bernheim, Shleifer, and Summers (1985); Bernheim and Bagwell
(1988); Wilhelm (1996); and Altonji, Hayashi, and Kotlikoff (1997).
Of course, this is not exactly what an optimizing individual would do. See, for example,
Problem 2.5.
12.3 Ricardian Equivalence in Practice
in after-tax income lead to predictable changes in consumption. This
suggests that Ricardian equivalence may fail in a quantitatively important
way as well: if current disposable income has a significant impact on consumption for a given lifetime budget constraint, a tax cut accompanied by
an offsetting future tax increase is likely to have a significant impact on
Exactly how failures of the permanent-income hypothesis can lead to failures of Ricardian equivalence depends on the sources of the failures. Here
we consider two possibilities. The first is liquidity constraints. When the government issues a bond to a household to be repaid by higher taxes on the
household at a later date, it is in effect borrowing on the household’s behalf.
If the household already had the option of borrowing at the same interest
rate as the government, the policy has no effect on its opportunities, and
thus no effect on its behavior. But suppose the household faces a higher interest rate for borrowing than the government does. If the household would
borrow at the government interest rate and increase its consumption if that
were possible, it will respond to the government’s borrowing on its behalf
by raising its consumption.11
Second, recall from Section 8.6 that a precautionary-saving motive can
lead to failure of the permanent-income hypothesis, and that the combination of precautionary saving and a high discount rate can help account for
buffer-stock saving and the large role of current disposable income in consumption choices. Suppose that these forces are important to consumption,
and consider our standard example of a bond issue to be repaid by higher
taxes in the future. If taxes were lump-sum, the bond issue would have no
impact on the household’s budget constraint. That is, the present value of
the household’s lifetime after-tax income in every state of the world would
be unchanged. As a result, the bond issue would not affect consumption.
Since taxes are a function of income, however, in practice the situation is
very different. The bond issue causes the household’s future tax liabilities
to be only slightly higher if its income turns out to be low. That is, the
combination of the tax cut today and the higher future taxes raises the
present value of the household’s lifetime after-tax income in the event that
This discussion treats liquidity constraints as exogenous. But when the government
issues bonds today to be repaid by future taxes, households’ future liabilities are increased. If
lenders do not change the amounts and terms on which they are willing to lend, the chances
that their loans will be repaid therefore fall. Thus rational lenders respond to the bond issue
by reducing the amounts they lend. Indeed, if taxes are lump-sum, there are cases where
the amount that households can borrow falls one-for-one with government bond issues, so
that Ricardian equivalence holds even in the presence of liquidity constraints (Yotsuzuka,
1987). In the more realistic case when taxes are a function of income, however, bond issues
have little impact on the amounts households can borrow, and so liquidity constraints cause
Ricardian equivalence to fail. Intuitively, when a borrower fails to repay a loan, it is usually
because his or her income turned out to be low. But if taxes are a function of income, this
is precisely the case when the borrower’s share of the tax liability associated with a bond
issue is small.
its future income is low, and reduces it in the event that its future income
is high. As a result, the household has little incentive to increase its saving.
Instead it can indulge its high discount rate and increase its consumption,
knowing that its tax liabilities will be high only if its income is high (Barsky,
Mankiw, and Zeldes, 1986).
This discussion suggests that there is little reason to expect Ricardian
equivalence to provide a good first approximation in practice. The
Ricardian equivalence result rests on the permanent-income hypothesis,
and the permanent-income hypothesis fails in quantitatively important ways.
Nonetheless, because it is so simple and logical, Ricardian equivalence (like
the permanent-income hypothesis) is a valuable theoretical baseline.
12.4 Tax-Smoothing
We now turn to the question of what determines the deficit. This section
develops a model, due to Barro (1979), in which deficits are chosen optimally. Sections 12.5 through 12.7 consider reasons that deficits might be
inefficiently high.
Barro focuses on the government’s desire to minimize the distortions associated with obtaining revenue. The distortions created by taxes are likely
to increase more than proportionally with the amount of revenue raised. In
standard models, for example, a tax has no distortion costs to first order.
Thus for low taxes, the distortion costs are approximately proportional to
the square of the amount of revenue raised. When distortions rise more than
proportionally with taxes, they are on average higher under a policy of variable taxes than under one with steady taxes at the same average level. Thus
the desire to minimize distortions provides a reason for the government to
smooth the path of taxes over time.
To investigate the implications of this observation, Barro considers an
environment where the distortions associated with taxes are the only departure from Ricardian equivalence.12 The government’s problem is then similar to the problem facing a household in the permanent-income hypothesis.
In the permanent-income hypothesis, the household wants to maximize its
discounted lifetime utility subject to the constraint that the present value
of its lifetime spending not exceed some level. Because there is diminishing
marginal utility of consumption, the household chooses a smooth path for
consumption. Here, the government wants to minimize the present value of
distortions from raising revenue subject to the constraint that the present
Alternatively, one can consider a setting where there are other departures from
Ricardian equivalence but where the government can offset the other effects of its choice
between bond and tax finance. For example, it can use monetary policy to offset any impact on overall economic activity, and tax incentives to offset any impact on the division of
output between consumption and investment.
12.4 Tax-Smoothing
value of its revenues not be less than some level. Because there are increasing marginal distortion costs of raising revenue, the government chooses a
smooth path for taxes. Our analysis of tax-smoothing will therefore parallel
our analysis of the permanent-income hypothesis in Sections 8.1 and 8.2.
As in those sections, we will first assume that there is certainty and then
consider the case of uncertainty.
Tax-Smoothing under Certainty
Consider a discrete-time economy. The paths of output (Y ), government purchases (G ), and the real interest rate (r ) are exogenously given and certain.
For simplicity, the real interest rate is constant. There is some initial stock
of outstanding government debt, D 0 . The government wants to choose the
path of taxes (T ) to satisfy its budget constraint while minimizing the
present value of the costs of the distortions that the taxes create.13 Following Barro, we will not model the sources of those distortion costs. Instead,
we just assume that the distortion costs from raising amount Tt are given by
Ct = Yt f
f ′ (0) = 0,
f (0) = 0,
f ′′ (•) > 0,
where Ct is the cost of the distortions in period t. This formulation implies
that distortions relative to output are a function of taxes relative to output,
and that they rise more than proportionally with taxes relative to output. These implications seem reasonable.
The government’s problem is to choose the path of taxes to minimize
the present value of the distortion costs subject to the requirement that it
satisfy its overall budget constraint. Formally, this problem is
T0 ,T1 ,...
t =0
(1 + r )
t =0
t t
(1 + r )t
subject to
Tt = D 0 +
t =0
(1 + r )t
Gt .
One can solve the government’s problem either by setting up the Lagrangian
and proceeding in the standard way, or by using perturbation arguments
to find the Euler equation. We will use the second approach. Specifically,
consider the government reducing taxes in period t by a small amount T
and increasing taxes in the next period by (1 + r )T, with taxes in all other
For most of the models in this chapter, it is easiest to define G as government purchases and T as taxes net of transfers. Raising taxes to finance transfers involves distortions,
however. Thus for this model, G should be thought of as purchases plus transfers and T as
gross taxes. For consistency with the other models in the chapter, however, the presentation
here neglects transfers and refers to G as government purchases.
periods unchanged. This change does not affect the present value of its revenues. Thus if the government was initially satisfying its budget constraint,
it continues to satisfy it after the change. And if the government’s initial
policy was optimal, the marginal impact of the change on its objective function must be zero. That is, the marginal benefit and marginal cost of the
change must be equal.
The benefit of the change is that it reduces distortions in period t. Specifically, equation (12.13) implies that the marginal reduction in the present
value of distortions, MB, is
MB =
(1 + r )
Y f′
t t
(1 + r )t
The cost of the change is that it increases distortion in t + 1. From (12.13)
and the fact that taxes in period t + 1 rise by (1+ r ) T, the marginal increase
in the present value of distortions, MC, is
MC =
(1 + r )
Y f′
t +1 t +1
(1 + r )t
Tt +1
Yt +1
Tt +1
Yt +1
Yt +1
(1 + r ) T
Comparing (12.14) and (12.15) shows that the condition for the marginal
benefit and marginal cost to be equal is
= f′
Tt +1
Yt +1
This requires
Tt +1
Yt +1
That is, taxes as a share of output—the tax rate—must be constant. As described above, the intuition is that with increasing marginal distortion costs
from higher taxes, smooth taxes minimize distortion costs. More precisely,
because the marginal distortion cost per unit of revenue raised is increasing
in the tax rate, a smooth tax rate minimizes distortion costs.14
To find the level of the tax rate, one needs to combine the government’s budget constraint in (12.13) with the fact that the tax rate is constant. This calculation shows that the
tax rate equals the ratio of the present value of the revenue the government must raise to
the present value of output.
12.4 Tax-Smoothing
Tax-Smoothing under Uncertainty
Extending the analysis to allow for uncertainty about the path of government purchases is straightforward. The government’s new problem is to
minimize the expected present value of the distortions from raising revenue. Its budget constraint is the same as before: the present value of tax
revenues must equal initial debt plus the present value of purchases.
We can analyze this problem using a perturbation argument like the one
we used for the case of certainty. Consider the government reducing taxes
in period t by a small amount T from the value it was planning to choose
given its information available at that time. To continue to satisfy its budget constraint, it increases taxes in period t + 1 by (1 + r ) T from whatever value it would have chosen given its information in that period. If the
government is optimizing, this change does not affect the expected present
value of distortions. Reasoning like that we used to derive expression (12.16)
shows that this condition is
= Et f
Tt +1
Yt +1
where E t [•] denotes expectations given the information available in period t.
This condition states that there cannot be predictable changes in the
marginal distortion costs of obtaining revenue.
In the case where the distortion costs, f (•), are quadratic, equation (12.18)
can be simplified. When f (•) is quadratic, f ′ (•) is linear. Thus, E t [ f ′ (Tt +1 /
Yt +1 )] equals f ′ (E t [Tt +1 /Yt +1 ]). Equation (12.18) becomes
= f ′ Et
Tt +1
Yt +1
which requires
= Et
Tt +1
Yt +1
This equation states that there cannot be predictable changes in the tax rate.
That is, the tax rate follows a random walk.
Our motive for studying tax-smoothing was to examine its implications
for the behavior of deficits. The model implies that if government purchases as a share of output are a random walk, there will be no deficits:
when purchases are a random walk, a balanced-budget policy causes the
tax rate to follow a random walk. Thus the model implies that deficits and
surpluses arise when the ratio of government purchases to output is expected to change.
The most obvious potential sources of predictable movements in the
purchases-to-output ratio are wars and recessions. Military purchases
are usually temporarily high during wars. Similarly, government purchases
are roughly acyclical, and are thus likely to be temporarily high relative
to output in recessions.15 That is, wars and recessions are times when the
expected future ratio of government purchases to output is less than the
current ratio. Consistent with the tax-smoothing model, we observe that
governments usually run deficits during these times. The literature testing
the tax-smoothing model formally finds that the response of deficits to temporary military purchases and cyclical fluctuations is generally consistent
with the model’s qualitative predictions. Some tests find, however, that the
model’s specific quantitative predictions are rejected by the data.16
The basic analysis of tax-smoothing can be extended in many ways. Here we
consider three.
First, Lucas and Stokey (1983) observe that the same logic that suggests
that governments should smooth taxes suggests that they should issue contingent debt. Expected distortions are lower if government debt has a low
real payoff when there is a positive shock to government purchases and a
high real payoff when there is a negative shock. With fully contingent debt,
the government can equalize tax rates across all possible states, and so the
tax rate never changes (Bohn, 1990). This strong implication is obviously
incorrect. But Bohn (1988) notes that the government can make the real
payoff on its debt somewhat contingent on shocks to its purchases by issuing nominal debt and then following policies that produce high inflation in
response to positive shocks to purchases and low inflation in response to
negative shocks. Thus the desire to reduce distortions provides a candidate
explanation of governments’ use of nominal debt.
Second, the analysis can be extended to include capital accumulation. If
the government can commit to its policies, a policy of no capital taxation
is likely to be optimal or nearly so. Both capital taxes and labor-income
taxes distort individuals’ labor-leisure choice, since both reduce the overall
Also, recall that the relevant variable for the model is in fact not government purchases,
but purchases plus transfer payments (see n. 13). Transfers are generally countercyclical,
and thus also likely to be temporarily high relative to output in recessions.
Two early papers testing the tax-smoothing model are Barro’s original paper (Barro,
1979) and Sahasakul (1986). For more recent tests, see Huang and Lin (1993) and Ghosh
(1995), both of which build on the analysis of consumption and saving in Campbell
12.4 Tax-Smoothing
attractiveness of working. But the capital income tax also distorts individuals’ intertemporal choices.17
Ex post, a tax on existing capital is not distortionary, and thus is desirable
from the standpoint of minimizing distortions. As a result, a policy of no
or low capital taxation is not dynamically consistent (Kydland and Prescott,
1977). That is, if the government cannot make binding commitments about
future tax policies, it will not be able to follow a policy of no capital taxation.
The prediction of optimal tax models with commitment that capital taxes
are close to zero is clearly false. Whether this reflects imperfect commitment
or something else is not known.
Third, the model of tax-smoothing we have been considering takes the
path of government purchases as exogenous. But purchases are likely to
be affected by their costs and benefits. A bond issue accompanied by a
tax cut increases the revenue the government must raise in the future, and
therefore implies that future tax rates must be higher. Thus the marginal
cost of financing a given path of government purchases is higher. When
the government is choosing its purchases by trading off the costs and benefits, it will respond to this change with a mix of higher taxes and lower
purchases. The lower government purchases increase households’ lifetime
resources, and therefore increase their consumption. Thus recognizing that
taxes are distortionary suggests another reason for there to be departures
from Ricardian equivalence (Bohn, 1992).
Expansionary Fiscal Contractions?
Under the assumptions that give rise to Ricardian equivalence, a tax cut
raises expectations of the present value of future tax payments by exactly
the amount of the cut. Households’ lifetime resources are therefore unaffected, and so their consumption does not change. In the case of endogenous government purchases that we have just discussed, a tax cut raises
expectations of future tax payments by less than the amount of the cut, and
so consumption rises. This role of expectations raises the possibility that
there are situations where an increase in taxes or a reduction in government purchases raises the overall demand for goods and services. Suppose,
for example, that for some reason a small tax increase signals that there
will be large reductions in future government purchases—and thus large
future tax cuts. Then households will respond to the tax increase by raising
their estimates of their lifetime resources; as a result, they may raise their
consumption. Similarly, a small reduction in current government purchases
could signal large future reductions, and therefore cause consumption to
rise by more than the fall in government purchases.
See Chari and Kehoe (1999) and Golosov, Kocherlakota, and Tsyvinski (2003) for more
on optimal taxation when there is capital.
Surprisingly, these possibilities appear to be not just theoretical. Giavazzi
and Pagano (1990) provide evidence that fiscal reform packages in Denmark
and Ireland in the 1980s caused consumption booms, and they argue that
effects operating through expectations were the reason. Similarly, Alesina
and Perotti (1997) present evidence that deficit reductions coming from
cuts in government employment and transfers are much more likely to be
maintained than reductions coming from tax increases, and that, consistent
with the importance of expectations, the first type of deficit reduction is often expansionary while the second type usually is not. The United States’s
deficit reduction policies in 1993 may be another example of an expansionary fiscal contraction; similarly, the tax cuts enacted in 2001 may have had
a depressing effect on economic activity.
Work on the possibility of expansionary fiscal contractions has emphasized two channels other than households’ beliefs about their lifetime tax
liabilities through which expectations can cause fiscal tightenings to raise
aggregate demand. The first is through interest rates. Since reductions in
government purchases reduce interest rates, expectations of lower future
purchases reduce expectations of future interest rates. Similarly, if Ricardian equivalence fails, expectations of higher future taxes reduce expectations of future interest rates. And, as described in Section 9.5, expectations of lower future interest rates raise current investment. They also raise
the present value of households’ lifetime after-tax incomes, and thus raise
current consumption.
The second channel is through the supply side. Lower future taxes imply
lower future distortions, and thus higher future income. Further, we will see
in Sections 12.9 and 12.10 that a sufficiently high level of government debt
can lead to a fiscal crisis, with a range of harmful effects on the economy.
Fiscal contractions can lower estimates of the likelihood of a crisis, and
thus again raise estimates of future income. And higher estimates of future
income are likely to raise current consumption and investment (Bertola and
Drazen, 1993; Perotti, 1999).
12.5 Political-Economy Theories of
Budget Deficits
The tax-smoothing hypothesis provides a candidate explanation of variations in budget deficits over time, but not of a systematic tendency toward
high deficits. In light of many countries’ persistent deficits in the 1980s
and 1990s and the evidence that many countries’ current fiscal policies are
far from sustainable, a great deal of research has been devoted to possible
sources of deficit bias in fiscal policy. That is, this work asks whether there
12.5 Political-Economy Theories of Budget Deficits
are forces that tend to cause fiscal policy to produce deficits that are on
average inefficiently high.
Most of this work falls under the heading of new political economy. This
is the field devoted to applying economic tools to politics. In this line of
work, politicians are viewed not as benevolent social planners, but as individuals who maximize their objective functions given the constraints they
face and the information they have. Likewise, voters are viewed as neither
the idealized citizens of high-school civics classes nor the mechanical actors
of much of political science, but as rational economic agents.
One strand of new political economy uses economic tools to understand
issues that have traditionally been in the domain of political science, such
as the behavior of political candidates and voters. A second strand—and the
one we will focus on—is concerned with the importance of political forces
for traditional economic issues. Probably the most important question tackled by this work is how the political process can produce inefficient outcomes. Even casual observation suggests that governments are sources of
enormous inefficiencies. Officials enrich themselves at a cost to society that
vastly exceeds the wealth they accumulate; regulators influence markets
using highly distortionary price controls and command-and-control regulations rather than taxes and subsidies; legislatures and officials dole out
innumerable favors to individuals and small groups, thereby causing large
amounts of resources to be devoted to rent-seeking; high and persistent inflation and budget deficits are common; and so on. But a basic message of
economics is that when there are large inefficiencies, there are large incentives to eliminate them. Thus the apparent existence of large inefficiencies
resulting from the political process is an important puzzle.
Work in new political economy has proposed several candidate explanations for inefficient political outcomes. Although excessive deficits are
surely not the largest inefficiency produced by the political process, many
of those candidate explanations have been applied to deficit bias. Indeed,
some were developed in that context. Thus we will examine work on possible political sources of deficit bias both for what it tells us about deficits
and as a way of providing an introduction to new political economy.
One potential source of inefficient policies is that politicians and voters
may not know what the optimal policies are. Individuals have heterogeneous
understandings of economics and of the impacts of alternative policies. The
fact that some individuals are less well informed than others can cause
them to support policies that the best available evidence suggests are inefficient. For example, one reason that support for protectionist policies is so
widespread is probably that comparative advantage is a sufficiently subtle
idea that many people do not understand it.
Some features of policy are difficult to understand unless we recognize
that voters’ and policymakers’ knowledge is incomplete. New ideas can influence policy only if the ideas were not already universally known. Similarly,
passionate debates about the effects that alternative policies would have
make sense only if individuals’ knowledge is heterogeneous.18
Buchanan and Wagner (1977) argue that incomplete knowledge is an
important source of deficit bias. The benefits of high purchases and low
taxes are direct and evident, while the costs—the lower future purchases
and higher future taxes that are needed to satisfy the government’s budget
constraint—are indirect and less obvious. If individuals do not recognize
the extent of the costs, there will be a tendency toward excessive deficits.
Buchanan and Wagner develop this idea, and argue that the history of views
about deficits can explain why limited understanding of deficits’ costs did
not produce a systematic pattern of high deficits until the 1970s.
Although limited knowledge may be an important source of excessive
deficits, it is not the only one. In some situations, there are policies that
would clearly make almost everyone considerably better off. Perhaps the
most obvious examples are hyperinflations. A hyperinflation’s costs are
large and obvious. Thus it is reasonably clear that a general tax increase
or spending reduction that eliminated the need for seignorage, and thereby
allowed the government to end the hyperinflation, would make the vast
majority of the population better off. Yet hyperinflations often go on for
months or years before fiscal policy is changed.
Most work in new political economy does not focus on limited knowledge.
This may be because of cases like hyperinflations that are almost surely not
due to limited knowledge. Or it may be because models of limited knowledge are not well developed and therefore lack an accepted framework that
can be applied to new situations, or because it is difficult to derive specific
empirical predictions from the models.
The bulk of work in new political economy focuses instead on the possibility that strategic interactions can cause the political process to produce
outcomes that are known to be inefficient. That is, this work considers the
possibility that the structure of the policymaking process and of the economy causes each participant’s pursuit of his or her objective to produce
inefficiency. The model of the dynamic inconsistency of low-inflation monetary policy we considered in Section 11.7 is an example of such a model.
In that model, policymakers’ inability to commit to low inflation, coupled
with their incentive to inflate once expected inflation has been determined,
leads to inefficient inflation.
In the case of fiscal policy, researchers have suggested two main ways
that strategic interactions can produce inefficient deficits. First, an elected
It is through ideas that economists’ activities as researchers, teachers, and policy advisers affect policy. If observed outcomes, even highly undesirable ones, were the equilibria
of interactions of individuals who were fully informed about the consequences of alternative
policies, we could hope to observe and understand those outcomes but not to change them.
But the participants do not know all there is to know about policies’ consequences. As a
result, by learning more about them through our research and providing information about
them through our teaching and advising, economists can sometimes change outcomes.
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
leader may accumulate an inefficient amount of debt to restrain his or her
successor’s spending (Persson and Svensson, 1989; Tabellini and Alesina,
1990). A desire to restrain future spending is often cited in current debates
over U.S. fiscal policy, for example.19
Second, disagreement about how to divide the burden of reducing the
deficit can cause delay in fiscal reform as each group tries to get others to
bear a disproportionate share (Alesina and Drazen, 1991). This mechanism
is almost surely relevant to hyperinflations.20
Sections 12.6 and 12.7 present specific models that illustrate these potential sources of deficit bias. We will see that both models have serious
limitations; neither one shows unambiguously that the mechanism it considers gives rise to deficit bias. Thus the purpose of considering the models
is not to settle the issue of the sources of deficits. Rather, it is to show what
is needed for these forces to produce deficit bias, and to introduce some
general issues concerning political-economy models.21
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
This section investigates a specific mechanism through which strategic considerations can produce inefficiently high deficits. The key idea is that current policymakers realize that future policy may be determined by individuals whose views they disagree with. In particular, it may be determined
by individuals who prefer to expend resources in ways the current policymakers view as undesirable. This can cause current policymakers to want to
restrain future policymakers’ spending. If high levels of government debt
reduce government spending, this provides current policymakers with a
reason to accumulate debt.
At least in the case of the United States, however, there is little evidence that tax
reductions and debt accumulation have a substantial effect on future spending. See C. Romer
and D. Romer (2009b).
Another way that strategic interactions can lead to inefficient deficits is through signaling. Voters are likely to have better information about the taxes they pay and the government
services they receive than about the government’s overall fiscal position. If politicians differ in their ability to provide government services cheaply, this gives them an incentive to
choose high spending and low taxes to try to signal that they are especially able (Rogoff,
By focusing on deficit bias, the presentation omits some potential sources of inefficient political outcomes that have been proposed. For example, Shleifer and Vishny (1992,
1993, 1994) suggest reasons that politicians’ pursuit of their self-interest and strategic interactions might give rise to rationing, corruption, and inefficient public employment; Coate
and Morris (1995) argue that signaling considerations may explain why politicians often use
inefficient pork-barrel spending rather than straightforward transfers to enrich their friends
and allies; and Acemoglu and Robinson (2000, 2002) argue that inefficiency is likely to persist in situations where eliminating it would reduce the political power of individuals who
are benefiting from the existing system.
This general idea has been formalized in two ways. Persson and Svensson
(1989) consider disagreement about the level of government spending: conservative policymakers prefer low spending, and liberal policymakers prefer
high spending. Persson and Svensson show that if the conservative policymakers’ preference for low spending is strong enough, it causes them to
run deficits.22
Persson and Svensson’s model does not provide a candidate explanation
of a general tendency toward deficits. In their model, the same forces that
can make conservative policymakers run deficits can cause liberal ones to
run surpluses. Tabellini and Alesina (1990) therefore consider disagreement
about the composition of government spending. Their basic idea is that if
each type of policymaker believes that the type of spending the other would
undertake is undesirable, both types may have an incentive to accumulate
This section presents Tabellini and Alesina’s model and investigates its
implications. One advantage of this model is that it goes further than most
political-economy models in building the analysis of political behavior from
microeconomic foundations. In many political-economy models, political
parties’ preferences and probabilities of being in power are exogenous. But
in Tabellini and Alesina’s analysis, electoral outcomes are derived from assumptions about the preferences and behavior of individual voters. As a
result, their model illustrates some of the microeconomic issues that arise
in modeling political behavior.
Economic Assumptions
The economy lasts for two periods, 1 and 2. The real interest rate is exogenous and equal to zero. Government spending is devoted to two types of
public goods, denoted M and N. For concreteness, we will refer to them as
military and nonmilitary goods.
The period-1 policymaker chooses the period-1 levels of the two goods,
M 1 and N 1 , and how much debt, D, to issue. The period-2 policymaker
chooses M 2 and N 2 , and must repay any debt issued in the first period.
For the amount of debt issued in the first period to affect what happens
in the second, Ricardian equivalence must fail. The literature on strategic
debt accumulation has emphasized two sources of failure. In Persson and
Svensson’s model, the source is the distortionary impact of taxation that
is the focus of Barro’s analysis of tax-smoothing. A higher level of debt
means that the taxes associated with a given level of government purchases
are greater. But if taxes are distortionary and the distortions have increasing marginal cost, this means that the marginal cost of a given level of
Problem 12.10 develops this idea. It also investigates the possibility that the disagreement can cause conservative policymakers to run surpluses rather than deficits.
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
government purchases is greater when the level of debt is greater. As described in Section 12.4, this in turn implies that an optimizing policymaker
will choose a lower level of purchases.
The second reason that debt can affect second-period policy is by affecting the economy’s wealth. If the issue of debt in period 1 reduces wealth
in period 2, it tends to reduce period-2 government purchases. The most
plausible way for debt issue to reduce wealth is by increasing consumption.
But modeling such an effect through liquidity constraints, a precautionarysaving motive, or some other mechanism is likely to be complicated.
Tabellini and Alesina therefore take a shortcut. They assume that private
consumption is absent, and that debt represents borrowing from abroad
that directly increases period-1 government purchases and reduces the resources available in period 2.
Specifically, the economy’s period-1 budget constraint is
M 1 + N1 = W + D ,
where W is the economy’s endowment each period and D is the amount
of debt the policymaker issues. Since the interest rate is fixed at zero, the
period-2 constraint is
M 2 + N2 = W − D .
The M ’s and N ’s are required to be nonnegative. Thus D must satisfy −W ≤
D ≤ W.
A key assumption of the model is that individuals’ preferences over the
two types of public goods are heterogeneous. Specifically, individual i’s objective function is
Vi = E
αi U (M t ) + (1 − αi )U (Nt ) ,
t =1
0 ≤ αi ≤ 1,
U (•) > 0,
U (•) < 0,
where αi is the weight that individual i puts on military relative to nonmilitary goods. That is, all individuals get nonnegative utility from both types of
goods, but the relative contributions of the two types to utility differ across
The model’s assumptions imply that debt issue is never desirable. Since
the real interest rate equals the discount rate and each individual has diminishing marginal utility, smooth paths of M and N are optimal for all
individuals. Debt issue causes spending in period 1 to exceed spending in
period 2, and thus violates this requirement. Likewise, saving (that is, a negative value of D ) is also inefficient.
Political Assumptions
For the period-1 policymaker to have any possible interest in constraining
the period-2 policymaker’s behavior, there must be some chance that the
second policymaker’s preferences will differ from the first’s. To allow for
this possibility, Tabellini and Alesina assume that individuals’ preferences
are fixed, but that their participation in the political process is random.
This makes the period-1 policymaker uncertain about what preferences the
period-2 policymaker will have.
To describe the specifics of Tabellini and Alesina’s assumptions about
how the policymakers’ preferences are determined, it is easiest to begin with
the second period. Given the choice of military purchases, M 2 ,
nonmilitary purchases are determined by the period-2 budget constraint:
N2 = (W − D ) − M 2 . Thus there is effectively only a single choice variable in
period 2, M 2 . Individual i’s utility in period 2 as a function of M 2 is
V i2 (M 2 ) = αi U (M 2 ) + (1 − αi )U ([W − D] − M 2 ).
Since U ′′ (•) is negative, V i2′′ (•) is also negative. This means that the individual’s preferences over M 2 are single-peaked. The individual has some most
preferred value of M 2 , M ∗2i . For any two values of M 2 on the same side of
M ∗2i , the individual prefers the one closer to M ∗2i . If M A2 < M 2B < M ∗2i , for
example, the individual prefers M 2B to M A2 . Figure 12.1 shows two examples
of single-peaked preferences. In Panel (a), the individual’s most preferred
value is in the interior of the range of feasible values of M 2 , [0,W − D]. In
Panel (b), it is at an extreme.
The facts that there is only a single choice variable and that preferences
are single-peaked means that the median-voter theorem applies to this situation. This theorem states that when the choice variable is a scalar and
preferences are single-peaked, the median of voters’ most preferred values
of the choice variable wins a two-way contest against any other value of
the choice variable. To understand why this occurs, let M ∗2 MED denote the
median value of M ∗2i among period-2 voters. Now consider a referendum in
which voters are asked to choose between M ∗2 MED and some other value of
M 2 , M 02 . For concreteness, suppose M 02 is greater than M ∗2MED . Since M ∗2MED
is the median value of M ∗2i , a majority of voters’ M ∗2i ’s are less than or equal
to M ∗2 MED . And since preferences are single-peaked, all these voters prefer M ∗2 MED to M 02 . A similar analysis applies to the case when M 02 is less
than M ∗2 MED .
Appealing to the median-voter theorem, Tabellini and Alesina assume
that the political process leads to M ∗2 MED being chosen as the value of M 2 .
Since M ∗2 is a monotonic function of α—a voter with a higher value of α
prefers a higher value of M 2 —this is equivalent to assuming that M 2 is
determined by the preferences of the individual with the median value of α
among period-2 voters.
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
V i2
V i2
FIGURE 12.1 Single-peaked preferences
Tabellini and Alesina do not explicitly model the process through which
the political process produces this result. Their idea, which is reasonable, is
that the logic of the median-voter theorem suggests that M ∗2 MED is a more
plausible outcome than any other value of M 2 . One specific mechanism that
would lead to M ∗2 MED being chosen is the one outlined by Downs (1957).
Suppose that there are two candidates for office, that their objective is to
maximize their chances of being elected, and that they can make commitments about the policies they will follow if elected. Suppose also that the
distribution of the preferences of the individuals who will vote in period 2
is known before the election takes place. With these assumptions, the only
Nash equilibrium is for both candidates to announce that they will choose
M 2 = M ∗2 MED if elected.
Little would be gained by explicitly modeling the randomness in voter
participation and how it induces randomness in voters’ median value of
M ∗2 . For example, these features of the model could easily be derived from
assumptions about random costs of voting. Tabellini and Alesina therefore
take the distribution of the α of the median voter in period 2, α MED
, as
Now consider the determination of policy in period 1. There are two
complications relative to period 2. First, the set of policy choices is twodimensional rather than one-dimensional. Specifically, we can think of the
period-1 policymaker as choosing M 1 and D, with N1 determined by the
requirement that M 1 + N1 = W + D. Second, in determining their preferences over M 1 and D, individuals must take into account their uncertainty
about the period-2 policymaker’s preferences. Tabellini and Alesina show,
however, that a generalization of the median-voter theorem implies that the
combination of M 1 and D preferred by the individual with the median value
of α among period-1 voters wins a two-way contest against any other combination. They therefore assume that policy in period 1 is determined by
the individual with the median α among period-1 voters.
This completes the description of the model. Although we have described
a general version, we will confine our analysis of the model to two specific
cases that together show its main messages. In the first, the only values of
α in the population are 0 and 1. In the second, the values of α are strictly
between 0 and 1, and U (•) is logarithmic.
Extreme Preferences
We begin with the case where the only types of individuals are ones who
would like to spend all resources on military goods and ones who would
like to spend all resources on nonmilitary goods. That is, there are only two
values of α in the population, 0 and 1.
To solve a dynamic model with a fixed number of periods like this one, it
is usually easiest to start with the last period and work backward. Thus we
start with the second period. The period-2 median voter’s choice problem is
trivial: he or she devotes all the available resources to the purpose he or she
prefers. Thus if α2MED = 1 (that is, if the majority of the period-2 voters have
α = 1), M 2 = W − D and N2 = 0. And if α2MED = 0, M 2 = 0 and N2 = W − D.
Let π denote the probability that α2MED = 1.
Now consider the first period. Suppose first that the period-1 median
voter has α = 1. Since nonmilitary goods give him or her no utility, he or
she purchases only military goods. Thus M 1 = W + D and N1 = 0. The only
question concerns the policymaker’s choice of D. His or her expected utility
as a function of D is
U (W + D ) + πU (W − D ) + (1 − π)U (0).
The first term reflects the policymaker’s utility from setting M 1 = W + D.
The remaining two terms show the policymaker’s expected period-2 utility.
With probability π, policy in period 2 is determined by an individual with
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
α = 1. In this case, M 2 = W − D, and so the period-1 policymaker obtains
utility U (W − D ). With probability 1 − π, policy is determined by someone
with α = 0. In this case M 2 = 0, and so the period-1 policymaker obtains
utility U (0).
Equation (12.25) implies that the first-order condition for the period-1
policymaker’s choice of D is
U ′ (W + D ) − πU ′ (W − D ) = 0.
We can rearrange this as
U ′ (W + D )
U ′ (W − D )
= π.
This equation implies that if there is some chance that the period-2 policymaker will not share the period-1 policymaker’s preferences (that is, if
π < 1), U ′ (W + D ) must be less than U ′ (W − D ). Since U ′′ (•) is negative, this
means that D must be positive. And when π is smaller, the required gap
between U ′ (W + D ) and U ′ (W − D ) is greater, and so D is larger. That is, D
is decreasing in π.23
The analysis of the case where the median voter in period 1 has α = 0
is very similar. In this case, M 1 = 0 and N1 = W + D , and the first-order
condition for D implies
U ′ (W + D )
U ′ (W − D )
= 1 − π.
Here, it is the possibility of the period-2 median voter having α = 1 that
causes the period-1 policymaker to choose a positive deficit. When this probability is higher (that is, when 1 − π is lower), the deficit is higher.
This analysis shows that as long as π is strictly between 0 and 1, both types
of potential period-1 policymaker run a deficit. Further, the deficit is increasing in the probability of a change in preferences from the period-1
policymaker to the period-2 policymaker.
The intuition for these results is straightforward. There is a positive
probability that the period-2 policymaker will devote the economy’s resources to an activity that, in the view of the period-1 policymaker, simply wastes resources. The period-1 policymaker would therefore like to
transfer resources from period 2 to period 1, where he or she can devote
This discussion implicitly assumes an interior solution. Recall that D cannot exceed W.
If U ′ (2W )−πU ′ (0) is positive, the period-1 policymaker sets D = W (see [12.26]). Thus in this
case the economy’s entire second-period endowment is used to pay off debt. One implication
is that if π is sufficiently low that U ′ (2W ) − πU ′ (0) is positive, further reductions in π do
not affect D.
them to the activity he or she views as useful. Borrowing provides a way of
doing this.
Thus, disagreement over the composition of government spending can
give rise to inefficient budget deficits. One way to describe the inefficiency is
to note that if the period-1 policymaker and potential period-2 policymakers
can make binding agreements about their policies, they will agree to a deficit
of zero: since any policy with a nonzero deficit is Pareto-inefficient, a binding
agreement among all relevant players always produces no deficit. Thus one
reason that deficits arise in the model is that individuals are assumed to be
unable to make commitments about how they will behave if they are able
to set policy in period 2.
Underlying policymakers’ inability to make binding agreements about
their behavior is individuals’ inability to make binding commitments
about their voting behavior. Suppose that the period-1 policymaker and a
potential period-2 policymaker who prefer different types of purchases are
able to make a legally enforceable agreement about what each will do if he
or she is the period-2 policymaker. If they make such an agreement, neither will be chosen as the period-2 policymaker: the median period-2 voter
will prefer an individual who shares his or her tastes and has not made any
commitments to devote resources to both types of goods in period 2.
The assumption that voters cannot make commitments about their behavior is reasonable. In the economy described by the model, however, there
are other mechanisms that would prevent the inefficiency. For example,
the election of the period-2 policymaker could occur before the period-1
policymaker chooses D, and the two policymakers could be permitted to
make a binding agreement. Or there could be a constitutional restriction
on deficits.24 But it seems likely that extending the model to incorporate
shocks to the relative value of spending in different periods and of military
and nonmilitary spending would cause such mechanisms to have disadvantages of their own.
It is also worth noting that Tabellini and Alesina’s model does not address
some of the basic issues that arise in almost any attempt to use economic
tools to model politics. Here we mention two. The first, and more important,
is why individuals participate in the political process at all. As many authors
have observed, it is hard to understand broad political participation on the
basis of conventional economic considerations. Most individuals’ personal
stake in political outcomes is no more than moderate. And if many individuals participate, each one’s chance of affecting the outcome is extremely
small. A typical voter’s chance of changing the outcome of a U.S. presidential election, for example, is almost surely well below one in a million. This
means that minuscule costs of participation are enough to keep broad participation from being an equilibrium (Olson, 1965; see also Ledyard, 1984,
and Palfrey and Rosenthal, 1985).
See Problem 12.8 for an analysis of deficit restrictions in the model.
12.6 Strategic Debt Accumulation
The usual way of addressing this issue is simply to assume that individuals participate (as in Tabellini and Alesina’s model), or to assume that they
get utility from participation. This is a reasonable modeling strategy: it does
not make sense to insist that we have a full understanding of the sources of
political participation before we model the impact of that participation. At
the same time, an understanding of why people participate may change the
analysis of how they participate. For example, suppose a major reason for
participation is that people get utility from being civic-minded, or from expressing their like or dislike of candidates’ positions or actions even if those
expressions have only a trivial chance of affecting the outcome (P. Romer,
1996). If such nonstandard considerations are important to people’s decision to participate, they may also be important to their behavior conditional
on participating. That is, the assumption that people who participate support the outcome that maximizes their conventionally defined self-interest
may be wrong. Yet this is a basic assumption of Tabellini and Alesina’s
model (where people vote for the outcome that maximizes their conventionally defined utility), and of most other economic models of politics.25
The second issue is more specific to Tabellini and Alesina’s model. In
their model, individuals’ preferences are fixed, and who is chosen as the policymaker may change between the two periods because participation may
change. In practice, however, changes in individuals’ preferences are important to changes in policymakers. In the United States, for example, the main
reason for the election-to-election swings in the relative performances of the
Democratic and Republican parties is not variation in participation, but variation in swing voters’ opinions. In analyzing the consequences of changes
in policymakers, it matters whether the changes stem from changes in participation or changes in preferences. Suppose, for example, the period-1
policymaker believes that the period-2 policymaker’s preferences may differ from his or her own because of new information about the relative merits
of the two types of purchases. Then the period-1 policymaker has no reason to restrain the period-2 policymaker’s spending. Indeed, the period-1
policymaker may want to transfer resources from period 1 to period 2 so
that more spending can be based on the new information.
Logarithmic Utility
We now turn to the second case of Tabellini and Alesina’s model that we
will consider. Its key feature is that preferences are such that all potential
policymakers devote resources to both military and nonmilitary goods. To
see the issues clearly, we consider the case where the utility function U (•)
is logarithmic. And to ensure that policymakers always devote resources to
Green and Shapiro (1994) provide a strong critique of economic models of voting
both types of goods, we assume the median voters’ α’s are always strictly
between 0 and 1.
As before, we begin by considering the second period. The problem of the
period-2 median voter is to allocate the available resources, W − D, between
military and nonmilitary goods to maximize his or her utility. Formally, the
problem is
max α2MED ln M 2 + 1 − α2MED ln([W − D] − M 2 ),
where α2MED is the period-2 median voter’s α. Solving this problem yields
the usual result that with logarithmic preferences, spending on each good
is proportional to its weight in the utility function:
M 2 = α2MED (W − D ),
N2 = (1 − α2MED )(W − D ).
Now consider period 1. Our main interest is in the period-1 policymaker’s
choice of D. To find this, it turns out that we do not need to solve the
policymaker’s full maximization problem. Instead, it is enough to consider
the utility the policymaker obtains from the period-2 policymaker’s choices
for a given value of D and a given realization of α2MED . Let V 12 (D,α2MED ) denote
this utility. It is given by
V 12 D,α2MED = α1MED ln α2MED (W − D )
+ 1 − α1MED ln
1 − α2MED (W − D ) ,
where we have used (12.30) and (12.31) to express M 2 and N2 in terms of
α2MED and D, and where α1MED is the period-1 policymaker’s α. Note that
the values of M 2 and N2 depend on the period-2 policymaker’s preferences
(α2MED ), but the weights assigned to them in the period-1 policymaker’s utility depend on that policymaker’s preferences (α1MED ).
Expanding expression (12.32) and simplifying gives us
V 12 D,α2MED = α1MED ln α2MED + α1MED ln(W − D ) + 1 − α1MED ln 1 − α2MED
+ 1 − α1MED ln(W − D )
= α1MED ln α2MED + 1 − α1MED ln 1 − α2MED + ln(W − D ).
Equation (12.33) shows us that the period-2 policymaker’s preferences affect the level of utility the period-1 policymaker obtains from what happens
in period 2, but not the impact of D on that utility. Since the realization of
α2MED does not affect the impact of D on the period-1 policymaker’s utility from what will happen in period 2, it cannot affect his or her utilitymaximizing choice of D. That is, the period-1 policymaker’s choice of D
must be independent of the distribution of α2MED . Since the choice of D is
12.7 Delayed Stabilization
the same for all distributions of α2MED , we can just look at the case when α2MED
will equal α1MED with certainty. But we know that in that case, the period-1
policymaker chooses D = 0. In short, with logarithmic preferences, there is
no deficit bias in Tabellini and Alesina’s model.
The intuition for this result is that when all potential policymakers devote resources to both types of goods, there is a disadvantage as well as an
advantage to the period-1 policymaker to running a deficit. To understand
this, consider what happens if the period-1 policymaker has a high value of
α and the period-2 policymaker has a low one. The advantage of a deficit to
the period-1 policymaker is that, as before, he or she devotes a large fraction
of the resources transferred from period 2 to period 1 to a use that he or she
considers more desirable than the main use the period-2 policymaker would
put those resources to. That is, the period-1 policymaker devotes most of
the resources transferred from period 2 to period 1 to military goods. The
disadvantage is that the period-2 policymaker would have devoted some of
those resources to military purchases in period 2. Crucially, because the low
value of the period-2 policymaker’s α causes period-2 military purchases
to be low, the marginal utility of those additional military purchases to the
period-1 policymaker is high. In the case of logarithmic utility, this advantage and disadvantage of a deficit just balance, and so the period-1 policymaker runs a balanced budget. In the general case, the overall effect can go
either way. For example, in the case where the utility function U (•) is more
sharply curved than logarithmic, the period-1 policymaker runs a surplus.
This analysis shows that with logarithmic preferences, disagreement over
the composition of purchases does not produce deficit bias. Such preferences are a common case to consider. In the case of individuals’ preferences
concerning government purchases of different kinds of goods, however, we
have little idea whether they are a reasonable approximation. As a result, it
is difficult to gauge the likely magnitude of the potential deficit bias stemming from the mechanism identified by Tabellini and Alesina.
12.7 Delayed Stabilization
We now turn to the second source of inefficient deficits emphasized in work
in new political economy. The basic idea is that when no single individual
or interest group controls policy at a given time, interactions among policymakers can produce inefficient deficits. Specifically, inefficient deficits can
persist because each policymaker or interest group delays agreeing to fiscal
reform in the hope that others will bear a larger portion of the burden.
There are many cases that appear to fit this general idea. Hyperinflations
are the clearest example. Given the enormous disruptions hyperinflations
create, there is little doubt that there are policies that would make most people considerably better off. Yet reform is often delayed as interest groups
struggle over how to divide the burden of the reform. In the hyperinflations after World War I, the struggles were largely over whether higher taxes
should be levied on capital or labor. In modern hyperinflations, the struggles
are typically over whether the budget deficit will be closed by broad-based
tax increases or by reductions in government employment and subsidies.
Another example is U.S. fiscal policy in the 1980s and early 1990s. In this
period, there was general consensus among policymakers that the budget
deficit should be lower. Indeed, there was probably broad agreement that
deficit reduction through a mix of broad spending cuts and tax increases
was preferable to the status quo. But there was disagreement over the best
way to reduce the deficit. As a result, policymakers were unable to agree on
any specific set of measures.
The idea that conflict over how the burden of reform will be divided can
cause deficits to persist is due to Alesina and Drazen (1991). Their basic idea
is that each party in the bargaining may choose to delay to try to get a better
deal for itself. By accepting a continuation of the current situation rather
than agreeing to immediate reform, a group signals that it is costly for it
to accept reform. As a result, choosing to delay may improve the group’s
expected outcome at the cost of worsening the overall economic situation.
The end result can be delayed stabilization even though there are policies
that are known to make everyone better off.
There is a natural analogy with labor strikes. Ex post, strikes are inefficient: both sides would have been better off if they had agreed to the
eventual settlement without a strike. Yet strikes occur. A leading proposed
explanation is that each side is uncertain of the other’s situation, and that
there is no way for them to convey information to one another costlessly.
For example, a statement by management that a proposed settlement would
almost surely bankrupt the firm is not credible: if such a statement would
get management a better deal, management may make the statement even
if it is false. But if management chooses to suffer a strike rather than accept
the proposed settlement, this demonstrates that it views the settlement as
very costly (for example, Hayes, 1984).
In their model, Alesina and Drazen assume that a fiscal reform must be
undertaken, and that the burden of the reform will be distributed asymmetrically between two interest groups. Each group delays agreeing to accept
the larger share of the burden in the hope that the other will. The less costly
it is for a group to accept the larger share, the sooner it decides that the
benefits of conceding outweigh the benefits of continued delay. Formally,
Alesina and Drazen consider a war of attrition.
We will analyze a version of the variant of Alesina and Drazen’s model
developed by Hsieh (2000). Instead of considering a war of attrition, Hsieh
considers a bargaining model based on the models used to analyze strikes.
One advantage of this approach is that it makes the asymmetry of the burden of reform the outcome of a bargaining process rather than exogenous. A
second advantage is that it is simpler than Alesina and Drazen’s approach.
12.7 Delayed Stabilization
There are two groups, which we will refer to as capitalists and workers. The
two groups must decide whether to reform fiscal policy and, if so, how to
divide the burden of reform. If there is no reform, both groups receive a
payoff of zero. If there is reform, capitalists receive pretax income of R
and workers receive pretax income of W > 0. However, reform requires that
taxes of amount T be levied. T is assumed to satisfy 0 < T < W. We let
X denote the amount of taxes paid by capitalists. Thus after-tax incomes
under reform are R − X for capitalists and (W − T ) + X for workers.
A central assumption of the model is that R is random and that its realization is known only to the capitalists. Specifically, it is distributed uniformly on some interval [A, B], where B ≥ A ≥ 0. Together with our earlier
assumptions, the assumption that R cannot be less than A implies that any
choice of X between 0 and A necessarily makes both groups better off than
without reform.
We consider a very simple model of the bargaining between the two
groups. Workers make a proposal concerning X to the capitalists. If the capitalists accept the proposal, fiscal policy is reformed. If they reject it, there
is no reform. Both capitalists and workers seek to maximize their expected
after-tax incomes.26
Analyzing the Model
If the capitalists accept the workers’ proposal, their payoff is R − X. If they
reject it, their payoff is 0. They therefore accept when R − X > 0. Thus the
probability that the proposal is accepted is the probability that R is greater
than X. Since R is distributed uniformly on [A,B], this probability is
P (X ) =
B −A
if X ≤ A
if A < X < B
if X ≥ B.
The workers receive (W − T ) + X if their proposal is accepted and zero if
it is rejected. Their expected payoff, which we denote V (X ), therefore equals
There are many possible extensions of the bargaining model. In particular, it is natural
to consider the possibility that rejection of a proposal delays reform, and therefore imposes
costs on both sides, but leaves opportunities for additional proposals. In Hsieh’s model, for
example, there are two potential rounds of proposals. In many models of strikes, there are
infinitely many potential rounds.
P (X )[(W − T ) + X ]. Using expression (12.34) for P (X ), this is
V (X ) =
(W − T ) + X
if X ≤ A
(B − X)[(W − T ) + X]
B −A
if A < X < B
if X ≥ B.
The workers will clearly not make a proposal that will be rejected for
sure. Such a proposal has an expected payoff of zero, and there are other
proposals that have positive expected payoffs. For example, since W − T
is positive by assumption, a proposal of X = 0—so the workers bear the
entire burden of the reform—has a strictly positive payoff. One can also
see that there is a cost but no benefit to the workers to reducing their proposed value of X below the lowest level that they know will be accepted for
Thus there are two possibilities. First, the workers may choose a value of
X in the interior of [A,B], so that the probability of the capitalists accepting
the proposal is strictly between 0 and 1. Second, the workers may make the
least generous proposal that they know will be accepted for sure. Since the
capitalists’ payoff is R − X and the lowest possible value of R is A, this
corresponds to a proposal of X = A.
To analyze workers’ behavior formally, we use equation (12.35) to find
the derivative of V (X ) with respect to X for A < X < B. This yields
V ′ (X ) =
[B − (W − T )] − 2X
B −A
if A < X < B.
Note that V ′′ (X ) is negative over this whole range. Thus if V ′ (X ) is negative
at X = A, it is negative for all values of X between A and B. In this case,
the workers propose X = A; that is, they make a proposal that they know
will be accepted. Inspection of (12.36) shows that this occurs when
[B − (W − T )] − 2A is negative.
The alternative is for V ′ (X ) to be positive at X = A. In this case, the
optimum is interior to the interval [A, B], and is defined by the condition
V ′ (X ) = 0. From (12.36), this occurs when [B − (W − T )] − 2X = 0.
Thus we have
X∗ =
if [B − (W − T )] − 2A ≤ 0
⎩ B − (W − T )
if [B − (W − T )] − 2A > 0.
12.7 Delayed Stabilization
Workers’ expected payoff as a function of their proposal
Equation (12.34) implies that the equilibrium probability that the proposal
is accepted is
P (X ∗ ) =
if [B − (W − T )] − 2A ≤ 0
⎩ B + (W − T )
2(B − A)
if [B − (W − T )] − 2A > 0.
Figure 12.2 shows the two possibilities for how workers’ expected payoff,
V , varies with their proposal, X. The expected payoff always rises one-forone with X over the range where the proposal is accepted for sure (that
is, until X = A). And when X ≥ B, the workers’ proposal is rejected for
sure, and so their expected payoff is 0. Panel (a) of the figure shows a case
where the expected payoff is decreasing over the entire range [A,B], so that
the workers propose X = A. Panel (b) shows a case where the expected
payoff is first increasing and then decreasing over the range [A,B], so that
the workers make a proposal strictly within this range.
The model’s key implication is that P (X ∗ ) can be less than 1: the two sides
can fail to agree on a reform package even though there are packages that
both sides know are certain to make them both better off. The workers can
offer to pay T − A themselves and to have the capitalists pay A, in which
case there is reform for sure and both sides are better off than without
reform. But if the condition [B − (W − T )] − 2A > 0 holds, the workers make
a less generous proposal, and thereby run a risk of no agreement being
reached. Their motive in doing this is to improve their expected outcome at
the expense of the capitalists’.
A necessary condition for the possibility of an inefficient outcome is that
the workers do not know how much reform matters to capitalists (that is,
that they do not know the value of R). To see this, consider what happens
as B − A, the difference between the highest and lowest possible values of
R, approaches zero. The condition for workers to make a proposal that is
less than certain of being accepted is [B − (W − T )] − 2A > 0, or (B − A) −
[(W − T ) + A] > 0. Since (W − T ) + A is positive by assumption, this condition
fails if B − A is small enough. In this case, the workers propose X = A—the
highest value of X they are certain the capitalists will accept—and there is
reform for sure.27
This analysis of delayed stabilization captures the fact that there are
situations where policies persist despite the existence of alternatives that
appear superior for the relevant parties. At the same time, the model has
two important limitations. The first is that it assumes that there are only
two types of individuals. Most individuals are not just capitalists or just
workers, but receive both capital and labor income. Thus it may not be reasonable to assume that there is bargaining between exogenous groups with
strongly opposed interests rather than, for example, a political process that
converges quickly to the preferences of the median voter.
The second problem is that this analysis does not actually identify a
source of deficit bias. It identifies a source of delay in policy changes of
any type. Thus it identifies a reason for excessive deficits, once they arise,
to persist. But it identifies an equally strong reason for excessive surpluses to
persist if they arise. By itself, it provides no reason for us to expect deficits
to be excessive on average.
One possibility is that other considerations cause the average level of
deficits to be excessive, and that the considerations identified by Alesina
and Drazen cause inertia in departures of the deficit from its average level.
In such a situation, inertia in response to a shock that moves the deficit
above its usual level is very socially costly, since the deficit is too high to
One implication of this discussion is that as B − A approaches zero, all the surplus
from the reform accrues to the workers. This is an artifact of the assumption that they are
able to make a take-it-or-leave-it proposal to the capitalists.
12.8 Politics and Deficits in Industrialized Countries
start with. Inertia in response to a shock that moves the deficit below its
average level, on the other hand, is desirable (and therefore attracts less
attention), since the deficit has moved closer to its optimal level.28
Finally, Alesina and Drazen’s analysis has implications for the role of
crises in spurring reform. An old and appealing idea is that a crisis—
specifically, a situation where continuation of the status quo would be very
harmful—can actually be beneficial by bringing about reforms that would
not occur otherwise. In a model like Alesina and Drazen’s or Hsieh’s, increasing the cost of failing to reform may make the parties alter their behavior in
ways that make reform more likely. Whether this effect is strong enough to
make the overall effect of a crisis beneficial is not obvious. This issue is investigated by Drazen and Grilli (1993) and by Hsieh, and in Problem 12.12.
It turns out that there are indeed cases where a crisis improves expected
A corollary of this observation is that well-intentioned foreign aid to ease
the suffering caused by a crisis can be counterproductive. Aid that increases
the incentives for reform, on the other hand, may be more desirable. This
idea is investigated by Hsieh and in Problem 12.13.
12.8 Empirical Application: Politics and
Deficits in Industrialized Countries
Political-economy theories of fiscal policy suggest that political institutions
and outcomes may be important to budget deficits. Beginning with Roubini
and Sachs (1989) and Grilli, Masciandaro, and Tabellini (1991), various researchers have therefore examined the relationship between political variables and deficits. Papers in this area generally do not try to derive sharp
predictions from political-economy theories and test them formally. Rather,
they try to identify broad patterns or stylized facts in the data and relate
them informally to different views of the sources of deficits.
Preliminary Findings
There is considerable variation in the behavior of deficits. In some countries,
such as Belgium and Italy, debt-to-GDP ratios rose steadily for extended
U.S. fiscal policy in 1999–2000 appears to have fit this pattern. A series of favorable
shocks had produced projected surpluses. Although the best available projections suggested
that increases in the surpluses were needed for fiscal policy to be sustainable, there was
widespread support among policymakers for policy changes that would reduce the surpluses. Disagreement about the specifics of those changes made reaching an agreement
difficult, and so no significant policy changes were made until the 2000 election changed
the balance of political power. Thus there appears to have been persistence of the departure
of the deficit away from a high level.
periods to very high levels. In others, such as Australia and Finland, debtto-GDP ratios have been consistently low. And other countries display more
complicated patterns. In addition, debt-to-GDP ratios were falling in most
countries until the early 1970s, generally rising from then until the mid1990s, and generally falling since then until the recent crisis.
This diversity of behavior is modest evidence in favor of political-economy
models of deficits. For example, it is hard to believe that economic fundamentals are so different between Belgium and the Netherlands as to warrant
a gap of 50 percentage points in their debt-to-GDP ratios. If purely economic
forces cannot account for variations in deficits, other forces must be at work.
Political forces are one candidate.
Further, Roubini and Sachs (1989) show that the behavior of deficits
appears to depart in an important way from tax-smoothing. They consider
15 OECD countries over the period 1960–1986. In every country they consider, the tax-to-GDP ratio had an upward trend, and in most cases the trend
was quantitatively and statistically significant. This is what one would expect with deficit bias. The government sets taxes too low relative to what
tax-smoothing requires, and as a result starts to accumulate debt. As the
debt mounts, the government must raise taxes to satisfy its budget constraint. With continuing deficit bias, the tax rate is always below the value
that would be expected to satisfy the budget constraint if it were kept constant, and so there are repeated tax increases. Thus the finding of an upward
trend in tax rates also supports political-economy models.
Weak Governments and Budget Deficits
We now turn to results that specifically concern political factors. The central finding of this literature, due to Roubini and Sachs, is that there are
systematic differences in the political characteristics of countries that ran
large deficits in the decade after the first oil price shocks in 1973 and countries that did not. Countries in the first group had governments that were
short-lived and often took the form of multiparty coalitions, while countries in the second group had longer-lived, stronger governments. To test
the strength of this pattern, Roubini and Sachs regress the deficit as a share
of GDP on a set of economic variables and a political variable measuring
how weak the government is. Specifically, their political variable measures
the extent to which policy is not controlled by a single party; it ranges from
0 for a presidential or one-party-majority government to 3 for a minority
government. Roubini and Sachs’s regression takes the form
D it = a + b WEAKit + c ′ X it + eit .
D it is the budget deficit in country i in year t as a share of GDP, WEAKit
is the political variable, and X it is a vector of other variables. The resulting
estimate of b is 0.4, with a standard error of 0.14. That is, the point estimate
12.8 Politics and Deficits in Industrialized Countries
suggests that a change in the political variable from 0 to 3 is associated
with an increase in the deficit-to-GDP ratio of 1.2 percentage points, which
is substantial.
The theory that is most suggestive of the importance of weak governments is Alesina and Drazen’s: their model implies that inefficiency arises
because no single interest group or party is setting policy. But recall that
the model does not imply that weak governments cause high deficits; rather,
it implies that weak governments cause persistence of existing deficits or
surpluses. This prediction can be tested by including an interaction term
between the political variable and the lagged deficit in the regression. That
is, one can modify equation (12.39) to
D it = a + b 1 WEAKit + b 2 D i,t −1 + b 3 D i,t −1 WEAKit + c ′ X it + eit .
With this specification, the persistence of the deficit from one year to the
next, ∂D it /∂D i,t −1 , is b 2 + b 3 WEAKit . Persistence is b 2 under the strongest
governments (WEAKit = 0) and b 2 + 3b 3 under the weakest ( WEAKit = 3).
Thus Alesina and Drazen’s model predicts b 3 > 0.
In estimating a regression with an interaction term, it is almost always
important to also include the interacted variables individually. This is done
by the inclusion of b 1 WEAKit and b 2 D i,t −1 in (12.40). If b 2 D i,t −1 is excluded,
for example, the persistence of the deficit is b 3 WEAKit . Thus the specification without b 2 D i,t −1 forces persistence to equal zero when WEAKit equals
zero. This is not a reasonable restriction to impose. Further, imposing it
can bias the estimate of the main parameter of interest, b 3 . For example,
suppose that deficits are persistent but that their persistence does not vary
with the strength of the government. Thus the truth is b 2 > 0 and b 3 = 0.
In a regression without b 2 D i,t −1 , the best fit to the data is obtained with a
positive value of b̂ 3 , since this at least allows the regression to fit the fact
that deficits are persistent under weak governments. Thus in this case the
exclusion of b 2 D i,t −1 biases the estimate of b 3 up. A similar analysis shows
that one should include the b 1 WEAKit term as well.29
When Roubini and Sachs estimate equation (12.40), they obtain an estimate of b 2 of 0.66 (with a standard error of 0.07) and an estimate of b 3
of 0.03 (with a standard error of 0.03). Thus the null hypothesis that the
strength of the government has no effect on the persistence of deficits cannot be rejected. More importantly, the point estimate implies that deficits
are only slightly more persistent under the weakest governments than under the strongest (0.75 versus 0.66). Thus the results provide little support
for a key prediction of Alesina and Drazen’s model.
Note also that when a variable enters a regression both directly and via an interaction
term, the coefficient on the variable is no longer the correct measure of its estimated average
impact on the dependent variable. In (12.40), for example, the average effect of WEAK on
D is not b 1 , but b 1 + b 3 Di,t −1 , where Di,t −1 is the average value of D i,t −1 . Because of this,
the point estimate and confidence interval for b 1 + b 3 Di,t −1 are likely to be of much greater
interest than those for b 1 .
Is the Relationship Causal?
One concern about the finding that weaker governments run larger deficits
is the usual one about statistical relationships: the finding may not reflect an
impact of government weakness on deficits. Specifically, unfavorable economic and budgetary shocks that we are not able to control for in the regression can lead to both deficits and weak governments.
Two pieces of evidence suggest that this potential problem is not the main
source of the correlation between deficits and weak government.
First, Grilli, Masciandaro, and Tabellini (1991) find that there is a strong
correlation between countries’ deficits and whether they have proportionalrepresentation systems. Countries did not adopt proportional representation in response to unfavorable shocks. And countries with proportional
representation have on average weaker governments.
Second, Roubini and Sachs present a case study of France around the time
of the founding of the Fifth Republic to attempt to determine whether weak
government leads to high deficits. A case study is a detailed examination
of what in a formal statistical analysis would be just a single data point or
a handful of data points. Some case studies consist of little more than descriptions of the behavior of various variables, and are therefore less useful
than statistical analysis of those variables. But well-executed case studies
can serve two more constructive purposes. First, they can provide ideas for
research. In situations where one does not yet have a hypothesis to test, detailed examination of an episode may suggest possibilities. Second, a case
study can help to untangle the problems of omitted-variable bias and reverse causation that plague statistical work.
Roubini and Sachs’s case study is of the second type. From 1946 to 1958,
France had a proportional-representation system, divided and unstable governments, and high deficits. A presidential system was adopted in 1958–
1959. After its adoption and de Gaulle’s accession to the presidency, deficits
fell rapidly and then remained low.
This bare-bones description adds nothing to statistical work. But Roubini
and Sachs present several pieces of evidence that suggest that the political variables had large effects on deficits. First, there were no unfavorable
shocks large enough to explain the large deficits of the 1950s on the basis
of factors other than the political system. France did have unusually large
military expenditures in this period because of its involvements in Vietnam
and Algeria, but the expenditures were too small to account for a large part
of the deficits. Second, there were enormous difficulties in agreeing on budgets in this period. Third, getting a budget passed often required adding
large amounts of spending on patronage and local projects. And finally,
de Gaulle used his powers under the new constitution to adopt a range
of deficit-cutting measures that had failed under the old system or had
been viewed as politically impossible. Thus, Roubini and Sachs’s additional
evidence strongly suggests that the conjunction of weak government and
12.8 Politics and Deficits in Industrialized Countries
high deficits in the Fourth Republic and of strong government and low
deficits in the Fifth Republic reflects an impact of political strength and
stability on budgetary outcomes.
Other Findings
The literature has identified two other interesting relationships between political variables and deficits. First, Grilli, Masciandaro, and Tabellini find that
average deficits are higher when governments are less durable. Specifically,
they find that deficits are much more strongly associated with the frequency
of changes in the executive than with the frequency of major changes in government. Roubini and Sachs’s case study of France suggests, however, that
this association may not be causal. At least in France in the 1950s, changes
in governments were often the result of failures to agree on a budget. Thus
here the additional evidence provided by a case study does not support a
causal interpretation of a regression coefficient, but casts doubt on it.
Second, some work examines the relation between the institutions of
budget-making and deficits. Much of this work views deficits as the result
of a common-pool problem in government spending. Suppose that government spending is determined by several players, each of whom has particular influence over spending that benefits an interest group that the player
is especially concerned about (such as the members of his or her legislative district ). In effect, each player gets to choose how much of the economy’s overall tax base (the common pool) to exploit to finance spending that
particularly benefits him or her. The result is inefficiently high spending
(Weingast, Shepsle, and Johnsen, 1981; see also Problem 12.15).
This account has several limitations as a model of deficits. First, it is not
clear why the relatively small number of major participants in the budgetary
process do not find some way of agreeing on an outcome that avoids this inefficiency. Second, spending that benefits narrow interests does not appear
to be large enough for the common-pool problem to produce significant
bias. And third, in its basic form the model predicts spending bias rather
than deficit bias.30
Despite these concerns, several papers examine the relationship between
budgetary institutions and deficits (for example, von Hagen and Harden,
1995, and Baqir, 2002). von Hagen and Harden construct an index of the extent to which countries’ budgetary institutions are hierarchical and transparent. By hierarchical, they mean institutions that give the prime minister or finance minister a large role in the process. By transparent, they
mean institutions that make the official budget more informative about
what actual taxes and purchases will be. Neither hierarchy nor transparency
provides a clear-cut test of the importance of the common-pool problem.
On this last point, see Chari and Cole (1993), Velasco (1999), and Problem 12.16.
Hierarchical institutions can reduce deficits for the same reasons as strong
governments in Alesina and Drazen’s model rather than by mitigating the
common-pool problem. And transparency appears more likely to counter
deficit bias stemming from signaling or imperfect understanding than from
the common-pool problem.
von Hagen and Harden find a strong correlation between their index and
fiscal outcomes among a sample of 12 European countries. For example,
the three countries with the lowest values of the index had average deficitto-GDP ratios in the 1980s over 10 percent, and average debt-to-GDP
ratios of about 100 percent. The three highest-ranked countries had average
deficit-to-GDP ratios less than 2 percent and average debt-to-GDP ratios of
about 40 percent.
This line of work has established two main results. First, countries’ political characteristics affect their deficits. Second, the political characteristics
that appear to matter most are ones that Alesina and Drazen’s model suggests lead to delay, such as divided government and division of power in
budget-making. The macroeconomic evidence does not support the idea
that deficits result from the deliberate decisions of one set of policymakers to leave large debts to their successors to restrain their spending, as in
Tabellini and Alesina’s model. We do not see large deficits in countries like
the United Kingdom, where parties with very different ideologies alternate
having strong control of policy. Instead we see them in countries like Belgium
and Italy, where there is a succession of coalition and minority governments.31 This suggests that it is important to understand how division of
power can lead to deficits. In particular, we would like to know whether a
variation on Alesina and Drazen’s analysis accounts for the link between
divided government and deficits, or whether there is some other factor
at work.
12.9 The Costs of Deficits
Much of this chapter discusses forces that can give rise to excessive deficits.
But it says little about the nature and size of the costs of excessive deficits.
This section provides an introduction to this issue.
The costs of deficits, like the costs of inflation, are poorly understood. The
reasons are quite different, however. In the case of inflation, the
difficulty is that the popular perception is that inflation is very costly, but
economists have difficulty identifying channels through which it is likely to
Pettersson-Lidbom (2001), however, finds evidence from local governments of the
effects predicted by Tabellini and Alesina’s model and by Persson and Svensson (1989).
12.9 The Costs of Deficits
have important effects. In the case of deficits, it is not hard to find reasons
that they can have significant effects. The difficulty is that the effects are
complicated. As a result, it is hard to do welfare analysis in which one can
have much confidence.
The first part of this section considers the effects of sustainable deficit
policies. The second part discusses the effects of embarking on a policy that
cannot be sustained, focusing especially on what can happen if the unsustainable policy ends with a crisis or “hard landing.” Section 12.10 presents
a simple model of how a crisis can come about.
The Effects of Sustainable Deficits
The most obvious cost of excessive deficits is that they involve a departure
from tax-smoothing. If the tax rate is below the level needed for the government’s budget constraint to be satisfied in expectation, then the expected
future tax rate exceeds the current tax rate. This means that the expected
discounted value of the distortion costs from raising revenue is unnecessarily high.
Unless the marginal distortion costs of raising revenue rise sharply with
the amount of revenue raised, however, the costs of a moderate period of
modestly excessive deficits through this channel are probably small. But
this does not mean that departures from tax-smoothing are never important. Some projections suggest that if no changes are made in U.S. fiscal
policy over the next few decades, satisfying the government budget constraint solely through tax increases would require average tax rates well
over 50 percent. The distortion costs from such a policy would surely be
substantial. To give another example, Cooley and Ohanian (1997) argue that
Britain’s heavy reliance on taxes rather than debt to finance its purchases
during World War II—which corresponded to a policy of inefficiently low
deficits relative to tax-smoothing—had large welfare costs.32
Deficits are likely to have larger welfare effects as a result of failures of
Ricardian equivalence. Deficits almost surely raise aggregate consumption,
and thus lower the economy’s future wealth. Unfortunately, obtaining estimates of the resulting welfare effects is very difficult, for three reasons.
First, simply obtaining estimates of deficits’ impact on the paths of such
variables as consumption, capital, foreign asset holdings, and so on requires
estimates of the magnitude of departures from Ricardian equivalence. Here
we do not have a precise figure. Nonetheless, one can make a rough estimate and proceed. For example, Bernheim (1987) argues that a reasonable
estimate is that private saving offsets about half the decline in government
saving that results from a switch from tax to deficit finance.
However, some of the costs they estimate come from high taxes on capital income
rather than departures from tax-smoothing.
Second, the welfare effects depend not just on the magnitude of the departures from Ricardian equivalence, but also on the reasons for the departures. For example, suppose Ricardian equivalence fails because of liquidity
constraints. This means that the marginal utility of current consumption is
high relative to that of future consumption, and thus that there is a large
benefit to greater current consumption. In this case, running a higher deficit
than is consistent with tax-smoothing can raise welfare (Hubbard and Judd,
1986). Or suppose Ricardian equivalence fails because consumption is determined partly by rules of thumb. In this case, we cannot use households’
consumption choices to infer their preferences. This leaves us with no clear
way of evaluating the desirability of alternative paths of consumption.
The third difficulty is that deficits have distributional effects. Since some
of the taxes needed to repay new debt fall on future generations, deficits
redistribute from future generations to the current one. In addition, to the
extent that deficits reduce the capital stock, they depress wages and raise
real interest rates, and thus redistribute from workers to capitalists. The
fact that deficits do not create Pareto improvements or Pareto worsenings
does not imply that one should have no opinion about their merits. For example, most individuals (including most economists) believe that a policy
that benefits many people but involves small costs to a few is desirable, even
if the losers are never compensated. In the case of the redistribution from
workers to capitalists, the fact that workers are generally poorer than capitalists may be a reason to find the redistribution undesirable. The redistribution from future generations to the current one is more complicated. On
one hand, future generations are likely to be better off than the current one;
this is likely to make us view the redistribution more favorably. On the other
hand, the common view that saving is too low implicitly takes the view that
rates of return are high enough to make redistribution from those currently
alive to future generations desirable; this suggests that the redistribution
from future generations to the current one may be undesirable. For all these
reasons, the welfare effects of sustainable deficits are difficult to evaluate.
The Effects of Unsustainable Deficits
Countries often embark on paths for fiscal policy that cannot be sustained.
For example, they often pursue policies involving an ever-rising ratio of
debt to GDP. By definition, an unsustainable policy cannot continue indefinitely. Thus the fact that the government is following such a policy does
not imply that it needs to take deliberate actions to change course. This
idea was expressed by Herbert Stein in what is now known as Stein’s law:
“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” The difficulty, however, is
that stopping may be sudden and unexpected. Policy is unsustainable when
the government is trying to behave in a way that violates its budget constraint. In such a situation, at some point outside developments force it to
12.9 The Costs of Deficits
abandon this attempt. And as we will see in the next section, the forced
change is likely to take the form of a crisis rather than a smooth transition.
Typically, the crisis involves a sharp contraction in fiscal policy, a large
decline in aggregate demand, major repercussions in capital and foreignexchange markets, and perhaps default on the government’s debt.
The possibility of a fiscal crisis creates additional costs to deficits. It is important to note, however, that government default is not in itself a cost. The
default is a transfer from bondholders to taxpayers. Typically this means
that it is a transfer from wealthier to poorer individuals. Further, to the
extent the debt is held by foreigners, the default is a transfer from foreigners to domestic residents. From the point of view of the domestic residents, this is an advantage to default. Finally, default reduces the amount
of revenue the government must raise in the future. Since raising revenue
involves distortions, this means that default does not just cause transfers,
but also improves efficiency.
Nonetheless, there are costs to crises. Some of the most important arise
because a crisis is likely to increase the price of foreign goods greatly. When
a country’s budget deficit falls sharply, its capital and financial account surplus is likely to fall sharply as well. That is, the economy is likely to move
from a situation where foreigners are buying large quantities of the country’s assets to one where they are buying few or none. But this means that
the trade balance must swing sharply toward surplus. For this to happen,
there must be a large depreciation of the real exchange rate. In the Mexican
crisis of 1994–1995, for example, the value of the Mexican peso fell roughly
in half. And in the East Asian crisis of 1997–1998, the values of many of the
affected currencies fell by considerably more.
Such real depreciation reduces welfare through several channels. Because
it corresponds to a rise in the real price of foreign goods, it lowers welfare
directly. Further, it tends to raise output in export and import-competing
sectors and reduce it elsewhere. That is, it is a sectoral shock that induces
a reallocation of labor and other inputs among sectors. Since reallocation
is not instantaneous, the result is a temporary rise in unemployment and
other unused resources. Finally, the depreciation is likely to increase inflation. Because workers purchase some foreign goods, the depreciation raises
the cost of living and thus creates upward pressure on wages. In addition, because some inputs are imported, the depreciation raises firms’ costs. In the
terminology of Section 6.4, real depreciation is an unfavorable supply shock.
Some other major costs of fiscal crises stem from the fact that they disrupt capital markets. Government default, plummeting asset prices, and
falling output are likely to bankrupt many firms and financial intermediaries. In addition, because firms’ and intermediaries’ debts are often denominated in foreign currencies, real depreciation directly worsens their financial situations and thus further increases bankruptcies. The bankruptcies
cause a loss of information and long-term relationships that help direct capital and other resources to their most productive uses. And even when firms
and intermediaries are not bankrupted by the crisis, the worsening of their
financial positions magnifies the effects of financial-market imperfections.
One effect of these financial-market disruptions is that investment is
lower. This effect, however, can be offset by expansionary (or less contractionary) monetary policy. But another effect is that for a given amount of investment, the average quality of projects is lower, since the financial system
now allocates capital less effectively. Similarly, output is lower for a given
level of employment, since many firms with profitable production opportunities are unable to produce because of bankruptcy or an inability to obtain
loans to pay their wages and purchase inputs. Bernanke (1983b) argues that
such financial-market disruptions played a large role in the Great Depression. And they appear to have been important in more recent fiscal crises as
well. In Indonesia in 1998, for example, a large majority of firms were at least
technically bankrupt, although many continued to function in some form.
At the microeconomic level, crises can cause large redistributions with
severe consequences. For example, suppose a government that is borrowing
to pay for pensions and medical care for the elderly faces a sudden default
that makes it unable to do any further borrowing. One result is likely to be
a sudden drop in the standards of living of the elderly, along with those
whose wealth holdings were concentrated in government debt.
Fiscal crises can have other costs as well. Since fiscal crises are unexpected, trying to follow an unsustainable policy increases uncertainty. Default and other failures to repay its debts can reduce a government’s ability
to borrow in the future.33 Finally, a crisis can lead to harmful policies, such
as broad trade restrictions, hyperinflation, and very high tax rates on capital.
One way to summarize the macroeconomic effects of a fiscal crisis is to
note that it typically leads to a sharp fall in output followed by only a gradual recovery. This summary, however, overstates the costs of embarking on
unsustainable fiscal policy, for two reasons. First, unsustainable fiscal policy is usually not the only source of a crisis; thus it is not appropriate to
attribute the crisis’s full costs to fiscal policy. Second, there may be benefits
to the policy before the crisis. For example, it may lead to real appreciation,
with benefits that are the converse of the costs of real depreciation, and
to a period of high output. Nonetheless, the costs of an attempt to pursue
unsustainable fiscal policy that ends in a crisis are almost surely substantial.
A Model of Debt Crises
We now turn to a simple model of a government attempting to issue debt.
We focus on the questions of what can cause investors to be unwilling to
Because there is no authority analogous to domestic courts to force borrowers to repay,
there are some important issues specifically related to international borrowing. See Obstfeld
and Rogoff (1996, Chapter 6) for an introduction.
12.10 A Model of Debt Crises
buy the debt at any interest rate, and of whether such a crisis is likely to
occur unexpectedly.34
Consider a government that has quantity D of debt coming due. It has no
funds immediately available, and so wants to roll the debt over (that is, to
issue D of new debt to pay off the debt coming due). It will be obtaining tax
revenues the following period, and so wants investors to hold the debt for
one period.
The government offers an interest factor of R; that is, it offers a real
interest rate of R − 1. Let T denote tax revenues the following period. T
is random, and its cumulative distribution function, F (•), is continuous. If
T exceeds the amount due on the debt in that period, RD, the government
pays the debtholders. If T is less than RD, the government defaults. Default
corresponds to a debt crisis.
Two simplifying assumptions make the model tractable. First, default
is all-or-nothing: if the government cannot pay RD, it repudiates the debt
entirely. Second, investors are risk-neutral, and the risk-free interest factor,
R, is independent of R and D. These assumptions do not appear critical to
the model’s main messages.
Analyzing the Model
Equilibrium is described by two equations in the probability of default, denoted π, and the interest factor on government debt, R. Since investors are
risk-neutral, the expected payoff from holding government debt must equal
the risk-free payoff, R. Government debt pays R with probability 1 − π and
0 with probability π. Thus equilibrium requires
(1 − π)R = R.
For comparison with the second equilibrium condition, it is useful to rearrange this condition as an expression for π as a function of R. This yields
R− R
The locus of points satisfying (12.42) is plotted in (R,π) space in Figure 12.3.
When the government is certain to repay (that is, when π = 0), R equals R.
As the probability of default rises, the interest factor the government must
See Calvo (1988) and Cole and Kehoe (2000) for examples of richer models of debt
FIGURE 12.3 The condition for investors to be willing to hold government debt
offer rises; thus the locus is upward-sloping. Finally, R approaches infinity
as the probability of default approaches 1.
The other equilibrium condition comes from the fact that whether the
government defaults is determined by its available revenues relative to the
amount due bondholders. Specifically, the government defaults if and only
if T is less than RD. Thus the probability of default is the probability that
T is less than RD. Since T ’s distribution function is F (•), we can write this
condition as
π = F (RD ).
The set of points satisfying (12.43) is plotted in Figure 12.4. If there are
minimum and maximum possible values of T, T and T, the probability of
default is 0 for R < T/D and 1 for R > T/D. And if the density function of
T is bell-shaped, the distribution function has an S shape like that shown
in the figure.
Equilibrium occurs at a point where both (12.42) and (12.43) are satisfied.
At such a point, the interest factor on government debt makes investors
willing to purchase the debt given the probability of default, and the probability of default is the probability that tax revenues are insufficient to pay
off the debt given the interest factor. In addition to any equilibria satisfying these two conditions, however, there is always an equilibrium where
investors are certain the government will not pay off the debt the following period and are therefore unwilling to purchase the debt at any interest
factor. If investors refuse to purchase the debt at any interest factor, the
probability of default is 1; and if the probability of default is 1, investors
refuse to purchase the debt at any interest factor. Loosely speaking, this
equilibrium corresponds to the point R = ∞, π = 1 in the diagram.35
It is straightforward to extend the analysis to the case where default is not all-ornothing. For example, suppose that when revenue is less than RD, the government pays all
of it to debtholders. To analyze the model in this case, define π as the expected fraction of
12.10 A Model of Debt Crises
0 T /D
FIGURE 12.4 The probability of default as a function of the interest factor
The model has at least four interesting implications. The first is that there
is a simple force tending to create multiple equilibria in the probability of
default. The higher the probability of default, the higher the interest factor
investors demand; but the higher the interest factor investors demand, the
higher the probability of default. In terms of the diagram, the fact that the
curves showing the equilibrium conditions are both upward-sloping means
that they can have multiple intersections.
Figure 12.5 shows one possibility. In this case, there are three equilibria. At Point A, the probability of default is low and the interest factor on
government debt is only slightly above the safe interest factor. At Point B,
there is a substantial chance of default and the interest factor on the debt
is well above the safe factor. Finally, there is the equilibrium where default
is certain and investors refuse to purchase the government’s debt at any
interest factor.36
the amount due to investors, RD, that they do not receive. With this definition, the condition
for investors to be willing to hold government debt, (1 − π)R = R , is the same as before, and
so equation (12.42) holds as before. The expression for the expected fraction of the amount
due to investors that they do not receive as a function of the interest factor the government
offers is now more complicated than (12.43). It still has the same basic shape in (R , π) space,
however: it is 0 for R sufficiently small, upward-sloping, and approaches 1 as R approaches
infinity. Because this change in assumptions does not change one curve at all and does not
change the other’s main features, the model’s main messages are unaffected.
One natural question is whether the government can avoid the multiplicity by issuing
its debt at the lowest equilibrium interest rate. The answer depends on how investors form
their expectations of the probability of default. One possibility is that they tentatively assume that the government can successfully issue debt at the interest factor it is offering;
they then purchase the debt if the expected return given this assumption at least equals
the risk-free return. In this case, the government can issue debt at the lowest interest factor
where the two curves intersect. But this is not the only possibility. For example, suppose
each investor believes that others believe the government will default for sure, and that
others are therefore unwilling to purchase the debt at any interest factor. Then no investor
purchases the debt, and so the beliefs prove correct.
T /D R
FIGURE 12.5 The determination of the interest factor and the probability of
Under plausible dynamics, the equilibrium at B is unstable and the other
two are stable. Suppose, for example, investors believe the probability of default is slightly below πB . Then at the interest factor needed to induce them
to buy the debt given this belief, the actual probability of default is less than
what they conjecture. It is plausible that their estimate of the probability of
default therefore falls, and that this process continues until the equilibrium
at Point A is reached. A similar argument suggests that if investors conjecture that the probability of default exceeds πB , the economy converges to
the equilibrium where investors will not hold the debt at any interest factor.
Thus there are two stable equilibria. In one, the interest factor and the probability of default are low. In the other, the government cannot get investors to
purchase its debt at any interest factor, and so it defaults immediately on its
outstanding debt. In short, there can be a self-fulfilling element to default.
The second implication is that large differences in fundamentals are not
needed for large differences in outcomes. One reason for this is the multiplicity just described: two economies can have the same fundamentals, but
one can be in the equilibrium with low R and low π and the other in the
equilibrium where investors refuse to buy the debt at any interest factor. A
more interesting source of large differences stems from differences in the
set of equilibria. Suppose the two curves have the form shown in Figure 12.5,
and suppose an economy is in the equilibrium with low R and low π at Point
A. A rise in R shifts the π = (R − R)/R curve to the right. Similarly, a rise in
D shifts the π = F (RD ) curve to the left. For small enough changes, π and R
change smoothly in response to either of these developments. Figure 12.6,
for example, shows the effects of a moderate change in R from R 0 to R 1 .
The equilibrium with low R and low π changes smoothly from A to A′ . But
now suppose R rises further. If R becomes sufficiently large—if it rises to
R 2 , for example—the two curves no longer intersect. In this situation, the
only equilibrium is the one where investors will not buy the debt. Thus two
economies can have similar fundamentals, but in one there is an equilibrium where the government can issue debt at a low interest rate while in
12.10 A Model of Debt Crises
R 0) / R
π = (R −
− R 1)/ R
π = (R
)/ R
− R2
0 T /D R
FIGURE 12.6 The effects of increases in the safe interest factor
the other the only equilibrium is for the government to be unable to issue
debt at any interest rate.
Third, the model suggests that default, when it occurs, may always be
quite unexpected. That is, it may be that for realistic cases, there is never an
equilibrium value of π that is substantial but strictly less than 1. If there is
little uncertainty about T, the revenue the government can obtain to pay off
the debt, the π = F (RD ) locus has sharp bends near π = 0 and π = 1 like
those in Figure 12.6. Since the π = (R − R)/R locus does not bend sharply,
in this case the switch to the situation where default is the only equilibrium
occurs at a low value of π. That is, there may never be a situation where
investors believe the probability of default is substantial but strictly less
than 1. As a result, defaults are always a surprise.
The final implication is the most straightforward. Default depends not
only on self-fulfilling beliefs, but also on fundamentals. In particular, an increase in the amount the government wants to borrow, an increase in the
safe interest factor, and a downward shift in the distribution of potential
revenue all make default more likely. Each of these developments shifts either the π = (R − R)/R locus down or the π = F (RD ) locus up. As a result,
each development increases π at any stable equilibrium. In addition, each
development can move the economy to a situation where the only equilibrium is the one where there is no interest factor at which investors will hold
the debt. Thus one message of the model is that high debt, a high required
rate of return, and low future revenues all make default more likely.
Multiple Periods
A version of the model with multiple periods raises some interesting additional issues. For instance, suppose the government wants to issue debt for
two periods. The government inherits a stock of debt in period 0, D 0 . Let
R 1 denote the interest factor it pays from period 0 to period 1, and R 2 the
interest factor from period 1 to period 2. For simplicity, the government
receives tax revenue only in period 2. Thus it pays off the debt in period
2 if and only if its available revenues, T, exceed the amount due, R 1 R 2 D 0 .
Finally, since the multiperiod version does not provide important additional
insights into the possibility of multiple equilibria, assume that the equilibrium with the lowest π (and hence the lowest R) is selected when there is
more than one equilibrium.
The most interesting new issues raised by the multiperiod model concern the importance of investors’ beliefs, their beliefs about other investors’
beliefs, and so on. The question of when investors can have heterogeneous beliefs in equilibrium is difficult and important. For this discussion,
however, we simply assume that heterogeneous beliefs are possible. Consider an investor in period 0. In the one-period case with the issue of multiple equilibria assumed away, the investor’s beliefs about others’ beliefs are
irrelevant to his or her behavior. The investor holds the debt if the interest
factor times his or her estimate of the probability that tax revenues will be
sufficient to pay off the debt is greater than or equal to the safe interest factor. But in the two-period case, the investor’s willingness to hold the debt
depends not only on R 1 and the distribution of T, but also on what R 2 will
be. This in turn depends on what other investors will believe as of period 1
about the distribution of T. Suppose, for example, that for some R 1 , the
investor’s own beliefs about F (•) imply that if the government offered an
R 2 only slightly above the safe factor, the probability of default would be
low, so that it would be sensible to hold the debt. Suppose, however, he or
she believes that others’ beliefs will make them unwilling to hold the debt
from period 1 to period 2 at any interest factor. Then the investor believes
the government will default in period 1. He or she therefore does not purchase the debt in period 0 despite the fact that his or her own beliefs about
fundamentals suggest that the government’s policy is reasonable.
Even a belief that there is a small chance that in period 1 others’ beliefs
will make them unwilling to hold the debt at any interest rate can matter.
Such a belief increases the R 1 that investors require to buy the debt in period 0. This raises the amount of debt the government has to roll over in
period 1, which reduces the chances that it will be able to do so, which raises
R 1 further, and so on. The end result is that the government may not be able
to sell its debt in period 0.
With more periods, even more complicated beliefs can matter. For example, if there are three periods rather than two, an investor in period 0 may
be unwilling to purchase the debt because he or she believes that in period
1 others may think that in period 2 investors may believe that there is no
interest factor that makes it worthwhile for them to hold the debt.
This discussion implies that it is rational for investors to be concerned
about others’ beliefs about governments’ solvency, about others’ beliefs
about others’ beliefs, and so on. Those beliefs affect the government’s ability to service its debt and thus the expected return from holding debt. An
additional implication is that a change in the debt market, or even a crisis,
can be caused by information not about fundamentals, but about beliefs
about fundamentals, or about beliefs about beliefs about fundamentals.
12.1. The stability of fiscal policy. (Blinder and Solow, 1973.) By definition, the
budget deficit equals the rate of change of the amount of debt outstanding:
δ(t ) ≡ Ḋ (t ). Define d(t ) to be the ratio of debt to output: d(t ) = D (t )/Y(t ).
Assume that Y(t ) grows at a constant rate g > 0.
(a ) Suppose that the deficit-to-output ratio is constant: δ(t )/Y (t ) = a, where
a > 0.
˙ ) in terms of a, g, and d(t ).
(i ) Find an expression for d(t
˙ ) as a function of d(t ). Is this system stable?
(ii ) Sketch d(t
(b ) Suppose that the ratio of the primary deficit to output is constant and
equal to a > 0. Thus the total deficit at t, δ(t ), is given by δ(t ) = aY (t ) +
r (t )D (t ), where r (t ) is the interest rate at t. Assume that r is an increasing
function of the debt-to-output ratio: r (t ) = r (d(t )), where r ′ (•) > 0, r ′′ (•) >
0, limd→−∞ r (d ) < g, lim d→∞ r (d ) > g.
˙ ) in terms of a, g, and d(t ).
(i ) Find an expression for d(t
˙ ) as a function of d(t ). In the case where a is sufficiently
(ii ) Sketch d(t
small that d˙ is negative for some values of d, what are the stability
properties of the system? What about the case where a is sufficiently
large that d˙ is positive for all values of d?
12.2. Precautionary saving, non-lump-sum taxation, and Ricardian equivalence.
(Leland, 1968, and Barsky, Mankiw, and Zeldes, 1986.) Consider an individual
who lives for two periods. The individual has no initial wealth and earns
labor incomes of amounts Y1 and Y2 in the two periods. Y1 is known, but
Y2 is random; assume for simplicity that E [Y2 ] = Y1 . The government taxes
income at rate τ1 in period 1 and τ2 in period 2. The individual can borrow
and lend at a fixed interest rate, which for simplicity is assumed to be zero.
Thus second-period consumption is C 2 = (1 − τ1 )Y1 − C 1 + (1 − τ 2 )Y2 . The
individual chooses C 1 to maximize expected lifetime utility, U (C 1 )+ E [U (C 2 )].
(a ) Find the first-order condition for C 1 .
(b ) Show that E [C 2 ] = C 1 if Y2 is not random or if utility is quadratic.
(c ) Show that if U ′′′ (•) > 0 and Y2 is random, E [C 2 ] > C 1 .
(d ) Suppose that the government marginally lowers τ1 and raises τ2 by the
same amount, so that its expected total revenue, τ1Y1 + τ2 E [Y2 ], is unchanged. Implicitly differentiate the first-order condition in part (a ) to
find an expression for how C 1 responds to this change.
(e ) Show that C 1 is unaffected by this change if Y2 is not random or if utility
is quadratic.
(f ) Show that C 1 increases in response to this change if U ′′′ (•) > 0 and Y2 is
12.3. Consider the Barro tax-smoothing model. Suppose that output, Y, and the
real interest rate, r, are constant, and that the level of government debt outstanding at time 0 is zero. Suppose that there will be a temporary war from
time 0 to time τ. Thus G (t ) equals G H for 0 ≤ t ≤ τ, and equals G L thereafter, where G H > G L . What are the paths of taxes, T (t ), and government debt
outstanding, D (t ) ?
12.4. Consider the Barro tax-smoothing model. Suppose there are two possible values of G (t )—G H and G L —with G H > G L . Transitions between the two values
follow Poisson processes (see Section 7.4). Specifically, if G equals G H , the
probability per unit time that purchases fall to G L is a; if G equals G L , the
probability per unit time that purchases rise to G H is b. Suppose also that
output, Y, and the real interest rate, r, are constant and that distortion costs
are quadratic.
(a ) Derive expressions for taxes at a given time as a function of whether G
equals G H or G L , the amount of debt outstanding, and the exogenous
parameters. (Hint: Use dynamic programming, described in Section 10.4,
to find an expression for the expected present value of the revenue the
government must raise as a function of G, the amount of debt outstanding,
and the exogenous parameters.)
(b ) Discuss your results. What is the path of taxes during an interval when
G equals G H ? Why are taxes not constant during such an interval? What
happens to taxes at a moment when G falls to G L ? What is the path of
taxes during an interval when G equals G L ?
12.5. If the tax rate follows a random walk (and if the variance of its innovations
is bounded from below by a strictly positive number), then with probability
1 it will eventually exceed 100 percent or be negative. Does this observation
suggest that the tax-smoothing model with quadratic distortion costs is not
useful as either a positive or normative model of fiscal policy, since it has an
implication that is both clearly incorrect as a description of the world and
clearly undesirable as a prescription for policy? Explain your answer briefly.
12.6. The Condorcet paradox. Suppose there are three voters, 1, 2, and 3, and three
possible policies, A, B, and C. Voter 1’s preference ordering is A, B, C; voter
2’s is B, C, A; and voter 3’s is C, A, B. Does any policy win a majority of votes
in a two-way contest against each of the alternatives? Explain.
12.7. Consider the Tabellini–Alesina model in the case where α can only take on
the values 0 and 1. Suppose that there is some initial level of debt, D 0 . How,
if at all, does D 0 affect the deficit in period 1?
12.8. Consider the Tabellini–Alesina model in the case where α can only take on the
values 0 and 1. Suppose that the amount of debt to be issued, D, is determined
before the preferences of the period-1 median voter are known. Specifically,
voters vote on D at a time when the probabilities that α1MED = 1 and that
α2MED = 1 are equal. Let π denote this common value. Assume that the draws
of the two median voters are independent.
(a ) What is the expected utility of an individual with α = 1 as a function of
D, π, and W ?
(b ) What is the first-order condition for this individual’s most preferred
value of D ? What is the associated value of D ?
(c ) What is the most preferred value of D of an individual with α = 0?
(d ) Given these results, if voters vote on D before the period-1 median voter
is known, what value of D does the median voter prefer?
(e ) Explain briefly how, if at all, the question analyzed in part (d ) differs
from the question of whether individuals will support a balanced-budget
requirement if it is proposed before the preferences of the period-1
median voter are known.
12.9. Consider the Tabellini–Alesina model in the case where α can only take on
the values 0 and 1. Suppose, however, that there are 3 periods. The period-1
median voter sets policy in periods 1 and 2, but in period 3 a new median
voter sets policy. Assume that the period-1 median voter’s α is 1, and that
the probability that the period-3 median voter’s α is 1 is π.
(a ) Does M 1 = M 2 ?
(b ) Suppose that after choosing purchases in period 1, the period-1 median
voter learns that the probability that the period-3 median voter’s α will
be 1 is not π but π ′ , where π ′ < π. How does this news affect his or
her choice of purchases in period 2?
12.10. The Persson-Svensson model. (Persson and Svensson, 1989.) Suppose there
are two periods. Government policy will be controlled by different policymakers in the two periods. The objective function of the period-t
policymaker is U + αt [V (G 1 ) + V (G 2 )], where U is citizens’ utility from their
private consumption; αt is the weight that the period-t policymaker puts
on public consumption; G t is public consumption in period t ; and V (•) satisfies V ′ (•) > 0, V ′′ (•) < 0. Private utility, U , is given by U = W − C (T1 ) − C (T2 ),
where W is the endowment; Tt is taxes in period t ; and C (•), the cost of
raising revenue, satisfies C ′ (•) ≥ 1, C ′′ (•) > 0. All government debt must be
paid off at the end of period 2. This implies T2 = G 2 + D, where D = G 1 − T1
is the amount of government debt issued in period 1 and where the interest
rate is assumed to equal zero.
(a ) Find the first-order condition for the period-2 policymaker’s choice of
G 2 given D. (Note: Throughout, assume that the solutions to the policymakers’ maximization problems are interior.)
(b ) How does a change in D affect G 2 ?
(c ) Think of the period-1 policymaker as choosing G 1 and D. Find the firstorder condition for his or her choice of D.
(d ) Show that if α1 is less than α2 , the equilibrium involves inefficiently
low taxation in period 1 relative to tax-smoothing (that is, that it has
T1 < T2 ). Explain intuitively why this occurs.
(e ) Does the result in part (d ) imply that if α1 is less than α2 , the period-1
policymaker necessarily runs a deficit? Explain.
12.11. Consider the Alesina–Drazen model. Describe how, if at all, each of the
following developments affects workers’ proposal and the probability of
(a ) A fall in T.
(b ) A rise in B.
(c ) An equal rise in A and B.
12.12. Crises and reform. Consider the model in Section 12.7. Suppose, however,
that if there is no reform, workers and capitalists both receive payoffs of
−C rather than 0, where C ≥ 0.
(a ) Find expressions analogous to (12.37) and (12.38) for workers’ proposal
and the probability of reform.
(b ) Define social welfare as the sum of the expected payoffs of workers and
capitalists. Show that an increase in C can raise this measure of social
12.13. Conditionality and reform. Consider the model in Section 12.7. Suppose
an international agency offers to give the workers and capitalists each an
amount F > 0 if they agree to reform. Use analysis like that in Problem
12.12 to show that this aid policy unambiguously raises the probability of
reform and the social welfare measure defined in part (b) of that problem.
12.14. Status-quo bias. (Fernandez and Rodrik, 1991.) There are two possible policies, A and B. Each individual is either one unit of utility better off under
Policy A or one unit worse off. Fraction f of the population knows what
its welfare would be under each policy. Of these individuals, fraction α are
better off under Policy A and fraction 1 − α are worse off. The remaining
individuals in the population know only that fraction β of them are better
off under Policy A and fraction 1 − β are worse off.
A decision of whether to adopt the policy not currently in effect is made
by majority vote. If the proposal passes, all individuals learn which policy
makes them better off; a decision of whether to revert to the original policy is then made by majority vote. Each individual votes for the policy that
gives him or her the higher expected utility. But if the proposal to revert
to the original policy would be adopted in the event that the proposal to
adopt the alternative policy passed, no one votes for the alternative policy.
(This assumption can be justified by introducing a small cost of changing
(a ) Find an expression for the fraction of the population that prefers Policy
A (as a function of f , α, and β) for the case where fraction 1 − f of
the population knows only that fraction β of them are better off under
Policy A.
(b ) Find the analogous expression for the case where all individuals know
their welfare under both policies.
(c ) Given your answers to parts (a ) and (b), can there be cases when whichever policy is initially in effect is retained?
12.15. The common-pool problem in government spending. (Weingast, Shepsle,
and Johnsen, 1981.) Suppose the economy consists of M > 1 congressional districts. The utility of the representative person living in district i is
E + V (Gi ) − C (T ). E is the endowment, Gi is the level of a local public good in
district i, and T is taxes (which are assumed to be the same in all districts).
′′ •
( ) < 0, C ′ (•) > 0, and C ′′ (•) > 0. The government
Assume V ′ (•) > 0, V
G = MT. The representative from each district
budget constraint is
i =1 i
dictates the values of G in his or her district. Each representative maximizes
the utility of the representative person living in his or her district.
(a ) Find the first-order condition for the value of Gj chosen by the representative from district j, given the values of Gi chosen by the other
and the government budget constraint (which implies
T = ( i=1 Gi )/M ). (Note: Throughout, assume interior solutions.)
(b ) Find the condition for the Nash equilibrium value of G. That is, find the
condition for the value of G such that if all other representatives choose
that value for their Gi , a given representative wants to choose that value.
(c ) Is the Nash equilibrium Pareto-efficient? Explain. What is the intuition
for this result?
12.16. Debt as a means of mitigating the common-pool problem. (Chari and Cole,
1993.) Consider the same setup as in Problem 12.15. Suppose, however, that
there is an
level of debt, D. The government budget constraint is thereinitial
fore D + i=1 Gi = MT.
(a ) How does an increase in D affect the Nash equilibrium level of G ?
(b ) Explain intuitively why your results in part (a ) and in Problem 12.15
suggest that in a two-period model in which the representatives choose
D after the first-period value of G is determined, the representatives
would choose D > 0.
(c ) Do you think that in a two-period model where the representatives
choose D before the first-period value of G is determined, the representatives would choose D > 0? Explain intuitively.
12.17. Consider the model of crises in Section 12.10, and suppose T is distributed
uniformly on some interval [μ − X,μ + X ], where X > 0 and μ − X ≥ 0.
Describe how, if at all, each of the following developments affects the two
curves in (R,π) space that show the determination of R and π :
(a ) A rise in µ.
(b ) A fall in X.
The period from the end of the Volcker disinflation in the mid-1980s to 2007
was one of unprecedented macroeconomic stability. The United States went
through only two recessions in this period, both of them mild. The unemployment rate never exceeded 8 percent, and there were only five quarters
in which real GDP fell.
There are three leading explanations of this Great Moderation. The first is
simply good luck, in the form of smaller shocks hitting the economy (Stock
and Watson, 2003). The second is changes in the structure of the economy,
such as a larger role of services and improvements in inventory management (McConnell and Perez-Quiros, 2000; see also Ramey and Vine, 2004).
The third is improved policy. When policymakers were unsure of the correct
model of the economy and the costs of inflation, they repeatedly pursued
policies that caused inflation to rise, then induced recessions to reduce it.
With the triumph of the natural-rate hypothesis, general agreement on realistic estimates of the natural rate, and the emergence of a consensus that
inflation should be kept low, this boom-bust cycle disappeared (C. Romer,
This period of stability ended dramatically in 2008—though whether the
end was temporary or permanent is not yet known. House prices had been
rising rapidly since the late 1990s. By 2003, both the level of real house
prices and the ratio of the prices of existing houses to the costs of building new ones were above their previous postwar highs. Yet the rapid price
increases continued for three more years. The increases were accompanied
by—and perhaps fueled by—the growth of new types of mortgages, many
of them issued on the basis of little or no documentation on the part of the
borrower, and by a proliferation of new ways of repackaging and insuring
the mortgages, often leaving it unclear who was bearing the risk of default.
House prices started falling in 2007, and the macroeconomy weakened
soon thereafter. The decline in the value of housing-related assets reduced
the net worth of many financial institutions and increased uncertainty about
that net worth, and thereby put significant strains on credit markets. For
example, spreads between interest rates on overnight loans between banks
and interest rates on government debt rose sharply, and the Federal Reserve
and other central banks judged it necessary to intervene directly in credit
markets in various ways. But the initial downturn in the macroeconomy
was mild. For example, as of August 2008, a common view was that the
economy was probably in a recession but that any recession was likely to
be even milder than the previous two.
In September 2008, however, Lehman Brothers, a major investment bank,
declared bankruptcy. In the aftermath, financial markets suffered dramatic
turmoil, and the recession changed from mild to severe. Equity prices fell
by more than 25 percent in just 4 weeks; spreads between interest rates on
conventional but slightly risky loans and those on the safest and most liquid
assets skyrocketed; and many borrowers were unable to borrow at any interest rate. Real GDP suffered its largest two-quarter decline since 1957–1958;
and from September 2008 to May 2009, employment fell by 3.8 percent and
the unemployment rate rose by 3.2 percentage points. By most measures,
the recession of 2007–2009 was the largest since World War II. Many other
countries suffered similar downturns.
The initial part of the recovery has been slow. In addition, the prevailing
view is that unemployment will remain above the natural rate and output
will remain below its normal level for years, and that the events of 2008 and
2009 may have long-term effects on the normal levels of unemployment and
output. And there is heated debate about what, if anything, policymakers
should do to speed the recovery and reduce the long-term damage.
The events of the past few years were a profound shock not just to the
macroeconomy, but also to the field of macroeconomics. Short-run aggregate fluctuations, which we thought we had largely tamed, have reemerged
dramatically. Moreover, the nature of the recent recession is very different
from that of other major postwar recessions. Financial-market disruptions
appear to have been central, and tight monetary policy played little or no
Thus our models and analysis will surely change. But how is not clear.
In many ways, macroeconomics today is in a position similar to where
it stood in the early 1970s, when the emergence of the combination of
high unemployment and high inflation challenged accepted views. Then,
as now, one possibility was that the unexpected developments would lead
only to straightforward modifications of the existing framework. But another possibility—and the one that in fact occurred—was that the developments would lead to large and unexpected changes in the field.
Obviously, we can never predict fundamental changes in macroeconomics
before they occur. All we can do is identify some of the key issues that the
crisis raises for the field and some possible directions of research.
Several of the central issues involve financial markets. One important
message of the crisis is the vulnerability of financial markets to runs. Many
financial institutions issue short-term debt to finance long-term investments. The extreme is a traditional bank, which issues demand deposits and
holds a variety of long-term assets, such as 30-year mortgages. Why financial
institutions engage in such maturity transformation, and why their shortterm contracts take such simple forms (such as noncontingent debt payable
on demand), are complicated questions. But given these arrangements, there
is a strong force acting to create multiple equilibria: a debtholder is more
likely to demand that the debt be repaid or refuse to roll it over if he or she
believes that others will do the same. The recent crisis shows that this logic
applies not just to a traditional bank, as in the classic Diamond–Dybvig
model of bank runs (Diamond and Dybvig, 1983). It also applies to a financial institution financing itself through collateralized overnight loans
(Gorton and Metrick, 2009) or through overlapping short-term debt contracts (He and Xiong, 2010).
Another message of the crisis concerning financial markets is that there
are limits to the forces bringing asset prices in line with fundamentals.
Our analysis of asset pricing in Section 8.5 generated strong predictions
about how assets should be priced. But what happens if prices differ from
those levels? For example, house prices before the crisis appear to have
been above the levels warranted by likely payoffs in different states of the
world; and the same is true of the prices of various assets whose payoffs
were tied to the housing market, such as mortgage-backed securities. In
the case of those securities, one difficulty was that credit-rating agencies
focused on evaluating the probability of default, and not on the states in
which default would occur (Coval, Jurek, and Stafford, 2009). And there
is evidence that pricing errors may have switched signs once the crisis
hit, with many risky assets selling at prices below what was warranted by
If an individual believes that an asset is mispriced, he or she has an incentive to trade in a way that will push prices back toward fundamentals. But
mispricings of the types we have been discussing do not create arbitrage
opportunities—that is, investment strategies that will be profitable with certainty. Instead, trades that move prices back toward fundamentals involve
risks, both from changes in fundamentals and from exacerbations of the
mispricings. Consider an investor contemplating buying apparently underpriced assets in the midst of the crisis. If the apparent panic were to intensify
before subsiding, the investor might be forced to liquidate his or her position, and so incur a loss in precisely the situation where the economy was
deteriorating further and the marginal utility of consumption was especially
high. This risk limits the investor’s demand for the underpriced asset, and
so blunts the forces pushing prices toward fundamentals (DeLong, Shleifer,
Summers, and Waldmann, 1990). If the specialized investors who attempt to
profit from mispricing are financed by outside capital, their situation is even
more difficult. Underpriced assets are typically ones whose recent returns
have been low. As a result, specialized investors may find that the amount
of funding they can obtain from nonexperts is lower when mispricing is
greater (Shleifer and Vishny, 1997).
The crisis also shows clearly that financial-market imperfections are important not just to conventional firms, but also to financial firms. As discussed in Section 9.9, much of finance involves two levels of imperfections:
one between the ultimate user of the capital and a financial intermediary, and another between the intermediary and the ultimate provider of
capital. Most analyses of financial-market imperfections, including that in
Section 9.9, ignore this fact and focus on asymmetric information between
the ultimate users and the providers of their capital. But asymmetric information between the financial intermediaries and the ultimate providers
appears to have been very important during the crisis. For example, many
financial firms had extreme difficulty obtaining capital, and fears about the
incentives facing firms close to bankruptcy appear to have been a major
source of this difficulty.
Another issue involving financial markets raised by the crisis concerns
the transmission of credit-market disruptions to the rest of the economy.
The credit-market turmoil in the fall of 2008 was followed by a quick and
rapid decline in economic activity. Some of the decline was clearly due to
the direct effects of the disruptions. Firms that were unable to get credit
canceled investment projects and cut back on inventories; households that
could not get mortgages did not buy new homes; importers who could no
longer obtain credit canceled orders; and households whose wealth had declined reduced their consumption. The microeconomics of these effects are
shown by the model of investment in the presence of financial-market imperfections that we analyzed in Section 9.9. And the macroeconomic implications are investigated in the extensions of business-cycle models to incorporate financial-market imperfections that we discussed in Section 7.9.
Yet these analyses are incomplete in at least two very important ways.
First, we know little about the magnitudes of the different channels. For
example, we have little evidence concerning the importance of imperfections in the relationships between financial-market institutions and their
suppliers of funds relative to that of imperfections in the relationships between these institutions and their borrowers. Likewise, we know little about
whether it is effects on day-to-day lending, such as loans for payroll and
inventory, or effects on the financing of larger projects, such as new homes
and factories, that are especially important. Second, some of the impact of
the disruptions appears to have operated not through their direct effects,
but through more amorphous effects on the “confidence” of households and
firms. Given the size of the downturn, determining the roles of these various
factors and the channels through which they operated is an important task.
The crisis has also raised a range of issues less directly related to credit
markets. It has made clear that the zero lower bound on nominal interest
rates is a crucial constraint on monetary policy. As described in Section 11.6,
there is little doubt that in the absence of the constraint, the Federal Reserve
and many other central banks would have cut interest rates much more
than they did, and that the downturn would have been less severe and the
recovery much more rapid. Thus the crisis elevates the importance of issues
related to the zero lower bound.
A more speculative view is that the crisis shows the importance of
political-economy issues for understanding both the shocks that give rise
to fluctuations and the policy responses that have important implications
for their consequences. Many of the regulatory decisions before the crisis, as well as some of the microeconomic and macroeconomic policy actions during the crisis, seem difficult to understand with the traditional
view of policymakers as knowledgeable and benevolent. To give one example, before the crisis hit, there were warning signs of overvalued asset prices
and some highly questionable credit-market practices; yet policymakers did
little in response.
This list of issues that the crisis raises for macroeconomics is far from
complete. Others include the reasons for the flight to “liquidity” in response
to financial turmoil, as well as the meaning and importance of the very
concept of liquidity (for example, Holmstrom and Tirole, 1998); the central bank’s role as a lender of last resort; how various fiscal actions affect
the macroeconomy in the short run; the roles of foreign-currency reserves,
exchange-rate regimes, and other factors in determining how a crisis is
transmitted across countries; the seemingly puzzlingly small fall in inflation so far during the crisis, and what that indicates about the structure
of the economy and competing theories of inflation; the magnitude and
determinants of the long-term macroeconomic effects of financial crises;
and much more. Indeed, one of the few silver linings of the crisis is that
it makes today a particularly exciting, and particularly important, time for
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Abel, Andrew B., 90–91, 408n, 418n, 433
Abraham, Katharine G., 231n
Abramovitz, Moses, 30
Abreu, Dilip, 582
Acemoglu, Daron, 164, 171n, 176–178,
Aghion, Philippe, 103, 118–119, 133
Aguiar, Mark, 390n
Aiyagari, S. Rao, 194n, 593n
Akerlof, George A., 267n, 459, 502, 506,
508, 526n
Albouy, David, 177–178
Alesina, Alberto, 172, 486n, 562, 563n,
582, 604, 607–612, 614–615, 617–618,
622–623, 625, 628
Alexopoulos, Michelle, 476–477
Allais, Maurice, 98
Altonji, Joseph G., 228, 378, 596n
Andersen, Leonall C., 221
Angeletos, George-Marios, 398
Arrow, Kenneth J., 121
Atkeson, Andrew, 529
Auerbach, Alan J., 77n, 590–591
Azariadis, Costas, 481n, 509
Bachmann, Ruediger, 436n
Backus, David, 560, 580
Bagwell, Kyle, 596n
Baily, Martin Neil, 481n
Ball, Laurence, 279, 284, 303–305,
307–309, 341, 343, 347, 363, 486n,
525, 530–532, 535, 575n, 590n
Baqir, Reza, 627
Barberis, Nicholas, 389n
Barro, Robert J., 37, 64n, 75–77, 95, 180,
299, 332, 389n, 398, 409n, 482, 559n,
560, 580–581, 585, 595, 598–599,
Barsky, Robert B., 191n, 249, 253–255,
282, 598, 639
Barth, Marvin J., III, 225
Basu, Susanto, 32n, 174n, 227n, 228, 282
Battalio, Raymond C., 289–290
Baumol, William, 32–35, 120, 168n,
240n, 306
Baxter, Marianne, 194n, 224, 230, 231n,
385, 390n
Bean, Charles R., 494
Beechey, Meredith J., 523n
Beil, Richard O., 289–290
Bekaert, Geert, 389n
Bénabou, Roland, 525
Benartzi, Shlomo, 389n
Benhabib, Jess, 231n, 288n, 390n
Benigno, Gianluca, 358
Benigno, Pierpaolo, 358
Bergen, Mark, 339–340
Bernanke, Ben S., 225, 227, 282, 301n,
440n, 445, 447, 454, 546n, 547, 632
Bernheim, B. Douglas, 596n, 629
Bertola, Giuseppe, 604
Bewley, Truman, 504, 526n
Bils, Mark J., 174, 184, 227n, 249,
254–255, 499–501
Black, Fischer, 100, 194n
Blalock, Garrick, 449
Blanchard, Olivier J., 64n, 77n, 225,
234–235, 267n, 274, 401, 483–485,
486n, 488, 494n, 516n, 538, 542,
585, 590n
Blank, Rebecca M., 254
Blinder, Alan S., 225, 337, 504–505,
565, 639
Bloom, David E., 174–175
Bloom, Nick, 32n
Blough, Stephen R., 135n
Blume, Lawrence, 68n
Bohn, Henning, 590n, 602–603
Boskin, Michael J., 6n
Brainard, William, 579
Brander, James A., 45n
Braun, R. Anton, 230
Braun, Steven, 307
Author Index
Breeden, Douglas, 387
Bresciani-Turoni, Constantino, 568
Bresnahan, Timothy F., 32n
Brock, William, 100
Browning, Martin, 379
Brumberg, Richard, 367, 398
Bruno, Michael, 526
Bryant, John, 289–290
Bryant, Ralph C., 262, 543
Brynjolfsson, Erik, 32n
Buchanan, James M., 606
Bulow, Jeremy, 477
Bumgarner, Madison, 502–503
Burnside, Craig, 227n, 231n
Caballero, Ricardo J., 227n, 282n, 337n,
390n, 436n
Cagan, Philip, 568–570, 572, 583
Calvo, Guillermo, 100, 223n, 313,
329–330, 344, 558n, 633n
Campbell, Carl M., III, 504–506
Campbell, John Y., 135n, 207n, 210n,
211, 215n, 230, 236n, 375–377, 378n,
379, 381, 389n, 530, 602n
Campillo, Marta, 563
Canzoneri, Matthew B., 390n
Caplin, Andrew S., 314, 332–333,
337, 362
Card, David, 499, 526n
Cardoso, Eliana, 575n
Carlton, Dennis W., 525
Carmichael, Lorne, 478
Carroll, Christopher D., 384n, 389, 390n,
Carvalho, Carlos, 339
Caselli, Francesco, 178
Cass, David, 49
Cecchetti, Stephen G., 525, 548
Chang, Yongsung, 231n
Chari, V. V., 603n, 627n, 643
Chevalier, Judith A., 249, 282, 338
Cho, Dongchul, 182
Cho, In-Koo, 565
Choi, Don H., 504–505
Christiano, Lawrence J., 194n, 225, 231n,
302n, 312, 314, 344, 347, 357,
358–359, 408n
Clarida, Richard, 314, 352, 539, 542, 546,
Clark, Gregory, 173
Clark, Kim B., 494
Clark, Peter, 531
Coate, Stephen, 607n
Cochrane, John H., 225, 389n, 530
Cogley, Timothy, 228
Cohn, Richard A., 525
Cole, Harold L., 627n, 633n, 643
Coleman, Thomas S., 254
Collado, M. Dolores, 379
Congressional Budget Office, 549,
584, 591
Constantinides, George M., 389n
Cook, Timothy, 224, 520–522, 523n
Cooley, Thomas F., 225, 629
Cooper, Russell W., 231n, 282n, 286,
289, 436n
Corsetti, Giancarlo, 358
Coval, Joshua, 646
Craine, Roger, 432
Crucini, Mario J., 231n
Cukierman, Alex, 526, 562–563
Cumby, Robert E., 390n
Cummins, Jason G., 427–428
Cúrdia, Vasco, 358, 547
Danthine, Jean-Pierre, 231n
Danziger, Leif, 314, 334
Davis, Joseph H., 192n
Davis, Steven J., 231n, 493, 494n
Deaton, Angus, 375n, 390
Debelle, Guy, 531
DeLong, J. Bradford, 33–35, 168n, 171,
565–566, 646
den Haan, Wouter J., 231n
Deschenes, Olivier, 44
Devereux, Michael B., 348
Devleeschauwer, Arnaud, 172
Diamond, Douglas W., 437, 646
Diamond, Jared, 175
Diamond, Peter A., 49, 282n, 310,
488, 494n
Diba, Behzad T., 390n
Dickens, William T., 501–503, 526n
Dinopoulos, Elias, 137
Dixit, Avinash K., 269, 454
Doeringer, Peter B., 477
Donaldson, John B., 231n
Dotsey, Michael, 340
Downs, Anthony, 611
Dowrick, Steve, 180
Drazen, Allan, 604, 607, 618, 622–623,
625, 628
Driffill, John, 560, 580
Dulberger, Ellen R., 6n
Author Index
Dutta, Shantanu, 339–340
Dybvig, Philip H., 646
Dynan, Karen E., 390n, 392
Easterly, William, 172, 178n, 526
Eberly, Janice C., 390n, 408n, 433
Eggertsson, Gauti, 551–552
Eichenbaum, Martin, 194n, 225, 227n,
231n, 302n, 312, 314, 344, 347,
357, 408n
Eisner, Robert, 408
Elmendorf, Douglas W., 590n
Elsby, Michael W. L., 494n, 526n
Engel, Eduardo M. R. A., 337n, 436n
Engerman, Stanley L., 176–177
Epstein, Larry G., 389n, 390n
Erceg, Christopher J., 312, 357
Ethier, Wilfred J., 124
Evans, Charles, 225, 302n, 312, 314, 344,
347, 357, 408n
Faberman, R. Jason, 494n
Farmer, Roger E. A., 288n
Fazzari, Steven M., 447–451
Feenstra, Robert C., 240n
Feldstein, Martin, 36–37, 524
Fernald, John G., 31, 32n, 227n, 228, 282n
Fernandez, Raquel, 642
Feyrer, James, 178
Fischer, Stanley, 64n, 234–235, 313, 348,
375n, 516n, 526, 580
Fisher, Irving, 301n
Fisher, Jonas D. M., 585
Flavin, Marjorie A., 375
Foley, Duncan K., 408, 419n
Foote, Christopher L., 494n
Francis, Neville, 228
Frankel, Jeffrey A., 167
French, Kenneth R., 386
Friedman, Milton, 222–223, 225,
257–258, 260–261, 280n, 367, 370,
371n, 504, 518, 524n, 543, 582
Froot, Kenneth A., 401
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C., 341n, 390n
Gabaix, Xavier, 389n
Gale, Douglas, 440n
Gale, William G., 590–591
Galí, Jordi, 225, 228, 314, 341–343, 352,
355, 358, 538–542, 546, 548–549
Garino, Gaia, 507
Geary, Patrick T., 253
Genberg, Hans, 224, 548
Gertler, Mark, 282, 301n, 314, 341–343,
352, 358–359, 440n, 445, 449, 539,
542, 546–549, 593n
Gertler, Paul J., 449
Ghosh, Atish R., 602n
Giavazzi, Francesco, 604
Gibbons, Robert, 502–503
Gilchrist, Simon, 449
Glaeser, Edward L., 170, 178n, 486n
Goldfeld, Stephen M., 514
Gollin, Douglas, 158
Golosov, Mikhail, 314, 334, 337, 603n
Gomes, Joao F., 231n
Gomme, Paul, 476
Goodfriend, Marvin, 538
Goolsbee, Austan, 427
Gopinath, Gita, 340
Gordon, David, 481n
Gordon, David B., 559n, 581
Gordon, Robert J., 6n, 531
Gorton, Gary B., 646
Gottfries, Nils, 483–484
Gourinchas, Pierre-Oliver, 395n
Gourio, François, 436n
Graham, Stephen, 182
Green, Donald P., 615n
Greenstone, Michael, 44
Greenwald, Bruce C., 282
Greenwood, Jeremy, 230, 231n
Gregory, R. G., 483
Griliches, Zvi, 6n
Grilli, Vittorio, 562, 623, 626–627
Gross, David B., 396–397
Grossman, Gene M., 103, 118, 133, 148
Gürkaynak, Refet, 523n
Hahn, Thomas, 224, 520–522, 523n
Hall, Robert E., 156–160, 162–164, 167,
172–173, 227, 373, 375–377, 381, 407n,
482, 496, 525, 585
Haltiwanger, John C., 231n, 282n, 322n,
436n, 493, 494n
Ham, John C., 228
Hamilton, James, 225
Hansen, Gary D., 218–219, 229–230
Hansen, Lars Peter, 381, 399
Hanson, Michael S., 225
Harden, Ian, 627–628
Harris, John R., 510
Harrison, Sharon G., 231n
Hassett, Kevin A., 427–428
Author Index
Hayashi, Fumio, 408n, 415, 418n, 596n
Hayes, Beth, 618
He, Zhiguo, 646
Heaton, John, 389n
Helliwell, John F., 37
Hellwig, Martin, 440n
Helpman, Elhanan, 103, 118, 133, 148
Henderson, Dale W., 312, 357
Hendricks, Lutz, 159–160
Hercowitz, Zvi, 231n
Hitt, Lorin M., 32n
Hodrick, Robert J., 218n, 389n
Holmstrom, Bengt, 648
Hooper, Peter, 262, 543
Horioka, Charles, 36–37
Hornstein, Andreas, 231n
Hosios, Arthur J., 498
House, Christopher L., 436n
Howitt, Peter, 103, 118–119, 133, 137
Hsieh, Chang-Tai, 31, 160–161, 178, 379,
618, 619n, 623
Huang, Chao-Hsi, 602n
Huang, Kevin X. D., 319n
Huang, Ming, 389n
Hubbard, R. Glenn, 427–428, 447–451,
Huffman, Gregory W., 230, 231n
Hurst, Erik, 390n
Hyslop, Dean, 526n
Inada, Kenichi, 12
Jayaratne, Jith, 447
Jermann, Urban J., 385, 390n
John, Andrew, 286, 289
Johnsen, Christopher, 627, 643
Johnson, David S., 379
Johnson, Simon, 164, 176–177
Johri, Alok, 231n
Jones, Benjamin F., 170, 178
Jones, Charles I., 18n, 133–138, 151n,
156–160, 162–164, 167, 171–173, 185
Jordan, Jerry L., 221
Jorgenson, Dale W., 6n, 407n
Judd, Kenneth L., 630
Jurek, Jakub, 646
Kahn, Charles M., 267n
Kahneman, Daniel, 397, 506
Kalaitzidakis, Pantelis, 526
Kamien, Morton I., 64n, 409n
Kamlani, Kunal S., 504–506
Kandel, Shmuel, 530
Kaplan, Steven N., 449–451
Karadi, Peter, 358–359
Kareken, John H., 222
Kashyap, Anil K, 249, 338, 436n
Katona, George, 525n
Katz, Lawrence F., 231n, 501–503
Keefer, Philip, 164, 167, 172, 175
Kehoe, Patrick J., 603n
Kehoe, Timothy J., 633n
Kennan, John, 253
Kerr, William, 241n
Keynes, John Maynard, 245, 246n, 253,
Kiley, Michael T., 306
Kimball, Miles S., 215n, 228, 283, 391n
King, Robert G., 194n, 221, 230, 231n,
241n, 340, 343, 538
Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro, 267n, 274, 282, 445
Klenow, Peter J., 156–161, 173–174, 178,
184, 227n, 337, 339, 340
Knack, Stephen, 164, 167, 172, 175
Knetsch, Jack L., 506
Kocherlakota, Narayana, 603n
Koopmans, Tjalling C., 49
Kotlikoff, Laurence J., 77n, 596n
Kremer, Michael, 138–143
Krueger, Alan B., 501–503
Krueger, Anne O., 163n, 172
Krugman, Paul R., 148, 551
Krusell, Per, 231n
Kryvtsov, Oleksiy, 337, 339
Kurlat, Sergio, 172
Kuttner, Kenneth N., 224, 521
Kydland, Finn E., 194n, 217, 231n,
554–555, 565, 603
La Porta, Rafael, 170, 172, 178n
Lagakos, David, 178
Laibson, David, 389n, 397–398
Lamont, Owen, 449
Landes, David S., 173
Larrain, Felipe B., 570
Laxton, Douglas, 531
Leahy, John, 337, 362
Ledyard, John O., 614
Lee, Ronald, 591–592
Leland, Hayne E., 391, 639
Leontief, Wassily, 42, 480
LeRoy, Stephen F., 225
Levin, Andrew T., 312, 357, 523n, 547
Levine, David I., 449
Author Index
Levine, Ross, 172, 178n, 447
Levy, Daniel, 339–340
Li, Chol-Won, 138
Lilien, David M., 230–231
Lin, Kenneth S., 602n
Lindbeck, Assar, 483, 485
Lintner, John, 387n
Liu, Zheng, 319n
Ljungqvist, Lars, 200n, 469n, 486n
Loewenstein, George, 397
Long, John B., 194n, 201n, 230
Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio, 170, 172,
Lucas, Deborah J., 389n
Lucas, Robert E., Jr., 8, 28, 174n, 186,
199, 204, 292–295, 298–301, 303–305,
314, 334, 337, 401, 408, 529–530,
577, 602
Luttmer, Erzo G. J., 389n
Lyons, Richard K., 227n, 282n
MaCurdy, Thomas E., 228
Maddison, Angus, 6n, 32, 183
Malthus, Thomas R., 37
Mankiw, N. Gregory, 37, 90–91, 95, 180,
185, 227, 267n, 273, 303–305, 314,
344, 347–348, 350, 375–377, 378n,
379, 381, 388, 389n, 390n, 402, 531,
578, 590n, 598, 639
Mann, Catherine L., 262, 543
Marshall, David A., 389n
Martin, Christopher, 507
Masciandaro, Donato, 562, 623, 626–627
Mauro, Paolo, 164, 167, 175
Mayer, Thomas, 566
McCallum, Bennett T., 201n, 205n, 241n
McConnell, Margaret M., 192, 644
McGrattan, Ellen R., 230
McKinnon, Ronald I., 446
Mehra, Rajnish, 388
Mendelsohn, Robert, 44
Merton, Robert C., 387
Metrick, Andrew, 646
Michaels, Ryan, 494n
Midrigan, Virgiliu, 340
Mihov, Ilian, 225
Miller, Merton H., 455
Miron, Jeffrey A., 191n, 563, 578
Modigliani, Franco, 367, 398, 455, 525
Moffitt, Robert, 307
Moore, George R., 341n
Moore, John, 282, 445
Morris, Stephen, 288, 607n
Mortensen, Dale T., 486
Motto, Roberto, 358–359
Murphy, Kevin M., 120, 231n, 502
Mussa, Michael L., 224
Nakamura, Emi, 337, 339
Nason, James M., 228
Neiman, Brent, 31
Nekarda, Christopher J., 249n
Nelson, Edward, 241n, 566
Neyapti, Bilin, 562–563
Nguyen, Duc-Tho, 180
Nordhaus, William D., 6n, 41, 44, 582
North, Douglass C., 168n, 170–171
Nunn, Nathan, 173
Nyberg, Sten, 485
Obstfeld, Maurice, 64n, 358, 401,
409n, 632n
O’Driscoll, Gerald P., Jr., 594n
Ohanian, Lee E., 629
Okun, Arthur M., 193, 525
Oliner, Stephen D., 32
Olken, Benjamin A., 170, 178
Olson, Mancur, Jr., 168, 169n, 614
Orphanides, Athanasios, 546n, 547,
550, 566
Oswald, Andrew J., 483
Oulton, Nicholas, 32n
Overland, Jody, 390n
Pagano, Marco, 604
Palfrey, Thomas R., 614
Parente, Stephen L., 171n
Parker, Jonathan A., 253–255, 379,
389n, 395n
Parkin, Michael, 267n
Parkinson, Martin L., 227
Paxson, Christina H., 379
Peretto, Pietro F., 137
Perez-Quiros, Gabriel, 192, 644
Perotti, Roberto, 585, 604
Perron, Pierre, 135n
Perry, George L., 526n
Persson, Torsten, 559n, 607–608,
628n, 641
Pesenti, Paolo, 358
Peters, Ryan, 585
Petersen, Bruce C., 447–451
Pettersson-Lidbom, Per, 628n
Phelan, Christopher, 231n, 529
Author Index
Phelps, Edmund S., 51n, 103n, 118,
257–258, 260, 292, 313, 569n
Phillips, A. W., 256, 261
Pindyck, Robert S., 454
Piore, Michael J., 477
Pissarides, Christopher A., 486
Plosser, Charles I., 194n, 201n, 221,
230, 343
Pollard, Patricia S., 563
Poole, William, 579
Posen, Adam S., 563
Posner, Richard A., 163n
Poterba, James M., 386, 453, 588n, 596
Prescott, Edward C., 171n, 194n, 201n,
204, 217–219, 231n, 388, 486n,
554–555, 565, 603
Primiceri, Giorgio E., 566–567
Pritchett, Lant, 8, 178
Puga, Diego, 173
Rabanal, Pau, 228
Rajan, Raghuram G., 447
Ramey, Garey, 231n
Ramey, Valerie A., 225, 228, 249n,
585, 644
Ramsey, F. P., 49
Rapping, Leonard, 199
Rauh, Joshua D., 449
Rebelo, Sergio, 148, 174n, 223n, 227n,
231n, 408n
Redlick, Charles J., 585
Reilly, Kevin T., 228
Reis, Ricardo, 314, 344, 347–348, 350
Repetto, Andrea, 398
Ricardo, David, 594n
Rigobon, Roberto, 340
Roberts, John M., 331n
Robinson, James A., 164, 171n,
176–178, 607n
Rodríguez-Clare, Andrés, 156–160, 173
Rodrik, Dani, 178n, 642
Rogerson, Richard, 229, 230n, 231n,
390n, 486n, 492, 497
Rogoff, Kenneth, 358, 560–561, 581–582,
607n, 632n
Romer, Christina D., 192n, 223, 225–226,
522, 550–551, 566, 585, 607n, 644
Romer, David H., 167, 180, 185, 223,
225–226, 267n, 276, 279, 284,
303–305, 308, 522, 530, 550, 566,
585, 607n
Romer, Paul M., 101, 103, 118, 123,
174n, 615
Rose, Andrew K., 502
Rose, David, 531
Rosenthal, Howard, 614
Rossi, Peter E., 249, 338
Rostagno, Massimo, 358–359
Rotemberg, Julio J., 228, 249n, 267n, 269,
282, 547
Roubini, Nouriel, 623–627
Rubinstein, Mark, 387
Rudd, Jeremy, 342–343, 565n
Rudebusch, Glenn D., 225, 546n, 550
Sacerdote, Bruce, 486n
Sachs, Jeffrey D., 164, 167, 172, 174–175,
178n, 570, 582, 623–627
Sack, Brian, 523n
Sadun, Raffaella, 32n
Sahasakul, Chaipat, 602n
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, 37, 64n, 95,
180, 409n
Samuelson, Paul A., 98, 306, 566
Santos, Tano, 389n
Sargent, Thomas J., 200n, 223n, 299,
311, 328n, 469n, 486n, 518, 565,
Sato, K., 47
Savage, L. J., 504
Sbordone, Argia M., 283n, 342
Scharfstein, David S., 249, 282
Schmitz, James A., 178
Schorfheide, Frank, 231n
Schwartz, Anna J., 222–223, 225
Schwartz, Nancy L., 64n, 409n
Shapiro, Carl, 467, 476–477
Shapiro, Ian, 615n
Shapiro, Matthew D., 220n, 379
Sharpe, William F., 387n
Shaw, Daigee, 44
Shea, John, 228, 377–379
Shefrin, Hersh M., 397
Shell, Karl, 99, 103n, 118
Shepsle, Kenneth, 627, 643
Sheshinski, Eytan, 332
Shiller, Robert J., 525
Shimer, Robert, 492, 494n, 496–497
Shin, Hyun Song, 288
Shleifer, Andrei, 120, 168n, 170–172,
178n, 596n, 607n, 646–647
Sichel, Daniel E., 32, 192n, 514
Sidrauski, Miguel, 408, 419n
Siebert, Horst, 486n
Simon, Carl P., 68n
Sims, Christopher A., 225
Author Index
Singleton, Kenneth J., 381, 399
Siow, Aloysius, 378
Skinner, Jonathan, 591–592
Slemrod, Joel, 379
Smets, Frank, 312, 357
Smith, Adam, 164
Smith, Anthony A., Jr., 231n
Smith, William T., 95
Snower, Dennis J., 483
Sokoloff, Kenneth L., 176–177
Solon, Gary, 253–255, 494n
Solow, Robert M., 8n, 30, 47, 222, 460,
566, 639
Souleles, Nicholas S., 379, 396–397
Spulber, Daniel F., 314, 332–333
Srinivasan, Sylaja, 32n
Stafford, Erik, 646
Staiger, Douglas, 166n, 545
Stambaugh, Robert F., 530
Stein, Herbert, 630
Steinsson, Jón, 337, 339
Stiglitz, Joseph E., 269, 282–283, 467,
476–477, 509
Stiroh, Kevin J., 32
Stock, James H., 166n, 545, 644
Stockman, Alan C., 224
Stokey, Nancy L., 204, 602
Strahan, Philip E., 447
Strotz, Robert H., 408
Subramanian, Arvind, 178n
Summers, Lawrence H., 90–91, 291, 383,
389, 408n, 425–426, 464, 477, 483–485,
494, 501–503, 506–507, 526, 563n, 580,
596, 646
Svensson, Lars E. O., 532, 533n, 535,
552n, 607–608, 628n, 641
Swan, T. W., 8n
Swanson, Eric T., 523n
Tabellini, Guido, 559n, 562, 607–612,
614–615, 617, 623, 626–628
Tambakis, Demosthenes, 531
Taylor, John B., 262, 313, 525, 543–545,
546n, 548, 550
Taylor, M. Scott, 45n
Thaler, Richard H., 389n, 397, 506
Thomas, Julia K., 436n
Thompson, Peter, 137
Tirole, Jean, 648
Tobacman, Jeremy, 398
Tobin, James, 240n, 306, 414, 526
Todaro, Michael P., 510
Tolley, George S., 524n
Tommasi, Mariano, 525
Topel, Robert H., 231n, 493, 502
Townsend, Robert M., 438, 440n
Trebbi, Francesco, 178n
Trejos, Alberto, 231n
Tsiddon, Daniel, 337
Tsyvinski, Aleh, 603n
Tullock, Gordon, 163n
Tversky, Amos, 397
Uzawa, Hirofumi, 103n
Van Huyck, John B., 289–290
Van Reenan, John, 32n
Végh, Carlos, 223n
Velasco, Andrés, 627n
Velde, François R., 223n
Venable, Robert, 339–340
Veracierto, Marcelo L., 436n
Vincent, Nicholas, 408n
Vine, Daniel J., 644
Vishny, Robert W., 120, 171n, 172,
607n, 647
von Hagen, Jürgen, 627–628
Wacziarg, Romain, 172
Wadhwani, Sushil, 548
Wagner, Richard E., 606
Waldman, Michael, 322n
Waldmann, Robert J., 646
Wallace, Neil, 299
Walsh, Carl E., 559n
Ward, Michael P., 493
Warner, Andrew, 164, 167, 172, 175
Warner, Elizabeth J., 249, 282
Watson, Joel, 231n
Watson, Mark W., 225, 545, 644
Webb, Steven B., 526, 562–563
Weber, Ernst Juerg, 77
Weil, David N., 174n, 180, 185, 390n
Weil, Philippe, 77n, 389n, 390n, 590n
Weinberg, Stephen, 398
Weingast, Barry, 627, 643
Weise, Charles, 566
Weiss, Andrew, 282, 458
Weiss, Yoram, 332
Weitzman, Martin L., 44n
West, Kenneth D., 375n
Whelan, Karl, 342–343
Author Index
Wieland, Volker, 547
Wilhelm, Mark O., 596n
Williams, John C., 527, 547, 553–554
Williams, Noah, 565
Williamson, Stephen D., 302n
Willis, Jonathan L., 340
Woglom, Geoffrey, 283
Wolfers, Justin, 486n
Wolff, Edward N., 390
Wolman, Alexander L., 340
Woodford, Michael, 228, 249n, 269–270,
282, 288n, 358, 542, 546n, 547,
551–552, 593n
Working, Holbrook, 399
Wouters, Raf, 312, 357
Wright, Jonathan H., 523n
Wright, Randall, 218–219, 230, 231n,
390n, 492, 497
Xiong, Wei, 646
Yellen, Janet L., 267n, 459, 502, 506, 508
Yetman, James, 348
Yotsuzuka, Toshiki, 597n
Young, Alwyn, 31
Zeckhauser, Richard J., 90–91
Zeldes, Stephen P., 378, 388, 389n, 393,
598, 639
Zenyatta, 62–63, 305
Zervos, Sara, 447
Zin, Stanley E., 389n, 390n
Zingales, Luigi, 447, 449–451
Accelerationist Phillips curve, 260–262,
331, 340–342, 528, 532
Accelerator, 306–307, 422
Accounting-style income decompositions,
Actual vs. break-even investment, 16–17,
18–19, 21–23, 24n, 58–59
Additive technology shocks, 234–235
Adjustment costs; see Capital adjustment
costs; Investment adjustment costs
Adverse selection, 301, 444, 505
Agency costs, 444–445
Agency problems, 437
Aggregate demand
in backward-looking monetary policy
model, 532
in canonical new Keynesian model,
352–353, 356
in dynamic new Keynesian models,
316, 319, 357–358
with exogenous price rigidity, 262–263
in Fischer model, 320–322
in imperfect competition model,
and liquidity trap, 308
in Lucas model, 294, 297, 299–301
and money-stock rules, 543
unit-elastic, 303
Aggregate demand externalities, 274, 276
Aggregate demand shocks; see also
Monetary disturbances
anticipated vs. unanticipated, 321
in backward-looking monetary policy
model, 532–533
in canonical new Keynesian model,
and costs of price adjustment, 339–340
in Fischer model, 321
international evidence on, 303–306
and IS curve, 264–267
long-lasting output effects, 325–326,
in Lucas model, 293
in Mankiw-Reis model, 349–350
and stabilization policy, 531
in Taylor model, 325–326
and wage adjustments, 457
Aggregate risk, 432
Aggregate supply; see Fischer model;
Lucas imperfect-information
model; Mankiw-Reis model;
Taylor model
Aggregate supply-aggregate demand
diagram, 262, 263
Aggregate supply curve; see also New
Keynesian Phillips curve
accelerationist Phillips curve, 260–262,
331, 340–342, 528, 532
in backward-looking monetary policy
model, 532
with exogenous nominal rigidity,
hybrid Phillips curve, 261, 341–343
Lucas supply curve, 295–296, 331,
340–341, 528, 555
in new Keynesian models, 319, 352,
353, 357
nonlinear, 531
Aggregate supply shocks
in backward-looking monetary policy
model, 532–533
exchange rate depreciation as, 631
and the Great Inflation, 565
and Phillips curve failure, 258
Aghion-Howitt model, 103, 118, 133
Aid policy, 623, 642
Alesina-Drazen model, 618–623, 625,
628, 642
Animal spirits, 288
Arbitrage, 646
AS-AD diagram, 262, 263
Asset prices, 401, 547–548, 646–647
Asset purchases, 552, 553
Asset sales, 588
Asset yields, 386–387
Subject Index
Asymmetric information
costly state verification model,
437–443, 647
and economic crisis of 2008–, 647
implications of, 444–447
implicit contracts under, 509–510
types of, 301, 438, 443–444
in adjustment costs, 430–431
in aggregate supply curve, 530–531
in output movements, 191–192
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, 135
Autoregressive processes, 77, 197, 205,
234, 264
Baby boomers, 591
Backshift operator, 327n
Backward-looking monetary policy
model, 531–536
Balanced growth path, 160; see also
Convergence, to balanced
growth path
and constant-relative-risk-aversion
utility, 50, 78
defined, 17–18
in Diamond model, 81–88
and education level, 155–156
and golden-rule capital stock, 23, 65,
and government purchases, 72–73
with human capital, 153–156
and natural resources, 39–41
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 50,
64–65, 72–73
in real-business-cycle models, 207–211,
in research and development model,
106, 115
in Romer model, 123
in Solow model, 17–18, 21–23
Bank runs, and economic crisis of 2008–,
Bankruptcies, 631–632
Bargaining; see also Contracts;
Insider-outsider model
and delayed stabilization, 617–623,
and unions, 378–379, 499–501,
Barro-Gordon model, 581–582
Barro tax-smoothing model, 584–585,
598–604, 640
Basic scientific research, 118
Baumol-Tobin model, 240n, 306
Bellman equation, 235–236
Bequests, and Ricardian equivalence,
Beveridge curve, 496
Blacks vs. whites, consumption of,
369–370, 371
Blanchard model, 77n
in baseline price rigidity model, 240
and consumption, 593–596, 609
and efficiency wages, 477–478
and government budget constraints,
inflation-indexed, 523n
and term structure of interest rates,
wartime default on, 75n
Break-even vs. actual investment, 16–17,
18–19, 21–23, 24n, 58–59
Bubbles, 400–401, 516n
Budget constraint
government, 586–592, 609
for consumption, 366, 372–373,
in Diamond model, 79–80
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
52–54, 62, 72, 593–594
in real-business-cycle models, 198
in Romer model, 127, 130n
Budget deficits, 584–643; see also
Fiscal policy
common-pool spending problem,
627–628, 643
cross-country variations in, 623–628
and debt crises, 632–639, 642–643
and delayed stabilization, 617–623,
effects of, 609, 628–632
and government budget constraint,
inefficient, 605–607, 617–618
measurement issues, 587–588
overview of, 584–585
political-economy theories of, 604–607,
624, 648
primary, 587
and Ricardian equivalence, 584,
592–598, 639–640
from strategic debt accumulation,
607–617, 640–641
sustainable and unsustainable,
586–592, 629–632
Subject Index
Budget deficits (continued)
and tax smoothing, 584–585, 598–602,
in United States, 584, 590–592, 594,
Budget surpluses, 622, 623n
Buffer-stock saving, 389–390, 395n, 597
Business-creating effect, 132
Business-stealing effect, 119, 132
Calculus of variations, 55n, 64n,
409–410, 452
Calibration, 26, 195, 217–220, 475–476
Calvo model, 313–314, 329–331, 333,
344–345, 362
Calvo wage adjustment, 357
Calvo-with-indexation model; see
Capital; see also Golden-rule capital
stock; Human capital; Investment;
Marginal product of capital
cost of, 405–408, 426, 427, 429
and cross-country income
differences, 27–29, 156–161,
desired stock of, 406, 407
in Diamond model, 78, 91–92
and diversion, 120, 162–163
and dynamic inefficiency, 88–90
externalities from, 173–174
and growth, 8–9, 27–28, 65, 87–89,
106–115, 156–161
growth rate of, 68–69, 111–116, 415
income share of, 25
and knowledge accumulation, 121–123
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
52–53, 58–59
rate of return on, 28–29, 32, 51, 90–92,
in real-business-cycle models, 195, 202,
replacement costs of, 414, 419n
in Romer model, 124, 133
in Solow model, 10, 13–14, 15–17
and taxes, 95–96, 423–425, 602–603
Capital accumulation
and cross-country income differences,
156–161, 173–174
and dynamic inconsistency, 558
human, 152
and knowledge accumulation, 101,
and Ricardian equivalence, 594
in Solow model, 8, 27–28, 31
and tax-smoothing, 602–603
Capital adjustment costs
asymmetric, 430–431
defined, 408
external, 408, 419n, 427
fixed, 434–436
internal, 389, 408
kinked, 432–434, 436
in q theory model, 409, 414–415,
returns to scale in, 414–415, 425, 454
symmetric, 429–430
Capital-asset pricing model, 387n
Capital-augmenting technological
progress, 10n, 13n
Capital flows, 28–29, 36–37
Capital income, 25, 91–92
Capital-labor ratio, 503
Capital-market imperfections; see
Financial-market imperfections
Capital mobility, 37, 184
Capital-output ratio, 10, 28, 160–161
Capital replacement costs, 414, 419n
Caplin-Spulber model, 314, 332–333
Case studies, 626
Cash flow, 358, 447–451
Cash-in-advance constraint, 269
Central-bank independence, 562–564
Central banks; see Federal Reserve;
Monetary policy
Certainty-equivalence behavior, 295,
model, 312, 314, 344–347,
351–352, 357
Classical measurement error, 166
Climate change, 44–45
Cobb-Douglas matching function, 489
Cobb-Douglas production function
in accounting-style income
decompositions, 156–157
in baseline real-business-cycle model,
in Diamond model, 82–84
elasticity of substitution in, 42–43
generalized, 102
intensive form of, 28
and labor’s share of income, 342n
and natural resources, 38–39
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 70
in real-business-cycle models, 195, 202,
Subject Index
in research and development model,
102, 103, 104n
in Solow model, 12–13, 28, 29n, 38–39,
technological progress with, 13n
Coefficient of relative prudence, 391n
Coefficient of relative risk aversion, 50,
387–389, 391–392
Colonialism, 176–177
Commitment considerations, 404,
554–558, 614
Common-pool spending problem,
627–628, 643
Communism, and social infrastructure,
168–169, 183n
Compensation schemes, 459, 477–478
and excludability, 117–119
and labor’s share, 342n
and pecuniary externalities, 119n
and price-setting, 268–274, 276–278
and Romer model, 123
and wage rigidity, 250–253
and labor’s share, 342n
in Lucas model, 293
and short-side rule, 307
and unchanged output, 244
Competitive search models, 493
Complementarity, 390n
Composition bias, 254–255
Computers, and productivity
rebound, 32
Conditional expectations, 296
Condorcet paradox, 640
Constant-absolute-risk-aversion utility,
Constant-relative-risk-aversion utility
in baseline price rigidity model, 239
and consumption under certainty, 380
in Diamond model, 78, 94
and equity-premium puzzle, 387
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
in Romer model, 126n, 147
Constant returns to scale; see Returns to
scale, constant
Consumer-surplus effect, 119, 132
Consumption, 365–404; see also Saving
Balassa-Samuelson effect, 160
blacks vs. whites, 369–370, 371
and budget deficits, 593–596, 609, 630
and buffer-stock saving, 389–390
under certainty, 365–368, 380–384
certainty-equivalence behavior,
in contracting models, 480, 481
and current income, 358,
368–371, 390
and departures from complete
optimization, 397–398
in Diamond model, 78–81, 88–90
of durable goods, 191, 390n, 402
in dynamic new Keynesian models, 316
excess sensitivity of, 375
excess smoothness of, 375n, 400
and expectations about fiscal policy,
and government purchases, 71–75,
209, 216–217
and habit formation, 358
in imperfect competition model,
and income movements, 367–368,
and interest rates, 380–384
and life-cycle saving, 395n, 398
and liquidity constraints, 378–379,
393–397, 597, 630
and precautionary saving, 390–393,
395, 403
predictability of, 375–380
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 50
and random-walk hypothesis, 373,
in real-business-cycle models, 196–197,
199–201, 207–211, 216–217
during recessions, 191
and risky assets, 384–389
in Romer model, 127–129, 131–132
rule-of-thumb behavior, 397, 630
in Solow model, 21–23, 65
and stabilization policy, 529–531
time-averaging problem, 399
time-inconsistent preferences, 397–398
tradeoff with labor supply, 201
under uncertainty, 199–200, 372–375,
and union contracts, 378–379
wartime, 75n
Consumption beta, 387
Consumption capital-asset pricing model,
Consumption function (Keynes), 368
Contingent debt, 602
Contracting models, 457, 478–486,
Subject Index
under asymmetric information,
439–440, 509–510
for central bankers, 559n
debt, 301–302, 439–440, 646
efficient, 482
implicit, 480–481, 499–501, 509–510
incentive-compatible, 509
renegotiation-proof, 440n
wage, 480–481
without variable hours, 509
Control variable, 413
to balanced growth path
in Diamond model, 82–85
growth rate differences and, 179–182
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
65, 69–71
in Solow model, 18, 25–27, 40,
conditional, 180, 187–188
and cross-country income differences,
32–36, 179–182
and measurement error, 35
overall, 182–183
unconditional, 179–180, 187
Convergence regressions, 32–35,
Convergence scatterplots, 35–36
Coordination-failure models, 286–290,
Copyright laws, 117
Core inflation, 259–261
Corruption, 607n
Cost of capital, and investment, 405–408,
Costate variable, 413
Costly state verification, 438–444
Credit limits, 395–397
Credit-market imperfections
and economic crisis of 2008–, 358–359,
in new Keynesian models, 358–359
and nonindexation of debt contracts,
and zero lower bound, 552–553
Credit policy, 553
Credit rationing, 441
Crises; see Debt crises; Economic crisis of
2008–; Recessions
Cross-country income differences; see
Income differences, cross-country
Crowding effects, 488
Crowding out of investment, 73
Culture, and cross-country income
differences, 165, 171–173
Current income, and consumption, 358,
368–371, 390
Current-value Hamiltonian, 413, 454
Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model, 314,
Daylight saving time, 280
Death of leaders, and policy changes,
170–171, 223
Debt accumulation, strategic, 607–617,
628, 640–641
Debt, contingent, 602
Debt contracts, 301–302, 439–440, 646
Debt crises, 623, 631–639, 642–643
Debt-deflation, 301–302
Debt financing
vs. equity financing, 455
vs. tax financing, 71, 196n, 592–594
Debt-market imperfections; see
Credit-market imperfections
Debt-to-GDP ratio, 623–624, 628, 630
Decreasing returns to scale; see Returns
to scale, diminishing
Default, 631–638, 646
Deficit bias, 513, 604–607, 617, 622, 624,
Deficits; see Budget deficits
Delayed stabilization, 617–623,
Delegation, and monetary policy,
560–563, 581
in Diamond model, 97
and dynamic efficiency, 91
of exchange rate, 631
and intertemporal substitution, 214
in real-business-cycle models, 201–203,
and taxes, 452
Detrending, 218
Diamond-Dybvig model, 646
Diamond model, 77–93
bond issues in, 589
depreciation in, 97
and Ponzi games, 589
vs. Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 49,
77, 79, 83, 87–88
vs. research and development model,
social security in, 97–98
vs. Solow model, 83, 85, 87–88
Subject Index
Dickey-Fuller test, augmented, 135
Dictators, and social infrastructure, 171,
Diminishing returns to scale; see Returns
to scale, diminishing
Directed search, 493
Discount factors
in Calvo model, 330
in Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans model,
in new Keynesian models, 317
stochastic, 386
uncertainty about, 432, 455
Discount rates
and consumption, 366n, 380–381, 393,
395, 398
in Diamond model, 78–79, 83–84
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 50,
56, 66–71
in real-business-cycle models, 196
in Romer model, 126, 131
Discrete time
in Diamond model, 77, 79
and dynamic programming, 469n
in q theory model, 409–413
in real-business-cycle models, 195,
in Solow model, 13n, 97
Disease risk and colonialism, 176–178
and aggregate supply curve variations,
and Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans
model, 346–347
and Mankiw-Reis model, 350–351
Distortionary taxes; see also Taxes
in real-business-cycle models, 230
and strategic debt accumulation,
and tax-smoothing, 598–604,
629, 640
Diversion, 120, 162–163
Dividends, and cash flow-investment link,
Divine coincidence, 537–538, 541–542
DSGE models; see Dynamic stochastic
general-equilibrium models
Dual labor markets, 477
Durable goods, 191, 390n, 402
Dynamic efficiency; see Dynamic
Dynamic inconsistency
and central bank independence,
discretionary policy model, 555–558
and divine coincidence, 541, 542
and the Great Inflation, 564–567
methods for addressing, 558–562,
overview of, 554–555
Dynamic inefficiency, 88–92, 99–100,
Dynamic new Keynesian models
canonical form, 314, 352–356, 364
common framework of, 315–319
extensions of, 356–361, 647
Dynamic programming, 200n, 235n,
469–470, 489
Dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium
models, 312–364
assessment of, 195, 360–361
common framework of, 315–319
extensions of new Keynesian model,
356–361, 647
and inflation inertia, 340–344
and microeconomic evidence, 337–340,
overview of, 312–315
Economic crisis of 2008–
and amplification of shocks, 447
vs. Great Moderation, 192, 644
implications of, 644–648
and nominal imperfections, 302
and role of fiscal policy, 585
and stabilization policy, 530
and zero lower bound, 526–527, 550,
Education, 152–156, 158–159, 174,
Effective labor, 10, 16n, 460–461
Effective labor demand, 247–248
Effectiveness of labor; see also
in accounting-style income
decompositions, 157
in Diamond model, 88
as knowledge, 101
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 50,
in Solow model, 10, 13–14, 27, 29, 152
Efficiency-wage models; see also
Shapiro-Stiglitz model
and compensation schemes, 459,
fair wage-effort hypothesis, 459, 478,
505–506, 508–509
Subject Index
Efficiency-wage models (continued)
general version of, 463–467
and interindustry wage differences,
simple version of, 458–463
and surveys of wage-setters,
and unions, 506–507
Efficiency wages
defined, 457, 461
with price rigidity and imperfect labor,
reasons for, 458–459
Efficient contracts, 482
Effort function, 460–461, 463–464
Elasticity of substitution
intertemporal, 51, 94, 215, 228, 381,
in labor supply, 214–215, 228
and natural resources, 42–43
Embodied technological progress,
Employment movements; see also
Contracting models
alternative assumptions about goods
and labor markets, 244–253
cyclical, 253–255
and government purchases,
hysteresis in, 484–486
and indexation, 309–310
insider-outsider model, 482–486
and labor demand movements,
456–457, 461–463, 482, 484–486,
and no-shirking condition, 472
in real-business-cycle models, 194,
207–208, 229–230
during recessions, 192–193
and sector-specific shocks, 230–231
Endogenous growth models; see also
Research and development model;
Romer model
fully endogenous models, 116
historical application of, 138–143
semi-endogenous models, 114, 133,
time-series tests of, 134–138
Endogenous technological change, 9, 106,
Entrepreneurship, 120–121, 127
Environmental issues, 11, 37–45
Equity financing, 455
Equity-premium puzzle, 387–389, 402
Ethier production function, 124–125
Ethnic diversity, and social
infrastructure, 172
Euler equation
for consumption under uncertainty,
in Diamond model, 79
in equity-premium puzzle, 387
with liquidity constraints, 394–395
with precautionary saving, 390–391
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
56–57, 72, 73
in real-business-cycle models,
for tax-smoothing under certainty,
Excess sensitivity of consumption, 375
Excess smoothness of consumption,
375n, 400
Exchange-market intervention, 552
Exchange rates, 224, 280n, 546, 631
Excludability, 117–118, 119–120
Executive power, constraints on, 170
Expansionary fiscal contractions,
conditional, 296
and consumption under uncertainty,
and investment under uncertainty, 428
and law of iterated projections, 328n
and Lucas critique, 299
rational, 261, 294, 295, 577–579
in simple investment model, 407–408
Expectations-augmented Phillips curve,
259–261, 296
Expectations management, 551, 553
Expectations theory of term structure,
Expected inflation
vs. actual inflation, 555–558, 568
and constant real interest rates, 577
vs. core inflation, 261
and hyperinflation, 572
in Lucas model, 296
in new Keynesian models, 357
and output-inflation tradeoff, 259, 261
External adjustment costs, 408, 419n,
External habits, 403
External vs. internal financing, 447–451
aggregate demand, 274, 276
from capital, 173–174
Subject Index
pecuniary, 64n, 119n
from pollution, 38, 43–44
from research and development,
119–120, 127, 132
in search and matching models,
thick-market, 282
Extractive states vs. settler colonies,
Factor returns/flows, 28–29, 31, 109
Fair wage-effort hypothesis, 459, 478,
505–506, 508–509
Federal funds rate, 225, 520–523, 548
Federal Reserve
estimation of interest-rate rules,
expansionary policies, 518
and funds-rate target, 520–523
and housing market crash, 645
and lagged interest rates, 547
natural experiments on, 223–224
and St. Louis equation, 222
and vector autoregressions, 225–226
and zero lower bound, 550–553,
Financial crisis of 2008–; see Economic
crisis of 2008–
Financial-market imperfections, 436–451;
see also Asymmetric information
and cash flow, 447–451
and debt crises, 631–632
and economic crisis of 2008–,
implications of, 444–447
and long-run growth, 446–447
in new Keynesian models, 358–359
and nominal frictions, 301–302
overview of, 436–437
and real rigidity, 282
and short-run fluctuations, 446–447
sources of, 436–437
tests on cash flow and investment,
and asset pricing, 646–647
and cash flow, 447–451
debt vs. equity, 455
internal vs. external, 447–451
outside, 437–444
tax vs. debt, 71, 196n, 592–594
First-order serial correlation correction,
First welfare theorem, 63
Fiscal crises; see Debt crises
Fiscal policy, 584–643; see also Budget
deficits; Policymakers; Stabilization
and consumption, 379, 383
debt vs. taxes, 592–598
deficit bias in, 513, 604–607, 622, 624
and dynamic inconsistency, 558n
and expansionary contractions,
and government budget constraint,
in industrialized countries, 624–628
in new Keynesian models, 360
Ricardian equivalence result, 592–594
and saving-investment correlation, 37
short-run macroeconomic effects, 585
and social infrastructure, 163
stability of, 639
and stabilization policy, 585
sustainable and unsustainable deficits,
586–592, 629–632
in United States, 584, 590–592, 618,
623n, 629
and zero lower bound, 550
Fiscal reform
and conditionality, 642
and crises, 623, 642
delays in, 607, 617–623
and hyperinflation, 575, 576
and importance of expectations,
Fischer model, 313–314, 319–322, 333,
348, 361–362
Fisher effect, 516
Fisher identity, 516
“Five Papers in Fifteen Minutes,” 178
Fixed adjustment costs, 434–436; see also
Menu costs
Fixed prices, 314, 322, 329
Fixed vs. floating exchange rates, 224
Fluctuations, overview of, 189–193; see
also Dynamic stochastic
general-equilibrium models;
Nominal adjustment, incomplete;
Nominal rigidity;
Real-business-cycle theory
Foreign aid, 623, 642
Forward-looking interest-rate rules, 353,
356, 546
Forward-looking monetary policy model,
Fragile equilibria, 290–292
Subject Index
Frequency effect, 332
Frequency of price adjustment, 337–339,
Frictional unemployment, 493
Full-employment output, 259
Fully endogenous growth models, 116
Fully-funded social security, 98
Game theory, 289–290
General Theory (Keynes), 245, 246
Geography, and cross-country income
differences, 165, 167, 172–178
Global warming, 44–45
Golden-rule capital stock, 23, 62, 65,
88–89, 91
Golden-rule level of education, 155n, 183
Goods market imperfections, 250–253,
Goods-producer-surplus effect, 132
Government budget constraint, 586–592,
Government debt; see Budget deficits;
Fiscal policy; Policymakers
Government default, 631–638
Government purchases; see also Fiscal
common-pool spending problem,
627–628, 643
in Diamond model, 92–93
and distortionary taxes, 230, 599–601
and household budget constraint,
72–73, 593–594
predictable movements in, 601–602
with price rigidity, 242, 244
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
71–77, 96–97
in real-business-cycle models, 194, 196,
206–207, 209, 215–217
and real interest rates, 75–77
for war, 75–77
Government rent-seeking behavior, 163
Great Depression, 192, 227, 447, 551, 632
Great Inflation, 564–567
Great Moderation, 192, 644
Great reversal, 176
Grossman-Helpman model, 103, 118,
Growth accounting, 30–32, 48, 145
Growth disasters and miracles, 7,
Growth drag, 41–43
Growth effects, 20–21
Growth rate, 14, 19n, 45
Habit formation, 358, 390n, 402–403
Half-life, 26n
Hamiltonian, 413, 454
Harris-Todaro model, 510–511
Harrod-neutral technological progress, 10
Hazard rate, 468
Health care costs, 584, 590–592
Hedging of risks, 385
Hicks-neutral technological progress,
10n, 13n
Hierarchical institutions, 627–628
High-powered money, 302n, 523, 524,
550, 568
Hodrick-Prescott filter, 218n
Home bias, 386
Horse-race regressions, 305–306
Households; see also Consumption;
Labor supply
in baseline price rigidity model,
in Diamond model, 78–81
entry into economy, 50, 595–596
forward-looking behavior of, 66, 75
in imperfect competition model,
infinitely lived, 49, 126, 195, 315–316
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
in real-business-cycle models,
in Romer model, 126–129, 130n
Housing market, 191, 453, 644–645,
Human capital
and cross-country income differences,
156–160, 180
and increasing returns, 186
physical capital effects on, 159n
vs. raw labor, 152
in Solow model, 151–156, 185
sources of variation in, 159–160
Hybrid Phillips curve, 261, 341–343
Hyperinflation, 518, 567–568, 572–576,
607, 617–618
Hysteresis, 484–486
Identity operator, 327
Idiosyncratic risk, 432, 445
Immigrants, and wage differences, 159
Impatience, and consumption, 393, 395,
Subject Index
Imperfect competition; see Competition,
Imperfect information, 282–283, 567n,
605–606; see also Lucas
imperfect-information model
Implicit contracts, 480–481, 499–501,
Implicit differentiation, 24n
Inada conditions, 12, 16–17
Incentive-compatible contracts, 509
Incentive contracts, for policymakers,
Income differences, cross-country,
and convergence, 32–36, 179–182
growth miracles and disasters, 7,
and investment choices, 28–29
and knowledge, 29, 32, 143–145, 149
overview of, 7–8, 150–151
and Solow model, 27–30, 151–156
Income effect, 80, 198, 203, 381
Income, permanent vs. transitory, 367,
Incomplete markets, 99–100
Increasing returns to scale; see Returns to
scale, increasing
and employment movements, 309–310
lack of, with debt contracts, 301–302
new Keynesian Phillips curve with,
Indivisible labor, 229–230
Inertia, in deficits, 622–623
Inertia, inflationary, 261, 340–344
Infinite duration, 100
Infinite output, in research and
development model, 109n
Infinitely lived households, 49, 126, 195,
Inflation; see also Dynamic inconsistency;
Interest-rate rules; Output-inflation
tradeoff; Seignorage
and aggregate demand shocks,
in AS-AD diagram, 262–263
and central bank independence,
core, 259–261
costs of, 523–526
and debt crises, 631
and deficit measurement, 587–588
and delegation, 560–563
dislike of, 525
and divine coincidence, 537–538
expected, 259, 261, 296, 357, 572, 577
expected vs. actual, 555–558, 568
expected vs. core, 261
in Great Inflation, 564–567
inertia in, 261, 340–344
lagged, 344–347, 532
from money growth, 514–518
in new Keynesian Phillips curve, 331
optimal rate of, 527, 528, 531, 556
and output, 298–299, 342
and policymaker reputation, 559–560
potential benefits of, 526–527
potential sources of, 514–515
and price adjustment, 304–306
and real money balances, 514–515
during recessions, 193
variability of, 525–526
Inflation bias, 513–514, 554, 567n
Inflation-indexed bonds, 523n
Inflation inertia, 261, 340–344
Inflation-output tradeoff; see
Output-inflation tradeoff
Inflation shocks, 354, 356
Inflation targeting, 223n, 535, 551–552
Inflation-tax Laffer curve, 569–570
Inflation-tax revenues, 569
Information, imperfect; see Imperfect
Information technology, and productivity
rebound, 32
Input-output linkages, 282
Insensitivity of profit function, 280–281
Inside the unit circle, 540
Insider-outsider models, 482–486, 510
Instantaneous utility functions
for constant-absolute-risk-aversion,
quadratic, 372, 374–375, 394–395
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
50–51, 54
in real-business-cycle models, 196–197,
in Romer model, 126
in Shapiro-Stiglitz model, 468
for simple consumption case, 366
Institutions, 162–164, 170–173, 176–177,
Instrumental variables, 165–169,
376–377, 396, 549
Intensive form of production function,
Interacted variables, 625
Interest factors, 633, 634, 635–637
Subject Index
Interest-rate rules
in canonical new Keynesian model, 353,
design of, 544–548
estimation of, 548–550
in exogenous nominal rigidity model,
262, 264
forward-looking, 353, 356, 546
in monetary policy models, 535–536,
and natural rate of interest, 535,
in new Keynesian models, 359–360
overview of, 543–544
Interest-rate spreads, 547, 645
Interest-rate targeting, 579
Interest rates
central bank control of, 307–308
and consumption, 380–384
and dynamic efficiency, 90–91
and expectations, 519–523
and Federal Reserve policy,
and investment, 422–423, 428–429,
in IS curve, 261–263
and labor supply, 199
and lagged inflation, 532
and money growth changes,
natural, 535–536, 538–539, 545
and new Keynesian IS curve, 241,
nominal vs. real, 75, 224
in q theory model, 422–423
during recessions, 193
and saving, 380–384
short-term, 422, 518–523
in specific models, 51, 64n, 74, 79–81,
86–87, 129, 532
as tax rate on money balances, 569n
and technology shocks, 213–214
term structure of, 518–523, 578–579
and wartime government purchases,
zero lower bound on nominal, 308,
526–527, 539n, 550–554, 580,
Intergenerational links, 595–596
Interindustry wage differences,
Intermediation, 358–359, 447, 647
Internal adjustment costs, 408
Internal habits, 403
Internal vs. external financing, 447–451
International aid, 623, 642
International borrowing, 632n
Intertemporal elasticity of substitution,
51, 94, 215, 228, 381, 383–384
Intertemporal first-order condition,
Intertemporal substitution in labor
supply, 197–199, 204, 214–215
Intratemporal first-order condition,
Inventories, 191
Investment, 405–455; see also
Financial-market imperfections;
q theory model of investment
actual vs. break-even, 16–17, 18–19,
21–23, 24n, 58–59
and asset pricing, 646–647
and capital income, 91
and cash flow, 447–451
and cost of capital, 405–408
and cross-country income differences,
28–29, 160–161
and financial-market disruptions,
and financial-market imperfections,
301–302, 436–451
with fixed adjustment costs, 434–436
and government purchases, 71–72
and inflation, 524, 526
irreversible, 430–432
and kinked adjustment costs,
and saving rate, 18–19, 36–37
and social infrastructure, 162–163
and stabilization policy, 530
and taxes, 95–96, 426–432, 445,
under uncertainty, 428–432, 436,
Investment adjustment costs, 408n
Investment-output ratio, 160–161
Investment tax credit, 407, 423–425,
Irreversible investment, 430–432
IS curve, new Keynesian
in canonical new Keynesian model,
352, 353, 356
in new Keynesian models, 316,
in price rigidity models, 241, 261–262,
IS-LM model, 242–244, 262
IS-MP model, 262–263
Subject Index
Job breakup rate, 468, 487, 493
Job creation and destruction, 494
Job-finding rate, 489, 490, 491
Job selling, 477–478
k-percent rule, 543
Keeping up with the Joneses, 368
Keynesian consumption function,
Keynesian models, 245–246, 368–369; see
also Dynamic new Keynesian
Kinked adjustment costs, 432–434, 436
Knowledge; see also Research and
lags in diffusion of, 32, 144, 149
production function for, 103
in real-business-cycle models, 197
in Solow model, 10, 13–14, 27, 29,
Knowledge accumulation; see also
Research and development model
and allocation of resources, 116–123,
and basic scientific research, 118
and capital accumulation, 101, 121–122
and central questions of growth theory,
and cross-country income differences,
32, 143–145, 149
dynamics of, 104–109
endogenous, 103–104, 111, 138–143
and ever-increasing growth, 108–109
and learning-by-doing, 121–123,
136–137, 146–147
over human history, 138–143
private incentives for, 118–120
in Romer model, 123n
and talented individuals, 120–121
and worldwide economic growth, 145
Kremer model, 138–143
Labor-augmenting technological
progress, 10, 13n
Labor demand
and employment movements, 456–457,
461–463, 482, 484–486, 499–501
with flexible wages and competitive
labor, 247–248
in real-business-cycle models, 194
in search and matching models,
in Shapiro-Stiglitz model, 472–476
Labor-force attachment, 485–486
Labor market; see also Contracting
models; Contracts; Efficiency
wages; Unemployment; Wages
competitive, 246–249
cyclical behavior of, 253–255,
dual, 477
economy-wide, 293
heterogeneity of, 486, 492–493
imperfections in, 249–250, 284–286
in insider-outsider model, 482–484
real rigidity in, 283–286
in search and matching models,
short-side rule, 307
turnover in, 474, 475, 477, 493–494
and wage rigidities, 251–253, 456–457,
480–481, 496
Labor mobility, 283–284
Labor supply
in dynamic new Keynesian models,
elasticity of, 300, 456, 482
and hours of work, 530
and hysteresis, 485
in imperfect competition model, 271
inelastic, 213–214, 277–278
intertemporal substitution in, 197–199,
204, 214–215
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 50
raw labor vs. human capital, 152
in real-business-cycle models, 194,
197–199, 201–204, 209
in research and development model,
103, 106–107
in Romer model, 126
in Shapiro-Stiglitz model, 473–474
in Solow model, 13–14
tradeoff with consumption, 201
Lag operators, 205n, 323, 326–328
Land, 38–43, 139, 141
Law of iterated projections, 265, 328n,
Layoffs, 477, 504–506
death of, and policy changes, 170–171,
differences in beliefs, 172
Learning-by-doing, 121–123, 136–137,
Subject Index
Lehman Brothers, 645
Level effects, on balanced growth path,
Life-cycle saving, 395n, 398
Limited liability, in debt markets, 301
Linear growth models, 109, 133
Liquidity, concept of, 648
Liquidity constraints, 378–379, 393–397,
597, 630
Liquidity effect, 518
Liquidity trap, 308, 553; see also Zero
nominal interest rate
LM curve, 242, 262
Log-linear approximation, 196n, 207–211,
Loglinearization, 207
Logarithmic utility
in Diamond model, 80, 82–84, 97
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 51,
in real-business-cycle models, 196–197,
in Romer model, 126
in Tabellini-Alesina model, 615–617
Lognormal distribution, 210n
Long-term interest rates, 422, 518–523
Lucas asset-pricing model, 401
Lucas critique, 298–299
Lucas imperfect-information model,
292–301, 303–304, 306
Lucas supply curve, 295–296, 331,
340–341, 528, 555
Macroeconomic crisis of 2008–; see
Economic crisis of 2008–
Malthusian determination of population,
Mankiw-Reis model, 314, 347–352,
Marginal disutility of work, 480–481, 482,
Marginal product of capital
in Diamond model, 78, 88, 91
in learning-by-doing model, 147
private, 147
in q theory model, 411, 416, 419
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 51
in simple investment model, 407–408
in Solow model, 12, 21, 24–25, 28, 29n
Marginal q, 414–415, 426
Marginal revenue-marginal cost diagram,
275–276, 281–283
Market beta, 387n
countercyclical, 248–249, 282–283, 286
in imperfect competition model, 272
by intermediaries, 359
procyclical, 249n
and real rigidity, 282–283
with wage rigidity, flexible prices, and
imperfect goods, 251
Markup function, 251
Martingale, 373n
Matching function, 487, 488–489, 512
Maturity transformation, 646
Measurement error
classical, 166
and convergence, 35, 48
and cross-country income differences,
166, 167, 186–187
and interest-rate rules, 545–546
and q theory tests, 426, 427
Median-voter theorem, 610–612
Medical costs, 584, 590–592
Menu costs; see also Price adjustment
and average inflation, 304–306
defined, 267
and efficiency wages, 466n
empirical evidence on, 339–340
with imperfect competition, 276–278,
283, 284–286
with multiple equilibria, 308–309
and persistence of output movements,
and profit function insensitivity, 280
and real rigidity, 278–284, 292
Method of undetermined coefficients,
208–211, 235n, 323–325, 355–356
Minimum wage, 457n
Models, purpose of, 3–4, 14–15
Modified golden-rule capital stock, 65
Modigliani-Miller theorem, 455
Monetary conditions index, 546
Monetary disturbances; see also
Aggregate demand shocks
in canonical new Keynesian model,
in Caplin-Spulber model, 337
in Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model,
with exogenous price rigidity, 242–243
and incentives for price adjustment,
276–278, 284–286
and inflation shocks, 354, 356
long-lasting effects of, 325–326
in Lucas model, 292, 295
and natural experiments, 222–224
Subject Index
and predetermined prices, 322, 348
with price rigidity, 242–243
in real-business-cycle models, 195,
and St. Louis equation, 221–222
in Taylor model, 325–326
and vector autoregressions, 225–226
Monetary policy, 513–583; see also
Dynamic inconsistency;
Interest-rate rules; Policymakers;
Stabilization policy
backward-looking model, 531–536
in canonical new Keynesian model,
352–354, 356, 364
and central bank independence,
control of interest rates, 307–308
and delegation, 560–563, 581
and economic crisis of 2008–, 645
and exchange rates, 546, 552
and financial-market imperfections,
forecasts in, 546n
forward-looking model, 537–542
and the Great Inflation, 564–567
inflation bias in, 513–514
inflation targeting, 223n, 535
k-percent rule, 543
and Lucas critique, 299
and money growth effects, 515–518,
576–577, 579
and natural experiments, 223–224
and natural-rate hypothesis, 257
in new Keynesian models, 319,
overview of, 513–514
and political business cycles, 582
and regime changes, 577–579
and reputation, 580–581
and rules, 543–544, 558–559
and St. Louis equation, 222
and seignorage, 513–514, 567–576,
and social welfare, 527–531
super-inertial, 547
and term structure of interest rates,
518–523, 577, 578–579
and uncertainty, 545, 579–580
and vector autoregressions, 225–226
and zero lower bound, 308, 526–527,
539n, 550–554, 580, 647–648
in baseline price rigidity model,
high-powered, 302n, 523, 524, 550,
in Samuelson overlapping-generations
model, 98–100
as source of utility, 239–240
Money demand
in baseline price rigidity model,
and future inflation, 572n, 576n
gradual adjustment of, 572–574
and inflation, 514–515
and St. Louis equation, 222
and seignorage, 568–570
and vector autoregressions, 225
Money growth
and hyperinflation, 567–568, 572–576
inflation from, 514–518
and interest rates, 515–518
and real money balances, 516–518,
568–576, 576–577
and seignorage, 568–576, 582–583
Money-in-the-utility-function, 240n,
Money market, 262
Money-output regressions, 225–226
Money-stock rules, 543–544
Monopoly power, 123, 125, 127, 147,
Moral hazard, 301, 444
Mortensen-Pissarides model, 486,
511–512; see also Search and
matching models
MP curve, 262–264, 308
Multiple equilibria
in coordination-failure models,
defined, 266–267
in Diamond model, 86–87
and economic crisis of 2008–, 646
with menu costs, 308–309
in model of debt crises, 635–636, 638
punishment, 559n, 581–582
real non-Walrasian theories, 290–292
Multiplier-accelerator, 306–307
Multisector models, 230
Nash bargaining, 488, 490
Nash equilibrium, 277, 289, 643
National Bureau of Economic Research,
Natural experiments, 168–169, 222–224
Natural-rate hypothesis, 257–258, 566,
Subject Index
Natural rate of interest, 535–536,
538–539, 545
Natural rate of output, 259, 545–546, 566
Natural rate of unemployment, 257, 307,
485, 498
Natural resources, 11, 37–43
New growth theory; see Human capital;
Income differences, cross-country;
Knowledge accumulation; Research
and development model
New Keynesian IS curve, 241, 261–262,
264, 316, 352–353, 356–358, 537,
New Keynesian models; see Dynamic new
Keynesian models
New Keynesian Phillips curve
in canonical new Keynesian model,
352–353, 356
derivation of, 329–331
in forward-looking monetary policy
model, 537–539, 541
with indexation, 344–347, 357, 363
and inflation inertia, 340–344, 357
and long-run output-inflation tradeoff,
in new Keynesian models, 357
with partial indexation, 363
with wage inflation, 357
New political economy, 605–607
Newly industrializing countries, 7, 31
No-bubbles condition, 400
No-Ponzi-game condition, 53, 55
No-shirking condition, 471–474
Nominal adjustment, incomplete,
267–306; see also Dynamic
stochastic general-equilibrium
models; Lucas imperfectinformation model; Price
baseline imperfect competition model,
coordination-failure models, 286–290,
in debt markets, 301–302
incentives for, 275–278, 284–286
liquidity effect, 518
Nominal rigidity; see also Price rigidity
in DSGE models, 314
exogenous, 239–267
overview of, 238–239
in real-business-cycle models, 195, 229,
and small barriers to price adjustment,
275–278, 280, 282, 284–286
Non-lump-sum taxation, 639–640
Nonexpected utility, 390n
Nonrivalry of knowledge, 117, 144
Nonstationarity vs. stationarity, 134–136
Nontradable consumption goods, 160,
Observational equivalence, 311
Oil prices, 38, 258, 624
Okun’s law, 193
Olivera-Tanzi effect, 571n
Omitted-variable bias, 165, 166, 626
Open-market operations, 550–553
Option value to waiting, 432
Output-inflation tradeoff
accelerationist Phillips curve, 260–262,
331, 340–342, 528, 532
and average inflation rate, 304–306
and backward-looking monetary policy
model, 533–536
expectations-augmented Phillips curve,
259–261, 296
failure of Phillips curve, 257–258
and forward-looking monetary policy
model, 541–542
and the Great Inflation, 565–566
hybrid Phillips curve, 261, 341–343
and hyperinflation, 567
and inflation bias, 513, 554
international evidence on, 302–306
in Lucas model, 298, 303–304
and natural-rate hypothesis, 257–258
and new Keynesian Phillips curve,
Phillips curve, 256
Output taxation, 230
Overidentifying restrictions, 377n
Overlapping-generations models, 9,
77n, 98–100; see also Diamond
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID),
253–254, 378
Pareto efficiency
and budget deficits, 630
in specific models, 63, 88–90, 119n,
202, 204, 232, 288–290
Partial-equilibrium search, 511
Partial vs. general equilibrium models,
Patent laws, 117
Pay-as-you-go social security, 97–98
Subject Index
Pecuniary externalities, 64n, 119n
Penn World Tables, 7n, 158
Perfect competition; see Competition,
Permanent income, 367, 370–371
Permanent-income hypothesis
derivation of, 365–367
and excess smoothness of
consumption, 375n
failures of, 389–390
implications of, 367–371, 379
and random-walk hypothesis, 373
and Ricardian equivalence, 596–598
Persson-Svensson model, 608, 641
Phase diagrams
with kinked adjustment costs, 433–434
in q theory model, 417–418, 420–421,
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
59–60, 65, 69, 96
in research and development model,
105–108, 112–115
in Solow model, 17
sustainable vs. unsustainable
seignorage, 574–575
with uncertainty, 429–431
Phillips curve; see also New Keynesian
Phillips curve; Output-inflation
accelerationist, 260–262, 331, 340–342,
528, 532
expectations-augmented, 259–261, 296
failure of, 257–258
history of, 256
hybrid, 261, 341–343
and Lucas critique, 298–299
and natural-rate hypothesis, 257–258
and productivity growth, 307
Poisson processes, 329–330, 344, 348,
Policies vs. institutions, 170–171
Policy rules, 544–546, 566, 577–579; see
also Interest-rate rules
Policymakers; see also Fiscal policy;
Monetary policy; Stabilization
commitment by, 554–558, 614
delegation to, 560–563
disagreements among, 613–615
discretion of, 555–558
and economic crisis of 2008–, 648
and the Great Inflation, 565–567
incentive contracts for, 559n
incomplete knowledge of, 605–606
independence of, 562–564
inflation choices of, 541–542, 554–558,
inflation targeting, 535
known inefficient outcomes, 606–607
liberal vs. conservative, 608, 641
and maximization of social welfare,
and preferences, 610–612, 615
reasons for accumulating debt,
and reputation, 559–560, 580–581
rules vs. discretion, 558–559
and statistical relationships, 299
and status-quo bias, 642
Political business cycles, 582
Political-economy theories of budget
deficits, 604–607, 624, 648
Political participation, 614–615
Political power, 171, 624–627
Political Risk Services, 167
Pollution, 43–45
Ponzi games, 53, 588–590
exogenous growth of, 13–14, 50, 78,
104, 196
and long-run economic growth, 106,
108, 110–111, 114, 122, 131,
Malthusian determination of, 139, 142
over very long run, 138–143
in specific regions, 141
turnover in, 77, 595
Potential output, 259, 262
Precautionary saving, 390–393, 395, 403,
597–598, 639–640
Predetermined prices, 314; see also
Fischer model; Mankiw-Reis model
Present-value Hamiltonian, 413n
Presidential political systems, 626
Price adjustment; see also Inflation; Menu
costs; State-dependent price
adjustment; Time-dependent price
of assets, 401, 547–548, 646–647
barriers to, 275–276
in Calvo model, 329–331
in canonical new Keynesian model, 352,
in Caplin-Spulber model, 332–333
in Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans model,
in coordination-failure models,
Subject Index
Price adjustment (continued)
costs of, 339–340
and costs of inflation, 524–525
in Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model,
in dynamic new Keynesian models,
in Fischer model, 319–322, 361
and fixed prices, 322–328
frequency of, 337–339, 352
of housing, 644–645, 646
imperfect competition model, 268–274
and imperfect information, 292–293
incentives for
in contracting models, 482
and efficiency wages, 461, 465, 466n,
and real rigidity, 278–286
and small frictions, 275–278
incomplete, 321, 326
and inflation inertia, 340–344
in Mankiw-Reis model, 347–352
microeconomic evidence on, 337–340
and monetary policy, 224
real non-Walrasian theories, 290–292
and real rigidity, 278–286
and sales, 338–339
synchronized, 362
and taxes, 427
in Taylor model, 322–328
Price indexes
in imperfect competition model, 271
limitations of, 6n
in Lucas model, 294
Price-level inertia, 325
Price-level paths, 551
Price-price Phillips curve, 307
Price rigidity; see Nominal rigidity; Price
in Calvo model, 329–331
in Caplin-Spulber model, 332–333
in Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model,
in Fischer model, 319–322
in imperfect competition model,
incentive to obtain information,
in Mankiw-Reis model, 347–352
and small barriers to adjustment,
and sticky information, 348
in Taylor model, 322–328
Pricing kernel, 386
Primary deficit, 587
Primary jobs, 477
Private incentives for innovation,
Private vs. social returns; see Social
Production functions; see also
Cobb-Douglas production function
aggregation over firms, 93
in baseline real-business-cycle model,
in Diamond model, 78
in dynamic new Keynesian models, 316
Ethier, 124–125
for human capital, 152
Inada conditions, 12, 16–17
intensive form of, 11–12, 13
for knowledge, 102–104, 112
and learning-by-doing, 121–123
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 49
in real-business-cycle models, 195, 202,
in research and development model,
102–104, 112
in Romer model, 124–126
in Samuelson model, 98
in Solow model, 10–13, 29n, 151–152
Productivity growth
impact on Phillips curve, 307
rebound in, 6, 32
in research and development, 131
slowdown in, 6, 31–32, 94, 193
Profit functions
in contracting models, 479
insensitivity of, 280–281
in Romer model, 129–130
in search and matching models, 496
Property rights, 38, 117, 121, 127, 144
Proportional output taxation, 230
Proportional representation, 626
PSID (Panel Study of Income Dynamics),
253–254, 378
Punishment equilibria, 559n, 581–582
q theory model of investment, 408–436
with constant returns in adjustment,
415n, 454
with kinked and fixed adjustment
costs, 432–436, 454
and money demand, 572n
and taxes, 423–425, 453
and uncertainty, 428–432, 454
Subject Index
q (value of capital), 410, 411, 414–415,
Quadratic adjustment costs, 425
Quadratic utility, 372, 374–375, 385,
390–391, 394–395
Quality-ladder models, 133–134
Quantitative easing, 550–551, 553
Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 49–77
vs. baseline real-business-cycle model,
194–195, 199–200
capital taxation in, 95–96
closed-form solution for, 95
vs. Diamond model, 49, 77, 79, 83,
government purchases in, 71–77,
vs. research and development model,
and Ricardian equivalence result,
social planner’s problem, 63–64,
vs. Solow model, 49, 64–65, 66, 71
Random walk, 298, 322, 328, 601, 640
Random walk with drift, 298
Random-walk hypothesis, 373,
Rational expectations, 261, 294, 295,
Rational political business cycles, 582
Raw labor vs. human capital, 152
Reaction function, 286–288, 290–292
Real-business-cycle theory, 189–237
with additive technology shocks,
evaluation of models, 220, 226–229
monetary disturbances in, 220–226
overview of, 193–195, 231–233
with taste shocks, 235, 297
Real non-Walrasian theories, 290–292
Real rigidity
in Calvo model, 329
in Fischer model, 322
in Mankiw-Reis model, 348, 350
and multiple equilibria, 286, 289
overview of, 278–280
and real non-Walrasian theories,
and small barriers to price adjustment,
sources of, 281–284
in Taylor model, 326
Real-wage function, 249, 250, 284
Recessions; see also Economic crisis of
2008–; Great Depression
and consumption variability, 529
and socially optimal output, 273–274
and tax-smoothing, 602
in United States, 189–193
wage rigidity during, 504, 506
welfare effects of, 273–274, 527–531
Regime changes, 577–579
Renegotiation-proof contracts, 440n
Rent-seeking, 120, 162–163
Reputation, and dynamic inconsistency,
559–560, 580–581
Research and development; see also
determinants of, 116–123
externalities from, 119–120, 127, 132
free-entry condition in, 127
production function for, 102–104
and returns to scale, 103, 109–110,
Research and development effect, 119,
127, 132
Research and development model,
102–116, 137, 143–145, 149
Returns to scale
in adjustment costs, 434–435, 454
in q theory model, 414–415, 425
in research and development model,
103, 109–110, 112
in Romer model, 123n
in search and matching models,
in simple investment model, 409
in Solow model, 10–11
and entrepreneurial activity,
and lack of growth, 137–138
in q theory model, 414
in research and development model,
103, 109–110, 112
and entrepreneurial activity, 120–121
and human capital, 186
in research and development model,
103, 109–110, 112
in Romer model, 123n
in knowledge production, 103,
109–110, 112
to produced factors, 109–110, 112,
Subject Index
Ricardian equivalence, 592–598
and precautionary saving, 597–598,
in Tabellini-Alesina model, 608–609
and tax cuts, 603–604
and welfare costs of deficits, 629–630
Rigidity; see Nominal rigidity; Price
rigidity; Real rigidity
Risk aversion
in contracting models, 480
in debt markets, 301
and equity-premium puzzle, 388–389
and precautionary saving, 391–392
and stabilization policy, 529–531
Risky assets, and consumption,
Risky projects, and investment, 432
Rival goods, 117
Romer model, 103, 118, 123–134, 147
Rule-of-thumb consumption behavior,
397, 630
Runs, and economic crisis of 2008–,
Saddle paths, 62–63, 67–70, 72–73,
418–421, 423–425, 429–431,
St. Louis equation, 221–222
Sale prices, 338–339
Sample-selection bias, 34–35
Samuelson overlapping-generations
model, 98–100
Saving; see also Consumption
buffer-stock, 389–390, 395n, 597
in Diamond model, 78, 85–88, 92–93
and discount rate, 393, 395
as future consumption, 367–368
and interest rates, 380–384
life-cycle, 395n, 398
and liquidity constraints, 393–397
over long horizons, 383–384
precautionary, 390–393, 395, 403,
597–598, 639–640
and productivity slowdown, 94
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
and relative consumption, 368
Saving rate
and capital-output ratio, 160–161
in Diamond model, 49, 80, 82, 85–86
endogenous, 9, 49
and externalities from capital, 174
and investment rate, 18–19, 36–37
and learning-by-doing, 122
and long-run growth, 115, 122, 138
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 49,
in real-business-cycle models, 202–203,
in research and development model,
in Solow model, 9, 18–25, 65, 153, 154
Scale effects, 109–110, 115–116
Scientific research, 118
Search and matching frictions, 283, 487
Search and matching models, 486–498
competitive, 493
defined, 458
partial-equilibrium, 511
Seasonal fluctuations, 191n
Secondary jobs, 477
Sector-specific shocks, 230–231, 631
Seignorage, 513–514, 567–576, 582–583
Selection effect, 332, 333–337
Self-fulfilling prophecies, 87, 266–267,
288, 539–540, 637; see also
Multiple equilibria
Semi-endogenous growth models, 114,
133, 137
Settler colonies vs. extractive states,
Severe punishment, 582
Shapiro-Stiglitz model, 467–478, 487,
489, 505, 507–508
Shoe-leather costs, 524
Short-side rule, 307
Short-term interest rates, 422, 518–523
Signal extraction, 296
Signal-to-noise ratio, 296
Single-peaked preferences, 610–611
Slavery and colonialism, 176
Smets-Wouters model, 312, 357
Social infrastructure, 162–177, 183,
Social security, 97–98, 584, 591
Social welfare; see Welfare (social)
Solow model, 6–48
vs. Diamond model, 49, 83, 85, 87–88
discrete-time version of, 97
with human capital, 151–156, 185
microeconomic foundations for, 97
vs. Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model, 49,
64–66, 71
vs. research and development model,
speed of convergence in, 25–27, 71
Solow residual, 30–31, 218, 227
Subject Index
Spending bias, 627
Ss policy, 332, 334, 337
Stabilization policy; see also Fiscal policy;
Monetary policy; Policymakers
in backward-looking monetary policy
model, 533–534
case for, 528–531
delayed, 617–623, 642
and imperfect information, 299–300
and inflation, 523–527
and output, 527–528
overview of, 513
Staggered price adjustment; see also
Caplin-Spulber model; Fischer
model; Mankiw-Reis model; Taylor
Calvo model, 331
Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans model,
314, 344–347, 351–352
instability of, 361–362
Mankiw-Reis model, 314, 347–352,
Staggered wage adjustment, 319n
State-dependent price adjustment
Caplin-Spulber model, 314, 332–333,
337, 362–363
Danziger-Golosov-Lucas model, 314,
defined, 313
with positive and negative inflation,
shortcomings of, 339
State variable, 413
Stationarity vs. nonstationarity, 134–136
Status-quo bias, 642
Stein’s law, 630
Sticky information; see Mankiw-Reis
Stochastic discount factor, 386
Stock-price movements, 388–389
Straight-line depreciation, 452
Strategic debt accumulation, 607–617,
628, 640–641
Substitution effect
in consumption under certainty, 381,
in Diamond model, 80
in real-business-cycle models, 198, 203
Sunspot equilibria, 87, 266–267, 288,
539–540; see also Multiple
Super-inertial monetary policy, 547
Supply shocks; see Aggregate supply
Symmetric adjustment costs, 429–430
Symmetric equilibrium, 272
Symmetric information, 438
Synchronized price-setting, 362
Tabellini-Alesina model, 608–617, 628,
Talented individuals, 120–121
Tanzi effect, 571n
Taste shocks, 235, 297
Tax cuts
of 2001 and 2003, 591
of 2008 and 2009, 594
expectations of, 603–604
and zero lower bound, 552n
departures from, 624, 629, 630
model of, 584–585, 598–604, 640
Tax vs. debt financing, 71, 196n, 592–594
in baseline real-business-cycle
model, 196
vs. budget deficits, 592–598
and capital, 95–96, 407, 602–603
and consumption, 379, 383
and costs of inflation, 524
distortionary, 230, 598–604, 608–609,
629, 640
expected vs. unexpected changes in, 96
and inflation, 569
and investment, 95–96, 426–432, 445,
non-lump-sum, 639–640
on pollution, 43–44
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
and social infrastructure, 163
Taylor model, 322–328
continuous-time version of, 363
vs. other models, 314, 329, 333
overview of, 313–314
synchronized price-setting in, 362
Taylor rules, 544–546, 566; see also
Interest-rate rules
Taylor-series approximations, 25, 27n,
67, 207–211, 388
Technological change; see also Knowledge
capital-augmenting, 10n, 13n
embodied, 47–48
endogenous, 9, 106, 138–139
Harrod-neutral, 10
Hicks-neutral, 10n, 13n
Subject Index
Technological change (continued)
labor-augmenting, 10, 13n
and learning-by-doing, 121–123
in medicine, 591
vs. natural resource limitations, 40–43
and population growth, 138–143
in research and development model,
in Romer model, 133
as worldwide phenomenon, 140–141
Technology; see Knowledge; Knowledge
accumulation; Research and
Technology shocks
additive, 234–235
in real-business-cycle models, 194, 197,
206, 209, 211–215, 227–228,
Term premium, 519, 523n
Term structure of interest rates,
518–523, 578–579
Thick-market effects, 282, 310, 488
Time-averaging problem, 399
Time-dependent price adjustment
Calvo model, 313–314, 329–331, 333,
344–345, 362
Christiano-Eichenbaum-Evans model,
312, 314, 344–347, 351–352, 357
defined, 313
Fischer model, 313–314, 319–322, 333,
348, 361–362
fixed vs. predetermined prices, 314
Mankiw-Reis model, 314, 347–352,
shortcomings of, 339, 351–352
Taylor model, 313–314, 322–328, 333,
Time-inconsistent preferences, 397–398,
Time-to-build, 231n
Tobin’s q, 414–415, 425–428
Tradable consumption goods, 161
Trade balances, and debt crises, 631
Transactions demand for money, 240n
Transfer payments, 599n, 602n
Transition dynamics, 123, 124, 133
Transitory income, 367, 370–371
Transparent institutions, 627–628
Transversality condition, 412, 413,
Trend stationarity, 134–136
Tropical countries, poverty in, 174–178
Two-stage least squares, 165; see also
Instrumental variables
Unbalanced price-setting, 361
consumption under, 372–375, 390–393
and dynamic efficiency, 91, 590n
and fiscal policy, 592
and household optimization, 199–200
investment under, 428–432, 436, 455
and monetary policy, 579–580
and price-setting, 318
tax-smoothing under, 601
Underemployment equilibria, 288
Underlying (core) inflation, 259–261
Undetermined coefficients, method of;
see Method of undetermined
Unemployment, 456–512; see also
Labor market
basic macro issues, 456–458
contracting models, 457, 478–486,
498–501, 509–510
and cyclical real wage, 253–255
determinants of, 456
and economic crisis of 2008–, 645
and efficiency wages, 458–467, 506–507
equilibrium level of, 465, 473–474
in Europe, 485–486
and fair-wage effort hypothesis,
frictional, 493
Harris-Todaro model, 510–511
insider-outsider models, 482–486, 510
and interindustry wage differences,
long-term, 494
natural rate of, 257, 307, 485, 498
and Okun’s law, 193
during recessions, 192–193
search and matching models, 486–498
from sector-specific shocks, 230–231
Shapiro-Stiglitz model, 467–478, 487,
489, 505, 507–508
and wage rigidities, 504–506
Unemployment benefits, 485
Unemployment-inflation tradeoff; see
Output-inflation tradeoff
Unfunded liabilities, 588, 590
Union contracts, 378–379, 499–501
Union wage premium, 506–507
Unit circle, 540
United Kingdom
Great Inflation in, 564, 565
inflation-indexed bonds in, 523n
Subject Index
tax financing in, 629
wartime interest rates in, 75–77
United States
budget deficits in, 584, 590–592, 594,
data for calibration of model,
dynamic efficiency in, 90–92
fiscal policy in, 584, 590–592, 618,
623n, 629
future government spending in, 607
Great Inflation in, 564, 565
historical movement of money,
income stationarity in, 135
inflation-indexed bonds, 523n
recessions in, 189–193
tax cuts, 591, 594
User cost of capital, 406–407
Utility functions; see also Instantaneous
utility functions
constant-absolute-risk-aversion, 403
constant-relative-risk-aversion, 50–51,
78, 94, 239, 380, 387
logarithmic, 51, 80, 82–84, 94, 97, 126,
196–197, 202, 615–617
money in, 240n, 269
quadratic, 372, 374–375, 385, 390–391,
394, 395
Utility, nonexpected, 390n
Vacancy-filling rate, 489– 491
Value function, 235, 469–470, 489–490
Vector autoregressions (VARs), 225–226
Verification costs, in asymmetric
information model, 438–444
Volcker disinflation, 644
and Concordet paradox, 640
puzzle of participation, 614–615
and status-quo bias, 642
in Tabellini-Alesina model, 610–612,
614–615, 640–641
Wage contracts, 480–481
Wage inflation, 259n, 357
Wage-price Phillips curve, 307
Wage rigidity
in Fischer and Taylor models, 319n
with flexible prices and competitive
goods, 245–246
with flexible prices and imperfect
goods, 250–253
and inflation, 526
and labor market shifts, 456–457
in search and matching models, 496
and small barriers to wage adjustment,
survey evidence on, 504–506
and wage contracts, 480–481, 498–501
Wage-wage Phillips curve, 307
Wages; see also Efficiency wages; Price
adjustment; Unemployment
and aggregate demand, 457
and consumption predictability,
cuts in, 457–458, 465–467, 477,
cyclical behavior of, 193, 246, 248, 251,
253–255, 456–457
and education, 153
and fairness, 505–506
and government purchases, 216–217
and human capital, 159–160
and incentives for price adjustment,
278, 283–286, 457, 461, 465, 466n,
467, 482
and inflation, 256–258, 526
in insider-outsider model, 482–486,
interindustry differences in, 501–504
and labor supply, 456
posted, 493
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
51–52, 64n
in real-business-cycle models, 196,
198–199, 206, 209
during recessions, 193
reservation, 466n
in Romer model, 129
in search and matching models,
487–488, 490–491, 493, 496
setting, 484–486, 504–506
and signing of new contracts,
staggered adjustment of, 319n
subsidies, 476
and technology shocks, 209, 213
and unions, 506–507
Waiting, option value to, 432
War of attrition, 618
Wartime government purchases, 75–77,
Weak governments, and budget deficits,
Subject Index
Wealth redistribution, 301–302,
630, 632
Welfare (social)
and booms and recessions, 273–274,
and budget deficits, 629–632, 642
and consumption variability, 529–531
in Diamond model, 88–90
and inflation, 523–527
and long-run growth, 6, 7–8
and pollution, 44–45
in Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model,
and stabilization policy, 527–531
and unemployment, 497–498
and variability in hours of work, 530
White-noise disturbances, 134, 197, 205,
298, 322, 353–355, 533, 537, 542
Whites vs. blacks, consumption of,
369–370, 371
Work-sharing vs. layoffs, 477
Workers; see also Labor market;
abilities of, 159–160, 458, 485, 502–503
in Alesina-Drazen model, 619–623
heterogeneity of, 457–458, 486,
insiders and outsiders, 483
long-term relationships with
employers, 478–479
migration of, 159
monitoring of, 458
perceptions of fairness, 505–506
and students, 154–156
wealth redistribution from, 630
World War II
and cross-country income differences,
180, 182
magnitude of fluctuations before and
after, 192
UK tax financing during, 629
Y = AK models, 109
Zero-coupon bonds, 519
Zero nominal interest rate
and economic crisis of 2008–, 647–648
in forward-looking monetary policy
model, 539n
importance of, 550–554, 580
and inflation, 526–527
and liquidity trap, 308, 553