Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
Robert W. Bradsher
From the Division ofInfectious Diseases, University ofArkansas for
Medical Sciences, and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Little Rock, Arkansas
Histoplasmosis and blastomycosis are caused by dimorphic fungi, can be epidemic or endemic, and
can produce a spectrum of illness, from subclinical infection to progressive disseminated disease.
Diagnosis of both is best made by visualization of yeast in tissue or by culture. Itraconazole is the drug
of choice for treatment of both histoplasmosis and blastomycosis, except in cases of life-threatening
infection, for which amphotericin B is indicated. A heavy inoculum of Histoplasma capsulatum may
cause acute pulmonary infection in an otherwise healthy host, resulting in fever, hypoxia, and pulmonary infiltrates. Opportunistic histoplasmosis develops as chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis in those
with a structural defect in the lung (emphysema) or as disseminated histoplasmosis in patients with
cellular immune deficiency (due to immunosuppressants or AIDS). Blastomyces dermatitidis causes
both pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease. Lung involvement may mimic bacterial pneumonia, while
chronic presentations mimic lung cancer or tuberculosis. Skin is the most common extrapulmonary site
of disease, followed by bone, prostate, and central nervous system.
Endemic mycoses in the middle portion of the United States
include histoplasmosis and blastomycosis. Both are caused by
dimorphic fungi, which exist in nature in the mycelial phase
and convert to the yeast phase at body temperature. Both may
cause epidemics following a point-source of infection or sporadic endemic infection. Histoplasmosis, and to a lesser degree
blastomycosis, can cause subclinical illness, after which subsequent protection against progressive infection is afforded by
cellular immune mechanisms. In contrast, both can cause progressive disseminated disease. Diagnosis of both is best made
by visualization of yeast in smears or tissue specimens or by
culture. Since colonization does not occur, as with Candida or
Aspergillus species, identification of the responsible fungus
ensures the correct diagnosis. Itraconazole has been shown to
be the drug of choice for treatment of both infections, except
in life-threatening cases, for which amphotericin B should be
Histoplasma capsulatum may cause acute pulmonary infection in the normal (otherwise healthy) host, resulting in fever,
hypoxia, and pulmonary infiltrates. Opportunistic histoplasmosis develops in those with a structural defect in the lung (emphysema) and presents as chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis;
in patients with cellular immune deficiency (due to immunosuppressant medications or HIV infection), it presents as progressive disseminated histoplasmosis. Untreated, this latter
form of infection may be rapidly fatal.
Blastomyces dermatitidis causes both pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease. Lung involvement may mimic bacterial
pneumonia, while chronic presentations mimic lung cancer or
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Robert W. Bradsher, Director, Division of
Infectious Diseases, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Slot 639,
4301 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996; 22(8uppl 2):8102-11
This article is in the public domain.
tuberculosis. Skin is the most common extrapulmonary site of
disease (manifested as either verrucous or ulcerative lesions),
followed by bone, prostate, and CNS.
H capsulatum was first described as a cause of disease in
humans by Darling in 1906, following an autopsy of a Martinique native who lived in Panama [1]. Subsequently, he described two more patients with the same infection: a Cantonese
and another Martinique native, both of whom had resided in
Panama for an extended time. The fact that the organism looked
like an encapsulated parasite inside a histiocyte prompted the
name. Twenty years later, a case of histoplasmosis in Minnesota was reported [2]. As recorded in an articulate and entertaining report by Sell [3], the next reported case of histoplasmosis
occurred in Nashville, Tennessee, and resulted in a landmark
article by Christie and Peterson in 1945 that changed the understanding of the interactions of fungi with human hosts [4].
In 1934, a third-year medical student at Vanderbilt University (Nashville) was puzzled by the blood smear of an infant
with a strange anemia. Drs. Katherine Dodd, Edna Tompkins,
Henry Meleny, and Ernest Goodpasture recalled the smears
from Darling's original case and confirmed that the findings
were indicative of histoplasmosis, thus enabling the first antemortem diagnosis of this infection [5]. Cultures performed by
Dr. William DeMonbreun of specimens of bone marrow and
blood from an autopsy performed within 2 hours of the child's
death revealed not a parasite but a fungus, which displayed
thermal dimorphism of mycelial growth at room temperature
and yeast-phase growth during incubation at 37°C [6]. Later,
he fulfilled Koch's postulates for the organism by experimental
infection in mice and monkeys.
Five years after that case, DeMonbreun described a case of
naturally acquired histoplasmosis following an autopsy of a
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Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
dog with hepatomegaly [7]. Two years later, a lO-month-old
child died of complications of a neurosurgical procedure for
a subdural process. Surprisingly, nodules were discovered at
autopsy in the lung, liver, and spleen and H. capsulatum was
subsequently cultured from hilar lymph nodes by Emmons at
the National Institutes of Health. Although their association
was not recognized at the time, this case and that of the dog
with histoplasmosis were the first examples of asymptomatic
In 1940 Meleney reviewed the world's literature and reported
on 45 cases of histoplasmosis, noting that the disease was
uniformly fatal [8]. During this same period of time (again,
as carefully recorded by Sell [3]), Gass and others from the
Tennessee Department of Health were studying radiographic
evidence of tuberculosis in relation to tuberculin sensitivity in
school children [9]. From a county neighboring Nashville,
1,291 children with presumed pulmonary tuberculous calcifications underwent tuberculin skin testing, but only 39% of the
tests were positive. This finding almost caused physicians to
abandon the tuberculin skin test because of its unreliability.
In 1944, a 5-month-old infant was admitted to Vanderbilt
Hospital (Nashville) with a presumed acute leukemia, but laboratory tests revealed the causative organism of histoplasmosis.
Dr. J. C. Peterson developed a filtrate of the original cultures
from DeMonbreun's laboratory and named it histoplasmin. The
antigen was injected intradermally into the child, resulting in
a large amount of erythema and induration. Both parents' histoplasmin skin tests also were positive, as were those of many
other children who had no history of illness. Drs. Christie and
Peterson were convinced that a benign form of histoplasmosis
had occurred. Children with pulmonary calcifications thought
to be due to tuberculosis were skin-tested with histoplasmin
and tuberculin; 49% were histoplasmin-positive and tuberculinnegative, while only 33% were histoplasmin-negative and tuberculin-positive [4]. These results confirmed that a large number of normal persons had been asymptomatically infected with
H. capsulatum early in life, resulting in pulmonary calcifications.
Studies by Palmer [10] and Edwards et al. [11] of military
recruits subsequently confirmed these findings. Histoplasmosis
was not a rare infection associated with a very high mortality
rate but usually produced few or no symptoms and resolved
with normal immune functions. In certain geographic areas of
the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys, histoplasmosis is now
known to affect up to 90% of the residents.
Further elucidation regarding histoplasmosis continued to
come from investigators at Vanderbilt [12 -16]. Goodwin and
Des Prez [13] described the various manifestations ofhistoplasmosis and developed a schema of the interactions of the fungus
with the human host (table 1). In most normal hosts with a
history of moderate to minimal exposure, histoplasmosis usually was subclinical or asymptomatic. Infection could occur
either with the primary inoculation or as reinfection following
subsequent exposure to the fungus, particularly if continuous
Table 1. Classification of histoplasmosis, according to the method
of Goodwin and Des Prez [13].
Type of host
With mild exposure
With heavy exposure
With opportunistic infection
With excessive fibrotic
Type or characteristic(s) of
Usually asymptomatic but
occasionally symptomatic primary
infection; asymptomatic
Acute primary pulmonary infection
and/or acute pulmonary reinfection
Chronic pulmonary (due to structural
abnormalities) or progressive
disseminated (due to cellular
immune deficiency)
Histoplasmoma or mediastinal
exposure did not occur in the area of endemicity. For example,
those who left the area of endemicity for histoplasmosis for a
number of years could have a clinical or subclinical infection
again upon return [15]. The occurrence in normal hosts of acute
symptomatic pulmonary histoplasmosis manifested as fever,
chills, myalgia, dyspnea, and hypoxia was described, but usually these patients had a history of significant exposure. The
means of exposure included destroying chicken coops that had
remained unused for long periods of time, cutting down trees
that had been known to be bird roosts, and spelunking in caves
known to have large bat populations.
Such epidemiologic information made evident the fact that
bird droppings acted as a growth nutrient for H. capsulatum,
although birds themselves are not colonized or infected because
of their high body temperatures [7]. Bat guano was also recognized as a growth factor for the organism; however, in contradistinction to birds, bats (as mammals) could be infected with
the fungus. As with the asymptomatic form of infection, the
clinical picture of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis could be
seen in both primary infections and reinfections [15].
Histoplasmosis was also described as occurring in the abnormal host. In those with excessive fibrotic response to the fungus, mediastinal fibrosis and retroperitoneal fibrosis were noted
[17]. A solitary pulmonary nodule called a histoplasmoma can
also be caused by excessive fibrosis, but it is associated with
less severe manifestations than the excessive scarring and collagen production associated with mediastinal fibrosis [18]. In
these cases, growth of the fungus is not considered to be the
pathophysiology; the assumption is that there is simply too
much immune response to the fungal antigens.
In other abnormal hosts, H. capsulatum can act as an opportunistic pathogen. In those with preexisting structural abnormalities of the lung due to centrilobular or bullous emphysema,
chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis may occur [16]. Usually
found in middle-aged or older cigarette smokers, this condition
involves cavitary lesions evident on chest radiographs and
symptoms of fever and copious sputum production. Antifungal
treatment can reduce symptoms and signs, but the relapse rate
is substantial [19, 20]. It is thought that growth of the fungus
is not as much of a problem as is the inability of host defenses
to clear the organism because of the structural defects due to
emphysema. Finally, in the abnormal host with cellular immune
deficiency, progressive disseminated histoplasmosis may occur. Currently, the usual clinical setting for this severe and often
fatal condition is HIV infection, associated with depression of
the CD4 lymphocyte count (to < 150-200/mm3) [21-23].
The clinical manifestations ofhistoplasmosis in patients with
AIDS have been extensively reviewed by several groups [2126]. Prior to the AIDS epidemic, patients with lymphoreticular
neoplasms (e.g., Hodgkins disease), patients undergoing immunosuppressant chemotherapy (e.g., for organ transplantation
or rheumatic diseases), patients with sarcoidosis, or patients
receiving steroids were those who most commonly had progressive disseminated histoplasmosis [14]. The manifestations of
this form of infection are primarily caused by the focal destructive granulomatous lesions that develop in reaction to the hematogenously disseminated fungi. Pulmonary manifestations are
usually expected with histoplasmosis, but in the disseminated
form of the disease lung involvement is not frequently encountered (except in the most severe cases, in which interstitial or
miliary involvement is evident on chest radiographs).
Infection of the reticuloendothelial system accounts for the
majority of signs in cases of progressive disseminated histoplasmosis [14]. Bone marrow involvement is common, and
thrombocytopenia, anemia, and/or leukopenia frequently occur.
Because of this localization, culture and histologic examination
of bone marrow are routine methods of diagnosis of this condition [24]. Fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and gastrointestinal ulceration (with particular frequency of ulcers in the oropharyngeal area) are commonly seen. Gastrointestinal bleeding in
patients with AIDS who reside or have resided in an area in
which Histoplasma species are endemic should prompt a search
for this fungus [25]. Less commonly, Addison's disease, meningitis, or endocarditis may be diagnosed secondarily to histoplasmosis [14].
The diagnosis of histoplasmosis has been reviewed extensively
by Wheat [26]. For cases of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis or
mild clinical cases of histoplasmosis, a history of exposure sets
the clinician on the trail of this diagnosis. Some epidemiologic
exposure is usually discovered in these cases [13]. Without such
a history, the diagnosis of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis may
be difficult. With chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis or progressive
disseminated histoplasmosis, culture of clinical specimens will
yield the organism, generally within 2-3 weeks. Most laboratories
prefer to isolate the fungus in the mycelial phase and confirm the
identification of H capsulatum by converting it to the mold phase
during incubation at 35°C to 37°C or by performing antibody
studies on the culture material. Histopathology also allows a firm
diagnosis, with use of either Wright's staining of bone marrow
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or peripheral blood smears or Grocott-Gomori methenaminesilver nitrate staining of tissue specimens. Wheat has reported
success in diagnosis of primary histoplasmosis as well as relapse
with detection of Histoplasma polysaccharide antigen in the urine
ofinfected individuals [27,28]; commercial testing for this antigen
is now available.
Even though skin testing with histoplasmin allowed understanding of the epidemiology of this infection, the usefulness
of skin testing for diagnosis is low [26]. In areas of endemicity,
skin-test positivity simply proves prior infection and does not
indicate whether histoplasmosis is responsible for the clinical
signs and symptoms of the patient. Similar comments could
be made with regard to Histoplasma serology. Both CF and
immunodiffusion precipitin bands for antibodies are associated
with sufficiently high rates of false-positivity and false-negativity as to limit their usefulness [19, 26]. Positive serological
studies should prompt even greater efforts to obtain tissue material for culture and histopathology. Another reason not to use
histoplasmin skin testing is that the test may stimulate a rise
in antibody titer in previously infected persons, thus giving the
false impression of recent infection [13].
Antifungal treatment of mild cases of histoplasmosis is not
necessary. In cases of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, supportive care with supplemental oxygen and even ventilatory support
may be more important than antifungal therapy. Typically, for
the severely ill adult patient with this condition, amphotericin
B is administered (up to a total dose of 500 mg over 2-3
weeks); some patients are given corticosteroids in addition to
the antifungal agent. Whether itraconazole might be effective is
unknown. In cases of progressive disseminated histoplasmosis,
amphotericin B is considered the drug of choice for life-threatening infection as well as for histoplasma meningitis.
Table 2 shows the success rates of therapy with various
agents for disseminated histoplasmosis in patients with AIDS
(who received primary therapy and/or suppressive therapy to
prevent relapse) as well as in persons without AIDS [21, 2933]. The first oral agent used, ketoconazole, was associated
with successful outcomes for patients without AIDS [29], but
this agent was found to be associated with an unacceptably
high failure rate for both initial therapy and chronic suppressive
therapy given to patients with AIDS [21]. Amphotericin B was
effective for suppressive therapy for histoplasmosis in patients
with AIDS [34]. Itraconazole has been effective in primary
[30] as well as chronic suppressive [31] treatment of histoplasmosis in patients with AIDS. In addition, in the treatment of
non-AIDS-associated progressive disseminated histoplasmosis,
itraconazole has been shown to be effective [32].
In cases of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis, ketoconazole
and itraconazole have been shown to be effective, although a
relatively high relapse rate can be expected [20, 32]; similar
rates of relapse have been associated with amphotericin B therapy as well [19]. The use of fluconazole against chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis has not been well studied, but this drug
does not appear to be as effective as itraconazole in patients
Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
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Table 2.
The success rates of therapy for disseminated histoplasmo-
No. of treatment successes per no. of patients
Patients with AIDS
Treatment agent
Amphotericin B
Suppressive therapy
to prevent relapse
with AIDS; the agent might be considered for a patient who
is unable to tolerate itraconazole, however [33].
The first reported case of blastomycosis occurred in Baltimore and was described by Gilchrist in 1894 as a skin infection
caused by a protozoan organism [35]; the illness became known
as Gilchrist's disease. There were errors in the initial descriptions of the illness since it is rare in the areas surrounding
Baltimore and the causative organism is a fungus that infects
the skin secondarily rather than primarily. Gilchrist was the
first to refute portions of his own descriptions when he isolated
and named the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis [36]. The initial cases were perceived as mainly dermatologic, according to
historical reviews [37,38]. The concept of primary pulmonary
blastomycosis was not adopted until the pathological descriptions were delineated [38]. Although there have been cases
involving cutaneous inoculation of the fungus in laboratory
workers, almost all cases of blastomycosis are recognized to
begin from a pulmonary portal of entry [37].
B. dermatitidis is a thick-walled yeast cell with broad-based
budding daughter cells. Like H. capsulatum, the fungus is dimorphic. The mechanisms for transformation from mycelia to
yeast have been described as a result of heat-shock, proteininduced uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation [39]. Growth
is observed as a fluffy white mold on appropriate media at
room temperature and as brown, wrinkled colonies of yeast
at 37°C.
Because this infection is sometimes difficult to diagnose
and need not be reported to public health authorities, the
epidemiology of blastomycosis is not as well understood as
that of histoplasmosis. The number of cases reported is
widely variable and dependent on the incidence of the disease and the interest of physicians in reporting these infections. From 1896 to 1968 [40], 1,476 cases were reported;
prevalence studies by Furcolow and colleagues indicated
that rates in some geographic areas were as high as 0.5-4
cases per 100,000 population per year by 1967 [41]. As with
histoplasmosis, most clinical cases of blastomycosis occur
in states surrounding the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers: Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Louisiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin [37]. Endemic or isolated
infections account for the majority of cases of blastomycosis, but a few epidemics of infection from point sources
have also been described [42-50]. Association of epidemic
cases with outdoor exposure points to a common-source
outbreak. The obvious mechanism of infection is inhalation
of spores from the soil. However, B. dermatitidis has not
been isolated from soil nearly as commonly as H. capsulatum [13, 37].
Klein et al. [48] added substantially to the understanding of
blastomycosis with the report of an outbreak of blastomycosis
at Eagle River, Wisconsin, in 1985. A total of 89 fifth-grade
children went to a camp to examine natural habitats of beavers
and other environmental sites. Approximately one-half of the
children were subsequently found to have blastomycosis; the
majority of cases were subclinical. For the first time, isolation
of B. dermatitidis from soil was associated with an epidemic.
Klein et al. subsequently reported another, smaller point-source
epidemic of infection, again associated with isolation of
B. dermatitidis from soil [49]. In each instance of isolation,
the specimens were of wet earth containing animal droppings,
proving that the fungus exists in microfoci in soil. In the epidemics, the isolation of the fungus was from soil near bodies
of water. It has yet to be determined whether water is the
primary transmission factor or simply poses a greater exposure
risk because of the recreational opportunities in areas with
wildlife or water [51].
Infections with this fungus begin with inhalation of spores
into the lung. If the organism evades nonspecific host defense
mechanisms [52], the fungus undergoes a phase transition to
yeast cells; the cells increase in number in the parenchyma of
the lung and spread to other organs via the bloodstream. With
the development of immunity, inflammatory pyogranulomatous
reactions occur at the initial pulmonary site and at the widespread foci of infection. The initial response to the fungus is
suppurative and is followed by formation of granulomas. This
mixed neutrophilic and mononuclear cell response is distinctive
of blastomycosis, although necrosis or fibrosis may also occur
[37]. Typically, the granuloma of blastomycosis does not caseate, as it does in tuberculosis. Despite spontaneous resolution
of the pneumonia in some cases, endogenous reactivation may
occur at either pulmonary or extrapulmonary sites, with or
without previous therapy [53, 54].
Table 3. Disease processes mimicked by blastomycosis.
Type of
Acute pulmonary
Chronic pulmonary
Disease process mimicked
Bacterial pneumonia
Tuberculosis, malignancy
Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
pyoderma gangrenosum, keratoacanthoma
Malignancy, meningioma
Lymphoma, amyloidosis
Tuberculosis, carcinomatosis
The clinical manifestations of blastomycosis are highly variable. Weight loss, fever, malaise, fatigue, and other nonspecific
complaints are fairly common but offer little diagnostic help.
The typical patient is a young to middle-aged male who works
or takes recreation outdoors. In a specific outbreak ofbiastomycosis, children and women are as likely as males to be infected.
Aside from an epidemic, it is rare for children to have blastomycosis [55]. The male-to-female ratio has been reported to range
from 4: 1 to 15: 1 in series of endemic infections [56]. However,
some of these series cases were in Veterans Administration
medical centers, a fact which conspicuously adds bias to the
ratio. Over the past 13 years, 78 male patients and 57 female
patients have been referred to me for treatment of blastomycosis. Of these, 47% had extrapulmonary manifestations and 53%
had only lung involvement. Women accounted for only 30%
of the extrapu1monary cases, while 47% of the pneumonia
cases involved women.
The diagnosis of many patients' blastomycosis will be delayed because the illness is uncommon and can mimic many
other disease processes (table 3). A pulmonary infiltrate is
the most common presentation of clinical blastomycosis; the
majority of patients have an alveolar or mass-like infiltrate
[56]. In one report [57], such an infiltrate was radiographically
apparent in 16 of 17 patients whose films were abnormal. In
one series of 46 patients with blastomycosis in Arkansas, 32%
had a mass and 48% had an alveolar infiltrate evident on chest
radiograph [58]. Miliary or reticulonodular patterns are the
next most frequent presentation. Although cavitary disease may
occur, it is not as common as in cases of chronic pulmonary
histoplasmosis or tuberculosis. Because of the mass lesions
evidenced on their chest roentgenograms, many patients with
blastomycosis are initially thought to have lung cancer.
The different types of clinical presentations of pulmonary
blastomycosis include acute pneumonia and chronic pneumonia. As mentioned, blastomycosis mimics other diseases. Patients with acute pneumonia due to blastomycosis may appear
to have acute bacterial pneumonia because of the occurrence of
fever, chills, and a productive purulent cough, with or without
hemoptysis. Chronic pneumonia due to blastomycosis presents
2-6 months prior to diagnosis with symptoms including weight
loss, night sweats, fever, cough with sputum production, and
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chest pain. Many patients with these symptoms are thought to
have a malignancy or tuberculosis. Patients with a blastomycosis-related pulmonary infiltrate may have no pulmonary symptoms at all and may deny pulmonary complaints even after
extensive questioning and diagnosis following routine roentgenography. In the series of Arkansas patients, 2 were asymptomatic, 16 had a clinical picture of chronic pneumonia, and
8 initially had acute pneumonia [58].
Skin lesions are the most common manifestation of extrapulmonary blastomycosis and are either verrucous or ulcerative.
The verrucous, or fungating, form is raised and has a sharp
but irregular border. Biopsy of these lesions shows papillomatosis and downward proliferation of the epidermis with intraepidermal abscesses [59]. The hyperplasia and acanthosis
may suggest a diagnosis of cancer unless specific examinations
are undertaken, such as with Grocott-Gomori methenaminesilver nitrate stain. Ulcers due to blastomycosis undergo the
same histologic changes as verrucous forms but are different
in that the subcutaneous abscess drains to the surface. The
borders are heaped up, and the base usually contains exudate.
Osteomyelitis due to B. dermatitidis infection occurs in up
to 25% of extrapulmonary cases [56]. The vertebrae, pelvis,
sacrum, skull, ribs, and long bones are most commonly affected, but involvements of almost every bone have been reported [38, 60]. The radiographic appearance of blastomycosis
is not specific and cannot be differentiated from that of other
fungal, bacterial, or neoplastic diseases.
The genitourinary system is the next most frequently involved site, and because males are more likely to have extrapulmonary manifestations than are females, prostatitis and epididymo-orchitis have been reported most commonly in cases
with such involvement [37, 38, 61]. Collection of urine after
prostatic massage improves the rate of detection of genitourinary involvement. Typically, as with skin or bone infection,
the organism will cause concurrent presentations in the lung
as well as the prostate or testicle; chest radiography should be
performed in every case of this infection to aid the diagnosis.
Endometrial infection acquired by sexual contact with a man
with blastomycosis of the penis [62] and tubo-ovarian abscess
following hematogenous dissemination [63] are examples of
female genital tract infection, a less frequently diagnosed complication of blastomycosis.
Meningitis and-even more commonly-epidural or cranial
abscesses are manifestations of the neurological involvement
of blastomycosis [64, 65]. These conditions may be difficult to
diagnose. Evaluation of lumbar spinal fluid is rarely definitive.
Ventricular fluid has been associated with higher rates of culture positivity; in one series of cases, culture of fluid obtained
by lumbar puncture led to the diagnosis in only 2 of 22 cases,
whereas ventricular fluid specimens were culture-positive in 6
of 7 cases [64].
Lesions ofblastomycosis have been reported to cause disease
in virtually every organ. Widely disseminated or miliary blastomycosis may occur with adult respiratory distress syndrome
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Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
(ARDS) as the presenting feature [66, 67]. The majority of
patients, but not all, with this pattern of diffuse infiltrates,
noncardiac pulmonary edema, and refractory hypoxemia die
very quickly [68]; three patients in one series died with ARDS
despite intensive medical and antifungal therapy [58]. A recent
report noted a higher survival rate among patients with ARDS
and blastomycosis, a rate which was thought to be due to more
rapid diagnosis and more prompt escalation of the dosage of
amphotericin B [67].
Abscesses are most common in the subcutaneous tissue, as
already noted, but they may be found in the brain, skeletal
system, prostate, myocardium, pericardium, orbit, sinuses, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, or any organ [38]. The reticuloendothelial system can be involved; several cases of lymph node
or hepatic involvement have been reported [37, 58, 69], and a
few cases of splenic abscesses have been documented [70].
Lesions in the mouth and oropharyngeal area occur but are not
found with the same frequency as lesions due to H. capsulatum
in cases of disseminated histoplasmosis. One exception with
regard to blastomycosis is the relatively high frequency of
localization in the larynx [71].
Although blastomycosis may cause infections in immunocompromised patients, other fungal infections such as progressive disseminated histoplasmosis or cryptococcal meningitis
are more likely to be opportunistic. Infection in immunosuppressed patients is thought to develop following environmental
exposure or through subsequent reactivation, just as in immunocompetent patients. Unlike similar fungi, B. dermatitidis has
been reported as a significant pathogen following infection with
HIV in only a relatively small number of cases [72, 73].
The diagnosis of blastomycosis is made by either visualization ofthe fungus in tissue or exudate or growth ofthe organism
in culture. As with H. capsulatum, B. dermatitidis is relatively
easy to detect in both smears and cultures, and since colonization does not occur, that discovery is reliable for establishing
a firm diagnosis [56]. In addition to wet preparations of sputum
with potassium hydroxide, cytological specimens can be examined for a dependable diagnosis; since blastomycosis often
looks radiographically like carcinoma of the lung, cytological
analysis is commonly performed. In areas where this infection
occurs infrequently, many cases will be diagnosed only following one or more invasive procedures such as bronchoscopy or
open biopsy.
Other available diagnostic tests include those for CF antibodies, immunodiffusion precipitin bands, and delayed hypersensitivity of skin to blastomycin. Unfortunately, these studies
are unreliable for diagnosis. Cross-reactivity to antigens of
various fungi, particularly between B. dermatitidis and
H. capsulatum, is severely limiting to specificity of the assays
[74, 75]. For example, persons with blastomycosis are just as
apt to have CF antibodies to histoplasmin as those to blastomycin [37]. For not a single patient in one series of bIastomycosis cases was the CF titer of antibodies to blastomycin
greater than 1:8 [58].
Better results have been reported with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA) techniques using a yeast-phase antigen
[76]. However, similar results with immunodiffusion and EIA
were obtained when sera from patients with disseminated disease were tested. In a report of the largest epidemic to date,
Klein et al. noted that antibody was detected by EIA, immunodiffusion, and CF techniques in 77%, 28%, and 9% of patients,
respectively [48]. Therefore, serodiagnosis of blastomycosis is
problematic owing to potentially low rates of sensitivity and
specificity. New antibody-detection systems (as described by
Klein et aL [76], Lo and Notenboom [77], and Bradsher and
Pappas [78]) may be useful, as might new antigens such as a
surface protein of B. dermatitidis isolated by Klein and Jones,
which may allow more consistent detection of antibody in patients [79].
Skin testing with blastomycin is, unfortunately, no better as
a diagnostic procedure. This mycelial-phase antigen does not
provide suitable specificity or sensitivity for reliable assessment
of a patient's condition and is no longer obtainable clinically.
It may be useful epidemiologically; in the Eagle River outbreak, 15 of 48 patients tested had a positive skin reaction [48].
Unlike the detection of long-lasting immunity with in vitro
lymphocyte reactivity to yeast antigen in cases ofblastomycosis
[80], blastomycin skin test reactions rapidly diminish and become negative on repeated testing over time [44]. Until antigen
testing is available for B. dermatitidis, as has been described
for H. capsulatum [27], the diagnosis of blastomycosis will
depend on visualization of the fungus on a smear, in tissue, or
in culture.
The first consideration in treating a patient with blastomycosis is whether or not to use an antifungal agent. Subclinical
disease occurs with this infection just as with H. capsulatum
and Coccidioides immitis infections. In the 1970s Sarosi and
King [44] and Tosh et al. [45] reported on patients infected in
an outbreak who did not receive amphotericin B but recovered.
In describing the largest epidemic of blastomycosis reported,
Klein et al. noted that only nine of the 48 patients infected
with the fungus received antifungal therapy [48]. Cellular immunity was considered to be the protective response in patients
who were found to have blastomycosis [81, 82]. In a group of
forestry workers from an area endemic for blastomycosis, in
vitro evidence of prior subclinical infection has been detected
[83]. In addition, there have been reports of endogenous reactivation of blastomycosis after as long a latency period as 40
years [84]. Therefore, it appears that some patients with blastomycosis recover spontaneously, without specific antifungal
therapy, just as occurs in the majority ofcases of histoplasmosis
and coccidioidomycosis.
The clinical presentation of the patient and the toxicity of
antifungal agents are the major determinants of whether to
simply keep the patient under observation or to administer an
antifungal agent. The observation approach should be limited
to cases of mild pulmonary blastomycosis. If relapse of infection does occur, it may be in the lung again or in a site of
dissemination (skin, bone, CNS, or other locations). Relapse
has been discovered after the initial pulmonary infection either
with or without treatment [53, 54], so if therapy is not given
the patient should be monitored for a prolonged period. If the
patient's condition deteriorates or the pneumonia progresses,
antifungal therapy should begin. Observation alone may also
be indicated if a patient's condition improves before the culture
is reported to be positive for B. dermatitidis. The presence of
pleural disease or of any extrapulmonary manifestations during
the course of illness requires antifungal treatment.
Effective therapy for blastomycosis has been available since
the introduction of amphotericin B in 1956 [85]. Intravenous
amphotericin B at a total dosage of at least 1.0 g over weeks
resulted in cure without relapse in 84%, 77%, 91 %, 87%, and
90% of the patients treated in five large series of these fungal
infections [27, 86-89]. A total dosage of 2 g has been associated with cure rates of up to 97% [90]. Relapse of blastomycosis following therapy with amphotericin B occurs only rarely
and appears to be dose-dependent. In one retrospective series,
relapse occurred in only 2 of 30 patients who received a total
dose of > 1.5 g of the drug, vs. 5 of 19 patients who received
a smaller dose [88]. Most of the relapses of blastomycosis
following therapy with amphotericin B occurred shortly after
its completion. However, patients have had relapses of disease
after as long as 9 years following treatment [53].
The high degree of antimycotic activity of amphotericin B
is associated with a relatively great toxicity. In a group of
patients treated with the drug for blastomycosis and described
by Abernathy [90], almost three-fourths had a decline in renal
function, and a number of other toxicities were also reported
(including anemia, anorexia and nausea, fever, hypokalemia,
and thrombophlebitis). Interruption of therapy during some
point in the course was required for 41 % ofpatients, and termination of therapy before the desired amount had been given
was mandatory because of toxicity in 14% of the patients [90].
Therefore, the primary reason for withholding or postponing
treatment of pulmonary blastomycosis has been the toxicity of
amphotericin B. Azole antifungal agents work by disrupting
the cell membranes following interactions with cytochrome
P-450 enzymes; this disruption ultimately reduces the concentration of ergosterol, the major sterol of the membrane of the
fungus [91]. Orally absorbed forms of ketoconazole, itraconazole, and fluconazole are generally well tolerated. Ketoconazole has been found to cause sporadic cases ofsevere hepatocellular damage [91], but this appears to be a very rare occurrence.
At high dosages, hormonal abnormalities with resultant gynecomastia, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and oligospermia
may occur [29, 58, 92]. Compared to the effects of amphotericin B, ketoconazole causes common but less severe adverse
effects, including nausea and vomiting (when the drug is taken
without a meal), dizziness, pruritus, and headache [29, 58].
The absorption of both ketoconazole and itraconazole requires an acidic gastric content; thus, antacids or H2 blocking
agents such as cimetidine or ranitidine are contraindicated dur-
1996; 22 (Suppl 2)
Table 4. Results of therapy with itraconazole for blastomycosis in
two studies.
No. of patients [reference]
Result of therapy
Per no. who received
adequate therapy
= 48*
= 42*
NOTE. Results of therapy with amphotericin B are discussed in the text.
* Nine patients in [32] and 16 patients in [94] were receiving treatment with
itraconazole after failure of therapy with ketonazole or fluconazole or after
relapse following therapy with either agent.
ing therapy with them. Agents such as rifampin, oral contraceptives, phenobarbital, and phenytoin may be associated with
reduced efficacy of itraconazole on account ofincreased metabolism of the antifungal drug. Itraconazole may cause substantial
increases in the blood levels of cyclosporine or digoxin; careful
review of other medications must be made when itraconazole
therapy is planned.
Ketoconazole has been effective as therapy for blastomycosis, but its side effects have prompted a search for other agents.
The mechanism ofaction and the pharmacokinetics of itraconazole are similar to those ofketoconazole [91]. The major theoretical advantage of itraconazole over ketoconazole is a lower
rate of toxicity in investigational trials [93], particularly with
regard to endocrine abnormalities. Beginning in 1985, the drug
was used at a dosage of 200-400 mg per day in the Mycoses
Study Group of the National Institutes of Health [32] (table 4).
Of the 40 patients with blastomycosis treated for an adequate
duration with the agent, only two were not considered to be
cured. I used the agent at a dosage of 200 mg/d to treat 42
patients with blastomycosis [94] and noted a good response
(table 4). Although the initial response to itraconazole was
rapid in all cases, in five the response was less than satisfactory:
two patients had relapses that were successfully treated with
another course of itraconazole, one had CNS lesions and was
switched to therapy with amphotericin B, and two required
treatment with amphotericin B after relapse.
The experience with fluconazole in treatment of B. dermatitidis infections has been limited; a pilot study (with dosages
of 200-800 mg/d) was recently described [95]. This agent,
which is approved by the Federal Drug Administration only
for use against cryptococcal and candidal infections, should
not be considered equivalent to itraconazole for treatment of
At least 6 months of oral therapy with azole antifungal agents
has been recommended by most authorities, but there have
been no trials ofa shorter span of therapy. Comparative lengths
of therapy need to be studied to determine the optimal duration.
Difficulties in the design of suitable trials comparing amphoter-
1996;22 (Supp1 2)
Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
icin Band imidazoles have been due to the intravenous administration of amphotericin B and its relative toxicity vs. that of
the oral medicines. Comparisons may be possible in the future
with severely ill patients who have blastomycosis if itraconazole or other agents continue to be associated with adequate
efficacy rates. Because relatively few cases of this infection
occur in a single location, multicenter trials similar to those
perfonned by the Mycoses Study Group will likely be required.
The results of therapy with itraconazole for blastomycosis
(table 4) are encouraging [32, 91, 94]. However, for the very
ill patient, amphotericin B remains the treatment of choice.
Perhaps when improvement is noted following administration
of --500 mg of amphotericin B, a switch to itraconazole for
the remainder of the treatment regimen may be appropriate.
One major disadvantage of oral therapy is the potential of
noncompliance. The majority of patients whose treatment with
ketoconazole failed had not taken the drug as they were instructed, a problem which is usually not encountered with intravenous therapy with amphotericin B. In addition, CNS infection
with blastomycosis may occur during therapy with itraconazole
or ketoconazole since penetration into the brain is minimal.
Cases have been reported in which, following the clearing
of cutaneous or pulmonary infection with ketoconazole, CNS
infection was subsequently diagnosed [58, 96, 97].
On the basis of available infonnation, itraconazole (at a
dosage of200 mg/d for 6 months) should replace amphotericin
B in therapy for compliant patients who do not have overwhelming or life-threatening blastomycosis. Because of less
toxicity and despite its higher cost, itraconazole has replaced
ketoconazole for first-line therapy. However, for a patient with
a life-threatening manifestation of infection (such as ARDS)
or whose blastomycosis is associated with CNS involvement,
amphotericin B remains the treatment of choice.
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