SGOXXX10.1177/2158244017707797SAGE OpenArmborst
Thematic Proximity in Content Analysis
April-June 2017: 1–11
© The Author(s) 2017
DOI: 10.1177/2158244017707797
Andreas Armborst1
This article explains how to calculate thematic proximity within a mixed methods content analysis approach. Thematic
proximity of two themes can indicate the presence of meta-themes. Meta-themes are themes which acquire their meaning
through the systematic co-occurrence of two or more other themes. By combining qualitative and quantitative techniques of
content analysis, the researcher can reveal these latent text patterns. Using a study on Jihadi media as a showcase, the article
describes how to detect meta-themes through content analysis. To this end, the article introduces a novel theme-correlation
coefficient that adds valuable information to traditional theme relation metrics. It enables researchers to make new empirical
observations in text data.
content analysis, concept mapping, qualitative content analysis, mixed methods, communication studies, communication,
social sciences, human communication, Jihadi ideology, Jihadism
There are different ways to measure thematic proximity
and code relations in content analysis. This article reviews
some of them and introduces on this basis a new theme
relation coefficient. A theme is a generalized and summarizing description for a set of interrelated issues. In the
technical sense, “a theme is an outcome of coding [and]
categorisation” (Saldana, 2013, p. 14), whereby codes,
categories, and themes represent different levels of the
researcher’s abstraction from the original data. “Data” in
content analysis can be anything that has “content,” but
this article exclusively focuses on text data. Following
the hierarchical order of codes, categories, and themes,
this article explains how to analyze relations between
these analytical units. It refers to these relations as “thematic relations.”
Used in combination with existing theme relation coefficients, the proposed coefficient can reveal how frequent,
consistent, and elaborated themes, categories, and codes
relate to each other. This information helps researchers to
identify meta-themes; themes that are implicitly rather than
explicitly stated in textual data.
The analysis of thematic proximity inquires the subtext
of verbal information in a standardized fashion. As a
showcase, the article presents a content analysis study on
Jihadi statements from al-Qaeda (AQ) leaders and demonstrates how the detection of meta-themes works in research
Literature Review: Content Analysis
and Theme Relation Metrics
In practice, many researchers combine different strands of
content analysis into hybrid (inductive-deductive; Fereday &
Muir-Cochrane, 2006) and mixed methods (qualitative and
quantitative) designs.
Content includes practices as diverse as fully automated
text mining approaches (Angus, Rintel, & Wiles, 2013; A. E.
Smith, 2003; A. E. Smith & Humphreys, 2006; Stockwell,
Colomb, Smith, & Wiles, 2009) and hermeneutic approaches
(Rantala & Hellström, 2001). Often its purpose is to summaries, retrieve, and analyze information from documents. A
core task therefore is to identify meaningful clusters of information often referred to as themes, concepts, codes, or categories. There are numerous interpretative and algorithm-based
techniques to do so but there are only two directions from
which a researcher can apply these techniques: Themes can
be identified following inductive (observation based) coding
and deductive (theory based) coding (Glaser, 1978; Glaser &
Strauss, 1967; Mayring, 2000). It is also possible to approach
National Center for Crime Prevention (NZK), Bonn, Germany
Corresponding Author:
Andreas Armborst, National Center for Crime Prevention (NZK), c/o
German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Graurheindorfer Straße 198,
53117 Bonn, Germany.
[email protected]
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of
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the data from both directions which is then referred to as
hybrid (observation and theory based) coding of text data.
Observation and Theory-Based Coding
The purpose of explorative (inductive) content analysis is to
identify analyzable units (codes) in primary or secondary
text data (newspapers, office documents, interview transcripts, field notes, etc.) and to summaries them under
meaningful labels (categories). Depending on how complex
the material under investigation is, the researcher has to
decide how to organize the units of analysis. There are at
least two approaches to this: According to the Coding
Manual for Qualitative Researchers (Saldana, 2013) on the
first level, the researcher attaches a code to certain segments
of text. On the second level, he organizes interrelated codes
into categories thereby creating a taxonomy or category
scheme with different categories and subcategories. On the
third level, the researcher arranges groups of categories into
themes. On top of this pyramid stands a “theory” about the
subject as the result of the analysis.
Other approaches allow for coding themes directly into
the data, without the process of extracting codes and building
categories. This is called thematic coding (or “themeing” the
data according to Saldana, 2013, p. 175).
According to one common practice of thematic coding
(Attride-Stirling, 2001), one can use three hierarchical levels, or category classes named basic, organizing, and global
themes to discriminate in different degrees between rather
abstract and rather concrete content. A basic theme is “the
most basic or lowest-order theme that is derived from the
textual data,” an organizing theme is “a middle-order theme
that organizes the Basic Themes into clusters of similar
issues,” and global themes “are super-ordinate themes that
encompass the principal metaphors in the data as a whole”
(Attride-Stirling, 2001, p. 388).
So the main point of difference between the two
approaches is whether the researcher can apply (or identify)
an analytical unit from the third level directly to data. The
common ground of both approaches, and this is the decisive
point of the methodology proposed here, is that these analytical units have a hierarchical order.
Next to this organizational structure, the coding procedure
also requires coding heuristics: standardized rules that guide
the decision of the researcher about when to create a new analytical unit, how to label it, and how to separate codes, categories, and themes from each other. It is important to spell out
rules and thereby make the coding and classification process
as transparent and replicable as possible. For calculating the
theme-correlation coefficient, use the following heuristics
(Heuristics 1-3; taken from Kelle & Kluge, 2010).
Heuristic 1: Sparseness: to use as few analytical units as
possible and as much as necessary to capture all content
Heuristic 2: Internal homogeneity: to maximize cohesive
validity (all content of one particular unit is clearly similar).
Heuristic 3: External heterogeneity: to maximize discriminant validity (the content of two different units is
clearly about two different things).
Heuristic 4: Code overlaps: Following Heuristics 2
and 3, codes overlap as sparse as possible and as often as
In explorative content analyses, the researcher usually has
to code the entire data set, or at least substantial parts of it,
several times until the coding scheme becomes stable. During
these iterations, the coder creates, modifies, deletes, and
merges the units in accordance to the coding heuristics,
thereby steadily developing the taxonomy.
When conducting theory-based (deductive) coding, the
researcher starts with a given set of analytical units (codes,
categories themes), that is, the number and the label of units
is fixed through the theory from which they derive. Coding
Heuristic 1 therefore does not apply to theory-based coding,
but Heuristics 2 to 4 do. If internal and external homogeneity
cannot be achieved, then this indicates a mismatch between
the theory and the data.
Thematic Proximity
Coding is a time-consuming and tedious process and of
course not an end in itself. One purpose of coding is to reduce
complex text structures to analyzable units. A fully coded set
of documents enables the researcher to address a wide range
of research questions with a large repertoire of (qualitative
and quantitative) analytical approaches. One of them is the
analysis of thematic proximity (the relation between units).
Its purpose is to identify latent patterns in the content that
cannot be observed by simply reading the material. The analysis of latent patterns is called relational content analysis.
Relational content analysis usually combines qualitative
and statistical interpretation of verbal data into one coherent instrument (Bos & Tarnai, 1999). Still it is not a mixed
methodology in the strict sense of the term, insofar as it
does not necessarily require collecting “both quantitative
and qualitative data” (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011,
p. 276; Onwuegbuzie & Teddlie, 2003). The “mix” is the
stage of analysis where a numeric coefficient indicates how
strong two themes are related to each other. Still, the detection and interpretation of meta-themes goes beyond “quantitative analysis of qualitative information” (Fakis, Hilliam,
Stoneley, & Townend, 2014), and is more than just “two
separate approaches to studying the same phenomena”
(Symonds & Gorad, 2008, p. 11).
There are different means available to determine the thematic proximity of two descriptive units. The work of Oleinik
(2011) provides a useful overview. Cosine similarity, for
example, is a vector-based method often used in automated
text mining, such as Leximancer.
To a certain extent, theme relation coefficients resemble
metrics for intercoder reliability, such as Krippendorff’s
alpha (Krippendorff, 1995, 2004; Neuendorf, 2017). Both
indicate code overlapping, however, for different purposes. It
could be worthwhile to “hack” alpha coefficients in a way
that they indicate thematic proximity instead of intercoder
Another means to determine thematic proximity is to analyze the frequency and pattern of theme co-occurrences
within a given set of documents. The c-coefficient used in
content analysis software ATLAS.ti (Friese, 2014) measures
how often and consistently two codes co-occur or overlap
throughout the entire text sample. The c-coefficient represents the frequencies and patterns of code co-occurrence
“similar to a correlation coefficient statistics” (Friese, 2014,
p. 189). It is based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient.3
Many content analysis software packages do not provide this
function, but the researcher can use the code retrieval function “near within one paragraph” to determine the number of
co-occurrences, and then calculate the c-coefficient manually using the formula (Friese, 2014, p. 190):
( 1 2 ) − n12
with n1 = the number of occurrences of Code A, n2 = the
number of occurrences of Code B, and n12 = the number of
co-occurrences of both codes.
Co-occurrence means that that both codes either code the
same segment or overlapping segments. The coefficient can
take values between 0 (indicating perfect independence) and
1 (indicating perfect relation). The greater the discrepancy
between n1 and n2 , the smaller are the highest possible values of c. For example, if the number of code occurrence of
Code A are twice as high as those of Code B ( n1 = 2 × n2 ), the
maximum value of c is 0.5 indicating that Code B occurs
always in combination with Code A, whereas Code A occurs
in 50% of occurrences together with Code B.
The c-coefficient has two important limitations: First, it
can underestimate the strength of a thematic relation when
one analytical unit has considerable more codings (the number of discrete text segments that are associated with a given
code) than the other.4 The c-coefficient does not take into
consideration the proportion of overlapping content.
Therefore, it can remain low although the thematic link
might be quite elaborated in terms of word frequencies.
Second, it is not standardized and disregards the overall coding pattern of the data set making it difficult to compare
c-coefficients from different studies.
To prevent this loss of information, the following section
proposes an additional coefficient that takes into account not
the frequency of code co-occurrences but the proportions of
text intersections based on word frequencies. Taken together,
these two coefficients can better assess the qualitative and
quantitative relation of two themes.
Proposed Methodology: The tCoefficient
The c-coefficient measures how often and consistently two
codes (units) co-occur throughout the entire text sample but
disregards how elaborated their relation is. This, however, is
a valuable piece of information about thematic structure of
the content. The proposed coefficient therefore indicates
how much content two descriptive units actually share with
each other in terms of words frequencies. This can be relevant because the information about how frequent and how
consistent two themes co-occur does not necessarily tell anything about how important or elaborated the thematic link is
within the research context. Taken together, the two coefficients can reveal latent structures in text samples that might
constitute a meaningful meta-theme. I refer to the proposed
coefficient as the t-coefficient (t for theme). It is defined as
1 n12 n12
2 n1 n2
with n1 = the total number of words classified with Code 1,
n2 = the total number of words classified with Code 2, and
n12 = the number of intersecting words between Code 1 and
Code 2.5
The t-coefficient measures the average proportion of content that two descriptive units share with one another. It can
take values between 0 (indicating mutual exclusiveness of
coded text segments) and 1 (indicating complete overlap
[congruency] of coded text segments).
A t-coefficient of 0.10, for example, provides the information that each of the two units shares on average 10% of its
content with the other unit (i.e., usually none of the two categories shares exactly 10% unless they both have the same
number of words). In combination with the c-coefficient we
can also say how often and how consistently this co-occurrence appears. Large t-values combined with low c-values
indicate that the link is elaborated but not frequent and consistent, whereas large t-values combined with large c-values
indicate that the thematic link is elaborated, frequent, and
consistent. The t-values greater than .5 should be interpreted
with caution because it might indicate a lack of discriminant
validity, that is, two themes are so closely related, that they
are not distinguishable and may actually represent the same
theme. If this happens, then it could indicate a violation of
the coding Heuristic 3 (see above).
Standardizing the Theme Relation Coefficient
It is important to note that the sample size, coding heuristics,
and number of descriptive units can affect the t-coefficient.
What may be a high coefficient within the scope of one study
may indicate a rather weak thematic relation within the other.
This obstructs comparability of the t-coefficient between two
studies. To eliminate the influence of the coding practice on
the results, it is necessary to calculate the standardized
t-coefficient ts . The standardized t-coefficient eliminates the
influence stemming from different coding practices, namely,
the overall proportion of multiply coded content, and the
number of units in the coding scheme. The more content is
coded by multiple units and the fewer the number of units in
the coding scheme are, the higher are the average values of
the t-coefficient (and vice versa). This is due to the fact that
the unstandardized t-coefficient is based on the proportion of
intersecting words between units. To compare the coefficient
between different content analysis studies, it is therefore necessary to consider the net effect caused by coding practices.
The standardized t-coefficient is adjusted in regard to
these two general coding patterns. It is calculated in four
steps. First is to calculate the proportion of text retrievals
with more than one coding in relation to the sum of all text
where pr = the word frequency of text retrievals with more
than one code in the entire sample,6 and ps = the word frequency of all retrieved text segments.7
P states the extent of multiply coded text in all documents of the sample. The P value in the showcase study is
P = .62 and states that 62% of all coded words are coded
with more than one unit.8 P has to be interpreted in relation to the degrees of freedom, that is, the number of all
possible (yet, not measured) bivariate correlations. The
higher the number of categories within the coding scheme,
and with that, the number of possible bivariate correlations, the lower is the average influence of P on any given
bivariate correlation.
The degrees of freedom are determined by the number of
potential correlations between the k categories. They are calculated by dividing all fields of the code-correlation matrix
( k 2 ) minus the fields in the diagonal by two.
df =
The next step is to calculate the adjustment coefficient U.
It indicates the average bivariate correlation if all multiply
coded text were equally distributed among all units of the
category scheme. It works as a baseline comparison for the
observed correlation t.
The adjustment coefficient U is U = P / df .
The standardized t-coefficient is: ts = (1 − U )t .
It is in the judgment of the researcher to decide whether to
report every single standardized t-coefficient. In some cases,
it might be sufficient just to report the overall adjustment
coefficient U, namely, when U is so small that it hardly
affects the difference between t and ts .
Interpreting t-Coefficients
There are two ways to judge whether a given t-value indicates a weak, moderate, or a strong relation. First is to compare different t-values with each other. As can be seen in
Table 1, the highest correlation between two categories is
.129 between the theme “theological justifications for the use
of force” and the narrative about the “global conflict.”
Compared with other thematic links, this is strong. The
c-coefficient (.058) is also comparably high signaling that
this link is also more frequent and consistent than most other
links in the table.
Another way to judge the strength of the correlation is to
compare observed t-values against the unobserved t-values
of two mutually independent themes (here U = .0002). A
t-value of .129 then indicates that the correlation is significantly different from independence. It is also possible to base
this benchmark test on randomly, instead of equally distributed content. This would in some way resemble the statistical
test for significance and could be the method of choice in
quantitative content analysis.
The standardized coefficient ts is always smaller than the
observed coefficient t, but it has the advantage that it is not
affected by coding practices, such as the number of units in
the category scheme, and therefore is more suitable to compare results.
Detecting Meta-Themes, or How to “Read
Between the Lines” of Qualitative Data
When two or more descriptive units systematically co-occur
in the text data and when the co-occurrence is not only frequent but also elaborated in terms of word frequencies, then
this can indicate the presence of a meta-theme. The two coefficients therefore are quantitative indicators for meta-themes.
Meta-themes are themes which acquire their meaning
through the systematic co-occurrence of two or more other
themes. The prefix “meta” means that these themes are
themes of a higher informational order, or in other words,
they are not explicitly but implicitly communicated within
the content. A meta-theme might mark subconscious communication and tells the researcher something about the
source, namely, that it systematically refers to two distinct
The statistical coefficients should always be interpreted in
combination with a qualitative assessment of the meta-content. Not every thematic correlation is necessarily a metatheme. Likewise, the detection of a meta-theme does not
necessarily reveal the reason why the originator communicates subconsciously and not explicitly and intentional. This
question can be answered only within the context of a particular study.
To give one example of subconscious communication, we
now turn to the showcase study.
Table 1. Theme Relations.
Diagnostic frame
Instrumentality of force (7,657)
Strategic benefits (4,973)
Religious benefits (2,684)
Justification for the use of force (13,075)
Political justifications (3,010)
Theological justifications (10,065)
Reference system
Factual evidence
Theological evidence
Worked Example
Within Islamic studies, the “unusual combination of logic,
religion, politics and violence” of Islamism has been
acknowledged (Jansen, 1997, p. xvi). This “dual nature of
Islamic Fundamentalism” (Cozzens, 2007; Sedgwick, 2004)
is the point of departure for this showcase study. Jihadi ideology comprises not only strategic thinking, rational argument,
and common sense logic but also doctrine, theological reasoning, and religious fanaticism. To date, there is no systematic empirical research on the question how exactly both
rationalities are connected. The showcase study demonstrates how the analysis of meta-themes in Jihadi ideological
statements can shed light on this link. Its objective is to
explore the ideological origins of religiously inspired violence through content analysis of public statements from
AQ’s leadership.
Literature Review: Content Analysis of Jihadi
Over the last 15 years, the Jihadi movement has produced an
abundance of media and propaganda material, and the academic community was not idle to investigate this material
with a great deal of interest. Despite the wealth of available
data and scholarly work, systematic content analysis of this
material is still the exception. It seems that the availability
of highly interesting and politically relevant research material was conductive for an atmosphere in which “the terrorism studies community seems to have deviated from the
guidelines of academic conduct” (Hellmich, 2008, p. 111).
The availability of primary sources coincided with the
“post-9/11 money surge into terrorism studies” for which
Marc Sageman (2014) provocatively diagnosed “deleterious
effect” (p. 566). Although there are also examples of good
scientific practice, terrorism studies have not yet exploited
the full potential of content analysis approaches.
Authors of studies who apply content analysis techniques often remain descriptive. Eveslage (2013), for
instance, counted the number of threats against domestic
and foreign targets within 23 public statements of the
Nigerian Jihadi group Boko Haram. Torres, Jordán, and
Horsburgh (2006) used qualitative and quantitative thematic coding to summaries a sample of 2,878 documents
from AQ. Salem, Reid, and Chen (2008) classified 706
media files produced by Jihadi groups in regard to their
production features, purpose and usage as documentary,
propaganda, operational, hostage, executions, statement/
communique, tribute/eulogy, training, and instructional
videos. Pennebaker and Chung (2008) described differences in linguistic styles between bin Laden and Zawahiri,
and Beutel and Ahmad (2011) inferred from their analysis
of 49 bin Laden speeches, that the now deceased leader of
the Jihadi movement cited policy-based grievances for his
militancy twice as often as religious-based ones.
Descriptive content analysis of Jihadi media gave
researchers a first glance into the wealth of data but to come
to more generic conclusions about the groups who communicate these messages, more sophisticated analysis is needed.
A common approach in terrorism studies therefore is to
compare extremist groups who engage in violence with those
who do not (A. G. Smith, 2004). For example, A. G. Smith
(2008) and A. G. Smith, Suedfeld, Conway, and Winter
(2008) applied three psychological measurement constructs
(value reference, motive imagery, integrative complexity) to
media content of violent and nonviolent Islamist groups, and
identified those variables that are statistically significant predictors to distinguish between groups. Conway, Gornick,
Houck, Towgood, and Conway (2011) investigated “hidden
implications of radical group rhetoric” by analyzing random
text samples with integrative complexity coding from violent
and nonviolent Islamist groups. Pennebaker (2011) identified in a text sample of 296 documents statistically significant predictors for a violent attack in the 2 to 6 months
following the statement of the group. Rieger, Frischlich, and
Bente (2013) integrated ethnographic content analysis of
Jihadi and right wing media into a randomized experimental
design to investigate the individual’s response to ideological
Methodology of the Showcase Study
Sampling. The text documents of the showcase study (transcripts of AQ video statements) were sampled in several
stages. Although desirable, representative sampling of documents was not feasible because an exhaustive register of
Jihadi media does not exist. As a work-around for this problem, I sampled documents from a pool of Jihadi statements
compiled by experts.9 The selected statements are therefore
representative of the Jihadi ideology to a certain extent
(although this extent is not quantifiable). The final sample
consists of 31 transcripts of AQ video messages (about
178.000 words).
hierarchical levels of analytical units. Using software MAXQDA,10 I combined a theory-based coding with explorative
coding into a hybrid coding design. Therefore, the coding
structure includes both theoretically and empirically driven
units of analysis, also referred to as deductive and inductive
categories (Mayring, 2000). It has five hierarchical levels:
Ideology as discourse (theory driven)
Frame (theory driven)
Narrative (global themes)
Theme (organizing themes)
Issues (basic themes)
Basic, organizing, and global themes (Attride-Stirling,
2001) or codes, categories, and themes/concepts (Saldana,
2013) represent the empirically driven units. To utilize these
units for the particular purpose of studying ideologies, I call
them “issues,” “themes,” and “narratives.” They discriminate in different degrees between rather abstract and rather
concrete content within the Jihadi statements (see Figure 1).
Frames and discourse are theory-driven units of analysis and
Figure 1. Category classes.
Note. AQ = al-Qaeda.
represent the most general characteristics of Jihadi ideology.
Discourse, frame, narrative, theme, and issue represent different hierarchical levels the coding scheme. They represent
the functional elements of ideologies—the mechanisms
through which they frame the world—but they do not tell
anything about the actual grievances, claims, positions, strategies, and visions of the movement that embraces this ideology. Each level therefore has a certain number of descriptive
categories that summaries the actual meaning of the ideology
and represent the substantial elements. In the sample of 31
video statements, I identified one discourse, four frames, 11
narratives, 26 themes, and 55 issues.
The level of “discourse” is the most comprehensive and
general one. In fact, all content belongs to it. Its purpose is to
acknowledge that Jihadism is not mutually exclusive from
other Islamist ideologies but remains in a constant discursive
relation with them, and therefore can be analyzed as such, for
instance, when conducting a discourse analysis of statements
published by AQ vis-à-vis statements from the Islamic State
or the Muslim Brotherhood. For the purpose of this article,
the analytical unit “discourse” has no further function.
The level “frames” has four descriptive units borrowed
from Social Movement Theory (Snow & Benford, 1988;
Wilson, 1973). Social Movement Theory has an intuitive
appeal for the analysis of Islamist movements and has been
used for this purpose across disciplines (Lohlker, 2013;
Snow & Byrd, 2007; Wiktorowicz, 2004a, 2004b). It states
that all ideologies are comprised of three principal components, also called frames: The “diagnostic frame” of an ideology describes (perceived and actual) social problems (i.e.,
“the war on Islam”) and specifies alleged political, economic,
and social reasons for these problems. The “prognostic
frame” describes the goals the movement pursues, namely, to
replace the unjust status quo with an auspicious alternative
(i.e., “the caliphate”) and the “motivational frame” describes
strategies how the goals can be achieved (e.g., “jihad”). For
coding purposes, I used a fourth frame (reference frame) as
an auxiliary unit to designate all content that is nongenuine,
that is, when the authors of the statements refer to external
sources to substantiate their socioreligious positions, claims,
and grievances. For instance, Jihadi leaders use theological
evidence (references to Quran and Sunnah) to substantiate
their theological argumentation, factual evidence (references
to mainstream media or governmental reports) to back up
their political claims, and aesthetic “evidence” (Islamic
poems and lyric) to increase the “narrative fidelity” (Snow &
Benford, 1988, p. 210) of their message.
When conducting hybrid coding, one can start the coding
procedure top-down by coding the most general units into
the data, or bottom-up by looking for the smallest informational units first. Starting with the most general (theoretically
driven) unit has the advantage that it usually requires little
prior knowledge about the content. It also gives the coder a
first glance into the material so that he gets a rough idea
about the thematic complexity and the approximate number
of empirically driven (inductive) themes present in the material. In the study of Jihadi media, it was straightforward to
recognize whether the author of the statement describes the
status quo, talks about his vision or utopia, or advices followers to take action. In the most simplistic manner, coding
frames into ideological statements follows the ABC model
(Account, Better World, Change) of Mark Sedgwick (2012).
Unlike the empirically driven units, frames must be mutually
exclusive. However, the empirically based subunit of frames
can cut across two or even three frames.
The next task is to identify the empirically driven themes.
Here the researcher starts from the scratch with nothing else
than the four coding heuristics (see above) to guide him.
Processing one statement after the other in no specific order,
I created, modified, deleted, and merged the descriptive units
in accordance to the coding heuristics, thereby steadily
developing the coding structure. After working through 10
statements, the coding structure began to stabilize, meaning
that fewer new units emerged and that fewer modifications
were necessary to satisfy the coding heuristics. At the end of
the first coding iteration, the coding scheme was entirely
stable and the last few documents did not trigger any more
modifications. This indicates that the coding structure represents the content adequately and also that the sample is saturated. A second coding iteration was necessary to adjust the
content of the first processed documents to the finally developed scheme. The final version of the scheme has four
frames, 11 narratives, 26 themes, and 55 issues. To visualize
the thematic structure, I created a mind map that depicts all
96 categories (Armborst, 2013).
Results: Interpreting t-Coefficients and Detecting
Meta-Themes in Jihadi Media
The systematic content analysis approach has helped to clarify and dissect the otherwise rather indistinct bulk of ideological messages. The main research objective of the study
was to explore the ideological origins of religiously inspired
violence in Jihadism. The analysis shows that Jihadism is a
complex ideology that touches on a plethora of explicit
socioreligious issues. The main thematic structure of the ideology consists of four frames, 11 narratives, 26 themes, and
55 issues. It contains rigorous theological argumentation
mixed with political analysis expressed in the language of
journalism or even scholarly argument. It is beyond the purpose of this article to describe all these aspects in detail. The
important point here is to show the application of the theme
relation coefficient.
Figure 2 and Table 1 present some of the quantitative
results of the showcase study. Within the motivational frame
of AQ ideology, two narratives and four themes are of particular interest in regard to the research objectives: the narrative about the (1) “instrumentality of force” in which the
authors describe what they think the movement can actually
achieve through the use of force. These expectations are further detailed within the two themes (1.1) “strategic benefits”
and (1.2) “religious benefits.” The other narrative is the (2)
“justification for the use of force” with its two themes: (2.1)
To operationalize the broader research objective, I formulated the following working question: Which other narratives, themes, and issues co-occur systematically with (1)
and (2), and how strong are the thematic relations between
them in terms of quantity and quality? Relational analysis
helps to assess how the rationale of violence is embedded in
the wider narrative structure of AQ’s ideology, not only in
terms of statistical co-occurrence but also in terms of elaboration and meaning.
Figure 2 shows the absolute and relative word frequencies
of selected categories. Beginning with the most extensive
narrative (about apostasy), categories are ranked and grouped
according to the hierarchy of the coding structure (frames,
narratives, themes). The information about word frequencies
helps to put the qualitative description of each frame, narrative, and theme into a broader perspective about the general
outline and composition of Jihadi ideology. It empirically
supports the observation made in other studies that Jihadism
is mainly about Islamic rivalry (the near enemy) and to a
lesser degree concerned with geopolitical affairs (the far
enemy), but both aspects are certainly connected, as the relational analysis shows.
The coefficients in Table 1 reveal how frequent and how
strong categories are linked. It displays c- and t-coefficients
for the thematic relation between the four themes about the
rationale of violence (rows) and the three narratives within
the diagnostic frame (columns). The numbers in the table can
be interpreted in a similar way than a crosstab with categorical variables. To give a reading example of the numbers in the
table, the narrative about the instrumentality of force (7,657
words) has two subthemes: strategic benefits (4,973 words)
and religious benefits (2,684 words). These subthemes correlate to different degrees with the three narratives in the
diagnostic frame (apostasy, global conflict, and secular governance) and are backed up to different degrees by factual and
theological evidence from the reference system (nongenuine
content). To pick out one example, the two categories “strategic benefits” and “apostasy” share 533 words, which correspond to a c-coefficient of .036 and a t-coefficient of .060,
Figure 2. Text proportion for frames, narratives, and themes.
indicating a moderately elaborated and rather infrequent thematic relation.
As noted before, the coefficients should always be interpreted in connection with a qualitative assessment of the thematic link. When reviewing the meta-content (533 words)
cutting across the themes “strategic benefits” and the “apostasy” narrative, it reveals a tacit message: AQ asserts quite
plainly that jihad is as much a matter of strategic choice as it is
a matter of Islamic law and individual duty. What they claim
rather implicitly is that this distinction makes them superior to
competing Islamist groups who act much more strategically
(“opportunistic” in the view of AQ). AQ promotes active participation in jihad, even against all strategic odds, to demonstrate its pristine interpretation of Islam and to claim religious
supremacy over competing Islamist movements (often labeled
apostates) who refrain from the alleged duty of jihad for purely
political and strategic considerations.
But why is this claim communicated implicitly rather than
directly? A plausible explanation is that the strategic flaws of
Jihadi military doctrine are both a powerful and vulnerable
aspect of the ideological message. It is powerful because
only this way AQ can credibly claim religious supremacy
over competing Islamist groups. And it is a vulnerable point
because AQ can be (and actually is) criticized for being strategically and militarily ineffective and therefore not worth of
support. Therefore, this aspect of the ideology has to be communicated in a subtle way as to disguise its contradiction.
This observation is an intriguing and important aspect of
AQ’s ideology, much more important than the rather moderate correlation of t = .060 would suggest. This demonstrates
that it is important to review the statistical results always in
combination with a qualitative assessment.
Other themes systematically co-occur without carrying
any implicit message. For example, the theme about the strategic benefits of jihad are backed up quite strongly (t = .126)
by factual evidence but not so strongly by theological references to Quran and Sunnah (t = .017). There is nothing more
to conclude from this observation other than the Jihadists use
rational (factual) instead of theological reasoning when
describing the strategic utility of Jihadi warfare.
Finally I want to use the showcase study to give an example of how to interpret the unstandardized coefficient t
together with the standardized coefficient ts and how both
are affected through the coding pattern. The adjustment coefficient in this study is almost 0 (p = 62/df = 4,560) indicating
that there are few code overlaps in relation to the overall
number of units. As much as 62% of all retrieved content
( Ps ) is coded with more than one code ( Pr ) , but there are
also many degrees of freedom (categories among which the
multiply coded text can freely distribute). Between the 96
units of the coding scheme, there are df = 4,560 possible
(though not observed) bivariate correlations to accommodate
the Pr = 132.732 words that appear multiple times in the text
retrieval. If all 96 units were perfectly independent from
each other (in other words, if all multiply coded text were
equally distributed among all 96 units), then any bivariate
correlation would be close to .001 indicating that an observed
coefficient t, for example t = 0.1, is significantly higher than
the average correlation between two units. Therefore, the
standardized coefficients ts = 0,9998 × t will take almost the
same values as t and must not be reported.
The most important limitation in the use of the proposed
coefficient is to keep in mind, that the statistical “facts” it
produces are eventually contingent upon coding decisions.
Despite the use of clearly spelled out coding heuristics, there
remains some interpretative leeway. It is therefore good scientific practice to involve several coders and then test intercoder reliability.11
Without the aid of content analysis software, it is not
possible to systematically read between the lines of large
text samples and to detect latent structures. The proposed
theme relation coefficient enables researchers to discover
subtle patterns in verbal content. It allows the researcher
to draw analytical conclusions about his study object
through a transparent and replicable methodology. To substantiate this claim, this article uses an empirical study on
Jihadi media to demonstrate how the application of the
coefficients has produced more generic information about
the ideology of Jihadism as it is communicated in a sample of Jihadi media.
Unlike conventional co-occurrence (Friese, 2014) or
code relation metrics that show how often and how consistent two themes co-occur within the text sample, the new
proposed coefficient indicates how much content two units
actually share with each other and how elaborated their thematic link is. The combined use of both coefficients can
add important information to conventional analysis because
the observation how often and how consistent two themes
co-occur in the data is not necessarily an indicator for how
important, relevant, and meaningful this thematic relation
is within the research context.
The methodology proposed in this article is applicable in
various scenarios of content analysis and with different types
of data (interviews, field notes, public documents, and other
text data). The standardized version of the t-coefficient
makes the results from different studies comparable. This is
important because differences in sample sizes and researcher’s coding practice can affect the values of conventional
theme relation metrics. The standardized coefficient offsets
this potential bias and enables researchers to compare results
regardless of sample size, number of extracted categories,
and extent of code overlaps.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
1. Thanks to the anonymous reviewers who gave me instructive
2. It is important to note that these coding heuristics deliberately
allow two units to overlap. This has the purpose to designate
text passages that relate to more than one theme and to designate text passages that lead from one theme to the next.
This content is of particular interest for the detection of metathemes. Allowing for overlapping codes also alleviates decision
making: Coders are not enforced to make potentially arbitrary
either/or choices in cases where content is equivocally associated with more than one theme. But depending on the research
context, it may also be appropriate to rule out code overlapping.
3. “The c-index (structurally resembling the Tanimoto and
Jaquard coefficient . . .) assumes separate non-overlapping
text entities” (Friese, S. [2013] p.291. Atlas.ti 7 user guide and
reference. ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development, Berlin.
4. ATLAS.ti software notifies the user if the ration between two
codes exceeds a certain threshold (i.e., when one code has been
used five times as often as the other). Thanks to an anonymous
reviewer for this hint.
5. To determine the words frequencies in MAXQDA, the user
can use the MAXDictio module. To determine the word frequencies of text that two units share proceed as follows:. Use
text retrieval function “intersection” or “intersection (Set)”
and then use “code the results with new code” to delete multiply coded text passages in the retrievals (credits to Stefan
Rädiker, for giving me this decisive hint in the support forum).
Then retrieve the new code and let Dictio count the word frequencies of the retrieval. I recommend to create a copy of the
file once the coding procedure is finished and to perform all
subsequent analysis (including the creation of new codes as
describes above) with this file.
6. To obtain this number in MAXQDA, calculate (total word frequencies in retrieved segment) MINUS (proportion of content
with only one code).
7. Again one has to improvise to determine this number in
MAXQDA. The MAXDictio does not count multiply coded
text retrievals (except for code–subcode intersections). To
obtain the total word frequencies in retrieved segment (i.e.,
to deliberately count multiply coded text), retrieve the text of
all units and copy the retrievals into a new document. Then,
activate only this document and chose “word frequencies” and
“only for activated documents.”
8. Ps = 132,732 / Ps = 213,414.
9. For details about the sampling strategy of the showcase study,
see Armborst (2013, 64).
10. Popular alternatives to this software are ATLAS.ti (Bell, 2013;
Gibbs, 2007), QDA Miner, WordStat, InVivo, or Ethnograph.
There are also a number of open source products such as the
Coding Analysis Toolkit (CAT).
11. In the showcase study, two methods for code validation were
used: second coder and automated text mining. The results are
discussed in Armborst (2013).
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Author Biography
Andreas Armborst is a criminologist and head of the National
Center for Crime Prevention in Bonn, Germany. Previously he has
been A Marie Curie Fellow at the School of Law, University Leeds,
and a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and
International Criminal Law.