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This article highlighted a study done on the determining factors of disaster management preparedness involving several agencies in Kedah, Malaysia. The factors involve are the level of understanding (knowledge) and practice of Directive No.20. The National Security Council (NSC) in the Prime Minister's Department is responsible for the coordination of all activities related to disaster. In carrying out its responsibilities NSC had established Disaster Management and Relief Committee (DMRC) at the national, state and district level depending on the magnitude of disaster occurred. Directive No.20 is about the Policy and Mechanism related to the national disaster management and relief activities. The main purpose of the directive is to create systematic coordination among agencies involve in disaster management as well as relief and rehabilitation activities. It was issued by The Prime Minister in 1997 to provide clear and appropriate guidelines on the management of disasters which include the responsibilities and functions of the various agencies involved in the process. Disasters are extreme environmental events that adversely affect all areas in the world. A natural or manmade disaster causes excess morbidity and mortality in both predictable and unpredictable ways. It is now becoming a global threat to all nations hence challenges and mechanism in handling and managing them becomes more imperative than ever. .A total of 15 agencies covering 9 districts made up the population of the study in which 120 respondents were selected based on proportionate stratified sampling. The hypotheses are whether there is a relationship between knowledge and practice of Directive 20 and do both factors explain the variance in disaster preparedness. The other hypothesis is whether there is a significance difference between all districts in terms of disaster preparedness level. The response rate was 40% and the findings did confirm the relationships (positive correlation) between understanding the knowledge of Directive No. 20and the practice of Directive No.20 (r =0.867, p<0.05). Multiple Regressions had also been used to ascertain whether the knowledge and practice of Directives No. 20 contribute to disaster preparedness factors.
The DRM policy landscape has transitioned to 'civil protection', emphasising the importance of effective transboundary coordination and cooperation to manage transboundary disasters. This has been accompanied by a shift towards the role of policy in adaptive management and in protecting the rights of victims and survivors. Science plays an important role in better understanding the complexity of modern disasters and in devising suitable tools and approaches for preparedness and response.
Important Guidelines for Printing and Photocopying Limited permission is granted free of charge to print or photocopy all pages of this publication for educational, not-for-profit use by health care workers, students or faculty. All copies must retain all author credits and copyright notices included in the original document. Under no circumstances is it permissible to sell or distribute on a commercial basis, or to claim authorship of, copies of material reproduced from this publication.
Proceedings of the Creative Construction e-Conference 2020, 2020
Despite disasters being extremely disruptive to campus life and affecting students both mentally and physically, college students are one of the most overlooked subgroups in the community following a disaster. It is, therefore, crucial for disaster risk reduction (DRR) to be implemented in universities, where disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation strategies and programs are still lacking even though disaster awareness has increased. This study aims to investigate disaster awareness and preparedness of university students and develop a framework within which to measure the level of their disaster preparedness. To fulfill the objective of this study, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to understand how knowledgeable and prepared students are for disasters. The review provided the basis for the development of a comprehensive survey that was distributed through an online platform. After two follow-ups, 111 survey responses were collected and analyzed, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the analysis, a framework was developed, linking the characteristics of students with different levels of DRR education. It was found that the students' perspectives of the responsibility of friends, parents, and university and/or government agencies to provide for their safety during a disaster are formed by personal characteristics (male or female, graduate or undergraduate, educated or uneducated about disaster preparedness, etc.). It was also observed that graduate and undergraduate students have significantly different opinions about the adequacy of the first aid boxes at their university, and students with prior disaster preparedness education believe that it is important for local communities to help educational systems implement DRR courses. The opinions of students with prior disaster preparedness education differ significantly from those without disaster preparedness education on whether DRR education should be mandatory. The findings of this study will contribute to the US educational system to effectively develop and implement DRR courses and will guide policymakers in their assessment of the universities' emergency preparedness policies.
Information Center, University of Colorado at Boulder, was principal investigator and overall director for that project. For the second assessment, more than 100 researchers and practitioners conducted a systematic survey of what is currently known and what still remains to be learned on disaster-related topics, ranging from pre-disaster mitigation and insurance protection through post-disaster response and recovery.
PENDAHULUAN Laporan keuangan konsolidasian adalah laporan keaangan suatu kelompok usaha yang di dalamnya aset, liabilitas, ekuitas, penghasilan, beban, dan arus kas entitas induk dan entitas anaknya disajikan sebagai suatu entitas ekonomi tunggal. Laporan keuangan tersendiri adalah laporan keuangan yang disaiikan oleh mana entitas tersebut dapat memilih untuk, sebagaimana yang dipersyaratkan Pernyataan ini, mencatat investasinya pada entitas anak, entitas asosiasi dan ventura bersama pada biaya perolehan, sesuai dengan PSA K 55: Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran, atau menggunakan metode ekuitas seperti yang dideskripsikan dalam PSAK 15: Investasi pada Entitas Asosiasi dan Ventura Bersama. Laporan keuangan tersendiri hanya dapat disajikan sebagai informasi tambahan dalam laporan konsolidasian. Entitas induk tidak dapat menyajikan laporan keuangan tersendiri sebagai laporan keuangan bertujuan umum. Penyusunan laporan keuangan tersendiri Laporan keuangan tersendiri disusun sesuai dengan SAK yang berlaku. Jika entitas induk menyusun laporan keuangan tersendiri, maka entitas induk tersebut mencatat investasi pada entitas anak, ventura bersama, dan entitas asosiasi pada: a. biaya perolehan b. sesuai PSAK 55: Instrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran c. menggunakan metode ekuitas sebagaiman dideskripsikan dalam PSAK 15: Investasi pada entitas asosiasi dan ventura bersama. Entitas induk menerapkan akuntansi yang sama untuk setiap kategori investasi, investasi yang dicatat pada biaya perolehan atau menggunakan metode ekuitas dicatat sesuai dengan PSAK 58: aset tidak lancar yang dimiliki untuk dijual dan operasi yang dihentikan ketika investasi tersebut diklasifikasikan sebagai dimiliki untuk dijual atau untuk didistribusikan (atau termasuk kelompok yang diklasifikasikan sebagai dimiliki untuk dijual atau untuk didistribusikan). Pengukuran investasi yang dicatat sesuai dengan PSAK 55 tidak berubah dalam keadaan yang demikian.
Trace: Procesos Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, 2021
Los recientes debates en torno al evento astronómico denominado el Descenso de Kukulcán han demostrado nuevas interpretaciones sobre el tema y la reconsideración de ideas que teníamos sobre los equinoccios en el área maya. El presente documento tiene como objetivo la propuesta de un nuevo modelo más complejo sobre la hierofanía. Metodológicamente, se revisaron investigaciones previas, se tomó registro del evento durante los años 2014-2018 y se compararon los resultados obtenidos con otras investigaciones relacionadas con el calendario, la astronomía y el culto venusino, para explicar la relación del evento solar de formación de triángulos de luz en periodos más extensos y complejos. El análisis contempló datos comparativos con otros sitios y con información etnográfica de la misma región.
Memoria y Sociedad, 2012
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Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 2021
Revista Cognosis. ISSN 2588-0578, 2020
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1976
International Conference On Cyber Management And Engineering (CyMaEn), 2023
Majalah Bisnis & IPTEK
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Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Journal of Visualized Experiments
International Journal of Cancer, 2022
World Environment, 2012