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Universidad Veracruzana, 2024
Programa. V Congreso Internacional de Investigaciones Literarias. Homenaje al centenario de La Vorágine. Universidad Veracruzana, 28 al 31 de octubre de 2024:
Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie = Golden Horde Review. 2023, 11(4): 918–933, 2023
Research objectives: The main purpose of the study is to consider some fairly actively used stereotypes and their validity. Research materials: The reason for writing the proposed publication article was the work of A.Yu. Konev "The phenomenon of 'foreignism', yasak and gift exchange: the peoples of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia in Russia at the end of the 16th-beginning of the 18th centuries." Published and newly discovered archival materials were its source basis. Results and novelty of the research: Within the framework of this article, we can distinguish two plots about stereotypes, quite different in nature, but relating, to a large extent, to one group of the population of Russia in the 16th-18th centuries-yasak people or yasak foreigners. According to the first stereotype, the unbaptized non-Russian population of the Russian state were not among the subjects of the Russian tsar, or at least not to the full extent. The authors usually do not provide any real justification for this point of view, but if they try to do so, they point to restrictions regarding unbaptized yasak and service people and to baptism as a way to obtain additional preferences (implementing a rise in social standing). At the same time, if we turn to the documents of the middle of the 18th century, we will see that officials and scientists of that time had no doubts that the yasak unbaptized population were Russian subjects from the moment their territories became part of this state. With a high degree of probability, we can admit that the formation of this stereotype dates back to the period of the predominance of the ideologeme "Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality" and is the result of extrapolation to the situation of the 16th-17th centuries representations of the second half of the 19th century. The second stereotype is less obvious, but quite serious. It consists of ignoring the information contained in a huge layer of documents of the 16th-17th centuries, namely, indications that yasak was collected from estates, and the presence of patrimonial lands was the basis for paying yasak. The reverse is also true-the payment of yasak gave rights to patrimonial lands. This information is contained in tsars' decrees, orders to governors-that is, legislative documents. But until now, the bulk of specialists dealing with the history of the Volga region, the Urals, and Siberia simply did not notice these places in the documents. This is a kind of stereotype of ignoring the obvious. Meanwhile, based on the text of these documents, it is obvious that yasak can be considered only bearing in mind the status of the lands from
Aras Havzası II, 2023
Neolitik Çağ’dan itibaren üretilen çanak çömlekler insanların gündelik yaşamlarını kolaylaştırmış araç gereçlerdir. Ayrıca Prehistorik Çağ Kültürlerinin tanımlanması ve kültürel ilişkilerin tespit edilmesi açısından da çok önemlidirler. Çanak çömlekler Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde Orta Tunç Devri’ne kadar el ile şekillendirilmiştir. Daha sonra çömlekçi çarkı ile şekillendirilmişlerdir. Orta Tunç Çağı’nda çanak çömleklerde bitkisel ve geometrik bezemelerin yanı sıra hayvan motifleri de yaygın olarak kullanılmıştır. Bazı çanak çömlekler ise bezenmemiştir. Bu tasvir ve betimlemeler ilgili dönem kültürlerinin ekonomik ve çevresel faktörleri sanatsal bir üslup ile yansıtmalarından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, hayvan bezemeli iki çömlek parçası incelenmiştir. Seramikler üzerinde kaz ve leylek betimlemeleri bulunmaktadır. Kaz motifi boya ile leylek motifi ise kabartma tekniği ile yapılmıştır.
Presentazione dei numeri 3-4/2023 della Rivista di Politica
J. G Silva, 2022
This paper is an analysis about the “True Black Metal” related events, which occurred in Norway during the nineties. This work aims at the understanding of how the dystopian consume culture was born, among the impressions of the Norwegian welfare state, and by that, understanding what takes an individual to follow this culture, analyzing its impacts towards Norwegian society. The work was thought through an exploratory research where scientific articles were analyzed to elaborate this research problem. After that, more articles, works, and these were added for the accomplishment of the scientific research. The keywords used were: Black Metal; Welfare State; Collective Happiness. As written before, the goal of this project consists in a analysis of the Norwegian black metal emergence and a try to understand it, therefore, it was essential to develop a bibliographic survey, in which the article “The failure of Youth Culture: Reflexivity, music and politics in the black metal scene” from Kahn-Harris; the book “Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground” from Michael Moyinihan and Didrik Soderlind; and also the writings of Sigmund Freud, Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt. Based on Freud’s writings, Adorno brings in his book “Educação e Emancipação” (1996) the idea of “claustrophobia of the administered world”, that will be properly addressed throughout this article, working as a hypothesis as to why this culture emerged. Regarding the shape of the results analyses, a quantitative analysis - which consists of exploratory character analyses and craves to comprehend and to interpret the data obtained through reading, studying its peculiarities, personal experience, and other aspects. It also made a speech analysis of the interviews effectuated with the main character involved in the events. Keywords: Norwegian black metal, Welfare state, Dystopian consume culture
¿Hasta que la muerte los separe?, 2015
Riguroso estudio histórico-crítico con énfasis en los contextos social y cultural, y las dimensiones pastoral y retórica sobre el delicado tema del divorcio. Invita a una relectura informada y contextualizada.
bu sayısında, anılan bu coğrafî mekâna ruh veren kıymetlerimizin en önemlilerinden Sadreddin-i Konevî'ye misafir oluyor. Geleneğimiz, Konevi nisbesini bir isim gibi algılamış olduğundan, yapılan her bir "Konevî" atfı, akla hemen onu getirmiştir. Konevî'nin yaşamış olduğu döneme gelinceye kadar Konya siyâsî, sosyal, ilmî, fikrî ve sâir birçok yönden çok değerli ilim ve fikir insanları yetiştirmişti. İslâm dünyasının kalbinin attığı mühim merkezlerden birisiydi. Fakat bu kutlu belde hicrî 7., milâdî 13. asırda çok yönlü bunalım ve sarsıntının da odağında yer almış, Moğol ve Haçlılar gibi dış, Babaîler gibi iç sıkıntıların tesiri kendisini bütün gücüyle hissettirmişti. Böylesi bir kriz çağında, İslâm dünyasının muhtelif bölgelerinden gelen adanmış dimağların burada karar kılıp ve yine burada ilim, sanat ve düşünce üretmeleri, halka ümit aşılamaları bir tesadüf olmasa gerektir. Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî, Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî, Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî, Ahî Evran ve Yunus Emre gibi her biri kendi alanında kurucu bir kimliğe sahip şahıslar yaşadıkları asırda sadece yerel ve bölgesel değil, evrensel bir dil geliştirdiler. Kadim pek çok disiplinin imkânlarından istifade edilerek, onların mezcinden oluşan bu yeni düşünce ekolünün temsilcilerine "Muhakkık" veya "Ehl-i Tahkik" denilmiş, ortaya koydukları düşünce sistemi de "Tasavvuf Metafiziği" olarak adlandırılmıştır. Muhyiddin-i Arabî'nin bir talebesi ve takipçisi olarak Sadreddin-i Konevî, üstâdının görüşlerini sadece sistematik bir hâle getirmekle kalmamış, aynı zamanda daha üst bir dil ve bakış açısıyla onları yeni bir forma büründürmüştür. O yüzden İbnü'l-Arabî "En Büyük Kurucu" (Şeyh-i Ekber) sayılırken "Konevî" de "Büyük Kurucu" (Şeyh-i Kebîr) kabul edilmiştir. Sadreddin-i Konevî, çağdaşı Mevlânâ ve Hacı Bektâş-ı Velî ile yakınlık kurmuş; Hacı Bektaş'tan, yetiştirdiği bir talebesini Konya'ya göndermesini istemişti. İslâm tarihinin yetiştirdiği abide şahsiyetlerden birisi olan Sadreddin-i Konevî'nin eserlerinin en azından önemli bir kısmı dilimize kazandırıldı, düşünce dünyası hakkında önemli çalışmalar yapıldı. Bununla birlikte, bizzat kaleme aldığı, okuduğu ve okuttuğu kitapları dergâhının kütüphanesine vakfetmesine, zaman içerisinde muhtelif ilave ve çıkarımların
MOJ Food Processing & Technology
The present study is aimed at producing vinegar from fermented pineapple byproducts (peels). The vinegar was produced after fermenting the peels of pineapple usig three selected strains of acetic acid bacteria’s. such as propionic bacterium acidipropionici, panteo agglomerans, and pantea dispersa. This article introduces a new type of acetic acid bacteria’s strains for the production of vinegar from pineapple peels. Three fermentation times (24hr, 48hr, and 72hr) and three acetic acid bacterias (propionic bacterium acidipropionici, panteo agglomerans, and pantea dispersa) were considered and arranged in a factorial experimental design. The fermentation was performed in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 200 mL of medium at 28℃. Aeration rate, temperature, and carbon source were set as constant factors. pH, total soluble solids, total residual reducing sugar and titratable acidity were evaluated. The results showed that the vinager samples were in the range of 3.5 to 4.31, 1.3 to 2....
The 10th IWACP Workshop, 2021
The field of Circular Economy (CE) is developing and bringing several contributions to scholars and practitioners in the last decades. However, the interrelations between CE and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) proved to be understudied subjects. This research aimed to unfold the knowledge structure of literature related to CE and SMEs. Characterized as exploratory network analysis, scientific contributions were retrieved from Scopus database, totaling in 126 papers without period restrictions. Data was analyzed by network analysis software CiteSpace. Main results evidenced that the field is characterized by two specific periods (nascent and emergent), being more developed in the last six years. Most research were covering the CE, and the number of research addressing both CE and SMEs is represented by few groups of scholars. Key references were identified in each thematic cluster. Suggestions for future qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research are addressed, both in theoretical and empirical ways.
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Sports Medicine, 2005, 2023
Libertas ISNN 1980-8518, 2018
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, 2017
Revista Ecúmene, 2022
Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 2024
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2010
Contributions to science, 2001
Molecular vision, 2003
Critical care (London, England), 2016
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019
BMC Family Practice, 2011
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2018