Default Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming
Vijay A. Saraswat
[email protected])
Radha Jagadeesan
[email protected]
Vineet Gupta
[email protected]
Systems and Practices Lab. Dept. of Math. Sciences Systems and Practices Lab.
Xerox PARC
Loyola University
Xerox PARC
Palo Alto, Ca 94304
Chicago, Il 60626
Palo Alto, Ca 94304
(Extended Abstract)
We extend the model of [VRV94] to express strong time-outs (and
pre-emption): if an event A does not happen through time t, cause
event B to happen at time t. Such constructs arise naturally in practice (e.g. in modeling transistors) and are supported in languages
such as E STEREL (through instantaneous watchdogs) and L USTRE
(through the “current” operator).
The fundamental conceptual difficulty posed by these operators is that they are non-monotonic. We provide a simple compositional semantics to the non-monotonic version of concurrent
constraint programming (CCP) obtained by changing the underlying logic from intuitionistic logic to Reiter’s default logic [Rei80].
This allows us to use the same construction (uniform extension
through time) to develop Default Timed CCP (Default tcc) as we
had used to develop Timed CCP (tcc) from CCP [VRV94]. Indeed
the smooth embedding of CCP processes into Default cc processes
lifts to a smooth embedding of tcc processes into Default tcc processes. Interesting tcc properties such as determinacy, multi-form
time, a uniform pre-emption construct (“clock”), full-abstraction,
and compositional compilation into automata are preserved.
Default tcc thus provides a simple and natural (denotational)
model capable of representing the full range of pre-emption constructs supported in E STEREL, L USTRE and other synchronous programming languages.
allowed has elapsed) is a piece of information of the same status as
information received in an explicit message from the environment.
In particular it should be possible to act instantaneously in response
to this implicit information (e.g., power should continue to be supplied to motors in the first case; the connection should time-out in
the second).
While the problem of representing and reasoning about negative information is present in all reactive programming languages,
it shows up in a particularly pure form in frameworks based on a
computational interpretation of logic, such as concurrent constraint
programming (CCP) [Sar93,SRP91]. This framework is based on
the idea that concurrently executing systems of agents interact by
posting (telling) and checking (asking) constraints in a shared pool
of (positive) information. Constraints are expressions of the form
Y, or “the sum of the weights of the vehicles on the bridge
must not exceed a given limit”. They come equipped with their
own entailment relation, which determines what pieces of informaZ) follow from which collections of other pieces
tion (e.g., X
Y; Y
Z). Synchronization is achieved by suspending
(e.g. X
ask agents until enough information is available to conclusively answer the query; the query is answered affirmatively if it is entailed
by the constraints accumulated hitherto.
Such a framework for concurrent computation is proving fruitful in several investigations [SKL90,HSD92,JH91,SHW94,Kac93],
with applications in areas ranging from modeling physical systems,
to combinatorial exploration and natural language analysis.
There are however some fundamental limitations to this “monotonic accumulation” approach to concurrent computation.
The Quiescence Detection Problem. Within the frame-
Programming paradigms — constraint programming, reactive systems, synchronous programming; Formal approaches
— denotational semantics, semantics of concurrency
Introduction and Motivation
We elaborate a framework for the design of programming languages
that permit instantaneous detection of negative information, that is,
detection of the absence of information. In such systems the fact
that the environment has failed to respond in an expected way (i.e.,
an interrupt signaling a jam has not been received; a response to a
password query has not been received even though the time-period
work, quiescence of computation cannot be detected and triggered
on.1 Two examples should make matters clearer.
Example 1.1 (Histogram, due to K.Pingali) Assume
given an array A[1 : : : n] taking on values in 1 : : : m. It is desired to
obtain an array B [1 : : : m] such that for all k, B [k] contains exactly
the indices i such that A[i] = k. (The histogram of A can then be
1 : : : m the cardinality of
obtained by associating with each k
B [k].) The computation of B should be done in parallel.
In a language based on monotonic accumulation it is possible
to simultaneously assert, for every j
1 : : : n that j
B [A[j ]].
This is however, not good enough to force the sets B [k] to contain
exactly the required indices — all that is being forced is that B [k]
contains at least the given indices.
Example 1.2 (Composition of model fragments) Similar examples
arise when using such languages for compositional modeling of
1 In many cases, quiescence detection can be explicitly programmed. However, this
can become quite cumbersome to achieve.
physical systems (see, e.g.[For88]). In such an application computation progresses via repeated iteration of two phases: a modelconstruction phase and a model execution phase. In the construction phase, pieces of information (“model fragments”) about the
variables and constraints relevant in the physical situation being
modeled are generated. For example, it may be determined that
some real-valued variable, e.g.current, is monotonically dependent on voltage drop, and also on conductance. On termination of this phase, it is desired to collect together all the variables
that current is now known to depend on (say, its just voltage drop
and conductance) and then postulate that these are the only
variables that it depends on. That is, it is desired to postulate the
existence of a function f and assert the relationship current =
f(voltage drop; conductance).
Such detection of quiescence is inherently non-monotonic: if
more information is provided in the input, different (rather than just
more) information may be produced at the output.
The Instantaneous Interrupts Problem. Another fundamental source of examples is real-time systems, where the detection of absence of information is necessary to handle interrupts.
To get at these examples, however, we first take a short detour to
explain Timed Concurrent Constraint (tcc) languages [VRV94].
tcc arises from combining CCP with work on the synchronous
languages such as [BG92], [HCP91], [GBGM91], [Har87], [CLM91].
These languages are based on the hypothesis of Perfect Synchrony:
Program combinators are determinate primitives that respond instantaneously to input signals. At any instant the presence and the
absence of signals can be detected. In synchronous languages,
physical time has the same status as any other external event, i.e.
time is multiform. So, combination of programs with different notions of time is allowed. Programs that operate only on “signals”
can be compiled into finite state automata with simple transitions.
Thus, the single step execution time of the program is bounded and
makes the synchrony assumption realizable in practice.
Integrating CCP with synchronous languages yields tcc: at each
time step the computation executed is a concurrent constraint program. Computation progresses in cycles: input a constraint from
the environment, compute to quiescence, generating the constraint
to be output at this time instant, and the program to be executed
at subsequent time instants. There is no relation between the store
at one time instant and the next — constraints that persist, if any,
must explicitly be part of the program to execute at subsequent time
A) and
To the combinators of CCP (namely, tell (c), ask (c
parallel composition (A1 A2 )), tcc adds unit delay (next ), and
next A). 2 c
next A allows A to
delayed negative ask (c
be executed at the next time instant if the store on quiescence is not
strong enough to entail c. This allows the programming of weak
time-outs — if an event A does not happen by time t, cause event
B to happen by time t + 1 — while still allowing the computation
at each time step to be monotone and determinate. We showed that
the mathematical framework of such an integration is obtained in
a simple way — by uniformly extending the mathematical framework of CCP over (discrete) time. Indeed, many complex patterns
of temporal behavior — such as the “do A watching c” construct
of E STEREL which allows the agent A to execute, aborting it at the
time instant after a c is detected — could be programmed as defined combinators in tcc. In general, it was possible to capture the
idea of having processes “clocked” by other (recursive) processes,
2 In addition, CCP allows for a form of hiding, corresponding to existential quantification. The proper treatment of hiding, however, introduces several complications
that we have chosen to ignore. See Section 4 for more comments.
thus getting very powerful “user-programmable” pre-emption control constructs. The denotational model is very simple and in full
accord with an intuitive operational semantics and an underlying
logic — discrete time, intuitionistic linear temporal logic.
More generally, tcc provides a powerful setting in which to program systems of reactive, embedded agents — perhaps modeling
aspects of the real, physical world — which autonomously maintain internal beliefs in the face of change induced by interaction
with the environment. At each step, the agent has an “internal theory” that describes its computational state, its assumptions about
its environment, and rules for inferring new information from old.
On the basis of these, and the input information, the agent decides
to act (send messages to the outside world) and revises its internal
state. In particular, it is useful for agents to consider their beliefs to
be interruptible, subject to abandonment in the face of new information communicated by the environment.
The main drawback of the tcc model, however, is its inability
to express strong time outs [Ber93]: if an event A does not happen
by time t, cause event B to happen at time t. This is the behavior,
for example, of the “do A watching immediately c” construct
of E STEREL: the execution of A is interrupted as soon as c is detected (rather than one step later). Weak time outs cause the action
to be taken to be queued up for the next interaction with the environment. While this unit delay is unproblematic in many cases,
it is intolerable in cases where these delays can cascade, thereby
causing these queued actions to become arbitrarily out of sync with
the time when they were actually supposed to happen. If there is a
feedback loop, then such a model of pre-emption may simply fail
to work.
Example 1.3 (Modeling a transistor) More concretely, consider
a transistor whose emitter is grounded, and whose collector is connected to high voltage by a resistor. Unless there is current flowing
into the base, the collector is not shorted to ground, and remains
pulled high. Because the user may desire to cascade several such
transistors (and introduce feedbacks), it is not possible to tolerate
a unit delay between detection of absence of current in the base,
and determination of the status of the collector – such unit delays
can build up unboundedly wrecking the timing information in the
circuit being modeled.
Examples of the need for instantaneous detection of negative information abound in the literature on default reasoning (e.g. [Rei80]).
Example 1.4 (Constraint-based User Interfaces) Consider a setting like T HINGLAB [Bor79], in which it is possible for users to
draw diagrams, e.g. a parallelogram, that must obey certain constraints. If the user moves a vertex of the parallelogram, then the
system moves other vertices in response so as to maintain the constraints. Here it would not do to queue up the computed location
of a vertex X for the next interaction, because the user may move
X in that interaction. Rather the location of the vertex should be
computed and displayed instantaneously, even if no constraint on
the location of the vertex arrives from the environment.
As an example of the use of tcc to model aspects of timevarying, real world situations, consider the following problem.
Example 1.5 (Yale Shooting Problem, [Sho88]) The
scenario to be modeled is this: a gun is loaded at time T = 2. It
is fired at Fred at time T = 4. Inbetween, it is possible that the
gun may have been subject to various other acts: for example, it
may have become unloaded. Various other “common-sense” facts
are known: for instance, guns once loaded do not spontaneously
become unloaded, if a loaded gun is fired at a live person, and the
gun is functioning normally, then the person may cease to be live,
In a setting such as this, it is crucial that a gun be deemed to be
loaded at present only if it was loaded at some time in the past, and
not unloaded at any time since then including the present. Similarly, for success, the gun should be fired in the direction of the
perceived current position of the target, not the known past position
of the target. Even one-step delays introduced due to the modeling
framework can invalidate the representation.
The fundamental conceptual difficulty with the instantaneous detection of negative information is that it is not monotonic. On receipt of further information a conclusion arrived at earlier may have
to be withdrawn. This is just not expressible in the CCP framework,
which is monotone. Furthermore, no principled analyses of nonmonotonic processes have hitherto been available which would allow us integrate them into a reactive real-time programming framework.
The fundamental move we now make is to allow the expression
of defaults, after [Rei80]. We allow agents of the form c
A (to
be read as “c else A”), which intuitively mean that in the absence
of information c, reduce to A. Note however that A may itself
cause further information to be added to the store; and indeed, several other agents may simultaneously be active and adding more
information to the store. Therefore requiring that information c be
absent amounts to making an assumption about the future evolution of the system: not only does it not entail c now, but also it will
not entail c in the future. Such a demand on “stability” of negative
information is inescapable if we want a computational framework
that does not produce results dependent on vagaries of the differences in speeds of processors executing the program.
How expressive is the resulting system? All the E STEREL-style
combinators, including “do A watching immediately c” (which
we write as do A watching c) are now expressible (see Section 3.5).
All the examples considered above can be represented here. (In the
following always A is the agent that executes A at every time
Example 1.6 (Histogram, revisited) The program is:
; ; ;
:: ;
histogram(A N B M) ::
B : array(1 M)
I in 1 N : (I in B[A[I]])
I in 1 M :
B[I] : S = B[I]
S = B[I]
Example 1.7 (Default values for variables) Consider
the program:
default(X V) :: X = V
6 f g
The compositional modeling example is similar in flavor to the
Histogram problem. Assertions about the dependence of a variable
V on other variables can be stated as positive pieces of information,
e.g. as constraints imposing membership in the set of dependent
variables of V . The associated set can then be “completed” by
It establishes the value of X as V unless it can be established
that the value of X is something other than V.
Example 1.8 (Transistor model) Using defaults, we can express
the transistor model as:
transistor(Base Emitter Collector) ::
Emitter = 0v
Base = on Emitter = Collector
default(Base off)
default(Collector 5v)
In the absence of any information, the least reachable solution is Collector=5v, Base=off; however in the presence
of Base=on, we get Collector=0v, Base=on.
Example 1.9 (Default setting for vertices) In this setting it may
be desirable to impose the default that the location of a vertex V
remains unchanged, unless there is a reason to change it. This can
be expressed by:
8P:location(V) = P
! next default(location(V); P):
Note that always the last value of the location will be tracked.
Also note that every agent can be wrapped in a “do/watching” construct — even an always assertion. Thus, if it was desired to be
able to “retract” the above default, all that needs to be done is
to “wrap” it in a do/watching that awaits the retraction command
(let float(V)):
8P:location(V) = P
! next default(location(V);
let float(V):
do always
Intuitively, for every subset S of B [I ] other than the largest
subset, it will be possible to establish that S = B [I ]. Hence, for
each I, the default will fire just once — for the largest subset, and
will assert then that S is equal to the largest subset. For example, if
the assertions 3 in B[2], 6 in B[2], 5 in B[2] had been made,
then it can be established that B[2] = 3; 6 . However, it cannot be
established that B[2] = 3; 5; 6 .
6 f
using defaults as above, and then decomposed as a fully-formed set
to build the term (e.g. f(V1 ; : : : ; Vn ) to be equated to V ).
Example 1.10 (Yale Shooting Problem) Various elements of this
scenario can be modeled directly. Variables are introduced to correspond to objects in the situation to be modeled (possibly with timevarying state). Constraints are placed on the values that the variables may take over time. Typically, one states (using a do/watching
loop) that the value of a variable is to be kept the same, unless
some actions of interest take place. Actions are represented as base
atomic formulas whose applicability may be contingent on the presence of some information in past stores, and whose effect is stated
in terms of changes in the values of affected variables from the
present moment onwards.
Thus, for example, the occurrence of a load action causes the
gun to maintain the state of being loaded until such time as an occurrence of a shoot or an unload action:
always (occurs(load)
do always loaded
_ occurs unload
The default persistence of life, and other facts, are formulated
do always alive watching death:
always occurs(shoot) loaded death:
always occurs(shoot)
always occurs(unload)
always death always dead:
Compiling programs. Third, how are programs to be im-
Note that the death event causes the fluent dead to be unequivocally asserted for all time to come — the state of being dead
cannot be “interrupted”.
Executing a program like this, in the presence of no additional
information from the environment, will ensure that Fred is dead
when shot at time T = 4.
Thus the addition of the construct c
A to the language gives
us a very powerful programming system. However, three central
issues arise immediately.
Model. First, what should a model for such a programming language look like? The basic intuition behind our approach is as follows. An agent in CCP denotes a closure operator (a function on
constraints that is idempotent, monotone and extensive) which can
be represented by its range. In the presence of defaults, an agent
A is taken to denote a set of closure operators, a different operator for each “assumption” with respect to which the defaults in A
are to be resolved. That is, the denotation is a set of pairs (f; c)
where f is a closure operator on the sub-lattice of constraints below c. On this space of denotations we define the combinators for
conjunction (parallel composition), tell, positive ask and negative
ask. Furthermore, we provide a simple operational semantics and
show that the denotational semantics is natural by providing a fullabstraction theorem.
Checking for Determinacy. Second, a program may now
easily have zero or more distinct evolution paths (terminating in different answers), as opposed to CCP in which there is exactly one
distinct evolution path terminating in a single answer. For example,
X = 1 (or more generally c c) allows
the program X = 1
the addition of X = 1 in the empty store . . . only to have that violate the assumption underlying its addition, namely that X = 1
not be entailed by the store. So this program has no evolution path.
Y = 1) (Y = 1 X = 1)
Similarly the program (X = 1
has multiple evolution paths — one in which the first assumption
is made, resulting in the addition of Y = 1 to the store (which
blocks the assumption of the second default), and one in which the
second assumption is made, resulting in the addition of X = 1
(which blocks the assumption of the first default). In reactive systems intended for embedded control, preserving system determinacy is crucial, and thus identifying determinate programs (those
with exactly one distinct evolution path, on every input) is a central
In Section 2.3 we present an algorithm — uniform over constraint systems — to check at compile-time whether a program is
determinate or not. The key idea here is to recognize that the effect of running a program P on any input d can be simulated by
running the program on one of only finitely many projections (onto
the space of constraints the program can discriminate on). This, in
essence, allows a finite representation of the effects of P on any
input, and hence provides an algorithm for checking that every input is mapped to a single output. Unfortunately, because of the
free composition of defaults allowed, such a determinacy checking
algorithm cannot be compositional: determinacy is a global property of the entire program, and cannot be established by examining
pieces in isolation.
plemented efficiently? A naive implementation may involve performing the actual guessing at run-time, and backtracking if the
assumption about the future evolution of the system is violated dynamically. In Section 2.3 we show (extending [VRV94]) that in fact
it is possible to (compositionally) compile determinate (recursionfree) programs into finite constraint automata so that there is no
guessing or backtracking involved at run-time. We are able to
achieve compositionality — unlike compilers for E STEREL and
L USTRE — by labeling the nodes of the automata with Default
cc programs (for which a notion of parallel composition is already
Rest of this paper. The rest of this paper contains the detailed technical development of these ideas. After a discussion of
related work, we develop and explore the mathematical foundation, operational semantics, determinacy checking and compilation
algorithms for Default cc, and then repeat this for Default tcc. In
particular, we develop a sound and complete axiomatization for the
(monotonic) logic of default cc programs. This logic can be used
to establish the equivalence of two agents A and B .
Related work.
More broadly our contributions can be cast in the following general light. The integration of defaults with constraint programming
is a long-standing problem for which there has been no clean mathematical or practical solution. We believe that this paper makes
a basic contribution to this problem, with ramifications in nonmonotonic reasoning and knowledge representation. Furthermore,
from the viewpoint of the theory of (synchronous) reactive systems,
the basic model we present can be adapted, with minor adjustments
to provide a model for E STEREL and L USTRE as well — indeed
Default tcc provides a setting in which E STEREL and L USTRE can
be combined smoothly.
Non-monotonic reasoning. Our work builds on [Rei80]
directly, and is related to the stable semantics model of [GL88]. To
our knowledge this is the first paper that provides a compositional
semantics for default logic and that mathematically connects default logic with reasoning about time-outs in reactive, synchronous
There is a very large literature on non-monotonic reasoning
([GHR94] is a recent handbook on this subject), doing justice to
which is not possible in the space available to us. So a few remarks will have to suffice. Our analysis seems to bring the following novel ideas to the research around non-monotonic reasoning.
First, we explicitly introduce the notion of a two-level logical system: the program combinators provide a logical scaffolding on top
of an underlying logical language of constraints. Questions of entailment and disentailment have to be decided purely with respect
to constraints. This makes the languages far more practical than
non-monotonic formalisms based directly on reasoning about entailment/disentailment in full first-order logic; since the constraint
language can be chosen so that its expressiveness, and hence complexity, is appropriate for the needs of the application at hand.
Second, we explore these ideas in the context of agents embedded in an autonomous world with which they cannot control the
rate of interaction. This necessarily implies that the computations
that an agent can afford to perform between interactions with the
external world must be limited, indeed bounded by some a priori
constant. In Default tcc this means that recursion in a time instant
is not allowed; consequently there is hope for compiling away default programs into a finite state machine, so that only some very
simple tests have to be done at run-time.
Third, the notion of reactive computation forces us to view a
default theory as a transducer: it must be open to the receipt of
unknown new information at run-time, and must produce then an
“extension” beyond that input. This emphasis on the relational nature of default deduction — also to be found in [MNR90,MNR92]
— is a key idea behind our development of a denotational semantics. It forces us not to look at just what is deducible from the given
theory, but ask what is deducible from the theory in the presence of
new information. And in particular, it causes is to develop conditions for the determinacy of default programs.
Similarly, the desire to get a denotational semantics for such
transducers forced us to ask the question: what aspects of the internal construction of a default theory need to be preserved in order
for us to construct the denotation of a conjunctive composition from
the denotation of its constituents? It forced us to develop the internal logic of default theories: A
B if any observation that can
be made of B can also be made of A. This logic can be used to
establish the equivalence of two default agents. To our knowledge,
the development of such an inference relation between default programs is original to this paper.
The model presented in this paper smoothly enriches the model
in [VRV94] by allowing the instantaneous detection of negative information. All the results of [VRV94] continue to hold in this richer
setting; there is a straightforward embedding of (the denotations of)
tcc programs into Default tcc.
Concurrent Constraint Programming. A non-monotonic
framework for concurrent constraint programming has been presented in [dBKPR93]. The paper focuses on providing for general
constructions for retracting constraints once they have been established, and for checking for disentailment. A version of existentials are worked out. The connection between this work and default
logic (and its notions of extensions) and reactive programming is
however, not clear. This will be the subject of future investigations.
Synchronous languages. The synchronous languages mentioned above implicitly adopt specialized forms of default reasoning for handling absence of signals: A signal is absent at a time
instant if and only if it is not emitted by some process. This paper extends this view to generic constraint systems, and provides
a “formal recipe” to design such languages. Our analysis breaks
down the design of synchronous languages into three inter-related
components: (1) details of actual synchronization mechanisms are
suppressed through the entailment relation of a constraint system
(2) the notion of defaults is analyzed at the level of the basic (untimed) concurrent logic language (3) the synchronous language is
obtained by extending the untimed language uniformly over time.
In addition, this analysis clarifies the hitherto not well understood
relationship between the combinators that are present in the above
languages. We show that Timed Default CCP supports the derivation of a “clock” construct that allows a process to be clocked by
another (recursive) process; it generalizes the undersampling constructs of S IGNAL and L USTRE, and the pre-emption/abortion constructs supported by E STEREL3.
2 Default Concurrent Constraint Programming
2.1 Basic model
Constraint systems. A constraint system [Sar92] is essentially a first-order system of partial information. Briefly, we may
understand a constraint system as coming equipped with the following data: (1) a set D of first-order formulas (closed under variable renamings, where an infinite underlying set of variables is assumed) called primitive constraints or tokens, and (2) an inference
relation C that is finitary (in that it relates finite sets of tokens
to tokens), decidable and records which tokens follow from which
collection of tokens.
Let the -closed subsets of D be denoted by D . ( D ; ) is a
complete algebraic lattice; we will use the notation and for the
joins and meets of this lattice, and the name true for the element
D. A (finite) constraint is an element of D generated from a
(finite) set of tokens; for a set of tokens u, we will use u to denote
the closure of u under . We usually denote finite sets of tokens by
the letters a; b, and constraints by the letters c; d; e. We write a b
if a = b. Sometimes, we will say d entails e to mean that d e.
For real-time computation we have found the simple constraint
system Gentzen ( ) to be very useful [SJG94]. The tokens of
Gentzen are atomic formulas drawn from a pre-specified logical
vocabulary; the entailment relation is trivial, i.e. c1 ; : : : ; cn G c
iff c = ci for some i. Gentzen provides the very simple level of
functionality that is needed to represent signals, e.g. as in E STEREL
and L USTRE.
j j j j
t u
j j
The model.
What should a model for defaults look like?
Consider first the definition of the model for CCP [SRP91]. The
crucial insight there was to develop a very simple notion of observation: observe for each agent A those stores d in which they are
quiescent, that is those stores d in which executing A does not result in the generation of any more information. Formally, define the
predicate A d (read: “A converges on d”). The intended interpretation is: A when executed in d does not produce any information
that is not entailed by d. We then have the evident axioms for the
primitive combinators:
abort There are no rules for abort: it does not converge on any
Tell The only inputs on which a can converge are those which already contain the information in a:
d da
3 tcc exhibited this relationship for monotone/weak pre-emption/abortion constructs. Timed Default CCP generalizes this to non-monotone/instantaneous preemption and abortion
Ask The first corresponds to the case in which the ask is not answered, and the second in which it is:
d 6 a
a ! A) #d
Tell The information about the guess e is not needed:
A #d
a ! A) #d
a #de
Parallel Composition To converge on d, both components must
converge on d:
A1 #d A2 #d
(A1 k A2 ) #
Note that these axioms for the relation are “compositional”:
whether an agent converges on d is determined by some conditions
involving whether its sub-agents converge on d. This suggests taking the denotation of an agent A to be the set of all d such that A d ;
because of the axioms above, the denotation is compositional.
We can now use the denotational semantics of an agent to reason about the actual input/output behavior (the “operational semantics”): the output of an agent A on an input c is exactly the least d
above c (if any) for which A converges.
Conversely, one can ask which sets of observations can be viewed
as determining the denotation of a process. The answer is quite
straightforward: the key idea is that from the set it should be possible to determine a unique output above every input (if the process
converges). That is, the set S should have the property that above
every (input) constraint c, there is a unique minimal element in
S (the output). We can say this generally by requiring that S be
closed under glbs of arbitrary non-empty subsets. In particular, is
a process – the process which diverges on every input, i.e. is the
denotation of abort.
We thus have an independent notion of processes, on which all
the combinators of interest to us are definable. Two further questions arise: (1) Expressive completeness: are all processes definable by agents, and (2) Full abstraction: if the denotations of two
agents A and B are distinct, then is there in fact a context, i.e. a
third agent P with a “hole” in it, such that plugging the hole with
A and B separately would produce agents with observably different behaviors? If the given language is expressively complete, then
we know that every process is the denotation of some agent. If the
model is fully abstract for the given language and notion of observation, then we know that the model does not make distinctions
that are too fine: if the denotations of two agents are different, then
there is a reason, namely, there is another agent which can be used
to distinguish between the two. Together, these two nice properties
imply that a logic for reasoning about processes (semantic entities)
can be used to reason safely about agents and their operational behavior.
The model for CCP we motivated above is both expressively
complete and fully abstract.
Adding defaults. How does the situation change in the presence of defaults?
The critical question is: how should the notion of observation
be extended? Intuitively, the answer seems obvious: observe for
each agent A those stores d in which they are quiescent, given the
guess e about the final result. Note that the guess e must always be
stronger than d — it must contain at least the information on which
A isd being tested for quiescence. Formally, we define a predicate
A e (read as: “A converges on d under the guess e”). The intended
interpretation is: if the guess e is used to resolve defaults, then
executing A in d does not produce any information not entailed
by d, and executing A in e does not produce any information not
entailed by e.
We then have the evident axioms for the primitive combinators:
abort There are no rules for abort: it does not converge on any
Positive Ask The first two rules cover the case in which the ask is
not answered, and the third the case in which it is:
e 6 a
d 6 a; A #ee
a ! A) #de (a ! A) #de
A #de
a ! A) #de
Parallel Composition Note that a guess e for A1
gated down as the guess for A1 and A2 :
k A2 is propa-
A1 #de A2 #de
(A1 k A2 ) #e
Negative Ask In the first case, the default is disabled, and in the
second it can fire:
ea d
(a ; A) #e
A #de
(a ; A) #e
Again, note that these axioms for the relation are “compositional”: whether an agent converges on (d; e) is determined by
some conditions involving whether its sub-agents converge on (d; e).
This suggests taking the denotation of an agent A to be the set of all
(d; e) such that A e ; because of the axioms above, the denotation
is compositional. Furthermore, we can recover the “input/output”
relation exhibited by A from its denotation: the output of A on input c are exactly those d’s above c such that A dd and there is no
constraint e c distinct from d such that A ed . That is, the result
of running A on input c should be just those constraints d such that
A can produce no more information than d (under the guess that d
is the output), and such that there is “no place to stop” above c and
strictly below d (so that d, can, in fact, be generated by A on input
Again, conversely, one can ask which sets S of observations
can be viewed as determining the denotation of a process. The
two intuitive conditions we wish to capture are the following: Local determinacy — the idea is that once a guess is made, every
process behaves like a determinate CCP agent. This is expressed
by saying that under every guess d (that is, for every d such that
(d; d)
S ) the set of constraints on which the process is claimed
to be convergent under the guess d (i.e., the set c (c; d) S )
should be closed under glbs. The second idea to capture is the
anti-monotonicity of defaults—the only affect a stronger guess can
have is to cause fewer defaults to fire, resulting in even more convergent points. This is the requirement that for every agent A, if
it converges on input d under the guess e, then it is going to also
converge on input d under any guess e0 e.
We now have the basic ideas in hand to proceed somewhat more
formally. We establish the basic notion of a process, provide an
operational semantics for processes, explore some properties, and
show that the model is fully abstract.
f j
2 g
The basic model.
Definition 2.1 (Observations) SObs, the set of simple observaD D e d.
tions is the set (d; e)
2j jj jj g
For a set S and element e, we use the notation (S; e) to stand
for the set (d; e) d S , and S to stand for the greatest lower
bound of S .
j 2 g
Definition 2.2 (Process) A process
tions satisfying:
is a set of simple observa-
(e; e) 2 P if (d; e) 2 P
Local Determinacy (uS; e) 2 P if S 6= ; and (S; e) P .
Anti-monotonicity (c; e) 2 P if (c; d) 2 P; d e; (e; e) 2 P .
Processes are naturally ordered by inverse set inclusion: define
Under this ordering, SObs is a process, the
“least” process which converges on every constraint; it is the denotation of the agent true. is the unique maximal process. Furthermore, the limit of every chain of processes is itself a process:
that is, given a set of processes S1 S2 : : :, the set i Si denotes
a process. This means that recursion can be handled in the model:
the denotation of a recursive agent A is simply the intersection of
the denotation of the all the agents obtained by replacing recursive
calls by i-fold expansions.
We can now provide explicit semantic definition for various
P Q if P Q.
D[ abort] =d ;
D[ a] =d f(d; e) 2 SObs j d ag
D[ a ! A] =d f(d; e) 2 SObs j e a ) (e; e) 2 D[ A] ;
d a ) (d; e) 2 D[ A] g
D[ a ; A] = f(d; e) 2 SObs j e 6 a ) (d; e) 2 D[ A] g
D[ A k B ] =d D[ A] \ D[ B ]
Each of these combinators is seen to yield a process when applied
to a process, and to be continuous and monotone in its process argument.
Recursion. Default cc programs are given as a set of declarations g :: A along with an agent. (Here g names a procedure.)
The names of the agents g can now occur in the program. We will
denote a recursively defined process as X:A[X ]. As indicated
above, the meaning of recursive processes is obtained in the standard way by taking least fixed points in the given complete partial
order of processes.
Obtaining the operational semantics. How do we ob-
tain the “result” of executing an agent A on an input constraint i
from the denotation [ A] ? The output is going to be all those coni such that there is no place for the process to stop
straints o
strictly below o:
Definition 2.3 (I/O mapping) The input-output relation
duced by a process P is defined by:
r(P ) in-
r(P ) = f(i; o) 2 SObs j (o; o) 2 P; 8(j; o) 2 P: j i ) j = og
Note that r(P ) may be non-monotone, e.g. r( [ a
b] ) is
non-monotone — it maps to b and a to a. (A relation R is nonmonotone iff it is not monotone. It is monotone iff a R b and a0 a
implies there is a b0 b such that a0 R b0 .)
Examples. With the above definitions, we can work out the
denotation of any Default cc process. Here we consider two interesting examples.
D[ a ; a] = f(d; e) 2 SObs j e ag
This is an example of a default theory which does not have any
extensions [Rei80]. However, it does provide some information, it
says that the quiescent points must be greater than a, and it is necessary to keep this information to get a compositional semantics. It
is different from b
b, whereas in default logic and synchronous
languages both these agents are considered the same, i.e. meaningless, and are thrown away.
D[ a ! b k a ; b] =
f(d; e) 2 SObs j e b; ((e 6 a) _ (d a)) ) d bg
This agent is “almost” like “if a then b else b”, and illustrates the basic difference between positive and negative information. In most
semantics, one would expect it to be identical to the agent b. However, a ; b is not the same as :a ! b, in the second case some
agent must explicitly write :a in the store, if :a is a constraint, but
in the first case merely the fact that no agent can write a is sufficient
to trigger b. This difference is demonstrated by running both b and
a ! b k a ; b in parallel with b ! a — b produces a t b on
true, while a ! b k a ; b produces no output.
These two examples show that designing a logic for this language is not entirely trivial. We come back to this a little later.
Expressive completeness. Given a process S , is there a fi-
nite (recursion-free) agent A such that S = [ A] ?
We can characterize the class of processes for which this is possible — these are precisely the finite elements in the lattice of proQ P Q). Recall that a finite element P is one
cesses (P
such that if i Pi P , then there is a Pi P .
Now given any process P , we can write down a (possibly infinitary) agent which has P as its denotation. For each (e; e) P ,
define Pe = d (d; e) P . Then Pe is (the fixed-point set of) a
closure operator, and can be written as an ask-tell agent. Now form
the conjunction
f j
2 g
ke (xe1 ; xe2 ; : : : ; Pe )
for all e 2 q (P ), where xei ’s are all the constraints greater than
e. We also take all the constraints e which are mapped to nothing
by the i=o relation, and add the agents e ! abort to the agent.
The antimonotonicity property assures us that the denotation of this
agent is P .
Theorem 2.1 If P is a finite process, then its agent can be expressed finitely. Conversely, every finite agent denotes a finite process.
Operational Semantics A simple non-deterministic execution mechanism (operational semantics) can be provided for recursionfree Default cc by extending the operational semantics of cc computations.
We take a configuration to be simply a multiset of agents. For
any configuration ?, let (?) be the subset of primitive constraints
in ?. We define binary transition relations
e on configurations
indexed by “final” constraints e that will be used to evaluate defaults:
(?) ` a
(?; a ! B ) ?!e (?; B )
(?) ` a
(?; a ; B ) ?!e ?
e 6` a
(?; a ; B ) ?!e (?; B )
(?; A k B ) ?!e (?; A; B )
a b fa ! fa fb
Definition 2.4
O[ A] =d f(a; e) 2 SObs j 9B:(A; a) !? e B 6!e
and (B )
The “result” of running A on input a, ro [ A] (a), may be extracted thus: e (a; e)
[ A] .
The operational semantics described above can be used to compute the result of running the agent in a given store only if the “final
store” is known beforehand. For finite agents P , we now show how
this non-determinism can be bounded, and hence made effective
(e.g., by backtracking).
Let c(P ) be the sublattice generated by the finite number of
constraints that syntactically occur in P . Now, clearly, any ind
put d can be mapped by P only to some element in d c(P )(=
d e e c(P ) . Therefore ro (P )(d) can be computed by considering just the finitely many relations
e e d c(P ) .
f t j 2
2O g
f?! j 2 t
The functions generated by determinate processes will continue
to satisfy Condition 1. Instead of being monotone, however, they
are locally monotone:
From this family of transition relations, we may provide a definition of the operational semantics:
f j
a b ! fa fb
Let us call functions that satisfy Conditions 1 and 3 local closure operators. We now show that the i/o functions associated with
determinate processes are precisely local closure operators.
Definition 2.6 For f : L
L a local closure operator, define
p(f ), the process associated with f , by:
p(f ) =d f(d; e) 2 SObs j f (e) = e; (f (d) = e ! d = e)g
Roughly, p(f ) is the complement of the graph of f . It is easy
to verify that p(f ) is a process. In fact, p(f ) is maximal among all
processes whose i/o relation is given by f .
Theorem 2.4 r(p(f)) = f
In fact (r; p) form a Galois connection.
Determinate, Monotone processes How do CCP processes embed in the space of Default cc processes? It is easy to
see that:
Full abstraction. The following results establish the connec-
Proposition 2.5 For any process P , r(P ) is the graph of a monotone function iff P satisfies the property:
tions between these two characterizations:
Theorem 2.2
O[ A] = D[ A] and ro([[A] )(d) = r([[A] )(d)
Theorem 2.3 (Full abstraction for Default cc) If
[ P ] = [ Q] , then there exists an agent C such that
observationally distinct from Q C .
6 D
P k C is
f j
! k
62 D
f j
2D g
Determinate processes.
Definition 2.5 (Determinate processes) A process P is said to be
determinate if r(P ) is the graph of a total function.
How can the functions generated by determinate processes be
Closure operators are functions f : L
L that satisfy (for all
a; b L):
a fb fa fb
In such a case, the fixed point set of r(P ) is just fd j (d; d) 2
P g. Conversely, given a closure operator f , the Default cc process
corresponding to it is given by f(d; e) 2 SObs j d; e 2 f g.
Proof Sketch 2.3 Since the two denotations are different, suppose
[ P ] , but (d; e)
[ Q] . Now if (e; e)
there is a (d; e)
[P ]
(e; e)
[ P ] , e is an agent
Q, then since (d; e)
separating P and Q.
Otherwise, we follow extant proofs in [SRP91,JPP91]. Con[ P ] and Qe =
sider the closure operators Pe = d (d; e)
d (d; e)
[ Q] . These are unequal, so differ on some inQe (a), then the agent a (Pe (a) e)
put, say a. If Pe (a)
is the required agent: a
(Pe (a)
e) P produces e, but
a (Pe (a) e) Q does not. (Note that if Pe (a) and Qe (a) are
not finite, there is some finite element where they differ, and this
may be chosen instead.)
(d; d) 2 P if (d; e) 2 P .
Logic for Default cc
In this section we consider a proof-system for recursion-free Default cc agents.
The denotational semantics for Default cc induces a natural
logic, namely the logic for proving, for agents A and B that [ A]
[ B ] . Note that this logic is necessarily a monotone logic.
The syntax of formulas in the logic is
A ::= a j Ma j a ! A j a ; A j A k A (4)
Sequents are of the form A1 ; : : : ; An ` B1 ; : : : ; Bk , where the
Ai ; Bj are all agents, with the requirement that all except at most
one of the Bj is of the form Ma, which is understood to stand for
a ; a. We say that the remaining Bj is the non-trivial formula of
the RHS. Intuitively, a sequent is valid if every observation that can
be made of system consisting of the Ai running in parallel can be
made of (at least) one of the Bj . In the following, we will let ?;
range over multisets of agents. (?) will stand for the sub-multiset
of constraints in ? and M ?1 (?) for the multiset fa j Ma 2 ?g.
The Structural and Identity rules of inference for the logic are
the rules of Exchange, Weakening and Contraction, and the Identity
and Cut rules. Thus the logic is classical.
The other proof rules are:
(?) ` a (C) M ?1 (?); (?) ` a (M)
? ` ; a
? ` ; Ma
? `a
?; A ` (L !)
?; a ` ; A
?; a ! A `
? ` ; a ! A (R !)
?; Ma `
?; A ` (L ;) ? ` Ma; ; A (R ;)
?; a ; A `
? ` ; a ; A
?; A; B ` (L k) ? ` ; A
? ` ; B (R k)
?; A k B `
? ` ; A k B
Let [[ ]] be defined as A2 [ A] . Note that while in general
the union of two processes is not a process, the restriction that we
place upon — all but one of its processes is of the form Ma —
ensures that it is a process. In fact, [ Ma] [ [ A] = [ a ; A] .
Theorem 2.6 (Soundness) ? ` implies [ ?]] [[ ]].
Proof Sketch 2.6 Straightforward. The only possibly non-trivial
which is proved thus.
case is R
(d; e) 2 [ ?; a] ) (d; e) 2 [[ ; A]
(d; e) 2 [ ?]]; d a ) (d; e) 2 [[ ; A]
(d; e) 2 [ ?]] ) d a ! (d; e) 2 [[ ; A]
(d; e) 2 [ ?]] ) (d; e) 2 [[ a ! A; ]]
The last step follows since ? is a process, [ Ma]
and b
a A = a b A.
[ [ A] = [ a ; A]
The key idea behind both aspects of the implementation is to
construct a finite representation of r(P ) — the input-output behavior of the process P . This construction is developed formally
Definition 2.7 Let be a constraint system. Then, B ( ) is the
free Boolean Algebra over the generators (constraints occurring in
) and relations (c
d = true, if c d).
The finite constraint system relevant to an agent P , denoted
CP , is the sub-Boolean algebra of B (C ) that is generated by the
constraints occurring in P . Note that CP is a finite poset. Also,
since CP has finite joins, it can be viewed as a constraint system.
Furthermore, there is a natural projection function p : C ! CP
defined as
p(d) = tfc 2 CP j d ) c = true in B (C )g
Though we have described p(d) abstractly, we note that for any
d 2 C , p(d) can be computed using the entailment relation of C (i.e.
queries to the constraint solver) and the axioms of Boolean Algebras. In this extended abstract, we do not present these standard
Determine the denotation of the agent P with respect to the
constraint system CP . In turn, this denotation yields a finite inputoutput relation, denoted by rf (P ). The following theorem relates
rf (P ) to r(P ) – the input-output relation of P with respect to the
constraint system .
r(P )(d) = fdtd0 j d0 2
Completeness is proved by structural induction on the non-trivial
formula B in .
Theorem 2.8 (Representation theorem)
rf (P )(p(d)), for any agent P .
Theorem 2.7 (Completeness)
The above theorem is exploited to yield a determinacy detection
algorithm and a compilation algorithm for Default cc.
[ ?]] [[ ]] implies ? `
Proof Sketch 2.7 Suppose the non-trivial formula B = b. Then
the left rules are applied until they can be applied no further. Now
the left side consists of a; Ma1 ; : : : ; Mak , and some implications
(which are ignored). Now if we cannot use (M ) to prove
a; Ma1 ; : : : ; Mak ` Mb1 ; : : : ; Mbn ; b
then that means that for each Mbi on the right, there must be a pair
(a; b0i ) on the left such that b0i 6 bi . Then the pair (a; ufb0i g) is
also on the left, and so it must be in [ b] . So a b, and we can use
(C ) to prove the result.
The other cases for B are straightforward. For B = B1 ^ B2 ,
apply R^, and use the proof trees for B1 and B2 . For B = a ;
B 00 , apply R ! and use the proof tree for B 0 . For B = a !
B , proceed as follows. By assumption every (d; e) 2 [ ?]] lies
either in [ a ! B 0 ] or in [ ]]. But this is means that (d; e) 2
[ ? k a] implies (d; e) 2 [ B 0 ; D] , which can be established by the
induction hypothesis.
Default cc: Implementation issues
We consider now the implementation of recursion-free Default cc
agents — these are the agents that will be generated by a compiler
for Default tcc.
The two key issues to be resolved are: a determinacy detection
algorithm, and an implementation of Default cc. Note that both
these issues are resolved by the operational semantics. However,
the operational semantics involves
“guessing” of defaults; thus, a priori, it is not clear that it induces
a backtracking free implementation of Default cc. Following synchronous languages, we will exploit the denotational semantics to
yield an efficient implementation.
Determinacy detection: The determinacy of P is established by
showing that rf (P ) is the graph of a function.
Compilation: The relation rf (P ) is computed at compile time.
The execution proceeds as follows. On input d, first compute
p(d); next, use the relation rf (P ) to determine the output
on p(d); next, use Theorem 2.8 to determine the output of
P in d. This last step involves one more tell action on the
constraint solver.
Definable combinators
We now show how to generalize the ask combinator (c
A) to
A, B
allow for simple process arguments. Intuitively, in B
evolves only if the store is a quiescent point of A. Formally, B
A is defined as:
D[ B ! A] =d f (d; e) 2 Obs j
(d; e) 2 D[ A] ) (d; e) 2 D[ B ] ;
(e; e) 2 D[ A] ) (e; e) 2 D[ B ] g
However, B ! A may not be a process for arbitrary D[ B ] . So,
we will restrict the processes B to be generated by the grammar:
B ::= c j B k B j c ! abort
For such processes B , B ! A is indeed a process.
The extension to process arguments can be compiled away compositionally to the existing combinators of Default cc using the
(c ! abort) ! A =
(B1 k B2 ) ! A =
B1 ! (B2 k A)
Timed Default CCP
We consider now the extension of Default cc to the Timed setting.
Basic Model
First, we extend the set of observations over time:
Definition 3.1 Obs, the set of observations, is the set of finite sequences of simple observations.
Intuitively, we shall observe the quiescent sequences of interactions for the system.
We let s; u; v range over sequences of simple observations, and
let z be a simple observation. We use “” to denote the empty
sequence. The concatenation of sequences is denoted by “”; for
this purpose a simple observation z is regarded as the one-element
sequence hz i. Given S
and s 2
, we will write
s for the set fz 2
j s z 2 S g of simple observations of S in the instant after it has exhibited the observation
Definition 3.2
Obs is a process iff it satisfies the following
1. (Non-emptiness) 2 P ,
2. (Prefix-closure) s 2 P whenever s t 2 P , and
3. (Determinacy) P
s 2 P.
after s is a Default cc process whenever
The new combinators introduced by the additional structure
D [[
next B ]]
D [[
D [[
f g
z s Obs s
f g [ f
B ]])
2 D [[
The definitions of the other basic combinators of Default tcc are
straightforward counterparts of their definitions for Default cc.
D [[
D [[
a ; A]]
[[A B ]]
D [[
d; e) s Obs d a
(d; e) s
e a (e; e) s [[A]];
d a (d; e) s [[A]]
(d; e) s
Obs e a (d; e) s
[[B ]]
2 D
2 D
The operational semantics for Default tcc is just like the operational semantics for tcc except that a Default cc agent is executed
at every time step rather than a cc agent. Further details are provided by the automata construction in Section 3.4.
The proof of full abstraction for Default tcc follows essentially
immediately from the proof for Default cc:
Theorem 3.1 (Full abstraction for Default tcc) If
D [[P ]] 6= D [[Q]], then there exists a context C such that P
observationally distinct from Q k C .
C is
Determinacy detection for Default tcc.
From the compilation algorithm described below, it suffices to describe an algorithm to check the determinacy of a finite recursion
free Default cc agent —– a Default tcc agent is determinate iff
the Default cc agents at each node of the compiled automaton are
3.4 Compilation
Default constraint automata The automata construction
for Default tcc is similar to the construction for tcc provided in
[VRV94]. A Default cc automaton is specified by the following
data (1) a set of states Q, with each state q 2 Q labeled with a Default cc agent (2) a distinguished start state, and (3) a set of directed
edges between pairs of states, labeled with constraints. The set of
labels will be drawn from the constraints of the finite sublattice of
constraints occurring in the agent. The automaton will satisfy the
property that for every node the set of labels on outgoing edges are
closed under least upper bounds (lubs).
The execution is as follows — The automaton starts in the start
state. Upon receiving an input i, it executes its Default cc agent
P in conjunction with the input, and the output, r(P )(i) is the
output for this time instant. (The Default cc agent can be executed
as described in Section 2.2.) The edge labeled with the greatest
constraint less than r(P )(i) is then taken to a new state, where this
process is repeated.
In order to prove the finiteness of the number of states, we need
the notion of a derivative of an agent. Given a process P , a derivative of P is a process ft 2
j s t 2 D [[P ]]g — this is the
residual process after P has produced the sequence of observations
s. The finiteness of the number of states of the automaton is then
guaranteed by the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2 Every Default tcc agent has a finite number of derivatives.
Operational semantics
2 D [[
\ D
Guarded Recursion. Default tcc programs are given as a
set of declarations g :: A along with an agent. (Here g names a
parameterless procedure.) The names of the agents g can now occur
in the program, the only restriction being that they occur within the
scope of a next . This is necessary to make the computation in
each step lexically bounded, and also gives us unique solutions for
recursive equations. We will write a recursively defined agent as
X:A[X ].
Each state now corresponds with one derivative, which predicts
the entire future of the process.
Compilation algorithm.
Following synchronous languages,
Theorem 3.2 induces a non-compositional compilation of Default
tcc agents. However, Default tcc admits a compositional compilation as well. We sketch below the automaton construction for
parallel composition and a
P , the other cases are simple and
hence omitted.
Automaton for P1 k P2 . This is a variant of the classical product construction on automata. We are given the Default cc
automaton for P1 and P2 , say A1 and A2 respectively. The states
of the automaton for P1 k P2 are induced by pairs of states q1 ; q2
from A1 ; A2 . We will call the induced state hq1 ; q2 i. The start
state corresponds to the pair of start states. The Default cc agent
in q1 ; q2 is the parallel composition of the agents in the qi ’s.
Now transitions are induced by the following rule — if on output a, there is a transition from q1 to q10 in A1 , and also on output
a there is a transition from0 q02 to q20 in A2 , then we get a transition
on a from q1 ; q2 to q1 ; q2 . In order to determine all the possible transitions, we take all the a’s in the finite sublattice of the
constraint system generated by the constraints in agents in q1 and
q2 .
i h
Automaton for
. The automaton for a P is
derived from A, the automaton for P . We make a copy q00 of the
start state q0 of A, and label it with the Default cc agent a
where q was the Default cc agent labeling q0 . For each transition
from q0 to q1 labeled by d, we create a transition from q00 to q1 ,
a. We also create a transition from q00 to a dead state and
if d
P is a copy of the
label it a. The rest of the automaton for a
automaton of P .
Definable Combinators
We present clock a powerful derived combinator, and show how to
define a number of other common patterns of temporal activity in
terms of it.
The clock combinator. clock B do A is a process that ex-
ecutes A only on those instants which are quiescent points of B .
It is the extension of the Default cc construct B
A over time.
Clearly, it is in the flavor of the when construct (undersampling) in
L USTRE and S IGNAL, generalizd to general processes B instead of
boolean streams.
Let P be a process. We identify the maximal subsequence tP
of the sequence t that is an element of the process P . tP is defined
inductively as follows.
s (d; e))P
sP ) (d; e); if (d; e) 2 (P after sP )
sP ); otherwise
Now, recognizing that A is executed only at the quiescent points
of B we can state:
ft 2 Obs j t
2 D[[A]]g
However, B ! A may not be a process for arbitrary D[[B ]]. So,
we will restrict the processes B to be generated by the grammar:
B ::= a j B k B j a ! abort
ja ! next B ja ; next B jX:B [X ]
For such processes B , B ! A is indeed a process.
clock B do A
[[B ]]
The laws that allow us to eliminate occurrences of the clock
construct are given in Table 1.
Expressiveness. We now show how various primitive combinators in E STEREL and other languages can be defined on top of
clock. We use the following abbreviations. always A executes A
repeatedly; it is the agent g:A next g . whenever a do A executes A at the first instant at which a is entailed; it is the agent
g:(a A) (a next g). (Note that whenever a do A =
clock a do A.)
The following laws hold for the clock combinator:
clock a do A = a ! A k
a ; next clock a do A
clock a ! abort do A = a ; A
clock (B1 k B2 ) do A = clock B1 do (clock B2 do A)
clock a ! next B do A = a ! clock next B do A k
clock a ; next B do A = a ; clock next B do A k
For P = next B , we do a case analysis on A:
clock next B do abort = abort
clock next B do skip = skip
clock next B do b = b
clock next B do (A1 k A2 ) = (clock next B do A1 ) k
(clock next B do A2 )
clock next B do (b ! A) = b ! clock next B do A
clock next B do (b ; A) = b ; clock next B do A
clock next B do (next A) = next clock B do A
Recursion in either argument is now done by expanding
the code | we expand X:A[X ] to A[X:A[X ]], and the
same for B , and then apply the laws above.
Table 1: Laws for clock
Multiform time: time on . time A on c denotes
a process whose notion of time is the occurrence of the tokens a
— A evolves only at the time instants at which the store entails a.
This is definable as:
time A on a = clock (always a) do A
Watchdogs: do
This is an interrupt
primitive related to strong abortion in E STEREL [Ber93]. do A watching a
behaves like A till a time instant when a is entailed; when a is entailed A is killed instantaneously. (We can similarly define the related exception handler primitive, do A watching a timeout B ,
that also activates a handler B when A is killed.) Using clock this
is definable as:
do A watching a = clock (whenever a do abort) do A
Suspension-Activation primitive: Sa Ab ( ) This
is a preemption primitive that is a variant of weak suspension in
E STEREL [Ber93]. Sa Ab (A) behaves like A till a time instant when
a is entailed; when a is entailed A is suspended from the next time
instant onwards (hence the Sa ). A is reactivated in the time instant
when b is entailed (hence the Ab ). The familiar (control Z; fg)
is a construct in this vein. This can be expressed as:
Sa Ab (A) = clock (whenever a do next b) do A
Compiling clock. The laws given in Table 1 provide one way
of removing the clock construct from the top level. However it is
possible to directly compile an automaton for clock B do A given
the automata for A and B . The construction is similar to the product construction described above. The states of the automaton are
given by the Cartesian product of the states of the automata for A
and B . If p1 is the agent labeling a state q1 in A, and p2 labels q2
in B , then the label for q1 ; q2 is the Default cc agent p2
p1 .
The syntax for the processes B ensures that the Default cc process p2
p1 is well-defined; i.e. p2 satisfies the conditions in
Section 2.4.
Transitions from the state q1 ; q2 are given as follows — consider all the a’s in the finite sublattice of the constraints occurring
in p1 ; p2 . If (a; a) is not in the denotation of p2 , then there is a
transition back to the state q1 ; q2 . If (a; a) is in the denotation of
p2 , there is a transition on a from0 q1 ; q2 to q10 ; q020 — where, on
a, the automaton for A goes to q1 and B goes to q2 ,
i h
Conclusion and acknowledgements
This paper has used ideas from non-monotonic reasoning to extend
real-time languages with a coherent, mathematically tenable notion
of interrupts. The topic has been developed using the methodology
of concurrency theory and denotational semantics of programming
languages: the construction of a model, and the definition of a language and a process algebra on the model, and the definition of a
logic for reasoning about substitutability of programs in the language. From our perspective, this synthesis of ideas is long overdue. Fundamentally the fields of Qualitative Physics, Reasoning
about action and state change, reactive real-time computing and
hybrid systems, and concurrent programming languages are about
the same subject matter: the representation, design and analysis of
(at least partially computational) continuous and discrete dynamical systems. We look forward to further developments in this very
rich area.
The very simple compositional semantics for default logic opens
up several possibilities. It is now possible to develop coherent notions of timed default logic, and possibly hybrid default logic, for
talking about action and change for systems involving continuous
and discrete values.
Existentials. Another avenue for future work is to enrich the
model to allow for the definition of first-order existentials (hiding).
Somewhat surprisingly, hiding is not definable in the current model.
Intuitively, the process X ^A is supposed to behave like the process
A[Y=X ], where Y is some new variable distinct from any variable
occurring in the environment.
The reason is simple. The union of two processes is not a process. Therefore, the “internal choice” (or “blind” choice) combinator A B of Hoare is not expressible in the model. Intuitively,
A B is expected to behave like either A or B , and the choice
cannot be influenced by the environment.
Hiding, can, however, mimic internal choice, in the presence
of defaults. To illustrate, consider the process A = (X = 1
Y = 1; X = 2) (X = 2 Z = 1; X = 1). These are
two conflicting defaults. The process contains in its denotation the
observations ((Y = 1; X = 2); (Y = 1; Z = 1; X = 2)), and
(Z = 1; X = 1); (Y = 1; Z = 1; X = 1)). However, no information about X can appear in the denotation of the process X ^A.
Consequently, one would expect X ^A to exhibit the observation
(Y = 1; (Y = 1; Z = 1)) and (Z = 1; (Y = 1; Z = 1)). If
X ^A is to be a process however, it be locally determinate: it must
also exhibit the glb of these two observations, namely (true; (Y =
1; Z = 1)). However, it cannot do that, since it must either produce
Y = 1 or produce Z = 1. Thus, X ^A cannot be a process.
A pathway for resolving this problem seems clear: one must
move to a richer model where in fact local determinacy is not required and such hidden choices can be expressed. Similar ideas
have been worked out in [SRP91] around the semantics of the indeterminate cc languages (which support blind choice). We expect
to elaborate such a model in future work.
Future work. The use of concurrent constraint programming
as a basis for a synchronous language provides a natural setting for
the combination of the combinators of Esterel and Lustre. The development of clock, a general strong preemption construct, should
lead to a theory of strong preemption, which could not have been
developed in tcc.
The underlying logical basis for the model of the present paper
needs to be explored further. This should lead to the development
of an intuitionistic version of temporal default logic.
Acknowledgements. We gratefully acknowledge discussions
with Gerard Berry, George Gonthier, Johan de Kleer, Danny Bobrow and Markus Fromherz. We thank Peter Bigot for comments
on earlier version of the paper, and the POPL referees for surprisingly detailed reviews.
Work on this paper has been supported in part by ONR through
grants to Vijay Saraswat and to Radha Jagadeesan, and by NASA.
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