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In The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Geopolitics
Due to Central Asia's strategic location as well as the presence of hydrocarbons, for the past thirty years the region has been of great interest to global and regional powers such as Russia, China, the United States, the EU, India, Iran, and Turkey. The states of the region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) have adopted multivector foreign policies to balance outside interests. Through their flexible and pragmatic foreign policies, these states have avoided outside domination and exploited competition between external powers to advance the interests of their (predominantly) authoritarian regimes. Because of great and regional power interest in the region, Central Asian regimes have a great deal of opportunity to extract benefits from these powers, but they rarely do so collectively. To date, efforts to form coherent, robust regional Central Asian institutions have failed. Among the many reasons for these failures include the colonial legacy of undelimitated borders as well as a lack of economic interdependence, the entrenchment of personalist autocratic regimes in the region, and the establishment of externally sponsored international organizations such as the Russianled Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Chinese-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Although Russia's invasion of Ukraine is having profound effects on the region, it remains unclear whether, in the short or medium term, a regional hegemon will emerge or a regional organization will form.
Revista Yachaq, 2024
La presente investigación respondió la siguiente pregunta: ¿resultan correctas las posturas desarrolladas en el Perú en los últimos quince años sobre la maternidad subrogada, teniendo en cuenta la normativa y la jurisprudencia peruanas?; para tal efecto, se han revisado todas las tesis de maestría y doctorado de los últimos quince años que obran en el RENATI, en revistas indexadas y en libros sobre la especialidad, para lo cual se han empleado las fichas bibliográficas y el análisis de casos, teniendo en cuenta las posiciones de los autores consultados sobre si resulta correcto o no que se regule la maternidad subrogada en el Perú, si debe ser considerado delito y las implicancias jurídicas que se presentarían a partir de dicha regulación; asimismo, se ha evaluado la novedad de los resultados propuestos y la consistencia y coherencia de la argumentación desplegada en el contenido de sus trabajos de investigación. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, se aprecia que no existe unanimidad respecto a ninguna de las implicancias jurídicas referidas al reconocimiento normativo de la maternidad subrogada. Como conclusiones tenemos que yerran aquellos autores que consideran que la maternidad subrogada se encuentra regulada en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano; asimismo, resulta incorrecto considerar a este tipo de técnica como delito, siendo que más bien se debe regular, pero prohibiéndose la modalidad comercial y garantizándose el derecho de los menores de edad nacidos a través de esta técnica a conocer su origen biológico, pero en determinados supuestos legalmente establecidos.
Energy, 1985
The authors' analysis of energy decision-makIng in 60 households m Santa Crux County. California. reveals a seeming anomal! in consumers' energy decision strategies. Few households have taken advantage of the low cost and high sayings potential of weather-stripping and caulking. though many have spent thousands of dollars on other energy-conserving investments that are expensive and have long payback periods. An ethnographic model. which incorporates sociocultural and psychological goals. makes this perplexing pattern comprehensible.
This part of the project should summarize and then present a conclusion. Unfortunately, a summary will show that any conclusion is impossible. The mistakes made and the problems found make any conclusion premature. These mistakes and problems need to be addressed first. The aim of this project was to reconnect as many swords as possible with the context of their discovery. A cataloging scheme (in the appendix) was created to begin this process. There are six categories for the sword's condition: Intact, Incomplete, Intentionally Broken, Broken, Intentionally Bent, and Fragmentary. Four categories are for context: Graves/Burials, Bodies of Water, Settlement Find, and Stray Finds. There are also subcategories, especially for Grave/Burials. This scheme seemed reasonable. But as it was applied, mistakes to it began to appear. Unanticipated problems began to appear as well. Because of these mistakes and problems, this part will take the following form:
ABSTRAK E-procurement merupakan proses pengadaan barang/jasa yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan secara elektronik (berbasis web/internet). E-procurement dilatarbelakangi oleh kelemahan-kelemahan pengadaan dengan sistem konvensional yang dilakukan dengan langsung mempertemukan pihak-pihak yang terkait pengadaan. E-procurement hadir dalam rangka pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam proses pengadaan barang/jasa serta untuk mewujudkan pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa yang efisien, efektif, adil dan transparan. Pada kenyataannya e-procurement masih memiliki beberapa hambatan serta permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan e-procurement pada tiap tahapannya serta bagaimana pengaruh penerapan e-procurement terhadap kinerja dan efisiensi pengadaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada instansi Pemerintah Kota Surabaya.
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IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018
Psychological Assessment, 2010
Journal of Cancer, 2015
Osteoporosis International, 2009
Innovation in Aging, 2020
World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2012
Transport and Communications Science Journal, 2020
Monografija - 25 godina Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Zenici, 2019