Combining first KamLAND results with solar neutrino data
M. Maltoni,1, ∗ T. Schwetz,2, † and J. W. F. Valle1, ‡
arXiv:hep-ph/0212129v2 7 Feb 2003
AHEP Group, Instituto de Fı́sica Corpuscular – C.S.I.C./Universitat de València
Edificio de Institutos de Paterna, Apartado 22085, E–46071 València, Spain
Theoretische Physik, Physik Department, Technische Universität
München, James–Franck–Strasse, D–85748 Garching, Germany
We consider the impact of the recent KamLAND data on neutrino oscillations, the first terrestrial
neutrino experiment that can probe the solar neutrino anomaly. By combining the first 145.1 days
of KamLAND data with the full sample of latest solar neutrino data we find an enhanced rejection
against non-LMA oscillations, allowed only at more than 4σ with respect to LMA. Furthermore, the
new data have a strong impact in narrowing down the allowed range of ∆m2 inside the LMA region.
In contrast, our global analysis indicates that the new data have little impact on the location of the
best fit point. In particular the solar neutrino mixing remains significantly non-maximal (3σ).
In a recent paper the first results of the KamLAND
collaboration became public [1]. These data contain precious information on the neutrino oscillation hypothesis which has been advocated to account for a number of neutrino experiments involving solar and atmospheric neutrinos and which indicate that neutrinos are massive and that neutrino flavor mixing occurs [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. The KamLAND experiment is a reactor neutrino experiment with
its detector located at the Kamiokande site. Most of
the ν̄e flux incident at KamLAND comes from plants
at distances of 80 − 350 km from the detector, making the average baseline of about 180 kilometers, long
enough to provide a sensitive probe of the LMA solution
of the solar neutrino problem [14, 15, 16]. The KamLAND collaboration has for the first time measured the
disappearance of neutrinos traveling to a detector from
a power reactor. They observe a strong evidence for the
disappearance of neutrinos during their flight over such
distances, giving the first terrestrial confirmation of the
solar neutrino anomaly and also establishing the oscillation hypothesis with man-produced neutrinos. Moreover the parameters that describe this disappearance in
terms of the oscillations of the electron neutrino type to
another, are consistent with latest pre-KamLAND determinations [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] of solar neutrino
In this note we analyze the implications of these fundamental results by combining the KamLAND data with
data from solar neutrino experiments. We will assume
CPT conservation and for simplicity we consider a twoflavor massive neutrino oscillation framework. In Sec. II
we analyze the impact of the KamLAND results by including the full information on the spectral distribution
of the observed events. Subsequently, in Sec. III we per-
∗ Electronic
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‡ Electronic address:
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† Electronic
form a global fit that combines the full KamLAND and
Chooz reactor data sample [24] with the full solar neutrino data as included in Ref. [17]. In Sec. IV we check
the stability of the results with respect to changes in the
statistical analysis, and we summarize in Sec. V.
In KamLAND the target for the ν̄e flux consists of a
spherical transparent balloon filled with 1000 tons of nondoped liquid scintillator. The anti-neutrinos are detected
via the inverse neutron β-decay
ν̄e + p → e+ + n .
In Fig. 5 of Ref. [1] the spectral data are given in 13
bins of prompt energy above 2.6 MeV. To simulate the
KamLAND data we calculate the expected number of
events in each bin for given oscillation parameters as
Ni (∆m , θ) = f dEν σ(Eν )×
φj (Eν )Pj (Eν , ∆m2 , θ) dEe R(Ee , Ee′ ) .
Here R(Ee , Ee′ ) is the energy resolution function and
Ee , Ee′ are the observed and the true positron energy, respectively,
and we use an energy resolution of
7.5%/ E(MeV) [1]. The neutrino energy is related to
the positron energy by Eν = Ee′ + ∆, where ∆ is the
neutron-proton mass difference. The integration interval
over Ee is determined by the prompt energy interval in
each bin. The neutrino spectrum φ(Eν ) from nuclear reactors is well known, we are using the phenomenological
parameterization given in Refs. [25, 26]. We adopt the
average fuel composition for the nuclear reactors given in
Ref. [1]. Note that possible effects due to time variations
in the fuel composition have been shown to be small [26].
The sum over j in Eq. (2) runs over 16 nuclear plants,
taking into account the different distances from the detector and the power output of each reactor (see Table 3
∆m [eV ]
∆m [eV ]
10 0
tan θ
sin 2θ
Figure 1: Allowed regions at 90%, 95%, 99% and 99.73%
C.L. (2 d.o.f.) and best fit point from KamLAND spectral
data. The colored regions and the star are obtained by using
the χ2 of Eq. (4) based on the Gaussian approximation, the
hollow regions and the dot correspond to the χ2 of Eq. (11)
implied by Poisson–distributed data.
Figure 2: Allowed regions at 90%, 95%, 99% and 99.73% C.L.
(2 d.o.f.) from the combined analysis of solar, Chooz and
KamLAND data. The hollow lines are the allowed regions
from solar and Chooz data alone. The star (dot) is the best
fit point from the combined (solar+Chooz only) analysis.
of Ref. [27]). The relevant detection cross section σ(Eν )
is given in Ref. [28]. In the 2-neutrino framework the
survival probability for the neutrinos coming from the
reactor j is given by
Pj (Eν , ∆m2 , θ) = 1 − sin2 2θ sin2
∆m2 Lj
The normalization factor f in Eq. (2) is determined in
such a way that for the case of no oscillations we obtain
a total number of events of 86.8, as expected from the
Monte-Carlo simulation used in Ref. [1].
For the statistical analysis we use the χ2 -function
(Nith − Niobs )Sij
(Njth − Njobs ) .
χ2 =
The observed number of events Njobs in each bin can be
read off from Fig. 5 of Ref. [1]. In the covariance matrix S we include the experimental error in each bin σi
(obtained from the same figure), which we assume to be
uncorrelated, and the systematic error σsyst = 0.0642 [1]
implied by the uncertainty on the total number of events
expected for no oscillations:
Sij = σi2 δij + σsyst
Nith Njth .
This χ2 definition assumes Gaussian distribution of the
data. For the discussion of an alternative analysis based
on poisson distributed data see Sec. IV.
Our results are summarized in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. In
Fig. 1 we show the allowed regions of the oscillation parameters obtained from our re-analysis of the KamLAND
data. It is in good agreement with the analysis performed
by the KamLAND group, shown in Fig. 6 of Ref. [1].
This gives us confidence on our simulation of the KamLAND data and therefore encourages us to use it in a
full analysis combining also with the solar data sample.
Figs. 2 and 3 show the corresponding results obtained in
a combined fit of the full KamLAND data sample with
the global sample of solar neutrino data, as well as the
Chooz result. The solar data we are using and the details
of our solar neutrino analysis are given in Ref. [17].
First of all, we have quantified the rejection of nonLMA solutions and found that it is now more robust. For
example, for the LOW solution we have ∆χ2LOW–LMA =
26.9, which for 2 d.o.f. (∆m2 and θ) corresponds to a
relative probability of 1.4 × 10−6 , assuming Gaussian errors. A similar result is also found for the VAC solution.
Apart from selecting out LMA as the unique solution of
the solar neutrino problem we find, however, that the
new reactor results have little impact on the location of
the best fit point:
tan2 θ = 0.46,
∆m2 = 6.9 × 10−5 eV2 .
In particular the solar neutrino mixing remains significantly non-maximal, a point which is rather important
for model-building. Indeed bi-maximal mixing models
99.73% C.L. (1 d.o.f.)
0 -6
∆m [eV ]
tan (θ)
Figure 3: ∆χ2 versus ∆m2 and tan2 θ. The red dashed line refers to KamLAND alone. The green dot-dashed line corresponds
to the full reactor data sample, including both KamLAND and Chooz. The blue solid line refers to the global analysis of the
complete solar and reactor data.
are disfavored [29] while models where the solar mixing
can be non-maximal [30] are preferred, as before. This is
not in contradiction with the fact that KamLAND data
alone prefer maximal mixing [1], since such preference
has no statistical significance. Indeed, one can see from
the right panel in Fig. 3 that ∆χ2 is rather flat with respect to the mixing angle for tan2 θ & 0.4. This explains
why the addition of the KamLAND data has no impact
whatsoever in the determination of the solar neutrino oscillation mixing. The allowed 3σ region we find for θ is:
0.29 ≤ tan2 θ ≤ 0.86,
practically identical to the pre-KamLAND range given
in Eq. (4) of Ref. [17].
On the other hand, the new data do have a strong impact in narrowing down the allowed range of ∆m2 . From
the left panel of Fig. 3 one can read off that KamLAND
data alone provides the bound ∆m2 > 8 × 10−6 eV2 ,
whereas the CHOOZ experiment gives ∆m2 < 10−3 eV2 ,
both at 3σ. Hence, global reactor neutrino data provide a robust allowed interval for ∆m2 , based only on
terrestrial experiments using artificial neutrino sources.
However, combining this information from reactors with
the solar neutrino data leads to a significant reduction of
the allowed range: As clearly visible in Fig. 2, the original LMA region is now split into two sub-regions. From
Fig. 3 we obtain at 3σ (1 d.o.f.)
5.1 × 10−5 eV2 ≤ ∆m2 ≤ 9.7 × 10−5 eV2 ,
1.2 × 10
eV ≤ ∆m ≤ 1.9 × 10
eV .
The local minimum in the region (9) occurs for
tan2 θ = 0.42,
∆m2 = 1.4 × 10−4 eV2
with a ∆χ2 = 4.5 with respect to the best fit point given
in Eq. (6). This ambiguity might be resolved when more
KamLAND data have been collected (see e.g. Refs. [26,
31, 32]).
The current KamLAND data sample consists of 54
anti-neutrino events, which are distributed over the 13
energy bins. This leads to rather small numbers of events
in each bin. The 5 bins with highest energies contain no
event at all. In such a case the use of a χ2 -function based
on Poisson statistics might be appropriate. In order to
check the stability of our results we have performed also
an analysis by using [33]
where the term containing the logarithm is absent in bins
with no events. We minimize with respect to α in order
to take into account the overall uncertainty of the theoretical predictions.
The analysis of KamLAND data using Eq. (11) is
shown in Fig. 1 as the hollow lines. We observe that
this analysis is somewhat less constraining compared to
the analysis based on the Gaussian χ2 of Eq. (4). One notices that smaller values of the mixing angle are allowed,
especially at high convidence level. Let us note, however,
that the allowed regions from the Gaussian analysis are
in better agreement with the analysis done by the Kamχ2 = 2
αNith − Niobs + Niobs ln
data taken alone, the differences are very small when
combined with solar data. This illustrates the robustness of our results against variations in the statistical
∆m [eV ]
tan θ
Figure 4: As Fig. 2, but using for the analysis of KamLAND
data the χ2 of Eq. (11) implied by Poisson distributed data
LAND group. This is the reason why we prefer to use
this method for analyzing KamLAND data. The better
agreement with the original KamLAND analysis might
be related to the fact that the inclusion of the information
on the experimental errors provided by the KamLAND
collaboration in Fig. 5 of Ref. [1] can only be included by
means of a Gaussian χ2 -function, as in Eq. (4). In this
way it is possible to take into account the asymmetric
errors and the error bars in bins where the number of
events is zero.
However, we note that the determination of ∆m2 is
rather stable, only the constraint on the mixing angle is
somehow affected. Since the bound on the mixing angle in the combined analysis is dominated by solar data,
we expect the difference between the two methods to be
small after combining KamLAND with solar data. The
results of this exercise are shown in Fig. 4. Comparing
this figure with Fig. 2 we find indeed, that the result
is very similar. The location of the best fit point and
the 90%, 95% and 99% C.L. regions around the best fit
point are nearly identical. However, the local minimum
does not appear at the 90% C.L., though its location is,
again, very stable. Some small differences are visible for
the 99.73% C.L. contour.
To summarize, although there are some notable differences between the allowed regions obtained by assuming Gaussian or Poisson χ2 -functions for the KamLAND
[1] K. Eguchi et al. [KamLAND Collaboration], Phys.
Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 021802 [arXiv:hep-ex/0212021].
We find that among all previous oscillation solutions
to the solar neutrino anomaly, the new reactor results
from the KamLAND experiment single out the LMA solution, rejecting all other oscillation solutions at a significant level. Furthermore, we find that already these first
145.1 days of KamLAND data lead to a significant improvement in narrowing down the allowed range of ∆m2
when combined with solar neutrino data. The original
LMA region now is split into two relatively narrow islands around the values of ∆m2 = 6.9 × 10−5 eV2 (best
fit point) and ∆m2 = 1.4 × 10−4 eV2 (local minimum).
However, our full analysis indicates that the new data
have little impact on the determination of the mixing
angle. In particular the solar neutrino mixing remains
significantly non-maximal (3σ).
Before closing, let us note that we have considered
here only the simplest case of two neutrinos. Analyzing in detail the impact of the KamLAND results on
three-neutrino oscillation scenarios [34] and the resulting
constraints is beyond the scope of this short note. The
improved determination of ∆m2 can also play an interesting role in probing fine details of solar physics [35], matter effects [36], probing electro-magnetic neutrino properties [37] (see also [38]) or testing CPT invariance in the
neutrino sector [39]. Similarly, the nailing down of LMA
as the solution has also implications for non-oscillation
solutions to the neutrino anomaly [40] in terms of spinflavor precession [41, 42], non-standard interactions [43]
or neutrino decay [44]. Clearly none can now be the
leading explanation to the solar neutrino anomaly [45],
although a detailed evaluation must be performed to decide, in each case, to what extent these solutions are now
This work was supported by Spanish grant BFM200200345, by the European Commission RTN grant HPRNCT-2000-00148, by the ESF Neutrino Astrophysics Network and by the Sonderforschungsbereich 375-95 für
Astro-Teilchenphysik der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (T.S.). M.M. is supported by the Marie Curie
contract HPMF-CT-2000-01008.
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