Multisystemic infection
with an Acanthamoeba sp in a dog
Marc Kent, DVM, DACVIM; Simon R. Platt, BVM&S, DACVIM; Raquel R. Rech, DVM, PhD, DACVP;
Joseph S. Eagleson, DVM; Elizabeth W. Howerth, DVM, PhD, DACVP; Megan Shoff, PhD; Paul A. Fuerst, PhD;
Greg Booton, PhD; Govinda S. Visvesvara, PhD; Scott J. Schatzberg, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Case Description—A 10-month-old Boxer was evaluated for fever and signs of cervical pain.
Clinical Findings—Physical examination revealed lethargy, fever, and mucopurulent ocular
and preputial discharge. On neurologic examination, the gait was characterized by a short
stride. The dog kept its head flexed and resisted movement of the neck, consistent with
cervical pain. Clinicopathologic findings included neutrophilic leukocytosis, a left shift, and
monocytosis. Cervical radiographs were unremarkable. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed
neutrophilic pleocytosis and high total protein content. On the basis of signalment, history,
and clinicopathologic data, a diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis was made.
Treatment and Outcome—The dog was treated with prednisone (3.2 mg/kg [1.45 mg/lb], PO,
q 24 h), for 3 weeks with limited response. Consequently, azathioprine (2 mg/kg [0.9 mg/lb], PO,
q 24 h) was administered. Three weeks later, the dog was evaluated for tachypnea and lethargy.
Complete blood count revealed leukopenia, neutropenia, and a left shift. Thoracic radiography
revealed a diffuse bronchointerstitial pattern. The dog subsequently went into respiratory arrest
and died. On histologic evaluation, amoebic organisms were observed in the lungs, kidneys,
and meninges of the brain and spinal cord. A unique Acanthamoeba sp was identified by use
of PCR assay.
Clinical Relevance—This dog developed systemic amoebic infection presumed to be secondary to immunosuppression. The development of secondary infection should be considered in animals undergoing immunosuppression for immune-mediated disease that develop
clinical signs unrelated to the primary disease. Although uncommon, amoebic infection may
develop in immunosuppressed animals. Use of a PCR assay for identification of Acanthamoeba spp may provide an antemortem diagnosis. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011;238:1476–1481)
10-month-old castrated male Boxer (26 kg [57.2
lb]) was evaluated at the University of Georgia
Veterinary Teaching Hospital for signs of cervical pain
and fever. The dog had been evaluated 2 days previously by the referring veterinarian for an acute onset
of lethargy, difficulty rising from a lying position, and
a stiff gait in all 4 limbs. On physical examination
performed by the referring veterinarian, the dog was
clinically normal except for fever (39.3°C [102.74°F])
and signs of cervical pain. Complete blood count revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis (WBC count, 25.08
X 103 cells/µL [reference range, 5.50 X 103 cells/µL to
16.90 X 103 cells/µL]; neutrophil count, 19.92 X 103
cells/µL [reference range, 2.0 X 103 cells/µL to 12.0
X 103 cells/µL]) and monocytosis (2.68 X 103 cells/
µL; reference range, 0.30 X 103 cells/µL to 2.00 X 103
From the Departments of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery (Kent,
Platt, Eagleson, Schatzberg) and Pathology (Rech, Howerth), College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
30602; the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Office of
Science and Engineering Laboratories, Division of Biology, FDA,
10903 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20993 (Shoff);
the Departments of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
(Fuerst) and Molecular Genetics (Booton), College of Biological
Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210; and the
Division of Parasitic Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, VectorBorne and Enteric Diseases, CDC, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA
30333 (Visvesvara).
Address correspondence to Dr. Kent (
[email protected]).
Scientific Reports
Steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis
Small subunit
cells/µL). Results of serum biochemical analysis were
within reference ranges. No remarkable abnormalities
were detected on urinalysis except for isosthenuria
(urine specific gravity, 1.010). The dog was treated
with ampicillin (9.6 mg/kg [4.36 mg/lb], PO, q 12 h),
doxycycline (7.7 mg/kg [3.5 mg/lb], PO, q 12 h), and
meloxicam (1.8 mg/kg [0.82 mg/lb], PO, q 24 h). The
following day, the dog remained febrile. Signs of cervical pain seemed to worsen, and the dog continued to
walk with a stiff gait. On the basis of the progression
of clinical signs, the dog was referred to the University
of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
On admission to the veterinary teaching hospital,
the dog was lethargic and febrile (40.3°C [104.54°F])
and had mild mucopurulent ocular and preputial discharge. The remainder of the physical examination
findings were unremarkable. Findings on neurologic
examination were also normal except for the dog’s gait
and signs of cervical pain. The dog was ambulatory but
had a stiff gait characterized by a short stride in all 4
limbs. On the basis of neuroanatomic localization, the
cause was thought to be a diffuse or multifocal disorder
affecting the CNS or peripheral nervous system. DifJAVMA, Vol 238, No. 11, June 1, 2011
JAVMA, Vol 238, No. 11, June 1, 2011
tal for recurrence of lethargy, fever (39.8°C [103.64°F]),
and signs of cervical pain. Results of aerobic bacterial
culture of the CSF sample obtained during the previous hospitalization were negative. Cerebrospinal fluid
IgA concentration for this sample was low (< 33 mg/
dL; reference range, 35 to 270 mg/dL). Despite the CSF
IgA concentration, the dog was treated with prednisone
(3.2 mg/kg, PO, q 24 h) for suspected SRMA, was continued on the previously administered antimicrobials
(cefazolin sodium, enrofloxacin, and metronidazole) at
the same dosages, and was discharged. On reevaluation
9 days later, the dog was clinically normal except for
mild signs of cervical pain. On the basis of the presence
of signs of residual cervical pain, azathioprine (2 mg/
kg, [0.91 mg/lb], PO, q 24 h) was added to the dog’s
treatment regimen.
Two weeks later, the dog was reevaluated at the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital. No abnormalities were observed on physical and neurologic examination. Complete blood count revealed a neutrophilic
leukocytosis (WBC count, 15.1 X 103 cells/µL; neutrophil
count, 12.986 X 103 cells/µL). Serum biochemical analysis
revealed high alkaline phosphatase (292 U/L) and alanine
aminotransferase (202 U/L; reference range, 12 to 108
U/L) activities. On the basis of the results of the dog’s examination, the azathioprine dosage was decreased (2 mg/
kg, PO, q 48 h) and prednisone treatment was continued
at the same dosage for 2 more weeks, after which the dosage was tapered (1.6 mg/kg [0.73 mg/lb], PO, q 24 h).
After 3 weeks of immunosuppressive treatment,
the dog was evaluated at the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital for an acute onset of tachypnea and lethargy. On admission, the dog was febrile
(39.6°C [103.28°F]). Respiratory rate was 72 breaths/
min, and heart rate was within reference limits. Thoracic auscultation revealed harsh lung sounds bilaterally. Complete blood count revealed leukopenia (4.0
X 103 cells/µL; reference range, 5.50 X 103 cells/µL to
16.90 X 103 cells/µL), neutropenia (1.960 X 103 cells/
µL), and a left shift (1.080 X 103 band neutrophils/
µL). Serum biochemical analysis revealed high serum
alkaline phosphatase (317 U/L) and alanine aminotransferase (110 U/L) activities. No abnormalities
were detected on analysis of a urine sample obtained
via cystocentesis except for the presence of bacterial
rods without the presence of WBCs on examination
of the urine sediment. Thoracic radiography revealed
a diffuse bronchial and interstitial pattern (Figure 1).
Tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy was not identified. Over the subsequent several hours, the dog’s respiratory rate increased and the dog became dyspneic.
Venous blood gas analysis performed to assess ventilation revealed respiratory acidosis with some metabolic compensation (pH, 7.023 [reference range, 7.32
to 7.43]; PaCO2, 103 mm Hg [reference range, 29 to 42
mm Hg]; HCO3 concentration, 27 mEq/L [reference
range, 17 to 24 mEq/L]). The dog was placed in an
oxygen cage to provide supplemental oxygenation.
With the dog in the oxygen cage, hemoglobin oxygen
saturation was 100%, as assessed with pulse oximetry.
Despite treatment with oxygen and supportive care,
the patient’s condition continued to decline until ultimately it went into respiratory arrest and died.
Scientific Reports
ferential diagnoses included meningitis (infectious or
SRMA), meningomyelitis (infectious or granulomatous
meningoencephalomyelitis), diskospondylitis, osteomyelitis, polymyositis, polyneuritis, and, less likely,
Complete blood count revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis (WBC count, 28.5 X 103 cells/µL [reference
range, 5.5 X 103 cells/µL to 13.9 X 103 cells/µL]; neutrophil count, 22.8 X 103 cells/µL [reference range, 2.9
X 103 cells/µL to 12.0 X 103 cells/µL]) with a left shift
(0.855 X 103 band neutrophils/µL; reference range, 0.0
X 103 band neutrophils/µL to 0.45 X 103 band neutrophils/µL), monocytosis (2.850 X 103 cells/µL; reference range, 0.1 X 103 cells/µL to 1.4 X 103 cells/µL),
and thrombocytopenia (117 X 103 platelets/µL; reference range, 235 X 103 platelets/µL to 694 X 103 platelets/µL). Serum biochemical analysis revealed high alkaline phosphatase activity (263 U/L; reference range,
13 to 122 U/L). Urinalysis revealed isosthenuria (urine
specific gravity, 1.008), and sediment examination revealed no abnormalities. There were no abnormalities
on lateral radiographs of the cervical vertebral column.
Initial empirical treatment for possible systemic
infection consisted of administration of cefazolin sodium (22 mg/kg [10 mg/lb], IV, q 8 h), enrofloxacin (10
mg/kg [4.5 mg/lb], IV, q 24 h), and metronidazole (10
mg/kg, IV, q 12 h). Hydromorphone was administered
(0.05 mg/kg [0.023 mg/lb], IV, q 4 h) for analgesia. The
dog also received prednisolone sodium succinate (0.5
mg/kg [0.23 mg/lb], IV, once). Fluids (isotonic electrolyte replacement solutiona supplemented with 16 mEq
of KCl/L) were administered (5 mL/kg/h [2.3 mL/lb/h],
IV). Approximately 4 hours after the dog received medications and IV fluids, the fever resolved. The following day, the dog was clinically normal. For collection
of CSF, the dog was administered butorphanol tartrate
(0.15 mg/kg [0.068 mg/lb], IV) and midazolam sodium
(0.15 mg/kg, IV) for preanesthetic sedation. General
anesthesia was induced with propofol (4 mg/kg [1.8
mg/lb], IV to effect) and was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen after endotracheal intubation. Cerebrospinal fluid was collected from the cerebellomedullary
cistern; analysis revealed neutrophilic pleocytosis and a
high total protein concentration (nucleated cell count,
4,956 cells/µL [reference range, 0 to 5 cells/µL]; total
protein concentration, 259 mg/dL [reference range, <
24 mg/dL]; RBC count, 0 cells/µL). Cytologically, the
CSF was composed of 85% nondegenerate neutrophils,
12% macrophages, and 3% lymphocytes. Microbial organisms were not observed. Cerebrospinal fluid was
submitted for aerobic bacterial culture and measurement of IgA concentration.
Pending results of aerobic bacterial culture of CSF
and measurement of the CSF IgA concentration, the dog
was continued on empirical IV antimicrobial treatment
(cefazolin, enrofloxacin, and metronidazole) and received
a second dose of glucocorticoids (prednisone, 0.76 mg/
kg [0.345 mg/lb], PO, once). Four days after admission,
the dog was discharged and the owner was instructed to
continue administration of the antimicrobials by mouth
for 4 weeks.
One week after discharge, the dog was reevaluated
at the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospi-
At necropsy, the lungs were mottled and contained
multiple firm, white-gray, slightly raised foci ranging from
0.5 to 1.2 cm in diameter (Figure 2). Similar foci were distributed randomly throughout the kidneys, liver, and heart.
The cut surface of both kidneys contained multiple yellow
wedge-shaped acute infarcts, extending from the medulla
into the cortex. A few areas of the brain leptomeninges were
opaque, especially in the sulci of the cerebral cortex. Histo-
Figure 1—Right lateral thoracic radiographic view of a 10-month-old
castrated male Boxer with a subsequent diagnosis of a multisystemic
infection with a unique Acanthamoeba sp. A severe peribronchial and
interstitial pattern is evident diffusely throughout the lungs.
Figure 2—A postmortem specimen of lung from the dog in Figure 1. The cut surface reveals multiple, white-gray, slightly raised
foci ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 cm in diameter throughout the parenchyma. The remaining areas are severely congested.
pathologic lesions consisted of necrotizing and pyogranulomatous pneumonia, nephritis, and myocarditis. Multiple
pyogranulomas contained a central area of necrosis and
hemorrhage surrounded by degenerate neutrophils, epithelioid macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Admixed with these inflammatory
cells and within the epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells were moderate numbers of intracellular amoebic organisms in 2 different stages: trophozoites
and cysts (Figure 3). Trophozoites were spherical and 15
to 30 µm in diameter, with a slightly basophilic granular
cytoplasm and round nucleus. Cysts were 15 to 20 µm in
diameter and surrounded by an outer thin wall. The nuclei
were centrally located with 1 prominent targetoid eosinophilic karyosome. Periodic acid–Schiff and Gomori methenamine silver methods stained only the cyst walls. Histologic examination of the brain revealed scattered clusters
of epithelioid macrophages throughout the leptomeninges.
Surrounding multiple areas of the dura mater of the spinal
cord, especially the cauda equina, and extending into the
adjacent adipose tissue were foci of necrosis and granulomatous infiltrate admixed with amoebic organisms. In
these areas, medium-sized vessels had fibrinoid change in
the wall. Gross and histologic findings were consistent with
systemic amoebic infection.
Because an amoebic organism was identified on
the necropsy examination, several further means were
used to further characterize the infection, including
PCR assay and culture. For PCR assay, DNA was extracted from CSF and paraffin-embedded spinal cord,
brain, and lung samples as described previously.1 A second CSF sample had been obtained immediately after
death, so that 2 CSF samples were tested (including the
sample obtained from the patient during the initial hospitalization). A 238–base pair fragment of the canine
GAPDH gene was amplified from all CSF and paraffinembedded tissue specimens to assess the integrity of the
nucleic acid in all samples.2 Previously described PCR
primers (AcantF900 and AcantR1100; primers that target portions of the nuclear SSU rRNA gene [rDNA])
were used for amplification of Acanthamoeba spp.3 The
180-bp Acanthamoeba PCR assay product was amplified
successfully from lung tissue but not from the spinal
cord, CSF, or negative controls.
Figure 3—Photomicrographs of sections of the lung from the dog in Figure 1. A—An Acanthamoeba trophozoite (arrow) is observed in
the lung, which contains pyogranulomatous inflammation. H&E stain; bar = 20 µm. B—The cyst form of the Acanthamoeba organism
has a characteristic targetoid karyosome (arrow). Notice the thin cyst wall (arrowheads). H&E stain; bar = 20 µm. Inset—Notice the thin
cyst wall. Gomori methenamine silver stain; bar = 10 µm.
Scientific Reports
JAVMA, Vol 238, No. 11, June 1, 2011
The dog in the present report developed systemic
infection with a unique Acanthamoeba sp. Whether the
JAVMA, Vol 238, No. 11, June 1, 2011
initial clinical signs were attributable to infection with
Acanthamoeba or the infection developed secondary to
chronic immunosuppression as a result of treatment
of SRMA remains undetermined. Steroid-responsive
meningitis-arteritis predominantly affects young largebreed dogs.10–13 There appears to be a breed predilection
for Beagles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Boxers, and Nova
Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.11,14–17 Clinically, SRMA is
typically characterized by acute onset of signs of cervical
pain, stiff gait, and pyrexia.10,11,13 The diagnosis of SRMA
is made through a combination of clinical examination
findings and clinicopathologic data. Complete blood
count often reveals neutrophilic leukocytosis, occasionally with a left shift, and CSF analysis reveals high protein concentration and nondegenerate neutrophilic pleocytosis.11,18 Serum or CSF IgA concentrations often are
high.18 Treatment of SRMA typically requires long-term
immunosuppression with glucocorticoids.10,11,13,14,18
One consequence of long-term immunosuppression
is an increased risk of infection. Long-term glucocorticoid treatment has been associated with an increased risk
of urinary tract infections.19,20 Localized brain abscessation has been observed in a dog treated with cyclosporin
for perianal fistulas.21 Development of infection represents the second most common cause of death after immunosuppression in cats undergoing renal transplantation.22 Although uncommon, systemic amoebic infection
has been observed in a dog that had been treated with
There are several species of free-living amoebae belonging to 4 genera that cause disease in animals and
humans.4,25 The 4 genera of amoebae responsible for
CNS disease in animals are Acanthamoeba (several species), Naegleria fowleri, Balamuthia mandrillaris, and the
recently described Sappinia diploidea.5 Referred to as amphizoic, these organisms exist as free-living amoebae but
also can occasionally invade and parasitize host tissue.26
In humans, amoebic infections may be localized
to a single organ system (eg, ocular keratitis) or may
be disseminated and cause systemic disease.26,27 Often
involving the brain in humans, CNS infections with
Acanthamoeba spp and B mandrillaris typically affect
immunocompromised or debilitated individuals resulting in granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.25 Naegleria
spp can infect immunocompetent individuals, resulting in rapidly fatal, necrotizing, and hemorrhagic primary amoebic meningoencephalitis.28 Reported cases
of amoebic infections in dogs, resulting in systemic
infections and encephalomyelitis, have been attributed
to Acanthamoeba spp29,30 and B mandrillaris.23,24 Conversely, documented infections in cattle31 and a tapir32
have been localized to the brain with pathologic findings similar to those observed in humans with primary
amoebic meningoencephalitis. In the dog in the present
report, systemic infection with minimal involvement
of the leptomeninges was attributed to infection by an
Acanthamoeba sp.
Acanthamoeba spp have a global, ubiquitous distribution and are found in a wide range of environments,
such as in dust particles in the air, soil, chlorinated
pools, sewage, and bottled water, freshwater, and saltwater.25,26,33 The life cycle of Acanthamoeba organisms
alternates between a cyst and trophozoite stage. Under
Scientific Reports
Kidney and liver tissues were broken up into small
pieces and minced; minced tissues were inoculated separately into individual nonnutritive agar plates coated
with a layer of Escherichia coli, as described previously.4
Amoebae that grew on the agar plates when examined
microscopically had thornlike processes, referred to
as pseudopodia, from the surface of the trophozoites,
a feature that is characteristic of Acanthamoeba organisms.5 Further, the amoebae differentiated into cysts
after 2 weeks of growth, and the cysts had an outer
wrinkled ectocyst and a polygonal or star-shaped endocyst. On the basis of these features, the amoebae were
identified as Acanthamoeba spp group II and designated
as CDC:V600.
Samples of kidney and liver tissue were vortexed,
placed in medium (amoeba saline solution, peptone,
yeast extract, and glucose) in tissue culture flasks, and
plated on nonnutritive amoeba saline agar plates seeded
with Enterobacter aerogenes (CDC strain No. 1998-68) as
food. Blocks of agar from plates that yielded growth of
Acanthamoeba organisms were transferred to liquid culture via media or amoeba saline solution.6,7 The DNA
was extracted from cultures containing Acanthamoeba
organisms.b Following DNA extraction, a PCR assay was used to amplify a portion of the nuclear SSU
rDNA gene fragment by use of a previously designed
Acanthamoeba-specific primer set.8 Sequencing of the
portion of the SSU rDNA gene fragment was completed
by use of an automated fluorescent sequencing systemc
and a set of conserved primers and methods that has
been used previously.8
The partial SSU rDNA gene sequences that were
obtained from the kidney and liver samples from the
dog in the present report were aligned with a set of
> 130 complete sequences (> 2,000 nucleotides in
length) of the Acanthamoeba nuclear SSU rDNA gene
available from GenBank (National Institutes of Health
genetic sequence database) with a sequence alignment
application.9,d This alignment allowed the identification
of those complete Acanthamoeba spp sequences that
most closely matched the sequences obtained from the
kidney and liver samples from the patient in this report.
Sequences obtained from both tissue sources were identical to each other and were identified on the basis of
similarity to other sequences as genotype T1, an as yet
unnamed species of the Acanthamoeba organism. This
is a rare genotype and has thus far only been found in
samples derived from animal infections and from humans with predominantly fatal granulomatous amoebic
encephalitis. In addition, the T1 sequence in the dog in
the present report was rare because it contained some
sequence variability in the nuclear SSU rDNA gene
fragment, compared with other genotype T1 sequences. These partial nuclear SSU rDNA sequences from the
Acanthamoeba isolate derived from the tissues of the
dog in this report have been deposited in GenBank under the following accession numbers: GQ924681 and
harsh environmental conditions in which there is a lack
of nutrients, high temperatures, or lack of water, Acanthamoeba spp exist in a resistant cystic form.25,26,33 Acanthamoeba cysts transform into an infective trophozoite
under more favorable conditions.25,26,33
In previously published reports23,24,34 of amoebiasis in
dogs, the immune system of the affected dogs has not been
evaluated. However, in 1 dog infected with Acanthamoeba
castellanii, T-cell function was determined to be abnormal
on the basis of lymphocyte blastogenesis in response to
various mitogens, suggesting either immunosuppression
or T-cell–mediated immunodeficiency.34 Although immunocompetence was not typically evaluated in previous
reports, some infected dogs had received immunosuppressive treatment prior to the eventual diagnosis of amoebic
infection.23,24 In 1 dog, immunosuppressive treatment
with prednisone was used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease for 6 months prior to development of
disseminated amoebic infection.24 In another dog, prednisone and lomustine were administered for suspected CNS
lymphoma.23 Whereas the authors of that report23 later
questioned the initial clinical diagnosis of lymphoma, infection was ultimately considered secondary to immunosuppression.
Although speculative, several findings suggest that
amoebic infection in the dog in the present report was
acquired secondary to immunosuppression. Despite a
low CSF IgA concentration, the history, signalment,
initial examination findings, and clinicopathologic data
were supportive of a diagnosis of SRMA rather than a
misdiagnosis of amoebic CNS infection. Although the
type of inflammatory cell infiltrate will vary depending
on factors related to the host and infecting organism,
CSF analysis reported in dogs with confirmed amoebic
meningoencephalitis has primarily revealed mononuclear pleocytosis composed of a lymphocytic or a mixed
cell population consisting of large mononuclear cells,
lymphocytes, and neutrophils.23,29 Similarly, in humans
with Acanthamoeba infection, results of CSF analysis are
characterized by lymphocytic pleocytosis. In the dog in
this report, CSF analysis primarily revealed neutrophilic pleocytosis in which 85% of the inflammatory cells
were neutrophils. Moreover, the lack of clinical signs
and biochemical abnormalities referable to the lungs or
kidneys at the onset of disease makes it unlikely that
infection was present initially. Furthermore, the dog experienced a remission of clinical signs for 5 weeks after
institution of immunosuppressive treatment. Although
transient improvement may have occurred with glucocorticoid treatment, it seems likely that the dog would
have deteriorated more quickly following immunosuppression had infection been present at the onset of disease. Finally, the initial clinical signs implicated CNS
disease, yet microscopically, there was a paucity of CNS
involvement, which tends to counter the possibility of
infection at the onset of disease. Consequently, on the
basis of CSF analysis, clinical course, and the finding of
small numbers of organism within the CNS, amoebic
infection in the dog in the present report was likely secondary to immunosuppression.
In humans, infection with Acanthamoeba organisms usually results in encephalitis without meningeal
involvement, and organisms are rarely identified in
Scientific Reports
CSF.5 This may explain our inability to identify infection by use of PCR assay of CSF samples in the dog
in this report. Only a small number of organisms were
identified in the leptomeninges and organisms were not
observed in the brain or spinal cord in the present patient. Results of PCR analysis in our patient confirmed
the utility of the Acanthamoeba PCR assay for lung, kidney, and liver tissue but demonstrated that the organism was not present in the CSF or spinal cord tissues
at detectable levels. Therefore, even if there had been
a strong index of suspicion for Acanthamoeba infection
on initial evaluation of this dog, such a diagnosis would
not have been made by evaluating CSF via PCR assay.
The amoebic infection in the dog in the present report was concentrated in the lungs and kidneys with
only a few organisms observed in the leptomeninges of
the spinal cord at necropsy. In humans, the portal of
entry is thought to be via inhalation or directly through
skin wounds with subsequent hematogenous spread.5,26
Experimentally, nasal inoculation in mice results in severe pulmonary disease followed by brain infection.35
In humans, once Acanthamoeba organisms gain entrance into the lungs or through skin lesions, the infection subsequently disseminates hematogenously to
the CNS.33 Given the distribution of the organism in the
organs in the dog in the present report, inhalation followed by respiratory infection with subsequent hematogenous spread of the organism seems the most likely
route of infection. The infection was probably acquired
through environmental exposure, given the ubiquitous
presence of Acanthamoeba spp in soil and water worldwide.26 Moreover, Acanthamoeba spp have been recovered in home environments from sinks, aquaria, and the
soil of houseplants.5
The prognosis for dogs with systemic or CNS
amoebiasis is grave, and to our knowledge, there are no
reports of successful treatment. This prognosis may reflect the difficulty in diagnosis given the lack of specific
clinicopathologic abnormalities associated with infection coupled with low index of suspicion because of
the rarity of infection. In humans, systemic infections
and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis also are associated with grave prognoses. However, treatment success in people has been reported for systemic and CNS
amoebiasis following combination antimicrobial treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, rifampin,
and ketoconazole.36
At present, antemortem diagnosis of amoebiasis
requires identification of organisms in tissue, typically
by use of indirect immunofluorescence staining with
rabbit anti-amoeba sera or identification via PCR assay.37 In humans, a conventional PCR assay is used in
the diagnosis of amoebic infections.38,39 However, because amoebae often are encysted or found as trophozoites within tissues, PCR assay may lack sensitivity
when applied to biological samples such as CSF. The
present report highlights this limitation, as results of
PCR assay performed retrospectively on nucleic acids
extracted from both CSF samples obtained from this
patient were negative. However, results of PCR assay
performed on minced kidney were positive for Acanthamoeba spp. Moreover, compared with previous
genotypes, the isolate in the present patient showed a
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Scientific Reports
rare sequence variation in the fragment of the nuclear
SSU rDNA gene that is used in genotype identification.
Interestingly, Acanthamoeba organisms have been found
in the urine of critically ill patients in Brazil.40 More
recently, real-time PCR assay, in which pathogen load
may be quantifiable, has provided for a more rapid diagnosis.3,41 In the future, such PCR assay techniques
may prove to be complementary in the antemortem
diagnosis of amoebic infections in animals. Given the
pathogenesis of amoebic infections, biological samples
such as respiratory secretions and urine specimens may
provide a more successful avenue for PCR assay testing.
Ultimately, reliable and rapid methods of antemortem
diagnosis may enable earlier therapeutic interventions
and lead to successful outcomes in affected animals.