Fertility and Marriage in the Middle East:
Paradoxical Trends
> 6 JUNE 2017
The demographic transition in most Arab countries seemed
irreversible. The levels of childbearing were steadily declining. And yet
suddenly they have begun to rise, a rare occurrence in any society. The
reasons are many, complex and overturn common beliefs.
Arab demography has given rise to many prejudiced fantasies. In the mid1980s, the decline of
fertility in nearly all the countries of the region took observers by surprise. Improvements in the
education of men and women since the 1960s, the gradual disappearance of early marriage and the
spread of modern methods of contraception all went to explain this trend, even though the rates and
forms of change differed from one country to another. Today, however, the dynamics seem reversed.
While the rapid decline of Arab fertility seemed an established fact was even worked into
international demographic forecasting (1), there is disagreement among specialists as to whether or
not this is actually a new development: since the mid2000s, several countries have seen their
fertility rate stabilised (Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, while in others it actually increased (Egypt
and Algeria). Only Palestine, Lebanon, and the Gulf States remain unaffected by this reversal of
demographic curves. In 2016 Saudi Arabia, for example, had a total fertility rate (TFR) (2) of 2.4
babies per Saudi woman, well below the 3.5 babies per woman to be observed today in Egypt or
A reversal of fertility trends such as this is historically rare. In the Arab countries, the reasons for this
change have been identified: a return, more or less pronounced, to the practice of early marriage and
a stabilisation of the levels of contraception during the first decade of the new century. What are the
characteristics and particular traits of these new dynamics and what structural explanation can be
offered? We will concentrate on Egypt and Jordan, two countries studied by the Demographic and
Health Surveys of the USAID which has provided the data used here.
Egypt is the demographic giant of the Arab world, with a population of 93 million as of May 2017.
Each year 2,700,000 babies are born.(fig. 1). And yet as early as 1937, a first fatwa in favour of birth
control was issued by the Grand Mufti of AlAzhar and in 1961 the birth rate was explicitly declared a
hindrance to achieving a better living standard. Thus birth control was granted an official status in
Egypt. In 1980, 28% of married Egyptian women were using contraception. The figure rose to 56%
by 2000 and the total fertility rate fell from 5.3 children per woman in 1980 to 3 in 2008.
However, the fertility trend in Egypt has been quite irregular: under the presidency of Gamal Abdel
Nasser, it declined, probably because of increased school attendance, but the birth rate rose again
under Anouar AlSadate. The opening up of the national economy and the new rentiertype profits
(not generated by productive activities) such as US development aid or the resumption of income
from the Suez Canal provided the State with greater resources. Redistributed to the population in the
form of subsidies, these partly made up for the “costs of procreation” borne by families. At the same
time, massive emigration of Egyptian workers to the Gulf countries following the 1970s oil shock
increased the earnings of expatriate households.
This period of economic improvement probably explains the rise in a birthrate which was to decline
again in the 1980s (fig. 1) under Hosni Mubarak’s government, when oil prices began to fall and the
Gulf states had less need for Egyptian labour. Fertility continued to decline throughout the 1990s, as a
result of the neoliberal policies of structural adjustment which involved the shrinkage of both the civil
service employment sector and the subsidies for education, health and basic necessities.
Figures 1 and 2. Quantitative trends in births, marriages and total fertility rates (TFR) in Egypt and
The very high rates of fertility observed in Jordan until the beginning of the 1980s (fig. 2 : an average
of 7.6 children per woman in 1979) seems equally paradoxical considering that ever since the sixties
steady progress had been made in providing for the education of women. However, as in Egypt, this
high fertility rate can be explained by the overall rise in family incomes, due to nationals emigrating
to oilproducing countries and by the “rentier” nature of the country’s economy, fuelled by various
standing contributions and other forms of aid from the Gulf countries. This revenue was
redistributed to the people in the form of subsidies and social investments: education and health care
were practically free. Moreover, one result of this prosperity was that it was no longer deemed
necessary for women to work (by the 1970s, only 7% of Jordanian women worked outside the home),
which hindered efforts to diminish the frequency of early marriage. Thus these revenues put a stop to
the process generally observed elsewhere by which education causes a decline in fertility. (3) And then
too, Jordan had opened its gates to Asian domestics. By relieving the parents of domestic tasks and
child care, this further encouraged the proliferation of offspring.
Over the next two decades, however, fertility declined rapidly, from more than 7 births per woman in
1979 to 3.7 by the end of the ’90s. This was due to the gradual economic recession which followed that
of the Gulf countries, then the process of structural adjustment begun in 1988. The civil service was
no longer hiring and it became difficult to find work, especially for women with degrees. At the same
time, the Gulf markets were closed to Jordanians after the first Gulf War of 19901991 (4), which in
turn caused Arab aid to shrink along with the funds sent home by expatriates. Thus it appears certain
that the decline of fertility in Jordan was also brought about by diminishing household incomes.
How then to explain the rise in the Egyptian fertility rate, now an established fact, and the
stabilisation of Jordanian fertility for more than a decade? High fertility rates are generally associated
with low incomes and poor education, and when they climb again it is assumed that access to
contraception has broken down. However, developments in Egypt and Jordan belie these scenarios:
indeed, the increase in fertility is observed mostly among the better educated classes. In Egypt, from
around 2010, women with secondary school and university degrees gave birth to 3.5 children each, as
against fewer than 3 prior to that. In Jordan, at the turn of the century, women with a secondary
school diploma displayed a higher fertility (4 children per woman) than less educated women (3.6
children per woman).
These figures differ sharply from those of the previous periods (1980s and 1990s), when fertility
curves evolved in an inverse relationship to education levels. Similarly, while the fertility rate of the
poorest classes has diminished (Jordan) or remained unchanged (Egypt), that of more affluent
women rose over both periods, especially in the “intermediate” and “high” income quintiles (20%
segments). Better educated and with more means at their disposal, these women theoretically have
better control over their fertility. And indeed, the use of contraceptives remains unchanged in both
countries, where 6 women in 10 have continued to practise contraception. But above all, it is the
desired fertility rate that has gone up between the last two periods. (5) In Jordan, the best educated
women wanted on the average to have one child more (2.9 children) than uneducated women (1.9). It
would seem then that this fertility rise is to a large extent the consequence of individual choices.
Chart 1. Some characteristics and determinants of Egyptian and Jordanian fertility rates from
DHS surveys for the years considered
Sources : AbdeIAziz Sayed, Hussein et al. Egypt Demographic and
Health Survey 1988, Cairo : Egypt National Population Council /
Columbia : Institute for Resource Development and Macro
Systems, October 1989 ; ElZanaty, Fatma H. and Anne Way. Egypt
Demographic and Health Survey 2005, Cairo : Ministry of Health
and Population, National Population Council, ElZanaty and
Associates ; Calverton : ORC Macro, February 2006 ; Ministry of
Health and Population/Egypt, ElZanaty and Associates/Egypt, and
ICF International. Egypt Demographic and Health Survey 2014,
Cairo, Egypt : Ministry of Health and Population and ICF
International, 2015. ; Zou’bi, Abdel Aziz, Abdallah, Sri Poedjastoeti,
and Mohamed Ayad. Jordan Population and Family Health Survey
1990, Columbia, Maryland, USA : Department of Statistics/Jordan,
Ministry of Health/Jordan, and IRD/Macro International, 1992 ;
Department of Statistics/Jordan and ORC Macro. Jordan Population
and Family Health Survey 2002, Calverton, Maryland, USA :
Department of Statistics/Jordan and ORC Macro, 2003 ;
Department of Statistics of Jordan and ICF Macro. Jordan
Population and Family Health Survey 2009, Calverton, Maryland,
USA : Department of Statistics and ICF Macro, 2010 ; Department
of Statistics [Jordan] and ICF International. Jordan Population and
Family Health Survey 2012, Calverton, Maryland, USA :
Department of Statistics and ICF International, 2013.
Considering the high levels of education of young women in both countries (according to UNESCO,
11 and 13% of Egyptian and Jordanian women aged 25 and over had university degrees by the end of
the 2000s and half the working women of Jordan had at least a bachelor degree in 2012), it is
surprising that statistics indicate a (slight) increase in the number of early marriages during the
decade: in 20122014, 15% of Egyptian women under 20 were married, divorced or widowed, as
against 12.5 % ten years earlier.
Contraception is seldom used before the birth of a first child in either of the two countries under
study. Thus, those early marriages have increased the fertility rates for those very young age groups.
In Egypt, fertility rose from 47 to 56% between 2003 and 20122014). And there again, these early
marriages do not take place in the poorest classes: the rise in early fecundity concerns the third
(“medium”) and fourth income quintiles, but not the first two. What with the rising numbers of early
marriages and the higher fertility rates among educated and affluent young women, is procreation
becoming a privilege of the wealthy? How can we explain these surprising dynamics?
We have seen that over the previous decades fertility trends have followed the fluctuations of rentier
revenues (State subsidies for social infrastructure, migrant workers’ remittances). Indeed, the 2000s
saw a resumption of massive emigration to the Gulf countries. The rise of oil prices after 2003
created new requirements for skilled and unskilled workers. By 2015, an estimated 700,000
Jordanians and 2.4 million Egyptians were residents of the Gulf region, mostly in Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirates.
As a consequence the remittances of Egyptian expatriates soared from 2.8 billion dollars in 2000 to
nearly 20 billion in 2014, according to the estimations of the World Bank. Less spectacularly,
Jordanian expatriate remittances merely doubled, from 1.8 to 3.6 billion dollars between those two
dates, representing 12% of the country’s GNP in 2014. This influx of private capital, mostly into
Egypt, may have provided economic impetus for a rate of fertility which, as we have seen, had
previously been desired but thwarted by economic constraints. Jordanian workers in the Gulf were,
moreover, skilled or highly skilled, as were many of the Egyptians, which begins to explain why the
fertility upturn was largely a middleclass phenomenon. Moreover, emigration generates remittances
which are not only monetary but also socialcultural. Emigrants to the Gulf region may well have
brought back to their country of origin behaviour models influenced by the social conservatism and
subordination of women, still widely prevalent in Saudi Arabia, for example.
However, this type of explanation can be associated with another underlying trend which
characterises MiddleEastern societies as a whole: the aggravation of inequalities caused by the
economic liberalisation begun in the 1990s but which has become more pronounced since 2000 in
both countries. Egypt, for example, had a record rate of growth (7% between 2005 and 2008) before
the financial crisis and the political instability which followed the overthrow of President Mubarak in
2011. While the poor and the middle classes saw their living conditions deteriorate when the
government abandoned its public service missions and social safety nets (health care, education and
subsidies of basic necessities), and experienced higher levels of unemployment, poverty, and
corruption, others profited by economic liberalisation, as witness the development of the industrial
and building sectors and of a globalised consumer culture common to both countries.
The consumerization of the economy also affected the matrimonial market. Since the nineties, the
cost of the dowry which the groom’s family must pay to the bride’s to seal the union, the cost of
equipping the future home, etc. have risen considerably. Which also helps to explain why fertility
behaviour varies accordion to educational and income brackets: the poorest strata encounter
economic difficulties in marrying, and higher costs of education, health care and housing place de
facto limits on their fertility: a “povertyactivated Malthusianism,” has seemed to develop throughout
the region, whereas the middle and upper classes are better equipped to cope with the “costs of
procreation”. All the more so as a very different dynamics has gained momentum with globalisation
and the adjustment of national economies to international standards of competitiveness: rising
unemployment among young people with diplomas and low female employment rates. The public
sectors are no longer hiring, whereas they used to be the natural employer for diploma holders; in a
second phase, the incorporation of the regional economies into globalisation has brought about the
development of low valueadded activities, especially industrial ones, aimed at the export market. The
jobs created are unskilled and badly paid and have little to attract women with degrees. Women’s
participation in the labour mark is low in both countries, as low as 15% in Jordan today, for example.
Some therefore find in marriage and the family a personal development which the economy denies
No one knows if this rise or this stagnation of the fertility rate will persist in the years to come.
Emigration from Arab countries to the Gulf countries, in particular, could be slowed even if oil prices
rise. New policies of national job preference tend to limit the use of foreign labour, and the fear of
political sedition gaining the Gulf countries prompts their governments to prefer Asian workers to
Arabs. However, more generally, statistical data and surveys are not enough to grasp the complexity
of these societies and the heterogeneity of behaviour patterns, not only from one nation to another
but within a given country. Comparing levels of education, income and emigration is enlightening,
but the data must be examined in greater detail. It is possible to evaluate the impact of the State’s
withdrawal of social services, but the redistributive functions of the State have been taken over by
other players and charities, often outgrowths of Islamist organisations. What has been the socio
political impact of these organisations on the fertility behaviour within, for example, the least affluent
sectors of the middle classes who use their services? The surveys do not enable us to answer such
Another phenomenon, the emergence of female celibacy, is also widely debated in the societies of the
region since the turn of the century, in the same way, paradoxically enough, as the struggle against
Egyptian demographic growth. One observes the coexistence of young single women working outside
the home whose consumption makes them part of globalisation, and other, equally educated women,
who marry before they are twenty, have family responsibilities and may favor reforms inspired by
religious conservatism. As successive political upheavals of the Arab revolt have shown, the societies
of the region are not evolving at the same pace and are increasingly divided. The upturn in Arab
fecundity is only one aspect of indepth change.
UN demographic projections, updated as recently as 2015, indicate a fertility rate of fewer than three children per
woman between 2005 and 2010, for example.
The total fertility rate (TFR) of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over
her lifetime if she were to experience the exact current agespecific fertility rates (ASFRs) through her lifetime.
See Philippe Fargues’ work on this question (Générations arabes, Paris : Fayard, 2000 ; pp. 102107).
King Hussein having failed to condemn the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, some 350,000 Jordanian workers
and their families were deported from the Saudi Kingdom.
Even though they remain lower than the total fertility rates observed (2.8 vs 3.5 in Egypt, 3 vs 3.8 in Jordan).
Sociodemographer, researcher and consultant on demography in the Arab world.
Orient XXI is an independant media, with no ads.