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2012, Materials Science
4 pages
1 file
Most precise classification of CVD (color vision deficits) can be provided by using anomaloscope. Today anomaloscopes are available, which can evaluate red-green (Rayleigh) and blue-green (Moreland) color defects. Our aim is to create and calibrate commercially available LEDs based anomaloscope for diagnosis of red-green color vision defects. Other field of use of anomaloscope is a seasonal and overall variation of normal color vision in Latvian population.
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 1988
Aim To validate the reference ranges proposed by the manufacturer of the Oculus HMC Anomaloscope MR for Rayleigh and Moreland tests in healthy young adults. Method The manual Rayleigh (red-green) and the Moreland (blue-green) anomaloscope tests were performed on 90 healthy subjects (54 female, 36 male, 178 eyes) residing in Poland, aged between 18–45 years, and without color vision disorders (assessed with HRR test). The analyzed parameters for both the Rayleigh and the Moreland tests were as follows: the lower (R1/M1) and the upper (R2/M2) limits; the center (RC/MC) and the width (RW/MW) of the matching ranges. Results The results of the Rayleigh test were similar to the values proposed in the anomaloscope user’s manual, however, with a small shift of RC and R2 towards the red color. The double-peak distribution of R2 with a small second peak (approximately at R2 = 52) was mainly due to the measurements in male subjects (nmale = 8, nfemale = 2), which suggests that this group might...
T he introduction of any new method of corneal diagnostic measurement presents an opportunity for the evaluation of its routine clinical application in larger clinical numbers. As oph-thalmologists become more comfortable with new techniques, refinements often make the technology more accessible to other clinicians. Corneal topography continues to evolve, as new techniques and features are introduced that make clinical imaging of the corneal shape and curvature more accurate. This technology is critical for many diagnoses such as keratoconus, planning surgical correction on the cornea, IOL calculations, and monitoring corneal treatments already performed. A new unit that uses color-coding shows promise. PLACIDO AND COLOR-CODING METHODS For years, clinicians have used Placido ring-based cor-neal topography systems, which benefit from instantaneous capture methods that reduce distortion due to eye movement during image acquisition. Tomography is used in corneal imaging with devices su...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The effect of blue light filters on the anomaloscopic examination was analyzed. Thirty subjects (18–43 y, 20 female, 10 male) without color vision disorders were examined in 4 filter conditions: no filter (F-0), Blue Control Hoya (F-BC), Med-1 JZO (F-Med1) and 450 Eschenbach (F-450). Both Rayleigh test (red–green axis) and Moreland test (blue–green axis) were performed. Application of F-BC filter shows negligible effect on color vision perception in both tests. Contrary to this, the application of strong F-450 filter causes significant shift in Moreland test towards tritanopy and the decrease in correlations of Moreland parameters with Rayleigh test parameters. The application of medium strong F-Med1 filter causes the slight shift in Moreland test towards the center of the Moreland scale and increases the Spearman correlations between Moreland and Rayleigh test parameters. This observation suggests that the about 15–40% reduction of blue diode intensity in the Moreland test may be b...
Ophthalmology, 2007
To investigate the efficacy of a novel computer-controlled color test for the differentiation of congenital and acquired color vision deficiency. Design: Observational cross-sectional study. Participants: Thirty-one patients with congenital color vision deficiency and 134 patients with acquired color vision deficiency with a Snellen visual acuity better than 20/30 underwent an ophthalmologic examination including the Ishihara color test, Hardy-Rand-Rittler test, Nagel anomaloscopy, and the Seohan computerized hue test between June, 2003, and January, 2004. Methods: To investigate the type of color vision defect, a graph of the Seohan computerized hue test was divided into 4 quadrants and error scores in each quadrant were summated. The ratio between the sums of error scores of quadrants I and III (Q1ϩQ3) and those of quadrants II and IV (Q2ϩQ4) was calculated.
The effect of several illuminants in which more spectral match is achieved during the colorimetric color reproduction is carried out in this paper. Since the implementation of correct light source for evaluation of color reproducing results is a decisive criterion in color matching trials, the choice of optimal illuminants can be helpful for better spectral description. In the colorimetric color reproduction, color coordinates of target and sample are matched under a given lighting/viewing condition. Several illuminants, i.e. daylight, tungsten or any fluorescent light sources can be selected based on the end usage of the product. In present work, it has been assumed that employing colorimetric values under a specific light source leads to hold more spectral information declines metamerism in color matching process. We chose the fundamental spectra of the 1269 matte Munsell chips to evaluate the reproduced color ability to describe the spectral reflectance of Munsell samples for 14 ...
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1980
Displays, 2000
The most commonly used method to examine the ability of the visual system to discriminate colours and detect colour vision de®ciencies is based on pseudoisochromatic plates, such as the Ishihara plates. We describe a computer-based method to determine red±green colour de®ciencies based on an anomaloscope simulator, which gave good results in a study of red±green discrimination is studied. It was shown experimentally that this computer-based method discriminates between subjects with colour de®ciencies and subjects without colour de®ciencies. q
Vision Research, 2006
Color matches made with a Nagel anomaloscope are used in the diVerentiation of color vision deWciencies. When these color matches are made over a wide range of retinal illuminances, the changes in the color match provide information about the regeneration kinetics and the absorption spectra of the middle-and long-wavelength cone photopigments. These steady-state color matches vary with a variety of conditions, and may have value in screening for eye disease. Recently, high-brightness LEDs have become available that allowed us to construct a LED-based, high-brightness anomaloscope. We used inexpensive, low-energy components to replicate an earlier instrument, getting a maximum retinal illuminance over 5.6 log Trolands.
Tarbiz, 2024
Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s Book of Rememberance: Philosophy, Kabbalah, Halakhah Rabbi Yom-Tov Asevilli’s (Ritva, Spain 1250-1320) Book of Remembrance (Sefer Ha-Zikaron) is a defense of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed against Nahmanides’ harsh criticism in his well-known commentary on the Pentateuch. The Book of Remembrance is puzzling, because Asevilli, a prominent halakhist of the school of Nahmanides, comes to the defense of ha-Rav-ha-Moreh – Maimonides’ title in this book that indicate his greatness in both halakhah and philosophy – while at the same time declares throughout his treatise that he is an adherent of the kabbalah of “our great master,” and emphasizes that Nahmanides criticized Maimonides because of his kabbalistic views. The first sections of this article present the puzzling aspects that this composition raises, and the methods and techniques that Asevilli utilizes to defend Maimonides’ philosophy. The last sections offer a solution to the perplexity raised by the Book of Remembrance. The Book of Remembrance is a nexus at which major trends of Jewish thought in the High Middle Ages confront one another. This article interprets main passages of this book, draws an intellectual portrait of Assevilli, and analyzes his views on the relations between philosophy and kabbalah, and between both of them and halakhah. The enigma of Asevilli’s Book of Remembrance offers an opportunity to study the relationships between philosophy, kabbalah and halakhah in the world-view of sages from the school of Nahmanides, and through them, to portray the intellectual history of the Jews in Spain at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
Journal of Urban Studies, 2023
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Heavy metals and arsenic concentrations in water, agricultural soil, and rice in Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province, Vietnam