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The cross sections of the 147 Sm(p,γ) 148 Eu and 149 Sm(p,γ) 150 Eu reactions have been measured with the activation method, in the Gamow window for the astrophysical p process. The experiments were carried out at the IFIN-HH Tandem accelerator. The cross sections have been derived by measuring the decay γ radiations of the reaction products. The results are compared with the predictions of the Hauser -Feshbach statistical model calculations performed with the code NON-SMOKER.
Nuclear Physics A, 2005
Several in-beam cross section measurements of proton-as well as α-capture reactions in the Se-Sb region have been carried out to obtain global input parameters for Hauser-Feshbach (HF) calculations. In total, 20 (p,γ) and 7 (α, γ) reactions were measured. We compare some of these results with Hauser-Feshbach calculations using various optical model potentials and nuclear level densities. * Supported by NATO (CRG961086) and the Greek-German academic exchange program IKYDA.
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2011
We studied the two astrophysically interesting reactions 141 Pr(α, n) 144 Pm and 92 Mo(p, γ) 93 Tc with the activation method and with the in-beam method, respectively. The 141 Pr(α, n) 144 Pm experiment was performed at the cyclotron of the 'Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)' in Braunschweig, Germany, and the reaction was studied within and just above the so-called Gamow window. In this proceedings, we present the experimental details of this measurement. The proton-capture reaction on the neutron-magic nucleus 92 Mo was studied at energies relevant for the astrophysical p process. The reaction was investigated by the in-beam technique using the γ-ray detector array HORUS (High efficient Observatory for γ-Ray Unique Spectroscopy) at the TANDEM ion accelerator at the University of Cologne. The preliminary experimental results are compared to data stemming from other measurements.
The thermonuclear rate of the reaction 30 P(p,γ) 31 S is important for interpreting nova nucleosynthesis in the A 30 region. Estimates based on shell-model calculations are complicated by high level density and the presence of negative-parity states in the resonance region near the proton-emission threshold. We present results for the first time of calculations in a full 1ω model space for the negative-parity states. Spectroscopic factors and proton-decay widths are calculated for input into the reaction rate. Available experimental data are used in conjunction with the calculations to obtain an estimate for the reaction rate. We show that the reaction rate will be uncertain to within about an order of magnitude until the position and decay widths of several of the key states in the region of 6.0 to 6.6 MeV are experimentally determined. In nova outbursts on oxygen-neon (ONe) white dwarfs, the 30 P(p,γ) 31 S reaction plays a crucial role in the synthesis of heavier nuclear species, from Si to Ca [1-4]. A classical nova is a thermonuclear explosion on the surface of a white dwarf star accreting hydrogen-rich gas from a companion star in a binary system. In such explosive stellar environments, which include classical novae and x-ray bursters, thermonuclear radiative capture reactions on unstable nuclei determine the path of nucleosynthesis toward the proton drip line. These processes are often dominated by resonant capture to excited states above the particle-emission threshold and therefore depend critically on the nuclear properties of the levels involved. Models have shown that the 30 P(p,γ) 31 S reaction is a potential bottleneck for nucleosynthesis toward heavier nuclei, partly because of the long β-decay half-life (T 1/2 = 2.5 min) of 30 P, which is comparable to the duration of nova nucleosynthesis. Its reaction rate, however, is not well determined due to uncertainties in the properties of key resonances in the burning region. This lack of knowledge of the thermonuclear reaction rate inhibits the interpretation of observables associated with the underlying astrophysics. The uncertainties in the reaction rate stem from unmeasured quantities, ambiguities in level properties measured in different experiments, and problems with theoretical calculations stemming mainly from the presence of several negative-parity states near the threshold energy [5-19]. The uncertain 30 P(p,γ) 31 S rate also affects constraints on nova nucleosynthesis via potential nova thermometers recently proposed [20]. The theory for positive-parity states is based on the USDB-cdpn Hamiltonian as used in our previous (p,γ) rate calculations for positive-parity final states in the sd shell [21-23]. In a recent paper [24], experimental data were compared with USDB-cdpn results to obtain suggested matches for 29 states below 6.7 MeV in 31 S. At the high excitation energies considered here, many negative-parity states start to appear. This paper considers for the first time a microscopic model for these states. The basis consists of a complete 1ω basis made from all possible excitations of one nucleon from 0p to 1s-0d or the excitation of one nucleon from 1s-0d to 0p-1f. The M-scheme dimension in this basis is on the order of 2 × 10 6 and they are calculated with NUSHELLX in a proton-neutron basis [25]. We use the WBP Hamiltonian from [26] that was designed to reproduce the energies of 1ω states for A = 10-20. WBP also contains the sd-pf Hamiltonian from [27] that was designed to reproduce energies of 1ω states in nuclei with A = 35-43. WBP has not before been applied to the middle of the sd shell due to the large dimensions involved. The experimental and theoretical results are shown in Table I and Fig. 1. Columns 2-7 give the experimental data. The spin-parity is given in format 2J π. Columns 3 and 4 are the values given in the recent Nuclear Data Sheets (NDS) compilation [5], and the second column is the resonance energy based on the NDS energy. The fifth column gives the spin-parity assignments from the recent review by Wrede [28] that are based purely on the data for 31 S, which excludes spin-parity assignments based upon assumed correspondence with mirror levels in 31 P. The spin-parity values for the other references included inside the [ ] brackets in columns 6 and 7 are from assumed mirror assignments and are sometimes adopted from previous work. The letters (a,b,c) in column 5 correspond to the footnotes given by Wrede. For (a) there is some question of whether there are two or three levels between E x = 6390 and 6405 keV. If one assumes that the two levels seen in Ref. [8] are at their reported energies, then one of the two levels reported in Refs. [9,12] and [7] is different and there would be three levels all together. For (b) there are conflicting spin-parity assignments between Parikh et al. [9] and Doherty et al. [8]. The spin-parity of the 6139 keV state by Doherty et al. [8] is based only on a possible match to a level in 31 P, but Irvine et al. [7] suggested an alternative match. For (c) the spin-parity is unconstrained. The * indicates levels of questionable existence. The levels at 5959 and 6848 keV that are only seen in a low resolution (p,d) experiment [14] are probably amalgams of neighboring levels. The level at 6421 keV has only been seen in a 31 Cl β-decay experiment [29] and not confirmed in a reaction experiment. The level 0556-2813/2014/89(6)/062801(5) 062801-1
EPJ Web of Conferences
We report on recent experiments at the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility Liquid-Lithium Target (SARAF-LiLiT) laboratory dedicated to the study of s-process neutron capture reactions. The kW-power proton beam at 1.92 MeV (1-2 mA) from SARAF Phase I yields high-intensity 30 keV quasi-Maxwellian neutrons (3-5×1010 n/s). The high neutron intensity enables Maxwellian averaged cross sections (MACS) measurements of low-abundance or radioactive targets. Neutron capture reactions on the important s-process branching points 147Pm and 171Tm were investigated by activation in the LiLiT neutron beam and γ-measurements of their decay products. MACS values at 30 keV extracted from the experimental spectrum-averaged cross sections are obtained and will be discussed. The Kr region, at the border between the so-called weak and strong s-process was also investigated. Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) was used for the first time for the measurement of a nuclear reaction cross section. After act...
Fuel and Energy Abstracts, 2005
In order to test the reliability of reaction rate calculations in the framework of the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model, the cross sections of 106Cd(α, γ)110Sn radiative capture reaction were determined in the energy range close to the Gamow window for the astrophysical p-process scenario. In addition, to reduce the errors in the predictions of the statistical model calculations, the relevant optical potential parameters are to be determined from the angular distribution measurement of the 106Cd(α, α)106Cd elastic scattering reaction at low energies.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2008
Starting from a sketch of the s-process concept formulated 50 years ago, the nuclear physics data for s-process calculations are briefly reviewed with emphasis on the status of neutron capture cross sections and beta decay rates. Accurate and comprehensive experimental data are mandatory as direct input for s-process calculations as well as for improving the complementary information from nuclear theory. The current challenges of the field are discussed in the light of new or optimized methods and state-of-theart facilities, indicating the potential for accurate measurements and the possibility to study cross sections of radioactive isotopes. These opportunities will be considerably enriched by the enormous improvements provided by new facilities.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
Neutron deficient nuclei from 74 Se− 196 Hg are thought to be produced by γ-induced reactions (γ,n), (γ,p) and (γ, α) processes. The relatively high abundance of 113 In odd A p-nuclei has inspired to study its production processes. As reaction with γ-beam is difficult to perform in the laboratory, γ-induced reaction rate is calculated from the inverse reaction data employing reciprocity theorem. Stacked foil activation method was used to measure the 113 In(α, γ) and 113 In(α, n) reactions cross-section near the astrophysical energies. Theoretical statistical model calculations were performed with different nuclear input parameters and compared with the experimental results. An appropriate α-optical potential has been identified from the (α, γ) and (α, n) fitting, which provides the major source of uncertainty in the statistical model calculations. The other nuclear input parameters like level density, and γ-ray strength function were also constrained for theoretical calculations. 113 In(α, γ) 117 Sb and 117 Sb(α, γ) 113 In reaction rates were calculated using best-fitted input parameters.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
The large time of life of 146Sm suggests the possibility to use this p - nuclide as astrophysical chronometer to study the geochemical galactic evolution. Due to the high temperature and large densities of gamma quanta, neutrons and protons in stellar environment 146Sm nucleus can be obtained in (γ,n), (n,2n), (p,2n) processes on 147Sm.The knowledge of corresponding cross sections of gamma rays, neutrons and alpha induced processes is of a great importance for the explanation of (146Sm/144Sm) ratio uncertainties observed on the Earth, meteorites, Moon and other celestial bodies.Cross sections of (γ,n), (n,2n), (α,γ) processes induced by fast gamma rays, neutrons and alphas on 147Sm and 142Nd, from threshold up to 25 MeV were evaluated and predicted in the frame of Hauser-Feshbach statistical model by using Talys software and the own computer programs. For each nuclear reaction contribution of direct, compound and pre-equilibrium mechanisms were determined. Theoretical evaluations ar...
Physical Review C, 2008
The cross sections of the 117 Sn(α, γ) 121 Te and 117 Sn(α, p) 120 Sb reactions have been measured in the effective center of mass energy from 11.5 to 14.6 MeV. Highly enriched self-supporting 117 Sn (90%) foils were bombarded with an α beam delivered by the Bucharest IFIN-HH tandem accelerator. The induced activity of 121 Te and 120 Sb was measured with two large-volume high-purity Ge detectors in close geometry to maximize the detector efficiency. The experimental cross section and astrophysical S factor are compared with statistical model predictions for different global α-nucleus optical potentials.
Suprema - Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, 2024
Delegação de competências no processo estrutural Jurisdiction delegation in structural injunctive relief cases Delegación de competencia en proceso estructural
Capital & Class Vol. 45(2) 311–329, 2021
Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging, 2024
Ida Rosida Tiurma Manurung, Dewi Isma Aryani, Senna Dwi Renata Putri, Meythi Meythi, Anastasia Marceli Putri, Lidya Margaretha, Yuma Chandrahera, Roudhoh Nanda Hasanah, Chandra Kuswoyo, Arnold Maximillian, Miki Tjandra, Dewi Isma Aryani, Yuma Chandrahera, Shirly Nathania Suhanjoyo, Glenn Pra..., 2023
Research Papers in Economics, 2020
NELTA Gandaki, 2024
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 2006
Molecules, 2023
The Astronomical Journal, 2019
Arquivos brasileiros de oftalmologia, 2021
Carbon letters, 2017
Journal of Unitarian Universalist Studies , 2024