The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010
Jehad Alnihoud and Rami Mansi
Department of Computer Science, Al al Bayt University, Jordan
One of the fundamental issues in computer science is ordering a list of items. Although there is a huge number of
sorting algorithms, sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research; because efficient sorting is important to optimize
the use of other algorithms. This paper presents two new sorting algorithms, enhanced selection sort and enhanced bubble
Sort algorithms. Enhanced selection sort is an enhancement on selection sort by making it slightly faster and stable sorting
algorithm. Enhanced bubble sort is an enhancement on both bubble sort and selection sort algorithms with O(nlgn) complexity
instead of O(n2) for bubble sort and selection sort algorithms. The two new algorithms are analyzed, implemented, tested, and
compared and the results were promising.
Enhanced selection sort, enhanced bubble sort, selection sort, bubble sort, number of swaps, time complexity.
Received May 27, 2008; accepted September 1, 2008
Information growth rapidly in our world and to search
for this information, it should be ordered in some
sensible order. Many years ago, it was estimated that
more than half the time on many commercial computers
was spent in sorting. Fortunately this is no longer true,
since sophisticated methods have been devised for
organizing data, methods which do not require that the
data be kept in any special order [9].
Many algorithms are very well known for sorting the
unordered lists. Most important of them are Heap sort,
Bubble sort, Insertion sort and shell sort [17]. As stated
in [5], sorting has been considered as a fundamental
problem in the study of algorithms, that due to many
• The need to sort information is inherent in many
• Algorithms often use sorting as a key subroutine.
• In algorithm design there are many essential
techniques represented in the body of sorting
• Many engineering issues come to the fore when
implementing sorting algorithms.
Efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of
other algorithms that require sorted lists to work
correctly; it is also often in producing human readable
output. Formally, the output should satisfy two major
• The output is in non decreasing order.
• The output is a permutation, or reordering, of the
Since the early beginning of computing, the sorting
problem has attracted many researchers, perhaps due to
the complexity of solving it efficiently. Bubble sort
was analyzed as early as 1956 [2].
Many researchers considered sorting as a solved
problem. Even so, useful new sorting algorithms are
still being invented, for example, library sort was first
published in 2004. Sorting algorithms are prevalent in
introductory computer science classes, where the
abundance of algorithms for the problem provides a
gentle introduction to a variety of core algorithm
concepts [1, 19]. In [1], they classified sorting
algorithms by:
• Computational complexity (worst, average and best
behavior) of element comparisons in terms of list
size (n). For typical sorting algorithms good
behavior is O(n log n) and bad behavior is <(n²).
Ideal behavior for a sort is O(n). Sort algorithms
which only use an abstract key comparison
operation always need <(n log n) comparisons in
the worst case.
• Number of swaps (for in place algorithms).
• Stability: stable sorting algorithms maintain the
relative order of records with equal keys (values).
That is, a sorting algorithm is stable if whenever
there are two records R and S with the same key
and with R appearing before S in the original list, R
will appear before S in the sorted list.
• Usage of memory and other computer resources.
Some sorting algorithms are “in place”, such that
only O(1) or O(log n) memory is needed beyond
the items being sorted, while others need to create
auxiliary locations for data to be temporarily stored.
• Recursion: some algorithms are either recursive or
non recursive, while others may be both (e.g.,
merge sort).
• Whether or not they are a comparison sort. A
comparison sort examines the data only by
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010
comparing two elements with a comparison operator.
In this paper, two new sorting algorithms are
presented. These new algorithms may consider as
selection sort as well as bubble sort algorithms. The
study shows that the proposed algorithms are more
efficient, theoretically, analytically, and practically as
compared to the original sorting algorithms. Section 2
presents the concept of enhanced Selection Sort (SS)
algorithm and its pseudocode. Furthermore, the
implementation, analysis, and comparison with
selection sort are highlighted. Section 3 introduces
enhanced bubble sort algorithm and its pseudocode,
implementation, analysis, and comparison with bubble
sort. Also, a real world case study for the proposed
algorithms is presented in section 4. Finally,
conclusions were presented in section 5.
4 max := array(index)
5 for a:= 0 to size/2 do
if array(a) ≥ max then
max := array(a)
index := a
end if
end for
if index ≠ size/1 then
temp := array(size/1)
array(size/1) := max
array(index) := temp
end if
16 size := size/1
17 return Enhanced Selection Sort (array , size)
18 else
return array
20 end if
For loop, in line 5 iterates n times in the first call then
n keeps decreasing by one. We may say that:
Inserting an array of elements and sorting these
elements in the same array (in place) by finding the
maximum element and exchanging it with the last
element, and then decreasing the size of the array by
one for next call. In fact, the Enhanced Selection Sort
(ESS) algorithm is an enhancement to the SS algorithm
in decreasing number of swap operations, making the
algorithm to be data dependent, and in making it stable.
The differences between ESS and SS algorithms are
discussed in section 2.5.
T (n) =
n + T ( n − 1)
n = 0
n > 0
T(n) = n + T(n/1)
= n + n/1 + T(n/2)
= n + n/1 + n/2 + T(n/3)
= n + n/1 + n/2 + n/3 + T(n/4)
= n + n/1 + n/2 + n/3 + … +
(n/ k+1) + T(n/k)
+ T ( n −, for
k) n ≥ k
i = n − k +1
The procedures of the algorithms can be described as
• Inserting all elements of the array.
• Calling the “Enhanced Selection Sort” function with
passing the array and its size as parameters.
• Finding the maximum element in the array and
swapping it with the last index of the same array.
• Decreasing the size of the array by one.
• Calling the “Enhanced Selection Sort” function
recursively. The size of the array is decremented by
one after each call of the “Enhanced Selection Sort”
function. Operationally, the (size) after the first call
became (size/1), and after the second call became
(size/2), and so on.
# "
In simple pseudocode, enhanced
algorithm might be expressed as:
To terminate the recursion, we should have n k = 0
=> k = n:
n +1
∑ i + T (0 ) = ∑ i + 0 = n
i =1
i =1
n + 1
= O (n 2 )
ESS algorithm is easy to analyze compared to other
sorting algorithms since the loop does not depend on
the data in the array. Selecting the highest element
requires scanning all n elements (this takes n 1
comparisons) and then swapping it into the last
position. Then, finding the next highest element
requires scanning the remaining n 2 elements and so
on, for (n 1)+(n 2)+...+2+1 = n(n 1)/2 = O(n2)
The number of swaps in the proposed algorithm
may elaborate as follows:
function enhanced selection sort (array , size)
1 if size > 1 then
2 var index, temp, max
3 index := size/1
T (n )
In the best case scenario; if the input array is
already sorted (ascending order), then there is no
need to make swapping, since each element is in
the correct place.
In the average case scenario; if the input array is
sorted in reverse (descending order), then the
An Enhancement of Major Sorting Algorithms
total number of swapping operations is: floor of
(n/2). Since swapping the maximum value with the
last element means that the maximum and the
minimum values are in the correct places. For
example, if we have a descending sorted array as
Then the algorithm will swap the first element (max)
with the last element, as follows:
The array now is sorted and the algorithm required
two swap operations to sort the input array of five
elements. That means, the swapping operations that are
needed to sort a descending sorted array is floor of
c) In the worst case; if the input array is unsorted
neither ascending nor descending, then the required
swapping operations are approximately n operations.
Table 1. ESS vs SS algorithms.
Since the last element before swapping was the
minimum value, it is after swapping got in the correct
place and cannot be the maximum value in any of the
next comparisons.
In the next comparison, the second element now is
the maximum value and it will be swapped with the
fourth (size 1)th element.
perform any swap operation, but selection sort
performs n swap operations. Writing in memory is
more expensive in time than reading, since EBS
performs less number of swaps (read/write) then it is
more efficient than selection sort when dealing with
an array stored in a secondary memory or in EEPROM
(electrically erasable programmable read only
memory). However, there are many similarities
between ESS and SS algorithms, as shown in Table 1.
SS algorithm, works by selecting the smallest unsorted
item remaining in the array, and then swapping it with
the item in the next position to be filled. The selection
sort has a complexity of O(n2) [8, 11]. In simple
pseudocode, selection sort algorithm might be
expressed as:
Function SelectionSort(array, size)
1 var i, j
2 var min, temp
3 for i := 0 to size/2 do
min := i
for j := i+1 to size/1 do
if array(j) < array(min)
min := j
end if
end for j
10 temp := array(i)
11 array(i) := array(min)
12 array(min) := temp
13 end for i
The main advantage enhanced selection sort over
selection sort algorithms is: selection sort always
performs O(n) swaps while enhanced selection sort
depends on the state of the input array. In other words,
if the input array is already sorted, the ESS does not
Depends on data: 0,
n/2, or n
Always n
To prove that ESS algorithm is relatively faster
than SS algorithm, we implement each of them using
C++, and measure the execution time of both
programs with the same input data, and using the same
computer. The built in function (clock ()) in C++ is
used to get the elapsed time of the two algorithms.
#include <cstdlib>
int sort(int[], int);
void main()
clock_t Start, Time;
Start = clock();
// the function call goes here
Time = (clock() / Start);
cout<<"Execution Time : "<<Time<<" ms."<<endl;
Since the execution time of a program is measured
in milliseconds using this function; we should measure
execution time of sorting algorithms with a huge size
of input array. Table 2 shows the differences between
execution times of ESS and SS with using an array of
(9000) elements in the best, average, and worst cases.
Table 2 shows that Enhanced Bubble Sort (EBS) is
relatively faster than selection sort in all cases. That
because the number of comparisons and swap
operations are less. In SS, the number of swaps is
always (8999), which is (n/1), but in ESS, it is (n) in
the worst case, (n/2) in the average case, and (0) in the
best case. If the array is stored in a secondary
memory; then the SS will operate in relatively low
performance as compared with ESS.
The history of Bubble sort algorithm may elaborate as
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010
In 1963 FORTRAN textbook [13] states the
following code to what so called “Jump down” sort.
1 void JumpDownSort(Vector a, int n){
2 for(int j=n/1; j> o; j//)
for(int k=0; k< j;k++)
if (a[j] < a[k])
Table 2. Execution time for ESS vs SS algorithms.
Number of
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
125 ms
171 ms
Number of
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
133 ms
203 ms
Number of
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
156 ms
203 ms
In another early 1962 book [10] “Jump down”
version appears with no name. In another two early
works [3, 7] the “jump down” sort is referred to as
selection sort. Then bubble sort is also covered and
referred as sorting by repeated comparison and
exchanging, respectively.
The proposed algorithm is considered as an
enhancement to the original Bubble sort algorithm and
it works as follows:
Inserting an array of elements and sorting these
elements in the same array (in place) by finding the
minimum and the maximum elements and exchanging
the minimum with the first element and the maximum
with the last element, and then decreasing the size of
the array by two for next call.
The detailed procedures of the algorithm can be
summarized as follows:
1. Inserting all elements of the array.
2. Defining and initializing two variables, (firstindex = 0)
and (lastindex = size/1).
3. Calling the "Enhanced Bubble Sort" function with
passing the array, its size, firstindex, and lastindex as
parameters of the function.
4. In the "Enhanced Bubble Sort" function, the operation
now is to find the maximum and the minimum elements
and saving the index value of the max of the array in the
variable maxcounter, and the index value of the min in
the variable mincounter.
5. Put the max in the lastindex and min in the firstindex of
the array without losing the last values of the first index
and the last index of the original array.
6. Decreasing the value of lastindex by one and increasing
the value of firstindex by one. Operationally, the size of
the array after the first call became (size/2), and after
the second call it actually became (size/4), and so on.
7. Calling the "Enhanced Bubble Sort " array recursively
while the size of the array is greater than one (size>1).
Then returning the sorted array.
The pseudocode of EBS algorithm might be expressed
function EnhancedBubbleSort (array, size, firstindex,
1 if size > 1 then
var temp := 0, maxcounter := lastindex
var mincounter := firstindex
var max := array(lastindex),min := array(firstindex)
for a:= firstindex to lastindex do
if array(a) ≥ max then
max := array(a)
maxcounter := a
end if
if array(a) < min then
min := array(a)
mincounter := a
end if
14 end for
15 if firstindex==maxcounter AND
astindex==mincounter then
array(firstindex):= min
array(lastindex) := max
if firstindex==maxcounter AND
lastindex ≠ mincounter then
temp := array(lastindex)
array(lastindex) := max
array(firstindex) := min
array(mincounter) := temp
26 if firstindex ≠ maxcounter AND
lastindex==mincounter then
temp := array(firstindex)
array(firstindex):= min
array(lastindex) := max
array(maxcounter):= temp
31 else
temp := array(firstindex)
array(firstindex):= min
An Enhancement of Major Sorting Algorithms
array(mincounter):= temp
temp := array(lastindex)
array(lastindex):= max
array(maxcounter):= temp
end if
end if
end if
firstindex := firstindex + 1
lastindex := lastindex / 1
size := size – 2
return EnhancedBubbleSort
45 else return array
46 end if
The first call of the function loop iterates n times, as
shown in line 5, and in the second call, the loop iterates
n 2 times, and so on. We may analyze the algorithm as
T(n) = 1,
for n < 2
T(n) = n + T(n/2),
for n ≥ 2
= n + (n/2) + T(n/4)
= 2n – 2 + T(n/4)
= 2n – 2 + (n/4) + T(n/6)
= 3n – 6 + T(n/6)
= 4n – 12 + T(n/8)
= 5n – 20 + T(n/10)
= in – (i2 / i) + T(n – 2i)
= kn – (k2 / k) + T(n – 2k)
Assume that:
n = 2k, taking lg2 on both sides:
lg n = k lg2
lg n = k * 1
lg n = k
kn – (k2 / k) + T(n – 2k)=
nlgn – ((lgn)2 / lgn) + T(n – 2lgn)
T(n) = O(nlgn)
array[j] := temp;
end if
end for
10 end for
11 end function
The positions of the elements in bubble sort play an
important role in determining its performance. Large
elements at the beginning of the list are quickly
swapped, while small elements at the beginning move
to the top extremely slowly. This has led to these types
of elements being named rabbits and turtles,
respectively [2, 20]. BS algorithm makes n
comparisons at the first time, and then it makes n 1
comparisons, and so on [19]. This yields to n + (n 1) +
(n 2) + … + 2 + 1 which is equal to n(n+1)/2 which is
In EBS algorithm, decreasing the number of
comparisons by two each call led the complexity to be
O(nlgn) which is very much better than O(n2). The
difference between EBS and BS may not be clear with
a small size of the input array, but with a large size it
is very clear that EBS is faster than bubble sort. The
main differences between EBS and BS are:
• In the average case; BS performs n/2 swapping
operations, in the best case it performs 0
operations, and in the worst case it performs n
swapping operations, while EBS performs (n/2)
swapping operations in all cases.
• Since EBS needs to check the locations of the
found minimum and maximum elements before
performing swapping to avoid losing data; it has a
larger size of code than Bubble sort.
• In all cases, EBS makes O(nlgn) comparisons and
Bubble sort makes O(n2) comparisons to sort n
elements of the input array.
Table 3 shows the main differences between EBC
and Bubble sort algorithms:
Table 3. EBS vs BS algorithms.
Bubble Sort (BS) repeatedly stepping through the array
to be sorted, comparing two items at a time and
swapping them if necessarily. Passing through the list is
repeated until no swaps are needed, which indicates
that the list is already sorted. The algorithm gets its
name from the way smaller elements “bubble” to the
top of the list. Since it uses comparisons only to operate
on elements, it is a comparison sort [2, 11]. In simple
pseudocode, bubble sort algorithm might be expressed
function bubbleSort(array, array_size)
1 var i, j, temp;
2 for i:=(array_size/1)downto 0 step/1
for j := 1 to i do
if array(j/1) > array(j) then
temp := array[j/1];
array[j/1] := array[j];
Depends on data: 0,
n/2, or n
Always n/2
To be certain about these results we should
compute the execution time of the implementation
program of each algorithm. Table 4 shows the
differences between execution time of EBS and BS
algorithms using C++ with (9000) elements as the size
of the input array.
The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010
From Table 4 we may conclude that EBS is faster
than bubble sort especially when n is large. This is an
important advantage of EBS over bubble sort. At the
same time, EBS always performs n/2 swap operations
and it has a larger code size as compared to bubble sort.
Table 4. Execution time for EBS vs BS algorithms.
Number of
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
93 ms
187 ms
Number of
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
Number of
109 ms
437 ms
Number of swaps
Elapsed time
140 ms
453 ms
To support the previous results we may compare the
proposed algorithms with some recent advanced sorting
algorithms, such as cocktail sort [12], shell sort [18],
and enhanced shell sort [17].
Cocktail sort as stated in [12], also known as
bidirectional BS and cocktail shaker sort, is a variation
of BS and selection sort that is both a stable sorting
algorithm and a comparison sort. The algorithm differs
from BS in that it sorts in both directions each pass
through the list. This sorting algorithm is only
marginally more difficult than BS to implement, and
solves the problem with so called turtles in BS.
In the first stage of the cocktail sort, it loops through
the array from bottom to top, as in BS. During the loop,
adjacent items are compared. If at any point the value
on the left is greater than the value on the right, the
items are swapped. At the end of the first iteration, the
largest number will reside at the end of the set.
In the second stage, it loops through the array in the
opposite direction; starting from the item just before the
most recently sorted item, and moving back towards the
start of the list. Again, adjacent items are swapped if
required. The cocktail sort also fits in the category of
exchange sorts due to the manner in which elements are
moved inside the array during the sorting process.
As illustrated in [12], both space and time
complexities of the Cocktail sort are the same as that of
the BS for exactly the same reasons. That is, time
complexity is O(n2), and space complexity for in place
sorting is O(1). EBS is more efficient and faster than
both, bubble sort and Cocktail sort, since it takes
O(nlgn) time complexity while BS and cocktail sort
take O(n2) to sort n elements.
Shell sort [18] which is an enhanced version of
insertion sort, reduces the number of swaps of the
elements being sorted to minimize the complexity and
time as compared to the insertion sort. Shell sort
improves the insertion sort by comparing elements
separated by a gap of several positions. This lets an
element take bigger steps toward its expected position.
Multiple passes over the data are taken with smaller
and smaller gap sizes. The last step of Shell sort is a
plain insertion sort, but by then, the array of data is
guaranteed to be almost sorted.
The shell sort is a “Diminishing Increment Sort”,
better known as a comb sort [4] to the unwashed
programming masses. The algorithm makes multiple
passes through the list, and each time sorts a number
of equally sized sets using the insertion sort [12]. The
size of the set to be sorted gets larger with each pass
through the list, until the set consists of the entire list.
This sets the insertion sort up for an almost best case
run each iteration with a complexity that approaches
O(n). Donald L. shell [18] invented a formula to
calculate the value of ‘h’. This work focuses to
identify some improvement in the conventional Shell
sort algorithm.
As stated in [15, 18], the original implementation of
Shell sort performs O(n2) comparisons and exchanges
in the worst case. A minor change given in V. Pratt's
book [13] which improved the bound to O(n log2 n).
This is worse than the optimal comparison sorts,
which are O(n log n).
ESS algorithm [17] is an improvement in the Shell
sort algorithm to calculate the value of ‘h’. It has been
observed that by applying this algorithm, number of
swaps can be reduced up to 60 percent as compared to
the shell sort algorithm, but it is still a quadratic
sorting algorithm. It is clear that EBS is faster than
shell sort and its variants since all of them makes a
quadratic time while EBS makes a O(nlgn) time to
sort n elements.
This section presents a real world case study to sort
students of Al al Bayt University in Jordan by the
university number (students IDs) in ascending order.
In this case study, BS, SS, shell sort, enhanced shell
sort, ESS, and EBS algorithms are applied with 12500
as total number of students.
Table 5. Execution time for the six algorithms.
Bubble sort
Enhanced bubble sort
Selection sort
Enhanced selection sort
Shell sort
Enhanced shell sort
506 ms
151 ms
346 ms
307 ms
322 ms
249 ms
An Enhancement of Major Sorting Algorithms
algorithms are applied on a real world case study of
sorting a database of (12500) records and the results
showed that the EBS also increases the efficiency of
both shell sort and enhanced shell sort algorithms.
Figure 1. The interface of the sorting application.
The simulator was built using Visual C++ to deal
with the database and to sort its records. The interface
of this simulator is shown in Figure 1.
The elapsed time for sorting the database is
measured using the (clock()) function of C++ and
recorded for each algorithm, as shown in Table 5.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the elapsed time in
milliseconds of the BS, EBS, SS, and ESS.
Figure 2. Comparison of sorting techniques.
From Figure 2, it is apparent that the ESS relatively
increases the efficiency of the selection sort and EBS
speeds up the bubble sort and enhances its efficiency.
In this paper, two new sorting algorithms are presented.
ESS has O(n2) complexity, but it is faster than SS,
especially if the input array is stored in secondary
memory, since it performs less number of swap
SS can be specially implemented to be stable. One
way of doing this is to artificially extend the key
comparison, so that comparisons between two objects
with other equal keys are decided using the order of the
entries in the original data order as a tie breaker. ESS is
stable without the need to this special implementation.
EBS is definitely faster than BS, since BS performs
O(n2) operations but EBS performs O(nlgn) operations
to sort n elements. Furthermore, the proposed
algorithms are compared with some recent sorting
algorithms; shell sort and enhanced shell sort. These
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The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2010
obtained his BSc in
information technology with a
major in software engineering from
Philadelphia University, 2006. His
research interests include computer
graphics, algorithms design and
analysis, HCI, programming, and
[20] Weiss M., Data Structures and Problem Solving
Using Java, Addison Wesley, 2002.
received his PhD of
computer science from University
Putra Malaysia in 2004. Currently, he
is an assistant professor at the
Faculty of Information Technology
in Al al Bayt University in Jordan.
His research areas include image
retrieval and indexing, image processing, algorithms,
GIS, and computer graphics.
text processing.