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Translation of "Transmodernidad: Un nuevo Paradigma"
We have argued that the evolutionary perspective to social psychology is not untestable, not reductionist, not a theory about rigid genetic determinism, not a justification for the status quo, and not incompatible with sociocultural or cognitive analyses. What it is, instead, is a set of ideas that have proved quite useful in generating novel hypotheses, and parsimoniously connecting findings from very different domains ranging from mate choice and family relationships to aggression and intergroup relations. Adopting an evolutionary perspective can help us appreciate not only the common threads that bind the people in our culture to those in other cultures, but also, beyond that, to the other species with which we share the earth. Taking this broad perspective, however, also makes us aware of the vast reaches of our own ignorance. As yet, we know very little about how evolved psychological mechanisnis inside individuals develop, or how they influence, and are influenced by, the complex cultures that humans construct. Bringing light to these questions will require a fuller integration of all the different theoretical perspectives on human social behavior.
More than 35 reef locations along the Fleurieu Peninsula, northern Kangaroo Island and southern Yorke Peninsula were surveyed from April 2007 to March 2008, during approximately 30 SCUBA dives and 20 snorkel dives. During the pilot surveys, we aimed to develop suitable non-destructive techniques to search for various uncommon reef fishes (mostly benthic, and many cryptic). Our target list comprised approximately 50 species from 13 families, for which little information is available on full distribution within South Australia, and habitat. Examples of significant finds during the pilot period included some species in the Syngnathidae (most notable being a range extension and more habitat information for Verco's Pipefish) and Clinidae (some of the uncommonly recorded weedfishes), and several other uncommon reef fishes were recorded by our associates during the survey period. We also utilised the field survey opportunities to collect additional data using standard techniques, such as relative abundance counts for more common reef fishes (to be written up in a separate, statewide report), and fish species lists for several jetties (supplemented by previous validated data from divers and fish experts). have indicated that visual and manual searching through the benthos on SCUBA is the most successful non-destructive method of finding the majority of the small uncommonly-recorded reef fishes that were the targets for this project. Some of these species are crevice dwellers (e.g. the reef pipefishes, and the cardinalfishes); others utilise the cover provided by dense macroalgae (e.g. weedfishes) and detritus (snake-blennies), and some (e.g. anglerfishes) are well camouflaged against various bottom surface covers, such as rocks and rubble, low sponge and ascidian cover, shell rubble, and jetty debris. Slightly different search techniques are required for each group, and over the course of the pilot surveys, knowledge of suitable search strategies developed and improved.
"TOC Local literacies in a Cameroonian village - Ian Cheffy Code-switching between English and Mandarin Chinese on postings in a college-affiliated bulletin board system in Taiwan: A functional approach - Szu-Yu Ruby Chen Self presentation via direct speech in Greek adolescents’ storytelling - Sofia Lampropoulou The politics of social justice: A visual and verbal analysis of poverty in the news - Michele W. Milner Now I am alone: A corpus stylistic approach to Shakespearian soliloquies - Sean Murphy Older learners of German and their use of language learning strategies - Kay Ohly Asymmetric patterns of English article omissions in L2A - Nattama Pongpairoj Possible worlds in the Theatre of the Absurd - Katerina Vassilopoulou ‘I suggest that we need more research’: Personal reference in linguistics journal articles - Dimitra Vladimirou"
Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 2009
... A crescente demanda de documentos fez com que o prédio I fosse esgotando seu espaço físico. Como solução para o problema, em 1918 iniciou-se a construção do prédio II. Na execução da obra foram utilizadas as mesmas técnicas do primeiro. ...
Chile cuenta con una gran riqueza folclórico-religiosa. Esta sin embargo, se ha visto disminuida en los últimos años debido al inminente avance de la globalización y de la tecnología digital. Son cada vez menos los artesanos que en Chile se dedican a la práctica del canto a lo divino como actividad folclórico-religiosa. A ello se agrega la penetración de elementos culturales foráneos en el ámbito cultural y la atracción de la vida en las grandes urbes por sobre la vida en el pueblo rural, entre otros. Estos factores han ido dejando paulatinamente en el olvido a los constituyentes de la identidad nacional.
Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2009
Nous avons comparé les apprentissages linguistiques relatifs aux temps du récit réalisés par des élèves de CM1 placés dans trois situations: travail en groupe classe, travail collaboratif en dyades et travail collaboratif en situation de correspondance électronique. ...
OWL Ontologies are already being used in many application domains. In particular, OWL is extensively used in the clinical sciences; prominent examples of OWL ontologies are the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus, SNOMED CT, the Gene Ontology (GO), the Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA), and GALEN. These ontologies are large and complex; for example, SNOMED currently describes more than 350.000 concepts whereas NCI and GALEN describe around 50.000 concepts.
The cultural relationship between China and the West, including the hypothesis of a rediscovery, does not fit neatly into the binary pattern implied by the model of Orientalism associated with post-colonial theory. Even in the era of high imperialism, the Sino-Western relationship involved complexities for which the paradigm of colonizer and colonized is too simplistic and therefore requires a theorization of a post-Orientalism. As evidence, the narrative fragment ‘The Boxer Rebellion’, by the Austrian author Arthur Schnitzler, published posthumously in 1957, explores the psychological dynamic between a European soldier and a Chinese prisoner in order to demonstrate the immanent ambivalence of imperialism and its Orientalist categories.
ntercontextual Musical Currents and Performative Traditions in Palestine/Israel and Germany in the 20th century, in Comparative Studies in the Humanities, Guy G. Stroumsa, ed., Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2018., 2018
Dead Mountain The Untold True Story Of The Dyatlov Pass Incident Historical Nonfiction Bestseller
Esaim-control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2009
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2009
Language and Cognitive Processes, 2003
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012
Translational Research, 2011
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2023
Winter Simulation Conference, 2014
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2018
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2008