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International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 2000
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese無效概念決定著➀對持久植物狀態(PVS)病人提供生命支援治療是否是適當的;➁對絕症晚期病人提供監護(ICU)是否是適當的(這兩類病例以下稱為“範例病例”)。對人的生命價值含義的基本分歧妨礙了無效概念的應用。病人分類規劃(確立醫療保健優先權標準的程式)是闡述這些範例病例的一個引人注目的選擇性框架。病人分類規劃允許社會從以下各個角度去考慮這些範例病例:各種不同的道德觀念、有限的資源、相爭的醫療保健需求。另外,範例病例至少提出了這樣一個實質性問題:對其治療是否為浪費?病人分類規劃能否成為鑒定和評估這類浪費的治療的有效模式。本文論述了如何實施病人分類規劃以闡述範例病例問題,並最終得出結論--按規劃提供了一個超出無效範圍來推進範例病例爭端的方法。DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 15 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.
Communications in Algebra, 1999
Nihon Shinri Gakkai Taikai happyo ronbunshu, 2011
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2012
Research is the important process of knowledge exploration. Domain knowledge development can be improved by using research design and proper statistical methods meticulously as well as clearly and systematically displaying research results. In order to find out the evolving trend of Library and Information Science, its research design and statistical method is a topic worth exploring. By applying bibliometric and content analysis, this study investigates the 1,540 research papers published in the Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences (JoEMLS) in the last 40 years. According to its history and mission statement, the researchers separate time span from 1970 to 2010 into four period, exploring the features of those published papers, including the type of articles, article languages, topics, structures, research designs and statistical methods. The results show as follow. During period 1, the type of articles are diversities. In addition , Chinese papers are dominate. Moreover, the top 3 categories of research papers are the study of "Library and Information Science"(66%), follows by the "Education"(15%). As for the paper structure, there are 2.73% papers applying ILMRAD and only 8 papers of them applying IMRAD. The most commonly adopted research design is Survey Method, among them, the study of "Library and Information Science" used more often (46.63%). As to the most commonly used statistical method is Descriptive Statistics (60.11%), secondly the T-Test (9.27%).
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
If the editor-in-chief of a Taiwanese academic journal receives papers filled with numerical data, equations, and tables submitted by European or American scholars, he/she would likely publish them without hesitation. The same mentality characterizes Indian, Pakistani and African academic journals, when they receive and publish Taiwanese papers. In particular, the titles of these papers are decorated with buzz words, such as cloud computing, electronics, smart capital, and elderly nursing homes, etc. As for American periodicals, it is because they charge an expensive publication fee. This study reveals that these papers share common numerical research results, some of which are self-contradictory. In addition, they usually cite Taiwanese master-degree thesis or self-citing controversial papers. International journals treat these papers with the mindset of reading Taiwanese experiences. However, with the advances in Internet communication and the diffusion of intellectual knowledge, third-world scholars will eventually find such papers controversial. These low-quality papers not only convey false knowledge, but also spread an improper mode of massproducing publications and academic misconduct.
IEEE Network, 2010
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009
Internet and e-business strategy enables a firm to integrate with customers, suppliers and partners like an integrated firm. Facing the driving force of e-business, firms ought to adapt business strategy and take electronic integration strategy. This paper uses strategic management and transaction costs perspective to study the effects of uncertainty, technology system, business strategy and experience on e-business integration strategy. This research selects Taiwanese semiconductor and information firms to conduct case study. This paper finds that the information intensity, e-business experiences, integration intentions and strategy types have significant influence on electronic integration. And the effects of demand uncertainty, technology complexity and business scope on electronic
Communications in Algebra, 1998
Open Political Science, 2018
International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development, 2024
Introducción. La imagen fotográfica ante la violencia política en América Latina, 2019
Linguistics and Philosophy, 2010
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), 2024
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003
Антимодернизм.Ру, 2024
Journal of Insect Conservation, 2008
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2013
Anais dos Workshops do V Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2016), 2016
Coatings, 2019
Journal of digital imaging, 2017
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 2014
The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics, 2022