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Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
In Lak'ech Acción Psicosocial, 2020
La presente guía reúne una serie de sugerencias y formas de promover salud mental en adultos mayores en el contexto de emergencia vinculado a la pandemia del Covid-19, se encuentra dirigido a la propia población de adultos mayores, a profesionales de la salud, autoridades gubernamentales, cuidadores y familiares. La población de personas adultas mayores de Honduras y del planeta entero ha resultado ser la más vulnerable ante el Covid-19; probablemente se deba a que padecen más enfermedades crónicas en su ciclo vital y a que su sistema inmunológico se encuentra más frágil, esto les hace más propensos a contraer una nueva infección respiratoria. Para propósitos de la presente guía podemos segmentar a la población de adultos mayores del país en dos grupos etarios, los que se encuentran entre 60 y 80 años, y los mayores de 80 años. Las personas del primer grupo pueden ser más autónomas en el manejo de sus actividades diarias (cambiarse de ropa, peinarse el cabello, alimentarse, controlar horarios y medicamentos, aseo e higiene personal, independencia y conciencia de su entorno) que probablemente se encuentren activos laboralmente y padezcan de enfermedades crónicas controladas no incapacitantes. El segundo grupo etario es menos autónomo en sus actividades diarias, hay más personas jubiladas o viudas o con enfermedades crónicas incapacitantes, se encuentran institucionalizados o probablemente padeciendo alguna demencia en curso. Estas particularidades tienen como consecuencia que las personas de la tercera y de la cuarta edad enfrenten las crisis de forma diferenciada de acuerdo a su edad, padecimientos, dependiendo de la forma personal de entender la realidad, de la capacidad de afrontamiento, de la contención familiar; además de la acción u omisión del mismo Estado; es decir que cada caso de un adulto mayor en medio de la pandemia del coronavirus es un caso único. Por lo tanto, para el momento en que se origina la pandemia nuestros abuelos y abuelas se encuentran en un momento social, psíquico y emocional, distintos al del resto de la población que puede representar formas diferentes para procesar y de enfrentar las crisis, como la que nos ocupa. En consecuencia, se conoce que una gran parte de las personas de la tercera edad en nuestro país cuenta con cuidadores (familiares o alguna otra persona en su entorno) que puede acompañarle en momentos de emergencia, pero no debemos olvidar que aún existe un segmento de esta población que no tiene apoyo, ni contención familiar que viven en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad y con nulo acceso al sistema de salud. Ante esta realidad, el sistema de salud y protección del Estado tiene el deber ineludible de detectar a las personas mayores en situación vulnerable y trasladarlos a las instituciones (residencias de mayores) para el cuidado preventivo oportuno. Por lo tanto es el Estado a través del Poder Ejecutivo quien debe velar y asistir a la población en situación de extrema pobreza y vulnerabilidad. Salvando lo anterior, se enumeran a continuación algunas preguntas y respuestas que generan cuidados en la salud mental de nuestros adultos mayores.
IJCSMC, 2019
Earlier techniques in predicting the heart disease have not been much accurate in terms of prediction and analysis. The advancement in Computer Science has brought vast opportunities in different areas. One of it is machine learning which is widely utilized in different domains. Machine learning techniques are used to predict the medical condition at an early stage of human life. We will use Heart Disease related dataset to carry out our experiments. In this system the most known ensemble learning algorithms Random Forest and Support Vector Machine will be applied to create a classifier model which will predict disease with higher performance and accuracy.
Cités, 2004
Dans l'état 1 de la ritournelle, l'artiste nous renvoie l'image que nous attendons de nous. « Mais, de toute façon, qu'est-ce qu'une ritournelle ? Glass harmonica : la ritournelle est un prisme, un cristal d'espace-temps. Elle agit sur ce qui l'entoure, son ou lumière, pour en tirer des vibrations variées, des décompositions, projections et transformations. » 1 Sans doute la chanson ne dit-elle rien d'autre que ce qu'elle dit, c'est-àdire rien. Une ritournelle innocente ponctuant l'écoulement du temps social. On chante en groupe et la chanson raccroche le solitaire au groupe de ceux qui l'entendent. Les époques d'une vie se laissent dire en ces ritournelles qui ont pu accompagner ces moments. Et on écouterait ces mots chantés du passé comme on regarde ces photos collectionnées en de vieux albums ou posées en vrac dans de vieilles boîtes à chaussures. Cliché sonore de notre être au monde elle dit mieux encore que les photos que rien ne meurt jamais quand elle réactive les sentiments sur lesquels elle avait su se greffer. Mais qu'elle relève d'une économie et d'une industrie la laisse-t-elle si innocente ? Habile à synchroniser les émotions, elle entre dans les logiques de contrôle de l'opinion et devient pour ceux qui l'entendent un véhicule d'adhésion au monde qui la porte. La ritournelle 55 Louis Ucciani
275,696 (76.32%) male and 8, 5546 (23.68 %) female members with a total capital of Birr 71,462,246.53. A report (2009) from Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo cooperative promotion and marketing development agency indicates that there are currently 22 multi-purposes, 2water users associations, 18 rural saving and credit cooperatives, one milk cooperative, two consumer cooperative and 3 mining cooperatives in Tselemti and 19 multi-purposes, 5water users associations, 19 rural saving and credit cooperatives, 5 consumer cooperative, one union multi purpose cooperative in Laelay-Adiyabo. The total number of members of MPCSs increased from 4445 in 2005 to 6604 in 2009 in Tselemti, and from 3987 in 2005 to 5034 in 2009 in Laelay-Adiyabo members of same years. In the year 2009 the proportion of female to total membership constitutes about 10.5 and 22 per cent for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively. According to Audit report of each woredas the total capital of MPCSs (2005) registered was 6,278,900 and 3,456,679 birr for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively. The capital of same MPCSs increased in the year 2009 to 8,852,908 and 5,952,599 birr for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively.
Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age, 2019
The first foreign dynasty which ruled Egypt between c. 1640 and 1530 BC was seen by Egyptologists and historians alike for a long time through a filter of scanty contemporary and posthumous Egyptian as well as antique texts. They rendered the tradition about these rulers in an absolutely biased and distorted way. It is the methods of modern archaeology, which enable to elucidate aspects and parts of history, prehistory and the aftermath of the Hyksos rule in a new light. We want to know from where and when the elite and the people behind the Hyksos rule came from, how they arrived in Egypt and how they settled there and were able to build up their power. We also want to know what the backbone of their economy had been and how they interacted with the rest of Egypt and with whom they entertained their commercial and political contacts. Finally, the question arises, why the Hyksos rule failed in Egypt. Within this workshop you will hear some of the answers to these questions. We are able to offer evidence that the Western Asiatic population, on which the Hyksos rule rested, came from a different region in the Levant - at least parts of their elite. Temple architecture and burial customs show that the religious inspirations and the concepts of afterlife in the eastern Nile Delta originated from northernmost Syria and northern Mesopotamia. The same can be also concluded from the introduction of the artificial irrigation systems for which new evidence could be collected from Tell el-Dab‘a, a harbour town which became the capital of the Hyksos. It is the site on which excavations between 1966-2011 under the supervision of the speaker produced with more than 80 field- and working-up-campaigns an enormous quantity of evidence on settlement, tombs, palaces, temples and a hoard of material culture which was partly published in 24 volumes but would still need the same amount of publications in the future if circumstances would allow it. Other excavations in the Delta and in the Wadi Tumilat such as Tell el-Retaba, Tell el Maskhuta and Tell el Khilgan contribute to the cultural phenomenon of the Hyksos. This ERC project was able to draw from these excavations but also produced conclusions, which place these archaeological results with the help of international colleagues into a much wider perspective. Our studies in relationship with the Hyksos lead us not only to the Levant but also to the wider cultural background of Mesopotamia and also to Asia minor, and concerning trade also to Cyprus and the Aegean. It seems clear now that the flourishing trading network built up by a Western Asiatic community before the Hyksos Period broke down during their reign, as they were cut off from the resources of Upper Egypt and Nubia and could not offer a barter for their trade with the Levant.
El presente artículo pretende mostrar cómo la descripción fenomenológica que el filósofo francés Jean-Luc Marion hace del fenómeno saturado encaja con precisión en la cristología característica del cuarto Evangelio. A partir del pensamiento de este autor, concluiremos que Jesucristo, como manifestación visible del Dios invisible, concentra en sí las cuatro paradojas fenoménicas, apareciendo también según el relato joánico como una “paradoja de paradojas” o como un “fenómeno saturado por excelencia”.
National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota, 2008
Employer branding" is promising discipline with its roots in classical marketing and HR Principles. Which includes aspects of marketing and HR. An 'employer brand' is a complex conception based on a variety of intangible factors, together with image versus identity, perception and the ability to distinguish among them. In a nutshell: An employer brand represents the picture a company projects as a potential employer. In fact, employer branding is the marketing tool because building a brand for consumer is same as building the brand for employees. When the objective is to maximize organization's equity by attracting, retaining and motivating the right employees, as an employer it pays to focus on organizational brand. In this competitive world each organization is focusing towards becoming preferred employer of the of employee. In this paper, I integrated how employer branding is now a day's highly used by organizations and my propose is to know why and how companies attract the right talent and retain them to becomes a vital feature for business accomplishment. Every organization have employer brand. In this paper I also incorporated how companies are creating their employer brand in competitive market and how they attract and retain employees.
Journal of Dairy Science, 2002
Twenty-four multiparous and fifteen first lactation Holstein cows averaging 263 days in milk and weighing 614 kg were fed diets adequate or deficient in ruminal nitrogen (N), based on predictions of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). After adjustment to a low crude protein (CP) total mixed rations (TMR; 12.6 % CP), the cows were allocated to 13 blocks based on lactation number, milk production, body condition score, and body weight. Within each block, cows were randomly assigned to one of the 3 treatment (TRT) diets (9.4, 11.1 and 14.1 % CP for TRT 1, 2, and 3, respectively). All diets contained the same proportion of high moisture corn, chopped grass hay, and minerals, with urea substituted for corn silage as needed to reach the three CP levels. The TRT diets were then fed to the cows for 4 wk. Milk production was significantly affected by TRT: 15.5, 18.8, and 21.7 kg/d for TRT diets 1, 2, and 3, respectively. DMI was increased significantly as the percentage of CP increased from 9.4 to 14.1% CP: 17.6, 20.0, and 21.2 kg/d for TRT diets 1, 2, and 3, respectively. CNCPS predictions for production (with and without the N adjustment for ruminal N deficiency) of metabolizable protein (MP) allowable milk were compared with observed milk production. Using the average individual weekly cow data from all 3 TRT, we found that the CNCPS accounted for 72 and 68% of the variation in MP allowable milk without and with the N deficiency adjustment, respectively. The overall mean bias without the N adjustment was 3.3 kg of milk (over prediction model bias of 14.6 %, P < 0.001), and the N adjustment reduced the model over-prediction bias to 0.01 kg of milk (P = 0.96).
Biosynthesis, Biogenesis, Physiological, and Pathological Functions, 2011
Fata Morgana Web, 2024
Lost in the Kaleidoscope: National Minorities in Yugoslavia, 2024
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovaniâ, 2024
Barcelona y Els Quatre Gats: Un giro hacia la modernidad, 2020
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2014
Journal of Surgical Research, 2012
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2008