DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Documents used by the jeyam logistics for export 1.Commercial invoice and packing list This is the document given by all the shippers to the forwaders for exporting the cargo to the rest of the contains the details of the cargo what they are exporting from the origin to the shows the gross weight and the total net weight of cargo and also the package details. 2.Shipping bill This is the document prepared by the Jeyam Logistics Pvt.Ltd. for getting permission from the Chennai for exporting [aricular goods from Chennai. 3.Letter of credit This is the agreement between the shipper and the consingnee for banking transactions.this will be opened by the consingnee from the destionation contry’s bank against the shipper. 4.Form 13 This is the document given by the liner for the goods which is going to be onboard the is used for releasing container from the CFS and to export it from port 5.Freight invoice This is the document given by the liner who is having the ship and also take the cargo to onboard the contains the freight charges of shipment.without this freight invoice the shipper or the forwarder can not release the bill of lading from the liner 6.Bill of Lading This is evidence of the goods which is onboardthe ship given by the liner to the shipper or to the is a non negitiable document. Step by step Processing of an export order by Jeyam Logistics PVT.LTd Step 1 : In Jeyam Logistics Pvt Ltd. Export operations starts with the receipt of enquiry by the exporter to them. Bar on the enquiry Jeyam logistics Pvt Ltd submits their offer of giving complete details of their services and the charges of shipment. Step 2 : Once the shipment is conformed by the marketing team. There after shipper will communicate with the documentation team directly till the shipment is getting over. Step 3 : After that, documentation team of the company will get the following documents from shipper INVOICE PACKING LIST COPY OF THE PURCHASE ORDER/ L/C Step 4 Before getting these documents from theshipper, the documentation tean will get the details of the vessel and the sailing schedule from the liners. After getting the invoice and packing list they prepare the following documents. ARE1 FROM EXSICE DEPARTMENT MARINE INSURANCE POLICY Step 5 Based on these documents Jeyam logistics pvt Ltd. Completes the document formalities,obtain port permit and prepare custom bill which is a customs document. Step 6 Check list format for the shipping bill is prepare by using the software called visual IMPEX and send it to the customs for getting the shipment bill number through the online. Customs department check the export cargo on the basis of the information provided on the shipping bill. If satisfy then cargo allowed to loaded on the board of ships. Step 7 The check list with the shipping bill number will send to their CFS for loading the cargo into the container as per the format of the packing list which is given by the shipper,once the shipping bill is getting numbered. Step 8 After that the documentation team will follow up the liners for getting the document form 13,before the loading is complete. The customs officer will examine the cargo when the cargo is loading into the container and also they sealed the container once they loaded. Step 9 The form 13 willl be send to the NUMBAL CFS once the form 13 is received from the liner for releasing the container from there and also it’s the permission to sleep for the trailor enter the port. In JEYAM LOGISTICS PVT LTD.,having their own transport for moving the container from CFS to port. Once the transporter will off loaded the container to the port they will submit the original shipping bill with the transportation charge receipt to the documentation team. Step 10 Afrter getting the original shipping and transportation receipt from the transporter, the documentation team will send that to the shipper by courier for their referenceslike their cargo is ready to onboard the ship. Step 11 The shipping line gives mate receipt to JEYAM LOGISTICS PVT LTD., after the payment of ocean freight and port due obtains the bill of lading from shipper line. B/L is a proof of dispatch of cargo and also negotiable document. Step 12 Once the vessel sailed from Chennai port,the documentation team will follow up the liner for getting the B/L draft for the correction. Because,they have to release the B/L with inone week after sailing the vessel.otherwise they have to pay the penalty. Step 13 Once the B/L is ready the documentation team will applyfor the freight invoice. It contains thecharge amount for that shipment raising by the liner.After getting the freight invoice, JEYAM LOGISTICSPVT LTD. Will pay the amount to the liner what their mentioned in the invice and release the B/L from them. Step 14 After that JEYAM LOGISTICS PVT LTD. Send various documents back to exporter which is Customs attested invoice Copy of shipping bill Full set of on board bill of lading Copy of the purchase order or L/C Copies of are1 form SDF form. Step 15 After the exporter submitted these documents for negotiation to the bank which include : Commercial invoice Packing list SDF form Original copy of purchase order Certificate of origin Bill of exchange Shipment advice Step 16 After that, bank scrutinizes these documents and if fond correct make payment to exporter against documentation. Step 18 Once the shipment is finished,the documentation team of JEYAM LOGISTICS PVT. LTD will raise the thw invoice for their brokerage work what they done for the shipment. Shipment handled by JEYAM LOGISTICS FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS Shipper name 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 ITC 60 60 112 105 80 HYUNDAI 42 32 48 30 20 TIMES GROUP 20 30 62 41 20 FORD 40 45 35 50 45 MISTUBISHI 20 38 48 25 30 Total 182 225 305 261 195 6