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This paper examines the activities of the Religious-Zionist Bnei-Akiva youth movement among Mizrahi immigrants after the establishment of the state of Israel. Through this examination, I would like to examine Religious-Zionist ambivalence towards the Mizrahim and Mizrahi traditions. On the one hand, Mizrahim were included in the Religious-Zionist collective based on their definition as 'religious.' On the other hand, because their religiosity was negated as neither rational nor consistent, Mizrahim were discriminated against as ‘non-religious’ according to modern Orthodox standards. Taking a closer look at this unique 'Observant orientalist' phenomenon will help to deconstruct the term 'religion' and examine it as a product of European secularism. In doing so, I challenge the accepted perception of Religious-Zionism and shed new light on its ideology and theology. An essential term in this examination is 'religious melting pot'. In accordance with this ideology and practice, Mizrahim were stripped of their traditions and cultures and underwent massive acculturation in order to become part of the Religious-Zionist collective. This inclusion, however, was not complete, as Mizrahim were suspected of not being ideologues by nature, and thus incapable to become members of the Religious-Kibbutz. The subordination of traditional texts, saints, and rituals also characterizes this phenomenon. Bnei Akiva's textbooks, rituals, and parades for Mizrahim include texts that subordinate religion to modern ideals such as Zionist pioneerism, nationalism, and socialism. Additionally, using traditional texts, these activities demonstrate the negation of exile, which was based on the negation of the Mizrahim themselves.
This collection includes the reports of the conference participants on the main contradictions in the continental Southeast Asia, the ways in which China, the United States and other actors influence the situation in the subregion, and the promising areas of cooperation between Russia and the countries of the river basin. This book is intended for politicians, civil servants, political scientists and historians interested in the Greater Mekong subregion and the processes taking place in Southeast Asia.
1 Resumen Ud. es un Ingeniero Comercial que le interesan los temas sobre quiebras de empresas importantes a escala mundial. Debido a ese interés, se enteró a través de distintos medios de comunicación que la Corporación Enron, empresa de EE.UU., se declaró en quiebra el 02 de diciembre del 2001. El caso de esta empresa causó una gran motivación en saber e investigar lo que ocurrió, ya que los hechos que llevaron a la quiebra a esta corporación son algo distintos y complejos a los que han ocurrido en el pasado; causas que van desde fraudes hasta artificios contables que alteran los resultados de los estados financieros. Por lo que al enterarse que un analista financiero investigó sobre este caso, Ud. le pide a él que le muestre los resultados obtenidos, para enterarse exactamente de los distintos hechos y características que llevaron a la quiebra a esta Corporación. Este analista acepta su petición, presentándole a continuación los resultados de su investigación.
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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