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La atmósfera está compuesta por nitrógeno (elemento químico) en un 78%, lo que lo hace el elemento más abundante en ella. Su importancia es crucial para la vida, pues los seres vivos lo necesitan para realizar algunos de sus procesos biológicos importantes.
2. MEDIOS: elegir políticas, programas, procedimientos y practicas con las que han de alcanzarse los objetivos.
Introducción Las normas relativas al Dibujo tienen por objeto unificar criterios a fin de facilitar los trazados gráficos y simplificar la lectura e interpretación de los dibujos por personas distintas de las que realizaron el dibujo original. Con objeto de lograr la universalidad en la aplicación de las normas, los organismos oficiales de los distintos países se mantienen en contacto para lograr en un futuro unas normas únicas aplicables a todos los países. En diversos campos del conocimiento y de la industria es necesario representar un objeto suministrando todos los datos técnicos de importancia, hay que mostrar su forma aparente y hacer comprensibles sus partes interiores mediante un dibujo analítico basado en algunas convenciones que se exponen a continuación. La ISO (International Standarization Organization) es la entidad internacional encargada de favorecer la normalización en el mundo. Con sede en Ginebra, es una federación de organismos nacionales, éstos, a su vez, son oficinas de normalización que actúan de delegadas en cada país, como por ejemplo: AENOR en España, AFNOR en Francia, DIN en Alemania, etc. con comités técnicos que llevan a término las normas. Se creó para dar más eficacia a las normas nacionales. La finalidad principal de las normas ISO es orientar, coordinar, simplificar y unificar los usos para conseguir menores costos y efectividad. Tiene valor indicativo y de guía. Actualmente su uso se va extendiendo y hay un gran interés en seguir las normas existentes porque desde el punto de vista económico reduce costos, tiempo y trabajo. Criterios de eficacia y de capacidad de respuesta a los cambios. Por eso, las normas que presentemos, del campo de la información y documentación, son de gran utilidad porque dan respuesta al reto de las nuevas tecnologías
Semua pekerjaan dalam syarat-syarat ini harus dilaksanakan dengan mengikuti dan memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan teknis yang tertera dalam persyaratan SKSNI, SNI, dan Standar Industri Indonesia (SII) dan peraturan-peraturan setempat lainnya yang berlaku atas jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang bersangkutan antara lain : Untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang belum termasuk dalam standar-standar Nasional lainnya, maka diberlakukan standar-standar Internasional yang berlaku atas pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut atau setidak-tidaknya berlaku standar-standar Persyaratan Teknis dari negara-negara asal bahan/pekerjaan yang bersangkutan.
Belleten, 2023
The subject matter of this work is the metal military equipment that was found in the military settlement of Tepecik, situated on a natural rock north of the Patara city center and east of the inner harbor. Construction activities for defense purposes can be traced back to the 6 th century B.C. in the settlement. During the excavations conducted in recent years, a garrison was unearthed, that had been built in the middle of the 4 th century B.C. and remained in use until the end of the 3 rd century B.C. with some architectural transformation.
This article aims to re-examine Jean Nicot’s embassy to Portugal, by using his correspondence. I attempt to show that the main episodes in this maritime rivalry during Nicot’s tenure are intrinsically connected with the ambassador’s acquisition of Portuguese maritime knowledge. I also suggest the connection between the information transmitted by Nicot from Lisbon with his work as a translator and disseminator of Portuguese knowledge after his resettling in France. Nicot’s embassy is compared with those of other French and Spanish ambassadors
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2021
Security, synonymous with stability and development, in its most desirable form ensures certainty of existence, preservation of identity, freedom of affiliation, activity and functioning of individuals and communities, integrity and independence, satisfaction of basic needs, defence against their loss, prosperity and satisfaction. The interpretation adopted for the purposes of the paper refers to several elements that affect national security. It is primarily creating its security by organising society on the basis of power, giving its actions a purposeful character serving to maintain order and stability, and social order. Another element is the creation of certain states of social reality through the policy of the institution of power, which relates to the present, but inevitably leads to the future. The third element is the creation of future, desired social, political and economic phenomena and processes forming the order and the basis for further related activities, based on the policy instrument, which is the national security strategy. The last element is combining all of the previously listed in national security management. Together, these elements create an interpretation of the way of transforming and creating the state's ability to ensure its security, a necessary condition for its existence and development. The presented study, not exhausting the subject, allows for the formulation of directions for further research, which appear to be important in creating national security.
В.Ш. Кривонос. Смерть своих и смерть чужих в повести Гоголя "Тарас Бульба", 2024
The article examines the features of the depiction of the death of characters in Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. The main attention is paid to the relationship between spatial spheres, one of which includes Orthodox Cossacks, and the other Catholic Poles. The subject of narration and description in the story is death in the war for faith that the Cossacks are waging with the Poles. The author proves that the position of ethnocentrism occupied by the narrator, with an emphasis on the special connection of national feeling with religious feeling, determines his attitude towards the deaths of characters belonging to different spatial spheres, as the death of own and the death of alien. The attitude of the Cossacks to death is studied from the point of view of their value system as good death and bad death. It is shown that the narrator depicts the deaths of the Poles as one of the moments of the battle, which do not have such eventual significance as the deaths of the Cossacks. At the same time, the narrator corrects the position of ethnocentrism, combining the subjective perception of images of death with an objective assessment of what is happening.
Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Педагогика, 2019
Археология Евразийских степей
International Journal of Professional Business Review
I Am André, German Jew, French Resistance Fighter, British Spy, 2024
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2004
The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2007
University of Michigan undergraduate research journal, 2024
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2019
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1994
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2014