International Expertise: A Position Paper
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International Expertise: A Position Paper
David William Cohen, Anthropology and History
Volume 9, Issue 1, Fall 2001
With the end of the Cold War has come a remarkable elaboration of international
expertise in such fields as arts and historical preservation, communications, conflict
resolution, constitutional reform, crime, debt management, deforestation, emerging
markets, global warming, ethnic minorities, health, human rights (including the
rights of women, children and indigenous peoples), nutrition, pollution, refugees
and migration, violence, water resources, wildlife conservation and worker safety.
Moving effortlessly, it would seem, across national borders, with a distance from the
claims of older ideologies, international expertise today is challenging as well as
altering long-standing concepts of sovereignty and non-interference.
International expertise evokes communitarian values and goals through the
motivation and enforcement of international standards. It is an expertise that
straddles fields of activism, scholarship, and governmental activity, while often
generating its own institutions and protocols. Especially, from the mid-1980s, new
formations of expertise have unfolded outside the academy, developing within nongovernmental and non-university organizations. Consulting firms, philanthropic
organizations and advocacy groups have become major information gathering (as
well as interpreting) agencies; have gained a purchase on formal policy-making; are
reshaping the ways in which Americans and others address the wider world; and are
constituting a new economy of expertise.
Such expertise is coming to constitute itself as an international civil society with
common approaches to local, regional and global issues; shared languages of
discussion; and comparable institutions shaping the constructions of knowledge and
the productions of practice. While claiming global addresses, these epistemic
communities of experts are yet thickly involved in tensions and conflicts among
local, national and professional values and interests.
The International Institute's May Seminar on International Expertise-May 3-10,
2001-examined international practice in such fields as financial reform, global
warming and human rights, with attention to several aspects of the process of
constitution of international expertise.
Reframing International Expertise: An
Analytical Aside
The study of international expertise invites an aggregative approach, that is, we can
discern distinctive arrays of international expertise claiming common-one might say
universal-language and values, observing similar protocols and expressing like;rgn=main
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grounds of authority. In this analytical mode, one sees the historical unfolding of an
emergent international episteme, significant shifts in the terms of sovereignty, the
development of new transnational regimes of influence and the constitution of new
relational circuits among experts, local actors and intermediaries. We can see the
affiliations among discrete frames of expertise and expert practice, "treaties,"
coalitions and hierarchies of differing but interrelated fields of practice. We are also
alerted to the actual and prospective work of anti-politics in the operations and
figurations of international expertise, in its formulations as science, as global or
international, as neutral or independent, as technical, or as privileged by moral and
humane values.
Students of expertise are led through this aggregative analysis to observe what is
perhaps a very significant transition in the organization of power and influence in
the world. With this understanding of general process, and through essentially
constructing a "market" in best practices, we can train others toward what we may
see as more effective application of expertise in and on the world, discerning and
remarking critical aspects of practice that move beyond specific fields of endeavor.
For those experts engaged in international practice, the comprehension of other
frames of expert practice is a learning track, a means to greater influence and success
in a global economy of expertise.
Yet, within this aggregative mode, we are producing something of a teleology. In
constructing a unified frame of reference with respect to international expertise, we
privilege common elements against what are potentially critical distinctions, in one
sense participating-through aggregative analysis-in the very construction of a global
economy of expertise. We constitute a process, a trend, we figure a sort of starting
point-the "end of the Cold War" suggests itself-and we imagine some future
configuration, related to what we have seen, or surmised, but also a still more
coherent future.
In doing so, however, we may overlook the deeper genealogies of international
expertise reaching in some fields back into the eighteenth century or earlier. And in
privileging certain elements, as against others, we may miss some of the
countervailing features of international expertise, older and continuing, in which
expertise claiming international status may be essentially about the conservation of
national standards and values, national markets, and national interest: for example,
in the arms control field, in the regulation of commodity markets, in the promotion
of labor standards. In many circumstances, there may be nothing particularly new or
dramatic within the epistemics of international practice. And in historicizing
expertise, we might reflect on the ways in which even the formation of national
professions of experts and professional expertise-the ascension of "the national" in
the claims to scope and authority of experts-was itself a remarkable development
against the hold of class or oligarchic interests in the elaboration of expertise.
To move from an aggregative analytic procedure toward a disaggregative analytic
mode, we may identify difference, and also recognize the significance of difference,
among the several discrete fields of international expertise. For example, emerging
markets expertise sustains the rubric of the national unit as the unit of analysis,
while encouraging new and powerful frames of expertise. Conversely, expertise;rgn=main
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directed toward the environment transcends the boundedness of the national unit to
recognize forces and conditions that are regional or global, yet may do so on the
basis of well established scientific knowledge. While emerging markets expertise
seems capable of functioning only by the logic of national units, environmental
expertise is predicated on a logic of the world beyond the registry of nations. Again,
in respect to the frame of reference of the nation, expertise directed toward the
reform of electoral systems must not only work within a national framework but also
within the legal and constitutional frameworks of a national government. By
contrast, human rights expertise typically works against the existing legal and
constitutional frameworks of national governments.
Emerging Markets Expertise Environmental Expertise
Electoral Expertise
Human Rights Expertise
In another way, emerging markets and environmental expertise place value on the
ideals of natural systems to which human societies are subject, while electoral and
human rights expertise stress the responsibilities of humans to build systems to
protect and enlarge the space of individual possibility.
To extend and complicate further this comparison of just these four fields of
international expertise, emerging markets expertise and electoral expertise draw
power from the concentration of privileged knowledge at a source, on the distinction
between the sites of expertise and the objects of expert practice. They are predicated
on the absence of locally constituted expertise, on the reduction of possibility toward
a narrow set of frames of reference and on an iterative model of transition of whole
nations from one order to another. Such expertise is not generally involved in the
imposition of standards, and there is hardly any circumstance where negotiation
with divergent local forces and interests is required. Yet emerging markets and
human rights expertise may press the constitution of new international structures to
regulate national states and national institutions, or to move national practices
towards uniform global standards.
Emerging markets and electoral expertise may press standards irrespective of local
particularities. On the other hand, environmental expertise and human rights
expertise constantly and explicitly face the realities that locally constructed
discourses do matter, that the negotiations of and with the local are constitutive of
outcomes, that imposition is always an issue and that the balances in terms of
negotiation are always critical. Moreover, changes, while iterative, are not sequenced
around models of national transition.
In a different vein, we see emerging markets and environmental expertise configured
around the recognition of only partially understood complex systems, while electoral
and human rights expertise are marshaled around a normative discourse relating to
the powers of states and to the capacity to control. At the same time, environmental
expertise and human rights expertise are configured around, and to an extent
underwritten by, global social movements, while emerging markets and electoral
expertise are configured around and underwritten by consultative markets. To
reform systems, environmental and human rights expertise must press into public;rgn=main
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view and debate the challenges presented by specific local conditions, while
emerging markets and electoral expertise may induce change in local conditions and
practices through far more discrete discussion of the challenges at hand.
The comparison here begins as an analytical move, but it at the same time is
intended to recognize the thick, tendentious differences that mark the practices of
international expertise, that complicate notions of common ground. Here it is less
important to achieve an absolutely settled characterization of a field of international
practice than to suggest in a rough and preliminary way some of the differentiating
features or varied specifications of expertise in its international formulation and
One could elaborate such a comparison through the introduction of additional fields
of expertise; one could introduce additional variables-for example, the different
"optics" through which experts discover and comprehend specific spaces of practiceand also revise and debate the specific interpretations. The point is to begin to graph
variation across aggregative and integrative models, to question the ease with which
it is possible to speak generally of unfolding global expertise, to test some of the
epistemic assumptions that run through different folds of what is referred to as a
globalization process, and to discern less well marked programs and processes that
seem to complicate the general models.
Position Paper Responses
Journalism: Hidden Scripts of National Interest
Michael Bromley, 2000-2001 Marsh Visiting Professor of Journalism
Journalism's indeterminate status, and ambivalent relationships to governance
position it specifically in relation to ideas of international expertise. Its implication
in processes of democratization and marketization since at least the eighteenth
century ties it closely to the emergence of the liberal, capitalist nation-state; its
parallel associations with progressivism posit it as an agent of change; its quasiprofessionalizing tendencies link it to organizational, licensing, educational,
membership and codification practices with distinctive nation-state dimensions; and
its linguistic and technological dependencies and usages arise out of, and reinforce,
national and state interests.
Thus, on the one hand, journalism may be viewed as a vital component element in a
‘free press' policy which has been increasingly transferred from liberal nation-state
democracies of the North (as in the ‘independent media' preconditions attached to
aid) and in processes of penetration (exemplified in the conditions for membership
of IGOs, such as the Council of Europe).
The central paradox of the ‘free press' position (that journalism is idealized as
independent of states because of its ‘truth-telling' imperative) is regularly dealt with
by mobilizing what might be called ‘democratic intermediaries' in policy transfer and
penetration. These include public service media (such as the BBC), education,
business and occupational bodies, such as trade unions.
Nevertheless, journalism as a discursive community made up of informal (peer);rgn=main
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networks may construe ‘expertise' primarily in terms of the experiential social
learning of know-how—learning how to be a journalist. This is reliant less on
organization and compliance (measured in terms of diffusion) than on voluntary
participation and the establishment of social and cultural credit.
A set of questions arises as to whether this represents a circumvention of the ‘scripts
of national interest'; if such journalism ‘experts' are transactors, and if so, how are
issues of representativeness and accountability resolved; what influence, if any, the
structures of networks exert on the idea of ‘expertise'; and what is the social content
of ‘expertise,' and how is it validated?
Epistemic Communities and the Commodification
of Expertise
Jason Finkle, Population Planning & International Health; Grace Davie, History;
Monica Patterson, Doctoral Program in Anthropology and History
An “epistemic community” has been defined by Peter Haas (1992) as a network of
professionals with recognized expertise and competence in a particular domain and
an authoritative claim to policy-relevant knowledge within that domain or issuearea. According to Haas, epistemic communities are not only communities of
scientists with shared faith in the scientific method, but they can also be
communities of people with diverse interpretations of ambiguous data, bonded
together by “their shared belief or faith in the verity and applicability of particular
forms of knowledge or specific truths.” Epistemic communities, defined by Haas,
also have a common policy goal, usually that their professional competence will be
directed towards the enhancement of human welfare.
Starting from this definition of epistemic communities, we would like to provoke the
seminar to consider the range of ways in which epistemic communities carry out
their work in relation to politics, ideology and the world around them. We want to
ask: Who participates in epistemic communities? How do these communities emerge
and by what rules and codes do they take shape? How do they find common ground?
And, despite shared practices, beliefs, methods, goals and criteria for weighing and
validating knowledge, how do communities become inspired or sidetracked by
particular interest groups from ‘outside' or by particular biases and assumptions
from ‘inside.' Is it only trained, experienced elites who make up expert communities,
or is it sometimes fruitful to view other types of people as constituting an epistemic
Population specialists offer a particularly revealing example of an epistemic
community. In the early 1960s, the U.S. government ‘discovered' population, family
planning took off as a cause, foundations blossomed, NGOs promoted and
capitalized on the notion that civil society could replace the work of governments,
population conferences became increasingly frequent, and population experts began
to develop a common language between themselves. Jason Finkle points out that,
between the 1960s and 1990s, the “population community” grew in number,
diversity and scientific knowledge, and in so doing became less, rather than more ,
an epistemic community as described by Haas. Instead of evolving into a community
that shared expertise and a common outlook or vision, it became more pluralistic;rgn=main
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and diverse. This latter trend was, in part, by design, but more significantly an
inevitable consequence of the centrality of population to development.
But all these complexities are also historically constituted. How do expert
designations of social phenomena or conditions, for example “poverty,” change over
time and how does competition between different political interests inform those
changes? What roles do intermediaries play in expert attempts to craft
“disinterested” objective knowledge out of messy interactions with informants? And,
can one detect recursive dynamics between experts and the people who are the
object of expert knowledge? In other words, how does expertise exceed the
boundaries of epistemic communities in ways similar to what Ian Hacking has called
‘looping'? How do expert identifications get informed and altered by non-experts and
their tastes? And how do expert identifications alter people's views of the world and
In trying to link these questions about communities of expertise to questions about
the commodification of expertise, we are asking: how do politics and power play a
role in the ways in which epistemic communities produce and market expertise?
How do experts construct knowledge in relationship to the constraints and
possibilities of specific historical conjunctures in which expert knowledge may have
to compete in a field already thick with existing meanings, knowledges, designations
and alternatives? And how do intellectual and ideological movements change the
marketplace and consumers?
Some Thoughts on “Communities of Experts”
Daniel Rothenberg, Anthropology, Michigan Society of Fellows
Woven into the complex and seemingly inevitable social, economic and political
shifts known as globalization is an increasing dependence upon various forms of
international expertise and the control and management of such services by an array
of experts. The special status of experts as agents, managers, analysts and planners
of global change is a central component of various evolving and expanding systems
of transnational activity.
While international expertise has multiple meanings, understanding its social
implications requires a consideration of the ways in which professionals define
themselves through their membership and participation within communities of
experts. Since universities play a key role in the construction and legitimation of
expertise and the creation of experts, it seems especially appropriate to consider
these issues from within academia.
The term community suggests a sense of common understanding, a bond that
stretches beyond the procedural or the merely professional. Unlike a club,
association, or political party, membership within a community references a shared
set of values and beliefs that are validated, strengthened and enunciated through the
interaction of its members. In this sense, a community derives its structuring power
from the participation and engagement of members through actions that are both
consciously created to produce the community as well those that bind individuals
together in ways that are less controlled, purposeful and self-aware.;rgn=main
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The idea of community is linked to the concept of identity in that participation in a
community serves to define and structure one's sense of self and place within the
world. One might argue that in contemporary society individuals need communities
precisely because the power of such membership is distinct from participation in
other systems of social order. Communities powerfully affirm basic values and
understanding, linking thought to action in ways that express and respond to deepest
of human needs. To the degree that the identities of global professionals are not
strongly bound to specific localities, international communities of experts might help
define new forms of identity that are uniquely translocal.
Perhaps what is most striking about the idea of communities of experts is that such
organizations are created through processes that emphasize individuals' successful
control over their lives. By definition, communities of experts deny entry to all but a
select number of individuals who understand their membership as an expression of a
fundamental freedom to create one's life through professional accomplishment. In
this sense, a community of experts is markedly distinct from the traditional
understanding of a community as a social world one is born into, a foundational
cultural position that defines one's identity outside of the realm of choice and
Understanding communities of experts—as opposed to, for example, professional
organizations—requires an inquiry into how feelings of affirmative unified identity
among members are produced and how such social processes impact upon the
nature of expertise. To be an expert is to possess a special skill, ability, or knowledge
linked to particular abilities of acting within and upon the world. In this way, the
ideal model of an expert is a technician whose special powers bear a clear and
unproblematic relationship to solving a problem. However, in the world of
international experts—whether economists, consultants, scholars of a certain
regional or issue—the nature of expertise is complex such that the value produced is
not always open to objective measurement. As such, a key element of the
establishment of communities of experts involves the production of legitimacy that
often denies the constructed, shifting and fundamentally uncertain ground of
expertise itself.
In this way, communities of experts are entwined in a complicated discourse of
control—both personal and professional—that serves to determine conditions of
membership while also defining the value of potential interventions. Experts
understand themselves as having realized their expertise through training and
experience (often involving advanced university education and degrees) through
individual control over one's own life. Similarly, expertise defines itself through the
power to realize desired changes in the world, to control things in an ordered fashion
premised upon the special knowledge that is expertise.
Still, to the degree that experts are defined through social processes that are
constantly changing and their expertise is similarly a function of conditions that
continually vary, the idea of control may well be more fragile than the system allows.
Certainly, this seems apparent when one looks back upon expert opinions that
justified past failures of social planning of almost any type, whether in economics,
medicine, public policy or politics. Underlying every instance of expertise is a;rgn=main
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nagging sense that the expected outcome will not be realized.
Perhaps one of the central reasons we are drawn to discussing communities of
experts today is that, like all true communities, these social organizations hold the
key to understanding the moral foundations of our world, both in our need to control
and our fear that we may fail.
Thinking about Globalization, the Role of Expert
and Social Policy
Mariely López-Santana, Doctoral Student, Political Science
Welfare states, specifically the provision of social policy to citizens, have been
directly associated with the nation-state. Until recently, the answer to the question of
which entity is responsible for the well being of citizens was (more or less) clear: the
state is responsible for providing, on some way or another, for citizens.
Globalization, especially in terms of increased labor and capital mobility and
expansion of international trade, has impacted the way nation-states are organized
in many Western countries, including the way ‘social policy' is being discussed by a
community of experts. There has been discussion about what is to be done to make
globalization socially responsible. For example, the European Union has created a
“Social Protocol.” This agreement contains a number of provisions on direct
cooperation between European member states on social and labor market policy.
However, we must take into consideration the role of experts in the process of social
policy creation. Social policy experts have been getting together to create networks to
discuss the topic, and to propose policy that is ‘socially responsible' and labor
conscious. These networks have transcended the boundaries of the nation state, and
have become global policy networks. Thus, the linkages between the international
and domestic policy arenas have taken the form of global ideological and discursive
For example, we find the director of the “Globalism and Social Program” (GASPP)
writing a booklet called “Socially Responsible Globalization: A Challenge for the
European Union” for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland. This
publication coincided with the Finnish Presidency of the EU (second half of 1999). [1]
[#N1] This is ‘knowledge' produced by experts for a country that is considered an
exemplary welfare state and social democracy. What might be the hidden script of
this country? Is this a way of developing a social protocol at the EU level that looks as
the Finnish case? Is this reality transferable, for example, to Portugal, Spain, Greece
or Italy? This example illustrates how could we think about the following questions:
How should we think about ‘non-state knowledge
It could be argued that these experts are especially interested in ‘lesson-drawing' and
could be regarded as ‘policy and intellectual transfer entrepreneurs.' Thus, experts
(considered non-state actors) carry, export and induce policy ideas from “out-of state
boundaries” (NGOs, “think-tanks, consultancy, foundations, academics, etc.) to
states and regional institutions/organizations, and vice-versa. Moreover, experts;rgn=main
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could be seen as establishers, perpetuators and renovators of international regimes
or “the rules of the game.” Experts assist states, regional/international organizations
and NGOs in the creation and establishment of “what is acceptable” at the domestic
and international level.
If we think about experts as providing ‘intellectual
goods' and knowledge to states, regional and
international organizations, what could be the
tensions between the nation-state and international
As we think about the past, more questions come to mind. First, who are the experts?
Where do they come from? We should think here about Western bias. [2] [#N2] Are
these ‘intellectual goods' understandable and viable in all domestic and/or regional
settings? How does the nation state deal with pressures of ‘global understandings'?
[3] [#N3]
Finally, if knowledge is socially constructed, as
numerous social and cultural theorists have argued,
how do states react to the ‘international expertise' [4]
[#N4] ?
This concern is especially true for countries that do not fit the standards of what is
acceptable by these networks of experts. Should all states react in the same way to
the intervention of experts in their ‘reality' (political, economic, cultural, etc.), even if
it is a democracy, autocracy, industrialized, Newly- Industrialized or notindustrialized?
More attention should be paid in the social sciences to the role of international
experts. In political science, for instance, scholars who study the international
system mostly focus on the nation-state, regional and international
organizations/institutions (governmental and non-governmental) and MNCs as the
actors of the international system. Then, what about these networks of experts that
highly influence domestics and international arenas by creating, shaping and
establishing policy? Experts, as domestic and international actors, have the tools and
the spaces to set domestic and international agendas. As researchers, we should
study these actors. As teachers and professors, we should underline their importance
in the classroom.
A Few Tendentious Theses on International
David M. Trubek, Voss-Bascom Professor of Law and Director, University of
Wisconsin-Madison International Institute
1) International experts usually work in national settings and seek to change national
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2) Part of the “expertise” that international experts deploy is knowledge about how to
change national conditions to fit international requirements or standards.
3) International standards will favor some national groups over others and thus
international expertise is a weapon that will be deployed in national struggles for
4) The struggle for power may occur in part within national professional arenas as
internationally oriented experts within national arenas vie with those rooted in
domestic practices and discourses.
5) It is a mistake to envision some pure international sphere from which
international expertise emerges and in which it is deployed. Almost all the arenas in
which so-called international experts operate are really systems of “multi-level”
governance affecting and affected by the local, national, supranational regional
and/or global levels.
6) International experts may project the idea that they speak for higher values just as
lawyers speak in the name of “the law.” But there is always a client, even if that client
is a supposedly neutral and altruistic international organization.
7) There is a real tension inherent in the creation and application of international
expertise. To give these bodies of expertise authority and reach, the knowledge must
appear to be neutral, universal and enduring. But this expertise will affect different
groups in different ways and its effective application may demand attention to
diversity and flexibility.
8) If international experts stay too close to the idea of the fixed and universal, they
may fail to carry out effective change. If they openly admit that change will not
benefit all in a society, if they accept the need to deviate from universal recipes, or if
they show they are willing to bend their standards, they may lose authority.
9) The really skilled international expert has to be a bit of a con man (or woman)
speaking in the name of universal and unchanging standards that benefit all while
cutting deals that vary from the universal recipe and work to someone's advantage.
The Expertise of Experience
Monica Eileen Patterson, Doctoral Program in Anthropology and History
Who qualifies as an expert and what expertise should be followed are rarely, if ever,
points of consensus. Second, third, and fourth opinions are easy to come by despite
experts' attempts to establish themselves in positions of influence that are beyond
reproach. Successful experts maintain, defend, and exclude others from the authority
they seek to construct, and selectively translate their knowledge for others' benefit.
With the increase of violent conflicts premised on intolerance of difference, postauthoritarian societies have relied upon experts of various ilks to develop new and
more sophisticated mechanisms for acknowledging and addressing past wrongs.
Experts on constitutional reform, international human rights, refugees, emerging
markets, and healthcare (among others) have carved out particular gambits of
expertise in cooperation and competition with one another. The recent proliferation
of “victim” testimony has been an influential force in policy making, international;rgn=main
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law, journalism, and the work of NGOs. Survivors of trauma and mass violence are
increasingly insisting upon the legitimacy and even ultimate authority of their
particular ways of knowing, posing a unique challenge to more traditionally
constituted forms of authority that have centered around training, accreditation, and
access to resources and positions of influence and power.
Within the context of South Africa's complex processes of social and political
transformation, trauma survivors are encroaching on the exclusivity and power of
“expert” analysis. Rejecting the term “victim” for its pathologizing implications,
many have called into question the vocabulary utilized by experts. They have also
contested the recommendations of government officials, artists, architects, and
urban planners concerning new and old monuments and memorials. Within and
surrounding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, some have challenged
government policy on reparations and reconciliation, the TRC's process of
confronting apartheid and its legacy, and the psychoanalytic models that have been
used to treat those traumatized by violence. The Khulamani Support Group, a drama
group that includes both professional actors and survivors of human rights violations
was started by some trauma survivors as an alternative or addition to testifying in
the TRC. They were unsatisfied with the experts' models of healing offered within
this formal political process.
In South Africa especially, many of these experiential experts have been trained,
formally educated, appointed, and assimilated into established realms of expertise,
enabling them to integrate different ways of knowing into strategic networks of other
more traditionally recognized experts. There also are those who reject the need for
credentials other than their own knowledge derived from experience.
Guatemalan Rigoberta Menchu is an experiential expert who successfully utilized her
claimed experiences as a Mayan woman and genocide survivor to become recognized
as an international authority on indigenous peoples' rights. Like other experts, she
represented and worked for the interests of certain groups by affecting laws and
policy, raising funds, organizing resources, networking with other experts, and
translating her knowledge to others. She established a foundation to fight for
indigenous people's rights and acted as an expert on the civil war in Guatemala at a
time when few people outside of the country knew about it. Further, she brought
charges against three former presidents, two ex-generals, two police chiefs, and one
former Minister of the Interior for genocide, terrorism, and torture. Although the
authenticity of her experiences came to be questioned, Menchu was able to function
and influence like an expert.
Survivors are not only more emotionally invested on a personal level than removed
experts, they also are able to intellectualize and analyze their experiences, translating
them to others just as experts in other fields do. At the same time, while experts are
often engaged in the translation of knowledge into a variety of contexts, their work is
also marked by purposeful obfuscation, opacity, and mystification. Within the act of
translation, strategic decisions are made about what to leave incomprehensible and
what to render understandable to others for the purposes of bolstering the
exclusivity of their spheres of influence. The very notion of expertise is premised on
exclusion. Experiential experts can strategically argue for the impregnable monopoly;rgn=main
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that they hold over their own experiences and effectively insist on the authority and
exceptionalness of their position.
Experiences of trauma do not necessarily make one into an expert, just as training or
certification is not necessarily sufficient. Becoming an expert involves selfpositioning, the use and application of one's training and experience, networking
with other experts and domains of expertise, and being accepted as an expert. It is
arguable that experts have the most power when their authority is assumed and
doesn't have to be stated. The distinction between experts and laypersons, training
and experiential knowledge is often very murky. This is not to say that everything is
so relative that experts no longer hold particular monopolies over certain positions
of power, but that these powers must be recognized as unfixed and in a constant
state of negotiation and production. Laying claim to their exclusive right over the
experiential knowledge that lies beyond what is accessible through textbooks or
training, experiential experts are changing the rules of the game and challenging the
authority of their more widely recognized counterparts.
A Reprise for Sovereignty
José Raúl Perales, Doctoral Candidate, Political Science
“I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the
president or the pope. But now I want to be the bond market: you can intimidate
James Carville, former electoral adviser to Bill Clinton
[5] [#N5]
Analysts and observers of the globalization of the world economy typically claim that
international expertise is challenging the sovereignty of the nation-state, as
witnessed by the ever-increasing conflict between governmental authority and the
transnational principles and practices espoused by international experts. The
argumentative logic behind these claims is that the currency of principled ideas and
beliefs constitutes a shared code of political conduct that transgresses national
boundaries and impinges upon traditional areas where the ultimate source of
interpretation of the “law” used to be national governmental authorities. In human
rights, for instance, the principle of “crimes against humanity” has gained
precedence over established notions such as “ruler as sovereign,” unaccountable for
his or her behavior while in power, and raison d'etat. [6] [#N6] In matters of economic,
political, and judicial reform, the “need for success” and the relative scarcity of
technical knowledge in many parts of the world have prompted the adoption of fixed
foreign prescriptions that often seem disjointed from national solutions to such
challenges. In both cases, the terms through which principles and practices have
gained global prominence have been set by a group of experts whose knowledge and
authority somehow sets them apart from the interests and positions of national
While the importance of international expertise is not new, [7] [#N7] contemporary
views about it involve an underlying assumption of a “states vs. experts”
confrontation. International expertise is now regarded as part of a process of
globalization that, according to observers, lies beyond the control of traditional;rgn=main
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jurisdictions and actors in the international system. The nation-state is seemingly
helpless against this tide, and must therefore adapt to a new environment where
“sovereign” decisions may be challenged on the basis of transnational principles. [8]
Is this true? Much of the answer depends on our understanding of sovereignty,
especially if one believes that this feature of the modern nation-state is inflexible and
immutable. The concept of “sovereignty” describes a set of rules, roles and identities
that range from the judicial recognition of states to matters of domestic authority
and control (in the Weberian sense). Some of these areas, especially domestic
authority, have always been subject to some type of challenge based on individual
interpretations and organized action. [9] [#N9] These challenges have not led to a
breakdown of state sovereignty, but rather to a renegotiation of some of the terms
through which it is exercised. It is for this reason that sovereignty has persisted as a
principle of world politics for several centuries. Does international expertise, as we
now define it, really “violate” or “trespass” sovereignty, or is it merely a rearticulation of an already porous relationship between power, ideas and
The process through which international expertise becomes established and
validated involves a bargaining dynamic between individuals (government officials,
on one side, and experts on the other) that may not necessarily be a zero-sum game,
but rather an interdependent relationship involving multiple outcomes. Political
leaders rarely behave as complacent puppets subject to trends and influences they
will not try to mediate, regardless of their policy predicament or of the institutional
capabilities of the governments they preside. In this sense they may retain an
important veto power over experts, who, ironically, need the sovereign state system
to validate their claims to authority and knowledge. By the same token, international
expertise may provide leaders with an opportunity for implementing unpopular
policies, for obtaining access to material resources, or for accumulating political
capital by projecting an image of cooperation with the international community (the
recent extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague being a case in point).
Rather than seeking dichotomous answers to this question, our understanding of the
effects of globalization and international expertise on sovereignty requires closer
attention to how issues of power and bargaining affect definitions and exercises of
sovereignty. While it is true that we are witnessing a historical moment concerning
matters such as national jurisdictions, state authority and international law,
premature reports about the end of sovereignty are not the best answer to these
“The king is dead, long live the king.”
“Expertise may be thought of as. . .”
Throughout the week-long seminar, participants attempted to define, frame and
reflect on the nature, character and work of international expertise and experts. The
following are approximate representations of some of these points. They do not
represent or reflect a consensus; some points are in contest with others. Yet they;rgn=main
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indicate the range of arguments tabled in the discussions.
Expertise may be thought of as “knowledge plus value”; within this are the
questions of what constitutes value, for whom, and for what purpose; and what
constitutes value may be contextual as well as negotiated within a process.
But expertise may also be thought of as “knowledge plus status.”
Expertise by its nature is always in a relational dynamics between the one who
presents or professes expertise and the audience/s for such presentation.
Expertise as a form of knowledge, and as practice, may be understood in terms of
its situation in a market.
Expertise emerges and is reproduced within systems of sanctions and subsidies
that both constrain and underwrite expertise.
Expertise may have some of the characteristics and ambiguities of property, in the
sense of claims to ownership and also the contests that often attach to such claims.
Expertise, as knowledge and practice, develops through, in, competition.
Expertise may be seen in its propensity to expand, that is, to defend its position
and authority through expansion. Experts are territorial.
At particular moments, expertise educes authority through the ideological
figurations, via claims and assignments by different players, of universal, global,
international, and local valences.
Expertise toggles between grounding in universal principles and claims and claims
to situated knowledge and particular applicability.
The professions (in multiple senses of that word) of expertise involve the
production of legitimating rhetorics along a continuum of experiential to abstract
framings of knowledge.
Through markets, sanctions and subsidies, expertise tends toward linkage or
association with large-scale organizations.
Expertise plays itself out on, and draws upon, the social and political fissures
within the nation, as well as among nations, organizations and interested parties.
Epistemologies that may underwrite the logic of expertise may form “at the
borderland,” in contests over the range, influence and authority of the expert.
Markets in expertise may involve the projection of a multiplicity of solutions in
search of a problem, including the reach to power to define the problem.
“New” and “old” may be characteristics and claims (negative and positive)
associated with expertise.
Rules of expertise may be seen to be produced within “the game.”
There are historical moments and watersheds in the organization and
reconfiguration of structures and programs of expertise.
Expertise may construct itself through power conflicts within national arenas as
domestically oriented professionals contest for centrality or priority with those
who claim an international or global orientation.
Time, in the sense of the speed-up in paradigm shifts, forces the segmentation, if;rgn=main
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not also the shake-out, of the “players” in expertise markets.
Markets in expertise may privilege technical characteristics, pushing out political
questions, constituting through practice something of an “anti-politics machine,”
forcing interests to be exercised in frames and languages other than political.
The reach for “the global” may hide the political and mask the process of
translation of particular national values and interests into “the global.”
Expertise may claim its venue, project its program, in a dialectics with a problemfocus or solution-focus.
Expertise does not stay put. Once articulated or applied, expertise may be
addressed in diverse way by different social actors.
Expertise may work or operate as “currency,” with characteristics of
transferability, with the construction and reproduction of exchange relations
among otherwise disconnected players, with players not having to attend to, or
recognize, the complex and variegated interests of different players.
International expertise may attach itself to supposedly universal values and to the
authority derived from science or the professions; but there is at the same time
always “a client.”
There is something of an unfolding, expanding, economy in international
expertise, integrating additional domains or fields through global expansion and
through the combination of different disciplines or specialities, and through the
vertical integration of discretely organized segments of practice.
The North American university may be a viable competitor in certain fields of
international expertise, while may be ineffective in others.
To the extent that leaders of North American universities may question the values
of expert practice on the mission of the university, international expertise will find
more effective footing in organizations and structures outside the academy.
New markets for flexible, problem-solving forms of expertise have emerged,
against which more “traditional” players cannot effectively compete.
The question of success and failure in the practice of international expertise may
not be as important as how ideas of success and failure are managed, how experts
and clients negotiate the terms of success and renegotiate the terms of failure.
There is a performativity in the practice of expertise, with values associated with
acting like, or being like, “an expert.”
The messy processes through which expertise is developed or unfolds often gets
erased, silenced, or retrospectively remade as experts and clients seek to construct
useable or progressive accounts of their own authority.
Markets for knowledge goods, for expertise, may be difficult to figure, difficult to
Expertise may accrue value because it appeals to broad swaths of consumers, or,
alternatively, because it becomes so differentiated or specialized as to appeal to
narrow sections of clients or consumers.
The markets in expertise do not involve full access; the mechanisms of regulation;rgn=main
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may be more political than economic; these markets in expertise may be more
symbiotic than competitive.
Effective purveyors of new forms of expertise may be effective not because of the
inherent worth of their specific expertise over other forms of expertise but because
they are effective systems-builders.
Anti-globalization action may mirror international agencies that, in the 80s and
90s, bypassed state organizations, and such action may be the least democratic
while claiming identity with popular interests.
Where international expertise may have been recognizable in terms of programs of
intermediation, such expertise, or expert practices, may today be more
recognizable in terms of an international division of labor.
Experts may underwrite their value in terms of universal ideals, independence, and
objectivity, they may work in sometimes unacknowledged cohorts, co-producing
expertise, not so much through competition as through a mediation of consensus.
Some individuals may be accorded or even claim the authority of the expert—or
claim superior authority—through claims to experience, as in the experience of
victims of trauma, yet the professionalization of victimhood (the claims to
expertise via the experience of being a victim) may undermine the authority of
such claims.
(Prepared by David William Cohen, May 9 and June 3, 2001)
Cited works
Krasner, Stephen. 1999. Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy . Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Rosenau, James. 1997. Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring
Governance in a Turbulent World. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Shinoda, Hideaki. 2000. Re-Examining Sovereignty: From Classical Theory to the
Global Age. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Sikkink, Kathryn and Margaret Keck. 1998. Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy
Networks in International Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
1. GASPP is a research, advisory, education and public information program
based jointly at STAKES (National Research and Development Centre for
Welfare and Health), Helsinki, Finland and the Centre for Research on
Globalisation and Social Policy, Department of Sociological Studies, University
of Sheffield, England. [#N1-ptr1]
2. For example, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have been
accused of providing non-viable Western solutions to developing and/or NonWestern States' problems. [#N2-ptr1]
3. By ‘global understandings' I mean the set of norms (what is right/wrong,
acceptable/unacceptable, moral/immoral, etc.?) that are legitimized and
enforced by international organizations and ‘powerful/advanced' states. [#N3;rgn=main
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4. I am not arguing that expertise is a unique and uniform reality. Rather, I am
referring to a type of knowledge produced by a specific community of
individuals with claims to authority based on some type of legally sanctioned
privilege. [#N4-ptr1]
5. Quoted in The Economist, London. October 7th, 1995.
6. See, for instance, Sikkink and Keck (1998)
7. The Kemmerer (“Money Doctor”) Missions to Latin America in the 1920s, not
entirely unlike those of contemporary International Monetary Fund
representatives, are one historical example. [#N7-ptr1]
8. On the porosity of national jurisdictions and globalization, see Rosenau (1997)
9. See Krasner (1999) and Shinoda (2000)
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