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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
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Wall effects during settling in cylinders
Benjamin Buratto, Shane P. Usher ∗ , David Parris, Peter J. Scales
Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia
h i g h l i g h t s
• Compared settling of alumina slurries
g r a p h i c a l
in cylinders and cylinders with vertical rods.
• Polymer flocculated solids shrank
from rod and settled faster: Shear
• Salt coagulated solids clung to the rod
and settled slower: Syneresis.
• Aggregation state influences settling
rate changes in presence of vertical
a r t i c l e
a b s t r a c t
i n f o
Article history:
Received 4 September 2013
Received in revised form 16 February 2014
Accepted 17 February 2014
Available online 28 February 2014
settling tests
wall effects
A - Syneresis
B – Shear densificaon
The phenomena of syneresis and shear densification were analysed through the sedimentation of alumina
suspensions. Experiments compared cylinder settling tests with a rod inserted in a cylinder against free
settling without a rod for the cases of polymer flocculated and salt coagulated suspensions. Additionally,
dye intrusion was used to visualise the final bed structure to identify the influence of cylinder walls and
the potential presence of aggregate arching structures.
It was found that, for various cylinder diameters, polymer flocculated alumina suspensions settled
more quickly when a rod was placed in the centre of the settling cylinder. This is attributed to shear
induced densification of the flocculated aggregates during the settling process, as it was observed that
the solids shrank away from the rod, creating a channel which allowed water to escape more easily
than when the rod was absent. The reverse result was observed when a rod was placed in an unflocculated/coagulated alumina suspension; the solids stuck to the rod, resembling the syneresis mechanism
of isotropic shrinkage towards the rod. Industrially these results are significant since inserting rods into
sedimentation devices such as a thickener can result in a flocculated suspension settling further and at a
faster rate, such that rods can provide an alternative to mechanical devices such as rakes.
Dye intrusion tests indicated that there was arching in the network bed, resulting in small pockets of
water being trapped in the structure. An equation was derived to predict the maximum diameter arch
that could be supported, taking into account the shear yield stress of the suspension. The solution to this
equation was supported by observed cavities at the cylinder wall of up to 3 mm. These results suggest
that cylinder walls may have a negative effect on the extent to which a suspension dewaters.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Solid-liquid separation techniques are used extensively
in industry in a variety of applications. There are two main
∗ Corresponding author: Tel.: +61 3 8344 5592; fax: +61 3 8344 4153.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S.P. Usher).
0927-7757/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
a b s t r a c t
mechanisms through which separation occurs; filtration and sedimentation. Filtration is based on separation by a physical barrier,
as the liquid moves through the filter the solids are impeded. Sedimentation is the movement of solids due to a density difference
under the influence of a body force such as gravity or centrifugal
acceleration. The focus herein is on sedimentation as it occurs
in thickeners and clarifiers typical of the minerals industry with
the addition of flocculants to aggregate fine particles and achieve
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B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
significant increases in solids volume fraction. Through the process
of thickening, slurry is separated into an underflow of a higher
solids concentration along with an overflow liquor (supernatant)
that is effectively free from solids. Ideally, optimised gravity
thickener operation involves stable performance that consistently
achieves high underflow solids concentrations with minimal solids
in the liquor overflow.
In order to improve understanding of the continuous sedimentation process used in industry, batch bench-top sedimentation
experiments are often performed in the laboratory [1]. A suspension of known solids concentration is allowed to settle under
gravity in a cylinder and the height of the suspension-supernatant
interface is recorded as it varies with time. Plotting and analysing
the height versus time data can reveal information about the settling characteristics of the slurry [2,3]. These tests have been used
widely to study aspects such as the effects of different flocculants
[4–6] and the improvement of dewatering using rakes [7].
One aspect of dewatering performance which has not been
extensively considered is the influence of surfaces and walls. Surfaces in the form of walls, sloped bases, lamellas, pickets, rods and
rakes play important roles in improving dewatering performance
[8]. Wall effects, including wall friction and adhesion to the wall,
might be expected to make testing in relatively small diameter
cylinders an unreliable guide to the behaviour of large bodies of
sediment, but careful work using cylinders of different diameters
can identify when wall effects are negligible for practical purposes.
In this study we intend to focus on the settling region next to
the wall and attempt to understand the underlying mechanisms at
It is well known that once beds settle beyond their gel point, a
gap forms between the solids and the wall at the top of the bed. This
has been shown to be due at least in part to the wall supporting the
bed adjacent to the wall; the centre of the bed then settles faster
and draws the edges inwards, giving the characteristic ring shape
on the top of the bed. What is not clear from this is the relative
contribution of gravity and syneresis.
Syneresis does not appear to have a single agreed definition. It
actually defines a phenomenon rather than a mechanism, namely
the shrinkage of gels over time with the expulsion of water. For the
purposes of this paper it is defined as the shrinkage of a reticulated
gel over time driven by the reduction in internal solid surface area
and surface energy. Shrinkage due to applied pressure, such as the
weight of the overhead portion of the bed, is excluded. Vliet et al.
(1991) [9] refers to the former as endogenous syneresis. A review of
a spectrum of work carried out on syneresis is included below.
In a fully reticulated, uniform bed, such as one formed by fine
coagulated alumina, the effects of syneresis can be predicted with
some confidence. The bed will shrink isotropically, and the rate of
shrinkage will depend on the size and the shape of the bed. The first
effect is self-evident. The size and shape have an impact because
the water has to percolate through the bed to be expelled, and the
distance that water has to travel and the flux both depend on the
size and shape of the bed.
In a flocculated bed, syneresis, as defined here, will occur within
the flocs, but not between flocs. Isotropic shrinkage over large distances is not expected. Without gravity they would shrink into
themselves, and away from their neighbours. Under gravity they
will densify and settle without significant lateral movement.
Some shear is generally required to cause densification and
syneresis or at least accelerate these processes. Even in the absence
of an applied shear through raking, hydrodynamic shear flow is
induced by the settling of particles and aggregates of particles while
the liquid flowrate is zero on surfaces such as walls and rods. Consequently there is a shear gradient or effective shear rate in the region
of these surfaces. This shear rate, though much lower than in the
presence of raking, does contribute to densification and syneresis.
Both shear densification and syneresis would generate a gap
between the settling bed and the cylinder wall. However, if a
smooth rod is placed within the bed, the effects should be diametrically opposed. Shear will cause the top of the bed to move
away from the rod just as it does at the wall. Syneresis will cause
the “hole” generated by the rod to shrink isotropically, as shown
in Fig. 1. The gel around the rod will be under compaction due
to this shrinkage, and will be pressed against the rod with some
The second topic to be addressed is the distance to which wall
effects extend into the settled bed. If the wall is supporting the bed
in contact with it, the bed adjacent to the wall will in turn support
the bed further in and so on. In the extreme case an arch would
form across the cylinder between opposite walls, and no sedimentation would occur. This is analogous to the arch formed in hard
rock tunnels, or the Gothic arch in cathedrals, Fig. 3. A formula has
been developed to describe this arching which has a characteristic
diameter that depends on the ratio between the shear yield stress
and the effective density of the solids.
A review is presented on the concepts of syneresis, shear densification and techniques that seek to improve the dewatering process.
By considering the cases of flocculated and unflocculated alumina
suspensions (AKP-30), these phenomena are investigated in this
work by performing settling tests with rods inserted in cylinders.
The settling data is analysed to confirm that these phenomena produce significant effects for settling around rods and determine the
conditions under which this could have an industrial application.
Additionally, dye techniques are used to examine if arching occurs
due to wall effects in the settled bed.
1.1. Syneresis
Syneresis is based on the isotropic shrinking of a solid to
decrease its energy state [10], while shear densification is aggregate contraction or shrinkage due to a shear force [1]. Research
on syneresis has been predominantly on organic gels, in particular polymer gels or natural gelled products as are often utilised in
the dairy industry. Syneresis is often defined as the expulsion of
a liquid as a gel contracts resulting in uniform shrinkage due to
the immobilisation of particles [9,11]. Vliet et al. (1991) observed
syneresis in suspensions of colloidal particles formed from casein
protein molecules [9]. They divided syneresis into two components,
one due to external pressure (gravity in this instance) and another
termed endogenous syneresis. They focus on the latter and state
that large pores in the gel facilitate syneresis and that the extent
of syneresis depends on the rate at which the polymer strands
yield. Brinker and Scherer (1990) proposed that it occurs because
the repulsive double layer that stabilises the sol collapses [10].
They also found that the addition of electrolyte causes additional
Scherer (1989) defines syneresis as the contraction of gel spontaneously without solvent evaporation [10]. Scherer studied the
syneresis of silica gels, which expel water through the following
condensation reaction: Si-OH + HO-Si → Si-O-Si + H2 O. Vysotskii
and Strazhesko (1973), along with Raman et al. (1996) found that
for silica gels, condensation is the slowest at the isoelectric point
and hence syneresis is at a minimum [12,13]. This occurs because,
at the isoelectric point, silica gels have the smallest pores making it difficult for the solvent to escape. However, Scherer states
that vastly different microstructures can form at other pH values,
resulting in varying rates of syneresis due to differences in pore permeability [10]. Scherer suggests it could be caused by the reduction
in surface energy and that it can be the result of both the chemical
structure and also microstructure of the gel. Raman et al. support
this definition, finding that in inorganic gel condensation, reaction rates increase until the interfacial free energies between the
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B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
solid and liquid becomes unfavourable and that it is an irreversible
process [12].
Vachoud and Domard (2001), who studied the syneresis of
polymers (chitin) in solvent, state that the release of solvent and
resulting decrease in gel volume is due to a thermodynamic imbalance between the solvent and polymer created at the gel point [14].
They found that by manipulating parameters such as temperature
and pH, the amount of syneresis could be regulated.
Faers et al. (2006), considered syneresis related changes in rheological properties of weak colloidal gels formed by depletion
flocculation. They measured the relaxation modulus and their focus
was on the migration of polymer in solution relative to that in constrained gels. Helbig et al. (2000), studied the syneresis of alumina
particles during pH induced destabilisation (a pH approaching the
isoelectric point) of dense colloidal suspensions ( = 0.25 to 0.50)
[15]. They found no syneresis effects for solids concentrations,
≥ 0.35 and proposed that the solidification is not solely a function
of minimising energy but that energy and entropy are competing
factors which in combination must be minimised in the network
structure. This may not correspond to the lowest total energy state
and hence shrinkage.
1.4. Enhancement of the settling process
Densification is the process of releasing trapped water from
aggregates when they are disrupted by a shear force [1]. Xin and
Lambropoulos (2000) found shear facilitated densification in fused
silica and modelled the behaviour using a constitutive law [16].
Selomulya et al. (2003) describe two main densification mechanisms, break-up and deformation [17]. When a shear force is
applied that is greater than the floc strength it results in the breakup and densification through re-aggregation. If however, the critical
shear force is not met then flocs may only experience a rotating effect but not break the joining bonds, which also results in
rearrangement. Densification through rearrangement is preferable,
as the break-up mechanism can actually reduce the dewatering
ability of suspensions by causing structural damage and making
them less permeable [7,8,18,19]. Their research found that restructuring results in denser flocs. Therefore, a low level of applied shear
results in a denser network structure. Shear forces are expected
to result in shrinkage during densification, as has been shown by
Markondeya Raj et al. (2002) in research on tape cast alumina and
its shape variation during densification [20].
The effects of shear forces on densification have also been
investigated in the processes of granulation and pelletisation. In
the granulation process a high shear force is applied to granules
resulting in structural changes. Bouwman et al. (2005) found that
increasing densification occurred with time in the granulator for
particles granulated with pure water [21]. Analysis of the granules
indicated that the granule cores underwent increased densification
while the outer region was more porous.
The rate and extent of dewatering is controlled fundamentally
by the permeability and compressibility of a suspension and is
dependent on the characteristics of the particulate system involved,
such as the particle or aggregate size and shape. However, the
extent of dewatering can also be affected by the use of chemical
additives, such as flocculants or mechanical devices, such as rakes.
Extensive research has been conducted on improving thickener
operation through the addition of rakes. Farrow et al. (2000) investigated the consolidation mechanism of flocculated kaolin slurries
[24]. They used a mechanical rake at various bed heights to determine the contribution of compression versus shear on dewatering
and found that the rake action was the dominant mechanism that
caused dewatering through both the densification of aggregates
(intra-aggregate liquor) and the removal of inter-aggregate liquor.
Usher and Scales (2009) found that settling tests using either rakes
and/or conical settling cylinders settled further and at faster rates
than for settling in straight sided cylinders [8].
Johnson et al. (2000) [25] demonstrated the importance of shear
in compressional dewatering. They found that in a deep bed thickener containing a polymer flocculated alum-based sludge, a shear
rate of only 1 rpm, achieved through stirring, settled to 17 wt%
solids compared to only 3–4 wt% without the shear effect.
A problem that has been identified with the use of shear is
that the application of high shear rates for extended times can
sometimes reduce the rate and extent of dewatering through the
breakage of flocculated aggregates [8,19].
Another feature of the dewatering process that can enhance
settling is channelling. In a flocculated suspension which is undergoing thickening, channelling is the formation of flow channels that
are of a much larger size than the settling solid particles [22]. Chen
et al. (1996) found an enhanced effect which could be attributed to
channelling in highly concentrated sludge and suggested that it is
due to a spatial imbalance between the inter-floc binding forces and
the fluid forces acting on the flocs [23]. As channelling provides a
pathway for liquid escape and increases the settling velocity of the
particles, it is desirable to promote this effect in thickeners. Thickeners based on promoting channelling have been investigated for
the treatment of bauxite residue suspensions [1].
Based on the overview, syneresis and shear densification are
well understood concepts; however, they have not been analysed
to determine the settling conditions under which each mechanism
applies and whether with the addition of rods or other structural elements, either mechanism can be exploited to improve the
dewatering process. As such, this work looks to establish whether
syneresis or shear densification is the dominant dewatering mechanism in both flocculated and unflocculated alumina suspensions.
It looks to analyse the solids interaction with a rod placed in the
centre of the cylinder and to analyse settling test data when the
rod is included to determine if it affects the settling rate in both the
unflocculated and flocculated cases.
1.3. Wall effects
2. Theory
The influence of wall effects in the settling process is often
ignored, despite the fact that theoretically, walls should have an
effect. Zhao (2004) performed settling tests on flocculated water
treatment plant sludge and found some evidence for wall effects
[22]. It was found that for large flocculant doses, the walls of the
cylinder affect the internal networked structure, particularly when
the cylinder diameter is small. Chen et al. (1996) showed that when
the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the aggregate diameter of the
settling agglomerates is greater than between 200 and 1000, wall
effects should be negligible [23].
2.1. Syneresis and shear densification
1.2. Shear densification
It is established that syneresis and shear densification are two
very different concepts. Syneresis is caused by the rearrangement
of particles to reach a lower energy state and results in isotropic
shrinkage with expulsion of water. Theoretically therefore, if a rod
is placed in the centre of a settling test and the syneresis mechanism is occurring, the solids should shrink away from the walls and
towards the rod and cling to it in an isotropic manner, as shown
schematically in Fig. 1A.
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B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
Fig. 1. A) A plan view looking down on a cylinder containing a rod in the centre with two different effects: A) Syneresis resulting in shrinkage away from the cylinder wall
and towards the rod, B) shear densification resulting in shrinkage from the rod and the walls. B) Syneresis in a flocculated system. Contact forces between flocs are not large
enough to drag the flocs together. The flocs themselves shrink and then continue to settle. The two steps above occur contemporaneously. They are shown separately for
Shear densification on the other hand, is based on the breakdown or rearrangement of loosely agglomerated particles under
shear that then reform or form denser structures with the release
of water. As a bed starts to form, the solids against the wall are
subjected to a shear force, causing densification oriented normal to
the shear. Theoretically, if the rod is in the centre of the cylinder
the solid should shrink away from both the rod and the walls, as
shown schematically in Fig. 1B.
2.2. Settling tests
In a settling test, a suspension is made up at a known concentration, 0 , and is poured into a measuring cylinder. As shown in
Fig. 2A, initially at zero time (t = 0), the concentration everywhere
in the cylinder is 0 . For t > 0 the solids settle under the influence
of gravity provided that the solid has a higher density than the liquid. This results in a clear liquid phase (supernatant) and a phase of
Fig. 2. Schematic of a batch settling test at different points in time.
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B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
suspension at the top near the supernatant interface, that is still at
concentration o (Fig. 2B). Settling particles eventually connect to
form a continuously networked structure that can transmit stress.
This occurs at a critical solids concentration known as the gel point,
g . At the bottom of the cylinder, the solids concentration will be
greater than the gel point as particles settle and form a network
that is progressively compressed under the weight of more particles. This is shown in Fig. 2B. Eventually, all of the material forms a
continuously networked structure that extends to the solid-liquid
interface at the top of the bed, as shown in Fig. 2C [3]. The fully networked suspension consolidates even further and eventually the
suspension reaches its final bed height and solids concentration
distribution (Fig. 2D).
Plotting the height of the interface with time results in a batch
settling profile. Batch settling profiles are dependent on the type of
suspension being considered. Chen et al. (1996) state that a particulate system typically has four characteristic settling regions [23].
1) Induction zone – particles change from a state of mixing to settling.
2) Constant rate zone – the interface versus time is a constant function as settling is unhindered resulting in a constant settling
3) Falling rate zone – a plot of the interface height versus time is
curved, with a variable settling velocity generally lower than
that in the constant rate section. Particles interact and hinder
each other in this zone [26].
4) Compression zone – the curve flattens out as the final bed height
is approached; the solid volume fraction varies with height in the
Coe and Clevenger (1916) proposed that the settling rate is a
function of local solids concentration, u() [27]. Similarly, Landman
and White (1994) defined a hindered settling function, R(), as a
correction to Stokes Law for non-zero solids concentrations [28],
that provides a measure of the resistance to flow of liquid through
the suspension which is related to the settling velocity by
R() =
g(1 − )
where is the solid-liquid density difference and g is the standard
gravitational acceleration. The solids concentration profile at equilibrium, once settling and consolidation is complete, is determined
by the strength of the particle network in compression. This property is also a strong function of local solids concentration and
defined as a compressive yield stress, Py (). It increases from zero
at the gel point.
Batch settling profiles can be analysed to determine these material properties as Py () and R() curve fits using software developed
at The University of Melbourne (P527 B-SAMS–Batch Settling Test
Analysis and Modelling Software) as described by Usher et al.
(2005) [29]. The final height is used to infer Py () and the value of
Fig. 3. A) An examples of gothic arches used in architecture, B) Diagram of an arch between two parallel plates and C) Diagram of an arch in a cylinder.
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B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
the gel point, g , while data in the constant and falling rate zones
is used to determine R() data as described by Lester et al. (2005)
2.3. Arching
To determine the importance of wall effects in the settled bed,
an analysis was performed to describe the support of networked
(or gelled) solids by cylinder walls. The basis of the analysis is the
assumption that the walls support a Gothic arch type structure as
shown in Fig. 3A. Initially, this concept was developed to describe
the shear forces involved in an arch between two parallel plates
(Fig. 3B). The analysis was then extended to an arch in a cylinder
(Fig. 3 C), yielding an equation for the maximum diameter, dc , that
the arch can span such that
dc =
where y is the shear yield stress, g is the gravitational acceleration
constant and is the effective density of the suspension.
For the alumina suspensions utilised in the experimental
phase reported herein, the solid-liquid density difference, =
3980–1000 = 2980 kg m−3 . The settled bed was measured to have
a shear yield stress, y = 5 Pa at solids volume fraction, = 0.112.
Substituting these values into Eq. (2) gives the maximum diameter of an arch that can be supported, dc = 3.1 mm. This is much
smaller than any of the cylinders used or gaps formed, so wall support resulting in arches spanning the cylinders is unlikely to occur
and spanning arches are not expected for the test data presented in
this work. However, small cavities of up to 3 mm in diameter might
be expected to form within the bed.
2.4. Postulates
Based on the theory and overview presented, it is hypothesised
1) If shear densification occurs during settling then the suspension will settle at a faster rate and settle to a lower final bed
height because it will shrink away from the rod, which should
aid dewatering.
2) This is based on the concept of channelling increasing the settling velocity. The gap around the rod results in an ‘artificial’
channel through which the water might preferentially escape
thus aiding the dewatering process, rather than pushing its way
through the porous bed, as is necessary when no rod is present.
3) If syneresis occurs during settling then the suspension will settle
more slowly due to the solid shrinking onto and clinging to the
rod, hindering the settling process.
4) Syneresis should result in the suspension clinging to the rod. This
will increase the drag on the particles and network, slow the rate
at which dewatering occurs and prevent the bed settling as fast
or as far as the case when this type of hindrance is not present.
5) Arching will occur within the final bed structure, with
arches/cavities up to approximately 3 mm in diameter.
This is based on the solution to the arching equation and an
assumed shear yield stress of 5 Pa.
3. Experimental Apparatus and Procedures
3.1. Materials
All experiments were conducted using ceramic grade AKP-30
powder (Alumina), having a density of 3,980 kg.m−3 supplied by
Sumitomo Chemical Company, Japan. Suspensions were prepared
with a constant background electrolyte concentration using potassium nitrate (Amalar, UK). Samples that were polymer flocculated
utilised Magnafloc LT20 (acrylate/acrylamide copolymer) supplied
by BASF, Australia. Congo red dye was from Ajax Finchem and red
food dye was from Queen Fine Foods.
Settling tests were performed in cylinders of different cross sectional areas. These were varied using standard measuring cylinders
of different volumes. The measuring cylinder volumes were 250,
500 and 1000 mL with diameters of 40.8, 49.1 and 61.4 mm, respectively. The smaller cylinder was plastic while the larger cylinders
were glass. In order to examine the effect of varying the rod and
cylinder cross sectional areas, three 400 mm long stainless steel
rods of differing diameters were used. Two rods had constant cross
sections with 12.7 and 19.1 mm diameters, while the other had a
tapered diameter of 6.1 mm at one end, increasing to 19.1 mm over
a length of 140 mm and then constant for the remainder of the
length as shown in Fig. 4A. In order to flocculate the alumina suspension in situ, a plunger (as shown in Fig. 4B) was used whereby a
constant number of plunges and constant plunge rate was utilised.
In order to secure the rod in a vertical orientation in the centre
of the cylinders after flocculation, secure lids were fabricated with
holes the size of the rod diameters (See Fig. 4 C).
3.2. Methods
3.2.1. Slurry preparation
Alumina suspensions (AKP-30) were prepared at a solids concentration of 2.91%v/v using 0.01 M potassium nitrate as the
solvent. This solids concentration was chosen as it was found to settle significantly within one day and to have finished settling within
2 to 3 days, an appropriate time span. Once prepared, the slurry
was sonicated for 10 min and then left on a 500 rpm orbital mixer
for 24 h before use. The batches remained on the mixer until just
before use.
3.3. Flocculant preparation
The Magnafloc LT20 flocculant was prepared as a stock solution
(2 g L−1 ) by wetting the polymer with a small amount of ethanol
and then making up in water and mixing end over end on a rolling
mixer for 24 h. This solution was kept for a maximum of 1 week
and was stored at 4 ◦ C and wrapped in foil to avoid light exposure.
For use in the settling test, the stock solution was diluted with 0.01
M potassium nitrate to 0.01%w/w LT20 and mixed for 1 h on the
rolling mixer before use.
Complete polymer relaxation may require weeks, but is of little
relevance to industrial practice [30]. Optimum flocculant activity
has been observed with stock solution age of order 48–72 h, with a
reduction in activity at longer times and at least 24 h required for
good flocculant activity for such high molecular weight polymers
3.4. Settling tests
Numerous settling test scenarios were conducted including i) no
rod, ii) with rod, iii) no rod flocculated and iv) with rod flocculated.
For all tests, the volume of slurry, rod and flocculant solution were
calculated in advance to ensure that the combined initial height
was always 20 cm and when applicable, the flocculant dose was
0.040 g kg−1 (40 g tonne−1 ) LT20. To prepare the flocculated suspension, a measured volume of alumina slurry (2.91%v/v AKP30)
was removed from the mechanical mixer and was added to the
selected measuring cylinder. Flocculant solution (0.01%w/w LT20)
was added and then the plunger shown in Fig. 4B was moved up
and down in the cylinder four times at a constant rate to mix the
flocculant and slurry over 16 s. A rod was inserted with the plastic
Author's personal copy
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
Fig. 4. A) Dimensions of the tapered rod used in the experiments. B) The plunger used to flocculate the suspensions. C) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup with a
plastic lid holding the rod in place.
lid to hold it in place. The height of the interface was recorded with
time. As the solids settled the level of the suspension-supernatant
interface was recorded at regular height intervals. Once the interface began to move slowly, its height was measured with time (e.g.
once per hour). The solution was considered to have reached its
final height once the height remained the same after a doubling of
3.5. Dye experiments
To create a dyed solution, the same preparation procedure as
for the undyed slurry was used, except when diluting the required
amount of concentrated potassium nitrate stock solution to 0.01
M, 1 mL of red food dye was added in place of 1 mL of the water
(before adding in to the AKP-30 powder). The settling tests were
completed as before.
To create a dyed solid, the slurry was prepared in the same way
as for the undyed slurry except that before sonicating, 0.2 g of congo
red dye was added to the mixture. This was shaken a few times to
mix the dye. The settling tests were performed as before.
To examine wall effects, at the completion of settling, a 10 mL
pipette and syringe set-up was used to excavate the bed away from
the walls. The pipette was carefully inserted to just above the top of
the bed. The pipette was then carefully lowered in a vertical motion
10 mm into the bed as the syringe was slowly drawn, removing
part of the bed. This was repeated until a clear view of the internal
structure of the bed could be seen and observations recorded.
Table 1
Settling testwork programme.
Cylinder Volume (mL)
Rod Diameter (mm)
250, 500 and 1000
250, 500 and 1000
250, 500 and 1000
12.7 mm
19.1 mm
12.7 mm
19.1 mm
of syneresis and shear densification were recorded/photographed.
Some settling tests were conducted with dyed liquid while in others, the solids were dyed and then the settled equilibrium bed
4. Results
4.1. Flocculated settling
Fig. 5 presents data for the interface height versus time of settling for a 2.78%v/v AKP-30 slurry with 0.01 M potassium nitrate
electrolyte and 40 g t−1 LT20 flocculant. The figure shows the settling curves for the cases of no rod, the constant cross section rod
(diameter 19.12 mm) and the tapered rod. With each graph representing data for a different cylinder size, A) 250 mL, B) 500 mL and
C) 1000 mL. The following trends were observed:
3.6. Work programme
The variables considered in the settling tests were: flocculated
versus unflocculated/coagulated suspensions, rod diameter, measuring cylinder diameter and rod type (tapered or constant cross
section). The tests conducted are summarised in Table 1. While
the experiments were being conducted, observations indicative
• In all cases, irrespective of the cylinder size, when there was a
rod, whether tapered or of constant cross section, settling was
quicker than in the case with no rod.
• The tapered rod had a very similar settling profile to that of the
constant cross section rod, although it always finished at the lowest final bed height compared to the constant rod and no rod
Author's personal copy
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
No Rod
Rod (d = 19.12mm)
No Rod
Rod (d = 19.12mm)
Tapered Rod
Height (m)
Height (m)
A: 250 mL
B: 500 mL
No Rod
No Rod
Rod (d= 12.70mm)
Rod (d = 19.12mm)
Tapered Rod
Height (m)
Height (m)
100000 1000000
Time (s)
Time (s)
C: 1000 mL
D: 500 mL
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig. 5. Height versus time plots for a 2.78%v/v AKP30, pH 7.81 with LT20 flocculant, for the cases with no rod, the 19.12 mm diameter constant cross section rod and the
tapered rod: A) 250 mL cylinder, B) 500 mL cylinder and C) 1000 mL cylinder, D) shows the settling curve for the 12.70 mm diameter constant cross section rod in a 500 mL
cases. However, this is expected due to the reduction in rod cross
section at lower heights.
Rod (d=19.12mm), 250mL
Rod (d=19.12mm), 500mL
Rod (d=19.12mm), 1000mL
No Rod, 250mL
Height, h (t (m)
Fig. 5D shows the settling curve data for the thinner diameter
rod (12.70 mm) in the 500 mL measuring cylinder, with the same
general trends as for the 19.12 mm rod case.
When comparing data, it should be noted that there are slight
variations due to different batches of slurry being used and the
experiments being completed at different times.
Fig. 6 presents a comparison of the settling curves for the cases
of constant diameter rod (19.12 mm) and no rod, for the 3 different
cylinder volumes. The curves for the cases with the rod are all in
close agreement, while the cases without the rod are in close agreement, except for the short time behaviour in the 1000 mL cylinder.
A clear distinction can be made between settling with rods and
without rods.
Using proprietary software, the hindered settling functions for
the settling data for the 19.12 mm diameter rod were determined
and are presented in Fig. 7. The settling tests conducted with the
rod are below those without the rod, indicating the particles were
less hindered during settling.
Fig. 8 presents data of the final settled height for the cases of a
constant cross section rod (diameter 19.12 mm), no rod and tapered
rod for the three different size cylinders. The following observations
were noted:
No Rod, 500mL
No Rod, 1000mL
Time, t (s)
Fig. 6. Height versus time plot comparing the cases of constant rod cross section
(diameter 19.12 mm) and no rod for 250 mL, 500 mL and 1000 mL measuring
cylinders for the 2.78% v/v AKP-30 suspension.
Author's personal copy
Rod (d=19.12mm), 250mL
Rod (d=19.12mm), 500mL
No Rod
Tapered Rod
Rod (d=19.12mm), 1000mL
No Rod, 250mL
No Rod, 500mL
Final Height (m)
Hindered Settling Function,R (
(kg s m )
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
No Rod, 1000mL
Solids Volume Fraction,
Volume (mL)
Fig. 7. Hindered settling function, R() (kg s-1 m-3 ) versus solids volume fraction,
(v/v) plot comparing the cases of constant rod cross section (diameter 19.12) and no
rod for 250 mL, 500 mL and 1000 mL measuring cylinders for the 2.78% v/v AKP-30
Fig. 8. Final height versus volume for the constant cross section rod (diameter 19.12
mm), no rod and tapered rod cases, for the 3 different volume cylinders, 250 mL,
500 mL and 1000 mL.
improvement in settling flux. Also, thickener performance would
be enhanced by more than just the increased settling rate, with the
potential extent of dewatering also improved for these densified
• When there is no rod, variation of the final settling height
with cylinder diameter is observed to be effectively constant and less significant than observed random experimental
• The presence of the constant cross section rod significantly affects
the final height of the solid bed, the final height decreases with
increasing cylinder size (slope of the line is -9 × 10−6 m mL−1 ).
• The tapered rod has the lowest final height in all cylinder sizes
and decreases slightly with volume of the cylinder (slope of the
line is -3 × 10−6 m mL−1 ), mainly due to its shape.
4.2. Unflocculated/coagulated settling
Fig. 9 shows the settling test results for unflocculated/coagulated slurries with no rod, the 19.12 mm diameter rod
and the 12.70 mm diameter rod in 500 mL cylinders. The following
trends were observed:
These trends indicate that the cross section of the rod relative to
that of the cylinder is important. The 250 mL cylinder results in a
hold up of the solid bed preventing it from settling as far, outweighing the channelling benefit of the rod. In the 1000 mL cylinder the
rod does not cause a hold up effect and the bed can settle further,
possibly due to shear densification.
In the tests conducted, the reduction in area due to the rod
ranges from 4–22%, while the improvement in settling rate was up
to 200% for flocculated suspensions. Overall, there is an expected
• For both diameter rods, when the rod is included, the suspension
settles more slowly than when the rod is absent.
• The effect of the rod slowing down the settling appears to be more
significant for the large diameter rod.
• In both cases the rod and no rod curves cross over in the compression region, however, the final heights for both are not
significantly different.
Rod (d = 19.12mm)
Rod (d = 12.70mm)
No Rod
No Rod
Height (m)
Height (m)
Time (s)
100000 100000
Time (seconds)
Fig. 9. Height versus time plot for a 2.91%v/v AKP30, pH 7.81 without flocculant settling in a 500mL measuring cylinder for the cases with no rod and with rod diameters:
A) 19.12 mm and B) 12.70 m.
Author's personal copy
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
(kg s m )
Hindered Settling Function,R (
Rod (d = 19.12mm)
No Rod
500 mL
Solids Volume Fraction,
Fig. 10. Hindered settling function, R(f) (kg s-1 m-3) versus solids volume fraction,
f (v/v) plot comparing the cases of no rod with a rod diameter of 19.12 mm in a 500
mL measuring cylinder.
The settling curves show the reverse situation compared to the
flocculated suspension, with the rod hindering the settling compared with the no rod situation. In all cases the final heights are
similar. The curves do not follow as closely as in the case of flocculated settling. It would be expected that the ‘no rod’ cases in Fig. 9
should be identical because the tests were the same. The only difference is that two different batches of slurry were used. The error
is likely to be due to the slurry preparation differences and pH drift.
In the experiment for the thinner rod the slurry was not sonicated
unlike the batch for the thicker rod (sonication was introduced to
improve the homogeneity of the slurries). However, in both cases
the general trend is the same, namely the rod appears to hinder
settling. Fig. 10 shows the hindered settling curves for the 19.12
mm diameter rod for the cases of rod and no rod; the rod clearly
hinders settling.
These experiments are not always straight-forward and a number of factors influence the results. In particular, there are issues
with recording uneven interfaces, reproducibility of inserting the
rod in the suspension, flocculating reproducibly using the plunger
method, keeping the solids concentration constant and maintaining the pH accurately. The latter is important to the non-flocculated
case where a constant state of aggregation is critically dependent on
the pH. For unflocculated samples, reproducibility was established
Fig. 11. Images of flocculated settling tests; A) with constant cross section rod: slurry bed is displaced from the rod leaving an observable gap. B) with the tapered rod slurry
bed displaced from the rod leaving an observable gap and C) with no rod, but with a gap of height of approximately 5 mm between the top of the bed and the wall of the
Fig. 12. Images of a coagulated suspension settling test: A) with a constant cross section rod, the solids cling to the rod, with no gap B) constant cross section rod and C)
tapered rod.
Author's personal copy
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
Fig. 13. The final bed of a AKP-30 suspensions; A) unflocculated/coagulated, where the solids are dyed with congo red, B) flocculated, where the water has been dyed with
red food dye and C) unflocculated/coagulated, where dyed liquid has been allowed to diffuse into the bed crevices.
by repeating the settling of some samples, with excellent results
that could be superimposed. For flocculated samples, tests could
not be repeated without preparing a new batch of suspension.
However, wall effects were much more significant for flocculated
samples and though sedimentation was more variable, trends in
behaviour could be clearly identified. Observed trends relating to
effects of syneresis and densification are consistent across all test
data and subsequent analysis outputs. Due to the reproducibility of
the trends, experimental uncertainties are not expected to have had
a significant influence on the implications of the results presented.
5. Discussion
5.1. Shear densification and syneresis
The settling test results indicate that when the alumina suspension is flocculated with 40 g t−1 of LT20, the addition of a
rod, whether constant cross section or tapered, results in the
suspension settling at a faster rate than when the rod is absent.
The final bed height for the constant cross section rod is affected by
the size of the cylinder; in a 1000 mL cylinder it appears to settle
further than the no rod case. The tapered rod however, mainly due
to its shape, always had the lowest final bed height. When the slurry
was only coagulated but not flocculated, the rod appeared to hinder
the settling of the solids resulting in their settling at a slower rate
compared to the no-rod situation. No significant difference could
be seen in the final bed heights for the unflocculated/coagulated
suspensions. It is proposed herein that this difference is due to the
different mechanisms, shear densification and syneresis, occurring
in the flocculated and coagulated suspensions respectively. Fig. 11
shows images for the flocculated case where as settling progressed
and a bed started to form, the solids moved away from the constant
cross section rod, leaving an observable gap around its perimeter.
When the rod was removed, the rod was completely clean, with
no solids attached to it. This phenomenon was enhanced for the
case of the tapered rod with a larger observable gap and again the
rod was clean. When the constant rod was removed the bed collapsed, whereas, the bed remained intact when the tapered rod
was removed. Additionally, a 5 mm gap was noted at the top of
the bed between the measuring cylinder walls and the solid bed
Author's personal copy
B. Buratto et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 449 (2014) 157–169
for the case without the rod. Note that, during regular settling
as the material settles to form a networked bed, solid particles
are forced into close contact with the outer wall, where the presence of a shear yield stress will hold up the particles near the wall
relative to those further away from a surface. The net effect is a
reduced settling rate near the outer wall, with a relatively higher
settling rate away from the outer wall, which eventually leads to a
radial bed height differential that grows until the higher outer bed
material undergoes inward collapse to produce a more even bed
The fact that the solids moved away from the rod and that the
gap at the wall occurred in the flocculated case with no rod, indicates that shear densification was likely to be the consolidation
Fig. 12 shows images for the coagulated suspension case
whereby as settling progressed and a bed started to form, particles adhered to the rod, there was no gap between the solids and
the wall and there was no difference between the tapered and nontapered rod cases. These results are in contrast to those obtained
for the flocculated suspension. The fact that the solids stuck to the
rod, but not the wall, and a ball of solids around the base was intact
as the rod was lifted up, suggests that the solids shrink towards the
rod, indicating syneresis was likely to be the consolidation mechanism. It would seem that the final height is not significantly affected
by syneresis.
The results support the postulate that shear densification aids
the rate of settling while syneresis provides a hindrance. The
interesting aspect is the clear difference in behaviour between
the flocculated and coagulated suspensions. The role of rods as
dewatering aids in industrial settling is highlighted but within the
context that they might not be useful in all suspensions.
The use of congo red to dye the solids allowed the final settled
bed structure to be observed more clearly. Fig. 13A shows the internal structure of a settled unflocculated/coagulated bed, showing
cavities filled with water throughout the structure, not solely at the
walls. The predicted maximum self-supporting arch size of 3 mm,
determined using Eq. (2), is not observed in any of these cavities.
The dye only coloured the water and was used to identify regions
of low solids density and hence high liquid density, to determine
if the network was being supported by the walls. Fig. 13B shows
the final bed of a flocculated alumina slurry. The dye highlights
definite holes near the wall in the top section of the bed. Compared to the internal cavities, those near the wall are much larger.
The magnified photo shows the largest cavity seen in the beds and
its diameter is approximately 3.1 mm. This agrees well with the
predicted maximum value. Although the derivation was for arching across an entire cylinder, it seems reasonable that within the
structure, smaller systems with similar supports exist.
Fig. 13 C presents a dyed, unflocculated suspension. In this case,
the water was removed down to the surface of the bed, and a layer
of red food dye placed on top. With time it gradually seeped into
the gaps in the structure and dyed the water. Unlike what was
observed for the flocculated case, the holes in the structure are
much smaller, but still present. Internally, no large cavities of order
3 mm were observed, however, definite holes can be seen of up
to about 1 mm in size, suggesting that arching does occur for the
unflocculated/coagulated material as well.
The existence of cavities in the final bed structures suggests
the shear yield stress of the material reduces its ability to dewater and this is more significant near the walls of the cylinder;
indicating that wall effects may become significant in certain circumstances. This is important because arching reduces the extent
of dewatering that is achievable. Mechanisms that gently break
up these cavities have the potential to significantly aid dewatering and improve the extent of dewatering in gravity thickener
6. Conclusions
This research has investigated the phenomena of syneresis and
shear densification using comparative settling tests that included
cases without a rod, with a rod present, without flocculant but
coagulated and with LT20 flocculant. It was found that the shear
densification mechanism occurs when the suspension is flocculated
and this results in the suspension settling at a faster rate when a
rod is present compared to a similar suspension without the rod.
This is thought to be due to a channel forming around the rod and
shear induced floc densification, both aiding the dewatering process. When the cylinder was greater than 600 mL, the rod resulted
in a lower final bed height. When the solution is only coagulated,
i.e. not polymer flocculated, the syneresis mechanism occurs and
this results in the suspension settling more slowly when a rod is
present because the slurry clings to the rod hindering the settling
process. This is important from an industrial perspective because
when a flocculant is used, the inclusion of rods inside a thickener/dewatering device may increase the rate at which settling
occurs and result in a higher solids bed or enable a higher throughput. Such methods may be more favourable than the use of rakes,
which are more complex devices and can damage the floc structure.
Additionally, creating channels using rods should be more reliable
than trying to promote ‘natural’ channelling in thickeners. Dye tests
support the concept of internal arches within the bed. Cavity diameters of up to 3.1 mm for the alumina suspensions were observed
near the cylinder walls. This agrees well with the theoretical value.
These arches are likely to hamper the extent of dewatering, suggesting that the cylinder walls can have some effect on the final
bed height.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the
Particulate Fluids Processing Centre a Special Research Centre of
the Australian Research Council.
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