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Research about "Analysis land suitability index for rise and maize using Geographic Information System and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in Mamminasata region" has done. In this research calculated the index of land suitability for rice and maize with parameter boundary used are temperature, precipitation, soil texture, soil depth and slope. The method used is combination of GIS (Geographic Information System) and MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) which includes Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Compromise Programming (CoPr). Calculation and analysis of the results shows that of fuzzification temperature, precipitation, soil texture, and soil depth was produce index: 0. 00, 0.06, 0.13, 0.19, 0.25, 0.31, 0.38, 0.44, 0.50, 0.56, 0.63, 0.69, 0.75, 0.81, 0.88, 0.94, 1.00. An index of slope is 0. 00, 0.06, 0.12, 0.19, 0.25, 0.31, 0.37, 0.44, 0.50, 0.56, 0.62, 0.69, 0.75, 0.81, 0.87, 0.94, 1.00. Results weighted by experts found that precipitation has the highest weight of 0,323, which further sequential soil texture (0,234), temperatures (0,172), soil depth (0,169) and slope (0,104). Based on the results as input fuzzification and weighting of an index derived Compromise Programming 0. 00, 0.06, 0.13, 0.19, 0.25, 0.31, 0.38, 0.44, 0.50, 0.56, 0.63, 0.69 ,0.75, 0.81, 0.88, 0.94, 1.00. At total compensation is dominated by class 1 (S1) with an area of 190.889,08 ha area (index 0.00-0.20) for rice, while for maize 165.365,57 ha (index 0.00-0.20). At compensated partly dominated by a class 2 (S2) with an area of 110.518,52 ha area (index 0.20-0.40) for rice, while for maize 114.404,19 ha (index 0.20-0.40). At no compensation for crops dominated by class 4 (N1) with an area of 101.749,43 ha area (index 0.60-0.80), whereas for maize dominated by class 5 (N2) of 163.331,69 ha (0.80-1.00).
Gen HSP 70 adalah protein cekaman panas yang berfungsi mempersiapkan sel untuk menghadapi cekaman panas selanjutnya, namun belum diketahui hubungan antara gen HSP dengan daya tahan panas ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan gen HSP 70 dengan daya tahan panas ternak pada sapi Bali dan Bali persilangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan motode PCR-RFLP untuk mengamplifikasi fragmen DNA genom gen HSP 70 (544 pb). Untuk membedakan keragaman genetik gen HSP 70 dilakukan pemotongan amplimer menggunakan enzim restriksi BSoB1. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan yaitu sapi Bali 12 ekor dan sapi Bali persilangan 11 ekor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gen HSP 70 BSoB1 pada sapi Bali bersifat polymorfik dengan frekuensi genotipe AA = 0,92, genotipe AC = 0,08 dan CC = 0 sedangkan untuk sapi Bali persilangan berifat polymorfik dengan frekuensi genotipe AA = 0,91, genotipe AC = 0,09 dan genotipe CC = 0 . Sapi Bali memiliki nilai heterozigositas 0,08, sedangkan sapi Bali persilangan 0,09. Sapi Bali dan sapi Bali persilangan berada dalam keseimbangan Hardt-Weinberg dengan nilai X 2 = 0,023 dan X 2 = 0,027. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gen HSP 70 pada sapi Bali dan Bali persilangan dengan daya tahan panas ternak. Kata Kunci : Sapi Bali dan Bali persilangan, Heat Shock Protein, daya tahan panas. Abstract HSP 70 gene is heat stress proteins that function cell prepares to face the next heat stress, but it is not known relationship between HSP genes with heat resistance of cattle This study aimed determine the relationship of HSP 70 gene with a heat resistance of cattle in Bali and Bali cattle cross. This study using PCR-RFLP method possible to amplify genomic DNA fragments HSP 70 gene (544 bp). To distinguish the genetic diversity of HSP 70 gene amplimer was cut using restriction enzymes BSoB1. The number of samples used is Bali cattle 12 (n) and Bali cattle cross 11 (n). Results of this study indicate that the HSP 70 gene BSoB1 of Bali cattle are monomorphik with AA genotype frequency = 0.92, genotype AC = 0.08 and CC = 0 while for Bali cattle cross is monomorphik with AA genotype frequency = 0.91, genotype AC = 0.09 and genotype CC = 0. Bali cattle have a heterozygosity value of 0.08, while the Bali cattle cross 0.09. Bali Bali cattle and cattle cross located in the Hardt-Weinberg equilibrium with the value of X2 = 0.023 and X2 = 0.027. There was no significant association between gene HSP 70 in Bali and Bali cattle cross with cattle heat resistance.
English language skills is one of the key requirements in responding to challenges of this era. English up to now has been one of the requirements for continuing higher studies, obtaining scholarships, or getting jobs. One important role that is often overlooked is to encourage and practice English from an early age, including the school environment to students. The group that is often forgotten in using English is Pondok Pesantren Salafi (Pon-Pes Salafiyah). Salafi Pon-Pes students are not taught in English even the Ponpes does not have an English curriculum. So the santri have never learned English. It is interesting to do research of the Ustadz (teachers) and the Santri (students) on learning English. Research subjects used in this study are the board of teachers (Ustadz) and santri-santri Salafiyah boarding school Darul Ulum Karawang. The research method used qualitative research methods. Taking data using two ways, namely in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Data analy...
Yonatan Salong, Analisis peran teori komunikasi dalam mencapai tujuan khotbah yang komunikatif di gereja Kerapatan Injil Bangsa Indonesia (KIBAID) klasis makassar. Adapun tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah: menjelaskan hubungan antara khotbah yang komunikatif dengan penerapan khotbah hamba Tuhan di Gereja KIBAID Makassar. Penulisan karya ilmiah ini diselesaikan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini didukung oleh penelitian lapangan dan penelitian pustaka. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan teknik observasi langsung, interview dan questioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pertama, untuk mencapai tujuan khotbah yang komunikatif dalam jemaat, harus memperhatikan unsur-unsur komunikasi. Unsurunsur ini harus dapat bersinergi, seperti pada peran pesan, peran komunikator, peran komunikan, peran cara menyampaikan, peran hasil, dan peran feedback. Kedua, Pesan dalam khotbah merupakan pesan yang bersumber dari Allah yang didapatkan/dibaca lewat Alkitab. Pesan disampaikan untuk manusia sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, bukan berdasarkan kemauan atau keinginan pengkhotbahnya. Ketiga, komunikator atau seorang pengkhotbah adalah orang yang mendapat panggilan khusus menjadi seorang pengkhotbah. Seorang yang mampu menyampaikan pesan Firman Tuhan secara arif dan profesional, agar jemaat atau komunikan dapat mengalami hidup yang penuh dengan kataatan kepada Tuhan.
The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the leadership, motivation and discipline of work on teacher performance Al-Huda Islamic Junior High School Pekanbaru. The population in this study are all teachers Al-Huda Islamic Junior Higt School Pekanbaru, amounting to 37 people. Sampling was performed using saturated sample. Data analysis is done by using validity, reliability, classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, F test and t-test. The tests are performed in order to determine the relationship between the independent variable with the dependent variable. Based on the result of the research, the leadership, motivation, and performance are influenced on teacher's performance. It is proved by finding the score of R=0.823. It means that there was a correlation among leadership, motivation and discipline on teachers' performance at Al-Huda Islamic Junior High School Pekanbaru. Meanwhile the score of R was 64,9%. It means that there was a contribution of leadership, motivation, and discipline on teachers' performance. Furthermore, it has positive contribution on teachers' performance by finding F score is 23.173 and level significant is 0.000. Partially, there was a positive significant effect of leadership variable, motivation, and discipline on teachers; performance at al-huda Islamic junior high school pekanbaru. The details of the linear regression as follow: Y = 2.020 + 0.376X1 + 0.236 X2 + 0.354X3 and sig. 0.001, 0.029, 0.013 are lower than Alpha 5%. The conclusion of the research was the hypothesis altogether and partially among leadership variable, motivation, and discipline on teachers' performance was proved and accepted.
This study has the specific purpose for obtaining data about the design used by student worksheet, students learning independence in using the worksheets, student learning results, as well as the factors supporting and inhibiting the usage of worksheets by the students on ICT subject. This research uses descriptive method with quantitative approach. The research instruments used are questionnaires, interviews and documentary studies. The data analysis technique is done by using chi square and percentage formula. The populations in this research are students of grade XI at SMA Negeri 1 Ciawi. The samples used in this research are grade XI IPA 1 and XI IPS 1 with a total sample of 58 people. The results showed that the design aspects of worksheets in general are quite good, assessing from the look and content aspects of the worksheet. Aspects of students' learning independent in general are very good, where students are more accustomed to learn independently using the worksheet. Aspects of student learning results indicate the majority of students are in a good criterion. It also obtained that the factors supporting the usage of the worksheets are the students' interest and motivation and also the ease of use worksheets for teachers and students. As for the factors inhibiting the usage of the worksheets are the students' confidence in working on the worksheets, the pictures inside are less attractive, and lack of monitoring by the teachers in working on the worksheet.
Dengan ini saya, YUSUP ROGO YUONO menyatakan bahwa SKRIPSI yang berjudul POLA KEPEMIMPINAN NEHEMIA SERTA STRATEGINYA DALAM USAHA MEMBANGUN KEMBALI TEMBOK YERUSALEM DAN RELEVANSINYA BAGI POLITIKUS KRISTEN BERDASARKAN NEHEMIA PASAL 4-6 adalah hasil karya tulis saya sendiri (bukan plagiat) dan semua sumber yang dipakai atau dikutip telah ditunjukkan dan disebutkan dalam daftar pustaka. Apabila di kemudian hari terbukti bahwa SKRIPSI ini merupakan plagiat, maka gelar kesarjanaan yang telah saya peroleh bersedia dicabut kembali.
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