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O que diferencia um livro de tantos outros que lemos e nos leva a nominá-lo como um livro especial?
História Econômica & História de Empresas, 1969
Resenha do livro "Imaginação Econômica. Gênios que criaram a economia moderna e mudaram a história" de Sylvia Nasar, publicado em 2011.
Science Advances, 2023
We propose strategies that couple natural language processing with deep learning to enhance machine capability for corrosion-resistant alloy design. First, accuracy of machine learning models for materials datasets is often limited by their inability to incorporate textual data. Manual extraction of numerical parameters from descriptions of alloy processing or experimental methodology inevitably leads to a reduction in information density. To overcome this, we have developed a fully automated natural language processing approach to transform textual data into a form compatible for feeding into a deep neural network. This approach has resulted in a pitting potential prediction accuracy substantially beyond state of the art. Second, we have implemented a deep learning model with a transformed-input feature space, consisting of a set of elemental physical/chemical property-based numerical descriptors of alloys replacing alloy compositions. This helped identification of those descriptors that are most critical toward enhancing their pitting potential. In particular, configurational entropy, atomic packing efficiency, local electronegativity differences, and atomic radii differences proved to be the most critical.
In this article I explore a number of questions that have not been adequately investigated in philosophy of mind circles: are minds located in the same place as the brains (or other computing machinery) supporting them? Must they exist at the same location as the body? Must they exist at the same time? Could a single mind be implemented in multiple brains, or multiple minds in a single brain? Under what conditions might a single mind persist despite being implemented successively in different brains? What contributions do features of the computing machinery make to these questions, compared to the contribution made by the body and embedded point of view? Some of these questions have been touched on previously, but there hasn't been any attempt at a systematic analysis of the various consequences that different approaches in the philosophy of mind have for how the spatiotemporal location, synchronic individuation and diachronic identity of minds relates to the spatiotemporal location, synchronic individuation, and diachronic identity of both the implementing computational machinery and the embodied embedded point of view. I make a first stab at such an analysis by discussing a variety of thought experiments in which such questions of location, individuation, and identity arise, and I explore how various approaches to understanding the mind – identity theoretic, functionalist, contentualist, embodied/embedded/extended, and so forth – would respond to such situations. A number of novel issues emerge, and some surprising affinities are revealed.
Archaeological Reports 64 (2017-2018)
Through 30 years of scholarly literature, the state of work in coroplasty, which has become an autonomous field of research. The main innovations concern first the examination of the manufacturing methods (generalization of the study of series, research on polychromy) and the dissemination (formation of koines), which make coroplasty a surprisingly modern craft. As for the function of figurines in votive and funeral contexts, it is now illuminated by the anthropological approach: once considered as simple trinkets, terracotta figurines are now becoming an essential element of the archaeology of the Greek religion.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a reality with many applications in people's daily and professional lives. Advanced systems and applications have penetrated all aspects of human activity, drastically changing the way we communicate, work and learn. The pandemic crisis of Covid-19 in combination with the technological developments of the 4th Industrial Revolution (BIH) shaped a new social and political context, in which education, as a living cell of a wider social network, could not remain unaffected. The necessary transition to distance learning brought to the surface the urgent need for all stakeholders in education to engage in new learning environments and to make use of technological tools and applications that were already available. Many educational processes are now taking place with the synergy of AI, the longterm benefits of which are yet to be seen, as these are entirely innovative technologies. However, the first findings of empirical research and studies show that AI can support the educational process, structure interactive educational environments, respond to the specific learning needs of learners and contribute to the realization of the vision of a more democratic and inclusive education. It is clear that within this specific role the educators are particularly decisive and of the utmost importance. Modern educators are called upon to work with and to make the best possible use of AI systems in order to be beneficial to both the educational community and society as a whole. The aim of this study is, through a quantitative survey, to capture, at a first level, the views of educators in the Greek territory regarding their readiness to integrate AI in their educational practice and at the same time to highlight the most important challenges that arise. Educators seem to have realized that AI systems are highly beneficial for education, however their readiness to integrate them into their educational practice is at a moderate level, while they aremore concerned about the negative impact that AI may have on the nature and process of learning.
KDU IRC , 2021
Children are the most precious group in every society and owe the responsibility of creating the future world. It is the utmost duty and the liability of a state to protect the rights of the children with special consideration towards resolving their concerns to secure their best interest. The principle of the best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration towards achieving and securing their rights in different circumstances. This study intends to explore the legal adequateness of legislating the principle of the best interest of the child in Sri Lanka, in par with the international standards safeguarding the rights of the children. The methodology adopted in the study is a combination of black letter methodology and comparative research methodology along with an analysis of the international standards coupled with the comparative jurisdictions, as appropriate. Further, the qualitative approach was employed to analyse the primary and secondary data of the study. Finally, the study critically assesses the standards of relevant legislation attempts of legislating the principle of the best interest of the child in the domestic context.
Journal of American Oriental Society (JAOS), 2021
This article places the textual production of classical Islamic law in its proper historical context. It does so by examining a transcript of an eleventh-century oral debate, or disputation (munāẓara), between the Shafi!i and Hanafi jurists Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Ṭabarī (d. 450/1058) and Abū al-Ḥasan al-Ṭāliqānī (fl. fifth/eleventh century) on the subject of the pre-emptive expiation for broken oaths (taqdīm al-kaffāra !alā al-ḥinth). The comparison between the disputation transcript and al-Ṭabarī’s lengthy legal manual al-Ta!līqa al-kubrā reveals that the complexity and argumentative detail of disputations far exceeded jurists’ writings. Even the lengthiest legal manuals of the time are shown to be highly summarized accounts of juristic thought. The article explains how these summaries were essential to the proper training of jurists in the age of ijtihād: jurists were expected to learn these summaries before exploring the law in greater depth through disputations. These disputations were rarely recorded in writing, and few survive. The disparity between the oral and written legal discourse of jurists leads to a disquieting conclusion: much of the thought that produced classical legal opinions is lost to us today. We are therefore left with access to an attenuated version of classical law.
Supondre que tots els portadors del sobrenom Pardines en la Comunitat Valenciana vingueren de la localitat de Pardines en Catalunya choca en un bon fum de fets, principalment: Pardines, un nom d'orige llatí, estaria ya prou be establit com a topònim en el sentit de 'ruïnes' en el territori valencià durant l'época islàmica d'ocupació; s'esperaria a lo manco algunes instàncies d'un sobrenom valenciá Pardinas, ya que tal era llavors la pronunciació del topònim en el català oriental, pero en Valéncia trobem només Pardines; al cap, tant la freqüència com la distribució cronològica del llinage Pardines en territori valencià no són cònsones en un orige català. Paraules-clau: antroponímia, toponímia, llengua valenciana.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 2019
Ius Humani, 2019
Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2016
Psychofenia: Ricerca ed Analisi …, 2003
Environmental Research and Technology
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering, 2016