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The circulation market of farm products need to be transparent for the stabilization of farm products price.
Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology, 2016
This study investigates successful university life of university students by examining the impact of student study methods of learning strategies on class satisfaction. For this purpose, 867 out of 900 surveys of university students enrolled at N university located in Chungnam were analyzed. The survey was comprised of 18 questions regarding the respondent's basic personal information, their perception of their current studying circumstances and time spent studying, and 5 questions regarding class satisfaction. The analysis results show that out of a 5-point scale, learning strategy stands at 3.36, and the sub-factor of class attitude was highest with 5.85, and time management was the lowest at 3.06. On the 5-point scale, class satisfaction was 3.37, with general education classes at 3.24 and major classes at 3.45. It appeared that university students' learning strategies have an impact on class satisfaction, and of the learning
Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2011
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한국심리학회지: 사회및성격, 2009
JPEE (Journal of Practical Engineering Education), 2020
The dual system in Korea already plays an important role in quantitative terms in the Korean lifelong vocational competency development system. However, since most of the existing dual system performance management plans in Korea focus on qualification-linked dual system, research on the effective performance management of the four year university-driven dual system is very insufficient. This paper presents multiple measures for developing a performance management system suitable for the university-driven dual system to achieve qualitative improvement of the contract departments of the dual colleges or universities. As an approach to the end, a performance evaluation system is established by developing the evaluation items and indicators for the dual colloeges’ contract departments. Next, it analyzes the needs of various stakeholder groups such as field teachers of the involved companies, students in apprenticeship and OJT professors of KOREATECH through FGI’s and polls to diagnose the current operational performance, especially the causes of high drpout rates of the contract departments. From these results, the paper presents firstly the development of measuring methods for the developed performance indicators of the evaluation system and then a systemic performance management system which is based on ‘input-transformation-outcome-feedback’ structure. In addition, some measures for improving the high dropout rate and performance are presented from the viewpoints of each stakeholder.
Journal of Social Science, 2013
Journal of the Korea Academia Industrial Cooperation Society, 2017
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the Korean Job Crafting Scale. First, previous studies on the concept and measurement of job crafting were reviewed, and items were developed based on this review. The content validity of the scale was examined using a focus group interview consisting of 10 HRM professionals. Following modification of the items, the measurements were administered to 305 employees from 8 Korean firms, and exploratory factor analysis was conducted in order to examine the factorial validity of the scale. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis was implemented concerning data collected from 295 employees who work in 7 Korean firms. Results indicated that the measurement model sufficiently explained the data at an appropriate level, and the subscales featured convergent and discriminant validity. If the scale developed in this study is validated in further studies, it can be employed to conduct research regarding job crafting in Korean organizations.
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) promote long-life housing to reduce social costs generated by poorly considered rebuilding and extend the lifespan of housing. Long-life housing has advantages of durability, floor plan variability, efficient maintenance and ease of remodeling because it is a beam-column structure building. However, long-life housing requires somewhat higher initial construction cost than wall type apartments. It makes increase of long-life housing more difficult. In this study, we compare between wall-type apartment and beamcolumn structure apartment from Life-Cycle Cost's viewpoint. As a result of the study, long-life housing incurs 18% higher initial cost than wall type apartment, but is 7% more economical than wall type apartment in terms of Life Cycle Cost. Therefore, it is shown that long-life housing could be a beneficial alternative to traditional wall type apartments.
Journal of the Korean Institute of industrial educators, 2008
This paper was intended to investigate employment conditions and career planning of ex-participants of the customized training program(CTP) in Technical High Schools for the specific Small and Medium Business through questionnaires. Results of the research were: 1. The average ex-participant of CTP was employed in small size company with 50 employees, earned 1 ~1.2 Million Won monthly, worked about 50 hours per week. 2. They were earnestly considering and worried about their career. They had their career goals : Engineer in production and manufacturing, CEO of a company, Design engineer. 3. They were not able to invest enough time and energy in developing their capabilities and skills. 4. There were feelings of respondents, which the main barriers of their career achievement were : ① their deficiency of personal competencies and endurance. ② not time enough to learn ③ the fallacy of organizational support and atmosphere.