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Administratively, the research area is located in PT. Vale Indonesia Sorowako region, District of Nuha, Luwu Timur Regency, Province of South Sulawesi This research is aimed to determine the grains size of soil with the content of the elements Ni, Fe, and S / M high in the zone of saprolite-type west block and east block, know the grains size of soil with with the content of the elements Ni, Fe, and S / M were lower in the saphrolite zone type west block and east block, and determine the ratio and the effect of soil grain size in improving the quality levels of Ni, Fe and S / M with analysis XRF method. Based on research gained 30 sample <25.4 mm of west block and east block type. Each sample then preparated become 7 grain size. The 7 grain size are >6.35 mm, <6.35 – 1.67 mm, <1.67– 0.14 mm, <0.14 – 0.10 mm, <0.10– 0.07 mm, and <0.07 mm. In type deposition west block, the highest concentration of Ni elements found in the grain size of <0.10 to 0.07 mm that is equal to 2.47%; levels of the elements Fe and SiO2 / MgO (S / M) is the highest found in the grain size of <0.07 mm is equal to 26.57% Fe and 3.11% of the elements on the levels of SiO2 / MgO (S / M). In type deposition east block, the highest concentration of Ni elements found in the grain size of <0.14 to 0.10 mm mm that is equal to 2:04%; The highest levels of Fe element found in grain size <0.07 mm is equal to 28.38%; and levels of SiO2 / MgO (S / M) is the highest found in the grain size of <0.10 to 0.07 mm mm that is equal to 2.4%. In type deposition west block, the levels of the elements Ni, Fe element, and SiO2 / MgO (S / M) the lowest common in grain size >6.35 mm is $ 1.41% for the elements Ni, 10.72% for the elements Fe, and 2.4 % for SiO2 / MgO (S / M). In type deposition east block, the levels of the elements Ni, the elements Fe and SiO2 / MgO (S / M) the lowest common in grain size >6.35 mm is equal to 1.65% for the elements Ni, 13.9% for the elements Fe, and 1.67% for SiO2 / MgO (S / M). There is an opportunity to increase levels of Ni element is to remove material ¼ mesh size fraction. The increase in Ni element in the area of West block of 7% by weight lost by 17.81. In the area of East block of 3% by weight of the weight lost by 17:49%.
Ulkus peptikum adalah gejala penyakit pada lambung atau duodenum dikarenakan terjadi lesi pada mukosa yang sering dijumpai pada masyarakat yang memiliki aktivitas tinggi. Sekresi asam dari sel parietal diturunkan oleh antagonis histamin H 2 seperti ranitidin hidroklorida. Fast disintegrating tablet diketahui dapat hancur atau melarut secara cepat dalam saliva tanpa membutuhkan air. Diperlukan eksipien berupa superdisintegran untuk meningkatkan waktu hancurnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi optimum croscarmellose sodium dan crospovidone terhadap sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet dari ranitidin hidroklorida. Tablet ini diformulasikan dengan variasi kadar croscarmellose sodium dan crospovidone dengan perbandingan 8:2%, 5:5%, 2:8%. Pembuatan tablet fast disintegrating menggunakan metode kempa langsung. Sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet yang diuji untuk mengetahui kualitasnya adalah kekerasan, kerapuhan, waktu pembasahan, waktu hancur, waktu larut tablet. Data uji sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet di lihat respon optimalnya dengan menggunakan simplex lattice design. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu variasi perbandingan kadar bahan penghancur croscarmellose sodium : crospovidone (2 : 8%) menghasilkan sifat fast disintegrating tablet ranitidin hidroklorida yang optimal.
The Internet stakes are twofold. Indeed, it is both a marvellous tool of socialization and information and an ingenious tool of global surveillance. Through a participant-observation during cryptography workshops, this article tends to relocate this practice as a tool for initiation to confidentiality of Internet communication. This article aims to identify Web stakeholders namely States, private companies (The GAFA) and the « free Internet » defenders. This study offers to explore how both their ethics and practices influence the Internet user. By confronting media initial ideals and the present state of the Internet, this article intends to explain the problematic in order to restore the action capacity of the user
Legal texts constitute a significant part of finds from the ancient Near East, and the literature concerning particular issues of its legal history is abundant. However, general works, such as syntheses and manuals, have always been scarce. Only recently, a comprehensive study of Near Eastern law was published in English. 1 The unique work available in Polish so far has been a book by Marek Kuryłowicz 2 conceived as an overview and a comparison of basic information on Near Eastern, Greek and Roman law. Therefore, the new contribution by Edward Lipiński, appearing in the series Studia Historico-Biblica of the Catholic University of Lublin, is most welcome.
Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on New security paradigms - NSPW '12, 2012
Contextualizing Jewish Temples, 2020
Please email me for a copy ([email protected]) This article argues that the Iron Age II calendar plaques that have been discovered in several Judean sites shed light on the pentateuchal Priestly work's calendar and, in particular, its theorization of the Sabbath as a conspicuous interruption (a "sign," Exod 31:17) of conventional calendrical counts.
Jota, 2021
Até que ponto podem ser flexíveis os trâmites regimentais sem passar por cima do Estado de Direito?
partir da crise estrutural do capital em meados da década de 1970 desenvolveu-se um complexo reestruturativo do capitalismo mundial caracterizado pelas politicas neoliberais que impulsionam o desenvolvimento da financeirização da riqueza capitalista. No bojo do capitalismo dourado do pos-guerra constituiram contradições orgânicas na dinâmica do capital que, com a grande crise da década de 1970, iriam contribuir para a afirmação do capital financeiro como fração predominante do capitalismo global. A hipertrofia do capital ficticio levou a constituição do capitalismo das bolhas financeiras, cuja dinâmica de acumulação volátil e instável imprimiu sua marca na conjuntura do sistema mundial do capital nos "trinta anos perversos" . Com o capitalismo predominantemente financeirizado o dinheiro afirmou-se como capital-dinheiro, expondo o capital em geral em sua face mais fetichizada. Ao debilitar o poder de barganha do trabalho, o capital-dinheiro como capital ficticio fez o mundo a sua imagem e semelhança, abrindo um temporalidade histórica de barbarie social caracterizada, por um lado, pela crise e irracionalidade social, e por outro lado, por uma intensa concorrencia entre as frações internas do capital pelo dominio do globo. Temas-chave: crise e capitalismo global; neoliberalismo e financeirização da riqueza capitalista; capital financeiro e barbarie social. Filmes relacionados: "Wall-Street -Poder e Cobiça"/"Wall Street -O dinheiro nunca dorme"de Oliver Stone; "Margin Call", de ; "A Grande Virada". Constantin Costa-Gavras é o cineasta do poder. Nos filmes de Costa-Gavras, o problema do poder do capital se coloca de maneira incisiva e obsessiva, seja como poder político, como nos filmes "Z" (1968) -um clássico do cinema político, ou ainda "Estado do Sítio" (1970), "A confissão" (1972) ou mesmo "Amém" (2002); seja como poder econômico, com o seu mais recente filme: "O capital" (2012). Mas, a obsessão de Costa-Gavras em dissecar o poder o leva a tratar também do drama da proletariedade, como ocorreu, por exemplo, no filme "Éden à Oeste" (2009), que conta a história de Elias, um jovem imigrante que chega a Paris para tentar ganhar o pão nosso de cada dia. Deste modo, existe uma ligação umbilical entre poder (político ou econômico) e proletariedade, isto é, o drama social de homens e mulheres exploradas e espoliadas de sua humanidade pelo movimento do capital como metabolismo social estranhado. Portanto, por trás da sanha do poder do Estado político, com suas conspirações e ditaduras militares, existe o drama humano pressuposto das vitimas do poder do capital, como Charlie Horman em "O desaparecido" (1982), Sam Baily em "O Quarto Poder" (1997) ou mesmo Kurt Gerstein e Riccardo Fontana em "Amém" (2002). Na verdade, poder e riqueza contem em si, como pólo antitético, alienação e miséria humana. Poder/riqueza e alienação/miséria humana, dois pólos antitéticos, mas indissociáveis, no mundo social do capital, estão presentes na longa filmografia de Costa-Gavras.
the main scope of the present study are to delineate the subsurface structure feature of the area east Qena provenance based on the interpretation of aeromagnetic data. The total intensity magnetic map was reduced to the north magnetic pole. The reduced to the pole magnetic data was subjected to several interpretation techniques including, analytical signal, horizontal gradient magnitude and Euler deconvolution. The interpreted fault and/or contact systems are statically analyzed and plotted in the structural lineament map. This map showed that the area affected by two sets of trends. The first one (NW-SE) is related to the Red Sea tectonic trend direction, while the second trend (NNE-SSW to NE –SW) is confined to Gulf of Aqaba trend. The depth of these faults varies between 500 m and 2000 m below the surface as calculated from the Euler deconvoluation method.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
Nierika, 2024
Administrative Science Quarterly, 1998
اوراق عتیق: مجموعه مطالعات متن پژوهی نسخه شناسی و فهرستنگاری، جلد 2, 2011
Çeviribilim Okumaları IV, 2022
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2008
IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 2012
steel research international, 2021
European Burn Journal
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2020