Authors: Dan Rawsthorne
Douglas Shimp
Scrum is Scrum, and it’s a beautiful
thing. Unfortunately, Scrum has been
described/deined in many different,
inconsistent and incoherent ways.
Scrum 3.0 is a description of Scrum
that both uniies and extends older
descriptions of Scrum, and is easier to
relate to real world scenarios. Scrum
3.0 is the cleanest, most lexible and
most agile version of Scrum there is...
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................4
Scrum 1.0 Overview ...............................................................................................6
Scrum 2.0 Overview ...............................................................................................7
Scrum 3.0 Overview ...............................................................................................9
Required Reading:
The Well-Formed Team™ white paper3
Agility white paper4
Leadership white paper5
Done white paper6
Scaling white paper7
Purpose of this White Paper ....................................................................................... 10
Description of Scrum 3.0 ............................................................................................. 11
Scrum’s Roles ......................................................................................................... 11
Scrum’s Artifacts .................................................................................................... 13
Scrum’s Process ..................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 19
Discussion........................................................................................................................ 20
References ....................................................................................................................... 22
Primary References............................................................................................... 22
Additional Notes and Sources............................................................................ 23
About the Authors ........................................................................................................ 24
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Only 10% of organizations are Achieving
The Promise of Scrum (3X or more
increase in performance). Top Reasons
for Failure: partial adoption of Scrum,
hybridization with other methods, failing
to embrace it at all organizational levels.8
Statistics on Scrum Adoption:
82% doing Scrum
35% Clean Code Practice (XP/TDD)
20% Hybrid Methods like Waterfall
and SAFe.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum is a beautiful, small-team development process model. Through time, Teams using
Scrum found that the Product Owner role needed to evolve and change in order for
Scrum to be successful - Scrum had to evolve.
We decided to document a version of this evolved Scrum that is:
a logical extension of The Scrum Guide™
maximally agile
easily understood
scalable through fractalization
While we were at it, since Agility is ‘adapting to, and exploiting chaos’, we took advantage of
this opportunity and improved the evolved Scrum model and provide it here as Scrum 3.0.
We both fell in love with Scrum in the late 1990’s. It was clean, elegant, agile, and
echoed all the good Teams we’d seen in our lives: in sports, in the military, and on the
construction site. At its core, Scrum simply says:
have a Team that gets its work done all by itself, and is not at the mercy of others;
have a Product Owner who is the single-source of requirements, so there is no
bickering or arguing about what to do;
have a Scrum Master who improves things and removes Impediments; and
have multiple, frequent, feedback loops in order to be appropriately agile.
What a beautiful concept!
Scrum 1.0
Unfortunately, most Organizations don’t care about concepts. They want to know
how to make it work — they want to know how to build Scrum Teams — at their
core, they want a recipe or explicit instruction. So we (the Scrum Community) had to
develop Frameworks, Guidance, and Rules about Scrum. We had to tailor Scrum to the
Organizations where it lived. And we found that Product Ownership, in particular, was
very dificult to implement in a consistent way. The concept was clear — be a singlesource of requirements — but the implementation was not. We have observed three
signiicant variations in Product Ownership over the years, which we refer to as Scrum
1.0, Scrum 2.0, and Scrum 3.0. Let us give a brief overview of each.
Scrum 2.0
The term
‘Scrum’ emerged
Scum 0
The First
Scrum Team
Scrum 0.1
First Formal White
Scrum 1.0
First Definition
of Scrum
Scrum 3.0 - Most Evolved
This white paper will discuss Scrum 3.0
in further depth.
Scrum 2.0
First PO as Member
of Team Formalized
Scrum 3.0
First Fully Scalable
Scrum Formalized
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum 1.0 Overview
The irst implementations of Scrum had a Product Owner who was outside the Team
— often on the “Business Side” of the Organization. This Product Owner prioritized
requirements at the beginning of a Sprint at a fairly high functional level, and then
basically left the Team alone to develop — the Product Owner was only agile at the
Sprint boundaries. This style works well for Software Product Development when the
functional Requirements are emergent and not overly volatile. This type of Scrum is still
around, still being useful.View the diagram to the left.
We refer to this type of Scrum as Scrum 1.0, and one of its popular variants is described
in the Scrum Primer9.
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Scrum 2.0 Overview
There is often the need for the Team to not only build software, but maintain the
software once it has been deployed. This requires the Team to be interrupted frequently
to resolve time-sensitive issues related to bugs, building, testing or deployment that
come up in Operations. The Team needs to know: “Which is more important, the new
functionality we’re already working on, or the new work that just came up?” — and
this is a decision the Product Owner needs to make right now — the Product Owner
needs to be agile all the time. The “Business Side” Product Owner is often incapable of
making these decisions in a timely manner, and Scrum’s response to this problem was to
move the Product Owner onto the Team to be available full-time to the Team in order to
prioritize these interrupts real-time.View the diagram to the right.
We refer to this type of Scrum as Scrum 2.0, and its most popular variant is described in
the Scrum Guide2.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
1. Prioritize what gets
2. Manage cost and
schedule expectations
3. Work with team to
ensure the right
stuff gets done.
Product Owners often get Overwhelmed
The forces on a single Product Owner often cause the Product Owner to be
overwhelmed. According to the Scrum Guide, the Product Owner has three main
1. Prioritize what gets delivered
2. Manage cost and schedule expectations
3. Work with the Team to ensure the right stuff gets done
There are many reasons that the Product Owner may need to be split.
When the Product Owner needs to split, we wind up with two Product Owners: one
with the Stakeholders and one with the Team.View the diagram to the left.
1. Prioritize what gets
2. Manage cost and
schedule expectations
3. Work with team to
ensure the right
stuff gets done.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum 3.0 Overview
There are many reasons that we may need two Product Owners: one with the
Stakeholders to prioritize the new functionality, and one with the Team to prioritize
the Work. This kind of Product Ownership is distributed and agile all the time. This is a
common variant of Scrum in the real world, and is what many Organizations try to do
with Scrum 2.0 and end up actually doing.
We refer to this type of Scrum as Scrum 3.0.
In order to differentiate between the two Product Owners in Scrum 3.0, we call the one
with the Stakeholders the Business Owner (BO), and the one with the Team the Team
Captain (T C ).View the diagram to the right.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Purpose of this White Paper
The preceding was a very short
summary of the evolution of
Scrum as we experienced it since
the late 1990’s. The purpose of
this white paper is to describe a
commonly-seen Scrum 3.0 variant
that extends, and is consistent with,
the 2016 Scrum Guide. It is also
our intention, in the near future,
to produce a more comprehensive
and complete deinition of Scrum
3.0 that will reify and explain many
of the confusing concepts found in
most Scrum descriptions.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Description of Scrum 3.0
What follows is a brief description of a commonly seen version of Scrum 3.0.
Scrum’s Roles
A Scrum Team is a Well-Formed Team that does valuable work coming from a Backlog of
Work Items. There are no internally named technical roles on a Scrum Team — they are
all called Team Members or Developers. There are six other roles for people involved in
Scrum. The two that are on the Scrum Team are: Team Captain (TC) and Team Facilitator/
Coach (F/C). The four outside the Scrum Team are: Business Owner (BO), Stakeholder
(SH), Change Agent (CA), and Subject Matter Expert (SME). We see this in the diagram
to the right.
Scrum breaks the world of Development into three Areas:
Production: doing work in order to produce Results for Stakeholders;
Product Ownership: determining the Results to deliver and when to deliver
them; and
Scrum Mastering: improving the ability for the Scrum Team to do its work.
In the Scrum 3.0 model, Production is done by the Team Members, Product Ownership
is shared by the BO and the T C, and Scrum Mastering has been split into the F/C and CA .
Here are brief deinitions of these roles:
Team Captain (T C ): The Team Captain is the formal Leader of the Scrum
Team, and is Accountable to the Business Owner for maximizing the value of the
Scrum Team‘s work;
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Leadership takes many forms and
has many styles... experiencing
Leadership on a good Scrum
Team is a beautiful thing.
Facilitator/Coach (F/C): The Scrum Team Member who helps the Scrum
Team self-organize, remove their impediments, and improve their use of Scrum
and agility;
Business Owner (BO): The Business Owner is Accountable to the
Stakeholders for maximizing the value of the Deliverables, and may also be
accountable for predicting Delivery Dates;
Change Agent (CA): The person who works with the Organization to help
it adopt Scrum and understand how best to support and work with the Scrum
Stakeholders (SHs): The Stakeholders are the people who want the
Deliverables and provide Meaningful Feedback about them; and
Subject Matter Experts (SME): The Subject Matter Experts have knowledge
and expertise the Scrum Team needs but doesn’t have on the Team.
Because the Scrum Team is Self-Organized (one facet of being a Well-Formed Team™),
the Scrum Team works together (with no outside Manager) to do their part of these
responsibilities. The Scrum Team works together with their SMEs to Produce Results, they
work together with the Business Owner to do Product Ownership and they work together
with the Change Agent to do Scrum Mastering. In Scrum 3.0, everybody on the Scrum Team
is in it together – and it would be nice if the Business Owner, Change Agent, and SMEs
acted as if they were on the Team, as well. Each Team Member is Accountable to the other
Team Members to live the Team Values and help each other do the Scrum Team‘s work.
While they are doing that work, there is Leadership taking place constantly. Leadership
takes many forms and has many styles. On the Scrum Team, we have Formal Leadership
(the Team Captain), Servant Leadership (the Facilitator/Coach), and Emergent Leadership
(any Team Member). The combination of these different kinds of Leadership leads to
better teamwork and an increase in productivity, and experiencing Leadership on a good
Scrum Team is a beautiful thing.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum’s Artifacts
The work of a Scrum Team is driven by a Backlog, which is “a list of Work Items that
represents everything that anyone interested in the Scrum Team‘s Results or Process has
thought is needed or would be a good idea.” There are several different pieces of the
Backlog in Scrum 3.0, and I will discuss them below the picture.
[The] Backlog, which is “a list
of Work Items that represents
everything that anyone interested in
the Scrum Team’s Results or Process
has thought is needed or would be
a good idea.”
[The] Backlog is a list of work we
might do. The work often changes
along the way and becomes
something other than what we
expected it to be from the start.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Here are the pieces of the Backlog:
Note: You may be asking: “what about the
Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog? That’s
what I’m used to seeing!” Well, they are
there too. In Scrum 3.0 we emphasize the
continuous nature of Development, and think
of the Sprint as being an interrupt of that
Continuous Flow; we don’t think of the Sprint
as a Container of Stories. Unfortunately, your
tools often treat the Sprint as if it were a
Container of Stories… If you want to think of
the Sprint as a Container of Stories, you can
do that, with the following deinitions (as you
can see in the picture):
Deliverable Results Backlog: The Deliverable Results Backlog is a prioritized list of
Results (Deliverables) that the Business Owner hopes to deliver to the Stakeholders.
Sprint Backlog: The Sprint Backlog
consists of the Work In Progress along with
the Ready Stories that have been brought into
the Sprint, whether they are committed to,
forecasted to be worked on, or whatever.
1. Capabilities that the Business Owner wants the Scrum Team to produce in order
to deliver Results (Deliverables) to Stakeholders; and
Product Backlog: The Product Backlog
consists of the Deliverable Results Backlog
along with the portion of the Work Backlog
that is not in the Sprint Backlog.
These Deliverables are often Epics — big, chunky, Work Items with ill-deined
Acceptance Criteria.
The Business Owner and Team Captain collaborate to determine which Stories
(small, well-deined, Work Items) should be extracted from these Epics and
‘passed down’ to the Scrum Team to work on.
(If necessary) The Business Owner predicts delivery dates for the Stakeholders.
These will normally be updated every Sprint as a result of the Progress Review.
Work Backlog: The Work Backlog consists of the Stories that the Scrum Team
expects to be asked to work on ‘soon.’ These Stories are of two types:
2. Chores added by the Scrum Team; work the Scrum Team must do but does not
directly provide deliverable Results (e.g., ‘doing the dishes.’)
A subset of the Work Backlog should always be Ready to be moved to the Work In
Progress (WIP) to work on. A Story is ready when the Scrum Team knows what it
‘needs to know’ to start work on the Story. Typically, this means that they know the
Story‘s Acceptance Criteria, what Standard Of Care to use for the Story, and which
Subject Matter Experts they will be working with.
The Work In Progress (WIP): The Work In Progress consists of the Stories the
Scrum Team is actively working on. The Scrum Team often uses a WIP Limit to help manage
the complexity of the swarming the Scrum Team will do to get the Stories to Done.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum’s Process
Scrum’s Process has a fairly small collection of ceremonies, discussions, activities, or
meetings. The purpose of these ceremonies is to have conversations, do work, sync-up,
and make decisions. See the following diagram.
Note: So, while Scrum is widely adopted,
people are still failing dramatically in their
ability to adopt it and receive its beneit.
Instead, they choose hybrid approaches
because it seems more familiar and
creates a false sense of doing Scrum.
Do the
The purpose of these ceremonies
is to have conversations, do work,
sync-up, and make decisions.
At its most basic, Scrum’s Process can be thought of as a Continuous Flow, with an
interrupt every Sprint to allow for Feedback, Improvement, and Re-Planning.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
The Scrum Team works with its
Subject Matter Experts, its Business
Owner, and its Stakeholders to do
Backlog Reinement that makes
sure there are suficient Ready
Stories in the Work Backlog.
Continuous Flow
Let me irst describe the Continuous Flow, which is actually done day-by-day. Every day:
The Scrum Team has a Daily Scrum, when it self-organizes and plans its day.
Typically, the Scrum Team discusses its current state, its progress towards its Sprint
Goal, and its Impediments to igure out what it hopes to do today. As we like to
say, the Team Members leave the Daily Scrum ‘walking with a purpose’ — they
know what they’re doing next — even though it could change in just a few minutes.
The Scrum Team Does Work, which means:
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
The Scrum Team swarms with its Subject Matter Experts to get Stories that
are In Progress to Done;
The Team Captain determines which Ready Stories should be moved from
the Work Backlog to become Work In Progress;
The Scrum Team works on its chosen Kaizen (a small change to improve
itself); and
The Scrum Team discusses and removes Impediments.
(As necessary) The Stakeholders and Business Owner maintain the Deliverable
Results Backlog, by
Adding new Deliverables to the Deliverable Results Backlog; and
Prioritizing/Re-Prioritizing the Deliverable Results Backlog.
(As necessary) The Scrum Team works with its Subject Matter Experts, its
Business Owner, and its Stakeholders to do Backlog Reinement that makes sure
there are suficient Ready Stories in the Work Backlog. This includes:
Extracting Capabilities from the Deliverable Results Backlog to the Work
Adding appropriate Chores to the Work Backlog to support developing the
Prioritizing/Re-prioritizing the Stories (both Capabilities and Chores) in the
Work Backlog;
Reining the Stories near the top/front of the Work Backlog to make them
Ready to be worked on. This typically includes:
decomposing/Combining Stories to make them the ‘right-size’ to be
worked on;
determining what Done means for these Stories; and
determining which SMEs will help the Scrum Team with these Stories.
When the Sprint End comes around,
the Continuous Flow is interrupted,
and the Scrum Team has four
in order to allow for Feedback,
Improvement, and Re-Planning.
Sprintly Interrupt
When the Sprint End comes around, the Continuous Flow is interrupted, and the
Scrum Team has four Ceremonies/Discussions/Meetings in order to allow for Feedback,
Improvement, and Re-Planning. They are:
Product Review: The Scrum Team has a Product Review with its (product)
Stakeholders at the end of the Sprint in which the Stakeholders provide
Meaningful Feedback to the Team about the Team’s Work. This discussion is
‘owned’ by the Team Captain, and consists of discussions driven by questions
like: “What do you like about what we did?”, “What don’t you like?”, “What
would you like to change?”, and “What would you like to see next?” the whole
Scrum Team is after answers to these questions, so that they can do ‘better’
Work and produce ‘better’ Deliverable Results.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Note: if you are used to Sprint Backlogs,
then you learned Sprint Planning is largely
about bringing Stories into the Sprint.
You may have learned to ‘Fill the Sprint’
with Stories that were Committed to or
Forecasted.This is not unreasonable, but it
is unnecessary once you start thinking of the
Sprint as a Continuous Flow with a Sprintly
interrupt — as we do in Scrum 3.0.
Progress Review: The Team Captain has a Progress Review with the Business
Owner and other Project/Progress Stakeholders about how the work is
progressing — information to help determine expected Delivery Dates, Team
Velocity, and so on. This discussion is owned by the Business Owner, and is largely
a discussion about Dates and Dollars. Discussions involve questions like: “How
fast are we going?”, “When will we be done?”, and “How do we adapt Cost,
Scope, and Schedule to match the realities we see?”
Team Retrospective: The Scrum Team has a Team Retrospective (run by
the Facilitator/Coach) to discuss and agree on ways they could improve their
Practices, teamwork, environment, or Organization for the next Sprint. This
discussion is owned by the Facilitator/Coach, and is driven by the questions:
“What did we do well?” and “What could we improve?” One major goal of the
Sprint Retrospective is to discover/discuss at least one small process/teamwork
improvement (called a Kaizen) that the Team will implement in the next Sprint.
The last of these discussions ‘between the Sprints’ is actually the beginning of the next Sprint.
Sprint Planning: Sprint Planning is a discussion the Scrum Team has at the
beginning of the Sprint in order to:
1. determine a Sprint Goal;
2. determine the Sprint End;
3. decide on which Kaizen the Team will implement in the next Sprint; and
4. make sure there are enough Stories either In Progress or Ready to be able
to ‘get back to work’.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
What you have just read is a description of a particular variant of Scrum 3.0. This
description is neither complete nor comprehensive, but allows someone who already
knows Scrum to understand what Scrum 3.0 is – and how it differs from what he or she
already knows. It is our intention to provide a complete deinition of Scrum 3.0 in the
near future.
Scrum 3.0 is a type of Scrum
that both uniies and extends
other, older, descriptions of Scrum.
Scrum 3.0 is the cleanest,
most lexible, and most agile
version of Scrum there is.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Scrum 3.0 is scale-ready through
fractalization in either the dimensions
of Product Ownership and/or Scrum
Scrum 3.0 is a type of Scrum that both uniies and extends other, older, descriptions of
Scrum. Scrum 3.0 is the cleanest, most lexible, and most agile version of Scrum there is.
Scrum 3.0 it an aspirational kind of Scrum – rather than a recipe — as most teams don’t
really need that much agility. In fact, most good Scrum Teams that I see are actually doing
what we call Scrum 2.75, which means:
Splitting Product Ownership into a Business Owner and Team Captain, and
Forecasting Sprint Backlogs, rather than going all the way to continuous planning
by using Kanban’s WIP, which is what Scrum 3.0 does.
Could these Teams be better if they moved all the way to Scrum 3.0? Maybe, but they are
doing just ine where they are, so why should they change?
To learn how Scrum 3.0 scales, review the
patterns of Scaling Scrum with Scrum11.
We documented Scrum 3.0 because we see the need for two PO-types so often. Many,
if not most, Organizations need one PO with the Stakeholders and another PO with
the Scrum Team. One of our favorite deinitions of agility is “adapting to, and exploiting,
chaos,” so we took advantage of the need to improve Product Ownership to also
simplify Scrum 3.0’s Sprint Planning method. The combination of these two ‘design
decisions’ makes Scrum 3.0 the most versatile and agile version of Scrum that there is.
Scrum 3.0 is an extension of both Scrum 1.0 and Scrum 2.0, even though they,
themselves, are incompatible with each other. Scrum 3.0 can be collapsed to either
Scrum 1.0 or Scrum 2.0, or even Scrum 2.75, if necessary:
To collapse Scrum 3.0 to Scrum 1.0, you do three things:
1. Remove the Team Captain, move the Team Captain‘s responsibilities to the
Business Owner;
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
2. Call the Business Owner a Product Owner; and
3. Modify Sprint Planning to use a ‘Fill the Sprint’ strategy and then Commit to the
Stories in the Sprint Backlog.
To collapse Scrum 3.0 to Scrum 2.0, you do three things:
1. Remove the Business Owner, move the Business Owner‘s responsibilities to the
Team Captain;
The Stories get Done because of
the Team Members’ commitment
to the Team Values and the
Story’s deinition of Done
(Acceptance Criteria and Standard
Of Care).
2. Call the Team Captain a Product Owner; and
3. Modify Sprint Planning to use a ‘Fill the Sprint’ strategy to Forecast the Stories in
the Sprint Backlog.
To collapse Scrum 3.0 to Scrum 2.75, you do one thing:
1. Modify Sprint Planning to use a ‘Fill the Sprint’ strategy to Forecast the Stories in
the Sprint Backlog.
Scrum 3.0 is also a very clean and lean process. Sprint Planning has (essentially) been
reduced to selecting a Sprint Goal, a Sprint End, and a Kaizen to work on, and there will
never be Stories in the Sprint that are not being worked on — there is no inventory of
selected Stories; every Story in the Sprint is In Progress – actually being worked on. There
is a focus on getting to Done, not Velocity or Dates. The Stories get Done because of
the Team Members’ commitment to the Team Values and the Story’s deinition of Done
(Acceptance Criteria and Standard Of Care) — there is no coercion to speed up and
compromise the deinition of Done from either the Organization or from time pressure
(either external or internal).
In short, this expression of Scrum 3.0 is the most lean, clean, agile, and lexible version of
Scrum to be found. We hope you enjoy it.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Primary References
1. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2013). Exploring Scrum: the Fundamentals, 2nd
2. Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. (2016). The Scrum Guide. http://scrumguides.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
Additional Notes and Sources
3. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2016). The Well-Formed TeamTM [White paper].
Retrieved from
4. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2016). Agility [White paper]. Retrieved from
5. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2016). Leadership [White paper]. Retrieved
6. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2016). Done [White paper]. Retrieved from
7. Dan Rawsthorne and Doug Shimp. (2016). Scaling [White paper]. Retrieved from
8. Jeff Sutherland. (2014). Scrum:The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. New
York, USA: Crown Business.
9. Pete Deemer, Gabrielle Beneield, Craig Larman, and Bas Vodde. (2012). The Scrum
Primer, A Lightweight Guide to the Theory and Practice of Scrum, Version 2.0. Retrieved
10. 3Back, LLC. (2016). The Scrum Dictionary. Retrieved from
11. 3Back, LLC. (2016). Scaling Scrum with ScrumTM. Retrieved from
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
For More Information
To learn more about 3Back, LLC and our Scrum related
services, please contact us at
[email protected]. Follow
@Scrum_Coach on Twitter, and to subscribe to our
newsletter, visit:
We Make Teams Better.
We don’t just talk Agile, we live Agile. Our 3Back Team
is a well-formed, Agile team; applying Scrum 3.0 in our
own workplace. From our hands-on support staff to our
seasoned consultants and trainers, every member of the
3Back Team is, at minimum, a CSM (Certiied Scrum
Master).Within every level of the 3Back team, we bring
a real world appreciation and understanding of your
team’s needs.
Managing work
At 3Back we are a fully distributed team. We actively
build and manage Get To Done (, an
online Scrum software development tool. Get To Done
helps us train as a pedagogical tool, explore new ways
of collaborating and focus our most precious resource,
attention, on work being done.
Scrum 3.0 Copyright 2017 • 3Back LLC
About the Authors
Dan Rawsthorne has developed software in an agile way since
1983. He has worked in many different domains, from e-commerce
to military avionics. He has a PhD in Mathematics (number theory),
is a retired Army Oficer, and a Professional Bowler and Coach.
Dan is very active in the Agile/Scrum community and speaks quite
often at conferences and seminars. He is a transformation agent,
coaching Organizations to become more successful through agility.
His non-software background has helped him immeasurably in his coaching: his formal
training in mathematics guides him to look for underlying problems rather than focus
on surface symptoms; his military background helps him understand the importance of
teamwork and empowerment; and his work with bowlers has helped him understand
that coaching is a two-way street.
Doug Shimp has worked in the technology ield since 1992 and
has played many key roles on software teams, including Coder,
Tester, Analyst, Team Leader, Manager, Coach, and Consultant.
Doug’s passion is for team learning to improve product
development, and he is a leader in the area of Agile/Scrum
transitions and applied practices. He believes that the core basis
for applied agility is that ‘You must see the result for it to be real;
otherwise it is all just theory...’ Much of his experience with teamwork and agility comes
from outside the software ield, including an earlier career as an owner/manager of a
painting company – which enabled him to learn about small-team dynamics in a very
hands-on way.