International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Tracking Community Strength in Dynamic
K Lakshmi Priya [2] M Pallavi, [3] Prasad B
II/IV, [2][3]Associate Professor
Department of CSE, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management (MLRITM)
[email protected][2]
[email protected] [3]
[email protected]
Abstract: Analysis on dynamic networks has become a popularly discussed topic today, with more and more
emerging data over time. In this paper we investigate the problem of detecting and tracking the variation
communities within a given time period. We first define a metric to measure the strength of a community,
called the normalized temporal community strength. And then, we propose our analysis framework. The
community may evolve over time, either split to multiple communities or merge with others. We address the
problem of evolutionary clustering with requirement on temporal smoothness and propose a revised soft
clustering method based on non-negative matrix factorization. Then we use a clustering matching method to
find the soft correspondence between different community distribution structures. This matching establishes
the connection between consecutive snapshots. To estimate the variation rate and meanwhile address the
smoothness during continuous evolution, we propose an objective function that combines the conformity of
current variation and historical variation trend. In addition, we integrate the weights to the objective
function to identify the temporal outliers. An iterative coordinate descent method is proposed to solve the
optimization framework. We extensively evaluate our method with a synthetic dataset and several real
datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which is greatly superior to
the baselines on detection of the communities with significant variation over time.
Keywords: Dynamic, Social network, Community, Tracking, Clustering.
Tracking community strength in dynamic networks
has been a hot topic in data mining which has
attracted much attention. Recently, there are many
studies which focus on discovering communities
successively from consecutive snapshots by
considering both the current and historical
information. However, these methods cannot provide
us with much historical or successive information
related to the detected communities. Different from
previous studies which focus on community detection
in dynamic networks, we define a new problem of
tracking the progression of the community strength a novel measure that reflects the community
robustness and coherence throughout the entire
observation period. To achieve this goal, we propose
a novel framework which formulates the Problem as
an optimization task. The proposed community
strength analysis also provides foundation for a wide
variety of related applications such as discovering
how the strength of each detected community
changes over the entire observation period. To
demonstrate that the proposed method provides
precise and meaningful evolutionary patterns of
communities which are not directly obtainable from
traditional methods, we perform extensive
experimental studies on one synthetic and five real
datasets: social evolution, tweeting interaction, actor
relationships, bibliography and biological datasets.
Experimental results show that the proposed
approach is highly effective in discovering the
progression of community strengths and detecting
interesting communities. In this, we define that a
community is with high strength if it has relatively
stronger internal interactions connecting its members
than the external interactions with the members to the
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International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
rest of the world. Dense internal interactions and
weak external interactions guarantee that the
community is under a low risk of member change
(current members leaving or/and new members
joining). Intuitively, a friend community is “strong”
if its members tie together closely and ignore the
temptation from the outside world. On the contrary, a
friend community is regarded as a “weak”
community if it is likely to confront a member
alteration situation. To illustrate this concept, Fig.
1(a) shows a toy example; where the nodes
represented by the same geometric shape belong to
the same community, solid lines represent internal
interactions and dash lines represent external
interactions. The circle community (i.e. nodes A, B,
C and D) is considered to be stronger than the
rectangle community (i.e. nodes E, F, G and H), due
to the weaker external attractions. On the other hand,
node H has a close relationship with the diamond
community (i.e. nodes I, J and K), which makes the
rectangle community in the risk of losing its
In other words, the higher strength score a
community obtains, the less possible member
alternation occurs in it. It is worth noticing that
community strength is a measure which synthetically
considers both the community cohesion (i.e. how
close the members are in a community) and
separation (i.e. how distinct a cluster is from the other
clusters). Furthermore, community strength should be
a temporal measure whose value may change as the
network evolves. Here‟s an example in the real
world. A set of authors have collaborated closely
from 2000 to 2006. During this period, they
cooperated frequently among themselves and barely
with others outside the community. However, after
2006, because of interest changes, some authors‟
attentions have been attracted to some other fields.
Thus the internal cooperation decreased and the
external cooperation increased. In this case, this
author community‟s strength is high and stable
during 2000-2006, but begins to decrease after 2006.
As a toy example, in Fig. 1(b) (i.e. the network in the
2ndsnapshot) which evolves from Fig. 1(a) (i.e. the
network at the 1snapshot), the strength of the
rectangle community decreases, because the internal
connections become weaker and external connections
become stronger. Discovering the progression of
community strengths can offer significant insights in
a variety of applications. It can help us discover some
interesting community information.
Which cannot be directly obtained from traditional
community analysis. Interesting examples of
communities‟ strength progression can be commonly
observed in real-life scenarios. Here we discuss two
specific cases in detail.
Fig 1: A toy example illustrating community strength
Strengths Progression in Actor Community:
As a strong actor community, the cooperation should
be more frequent between the members themselves
than between members and non-members. For
example, considering the popular and long-running
television sitcom „Friends‟1, its six main actors J.
Aniston, C. Cox, M. Perry, M. LeBlanc, L. Kudrow
and D. Schwimmer collaborated closely when this
sitcom was aired from 1994 to 2004. Let‟s consider
each year‟s co-starring relationships as one snapshot.
We can see that the strength of this community is
very low before 1994 (little cooperation between
them), and then dramatically increases and keeps
stable from 1994 to 2004 (average 23 episodes each
year). Finally, the strength of this community
apparently becomes weaker after 2004 (much less
cooperation comparing to the previous years). The
progression of this actor community‟s strengths
shows an interesting pattern of cooperation history
among these six actors. Learning the strength
progression of actor communities helps we better
understand the entertainment industry.
Strength Progression in Gene Community:
In the biological domain, the interactions between
genes change gradually in dynamic gene co
expression networks. Thus the strength of gene
communities also changes. For example, it has been
reported that the expression profiling of some key
genes will change as the cancer progresses. In such
cases, the corresponding gene communities‟ strength
also changes. Discovering the strengths of gene
communities throughout a specific disease
progression can help us find significant clues in the
fields of medicine and biology. For a specific disease
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
if a gene community is found strong only at the early
stage, it is very likely to be a crucial trigger for the
disease deterioration. From the above cases, we can
see that discovering the progression of community
strengths helps us understand the underlying behavior
of communities. The initial idea was published in
which covers the basic definition of community
strength and the evolutionary analysis on dynamic
networks. By utilizing the community strength value,
the consistent communities can be detected and
tracked over an observation period.
This paper extends the original idea to formulate a
solid method with broader applications and provide
more supportive and comprehensive experiments. In
this paper, our goal is to detect the temporal strength
of each detected community throughout all the
snapshots so that we can answer the following
questions: How does the strength of each community
change over the observation period? What are the
strong communities
observation? Period. How do the communities from
adjacent snapshots influence the strength of each
other? To sum up, our main contributions in this
paper are as follows: we introduce the notion of
progression analysis of community strengths. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first work on
analyzing the temporal community quality or
structure information considering both time and
community information. We formulate the problem
as an optimization framework that can effectively
detect the temporal strength of communities and track
the strength progression pattern. Experiments on the
synthetic dataset show the proposed approach is
effective on identifying strong communities. On real
datasets, interesting and meaningful communities are
detected. Case studies suggest that the proposed
approach can provide more reasonable results.
The objective of this study is to track the evolution
of communities over time in dynamic social
networks. We represent a social network by an
undirected weighted graph, where the nodes of the
graph represent the members of the network, and the
edge weights represent the strengths of social ties
between members. The edge weights could be
obtained by observations of direct inter-action
between nodes, such as physical proximity, or
inferred by similarities between behavior patterns of
nodes. We represent a dynamic social network by a
sequence of time snapshots, where the snapshot at
time step t is represented by Wt =[wt], the matrix of
edge weights at time t. Wt is commonly referred to as
the adjacency matrix of the network snapshot. The
problem of detecting communities in static networks
has been studied by researchers from a wide range of
disciplines. Many community detection methods
originated from methods of graph partitioning and
data clustering. Popular community detection
methods include modularity maximization and
spectral clustering. In this paper, we address the
extension of community detection to dynamic
networks, which we call community tracking. We
propose to perform community tracking using
adaptive evolutionary clustering frameworks, which
we now introduce. We present our method for
solving the problem of temporal community strength
analysis. We begin by introducing the method of
partitioning the network from each snapshot into
communities in Section 2.1, and then show the
method of tracking the strength of each community
over time in Section 2.2.
2.1 Community Detection at Each Snapshot
Given a series of temporal networks we first partition
each network independently into Kt communities at
each timestamp t. Due to the change of network; the
value of Kt may not be the same across different
snapshots. Then we store all the detected
communities from all the snapshots in a community
pool. To detect communities from each temporal
network, we use Non-negative Matrix Factorization
(NMF) techniques there are two major reasons to
choose NMF: First, it can be easily applied to both
hard clustering (i.e. each object belongs to exactly
one community) and soft clustering (i.e. each object
can belong to multiple communities). The property of
soft clustering very well fits many real social
scenarios. For instance, each user in social network
usually participates in more than one discussion
group, as he may have a variety of interested topics.
Second, it could uncover the underlying
intercommunity Relationships quite accurately, that
can be utilized for other related tasks like
2.2 Tracking communities over time
There are several additional issues that also need to
be addressed in order to track communities over time.
The communities detected at adjacent time steps need
to be matched so that we can observe how any
particular community evolves over time. This can be
achieved by ending an optimal permutation of the
communities at time t to maximize agreement with
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
those at time t 1. If the number of Communities at
time t is small, it is possible to exhaustively search
through all such permutations. This is, however,
impractical for many applications. We employ the
following heuristic: match the two communities at
time t and t 1 with the largest number of nodes in
agreement, remove these communities from
consideration, and match the two communities with
the second largest number of nodes in agreement,
remove them from consideration, and so on until all
communities have been exhausted. Another issue is
the selection of the number of community‟s k at each
time. Since the evolutionary clustering framework
involves simply taking convex combinations of
adjacency matrices, any heuristic for choosing the
number of communities in ordinary spectral
clustering can also be used in evolutionary spectral.
3.1 Reality Mining
Data Description:
The MIT Reality Mining data set was collected as
part of an experiment on inferring social networks by
monitoring cell phone usage rather than by traditional
means such as surveys. The data was collected by
recording cell phone activity of 94 students and staff
at MIT for over a year. Each phone recorded the
Media Access Control (MAC) addresses of nearby
Bluetooth devices at minute intervals. Using this
device proximity data, we construct a sequence of
adjacency matrices where the edge weight between
two participants corresponds to the number of
intervals where they were in close physical proximity
within a time step. We divide the data into time steps
of one week, resulting in 46 time steps between
August 2004 and June 2005. In this data set, we have
partial ground truth to compare against. From the
MIT academic calendar, we know the dates of
important events such as the beginning and end of
school terms. In addition, we know that 26 of the
participants were incoming students at the
university's business school, while the rest were
colleagues working in the same building. Thus we
would expect the detected communities to match the
participant affiliations, at least during the school
terms when students are taking classes.
is the same heat map when ordinary community
detection at each time is used, which is equivalent to
setting _t = 0 in (1). Notice that two clear
communities appear in the heat map to the left, where
the proposed method is used. The participants above
the black line correspond to the colleagues working
in the same building, while those below the black line
correspond to the incoming business school students.
On the heat map to the right, corresponding to
3.2 Project Honey Pot
Data Description:
Project Honey Pot is an ongoing project targeted at
identifying spammers. It consists of a distributed
network of decoy web pages with trap email
addresses, which are collected by automated email
address harvesters. Both the decoy web pages and the
email addresses are monitored, providing us with
information about the harvester and email server used
for each spam email received at a trap address. A
previous study on the Project Honey Pot data found
that harvesting is typically done in a centralized
manner. Thus harvesters are likely to be associated
with spammers, and in this study we assume that the
harvesters monitored by Project Honey Pot are
indeed representative of spammers. This allows us to
associate each spam email with a spammer so that we
can track communities of spammers. Unlike in the
previous experiment, we cannot observe direct
interactions between spammers. The interactions
must be inferred through indirect observations. We
take the edge weight between two spammers i and j
to be the total number of emails sent by i and j
through shared email servers, normalized by the
product of the number of email addresses collected
by i and by j. Since servers act as resources for
spammers to distribute emails, the edge weight is a
measure of the amount of resources shared between
two spammers. We divide the data set into time steps
of one month and consider the period from January
2006 to December 2006. The number of trap email
addresses monitored by Project. Honey Pot grows
over time, so there is a large of new spammers being
monitored at each time step. Some spammers also
leave the network over time.
We make several interesting observations about the
community structure of this data set and its evolution
over time. The importance of temporal smoothing for
tracking communities can be seen in Fig. 1. On the
left is the heat map of community membership over
time when the proposed method is used. On the right
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
There have been several other recent works on the
problem of tracking communities in dynamic social
networks. Proposed to identify communities by graph
coloring; however, their framework assumes that the
observed network at each time step is a disjoint union
of cliques, whereas we target the more general case
where the observed network can be an arbitrary
graph. Proposed a method for tracking the evolution
of communities that applies to the general case of
arbitrary graphs. The method involves rest
performing ordinary community detection on time
snapshots of the network by maximizing modularity.
A graph of communities detected at each time step is
then created, and meta-communities of communities
are detected in this graph to match communities over
time. The main drawback of this approach is that no
temporal smoothing is incorporated, so the detected
communities are likely to be unstable. Other
algorithms for evolutionary clustering have also been
proposed. Relevant algorithms for community
tracking include and which extend modularity
maximization and spectral clustering, respectively, to
dynamic data. Proposed an evolutionary spectral
clustering algorithm for dynamic multi-mode
Networks, which have different classes of nodes and
interactions. Such an algorithm is particularly
interesting for data where both direct and indirect
interactions can be observed. However, one
shortcoming in these algorithms is that they require
the user to determine to choose the values for
parameters that control how smoothly the
communities evolve over time. There are generally
no guidelines on how these parameters can be chosen
in an optimal manner.
By formulating the problem as the task of measuring
the community strength over an observation period,
we can extend our method to perform some
additional tasks. In this section, we explain the
extensibility of Algorithm 1to: (1) Measure the
impact and consequently the change in community
strength based on immediate preceding timestamps,
and (2) Identify top-k strongest and weakest
5.1 Community Strength Progression Net
The output of Algorithm 1 provides information on
how all the communities‟ strength evolve over time.
In addition to that, we also want to know how the
communities from immediate preceding snapshots
(i.e. Ct1 and Ct) influence the strength of each
other. To illustrate these relationships, we construct a
bipartite network that represents the relationship
between communities detected at snapshot t-1 and
communities detected at snapshot. In such a network,
the nodes on the left represent the communities
detected at previous timestamp, the nodes on the right
represent the communities detected at the current
timestamp and the edges connecting the nodes denote
the influence transmission between the communities.
5.2 Top-K strongest/weakest communities
By applying Algorithm 1, we obtain the community
strength for each detected community at each
snapshot. Based on this output, we can compute an
overall strength for each community, which is useful
to identify interesting communities that are the
strongest/weakest throughout the entire observation
period. There are mainly two methods to aggregate
the temporal community Strength scores: unweighted
and weighted. In the unweighted case, we can regard
each temporal score to be of equal importance and
take the sum, i.e.PTt=1 azt. However, in some cases,
the community strength is more important at some
particular snapshots, e.g. the early stage of cancer. In
such a case, we should give different weights to
different snapshots and the aggregation function Can
be defined as PT t=1 htazt, where ht is the weight for
the specific snapshot t. In addition, when choosing
the top strongest or weakest communities, we may
also want to consider the size of the communities.
When the target networks are very sparse, the penalty
from the external connections may be very small,
thus the penalty from the external interaction would
be very limited. In such a case, the community
strength value would be biased to the large-size
communities which will contain more internal
connections. To mitigate this effect, the aggregated
function for community z can be redefined as:PT t=1
azt jCzj or PT t=1 htazt jCzj so that the community
strength is normalized by its size.
In this paper, we introduced a method for tracking
communities in dynamic social networks by adaptive
evolutionary clustering. The method incorporated
temporal smoothing to stabilize the variation of
communities over time. We applied the method to
two real data sets and found good agreement between
our results and ground truth, when it was available.
We also obtained a statistic that can be used for
identifying change points. Finally, we were able to
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International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
track communities where the members were
continually changing or perhaps assuming multiple
identities, which suggests that the proposed method
may be a valuable tool for tracking communities in
networks of illegal activity. The experiments
highlighted several challenges that temporal tracking
of community‟s presents in addition to the challenges
present in static community detection. One major
challenge is in the validation of communities, both
with and without ground truth information. Another
major challenge is the selection of the number of
communities at each time step. A poor choice for the
number of communities may create the appearance of
communities merging or splitting when there is no
actual change occurring. This remains an open
problem even in the case of static networks. The
availability of multiple network snapshots may
actually simplify this problem since one would
expect that the number of communities, much like the
community memberships, should evolve smoothly
over time. Hence, the development of methods for
selecting the number of communities in dynamic
networks is an interesting area of future research
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