International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
Enhanced Efficient K-Means Clustering Algorithm
A.Avinash Goud, [2] K Abdul Basith, [3] Prasad B
II/IV, [2][3]Associate Professor
Department of CSE, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management (MLRITM)
[email protected] [2],
[email protected] [3]
[email protected]
Abstract The paper presents a novel algorithm for performing k-means clustering. It organizes all the patterns in a k-d tree
structure such that one can find all the patterns which are closest to a given prototype efficiently. The main intuition behind the
approach is as follows. All the prototypes are potential candidates for the closest prototype at the root level. However, for the
children of the root node, may be able to prune the candidate set by using simple geometrical constraints. This approach can be
applied recursively until the size of the candidate set is one for each node. Experimental results demonstrate that the scheme can
improve the computational speed of the direct k-means algorithm by an order to two orders of magnitude in the total number of
distance calculations and the overall time of computation.
Keywords: Clustering, K-Means, Tree Traversal Algorithm And Pruning Algorithm
Clustering of data is a method by which large sets
of data are grouped into clusters of smaller sets of similar
data. Clustering is the process of partitioning or grouping a
given set of patterns into disjoint clusters. This is done such
that patterns in the same cluster are alike and patterns
belonging to two different clusters are different. Clustering
has been a widely studied problem in a variety of
application domains including neural networks, AI, and
statistics. Several algorithms have been proposed in the
literature for clustering: ISODATA [8, 3], CLARA [8],
CLARANS[10], Focusing Techniques [5] P-CLUSTER [7].
DBSCAN [4], Ejcluster [6], BIRCH [14] and GRIDCLUS
[12]. Among all these algorithms, the K-Means is preferred
to be used as the clustering technique due to its advantages:
Its effectiveness and procedural simplicity, K-Means is easy
to implement as it is distance based and It is order
independent. The k-means method has been shown to be
effective in producing good clustering results for many
practical applications. However, a direct algorithm of kmeans method requires time proportional to the product of
number of patterns and number of clusters per iteration. This
is computationally very expensive especially for large
datasets. We propose a novel algorithm for implementing
the kmeans method. Our algorithm produces the same or
comparable (due to the round-off errors) clustering results to
the direct k-means algorithm. It has significantly superior
performance than the direct k-means algorithm in most
The number of clusters k is assumed to be fixed in
k-means clustering. Let the K prototypes (w1,w2,….,wk) be
initialized to one of the n input patterns (i1, i2,…
w j il , j {1, 2...., k}, l {1, 2....n}
Algorithm 1: Direct k-means clustering
function Direct-k-means()
Initialize K prototypes (w1,w2,….,wk ) such that
w j il , j {1, 2...., k}, l {1, 2....n}
Each cluster Cj is associated with prototype Wj
for each input vector il, where l {1, 2,....n} ,
Assign il to the cluster Cj with nearest prototype Wj
(i.e.,│il w j││il w j│, j {1, 2....k})
for each cluster Cj where j {1, 2...., k} ,
Update the prototype wj to be the centroid of all sample
currently in Cj, so that
il /│c j│
il c j
Compute the error function:
j 1
il cj
Until E does not change significantly or cluster
membership no longer changes Algorithm 1 shows a high
level description of the direct k-means clustering algorithm.
Cj is the jth cluster whose value is a disjoint subset of input
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
patterns. The quality of the clustering is determined by the
following error function:
j 1
il cj
substantial component after reduction in the number of
distance calculations)
The appropriate choice of K is problem and domain
dependent and generally a user tries several values of k.
Assuming that there are n patterns, each of dimensions d,
the computational cost of a direct k-means algorithm per
iteration (of the repeat loop) can be decomposed into three
1. The time required for the first for loop in algorithm
is O(nkd)
2. The time required for calculating the centroids
(second for loop in algorithm is O(nd)
3. The time required for calculating the error function
is O(nd)
The number of iterations required can vary in a wide range
from a few to several thousand depending on the number of
patterns, number of clusters, and the input data distribution.
Thus, a direct implementation of the k-means method can be
computationally very intensive. This is especially true for
typical data mining applications with large number of
pattern vectors. There are two main approaches described in
the literature which can be used to reduce the overall
computational requirements of the k-means clustering
method especially for the distance calculations:
Use the information from the previous iteration to
reduce the number of distance calculations. PCLUSTER is a
k-means-based clustering algorithm which exploits the fact
that the change of the assignment of patterns to clusters is
relatively few after the first few iterations [7]. It uses a
heuristic which determines if the closest prototype of a
pattern q has been changed or not by using a simple checks.
If the assignment has not changed, no further distance
calculations are required. It also uses the fact that the
movement of the cluster centroids is small for consecutive
iterations (especially after a few iterations).
Organize the prototype vectors in a suitable data structure so
that finding the closest prototype for a given pattern
becomes more efficient [11, 13]. This problem reduces to
finding the nearest neighbor problem for a given pattern in
the prototype space. The number of distance calculations
using this approach is proportional to n * f (k,d) per
iteration. For many applications such as vector quantization,
the prototype vectors are fixed. This allows for construction
of optimal data structures to find the closest vector for a
given input test pattern [11]. However, these optimizations
are not applicable to the k-means algorithm as the prototype
vectors will change dynamically. Further, it is not clear how
these optimizations can be used to reduce the time for
calculation of the error function (which becomes a
The main intuition behind this approach is as
follows. All the prototypes are potential candidates for the
closest prototype at the root level. However, for the children
of the root node, we may be able to prune the candidate set
by using simple geometrical constraints. Clearly, each child
node will potentially have different candidate sets. Further, a
given prototype may belong to the candidate set of several
child nodes. This approach can be applied recursively till the
size of the candidate set is one for each node. At this stage,
all the patterns in the subspace represented by the subtree
have the sole candidate as their closest prototype. Using this
approach, we expect that the number of distance calculation
for the first loop (in Algorithm1) will be proportional to
n*F(k,d) where F(k,d) is much smaller than f(k,d). This is
because the distance calculation has to be performed only
with internal nodes (representing many patterns) and not the
patterns themselves in most cases. This approach can also be
used to significantly reduce the time requirements for
calculating the prototypes for the next iteration (second for
loop in Algorithm1). We also expect the time requirement
for the second for loop to be proportional to n*F(k,d)
The improvements obtained using this approach are
crucially dependent on obtaining good pruning methods for
obtaining candidate sets for the next level. We propose to
use the following strategy.
For each candidate wi, find the minimum and
maximum distances to any point in the subspace.
Find the minimum of maximum distances, call it
Prune out all candidates with minimum distance
greater than MIN,MAX
The above strategy guarantees that no candidate is
pruned if it can potentially be closer than any other
candidate prototype to a given subspace. The proposed
algorithm is based on organizing the pattern vectors so that
one can find all the patterns which are closest to a given
prototype efficiently. In the first phase of the algorithm, we
build a k-d tree to organize the pattern vectors. The root of
such a tree represents all the patterns, while the children of
the root represent subsets of the patterns completely
contained in subspaces (Boxes). The nodes at the lower
levels represent smaller boxes. For each node of the tree, we
keep the following information:
1. The number of points (m )
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International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
2. The linear sum of the points ( LS ) i.e.
3. The square sum of the points (SS), i.e.
i 1
i 1
function TraverseTree ( node, p , l, d)
Let the number of dimensions be d and the depth of
the k-d tree be D. The extra time and space requirements for
maintaining the above information at each node is
proportional to O(nd)2 Computing the medians at D levels
takes time O(nd) [2]. These set of medians are needed in
performing the splitting of the internal nodes of the tree.
Therefore, the total time requirement for building this tree
such that each internal node at a given level represents the
same number of elements is O9n(d+D)).3
For building the k-d tree, there are several
competing choices which affect the overall structure.
Choice of dimension used for performing the split: One
option is to choose a common dimension across all the
nodes at the same level of the tree. The dimensions are
chosen in a round-robin fashion for different levels as
we go down the tree. The second option is to use the
splitting dimension with the longest length.
Choice of splitting point along the chosen dimension:
We tried two approaches based on choosing the central
splitting point or median splitting point. The former
divides the splitting dimensions into two equal parts (by
width) while the latter divides the dimensions such that
there are equal number of patterns on either side. We
will refer to these approaches as midpoint-based and
median-based approaches respectively. Clearly, the cost
of the median-based approach is slightly higher as it
requires calculation of the median.
We have empirically investigated the effect of the two
choices on the overall performance of our algorithms.
These results show that splitting along the longest
dimension and choosing a midpoint-based approach for
splitting is preferable [1]. In the second phase of the kmeans algorithm, the initial prototypes are derived. Just
as in the direct k-means algorithm, these initial
prototypes are generated randomly or drawn from the
dataset randomly. In the third phase, the algorithm
performs a number of iterations (as in the direct
algorithm) until a termination condition is met. For each
cluster i we maintain the number of points Cn i the
linear sum of the points CLS and the square sum of the
points CSS .
Algorithm2: Tree traversal algorithm
Alive = pruning ( node, p , l, d)
If │alive│=1 then
/* All the points in node belong to the alive cluster */
Update the centroid’s statistics based on the information
stored in the node
if node is a leaf then
for each point in node
Find the near prototype pi
Assign point to pi
Update the centrid’s statistics
for each child node do
Traverse Tree( child, Alive, │Alive│, d)
In each iteration, we traverse the k-d tree using a
depthfirst strategy (Algorithm2) as follows. We start from
the root node with all k candidate prototypes. At each node
of the tree, we apply a pruning function on the candidates
prototypes. If the number of candidate prototypes is equal to
one, the traversal below that internal node is not pursued.
All the points belonging to this node have the surviving
candidate as the closest prototype. The cluster statistics are
updated based on the information about the number of
points, linear sum, and square sum stored for that internal
node. A direct k-means algorithm is applied on the leaf node
if there is more than one candidate prototype. This direct
algorithm performs one iteration of the direct algorithm on
the candidate prototypes and the points of the leaf node.
Algorithm3: Pruning algorithm
function Pruning(subtree, p , l, d)
Alive = p
For each prototype
pi p do
Compute the minimum ( minii) and maximum (maxi)
distances for any point in the box representing the subtree
Find the minimum of maxi 0 i l , call it MinMaxdist
for each prototype
pi p do
if mini > MinMaxdist then Alive = Alive – {pi}
An example of the pruning achieved by using our
algorithm is shown in Figure 1. Our approach is a
conservative approach and may miss some of the pruning
opportunities. For example, the candidate shown as an x
with a square around it could be pruned with a more
complex pruning strategy. However, our approach is
relatively inexpensive and can be shown to require time
proportional to k. choosing a more expensive pruning
algorithm may decrease the overall number of distance
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
calculations. This may, however, be at the expense of higher
overall computation time due to an offsetting increase in
cost of pruning.
Figure 1 : Example of pruning achieved by our algorithm.
X represents the candidate set. d is the MinMax distance.
All the candidates@ which are circled get pruned. The
candidate with a square around it is not pruned by
At the end of each iteration, the new set of cancroids is
derived and the error function is computed as follows.
The new centroid for cluster i is :
The error function is:
(CSS i
i 1
Cn i
(CLS i )2
The leaf size is an important parameter for tuning the
overall performance of our algorithm. Small leaf size results
in larger cost for constructing the tree, and increases the
overall cost of pruning as the pruning may have to be
continued to lower levels. However, a small leaf size
decreases the overall cost for distance calculations for
finding the closest prototype.
Calculating the Minimum and Maximum Distances:
The pruning algorithm requires calculation of the
minimum as well as maximum distance to any given box
from a given prototype. It can be easily shown that the
maximum distance will be to one of the corners of the box.
Let furthesti be that corner for prototype i (pi). The
coordinates of
furthesti ( furthesti1 , furthesti 2 ,......... furthestid ) Can
:│Bj pij││B pij│
furthestij { ju
B j : otherwise....................(1)
be computed as fallows :
Where Bjl and Bju are the lower and upper coordinates of the
box along dimension j. The maximum distance can be
computed as fallows:
j 1
( Pij furthestij )2
A naive approach for calculating maximum and
minimum distances for each prototype will perform the
above calculations for each node (box) of the tree
independently; which will require O(d)
time. The
coordinates of the box of the child node is exactly the same
as its parent except for one dimension which has been used
for splitting at the parent node. This information can be
exploited to reduce the time to constant time. This requires
the use of the maximum distance of the prototype to the
parent node. This can be used to express the maximum
square distance for the child node in terms of its parent. The
computation cost of the above approach is O(1) for each
candidate prototype. The overall computational requirement
for a node with k candidate prototypes is A O(k). The value
of minimum distance can be obtained similarly [1].
We have evaluated our algorithm on several
datasets. We have compared our results with direct k-means
algorithm interms of the number of performed distance
calculations and the total execution time. A direct
comparison with other algorithms (such as the P-Cluster [7]
and [13] ) is not feasible due to unavailability of their
datasets and software. However, we present some
qualitative comparisons. All the xperimental results reported
are on a IBM RS/6000 running AIX version 4. The clock
speed of the processor is 66 MHz and the memory size is
128 MByte. For each dataset and the number of clusters, we
compute the factors FRDand FRT of reduction in distance
calculations and overall execution time over the direct
algorithm respectively as well as the average number of
distance calculations per pattern ACD. The number of
distance calculations for the direct algorithm is (k+1)n per
iteration.All time measurements are in seconds. The main
aim in this paper is to study the computational aspects of the
k-means method. We used several datasets all of which have
been generated synthetically. This was done to study the
scaling properties of our algorithm for different values of n
and k respectively. Table 1 gives a description for all the
datasets. The datasets used are as follows:
1. We used three datasets (DS1, DS2 and DS3)[14].
2. For the datasets R1 through R12, we have generated k
points randomly in a cube of appropriate dimensionality.
For the i th point we generate
points around
(k 1)k
it using uniform distribution. These result in clusters
with non-uniform number of points.
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
We experimented with leaf sizes of 4, 16, 64 and
256. For most of our datasets, we found that choosing a leaf
size of 64 resulted in optimal or near optimal performance.
Further, the overall performance was not sensitive to the leaf
size except when the leaf size was very small. Tables 2 and
3 present the performance of our algorithms for different
number of clusters and iterations assuming a leaf size of 64.
For each combination used, we present the factor reduction
in overall time (FRT) and the time of the direct k-means
Table 2: The overall results for 10 iterations
Table 1: Description of the datasets. The range along each
dimension is the same unless explicitly stated
We also present the factor reduction in distance
calculations (FRD) and the average number of distance
calculations per pattern (ADC). These results show that our
algorithm can improve the overall performance of k-means
clustering by an order to two orders of magnitude. The
average number of distance calculations required is very
small and can vary anywhere from 0.17 to 11.17 depending
on the dataset and the number of clusters required.
Table 3: The overall results for 50 iterations and 64
The results presented in [7] show that their
methods result in factor of 4 to 5 improvements in overall
computational time. Our improvements are substantially
better. However, we note that the datasets used are different
and a direct comparison may not be accurate.
All Rights Reserved © 2016 IJERCSE
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and
Engineering (IJERCSE) Vol 3, Issue 3, March 2016
In this paper, we presented a novel algorithm for
performing k-means clustering. Our experimental results
demonstrated that our scheme can improve the direct kmeans algorithm by an order to two orders of magnitude in
the total number of distance calculations and the overall
time of computation. There are several improvements
ossible to the basic strategy presented in this paper. One
approach will be to restructure the tree every few iterations
to further reduce the value of F(k,d)The intuition here is
that the earlier iterations provide some partial clustering
information. This information can potentially be used to
construct the tree such that the pruning is more effective.
Another possibility is to add the optimizations related to
incremental approaches presented in [7]. These
optimizations seem to be orthogonal and can be used to
further reduce the number of distance calculations.
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