Startup Scenarios in High-Power Gyrotrons
Gregory S. Nusinovich, Fellow, IEEE, Oleksandr V. Sinitsyn, Leonid Velikovich, Muralidhar Yeddulla,
Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr., Senior Member, IEEE, Alexander N. Vlasov, Senior Member, IEEE,
Stephen R. Cauffman, Member, IEEE, and Kevin Felch, Member, IEEE
Invited Paper
Abstract—To realize continuous-wave (CW) operation of
millimeter-wave gyrotrons at megawatt (MW)-power levels, these
devices must operate in very high-order modes. To excite such
an operating mode and to drive it into the regime of MW-level
operation with high efficiency requires careful consideration of
the startup scenario through which the operating parameters of
the device are brought to their nominal values. In the present
paper, several common startup scenarios and the most important
physical effects associated with them are discussed. Then, the
paper presents the results of startup simulations for a 140-GHz,
MW-class gyrotron developed by Communications and Power
Industries (CPI) for electron-cyclotron plasma heating and
current drive experiments on the “Wendelstein 7-X” stellarator.
The simulations were done with MAGY, a multifrequency,
self-consistent code developed at the University of Maryland.
Simulations tracking six competing modes show that, with a
proper choice of operating parameters, stable excitation of the
desired TE28 7 -mode at 1 MW level can be realized, despite the
presence of dangerous parasites in the resonator spectrum. These
results are in approximate agreement with experimental tests,
in which the gyrotron demonstrated reliable operation at power
levels up to 900 kW.
PACS numbers: 84.40.Ik, 52.75 Ms.
Index Terms—Electron-cyclotron current drive (ECCD), electron-cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), multimode simulations.
S A RULE, any microwave oscillator progresses through a
time-dependent variation of operating conditions before it
reaches its nominal steady-state operating point. For proper operation, this startup scenario should first fulfill the conditions for
self-excitation, and then evolve to the nominal operating point
in a way that ensures that the desired mode is excited with maximum efficiency at the desired power level, while neighboring
modes are suppressed.
In microwave sources driven by electron beams, the self-excitation conditions are usually characterized by the starting cur-
Manuscript received August 20, 2003; revised November 14, 2003. This
work was supported in part by the Office of Fusion Energy, U.S. Department of
Energy and in part by the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative on
Vacuum Electronics sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
G. S. Nusinovich, O. V. Sinitsyn, L. Velikovich, M. Yeddulla, and
T. M. Antonsen, Jr. are with the Institute for Research in Electronics and
Applied Physics (IREAP), University of Maryland, College Park, MD
20742-3511 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]).
A. N. Vlasov is with SAIC, McLean, VA 22102 USA.
S. R. Cauffman and K. Felch are with Communications and Power Industries
(CPI), Palo Alto, CA 94304-1031 USA.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2004.828854
which is a function of various operating parameters
(such as the beam voltage, beam position, etc.) So, when the
the self-excitation conditions are
beam current exceeds
fulfilled, and this gives rise to oscillations, which at reasonably chosen parameters reach, in a certain transient time, the
steady-state regime. The parameter region, where
known as the region of soft self-excitation. In this region, oscillations can start to grow from the noise level, which is typically
determined by the presence of the beam.
In many oscillators, in addition to the region of soft self-excitation, there is also a region of hard self-excitation, where the
self-excitation conditions starting from low noise level are not
), but where the oscillations can neverthefulfilled (i.e.,
less be sustained, once their initial amplitude exceeds a certain
threshold level. This classification was first introduced by Appleton and van der Pol for radio oscillators [1] and then used in
consideration of various sources of coherent electromagnetic radiation. In the region of hard self-excitation, devices exhibit hysteresis. That is, depending on the history of parameter values,
one can observe for a given final set of parameters either the
presence or the absence of oscillations. Typical dependencies
of the device efficiency on the beam current in the regimes of
soft and hard self-excitation are shown qualitatively in Fig. 1.
Very often the maximum efficiency can be obtained only in the
region of hard self-excitation. In such cases, the device parameters should, first, pass through the region of soft self-excitation
before reaching the point of the most efficient operation in the
hard self-excitation region. Of course, in the process of this transition, the oscillations should remain stable.
When a device is designed to operate in a high-order mode,
the problem of the startup scenario is even more complicated,
because the mode spectrum is very dense and, therefore, the
self-excitation conditions can simultaneously be fulfilled for
several modes. In this case, it is desirable to excite the operating mode prior to the others and then to maintain the conditions under which this mode will suppress all competitors. Suppression occurs due to nonlinear competition among the modes
[2]. The mode competition results in the fact that effectively the
starting current of a parasitic mode is increased by the presence
of the desired operating mode. Denoting the starting current of
and the amplitude of the operating
the parasitic mode by
mode by , one can formulate the requirement for suppression
0093-3813/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
interaction between competing modes. These comments lay the
groundwork for Section III, which discusses recent simulations
of the startup scenario for CPI’s 140-GHz gyrotron. Then, Section IV presents the conclusions from the study and Section V
summarizes this work.
A. Controlling Parameters
Fig. 1. (a) Temporal dependence of the beam voltage and current during
the voltage rise. (b) Dependence of the efficiency on the beam current for
the instants of time, corresponding to soft (t = t ) and hard (t = t > t )
self-excitation. In the hard self-excitation region, the hysteresis exists in the
range of currents where the dependence (I ) shows three equilibrium states,
among which one in the middle is unstable, while two others are stable.
So, relying on the effect of mode competition, it becomes possible to drive the desired mode to the point of the most efficient
operation even in the presence of many competing modes. (Note
that the mode competition is not the only effect occurring in
mode interaction in microwave oscillators, see, e.g., [3].)
The problems described above in general terms are typical in
high-power gyrotrons. It was shown by Moiseev and Yulpatov
[4] a long time ago that the maximum gyrotron efficiency often
occurs in the regime of hard self-excitation. Then, the desire
to develop gyrotrons with higher operating frequency, higher
power levels, and longer pulse lengths has led to operation at
higher order modes. The problem of the startup scenario for
gyrotrons operating in high-order modes was first formulated
in [5]. During the past three decades, practically all researchers
involved in the development of high-power long-pulse [or
continuous-wave (CW)] millimeter-wave gyrotrons have had
to contend with various aspects this problem (see [6]–[12] and
references therein).
This paper is written with an attempt to overview this
problem and to present some of the recent results of simulations
of startup scenarios in a megawatt (MW)-class, millimeter-wave
gyrotrons developed at Communications and Power Industries
(CPI). This paper is organized as follows. Section II contains
general comments regarding: 1) the operating parameters that
must be considered when modeling realistic startup scenarios;
2) the nature of mode competition in gyrotrons exhibiting both
soft and hard self-excitation; and 3) the effects of parametric
In general, gyrotron operation can be controlled by the beam
voltage , the current , and the magnetic field in the interaction cavity . When a triode-type electron gun is used, there is
also the opportunity to vary the modulating anode voltage
Also, in many cases, there is an additional coil in the electron
gun region, which is used to adjust the magnetic field in this
. This coil allows for better adjustment of the elecregion
tron orbital-to-axial velocity ratio and the radius of the annular
electron beam in the interaction space. So, in general, it is possible to manipulate up to five independent parameters to devise
an optimal startup scenario. (We assume the beam current to be
independent of the beam voltage because thermionic cathodes
used in long-pulse/CW gyrotrons typically operate in the regime
of temperature-limited emission.)
In the regimes of pulsed operation, not all of these parameters
can be varied during one pulse. For instance, the coils used in
millimeter-wave gyrotrons have a very large inductance. Therefore, it is infeasible to vary the magnetic field ( , as well as
) during the time of the voltage rise . The time it requires
to vary the cathode temperature (in order to modify the operating current at a given voltage) is also much larger than .
This means that the beam current cannot be treated as an independent parameter during the voltage rise, because it depends
solely on the beam voltage when the cathode temperature is held
These limitations limit the available means to control the
startup scenario in pulsed gyrotrons. For instance, in the case of
gyrotrons with triode-type electron guns, once the desired final
operating parameters are chosen, the only free parameters are
the time-dependencies of the two voltages (
as they evolve to their target values. So, in this case we have
only two independent parameters. The situation is even more
stringent in gyrotrons with diode-type guns, where
Here, we have only one free parameter, which varies from zero
to its final value.
is many orders
In realistic scenarios, the voltage rise time
. Typof magnitude larger than the cavity fill time
ically, in long-pulsed gyrotrons,
ranges from hundreds of
microseconds to milliseconds, while is on the order of nanoseconds. Therefore, we can treat the variation of oscillation amplitudes with voltage during the voltage rise as an adiabatically
slow process. That is, we may assume that at any given voltage
(in the process of the voltage rise), the gyrotron oscillations
will have time to achieve a steady-state equilibrium. The fact
is extremely important, because in the opposite
, which is often called “an instant turn-on,” the
voltage changes too rapidly for the oscillations to reach a steady
state, making controlled startup scenario impossible. Both instant turn-on and slow turn-on scenarios were studied in [9],
Fig. 2.
Example of starting currents of the operating TE
-mode and parasites as functions of the beam voltage.
where it was shown that in some cases the time required to reach
the equilibrium is much longer than the cavity fill time . (As
shown below, our results confirm this conclusion.)
Another physical effect, which is extremely important and favorable for gyrotron operation is the inverse dependence of the
relativistic electron-cyclotron frequency on electron energy.
As shown in numerous studies (see, e.g., [4], [5], [13], [14]),
the region of soft self-excitation corresponds to smaller values
, (here, is the
of the cyclotron resonance mismatch
gyrotron operating frequency, and is the cyclotron resonance
harmonic number) than the region of hard self-excitation. In the
hard-excitation region, in the presence of large amplitude microwave oscillations, this mismatch can be larger, first, because
a large-amplitude wave can trap particles gyrating with a more
detuned frequency and, second, because the particles decelerated by the microwave field increase their cyclotron frequency
and, thereby, stay in resonance with the microwave oscillations.
This favorable phenomenon makes it possible, even in the
absence of other variable parameters, to raise the voltage from
zero to the final operating voltage in a manner that first excites
oscillations from noise in the soft-excitation regime, and then
drives the device into the higher power and more efficient hardexcitation regime as shown schematically in Fig. 1. A typical
example illustrating this scenario is shown in Fig. 2, reproduced
from [15]. Of course, this figure is not sufficient to predict which
of the many possible modes will be excited. This conclusion
can be drawn only after numerical analysis of excitation of all
potentially competing modes, as will be shown below.
B. Mode Competition in Gyrotrons With Soft and Hard
In general, in high-power gyrotrons with a dense mode spectrum, the excitation of many modes during the voltage rise can
result in various complicated nonlinear phenomena. To give the
readers some insight into the physics of mode interaction, we
start by considering the simple case of interaction between only
two modes.
If the gyrotron interaction space is cylindrically symmetric, i.e., consists of an annular beam of gyrating electrons
and a cylindrical cavity, then the electron beam may excite
-modes, which in the case of nonzero azimuthal index
rotate in the azimuthal direction. If the two modes under
consideration are in resonance with electrons at the same
cyclotron harmonics, and these modes have different azimuthal
, then, in the equations for mode excitation,
averaging the source term over the cross section of the interaction space and over entrance phases of electrons results in
averaging over the phase difference of these rotating modes,
(here, is the azimuthal
coordinate) [16]. After averaging, the equations for the mode
amplitudes become independent of the mode phases. This is
the same situation that occurs in radio oscillators with two
degrees-of-freedom [2], as well as in other microwave [17] and
optical [18] oscillators, where the mode frequency separation
is much larger than the mode resonance width, which
is inversely proportional to the cavity fill time
That is:
To qualitatively analyze the temporal evolution of the amplitudes of two modes, it is convenient to represent the nonlinear dependence of the source terms on mode amplitudes as
a polynomial in mode amplitude and to keep in this representation only the lowest-order terms needed to describe the effects.
In the regime of soft self-excitation, the saturation effects are
described by the lowest-order nonlinear terms. A typical state
space for such a two-mode gyrotron with a soft self-excitation
is shown in Fig. 3(a). Here,
are normalized amplitudes of modes and arrows show a motion of a system to one of
the two stable equilibrium states on axes.
In the regime of hard self-excitation, the next-order terms
in the polynomial representation of the source term should be
taken into account. This makes the state space for a device
more complicated. A typical example of such a space is shown
in Fig. 3(b). As one can see, in addition to stable single-mode
equilibria on axes shown in Fig. 3(a) for the case of soft
self-excitation, there is now also a stable equilibrium state
with nonzero amplitudes of two modes. Fig. 3(c) shows the
state space for the case when one mode is in the region of soft
excitation, while another is in the hard excitation regime. In
this case, only single-mode oscillations of either first or second
Fig. 4. Regions with different regimes of gyrotron operation in the plane
“‘interaction length’ versus ‘resonator diameter.’”
Fig. 3. Possible state spaces of two-mode oscillators in the cases. (a) Both
modes are in the soft self-excitation region. (b) Both modes are in the hard selfexcitation region. (c) One mode is in the soft, while another is in the hard
self-excitation regions (F are normalized amplitudes of the modes).
modes are stable as in the case of soft excitation of both modes
shown in Fig. 3(a).
Systems having more than one stable equilibrium state can exhibit various hysteresis phenomena [1], [2]. (These phenomena
in gyrotrons were studied not only theoretically in numerous
papers, but also experimentally [19], [20]; see, also, references
[20].) For instance, for the case shown in Fig. 3(a), an answer to
the question “Which of the two modes will oscillate in such a device?” is: “The mode, for which the self-excitation conditions are
fulfilled first.” With regard to the state space shown in Fig. 3(a),
this means that the final equilibrium state, which will be reached
by an oscillator, is determined by the initial conditions in this
state space. In the hard self-excitation regimes, where additional
stable equilibria exist, the situation with hysteresis phenomena
is even more complicated.
It has been shown [4], [13], [14] that, as the cavity length
increases, the maximum efficiency point moves further into the
hard self-excitation region, i.e., the ratio of the optimum current to its starting value gets smaller. Therefore, qualitatively,
one can surmise the existence of the following regions of mode
excitation and interaction in the plane of parameters “resonator
length versus resonator diameter.” (Note that the enlargement
of the resonator diameter corresponds to the mode spectrum
densification.) First, at very short lengths, when the resonator
, the oscillalength is shorter than the starting length
tions do not appear because the starting conditions are not fulfilled: the cyclotron absorption inherent in nonmodulated electron flows dominates over coherent radiation processes [21].
Then, at
, the self-excitation conditions can be fulfilled
for a device in the region of soft excitation. At these lengths,
when the resonator diameter is relatively small and, therefore,
the device operates at relatively low-order modes, whose frequency separation is larger than the cyclotron resonance band,
the modes can be excited separately. In resonators of a larger diameter, the modes can be excited simultaneously. Correspondingly, the state space for such a device with the soft self-excitation and dense spectrum of modes looks like the one shown
in Fig. 3(a). In the case of even longer resonators, where the
maximum efficiency point is in the hard self-excitation region,
the situation is more complicated and, depending on the mode
spectrum density, the following scenarios should be expected.
First, when the gyrotron operates at relatively low-order modes,
such modes will be excited separately in the process of voltage
rise. Then, in the case of operation at higher order modes, the
modes can be excited simultaneously. Possible startup scenarios
for these cases are shown in Fig. 4.
We show in this figure the dependencies of the efficiencies on
the beam voltage for a gyrotron with a diode-type electron gun,
because while the current varies as the voltage is increased, as
discussed above, we cannot treat the beam current as an independent parameter during the voltage rise. The case A shown in
Fig. 4 corresponds to the situation when the starting conditions
for the second mode start to be fulfilled when the first mode is in
the regime of hard self-excitation. The state space for such a gyrotron is shown in Fig. 3(c). Here, the first mode, being excited
first, can remain stable until the voltage reaches the border of
single-mode oscillations of this mode or will be in its vicinity.
At this instant of time, the second mode is still in the region of
soft self-excitation. So, one should expect here the mode hopping effect.
The case B corresponds to the situation when the mode spectrum is denser and, therefore, the starting conditions for the
second mode start to be fulfilled when the first mode is still
in the region of soft self-excitation. So, for a certain interval
of time, the state space of such a gyrotron with both modes in
the region of soft self-excitation can look like the one shown in
Fig. 3(a). Then, at higher voltages, the first mode moves in the
region of hard self-excitation and the situation becomes similar
to the case A described above.
The cases C and D correspond to the gyrotron with a harder
self-excitation of two modes. Here, in the case C, the region
of the soft self-excitation of the second mode lies within the
region of the hard excitation of the first mode. Therefore, when
the voltage reaches the border of single-mode oscillations of the
first mode, the first mode will disappear, but the self-excitation
conditions for the second mode will not be fulfilled. So, the
second mode cannot be excited in such a case. The case D differs
from the case C only by the fact that the mode frequencies are
closer and, therefore, in a certain range of voltages, both modes
are in the soft excitation region. Nevertheless, the first mode is
excited first, thus, the second mode cannot be excited here.
Before closing this subsection, let us note that the approach
based on a simple polynomial approximation of the source terms
was recently used for a qualitative description of the effect of the
radial thickness of electron beams on the mode competition in
gyrotrons [22].
C. Parametric Interaction
Above, we have considered the simplest case of interaction
between two modes, the amplitudes of which evolve in a manner
independent on the phase relation between the modes. This kind
of interaction is often called a nonsynchronous one [3]. The
case when the evolution of mode amplitudes depends on the
phase relations is known as the synchronous [3] or parametric
When all modes are in resonance with electrons at the same
cyclotron harmonic, the synchronous or parametric interaction
may occur between three modes, whose frequencies and azimuthal indices obey the following conditions [3]:
The first and second conditions can be treated, respectively, as
the energy and angular momentum conservation laws in the
four-photon decay process. The first condition is an approximate one because the modes have a finite width of the resonance curves. So, it is permissible to have the mode frequencies
slightly detuned from an exactly equidistant spectrum. The corresponding condition can be written more precisely as
Then, the phase difference
will vary
with the same temporal scale as the mode amplitudes. So a
self-consistent set of equations describing the parametric interaction between such modes should consist of the equations
for mode amplitudes and the equation for this phase difference.
Neighboring whispering gallery modes with the same radial
index generally satisfy the conditions given by (2) and (3). So
between such modes the parametric interaction can take place.
Of course, this interaction becomes significant only when the
mode frequency separation is smaller than the cyclotron resonance band, i.e., when each of the modes can interact with electrons resonantly. Note that this parametric interaction is typical
not only for gyrotrons operating in whispering gallery modes,
but also for quasi-optical gyrotrons, where many equidistant
modes of the Fabry–Perrot resonator can be excited simultaneously [9].
Coming back to the gyrotrons operating in high-order
azimuthally rotating modes let us consider an example.
Consider the spectrum in the vicinity of the
which is often used in MW-class gyrotrons operating at
100–110-GHz frequencies. The nonequidistance of cutoff
, and
, which
frequencies for modes
form a triplet of quasi-equidistant modes, is very small:
10 . (Here,
is the eigen-number, which determines the cutoff
, of a
-mode in a cylindrical cavity of
a radius ). At the same time, cavity -factors for high-power
gyrotron oscillators are typically about 10 , so the conditions
for synchronous interaction between these modes are fulfilled.
However, the frequency separation of these modes is about
2.7%, while the cyclotron resonance band typically does not
exceed 1%. Therefore, when one of such modes is excited
by the beam, its low- and high-frequency satellites can be
present due to the parametric interaction, but the amplitudes of
these satellites should be small, because they do not interact
resonantly with the beam.
There are numerous factors that can influence the parametric
interaction between almost equidistant modes. One such factor
is the azimuthal nonuniformity of the electron emission. This
effect was recently analyzed qualitatively [23] and simulated
using a modified version of the self-consistent, multifrequency
code MAGY to confirm the results of the qualitative analysis
In a more general case, the parametric interaction can
also occur between modes resonant with different cyclotron
harmonics. Corresponding resonance conditions and effects are
discussed in [25]. Also, reference [26] examines the parametric
interaction between three modes that are resonant with an
electron beam at three different cyclotron harmonics.
A. Starting Current and the Growth Rate of Oscillations
Above, we have stated that 1) the oscillations of any mode
start to grow when the beam current is larger than the starting
current and 2) the temporal growth rate of oscillations is on the
order of
. Both of these statements need some clarification.
First, it should be noted that during the voltage rise, both the
beam current and the starting current vary. The evolution of the
beam current and the electron orbital-to-axial velocity ratio with
the voltage can be determined with the use of either the adiabatic
theory of magnetron-type electron guns [27]–[29], or numerical
codes (such as the widely used E-gun code [30]). Determination of the starting current is somewhat more complicated. In
principle, a procedure for deriving an expression for the starting
current is very straightforward, viz. the device operation is considered in the framework of small-signal theory, in which the
effect of the radio frequency (RF) field on electron motion is
treated as perturbation, so only the first-order terms in this perturbation are taken into account. Then, the linearized expression for
the RF component of the electron current density is substituted
Fig. 5. Dependence of the starting currents of two competing modes on the
assumed exit coordinate for a 140-GHz gyrotron operating at the TE
into the equation describing the RF field excitation. The resultant
equation, which describes the balance between the power of microwave losses in the cavity and the microwave power withdrawn
from the beam, does not contain the RF field amplitude, but determines the current at which the growth rate of the mode equals
zero (and above which the growth rate is positive). The specific
procedure and equations are described elsewhere [31], [32].
This procedure and corresponding results, however, are
simple and transparent only when one can use a cold-cavity
approximation and assume that there is no interaction between
the electrons and the RF field after the resonator output cross
section. The cold-cavity approximation implies that the axial
structure of the RF field in the resonator does not depend on the
presence of the electron beam. This approximation works well,
when the diffractive -factor is much larger than its minimal
value, which can be estimated as
The resonators presently used in MW-class CW gyrotrons
often have a smooth transition between a cylindrical portion,
which plays the role of the resonator, and an output uptaper.
The diffractive -factor of such resonators is close to its
minimum value. Even more important, however, is the fact
that the interaction between an electron beam and the outgoing
radiation continues into the output uptaper. Indeed the angle
of tapering is rather small (it typically ranges from 2 to 5 ),
and the profile of the externally applied magnetic field is often
somewhat wider than the cylindrical cavity region. Therefore,
the interaction can extend into this uptaper for many cyclotron
orbits and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to precisely
determine the cross section, in which this interaction stops.
Recent analysis of starting currents in gyrotrons [34] has
shown that, depending on the “output” cross section, i.e.,
the axial position at which we assume the interaction to
have stopped, the starting current can vary significantly, and
moreover, the starting currents of the operating and parasitic
modes can vary in such a way that the mode with the higher
starting current depends upon the choice of interaction length.
An example of this effect is shown in Fig. 5 reproduced from
[34]. (Results shown in Fig. 5 correspond to the case when
the straight part of a waveguide, which just forms a cavity,
is located between 4.14 and 5.52 cm.) These results indicate
that reliance on linearized starting current calculations is
insufficient for determining which of two neighboring modes
will be excited first during a voltage rise.
Now, let us discuss our estimate for the growth rate of oscillations. Since we are interested in the initial stage of the
growth of oscillations, we can neglect the nonlinear terms
in equations describing the field excitation. Then, we immediately find that the oscillation intensity grows in time as
. So, in addition to our
, we get a factor, which characterizes the excess
of the beam current over the starting current. Now, we should
estimate the time it takes for our mode to grow from the noise
level to the large-signal level, where this amplitude becomes
large enough to affect the starting current of a second mode.
The noise level is a level of spontaneous radiation providing a
so-called white noise. According to [9], the amplitude of this
, where
is the number
noise is inversely proportional to
of electrons passing the resonator during the cavity decay
time. This number can be estimated as
. So, for the typical
10 ,
100 GHz,
parameters such as
this number is on the order of 10 and, therefore, the initial
noise-level amplitude is on the order of 10 . At the same time,
numerous simulations show that large-signal effects begin to
occur when the amplitude reaches the level of 0.1–1. Correis on the
spondingly, the time it takes to reach saturation
order of
. Near the saturation,
it is necessary to take into account nonlinear terms in equations
for the field excitation that increases the saturation time.
Now, we can come back to the classification of the cases
of the instant turn-on and the adiabatically slow voltage rise,
which we discussed in Section II-A, and determine our classification more accurately by considering the following example.
Assume that we are dealing with two competing modes and that
the voltages at which self-excitation conditions are fulfilled for
, respectively. Then, during the
these modes are
voltage rise, which we assume to be linear
the time
interval between these voltages can be estimated as
. Correspondingly, we can identify as an “instant
turn-on” the case when during this time interval the intensity of
the first mode will grow insignificantly, i.e.,
In such a case, the self-excitation conditions for the second
mode will not be affected by the first mode, which has a small
amplitude. In the opposite case
the first mode has sufficient time to grow large enough to
suppress the excitation of the second mode. Let us note that
the coefficient , which characterizes the voltage rise time,
in short pulses can be very different from that in long pulses,
depending on the characteristics of the power supply employed.
For instance, in short-pulse gyrotron experiments at MIT, it
takes about 1 s to reach a nominal voltage of about 80 kV
[35], while in long pulse gyrotron tests at CPI, this time is
larger than 100 s.
Fig. 6. Coupling impedances of six competing modes in the vicinity of the
beam position as functions of the electron guiding center radius.
B. Results of Simulations
Detailed simulations have been performed for the 140-GHz
gyrotron developed at CPI for electron-cyclotron resonance
heating and current drive in the German stellarator “Wendelstein
, and the
7-X” [36]. The operating mode in this tube is
device operates at the fundamental cyclotron resonance. Our
preliminary analysis has shown that for a given beam radius
the most important competing modes are
which form with the operating mode a triplet of modes corotating with gyrating electrons. Also, important is the triplet of
counterrotating modes, having the radial index
, which form a counterrotating triplet.
Since the latter triplet is formed by modes having a larger radial
index, the inner peak of the radial profile of their coupling
impedance corresponds to a smaller radius of electron guiding
centers . [The coupling impedance of a thin annular electron
beam to rotating modes in cylindrical waveguides/cavities is
equal to
. Here,
“minus” and “plus” stand for the corotating and counterrotating
modes, respectively.]
The radial profile of the coupling impedance for the six modes
under consideration in the vicinity of the beam position is shown
in Fig. 6. The beam position shown by the dotted line corresponds to the beam radius employed in the gyrotron, which is
intentionally a little larger than the optimum radius of the operating mode. Such a choice of beam position strongly reduces
the coupling to the counterrotating parasites. (Initially, a smaller
beam radius was employed, but simulations of the startup scenario [37] and some experimental results showed that under
-mode suppresses the desuch conditions, the parasitic
sired mode in the region of parameter space where maximum
efficiency would otherwise be expected.)
The simulations presented here, in which the excitation of
six modes by a beam with a certain velocity spread was studied,
were done with the use of the self-consistent, multifrequency
code MAGY. (The original version of this code is described in
[38].) Our experience with such simulations has been that, to
achieve accurate results, the time step should not exceed 0.1 ns,
a small fraction of the cavity fill time. The time step chosen
in the simulations was, thus, 0.05 ns. It was next determined
that for the cavity geometry in question, on the processors
available, it takes about 10 h of real-time to simulate 100 ns
of mode evolution, when six modes are being considered.
Clearly, at such speeds, it would be impossible to simulate
complete 100 s voltage rise in long-pulse gyrotrons. Instead,
we employed two time-saving techniques. First, we began our
simulations at about 50 kV (rather than zero), choosing the
initial voltage to be slightly below the voltage at which the
modes’ growth rates become positive. Second, we divided the
voltage rise into 2 kV steps, simulating the mode evolution at
each voltage value for 100 ns (a time long enough for these
modes to reach steady-state in most cases, as will be discussed),
and using the final values of the mode amplitudes and phases
from the previous run as input data for the subsequent run. This
choice of voltage steps and duration of each run corresponds
to a voltage rise time coefficient (introduced above) equal to
20-kV/ s. This coefficient is, for comparison, approximately
80- and 0.8-kV/ s for MIT short-pulse experiments and CPI
long-pulse experiments, respectively. Our choice of steps and
lengths of runs should, thus, be adequate for modeling slower
startup scenarios such as that employed in the CPI long-pulse
experiments. Although these simulations employ a series of
instantaneous voltage steps, past experience has suggested that
such an approach is acceptable if small enough steps are used
(c.f., for instance, [39] where a 60-ns voltage ramp was chosen
or [40], where 5-kV steps in voltage have been considered).
In our case, 2- kV steps accurately described the sequence
of events in the mode excitation and competition during the
voltage rise; calculations with smaller steps performed in some
runs yielded the same results.
The simulations were performed using a typical set of
operating parameters: 80-kV 40-A electron beam produced by
a diode-type electron gun (in the absence of space charge neutralization, the beam voltage is 75.04 kV and the corresponding
orbital-to-axial velocity ratio is 1.33; intermediate values of
the beam voltage, current and orbital-to-axial velocity ratio
for lower cathode voltages were calculated using a particle
trajectory code). The resonator and output waveguide geometry
and the magnetic field profile were chosen according to the
gyrotron design. The maximum value of the magnetic field in
the interaction region was about 55.3 kG.
Results of the simulations are shown in Fig. 7. This figure
is divided into two parts because of the length of the simulations; and the vertical scale for the two parts is different.
The figure shows the radiated power in all six modes at the
output cross section, where the simulations were ended. This
cross section is about 3 cm downstream from the end of the
straight section forming the resonator. The results shown in
Fig. 7 demonstrate an extremely interesting and complex sequence of events. First, at low voltages, the higher frequency
and counterrotating
modes, which are the corotating
-modes, are excited, but the counterrotating mode wins
this competition. This mode remains dominant up to voltages
of about 64 kV, but its power level is on the order of a few
milliwatts. Then, the central modes of both triplets are excited
Fig. 7. Startup scenario for a 140-GHz, CPI gyrotron. The beam voltage varies
in 2 kV steps. For each voltage the simulations are conducted for 100 ns time
intervals. The first and second parts of the figure correspond to the voltages from
54 to 66 kV and from 68 to 80 kV, respectively.
at 64 kV. At 70 kV, the operating mode starts to suppress
the counterrotating rival, however, as that rival is suppressed,
the oscillations of the lower frequency parasitic mode
begin to grow. Then, in the range of voltages between 72 and
76 kV, the three corotating modes coexist with comparable
power levels. The triplet of parasitic counterrotating modes is
not completely suppressed here, but the power in these modes
is at least two orders of magnitude lower than the power in the
corotating triplet of modes; for instance, at 76 kV, the power of
the modes in the corotating triplet ranges from 10 kW to more
than 100 kW. Finally, starting at 78 kV, the desired operating
mode begins to suppress all others, and at the final voltage,
this mode reaches a power level of 1 MW, while the power
of each of the remaining five parasites does not exceed 1 W.
Note that in the region of coexistence of two triplets (when
the voltage ranges from 72 to 76 kV) none of the modes oscillates with a constant amplitude. The amplitudes of all modes
oscillate slightly, which is typical for regimes of automodulation (see, e.g., [25]). The period of these oscillations is about
2.5 ns, which corresponds to about a 400-MHz automodulation
frequency. This modulation frequency is much higher than one
can expect from estimating the nonequidistance of the spectrum of modes in one triplet. As follows from the values of
eigen-numbers of these modes, the latter is only about 9 MHz.
The observed higher frequency modulation can be explained
by the coexistence of two triplets, in which the frequencies of
the corresponding modes are slightly separated. For instance,
the eigen-numbers of the central modes in the two triplets are
. So, the beating between these modes should occur with a frequency on the order
140 GHz 280 MHz, which is quite
close to the 400 MHz observed in the simulations. The discrepancy between 280 and 400 MHz can be attributed to frequency
pulling effects, i.e., the effects of the beam current on mode
frequencies; as known, the value of frequency pulling depends
on the position of a mode frequency in the cyclotron resonance
band. So, for different modes the frequency pulling is different.
While the predicted operation at the final operating parameters is in the desired mode, at the desired power level, it should
be noted that at some steps in the simulation, the mode amplitudes did not in fact reach a steady-state before the subsequent step. In addition, because some steps exhibit oscillation
in multiple modes, there is some concern that these simulations
seem to indicate that the gyrotron will not reach a desirable
steady-state if operated at lower voltages. For these reasons, we
elected to check some stages of our simulation using longer
computational runs. First, we checked, the results for 60 kV,
where the steady-state was not reached in 100 ns. In a longer
run (400 ns, instead of 100 ns), the dominant
as well as other modes, reached a steady-state similar to those
demonstrated in the shorter runs at 62 kV. (Note that in these calculations, one of the modes exhibited automodulation beating
with a much lower frequency of about 25 MHz, which can be associated with the nonequidistance of the mode spectrum within
the triplet, as discussed above.) Next, we conducted a longer
simulation at 64 kV, where clearly a 100-ns time interval was
not long enough to reach a steady state. Results of a 700-ns
long run for this voltage are shown in Fig. 8(a). It is interesting
that during the first 300 ns, when the power of two competing
) increases, other modes exhibit
modes (
steady-state operation at low-power levels. However, later, when
the operating mode starts to suppress its rival, the damping of the
-mode allows the appearance of automodulaparasitic
tion oscillations in all modes, including the operating one. So, at
a given voltage, it takes more than 0.5 s to reach steady-state,
and in this state the desired operating mode suppresses all parasites. A further increase in the voltage causes only an increase in
the power of the operating mode to the 1 MW level, as shown in
Fig. 8(b), while the power of all parasites does not exceed 1 mW.
It should be noted that in these long runs the highest power even
-mode did not exceed
of the most dangerous parasitic
1 W, while in short runs some parasitic modes reached a 100-kW
power level (c.f. Figs. 7 and 8). These effects demonstrate that
the predicted behavior can be quite sensitive to the details of the
startup scenario if the voltage is not changed slowly relative to
the rise times of the modes under consideration (as discussed
Fig. 8. Evolution of modes in the final stage of the startup scenario allowing
additional time for the modes to reach steady-state. (a) Results of the long run
at 64 kV. (b) Increase in the power of the desired mode with the further increase
in voltage up to the nominal level.
Our results lead to a few important conclusions. First of all,
they show that it is necessary to consider the time scale of
the voltage rise when attempting to predict the outcome of a
startup scenario, because the sequence of modes, that can be
excited, and their final power levels can be quite different
depending on whether the voltage rises slowly or rapidly
relative to the rise times of the modes themselves. This means,
in particular, that the results of short-pulse tests of gyrotrons
operating in high-order modes may not be reproducible in
long-pulse tests of the same tubes. Second, these results show
that to predict the final power levels in the various modes, it is
necessary to track the behavior of the oscillator starting from a
voltage, at which the first mode can be excited from the noise
level, up to the nominal voltage. Third, in the case of exciting
many modes, it is often necessary to consider the temporal
mode evolution during time intervals much longer than the
saturation time, which we estimated above for a single-mode
excitation. Indeed, our simple formula for the saturation time,
which was derived in Section III-A, yields for the parameters
of our simulation an approximate saturation time of 10 ns,
while our simulations have shown that in some cases even
100 ns is not enough to reach a steady-state. Clearly, this
delay in reaching the steady-state is associated with mode
interaction processes.
Our results also show that a simultaneous treatment of two
triplets was absolutely necessary for determining details of
mode excitation and interaction. Even more, it is not clear, in
the cases like the one shown in Fig. 7 for voltages ranging from
72 to 76 kV, whether it was sufficient to consider only three
modes in a triplet. It seems possible that in the case of modes
coexisting at such high-power levels, there could be additional
equidistant modes excited, like in the case considered in [9].
So, it may be desirable to consider, for example, five corotating
modes instead of three, in order to be sure that the results of
our simulations are adequate to the real device. The observed
interactions among triplet modes arise not only from the effect
of mode suppression, but also from the parametric interaction
between the modes. In order to better understand the relationship between these nonlinear effects, it would be worthwhile, in
parallel with numerical simulations, to develop quasi-analytical
methods for analyzing these physical processes. Finally, it
should be emphasized that the results of our simulations agree
qualitatively with experiments, in which the CPI’s 140-GHz
gyrotron demonstrated reliable operation in the desired mode at
power levels over 900 kW [41]. Such operation was obtained at
a slightly higher magnetic field than the design value, to avoid
-mode, and the obtained efficiency
excitation of the
was, therefore slightly lower than predicted. The cause for this
difference is unclear, but may include such possible factors as
an azimuthally nonuniform electron emission from the cathode,
misalignment of the beam relative to the cavity, higher than expected electron velocity spread, or microwave reflections from
the gyrotron load. Further simulations, employing smoothly increasing voltages rather than discrete steps, exploring different
operating parameters (such as velocity spread and magnetic
field), and including additional neighboring modes, may help
to identify the source of the observed differences between
simulation and experiment.
In spite of the success of our study and corresponding successful experiments at CPI, the fact remains that there is little
freedom in manipulating the operating parameters during the
voltage rise in gyrotrons, especially when diode-type electron
guns are used. Therefore, the excitation of the desired mode
and its evolution to the regime of high-efficiency operation is
possible only when the spectral density of dangerous parasitic
modes does not exceed a certain critical level. When the goal
is to increase the radiated power and/or operating frequency,
which requires the operation at even higher order modes, it
might become impossible to provide a proper startup scenario
in gyrotrons with conventional cylindrical resonators. Then,
to achieve this goal, one would need to use resonators with
improved selective properties. Coaxial resonators with properly
tapered and/or slotted inserts are one such class of devices.
Recently, the use of such resonators has allowed researchers
to realize operation at the
-mode in a 2-MW 165-GHz
gyrotron [42].
In conclusion, let us note that almost all present-day highpower gyrotrons employ diode-type magnetron injection guns,
because they eliminate the need for an additional power supply
for the modulating anode, and simplify operation of the gyrotron. As noted above, this simplification limits the ability to
tailor the startup scenario. As was shown already in the first
paper on the startup scenarios [5], if in such gyrotrons there
is any parasitic mode, whose frequency is slightly higher than
the operating one and whose coupling impedance to the beam
is close to that for the operating mode, this parasite can be excited first. This conclusion is, however, valid for the cases when
the beam current at voltages corresponding to the cyclotron resonance with this parasite is close to its nominal value. If, in
the initial stage of the voltage rise, when the electron emission
is space charge limited, the current increases with the voltage
slower, this parasitic excitation can be avoided. In notations
used in Section I, the corresponding condition can be written
, where
is the voltage, which correas
sponds to the cyclotron resonance with this parasite. Of course,
this requires some modifications in the electron gun design or
possible use of different emitters.
An alternative means for introducing additional flexibility,
which can be used in long enough pulses, would be to introduce a low-inductance magnetic coil to adjust the magnetic field
during the voltage rise and partially compensate for the resultant change in the electron-cyclotron frequency with the rising
voltage. Small changes to the magnetic field (on the order of a
few percent) are likely to be sufficient to alter the startup scenario and avoid problematic parasitic modes.
In this paper, a number of issues, which are the most important for the successful excitation of a desired mode in a gyrotron
oscillator operating at one of the high-order modes, have been
discussed and analyzed. It is shown that for correct analysis of
the gyrotron startup scenario in the case of operation in such
modes as the
, it is necessary to take into account at least
six modes forming two quasi-equidistant triplets, one of which
corotates and another counterrotates with the gyrating electron
beam. (Note that this result agrees with recent results of multimode simulations done for a 2-MW 170-GHz coaxial gyrotron
operating in the
mode [43].) It is also shown that the
sequence of excitation starting from the first modes, which can
be excited from the noise level during the voltage rise, is important for correctly identifying the expected mode excitation
at the nominal operating point. The results obtained are in approximate agreement with experimental data. This demonstrates
the utility of multifrequency, nonstationary codes for validating
the design of high-order mode gyrotron cavities, and interaction processes there. The fact that experimental tests matching
the simulated conditions resulted in excitation of a parasitic
-mode, rather than the desired mode (which was recovered in experiments by operating at a slightly higher magnetic
field) indicates that, while our understanding of the complex in-
teractions of multiple modes with the electron beam and with
each other have been improved significantly, further analysis of
these interactions is required before the physical behavior of a
particular gyrotron can be predicted with confidence.
The authors wish to thank J. Rodgers for a stimulating
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Gregory S. Nusinovich (SM’92–F’00) received the
B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Gorky State
University, Gorky, U.S.S.R., in 1967, 1968, and 1975,
In 1968, he joined the Gorky Radiophysical
Research Institute, Gorky. From 1977 to 1990,
he was a Senior Research Scientist and Head of
the Research Group at the Institute of Applied
Physics, the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.,
Gorky. From 1968 to 1990, his scientific interests
included developing high-power millimeter- and
submillimeter-wave gyrotrons. He was a Member of the Scientific Council on
Physical Electronics of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. In 1991, he
immigrated to the U.S. and joined the Research Staff at the Institute for Plasma
Research (presently, the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied
Physics), University of Maryland, College Park. Since 1991, he has also served
as a Consultant to the Science Applications International Corporation, McLean,
VA, the Physical Sciences Corporation, Alexandria, VA, and Omega-P, Inc.,
New Haven, CT. He is the author of Introduction to the Physics of Gyrotrons
(Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004). He has authored
and coauthored more than 150 papers published in refereed journals. His
current research interests include the study of high-power electromagnetic
radiation from various types of microwave sources.
Dr. Nusinovich is a Member of the Executive Committee of the Plasma Science and Application Committee of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences
Society. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). In 1996 and
1999, he was a Guest Editor of the Special Issues of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON PLASMA SCIENCE on High-Power Microwave Generation and on Cyclotron
Resonance Masers and Gyrotrons, respectively. Presently, he is an Associate
Oleksandr V. Sinitsyn was born in Kharkiv,
Ukraine, in 1978. He received the B.S. degree in
radio physics from V. Karazin Kharkiv National
University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 2000 and the M.S.
degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Maryland, College Park, in 2002. He is currently
working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and
computer engineering at the University of Maryland.
His research interests include theory and design of
high-power microwave sources.
Leonid Velikovich was born in Moscow, Russia, in
1981. He received the B.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park,
in 2003.
His research interests include numerical methods
and computational geometry.
Muralidhar Yeddulla received the B.S. degree in
electronics engineering from Bangalore University,
Bangalore, India, in 1994 and the M.S. degree in microwave engineering from Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India, in 1997. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the University of Maryland,
College Park.
He worked as a Member of the Research Staff
at Bharat Electronics, Bangalore, India, from
February 1997 to July 2000. His research interests
include studies on mode competition in high-power
gyrotrons, peniotrons, and autoresonant devices.
Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr. (M’82–SM’96) was born
in Hackensack, NJ, in 1950. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1973, and his M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in 1976 and 1977, all from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
He was a National Research Council Post Doctoral Fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory, from
1976 to 1977, and a Research Scientist in the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, Cambridge,
from 1977 to 1980. In 1980, he moved to the University of Maryland, College Park, where he joined the
faculty of the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Physics in 1984. He
is currently a Professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering. He
has held visiting appointments at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (UCSB),
the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Institute de
Physique Theorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. He served as the
Acting Director of the Institute for Plasma Research, University of Maryland
from 1998 to 2000. His research interests include the theory of magnetically
confined plasmas, the theory and design of high-power sources of coherent radiation, nonlinear dynamics in fluids, and the theory of the interaction of intense
laser pulses and plasmas. He is the author and coauthor of over 200 journal articles and co-author of the book Principles of Free-Electron Lasers.
Dr. Antonsen has served on the editorial board of Physical Review Letters,
The Physics of Fluids, and Comments on Plasma Physics. He was selected as
a Fellow of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society
in 1986. In 1999, he was a co-recipient of the Robert L. Woods award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics Technology, and in 2003 he received the IEEE
Plasma Science and Applications Award.
Alexander N. Vlasov (M’95–SM’03) was born in
Lipetskaya Oblast, Russia, in 1958. He received the
B.Sc. (Honors), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in physics
from Moscow State University, Moscow, U.S.S.R., in
1981, 1986, and 1987, respectively.
After graduation, he was a Research Scientist
from 1986 to 1991, an Assistant Professor from
1991 to 1995, and an Associate Professor since
1995 with the Department of Physics, Moscow State
University. From 1991 to 1998, he was a Visiting
Scientist with the Institute for Plasma Research,
University of Maryland, College Park. Since 1999, he has been with Science
Applications International Corporation, McLean, VA. His current research
interests include the theory, computer simulations, and design of high-power
sources of coherent microwave and millimeter-wave radiation.
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Stephen R. Cauffman (M’85) was born in Iowa
City, IA, in 1969. He received the B.S. degree in
physics from Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
in 1991 and the Ph.D. degree in plasma physics
from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in 1997.
For his doctoral dissertation, he studied emission
in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies driven by
fusion products in deuterium-tritium plasmas in the
Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor.
Since 1997, he has been with Communications and
Power Industries (CPI), Palo Alto, CA, working on
the design of high-power gyrotrons.
Kevin Felch (M’84) was born in Denver, CO, on
December 7, 1952. He received the A.B. degree in
physics from Colorado College, Colorado Springs,
in 1975 and the Ph.D. degree in physics from
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, in 1980. His
graduate work involved the design and construction
of a 400-kV 30-A electron-beam system and the
use of dielectric-loaded waveguides in combination
with the electron beam for the generation of
millimeter-wave Cherenkov radiation.
During 1980, he held a Postdoctoral position at the
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. His work there involved the design,
construction, and operation of a free-electron laser experiment. In 1981, he
joined Varian Associates, Inc., as a Member of the Gyrotron Engineering Department. His work at Varian (now Communications and Power Industries, Palo
Alto, CA) has involved the development of high-power gyrotron oscillators and
amplifiers. Since 1996, he has served as Team Leader for gyrotron activities at
Communications and Power Industries.
Dr. Felch is a member of the Plasma Physics Division of the American Physical Society and the Plasma Science Society of the IEEE. In 1999, he received
the Robert L. Woods Award for achievements in the field of vacuum electronics.
In 1985, he was a Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS