DNA Barcodes 2015; Volume 3: 66–73
Research Article
Open Access
Jarrett D. Phillips, Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Daniel Ashlock, Robert Hanner*
An exploration of sufficient sampling effort to
describe intraspecific DNA barcode haplotype
diversity: examples from the ray-finned fishes
(Chordata: Actinopterygii)
DOI 10.1515/dna-2015-0008
1 Introduction
Received February 26, 2015; accepted June 9, 2015
Abstract: Estimating appropriate sample sizes to measure
species abundance and richness is a fundamental
problem for most biodiversity research. In this study, we
explore a method to measure sampling sufficiency based
on haplotype diversity in the ray-finned fishes (Animalia:
Chordata: Actinopterygii). To do this, we use linear
regression and hypothesis testing methods on haplotype
accumulation curves from DNA barcodes for 18 species
of fishes, in the statistics platform R. We use a simple
mathematical model to estimate sampling sufficiency
from a sample-number based prediction of intraspecific
haplotype diversity, given an assumption of equal
haplotype frequencies. Our model finds that haplotype
diversity for most of the 18 fish species remains largely
unsampled, and this appears to be a result of small sample
sizes. Lastly, we discuss how our overly simple model may
be a useful starting point to develop future estimators for
intraspecific sampling sufficiency in studies using DNA
Keywords: Chao1 abundance estimator; DNA barcoding;
haplotype accumulation curve; method of moments
*Corresponding author: Robert Hanner, Centre for Biodiversity
Genomics, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph,
Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada, Email:
[email protected]
Jarrett D. Phillips, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, Department of
Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada
Rodger A. Gwiazdowski, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University
of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada
Daniel Ashlock, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 Canada
Most biodiversity research requires an estimate of
adequate sample sizes to achieve a study’s objective
[1]. Sample sizes that are sufficient to address research
questions often depend on sampling methodologies and
the organism being considered [2]. Adequate sample
sizes involving molecular genetic measurements are
directly related to a species’ genetic variation. A common
measurement of intraspecific variation is mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) haplotype diversity, which is largely
affected by underlying evolutionary biological processes
such as gene flow and random genetic drift. As such,
sample sizes sufficient to observe within-species mtDNA
variation will vary widely across taxa. Haplotype diversity
represents the prevalence of haplotypes at the population
level and is analogous to the concept of heterozygosity
at the locus level, except that the former pertains only
to haploid data. A simple measure of haplotype diversity
was first provided by [3] and is calculated as
∑ (1− pi2 )
N −1 i
where N is the sample size and pi represents the frequency
of each haplotype in a given sample. Estimates of h (which
range from0-1) are greatly affected by sampling intensity,
particularly undersampling, which has been observed
especially for mtDNA markers [4]. Another widely used
metric of haplotype variation is the absolute number
of (unique) species haplotypes (used here throughout)
which is comparable in magnitude to actual specimen
sample sizes.
A standardized tool for genetic biodiversity assessment
is DNA barcoding [5], because this method uses easily
obtainable mtDNA diversity from the 5’ cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I (COI) gene to identify species. However,
methods to describe a sample set required to observe a
© 2015 Jarrett D. Phillips et al. licensee De Gruyter Open.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.
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Sampling effort for intraspecific DNA barcode haplotype diversity in ray-finned fishes
full range of DNA barcode haplotypes within a species
have not been well developed. A general consensus for
adequate sample sizes for DNA barcode studies appears
to be ~ 5-10 specimens per species [6]; however, this range
is highly variable within the Barcode of Life Data Systems
(BOLD) [7], owing to both the relative difficulty and cost
of sample collection and mtDNA sequencing [4]. As such,
previous studies incorporating DNA barcodes across
various taxonomic groups have resulted in a wide range
of intraspecific sampling effort: very few specimens in
the case of rare species, to upwards of 500 individuals for
some species of insects within BOLD.
Here, we share a brief exploration in estimating
sampling sufficiency by observing intraspecific haplotype
diversity in the ray-finned fishes (Animalia: Chordata:
Actinopterygii), a group that is among the largest of
all vertebrates, and also has a large number of DNA
barcodes available within BOLD. In the present study,
we define sampling sufficiency to be the sample size at
which sampling accuracy is maximized and above which
no new sampling information is likely to be gained. We
recognize that estimating a sample size necessary to
observe the range of mtDNA haplotype diversity within a
species involves at least three measures: sample number,
genetic dispersion and geographic dispersion [8]. Because
geographic dispersion is multidimensional and because
spatiotemporal metadata (e.g. GPS coordinates) are
lacking for many fish species within BOLD, we focus only
on exploring the dynamics of estimating intraspecific
sample sufficiency based on sample number and genetic
dispersion (as predicted haplotype diversity). To do this,
we use haplotype accumulation curves calibrated by
a simple variant of the statistical method of moments,
which is a method of parameter estimation based on
the law of large numbers [9]. Such a method provides a
useful stopping criterion for specimen sampling above
which no new haplotypes are likely to be observed.
Haplotype accumulation curves provide a graphical way
to assess the extent of haplotype sampling similar to
the use of rarefaction curves to assess species richness
[10]. Such curves depict the extent of saturation as a
function of the number of specimens sampled and the
number of haplotypes accumulated. Those species
whose curves show rapid saturation indicate that much
of the intraspecific haplotype diversity may have been
sampled. Species curves showing little to no indication of
asymptotic behavior suggest further sampling is necessary
to document the extent of standing genetic variation
The issue of sampling intensity is rarely raised
in relation to barcode studies, which often focus on
maximizing the number of species sampled rather than
exhaustively sampling any one species [6,11]. Thus, there
are few prior studies exploring haplotype accumulation
curves in relation to sample size estimation using DNA
barcode data (e.g., fungi: [2]; butterflies: [6]; aphids:
[12]). Of potential relevance to estimating sampling
sufficiency for fishes is an analysis of mtDNA haplotype
variation in Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) stocked
into Lake Ontario [13]. Here, [13] found that a minimum
of n ≈ 60 individuals needed to be randomly sampled
in order to observe with β = 95% confidence any one
individual having a particular haplotype present at a
frequency of at least P = 5% according to the equation
ln(1− β )
ln(1− P ) .
Estimating sample sizes necessary for describing
the genetic diversity of a species is also dependent on
underlying biological processes, population structure
as well as lineage history. Therefore estimates based
on rigorous statistical considerations alone may not be
In this paper, we develop our ideas as an R-based
workflow that uses DNA barcodes of actinopterygians,
identified to species and retrieved from BOLD, to estimate
intraspecific sample sizes that should adequately
represent haplotype variation within a species.
2 Methods
2.1 Species retrieval from BOLD
All publicly accessible sequences from Actinopterygii
were first retrieved from BOLD on May 30, 2014 using the
keyword ‘Actinopterygii’. Records were then searched
manually for all species represented by at least 60
specimens, chosen as an a priori minimum inspired by
[13]. This minimum sample size criterion was used in
all subsequent steps of our pipeline to ensure quality
control and integrity of selected species. A total of 12,210
specimens covering 107 species (mean: 115 specimens/
species) from 16 orders, 46 families and 75 genera were
found. All but three species had formal taxonomic names;
the remaining were interim.
2.2 Sequence cleaning and processing
DNA barcode sequences were directly read from BOLD
into R using the package ‘SPIDER’ (SPecies IDentity and
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J.D. Phillips, et al.
Evolution in R; [14]) using the functions search.BOLD(),
to find specimens, and read.BOLD() which downloads
sequences found by search.BOLD(). Sequences were
written to FASTA files using the function write.dna()
from the R package ‘APE’ (Analysis of Phylogenetics and
Evolution; [15]). FASTA files were then read into MEGA6
(Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis; [16]) as
the start of a conservative sequence quality check and
alignment workflow. Haplotype functions (described
below) in both SPIDER and ‘PEGAS’ (Population and
Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System; [17]) will
overestimate haplotype counts if missing or ambiguous
sequence data are present.
The first step of data curation involved removing
all GenBank specimens, as these often lack metadata
requirements sufficient for compliance with BARCODE
data [7,18]. In this dataset, GenBank specimens
corresponded to the identifiers ANGBF, CYTC, GBGCA
and GBGC. Next, sequences were aligned using MUSCLE
(MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log Expectation; [19])
with default parameters for all species and then trimmed
to 652 bp. The presence of ambiguous bases was handled
using the functions checkDNA() in SPIDER and base.
freq() in APE. The function checkDNA() gives the number
of nucleotide base positions that consist of missing or
ambiguous data for each specimen; whereas, the function
base.freq() outputs average nucleotide (A, C, G and T)
and ambiguous/missing base frequencies (R, M, W, S,
K, Y, V, H, D, B, N, - and ?). The latter function was used
as a criterion to ensure no missing or ambiguous data
were present within alignments (i.e., it was ensured that
these frequencies were all equal to 0). Lastly, alignments
were translated to amino acids using the vertebrate
mitochondrial code table in MEGA6 and all sequences
with stop codons were removed. Species not meeting our
minimum sample size criterion were discarded.
Table 1. Intraspecific haplotype and specimen sample sizes for the 18 Actinopterygii species calculated from the proposed sampling model.
All values are rounded up to the nearest whole number.
N* − N
H* − H
% sampled
% missing
Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)
Brook stickleback
(Culaea inconstans)
Johnny darter
(Etheostoma nigrum)
Tessellated darter
(Etheostoma olmstedi)
Orangebelly darter
(Etheostoma radiosum)
Golden shiner
(Notemigonus crysoleucas)
Chum salmon
(Oncorhynchus keta)
Coho salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Sockeye salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerka)
Chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Fathead minnow
(Pimephales promelas)
Barred sorubim
(Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum)
Western blacknose dace
(Rhinichthys obtusus)
Rockfish (Sebastes sp.)
Longfin damselfish
(Stegastes diencaeus)
Beau Gregory
(Stegastes leucostictus)
Blue-striped cave goby
(Trimma tevegae)
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Sampling effort for intraspecific DNA barcode haplotype diversity in ray-finned fishes
After sequence processing, the useable dataset was
considerably reduced (Table 1) consisting of 18 species
(one interim) (2715 specimens; 68-347 specimens/species;
mean: 151 specimens/species) from 6 orders, 9 families
and 11 genera. Because sequences clustered according to
Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) [20] closely mirror actual
species, the one unnamed species, Sebastes sp., was
tentatively considered as a single species due to being
associated with only a single BIN (i.e., no other specimens
or species shared that BIN). Cleaned alignments were
exported as FASTA files from MEGA6 and imported into R
using the APE function read.FASTA().
2.3 Haplotype accumulation curves
The number of haplotypes and their corresponding
frequencies were calculated using PEGAS with the function
haplotype(). Haplotype accumulation curves were
generated using the functions haploAccum() and plot.
haploAccum() from SPIDER. The function haploAccum()
carries out haplotype accumulation without replacement
through random permutation subsampling using the
function argument ‘random’. Specimen and haplotype
counts from haploAccum() were then plotted with plot.
haploAccum(). A total of 1000 permutations were used
in generating haplotype accumulation curves for all 18
species. 1000 permutations was selected in order to reduce
noisiness and increase smoothness of generated curves as
the use of too few permutations (e.g. 100) resulted in very
stochastic-looking accumulation curves. Permutation
sizes larger than 1000 typically resulted in significantly
increased computation time, but overall differed little
in terms of smoothness from curves generated using
our chosen permutation size. 95% confidence intervals
were also computed for all curves and displayed as
error bars. Since haplotype accumulation performed by
haploAccum() is done in a random fashion, resulting
haplotype accumulation curves will vary slightly between
2.4 Statistical analyses
Haplotype diversity and sampling sufficiency for all 18
species were assessed in two ways: (1) linear regression
analyses to evaluate the magnitude of calculated slopes
and formal hypothesis tests on slope estimates; and
(2) estimation of sample sizes required to represent
intraspecific haplotype diversity. Linear regression
analyses, based on the last 10 points occurring on
haplotype accumulation curves, were carried out using
the R functions lm() and summary() [21]. Species whose
curve slopes ranged from 0.01 and above were considered
to be undersampled; whereas, those with curve slopes
below 0.01 were deemed to be almost fully sampled [22].
One-sided hypothesis tests carried out on slope estimate
outputs from summary() were as follows: H0: β1 = 0 versus
H1: β1 > 0. In all cases, the null hypothesis for evidence
of no additional haplotypes was tested against the
alternative hypothesis of additional haplotypes at the 5%
significance level.
2.5 Estimating haplotype diversity
A nonparametric estimate of the sample size needed
to account for all haplotype diversity for each of the
18 species was determined using information on the
observed number of specimens and haplotypes. We
used the Chao1 estimate of abundance [23] that uses the
observed sample size and observed haplotype number to
determine appropriate minimum sample size estimates
for both haplotype diversity and intraspecific sampling
sufficiency. The mathematical approach we used is
analogous to a simple mark-recapture technique used
widely in ecological settings to estimate population sizes
of mobile animals collected from multiple sites [24]. A
key assumption of our model is that all haplotypes occur
with equal frequency in the sampling for a species. That
is, haplotypes are assumed to follow a discrete uniform
distribution. This is analogous to the assumption of equal
catchability of animals in the mark-recapture model [24,
25]. For example, if N = 100 specimens of a given species
are randomly sampled without replacement and H = 10
haplotypes are observed, then we should expect each
haplotype to be represented by H = 10 specimens. Unlike
conventional mark-recapture methods, which assume
a single population with finite but constant size, our
model further assumes that sampling is done from a
single infinitely large panmitic population with constant
size (i.e., as if all diversity for a species were represented
within BOLD), where geographic and population
structure are ignored. We recognize such assumptions
may be biologically unrealistic, but are necessary here to
maintain the simplicity of the model. The total number of
intraspecific haplotypes was estimated using the function
chaoHaplo() in SPIDER. The Chao1 estimate takes into
account the total observed number of haplotypes as well
as the number of singleton and doubleton sequences
(those occurring only once and those appearing exactly
twice) in a dataset given that a large number of individual
specimens have been sampled [14]. The idea behind such
an estimator lies in the expectation that the majority of
unique haplotypes are rare (singletons), being represented
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J.D. Phillips, et al.
by only a single individual. Once all haplotypes have been
observed at least twice (doubletons), it is considered
unlikely that any new haplotypes will be found. Thus,
observed samples with many singletons should be
estimated to require larger sample sizes.
An estimate of the number of specimens that should
be randomly sampled to recover all haplotypes for a given
species was calculated by developing a simple equation
N* =
NH * N (H +1)
(derived below) where N and H are the observed number of
specimens and haplotypes respectively in a given species
and H* is the Chao1 abundance estimator
H* =
H (H +1)
Thus, given that N specimens have already been
sampled, this leaves N*–N individuals left to be sampled
(and therefore
H*–H remaining haplotypes). Sampling
sufficiencies (as a percentage of the observed number
of specimens or haplotypes sampled or missing) were
calculated for each of the 18 fish species as follows:
(or equivalently, N * ×100%) and 1− H * ×100% (equivalently,
×100% ). These approaches give simple measures of
N *
‘closeness’ between
observed and
estimated sample sizes.
Ideally, N should be as close to N* (and thus H as close to
H*) as possible (where N* − N and H* − HNare minimized).
This ensures also that H * (and therefore N * ) is maximized
and 1− H * (and thus 1− N * ) is minimized.
Suppose N specimens
are randomly
sampled without
replacement from a particular species and H haplotypes
are observed. The number of haplotypes (H*) for a
species can be approximated using the Chao1 abundance
estimator. The number of specimens (N*) required to
recover H* haplotypes can then be easily found. The
derivation of our model along with sample calculations
follows. If we assume that species haplotypes occur at
equal (uniform) frequency, then:
H H*
N N*
and after some algebra,
N* =
NH *
The Chao1 abundance estimator H * is:
H (H +1)
H* =
N* =
= 10
76(10) 76(4 +1)
= 190
Given the sample size and haplotype number observed
for Betta splendens, this method estimates a total of 190.
Specimens would need to be randomly sampled from this
species to recover all 10 estimated haplotypes.
3 Results
Our analyses suggest that the haplotype diversity for all
18 species examined here remains largely unsampled.
Table 1 summarizes our findings for all species, including
observed sample numbers and estimated total specimen/
haplotype counts and sampling coverage. Haplotype
accumulation curves and their corresponding slope values
are also shown along with haplotype frequency barplots
for several species showing patterns representative of
the 18 species dataset (Figure 1). This information is also
available for all 18 species as supplemental material. All
slope estimates were found to be statistically significant
(p ≈ 0).
Haplotype accumulation curves failed to reach an
asymptote for all 18 species; however, three of 18 species
appear to approach an asymptote, i.e.: Chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Siamese fighting fish
(Betta splendens) and Rockfish (Sebastes sp.) (Figure 1).
Haplotype variation across all 18 species varies widely
(Table 2). For example, relatively wide-ranging haplotype
numbers (8-18) were observed for salmonids (Table 1, Figure
1), whereas darters show consistently high haplotype
numbers (19-32) (Table 1). Among all species, the extreme
cases are the high H* estimate for the Orangebelly darter
(Etheostoma radiosum) (H = 32, H* = 528, % sampled = 6,
% missing = 94) and the low H* estimate for the Rockfish
(Sebastes sp.) (H = 2, H* = 3, % sampled = 67, % missing
= 33). The haplotype accumulation curve for Chinook
salmon appears to be approaching saturation despite a
large number of haplotypes still unaccounted for (H = 12,
H* = 78).
4 Discussion
N* can be simplified by substituting (3) into (2):
H* =
N (H +1)
N* =
We illustrate calculations of H* and N* for the Siamese
fighting fish (Betta splendens) with H = 4 and N = 76:
4 (4 +1)
Here, we briefly explored a method to measure barcode
haplotype sampling sufficiency based on actual sample
sizes and observed intraspecific haplotype diversity as
found among densely sampled actinopterygian fishes
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Sampling effort for intraspecific DNA barcode haplotype diversity in ray-finned fishes
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Figure 1. Haplotype accumulation curves and frequency histograms for four species: Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; top-left), Rockfish (Sebastes sp.; top-right), Siamese fighting
fish (Betta splendens; bottom-left) and Orangebelly darter (Etheostoma radiosum; bottom-right) selected to show a range of sample sizes and haplotype diversity. Calculated slope estimates
for the above-listed species based on the last ten points on the curve are respectively 0.006, 0.001, 0.013 and 0.180 and are intended to illustrate varying levels of sampling sufficiency observed for these species.
J.D. Phillips, et al.
catalogued within BOLD. This was achieved using a
simple mathematical model that is similar in practice
to mark-recapture methods. Our results (available as
supplemental material in the form of R-scripted code,
sequence files and all accompanying figures/tables)
suggest that the barcode sample sizes available for this
study appear insufficient to predict haplotype diversity
within species. The results show a wide range of sampling
sufficiency across the 18 species; it appears much of the
haplotype diversity within most of those species remains
unsampled, including those species with relatively large
sample sizes (e.g., ≥ 200). These findings could be due
to at least two issues: (1) that a small number of points
(10) were used in the calculation of curve slopes to assess
sampling sufficiency; and/or (2) that the true number of
species haplotypes is being overestimated. These issues
seem to be most apparent for O. tshawytscha, where the
discrepancies of premature curve saturation and missing
haplotypes noted previously between calculated model
estimates and the corresponding haplotype accumulation
curve for this species were found (Table 1, Figure 1). Clearly,
for issue (1) above, the use of an appropriate number of
points is necessary, as using too few samples can lead to
biases in haplotype diversity (over or under) estimation
[4]. Consistent results require the use of comparable data
across species. The relatively small sample size available
for many species as well as the computational costs for
this exploratory study were the primary driving factors
behind choosing ten points. Alternately, the use of a fixed
proportion, rather than a fixed number of points, may be
a viable future option, as is a case where proportions are
allowed to vary between species. The use of a fractional
range of points falling on the last 20-15% and 15-10% as
well as the last 10% of the curves in the calculation of slope
estimates to observe a change in statistical significance of
slope values is one possible solution to avoid potential
bias. Such a statistical test has the advantage of localizing
the point of saturation; whereas, single tests merely show
that saturation of species haplotype accumulation curves
is evident.
Issue (2), an inflated estimate of haplotypes, may be
the result of the assumption of equal species haplotype
frequencies in our model. An example of this may be our
haplotype estimate for the Orangebelly darter (Etheostoma
radiosum). Etheostoma is known to have high haplotype
diversity [26]; however, we think our estimated total of
528 haplotypes for E. radiosum seems unrealistic. As a
null method for this exploratory study, the assumption of
equal haplotype frequencies has the advantage of greatly
simplifying calculations. For instance, the equations for
sampling sufficiencies outlined earlier can be expressed
in terms of the number of specimens (N and N*) or the
number of haplotypes (H and H*). Both methods give
the same calculated value. Such a feature would not
be apparent for an assumption of unequal haplotype
frequencies as identifying the distribution of haplotypes
would be difficult and would likely be species-specific.
We recognize that estimates of N* calculated from our
model likely represent underestimates of the true number
of individuals of a given species which should be sampled.
Many more specimens should therefore be sampled in
order to ensure a sufficient number of haplotypes have
been recovered. Equal haplotype frequencies are rarely
observed in natural populations, and we suggest the
development of more sophisticated models should explore
the use of data simulations to evolve models that explicitly
account for variation in species haplotype frequencies.
Conflict of interest: Authors declare nothing to disclose.
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Supplemental Material: The online version of this article
(DOI: 10.1515/dna-2015-0008) offers supplementary material.
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