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Critical Inquiry: In the Moment, 2024
This is the time of inqisām. A time of severance, of breaking apart, of the utter destruction of Gaza, the dissolution of its inhabitants, its communities, and its infrastructures, of lives and everything that sustains them, of the very habitability of the land. But this word, inqisām, names much more. Meaning “severance” or “being partitioned” in Arabic, it helps designate and illuminate several political, conceptual, social, and psychological aspects of Israel’s war on Gaza and on Palestinians more broadly, both before and after October 2023. It is, first and foremost, the proper name for an Israeli mode of segregation, which separates not only colonizers from colonized but also, and more importantly, the colonized from one another. It indexes technologies of distancing that produce Israeli blindness and apathy to Palestinian subjectivity. It accurately manifests the current stage of what is known as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a stage defined by the temporally cyclical and spatially binary logic of blood feuds and revenge, with its tendency to decontextualize and its recurrent moral rebooting of history. Finally, it helps demonstrate that what is going on at present does not constitute a break with the previous Israeli paradigm of “conflict management,” which many declared to have been shattered. Instead, this severance is simply its continuation by other means. Since “conflict management” has long involved periodic large-scale operations of mass killing and infrastructural devastation—a violence whose seasonal nature is captured by the term Israeli politicians have given it, mowing the lawn—what sets apart the current violence in Gaza is primarily its unprecedented scale.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds tremendous promise for revolutionizing industries and driving innovation. However, the rapid advancement of AI technologies also raises concerns about safety, security, and trustworthiness. In this article, we explore the challenges of ensuring AI safety and security and examine the role of legal frameworks in controlling AI development and deployment. By analyzing existing laws and regulations, discussing emerging legal issues, and proposing recommendations for effective governance, we aim to provide insights into how legal frameworks can contribute to the responsible development of AI systems.
Sociologists have long been concerned with the extent to which “civilizing processes” lead to the increasing salience of rationalized behavioral guidelines and corresponding internal controls, especially in social situations characterized by violence. Following Norbert Elias’s identification of a civilizing process in combat sports, sociologists have debated, though not empirically established, whether emerging “no-holds-barred” fight practices indicate a rupture in the historical civilization of leisure time violence. Using a critical case study of a “no-rules” weapons fighting group, where participants espouse libertarian values and compete in preparation for hypothetical self-defense encounters, I ask how the boundary between violence and social regulation is negotiated in an arena that putatively aims to remove the latter. Drawing on more than three years of ethnographic fieldwork, I specify the mechanisms that moderate action: (1) the cultivation of a code of honor and linked dispositions to replace codified rules; (2) the interactional hesitance that arises when participants lack clear rules or norms to coordinate action; and (3) the importation of external rule sets, such as self-defense law, to simulate the “real” world. Contrary to surface readings of “no-rules” discourse, I conclude that the activity is deeply embedded in larger societal norms of order. Participants’ ethos of honorable self-governance, “thresholds of repugnance” when exposed to serious injury, and aim of transforming emotive, violent reaction into reflective, instrumental action all indicate that the ostensibly unrestrained violence is, in Elias’s technical sense, precisely civilized.
À la mémoire de Gérard R. J. Poupeau éditions des archives contemporaines Copyright © 2014 Éditions des archives contemporaines Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle, par quelque procédé que ce soit (électronique, mécanique, photocopie, enregistrement, quelque système de stockage et de récupération d'information) des pages publiées dans le présent ouvrage faite sans autorisation écrite de l'éditeur, est interdite. Éditions des archives contemporaines 41, rue Barrault 75013 Paris (France) ISBN : 9782813001634
Pág. ANEXO A Formato de encuesta 102 ANEXO B Proceso de fabricación de un anillo 103 ANEXO C Proceso de fabricación de Aretes 105 ANEXO D Proceso de fabricación de un Dije 107 ANEXO E Maquinaria y Equipo 109 14
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018
The table olive industry produces a high quantity of wastewater annually. These wastewaters are very problematic because of their characteristics of high organic matter, high phenolic content, high salinity and conductivity. The quantities in which they are produced are also a serious problem. The worldwide production of table olives reached 2,550,000 tons in the last five campaigns, with the European Union contributing to 32% of total production. The problem of these wastewaters is focused on the Mediterranean area where the highest quantity of table olives is produced and to a lesser extent on the United States and South America. Countries like Spain produce around 540,000 tons of these wastewaters. At present, there is no standard treatment for these wastewaters with acceptable results and which is applied in the industry. Currently, the most common treatment is the storage of these wastewaters in large evaporation ponds where, during the dry season, the wastewater disappears due to evaporation. This is not a solution as the evaporation ponds depend completely on the climatology and have a high number of associated problems, such as bad odors, insect proliferation and the contamination of underground aquifers. Different studies have been carried out on table olive wastewater treatment, but the reality is that at the industrial level, none has been successfully applied. New and promising treatments are needed. The current review analyzes the situation of table olive wastewater treatment and the promising technologies for the future.
Aby Warburg e la vitalità dell'immagine. L'esperienza estetica dall'empatia alle neuroscienze, 2021
O reconhecimento por parte da ciência política do “déficit” republicano da democracia brasileira e da necessidade de aprofundar a democracia, através de maior fiscalização e participação da sociedade civil nos mecanismos decisórios, leva naturalmente a indagar em que medida a localização da cidade que serve de capital de um país pode contribuir ou não para o desenvolvimento da democracia. Este é o propósito do presente artigo: indagar de que modo a localização da capital federal na cidade de Brasília pode contribuir para a democracia brasileira. Desde sua construção, Brasília vem sendo examinada por um sem número de acadêmicos, que a consideram do ponto de vista urbanístico e arquitetônico, mas raramente sob o ângulo político. Uma pesquisa preliminar revela uma convicção quase unânime, à direita e à esquerda, de que a concentração dos poderes públicos na capital, devido às suas características especificas, prejudica o bom funcionamento da democracia. Talvez seja hora de se perguntar, a sério, mas de forma mais serena, em que medida Brasília como capital do Brasil pode ser parte do problema democrático brasileiro e, em caso positivo, o que pode ser feito de modo prático para amenizá-lo e produzir uma política mais comprometida com a coisa pública.
Cadernos Pagu, 2019
Em 2015 o mercado brasileiro de festas de casamento movimentou R$17 bilhões. Neste artigo, coloco sob análise a relação entre noivas e os vestidos comercializados nesse setor de mercado. Sob perspectiva etnográfica, discuto dados produzidos em trabalhos de campo em Belém e São Paulo e mostro como os modelos de trajes têm demarcado estilos hierarquizados de feminilidade, ao mesmo tempo que o trânsito de noivas pelas lojas evidencia estratégias de diferenciação de classe. Por fim, argumento que valores de vestidos e de noivas se constituem mutuamente num processo de coprodução de distinção. Referência: ESCOURA, Michele. Vestida de noiva. Diferenciação e prestígio em disputa no mercado de festas de casamento. Cad. Pagu, Campinas , n. 55, e195522, 2019 . Disponível em <>. acessos em 04 jun. 2019. Epub 30-Maio-2019.
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City of David - Studies of Ancient Jerusalem, 2024
E3S Web of Conferences
Developmental Psychology, 2014
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2010
Hrvatski geografski glasnik/Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 2019
Political Studies Review, 2022
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 1999
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2013
The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 2015